#SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER i legit have been working on this since may and have had such a hectic summer aaaaaaaa
eff-plays · 16 days
Wyll really is just so ignored, I'm playing for the first time and just got to act three and jesus, first time seeing his dad in forever at gortash's ceremony thing and theres like no reaction from Wyll?? unless my game bugged which it's been doing more than a fair amount since patch 7.. Like a lot. I saw someone say that Wyll gets treated like Karlachs backpack and like yeah... that scene is about gortash and karlach mostly, Wyll and his dad are just kinda there?? Mean while astarions plotline about vampires doesnt really seem relevant to the story literally at all but theres so much content focusing on that.
HEY sorry for coming back here to yell. If you know all of this or don't care for my flabbergasted yelling then please don't mind me, apologies if this is nonsensical, I am bewildered and my mind has been servery boggled. I just fully took a second to notice that wyll has 1 (ONE) greeting if you've romanced him, I was a lil baffled so I spent a minute spamming everyone in camp and saying hi and ahahahahah, everyone but lae'zel and the side npcs has at least two for the approval I have with them, karlach has 4. So I went to the wiki and, lae'zel has 4 possible romantic greetings and everyone else have above 10 APART FROM WYLL, WHO HAS 1, some of those greetings are if you've broken up but Wyll apparently has 0 (ZERO) if you've broken up BECAUSE Wyll has 7 possible greetings TOTAL TOTAL!! lae'zel has the same amount of platonic greetings as Wyll does total, asstarion has 27, shadowheart has 36 , Karlach has 38. what the actual shit, I'm not sure if the wiki is outdated and they added more for patch 7 but like?????? I also just had that cutscene with mizora, we had just doomed either Wyll or his dad, his dad in my case (even though what Mizora was offering was his location and protection from all but us, doesn't mean that he's dead for sure but everyones acting like Wyll just sacrificed his dad for his freedom, EXCEPT for Karlack whos acting like I took the deal, they really refuse to fix any bugs that involve Wyll huh), and we just get one of those "talk to me" interactions in camp, you don't even get to talk to him about it after that, he just goes right back to "I'm here for you, always" and all the default dialogue options, like bro you dad apparently just had his death cemented and THATS ALL WE GET? thats all he gets? No extra lil bit of dialogue to reassure him seeing as we may have just killed his dad?? idk it feels very significant to his character seeing as he often talks about how much he adores his dad but no? I really regret romancing Wyll first, I'm just getting mad at the game and his treatment like damn. I'm so disappointed, usually fandom ignoring any and all poc in games is just their racism and I've no doubt thats still happening here but I really can't blame people for not latching onto Wyll, he's great and I love him but even when romancing him and no one else, every other companion seems to have so much more going on, cause they literally do, they have so much more content. I knew he had less, I've seen that reddit post about the amount of hours each companion gets but the greeting thing really just whacked me in the face. small and minor correction, i misread the 10 as a16 I believe, so astarion has 21 not 27 as i think i said before! STILL OVER DOUBLE WHAT WYLL HAS AHAHA
(I assumed these were the same person so I bundled them in one big ask)
Oh but remember, Larian ENSURES all their devs work on EXACTLY what they want to work on!!! :))))
This is also why I think Durgewyll is the big brain romance of the game. Because it's the only way to experience even slightly more Wyll content. Like?? ONE romance greeting that was BUGGED for until a much later patch? Like!!!!! GENUINELY THE FUCKING AUDACITY. They should be legit fr fr ashamed lmao. Also Neil Newbon glazing Larian for being soooooo inclusive and making such groundbreaking representation while their only Black character is in the fucking toilet.
Ugh. It sucks so bad lmao. It's frustrating too cuz there's nothing one can do. Clearly speaking up about it has done fuck-all. Even if they drop the world's biggest Wyll patch, it'll still be like oh ok so all that racism was just a funny joke I guess? "Haha tricked you all into thinking we were racist?" To be clear I do want a massive Wyll patch, but I'm still never getting a Larian game again even if they drop it. I'll mayhap pirate one but even so. They've shown their priorities and preferences. They're SOOOOOO keen on speaking to their fans and addressing every little piss-ass useless gripe as soon as possible, except when you ask about Wyll. Then it's radio silence. Because even acknowledging it, apologizing for it, would be inconvenient. It would make it a Big Deal that people would Talk About, and it would tarnish Larian's current status as the gamer audience darling. So better to pretend it's not happening. After all, the only people upset are just some Twitter randos, and nobody listens to those guys.
Whatever man. Theo Solomon saying peanits.
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raspberryhell · 2 years
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[ID: Digital art of 4 full body drawings of the main cast of Chapter and Multiverse: Masks. From left to right is Mini, Adeeb, Morgan, and Joseph all dressed in their hero costumes. The background is a purple gradient with several light purple patterns scattered around. End ID.]
(Extended ID + close ups + helmet-less Joseph under the cut!)
Congrats to the cast of Chapter and Multiverse for finishing their Masks campaign!! Here is my lineup of our heroes in their costumes!! :D
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[ID: Two digital drawings of Adeeb. Adeeb is a tall Muslim man with brown skin and short dark hair and a goatee. He is wearing a long black and gray shirt, a blue turban, a red scarf, and black pants and dress shoes. He is standing with his arms raised, long white ribbons wrapped around his palms and hanging down around him. He is wearing a thin pointed mask and is smiling with a confident expression.
The second image is the same as the first, but without the white ribbons in his hands. End ID]
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[ID: Two digital drawings of Mini and Morgan.
Mini is a short chubby tan-skinned woman with long black iridescent hair held in a high ponytail. She wears a form fitting purple suit with several yellow and orange starburst patterns. She wears big white space gloves and boots, a work apron with the words ‘The Shoe Space’ written on it with a small shooting star logo, and a bright orange starburst shaped mask. Her outfit has several neon pink and blue accents. She is skipping forward with a hand on her hip and another holding up a small laser gun. She winks and sticks out her tongue playfully. There are two small pink cartoon-y alien antennas sticking out from the top of her head.
Morgan is a tall muscular white woman with long red hair, green eyes and freckles on her face and shoulders. She is wearing a dark green tank top with a bright green vine pattern and brown cargo pants. She wears a red jacket tied around her waist and red high top sneakers, as well as a pair of dark fingerless gloves and a bright red bandana mask across her face. She has a tattoo band on her shoulder of a Celtic knot. She is posed facing the side, looking down with a slight grimace. One hand is at her side holding a long wooden quarterstaff and the other is raised in a fist. End ID]
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[ID: Two digital drawings of Joseph. Joseph is a short white man wearing a helmet that covers his face. The helmet has a black visor, a gray stripe down the center, and two small cameras sticking out on either side of the face with a small red recording light in the corners. All of his clothes, jacket, pants, boots, belts, and gloves, are shades of black and dark gray. He wears a large cape that bundles at his shoulders and ends at his knees. One hand is resting at his neck on his cape, the other held down holding a small sickle weapon with a chain attached and looped around his arm. 
The second image is the same as the first, but with his helmet taken off. He has chin-length black hair and black eyes. He glares down with an annoyed look on his face. End ID]
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spooning - nolan patrick
****ya girl is back w another patty fic. this might be one of my favorite things I've written so let me know what you think! this is some tooth aching fluff with our favorite stoic boy.***** 
“Did you just throw a spoon at me?”
Okay maybe you were being a little over dramatic. But it was warranted, he said over and over that he would be done in 5 minutes yet, here he was, 45 minutes later, still in front of that damn TV. 
You knew the struggle of dating a hockey player and you were okay with them, most of the time anyways. Nolan was back on the ice this season and while you couldn’t be happier to see your boy back doing what he loves, he was driving you crazy. 
Nolan had this weird thought that he had something to prove to the team, to the fans, to the entire city. After missing a season due to injury, he felt that he had to come back 10x better than he already was. You told him over and over again that it was really unnecessary since the team had faith in him and he was already playing fantastic as usual and he didn't owe those loud mouth reporters shit. Yet, it went in on ear and out the other. He spent extra time at the rink after practice, working on his shot, his speed, his passes, anything and everything he possibly could. 
Which lead to right now. You had barely seen Nolan this week due to games, practices, and you working so tonight was supposed to be one night to spend time together. You were going to cook dinner and Nolan even agreed to help and cook with you. You were honestly pretty excited to spend some time together and actually have a conversation with him that wasn't “good morning” or “good night”. 
Except you were standing in the kitchen, alone, halfway done cooking dinner and Nolan was sitting on the couch watching tapes from the team’s game last season against the Islanders in preparation for this weeks game. You asked multiple times for him to pause it and he promised just 5 more minutes every time. 
So yes, you did throw a spoon at him. 
All you did was shrug when he asked and turned around to go back to cooking. 
“Babe? Did you just throw a spoon at me?”
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” If he wanted to lie about being done with the game, then you could lie about the spoon. It was obvious he didn’t believe you but you did hear him pause the TV and heard his feet shuffling around the floor. 
You faced the stove and stir the pot you had on the burners when you felt hands slide around your waist and rest on your hips. Nolan shoved his face into your neck and he nuzzled into your skin as he pressed his body flush against yours. 
He mumbled a “baby?” into your neck and you hummed in response. He pulled his head up a bit to rest his chin on your shoulder.
“Why did you throw a spoon at me?”
“Why am I cooking dinner alone?”
The crickets were awfully loud tonight.
“Okay, so it appears I may have forgotten that I promised to help you cook tonight.” He leaned up and starting repeated kisses to your cheek. “I’m sorry honey, I got dishes tonight and dinner tomorrow, I promise.”. You still had yet to answer him. It may have been a bit dramatic but you were kinda hurt, all you wanted was a bit of quality time with him. Nolan continued to kiss your cheeks, your forehead, your chin, and all the way down to your shoulder blade. You still gave him not reaction and focused on the stove in front of you. It wasn't until Nolan rubbed his beard into your neck and started tickling his finger against your side did you crack.
“Stop it, I’m mad at you! Couldn’t you figure that out when I chucked a spoon at your head?” you were half laughing, half trying to put up a serious front. 
“Yeah, the spoon flying at my head kinda gave that away. I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to forget. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” He pouted at you, sliding his arms back around your waist. He pulled you flush against him once again and starts swaying side to side. 
“Nol, you don’t get it. I really missed you this week, we’ve barely seen each other. I was looking forward to actually spending some time together but noooooo you just had watch more stupid hockey tapes.” you grumbled out that last part and took a rather aggressive jab at the pan with the spatula you were holding. He sat quietly for a moment while still swaying you back and forth slowly. You felt him rub his nose against your neck before he pressed his lips softly against the side of your head for a brief moment. 
“You’re right. I got too caught up in being back and got lost in the hockey hype. I neglected you and our relationship. I’m sorry baby, I’ll try to not let it happen again. If it does, you have my full permission to throw more spoons at him.” he mumbled. You hummed in response, appreciating his words and knowing that he meant them. “Here, let me help.” he grabbed the spatula from your hands and bumped you out of your place in front of the stove with his hip. You stared at him in amusement as he started stiring the dinner in the pan. “Cmon, I got this. go pour some wine and put on your favorite song.” he smiled at your, nodding his head toward the bottle of wine sitting on the kitchen island. You sighed but did as he said anyway. You grabbed two glasses and poured you both some wine. You put on your “chill” playlist, a favorite of both you and Nolan, and made your way back over to the stove.
Placing the glasses on the counter, you wrapped your arms snuggly around his midsection and rested your head against his back. You rested against him for a minute and mumbled a soft “missed you” against his shirt. You watched as he lowed the flame on the stove and spun around to face you. His hands landed at your waist as he tugged you close to him. Your chin was on his chest as you stared up at him. He smiled down at you contently and bent down to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“Hi baby.” he said, pressing another soft kiss to your lips. He always had a way of making you feel like a giddy schoolgirl.
“Hi honey.” you smiled back at him, relishing on finally getting a moment with your boyfriend. He kissed you one last time before pulling away from your hold.
“C’mon you love this song.” He said as he grabbed your hands and pulled you into the middle of the kitchen. He spun you around by the hand and dramatically dipped you into his arms, which always made you laugh. Before long, the two of you were spinning each other around the kitchen, dramatically dipping each other. There’s a chance your attempt to dip Nolan failed majorly and he may have ended up on the floor while you cracked up but that was a story for another time.
The two of spun around the kitchen, smiling, laughing, and just enjoying the time you two had together for a couple songs until Nolan realized dinner needed to be finished. He returned to the stove, stirring food around in the pot, while you perched on the counter with your glass of wine. Nolan told you all about his practice and all the funny things the boys chirped at each other while you caught him up on all of the latest work drama and the conversation you had with his sister a few days before. 
You passed Nolan plates as he placed dinner on them and the two of you headed to the table. Dinner was lovely, the conversation flowing as smooth as always. Smiles were spread across both of your faces as both of you clearly loved having this time to catch up with each other. Nolan smiled extra softly at you as you told him how dinner with your friends went the other night and reached out to hold your hand across the table.
“You know,” he started as you finished your story, “this is all I want in life. I just want me and you, together like this, for the rest of my life.”
“I- you- what?” you stuttered as he caught you off guard. He chuckled at your surprise and kissed your hand.
“Babes, you can’t be surprised by that. We’ve legit talked about marriage and kids, why would I not want you for the rest of my life?” he asked you. Well he did have a point, we had talked often about your future together and have recent taken the step to move in together. 
“I don’t know, just caught me by surprise. It’s always nice to hear though, I want you forever too Nols. You’re it for me.” you said as you leaned over the table to kiss him.
“Thanks baby, you’re it for me too.” he replied back to you in his typical deep voice. He lifted the back the your hand that he was holding up to his lips, kissing it gently. Then, in true Nolan fashion, he casually changed the conversation to a story about the boys messing around and almost getting in trouble this morning after practice. 
The two of you ended the night by migrating to your bed, opting for a movie and some comfy clothes. You laid with your head on his shoulder and you two watched the next couple episodes of the newest show you had been binging. You rolled closer to him, resting your head in the curve of his neck and wrapping your arms around his shirtless torso. His hand fell into your hair and your eyes fell shut at the calming feeling. You felt yourself start to doze off but not before you felt Nolan pull you closer and press a kiss to the top of your hair. He mumbled a soft “love you” as you fell asleep, thankful that you decided to throw a spoon at him.
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sumire-bride · 2 years
Could you make a list of angsty headcanons (and a moodboard) about Sumire in her role as a sacrificial bride?
(( I TOOK FOREVER IM SORRY- Busy week when you sent this☠️ Working and stuff, BUT I HOPE THIS IS GOOD :) ))
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𖧷ɤ— Sumire has been told since birth she was born for a purpose, the kind of purpose to fulfil the desires of people's hearts, non humans to be exact. No matter how much she hates what they want from her, no is not a word she will say to those who wish to help her fulfil her purpose.
𖧷ɤ— Just like the sacrificial bride does, she lives with the Sakamaki's and gives up her blood in return. However, Sumire wants to do more then just her blood. If her blood makes them happy have all of it until you're satisfied, if you want to insult her to get enjoyment out of it do it until you ran of insults to spurt out at her, hurt her punish her she will not hate you for it at all. "This is her purpose" right?. Her mindset is Kou's mindset but the opposite of it "take something from me without giving me anything in return."
𖧷ɤ— Sumire's legit purpose as a bride for the boys is to sit still look pretty, like a statue as people rob her of her belongings. Her heart and blood for example. A statue can not move they can not feel. Therefore she believes she must not either. She may have screamed when they ripped her heart out, her voice may have trembled along with heavy terrified breaths when they drank her blood, but she swears she wasn't scared.
𖧷ɤ— Serving and obeying aren't just her main roles as a bride though. She also plays the role and a "therapist", for the boys she's meant to resemble some of their trauma, she's meant to make them feel things. Sad, angry, scared or loved, she's meant to help them resolve themselves and or just feel.
𖧷ɤ— The family therapist if you will.
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horansqueen · 3 years
New Angel - Chapter 13
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story masterlist [x]
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chapter 1  ☆ chapter 2  ☆ chapter 3  ☆ chapter 4  ☆ chapter 5  ☆ chapter 6  ☆ chapter 7  ☆ chapter 8 ☆ chapter 9 ☆ chapter 10 ☆ chapter 11 ☆ chapter 12
☆ written from Niall’s pov ☆ i don’t proofread, I never do, I hate it. ☆ AU comedy/fluff/smut/romance ☆ 2.5k ☆ i accept requests and ideas for this story, so message me in my inbox! (added @niallerlover​ ‘s request in this chapter! 😊💖) ☆ if you want to be notified when this story is updated (or be taken off the update list) CLICK HERE
We stared at each other and I was pretty sure her heart was thumping against her chest as hard as mine was. I wanted to tell her what she wanted to hear but I couldn't, and I knew that somehow, I was going to hurt her. I also felt like it wouldn't be the last time and that thought made me swallow hard. I should let her go right now and make sure I wouldn't make things worse. If I let her go, she could be with someone who was ready to commit in a way I wasn't, and I had no idea when I would be. I should stop everything with her and leave, I should tell her I don't love her and let her fall for someone else, but I couldn't seem to find the words to do that. Perhaps it was purely selfish and my thoughts were suddenly invaded with my ex girlfriend and everything she had told me only a few hours before. I swallowed my tears and breathed in deeply, trying to get back to my senses.
"I was a bit... baffled by your confession." I admitted, glancing down before forcing myself to look up in her eyes again. "I like you and you know it, but I'm not ready for a relationship and I don't know when I'll be." I felt my heart twist knowing that my next sentence could hurt her but I had to say it. "And I don't know who it'll be with."
Her face changed, her lips parted and my heart sank in my chest.
"I see." she whispered, looking away.
"I'm sorry, Summer. I just can't guarantee you we're going to be official at some point because I have no idea what I want." I breathed in and sighed when I realized she was avoiding my eyes. "I'll understand if you want to stop everything."
She closed her eyes and I was scared I had broken her heart when that was really not my intention. I never thought some random girl I had met in a bar could fall for me so fast and I started wondering what the hell was wrong with me. Summer was beautiful, smart, joyful and sweet. Anyone with half a brain would be happy to date her but the thought of throwing myself into a new relationship scared me and made me nauseous at the same time. It was not her, it was just that I didn't trust anyone anymore, or almost. Ever since Grace broke my heart, I couldn't imagine giving what was left of it to anyone, and I was totally ready to face the consequences of it, even if it meant I would lose someone like Summer, or that I'd ruin the last chance I could have with Grace.
"No, I get it." she whispered before swallowing hard. "I knew it was too fast, I knew you said you weren't over your ex girlfriend, I'm sorry I insisted. It's just... I like you, and I had to tell you."
I felt half-relieved and half-bad for her answer. I didn't want to lose her but if she had decided to give up on me, I would only have Grace to deal with. I opened my lips to tell her about my ex girlfriend coming back but quickly changed my mind. I wanted to take a decision before talking about the other to them both. It was probably a bad idea but I had no idea what I would tell them and I felt like mentioning the other would make both of them feel bad.
I was in deep shit and I knew it, and I also knew I had to take a decision fast, but I was too confused to think straight.
"What do we do now?" I asked gently, raising my eyebrows. "Do you need time?"
"No..." she sighed, shaking her head. "I mean, I need to study a lot this week so I guess we can see each other next weekend?"
"That works for me."
"We can text though, and I'll call you whenever I have a minute."
My eyes roamed on her and I swallowed hard. All of this started to dangerously seem like a real relationship but I decided not to mention anything. How many times would I need to have this conversation with Summer?
"Alright, darling."
She sent me a sad smile and walked up to me quickly before wrapping her arms around my chest. It took me a second or two to react and finally hugged her back. We heard the door open and a voice came to us from the hall but Summer didn't move.. In fact, she held me tighter against her but I couldn't help it and turned around just in time to see Andrew's smile fall.
"Oh, I didn't know you were here."
I raised my eyebrows and pressed my lips together in somewhat of a sorry smile and finally, Summer moved away from me. I turned to send her a smile too and she brought her shoulders up and close to her cheeks before tilting her head.
