#The Glass Spider AU
darkspace7 · 1 year
Somehow, combining a few of my favourite tropes (throwing randos into situations way over their head and found family formation via feral vigilante youths and their reluctant but just as chaotic guardians) have somehow resulted in the following: the vicarious need for a phantom thief spiderman.
And who am I to ignore my gremlin-brain impulses?
Enter: Pitch Warker "The Glass Arachnia"
• So this spidey wasn't "bitten" in the traditional sense but was instead pricked by a cursed bejewled spider-broach thing. (Think something along the lines of that shitty mask from JoJo part 1.) Maybe this happens when they go on an errand to, idk, deliver lunch to their Uncle Mais -who works as a security guard at the "New Londattan Gallery of Art"- at the bequest of their Aunt Benita (who are local Aunt May/Uncle Ben variants but cisswaped/roleswaped for some reason?)
•Okay and so while on this normally easy errand somehow the two of them get caught up in a jewel heist with some mook trying to get at the "Glass Spider" (a polished silver & garnet broach with a diamond decal so clear that it looks like glass) and that's what gets this ball rolling.
•The spider jewel apperantly has some legendary curse associated with it. Something about how "the blood shed in the darkened night shall beholden to whims of the fanged court albeit at the cost of forever being ensnared upon their shadowy throne." And so during the scuffle our little wannabe hero tries wrestling back the jewel from the thief but gets scratched in the process. Getting blood on the diamond activates the curse (which for...plot reasons...can only have one bearer at a time?) In the confusion the crook tries takes aim at our hero only to be pulled back by Mais. The weapon misfires hitting the man in the process.
•As expected, Uncle Mais kicks it while the mook takes the opportunity to abscond with the now useless gem leaving a traumatized kid behind for the cops to (not) deal with. (Also because this is New Londhatten, where the only cure for bereavement to either lock yourself away in mourning clothes and drown yourself in absinthe & gin or find a sketchy religion) Aunt Benita kind of dips off for a while to (not) deal with being newly widowed, and so our newly cursed spiderling takes it upon themself to find out why this happened and (hopefully) avenge his relative's death. And what better way to catch a thief is to become a thief yourself and find a way lure out the other? Not the healthiest of coping methods but whatever, it's not like the police are gonna believe some kid coming up to them and spouting on about 'cursed gems' and magic abilities' right?
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•I'm thinking of a fancy victorian gentleman thief/steampunk-themed "spider" suit. Something distictly regal and vaugely unearthly to fit with the more magical aspect of the origin as opposed to the usual techno-organic radioactive superhero sthick. Maybe a nice white suit with an gossimer capelett and attached hood. Coupled with an interwoven reddish-silver spiderlace design as the (bulletproof) vest. A spider-shaped broach (perhaps modeled after the "missing" Glass Spider?) Pinned to the neck, a dashing caravat matches sticky-palmed gloves (that somehow never manage to leave a smudge.) They compliment the ruby-tinted lenses of goggles set in that strange porciline mask. Oh and of course what gentleman is without his multi-purpose utility cane (now with retractable grappling hook!) Really, stark white clothes and clacky heels don't mean a thing when you can become the shadows themselves.~
•After not only attracting the attention of the New Londhatten police but managing to snag the attention of other interesting characters as well. Like: Lady Jamie Joan Jameson, a gossip reporter desperate for the next breaking scoop on that 'dastardly snitch-thief Glass Arachnia' with a fondness for that queer little bookbinder who always seem to have their head stuck in some little tinkering thing this or sewing project that. Or Mikelangleo "Mike" Jones, the lovestruck youth with a massive pining for the bespecticaled little bookbinder, whose dry (and often unintentional) sense of humour and keen intellect continuously sends his heart a-flutter. (Such a shame that said bookbinder is completly uninterested in Mike's advances & any and all attempts at disuading the other have -through a continuing comedy of errors only sought to bolster the himbo's impression of the other. A misunderstanding like this would probably easily be solved if there was just a moment of direct communication but when has a phantom thief been direct about anything?) Luckily Gunther Stetson, current owner of Bugel's Books, resident "guy-behind-the-curtain" (Pitch's words -not his-), and the only (self proclaimed) sane man, runs interference.
