#i love the entire idea of the jinx episode
moonylouwho · 27 days
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what’s the best three episode run in 9-1-1 history and why is it this one
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the-arkhamwolf · 8 months
Current lay out for my random reverse robins Au
-Damian getting dropped off at Bruces's step and forcing Bruce to take him on as a sidekick; Wing (yeah that's the best I got)
-Bruce becomes a more lighthearted Batman for Damian's sake. After all the kid's been through.
-Wally and Damian meet and eventually become friends (They most likely will have a friendship similar to my Falling in Reverse AU)
-Bruce and Damian grow pretty close until a bad fight over the Joker, which causes Damian to move out
-One day he walking home he sees a woman being attacked. He saves her but ends up getting shot by the Joker (All this happens while he's a civilian)
-Bruce finds his son lying unconscious in the middle of the street bleeding heavily
-Damian wakes up in the hospital unable to move his legs
-Damian becomes bitter toward Bruce and the two have an even bigger falling out (he blames Bruce for not killing Joker)
-Bruce becomes a harsher Batman
-Tim appears on Bruce's doorstep with his Batman needs a Robin propaganda
-Tim comes in to stop Bruce and somehow gets pushed into taking Damian's mantel
-For a good while, he spends most of his time trying to get Bruce and Damian to talk to each other
-Damian treats Tim harshly believing he hates Tim for taking his place
-Damian really hates himself because he thinks he's broken and see what he could have been in Tim
-Tim eventually does break through to him and Damian comes back taking up an oracle-type role
-Damians starts to see Tim as a little brother and enjoys having him around
-Tim meets Stephine one night on patrol and through a series of events gets her to join the bats
-Tim works on a secret project called Titan that only Steph and Damian know about
-he plans to leave Gotham to work on Titan so He trains steph to take his place
-Angst coming up
-Tim gets shot in a scene similar to Batman Beyond; he goes to save a woman only for the woman to shoot him in the stomach. Tim gets away but he's bleeding heavily.
-Damian's on the comms trying to help him
-Everyone is to far away
-Tim stumbles through the street before sliding down against a pole
-Damian is on the comms the entire time helpless as his brother dies
-Steph and Bruce fight/She leaves
-Jason steals tires and Bruce adopts him because no one said he couldn't
-Jason trains
-Damian disapproves but comes around for Jason's sake not Bruce
-Steph hates Jason but they become friends later
-Ra's brings Tim back and Tim Scares the heck out of him then destroys his league (This is going to be a what the heck moment as it is revealed Tim was playing Ra's the whole time and I am so excited for it)
-Tim saves Cass from her father and then trains her
-Tim has trouble sleeping due to nightmares. He also has the episode called freeze outs (Yeah I suck at names) where the pit takes over making him very cold and withdrawn (and dangerous to everyone)
-Barbra becomes Cassandra's little shadow and Cass has no idea how to deal with a child (Which just leads to a lot of adorable Cass moments)
-Tim's living room is always cluttered with projects he and Roy are working on
-Rose is like Casse's big sister
-Damian gets conned into taking Jason to the fair and ends up coming home with an extra kid
-another pairing Wally and Jinx not really a big part of the story but may be of use
-Dick is a little monster who will disappear every chance he gets
I know this makes no sense but I love it
So either Wally will be there for Daian when Tim dies or Damian will push him away for two years (around when Tim comes back) then the two will reconnect and Damian will be shocked because Wally has a kid.
Reason I want the second one
1- I love the angst of Damian feeling guilty as he relises his best friend has a Daughter and he never knew about it
2-I love the fluff of Damian getting to be like an uncle and interacting with a baby
but also I don't want Damian to push away everyone because that is a lot of angst since steph leaves for a while Idk
Original Post
any thoughts? also what should I name this Au?
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applesaucemeow · 7 days
Okay, I know I’ve been yapping so much about Arcane recently but I have so many feelings since the teaser came out
Y’know what has always struck me as weird? The way that so many people call Vi a bad person for “picking Caitlyn over Jinx”. That whole statement is so wrong for so many reasons…
First off, let’s just take Cait out of the picture for a second. Let’s hypothetically say that she never stuck with Vi after releasing her from prison, and Vi went and found Jinx by herself. Do we really think that everything would be sunshine and flowers after that, or even somewhat close? I love her to death, but we have to remember that Jinx is one of the most mentally disturbed characters I have EVER seen in fiction - among her shortcomings are being a sociopathic mass murderer, having intense violent psychotic schizophrenic episodes, very extreme bipolar issues, the list could go on. How exactly would things work out in ANY healthy way between the two? It would be impossible for anyone to have at least a somewhat decent relationship with a person who is that deranged. The writers made it very plain that there is no way to reconcile them… did we not all watch the end of the tea party scene?
Second, the entire essence of the statement “Vi chose Caitlyn over Jinx” is downright deplorable. Is Vi not allowed to have any other acquaintances apart from Jinx? I fully understand that Cait is an enforcer and this would cause some serious hostility between her and any Zaunites she might meet, but she clearly showed that she is a genuinely good, compassionate, kind person, and the whole reason she wanted to become a cop was to help people, having no idea how corrupt the system was. She put her life on the line in order to try and help The Lanes. Vi, who experienced inarguably far more direct harm from the enforcers than Jinx did, was able to see this and put her hostilities aside in a mature manner. Point being, even if Caitlyn wasn’t an enforcer, do you really think that Jinx would suddenly be okay with her and Vi being close? I cannot see Jinx allowing Vi to have any female friends/relationships at all, not with her serious trust and jealousy issues, and that’s extremely controlling. Vi would be miserable.
Third, and this might be controversial: it’s not Vi’s responsibility to take care of Jinx anymore. Most of the fandom acts like Vi is Jinx’s mother, and therefore places the entire weight of the latter’s wellbeing upon Vi’s shoulders. In real life, you would never assume that of a person, that they must attend to every need and issue of their sibling’s. I’ll be completely honest, if one of my siblings acted the way Jinx does now, I would not hesitate to cut them off, regardless of how much I love them. It’s not possible to “fix” someone like that, and even if it was, it would not be my responsibility to do so just because I’m related to them. It’s not Vi’s fault what happened to Powder - a lot of people act like it is after the end of episode 3, but I am of the opinion that what Vi did after Vander’s death was probably the most mature thing a 15-year-old kid could muster in that situation. She lashed out in anger for a moment - not the ideal reaction, but a perfectly understandable one considering that Powder had just killed their entire family in the span of a few minutes - and then walked maybe thirty feet away to cool down, not wanting to hurt her sister again. It’s not Vi’s fault that Powder accidentally killed them, it’s not Vi’s fault that Silco came to take Powder away with him, it’s not Vi’s fault that Marcus dragged her off to Stillwater before she could get to Powder again. That slap did not singlehandedly cause Jinx’s current mental state. It is not Vi’s responsibility to attempt to heal her sister.
