#Acts of Regen
pearl-kite · 1 year
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About 3 years ago FHR helped revive my drawing habit by giving me reasons to draw Gale again, and I did a lineup of them over time, as was the trend.
imo it aged poorly, and it was time for an update and an excuse to draw baby infant child
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henrysglock · 1 year
S4 Victims: Story by Proxy?
Okay so. In spitballing with Em...something stuck in my head.
So we all know how serial killers leave crumbs because deep down they want to be caught/want the truth to be revealed? Well what if the Duffers, or even current Henry, are doing the same thing. That is, leaving breadcrumbs.
This mainly has to do with the S4 victims, their stories, and the order in which they're chosen.
So, it goes like this:
Chrissy: Abusive mother who resembles Virginia
Fred: Eaten alive by the guilt of being responsible for the accidental death of an innocent.
Max: Suicidal over guilt about Billy's death and her response to it. Billy, who died saving her/while she was saving herself from the Fleshflayer, a regenerated form of the Mindflayer.
Patrick: Abusive father, not much else told.
Max (again): Suicidal Ideation, dies, soul taken, but was revived by El. She's now in some limbo-state, where her body lives but her identity/mind is elsewhere. She will likely be brought back entirely by El in S5.
It almost feels like a story by proxy if we piece it together.
So, let's piece it together:
Person with an abusive mother...feels responsible for the death of an innocent...a sibling who was killed while this person was trying to save themselves from a monster which came from Hawkins lab, which leaves them suicidal...and this person lives in a situation with an abusive father figure. This person becomes suicidal, and their suicide attempt was not entirely successful. They were revived by El, and end up in a limbo state. They may or may not be brought back by El later.
Now, let's collect details about our serial killer:
Abusive mother? Check. (No matter how we frame it, Virginia was not a good mother.)
Innocent died? Check. (Henry has nothing bad to say about Alice, which we know he would if she were not innocent, since he does this with every other victim.)
Sibling died as a result of saving oneself? Check. (The Creel massacre was a situation where Henry was, with whatever intentions we may assign for the other family members' deaths, trying to save himself from Virginia and by extension the lab.)
Ended up with an abusive father figure? Check. (Well...an abusive Papa, one might say.)
Brought back by El multiple times? Check. (El was the one who took Soteria out and brought Henry back from being powerless. El was the one who put Henry in the UD/limbo state. El was the one who opened the gate for his return to the RSU.)
IT ALL ALIGNS. So let's put it together with all the feelings involved:
Citations (I guess? Explanations?) are in the tags listed by number!
Henry had an abusive mother who was at least trying to have him shipped off to the lab, if not actually trying to kill him outright. This situation builds and builds, him wanting to be left alone (1), putting out subconscious and conscious cries for help (2), and her targeting him about it, until March 25th, 1959.
Virginia starts it, attacks, and this time she's out for blood (3). Henry defends himself (4). Virginia, being the parent with powers (5), doesn't actually die (6). Victor, Alice, and Henry go for the door (7). Virginia's on the stairs (8). She's got to finish what she started, since her original plan was botched (9). Henry puts his energy into trancing Victor (10), protecting him from Virginia, since logically two people can't occupy one person's mind.
This leaves good, innocent Alice to fend for herself, standing directly in front of the staircase. She's a loose end (11). Virginia kills her, but can't kill Henry or Victor while the trance is occurring. She figures Henry's going to run himself into the ground (12). She figures she can call Brenner in to collect Henry, like they planned (13). If she disappears, she figures it'll go into the news something like this:
"World War II veteran kills entire family in deranged fit of insanity. Wife missing, presumed dead. Son dies in hospital."
And on both counts, she's essentially right. It does basically go into the papers that way. Victor is taken in for murder, and Henry is taken by Brenner, but not before he sees that Alice was caught in the crossfire (14).
Henry ends up with Brenner, the abusive Papa. He's got the guilt about Alice's death, something that makes him sad and angry. Brenner, maybe, decides to push this in order to increase Henry's powers, but it backfires. Henry's powers increase, but he does...something. He lashes out, he snaps, maybe he even tries to kill himself. He's Brenner's prized pet, though, so Brenner can't let that happen. He seals Henry's powers away with Soteria. It's a death for Henry's entire identity, so far as to have him under the name Peter Ballard. Then comes along 011. She removes Soteria from Peter Ballard...and revives Henry Creel. She then exiles him to the Upside Down in 1979, only to eventually bring him back in 1983 when she opens the Mothergate.
All this to say: It could be his own story, told through the stories of his victims.
Breadcrumbs, or maybe...obvious things, which nobody by any chance ever observes.
Below the cut is where I speculate into motivations for his actions after Soteria's removal, so...not required reading for this particular analysis.
Years of MKUltra torture warp Henry's guilt about the situation into a bastardized, violent, brutal, unethical savior complex based in the notion that he's a predator by nature, but a predator for good. He "saves" the lab kids from a future like his own, filled with nothing but torture. He "saves" El from her ignorance about the lab and intended to have her join him, thereby attempting to "save" her, technically his little sister, from the lab entirely.
He "saves" his s4 victims from their guilt and suffering, which so closely mirror his own, which no one saved him from. I could even go so far as to say he was "saving" Will, who is set up to be so much like him, from a world of horrible people who (from Henry's viewpoint based on his lived experiences) would only serve to abuse and betray him.
This of course isn't to say any of it is right. None of it is right or good...but it makes sense. It follows a pattern. It coheres. The math...maths.
