#Adeeb Bin Yeslam
mr-aljabry · 9 months
Chapter & Multiverse Fan Fic #1 : Confrontations
“Anyway~” Linh exclaimed, “I better get going to catch the bus back home. I’ve had fun today!”
Both Adeeb and Lucas grinned joyfully in response. It’s the last day of summer. Tomorrow they'll start college, and each has their own path. It’s going to be harder to meet up as they used to. All three have been friends since they were in 1st grade. Tomorrow will be the first day that all three of them don’t share a classroom.
Unfortunately, the happy blissful mood disappeared with Linh. Adeeb glared angrily and silently at Lucas.
“Don’t give me that,” Lucas exclaimed in frustration. “What is it this time?”
“You know what it is! I know what’s in your pockets. Why do you keep doing this? We could have easily bought these things! You didn’t need to steal them!” Adeeb’s emotions were all over the place contrasting with Lucas’s unfazed demeanor.
“No, YOU could have easily bought it. I don’t need any charity from anyone, I can…” Adeeb cut him off, yelling angrily, “CHARITY!?” before giving him a light shove.
“Is this how you see us? We’re family! I’ve known you my whole life. There’s no charity between friends and family. We help each other because we care for each other.”
Lucas let out a long sigh before sitting on the bench behind him. People were looking, and that made him more uncomfortable. It took a minute before Adeeb took a deep breath, calming down, and then sitting next to him. It felt like an eternity, both looking ahead silently at the people coming in and out of the mall.
“Do you think Linh noticed?” asked Lucas.
“I… don’t know. Probably not. They worship you, you know? They always brag about how awesome you are.” Adeeb replied, with a hint of sadness in his voice. “They’d be very disappointed to see you using your powers like that.”
Lucas pulled out a yo-yo from his pocket, still in its packaging. He tore the package and started throwing the yo-yo in a walk-the-dog motion. But the yo-yo kept spinning continuously before pulling up to do the same motion but in the air, defying gravity. A smile started to sneak onto Adeeb’s face. “You’re really amazing, Lucas.” Lucas smiled confidently before throwing the yo-yo up, letting go of its string, and levitating it towards Adeeb with his telekinesis. Adeeb opened his hands to catch it falling. “And when are YOU going to share with us about YOUR power?” Adeeb’s hands froze, and the yo-yo fell on the ground rolling away. Lucas patted Adeeb’s leg upon that reaction to his words. “Yeah, I figured as much. I don’t know exactly how it works, but I’ve put things together so far to have a general idea. I’m not school smart, but I am very observant.”
Lucas reached out his hand, focusing on the yo-yo, pulling it to roll back with his mind, stopping it at Adeeb’s feet.
"I... I didn't plan on hiding from all of you. It's just..."
Adeeb picks it up. A moment of silence passes like an eternity before he continues “… I don’t know…. I haven’t really mastered it yet, and it’s nothing cool like yours. Best I can do is make it easier for me to work on my costumes, and that’s already a problem for me with my Dad as it is and I just…
“So it’s your Dad, huh?” Lucas interrupted him.
“You know how it is. apparently being a tailor is fine to do as a living, but doing it for fun and a creative outlet isn’t… manly enough. Imagine if he finds out not only do I make costumes, my power kinda makes me really good at it.”
“Listen… “Lucas placed his hands inside his pocket and spun around to face Adeeb “… I get what you’re going through, but your family is kinda cool. You should give it a try, what’s the worst that could happen?”
Before Adeeb gets a chance to reply, Lucas’ phone starts ringing. He picks it up, looking at the name and hangs up without answering.
“Well, I got to get going now. Tell Linh I’m sorry I won’t be able to join you all on campus. Hopefully things work out for me and we’ll get to meet again in the future.”
Lucas started walking away, waving his hand in a goodbye motion without looking back.
Adeeb stayed behind for a few minutes, thinking about his friends breaking apart, and fear seeping in considering how he’d talk to his family. He stood up looking at the yo-yo left to him by Lucas.
“I should… probably go pay for this thing…”
---------------------------------------------------- END
< Sorry it took so long for me to post this. I've written this but I was struggling with whether or not it was any good to share. In the end I've decided to go ahead with it! NO RAGRETS! Don't be shy to tell me your thoughts and comments!
- Ahmed >
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evieebun125 · 2 years
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I decided to make myself some CMV stickers and I'm so happy with them!