All to say, the only one in the whole show pushing the choice of Jinx vs. Caitlyn was Jinx herself, when she told Vi “Send her on her way, and you can have Powder back” (as though Jinx could just conveniently become mentally well again), and then tried to get her to kill Caity. While Caitlyn being an enforcer certainly helped create hostilities, the way that Jinx addressed and reacted to Vi and Caitlyn’s relationship showed that it’s clearly not just about the whole cop thing. It’s also just about Jinx being possessive and wanting her sister all to herself.
There is no need for Jinx vs. Caitlyn. Vi could very well have both a sister and a girlfriend… as so many people obviously do. The only reason that this is not happening is because Jinx is making it not happen, and if that’s not indicative enough of the problems that would come if Vi and her tried reconciling things, then I don’t know what is.
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burningtacozombie · 11 months
random Mayans thoughts, episode 5x08 edition:
- Miguel, for a second I thought he visited Felipe to kill him after all. the way he walked through the house and looked at all the photos, it could have been an entirely different life for him. or maybe not that different? anyone else tried to imagine Miguel as a Mayan for a second? also, I get why Miguel would want Felipe to see the man who raised him the way he does but Felipe can't do that. Miguel in return can't accept the Reyes as blood and now he seems to be stuck between the father he forgave and the one he can't forgive but can't seem to let go either. something's got to give, he needs to find a solution for himself on how to move past his anger because none of them can change the past. then again, why isn't he as mad at his mother as he is at Felipe? it takes two to tango, doesn't it? and she kept the lie alive even after José's death. lies never protect anyone.
- Guero, finally we got some background on him and Ibarra. and it's as tragic as anyone's in this life. I do feel for him though, a lot. nice touch on wearing the Sons kuttes while getting rid of Diaz and Jinx' bodies to frame the Sons for the kills. once again, that banter Guero has going on with Downer is fucking funny even in a situation like that.
- Angel and Mav watching cartoons together was sweet in the moment but they still have no idea about Luisa, that lifechanging cloud over them is fucking sad. but he feels something is very wrong, he couldn't even stand being alone in his house and came home to pops.
- Letty went to the Broken Saints as a spy for Isaac but she had no choice, for Hope. Letty can be annoying as hell but she is nothing if not a fighter. congrats to Terry for using his brain for once and doing the right thing, letting them escape. probably won't end pretty for him but whatever. if Isaac were to drop dead right now it still wouldn't be soon enough.
-HOPE!!! man, I'm fucking shocked. there was this moment of realization of what she's going to do before she even did it and I FUCKING SCREAMED at my screen in literal desperation, full on ugly sobbing. for me personally, this might be the most painful death in the entire show, so far. if anyone deserved a happy end it was Hope, and I will never forgive them. rest in peace, girl. you were loved.
- Marcus, just when he got his act together with his family he gets pulled back into the club business. now he looks into Diaz' murder, which kinda scares the shit outta me. what is he gonna do when he finds out what really went down?
- the Grim Bastards think Diaz and Jinx were murdered by the Sons and left on their turf to pull them into the war. EZ wanted them to get "pushed over the edge" to side with the Mayans and Guero and Bishop delivered him the "how to do that" in a very convenient way. until Marcus shows up, that is. don't get fooled, the only reason one of EZ's plans worked is because it's a page right out of Nestor's playbook. this is basically the same thing the Galindo cartel did in season 1 when Nestor killed that nun and framed Los Olvidados so the cartel could present themselves as the savior to the public.
- Creeper's sister, who turns out to be Emilio's real life wife, broke my heart with her speech at the service. he genuinely loved and cared so much about those he considered family. I loved that everyone was toasting with water bottles to honor Creeper’s sobriety when they carried him out. EZ has nerves to straight up admitting he killed him in front of the whole club, and no one even realized how true that is. Kody had nerves too showing up but I feel like the look she gave EZ while walking out is starting to raise some club members' suspicions. there were quite a few confused looks towards EZ.
- Taza came back for the service, and it seems like he's staying. I don't know how I feel about that. Bishop wants to leave the past in the past, but it was Taza who started this whole mess and no one except these two knows. it's not okay.
- Gilly, yes the episode was co-written by Vincent but that doesn't make me care more about his family thing. Paul did get a well-deserved beating tho.
- I don't care a whole lot about Sofia either but if she is pregnant, I'm sure that's gonna end well for her and EZ's gonna be a great dad. /s
- Bottles, come on, your mother jokes weren't funny anymore when I was a teenager. and given you're a prospect and Guero a full patch, you kinda did ask to have your face rearranged, lmao. however, Sister Anne's message was not a booty call but Isaac taking the information Letty gave him and running with it. now the Mayans really are fucked six ways to sunday and the walls around EZ are closing in fast.
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sheislethal · 2 years
I really like the shy and sweet s/o stuff! Maybe if you're still taking requests, jinx is having one of her episodes and they help her ground herself and get through it.
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JINX x reader
WARNINGS: gn! reader, mental breakdown, PTSD, fluff, SFW, angst, etc
Notes: Love my baby, Jinx <3
"Boring. Borning. Wow, super boring." Jinx mumbled. She leaned back on one of the blades of her hideout.
She held a book in front of her face, examining its words while I apprehensively sat next to the weird contraption she had made.
Music was playing from her phonograph. "Here we go." She started and flipped herself up into a sitting position. "It's all about these runes." She told me. "They form some kind of math-y, magic-y gateway to the realm of hibbie-jibbies!" She motioned with her hands.
I furrowed my brows together. "Okay...?" I couldn't hide my confusion. "And this," she lifted the small blue crystal she had stolen from topside. "turns it on."
I watched nervously as she stuck the small crystal into the device. "Jinx, I don't think this is a good idea."
"Pssh. Have a little faith, will you?" She rambled. An uneasiness lodged itself in my stomach. This did not seem like a smart thing to do.
"We don't know anything about this thing." I motioned to the blue orb. "It could be really dangerous."
She gave me a flat look. "We've lived in danger all our lives, y/n. It'll be fine, you'll see." Her curious smile widened and she moved her hand to a knob. "So! Here it goes..."
She twists the knob, and I tensed out of habit. A bright blue jolt of energy blasted from the contraption, effectively flipping both Jinx and me back a good half-yard.
A loud shriek escaped my mouth as I fell on my back. I turned my head over quickly to make sure Jinx was okay, and she sat on her knees a few feet from me, looking startled.
"Jinx!" I called, ignoring the remainder of the explosion, and crawled over to her. The entire room was dazzled in blue specks of energy, creating a beautiful array.
Jinx's brows furrowed as she stared into the distance, and I knew something was wrong.
"No!" She exclaimed with a shaky voice. "No! It was a mistake!" She spoke once I reached her.
"Jinx? Hey!" I murmured beside her, moving my hand to rest on her shoulder. She flinched at my touch but didn't look at me. "It was a mistake!" She repeated, moving her hands to wrap around her head.
She was having another episode. She didn't have them often, but I always tried my best to help when she did.
"Jinx, listen to me," I told her, gently pulling her closer to my chest so as not to startle her. "You're okay. You're here." I murmured into her hair, pressing soft kisses to her blue locks.
My hand ran down her arm as I tugged her closer to me. "Everything's alright. You didn't do anything wrong. Just listen to my voice."