#Citations!#1: Henry often hides alone in the attic.#2: Victor's burning cradle vison (a child in need of help). The drawing of the Shadow Monster. Possibly Alice's nightmares.#2 (cont.): Can all be interpreted as calls for help. Children in distress act out and make disturbing art in hope of conveying that need.#3: Virginia may or may not have been trying to kill Henry but based on the Fleshflayer parallel re: sibling death...it's probable.#4: Henry himself describes that night as self defense/being forced to act.#5: Virginia likely had powers given that Henry has powers#6: Her powers are likely similar to Henry's and Henry has regenerative powers. There are also fishy scenes of her death which imply#6 (cont.): that she may have still been alive. These include: shots from her POV. The fact that her eyes are bloody--#6 (cont.): but still intact in some shots. The unexplained POV from the top of the stairs.#7: Henry looks very nervous and fidgety at the door like he's antsy to leave with Alice and Victor#8: Again the unexplained POV on the stairs...stairs she earlier runs down after Henry gives her her mirror moment in the bathroom.#9: Henry was successful in disabling her initially which exposed her culpability.#10: Henry puts *so* much time into Victor in canon with basically no explanation why.#11: Alice seems to be a smart and upstanding girl. She might not be controllable re: Virginia being alive/the whole scheme with Brenner.#11 (cont.): The only way to eliminate that risk is to kill her...and we've already seen that Virginia is not good to at least one child.#12: If Virginia has powers like Henry's she likely has a sense of how long someone can be tranced before the trancer runs out of energy.#13: Who called Brenner to come get Henry during his coma? How did Henry end up in Brenner's hands specifically?#14: amerion-main's recent post re: Henry's position change in the foyer shots#End Citations!#This is all very much speculation when it comes to the actual path of events re: the Creel Massacre#but we can all agree that we don't have the full story about the Creels yet...so who knows.#henry/vecna/001#henry creel analysis#henry creel#virginia creel#creel family#stranger things#stranger things analysis
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solarisgod · 7 months
It's canon since the end of November that the Starwake System lost access to their right arm with the shoulder being completely mauled, so everyone's muses would take note of that, especially for the ones whose dynamics with them were established prior to the event of Warlock / @deveils nearly biting their arm off while in its feral canine state.
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beastking-golion · 1 year
Finished my run of Mortum’s romance and.
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#full spoilers in these tags here my guys#fhr#fallen hero retribution#fhr spoilers#fallen hero retribution spoilers#okay so 1. love this gal she’s so awesome and knowing she vented to her friend about our dumbass decisions makes me weirdly happy#you are so girlboss mortum#anyways 2. shes so lovey dovey and the fact she takes the time to keep you comfortable first is sooooo ❤️#her specifically getting cozy with you only after establishing you’re comfortable is so sweet of her#dont ‘bar is on the floor’ me btw because I have another piece to that in why it makes me so emotional#gonna talk about dubious consent here for a second so BIG warning okie? okie.#3. the scene after you reveal yourself as a regene to her and she asks why you had sex with her and you explain how you do things-#for humans because that’s what you were built to do meaning you acted for her desires not your own meaning she ‘pushed’ you into doing it#that was so devastating and I mean specifically for her as someone who clearly values consent a shit ton#yes you may have liked it but you did it cause you thought it would make her happy not because you wanted it like oh my god that hurts#she prolly understands regenes at least to some sort of degree shes a smart well connected woman so learning your bf is actually a regene-#has gotta have so many cogs and questions and worries shooting through her mind#you were made to serve humans you were controlled and abused by doctors like her you clearly fear her to some aspect#its heart breaking because of how much love she shows you and how much love she just has in general even as a villain#sorry yall I just can’t stop thinking about that scene like that had to have been so harrowing for her#it’s not your fault mortum you literally couldn’t have known even if you tried because our ass is so secretive#but it felt like it left off on a hopeful note#you both understand things so deeply about each other now and you can rebuild#start over and try again in a better safer way#one where you’re honest with her#AAWASG TH GFHFHFNGN it was really good it was so good#love that gal mortum so much#built out of love and vinegar she’s so awesome sauce#and with that I’ve played all the fhr2 romances#I can’t decide which romance is my favorite but I know which is my least (and it’s not my bbg mortum love ya)
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bearinabandana · 4 months
rewatching deep breath and I really really don't see the appeal in the pasternoster gang, they're just so annoying to me
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coffeeastronaut · 2 years
Insane to me that 13s finale was so bad like ik i literally quit watching during her run bc it sucked so bad but like. What. we got:
straight up incomprehensible plot with multiple irrelevant or unaddressed plot points beginning and then never getting finished or explained in any way (was was the master Rasputin? why did the plan have to happen in two different time periods? what were those two warring planets? why did we need the cybermen AND the daleks? why did the master use his big doe eyes to hypnotize those people?)
Comprehensible plot points that were botched (matryoshka cyberman, kidnapped energy source alien thing, ai holo doctor, yaz being/becoming the doctor in her own right, the doctor has so many friends forever and thats why shes a winner, master x doctor haties 4ever, yaz wondering if she’ll get left behind like other companions/being worried abt turning into them, dan leaving)
Comprehensible plot points that were stupid as shit (the master needing ace and tegan for the matryoshka.. he couldn’t have just kept it in his pocket? forced regeneration into the master so that he can wreck her reputation for some reason? siesmologists being kidnapped and also he graffitied some paintings (for some reason?) and these things are Clearly Related Duh. master wants to um, be the doctor for some reason? yeah im not touching that one frankly. the doctor suffering zero consequences from forced regeneration only to get laser beamed to death but then shes fine to like get ice cream and chit chat but she is dying. Dont think abt it too much.)
chibby coincidence catastrophe. this cunt loves to not write cause and effect lets just get lucky or slip or trip or fucking whatever. teagan slipping on that ladder so that she can get jumpscared but then it’s fine actually she can just slide away like dark souls, graham just like idk chilling and running into ace in the dalek lave pit, random traitor dalek (who is immediately killed and never relevant again???) just happens to contact the doctor just in time for the other daleks to use it as a trap????