"I thought you two were... mad at each other." Andrew added, catching Summer's attention.
"Yea but we're good now."
It suddenly felt extremely awkward but I didn't want to get into this at all. Obviously, Andrew had feelings for Summer but she seemed to be quite oblivious about it and I was not going to be the one to point it out to her. I started wondering if maybe she'd be happier with him but felt her hand slide on my chest.
"Andrew's here to study with me." she explained, making my lips curl a bit more.
It's only when my eyes met hers that I realized she was mentioning it because she was scared I was jealous. I raised my eyebrows as my heart jumped in my chest and finally licked my lips.
"Okay, I'll leave you too." I just replied, still smiling. "I'll see you soon."
I walked until the door and made a quick head movement to Andrew on my way as Summer followed me. She leaned against the side of the door as I walked out and I just turned around to send her one last smile before waving and running down the stairs.
My heart thumped in my chest the whole ride home and when I closed the door behind myself, I quickly rushed to Millie's room. I had to talk to someone and I knew she was the only one who was ready to listen to me. I could have tried with Louis but he was stuck in his little world with his new girlfriend and I knew how that felt. It was a bit useless to call him especially knowing that he wouldn't be completely listening to me anyway. However, I quickly regretted my decision when I opened Millie's door. I should have knocked, I knew it, but I was lost in my thoughts and I didn't think.
"Mill, I really need to t-" I stopped myself and helped my breath before muttering a low "Oh shit."
She grabbed the blanket of her bed and threw it over her as I quickly closed my eyes and when I repeated 'Oh shit.' again, she started laughing. It was not a nervous or embarrassed laughter, it was a real laugh that made my heart skip a beat. I turned around quickly and closed the door behind myself as I kept hearing Millie laugh from the other side. I leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the floor before leaning my forehead on my knees, letting out a short groan. I hadn't expected to see my friend masturbating and I felt extremely guilty for not knocking. I was so lost in my head on that day that I didn't seem to have place anymore for judgement and clearly, it had played against me.
I heard the door open again but it took me a while to look up only to meet Millie's smiling face. I probably would have been a bit annoyed if someone had caught me touching myself because they didn't take the time to knock but she just smiled more when our eyes and licked her lips.
"You can come in, I put my toys away."
"Mill!" I let out, getting up quickly. "That's too much info!"
"If you didn't want info, Horan, you should have knocked. I told you I was going to masturbate before you left!" she argued, turning around as I closed the door behind myself. "Now you're stuck with that image in your brain forever!"
The satisfied smile on her lips made my heart get back to a normal been and I chuckled. "Alright, fair enough. I'm sorry, Millie."
"It's cool, don't sweat it." she shrugged, sitting on her bed. I noticed she had actually made it and I walked closer, not daring to sit down too. "Everyone does it, and I'm pretty sure you didn't see much."
It was true, I had barely seen anything, but the thought in itself was quite nice. It made me think that I would have to use my hand too all week since Summer was busy and the thought of asking Grace to have sex crossed my mind but I quickly blinked a few times, pushing it away. It was an horrible idea and I knew it.
"You're right."
"Now, tell me what you wanted to talk about."
I sighed and sat next to her, my eyes lost in space as I shook my head slightly. "When I left, Summer was with her friend Andrew and, they were about to study together."
"Mm, I see." Millie let out, nodding slowly. "You know, it's normal to be jealous. But I think she made it clear that you're the one she likes."
I swallowed the lump in my throat and closed my eyes, a bit scared of what Millie was going to say after I told her the truth. "That's the problem. I'm not jealous at all." I admitted firmly. "I'm sick to my stomach thinking Grace may have fucked with an other guy but thinking about Summer and Andrew having sex at this exact moment?" I shrugged and finally turned to look in Millie's eyes. "I really don't care."
When her gaze met mine, I quickly looked away. I tried to think about something else than Millie touching herself but it wasn't easy and I cleared my throat as she sighed low. I felt her move on the bed and when I glanced at her, I noticed she was leaning against the wall almost in the same position than when I entered.
"I mean, you still love Grace, and you don't have the same feelings for Summer. To me it's quite legit." she admitted, tilting her head. "You can't force feelings for Summer, you know? But that doesn't mean they won't develop with time."
"Just like your feelings for Louis will disappear with time."
She seemed to think for a second and shrugged a shoulder. "Falter, yea. Disappear completely, I don't know. I hope so."
"Did he ever catch you masturbating too?" I asked, my lips curling into a smirk.
She chuckled and grabbed a pillow before hitting me with him roughly. I had to joke about the situation or I clearly wouldn't be able to think about something else.
"Catch, no! But he did see me, and I saw him."
My face twisted in a grimace and I raised my nose up. "Why did I ask?" I whined, making Millie laugh. "My two best friends made nasty shit all the time, this is crazy!"
"Well, now one of your best friends gets no action and when she wants to take care of herself, you walk in her room without knocking!"
"Need some help?" I joked, an amused smile on my lips.
"No! I order on amazon, thank you!"
I laughed and she did too before I turned my body slightly her way, still sitting on her bed. "I talked with Louis, I think he understood but..."
"But what?"
I licked my lip and breathed in before sighing. I didn't dare to look in her eyes for a few seconds and finally did. All she did was nod and send me a sad smile.
"But he really loves her." she just let out in a sad and soft tone. "Don't worry, I already knew that."
"So, Summer is busy all week and I really don't want to see Grace for now." I quickly pointed out after a minute or two of silence. I was desperate to change the subject and our love stories were disasters we clearly needed a break from. "How about we just spend the week together?"
Millie frowned, not completely sure of what I was proposing. "You and I? Spending time together like real friends?"
"Yea! We both need some distraction. No love story, no relationship bullshit. Just two best friends enjoying each other's company and having fun. How's that to you?"
Millie sighed and sat up before moving her upper body closer to me and raising her eyebrows. I looked deeply into her green eyes and she pressed her lips together. "At the end of the week, do you think you'll be able to choose which girl your heart desires?"
My eyes roamed on her face and I nodded very lightly. "Hopefully."
"We need to make a list or pros and cons." she proposed, moving slightly farther. "One of each for each girl every day. Then we can compare the lists this weekend."
"You should also make a list of all the things Louis did that got on your nerves." I pointed out, making her chuckle low.
"Okay, deal." she nodded. "But I work tomorrow."
"No problem, I'll pick you up and we can hang out." I just said, getting up and passing my hand in my hair. "But for now, I'm starving, I'm gonna go grab a bite, do you want me to bring you something back?" I asked, an other cheeky smile drawing itself slowly on my lips as I took a few steps back in the door's direction. "You're probably gonna be hungry after your masturbation session."
She quickly grabbed a pillow and threw it at me, making me laugh. I dodged it with my elbow and heard her laugh too as I picked the pillow on the floor to throw it back at her.
"Burgers?" I asked, raising my eyebrows while she chuckled.
"Yes, thank you!"
I nodded and reached for the knob before opening the door and sending my friend an other smile. I liked the deal we made and thinking that we would actually spend time together without lovers or fuck friends made me feel lighter. It was exactly what I needed and I was ready to make the best out of that week off.
"I'll text you when I get back, just in case you're not done."
Her lips curled and she chuckled, tilting her head. "Good idea!"
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Hold On Loosely
So, this was originally in the process of being written for a zine, but I wound up dropping out due to aphobia in the project. Which, well, sucked, and was one of the contributing factors of my less-than-great mood these past few days.
But, I wound up finishing the fic as its own thing, so I hope y’all enjoy. Have some pre-canon broganes fluff to lift the spirits.
Word Count: 2,545 Characters: Keith & Shiro Read on AO3 My house, my rules, my ko-fi
“Ooh, you know what looks good?” Shiro said, looking up from the table’s menu to grin over at Keith. “The chocolate lava cake. What do you say, you wanna split it with me?”
Keith shrugged, tilting his head to glance at the menu as well. He swallowed his bite of steak before slowly replying, “I dunno, it’s - it’s kind of expensive.”
“I told you, Keith, tonight’s my treat. Come on, if you don’t split it with me, I’ll just order it and eat the whole thing myself, and I will definitely get sick. So…”
“All right, fine, I’ll have the cake.”
“Great!” Shiro’s grin broadened as he waved their waitress down to place the order. “Every celebration needs cake,” he added to Keith as the waitress left. “Anyone who tries to limit it to birthdays is just close-minded.”
“I still don’t really think we, um, need to be celebrating,” Keith said.
Shiro huffed in mock exasperation. “Bud, your grades were great, you’re being too hard on yourself.”
“I didn’t even get all A’s or anything. And I had a C in Professor Antonsen’s class - ”
“Keith, I assure you, her class is the hardest in the whole academy. Matt didn’t even get an A in it. Chin up.” Shiro reached across the table with his fork, the last bite of his salmon still on the tips of the prongs, and tilted Keith’s head up to look at him. “Hey. I’m really proud of you. I mean it. You did great work, and you deserve to celebrate.”
Keith stared at him for a moment, as though mulling his words over, then a tiny smile escaped him as he tilted his head down and ate the bite of salmon off of Shiro’s fork, too quickly for the latter to move it out of the way.
“Barbaric,” Shiro gasped. “Have you no manners at all?”
Keith just smirked, making a show of chewing loudly before he swallowed and said, “Still, we didn’t have to go somewhere all fancy like this. I would have been fine with just burgers or pizza or something.”
“Well, sure, but I was really in the mood tonight for a place with tablecloths, you know? It’s a big night.”
“They’re just grades.”
Shiro shrugged and set his fork down. “All right, time for me to confess. The reason I decided to go fancy is that we’re actually celebrating two things tonight.” Keith raised a brow, and Shiro went on. “I actually got some pretty big news today. And since Adam’s busy until tomorrow and my parents are in another time zone, you, my dear friend, get to be the first to celebrate it with me.”
“What is it?” Keith asked.
“Now, I will tell you, they’re not officially announcing this until Monday, so don’t go spreading the word to your classmates before then and ruining the surprise.”
“What surprise?”
“So if anyone asks, you don’t know anything about it, okay? You’re gonna be just as excited by the announcement as - ”
“Shiro,” Keith groaned. “Now you’re just doing this on purpose.”
“You caught me.” Shiro smiled. “So. Guess who has been officially selected as the youngest pilot ever to lead a Garrison exploration mission.”
Keith’s eyes slowly widened. “You - you got the Kerberos spot?”
“I got the Kerberos spot.”
“That’s awesome!” Keith breathed. “Holy - you’re going straight to the edge of the solar system! Oh my god, you’re gonna be in textbooks, Shiro! You’re gonna be, like, a legit historical figure. That’s huge.”
“We always knew Earth’s atmosphere couldn’t contain me forever,” Shiro said with a smirk. “So, you’ve managed to get settled into the Garrison pretty well by now? Fitting in with your class? I know you’re doing well grade-wise so…”
“I guess, yeah,” Keith said with a shrug. “Why?”
“Nothing,” Shiro said, waving his fork dismissively. “I’m going to be pretty busy for a while, is all, and then I’ll be gone for the mission after. Just wanna make sure you’re ready for that.”
“Oh.” Keith's smile flickered, the corners of his mouth drooping for half a second before returning to their place. “Yeah. Yeah, ‘course I’m ready. I mean, I - I knew you were gunning for that spot on the mission, so it’s - so, yeah, you know, I knew this was coming. I mean obviously it was coming, you’re the best pilot in - you’re, um, you’re definitely - ”
“Keith?” Shiro raised his brow. “You all right?”
“Yeah. I hadn’t really thought about, uh, what I would be, um - ” He drummed his fingers against the table, then moved to lift his knife and fork and start carving up what remained of his steak. “But that’s - that’s not important. It isn’t. We’re celebrating. And - and - and you got the Kerberos spot, and I got my grades, and that’s good, this is good news, it is, I’m happy! I’m happy for you. I’m very - ”
Gently Shiro reached across the table and laid his hand on Keith’s arm. “You’re starting to carve up your plate, there, bud.”
Keith blinked down at his knife, then, with a slow breath, he dropped the cutlery and pulled back. “Sorry. Sorry, I wasn’t… paying attention. Shit, hang on.” He ground the heels of his hands into his eyes and mumbled, “I’m okay. I’m fine. Got a little… overwhelmed… by the good news. Just need a minute to, uh, to process.”
“Everything all right here?” came a soft voice behind Shiro’s shoulder, and he jumped in his seat, banging his knee on the table and whipping his head around to see their waitress, their cake in her hands and her face apologetic. “Sorry,” she said. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” Shiro said. “You’re fine. Thanks, it looks delicious.”
“Can I, uh, get you anything else?” the waitress asked, glancing toward Keith who was hastily trying to scrub at his eyes as she set the cake down on the table. “A drink refill or… some tissues, maybe?”
“We’re fine, thank you,” Shiro replied. “Uh, take your time with the check, please.”
The waitress nodded and hurried from the table. Keith, meanwhile, pushed his chair back, his head down and hair falling into his face as he mumbled, “I think I need the restroom…”
“Hey, hang on,” Shiro said, holding out his arm again as Keith stood. “Keith… you know, it’s okay if you’re upset.”
“I’m not upset,” Keith snapped.
“Uh-huh. I’ve told you before, bud. If you’re upset - or any other emotion - ” He added when Keith opened his mouth to protest - “You can tell me. I’m not gonna judge you for it, you’re not gonna be punished. It’s not good to bottle things up. Come on, talk to me.”
“It’s… nothing,” Keith said. He sighed and collapsed back into his chair. “It’s stupid. Sorry, I’m ruining tonight, aren’t I?”
“You’re not ruining anything.”
“Yes I am. You took me out to celebrate and I’m freaking out on you and raining on your parade and - and I should be happy about this. I am happy about this, I’m happy for you, so there’s - there’s nothing even to talk about.”
“Mmm.” Shiro tapped a finger thoughtfully against the edge of the cake plate. “You know, you’re allowed to feel more than one thing. You can be happy for me and still be upset. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Sure, but - ”
“Want me to start?”
Keith frowned. “Start what?”
“Sharing.” Keith still looked just as baffled, so Shiro continued. “I’m thrilled about the news, and I’m excited about the upcoming Kerberos trip, and I’m really proud of myself for having made it this far, especially so early in my career.”
“You should be,” Keith said with a fervent nod.
“But I’m kinda freaking out too. It’s a lot of pressure and responsibility, and I’m scared of messing up. There’s a ton of prep work that has to be done before the mission, which is going to be stressful and exhausting. And the mission is going to last for months, so I don’t know how claustrophobic or homesick or lonely I’ll get. I know I’m going to miss you. You, and Adam, and everyone else on Earth.
“I’m happy, yeah, but I’m all those things too. It’s a lot. But, I gotta admit, putting it all out there, out loud, it’s a bit of a relief. It’s on the table instead of on my shoulders, so now I don’t have to think so hard about what I’m dealing with, I can move on to actually dealing with it. And now it’s your turn”
Keith paused before saying, “I feel like you missed your true calling as a psychologist.”
“I’m young, I’ve got time to chase a bunch of callings. No changing the subject.”
Shiro waited patiently as Keith fidgeted in his chair, chewing at his bottom lip and focusing intensely on the dishes in front of him. Finally, though, he spoke up, so softly that Shiro had to strain to hear him: “I guess I’m… not ready… for you to go.”
Slowly Shiro nodded. “That’s understandable, Keith. I - ”
“It’s not, though,” Keith bit out. “It’s not like I haven’t been on my own before, right? And, hell, I’m a couple years off from being an adult, I shouldn’t - I shouldn’t still be - and it’s selfish, right? This is, like, your dream, Shiro, and all I’m thinking about is how I’m gonna - how I’m - ”
“Hey, hey,” Shiro said, keeping his voice low and soothing as he watched Keith bunch up the edge of the tablecloth in his fists. “It’s not selfish. Okay? I don’t want you thinking that for a moment. It’s you feeling your feelings, and there’s nothing selfish about that. If you were selfish, you wouldn’t be nearly so concerned about how your reaction is making me feel, right?”
Keith only shrugged. “And Keith, what’s this about being on your own?” Shiro continued. “Me being gone doesn’t mean you have to be alone.”
“It - it kinda does,” Keith mumbled. “I, um, I - I may have exaggerated, a bit, um, how I’m fitting in with my classmates.”
Shiro narrowed his eyes. “Are those other pilots still giving you a hard time? If they are, we need to go to your CO, file a report.”
Keith shook his head. “No, they aren’t - there haven’t been any other incidents or anything, just - I’m still not really - I’m not part of the group or anything. We have classes together, but that’s all. And you know I can’t get an ‘Adam’ of my own, I’ve - I told you about that, about how I don’t - so I don’t have friends, I don’t, not really. And I definitely don’t have a ‘partner’ or whatever, so that just leaves family, and - well, that’s you. Just you. That’s all I’ve got. And so if you’re gone…”
He let out a sniff and wiped his nose with the tablecloth. There was only so much the Garrison could do to instill table manners into their cadets. “Forget it. Like I said, it’s nothing.”
“That’s not nothing, Keith,” Shiro said. “That’s… that’s fair. That’s fair and valid and I’m glad that you told me.”
“Kinda ruined the whole ‘celebration’ vibe, though.”
“We’ll have plenty of time to celebrate before the mission. I, um - did - were you always worrying about this? The whole time I’ve been applying for the Kerberos spot?”
“I dunno. I wasn’t really thinking about it. Was trying not to, you know? It, um, wasn’t important.”
“When am I ever going to finally convince you that your worries are important?”
“More important than Kerberos?”
Keith snorted. “Shiro - ”
“You know, in the coming months I’m gonna be spending a lot of time preparing for the mission. Maybe we should come up with a game plan so you can do the same.”
“Shiro, you barely managed to convince the Garrison to let me into the academy, you’re never gonna convince them to let me join the mission.”
“Much as I’d love to have you, that’s not what I meant,” Shiro said with a little smile. “I meant that while I’m getting ready to go to Kerberos, we can get you ready to stay on Earth. We’ll go through the things you’re worried about, the things that you need to prepare for, and we’ll start planning for them.”
“How do you mean?”
“Like, okay, you’re worried about being lonely while I’m away. So let’s plan for that. We can talk to Adam, and Colleen, make sure you’re able to turn to one of them if you need anything at all. And we can even schedule some weekends out, get you some vacation from the Garrison to wind down. If you’re worried about keeping up with schoolwork while I’m around, we can contact your instructors to let them know, maybe see about any extra credit work you can do while I’m gone.”
Keith nodded slowly. “Okay. And, um, if I’m worried about… you know…” The tips of his ears went red as he mumbled, “Missing you?”
Shiro resisted the urge to tease him about the blush of embarrassment and instead broadened his smile. “I’m gonna miss you too, you know. What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t?” Keith bit his lip, and Shiro would bet any amount of money that it was to hold back a smile. “We’ll figure something out. We’ll make sure to get a ton of pictures together before I go, for starters, and I can let you babysit my hoverbike while I’m gone.”
Keith’s mouth dropped open. “You’ll let me be in charge of your hoverbike?”
“Promise not to crash it?”
“I… can’t make that promise.”
“Promise you’ll try not to crash it?”
“That I can do.”
“I’ll take it. So we’ve got a plan in place, and we have plenty of time to come up with more. And if it helps, I swear, I’ll come back from Kerberos as soon as I possibly can. Sound good?”
“Yeah.” Keith nodded. “Sounds good.”
“Do you need a hug too?”
“No,” Keith said, spreading his arms out to accept one anyway. Shiro scooted his chair around the table to embrace him, rubbing Keith’s back as the latter sighed into his shoulder, and he didn’t let go of the hug until he felt Keith finally pull away.
“Now,” Shiro said, scooting back into place. “This cake has just been waiting to be eaten, and we should really help out.” He nodded toward Keith’s dessert fork . “Come on, I’ve seen the memes, I know you love cake.”
Keith let out a breath of a laugh as he lifted his fork and started to cut off a piece from the cake. “If you’d seen all the memes, you’d know I also love pizza.”
