#Adam Young The Antichrist
sighed-the-snake · 1 year
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This line hits differently after S2.
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You two?
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What did he do for them that he told them so confidently not to worry about their future? What did he change while he was in God Mode editing reality? WHAT DID ADAM DO?
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
A personal favorite Good Omens headcanon of mine is that, despite being born an entirely human person, Warlock has a bit of reality warping powers. In the book (less so in the show, but still there to an extent), a lot of emphasis is placed on how Crowley and Aziraphale expect things to happen, and so they do. Aziraphale expects a phone to work by just talking to it without pushing buttons, so it does. Crowley expects his plants to grow better when he yells at them, so they do.
And of course, for eleven years, they both expect Warlock to be the Antichrist.
Warlock literally spent eleven years getting molded back-and-forth by Aziraphale and Crowley to be this or that sort of magical. Can you really expect that to not make any sort of difference to him? Crowley and Aziraphale expected Warlock to be the Antichrist so hard (because they literally didn’t even know there was another option) that I wouldn’t be surprised if Warlock was more Antichrist-like than Adam at this point. Adam grew up human (enough) and then revoked all of his Antichrist powers at the end of the book. He’s a regular human kid now. Warlock is probably more powerful than Adam at this point because it wasn’t just Crowley and Aziraphale who expected him to be incomprehensibly powerful- Warlock believes it himself. His name is Warlock, for fucks sake, that’s gotta do something to him.
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illustoryart · 1 year
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The Antichrist himself and his Hellhound wish you a nice week 🐶
(Our world is not a particularly nice place right now, please take care ❤️‍🩹)
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the antichrist's wellness influencer era
HELLO, SINNERS, welcome to my youtube channel, I'm Adam, the Antichrist, Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of this World, father of lies, Spawn of Satan, Lord of Darkness.
Today I want to talk to you about the law of attraction, a trend that's been circulating in the self-improvement community recently. And hey, I'm all about the law of attracting! TODAY WE'RE MANIFESTING OUR BEST, MOST SINFUL LIVES.
Now I know some of you are skeptical. Manifestation? What kind of nonsense is that, it's not for us Satanical sinners! Well, I'm here to tell you that is ABSOLUTELY IS. NOT JUST MANIFESTATION, BUT ITS SINFUL BROTHER, DELUSIONS.
I HAVE USED MANIFESTATION MYSELF. IN FACT, I USED IT AT THE EARLY AGE OF ELEVEN. I USED IT TO REVERSE THE APOCALYPSE! Not only that, I delusioned my way out of my bloodline of darkness, made myself related to my adoptive family, created duck aliens, possessed my friends and defied heaven and hell!
Of course, I then reclaimed my Antichrist identity for this Youtube channel, because my good friend Pepper said I needed to stick it to the patriarchy and shake the status quo of the current self-improvement clime. She then said this is not what she meant by that, but HEY! THE LESSON IS, DON'T FOLLOW THE PACK, CARVE YOUR OWN PATH, EVEN IF IT'S A STUPIDER ONE!
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ineffablyruined · 10 months
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Good Omens + Text Posts
Bonus: The Earth is a Libra
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nortsauce · 6 months
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He doesn’t know who they are, but he knows everything about them.
(My favorite good omens piece from 2020. Once again: Vewn inspired)
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grishaversegirlblogger · 11 months
inktober day 23: celestial // the antichrist
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ADAM YOUNG!!!! WAHOO !! this was my first time drawing him but WOW that was fun he has such huge huge eyes so so cute. part of me hopes we see him again in s3
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onceuponapuffin · 2 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 21!!
AKA Newt and Adam Part II
Rushing to get this up before I need to leave for work, so no edit, no beta. We fall like...like something that falls.
Not ducks.
Okay, let's do this.
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Adam had been typing for a while.