and like on top of all this it had so many moments where you can practically feel chibnall begging the audience to get hype bc look xyz thing is here from previous thing on the show! like w/ the classic companions coming back (and i do love them! But WHERE was the relevancy beyond making yaz uncomfortable bc they both left in bad circumstances. Where was it.), or all of the doctors homies showing up to pilot the tardis with her (you WISH you were the stolen earth you WISH-), or the fugitive doctor (sorry i didnt watch that ep. but i know enough to know it was nothing more then a callback.), or seeing all the other doctors in 13s like dreamscape place or whatever the fuck (and what was the point of that? she just idk says hi guys! and then sits in there and waits? hello?), the companion support group (cute concept! joked abt in fandom for years! but so lame in execution im sorry!), UNIT being involved for some reason (this is the least egregious imo, since it slotted neatly into the plot. however since they didnt do anything other then say hey doc check out these paintings! ahhughh cybermen! it’s still stupid as shit.) ace and graham flirting for some reason???? LIKE WHAT WAS THE POINT HERE. Dan leaving (why didn’t he leave at the end of last episode when he was clearly thinking about it??) like ten minutes into the episode, and the doc is like okay bye! [leaves him homeless on the street] like what horrible pacing that was. And where the hell was ryan? Dan and graham come pick yaz up and ryan is no where to be seen. Maybe he could smell the bad vibes and stayed home. Christ
Yaz especially felt just soooooo botched and shitty. As i said before i quit watching after 13’s first season, but i did catch the last five min of the sea devils and even just there it was. Pretty fucking clear that they were confessing love to one another, but we ~cant be together ever~ (says the cunt whos had countless kinda-sorta-girlfriends and at least one wife!) because itll ~be sad~ (you wish you were tenrose you WISH-).
Her competence at flying the fucking tardis, delegating tasks, planning, and executing on all of it was flawless! that’s an insane level of skill for a companion to have, only ever shown in new who with River Song, and outliers like Doctor-Donna, Bad Wolf Rose, or whatever that was with immortal Clara. To have her do all that, especially with such success… it’s crazy. Usually we only see that level of competence from ex-companions, like Martha, Micky, dimension-hopping Rose, or Sarah Jane.
Both those things said. You’re telling me. The Doctor is regenerating. So. Yaz is just. Gonna go home? What? Not even that the the doctor intentionally abandoned her- although, arguably she did- just. She’s leaving i fucking guess. For no reason? After all that? I understand it’s partially a writing thing and mandip leaving the show or whatever, but like, that was seriously the best you can do? She just dips and goes to a support group?
And that feeds into a greater problem with the episode, the idea that all of this works bc the doctor has all these friends. And then she just like. Leaves. She just dips. Hits the fucking bricks ALONE. and again it’s partially the writer swap i’m sure. But what on Gods Green Fucking Earth. Not to mention it all hinges on her having friends but none of them seem to actually like her or be friends with her. it’s like houseplants instead of characters.
absolutely a shameful end to a shameful run of the show. I really hope that jodie/13 get the chance to come back under better writers in the future for audio dramas or whatever.
in conclusion, tldr, or whatever: jesus christ that shit
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leowifefang · 2 years
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loverinstinct · 2 years
If you have TWO MINUTES today, please PLEASE call your US Representative and tell them to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act tomorrow (Friday August 12th)!
Why the fuck do we care about the wildly unsexily named IRA? MANY REASONS, not the least of which is that it is the SINGLE LARGEST WIN IN LEGISLATION AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE THAT THE US HAS EVER HAD!! It dedicates 369 BILLION DOLLARS to shepherding in a just, green energy transition!!
It has dedicated funds for mapping climate injustice in the US so we can know and address these problems! It has dedicated funds for encouraging farmers to use methods that reduce methane pollution!! The IRA is estimated to cut US greenhouse emissions by 40% by 2030!!! It’s a BIG FUCKING DEAL!!!!!!!
Please call even if your rep is a democrat, so they feel pressured to push for climate reform in general or supported in their endeavors, and even if your rep is a republican, so they know there Will Be Consequences if they do not support this MAJOR INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE OF OUR PLANET.
So, if you need help calling your reps, please visit this website:
If you want to understand the bill better, try these!