•And after a while of doing this thieving gig the cursed spiderling hits paydirt. It turns out the mook who stole the Glass Spider was actually part of a larger scheme by this shifty organization to steal away cursed gems and use their powers to do horrific and unspeakable things. Also, something about getting enough of them and it equal immortality. Somehow? I mean what kind of name is Sinistrum Orichalcium, anyway?
•Gunther: "So yeah, that's bad and someone reasonable and totally equiped for this should probably go stop them? Right? Right?? [Of course it has to be them, damn it all Pitch...This is only going to end poorly.] (He was right. Oh mercy, he was right. The youth watched as the body of his ((only)) friend slipped off the crystiline horn of the rhinocerous-beetle-that-was-once-a-man. A lunge forward, torn glove outstreched as the hand r e a c h e d o u t. Metalline claws dug in ((burning agony it hurt)) and rapidly drug his form up and away. He writhed against the restraint, razor blades that drew him back again and again as solid steel scales absorbed the blows. ((Let me go let me go please I can't reach!)) Cackling as groping fingers wriggled under the dirtied white of his mask and ripped it away ((his shield, his safety nonono!)) Recognition. "So this is what you really are little spider. Even now you try to bear your milkteeth." A derisive snort as a gnarled tendril cupped his face an mockery of care. "Poor little Pitch, who would've expected the simple bookboy to have such a storied life?" Everything he had worked for, all that he had sacrificed was now crumbling around him as the other went on, "Feh, you are as brittle as the pages of tomes you peddle and as fragile as the Glass you come from." A contemplative look and the porcaline shattered. "Now look at your ruins and weep.")
• When it rains it pours. Thanks to the combined efforts of the Sinisturm Orichalcum, the New Londhattan Task Force, and Lady Jameson, our hero is now not only wanted for numerous accounts of thievery, breaking & entry, and other assorted stuff related to his vigilantism but now Pitch Warker aka the Glass Arachnia is (erroneously but not that they'd take his word for it) on the list for no less than three counts of battery, assault, & murder. The Sinistrum and their allies basically have been given free access to all of the remaining gems that they need to complete their plan and the city itself. Oh and Mike hates him now. So he fine. He can totally handle this solo. Not like he's the reason his close loved ones are dead and a bunch of villains are going to become supervillains that he still somehow has to stop despite being public enemy number one. Yep. Totally.
•(Spoiler: He is not fine. The spiderling is very stressed and needs a break. Not his supposed villain origin story. Let our adhd boi rest.)
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achillean-knight · 11 months
Perhaps Noir and cats / his cat (Dingding)?