Her breath was a little shaky. Her blue eyes appeared wide and panicked. I hated seeing her like this. She seemed so fragile and unlike herself. I knew her mind was trying to pull her into a dark place, and I was basically fighting with it to bring her back.
I pet the side of her head, running the tips of my fingers through her azure strands. Her breathing became fuller, and I could feel her heartbeat slowing to a normal pace.
She was sat between my spread legs, her chest pressed against mine. I recalled clearly that during these episodes it was a good idea to keep her close and anchor her to this current moment.
Her arms hesitantly wrapped around my shoulders, and she buried her head into my neck. "You're okay, Jinx," I whispered, my own eyes burning.
"I'm okay," she mumbled against my skin as she grounded herself. Once she calmed down further, I released a soft sigh. "How about we don't touch that thing for a while, yeah?" I suggested, referring to the blue orb.
She nodded her head against me. "I should've listened to you."
I tilted my head. "What do you mean?"
"When you said it was a bad idea." She clarified. I tightened my lips together and shook my head. "It's alright. We all make mistakes sometimes."
I moved my hands to lift her face up to mine. "All of us. And that's perfectly fine and a part of being human." Her wide, doe blue eyes stared into mine, and adoration filled my chest.
“Wil you just… hold me? For a little bit?” She tentatively asked and I smiled.
"Of course. I love you, Jinx," I spoke as our noses brushed against each other. "I love you, too, y/n." She whispered.
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extasiswings · 2 years
Am I wild for saying that even tho not every scene was like the premiere, we got way more buck and Eddie interactions this half of the season than we’ve seen in a while? I’m not really counting 5b because they’re storylines really were intertwined but just the fact that they didn’t really have a storyline together we sure got a shit ton of interactions with them
You’re not wild at all, I think that sounds right. Fools was a big episode for them in 3B, but for the most part they didn’t have a ton there other than random little moments. S4 was similar—4A had Future Tense and one major scene in Breaking Point (plus the phone call) and some scattered more limited interactions (the boxing scene in 4x04, the very end of Buck Begins, a couple bits of Buddie-centric firefam chaos in Jinx) but 4B was largely devoid other than Treasure Hunt and the shooting itself/hospital scenes. 5A was also similar—they had a couple of really lovely longer solo scenes right out the gate (mainly 5x02 and 5x04), but for the most part were interacting only in the context of the firefam more broadly (yes, even in the hostage episode when they were together they weren’t interacting with each other so much as simply being in the same space trying to deal with the situation) and that was without having Maddie and Chim around when they technically could have given them more dedicated time instead (but Tim wanted to give that time to Taylor).
Not only did we have Buck and Eddie moments, (even if not in the form of lengthy dedicated emotional scenes) in 6A, they went out of their way to give entirely unnecessary Buck and Eddie moments (like the end of Home Invasion). I think there’s a generally accepted idea that audiences are expected to have a certain level of understanding of object permanence (aka more than the amount of a child) and recognize that their dynamic is not different just because the writers aren’t spending precious screentime showing the same things they’ve already shown with these two characters and are exploring other dynamics instead. And that’s without even taking into account the pretty clear narrative reasons why they’re not having those lengthy emotional scenes (aka Buck is in his head about the sperm donor situation and they can’t talk about any of that because this is the season of “missing what’s right in front of your face” and the minute they talk about it it’s game over).
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ember-owlet · 2 years
I’m a little currently fixated on Arcane and your blog is adorable!!
If it’s okay would you consider writing some cg Jinx headcannons? 🥺
a/c: thank you firelight! i really appreciate your sweet message。゚(TvT)゚。 and of course! i hope you enjoy the headcanons, i had a lot of fun thinking up ideas for her
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dynamic: cg! jinx 
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it would take a while for jinx to adjust to the dynamic of having to take care of someone other than herself, but realizes how much trust you put in her with such a vulnerable mindset and tries her best to help you
that doesn’t mean that she wouldn’t make mistakes! i just know that people would often wonder who was truly taking care of who, both of you getting into mischief and wild adventures 
so. much. chaos. in silco’s office. he thought the amount of doodles and random objects around his office was bad now? double it. 
that being said she loves to finally have someone that can be her plus one in her hijinks, taking you nearly everywhere with her 
it sometimes feels like you two have a shared mindset, all of her contraptions being lovingly decorated by you 
you can bet that her hideout is now the most beautifully decorated place in zaun and she looks at it and talks about it with pride
on a more serious note, though she takes care of herself and thrives on independence, she would love nothing more than reassurance from her little one, even something as simple as a drawing makes the world of a difference to her knowing that you wouldn't leave
it would also mean a lot to her if you could ride out the moments where she wasn't feeling well, either with her hallucinations or episodes, just holding her hand through it or handing her your stuffie as you sit with her and tell her it's alright (it's important to remember that caregivers need love too!!)
i have yet to finish my viktor headcanons, but i believe that jinx and him are similar in their complete dedication to their work, so both would take their position of caregiver and roll with it completely 
unfortunately it would be very hard for her to say no to you, she can barely say no to her own impulses, let alone her baby 
therefore she needed to find an entirely new space for gear, stuffies, and anything else you beg for 
you would be allowed many desserts/treats for breakfast or before dinner times 
just a chaotic, fun loving, and helpful (in her own way of course) caregiver
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dangerpronebuddie · 5 months
hi!! you said in tags on a recent post that they were foreshadowing something happening to eddie! could you pls tell me when you thought this, as i’m intrigued lol
Hello anon! 🥰
You're going to think I'm delulu by the end of this. If you don't already lol 😅
For starters, 9-1-1 loves playing the long game when it comes to foreshadowing. Eddie's shooting and the lead up to his breakdown started in his first episode.
I mean, we had "I've just done it while people are shooting at me is all" in 2x01 and "At least nobody's shooting at us" in the crossover. And! Eddie's insistence that the universe does not scream.
All the military related accidents and the entirety of the Shannon arc and 3x15 and... pretty much everything that happened to that poor man lead to his breakdown.
But the foreshadowing for what I thought was going to happen (which didn't 😕) started in 4x14 with none other than the legal guardian conversation.
I mentioned that I thought something was going to happen to Eddie and/or Chris. Like with the shooting, whatever that something is has been building for a few seasons.
Now, I love the legal guardian thing. There's so many layers to it, not to mention how they look at each other through the whole thing. It's a declaration of love. However! It's also a bad omen.
Eddie Diaz, Mr. Prove To Me Something Is Real And I'll Believe It, keeps jinxing himself. Even speaking the will into existence is a bad idea™. These writers don't normally bring something up and then forget about it. And I would say making your best friend the father of your child if you aren't there is a pretty big thing to just leave hanging!
Eddie didn't even plan on telling Buck about it until the shooting. He waited an entire year??? For something that important? In short, the writers included it for a purpose beyond an aborted love confession.
Anyhoo. That's sign one.
Season 5 we can put aside, because it was a whole other thing.
