#Actually can this even be called a spidersona at this point?
darkspace7 · 1 year
Somehow, combining a few of my favourite tropes (throwing randos into situations way over their head and found family formation via feral vigilante youths and their reluctant but just as chaotic guardians) have somehow resulted in the following: the vicarious need for a phantom thief spiderman.
And who am I to ignore my gremlin-brain impulses?
Enter: Pitch Warker "The Glass Arachnia"
• So this spidey wasn't "bitten" in the traditional sense but was instead pricked by a cursed bejewled spider-broach thing. (Think something along the lines of that shitty mask from JoJo part 1.) Maybe this happens when they go on an errand to, idk, deliver lunch to their Uncle Mais -who works as a security guard at the "New Londattan Gallery of Art"- at the bequest of their Aunt Benita (who are local Aunt May/Uncle Ben variants but cisswaped/roleswaped for some reason?)
•Okay and so while on this normally easy errand somehow the two of them get caught up in a jewel heist with some mook trying to get at the "Glass Spider" (a polished silver & garnet broach with a diamond decal so clear that it looks like glass) and that's what gets this ball rolling.
•The spider jewel apperantly has some legendary curse associated with it. Something about how "the blood shed in the darkened night shall beholden to whims of the fanged court albeit at the cost of forever being ensnared upon their shadowy throne." And so during the scuffle our little wannabe hero tries wrestling back the jewel from the thief but gets scratched in the process. Getting blood on the diamond activates the curse (which for...plot reasons...can only have one bearer at a time?) In the confusion the crook tries takes aim at our hero only to be pulled back by Mais. The weapon misfires hitting the man in the process.
•As expected, Uncle Mais kicks it while the mook takes the opportunity to abscond with the now useless gem leaving a traumatized kid behind for the cops to (not) deal with. (Also because this is New Londhatten, where the only cure for bereavement to either lock yourself away in mourning clothes and drown yourself in absinthe & gin or find a sketchy religion) Aunt Benita kind of dips off for a while to (not) deal with being newly widowed, and so our newly cursed spiderling takes it upon themself to find out why this happened and (hopefully) avenge his relative's death. And what better way to catch a thief is to become a thief yourself and find a way lure out the other? Not the healthiest of coping methods but whatever, it's not like the police are gonna believe some kid coming up to them and spouting on about 'cursed gems' and magic abilities' right?
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•I'm thinking of a fancy victorian gentleman thief/steampunk-themed "spider" suit. Something distictly regal and vaugely unearthly to fit with the more magical aspect of the origin as opposed to the usual techno-organic radioactive superhero sthick. Maybe a nice white suit with an gossimer capelett and attached hood. Coupled with an interwoven reddish-silver spiderlace design as the (bulletproof) vest. A spider-shaped broach (perhaps modeled after the "missing" Glass Spider?) Pinned to the neck, a dashing caravat matches sticky-palmed gloves (that somehow never manage to leave a smudge.) They compliment the ruby-tinted lenses of goggles set in that strange porciline mask. Oh and of course what gentleman is without his multi-purpose utility cane (now with retractable grappling hook!) Really, stark white clothes and clacky heels don't mean a thing when you can become the shadows themselves.~
•After not only attracting the attention of the New Londhatten police but managing to snag the attention of other interesting characters as well. Like: Lady Jamie Joan Jameson, a gossip reporter desperate for the next breaking scoop on that 'dastardly snitch-thief Glass Arachnia' with a fondness for that queer little bookbinder who always seem to have their head stuck in some little tinkering thing this or sewing project that. Or Mikelangleo "Mike" Jones, the lovestruck youth with a massive pining for the bespecticaled little bookbinder, whose dry (and often unintentional) sense of humour and keen intellect continuously sends his heart a-flutter. (Such a shame that said bookbinder is completly uninterested in Mike's advances & any and all attempts at disuading the other have -through a continuing comedy of errors only sought to bolster the himbo's impression of the other. A misunderstanding like this would probably easily be solved if there was just a moment of direct communication but when has a phantom thief been direct about anything?) Luckily Gunther Stetson, current owner of Bugel's Books, resident "guy-behind-the-curtain" (Pitch's words -not his-), and the only (self proclaimed) sane man, runs interference.
•And after a while of doing this thieving gig the cursed spiderling hits paydirt. It turns out the mook who stole the Glass Spider was actually part of a larger scheme by this shifty organization to steal away cursed gems and use their powers to do horrific and unspeakable things. Also, something about getting enough of them and it equal immortality. Somehow? I mean what kind of name is Sinistrum Orichalcium, anyway?
•Gunther: "So yeah, that's bad and someone reasonable and totally equiped for this should probably go stop them? Right? Right?? [Of course it has to be them, damn it all Pitch...This is only going to end poorly.] (He was right. Oh mercy, he was right. The youth watched as the body of his ((only)) friend slipped off the crystiline horn of the rhinocerous-beetle-that-was-once-a-man. A lunge forward, torn glove outstreched as the hand r e a c h e d o u t. Metalline claws dug in ((burning agony it hurt)) and rapidly drug his form up and away. He writhed against the restraint, razor blades that drew him back again and again as solid steel scales absorbed the blows. ((Let me go let me go please I can't reach!)) Cackling as groping fingers wriggled under the dirtied white of his mask and ripped it away ((his shield, his safety nonono!)) Recognition. "So this is what you really are little spider. Even now you try to bear your milkteeth." A derisive snort as a gnarled tendril cupped his face an mockery of care. "Poor little Pitch, who would've expected the simple bookboy to have such a storied life?" Everything he had worked for, all that he had sacrificed was now crumbling around him as the other went on, "Feh, you are as brittle as the pages of tomes you peddle and as fragile as the Glass you come from." A contemplative look and the porcaline shattered. "Now look at your ruins and weep.")
• When it rains it pours. Thanks to the combined efforts of the Sinisturm Orichalcum, the New Londhattan Task Force, and Lady Jameson, our hero is now not only wanted for numerous accounts of thievery, breaking & entry, and other assorted stuff related to his vigilantism but now Pitch Warker aka the Glass Arachnia is (erroneously but not that they'd take his word for it) on the list for no less than three counts of battery, assault, & murder. The Sinistrum and their allies basically have been given free access to all of the remaining gems that they need to complete their plan and the city itself. Oh and Mike hates him now. So he fine. He can totally handle this solo. Not like he's the reason his close loved ones are dead and a bunch of villains are going to become supervillains that he still somehow has to stop despite being public enemy number one. Yep. Totally.
•(Spoiler: He is not fine. The spiderling is very stressed and needs a break. Not his supposed villain origin story. Let our adhd boi rest.)
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MORE Spider Society Headcanons
Halloween: Spiderween
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First of all: DECORATIONS??????
The ENTIRE campus done up with jack-o'-lanterns and lights and smoke machines and COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF SPIDERWEBS for the Spooky vibes???!!!
Spider decorations EVERYWHERE. From October 1st.
There's a haunted house on campus - filled with volunteers AND REALLY REALLY good jumpscare holograms made by Lyla
The food court starts serving Halloween specific food. Like a Vampire Miguel Milkshake at McMiguels.
TRICK OR TREATING Some people stay home at their universe and people portal over for candy and they get to see a glimpse of your universe
Or you get to hop universe to universe dressed like a Spider-person dressed like a giraffe. And since it's Halloween, it's fine if a bunch of Spider-people are running around dressed ridiculous because so is everyone else on most Earth's, Miguel's like 'yeah sure okay'
BIG BONUS POINTS if they dress up like ANOTHER Spider-person but like... Still over the suit.
Like wearing the crappy costume Miles had over your actual suit and 'acting' like someone else.
And EVERY TIME you see someone dressed as you, or wearing the same costume -
You know what you must to do.
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One year Hobie comes as Ben Reilly. All dressed up in punk but with a blue hoodie crop top to match . He spends the whole day wailing about the harrowing memories and crouching on ledges. Dramatically collapsing in people's arms
Is your Spidersona small? Imagine them dressed as Miguel. Walking around acting and irritated and fake angry and DOING THIS TO MIGUEL
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Miguels like 'are you serious? Cut that out-'
"aRe yOu SeRiOuS?? cUt ThAt OuT'
(and Lyla's like 'oooo that was good. They sound JUST like you Migs')
Lyla being a very popular costume
A bunch of Spider-people wearing fur coats and heart glass and they just decide to spend the whole day being useless to Miguel.