“Well, in a few years, when we’re celebrating you getting your first big mission and breaking the youngest-pilot record, we can go out for pizza instead. Deal?”
“Deal.” They both took their first bites of the cake at the same time, and Keith rolled his eyes as Shiro made a show of moaning in contentment at the taste. “By the way,” Keith said as he moved in for his second bite, “I really am happy for you. Cadet’s honor, I am.”
“Thanks, Keith,” Shiro said with a grin. “I’m happy too.”
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timbertumbr · 4 years
Boneafide Gamer (A Reverse Harem Fic)
Chapter 1, Signing In
Quotev Link
Welp- Guess who’s joining the skeleton train?!
Note: When it's in your perspective, it's more than likely going to use the boys Usernames instead of their Nicknames since they legit just met so… here's a list of the usernames I've come up with-
Blue (Underswap Sans): Magnificent Blueberry
Stretch (Underswap Papyrus): Carrot
I'll add more as the boys are introduced. (Also for the horror bros I'm using ratsoh-writes nicknames.)
Finally, after a year of waiting, you have it!  Basic MMORPG VR edition! You squeal before thanking the delivery person and closing the door.
You tear open the packaging as you enter the room, open the case and put the disc into your computer. You gently place the case onto the desk before setting up your V.R set. The game boots up as you put on the VR goggles and you begin the intro. 
"Welcome to Basic MMORPG VR edition. A world that was heavily inspired by Sword Art Online, but our game is much better in so many ways! Would you like a list?" Snorting, you select yes.
"You do not have to fight any creatures in this game.
There are many skill sets to choose from like cooking, fishing, farming, bounty hunting and many many more!
A world that gets updated throughout the seasons.
Create, craft, or find many items the world or players around you provide.
You are not strictly assigned to a specific class, want to be a mage that wields a sword? You can BE a mage that wields a sword!
There are-" Holy crap, this list is long… you'd review it later, you wanted to get to the good stuff! Gameplay!
You enter the character customization screen and make your persona. Then came the most difficult part of making a character, giving it a name!
You tapped your foot as you thought of what to name them… do you want something funny? Something normal? Or something stupid? Man, this is hard…
You go for the grandest name of all "fart." You snicker as you accept the name, knowing you could change it whenever.
Hitting "confirm," you wait as the game loads on a public server. And when it loads in, there aren't a lot of people on… Wasn't there a lot of hype for this game?
You shrugged and went to the infamous Quest Master to receive your class, first weapon, and first quest. 
After all was said and done, you were "fart," jack of all trades (because you couldn't choose just ONE of all these cool classes!) And off you went to the fields to complete your first quest, kill/befriend/collect 5 slimes. 
Holding your multiweapon tight, (Again, you were VERY indecisive and basically created a multitool for weapons.) You venture into the fields to see a lot of slime and very few people.
Legit, there were only two people here. Skeletons, one named "Magnificent Blueberry" and the other named "Carrot." Very fitting considering their choice of armor/robes.
Intrigued, you decide to focus on your quest conveniently close to the skeletons, waiting for the chance to jump in their conversation and make friends! Haha! Genius!
While you slashed more than the acquired amount of slimes with your sword, the short skeleton was reading all the features this game held while the tall one was trying to figure out the controls.
"OH WOW! PAPY, DID YOU KNOW YOU COULD MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE CREATURES?!" Blueberry exclaimed using voice chat, turning to his struggling younger brother.
"Really? I think we both know who'd like that," Stretch says amused, Blueberry huffing before helping Stretch with the controls.
"INDEED! OKA WOULD LOVE TO MAKE A SLIME FARM! (THE TRIGGER IS TO ACTIVATE STUFF LIKE GRABBING AND DROPPING ITEMS) AND I THINK EDGE WOULD BE MORE THAT HAPPY TO HAVE A CAT 'ARMY,'" Blueberry exclaims, happy that there's so much to do in this game! (Even if it is a waste of time according to Edge.) 
Stretch nods, finally getting used to the controls and thanking Blueberry, who enthusiastically welcomes him.
"What other features are there?" Stretch asks curiously, peering at the cybernetic screen on Blue's arm.
"OH LOT'S! THERE'S HUNDREDS OF FEATURES IN THIS!" Blue exclaims before scanning the list to look for one Stretch may like.
"Oh wow," Stretch comments amazed, he knew there was a lot but HUNDREDS?! It's every gamer's dream! (Red may enjoy that.) 
"Sure, why not?" With stars in his sockets, he hovers his disembodied hand over Stretch and adds him to a party which Stretch accepted the request for. Blue then renames the party to "THE AMAZING DUO!" Stretch raises a bone brow with an amused smile.
"REALLY! OH LOOK, A POTENTIAL FRIEND!" Blue exclaims, finally noticing you. However you were focused on the slimes.
"They've been there forever though," Stretch points out.
"WHA? PAPY, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" Blue says sadly, Stretch shrugs again.
"They seemed busy," Blueberry looked at you again and you were still focused on the slimes.
"WELL, MAYBE THEY NEED A BREAK!" Blueberry exclaims before approaching you. Stretch sighs before hesitantly following his brother. 
"GREETINGS FART!" He exclaims, causing you to burst out laughing.
"Ahaha! I knew that name was a great choice!" You say before turning to the smiling short skeleton.
"[Insert pun here] MWHEHE!" You hear a groan come from the taller skeleton that just arrived.
"Hehe! That was a good one! As you know, I'm Fart. And you're…?"
"I'm Carrot," Stretch says afterwards, causing you to snicker.
"Those are great names! Say, what are your classes?" 
"Mage, You?" You chuckle sheepishly at the question.
"I… chose all of them…" You admit, making Carrot snort.
"Couldn't settle for one huh?" Stretch asks amused, you cross your arms and huff.
"Hey! It's not my fault there's so many choices!" You exclaim.
"I THINK IT'S NEAT!" Blue chimes in making you smile.
"Thank you Blue. Hey, are you guys new to the game?" You ask and they both nod.
"Well, so am I! How about we explore together?" You suggest, Blue lit up like a Christmas tree.
"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! LET'S GO NEW FRIEND FART!" Blue exclaims before leading the way, you and Carrot snicker and follow after.
So you spent the entire day exploring the HUGE town made for beginners and it's also a hangout/meetup area for experienced players. You got witty remarks from Carrot, puns and fun little facts and features from Sans as you explored. Before you all knew it, night had arrived and you had to log off.
"Oh shoot! It's 8 already?! I gotta go guys, thanks for exploring with me!" You announce making Blue jump.
"IT'S 8?!" Blue yelled before quickly logging off, leaving you with Carrot.
"He… doesn't play games a lot. He usually works hard," Carrot explains, you nod.
"Makes sense," You say before you go to log off.
"Wait a minute," Carrot says before you press the logout button.
"Could I get your discord? I have some… cousins that could use some social interaction from someone like you," You smile.
"Is this your way of telling me you want to hang out more?" You ask in a teasing tone, Carrot snorts.
"Yes and no," He answers simply with a smirk. You exchange discord usernames and codes (Cheesepuff ####) before saying your final goodbyes and logging off. 
You take off the VR headset and wince from the lack of light and strain on your eyes. You shut off everything and begin your nightly routine. Once done, you scoop up your phone and check your messages on discord. 
Cheesepuff: Yo, it's Carrot. I came to wish the jack of all trades goodnight. And to tell you Blueberry says he's sorry he left so suddenly.
You snicker before replying.
(Username): Thank you Carrot. Tell Blue I said it's okay. Goodnight to both of you!
You then go to message your friend hoping they weren't asleep already.
(Username): Dude! I made friends! :D
Totally not the writer: Oh? Do tell.
And so you do, telling them EVERYTHING! 
Totally not the writer: Woah. I gotta get that game. And they sound nice but keep on your toes okay? Not everyone is who they seem.
(Username): Don't worry, I will! Good night you night owl. (You better go to sleep once you send YOUR good night.)
Totally not the writer: No promises. Night.
Sighing, you shut off your phone and head to sleep and dream of Slimes, Carrots and Blueberries.
Holy shit! That took a while to write. One pair of boys down, 4 to go… Will the other chapters be as long as this one? It honestly depends but let's hope not for both our sakes.
So we got ourselves a new series! Huzzah! I’ll try and post the chapters here with links to the next as the series goes on but I could also post it onto quotev or something if you guys prefer that.
Next Chapter
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aspenflower17 · 4 years
Wrath is the Cat: Part 2
Hey everyone! I have a sweet fluff for you guys for Valentines Day! If you haven’t read the first part of this fic here’s the link for it. I’ve had this in the works for awhile now, so I hope you guys enjoy! This one has more Levi content too :) Know I love you all, and I hope you are happy this Valentine’s Day :)
Please note: I don’t think there’s any spoilers for season two of Obey Me in here, but there are spoilers for Fruits Basket. If you don’t want those, please come back and read at a different time. This will go on my master list, so you can always come back and read later :)
Word Count: 3,644
No warnings (unless you don’t like mild yelling from Satan), just fluff <3
“Welcome back, Mc!” Barbatos greeted.
“Hey! Glad to be back,” Mc grinned stepping out of the magic circle, “Is everything ready?”
“Just about.”
“Perfect. Thank you guys for helping me.”
“Of course. It’s not a problem. It will be nice not to have the brothers moping around everywhere.”
Mc laughed at that, pulling her bags down the stairs with her, “I can imagine.”
“In any case, it’s nice to see you again. Lord Diavolo wanted to be here to greet you, but he’s at RAD making sure none of the brother’s go home early today.”
“It is appreciated. I’ll make sure to drop by later and say hi to him.”
“See that you do. Now, let’s get you to the House of Lamentation.”
Mc was impressed by how silent Barbatos could be when he wanted to be. He took in most of her luggage, demon strength and a tail allowing him to carry more than she ever could. Soon, everything was back in her old room, which looked exactly as she had left it.
“Well, if that is all, I shall be taking my leave,” Barbatos said quietly, both of them knowing that Levi was still at home.
“Yes. Thank you so much! I’ll be by when the brothers let me.”
“We’ll be looking forward to it,” Barbatos smiled, bowed and then left the room, shutting the door on his way out.
Mc sighed, smiling as she looked around her room, sitting on the bed. She knew she would soon be the focus of everyone’s attention, so she was enjoying the silence while it lasted. She also wanted to get at least a bit unpacked before she got swamped by the brothers. She got down on the floor, and wiggled the loose board on her bed base. It came away, just like she remembered. Looking into the space underneath, she smiled, the grimm she’d left before she’d come back still there. Looks like her hiding space for important things hadn’t been sniffed out by Mammon.
Scooting across the floor, she grabbed the bag that held all the valuables she’d collected from the human realm. She had been able to get a house sitter this time, but she didn’t know how long she’d be here this time and she didn’t want to risk losing these items. Some of them couldn’t be found from other humans anyway, mementos from her first time in the Devildom.
After securing the board, she returned to her bags. She figured, as she hadn’t actually talked to Lucifer about staying at his house, she shouldn’t unpack her clothes, though she was sure Lucifer would let her stay. She did need the small backpack that held little presents from the human realm for the brothers. With that, she left her room to go see her true friend.
Mc stood in front of Levi’s room, a bit nervous that Levi wouldn’t appreciate her dropping in on him unannounced. He could be finicky about the strangest things, and Mc didn’t want him to be upset with her. Still, she had come all this way and she had decided he would be the first one she visited with. Though it probably wouldn’t help much with his sin, Mc had to try to give him something to hold onto when she inevitably spent time with the other brothers. That in mind, Mc knocked on his door.
“... Password?”
“Tis I, Henry returned from abroad to the Lord of Shadows!”
There was silence from the other side of the door, until, “... Mc… Is that really you?”
“Would Henry lie?”
“No… But Mammon would.”
“Well, luckily for you, it’s not Mammon… Come on Levi! Open the door. I haven’t seen you in forever!... Fine then. Since you obviously don’t want to spend anytime with me, I’ll just let everyone else know I’m back.”
“Y… You haven’t told anyone else?”
“Nope, but it looks like all my sneaking around was for naught. I was hoping to discuss the plot of “My True Friend Just Returned from Another Realm and I Don’t Know What to Do Because I Think It’s My Brother Pranking Me,” The door opened a crack, and an orange eye peered out, widened suddenly, and a tail shot out grabbing Mc by the waist and pulling her into his room. Mc was caught in a tight hug before Levi suddenly pulled away, face red.
“There’s no anime by that title,” he mumbled.
“Nice to see you too Levi,” Mc beamed, “Though you pulled out of that hug way too soon.”
"W-Well, I guess if you don't mind hugging me, I could- Eep!"
Mc hugged Levi tightly. Though he protested lightly, he eventually hugged her back, causing Mc to chuckle lightly. Sometimes her otaku best friend was a bigger tsundere than Mammon.
"How long are you back for?" Levi asked, still hugging Mc.
"Not sure. Diavolo and I set this up, but we didn't talk about when I needed to head back up to the human realm. Today, I'm going to need to leave you around the time RAD gets out. Until then, I'm spending time with you. I even got Diavolo to dismiss you from class the rest of the day."
"Mc, I honestly don't know how I ended up with such a great friend. To think, a weird, gross otaku-"
"Hey! Stop saying that! You're talking about my best friend you know."
Levi seemed taken aback, until the words sunk in. He then grinned widely, and hugged Mc of his own volition, "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too Levi."
"Can I tell you about my new favorite manga?" Levi asked, pulling back, eyes shining.
"Of course! Keeping up the human realm's new anime is too hard, much less a whole different realm."
Mc had never seen Levi smile so wide, as he began going off about an anime that Mc had a sneaking suspicion was loosely based off her first year in the Devildom, though she'd never say anything to Levi about it. She'd found it was better to let him figure these things out on his own. Mc had figured he would spend most of the time she'd devoted to him to run out of steam. She'd been gone for a while after all. Oddly enough, he only took half the time she had expected him to. When she had first come to the Devildom, Levi had talked nonstop about anything and everything that interested him. After listening to him enough and watching the way his brothers would interact with him, it was because no one listened to him enough. No matter how many online people he talked to he, just like everyone else, craved irl interactions, despite what he may say. Mc had assumed her return would warrant the same reaction, but he seemed to be doing as well as when she had left, something she was extremely grateful for.
“So, how have you been?” Levi asked.
Mc had to blink a couple times. Of course Levi was considerate in his own way, but she wasn’t sure he’d ever asked her that particular question before. As Envy, it seemed he avoided it as a matter of principle, not wanting to trigger his sin more than he had to.
“Ah, good, for the most part. I don’t mind the human realm nearly as much as I thought I would.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I always hated going back home after a vacation. Just settling back into my normal routine, after I had just spent all that time experiencing something new seemed so counterintuitive. But… I guess after spending so long down here, going back seemed almost like going on vacation again. Truth be told though, I honestly just wanted to come back here. I missed you all so much, especially you and Satan,” Mc cringed inwardly, realizing her mistake of mentioning Satan after the fact, “I was so glad Diavolo allowed me to come back.”
“Speaking of Satan, thank you.”
“Yeah. I really didn’t want you to leave. I didn’t think it was fair that the human realm got you back when I really needed you here. You’re the first person I’ve honestly connected with in a long time and the thought of you leaving was pretty unbearable. Satan’s made it so much easier though. He’s not as great as you, but… we actually get along really well. We didn’t talk much before you came, and it was a little weird at first, especially when it seemed like he would get angry at me for no reason. I’ve since realized he mostly just wanted to be listened to, and I think he’s been a lot more patient with me. Having you gone has only been bearable because of him,” Levi ended with a smile.
“Oh Levi! I’m so happy! I was hoping you two would get along after I left!” Mc tackle hugged her best friend.
“H-Hey! Why are you so touchy today?”
“Sorry. I just really did miss you,” Mc smiled, happy to be back where she belonged.
Levi blushed, but smiled, “I missed you too.”
“Oh! I almost forgot!” Mc reached around for her bag, but stopped turning back with her eyes narrowed, “Close your eyes.”
Levi humphed, but closed his eyes anyway. Mc rustled in her backpack, grabbing the item she was looking for, and looked back at Levi, satisfied that his eyes were still closed, “Now, hold out your hands.”
Levi sighed again, but put out his hands. Mc placed one of the items she’d found in his hands, “Okay, open them!”
Levi instantly looked down and gasped loudly, “IS THIS...!?!”
“Yup. I happened upon these while I was shopping around in an estate sale antique store. I didn’t even know they made a leather bound TSL set,”
Levi just sat with his mouth hanging open, looking from Mc to the book over and over.
“Oh, if you’re worried, don’t be. I have the whole set. I just couldn’t carry them all over here, and some of them are still at my house. I figure we can go and get them soon,” Levi continued to open and shut his mouth wordlessly, “I also checked and yes, these are legit. The founders of the first TSL fan club begged to be allowed to make leather bound copies of the books. Christopher thought it was such a good idea that he had his publishers make leather bound copies for each of them. Best part is, it’s a magic item, so each time a new edition is released, a leather bound copy gets sent to everyone who has a complete set, which there can only be eight of since there were eight founding members. All the sets are numbered as well… So you should open it up and look inside.”
Levi broke out of his trance enough to open to the title page to see, it was number 3 of 8, it was signed, and a letter to the Lord of Shadows from Christopher Peugeot himself.
“H-How did you even…. I’ve only heard rumors of rumors about these. I… How?”
Mc laughed, delighted to have surprised the third born, “It’s amazing what you can find in little shops.”
“This must have cost a fortune!”
“Well, it did cost more than anyone else’s gift, but when I got back to the human realm I found I just kept coming into money. I think I have a certain brother of yours to thank for that.”
Mc watched Levi roll his eyes and take a deep breath, almost always a precursor to an envious rant, silently cursing herself for bringing up any of his brothers during their hangout time. He then stopped, releasing the breath. He lowered his head, and when he raised it again, he was not only calm he was smiling, “I’m… glad you were comfortable in the human realm.”
It was Mc’s turn to sit there in shock, mouth working wordlessly. Though her best friend wasn’t terrible or anything, she had never seen him stop an envious tirade. Levi lowered his head bashfully, “I… mentioned to Satan one day I was jealous of his control over his sin, and he offered to help me to contain mine better. I-I-I wanted to surprise you when you got back.”
“You didn’t have to change on my account Levi. I think you’re wonderful the way you are.”
“I-I know. It’s just… Satan is super cool and confident, and… Though normies still scare me, I… I would like some more control in my life. At least enough that next time I summon Lotan, it’s on purpose and not just because I can’t control myself.”
“Well, as long as this is coming from a desire to change yourself for you and not someone else, I fully support it! I want you to be as happy as you can be, and if gaining a bit more control over your sin is what you want, I’ll be your cheerleader!”
“Oh! Could you dress up like Ruri-chan in episode 64 then?! I’ve always thought you’d look perfect in her cheer leading outfit!” When Mc started laughing, Levi blushed, hiding his face behind his hand, “O-Or you could just forget I said anything…”
“Oh Levi! I’ve missed you too much!”
 Mc wandered the hallway to Satan’s room. She hadn’t had much of a chance to be in the house during the school day, and the quiet was deafening. No yelling. No running. No strange life-or-death situations to worry about. Just stillness as Mc got reacquainted with the house.
When she turned down the hallway to Satan’s room, the smell of books overwhelmed her senses and she had to swallow her tears. This scent had haunted her dreams, always leaving her disappointed when she’d woken up.
Then, she was finally at his door. She raised a shaking fist to the door, and knocked on the off chance Satan had stayed home from RAD. After getting no response, she opened the door, her body instantly relaxing. She was back,
Satan opened the door to the house, trying to remain calm. Mc had rescheduled their phone call through text this morning, which had caused him to space out at RAD and get an answer wrong in front of the entire class. Then, Mammon and Asmo had interrupted his walk home and had started to argue the entire way home.
“Don’t get on my case about it. It’s not my fault if you’re not popular on Devilgram,” Asmo huffed.