You can download them here  Or feel free to dm me & I'll print and mail you them (possibly with a lil bonus *wink wonk*)
[ID: 3 sets of digital busts. The first set is of Blodeuwedd Morgan, Mini Smithson, Joseph Teller from Chapter and Multiverse. Morgan is a white women with long brown hair, Her arms and shoulders have  Celtic love spoon tattoos across them. She is wearing a white tank top with blue straps and she is holding a rose in her left hand. Mini is a pale women with iridescent blue-black hair in twin buns, her hands are up in excitement and she is wearing a pink floral long sleeve shirt. Joseph is a tall white man with brown hair and gray eyes, he is wearing a plain black long sleeve shirt. The second set is of Adeeb Bin Yeslam, the Eternal Tavern Keeper, and the Turban from Chapter and Multiverse. Adeeb is a brown skinned man with dark stubble and brown eyes. He is wearing a brown cat cardigan with his arms full of pink and blue cloth. The Eternal Tavern Keeper is a brown skinned man with black hair and beard. He is wearing a creme button up underneath a red silk suit vest, a towel is draped over his right arm. The Turban is a brown skinned man with dark stubble, he is wearing blue turban with a red scarf over a black shirt, his arms are covered in white ribbons. The third is of Zenith, Solartrix, and Spihon from Chapter and Multiverse. Zenith is a tall white man with brown hair, he is wearing a plain black suit and a black domino mask. Siphon is a white women with long brown hair, Her arms and shoulders have Celtic love spoon tattoos across them. She is wearing a brown Kevlar tank top, and a green domino mask, she has a wilted flower in her hand. Solartrix is a pale women with iridescent blue-black hair in twin buns, a light gray shirt over a blue dress and iridescent suit, she is holding a laser gun in her left hand./ End ID]
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raspberryhell · 2 years
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[ID: Digital art of 4 full body drawings of the main cast of Chapter and Multiverse: Masks. From left to right is Mini, Adeeb, Morgan, and Joseph all dressed in their hero costumes. The background is a purple gradient with several light purple patterns scattered around. End ID.]
(Extended ID + close ups + helmet-less Joseph under the cut!)
Congrats to the cast of Chapter and Multiverse for finishing their Masks campaign!! Here is my lineup of our heroes in their costumes!! :D
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[ID: Two digital drawings of Adeeb. Adeeb is a tall Muslim man with brown skin and short dark hair and a goatee. He is wearing a long black and gray shirt, a blue turban, a red scarf, and black pants and dress shoes. He is standing with his arms raised, long white ribbons wrapped around his palms and hanging down around him. He is wearing a thin pointed mask and is smiling with a confident expression.
The second image is the same as the first, but without the white ribbons in his hands. End ID]
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[ID: Two digital drawings of Mini and Morgan.
Mini is a short chubby tan-skinned woman with long black iridescent hair held in a high ponytail. She wears a form fitting purple suit with several yellow and orange starburst patterns. She wears big white space gloves and boots, a work apron with the words ‘The Shoe Space’ written on it with a small shooting star logo, and a bright orange starburst shaped mask. Her outfit has several neon pink and blue accents. She is skipping forward with a hand on her hip and another holding up a small laser gun. She winks and sticks out her tongue playfully. There are two small pink cartoon-y alien antennas sticking out from the top of her head.
Morgan is a tall muscular white woman with long red hair, green eyes and freckles on her face and shoulders. She is wearing a dark green tank top with a bright green vine pattern and brown cargo pants. She wears a red jacket tied around her waist and red high top sneakers, as well as a pair of dark fingerless gloves and a bright red bandana mask across her face. She has a tattoo band on her shoulder of a Celtic knot. She is posed facing the side, looking down with a slight grimace. One hand is at her side holding a long wooden quarterstaff and the other is raised in a fist. End ID]
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[ID: Two digital drawings of Joseph. Joseph is a short white man wearing a helmet that covers his face. The helmet has a black visor, a gray stripe down the center, and two small cameras sticking out on either side of the face with a small red recording light in the corners. All of his clothes, jacket, pants, boots, belts, and gloves, are shades of black and dark gray. He wears a large cape that bundles at his shoulders and ends at his knees. One hand is resting at his neck on his cape, the other held down holding a small sickle weapon with a chain attached and looped around his arm. 
The second image is the same as the first, but with his helmet taken off. He has chin-length black hair and black eyes. He glares down with an annoyed look on his face. End ID]
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its-your-mind · 2 years
Mini, an actual space alien from actual outer space: I'm an alien. You’re my friend, you should know.
Adeeb, whose family and cultural history has given him a Specific Context for that word: yeah dude I have some friends and family members from outside the country. “Alien” is kind of a derogative term though, but-
Mini, very excited all of a sudden: You have friends from other planets???