In summary:
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desertdragon · 19 days
I never thought I would say this after so many years but AST looks like it's gonna start climbing out the trenches in DT
I might come out of AST retirement
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frogmascquerade · 1 year
#big fan of the way jodie approaches/approached her role as the doctor :)#like listening to interviews n podcasts n stuff w her talking about how she was thinking of how to act#and how to be the doctor and dealing w the public's reaction to being a woman and being the first woman and how much of an impact#that gender does and doesnt have on the role#super interesting to me!#makes me hopeful for future actors who might be aware of this stuff too :) both cis men and ppl who arent cis men#and it makes me excited/nervous/hopeful for ncuti as well and how his take on the doctor will be and hopefully he'll be receieved well#altho i do wish theyd kinda stop calling him the first gay doctor bc... hello....#even tho i know the doctor is kinda unlabeled and theyve talked about it on the show before#but these fools better not forget about 13 and yaz 🤚🤚🤚🤚 idc how underdeveloped their relationship was. they are very real to ME#and they are real to THEM so thank you everyone#for coming to my ted talk#im excited for the 60th anniv. but extra excited for s14 (if theyll call it that lol idk how the bbc separates specials and the seasons)#and super hoping we'll get to see capt jack return. maybe river. maybe yaz altho i think her and 13 felt special so i think#shed be a guest role but i would still v much enjoy it :)#but whoever the new companion is/are im excited to see them too wow im just happy for new episodes !!!#oh and i know the regen from tennant to ncuti is gonna be good but i am slightly sad we dont get to see 13 to ncuti like that would be such#a rush of emotions that i think is so crucial to that scene#like from 10 to 11 i think gives me the most whiplash and 11 to 12 was heartbreaking too and 12 to 13 was so sweet and and sad but exciting#as well#and 9 to 10 was quick but set up the idea so well and eccleston summed it up so well
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khytal · 1 year
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it’s a terrible affliction, isn’t it? the guilt I can’t absolve you of, however much I wish I could
-the inspiration for this piece was the concept of guilt as poison, represented as the cigarette (physical) and the gun (mental)
-the cigarette is pretty self-explanatory as a poison. I see it as a form of punishment he inflicts on himself--it's killing him but he pushes onward anyway
(-even if the regenerative drug's effects extend to healing damage caused by chemicals, there's still weight to the act of willingly putting poison into his system. either way it's not enough self-sabotage to stop wolfwood from fighting for the orphanage, but it's enough to make him feel something)
-the gun is, of course, about his role as an assassin: how he justifies the act of killing, and how he deems it necessary, but laments what he's become at times
-vash understands very well that wolfwood carries his own heavy burden in silence, but still wants to ease the pain
-so here he's asking wolfwood to leave it to him, to allow himself some reprieve, by taking the cigarette and gently lowering the gun
-vash's plant powers are supposed to represent a "blessed antidote" to suppress the "cursed poison", which is why it has glowing blue-green (associated with healing) lines in contrast to the purple smoke (associated with poison)
-in other words: "if I fight in your stead will that lessen your suffering?" (no lol)
-these colors are also the highlights on their respective earrings
-consider the caption to be the last part of the piece: where vash admits his attempt at helping wolfwood isn't a permanent solution, but it doesn't stop him from trying anyway
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terry-perry · 2 months
Hi there! I saw you were looking to do Alastor requests, and I have a…spicier one in mind.
So the scenario I was hoping for, if you are comfortable with it is consensual cannibalism. The Reader (female) has an advanced regenerative and healing ability and is also a masochist.
So after the Extermination, Reader helps Alastor heal and also offers her flesh to him. Things go from there. Maybe some aftercare at the end, too?
It's not exactly smut, but some crazy, kinky, bloody stuff is involved!
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Y/N was the one who found him in his radio tower, muttering and wincing to himself. She'd been the only one who searched for him after the battle. His disappearance from it was so sudden that she had her suspicions. Finding her friend in such a state was heartwrenching, especially since he always seemed so composed. Now he appeared so broken, fragile, wounded.
She approached him with caution. He was her friend, but an infamous demon, forced into a corner by the First Man too. Like dealing with many beasts, it was best to proceed with caution.
"Alastor?" She called out to him slowly.
His head snapped up upon hearing her. His dark eyes narrowed to get a better look at her. After doing so, his strained smile came with a snarl. "I do not want you to see me in such a state..."
"We've all taken a beating today Alastor," she said, walking over to him in a still careful manner. Slowly she knelt before his curled up figure on the floor. "You were smart to leave when you did. Gave you time to heal."
"Well, as you can see..." he took his hand away from his chest, which spewed out some blood that darkened his already red attire. "I may need a little more time."
She saw the way the blood covered his chest like splattered paint. He certainly took a beating after fighting hard. She was at least happy the wound was wide yet shallow. What she hated was noticing the way he attempted to reach out to her but grimaced in pain while doing so. She found it so awful to see him like this that it made her act on impulse.
Alastor didn't have time to protest as she already had her hand over his injury. He watched how she concentrated on it, how her hand suddenly had a golden light under it as his chest felt very warm then cool. Once she let go, he saw he was as good as new! No blood or anything!
"You're welcome!" She chirped, making an effort to break the tense silence.
It didn't help since before she knew it, he was throwing himself on top of her. He looked down at her, pinning her to the floor. He looked wild and savage as his eyes changed into those notorious radio dials and his sardonic grin had blood leaking out from its corners.
"I don't recall asking for your help, my dear," he growled. "You know better than to make the Radio Demon owe you his life!"
She never thought she'd be on the receiving end of Alastor's threats. They'd always been rather close and respected one another. Yet she forgot two important things about him:
He despised being on someone's hook.
And he always needed to be in control.
He already lost his sense of control in the battle when fighting Adam. His microphone was split in two, and he'd been no better. Now that she saw him in bad shape and offered him assistance in healing, he needed to find a way to regain power - to show he still could intimidate.
She was terrified...but also excited.
She doesn't know why it excited her. It might've had something to do with the fact she was hell-born and had no real experience with pain or death. It didn't help that she was born with regenerative healing abilities that helped her survive every scuffle she'd find herself in. Whatever the reason, the way Alastor bent over her gave her pleasant tingles.
She knew he didn't desire sexual depravity the way others down there did, but he did have other carnal urges that could benefit them both.
"Hurt me then Alastor," she said, growing bold with a coy smirk. "Give me all the anger you have. Take it out on my flesh."
There are some things people just don't expect. Even in Hell, surprises can come. For a demon like Alastor, he took pride in how little can shock him, humble him. Yet he's recently realized he's not in as much control as he claimed to be. He's been beaten, insulted, taken hold of. A new sense of purpose was required. A way to show power again.
But this?
"I know you want to," she hissed up at him. "You want to devour me. Go ahead! At least you'll be good at that!"
She knew that did the trick since he returned to his malicious state. His large, sharp-tooth grin opened into a gaping maw that attacked her. She let out a cry as he bit down hard on her shoulder. She wrapped her legs around his waist while his teeth pierced her so fiercely that she could practically feel his gums on her skin. She pushed him further by grabbing a hold of his hair as she moaned so desperately. He held her so tightly that her cries grew strenuous.