He had a laptop set up on Aziraphale’s desk, and was alternating between typing and clicking with the usb mouse he’d brought along. Their first step had taken a day or two – setting up wireless internet in the bookshop. Honestly, Newt wasn’t entirely sure what Aziraphale would think of that when he returned, but Adam had insisted it would make things a lot easier, so Newt had done his part to help (arrange the line to be put in, and stay out of the way while the technician did his work). While Adam sat at the laptop, configuring settings and researching VPN services, Newt had been doing everything he could. He’d paced, started reading a few books, taken a walk, taken a second walk, explored Maggie’s shop, bought treats from Nina’s (Adam had been most appreciative of that), and made countless cups of tea, then popped out to the local co-op to replenish the tea bag supply.
All in all, it had been a long day of helping and Newt was beginning to find himself very tired by the effort.
It wasn’t until late that night when Adam finally set the laptop aside, and asked if they could get something exotic for takeaway. After a bit of debate and a game of paper-rock-scissors, they ended up ordering curry, which was about the most exotic thing that Newt’s British stomach was willing to handle after all the stress of the day. As Newt tidied the dishes afterward, he finally asked what had been on his mind all day.
“So do you think this will actually work?”
Adam shrugged from behind his phone screen. “’Bout as well as anything’s likely to, I reckon.”
Newt wasn’t thrilled with that answer. “Okay, but what do we do if it doesn’t?”
Adam set his phone down and raised an eyebrow at Newt, then sighed thoughtfully and let his eyes wander to the ceiling. “Well,” he began, “Then I just suppose we try something else.”
“Like what?”
“I dunno,” Adam said to the ceiling. He crossed his arms and frowned in consideration. Then he shrugged and sat back up. “I expect we’ll figure that out when we get to it.” He watched Newt’s frown deepen. “If we get to it,” Adam corrected.
“Right,” Newt said doubtfully, “So are we going to try it tonight then?”
“Nah,” Adam replied with a shake of his head, “Gotta let the script finish first.”
“Script? Are you telling me you wrote code? To hack into Heaven?”
“Well yeah,” Adam said, as if it was obvious, “We learn how to code in schools these days you know. I just...used it creatively.”
The sound Newt made conveyed how impressed he was better than any words could. “You,” he said after a moment, “Would be a menace to national security if you ever wanted to be.”
“Tried it already,” Adam said with a smirk, “Wasn’t my thing in the end.”
Newt couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, and thank goodness for that.” He shook his head and put away the last of the dishes before sitting back down at the table. “So are you doing your A Levels in Computer Science then?” He asked.
Adam shrugged. “Well, yeah sort of. Mum and Dad want me to go to Uni for it, but I have other ideas.”
“Like what?” Newt pressed.
“I want to be an author,” Adam said, a small blush crossing his cheeks, “I want to write stories. Lotta good a story can do in the world. An’ I figure that maybe I can inspire people to be better. Save the whales an’ all that.”
Newt smiled. Well if that wasn’t just the most charming thing he’d heard in a while. “I reckon you’d be rather good at that,” he said. Adam looked at him and smiled appreciatively in return.
“Yeah,” he said, “I hope so. Figure it’s worth tryin’ at least.”
And isn’t that just the truth for anything worthwhile in this world.
The next day they both got up late, but that didn’t stop Adam from rushing to the laptop to check on things while Newt went across the street to grab some sweet buns from Nina. When Newt returned, Adam looked up from the laptop with a satisfied smile.
“It’s ready,” he said. Newt sighed in relief. He’d been half worried that the script would have failed and Adam would have had to have another go at it, but he supposed that Adam probably worried a lot less about that sort of thing than most people.
He set down the box of sticky buns, and went to stand close – but not too close – to Adam. To his surprise, Adam got up from the chair and beckoned Newt to sit down. It took a moment for Newt to register what was happening, before he started stuttering and waving his hands in refusal.