Season 6 was where the most foreshadowing came in. I think it all really started in 6x07. Even Eddie, by the like third(?) accident Felisha had, commented on the fact that he might be cursed. At the end of the episode, at the beach, he gets a call from Abuela. The framing of that shot (I really wish I could make gifs right now. Thankfully I found a set) shows Eddie in focus with Chris at the forefront. As Eddie asks "what does she say about my future?" in regards to Abuela's curandera, the focus shifts to Chris. To me, that meant something would happen to Eddie and have the guardian thing come up again.
Then, in 6x15, Eddie and Chris go to see Shannon (I thought that was really nice, btw, it was sweet). Then his mother is pestering him to come visit. He talks to her twice I believe (haven't rewatched that episode in a while, the cemetery scene haunts me 😅). Anyway, when he talks to her at the end of the episode, he says "we'll figure something out. Okay? We got time."
Refer to my earlier statement. Eddie keeps jinxing himself!
The entire episode, there was something ominous about it. The old lady, "we're all gonna die alone," Shannon, etc. It just felt... eerie, I suppose.
I expected the season 6 finale to satisfy the foreshadowing. I heard they rewrote the ending thanks to them not being sure if the show would be picked up by another network (THANK YOU ABC!) Anyway. Something tells me that the original plan was to severely hurt the fathers on the team. Chim, Bobby, and Eddie were all in serious danger.
The time jump at the end kinda sucked. To me, the finale felt a little... discombobulated. I think that maybe, even though 911 doesn't do this, they intended for season 6 to end on a cliffhanger. Any or all three of them could've still been in danger or clinging to life when the episode ended. It would've been more satisfying, honestly.
I just think they hinted a little too much at this. It could be that it just hasn't happened yet and there's still more foreshadowing to go. Maybe in season 7, Eddie could be missing and presumed dead or injured badly enough to have Buck step in for Chris (in a much more concrete parental role.)
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space-blue · 2 years
Right until the finale Vi mistakenly thought her sister was brainwashed to do Silco’s bidding. So when she finally starts to realise that’s not the truth do you think at one point she will confront her for cozying up with the guy who was their father’s mortal enemy and who nearly succeeded in murdering their entire family? Also will she finally agree with Ekko’s accounts of Jinx and join him to take her down?
Hi Anon,
No, I don't think Vi would accuse Jinx of cozying up to Silco. She SAW Silco approach Powder at the end of episode 3. I think she needs/wants to believe he brainwashed her to keep hoping to "rescue Powder", because it's been her one obsession that kept her going in Stillwater... But I don't think her accepting Jinx cared for Silco will mean she will switch to accusing Jinx.
I think she'll realise then that Jinx felt (and was) abandoned and on her own, and if Silco truly loved her, then it's only normal she latched on to him.
It's possible she'll keep making weird excuses for her, like the "you did what you had to, in order to survive" mentality.
A lot will depend of what they decide to reveal about Ekko and Jinx. It's not the same if Ekko offered very early on an alternative life to Powder, and she chose to stay with Silco, vs. if he tried to take her away from a man she already was at home with (like mounting a misguided "rescue" and earning himself the title of Boy Saviour).
Basically, I think Vi accusing Jinx that way would be a regression of her understanding of the situation. It's possible they may chose that route, but I don't think they will. If they focus on the "sister, but until when? How far can you go, as an extremist, before you draw the lines and cut off the sister and make her a stranger" side of their relationship, then Vi has to make some of her own self actualisation. She has to accept she fucked up and that Jinx is a different person who, UNLIKE HER IN STILLWATER, had a life, people who cared for her, helped her, antagonised her, etc.
Jinx had stuff going on while Vi had nothing but bouts of violence, trips to isolation, beatings... Vi is the one who has been stagnating, both herself and in her views of others. Her progressing her character arc should address that and make her come up to her own (updated) decisions.
I assume they'll make her understand things better because she's got the shonen main character vibe to her, so she can't stay pig-headed and be wrong and misunderstanding things forever.
I personally disagree with Ekko's understanding of Jinx, or at least find the way he expresses it creepy... But I'm not sure how his view of her will change, after the bridge, where he "saw" her, and seemingly changed his mind. And then after the finale... Ekko is bound to have his own opinions.
You also have to wonder... Canonically it seems Ekko is pretty against Vi and the way she "betrays" Zaun by becoming an enforcer. If they go along that route, with Vi siding with Piltover, and Piltover cracks back hard on Zaun after the bombing...
Well, I don't see Ekko being particularly friendly to a Cait-Vi team. Last time he trusted them, it went really, really poorly. If Vi tries to justify Piltover's actions, you could see their own friendship crack and be strained.
I honestly have no idea where things are headed for season 2 because I'm not sure how close to game-canon they want to take characters.
With Warwick and a foreign power on the horizon, and Viktor becoming machine herald, I highly doubt that season 2 will look like "everybody teams up to take down Jinx", or at least not for very long. It might start that way, before getting a lot more complicated.
It's all speculation though.
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'Eat it up. You’re all fuckin welcome <3' 💀
'Okay Detox with the feathers' AGJHJFJDJD
Honey Mahogany's energy!!
Game On Bitch: The Sequel
RuPaul's suit and shoes!!
Giving out better prizes than Food Network—
RuPaul: You look like Calimari when you do that!
Alyssa: https://youtube.com/shorts/A0y8Nve-SyU?si=wsgaOZdWC_4_3aqM
'I don't know how to swim' same.
To be fair this would be quite a challenge for anybody 💀
'There’s got to be a morning after' Thank God for Homosexuals. Their taste is fuckin elite
Alaska, I— same
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Ppl who wear cheetah print are automatically cool as fuck.
Premiere Jewish Narcoleptic Drag Queen Jinx—we love you
I would love to be one of those dudes doing random shit for the queens, what a fun job
I really thought it was Lynesha!! But Detox's entire outfit and face and vibe is just amazing
I'm making the same face as them 💀
Jinx <3
'What are they talkin bout over there. . .' AFSHKDJFJ
'I just wanna keep it kind of classy'— 'yeah. . .' SHSHKJRHSHLRJ
'Okay' 👁👄👁
RuPaul's suit—even his voice and energy! Very Willy Wonka
Roxxxy is so amazing.
I feel like Alaska is going home. . .
Alyssa is trying it—
Alaska + Sharon's relationship <3
SERENA—tbh I understand why she's being obnoxious, she's probably very nervous. You can see it her eyes. But the ageism is not it
Gosh, this is so cute <3
Roxxxy look is the 2009–est I've ever seen. Good for her.
'Hehehehe yes please' AGDNKDHSH
Alaska's hair!!
Viv is so !!!
RuPaul is so frickin ominous.
If Lynesha gets sent home I'm gonna yeet my computer.
Ivy's was beautiful but it wasn't like. SERVING serving
Camille's dress so is lovely!!
Lynsha is my wife.
Jade's look was chaotic. I agree w what's his face. The idea was there, but I feel like her look could have been better put together
RuPaul is chaotic neutral as hell.
Michelle <3
Lynesha 😍
Roxxxy!!! YES
'Coutorture' 💀
I think Penny is safe. SHE BETTER BE
'Edit' — definitely!