“N- I- Not popular?! Who do ya think ya talkin’ to?! I’m plenty popular! Just cuz ya sl-”
“ENOUGH!” Satan bellowed, rounding on his brothers, “I can’t believe I have to deal with you two today! If you continue to bother me-” he cut off suddenly, a familiar smell dampening his anger. How was Mc’s scent this strong? His brother’s looked at him curiously, “Just… leave me alone,” he finished, turning around and making his way to his room.
I can’t believe I’m upset enough about Mc cancelling our phone call today, I'm hallucinating her scent. Honestly, it’s just a phone call. Plus, all she did was reschedule it. I’ll probably be able to talk to her tomorrow. She’s also never had to reschedule one before. She was probably just super busy. I think she did mention something about moving. I can’t be so selfish I don’t allow her to do what she needs to. Satan sighed, opening his door.
“Welcome home.”
Satan snapped his head up to see Mc sitting on his bed, a huge grin on her face.
“M… C? You’re here?”
“In the flesh,” Mc giggled, drinking in his surprised expression.
In an instant, she was trapped in his embrace, “What are you doing here?” he murmured into her shoulder.
She smiled, stroking the back of his head, “Well, I’ve missed you and everyone else really badly. So, I talked to Diavolo and Barbatos and they helped me plan all of this. I don’t think they even told Lucifer about this.”
“I assume you already went and saw Levi?”
“Wh- How did you know?”
“Just a hunch. It’s a good idea too, visiting the Avatar of Envy first.”
“I made him promise not to say anything to anyone until I tell them. That way, we shouldn’t be interrupted.”
“I appreciate that. None of them are going to be very happy about that though.” “I know, but you’re more important to me.” Satan lifted his head from her shoulder, noting the small blush she’d developed, “ Do you mean that?” “Of course I do,” she smiled, blush deepening.
His heart leapt into his throat, and he found he couldn’t speak.
“I… You found the letter, right?”
“Huh? Oh, yes. I did.”
Mc nodded, “Well, I think I can finally tell you what I wanted to,” Satan sat back a bit, though he kept a hand on her knee, “After coming here and meeting you all, I realized I couldn’t just “go back” to the human world. I mean, obviously I did, and it was fine, but you guys mean too much for me to just… forget about. So, I’ve been talking with Diavolo. He said I wouldn’t be able to just move here unfortunately, but in exchange for my help with uniting the three realms, he told me you can come visit me in the human world whenever you want, as long as you keep up on your school work, and I can come visit here once every four months.
“He might allow more in the future, but this is what he’s given me for now. I… Uhh…” her cheeks turned crimson, “Have also been asking him what a human and demon relationship would look like, and if it could be possible. There’s still a lot of details that need to be ironed out, but he wanted me to ask if something like that would be…” Mc trailed off, and Satan stayed silent, needing her to completely finish her thought. Could it be?...
“You see, I… I love you. I was drawn to you the moment I first saw you, and… The feelings just got stronger over time. Leaving you was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Being back home, I realized every guy I met could never hold a candle to you. I… I can’t imagine my life without you, and I hope you feel the same way,” she finished in a rush, eyes on her hands.
Once Satan had recovered from the shock, he chuckled, bringing her face up to meet his, “I love you too,” he smiled, his heart light as he said the words he’d wanted to say for a long time now. The relief and happiness that flooded her face were more than enough payment for the wait, “Can I kiss you?”
Mc’s grin grew even wider, “Of course you can,” and so he did. He never intended a small kiss, and Mc soon found that out as his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her into him. Her arms went around his neck, scooting into his lap. Satan had never felt more satisfied or complete in his life. 
When they finally broke the kiss, they pressed their foreheads together, both a bit breathless. After a bit, Satan broke the silence, “So, you asked Diavolo’s permission to date me? Should I feel offended?”
“I hope you don’t. I just wanted to see what was required before I started barking up the wrong tree.”
“Well, I appreciate you going through the trouble. It will probably be a lot easier to proceed with his okay. How’d you get him to allow me access to the human realm?”
“With a lot of begging and promises that I’d keep you out of trouble. I hope you’re okay with that,” Mc looked at him in worry.
“Hmmm… Normally I don’t like the thought of someone trying to control me. But, as long as you don’t overstep your bounds and I get to see you, I’m alright with it,” he answered truthfully.
“Well, we have time to figure it all out now that I know you return my feelings,” Mc smiled, “I never want you to feel second rate, especially with me.”
“So, we can be open and honest with one another right?”
“Of course!”
“Good. I’m glad,” Satan said, kissing her forehead, “So… What do you want to do now?”
“Honestly, anything is good with me. As long as I’m with you,” she smiled happily, making his heart melt.
“Do you maybe want to go upstairs? I’m afraid we’re going to have someone come bursting in at any second.”
“I’d love that. I’ve missed my comfy chair. Where’d you even find it? I’ve tried finding one like it, and I can’t.”
“Well, let’s just say, I called in a favor from a friend.”
“How cryptic,” Mc chuckled, as she made her way up the staircase.
“Well, I think an air of mystery looks good on me,” Satan replied.
“Maybe I should start calling you Sherlock then.”
“He solved mysteries though.”
“He was a bit mysterious himself,” Mc countered, waiting at the top of the stairs for Satan and then walking with him to their chairs.
“If you say so,” Satan smiled.
Mc looked around, visibly relaxing back into the space. That’s when she saw it. Right across from them was the Fruits Basket set she’s given to Satan. Noticing where she was looking, Satan answered her question, “Tohru.”
“Tohru’s my favorite character. Kyo almost won, but… You’re a lot like Tohru with what you’ve done for me and my family. Mc, I hope I can be your Kyo from here on out,” he gazed into her eyes, feeling his face heating up.
Mc smiled back at him, giving him a soft kiss on the nose then forehead, “You will always be the cat to my rice ball.”
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dearest-kibble · 4 years
Can I get a headcanon of Yandere Bakugou and Mirio?
Ok!! Gosh it has taken me far to long to get this done, General headcanons lets seeeeee I assume you mean separate but oh.,,, they'd be an interesting duo now that i think about it hmmmm,,
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Likes to hear how great he is this goes for everyone but, 
He gets a special kick hearing it from you. 
Now Bakugou is the sort of person to jump the gun on may things. He’s capable of strategizing on the spot, leading to him not caring about making what most deem to be “Impulsive decisions.”
This is more unfortunate for you than most other people.
It’s as if when he even gets wind that someone even remotely dangerous really, what was Shouto going to do, beat you to death? He just has to make sure you’re alright. 
It started with looking over you an unnerving amount as red eyes looked you up and down. Looking for a scuff mark or worse, a bruise.
He’d always yell at you for it.
Blame it on the fact that you were always so, so weak.
really, you should just let him take care of you. It’d be easier for everyone involved.
You always refused his offers of “protection” You were in class 1-A of the hero course for a reason thank you very much.
His hands would pop and spark as he growled a little under his breath.
Eventually it would escalate, far to quickly for your taste.
You might could deal with him yelling at you, (he yells at everyone, even Kirishima) you could deal with him staring at you, that just happens sometimes, people stare. And who’s to say he wasn’t just zoning out? Bakugou doesn’t zone out.
You continue to learn and grow at your own rate, paying little attention to Bakugou’s behavior, (really he’s a little strange to everyone) and laughing it off with your friends.
Of course, they notice. 
They notice that Bakugou seems a little extra angry when you refuse his protection. How he cusses just a little more when it’s you who gets hurt in a training exercise.
They start to laugh a little less when you talk about how “Bakugou was staring at my arm again. I mean, I know i had a gash there a while back, but it’s healed now!” and start to wonder just why a hormonal, teenage boy, was staring at your arm rather than anything else.
Eventually he starts to stay near you during training exercises, even when you told him you were fine.
“Like hell you are, are you such a shitty hero that you don’t even notice when you’d need to call for backup?”
“Nah, I can handle myself you know, i’m able to take a few hits!”
“You fucking can’t, if that gash you had in your arm was anything to go by.”
You choose to just ignore him. 
This is the wrong call apparently. 
If him taking you home and locking you in a room was anything to go by.
It seems that he’s made a pretty difficult situation for you, even if he wasn’t prepared for it at all.
You’re stuck in his dorm room, which clearly was not made or decorated to host two people.
It occurs to you that, you didn’t really know how you got here?
He must’ve caught you sleeping. It probably wasn’t that hard, an unfortunate drawback of your quirk. 
Still, you were a hero, and you could get out of this. 
If it wasn’t for your goddamn quirk. 
Incredible power, at the expense of feeling just a tad drained. 
So, here you are sitting in Bakugou’s room.
It’s an odd place, full of cushions and much softer things than you would've expected the guy who wanted to name himself “Lord Explosion Murder” would’ve had.
(And oh shit these were supposed to be general headcanons im so sorry)
He’s standing in his room, preparing some microwave food when you realize that you can’t even move your mouth.
That wasn’t a by product of your quirk. 
Your mouth felt numb, you are unable to do much but wiggle your tongue in a mouth that cannot feel.
You try humming.
“Yeah yeah.” He huffs. “I hear ya. Foods’ done in a bit.” He sounds so nonchalant. So indifferent to the fact that you are sitting on his bed.
“It’s a shit meal tonight, no fire in the dorm. That shit’s dangerous for you.” and not to you? 
It’s stifling the way he spoon feeds you a cup of water that is almost to cold to be any good. You suppose the spoon is necessary given that your mouth won’t move on its own. Still, you glare at him, giving him a good ol’ hero-stares-down-the-villain looks.
He laughs, it’s the big raucous kind that you hear when he’s around Kirishima.
“You’re fuckin adorable when you glare like that.” He wipes at his eyes, “Oh yeah, I’m just shitting my pants over here. If I were a villain, I’d be fucking terrified.” He has to take a few breaths of air before he can speak again. “S’why I gotta protect you.” And it hits you that it wasn’t just Bakugou being weird like with the rest of his classmates. He meant what he said. every word.
It doesn’t matter, you’re a hero. 
You would escape.
You can’t stay numb forever.
(So onto actual headcannons)
Bakugou is a very protective boy, a bit of a bully and will absolutely drug you into submission if he thinks it’s the best way to keep you safe. 
He has control issues (Like so many yanderes i seem to write for.) and wants to feel like he’s control of the entire “you” situation.
He loves and lives to keep you locked up with him, any bruise that you get and little paper cut? You bet your ass thats getting kissed and bandaged by him. 
The kiss only comes after he’s yelled at you for being dumb and that you should’ve known that you would get hurt.
But the kiss after?
It’s soft and sweet in a way Katsuki Bakugou should never have been able to manage.
He also doesn’t cook around you, doesn’t allow you near almost any electrical appliance and he feels like he has to either baby proof his dorm/apartment or regulate you to one room unless you’re with him. You are only safe with him and no one else should really be near you. 
You want to go outside again?
It’ll never happen.
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Mirio isn’t completely delusional.
He doesn’t think you two are dating before you takes you to his apartment, by which point,
You two are actually married.
It doesn’t matter if no one was there for the wedding and if he didn’t get you a ring.
He knows.
And there’s no chance in at least a million that you don’t know it too.
The way he calls you “Wifey” and “Doll” and “Honey” all while your wearing the most recent apron? Oh yeah you two are married.
He just doesn’t get why you’re so against the idea of cooking for him or sleeping in the same bed. Sure it’s a little nerve wracking and it’s probably just newly-wed jitters. But it hurts a little when you insist that you take the couch and he takes the bed.
He’d bring up the topic of children multiple times. Adopting or sex? Both work. But you two haven’t been on your honeymoon yet and he can’t wait, cannot fucking wait, to see you out of that akimpy little apron that he bought you.
Not that he doesn’t just love watching you cook in it.
But marriage is about more than just looking.
And he was plenty of tired of just looking.
He likes to try and dance with you, to put his hands on your hips as you cook and clean and do all your spously duties.
He always put on reccords too.
Something about reccords makes everything feel more romantic and he can’t help, but to see you sway to music and think how he’d love to relive your first dance all over again.
“What first dance?”
Well now he has too.
You were vacuuming at the time, you have to turn it off before you even here him talk about your first dance. (It never happened)
You can only nod dumbly and he laughs at your forgetfulness.
“It’s adorable sweetie, here, let me just,” He tugs at your hips, pulling you into your chest as you squeal. You forget how strong he is sometimes.
He turns you around and places one large hand on your shoulder, the other is gentlely clasped in your other.
“It was a waltz, remeber?” It’s the Blue Danube. You’d never heard a classical record before. It must be new.
“Oh, yes.” You sound a little numb. “I remember!” It sounds almost like your protesting when he gives a quizzical look with his bright blue eyes.
He taps the counts on your shoulder, each finger a different beat.
He’s an excellent dancer, you are much less coordinated.
He presses a kiss to your forehead.
“We haven’t taken out honeymoon yet, where would you like to go?” You suppose a honeymoon was never arranged. (Maybe it’s because you were never married.)
“I don’t know, where do you think would be nice?” You smile up at Mirio. His eyes haven’t left your face since you started cleaning.
“I think that Paris would be nice, don’t you? Plenty for us to do!”
“Paris would be lovely Mirio.” And you press a kiss to his jaw.
You can hear his breath hitch as you lean into his chest.
“Honey,” he sounded so happy. “Honey I love you.”
It’s a one in a million chance that Mirio Togata found you amoungst a crowd of civilians. You could stand to make the most of it.
“I love you too Mirio.” You take your hands away from his for only a moment before wrapping them around his broad chest.
“I can’t wait to go to Paris with you.”
You think you mean it.
- -
A/n (oh yeah there's a (very dumb) pun in each of these hcs. what do you take me for, a simpleton? These also got away from me and i legit forgot what i was writing. I don’t know the difference between general has and just “when the yandere kidnaps their darling im so sorry if it’s not what you wanted i try to fix it in Mirio’s section though. Katsuki is just my weakness i am such a simp.) thank you @popsicledrop for putting up with how long it took to get these out! I am so happy i got to write for these bois and maybe one day i will make a poly scenario because now that i have that idea 👀👀 thank you for reading! Have a nice day!
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up ~(˘▾˘~)
Hi hi, anon! ❤🥰🦋Here is ya matchup dear! Sorry for the loooong wait! 🌻☺Hehe, honestly, life has just been so busy lately! 😱🙈Anyways thank you so much for the request, and I hope you have a super good day❤🦋🙌! 
So at first, I was thinking Ieyasu, but then after I continued to read on, I couldn't help but think that his sneki boi would be perfect for you.
So I match you with............... Mitsuhide
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The first time you come face to face with Mitsuhide he is absolutely captivated by your ocean blue eyes. After you were named as a princess of the Oda forces, you took a seat opposite Mitsuhide who couldn't take his eyes off you. Everything about your intrigued the man, from your shy demeanour, to your standoffish vibes. However one look into those ocean blue eyes had this fox thinking there was more to you than just that reserved demeanor you showed the world. He decided to test his theory after war council ended, and started teasing you mercilessly alongside Masamune. Honestly your reaction was better than anything he ever could have hope for.
Away your shy demeanour melted and to the surface came a witty confident woman. He was absolutely captivated, it was not often that he could find someone who could keep up with his witty banter. And so having captured this kitsune’s attention, he started pestering you more and more every day. 
He would often sneak up behind you while you are reading and give you a fright. Of course, this would usually lead to a witty battle between the two of you. 
Mitushide loved your sense of humour, he honestly couldn't get enough of it. Your jokes would truly always leave this man in stitches with laughter. And you had come to quickly befriend this sneki boi. Even though you hate to admit it, you really enjoyed his company. He would often make time during the day to come and see you, even if it was for a quick five-minute chat. These chats and little visits had become part of his daily routine, and he found himself waking up every morning excited to visit you. Sometimes he would take you out to a teahouse for tea, while other times he would visit your room with a bag of candy as you make the two of you some tea. These little chats would last for hours and hours as you have come to realize that despite appearances, Mitsuhide is an incredibly intelligent man. You loved to pick his brain about all sorts of topics, learning as much as you could from this sneki boi.
You especially loved to sit and rant about anything and everything with Mitsuhide. You would legit show up at his manor, unannounced, plonk yourself down and start ranting about some horrible maid or about Hideyoshi that was babying you too much. Mitsuhide honestly loved it when you would just sit down in his room and start opening up to him about your horrible day. He would always make the two of you some tea and listen to your every worry and thought. He would often offer you a little head pat as comfort, as he secretly plots, how to make all your troubles disappear.
One day as you were peacefully sipping on some tea in Mitsuhide’s manor, two assassins burst through the ceiling and drew their weapons. You were honestly so shocked, as seconds ago you were busy joking around with Mitsu and now these random men were in his room with the intent to kill Mitsu, and kidnap you. You acted on instinct. You spotted Mitsuhide's rifle leaning against his desk, and before you knew it, you had it loaded and aimed at the attackers. Mitsuhide’s eyes gleamed in delight, and he couldn't help but fall more in love with you. Naturally, he disarmed the assassin and put them in the dungeon. However since discovering your talent for shooting guns, the two of you would occasionally go to fields to have shoot-offs and hone your skills. He absolutely loved that you could shoot, as it gave the two of you another thing to talk about.
Honestly, the more time this boy spent with you, the deeper and deeper he fell in love. 
He loves your blunt no filter personality. He loves that you can pretty much sum up a person just by taking a glance at them, and he loves that you have to research a topic that interests you and won't stop until you have found out every single little thing about that topic. Naturally, at this point, he can't ignore his feeling for you any longer, so he decides to confess them to you.
He knows from your various conversations that you have a hard time opening up to people as you are afraid that they are going to leave you. So he decided to make a grand gesture, one that proves that he is yours forever and that he would never leave your side. 
He invited you over for dinner that night *cough which Masamune made cough* and tells you the story of a kitsune and their precious ball. He told you that whoever possesses the kitsune’s star ball, has the power to command the kitsune and that that kitsune will be bound to serve them forever. He then smiled his sneaky smile at you and handed you a gift. 
You eyed it curiously and opened it. Your eyes widened in shock the second they glanced over the gift. It was a beautiful blue crystal orb that seemed to shimmer in the moonlight. He smiled and told you that Nobunaga had found the sphere during one of his travels and gifted it to Mitsuhide as a joke. But he was now giving it to you, as a declaration of his love for you and as a way of saying that he would never leave you.
Since that day, you and the kitsune were joined by the hip. He was the yin to your yang, and the two of you complimented each other perfectly. Not many know this, but Mitsuhide is incredibly ruled by his emotions, especially when it comes to you. He has a rather high empathy level, and sometimes he can let his emotions run away from him, especially if someone is threatening you. 
At times the two of you may not see eye to eye, as you are a very realistic person who is guided by logic rather than emotion. However, the two of you are able to learn from each other, and balance each other out. As each of you are able to offer the other, a valuable differing perspective on the things in front of you. Together you help each other learn and grow and to become better people.
Mitsuhide knows you hate being vulnerable and will never cry in public or around anyone for that matter, so he will make sure to be there for you whenever you need comforting. If you are feeling vulnerable or on the verge of a panic attack, he will sweep you up in a warm embrace and hide you from the rest of the world, as he helps you to get your breathing and focus under control. He will be there throughout all your panic attacks, softly whispering words of encouragement while holding your hand and tracing soothing circles on your back. And you best be sure he will hunt down anyone who dares cause the love of his life to cry!
He absolutely loves that you get flustered at little romantic acts like a kiss on the cheek or brush of the shoulder. This man lives to tease so; naturally, he will tease you mercilessly just to see you get super flustered. He knows you have a strong dislike for PDA so he will keep the heavy teasing for when the two of you cuties are out of public. However be warned he will insist on holding your hand when the two of you go out, cause let's face it he doesn't want anyone to get any idea about stealing the love of his life away, from right under his nose.
Mitsuhide loves that you are a reliable pillar in his life that he can lean on when things get too tough. You are always there to support him through his darkest moments and lend him a friendly ear. Loves it when you help him with his work when he gets overloaded or cooks him food when you notice that he hasn't eaten for a few days. 