She loved every second of it, especially when he managed to tear off some of her flesh.
With a snap of his finger, Alastor conjured up a small flame that helped her with her cigarette. She inhaled, released a puff of smoke, and relaxed after their little escapade. They remained on the floor of his radio tower, now snuggled up together. He looked over her body, his claws tracing the marks he left behind before they disappeared.
It was just what he needed for the time being to satiate his hunger. Full freedom was still far from his grasp, but he at least found a way to play with his needs. Thanks to her, his burning yearnings were temporarily fulfilled.
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doumadono · 1 year
A fit of jealousy - Akaza x Reader x Douma
Synopsis: Douma's constant touches on you ignite a raging fire of jealousy in Akaza, causing him to grow increasingly angry
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Akaza watched from a distance as Douma pulled you close, his arms wrapped around your waist as he whispered something in your ear. He could feel his blood boil as he watched the way you giggled and leaned into Douma's touch. It was becoming unbearable to watch his partner being constantly touched by Douma. As he approached the two of you, Douma gave him a smug grin before turning his attention back to you. Akaza gritted his teeth, trying to control the anger that was building up inside of him. He couldn't believe that Douma was so bold to touch his partner in front of him like that. "Douma," Akaza growled, his voice low and menacing. "Can I speak with you for a moment?"
Douma shrugged, releasing his hold on you. "Sure thing, Akaza-dono!"
As Akaza and Douma walked away, you watched them go with a confused expression. You had no idea what had just happened, but you knew it couldn't be good.
Once they were out of earshot, Akaza turned to Douma with a scowl. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you insist on touching Y/N like that?"
Douma rolled his eyes, clearly not intimidated by Akaza's anger. "Oh come on, Akaza-dono! You know there's nothing going on between us. It's just harmless fun, and I like her much."
Akaza's scowl deepened. "It's not harmless. It's disrespectful. You have no right to touch her like that."
Douma crossed his arms, a smirk on his face. "And who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do? Last time I checked, she's her own person, not your property."
Akaza's fists clenched at his sides. "I never said she was my property, but she is my partner. And as her partner, I expect you to show her some respect."
Douma raised an eyebrow. "And what if I don't? What are you going to do about it, Akaza-dono?"
Akaza took a step forward, his eyes blazing with anger. "If you don't stop touching her like that, I'll make you regret it."
Douma let out a laugh. "Is that a threat? I thought you were better than that, Akaza-dono! You're just jealous because you know you can't make her feel the way I do, and I'm not putting in much effort!"
Akaza's rage boiled over. Before he even realized what he was doing, he had swung a punch at Douma. In a swift and merciless motion, he struck Douma's head, severing upper part of his head from the rest. Blood sprayed everywhere, drenching the wooden floor with crimson.
As soon as Douma took the hit, his body reacted almost instantly. The wound that was inflicted on him started to regenerate, the demon's regenerative powers quickly healing the damaged tissue. Within moments, the wound had disappeared, leaving only a faint scar as evidence of the attack. Douma retaliated with a swipe of his fan.
Akaza dodged with ease, his eyes glinting with fury as he lunged forward again.
The two of them circled each other, both ready to fight. You trailed them into the adjacent chamber and watched with horror, not knowing what to do. You had never seen Akaza like this before, and it scared you. Akaza proved to be a devoted partner, with his caring nature and protective demeanor, yet when it came to Douma, his boundaries seemed to vanish. As the tension between Akaza and Douma escalated, you could feel the anger and resentment radiating off of them in waves. You knew that this argument was about to spiral out of control, and you couldn't let that happen. Without hesitation, you stepped between the two of them, facing Akaza and placing a gentle hand on his chest. "Enough. This is ridiculous. You're both acting like a bunch of children."
Akaza glared at Douma. "He's the one who started it." Akaza's eyes blazed with fury as he glared at Douma over your shoulder, but your presence seemed to have a calming effect on him. Slowly, he began to relax, his muscles unclenching as he took a deep breath.
Douma held up his hands in surrender. "Fine. You won, I'll back off. Just calm down, Akaza-dono! It's not worth getting this worked up over, but if anyone were to ask for my subjective opinion, which I doubt any of you care about or value, I would suggest seeking anger management classes or other means of controlling your recent aggressive behavior, Akaza-dono."
You turned to face the Upper Moon Two, giving him a stern look. "And you," you said, your tone firm but not unkind, "Don't you think you should be more respectful of Akaza's feelings?"
Douma's expression softened, and he nodded. "Well, maybe you're right," he grinned. "I'll be more careful in the future, although comprehending emotions is a challenging task for me…"
Akaza snorted derisively. Soon, he took a deep breath, his fists unclenching. He knew that you were right. He couldn't act like a fussy baby. You were the most important thing in his life, and he didn't want to risk losing you over something as stupid as jealousy.
As the tension between the two demons dissipated, you felt a sense of pride and satisfaction wash over you. You knew that you had helped them avoid a potentially disastrous confrontation, and you were grateful for the opportunity to keep the peace.
As the three of you walked away from the confrontation, Akaza pulled you close, his arm protectively wrapped around your waist. He knew that he couldn't stop Douma from being who he was, but he also knew that he would do anything to protect you.