“Oh, oh no Adam, no that’s not a good idea. I really shouldn’t...” Newt trailed off into a strand of mumbled syllables that were all nervousness and no sense.
“It’s okay,” Adam said, “I told it to behave itself.”
The teenage ex-antichrist ushered a very nervous Newt into the chair, and directed him to open the VPN. Newt took a deep breath, put his hand on the mouse, and slowly clicked the icon.
The application opened. Nothing shut down, the power didn’t go out, there were no sparks, there was no fire. It just...opened. It just...worked. Newton Pulsifer, life-long lover of computers who had utterly destroyed every piece of technology he ever touched, had just opened an application on a laptop. Tears sprang to his eyes, and he wiped at them with his sleeve. He couldn’t wait to tell Anathema.
“Sorry,” he sniffed, “It’s just...ah...nevermind, what’s next?” He pushed back against the emotion, he could deal with that later. They had work to do and he had a friend to find. Adam patted his shoulder, and Newt looked over to see Adam was smiling at him kindly.
“It’s alright,” he said, before turning his and Newt’s attention back towards the laptop screen. They spent the next 20 minutes or so going over how to open and use this very special VPN program that Adam had modified to hack past Heaven’s firewalls….or rather, Newt supposed, holy-water-walls? Was that a thing? He supposed it could be. Oh, who cares, he was using a computer successfully for the first time in his life! The world was his oyster, and Heaven too, apparently.
Muriel heard ringing. They weren’t entirely sure where it was coming from, but they could hear it clear as anything. The scrivener looked up from their work to see that an angel phone had manifested itself on the desk in front of them. Oh, well that hadn’t been there before.
Carefully, Muriel picked up the heavenly device, crystalline and perfect. This kind of device was usually exclusively for use by the archangels, not them, but it was in fact ringing and Muriel had the very specific feeling that it was for them. The angel only hesitated another moment before tapping the screen. The phone came to life, showing Newt and a young boy. Her friend Newt heaved a relieved sigh and smiled.
“Muriel!” he exclaimed, the relief evident in his voice as well, “It’s actually you! It worked!”
“Of course it did,” said the boy next to him, “You do know who you called, right?” Newt laughed in response. Muriel didn’t understand any of it, but they found themselves laughing too and, to their surprise, crying small tears.
“Hello Newt,” Muriel said into the phone, blinking away the tears, “How’ve you been? I’ve missed you all.”
“Muriel,” Newt began again, “Where are you?”
Well, that was odd. Muriel stammered a bit in surprise. “Well, I’m in Heaven of course! I thought Metatron told you!”
“The Metatron?!” replied Newt, “I knew it. Damn. Muriel, I am so sorry. I never should have insisted we leave the bookshop. This is all my fault.”
Muriel shook their head. “No, no it’s alright. Apparently I left Heaven in a proper state! I’ve been buried in paperwork ever since I got back.” They turned the phone around so that Newt could see the large stacks of files that never seemed to get any smaller.
“Um, hullo, Muriel is it?” came the voice of the boy, “My name is Adam, and honestly, I think the Metatron’s been lying to you.”
“What?” Muriel turned the phone screen back so the boy – Adam – could see the confusion on their face. “But...why would he do that? I mean, he’s an angel, I don’t think he can lie.”
“Oh, angels can lie,” Adam replied, “You can trust me on that one.”
“But...I don’t even know who you are,” Muriel said, squinting into the phone. They boy smirked mischievously.
“Honestly, I’m not sure you’d believe me if I told you,” he hesitated before adding, “Or that you’d want to know for that matter. You’re rather the good sort.”
Muriel wasn’t sure what to think about that, but they did know that they were getting frustrated with all of these cryptic messages, the lying, the half-truths, everyone tip-toeing around them as if they were stupid. So, the Angel Muriel, Scrivener 37th Order, Inspector Constable of Earth, steeled their gaze and looked as straight at the boy as the phone would let them.
“Try me.”