I feel like Serena is staying. She seems like she’s gonna learn her lesson about learning from others
Penny writing 'you are all stars' is genuinely making me cry
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im really sorry straight ppl don't have this.
What a RIDEEEEEE omg!! I’m so happy that you enjoyed it its such a good season to start!!!! Who are you rooting for? Who do you think is gonna win as of right now?
Omg i remember watching with my friend and she was LOVING Penny Tration and i sat next to her like 😬 oh no
Also imma have to dm you about Sh*ron i forgot they mention her every fucking episode 😭😭
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happydazedi · 2 years
⚠️spoilers ahead obvi⚠️
- um not Connor trying to off himself first minute of the episode
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- Aw I love mommy daughter car rides
- Rachel said she trynna keep DicKory active
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-oH Connor was just shaving his head I thought he was trying to.. nvm LOL
- LMAOOSHDKSHXJSHD NOT CONNOR GOIN THROUGH HIS TEENAGE PHASE. I need Dick to take him outside and toss a basketball with him
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- “We are not doing that” and Connor calling him Richard got me
- Damn baby boy Gar stressed out too, that bowling scene wasn’t long enough, we all need a little more rest huh?
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- THE HELL WAS THAT. Not Gar 10secs forward than the rest of em
- Goodbye mother mayhem IS REACHING
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- I wonder if eating the hair was even necessary, y’all know how jinx be jinxing
- They should’ve titled the episode “big night for everyone” LMAO I love Dick’s little one liners
- Connor don’t need to be right, it will only make him worse
- I know the actor that plays berarnd from something else but I can’t remember it and I don’t wanna look it up bc I wanna remember organically
- Kory & Dick got too many kids to keep track of all their mental healths, but Gar don’t need to be alone rn
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- Not Connor being disrespectful to his actual father, that’s wild
- “4 minutes ago” y’all don’t get notification alerts for that???
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- Not seb been toxic this whole time LOL she got him that thoughtful ass gift and he let them insecurities sneak in
- AW not Jinx putting in her formal application to be a permanent member of the team. I’m for it.
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- Dick just sitting back and watching the 3 most powerful women in the world
- Mmmmm they look so good in their suits ah yum
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- Why they leaving krypto at the house, that man can help
- OH SHIT WHITE RAVEN. I literally saw comments about white Raven on Twitter and had no idea what that was about so I read the entire lore about her. I love it
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- Damn Sebastian I tried to help you I truly did
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
Well so... did you like Arcane? Favorite character, moment, etc? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Anon. Oh sweet anon I'm so very sorry you asked this (no im not >:))
Anyway, I loved Arcane. I'd just kind of...decided not to watch it for a few months now, so I missed a lot of the hype when it first came out. (Which, I'm pretty sure will be around 11-ish months while writing this. So uhm. It's been a little bit.) I'm not quite sure why, it's just kind of hard for my brain sometimes, even when my friends really like a piece of media and recommend it to me.
I was actually going on a quick trip, and needed entertainment, so I frantically texted one of my closest friends and boom!!! She recommended I watched Arcane! So finally a downloaded the fourth episode (blaming my phone's funky storage on this one) and watched Happy Progress Day in a good bit of confusion before going back and watching the first three when I got home.
So! Some thoughts: (Spoilers for anyone who's thinking about watching Arcane. It's really good and I truly recommend it, but you will be seriously spoiled if you read any further. You've been warned.)
Favorite Character: Oh!! That's so very hard because I don't think there's a character's writing that I specifically dislike! I enjoy how each and every character is so incredibly interwoven into the plot. However, I think I'm going to have to narrow it down to 3.
First is: Jinx!
Everyone and their mother I feel like has made art about Jinx, and also talked about her, from what little I've seen of the fandom. But goddamn does she deserve it.
She's so incredibly fucked up, but the narrative really makes you understand her actions and why they happen. It almost makes you root for her in a way. The way that her backstory is set up, from start to end is simply incredible.
Each and every path that she faces is another nail in the coffin for what she used to be. Her narrative arc is one of corruption, and her struggle with mental illness is one that is so compelling that whenever the show switches to her POV, I can't help but fist pump and also whisper a horrified "No" at the same time.
Because she's descending into a path of madness driven on by some serious abandonment, a rough life from the get-go, and the urge to convince someone that she's worth the trouble. She's worth it so please please please don't let her go. Don't leave her.
It's such a heartbreaking cycle that truly gets into my emotions and makes me feel. I'm obsessed with the way that the narrative does not throw her away like many of the characters coinciding with her arc are portrayed as doing, but also the way that it balances out her tragic past elements with some absolute badass scenes with such dope action and visuals that the screen she's on is only slightly tinged with sadness.
I wish I could put it into better words, but Jinx is simply off-the-walls in a way that is so unnervingly fun, but also devastating to watch as she scrambles to keep the people she loves close when she feels them drift away.
2. Heimerdinger
You don't understand my love for this eccentric ex-councillor. If I could go out and get lunch with any of these characters it'd be him. I want him to sloppily write all of his ideas on a napkin that I try to decipher for hours, only to fall back onto my bed in defeat.
I want to hear him talk about issues he think are important, and what he finds to be integral to his life. I would literally listen to this dude talk for hours and hours upon end, and watch with childlike wonder at his glorious inventions.
He's literally soooooooo amazing and I love him. I love the way that he was first introduced too!! He's just a goofball who really doesn't try to be funny. And omg when he's wandering the streets and shows the girl the top?? When he finds Ekko???
You literally cannot fathom how wiggily this man makes me feel.
Also I think it's something about his history.
He's seen dangerous devices before. He's seen the rise and the fall of entire planets and populations. He's built a city from the ground up, only upon the idea of progress and the scientific method. He wishes for those around him to let their curiosity take hold and lead them to projects and places all around them.
He truly wishes that everyone has the chance to be a scientist, and he's such an oxymoron. He's a scientist who gets stuck in the ways of his past, and it's a battle that he fights throughout all of his screen-time during the show.
I love Heimerdinger so much <33
Also have you seen his mustache?
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[ID: Heimerdinger looking just off to the right, his face contorted in anger with his two fists on a table that reaches up to his waist. END ID]
And finally, last but not least:
Caitlyn Kiramman
This one isn't as rooted in narrative drive as it is for how amazingly Caitlyn fits into the show as a main character simply through her dynamics with other characters alone.
I'm head over heels for her friendship with Jayce. I love the scene that they share in Happy Progress Day, I'm over the moon with the fact that for her investigation she lets Vi go, only to grow to love her as their narrative throws shit at them that they have to face together.
I love that through Caitlyn, we get to see the soft side of Vi come back, the protectivness, the love, and the bickering that comes with it is absolutely a delight. I swear the two of them could have a spin-off Nancy Drew-esc story and I would read it.
And the way that Jinx sees her as a threat? The way that when she sees Vi finding love and being able to cope with her trauma by moving forward, she thinks that there is only one place at Vi's side. That she thinks that Vi is betraying her?
You don't understand. I'm going feral.
I also think that Caitlyn's ambition to do what she loves no matter who tells her otherwise is simply proven wrong. For the girl will be an enforcer, she knows that she will. No one can stop her.