They all lounge around on all the seats like her, some even in bob cut wigs, and they follow Miguel and trying to get selfies with him LMAO
The Lyla with the cutest or funniest Miguel selfie gets put in the Campus newspaper
ALL the lazy Spider-people wanna throw a red party city wig over their suit and be like 'I'm MJ'. NO YOU'RE NOT.
Or some will even wear their MJ's clothes. Walking around calling everybody, Tiger. (Mayday gets the joke - they're supposed to be her mom - she thinks it's HILARIOUS and giggles the whole day)
Sidebar - can you image Gwen with a wig over her suit BUT LIKE under her hood??? SO SHE WOULDN'T LOOK BALD?? I'M SCREAMING AIRPOD LOOKING AHH
VILLAIN COSTUMES - Spider people dressed as Doc Ock over their suits, coming in with fish bowls on their head and going 'Look, I'm Mysterio!! Lol'
While the caged villains are looking at them like
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('y'all mfers got a lotta nerve')
I bet some people get REALLY REALLY into it and go all out, designing everything to a T. (Like the perfectionist!pavitr)
Some friends even do joint costumes - WebSlinger makes a costume for Willow so they match. Hobie does all his costumes DIY and it's like the ONE thing on campus he participates in.
Because he loves the DIY spirit. And the chance to mock his bosses on company hours.
Goes ALL IN on him and Gwen's (he wants to match) costumes. Or maybe he doesn't participate cause-
What's even better is people 'Punkifying' their suit to be like Spider-punk is a popular costume too!!
They throw together their own vest and jeans and jewelry and boots. And follow Hobie around, hands in pockets, and they all act all cool and fake punk all day , Hobie hams up the act for the occasion
Hobie of course weaponizes this by annoying Miguel with his 'clones'.
Ten Hobies outside his office sturming untuned guitars REALLY badly and Hobies likes 'Keep it up you !! U sound great!!'
Miguel's office full of Hobies and Lylas, Last year Margo went as Jess and Jess was touched
Then there's some Spider-people that are broke as hell. But since they all have top tier humor they make the intentionally cheap or out of the closet costumes. that ends up being stupidly hilarious.
Like wearing boxes and drawing a Spider-suit on it. Boom - Lego Spider-man.
Sometimes people might wear their makeshift suit over their new suit. So like a Spider-person having this as their costume OVER their suit
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And arguably the funniest of them all - having a really elaborate overdone homemade costume of a specific hero on campus, and everyone is like woah so cool have they seen you in it yet?
And you take off the costume mask... And it's just you... AS YOURSELF Like it's just the same mask underneath LIKE A HAT ON A HAT
Venom and Deadpool.
Venom is too risky. Deadpool is not allowed on campus and if THE REAL ONES seen they have to evacuate and deploy the capture team cause he gets too excited (you'd be surprised of what one man is capable of in the need of Spider-attention)
Anything else is fine though-
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illunicae · 4 months
I'm bored and don't have anything finished to publish yet, so I figured I'd introduce you to a Spidersona/Risesona of mine: Vesper Munroe. But using incorrect quotes...
Ves: Can I ask you another question? Donnie: Yeah! Ves: Of your three brothers– Donnie: I’m gonna stop you there. You have free-rein to ask me any question you want. Go ahead. Ves: Of your three brothers… who do you think is the better kisser? Donnie: I take back exa–like what I just said–I take THAT back
Ves: I wouldn’t wish that upon my worst enemy! Ves: Unless of course. We’re talking about my enemy, Kendra. Fuck you Kendra, you know what you did!
Mikey: So, are you two friends? Ves: Yes. Donnie: No.
Ves, texting Donnie: Donnie! Help I’m being kidnapped Donnie: Where are you? Ves: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help. Donnie: I’ll call Leo. Leo, answering his cell: Y’ello? Donnie: Where’s Ves? She texted me that she was being kidnapped. Leo: Ves? Whaddya mean, she’s right next to me- Leo: Leo: I’ll call you back. *hangs up* Leo: THE BLONDE HAIR ISN’T THAT BAD! Ves: WHO ARE YOU?!
Ves: In my defense, I was left unsupervised. Donnie: Wasn't Leo with you? Leo: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Ves: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night. Leo: You were flirting with Donnie. Ves: So what? He’s my boyfriend. Leo: You asked him if he was single. Ves: Leo: And then you cried when he said he wasn't.
Ves: If Leo and I were drowning, who would you save? Donnie: You two can’t swim? Leo: It’s a hypothetical question, Don! Who would you save? Donnie: my time and effort.
Mikey: How petty can you get? Ves: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Ves: You lying, cheating, piece of shit! Donnie: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD Ves: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING SHELDON WITH ME Raph, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Raph: You need to stop doing weird things. Try going out sometime. Ves: I went to the park today. Raph: There you go, I hope you got something from that. Ves, opening her jacket: Yeah, this squirrel.
Leo: Donnie won’t come out of the lab. Ves: Just tell him I said something Leo: Like what? Ves: anything factually incorrect A few minutes later Donnie: DID YOU SAY THE SUN IS A FUCKING PLANET??!!
*the Squad at Disneyland, in the teacups* April, Mikey, and Raph: *spinning a little and talking* Donnie, Ves, and Leo: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Store Worker: Would a Ms. Vesper Munroe please come to the front desk? Ves, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker, points to Donnie and Leo: I believe they belong to you? Donnie and Leo, simultaneously: We got lost :( Ves: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
April: Why are Ves and Donnie sitting with their backs to each other? Leo: They had a fight. April: Then why are they holding hands? Leo: They get sad when they fight.
Ves: I love you. Donnie: How many people have you said that to? Ves: Everyone. Donnie: What? Ves: I told everyone that I love you.
April: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses. Leo: This knife is actually a magic wand. Ves: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel. Donnie, cocks gun: Magic missile. Raph: What the fuck is wrong with you guys.
Donnie: Ugh, crushes are so dumb. Ves: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid. Donnie: But you’re always acting stupid? Ves: ... Ves: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Hopefully you enjoyed and maybe we'll see more of Vesper in some later projects.
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artcommunityvent · 11 months
heres my rant for today: (sorry in advance for long post)
i hate how modern art communities have to “fandom-ify” every single new trendy thing literally DAYS (and sometimes even hours) after it drops. i know this is a lot of the same sentiment as those people that just go “popular thing bad” but honestly it really puts me off some medias because i dont want to associate with anyone else who likes it
do we really need a million different fan ocs and aus for EVERYTHING? and like, i know its nothing new, obviously we have the onceler and undertale aus to look back on, but its exhausting at this point because while those communities were presumably genuine, in the present day it just feels like the fandom equivalent to an industry plant. and most people dont even stick with the thing they decide to make their entire personality!!