He will always be sure to cherish every meal you make him and every act of service you bestow upon him. He, like you, is also not very verbal with his affections instead, choosing to show you how he feels via action. He doesn't need you to tell him you love him as he can see it in your eyes and through every action.
Loves to spend hours with you in his arms. His absolute favourite is to sit behind you while wrapping you in his strong arms, with his chin propped up onto your shoulder as he watches you draw. Loves to just spend quality time with you, even if neither of you are talking.
If you want to make his heart melt into a puddle, let him rest his head on your lap and pull your fingers through his hair, while you read a piece of your newest writing to him. He will legit close his eyes and relish in the sound of your soft, soothing voice, and feeling of your gentle fingers playing with his hair. It's during these times that Mitsuhide completely lets his guard down and allows himself to relax.
Otherwise, the two of you lovebirds are usually found spending a peaceful afternoon in each other's arms. If you have had a long day Mitsu will insist on holding you while he pulling his fingers through the soft strands of your beautiful hair, as you tell him all about your day. He could honestly sit for hours and hours with you in his arms as he plays with your gorgeous hair.
Other potential matches…………… Ieyasu
I hope you have a super good day dear and I hope you enjoyed this! ❤🌻☺
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shreddedparchment · 5 years
Of Two Minds Pt. 06
You’re Not Alone
Pairing: Bucky x Reader x Steve          Word Count: 7,713
Masterpost          Warnings: sexual descriptions, violence, language, ANGST!
A/N: Since there is only one or two more chapters for this one, I think I’m going to finish this one out before I go back to Parallel and the Brightest Star. That’s not to say I’m not working on either of those. I am. But I’ll focus on posting these first since it’s almost over. I hope you like this one. Also, I legit didn’t edit so, mind the typos. I’ll come back and read it tomorrow when I’m not so crosseyed. If you happen to reblog, thank you so much for helping me spread my work. xoxo
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Bucky’s waiting in the small living room of the floor you share with him and Steve.
He's sitting on the sofa, black cargo covered legs spread wide. Feet flat on the ground and his hands tucked under his strong arms, crossed over his chest.
He’s not making any attempt to hide his displeasure. The rough tick in his jaw, the glare he has aimed at the TV is really for you and Steve. You know it is.
But why is he angry? Holding hands at the meeting?
When he turns it on you, that raging scowl, you release Steve’s hand as guilt builds inside your belly.
“Bucky?” You probe carefully, searching hopefully, despite his anger.
“Sounded like you were having fun. I was gonna go get you but Captain Spangled beat me there.” He’s bitter.
Oh no. Your heart stops as you realize that he must have seen. Must have heard.
What did you do?
The jealous sting in his voice you expect and the harsh glare thrown at you and Steve is more than understandable.
“Bucky…” You begin, but you don’t get much further.
“No.” He says, flat, unfeeling. For the first time in many years, you see the Winter Soldier.
The Soldat is diluted in Bucky. Suppressed. Bucky is almost free of him after years of careful reconditioning and therapy and recovery, but he’s there. Cold. Distant. And you did this to him.
You’re scum. You’re shit. You’re selfish. You’re greedy. You’re the worst kind of person on the planet.
You’re sorry but you don’t regret what you did with Steve.
You need to fix this.
“Bucky…please…” You beg, moving towards him.
He allows you to step up to him. He doesn’t pull back when you take hold of his forearms. You see the subtle shift in his eyes as your touch weakens his armor. The muscles beneath your hands tighten however, tense.
“Please. I love you. I will never stop loving you.” You promise.
You know it’s not enough but you want it to be. You want your words to heal his hurt. You need for him to trust in that because you love Steve, it doesn’t take away from how you feel for him. For Bucky.
“No.” Bucky says, finality in his tone.
It guts you. A knife plunged into the soft fleshy bits of you, twisted and yanked pulling with it everything that makes you whole and happy.
“Buck-" Steve tries but when Bucky’s ice-like eyes find his warm storm blues, he stops talking.
“I said no. My answer,” He looks back down at you and speaks to injure. He wants it to hurt you and you can’t blame him. “Is no.”
You had already known that what you shared with Steve down by the lake, in Brazil, and last night cuddled safely in his arms would be all you’d get.
You’d known it and it still hurts. It’s still agonizing.
“You’re gonna leave me now, right?” Bucky spits.
You’ve never seen him so angry and his rage burns you. It takes lashes at you, scarring you.
You don’t want to leave him. Of course, you don’t!
You’d talked a big game but now that you’re facing the choice, you can’t make your feet move. You want them both but the idea of walking away from Bucky is unbearable.
You won’t do that to him. You can’t.
You cry, tears spilling quick and sudden as you grip his arms harder, trying to pull him closer but he’s a statue. Immovable. Michelangelo’s David. Cut and perfect and stoic.
“No…” Your guttural sob chokes you.
How do you walk away? How do you live your life knowing they’re both somewhere loving someone else? They’re yours. Both of them. Bucky is forever emblazoned into your heart. If he leaves you, he takes it with you, leaving a shell.
Steve is your soul. He knows your inner thoughts. He knows your impulses. He knows your darkness and your light. You want him to know your love. Your most vulnerable self, unshielded, ready to surrender to his love and to love him with abandon.
You want to be spread out beneath him as he takes you as one. As part of himself. Like you already are with Bucky. Intimate and private and personal.
And Bucky! Bucky needs to see your inner workings. You want to show him your darkness and to find out if he can still love it. Love you. How can you choose? How can you leave?
But how can you stay?!
“-I l-love you, baby, please don’t push me away.” You plead.
Bucky huffs, pulls your hands away from his body and moves around you.
“BUCKY!” You cry, a torn whisper, half crazed with the thought of losing him forever.
You drop onto the sofa, fisting the plush cushion with writhing claws. Your crying is loud and ugly and you didn’t know you could die and still somehow be alive.
You scream into the sofa because you don’t know what else to do. Bucky took your strength with him. You’d chase after him but your body won’t obey. It’s broken.
It’s full of pain, confusion, but mostly guilt because this is all your fault.
He saw you and Steve. Bucky did.
He heard you. He was there. He saw Steve touch you and you touch Steve in ways that are only his.
Why are you so horrible? Why do you do this? Why can you only destroy?
You hear Steve leave too. On some plane of consciousness, you're aware of him banging on Bucky’s door. You hear the door open and then slamming and then a small muted ruckus. Then silence.
The silence is punctured only by your sobbing. Eventually that stops too and you’re very aware of the fact that it’s either very late or really early.
You shut your eyes and fall asleep. Emotionally spent.
You’re awoken by the gentle shake of a familiar hand. It’s not big. Not Steve. Definitely not Bucky.
“Y/N wake up. We got’im. We know where he is.” Nat takes her hand back and watches as you sleepily sit yourself up.
You teeter for a moment; caught between whatever dark dream you’d just woken up from and very real heartbreak you’re in.
“You okay?” She asks, wary either from the look on your face or the way your body seems to stutter.
“Yeah.” You croak. You clear your throat.
“Come on. We’ve got the jet going.”
You look towards the hallway towards the bedrooms. Bucky had stormed off that way and you faintly remember hearing Steve follow him.
“They’re already on the jet. You can change on the way. Come on.” She urges you, a strange gentleness in her voice that tells you she’s very aware of some part of what’s going on with you and your two boys.
No. Not yours. Rejected. And you can’t be with Steve. It wouldn’t be fair to Bucky.
You sigh and get to your feet, slightly stung that neither of them woke you up.
The elevator ride down to the hangar is thick with words that need to be said. Not by you.
When she speaks, she’s leaning against the wall, her hands—covered in fingerless tac gloves—squeeze the metal bar along behind her.
“I-I’m sorry.” Her voice is pleading, guilty. Like you feel.
“For what?” You look at her, eyes bleary from sleep. You hadn’t even bothered to look at what time it is.
“I pushed him to go on that mission with you. I’ve been trying to get him to do something…about the way he feels about you, for a long time.” Nat flexes her jaw, then looks down at her feet before meeting you with an apologetic green gaze. “He told me that he kissed you. To make Bucky jealous? To help you two along? I could see how miserable he was and I just…”
“It’s not your fault, Nat.” You look away from her to stare at the metal doors. You did this to all of you. You. No one else.
“It’s okay, you know? Loving both of them.”
And you don’t know how it can be okay. Nothing is okay. For one fleeting moment, you think it might be better to be dead than without either of them.
The thought scares you and you gasp lightly.
“Y/N?” Nat moves towards you, placing her hand on your lower back. “You okay? You look a little green.”
“I’m fine.” You growl, not meaning to but you’re so angry at yourself.
Angry for hurting Bucky. Angry for loving Steve and hurting him too. Angry because this isn’t you. You’re not a quitter. You’re a fighter. You’ll leave, just like you said you would.
Not forever. Never forever.
You just need to get some distance. You need space. You need time to think. Maybe Bucky and Steve need time, too?
Maybe being away from you will help things be clearer?
“Y/N?” Nat probes, leaning forward to look at your face because you’re still folded forward.
“I said I’m fine.” You push her hand away and as the elevator opens you move out with wobbly feet but find your stride halfway to the jet.
“About time.” Tony snarks, in full iron armor as he steps onto the jet.
He stands aside and watches you board but with his helmet off, you can see the confusion on his face from whatever expression you’re wearing.
You move for the back-left corner of the jet where a small compartment slides out for spare uniforms.
“Hey, pouty. What’s got your mood all puckered?” Sam asks, giving you a passing glance but quickly taking in your mood.
You don’t answer him.
Very aware of your surroundings, you take note of Bucky standing at the front of the jet, hand on the back of the left pilot’s chair where Sam sits. The right left open for Nat when she boards shortly after you.
He doesn’t turn to look at you as you come on board. He’s mad at you. You get it.
Steve sits on the right side of the jet, elbows on his knees, hands clasped in front of him. They’re both dressed in full mission gear but neither of them looks at you and it stings so painfully that you blink hard to chase away the tears that accompany the ache.
Fine. If that’s how they both want to play this, then you are more than happy to oblige.
You strip, not caring who may be looking. First to go are your jeans, then your white t-shirt. You still haven’t changed since your encounter with Steve by the lake.
As the back hatch closes and Tony climbs on, sans uniform which has tucked itself back into its nano-housing on his chest, he moves towards you. He leans against the wall of the jet, shielding your semi-nakedness from the rest of the team.
“Are you good?”
“Why does everyone keep asking me if I’m alright? I’m fine!” You shout.
You don’t mean to snap but your fuse is already short enough with Bucky and Steve having left Nat to wake you and both of them not even sparing you a glance. Maybe you deserve it? Maybe you don’t?
Either way, it ticks you off, and the gnawing guilt in your chest only serves to strengthen your sour mood.
You shove your clothes into the small compartment and pull the Kevlar tac suit on. Holsters fastened and guns slipped in place. Tony continues to watch you.
“Are you getting laid?” He asks, eyes narrowed. “Helps with stress. Are you stressed?”
You frown at him and move around him, ignoring the way he smirks because you don’t want to snap at him again.
“Where are Vision and Wanda?” You wonder, asking no one in particular but hoping that Bucky or Steve will answer.
“Scouting ahead.” Nat says, no hint of your rudeness with her earlier. “They’ll meet us at the safe zone then move in with us.”
You walk over to her and as soon as you enter his periphery, Bucky turns and walks away. He moves over to the right side of the jet and sits himself as far away from Steve as possible. Ramrod straight, metal hand clenching and unclenching.
The drop your heart does takes your breath away.
All of your anger seems to disappear instantly as that painful stinging returns to the inner corners of your eyes. You shut them, urging yourself to stay professional. You can’t focus on what’s happening with you and Bucky and Steve right now.
Aaron must be the focus.
“Where are we going?” You ask Nat and your voice is a gasp.
When she turns to look at you, you can see her take note of the spot Bucky had just stood in and then frowns as she finds him sitting as far away from you and Steve as possible. When she meets your eyes, the look of solidarity and sympathy is piercing.
“Rio. Or more specifically, Cabo Frio.” She states, pulling up a map of South America. On the bottom-right corner of Brazil’s Eastern coast is a not so small city with beautiful beaches, and crystal blue-green waters.
“What’s in Cabo Frio?” You wonder, forcing yourself to focus on the display in front of her.
Since you can’t choose Steve and Bucky won’t let you choose him anymore, you choose Aaron. That’s where you’ll devote your energy. Besides, the more you think about Aaron, the less aware you are of the empty feeling in your chest.
“It’s what wasn’t in Cabo Frio six months ago?” Nat moves the map to the East and about thirty miles from shore to empty, dark blue ocean. “This was the South Atlantic six months ago.”
She presses a few buttons with sleek black polished nails and the map changes on where there was nothing there is now a small island.
“This is the South Atlantic now.”
“So, we’re flying to that island?” You wonder, reaching out to zoom the map in.
“That’s not an island.” Sam says to your left.
You keep zooming in and find yourself staring at the largest ship you have ever seen.
“Is that a ship?” You gasp, zooming in more.
“Longer than the Sears Tower is tall.” Nat says. “We’re pretty sure that’s where the drugs are coming from.”
You blink, stunned by the size, the ingenious of using a ship to manufacture drugs.
Pulling anchor and moving on is so easy. If someone gets wind of you, you just float away.
“Are we going straight to the ship?”
“No.” Nat says.
“They’ve got a base inland where we got aerial footage of your mark making drops. We’ll go there first, scope that out, take it if we can. Then we’ll take the ship. We want to cut off communication with the base on shore so that we can sneak up on the ship. We don’t want one warning the other.” Tony says, sidling up behind you.
Turning to look at him, you frown. “That’s stupid. Once they lose communication with the base, they’ll move on. Why don’t we just split up? Half of us can take the ship. The other half of us can take the base.”
“It’s too risky.” Nat shakes her head, worry painting her green eyes dark jade. “Something goes wrong, we won’t have backup.”
“Where’s Bruce?” You wonder. “Looking around.”
Steve and Bucky are standing closer, interested in the conversation now that it’s turned to the mission. You hate them a little for meeting your eyes. For tearing your heart in two and then having the audacity to look at you with nothing but business on their minds.
The feeling lasts only a second because your mind is also on business. Once the shock of having them looking at you and listening as if it matters what you say has passed, you bring your gaze to Tony.
“He’s with Wanda, scoping out the base.” He says.
“And Thor?”
“With Vision, checking out the ship.”
“Well, call them back. Is there a safe zone where we can meet up with them?” You ask, inadvertently taking charge of the mission.
“Yeah, about twenty miles outside of the city.” Nat says, flicking the map to the small warehouse to serve as a temporary base.
“Call them. Get them there.”
“I don’t know if splitting up is such a good idea.” Sam says, voicing his concern for probably all of them.
“Rhodey?” You ask Tony, ignoring Sam for now.
“Called away. He won’t be here.”
“Nat?” You lean towards her again, staring out at the darkening horizon.
A quick glance at the clock tells you that your heartbreak made you sleep straight through breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Your stomach aches and gurgles, but you ignore it. No one cares that you didn’t eat. You don’t care either.
“Get us to that safe zone.” You order and she happily obeys.
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Steve doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know what to say to make all of this better. If he hadn’t insisted on pleasuring you outside then maybe Bucky wouldn’t have shut you out so harshly.
He knows that Bucky doesn’t mean it. The no is tentative. It had been spoken in haste and in jealousy and anger.
Steve’s already kind of changed his mind. Not really, but before Tony had called about Aaron, he’d thought he could see Bucky wavering.
Bucky loves you, and as much as he hates that you love him, Steve, he can’t fight that. Steve can’t understand Bucky’s resistance.
Of course, Steve doesn’t want to share you either. You were his firsts. Maybe not officially, but in every way other than sexual, you’d been his. You’d fallen asleep in his arms before Bucky’s. You’d stretched out on his bed and spent hours reading or watching shows or movies with him before Bucky was there to do all that with you.
He’d taken you on your first mission. He’d patched up your first wounds. He’d kissed you—yes, he had though you’d been asleep and didn’t know about it—way before he did it to coax Bucky’s jealousy.
He’d held you when you cried. He’d laughed at your jokes. He’d loved you in every way possible without telling you out loud before Bucky even came into the picture.
No. Steve doesn’t want to share you. But you love Bucky. How can he deny you what you want?
Bucky also needs you. More than Steve thinks even Bucky knows.
He needs to give in. He needs to hold onto you. If Steve needs to step aside, he will. If he has to listen to you and Bucky make love for the rest of his life, then he’ll do that. So long as you don’t leave.
Steve understands Bucky. More than he might think. Steve knows that you’re his light. He knows that Bucky can’t really live without you.
He hates to see Bucky struggle. So, he gave in. He surrendered. For you. For Bucky.
While you’d cried and then fallen into a restless sleep, Steve had promised his best friend that he wouldn’t touch you again. He’d stay away. He’d leave when you were a little better and could handle his leaving, and he’d stop interfering.
Bucky had only stared. Searching. Angry, but listening.
Steve can see the admiration in Bucky’s eyes as you take charge right now. You hadn’t been given this mission to lead but you’d taken up the reigns on your own and dove headfirst. You’re so strong. In so many ways.
As you cross towards them again, a dusty cloud of years’ worth of muck kicked up as you move over the filthy warehouse floor, Steve stands up straighter. Bucky across from him, leaning against the steel support beam trying to look as casual as he can with his hands shoved into his pockets, also stands straighter despite his attempts at playing it cool.
Like him, Steve knows that Bucky’s vowed to put all this drama aside. For the mission. For you.
“We hold out until we all reach our targets. We attack at the same time and take who we can. How sure are we that Aaron is going to be at the base and not on the ship?” Steve hasn’t spoken since he boarded the jet.
He’s trying to step back but so is Bucky. That’s not what he wanted.
“There’s no way to know. We spotted him the one time but haven’t seen him since. He could be on either site or neither.” Nat says, standing tall with her arms crossed over her full chest.
“How will we split the teams? Let’s get this going. I want to rip some heads.” Thor declares and you look at him then appraise the rest of the group.
Steve stands a little taller as your eyes scan him and then you speak. “I’ll take point on the base in the city. Tony? You think you can take the ship team?”
“Is that a serious question?” He quips.
“Bruce, you should go with Tony. They’ll need the extra muscle on the ship. It’s a large space.” Steve thinks that’s a good all.
Even with the Hulk tamed, Bruce can throw his weight around well.
“Nat, Wanda, will the two of you also go with Tony?” You order, and before you can speak again, Bucky cuts in.
“Me too.” He says, voice hard and quiet.
Steve can see the uncertain shift in your eyes. The pain that flashes out at Bucky as he stares you down.
For a few horrible seconds, Steve doesn’t breathe. Will this break you? Bucky hasn’t said a word to you. He hasn’t reached out. He’s barely looked at you.
Steve caught you struggling on the jet and now Bucky doesn’t even want to be on mission with you?
The way your mouth opens as if to speak then shuts again with a flex of your jaw, Steve knows that you’re trying hard to keep it together.
“Fine.” You say, your voice hard now too.
What the fuck is Bucky doing? He’s going to drive you away. Is that his plan? He’ll break you. Can’t he see that?
“The rest of you are with me.” You say, disappointment on the furthest fringes of your tone.
Steve knows you’d rather have Bucky with you. Yet, he takes comfort in knowing that he’ll be able to keep his eye on you. Just like old times. He’ll have your back.
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Things do not go well. It’s almost as if you’ve offended God…or the Gods. Your mind shoots to Thor chaotically as everything falls apart.
There is no one on the ship.
No one.
Bruce, in controlled Hulk form, Tony, Bucky, Nat, and Wanda search the ship as quickly as possible with the help of Tony’s thermal scans.
The base on the other hand?
It’s packed. There are more guys than the five of you can handle.
For a little bit in the beginning, when Thor barrels through a large heavy iron door to expose what must be nearly three hundred workers in the largest room of the base, you think maybe all isn’t lost.
Thor can handle these guys no problem. You’ve seen him take on more. Worse. Stronger. Faster.