Also she and Vi may or may not be in love and I simply think that that is absolutely a relationship that I need in my life as sapphic (?) myself.
(Honorable mentions go to Viktor and Mel. You both deserve the world and I adore them to bits.)
My favorite things about the show:
Dude. Dude this show is so incredible writing-wise. It tells a compelling story, grappling with so many issues at once and somehow managing to do it all in a clear way. The representation is at it's peak, because these characters are not gay for extra points, they are not black to check off a box. They are deeply thought out characters with narrative arcs that bounce off their traits. They are not simply marketing ploys and it's refreshing. (godDAMN my standards are low)
Anyway the storytelling capabilities that this show pulls off with the dynamic characters bouncing off one another, a seamless timeskip, lore that pulls me in and fascinates me as a consumer, and themes that pique my interest makes it one of my favorite shows of all time.
The art style too. Gah!! I'm in love with the way that the characters' designs work, the way that the lighting is handled in different scenes, the painting look that the models take. It's such an amazing and most likely time-consuming animation style, but it turned into one of the most gorgeous-looking shows that I've ever seen.
And dude. dude. The. The the the. The soundtrack. The incredibly differing soundtrack that varies from song to song, depending on the mood that the show is trying to capture is OUGh. Snakes, Enemy? Such bops, would sprint to them anytime, 11/10.
Favorite scene?
*shaking uncontrollably* The fucking ending one. The last scene takes into account all of the factors that make Arcane such a special show as a whole, and it wraps 'em up in this nice little present for the show to end off on.
The way that Silco is killed like any other man, the way that betrayal bleeds into his eyes as he dies, acceptance in his words as Jinx cradles his head in her hands, apologizing profusely for what she's done.
The narrative parallel to the line "She's a loose canon" so much earlier in the show is a stab to the heart as you watch the light fade from his eyes.
The way that What Could Have Been plays hauntingly through the entire scene, the viewer's eyes dreading the way that it's about to end. And the way that the characters' expressions twist in different ways as the final missile blows into the council window, the way that Mel's figure is highlighted before it's hit.
There are many scenes that are incredible, but this one might be my up at one of my favorites of all time.
To get even more specific, the way that Caitlyn's slow motion sob turns into her mother's resigned face as she makes her vote--that part literally broke me.
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I think that literally might be my favorite shot in the entire show.
Anyway, to summarize my incredibly long post of thoughts, Arcane is a cinematic masterpiece, and I wish I could go into more detail, but it's like 12am and my brain isn't really up to the task. Thank you so much for the ask, needless to say, I loved the show to bits <33
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sweatandwoe · 2 years
Have you ever thought that in episode 3, when Powder hugged Silco, that was like the first time in a long time that anybody hugged him (truthfully, with feelings) and that's why he had that reaction and hugged her back? Why this floodgate of paternal feelings for Jinx opened up?
I think he was experiencing A LOT of emotions that day. He just murdered his brother, had his entire warehouse blow up, and overall a heavy mixture of emotions all day.
I do like the idea he hadn't been hugged like that in a long, long time. And the sudden affection shocked him, but also I think one of the reasons Silco is ready to parent Jinx is how instinctively she sought him out. She hugged him, even after everyone else showed up.
The man with a knife.
The man who had just torn her family apart.
(Most likely this is just Powder reacting, not really caring for her own safety out of the need to just be loved and accepted by anyone in that moment. Silco was the first person to interact with her after it happened and so she lunges. And when Silco hugs her back she gets to feel that acceptance.)
With Silco though, as she talks about being abandoned/betrayed by her sister, it probably feels like 'oh shit, literally me for the past decade'. And then the traumabond happens. Silco goes from gangaster to crimelord dilf in one night, and now has his daughter to take care of.
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liesoverthec · 3 years
OG 911 Character Details from Canon Pt 2
Hi y’all I’m back! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reblogged the last details post - I sort of just thought people would like it and it would die, so to see it travel and hopefully reach more writers was so great so thank you again!
Details under the cut since I went a little crazy 😅 and if this is your first time seeing this, the first part, and any future parts, can be found under this tag here!
Quick note before I get to the details - always, ALWAYS take details from dialogue or plot over details from the set or props if they contradict each other. The writers have the ultimate say over what happens on the show/for the characters, so whatever they say goes, even if it goes against something props has already laid down (eg, Chim’s birthday, sorry Libra crew. He’s an Aries or a Pisces). So keep that in mind for the future in case some of these details I have which are from props/set are changed in the future, or if you’ve noticed something yourself!
Also if you have questions, I am MORE than happy to answer them, although if you leave them in the tags on this post I’m probably gonna lose them, so if it’s something you’d genuinely like an answer to, drop it in my inbox! Besides my standard “ask” tags, I’m also tagging asks about canon details with this tag here. Every time I make a big post like this, I’m going to link all the asks I’ve gotten since the last post, but if you’re looking for more info in the mean time, that’s the other spot to look!
Buck has a grill on his patio.
Eddie doesn’t hang Christopher’s art on the fridge - instead it is either hung on the corkboard in Chris’ room to the left of the door, or Eddie puts it in an actual frame and hangs it using a hammer/nails in Christopher’s room. All the Diaz family has on their fridge is a bunch of bendy people magnets. (I absolutely ADORE him putting all this effort into treating Christopher’s art like it’s something you’d buy from a professional artist).
Info on everyone’s ages can be found here. (Little more discussion of Chim’s situation here).
Albert has a bachelor’s degree! I don’t know in what though, except that it’s some field for which is a Master’s is useful.
Athena was in a sorority in college, Delta Sigma Theta. Their website describes them as “ ...a sisterhood comprised primarily of Black, college-educated women ... [that] considers the issues impacting the Black community and boldly confronts the challenges of African Americans and, hence, all Americans ”, which I love for Athena, and feel is very in-character for her at that time in her life!
Chim is an aviators dude. When he wears sunglasses, they’re always aviators.
Athena also wears nothing but aviators.
Bobby wears square aviators.
Eddie, on the other hand, always wears Wayfarers.
Buck either doesn’t really like sunglasses or he constantly forgets he owns them, since we’ve only seen him wear them once in 60 eps, in a move I’m pretty sure was ONLY for dramatic effect.
Hen’s sunglasses change style over the seasons like her regular glasses do, but she tends to like browline sunglasses.
Info on Christopher’s school can be found here!
There are two colors of dispatch polo, and there doesn’t seem to be any rhythm or reason for who wears what. Maroon - Maddie and Linda. Blue - Josh and May. Jamal has actually worn both maroon and blue, so it doesn’t seem to be TOTALLY set in stone although I’ve never seen anyone else switch. Sue is too badass to wear a dispatch shirt.
Both Bobby and Eddie drive 4 door pickups. Bobby’s is navy. Eddie specifically has a black, 2020 GMC Denali 1500 pickup truck (in case you want to specifically look up what the inside of it looks like or what features it has 😂)
Info on the 118’s medical certifications can be found here.