remember when spiderverse came out and everyone made spidersonas? who can you name thats actually drawn their spidersona more than once? it feels like everyone just trend hops, and yes i know thats how the internet is but its just exhausting especially when it brings down otherwise creative and inspired works
fnaf security breach: everyone makes fnaf aus and glamrock animatronics, then spiderverse as previously mentioned, then welcome home dropped and thats becoming a shitshow with how yall are fandomizing what is essentially a small creator telling their ocs lore in a creative way, and now its happening with digital circus. im so tired of seeing projects that are cool and visually appealing becoming a cesspit of bland, unoriginal aus and piles of fanart only to get dropped when the new shiny comes out
and i wanna elaborate on welcome home for a second because i know damn well if one of these people who makes “daddy dom priest wally is actually the devil” aus had an oc they loved, and someone came along and made their own aus of it in the same way, that person would bitch and cry oc theft. some people dont even change up the characters design, like how entitled do you have to be to essentially just steal someones oc and call it your own? it disgusts me how people are treating clown and honestly i wish they would put the series on indefinite hiatus or complete their story privately to teach these people a lesson
another thing that puts me off is how every piece of media has to have the “fandom daddy” for lack of a better term. glamrock freddy, hobie brown, wally darling, or jax, its all the same thing repackaged; someones gotta be the tumblr sexyman. its so tiring—ESPECIALLY as a lesbian who doesnt really wanna center men in my life at all—to wanna see fanart of the media you like and its only: “heres the one character everyones horny for drawn in a totally different and more sexualized body type” with everyone in the comments salivating over them. i really like digital circus! but all i see are people who would walk across a mile of broken glass just to suck a fart out of jax’ ass. what about the other interesting characters? why does EVERY conversation with popular media have to be about “which guy is the most fuckable” (guy specifically because come on, when has a female character been the highlight of attention; using the previous example have you seen ONE person talking about digital circus that even remembers zooble exists)
it feels like nobody can appreciate work anymore without having to claim some form of ownership over it, to say “hey this thing is so popular and important that it is now a part of my identity!! look at my millions of ocs that i will draw one time and never again!” im just tired of people being unable to passively interact with media they enjoy and everyone seeming to fight over and prove some connection to the things they like
tldr: im tired of everyone in the art community making heaps of fanart, aus, and fan ocs for stuff the second it gets popular and then totally forgetting about it the next time something else gets popular
(and before yall bring up hyperfixations: i am autistic; i understand having so much love for a piece of media for a short while and then dropping it for no reason and its heart shattering; BUT AT THE SAME TIME this pattern is on oxford to me and its on such a large scale that it infects the greater art community as a whole)
That is indeed the nature of media consumer at its finest. I do feel like it is more appearent now due to the way most social media algorithm works. They only show what is trending at the moment, so naturally, we are exposed only to this specific thing until another trend eventually takes over.
Even artists who never create fan content can be influenced to do so by looking at the other artists, be it to dive in along the hype for the popularity of it, for the geniune fun, for the sense of community, and many more reasons.
- ☁️
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eggwithaneye · 1 year
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Spidersona dumping cause I forgot to post it on here lol
Meet La Mostola Pulchra(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Name after the spider Grammostola Pulchra
I call them Paul lol
Miguel: you're and abomination
Paul: *finger guns* thanks you too
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This universe sun is just unforgiving and just straight up fucking with people psych like looking at it just make you feels like you're losing your mind
(I live in Vietnam and the sun is unyielding and I'm a little bitch that go out in all black and complain about the heat).
The people in this universe version of the big apple don't know that, most of them don't even know that the sun even exist, living in a city covered constantly in dark raincloud (think Gotham city) the government also made a serum contain with a symbiote that would prevent the people from going full on psychotic break if they were exposed with the sunlight but side effects include being mutated by the symbiote but the government also made sure that people don't know they were basically monsters.
And Paul here (not their real name) had the unfortunate faith of being a lap rat for their friend to test the new serum on because the two were friends for a long time and trusted them "What's the worst that can happen". The new serum contain spider DNA of sort which accompanying the symbiote of crouse mutated them, second and third pair of arms but not looking very monstrous. Becoming a spiderperson, at that point was a no brainer cause the new serum also seems to boost their body to the fullest, stronger, faster more energetic, only for a period of time though, but it also come with a undying hunger making them eat a lot but never seems to be truly satisfied, also end up being a bit of a junkie relying on the serum for the temporary brust of energy.
The spiderpeople don't mind Paul not being a serious Spiderman cause their universe out of all the others seems to have the most hand on way to prevent crime. Besides the extra limps the other spiderpeople don't really see them any different from a regular looking person but Miguel, I headcanon have such enhanced sights that he can see tiny bits of the deformation and almost the whole monstrous form and a bit on edge and freak out about this.
I wanted this character to be morbid af but also joke cause I have problems and I like the idea of Miguel having worst thing taking first place from Peter.B.Parker to deal with
Still fleshing it out mostly on the universe part. Their personality is playful ignorance and blunt honesty cause they have zero social cues just like me lol, but they sometimes can tell what tick someone off and used it for fun and of course morbid. When I was imagining how their relationship with Miguel would progress, I imagined them actually antagonizing Miguel to the point where he almost loses it.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Headcanon time!!
1. West and DJ have Thier hoodies, shirts and jackets constantly stolen by Thier respective Partners even after offering to just buy the clothes in that size!
2. Adder is a chili head
3. Joust, Purl-hew and Cyril talk long about how to make good Irish coffee ( coffee with whiskey in it) and other alcohol infused coffee
4. The Sayu crew do small warm-up/ cool down routine after each day as it's important to do a bit of excersize even if you just draw all day
5. Nova, Yinu and Mayday all have light up shoes
6. The rest of 1010 call West 'Chubaka' in turn he calls them 'Clone troopers'
7. Tatiana owns all Barbie movies! They're fun!!
8. Kliff has a fear of clowns
9. Eloni is not allowed near vending machines due to an accident that happened when she still had the ring for hair
10. Zuke, Remi and Eve all have spidersonas (and they all wanted the new spider verse together)
1). Nova is a lot more adamant on their partner just getting a plus size hoodie/shirt to wear as he doesn't like people wearing his clothes except in certain situations (ie. partner is extremely cold even with proper clothes). West on the other hand loves sharing his clothes but after some time not getting it back starts either suggesting them to get clothes his size or will steal his clothes back.
2). Like the spice? I actually see Adder as not having a good tolerance for spice at all. He is much more of a bland food kinda guy.
3). They are also probably talking about all other kinds of alcoholic drinks as well. Purl and Joust arguing if fruity drinks are good or not and Cyril wanting to combine their cultural alcohols together for fun. (also love that you put Purl and Joust together in a HC because they do have a kind of relationship I have yet to publicly explore yet lol).
4). This was definitely Sofa's idea. Asked Dodo for help to teach simple exercises and was able to get Tila and Remi to join in as well. It has helped all of them both physically and mentally to have this active time every day.
5). Well for Nova that's basically canon based off the concept art lol. Yinu I can definitely see her having light up shoes as well. As for May, she would LOVE to have some but can't because light up shoes are super chonky and she hates having big shoes on (heck, she hates having shoes on at all). So she just wishes she could have light up shoes that didn't feel heavy/big.
6). Hmm... Sorry, don't know how I feel about this one. Mainly because my family used "Chewbacca" as an insult growing up for my cousin. Also, calling 1010 clone troopers would probably be more of an insult than an endearing nickname (especially to Purl who has major problems with their identity). So, sorry, but for this one I can't get behind as a headcanon (obviously you can have it though! I just have my own issues with it).
7). Those early 2000s Barbie movies were amazing! Don't know if she would be greatly into them, but I can see her having them just for fun, especially after the new Barbie movie that came out (is coming out? IDK, haven't been keeping up to date with it, only know the memes coming out of it).
8). Him and Purl are the same then lol (though for Purl it's more of an unsettling feeling than a true fear).
9). Technically she can still have it, but I think you mean when it was a solid piece of metal. And yeah, at that point I can definitely see 1010 doing something stupid and next thing you know Eloni has her rind fully stuck in the hand slot thing lol.
10). Ooooh! I still need to see that movie! I've been seeing such good things from it. You better believe those three are loving every moment from it! Eve's spidersona definitely has multiple arms. Purl, Remi, and Sofa are also probably talking about animation. Eve, Zimelu, and Celine are gonna make cosplays. Fun stuff all around.
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kobiiioo · 11 months
lihan's mj and his lore (spidersona, spiderverse related)
what do i even say. where do i even start. *sobbing violently*
it's crazy because after designing MJ i've been more obsessed with him and lihan than my hobie x lihan ship. however that doesn't mean imma GIVE UP ON HOBIE X LIHAN BECAUSE THEY ARE MY HAPPINESS !!!!! and MJ already has his ending soooo haha (Imfao bye ✌️😘) (actually no it's sad). anw so first INTRODUCTIONNNNN
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here's a character sheet i made especially for MJ because he's a precious baby who just need to hear comforting words and a tight hug 🫂 i have so much to talk about this character that only exists in my head but him, just his existence, he is such a tragic and sad character and it genuinely makes me ill and sick because i feel so much pity for him (I CREATED YOU F*CK.)
character introduction:
Minjun aka MJ was well known at school for his looks and his extroverted personality but also worldwidely. He's after all a national team player in korea's biggest basketball team and his sweet demeanor and charming smile was simply a "+" making him even more attractive than he already is. He was basically the popular boy in the whole school that everyone knows when his name was mentionned. Anybody would fall for him; so did Lihan.