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humming-fly · 3 months
don’t wanna get too into it bc… nsfw but how does asexual greed work when he literally says that he wants sex and women? is he just not attracted to them in that way or–
well in terms of nitty-gritty homunculi biology they are quite literally an asexual species, like father reproduces via budding lol. And then given his physical embodiment of lust herself seemingly has no sex drive and is instead Way more interested in killing it's a pretty easy conclusion that as a species they just have no sexual interests because why would they (pretty sure father as the dwarf in the flask had some comments about finding human pairings distasteful, and given all his kids are just offshoots of his personality i can't see that shifting much haha (also more shitposty take but there's the much funnier observation that all of the homunculi come with their funny little onsies literally built-in to their regenerative code so there is an incredibly real chance they're all just ken dolls down there anyways))
as for why greed himself says stuff like wanting women and sex etc., i mean he also says he wants money and power and the finer things in life and then spends his time happily hanging out in a dingy dive bar with no real long-term goals besides 'hang out with my friends and investigate immortality which is definitely for me and not for anyone else that i'd be sad to see die no siree don't ask me why i'm doing this if i'm already virtually immortal'
so yeah it's a fun aspect of his character that greed says he tells the truth but he will also just sort of...lie about his own drives to himself and others all the time lol - i'd almost chalk it up to his love of performance but there's def also some intentional personal misdirection going on, which was very obvious as greedling when ling (correctly) calls him out on acting like all he wants is power when really the only thing he wants is to have friends
basically he says he wants money and power and women and sex because that's what common human desires are but then he makes absolutely 0 effort to follow through on any of those claims because deep down that isn't actually anything he's interested in
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snivyartjpeg · 1 month
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Yuma Month Day 26 - Role Swap
god i was excited for this one. it first started off as a joke, but the more i thought about it, the more interesting this swap became. so here's my massive lore dump of changes that'd happen in the story beneath the cut (spoiler warning):
i think, fundamentally, yuma and yakou are very similar characters. they're both very protective and kindhearted, with a strong sense of justice and a penchant for attracting terrible luck. because of this, some things would remain the same, such as the NDA's dynamics with their doormat chief as well amnesia!yakou's massive unpaid intern energy. i think yakou would be pretty similar to how he behaved in the light novel- a bit more optimistic and naive, like yuma. but there are two key differences between them that'd make this a different story, especially in ch 4: yuma has a forte, and yakou is very selfish. so here's some changes:
yakou's wife is his shinigami now, as you can see, while shinigami is yuma's dead wife. i think mrs furio would act cooler than shinigami. she'd still be playful, but she takes her job more seriously. also she hands yakou the solution keys normally without throwing up. they still have to do the dance and mouth sword thing tho. and the other stuff. that's just death god protocol
shinigami (or in this case the unnamed Mrs. Kokohead but i will still be calling her shinigami for convenience sake) was a scientist at amaterasu who studied forensics and thanatology instead of regenerative medicine. this also means that the pill she gives zombie yuma is not going to bring him back, but instead grant the zombie homunculi a peaceful, painless, but permanent death
speaking of zombie yuma, he's the homunculus now! yakou is 100% human and also doesnt have a forte. he's still number one, but instead of having a forte he's just that good at solving mysteries
yes this means makoto looks like yakou now. sorry makotoheads. i think he'd have really long, shaggy hair dyed to be like. idk. black or something. also he's more clean shaven bc stubble with a mask on is a sensory nightmare
yuma still cant cook. he subsists entirely on takeout, meat buns, black coffee, and beer. he's still in a lot of debt and under a lot of stress and his personality is essentially "what if canon number one just gave up"
he doesn't smoke though. he tried once and got into the worst coughing fit
imma say it right now. kurumi is not a love interest. yakou likely disguises himself as a faculty member instead (also i think one of the teachers gets a crush on fem yakou bc i just know she'd be hot)
ANYWAY what about chapter 4? im SO glad you asked! because here's where things get spicy!
so, lets start with the dead wife. shinigami catches onto huesca's inhumane research and she's just as adamant about bringing the truth to light as she always is. she blows the whistle, so he blows her up. yuma investigates, but they dont let him look any further, yada yada, yuma stews in his misery for five years
yomi sends in the evidence to motivate yuma to kill huesca, and makoto lets it happen because a dead huesca would be convenient. he even introduces the hitman, fully expecting yuma to make use of him
yuma doesnt. in fact, he wants to kill huesca with his own hands. and now that these detectives are here, he can do it and even return alive. the thing is, he doesn't want to put them in danger, so he chooses to do almost everything alone (sound familiar?)
his plan is simple:
ask desuhiko for a peacekeeper uniform. desuhiko trusts him enough to take "i want to investigate kanai ward's ultimate secret by infiltrating their ranks" as an answer. he does, however, let yakou know about this as an offhand comment before the mystery ever begins
hold fubuki's hand. it doesnt really matter how. she'll gladly allow it because she's fubuki. he stores her time powers and heads out the sub. yakou also learns this as an offhand comment played off as a joke (maybe fubuki affectionately comments about how she never expected the chief's hands to be so soft... idk. there has to be some way for yakou to have this as a future clue)
use his peacekeeper status to sneak into amaterasu HQ and demand a functioning ama-pal from that one creepy researcher
use ama-pal + fubuki's borrowed powers to bypass huesca's security. sneak the bot past the hard-of-hearing doctor and press the button to shut off security
this would probably alert huesca, but since the doctor never received a warning, yuma has enough time to rush in and stab him before he realizes what's going on
leave HQ while still in uniform, dispose of the disguise once he's safe, and return to the NDA like nothing happened. success!