Correction to Eddie’s living situation from last post: no next door neighbors, but instead UPSTAIRS neighbors. (Pointed out by Abigail in this ask). Also since someone else was wondering the notes of the last post - no, there is absolutely no discussion on the show of whether or not Eddie rents the apartment or owns it. But based on the fact that it’s 1) LA and 2) an apartment, my guess would be he rents it.
When Maddie isn’t feeling like herself, she tends to straighten her hair rather than curl it. It seems to be more when she’s uncertain about her place in her own and other people’s lives, rather than just when she’s simply worried - eg it’s straight in 2B, when she’s uncertain if she wants to continue working as a dispatcher/is unsure about her relationship with Chim.
For work, Chim, Eddie and Buck all use black duffel bags with a LAFD patch on the top. Hen uses several different cute bags, and Bobby seems to have a plain black duffel bag.
Watches - Bobby, Athena, Chim, Hen and Buck all wear their watch on their left wrist (but Athena ONLY wears hers for work, she takes it off at home.) Eddie wears his on his right wrist, and Maddie doesn’t wear one.
Chim (and Maddie by default) literally still have the exact same couch as in the pilot. (Which means that Chim has cuddled Tatiana on that couch, AND Albert has had sex on it. TIME TO GET A NEW ONE, BUCKLEY-HANS 😂)
The 118 has five different rigs - the engine (E118), the ladder truck (T118), two ambulances and the captain’s truck. 95% of the time, when the team is chilling in the cab of a rig and chatting (eg the ‘stuck under a live telephone pole’ scene in Jinx), they’re in the engine, not the truck. (Which I personally learned recently are NOT interchangeable terms!)
Athena and Michael got married when Athena was 37.
If you’d like to give Maddie a full name beyond “Maddie”, you should use Madeline. (I know, I know, in 4x04 she says Maddie is the name on her birth certificate, and that you should never use props details if they contradict script details, but I always thought that was a super weird exchange in 4x04 which could be explained by Maddie getting a nickname since she was born when Margaret and Phillip, you know, actually loved their kids and showed it, so of course Buck doesn’t get one, and in 4x04, Maddie was trying to avoid the entire issue of why she got one and Buck didn’t. But! Do what you want, and use Madeline as the full version of Maddie if you’d like, since that’s what’s on the BOLO in 2x13 😂)
Athena’s call sign is 727 L30, but she doesn’t have a specific squad car - the number changes throughout the series.
Chim really likes chewing gum, but he’s the only one out of the entire family!
The station has an Xbox One S, and it’s white.
In the real LAFD, there are stations 1 through 114. To avoid confusion while filming on the streets (I’m assuming), our fictional LAFD never uses the number of a real station. So if you want another station for a fic, and you want something that would be real in OUR universe, use the numbers 115 and above. They’ve gone as high as 221 in our universe.
Battalions - station 118 is in Battalion 7, which is also not a battalion in real Los Angeles. The 118 has interacted w/ Battalion 1, which is a real battalion, but other ‘non-real which makes them more likely for our universe’ battalions include numbers: 3, 8, 13, 16, 19 and above.
S1 Buck knew the term Jedi, but based on context, didn’t understand AT ALL the context provided by Star Wars, so there’s another edge of his pop culture limits for you.
Chim is the most tech-savvy out of everyone, hands down.
Athena has a VERY active Twitter account.
Abuela’s house number is 8902. I don’t have a street name for you unfortunately though. :/
Athena’s favorite flowers are white roses. None of the other women are really flower people.
Michael likes to wear purple.
When they’re at a call, Buck does pretty much all of the stuff with the hammer and the saw. Eddie does all the work needed with the drill.
Harry goes to Meadowbrook Elementary.
Buck lives on the fourth floor of his apartment building, across the hall from Apt. 416. The lovely @lovelessmotel found this listing for what is more or less the apartment. What happened was: the set crew rented this apartment for the one episode at the end of s2 when Buck moved in, and then over the summer before s3 built their own set of it, and changed some things - eg giving him an island, and moving the sink to a second counter against the far wall, you can see the changes here in this amazing gif set by the awesome Austen, but the listing should let you click around a little more upstairs and figure out dimensions better than what the show provides!
When Athena and Hen go out to eat together, it’s always fast food burgers and fries.
Waffles are Athena’s favorite food, and tiramisu is her favorite dessert.
Every takeout we’ve seen Buck eat has always been in a Chinese food takeout container, and we know he likes Thai food the best. EXCEPT! The one time we see him eat takeout with Eddie and Christopher, they have pizza. So take from that what you will......
Eddie has a cell phone and a landline.
Chim is a shameless multiple texter.
Chim and Bobby sleep closest to the door in their respective bedrooms (both right side of the bed if you are standing at the foot, facing the headboard), and Athena and Maddie sleep furthest away from the door (left side).
Some canon last names for other firefighters at the station in case you wanna add more people to a fic - Mitchell, Sanchez, Serrano (woman), Porter, Meyers (woman), Maxwell, Voyta
Hen and Karen really love decorating their house with dark/red wood.
Karen is Mommy and Hen is Mama.
Bobby has a brother, and a grandmother, and that’s literally ALL we know about his family outside of Marcy and the kids.
Evidence points to Eddie being the oldest child in his family.
Karen has multiple brothers (no sisters), but no idea how many - just that one of them is named Trey, and one of them lives in LA and has kids. They might be the same brother and they might not be.
Both Hen and Athena are only children.
Athena has been on the police force for 30 years.
Christopher and Denny are the same age (born in 2011), and Harry is two years older than them.
Michael lives in apartment 308.
The bank in this universe is CalAm.
Hen and Karen have a picture of Denny, May and Harry on their fireplace mantel.
Eddie having a black thumb + a lot of plants in his living room = him buying fake plants bc he likes the aesthetic ™ or someone (cough Carla cough) is taking care of them for him.
The COVID timeline in OG’s universe is fucked up compared to the real world’s, so it shouldn’t be used as a way to measure time! They just throw it in wherever it makes sense for the story they want to tell (eg the vaccines in s4 ep 8), since s3 was both done before COVID hit but also airing while it was happening. It makes absolutely no sense for May to graduate in March nor for Chris to be going to what is specifically labeled summer camp, and the vaccine plotline was INCREDIBLY early, even for real life, so don’t use anything from that as a measure of time. I’ve found except in specific examples, eg the two tsunami episodes, it’s very safe to say every episode covers a week - fall holidays on the show line up with their real life counterparts, indicating about the same amount of time is passing for us and them.
On that note - Jee-Yun was born in late January, early February 2021. (Conceived in Pinned, which was end of March/beginning of April, meaning Maddie was around a month along at May’s graduation in May ➡ 42 weeks + 3 days from then = late Jan/early Feb. Which unfortunately means we most likely won’t see her birthday celebrated on screen. If we assume she was conceived on the date Pinned aired, aka the very sexy hotel scene, then January 21st or 22nd would be Jee’s birthday, depending on if she was born after midnight or not.
Buck has had at least one other Jeep between the one Maddie gave him, and the one he has now, which means that when he needs a new car, he is purposefully choosing Jeeps.