He was her first love, her first boyfriend, her endgame.
That's what she thought; her endgame. But she was wrong. Things went differently than expected. If she knew the consequences of what was coming next, maybe she would've never made the same choice. But as Lihan says to herself, even though meeting MJ was maybe a mistake, she would make that same mistake in every universe, fall in love with him and lose him, all over again. Because that's their destiny and they were never meant to be.
MJ's lore:
MJ was raised in a rich and strict family that had too much expectations for him. He tried his best to reach their expectations, following the future they had already planned for him, listening to their wishes and simply obeying, without complaining. Nobody knew that he put a mask to hide his flaws, his background, his true-self, how vulnerable he actually was. And since he cared so much about how people saw him and his image in the society was too important, he had no choice but to always put an act. He needed stability, he needed security, and he did had those. He went to a good school, he had lot of "friends", his family was wealthy, he was good at school, he was popular/a celebrity, everyone loved him; he had a successful life. His life was "perfect".
But that's only what others saw in him. Everything was superficial.
The so what called "stability" and "security" he had was only objective but not subjective. He was fighting alone his internal conflict, not daring to ask for help and simply numbing all the pain and suffering he was going through. No one knew that everything was pushing him over the edge. Keeping that persona to please people by showing them a fake side of him that everyone admired and loved was simply getting to him. He thought no one would ever love him for who he is. He was done. He wanted to end things at this point. Everything seemed meaningless. He had no dreams, no will, everything was planned since the day he was born. So what is the point ? He thought to himself.
That's when he met Lihan.
And everything changed. She was the last spark of light from a dying fire that was about to put out but only grew bigger and bigger. It was a simple question that he had asked her.
“Hey, sorry. Can you pass the ball ?”
Who would have thought that one simple question will lead him to actually gain interest in her (will write more context of this specific dialogue and their first meeting on another post). She was so simple, quiet, unoriginal with a bland personality. There was nothing about her that made her special or out standing. She was nothing and far from exceptional. That’s what everyone thought. But she was definitely something else in MJ’s eyes. He saw something in her that nobody saw. Her indifference was what was making her different. That’s what made her more special. That’s what made her stand out more than others. She was unusual. It was such an unexpected meeting. Everything about her was so interesting to MJ. He had never felt such joy or take genuine interest getting to know someone. She was his last light of hope he had. She had become the reason he could keep going with his life. It felt like things were just going to be fine if they stayed together, forever.
But as time flew by, things were changing. Not in the good way. It was going the opposite way. It was only getting worse. The relationship was becoming more and more unbalanced. He was too dependent. He was selfish and lost. And she was as lost as he was. And he had totally destroyed her.
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here’s a doddle of mj x lihan and how their relationship looked when they used to date (because WELL I THINK YALL GUESSED WHAT HAPPENS NEXT).
i have sooo much more to talk about him and his relationship with lihan AUHAGSUAG he’s probably one of the most interesting character i’ve created until now (jk lwe love lihan),(but still mj is such an interesting character in her universe) but i will talk about this on another post since this is simply an introduction of mj and i want to bring him more often on my posts (including tiktok). anw.. thanks for reading this silly writing of my ocs 🫶🫶
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ace-and-sleepdeprived · 11 months
The Scaled Aranaea (aka Spider Dragons)
A species of spider-inspired dragons that inhabit the continent of Pryla in Earth-5741A and the species of dragon that my dragon rider spidersona is bonded with!
When it comes to statistics, Scaled Arenaes are around 27 feet long and 8 feet tall, with 40 foot wingspans. [Oleander is about 7'5 feet tall, and his rider, Aneirin is about 5'10.]
The Scaled Aranaeas have long, slender bodies with smooth scales and fairly long limbs, allowing them to easily traverse through the tall trees of their home, the Kinderlam Forest. Their scales are generally dull and dark colors, as to blend in better with the forest to better trick prey. Their colors can be muted browns, dark grays, and even a little bit of black.
[TW!! spider!!]
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They have the same dark patterning like Wolf Spiders, and typically come in the same colors.
Their scales are covered in a thin yet soft layer of fur-like hair called trichobothria [same name for the hair on actual spiders!] that are highly sensitive to shifts in the air to allow them to detect threats and prey, even in total darkness.
They have eight eyes like spiders do, with two large main ones and all of them black in color. While their lack of pupils or iris may make you think their eyesight is limited or bad, they actually have great eyesight, and can see things up to 3 miles away. Their snouts are about medium length, shorter than other dragons but still visible. They have two exposed mandibles on the sides of their mouths that are used to hold onto prey when attacking, and their teeth are laced with strong paralytic venom that is used to fully paralyze trapped prey. Once their venom is used, their saliva will become slightly corrosive due to the presence of the venom, to make it easier to eat and digest their prey.
One of their most distinctive features is the presence of two spider-like limbs on both of their sides, making four in all. They extend from their spine, beneath their wings, and are essentially legs that didn’t develop into fully functional limbs. Instead they’re made of thick bone and covered in thin scales and thin hair, used to grip onto the trees and better hold onto opponents or mates. They can’t exactly be retracted, so instead they curl around the Aranaea’s stomach and sides when in flight.
Their wings are decently sized for a forest dwelling species, as the Aranaea like to travel from one part of the Kinderlam forest to another in order to find better sources of food or mates. They’re similar to that of a bat, and sometimes the Aranaea will wrap their wings around themselves as a blanket to keep warm in colder temperatures.
Their tails are fairly long and are equipped with a sharp pointed barb at the end that can be used to stab into attackers, but it’s more used to stab into trees to have better grip while climbing. They often coil their tails around tree limbs and can be used to pick things up, making them prehensile.
They have silk glands in their front wrists and back legs that produce a strong, sticky web that is difficult to escape from. Massive webs are a common sight in the Kinderlam Woods, and it’s best to avoid them at all costs, otherwise you might become a snack for a hungry Aranaea.
Their diet consists of all kinds of things, from smaller dragons, the large insects inhabiting the forest, deer, goats, cows, bears.. sometimes humans. Whenever livestock escapes from nearby farms or settlements, the animals often end up in an Aranaea web, as they’re woven closer to the ground to more effectively trap ground prey. They can be ambush predators as well, pouncing on unsuspecting prey. But this isn’t as common, since they only really ambush their prey if their starving or desperate.
The Aranaea are a solitary species, living alone until they mate and have dragonets, before going off on their own once more. When they do have dragonets, their clutches can have up to fifteen eggs, similar to the large amount of hatchlings spiders have. When the dragonets are old enough, they set off on their own after being taught by their parents.
They’re pretty skittish, choosing rather to flee than to fight. But when they’re threatened, they’re wild yet calculated fighters, finding their opponents weak spots and exploiting them before using their webs and venom to render them motionless. Because of their unsettling appearance and defensive behavior they’re a species that other creatures of the Kinderlam Forest know not to mess with.
Oleander is a tamed Scaled Aranaea, his rider being Aneirin Kelkian of a small village deep in the heart of the Kinderlam, known as Livran, a place where stragglers of many humanoid species dwell. He was found by Aneirin outside of the village, injured by a trap set by hunters of the kingdom of Uxuira, led by the tyrant king, Norman Osborn, or better known as Osborn the Vicious. Although initially distrusting of the half-elven, the two of them slowly began to build a bond as Aneirin visited with food nearly everyday while he healed. He earned his name Oleander because of his patterning, and how he was beautiful yet deadly.
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[this is how his coloration looks, not amazing at blending in but pretty!! lol] Once Oleander was comfortable enough with Aneirin, she got the idea of trying to ride him like a knight would on a steed. Old stories told of dragon riders in the long distant past of Pryla, and with the rising threat of the Uxuira Empire, it was time for the age of dragon riders to return to defend the innocent that were suffering under Osborn’s rule. The first flight went a lot like when Hiccup first put the saddle on Toothless, but they have their Test Drive moment and become fully bonded as dragon and rider. As for his personality, Oleander is a lot like Toothless. Loyal to Arenirin and fiercely protective of her, while also being curious and intrigued by other animals and creatures, albeit cautious about it.