My friend, drawing Ding Ding is my kryptonite
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demigod-of-the-agni · 22 days
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#ooo he'd definitely get fluffenchops
broski you are so right for this. holding you up like simba rn
also coloured in the first drawing from earlier (guess it's a ref sheet) and now, i reveal to you all that the bird kinnara!pavi is based on is the indian paradise flycatcher. they're so sexy like what the fuck man
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yes he has ten limbs (three pairs of wings + 2 arms + 2 legs) because i thought it would all add up to eight and make a funny comparison to 8-arm-spidey but i'm not a math student so i fucked it up anyway
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ravioliet · 4 months
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sooo remember how i said at one point that i have too many aus? yeah here's a doodle of another one, spider-man Olympia from my marvel au :) her superhero name is Sparklemuffin like the jumping spider by the way. yes thats a real species look it up they're very silly. unless you have arachnophobia in which case don't do that
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leo-kinnie · 5 months
*tapes glasses onto cat S!Sandro*
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"...still blurry..... but thank u...." - S!Sandro
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sysig · 4 months
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Having fun, more and more! (Patreon)
#Doodles#Unicorn Tails#Dangersoft#Villainsona#Just Desserts#True Villainy AU#Okay fine I'll talk about the really silly fixation I accidentally fell into lol#It's all Jello's ISaT stream's fault they mentioned Wall Day and I got curious!#Actually it was Jello reciting Will's line as the mad cultist in a kids' unicorn game that got me interested lol he just went all out#And it really is a kids' game! Like yeah some of the lore is dark and ominous and weird but it's genuinely just a nice unicorn game#And the character customization is cute and you can buy a spider hat! I want a spider hat#I'm fully onboard at this point lol I intend to buy it for realsies and play as an alicorn and go hunting for the Estranged Rabbit#Dangersoft is great of course <3 Neon green horse love that for her#Some happies <3 I've been quite happy lately :D Big Loves yay <3#If there is an article of clothing I can hide in I will take the opportunity every time lol#Regularly hiding in hoods and collars - it just feels nice!#More Charm more cutes <3 I've had the idea of her cutting her hair for S3 since she was created but I still don't Actually have anything lol#She's just cute and I love her! She's adorable no matter what she looks like#I think I was thinking something along the lines of her long hair being used against her in her True Villain form#Like how it's normally up and ice cream shaped but Kaiein wanted it down and it gave her a different look#But short it can't look like that :) She's always light and fluffy if it's short! I like it <3#Speaking of - her candle wings popping out from her Kaiein wings!#It's weird to see her with her hair down and glasses on in that context haha#I do like the symbolism of dark inky wings being cut through with fire and light :) Still drippy tho lol#And rounding off with a Just Desserts bee <3 I posted that one JD Pet Bee a while ago but I think bees are also wild animals#They're important for sweets production and pollination! Fruit-based sweets need them!#I personally really love bees I think they're the cutest but I also get really stressed about buzzing :'D#Does Not help that my hair is a colour they're attracted to so they come up right next to my head to investigate agh#So Charm is the same! Loves bees! They're wonderful and important and cute! But the buzzing...#She's being very brave tho <3
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Out of nowhere I was hit with the idea that if artists struggle so much with Daredevil’s original yellow costume because he can’t exactly be stealthy like that, why not just fully embrace that this man is highly visible and handling that is your problem.
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an-army-of-nightmares · 11 months
So you made an little nightmares/the glass scientists au story about how Frankenstein killed Jekyll, and became a nightmare. Can I see more of the nightmare Jekyll? Like a doodle?
So fun fact, nightmare Jekyll didn't actually have a design before this ask. He was pretty much just. Porcelain Jekyll, in Henry's normal outfit.
This design was fun to work with! I believe it could be better, but yknow, I can imagine him in the game somewhere well enough. The Little Nightmares color palette feels muted and warm to me, so that's what I went with!
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He did have a face when I started working on this, but it got lost in the sketch at some point lol
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itstimeforstarwars · 4 months
Me in galidraan: something about him is like a glass figurine at the end of a countertop.
Me a year later in potent portents: his future was like a glass menagerie at the edge of a speeder platform.
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
Question bout the spider Mikey. How would this effect Dr. Delicate Touch?
More glasses. for the spider eyes. lol
but honestly? Dr. Delicate Touch with the ability to stick people places and ultimately make them listen? or just string them up until they behave? op. Faaar too op. And i love it. No one stands a chance against Dr. Delicate Touch armed with webs. no one!
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the doctor is IN. you have been warned lol
Thank you! : )
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elysianstarl1ght · 1 year
au where engie and medic are experimenting, the other mercs are in the room when something goes wrong. they get it contained and don't think anything went wrong, until they all go to sleep, wake up, and find that they all have new animal features.
medic - dove heavy - grizzly bear pyro - scorpion engie - bumblebee demo - 'unknown sea creature' (nessie) soldier - eagle spy - rattlesnake sniper - tarantula scout - rabbit
i wanted to avoid mythical creatures but i really had no idea what to do with demo. but i think imma stick with it because technically its not mythical in the tf2-verse and i have a rlly funny hc about it.. so..