I hope this was all as interesting/enjoyable to you as it was to me! And just to repeat - I love answering questions so pls let me know if you have any at all ❤
Tagging: @buckbuckley
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 3 years
Arcane Background Lore/Easter Eggs (Episode 7)
And we’re back, after I have had a day to process act 3; and definitely not cause I was busy writing caitvi fanfiction. Spoilers ahead, you’ve been warned.
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The firelights symbol is an hourglass rotated 45 degrees to the right, hourglasses figure a lot into Ekko’s aesthetic (as does elements of hip hop culture), and I’m kinda kicking myself over missing this give-away for who was leading the firelights.
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Animal people like this character have shown up a few times. They’re called “Vastaya”, and to cut a very long story short: They are the descendants of humans who merged with spirits thereby getting animal-like features and a natural affinity for (spirit) magic. A lot of Vastaya tribes have a tree as a gathering point at the center of the village which might be where Ekko got the idea.
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The back of Ekko’s jacket appears to be inspired by the aesthetics of the  “Giants” music video (seen below).
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Actually his entire firelights outfit might be based off his “True Damage” outfit (the one he wears in Giants), the silhouette at least fits very well.
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The cannister Ekko carries the Hex gem in looks strikingly similar to his Z-drive from League – Basically it’s a gadget that allows him to travel about 10 seconds backwards in time.
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I wanna give a shoutout to whoever decided to change Ekko’s hair from straight to curly, his mohawk looks so fucking good with locs.
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In the “Seconds” trailer Ekko is protecting a mural similar to this one from a rampaging chemtech monster (similar to Silco’s goons).
Also, the character on the far left, might be a mashup of a bunch of different rejected concept arts for Ekko, but I’m not 100% sure on that one.
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I might be overanalyzing, but the big flower in the background of the room where Silco meets with the chem barons, look very similar to the ones grown by Baroness Corina Veraza (Seen below).
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Since Caitlyn’s nemesis is yet to make an appearance, this might (or might not) be a hint to who’s going to take oveer now that Silco is gone.
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In League Ekko wields a cricket bat as his main weapon, however this sorta “gear shillelagh” actually showed up in more of his concept art than his bat did.
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The flashback play fight is an (imo) very clever way to reference Ekko’s “Chronobreak” ability from League, without needing to actually introduce time travel as a plot element. As I mentioned earlier: in League Ekko carries a device  which allows him to travel short periods backwards in time. In the “Seconds” trailer, we see him use it just like he does here: try an approach, die, learn from his mistakes and try again.
Also Ekko and Jinx’ fight mirrors very closely how a fight between them usually plays out in League: Jinx tries to kill him before he can get close, Ekko dashes around her shots, and once he gets in close knocks her out within seconds. A duel between Ekko and Jinx is heavily stacked in Ekko’s favor, with clever use of her grenades being Jinx’s only real chance of winning.
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With how much I’ve been hyping up Corina, it seems only fair I properly introduce her at the end of a post; even if she’s not playable in league. She’s a Zaun crime lord with a love for poisonous flowers. She made friends with Caitlyn and posed as an informant in Caitlyn’s own investigation of her, feeding her false leads to play her out against her rivals. Just think of the angst potential when Caitlyn inevitably realizes she has become to Corina what Marcus was to Silco.
If there’s anything I missed please let me know, I’m planning to do a breakdown like this for each episode.
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Arcane AU where Powder/Jinx is a mage?
Like I don’t play League of Legends, and have no interest in playing it, and I’ve only watched Arcane all the way through once. With my sister because she’s got netflix, and I don’t.
But I can’t help but think an AU where Powder/Jinx is unknowingly a mage makes a weird sort of sense. How weirdly drawn she is towards the magic crystals and gems. Along with the fact that with no education or prior experience with making Hextech she manages to bang out a literal superweapon in a matter of days once she moves past the trauma she has surrounding them.
Yeah she’s a tech genius, but Hextech is a whole different ball game. Heimerdinger didn’t even think it was scientifically possible until he was proven wrong by Jayce and Viktor, and he’s hundreds of years old. The fact that she was able to make any functional Hextech at all is honestly impressive.
Not to mention the fact that the name Jinx itself has magical connotations, and it’s closest synonym is the word hex. So the idea that she’s actually an untrained mage is strangely fitting. Specifically Spiritual magic. Fitting for the ghosts that choose to haunt her, and being the type of magic where symbols and words gain power. The idea that her wild untrained magic was more or less absorbing every time called her a jinx and in a twisted way making it true. Along with dealing with thoughts and emotions along with literal spirits.
The idea that the more Mylo and the others accused her of causing bad luck and hurt her feelings, the more her magic would try to strike back at them and try and get even. Cursing them with misfortune. Vi doesn’t survive the explosion because of happenstance. She survives because up until that point she’d never called Powder a jinx, and she’s not seriously injured and shot up to the gills with Shimmer. Her status of being not cursed ends shortly after however, and she winds up trapped in jail for years not long after.
I have to admit that even in this AU the hallucinations Jinx sees of Mylo and Claggor are not literally their ghosts. They’re still hallucinations, with the added bonus of being the magical equivalent of self harm. They’re part of the entire reason Silco finds out that Jinx is a mage, she accidentally projects a hallucination episode outward.
Vi and Powder’s parents did know that Powder was a mage, but they never told Vi or Powder about it in words. Powder was pressed into hiding/suppressing it by her parents. Due to the fact that separation from Mages and their magic was the whole reason Piltover was built, and they didn’t know what would happen to her if the Enforcers [and therefor the Council] found out that there was a Mage in the Undercity. Think a mix of what happened to Elsa in Frozen mixed with the visceral fear of Haku’s mother in Naruto of what would happen if the government found out. Like from the time she’d first displayed magic as a toddler Powder had been conditioned to suppress it. Vi never knew. Their parents never told her, and Powder had been so deeply conditioned to hide it that she herself didn’t even know she had magic until it started rising back to the surface in the most toxic self harming way possible in the wake of the death of their second family.
The fact that their parents themselves conditioned her to hide and suppress her magic. Along with Vi, Vander and the boys never having known about it in the first place has the added affect of causing her to further doubt her relationships with them. Sure they’d seemed to love her, but would they have accepted her in her entirety? Her parents actions make her inclined towards no, because if even her own parents couldn’t accept her entirely who would. Other than Silco who already has.
Adding another layer to her identity as Jinx. It isn’t just that Jinx is aggressive, or ruthless, or amoral in ways Powder wasn’t. Jinx is magic in a way Powder had been pressured into smothering. Something even less accepted in either Piltover or Zaun, considering Piltover was built to get away from magic, and Zaun was built to more or less support Piltover.
It’s also another reason as to why Silco could never hand her over to Piltover even if it would lead to him achieving his dream of the independent state of Zaun. The idea of her sitting trapped in Stillwater for crimes she committed either directly at his request or because she thought it would make him happy is bad enough to him. He doesn’t have the faintest idea of what would happen to Jinx if he handed her over as a Mage.
IDK this is as far as I’ve gotten on this AU and I was only introduced to these characters like three days ago now. Is it good, is it bad? I barely know any of the lore, I only know the different types of magic because I googled it.
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