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[he also acts like a cat in a lot of ways, lmao]
[this is just an overview of what kind of dragon oleander is and a little bit about his and aneirin’s world, but i’ll post more about them as i slowly develop it more and more!]
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tripsonflatground · 4 years
Is it just me, or is it kinda capitalist that in order to get new superheroes, people kill off or age up the old ones and then put the new heroes in the same role/identity? Like, they killed Peter Parker to have Miles Morales. Bucky Barnes and Falcon/Sam Wilson both became Captain America after the death or age & retirement of Steve Rogers, depending on whether you’re looking at the comics or the MCU. Batman goes through Robins and Batgirls like it’s going out of style (and seriously, why does Dick Grayson let other people be Robin? That was a personal nickname from his birth family, right? Why would he give something so intimate away?). Replacing someone else and living up to their legacy rather than making your own path was a whole plot point/theme in Spider-man: Far From Home!
There are exceptions to this, like X-23 and Wolverine, who have managed to have some form of a father-daughter relationship in the comics (although, if memory serves, I believe he’s been killed in recent comics and she replaced him as Wolverine - though I haven’t read anything recent, so I might be wrong, and in the film Logan they killed him off). And things like Conner/Superboy from Young Justice being created with the idea to replace Superman doesn’t count in the same way because it was a villainous plot and Con didn’t end up following through. And there’s a new Ms. Marvel now that Carol Danvers is Captain Marvel, which is a much better alternative considering that Carol wasn’t using that identity anymore.
The idea I’m trying to get at, if it isn’t clear, is that the costume identity, AKA Spider-man, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc. seems to me the thing that’s given value while the person behind the mask is more recently being treated as expendable/dispensable. Which doesn’t make a ton of sense to me, because the person created the mask, and so much of themselves and who they are and what their goals are drove the reasons behind the creation of the identity and the way they behave in that identity. It’s like being a kid and trying on your parents’ clothes or getting hand-me-downs, even if it fits, you didn’t exactly choose it, and you look different wearing it. And I’m calling this capitalist because it feels like capitalism. If we equate being a superhero to a job, which in many ways it really is, especially if you are employed by an organization to do it like SHIELD, then the value is being placed on the role/job, and not with the labor. Capitalism doesn’t give a shit who’s doing the job and how they’re being treated as long as it’s getting done. Employees in the service/retail industry get treated like shit and don’t get paid enough but that will never change unless people have other options and aren’t desperate enough to accept those conditions and get something better. Recently, with the deaths and/or replacements of superheroes in order to have someone else fill the identity in comics and films, the individuals behind the mask, who are the real source of emotional connection and relatability, not the mask, seem to have become dispensable in the eyes of the creators.
And I do get that it’s a shortcut and an attempt to bring in new audiences by putting more modern characters into recognizable roles. But why does the original character have to *die*?
Yeah, superhero-ism is a dangerous occupation, sure, but doesn’t death seem like the most extreme option? It’s not as if there aren’t other possibilities:
1.Having characters be located somewhere else other than New York City or its fictional equivalent (Metropolis, Gotham, etc). There are other major cities in the US where crime happens, let alone other cities in the world. Los Angeles, Chicago, Minneapolis, Dallas, Detroit, Atlanta, Seattle, Philadelphia. Who doesn’t want to imagine a Spider-man or a Batman with a Boston accent? Wouldn’t it be a cool storyline if other Kryptonians not related to Superman escaped Krypton and eventually made it to Earth and moved to different cities and took up mantles and eventually the Kryptonian race could start rebuilding on Earth? Talk about a really interesting and positive way to show a diasporic community. And also, it doesn’t make any sense statistically that the majority of the world’s superheroes are in the US. Put some in Toronto, Paris, London, Cairo, Sydney, Tokyo, Beijing, Moscow, Rome, Athens, Rio, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Seoul, Istanbul, etc. If the Olympics happen there, then there’s probably a lot of people that need saving and crime happening. It’s especially dumb with the alien invasion stories where they show the audience aliens popping up in places other than NYC and suddenly the heroes have to get other there, like unless you got super-speed or teleportation, it’s going to take a while, and how are you even going to communicate with the civilians if there’s a language barrier?
2.Having characters be from other dimensions. Marvel and DC have a history of playing with alternate timelines and multi-verse theory. Into The Spiderverse was a super-popular movie that inspired tons of people to make their own Spidersonas, and the lesson that can be taken from it is that you can take a character and make it still feel unique or individualistic even if you’re using similar themes. Maybe instead of the dimensions having evil versions they have to fight or being fucked up in some other way, make the new version of Wonder Woman or Iron Man or whatever be from an alternate dimension and end up in the main because of science/magic, or a dimension-hopping villain they’re fighting, or an accident, or to get help from other versions of themselves, or even escaping from an apocalypse/doomsday from their own universe. It’s so easy to either send them back to their own universe when you decide you’re done playing with them or keep them around if you want them permanently. Wouldn’t it be fascinating if the Captain America we’re familiar with met a Captain America from an alternate universe where he fought in the American Revolution or for the Union in the Civil War or even in WW1 or Vietnam?
3.Having female characters take on feminine versions of the identity, or vice versa, or non-binary characters find a way to have a gender-neutral version. This has been done with Hulk and She-Hulk, Superman and Supergirl, Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel back when Captain Marvel was a dude, Spider-man’s daughter May was Spider-girl at one point, Batman’s cousin or something is Batwoman. There’s also been some adjacents, such as AntMan and Wasp or Wolverine and X-23. There are definitely ways that you can use a familiar identity to put more female and non-binary superheroes out there. I mean, military titles (the Captains) or even names like Black Panther, Green Lantern, and Flash aren’t even gendered. You can feminize names if you want to, but I’m pretty sure the female Hawkeye is just straight-up Hawkeye. People like Thor I feel differently about because Thor’s an actual mythological character, not something Marvel came up with, but you could just use a different Norse god/goddess? And yeah, Dr. Strange is the man’s actual name so that’s also a little different, but if he had a daughter or a non-binary child who also got their doctorate, they are in fact entitled to call themselves Dr. Strange rather than something lesser. Not to mention, that whole alternate universe versions point I just made? Yeah, these can be characters from gender-bent alternate universes or a universe where humans are androgynous or something.
4.Have multiple characters use the same secret identity. This would be the perfect concept for twins or friends with the same build. The bank’s been robbed but A is on a date? B can totally show up at the scene! B got really hurt in their last fight? A’s got them covered. There’s a bit of risk to it, like if people recognize they have different voices or someone notices them at two different crises happening at the same time, but that’s just what makes the challenge of pretending to be the same person interesting. And it could get even more complex if you had triplets doing it, or four college roommates, or whatever. It’s also a great excuse to be able to write deep interpersonal relationships and identity struggles. Hell, can you imagine how much scarier multiple Batmans would be? They could play even more on the “you never know where he’s going to be next or what shadow he could be hiding in” thing, like, just when the crook thinks he’s lost Batman, another comes out out of nowhere.
And if superhero writers don’t want to do any of this, there’s also the C-List and D-List heroes that maybe got introduced in like the 70′s or 80′s or whatever but didn’t take or ended up being a blip in another character’s backstory. If you want more modern superheros connected to the major ones so you can use them in the same stories, it is totally valid IMO to try revitalizing these obscure concepts. I have a vested interest in seeing if Monica Rambeau shows up as her hero identity Photon in the Captain Marvel sequel. This idea is still using what you have, but it doesn’t capitalize the lives of the characters you have or make them expendable in any way. In fact, it’s also kind of like recycling, or the opposite of capitalism, because you’re trying to use alternative resources or all of your resources instead of very specific ones to the point of over-saturation.
Look, I’m just very tired of superheroes getting killed off to be replaced by someone else using the same identity or because it’s edgy or dark or whatever. Even a debilitating injury that leaves them in a wheelchair or blind or deaf is a hell of a lot more interesting. Once a character’s dead, they’re dead, there’s nowhere else you can take them unless you bring them back to life  (which admittedly happens a lot in superhero universe) or have them hang around as a ghost or something. It’s boring, it doesn’t give the audience any closure and just messes with their emotions for shock value, and it promotes toxic capitalism.