Adeeb, suddenly in over his head:
“…other what now”
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esperanzagalaxy · 2 years
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ID: four messy, traditional bust sketches of morgan, adeeb, mini and joseph, from cmv. they’re drawn hastily with a black marker and half-colored in with colored markers, colored pencils and oil pastels on cream paper.
 the first drawing is of morgan. she’s grinning bashfully, turning her face to our right and putting her right hand behind her neck. she’s big, strong and chubby. her hair is long, wild and dark orange. she has bright green eyes and some freckles on her cheeks. she has a black choker and a white tank top. she’s colored in with dark orange, red and green, and her background is pink.
 the second picture is of adeeb. he’s smiling softly towards the viewer and he’s holding his phone on his left hand. he’s wearing a blue turban, a light-colored blazer jacket and a scarf across his shoulders. he has a bit of a stubble on his chin, some short dark curls poking out from beneath the turban, and slim oval glasses. he’s colored in with blue, pink, and green. his background is light blue.
 in the third doodle is mini, she’s grinning widely and waving at the camera with her left hand. her hair is long, straight and black, with stripes of light blue, green and gold done with opaque acrylic markers. half of it is done in a high bun, and the rest is loose. she has a sharp, uneven fringe. she’s wearing a big red shirt folded into a single-shoulder dress, and a necklace made of paperclips. she’s colored with green, pink, and orange. her background is gold and orange.
 last one is joseph. he’s got both hands in the pocket of his hoodie, and is staring sulkily up at the camera. his hair is short and black, and he’s wearing a plain gray hoodie. he’s colored with gray, lilac and pink. his background is colored red. end ID.
 masks ends this week and i’m a whole ep behind? here’s the awkward get-to-know-me doodles i made last month, i guess
 and, also, my shame under the cut
 i mean this in the queerest way possible-
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 [ID: a digital doodle of joseph and mini holding hands. it’s drawn with loose lines in different shades of green. joseph is wearing a plain hoodie and sweatpants. mini has a strapless top made out of a folded shirt, and a skirt also made up of a folded shirt. she’s standing up straight with a smile and little cartoony flowers around her head. joseph is a full head taller than her, and is shaking and hiding his blushing face on his elbow, looking down. end ID]
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Adeeb: maybe you should try to see things from Mini’s perspective for once.
Joseph and Morgan: … *crouch down*
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notbynary · 2 years
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[ID: Four digital paintings of close-up textures, representing each of the four player characters from Chapter and Multiverse Masks. The first image is a bright green fern leaf. The second image is of rainbow and white iridescence. In the bottom left corner is a bright light and a lens flare. The third image is a curved plane of dark glass. In the top right corner is a small red recording indicator light. The fourth image is of folds of red fabric with rows of purple stitches. End ID]
love this team of normal, emotionally well-adjusted human superheroes
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axolot-of-ideas · 2 years
I just finished the campaign and i have a single thought
Masks Team Polycule
they all love and support each other, your honor
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miralines · 2 years
Instead of finishing any of my mechs fics I wrote a chapter and multiverse fic! Featuring (and consisting entirely of) Mini’s article about Adeeb’s love of shoes
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detlillemennesket · 2 years
Ya know, I've been part of one fandom or another for almost a decade now, and yet this is somehow the first piece of proper fanart I've ever made. Congrats Chapter and Multiverse, dunno how you did it but ya did😅😁
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I call it "Is Aquila pulling the strings?"
Its based on a dream @springtime0207 had after we listened to episode 13 and 14 of Masks. So not entirely accurate anymore, but it was a fun theory we bounced around, and I'm super proud of how it turned out so I figured I'd share it anyway😁
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mr-aljabry · 11 months
Should I write Adeeb fanfiction?
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evieebun125 · 2 years
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what do you mean the episode didn't end at the group hug 🥲
 Morgan loosing her temper and punching walls and hauling Joseph around lives rent free in my head
[ID: A digital drawing of Blodeuwedd Morgan, Mini Smithson, Joseph Teller, and Adeeb Bin Yeslam from Chapter and Multiverse. Morgan, Adeeb,and Mini are surrounding Joseph hugging him while he looks uncomfortable. Morgan is a white women with long brown hair, Her arms and shoulders have Celtic love spoon tattoos across them. She is wearing a white tank top secured with a blue  strap. Adeeb is a brown man wearing blue turban, a blue vest and a creme shirt. Joseph is a tall white man with gray eyes, he is wearing plain black baggy hoodie. Mini is a pale women with iridescent blue-black hair, she is wearing a yellow striped shirt. /End ID]
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lolotr · 2 years
"you have friends from other planets??"
"other what now?"
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kristsune · 2 years
Adeeb: i want to keep that robot puppy
Me, out loud, without second thought: roll animal handling!!
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unimportantweirdo · 2 years
hello i wrote a chapter and multiverse fic on ao3 it's called breakfast there's only 10 fics go check it out
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biwonderland98 · 2 years
Getting some real friends-to-enemies-to-lovers vibes from Adeeb re: Poltergeist this episode
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