Then the twins show up. White dark chocolate skin, stark platinum blonde hair, piercing red eyes, and evil sneers create a terrifying image.
You’ve never seen them before. Illuminated collars around their necks that glow venom green come undone and then they chase Thor up through the roof and into the dark night skies leaving you, Steve, and Vision to fight fast and hard.
Vision grabs thugs at random, by the neck, then flings them up into the air to watch them drop. He flies down, sweeping long crippling tackles through ten, fifteen guys at once. You and Steve do your best to hold them off.
Steve fairs better, his strength super. You’re skilled, very much so, but you can only move as fast as your body will let you.
Each of the twins is followed by a stream of sunshine yellow light that seems to originate from their hands and feet. This propels them upwards, or that’s what you’d originally guessed.
It reminds you of Wanda but not exactly. The light is too thick. Solid. Like those lasers from Tron but that’s not possible because that’s just a movie.
And yet, when Sam goes tumbling out of the sky as he attempts to help Thor fight the twins, his wings hit a line of light and impossibly, inexplicably, the wings are severed. Halfway along their length, the left wing is clipped, and Sam goes tumbling down towards the ground. Too high. Too far.
Vision breaks away from you and Steve to intercept his fall, but he’s suddenly tackled out of flight by one of the twins, streaming across the large room and into a wave of thugs.
“Sam! Your chute!” You shout, scared and desperate for him as he falls.
He grows closer and when he talks you can hear the wind whistling past him.
He’ll die.
“I’m trying. It’s jammed!” He cries, his voice strong and controlled despite the panic that must be coursing through him.
There are grunts and pulls, punches, kicks, the occasional gunshot, as the thugs continue to attack you.
You fight harder. You somehow make yourself move faster.
“Steve, catch him!” You shout, desperate for Sam.
“We’re almost there.” Tony’s voice comes over your comms. He’s within range.
The hesitancy in Steve’s choice to do as you ask is so quick that no one would have noticed it. You see it because you know him. You love him. You know what he’s thinking.
I won’t leave you alone. He thought. Then he probably played the argument over in his head and realized that you’d dive underneath Sam and kill yourself in the process if it would mean his survival.
What other choice does he have than to do as you ask?
He sprints off towards Sam, leaping through a large broken window on the second floor. You glance him as he catches Sam, crashing into the ground outside.
Sixty thugs break away, race towards them to take advantage of the fall.
“Vision get back to Y/N.” Steve orders.
Vision is busy. You can see him shooting yellow beams at thug after thug. You hear the sing of his light, the sizzle of it’s burn. You smell the char of skin accompanied by the cries of pain.
He’s all the way on the other side of the large factory-like room.
“Vision!” Steve shouts, his fear for you more prominent than he probably means it to be.
You’re too busy to respond or react to his struggle. You’re dripping with sweat. Beads of effort build along your temples and forehead and trickle down along your skin, coating it with grime as dust is kicked up by your feet and that of your opponents.
You’re huffing with exhaustion already. Your arms are tired. Your legs are weak from taking so many hits. Blocking and returning. Your legs are suddenly yanked out from beneath you.
You scream.
“Y/N!” Steve calls out.
“I’m going.” Thor assures him that he’s on his way to you. “Gah!”
He’s knocked off course by the twin he’s been fighting, unable to get to you.
You get back to your feet, blocking punches and kicks before one lands hard on your chest. It sends you flying back. You gasp for air and loud heavy thud echoes around you.
The ringing in your ears is so distracting that although you lift up your hands to fight, you blink hard and try to remember where you are.
Someone throws a punch, a no one. You block it with your left forearm, then throw a hard right hook. It’s too strong, your arm moving lazily towards its target with zero control in strength.
The movement spins you to your left and you stumble backwards until strong arms catch you.
Your heart soars.
Bucky. You think with relief then shift your head back to look at your man to find your mark.
Aaron, Hawaiian God. Mass murderer. Crime lord. Not Bucky. Not Steve.
He smirks at you, gleeful that he’s caught you. The thugs around you move away, running towards Vision and Sam and Steve.
You can hear people calling you on your earpiece, but your head won’t focus.
There’s a flash of a memory. Your head violently hitting a large steel support beam. The explosion in your brain as you’re concussed, and green eyes transfix your addled mind as you pass out.
You dream of a snake with sea-green eyes. It hisses and laughs. Ssss-sss-ssssss.
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Bucky can feel Bruce’s loud cry reverberate in his chest. It shakes his heart and reminds him that it’s there. Not like he could ever really forget.
Hearing Steve’s panic over the comms trying to get any one of his team members back to where you’d been fighting fills Bucky with dread. It chokes his heart. It aches painfully with a fear unlike he’s ever known.
Where are you?
He scans the room as Bruce stampedes through, swinging and making bodies fly. He tears through them like they were made of paper and he can begin to hear shouts of fear. The large group of thugs begin to run, making for exits and windows and holes in the walls.
Tony flies off to help Thor with what looks like twin men, sickly thing with dark skin and glowing eyes. Wanda and Vision join him while Nat, Steve, Bucky, and Sam meet in the middle of the large factory room where you’d been fighting.
“Where is she?!” Steve asks, screaming desperate and fearful.
Bucky’s stomach twists at the sound of terror in Steve’s cry because it’s his cry too.
“Where is she?! Nat? Do you see her?” Steve is fighting through the crowd, Sam pushing and punching.
Nat kicking and spinning her way towards the spot where Steve is standing.
“No.” Nat replies, grunting as she catches a thug in the chest with her knee then plunges a knife into his thigh as he tries to kick.
“Nothing this way, Steve.”
But Bucky can’t answer his voice is caught in his throat. It’s a lump, building rapidly into grief and denial as he tries to convince his mind that what he thinks has happened hasn’t really happened.
He angrily grabs a thug’s throat as he runs by. He squeezes, the plates in his metal arm groaning and shifting as he glares up at the low life.
“Where is she?” He says low and angry. There’s death in his tone.
The thug claws at Bucky’s hand unable to fight it. He shakes his head and Bucky can’t help it. He squeezes too hard. He hears a sickening crack and then drops the limp body to the floor.
Steve finds him and he looks over Bucky’s shoulder as Bucky catches another thug.
“Where is she?” He asks again.
“Buck?” Steve asks, desperate for reassurance.
The second thug also has no answers for him. Bucky squeezes again.
As this body falls to the ground, Steve reaches out to turn Bucky towards him.
Bucky lets him. He meets his eyes, Steve standing with both hands gripping the sides of Bucky’s shoulders. He’s heaving, breathing hard and heavy from his fight to find you. He’s sweating and dirty and he fought hard while Bucky was stuck on some decoy ship doing nothing and letting you get taken.
“Buck?” Steve asks, searching his ice blues for that assurance that everything is going to be okay.
Bucky can’t give it to him, and he lets the mask fall for a second as he sees the same heartache and agony mirrored in Steve’s face. He opens his mouth to speak, to say something that might alleviate this black cloud over them as the last of the thugs are chased out by Bruce.
Instead his lower lip quivers and Steve falls to his knees.
“No.” Steve gasps.
“He took her.” Bucky realizes. He knew it the moment that you stopped responding to their calls. He knew it when you sent Steve to catch Sam. He knew that you wouldn’t be here when he arrived, and he can’t believe he left you alone.
If he’d been here, if he hadn’t been so stubborn, if he’d been willing to just try to accept that Steve—this broken man clutching at his feet as he struggles to breathe and what must be an astounding feeling of failure—loved you just as much as he did and that he had as much right to show it as he himself did, then you’d still be here.
You’d have had both of them at your side and when Steve had gone to save Sam, Bucky would have been there to keep you safe.
“No.” Steve cries. Really cries. His voice hitches. His hands are vices around Bucky’s ankles as he clings desperately to the only piece of you left. “Buck…no.”
Bucky falls to his knees to but to straighten Steve up. He can’t have him like this.
“We’ll get her back, Steve.” He promises him.
“We don’t even know where to start looking.” Steve points out and Bucky can see the dead in his eyes.
Now he can see what you’ve been meaning, what you’ve been saying Steve is to you. For the first time since this whole mess started, Bucky can see how much more claim Steve has on you and strangely, it doesn’t hurt.
It makes him feel better that someone on this team will be more desperate than him to find you. Someone else on this team will sacrifice life and limb to get you back.
“You’re not alone, Steve.” Bucky tells him, giving him a shake. “We’ll get her back. Together.”
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Someone is talking. Someone is speaking directly to you as if you’re capable of listening. Never mind the fact that you’ve been completely unconscious until this moment.
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“-trust easily. It’s nothing personal. I just need to make sure that you can’t punch me. Are the straps too tight?” He asks, deep booming voice actually concerned.
You feel tugs at your wrists as he checks large nylon straps. They’re thick and to Steve and Bucky and almost all of your friends they would be nothing but to you, a human, with no real super strength, they’re enough.
“You’re on my ship.” He replies, a smile in his voice.
It’s like his statement brings to attention the gentle swaying, the smell of brine, and the groan of metal in water.
It creeps you out how he sounds like he’s making conversation with an old friend. Someone he can joke around with and have some fun.
In his defense, the last time you’d seen him face-to-face, he’d been about to eat you out.
“There was no one on the ship.” You say, confused.
“Oh, not that ship. That was a fake. I put it there in case someone like you and your team came lookin’ for me.” Aaron explains.
You open your eyes and the dim light of a light far away lets you see him. He’s big. Bigger than you remember but that might just be because it’s been a while. Tall. Beautiful copper tanned skin. Long wavy brown hair. Longer than Bucky’s. Tips bleached from too much sun. His beard is thick, well-kept, but longer than when you last saw him. Fuller.
He’s shirtless, tendrils of soft black chest hair scattered over his hard, flexing pectorals.
He’s slouched. Completely relaxed. The flesh of his stomach folded over though even with that small bit of extra muscle and tissue, you can see the chiseled shape of his abs.
Leaning forward, he spreads his legs wide wearing dark pants that look fairly new. He places his hands between his legs. He grips the edge of the chair, curling his shoulders in as he appraises you. He’s too at ease.
Is he not scared you’ll be found? Are you seriously in trouble here?
“Why didn’t you tell me that you’re an Avenger? I guess I should have put it together when I woke up the next morning and I couldn’t find my drive. You cost me a lot of money on that Cayman trip.” He informs you.
You stare at him, assessing your options quickly. How can you get out of this?
“How long have I-?”
“Two weeks. You know, this is the fifth time you’ve asked me that. I guess you hit your head pretty hard. I don’t have a doctor on board but as soon as I can get you one, I will.” He promises.
Why is he being so nice.
“You’re new to them, right? Haven’t been part of them long? I’ve never seen you before.” He gets up and moves towards a small metal table bolted down into the floor and against the half black, half red metal wall.
“Yes.” You lie, never mind that you’ve been on many missions with Steve and Nat and the rest of the team. You’d just been kept out of the big ones.
Stupid protective, lovable jerks.
“I knew there was something…that night in my place?” He moves back to you holding a small glass of water.
Your body craves it, almost aches for it.
As he holds it to your lips you push yourself up as much as you can take frantic sips.
You cough, choking on it a little. He takes the glass away and you hate him for it.
“Take it easy. I’ve got plenty of water.” He places the edge back against your lips and this time you’re careful. “So, I don’t know what drug you used to get me to pass out that night but did we-?”
Seriously?! You think, this guy is actually asking you if you slept with him?
Inspiration strikes and as he pulls the now empty glass away from your lips, you nod slowly.
“We did.” You tell him.
He believes you. He puts the glass on a smaller table also bolted down to the floor beside your infirmary bed then licks his lips and leans in closer, hovering over you with is arms on either side of your chest.
“Why did you leave?” He asks, desperate to understand.
“I-I was scared they’d come looking for me. I used to do things for bad people, and they don’t trust me.” The lies come easy. Doing bad things for bad people isn’t a lie, but it’s been much longer than you’re making it seem.
“I can keep you safe.” He sighs, reaching up to smooth the hair away from your face.
It clings to your temples, clammy skin coated in sweat. This is when you realize that you’re not exactly well.
“I’m scared.” You shudder, letting your real fear for your health surface and make your words true.
“Sshh, shhh, I’ve got you, baby.” He traces the shape of your shoulders.
You don’t want to push it too soon because it’ll make him suspicious, but he’s already so primed for it. Fearfully, you throw it out there to see if he’ll take the bait. You pray that Bucky won’t be angry at you for using this tactic that he hates so much.
Then you remember that Bucky is mad at you and that he probably doesn’t care about what you do.
The urge to survive this almost slips away but you know you’re better than that. You can live in a world where Bucky hates you, so long as you know he’s out there. You push through the depression that threatens to overtake you and stick to your plan.
“Can I hold you?” You wonder, pulling against the straps on your wrists. “I want you.”
Voice soft as silk, alluring, and pleading. You shift your hips, rubbing your thighs together as if you’re actually itching to have him fill you again—never mind that he never did.
He takes note of this, his hand wandering down your side and onto your hip where his eyes stay glued as he watches you squirm.
“Please?” You beg and he likes that so much he give a guttural grunt as he looks back up at you and climbs up onto your bed.
You feel frail and breakable. His large body looming over yours sends your heart into overdrive. Will he hurt you?
He touches you, and you try not to flinch away. You make sure to shift your disgust into desire, letting him cup your mound despite the way it makes you want to throw up. That could also be the malnutrition.
“You want this baby?” He asks, wafting hot breath against the cool clammy skin of your throat.
“Yeah.” You lie, hoping that it sounds real. “Let me hold you.”
You strain against your straps and he sits back, removing his hand from between your legs.
You’re filled with relief as he undoes your left hand strap and because you don’t want him to be suspicious, you use that hand to grab his shoulder and yank him down against your chest. You wrap it around him, holding him to you as his lips find yours and you kiss him hard.
As hard as you can anyway.
The taste of his tongue is salted and sour. You nearly gag but instead you groan. You need to get him off of you, get the rest of the straps off, get out the door, and up onto the deck of the ship. Then you can look for a plane or another boat…something. Anything.
You’ll float home if you have to.
As his tongue delves more deeply into his mouth, the heat of his skin bringing shocking attention to the lack of it in you, you suddenly bite down.
Aaron gasps and tries to pull back, but you’ve got a solid hold on him. He pushes against your shoulders and you follow him up as best you can as your teeth dig in deeper.
Your teeth finally snap shut. Aaron screams in pain and you taste rust.
Aaron scrambles off of you and falls onto the floor, kicking and pushing away from your bed and you spit out the pink wiggling flesh. Your mouth is flooded with blood and it drips from your mouth as you quickly undo the straps holding you down.
When you’re finally on your feet, you wobble, but not because of the sway of the ship. You’re weaker than you realized.
“Shit.” You gasp and grab a small metal tray beside your bed.
Aaron doesn’t see the hit coming and you knock him out saving him from the pain of his half-tongue but also giving yourself time to get away.
Weakly you run out of the room giving the hallways you run through quick looks before you venture into them.
You’ve been expecting to encounter thugs but there’s no one. Only empty rooms and the rotting smell of fish.
You have to stop to rest when you find the stairs and catch your breath. Two seconds is all you spare because the fear of Aaron waking up and coming after you is overwhelming.
You scrape up your bare feet as you climb the stairs as quickly as you can. At the top you find a heavy steel doorway with one of those large circular handles to seal compartments in ships from flooding.
Weakly you manage to turn it and hot salty air fills your lungs as the door falls open. Gray overcast skies and black blue water surround the ship.
You push it, itching for freedom and as you tumble out your foot catches on the bottom threshold. You fall hard, feeling a break somewhere in your leg.
You cry out, hoping that all of Aaron’s thugs are not up here.
No. It’s impossible. Your eyes strain against the bright light of the day and try to see where that voice came from.
Halfway down the much smaller ship’s deck but still as big as an oil tanker, you see Bucky fling a black mass of body overboard.
He races towards you at the same time and you frantically push yourself up onto your feet.
Forgetting your brand-new break, you collapse when you try to put your weight on your right foot but Bucky’s already there and he catches you. His arms are hot and tight around you, the smell of him—bitter sweat mixed with his usual clean linen and sandalwood musk—is intoxicating. You can hardly believe he’s real.
“I found you.” He gasps, shocked as if he’d never expected to see you again. “I found you.”
You look for his face, wanting nothing more than to stare into his steel blue eyes. He pushes your hair back, almost like Aaron had but there’s a desperate love in his hands as he holds your face and you want him to kiss you and hold you and tell you that you’re safe.
He does one of those.
He scoops you up suddenly and impossibly fast he carries you across the ship’s deck, winding around containers and piping until he reaches the stern and you can see the large black jet.
“Steve!” Bucky calls, and you’re so confused but Steve is suddenly there too. His arms are around you, and as he falls to the ground onto his knees, Bucky moves with him and carefully places you in Steve’s arms.
Steve holds you close, against his chest, clinging to you as he sobs.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry.” He cries but you don’t want him to be sorry.
Your heart soars as he pulls your lips up to meet his and then he buries his head into the side of your neck as he continues to sob, his blonde head of hair damp from the spray of the sea.
Bucky, also kneeling beside you, leans in to rest his forehead against your temple.
“I found you.” He repeats.
You turn to look at him, searching his face for explanation but he kisses you instead. Softly massaging your lips before he trails loving kisses down along your cheeks.
Then he wraps his arms around you and Steve.
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space-kitten-606 · 5 years
Idk if this has been done before but... I'm a sucker for wholesome "my heart just pooped its pants" fluff, may I request a wedding fic/HC? Would they do a legit space station wedding or will they have two events where the space station is for a smaller party w/ RFA (+separate event for the exchange of vows)? Bonus points if Elly is the ringbearer :p
Of course you may, nonny! I’ve been working on this for a very long time, and I really hope you like it!! A concept for this will also be posted later, but I do not have much time rn so hhhhhhh
Edit: You can find the concept post here!!! :3
Saeyoung’s and Mc’s wedding
Both you and Saeyoung have been excited for this day forever
after all, he first brought it up only a few days after getting to know you
watching yourself in the mirror as your soon to be brother in law made your hair, you swallowed.
You were very excited to say the least
Since last night, your heart was beating in your chest like crazy.
“Mc, please don’t move around so much. You’re making this way harder than it has to be.”, Saeran mumbled through the hairclips in his mouth.
You hastily apologized and stiffened your entire upper body.
The reaction drew a laugh from your personal stylist.
“You don’t have to cramp up like that either.”
“I’m sorry Saeran. I just. I can’t believe this is actually happening. What if I mess it up?”
“You’re marrying my brother. How could you possibly mess up more than he will? He’s been a complete mess for the entire day.”, he paused as he reached for another strand of your hair, “What I’m saying is, you’ll be fine.”
After hearing about Saeyoung having been all over the place since that morning you had to try very hard to stifle a giggle.
It was nice to hear that he was just as excited as you were, if not more.
How much would you like to talk to him right now, to reassure the both of you.
But, as were the rules, you haven’t seen him since that morning.
All you did was exchanging a quick kiss, before going your seperate ways
He told you he still had a bunch of things to finish at the location.
You spent a few hours alone after that, trying not to freak out.
The whole day you were hoping a few more members would come to help calm you down, but the Choi twin came alone
it seemed things were not working out quite the way Saeyoung wanted them to, so he had asked a many people as possible to stay and help
“Alright. Just another one here aaand here! Perfect. I’m done. Do you like it? Or would you like me to change something?”, Saeran rambled behind you.
Though he would not admit it, he was very excited as well.
Turning your head to see his creation better you took in all the details you could see.
You would’ve never thought that he was actually this skilled working with hair.
“Yes, thank you, Saeran. It looks really pretty.”
Biting his lip lightly the other nodded and reached for the hairspray placed on the surface in front of you
“Okay, close your eyes and hold your breath. I don’t want to suffocate you.”, you heard him mumble, before he fixed your hairdo with the sticky liquid.
“Do you think you’ll manage to get into your dress yourself?”