Getting Muriel to believe that the Metatron had lied was not all that difficult in the end. Newt had told them how worried everyone was. It was harder for them to understand that the ex-antichrist was helpful and kind. In the end, they decided that, now that Muriel was able to communicate, they would stay in Heaven and see if they could feed information to Newt through the VPN. That way, they would hopefully know what the Metatron was up to. But Newt made Muriel Pinky Promise that they would contact him if they were ever in actual danger. When Newt eventually ended the call and disconnected from the VPN, he felt as though an enormous weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
That is, until an idea struck him. One that sent a bolt of anxiety shooting through his body.
“Oh! Adam!” he said, turning to the teenager, “What do I do when you leave? I mean, you need to take your laptop with you.”
Adam shook his head. “Nah, see this is my old one. It’s yours now, you can keep it.” The boy glanced at the laptop on the desk. “And if it ever gives you any trouble, you just let me know.”
With the last of his worries answered, Newt felt tears in his eyes again, and this time he let them fall.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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itsscottiesstark · 7 months
Okay but can we talk about this for a sec?
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Crowley was actively trying to get Aziraphale to agree to help him stop Armageddon, mere hours after he delivered well, not delivered delivered, handed it over the antichrist.
By the time that happened, they'd already spent a significant amount of time at the park talking about this, then they had lunch. And when Crowley suggested they get drunk, they went to the bookshop.
Meanwhile, Aziraphale admitted, in the light of day, in the middle of the street where everyone could hear him, that he wasn't interested in helping him.
Only on the way there do we see Aziraphale say that "this is purely social".
My man didn't give two shits at that point about Armageddon. He wasn't spending his time with Crowley thinking about that. He was merely enjoying their time together.
He's so in love, help-
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darlingsomeone · 10 months
No I am not kidding. Adam the Antichrist made Aziraphale’s body, the body he’s using now.
Adam changed everything he put back in his idea of how things were.
Maybe that’s where the extra power he has is coming from.
Maybe he’s using up Hell’s energy just by living his life as a human incarnate.
If Aziraphale is running on Hell’s energy, maybe he’s draining them.
The real question is what did Adam MAKE?
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moldyfruitsalad · 3 months
part 2 of my friends' thoughts about good omens her first time through it (episodes 5 and 6 of season 1):
crowley should have been discorporated in the fire on the m25
hastur killing an entire room of people was wild
ron ormorod had every right to rip brenda to pieces
the kids forgave adam so quickly after he said sorry, like none of that even happened
aziraphale is a good angel
gabriel's lines are iconic
adam is a good kid even though she's terrified by him
death killing an entire room of people, while it makes sense, seems like a bit of overkill
pepper is iconic
(episode 5) are aziraphale and crowley gonna fall in love?
crowley's 70's look goes kinda hard
dick turpin is a weird car
newt is asking all the right questions, but also, you don't have time for this shit. armageddon and whatnot
how the fuck did those kids take out 3 of the horsemen?
the satan graphics are so cool
she agrees with adam that every apple is worth the trouble you get in for eating it
the bookshop burned down :(
aziraphale is going to stay at crowley's place???
okay, there is definitely a love story happening here
this all must have been part of god's plan
"it's tickety-boo"???
mass hallucinations is a hilarious cover up when they know it was real
crowley is her favorite
she loved season 1 so much
this is not in any particular order. i don't remember everything because it is more than a day later and we were exhausted at the time of watching. my computer fucked us over and we had to walk to her house to finish the season, which was a nice touch to our day of being trapped miles away from either of our houses for hours without any water in a heat wave. but she LOVED the show, and that made me so happy. i was having a great time listening to her come to the realization that they're in love. we're gonna try to watch season 2 soon, but there are some schedule things getting in the way of that
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hauntedwizardtree · 11 days
Satan!Crowley’s (Mis)Adventures Raising the AntiChrist
I want to read a Good Omens fic where Crowley is Lucifer, and when he is “ordered” to take the baby AntiChrist (his son!) to the Satanic nuns to be switched with the Dowling baby…he. Doesn’t.