soooo.... yakou, on that same day, decides to investigate amaterasu HQ with makoto
all the while, vivia has his suspicions about yuma's actions and keeps an eye on him in spectral mode. he... basically witnessed the whole thing, so he gets up off his ass and decides to follow yakou to the lab because he has a Very Bad Feeling about this
just like canon, he senses the death god and deduces that our protag has been killing off murderers, and so he wants to protect his chief as well as his peace and quiet (his dynamic with yuma would be the same as his dynamic with yakou, since it's entirely believable for yuma to treat vivia with the same kindness yakou did)
yakou tries to speak to huesca, but surprise! security is disabled and he's dead in the lab! no one else at amaterasu liked huesca enough to check on him, so yakou and makoto are the first ones at the scene of the crime. yakou, of course, decides to start investigating this murder
vivia somehow sneaks into the lab (dont ask me how) and confronts yakou, threatening him with his boxcutter and adamantly imploring him to stop pursuing this particular mystery in the same way he did yuma in canon. unfortunately, this attracts attention, and now they're in trouble (maybe even yomi's there to fetch his files). at this point, yakou has enough solution keys, so he panics and goes right into the labyrinth (and maybe others can enter for another reason that isnt coalescence idk)
so... they go in the labyrinth... vivia tries to stop him every step of the way, until the answer is right in front of them
yakou kills yuma with his own hands. there's no stab wounds or toxic gas to leave any doubt. yakou begins to question what good his justice really does. it doesnt even save them from their predicament, just like the other deaths. instead, makoto ex machina comes in to save them, and hands yakou a small black box
when they return to the agency, everyone is heartbroken over their chief, who seemingly died out of nowhere. fubuki tried rewinding time, but to no avail. halara tried everything to wake him up, knowing it's futile. desuhiko stood aside, feeling completely helpless. and yakou and vivia return looking like they just came back from hell
they barely get the chance for a funeral before the knockout gas trap activates... you know the rest
AAAAND SCENE! so that's my extremely long winded lore dump about this au. i thought about it Way Too Much but god it's so interesting to me. i love these characters and swapping them was immensely fun
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astrogre · 1 year
The Planet that is Pluto
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Words: power, control, obsession, the underworld, intensity, intense emotions, intense everything, domination, taboo, depth, sex, repressed emotions, shadow self, the survivor, detective, alchemy, dark arts, superiority, fear, bravery
Astrological placements associated with Pluto: Scorpio, 8th house, Aries
Character I associate with Pluto: Femto-Berserk
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The way Griffith sacrifices the souls of his people to transform into Femto and have dominance over others. What he does to Casca as well. He is the epitome of an extreme Plutonic character.
Honourable mentions: Homelander- The Boys, Laurie- Euphoria, Makima- Chainsaw man, Erik- Phantom of the Opera, Gaara-Naruto
Places: hades underworld realm, chess tournament’s, hell, anywhere with hierarchy aka corporate workplace, government institutions (because of power play/dynamics), caves, underground tunnel, escape rooms, secret society hidden meetings, nightmares,
Random somewhat astrologically influenced things that personally remind me of Pluto: Rigger, black grapes, death by strangulation, wine, babushka dolls, long nails, snakes, a public executor in the medieval ages, chess, cults, BDSM, the colour black, power play
Song I associate with Pluto:
Listen to this while you read it to immerse yourself in Pluto energy and surroundings, also read the lyrics too it’s very much Pluto energy
For you Pluto dominants:
(Pluto 1st house, Pluto 8th house, Pluto conjunct asc, Pluto conjunct Sun, many strong aspects to Pluto & Honourable mentions: 8th house stellium, Scorpio Stellium.)
This is entire post is dedicated to you
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Plutos Traits:
Regenerative and transformative
Think of a snake shedding skin to become anew or when you’ve overcome and left abusive relationships and you’re back in your self confidence. Pluto is a phoenix bird it has a DEEP urge for regeneration and can transform itself from its own ashes into a diamond, Pluto itself is the pressurising machine. Say ashes represent the shittiest moments of our life e.g abuse, relationships, trauma, Pluto has the ability as an alchemist to use this horrible event to make something of more value, it transmutes basic base metal to gold. Transmutes pain and death to renewal. Pluto sees trauma as fuel. Without ashes (intense emotions or experiences) Pluto cannot show up and do it’s thing. Check where you have Pluto in the houses, this may be where you can get hurt most but it’s purposefully for a reason you’re supposed to use those intense emotions and make something beautiful of them
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Eg. Pluto in 11th houser may have intense traumatic social circles or communities that ostracise, diminish, use or control them. As a Pluto 11th houser YOU have dominion here, you guys are social climbers the real life underdogs to Royalty stories. Use their exploitation of you as fuel, motivation and a resources to your success.
(Kylie and Kris Jenner have this placement and we all know how they absorb the drama, publicity and negativity from others like a champ, embody it, all to gain constant relevancy, power, influence and fame in their careers. Scandals make their profits go up like the whole Jordan woods drama and using it as marketing to do a sale on Kylie Jenner lip kit, Kris having their children’s private lives scrutinised and publicly available all so her family can gain relevance and wider opportunities)
Dominance and control
The reason why Pluto is known for obsession is because it urges to have the upper hand, Pluto won’t argue when defied he simply acts unbothered but exacts revenge in a cold manner, it wants to dominate and will go to extreme lengths to do that, it will go at all costs, the obsession manifests in an illogical, ego based way think of Gabriel Agreste from miraculous ladybug- how he prioritises triumphing ladybug over saving his wife, that kind of obsession. In my personal opinion I see Pluto as the second ego after Sun. It’s better if I explain by comparison… Think of powerful and dominating planets like Saturn and Mars, imagine if you owed each of these planets money and were in deep debt with them this is how they would respond:
Saturn: would employ you to do gruelling long hard work for many years, no retirement so that you’d die working on their behalf. If you refuse or die before debts are paid they would simply pass your debt onto your children make them do it to repay the money you owe. (If you’ve seen Chainsaw man, Saturn would work/treat the debtors children kind of like the way Denji was treated he had to pay off his fathers debts; in burdensome conditions where his health was being compromised for repayment.)