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hyper-archives · 5 years
Mary Sue Rant/Ramble
(I’d like to say this is a cohesive essay but I was really just writing whatever came to mind)
I’ve seen a lot of people lately talking about how they don’t like the term Mary Sue and won’t use it, and hate how its thrown around, and personally, I’m very happy about it. At the same time though, I still use the term, just not in the way you might think. Allow me to explain.
Say there’s a kid or teen who wants to have some fun, or wants to feel important and validated and simply hang out with their favorite characters, and they make this self insert or OC who’s just absolutely overpowered and/or flawless. They don’t know much about writing and character dynamics. They’re simply using fiction as a means to escape, cope, and to figure out who they are, what they like, and how they’d respond in certain situations. Labeling their character as a Mary Sue/Gary Stu can be damaging to them, especially if they're doing this as a coping mechanism.
For example, when I was a teenager, I had this self-insert for Transformers Animated. She was, like another character in the show, part human part Cybertronian, and, like that character, she had superpowers. In reality, the chances of that characters biological makeup and particular situation happening again was a million to one, but thankfully, I never got attacked for it, because the community seemed to have been on the same page as I was. And you know what? I had fun. I bonded with other fans. I used the “techno-organic” concept as a means to escape, vent my frustrations, and imagine what I’d do as a hero. I’ve since tweaked that self insert to be more believable in the canon, but I’m also not ashamed of her history as a techno-organic.
While I made the defense for a child or teenager’s self inserts and OC’s, the same can be said for adults who are simply trying to escape and have fun. Some of us, we make fan characters, we make OC’s, we role play, but all we want to do is escape for a bit. I’m not asking you to make all of my fan characters canon, just let me be. That's all I want.
Now that I’m older, I’ve caught myself doing the very same thing I did when I was younger in the form of a “Spidersona”. But again, a lot of other people are doing the same thing, and’ were all having fun, and ‘were NOT HURTING ANYBODY. I’m using this as a coping mechanism and so are many other people who are just trying to get through the day. What someone called a Mary Sue(why? I don’t know. Why are they doing this?) might be someone’s way of liking themself. The thing is you don't know, so don’t attack
Funny, I actually put this self insert through one of those antiquated “Mary Sue tests”, and boy, did she stride into Mary Sue territory. After all, she’s an alternate version of a canon character, but somehow still me, has an army of spiders, a visually appealing costume, and has, gasp, a tragic backstory!
That also leads me to another point that a lot of people back then were hyper-critical of ANY interesting, edgy traits that defined a character. Their version of an ideal character must be pretty boring. Funny, cause I also remember people ESPECIALLY attacking any OC’s that were shipped with a canon character? Could it really have been just overprotective ness and/or jealousy? Anyway, Mary Sue tests should be rendered obsolete because not only do certain traits like rainbow hair and angel wings NOT MATTER AT ALL to how a story is written, but sometimes, said traits actually really work in canon! An alternate version of a canon character really works for a movie like Into the Spider-verse, and, last I checked, angel wings and rainbow hair works really well for My Little Pony.
By now you’re probably wondering why I’m contradicting the point of that opening statement so much and wondering when I actually would refer to a character as a Mary Sue. Even if it is only in certain circumstances and certain times(where I want to say a quick term instead of “badly written character”), is for canon characters.
What I commonly call out as badly written canon characters are written by educated, experienced, sometimes even older people, who are making something official, and getting paid for it.
Still there are certain circumstances, as I’ve mentioned, where I won’t condemn characters to this type of label. Sometimes it will be just an actor/actress who portrayed the character poorly. Sometimes the whole plot of the characters movie was changed halfway through production and they only had so much more time to develop them. It can even be that a character didn't have time to properly develop before a show got canceled, which was the case for that Transformers Animated character I referred to. Those circumstances I consider unfortunate. They make me sad at the lost potential, but not angry at the entire staff behind something for letting this happen.
I don’t even mind when professionals make self inserts. I don’t watch the Star Wars movies but it seems that Luke Skywalker is a good example of a character who isn’t too overpowered but is still tragic and complex. It is only when, a character is thoughtfully planned, by an experienced professional, since day one, to be a character who exceeds inhumanly in everything they do, gains favor from every single one of their allies, constantly stealing the attention in every scene they’re in. Nowadays I only occasionally call characters like those Mary Sues or Gary Stus when I’m trying to quickly express my opinion of a character being a sorry excuse for a story element.
Even so, when I do find a character like that, I’m NOT condoning an excuse to attack anyone who likes that character. I am confused, and, admittedly, slightly bothered, but hey, the character is making them happy, and as long as they’re not influenced to believe the world will revolve around them, who am I to attack them for liking something? That would be mean.
I’d also like to offer a more updated “test” to figure out whether a character is a well written one or not, for those who are interested, a question I heard somewhere: Does your character react to the canon world, or does the canon world react to your character? Which is...really all that test needed to ask instead of this toilet-paper-roll-long Salem witch hunt.
In conclusion, stop asking yourself if people will attack you for your character being too flashy, edgy, tragic, or attractive, and instead ask why some people feel like they have to attack you for having fun when they don’t even have to take part in it. Consensual constructive criticism is one thing but don’t feel like you have to get verbally assaulted for everything you post.
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betterbemeta · 6 years
"maybe this is why so much fanwork is produced almost shameful of its context, or divorced from its context"... what did you mean with that? (not another attack on the spidersonas post, I swear. I was actually reading through the notes bc I didn't really get what ppl were so upset about, read your replies, and wondered what you meant abt fanworks in relation to their context in that part. was it abt ppl not acknowledging fandom history and trends? or something else? sorry, bit oblivious here.)
A lot of fanwork these days isn’t presented as fanwork. It used to be that to find fanwork, you had to go to an archive dedicated to fanwork. Or a forum, or fan directory, or a LJ group. And I’m not saying that we used to be more proud of our work– the fact that you went to these used to be very secret, very divorced from your real name and public identity.
But now, we can subscribe to a person. And just see everything they make. And we often don’t call it ‘fanart’ or ‘fanfiction’ but just “my art blog,” “my writing blog.” Even individual art pieces might just be presented without much comment or metadata about fandom-- some people even have fandom blogs separate from their other blogs! People publish ‘art tips’ and ‘writing tips’ in spaces that are primarily fan spaces, and it’s almost never mentioned that these might be tips for fanartists or fanwriters because if you point it out, isn’t that shameful? they’re not a real artist, they’re a fanartist. Meanwhile very few tennis players would correct “actually, I’m an athlete” if you factually called them a tennis player.
This gets even muddier when we get into genre art and fiction, where almost all art and writing is derivative or inspired by previous trends. Not all drawings of orcs are intentional fanart of dungeons and dragons or Tolkien… but it’s all fanart of the shared concept of what orcs are. And yet great pains are made to designate someone as a “fantasy artist” or ‘character artist” and never imply there might be a fan context.
People have this underlying assumption that if you point out someone is a fan creator, they aren’t a real creator, but a pretend creator. That their stuff is vain and not self-reflective, unoriginal rather than transformative, immature rather than interpretive. But like. We are fan creators. It’s not shameful to point out that fans are able to hear what a primary text is saying to us, and pointing out ‘fan creators’ in particular doesn’t imply a ‘them’ rather than ‘we, us.’
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I’ve been seeing a lot of Spidersonas recently thanks to “Into the Spider-verse”. It’s a great movie, my only complaint is they didn’t do much with the alternate universe characters. Aside from Gwen and of course Peter Parker...but so much emphasis was put on Spider-Ham by the fans, so I was a bit disappointed. Aside from that, really fun movie. I loved Miles and his interaction with Peter was really fun. Plus the art style! You don’t see it on the trailers that well, but I love the little detail of everything having comic book dots inside the lines. Like it’s a moving comic book, which is the feel. (Oh And let’s not forget the Stan Lee cameo they threw in like any Marvel movie should have. Well, had.)
Anyway, Spidersonas. I love all the ones I’ve seen and I had been thinking of doing my own. It’s not at all known, but I actually have a Marvel version of my sona already. This is the “if she was bitten by a radioactive spider” version.