(warning you. theres alot. a l o t .)
scout constantly complaining that he "got a rabbit of all things and not a cool animal" and refusing to admit he's actually having a lot of fun as a rabbit. he really likes his new ears he'll just never admit it
(also pauling trying to talk to scout through the headphones but his ears are on the top of his head and he cant hear through the headphones
one of the mercs calling pauling to let her know what happened and she shows up at reds base and is just like "what the fuck did you guys DO" and she goes on a huge rant and eventually asks if medic can make an antidote, to which he says yes.
demo having a huge ass tail and constantly knocking things over because he doesnt know how to control it.
medic officially banned him from the infirmary until he could get a cure to un-animalify them. demo went in there ONE TIME on the first day and knocked over an entire cabinet filled with medical supplies and he never went in there again (he darted out of the room instantly because he was worried medic was gonna kick his ass /lh)
engie absolutely loves his wings, he doesnt use them often but when he does he gets so excited and giddy bc theyre SO helpful!! hes probably also rlly protective of them too!
soldier knocks shit over with her wings all the damn time too. she randomly flaps her wings because she Loves Them and wants to show them off and whatever she's next to goes flying. she was also probably one of the only mercs that wasnt extremely concerned when she woke up; she probably shouted "AMERICA!!!!" at the top of her lungs and woke up half the base
spy wearing his mask significantly less because she has scales on the side of his face and under her eyes and the mask rubbing against the scales makes him cringe (sensory issues moment)
also i just find it slightly cruel how i made spy a SNAKE and scout a RABBIT. just- just think about that real quick.
sniper would have the time of his LIFE fucking with his team and the opposing team with his new spider powers!! some examples below
creating web traps to catch them. he especially does this to blu spy when he tries to backstab sniper (and scout just for fun. he falls for the traps every time)
web nets just around corners in the base that the mercs run into
crawling along the ceiling and walls to scare the shit out of his team, especially at night
swinging down infront of them when hes hanging on the ceiling also to scare the shit out of them
yeah sniper probably hated being a tarantula at first, but after he discovered what he could do oh BOY. he never realized how much fun messing with people was!! (he no longer blames scout and pyro for doing stupid shit)
pyro lowkey struggles with their mask and suit because of their new scorpion features. like they have those extra leg thingies and it was a huge struggle trying to get those to work with his suit
and dont get me started on his pincher hand things. pyro struggled. alot.
and his stinger thing. houh boy they probably accidentally killed the mercs a lot of times with that thing...
i dont really have anything for heavy yet (please feel free to drop any hcs) but i can tell you this much he has HUGE bear hands and he has bear ears and medic finds it absolutely adorable.
adding onto this medic wrapping his wings around the mercs while healing them when theyre standing still. like theyre hiding around a corner and medic brings them closer with his wings.
ALSO MEDIC HAS BIRD FEET (he hates it) and he had to cut holes in a pair of his gloves because he got bird talons (he REALLY hates that.)
oh my god thasts... thats a lot of writing... thats not even all of it... oh yikes...
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L’arc: God of war and battles, patron saint of all warriors Therese: Minor god of natural ores, jewels and jewelry Glass: Goddess of death and spirits/souls Kizuna: Goddess of the hunt, survival, and divine warrior who fights evil
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jainazart · 1 year
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❤️‍🔥bangtan's Black Swan '87 world tour❤️‍🔥
this piece is a glam rock take on BTS that i made for FRISSON: a BTS rock zine (@/btsrockzine on twitter)
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ask-spiderglass · 11 months
Another Halloween is here. Which means it will be inevitably be my busy night as Spider-Glass come sundown.
Still, I wish the rest of you a Happy Halloween. Though I won’t really be able to celebrate it in peace due to the nature of my work, I do hope you stay safe anyway!