Mars: if you owed money to mars and were not able to pay it back, mars would most probably threaten you, beat you up, do a drive by shooting, physically destroy your assets like keying cars, graffiti and bulldozing your house, may be very aggressive think of loan sharks and mafia
Pluto: Now if you owe Pluto money.. Pluto is the kind to go further than mars, he would make you pay for it personally, in a way that can be grotesque/dark think of maybe rue from euphoria. When she owed money she just randomly woke up in a strangers bed and the house being filled with men implying she had been sex trafficked. Pluto is very wicked, obsessive and can be unsympathetic. It would not care if you feel pain and regret for inconveniencing them, it does this to put you in your place and prefers you repay the money with your suffering. Pluto may not even want the money anymore but rather the control and prioritises the debtors torture or will get the losses at your expense. eg. Sex trafficking you, have you wake up on the road after being unconscious and notice your kidneys are missing, hold you hostage, torture you, sell your body parts at an elite auction house, make detestable arrangements behind your back like forced marriage etc. This is how Pluto exacts its power and control.
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Power obsessed
Pluto gets what it wants and exerts control over others while it does. That’s why it’s described as “scary” and associated with fear, a combination of ego and revenge. This is why wherever Pluto is in your houses it can show where you are intimidating, relentless and powerful and what you have constantly been resiliently obsessing over for years.
E.g Pluto 1st housers feel the desperate need to be in control and that they are seen to be dominant. They’re kind to get insulted if you call them “cute” or make jokes about their authority. (Leonardo DiCaprio, Beyoncé, Britney Spears and Justin Beiber all have this placement and came out of being typecasted or known as the “sweet good girl/boy” stereotype to powerful and to be taken with caution.
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Pluto is labelled taboo because it inserts itself into light AND darkness. It doesn’t mind and in fact rather enjoys exploring sex, defiance, repressed emotions, any subject that the general public refuse to speak of, Pluto relishes in that. I remember as a child there was a myth that I was told. It was that if you say “Bloody Mary” three times in the mirror you’ll get haunted and a ghost will appear to attack you, while other children may scream and dread in fear to even think of doing such an act, Pluto ruled natives may be the kind when alone to quickly run into the bathroom turn off the lights and try it out alone. That’s why they’re known to participate in dark arts, have interest in disturbing topics, they are fearless, like the challenge and find the minuscule information available on it a challenge. It’s not that Pluto ONLY has interest in taboo topics it’s just that it doesn’t hold as much fear of it as everyone else, talking about sex or death to Pluto is like talking about the weather, it’s no different, after all it’s just another subject.
The reason why they’re so fascinated by such topics and affiliated with them is because they see wasted energy and potential in these dark topics, abandoned resources that nobody wants meaning there’s more for them, and that’s why Pluto wants to explore it. Pluto isn’t wasteful. If Pluto were to kill a cow it would use its meat for food, bones for medicine, skin for rugs and teeth for necklaces, not a part of it would go unused. It gets excited when someone hits them because it means they can hit back.
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Hidden self
Pluto is the hidden shadow part of yourself self you may want to hide and refuse to acknowledge. This is because as mentioned before Pluto loves the darkness and inside the subconscious there’s the good stuff and the bad stuff, our subconscious holds our fears, our beliefs, our desires and Pluto brings out all that stuff as conversation starters and wants to explore it and use it as fuel. This is why Pluto is known to be triggering because to be honest who wants to remember the fact they are afraid of touch and their abuser that caused that? But Pluto does. Pluto wants to remember them, Pluto wants to bring it up, Pluto wants to know who they are, Pluto wants to get revenge on them and put them in their place. Wherever Pluto is in your houses can also show how you can exact revenge so that it hits hard on others.
E.g. Pluto 4th house can suggest native can use powerful resources in their family, or their family has status, control, authority over others and can utilise it against others to contribute to their downfall.
(Megan Markle has this placement and she certainly lives up to it. She’s able to use the traumatic experiences she endured as a royal as fuel against them and is slowly contributing to the downfall of the monarchy by using her name and her affiliation to the royal family).
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How to activate Pluto
Pluto can only transform and use its powers of Alchemy, transformation, control and power if you tap into its energy otherwise Plutos potential will be ignored. The same with any placement really. If you have a Venus 1st house, you want to be a beauty influencer but don’t put yourself out there, it’s energy will never manifest and remain as wasted potential.
The way you’re supposed to use Pluto is by confronting your fears. When you are most afraid, do it anyway.
E.g. Pluto 7th housers when you’re laying in bed and you’re thinking of that traumatic experience in your relationships instead of suppressing it, allow Pluto to remember it and allow that level of disrespect you feel to take action in the way of your Pluto sign.
(Shakira, Cardi B and Megan Thee stallion all have this placement and exacted revenge on their partners in different ways, Shakira and Cardi did it by artistically exposing them in music and making money form it, Megan did it the same way and also by lawsuits, doing public interviews on torey Lanes and pressing charges)
Anything Pluto touches is where you hold the most power in your birth chart. Usually people say how come i’m not good in that area?? It’s because you’ve not utilised Pluto. It’s because you won’t let Pluto explore it and turn your tribulations into gold.
What can Pluto tell us:
The best way of how you can exact revenge for it to successfully hit hard on others.
Where your wasted potential is. Basically where you allow your fears, desires, trauma to lay dormant instead of using that intense energy for Pluto transformation
Where we get excited when someone hits us because it means we can hit back. (Applies only if native is used to Plutos energy, otherwise you won’t be able to hit back. You’ll know if it’s active if when you have challenges under the themes of the house Plutos in you trust you can fight back like you have in the past)
Where you hold the most power
What you obsess over
How you deal with fears, death, change and trauma
Which part of your life you experience extreme transformation and changes
What you like to fight for
I will most likely be making a series that incorporates all of this for each house. However due to the fact that I am unfortunately very detail oriented this may take a while for me to commit to.
Pluto Series:
Pluto in 1st House
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