About Dragon Spider:
The name was going to be Black Spider, since her normal hero name is Black Dragon, but that would just sound either offensive or confusing. Plus I think a Black Spider character already exists in canon...and I mean literally the name of this character is Black Spider. Not called that for the suit or skin color.
So Dragon Spider was the chosen name. It throws people off, and unless you see why she’s called that, you don’t know what it means. Because it’s exactly what it means. She’s a dragon...with Spidey Powers. Yep.
In her normal Marvel counterpart story, Meg was a normal girl that gets abducted by generic evil scientists like several Marvel characters...and they attempt to make her into a weapon. Again, not uncommon in that universe. I have this as one of her backstories in my normal headworld, but in Marvel the difference is her bones are mutated with the form change. Infused with Vibranium. This isn’t impossible, since true dragons are naturally born with metal bones of some kind. Vibranium may or may not have been one but they would be extinct by now.
Arkelm, a gold bone dragon, rescues her before she’s been there for too long and before the experiment is even proven a success. She later discovers it was, and is trained by Arkelm in the ways of the dragons. Dragons in that world being treasure hunters. The reason they take and horde artifacts and treasures isn’t because of greed, but to protect the world from those items. Kind of like Warehouse 13 but with dragons.
Eventually Meg begins to disagree with their way of only going after treasures, never actually helping the people hurt by them or by others using them. So she decides to do it herself. Yes, I know Doctor Strange and his story cover the ethereal and magical side of that universe, but who says they have to be the only ones? We have Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Avengers dealing with aliens and mutants and evil people in the normal plane after all. So, Black Dragon began life as a super hero.
Enough on the general story of her normal Marvel self though, this is on Dragon Spider. The suit is the same as her normal counterpart’s, but I added webbing to the gloves and an insignia on the chest like all Spider-people. Hers is her dragon form’s head with spider legs surrounding it. This doesn’t mean she has those legs in her dragon form. It’s just to help the Spider theme.
As for the arms, I was going to have her wear open-fingered gloves because I love those, and have exposed shoulders. Then I thought ‘nah...I want to stick to the point of Spider-Man’s philosophy: “Anyone can wear the mask”. This is shown especially well by how his whole body is covered. You don’t even see his skin tone. Not that it should be drawn that much attention to...but that is a good way of showing anyone can be the hero. Adding to the ambiguity of his design as Spider-Man.
She also has a hood...I know a lot of Spidersonas also have one (which is awesome), and of course Gwen does too, but so what? I wear hoodies all the time, so I incorporated that into the design. Dragon Spider and Black Dragon both have it. She also wears boots because I don’t like the idea of not having protective shoes. Even with a healing factor.
Her web is also black. If Venom is a known character in this universe, that has nothing to do with her. Except in the Venom arc if there is one...and if I recall, I don’t remember if Venom has black web either... Point being she just has black webs because I felt like it.
I may do a rough idea of her dragon form. In normal Marvel, it’s just BlackDragon but with a more fit build. Since after a while of doing this hero thing, she loses some weight. Not a lot, but it becomes mostly lean muscle from her crime fighting. Never loses the bit of paunch she has though. lol As Dragon Spider, I think she’ll be scaly instead of furry...actually no. Spiders are hairy... I’ll think of something to make different. Aside from maybe being smaller and without wings. Or wings for only gliding. Adding to the Spider element by having to climb walls in both forms.
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yumenosakiacademy · 5 years
metr0con 2019 saturday diary
cosplayed/breakfast: same as the other 2 diaries. snack: a twin kitkat.
my eyes only, buckaroo. for future me.
can i b real w u i waited until 3 am to type this n a lot (esp from panels/early in the day) is HELLA fuzzy!!! sry! ;w; also it’s like. 4 am as im typing this n im not in the mood to write a diary! recalling everything is tiring, yknow? n i need to go to bed ghh... anyway!!
we left late bc i couldnt decide who to cosplay n i arrived late :(( anyway, it hadnt been 5 minutes there when i dropped my plastic purple heart ring i had from the dentist n i was so sad :( but i went to the bn-ha panel n i dont remember a lot of it sry. i remember iida wore a giant floppy sunhat that said Sunny Vibes on it tho n momo wore a black n white striped dress w sunflowers!
After this was cafe-stuck and it was fun! everyone kept calling jade a furry n i asked nepeta if she’d ever seen Nyan Neko Sugar G!rls to which she said no n someone asked her if she’d heard of/seen nek0para n she said she’d heard of it but it was “a bit.. too Extreme/Much for me.....” and someone asked the group (vriska, jade, john, dave, nepeta, tavros, aradia) why they were doing this and they said it was equius’ and john’s (i think?) prank that got way too out of hanf bc kanaya made the outfits for reals. someone asked vriska if she was a furyr cuz she had a spidersona and throughout the panel vriska and tavros kept talking abt how vriska took away his legs/him not having any. i asked the aradia n vriska if they’d work good together to make a good hall0ween themed cafe if this cafe were real n they were like “what’s hall0ween?” n the others told them it was a holiday that had candy n dead bodies n stuff! n someone asked abt who has the least human rights or just rights in general n john was like “jade u dont rights, ur an animal” n jade was like “trans rights”.
i decided to skip the d-dlc panel bc i didnt rly wanna write poetry cuz i do that at home n i dont rly care abt theories n discussing stuff like that so! i went walking around the dealers room n stuff. my crown actually came off at this time n i remember feeling like my crown had fallen off bc i thought i heard the mini whoosh it makes when it falls down but when i looked behind me, it wasnt there so i checked the aisles nearby n it wasnt there so i assumed someone had snatched it off my head but after a lot of walking, i found it half-underneath a con table w black tablecloth?? so i picked it up n went to the cosplay help desk and the guy safety-pinned it to my wig so i was all good to go!!
after that, i tried to look around to see if i could find any ens-tars cosplayers bc the meerup but i didnt see any so i was like oh well whatever im going to the LL panel anyway. so i went to the aki hana panel n i have videos of it! so im not rly gonna talk abt it. they played kings game there tho and “who’s most likely”! they said “who’d like an!mal crossing the best” n my immediate thought was rin so i raised my hand but the answer they had thought of was kotori, which actually makes much more sense haha. they said my answer was valid tho. i still got candy for answering! anyway the punk set ruby next to me ended up being the hifumi from yesterday that gave me the flower tin n they said it was nice to see me again n i said i wasnt able to go to the ES meetup bc i was only told when it was, not where it was, n they said that Eri/Eli (?) 9im guessing that was the host of the meetup) had to cancel it n i went oh. at the end of the panel i received a kotori pic! also a girl dressed up as a witch complimented my tsukasa outfit n i knelt down n said “thank you, princess” or smth i was like “i had a ring that i was gonna use to like. pretend to give to pretty girls but.. i lost it” n they seemed flattered but we parted ways!
after this was the aqours panel n the hanamaru did a dance n the you also did one but then they started playing the p0cky game n Headphones n i got kind of bored so i left n i heard “tsukasa!” n it was the jakurai from yesterday (that told me abt the meetup) dressed as mao in a yukata w their friend as oni ritsu n they looked so good! the jakumao apologized saying the meetup was cancelled. i think we talked for a sec then i went to go check out the rw-by q n a n it was a whole lot of roasting from the audience haha bc they did questions one at a time (ex: questions for yang, now questions for blake...) n i asked yang how she gets her hair so nice n she went “...nice?” w an unbelieving laugh/tone then they moved on n i was confused but oh well! they asked summer how she felt abt sloppy seconds bc taiyang n how taiyang’d feel abt a 3rd wife n nora got asked how many pancakes she could eat at a time n she was like “how much time do ya have?” n after the qna they started playing a weird game n it was rly boring so i left but the panel was almost over anyway. 