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[collaboration with @the-angel-of-filth]
From somewhere in the eye of the shark storm, a bright, yellow light sparked to life. As its glow began to overtake the area, the raging winds froze. The thousands upon thousands of sharks with glowing green eyes that were plummeting down to Earth from nowhere were suspended in the air almost instantly. In seconds, all the sharks, both fallen onto the ground and still above, dematerialized into sparkling glints of light. The weather cleared, and all tangible evidence of the sharks vanished. 
Amari sighed in relief as the curse dissipated.  
Specs, too, sighed. He looked more than a little worse for wear. Two large, semicircular wounds lingered on his body--one around his left thigh, one at his shoulder. He’d managed to pry both sharks off before they’d actually taken the limb, but the teeth had sunk deep: blood ran down his side in a river, and as he cradled his shoulder the stinging pain made his breath shudder.
“Thanks, Amari,” he mumbled, dropping one arm down to the cartridges at his hips.
“Of course,” they said, brushing themself off as they turned to face him and his wounds. “Specs, do you need me to heal that for you? I don’t want to just leave you like this,”
He was a little groggy, having lost a lot of blood over the past hour or so, so it took him a minute to locate his cartridge of medical webbing. “This is a little on the grievous side, isn’t it,” he admitted. Wincing as he tried to use his bad arm, he swapped out one cartridge for another as he said, “Uhh, how much of this can you heal before you start fading? This doesn’t feel quite on the level of ‘flying geezer just fell from the sky,’ but I can’t imagine this’ll be an easy heal.”
“Specs, please don’t worry about me,” Amari said as they unsheathed their ritual knife, “You’re the one who almost lost his limbs to sharks. I’ll be fine,”
Specs couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Dear lord, he was getting woozy. “Fair enough,” he said, turning his hurt shoulder their way. “Go ham, I guess.”
Amari could tell that they didn’t have much time to waste. They got to work, quickly slashing the palm of their hand like they’ve done many times before. Muttering in a language that Specs couldn’t quite make out, the slashed palm began to glow as Amari gently placed it on his shoulder. In a few moments, the pain dissolved in the warm glow and his wounds began to quickly heal up. His breathing settled and slowed, and he gave the fingers of his arm an experimental wiggle as he felt the skin closing.
“Thanks again,” he said, rolling his shoulder. After giving his leg a little bounce to test it the same way, he said, “Before I forget. Is there any specific reason Odyssia decided to sic a shark storm on me today? Or was she just feeling frisky.”
Amari tensed a little at that as they tried to think of a reason why Odyssia would suddenly attack Specs out of nowhere. A part of them felt they were somewhat responsible; this was their Doctor Octopus’s doing, after all. They sighed as they shook their head.
“I’m.. I’m not sure. Unless she started working with your Ock, I don’t really understand why she went out of her way to target you with a curse across dimensions.. I know that she finds antagonizing you to be funny for some reason but,” they trailed off, a sense of shame washing over them, “…I’m sorry about her, Specs. I shouldn’t have let her get like this.”
“It’s not your fault,” he said instantly, and maybe a little more forcefully than he’d meant. Softening up, he turned to them and said, “You aren’t to blame for her choices. Pretending you are is gonna do nothing but hurt you.” He tried not to drown in his own hypocrisy here, instead adding, “She antagonizes me because I have the most dramatic reaction to her bullshit. That’s all it is. Though, that said, I’m gonna do my best to pretend that this never happened.” With a slight joking tone, he said, “She doesn’t need to know that she sent me screaming halfway across the city. Agreed?”
“Agreed,” Amari nodded, trying to quietly shove the ever present guilt out of their mind. 
Specs smiled under his mask and gave them a friendly (if rather awkward) pat on the shoulder. “C’mon. I owe you lunch. Sky’s the limit, up to--” he checked his costume’s pockets “--seven dollars…and eighty-four ce--”
He stopped, frozen in place almost like he’d been put on pause. The constant, unearthly tingling in the back of his skull had sharpened in tone. Slowly raising his head, he looked off the rooftop and over the street they stood above. Amari noted his sudden change of reaction and followed his gaze. 