His question made you halt in your movement.
Hesitantly you turned around to him.
Saeran avoided looking at you, as he lightly fidgeted in place.
“I’ll give it a try”, you smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ll only call for you if there’s an emergency, okay?”
You could physically see him breath out at that.
What a sweetheart, you thought to yourself, as you stepped into the bedroom
“What do you mean they don’t work?”, Saeyoung sighed as he walked over to the pavillon along with his friend.
“I don’t know. I just. Look.”
A little helpless, Yoosung pointed at the fairy lights wrapped around the build.
“You…you did turn them on, right?”
“Oh, come on Seven! I’m not stupid, okay?”
Of course he knew that.
The hacker threw his friend a look regardless.
“Pass out after drinking caffeine syndrome.”, he pointed out, before walking over to the lights in question.
He laughed to himself as he heard his friend whining behind him
Something about not having enough sleep for critical thinking
If he says so, Saeyoung thought, examining the battery slots.
“Hey Yoosungie!”, he interrupted his still continuing rant. “Come over here! I want  to show you something.”
The blonde followed his inquiry and came to stand next to him.
“Did you even listen to me just now?”
“Of course I didn’t, Yoosung. The case has been closed for years now.”
Yoosung pouted at his words, about to retort, when Saeyoung held up the slots in front of his face and pressed one of the batteries in a little, making the small dots around the pavillon light up.
“Tadaa~”, he grinned, before putting it down.
“This couldn’t have been it! I checked! You just fixed the actual problem and lay it out like this now. I know you did!”
“How dare you imply I’d do such a vile thing! On my wedding day no less! I thought we were friends!!”
Saeyoung fell to his knees, loudly sobbing and holding on to his friend’s sacko.
“The betrayal! What am I going to tell my future wife?! No, worse. What am I going to tell her highness, princess Elly??”
With a deadpan expression, Yoosung looked down on him.
“You’re incredible.”, he sighed. “Can you please tell me why it didn’t work?”
“I just showed you.”
“Oh, really? I don’t buy it.”
Saeyoung got up from his position, put on the most serious expression he could muster and said: “Do you think you can handle the truth?”
“It’s stupid fairy lights, Seven. Just tell me.”
Slowly, the groom bend forward, and whispered: “You put them in the wrong way around.”
Yoosung sighed.
Jumping back into a straight stance Saeyoung grinned.
“Yup. That was it.”
Yoosung couldn’t help but still taking his friends words with a grain of salt.
That couldn’t possibly have been it
Taking a deep breath, you carefully climbed into the car
You didn’t want to ruin Saeran’ s hard work or even your dress.
“You look pale.”, he said as he watched you from the driver’s seat. “Are you okay?”
“That’s just my make up. Probably.”
You had mumbled that more to yourself than to him, but he had heard you anyway.
“Hey, uhh. I’ve never been married but I heard it’s pretty normal to be nervous like that.”
Looking at him you barked a laugh.
“Are you sure about that? Also who told you that??”
Saeran was silent for a minute until he shrugged and breathed: “…sawitinamovie.”
“I-sorry Saeran, I couldn’t hear you.”
“I said I-”, he sighed and bit his lip. “I said I saw it in a movie.”
Smiling fondly, you watched him.
His cheek had turned a soft red.
“The movies have to take it from somewhere, don’t they?”, you offered.
The Choi nodded timidly but kept his eyes glued to the road.
You kept watching him for a whole before turning to look out of the window yourself.
Ever since you first met him, Saeran had come a long way.
The three of you have felt like a family for a long time now.
You loved them both so deeply, so having the more shy twin helping you so much, not only today but on a day to day basis meant a lot to you.
Your mind kept rushing from your happiness back to your nervousness in a seemingly never-ending loop.
Every minute of your ride brought you slightly closer to being married.
A new chapter of your life was approaching rapidly.
The one hour ride had felt so much longer to you than it really was and yet, as you looked at the venue, you still couldn’t help but question if you were ready.
Next to you, Saeran was typing on his phone, probably informing everyone you had arrived.
Dusk had already arrived, tinting the sky in a pinkish shade of blue, the sun only barely fighting through the trees surrounding the building.
You couldn’t help but think it looked like a fairytale.
Apparently having received the information he needed, Saeran stepped out of the car, rounding it quickly to help you following suit.
“How do you feel?”, he asked, a soft smile gracing his lips.
Biting the inside of your cheek, you looked around again.
“Right now? I don’t know if I want to laugh, cry or faint. My whole body feels weird. What if I make a mistake? What if I forget what to say??”
Laughing at your honesty, Saeran held you by your shoulders, holding you steady as his mint eyes locked with yours.
“ You’re going to be okay, Mc. This is supposed to be one of the best days of your life, no? Give it a chance to be just that. Breathe. It’s your and Saeyoung’s day. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, as long as you two are happy, okay?”
Nodding hesitantly, you followed his advice.
Another reassuring smile lit up his face, before he took your hand to lead you to your guests and your soon to be husband.
As he was waiting with the guests for you and his brother to arrive, Saeyoung checked his phone for what felt like the hundredths time.
To his joy, the message he’d been looking forward to all day lit up on his screen.
“We’re here.”
His pulse shot up in a split second making him flush with giddy excitement.
It was happening.
It was really about to happen right now.
“Everyone please take your seats and go on your positions if you have any! Mc and Saeran will be with us any moment now!!”
His friends’ surprised faces indicated that he may have been speaking a lot louder than he had intended, but he did not have the time to worry about that right now.
Quickly, he hurried to his place in front of the altar, only barely acknowledging the priest, who was clearly amused by his fidgeting.
Saeyoung took a few deep breaths, just before the lights shifted around them and the song he had carefully chosen for this day started to play silently.
At first, Elizabeth 3rd entered the scene, jogging in with your rings attached to her collar
just as practiced for weeks in advance, the cat climbed up the stairs of the pavillon and sat down idly in front of the altar, where a soft pillow gave her a place to rest for the time being
For a moment, Saeyoung had to resist the urge to pick up his precious Elly and cuddle her
but before he knew it, your guests got up from their seats and you entered around the corner of the building, holding his brother’s hand as you looked around curiously
taking in the scenery he and your shared friends had prepared so carefully
until finally, your eyes focused on his figure
taking him in as you broke out in a wide smile
seeing you approach him over the walkway like this, Saeyoung could barely hold his composure
tears threatened to spill out of his eyes, that were following your every move.
When you and Saeran had reached the altar, the younger twin looked up to his brother, smiling softly as he placed your hand in Saeyoung’s carefully
he held both your hand in his for a while, before letting go and taking his place next to his sibling
you took your spot as well, smiling down at the white cloud at your feet before looking at the man in front of you
“You’re so beautiful.”, he whispered silently. Words, that were only meant to be heard by you.
Trying to keep yourself from crying, you swallowed before returning his compliment with a nervous laugh.
“You’re quite handsome yourself.”
Saeyoung managed to press out a small laugh, before the music faded out and the priest started to greet your guests
however, both you and Saeyoung only barely heard the man talk
your attention was mainly on each other, taking in your features as you both fought to keep your composure.
Your attention were only directed away from each other, when the priest talked to the both of you specifically
“Saeyoung and Mc, have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly? Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?”
You looked back into each others eyes, as you nodded lightly.
“I am.”
Your words came out in unison, making you both smile widely.
“Since it is your intention to enter into the covenant of Holy Matrimony, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God.”
“I, Saeyoung Choi, take you, Mc, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”
A shiver ran over your spine as he spoke.
His love and adoration so pure, so sincere it almost made you choke up.
You visibly had to collect yourself before following suit.
“I, Mc, take you, Saeyoung Choi, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”
Smiling, the priest acknowledged your vows and prayed for God’s blessing on you both.
Then he declared: “What God joins together, let no one put asunder.”
Once more, the man spoke a blessing, this time over your rings, before Saeyoung reached down and took your ring from Elizabeth’s collar.
“Mc, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Keeping his hand in yours, you did the same, repeating his words.
“Saeyoung, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
For a moment you both just stood there, looking at each other. This was it. You’ve finally made it.
The elderly man who led you through the ceremony bowed forward a little and whispered: “You may now kiss the bride.”
“Finally.”, Saeyoung breathed and wrapped his arms around you before smashing his lips on yours, kissing you deeply.
Tears streamed down both you faces now, unable to hold in the intense emotions flowing through your veins any longer.
The music started playing again as you turned to your guests, all of which were standing up to applaud you at this big step you made.
From now on, you were one, in each and every way.
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seouledbysisi · 5 years
Something New
Chapter nine
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As he drove back home from the party he couldn’t wipe his big silly smile off of his face. He needed to talk to somebody and the only person he could think of to call was Brianne. After all they used to would tell each other everything and he couldn’t vent about his feelings to Sasha because that would just be too weird, right? He didn’t want her to think he was some love sick puppy even though that’s exactly what he was starting to feel like.
“Hey Siri!” He spoke in his deep tone. “Call Brianne.”
He waited for her to pick up. He figured she might be busy. On the last ring he finally heard her voice.
“Jeffrey, what a surprise!” She spoke on the other end.
He chuckled. “Why? We’re starting over on a new leaf. Get used to me calling you.”
He put his blinker on to veer onto the main highway. Sasha’s house was about thirty minutes away from his seeing as his parents lived in the suburbs of the suburbs. Yeah they were rich rich but he didn’t care. Their money was theirs not his and honestly after he graduated he couldn’t wait to get out of their grip, mainly his fathers.
“So to what do I owe this pleasure?” She spoke.
He could tell she was smiling. He could hear it in her voice. “I feel good. I needed to talk to my bestie!”
“Where are you, Jeffrey?” She asked with a giggle.
“Driving home. You know Johnny’s mom’s birthday party was tonight so me, Sasha and Ivy went. It was nice. Those people really know how to throw a party!”
Brianne sighed. “I totally forgot about that. I was planning on going but then Taeil said he needed tutoring, which he absolutely didn’t, but that’s not the point.” She rolled her eyes.
“Wait- that is the point. Why would he ask you to tutor him if he didn’t need tutoring?”
“Right! Like it was sort of a waste of time. I could’ve went to the party with y’all.” She took a deep breath.
Jaehyun chuckled. “You really are oblivious. If he actually didn’t need tutoring then he just wanted a reason to spend time with you, duh!”
“Why couldn’t he just ask me on a date?”
“Would you have said yes?!” He posed posed to her.
She giggled. “Probably not. I always think guys are playing around when it comes to me.”
“That’s why he asked you to study. I guarantee you he’s been watching your moves and he knew exactly how to approach you and look it worked.”
“Yeah and he may have asked me on another study date but he said we didn’t have to study this time around.”
“So he wants to take you on a legit date then, Bri. Keep up, he likes you!” Jae laughed as he pulled into his driveway. He cut the engine.
Brianne giggled. “Well look at there, I’ve been asked out and didn’t even notice. He is a cutie though. I should probably text him with an answer.”
“Yeah and that answer better be a yes!” He paused for a moment. “Bri, I- I really like her. Like I know you don’t want to hear it but-“
“No I do! I’m totally good off of you. We’re best friends and that’s all I ever need us to be. Tell me all about it.”
He laid his head back on the head rest. “She’s great. I see why my parents love her so much. She just understands me like no one ever has. I feel like she actually sees me even though I’m scared as shit to show her all the ugly things.”
Brianne smiled. “She’s that kind of person. I’ve been like the worst friend ever to her lately and she still has stuck around. She show compassion when most people wouldn’t. So what are you going to do about these feelings?”
That big silly smile appeared on his face again as he stepped out of his vehicle and headed to his front door. “I want her to be mine. But is it too soon to ask?”
“There’s no time like any time. Cease the day, my friend!” She approved. “Plus I overheard that Taeyong is trying to get her back so you might want to act fast.”
He opened his door and noticed suitcases in the foyer. “Mom?!” He yelled.
Brianne groaned. “Did you really have to yell in my ear?”
He had honestly forgot that quick that he was on the phone. The packed suitcases caught him off guard.
His mom appeared in view. “Your dad is gone so if you’re coming with me I need you to get you stuff right now!”
He eyed her curiously. “What are you doing?” He asked with wide eyes.
“I’m leaving your father. This is the last time I be his fool. Are you coming or not?”
“Where will we go?!” Jaehyun was taken aback.
She grabbed his face to stare into his big brown eyes, “trust me, Jeffrey! Okay?”
He nodded in silence.
Brianne didn’t know what to say. “Um- hello?” She spoke on the other end of the phone. She could tell Jae was running upstairs from his breathing and the stomps she could hear.
He gasped. “I’m so sorry I forgot you were still there, I have to go but we definitely need to talk about the whole Taeyong thing.” He cut the phone line quickly and began packing his things. The only thing he cared about was his clothes and shoes. Everything else could stay as far as he was concerned.
After about an hour he met his mom downstairs. “So where are we going?”
She smiled. It was a sad smile but a smile nonetheless. “I bought a condo outside the city. Your dad doesn’t even know about it.”
Jae simply nodded.
“Follow me in your car.”
Jaehyun pulled his things to his car and packed them in. “Mom!” He yelled as something dawned on him. “Doesn’t he have trackers on these vehicles?”
She shook her head. “He did but I removed them. Let’s go!”
He drove closely behind his mother. He felt like maybe his mom had been planning to leave for a while but she just couldn’t find the proper opportunity. Now she had one he guessed.
After about forty five minutes they pulled up to a building of condos.
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He admired it. He knew she had spent a pretty penny on it. He helped her with the kids.
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After they got everything in he smiled at the inside. “How long have you had this?”
“About a year. I needed my ducks in a row.” She sighed as she stared out the window.
Jaehyun rubbed her shoulder. “You deserve so much better, mom. From me and from him. I don’t want to be like him.”
She looked over to him. “Then be better. You have what it takes to be a decent man, just do it.” She rubbed his cheek.
He smiled a little. “I’ve been hiding something from you-“ he started.
She crossed her arms. “Nothing you do is ever mystery to me, Jeffrey.”
He smirked. “So you’re telling me you already know what I’m about to reveal?”
“Maybe. What is it?”
“I’ve been hanging out with Sasha and her friends lately. I’m staying out of trouble I swear.”
She smiled. “Oh I know if you’re hanging with them then you’re definitely not in any trouble. Just don’t revert back. Sasha is a good girl and she has many aspirations. Don’t mess that up for her.”
“Why did you just single her out?” He questioned.
She laughed. “I told you that nothing you do is a mystery to me. I know you like her. I knew you would before y’all met.”
“How would you even know what my type is? I’ve been away at boarding school forever. You’ve never met any of my girlfriends.” As if he had had any to begin with. Let’s just say he wasn’t the commitment type before now. He was just having fun and breaking hearts while at it but he didn’t want to be like that anymore. Sasha has changed the game. She was the main character and he was just trying to find his way in her world.
She stared at him. “How could you not fall for her? She’s amazing in so many ways. Just call it mother’s intuition.” She walked back towards the master bedroom. “Get settled in. You’ll need your rest for school tomorrow.”
She searched through Johnny’s drawer for some comfortable clothes to wear. She quickly pulled out a pair of his sweatpants and a t-shirt. She noticed an unopened box of condoms. She eyed them wondering how long he had had them. Was it just in case it had he been planning for the moment. They were very comfortable with one another so they undressed and dressed freely in front of each other but they had never had sex. Or at least never went all the way.
She heard the knob turn to his door so she hurriedly stashed them back in his drawer and stepped back from the dresser. She hugged his clothes against her body. She didn’t know why she felt embarrassed now.
He eyed her for a moment then he slipped his shirt off. His gym shirts hung low off of his hips.
She could see his “V” and boy did it make her hot.
“Babe, are you okay?” He asked as he turned his covers back and jumped into the bed.
She snapped out of her trance. “Yes.” She whispered. She didn’t mean to say it like that though she was just caught up in the pure lust of him. An entire man underneath his clothes. She had seen him like this before but maybe seeing the condoms had her imagining things that she probably shouldn’t.
He patted the side of his bed. “Come lay with me.” He pleaded.
She shook her head. “I think I might need to use the bathroom?” She said as if it was a question. She ran into his bathroom. She splashed water on her face. “Get your shit together, Ivy!” She spoke to herself quietly.
He wondered what the hell was wrong with her. She was acting so awkwardly and that was one thing that she wasn’t.
Ivy grabbed her phone as she braced herself on the countertop and called Sasha. “I need you to talk me down!”
Sasha giggled. “What is it, Ivy?”
“I think I’m ready to have sex.” She whispered. She knew the walls weren’t that thick so if she didn’t want him to hear her she needed to stay quiet.
“You what?” Sasha could barely hear her.
“Sex, Sasha! I think I’m ready!” She said a bit too loud. She covered her mouth, if she could slap herself she would’ve.
Johnny had been standing by the door so he heard that. His eyes flew open wide. He had been ready but she didn’t seem so into it so he never asked.
“Are you going to tell me this is a mistake or not, Sasha?!” She stared at herself in the mirror.
Sasha sighed. “Y’all have been together since sophomore year. Who am I to tell you what to do with your body. Do you think y’all will be together after we graduate?”
“I can’t picture my life without him honestly. It scares me that we might be taking separate roads but I still want him. I love him, Sasha.” Tears formed in her eyes as she thought of the future.
Sasha smiled. She wanted a love like that. “Do what your heart tells you to do.”
“Thanks Sasha! I love you.” She hung up.
Johnny stood at the door. He wasn’t even going to try to act like he hadn’t been listening.
She opened the door and bumped into him.
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He caught her in his arms and simply held her. “I love you too.” He smiled and tipped her chin up so she could see him. “I don’t care where I go in this life or any other life, I’m taking you with me.”
She let a tear escape.
He wiped it. “And also I’m ready to have you in every way possible but I want it to be special for both of us so just wait a little bit. You won’t regret the wait.” He kissed her lips softly then nipped the bottom one with a light chuckle.
-stay tuned
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I'm incredibly sorry for this ask , but I'd like the opinion of different writers. I have this story I have finished. It's has been re-read, edited, polished. It's technically done. The story is consistent, the pacing is okay. But what I don't like is how the characters are portrayed. They lack life, and I think it may be because during the years I improved my writing, and now I'm sure I'd be able to do better. What would you do? Would you rewrite the story from scratch? Thanks in advance.
First, no worries about asking for advice. That’s legit what I’m here for. And having been in the same position you are now, (twice) I know how impossible it feels.
Off the bat, advice I would recommend: 
Beta Reading: Get some fresh eyes to look at it, ideally someone who 1) reads books in that genre and that age range, and 2) has no obligation to worry about your feelings.
Thoroughly consider why you want to rewrite it: make an actual pros and cons list. It sounds silly, but it helps because you realize what decision you’re arguing for, what your instinct says.
Give yourself a shot at attempting a rewrite. Give yourself a set time limit to try it out. Your current book isn’t going anywhere and publishing takes forever anyway, so what’s another month or another three months?
At the end of this trial run you can ask yourself: Did a rewrite make it better? Do the characters and their world feel more alive? Even if it looks like a mess, given more time to finish and edit, would it look better than the original?
If you find you like the characters better, if you feel like you know them better, then you can consider going through the book and highlighting where they feel out of character compared to your new understanding of the characters
Watch Whispers of the Heart. I mean it! It’s a Studio Ghibli movie, and I swear to god it will inspire you and make this decision a little easier. The whole movie is about developing your creative craft. Its overall analogy is that of a geode. Your craft looks rough and sloppy on the outside, but with time, practice, and love you’ll find the beauty hidden underneath and make it shine. Amazing movie, it will change how you think about writing.
Now, finally, ask yourself: Is this the story I want to debut with? Is this the story I want to begin my writing career with?
This will be when you make your decision.
That’s the most objective advice I can give you. Since you’re asking a lot of writers for their stance, you’ll probably have a few different opinions, but I think running through this troubleshoot method will give you a chance to see for yourself.
My biased opinion?
It comes from my own experience with A Witch’s Memory. 