Lucifer rebelled against God so why would he do what She says he will? And furthermore why would he put his child. His creation. His heir into the hands of Humans? He knows what the humans are capable of. Besides, he started the whole rebelling thing. There would be no one better to teach his child how to be evil (he can also teach his boy how to see the beauty in the world—give him all the love Crowley thought had been burnt away in his fall. Show Her that throwing him away had been a mistake).
Crowley makes it appear that the switch went off without a hitch, but really all the new parents go off with their own babies. And then Crowley, Lucifer, Lord of Hell and all that. Has to figure out exactly how you raise a baby demon. Or Angel? Lucifer was an Angel but he fell. Demons are fallen angels. So is the baby an Angel? Because he hasn’t fallen? Unless Crowley’s evil was passed onto his child? That wouldn’t be fair though. The baby hasn’t done anything wrong and Crowley will go back to being Lucifer and he will tear Heaven and Hell apart before he lets them punish his son just for existing.
Hours later Crowley is raiding a bookstore trying to find a Manuel on how to raise a child without giving them massive amounts of trauma. He is also worrying himself sick because he doesn’t really remember his time in heaven and isn’t entirely sure if angels were ever babies or not.
Eventually he decides to drag Aziraphale into helping him without explaining a thing.
(God is just watching all of this and wondering if allowing Lucifer to spawn was really a good idea. It seems to be just making his issues worse. Maybe She should have done as the version of Her from a couple alternate timelines over did and gotten Lucifer into therapy.)
just. I want to read where a bumbling bibliophile Angel and the equally dumbass King-of-Hell-in-Hiding raise the AntiChrist. Complete with Crowley trying to not let Aziraphale know the truth because he’s certain the Angel will leave him. And Beelzebub who knows exactly where their idiot king is keeps dropping by and Crowley goes to increasingly extreme lengths to keep them from spilling the news to Aziraphale and Adam. also. Gabriel. Just, Gabriel.
And the Angel and Demon are having to deal with their two sides while also trying to keep the whole AntiChrist thing from Adam.
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ineffableigh · 8 months
Uhh wait, the nightlights again...
I didn't catch that WARLOCK had a red nightlight as well:
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I dunno what it means, if anything, but Maggie has a LOT of clues crammed into one character lol. She's not the right age to the the Third Baby but something has to be going on.
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I found this as a draft in my notes app and I think I was having a panic attack and brainrot when I made this but here it goes
basically a list of odd but obvious similarities from the tv series Merlin and Good Omens BBC
​tragic little gay men
​blonde-haired dude and dark-ish-haired dude
​one of them has blue eyes
​the other tries to hide their real eye color which is yellow/gold
​in the fics, the dude with yellow/gold eyes are kinda insecure about their eyes but the dude with blue eyes loves it about them and always compliments them
​they kinda come from different backround/have a different status
​there's this kid with blue eyes that they originally wanted to kill but didn't in the end
​also the kid was very important on the ending somehow
​in the end of the last season the dude with blonde hair leaves the other
​and in the fanfics/edits the dude with the dark hair is VERY sad that the other is gone and is still waiting for them to come back but also kinda wanna forget about them
​the fandom collectively agrees that the dude with gold/yellow eyes is genderfluid
​its kinda grumpy x sunshine
​the dude with darker hair has a nickname/pet name for the blonde dude that the fandom finds adorable
​the dude with darker hair's name is kinda related to a type of bird
​also there's this witch with dark hair and at the first few episodes we kinda don't know if she's a good or bad
​oh and she also kinda see/knows the future somehow (?)
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v4guelyv4mpiric · 10 months
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good omens season three predictions
(i just. really miss Warlock)
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maarigolds · 1 year
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They fused
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