A shark had bodily smacked into the hologram projector on the neighboring building’s exterior, so the holographic Mega-Mart advertisement flickered erratically above the city street. He squinted through it, scanning the sky, glancing to the left and right, trying to pin down that sharp, fast-moving buzz.
“...Something’s coming.”
“… I think I feel it too,” Amari muttered, their third eye’s gaze scanning the surrounding area.
One step back, then two. Specs craned his neck to see around the corner of a building, following the tingle with his eyes. It shouldn’t have been this sharp so far away, this dramatic. Whatever it was, it must have scared something in his brain far more than threats usually did. Adjusting one arm’s web-shooter, he concentrated and listened hard…until, in sync with the movement of spider-sense, something cut through a hologram a few blocks away. Something that swerved between buildings, banking and turning with incredible precision. Something that, for a fraction of a second, the light caught and revealed to be a humanoid shape standing upright.
Specs’ breath caught in his throat. “Amari, run.”
Amari wasn’t about to argue. They knew who this had to be from his reaction alone. But they did hesitate for a brief moment. “What about you?”
“I’ll be fine,” he said, not fully believing it. “My limbs are back into working order, and there’s no way he could’ve planned ahead for this. I’d know if he’d had any communication with Odyssia.” He shifted his footing, tensing his leading leg in preparation to pounce. “I’ll keep him from killing anyone until his stupid manpurse is empty and then I’ll slip away. The Cluster’ll get a text from me once I’m safe.”
They nodded in acknowledgment. As much as Amari didn’t want to leave Specs to fight all by himself, they did trust him to know how to deal with this. But, they would leave Specs with one last thing. Pressing their bloodied hand onto the mirror on their chest, they pulled forth a hand made of light from the reflection, a mirror double of themself forming.
“Alice,” Amari said almost immediately, “Keep Specs safe.”
With that, they fled, leaving Alice standing silently by his side, ready to assist. 
Specs, for his part, took a second to stretch his newly-healed leg and arm. Cracking his knuckles, he listened for the ringing of spider-sense to reach a fever pitch, then broke into a sprint and launched himself off the roof. The Green Goblin banked hard around a building and very nearly came face-to-face with Spider-Man’s fist. It was only the supervillain’s own super reflexes that stopped the fight from ending before it even began.
As Norman reeled back and swerved on his glider, Specs caught himself with two weblines and wove a quick spiderweb spanning the space above the street. He bounced in place as it absorbed his momentum, turning around fast to keep the Goblin in his sight, and as the first pumpkin bomb was lodged his way the mirror double of Amari snagged it with glittering webs and threw it aside. It exploded, not quite harmlessly, but without drawing anyone’s blood.
“I KNOW WHAT YOU MUST BE THINKING, PETEY,” shrieked the Goblin, his voice distorted and made shrill by the modulator hidden in his prosthesis, “BUT I ASSURE YOU, I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR LITTLE SHARKSCAPADE.” He cackled at his own pun, and Specs’ skin crawled.
“No, I know,” Specs called back, scurrying to the top of his spiderweb and getting ready for another jump. “You’re not that creative, Norman.”
The Goblin ignored the insult. “OH, BUT I’M NOT ONE TO LOOK A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH.” He drew another pumpkin bomb out of his satchel. “AS LONG AS YOU’RE SO TIRED, I FIGURED, WHY NOT COME AND KILL YOU NOW? I’M AN OPPORTUNIST, YOU KNOW.”
Specs sighed and glanced at Alice, deadpan. Alice didn’t seem to acknowledge him, only remaining focused on the task at hand as they stared at the Goblin. As Norman threw his next grenade, Spider-Man and the magic mirror each leaped off the web and got to work.
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leo-kinnie · 1 year
Poor Leo XD Okay last question (...maybe), would Spider Sandy be able to see with proper glasses? Or his sight is very very messed up?
his sight is super messed up but if he had proper glasses, he would be able to see perfectly.
but keep in mind he lived his whole life seeing nothing but blurry colours so seeing perfectly would probably freak him out and it'd take a while for him to be able to get used to the glasses.
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