This is about to be a very long story, fair warning, but it’s my entire thought process over 7-8 years of working on and off with the same project. A big part of the reason why I’m going in depth about the experience is because I keep going back to what you said:
“I think it may be because during the years I improved my writing, and now I'm sure I'd be able to do better. What would you do?”
The same thing happened to be. I started the series when I was much younger, but in the 7.5 years since then I’ve changed a lot as both a person (not adult/not teenager) and as a writer (who’s had several projects since then). I’m gonna walk you through 7.5 years of personal development and how it affected the project.
I joke that A Witch’s Memory has three universes, and those universes are all different rewrites. I first started the series I was seventeen. I finished the rough drafts of three books in the series and got down to full on editing the first book after I graduated high school. Within a year I had a finished novel that wasn’t necessarily polished (not by my standards today) but at the time I was ready to move forward and publish. I sent query letters out to lit agents but didn’t get any bites back. I didn’t get to work at it for long due to health issues, my whole body kind of just crashed so for six months I was too sick to do much of anything, let alone stress myself out over query letters. I started community college the next semester and got more involved in school than in writing.
17 when I started, 18 when I started editing, 19 when I queried and got sick, almost turning 20 when I started college.
I put the book on hold for another year and focused on school. During that time I had a lot of personal development as a person. I got more experience being myself, being an adult who can make decisions for themself.
And I realized that at age 19 I’d developed a lot of insecurities about my book.
In my case, it was the world building. I love my characters, and at their heart they’re still the same, albeit a bit more realistic. I re-examined what about the world building I didn’t like.
It felt too much like Twilight to start, with the way vampires and werewolves were supposed to hate each other, and witches and fairies hated each other, because that just made sense to a 17 year old who had never read paranormal before Twilight changed the direction of the genre.
I didn’t like magic being a secret that no human could know about, so I changed that. I didn’t like my character’s backstories too much, so I tweaked that too. For the best.
At age 20/21 (it was right around my birthday) I rewrote the entire first book. After finishing the rough draft I looked at editing it, looked at starting the rough draft of the second book, and I realized I didn’t like this version either.
So I put it on hold for anther two years. I worked on two different projects, experimented with writing style, got to know myself as a person better.
At 23 I reexamined what I didn’t like about “Universe 2″ and I realized-
I wasn’t comfortable with the way the book was written now. Too many main characters meant to many pov changes and too many personal plot lines to plan. I could see from the beginning how much I favored Anna and Ulric and Felix over my other main characters, so I cut my cast of six main characters down to three, focusing on my favorites. I also saw that the setting wasn’t working for me and it would be a lot less stress for me to chance the setting to somewhere I was more familiar with, setting it mostly in America instead of the U.K.
And I decided to stop worrying about what my past beta readers would think if the book didn’t look the same in “Universe 3″ and to just run with my heart.
(For any wondering, the beta reader in question is my mum, who has been the biggest supporter of my writing since I was 14 and believed I would be published even when I was ready to give up writing and work at a different career. She’s very attached to “Universe 1″ but it’s not where I want to go, and I know she’ll love this new direction when she reads it)
I started the rough draft for Universe 3 in January of 2019 (almost a year ago to the day I’m writing this). I did it on a whim. I had a dream of Anna and Ulric flying to safety from a villain on a broomstick and I asked myself why witches never had broomsticks in my old world, and I was like “why not, let’s add it”
And I just messed with world building. I aimed it for a more whimsical feel than my older angsty versions. I’m gonna blame all the Studio Ghibli movies I saw that year. Some of my local theatres have been doing special weekends where they show the movies, and I’ve gone to see four in the last year or so. I saw Kiki’s Delivery Service a few months earlier with my best friend (A) and then a month after starting the new draft I saw Howls Moving Castle and Spirited Away (same week, I think, all in theatre) and then as I was finishing the rough draft I saw Whispers of the Heart for the first time.
(this was the moment I realized that specific movie would help A LOT on this decision making process, so I included it above)
Anyway, I just gave myself permission to go in a completely different direction with my book.
I should note, that at 23 I had been visually impaired/blind for some 3 years, although it wasn’t medically official until I was 22. I’d also fallen in love for the first time and broken my own heart. I’d also spent the last two years struggling with gender and sexual identity and really starting to understand that part of myself. 
So in general, the whole experience with those last two years of my life really changed the direction I took the book. 
I focused more on internal struggle as well as the outside “main bad guy” I’d always been planning to work with. It 
I kept the heart of my characters the same. Anna is still the kindest person you’ll ever meet, as well as sarcastic and brilliant and studious. Ulric is an anxious mess who is crazy loyal to his friends and who wants to gain his own independence. Felix is still a brat, but a loving one with the dryest sarcasm and a penchant for mischief.
Anna’s more cautious than her original incarnation. Ulric wasn’t disabled in previous versions (but at 23 I was disabled and I wanted to write a blind character, but I didn’t want blindness to be their only trait, so I took my most developed character and made him blind). Some of the characters are POC instead of white, I let myself have multiple LGBTQ characters (because 17 year old me thought the token queer was the norm because I only had one queer friend before that and we weren’t that close) and I changed some origin stories. It’s much better for that.
Growing up taught me how to put more life in my books, how to write more realistically less melodramatically, and what it feels like to have friends. Seventeen year old me didn’t have many friends in life, but 24 year old me has some wonderful friends.
Summary in Short?? (can I even do that?)
This advice post is getting long and I’m feeling bad, so okay, here I am: I’m almost 25 (in March). 17 and 23 year old me were very different people with different priorities and different levels of experience. And if I had to choose which book I would go with? 
I’d stay with Universe 3 (and Universe 1 will just be a thing my mum and I know and keep to ourselves, mostly)
I’m nearly done with the 1st edit. I still have days of self doubt, but they’re nothing like what I had years ago. I’m closer to publishing than I was before, mostly because I have a solid plan now and I’ll be self-publishing, allowing me to publish on my own.
In my case, rewriting was the best decision I could have made. I’m not everyone else though, nor am I you. You know yourself and your story better than anyone, and I know you are the most qualified person to make that decision. I have confidence in your ability.
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turdblossommm · 5 years
Marry Me {7}
Summary: Bucky and the reader are hopelessly in love with their best friends who are getting married, where the pair first meet. Will there friendship turn into something more or will it crash and burn?
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
A/N: Hiiiii sorry I haven’t been posting! I was up in Elk camp for awhile and didn’t take my computer with me. Good news, I got one! And the thanksgiving part of this is legit the shit my family does
part six // masterlist
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You smiled as you teased Bucky’s hair and put a little makeup over his face. He may look like a 
like a hobo but damn was he looking good. You pulled your costume on and put your arms out and Bucky smiled, trying not to laugh
“This is actually pretty great” Bucky wrapped his around your waist and you kissed his cheek as he snapped a picture and posted it to his feed with the caption ‘castaway’. You and Bucky walked the three blocks to Sam’s place instead of driving.
“Hey!” Sam swung the door open clad in a pirate costume. Bucky pulled you along to the kitchen where he poured you a drink and found Steve who was dressed as a army man and his girlfriend Peggy in a women’s version of the costume.
“ I don’t think we’ve officially met, I’m Steve and this is Peggy” He stuck his hand out
“Y/N” You shook both their hands “Pleasure to meet you” The song changed and a smile crept onto Bucky’s face
“We have to dance this is my favorite song” He grabbed your hand as you shook your head
“I do many things Barnes, but dancing is not on of them” Bucky stuck his bottom lip out
“Y/N” He whined
“I don’t dance, I’m form the town in Footloose” YOu looked over to him “I’m Kevin Bacon”
“Shut up and dance with me” He tilted his head to the side and pouted again
 “No! Don’t do that thing with your eyes” You covered your eyes
“Please” He pouted
“The lord in my shepherd” You whispering towards the ceiling while pinching the bridge your nose “Fine” Bucky pulled you along and he started to move to the beat 
“Stop being a damn board” He wrapped his arms around your waist and you moved your hips in sync with his. You dance for multiple songs until Bucky pulled you from the very full living room to the equally full kitchen
“I’ll get drinks, I’m smaller” YOu smiled and started to weave in and out of people until you reached the bar.
“You know Bucky’s my best friend” Steve leaned his back against the bar while facing the living room
“I do” You trend to face him “Is there a problem with my friendship with him”
“I just don’t think he’s in a state to be seeing someone”
“Whatever happens between Bucky and I really doesn’t concern you Steve”
“It does when he’s going to be the one getting his heart broken” He sneered and you chuckled
“It already is Steve” You walked away “And Steve” He turned to you “We’re not seeing each other, were just friends” Bucky took his drink from you
“What you were guys talking about?”
“Nothing and everything” You smiled and chugged your drink “Want to get out of here” He nodded and followed you actions and dragged you out of the apartment.
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“Hey what are you doing for Thanksgiving?” You asked during the lunch you two took together
“Nothing” He shrugged and continued to eat his sandwich
“I’m sorry what?” you looked at him dumbfounded “Did you just say you were doing nothing for Thanksgiving” Bucky shrugged and nodded
“It’s not a big deal in my family” YOu smiled and Bucky paled
“Buckle up, I’m about to give you the best Thanksgiving you’ve ever had” Bucky scoffed at your antics knowing damn well that T’Challa only give Thanksgiving day off because he doesn’t celebrate it because he’s not American. So when Bucky found himself on a red eye to Oregon a week before Thanksgiving he was shocked 
“This is going to be the best Thanksgiving you’ve ever had” Bucky shrugged, his parents were immigrants so Thanksgiving was just an excuse to not have school for a few days or have a few days off from work. Bucky was pulled out of his thoughts when a beat up red pick stopped in from of them at the terminal.
“Hey Ben” You yell as you threw your bag in the bed and Bucky followed your actions. You climbed in and sat in the middle while Bucky took the passenger seat
“Hey sis how the big apple”
“Too fuckin big” Your brother glanced at Bucky
“Ben this is Bucky, Bucky this is my younger brother Ben” Bucky shook hands with Ben, being 18, Ben tried to crush his hand “Pitter patter” You swatted your brother’s hand away
“You ready for this year, I’ve been practicing for months” YOu shook your head
“You’re going down baby bro, I am, and will forever the youngest ever champion”
“Not unless I get it this year, then we’ll be tied” You ruffled his hair 
“Focus on the road” Bucky marveled at the scenery as the closer to your house the greener it became. You watched Bucky take in Oregon, the hidden gem in the US, hidden by constant cloud cover. You fidgeted in your seat as Ben turned down the familiar gravel road and the house came into view
“I can never park this thing”
“Double pump the clutch dumbass” you yelled as you practically shove Bucky out of the truck
“There’s my green bean” You spun and saw your parents on the porch and quickly jogged to the porch and hugged your parents.
“Who’s this young man” Your dad looked over your shoulder
“Ma, Dad this is Bucky he’s a friend from the city” Bucky shook your dad’s hand and gave your mom a hug
“Where do you plan to sleep”
“I assume Muriel has my room so I was thinking we take the barn or the mother in law house, where the mother in law should be” You smiled as you refused to call your grandfather’s fifth wife grandma and pulled Bucky along to the barn
“You’re welcome to have the barn” Your mom smiled. You and Bucky settled into the hay loft and he smiled as you introduced him to all the horses and shook his head as you promised to show him the steer and goats later.
“Green bean were going shooting a final time before we head out tomorrow” You gave your dad a two finger salute.
“I can’t believe you grew up like this and now live in a city” Bucky chuckled as you led him back to the other barn
“I know” You giggled “I always told myself I’d never live in the city” You two were staying in the biggest barn where the horses were kept, the other barnes held feed and other tools. You started to back out the ranger while everyone started pulling up on their quads.
“”Y/N/N” Bucky watched you become a completely different person since getting here, it was like the city changed you and here you were completely you. He smiled as you crouched down and squeezed a little girl and ruffled the boy’s hair
“Can we ride with you?” They asked excitably as you looked over you shoulder to a shrugging Bucky
“Course you can, riding with your daddy isn’t any fun anyway”
“I take offense to that” Your oldest brother hugged you before handing you their ear protection “They’re yours now”
“Be nice bother, they go back to you when I’m done with them” You brother rolled his eyes at the mischievous glint in your eye
“You must be Bucky” You brother looked over your shoulder
“That’s would be me” Bucky took your brother’s hand
“Braxton, pleasure to meet you” Braxton and Bucky watched as you strapped the kids into the Ranger and a smiled formed on Braxton’s face “I haven’t seen her this happy since Frank, make sure she stays that way” Bucky watched you make goofy faces at your niece and nephew 
Bucky’s found himself watching you a lot more. He loved watching you laugh, that was his favorite. Watching you be surrounded by your family and loved ones, he felt special to be considered that to you. Bucky could tell you were closed of and maybe that’s because of this Frank, or maybe Clint. Bucky wasn’t sure, he just wanted you to be happy
“Ever shot a gun?” Bucky’s jaw dropped as you pumped a shot gun, taking him out of his trance “I’m taking you silence as a no” You looked over to him
“My cousin’s pistol when I was like 12”
“Alright listen close cause we don’t have a lot of time” YOu pulled him in “Biggest rule, don’t point the gun in anyone’s direction, keep it to the sky loaded or unloaded.” He watched you click a button now showing red “This is the safety, red means dead okay. Always have the safety on”
“Anything else I should know?”
“Don’t miss” You push your other shot gun in his hand
“You got the right choke in there?” Someone yelled at you and you nodded. Bucky watched you walk to the edge of the ridge 
“Pull” Bucky watched in awe as you hit a three of the clay pigeons, he chuckled as you jokingly blew on the end of the barrel. You joined him with a smile on your face, adrenaline pumping in your veins
“Ready?” You smiled and You laughed as his face paled “I’ll go up with you” You walked with him up the ridge, showed him how to properly hold the gun and aim
“What if I miss?” He asked and you gave him a small smile
“Then you miss Buck, I can’t tell you how many times all of us have missed. You learned from these things” You kissed his cheek and took a step back. He missed all three, he missed all three the second and third time he went up, but the fourth time he hit the last pigeon 
“I hit it?” He smiled as you nodded and everyone cheered for him. Bucky didn’t know there were families like this, only in movies. He couldn’t remember if there was ever a time he was surrounded by his own family and felt like this
“Alright everyone” Your dad tried to calm everyone, Bucky listened not being able to take his eyes off you. “We have an early morning tomorrow, have dinner and get some fuckin' sleep cause at dawn we ride” Bucky watched as you shook your head at your father
“I’ve never known anyone to take hunting this serious”
“We’re rednecks Buck, this is life for us” You laughed as you led him back to the house.
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sciencelings-writes · 6 years
Iron Man Bingo: Tony Stark & Peter Parker
Okay, this one almost made me cry to write, It’s not that bad, I’m just an emotional person. 
this is for @iron-man-bingo
Peter didn’t normally sulk. He was a teenager so sometimes he moped but never for more than an hour or two. He was known for being constantly cheerful or even quiet at the very most. But there was one day where he was noticeably different. He wasn’t just quiet. He looked like the physical embodiment of depression.
May had to go to work as being a nurse didn’t let her have very flexible hours. She wasn’t there to see him and he definitely wasn’t going to call her up because he was a little sad. Instead, he pretended that everything was normal.
Ned noticed that everything was not normal pretty quickly. He also knew why Peter was sad. So instead of pointing anything out, he distracted Peter with whatever he could and talked to him even if he seemed a little less than willing to talk back. This was still good. Peter needed it.
But Ned couldn’t spend the whole day with him and eventually, he was alone. This was the one day Peter was not going to Spider-Man the feelings or lack of feelings away. Instead of suiting up after school, he walked to the place that he knew would make him sad. The cemetery.
It had been one year since Uncle Ben had died and Peter still didn’t know how to deal with it. The plots of land that belonged to Peter’s family were all in a row so that he could see his parents and Bens little gravestones at the same time.
Despite being a legit superhero, he still felt like he disappointed them somehow. He didn’t know why he just tended to think that way.
“Hey, Ben… Hi Mom… Hi dad…” Peter’s voice cracked and he was thankful that the whole cemetery was empty. The cemetery was weirdly peaceful and he couldn’t hear much outside of it. He felt alone. Which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing as he had tears rolling down his face that he had been keeping in all day.
“I uh… I miss you… all of you… well, mostly Ben but I wouldn’t mind you all coming back.” Peter smiled sadly. “I hope you’d all be proud of me even though I’m constantly doing dumb things…” He sat down on the grass and avoided looking at the engraved name of his uncle as if those were his eyes and he was ashamed.
“I haven’t really visited since you got here so I guess I have a lot to update you on. A lot of things have happened. First off,  I should confess that I’m kind of a superhero illegal vigilante now. Surprise! And the thing is… it’s because of you. Because I couldn’t save you. I never wanted anyone else to feel like I did when you left. I never wanted some other kid to call their alive parent to tell them what happened…” Peter couldn’t control the sob that forced itself out of him.
“I can’t… I can’t let that happen. No one deserves it. I don’t want anyone else to lose a parent… or two… or three.” His voice came out as more of a whisper. “Sometimes I forget… sometimes I forget that you’re gone. And sometimes I can still feel your blood on my hands. I just… I guess you’re still with me sometimes, even if it’s not as much as I want.”
“I guess I came here to say that I’m sorry… I’m sorry that I couldn’t save you.” Peter stood up after he ran out of things to say. He knew there was no one listening. It was just releasing some of his guilt to the grassy yard full of dead people. Peter was glad that one of his powers wasn’t talking to the dead. That would be awkward.
He didn’t jump when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. His spider-sense didn’t warn him so it must be someone he trusted. Sure enough, he looked up and saw Mr. Stark.
“Hey, kiddo… I didn’t think that you’d want to be alone…” Tony said in a more gentle voice than Peter had ever heard. Instead of answering, he just automatically leaned on his mentor. Tony just changed his hand from Peter’s shoulder to around him in a comforting half hug.
“Thanks.” Peter sighed as he quickly wiped away a couple of tears that he was embarrassed about having in front of Tony. Instead of being stand-offish like he normally was, Tony just squeezed Peter closer.
“It’s no problem kid… Do you want to continue Hamlet-ing?” Normally the tone of Tony’s voice when he said things like this was much more snarky but this time it just felt like a joke to lighten the mood.
“I think… I think I’ve said everything that I needed to say…” Peter muttered. He didn’t really didn’t want to talk anymore.
“Do you mind if I talk to them?” Tony asked softly.
“I won’t be able to stop you from monologuing,” Peter admitted.
“You’re probably right about that,” Tony turned towards the graves. “Hey uh, Hi Mary, Richard, Ben… I just wanted to thank you all. I will forever be grateful to you for raising this amazing kid. I have never met someone so kind, so strong, so caring, so… good than your kid. I know part of that is your fault so I want to thank you for it. It’s my honor to help him and I promise that I won’t let any of you down.” He looked down at Peter when he heard a sniffle.
“Come on kid… May was worried about you.” Tony turned them away from the graves and started to slowly meander out of the cemetery.
“Did you mean it?” Peter rasped out.
“Peter,” Tony stopped walking and adjusted Peter so that he was looking straight into the kid's eyes. “Steve Rogers has nothing on you kiddo, you’re going to be the best of us. We need more Peter’s in the world.” Tony wiped a tear from Peter’s cheek with his thumb and gave him a reassuring smile. “They would be so proud of you, Do you know how I know that? I’ve known you for like eight months and I am so fucking proud of you. Imagine how much they love you huh.”  
Peter took a moment to internalize that and once he did, he wrapped his arms around Tony with such speed and purpose that he knocked the breath out of him. He hugged back immediately and held the kid in his arms for a few minutes until he was ready to leave.
“Thanks, Tony.”
“I would do anything for you kid. Do you like Italian food? We can order some and watch your nerd show while we wait for your aunt to get back from work.”
“I know you like Star Wars. But, yeah. That sounds great.” Tony wrapped a comforting hand around Peters' shoulders as they left the graveyard. Peter felt dramatically better than when he came in. This time he wasn’t alone. And that made all of the difference. 
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