after i left i ran into a ramuda n they recognized me as tsukasa n they’re into ES n they said they hadnt watched the anime yet n they were surprised to see valkyrie in it bc they thought they werent gonna b but they said they hope the anime doesnt butcher shhu bc they like shu n know a lot of ppl hate shu n stuff. we talked abt the ES cosplayers at the con for a bit n i told them abt the ritsu+mao cosplayers n we had anice time talking n they said they rly liked rabits n i was like oh dude me too!! “i havent met anyone who hates ryu-seitai. like, Good.” n they were like “how could you hate ryu-seitai, they all wanna b nice n make friends” n i was like “yea mayb except midori” there was more but yea! i also ran into the witch girl n her friend from earlier bc they went “tsukasa!!!” n her friend (cosplayin smth from hn-k) showed me they had/got a leo plush n i was like “OH MY GOD. HE’S FINALLY BEEN FOUND!! HOLD ON CAN WE HAV A PIC W IT” so we took a pic of the leo plush beside my “where is leo??” sign like!! hell yea! n i was like “leo needs to pay child support. he’s evading his taxes. tax fraud” or smth around this point i think. at some point, on the escalators, i noticed a juto n a samatoki but when they got off the scalator they were heading for the exit so i couldnt rly ask for their pic so i decided to try n find em later.
then i went to the bn-ha panel but it was full to the BRIM but i made the mistake of sliding into the middle of an empty row for a good seat but the prson sat in front of me had big poofy hair so i couldnt see like half of the characters n ppl filld all the seats to my left n right so i couldnt leave. i was rly bored n trapped so i went on my ipad for almost all of thepanel n read part of a chiana/zu fic n stuff until the girl w the big hair left then i focused a Little more on the panel but i was still bored so wehn i noticed the ppl to my right all leave except the one guy next to me, i left the panel. i was sad bc at the time of that panel, there was a DR murder mystery panel that i couldve tried to attend instead but i was trapped so i couldnt :((
after that i decided to wander around for a bit before idolfest but when i went in at 5 pm, i 4got just how small that room was n how few chairs it had, n there were ppl standing against the walls so i leaned my sign against the right of the double doors BUT I LOOKED AHEAD N THERE WAS!! A HYPM!C PERFORMANCE STARTING TO HAPPEN!! DIVISION RAP ANTHEM WAS STARTING UP N MTR WAS ON THE STAGE!! but there were tall ppl standing in front of me n i was crowded against the back so i raised my ipad way above my head n started recording n watched them thru my ipad util someone opened the right door n i had to scramble tog rab my sign n lean it against me somehow n it made my fildiming falter but!! god i was just so exciting bc i wasnt expecting A HYPM!C PERFOAMNCE!! they did so good too ;w; after that, it was a solo hanayo perfoamnce then 3 songs from a non-anime-specific idol group that did 3 voca songs (one of which was LUVVVORATORY!!) n another non-anime dol group that did kpop songs (they were rly pretty n good) n then a you solo then a you/hane duet! ALSO during the hypm!cperformance, te juto n sama n a gentaro were dancing in front of me n right after the perfoamcne, a BB group opened the door but realized they missed the hypm!c performance n left n i decided to try n find em later too. 
after the last performance, there was still time, so a samus came over to me n asked to take a pic of my sign n they said they like ens-tars too n they said they cosplay tsukasa too n they ran a panel as him back in georgia n we talked abt best boys n i showed them all the keychains on my bag n when i pointed at mika n said 2nd best boy they went “:o me too!” n there was a lot more said but we went on talking for a while abt ens-tars n they showed me pics of the tori n arashi cosplayers that day they saw. 
after that i just walked around for like 45 minutes until the samus saw me again n waved me over so i was talking w them n they were apparently drinking alcohol despite being 18 n their friend was 23 n we were just talking abt stuff n i noticed a trigger group on the escalator n we called out to them n i took their picture n samus was like “dude it’s so cool that ur into id0lish7 too” n then we kept talking n at one point the samus was like “tsukasa i luv u” n made a lil finger heart n i tried 2 make one but my hands were kinda full but i managed to make one! they also said earlier today, they saw a sasuke cosplayer getting arrested n they took a pic of it for their snapchat lmao n it was them in front of a cop car n they said the person said “dont touch me!!” to the cop. the friend w samus said the only idols he knows were the combie one n that saki was def best girl hands down like, its a fact n i was like “ur right. it not even a hot take, its the Facts.” anyway then i wnted to walka round a bit more so i did n at like. 7:10 i decided “why not go near the photosoot area n registration to see more cosplayers that r there bc ive just been walking repetitive loops around the dealers room entrance n the con floor so! there could b some new cosplayers there! n lo n behold i found a tenn n ryuu that i had seen briefly earlier! n took their pic! then less than a few ftaway, i tried to walk past some ppl but there was a bag in the way so i stepped over it (like, not on it, i mean. like, Over, to avoid it) but i noticed it was an MTC itabag n the person next to it had bunny ears n it!! was the juto n sama i was looking for! so i took their pic n was talking abt how cool it is to see more hypm!c cosplayers here this yr until some guy came up n started telling the samatoki they looked like kaworu n they mistook them for kaworu n they said they didnt kno who i was supposed to b but i looked nice (iirc?) so i left n near the prop check table, I SAW THE BB BOYS! so i ran up to them n asked for a picture n then i started talking abt the hypm!c thing n there being so many this yr when there were none last yr n the jiro was like “aa ur tsukasa” n we started talking abt ES a lil bit n the anime then i complimented their ritsu+mao plushies on their bag n left!
after that i just roamed the halls until 8 pm. then the v0ltron panel! keith n lance hd like, a roasting rivalry going on n keith was like “i keep getting bullied! i dont deserve this!” n i kept askiing questions. me, a green ranger, a dave, n the dave’s friend were mainly the ones asking questions lmao. anyway keithd b like “lance dont touch me oh ew” and i asked keith what his fav anime was since he said he was a weeb n he said blue ex0rcist n i asked keith if hed seen LL (bc LL cosplayers were dancing to the music outside the panel room n i heard it) n lance was like “oh yea, he knows all the dances. he does them in his room” n keith denied it n at one point, i was like “since keith n lance share one braincell, who has it the most” n they said keith. the bonding moment was also mentioned a lot and alluras death n how lance can get much more “game” than keith (like, ladies. sorry im tired they might hav used another term) and an amami in the audience told lance to fortnite dance with him aftr thelance fortnite danced n!! just. a lot happened. it was a very casual-ish panel imo. haha.
after that i 4got that the bn-ha panel was at 10 not 9 so i just decided to wander then hit up the dance floor for most of the duration n i spotted the juto n sama n a nurse ramuda that i remember the samus talking abt n also someone who looked like the arashi the samus showed me but in an ali!ce madeness returns dress  o i asked the ramuda for a pic and then started dancing and the juto got into one of the dance circles n just started going hard as HELL n i was just dancing in the area they were near n out of the corner of my eye i’d see juto just absolutely KILLING IT w their dance moves bc they were dancing in front of their friends (occasionally w samatoki or posing w them) n i was just jamming out n during a slow song i pulled up a pic of chiaki on my ipad n started slowdancing w my ipad n the girl near me was like “that’s a Mood” n i think i heard the possibly-arashi n the others laugh a bit bc i was slow-dancing w “chiaki’ haha but god the dance floor was WILD! there was a guy w a saxophone at some point playing along w the music then a guy w a guitar! n we yelled lyrice to dont stop believing n stuff.
the the bn-ha panel! ...i was bored. most of the time i put tape on my leo sign and looked up wigs on ebay n stuff n sometimes i couldnt hear v well bc i sat near the back. they started up like, truth or dare but w a beach ball to decide who got to ask the dare or w/e? but i noticed a gentaro in the back of the room so i was like “ill just wait until the end of the panel then ask for their picture” then trivia started n they eventually asked what episode dabi appeared in n i was thinking “ep 7 of the most recent season” n some guy guessed that (he was the only one who fuessed) but the izuku n katsuki looked at their paper n i heard them mutter “episode 31″ so after somebody guessed ep 42 n the panelists said ‘”guess between 30-42--” i said ep 31 n went up n got a pack of aiw stickers but i shoulve taken the superhero shirt tbh. aftr that i decided to leave n asked the gentaro for a pic n they were one of the ryuus earlier they said n also a jakuarai from yesterday! they were like “oh! ur the tsukasa i keep seeing/running into!” n i was like “oh! hi!”
idk what convo this was in but someone was like “do u like how they did anzu?” n i was like “oh she’s so cute they rly said Fuck Anzu Haters” n they agreed.
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