#Admin au
enden-agolor · 7 months
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Thingy I did for the Admins AU 🩵💚
Basically the context of this moment is it takes place a week or something after Jesse and Lukas get their powers. Lukas is far more contained with his. He controls them quite well but Jesse on the other hand.. struggles a *lot*. And the townsfolk see it too. They see how when Jesse gets high up in his emotions, he changes, and his irritation with not being able to control his powers only stresses him out and frustrates him more and that causes like the complete form shift and that puts Jesse through like, the worst stress imaginable. Is knowing he's changing in front of people and not being able to control it and he doesn't feel like the hero he once was at all. He feels like a monster.
Anyways there's a point in time where Jesse just doesn't show his face out in town as much because he's terrified of the judgement. He gets the same strange looks he did before he ever became a hero, back when he was a nobody, so he hides from those interactions. Well Lukas definitely notices, and he ends up taking Jesse out somewhere alone, just the two of them. He takes them both somewhere away from civilization, so Jesse can really practice his stuff.
The big thing that has Jesse losing control of his powers is all of his negative emotions towards himself, so it's definitely going to be a "love solves the problem" kind of deal. I like to think one of the big things they practice is Jesse's ability to fly and stuff, and Lukas, regardless of how much Jesse tries to find a different way, decides that the best way for Jesse to really learn is by letting him hold onto him. Because Lukas is a person with a fragile body that he *knows* Jesse would do everything in his power to keep safe. Jesse though, in his admin form, is very cocky despite his sad feelings so he's kind of a brat about it but Lukas is extremely patient with him, and uhh. Jesse reluctantly holds onto Lukas while he lifts up into the air. He's really huffy and embarrassed about it too because after that whole incident in the cave where Lukas took half of Jesse's powers so he could live, Jesse has developed an unimaginable crush on Lukas. Like he already liked him before but now he's sure he loves him, and he's scared of showing those feelings because of well, how he views himself now. So he's really scared of messing this up or making himself look like a fool in front of Lukas.
But! The plan kind of works, because Lukas talks to him while he flies and since Jesse is focused on his conversation and not his emotions towards the powers themselves, it eliminates that stress and has him calmy maintaining a steady control over his flight. And eventually they're just kind of lazily drifting over the landscape, Lukas holding onto Jesse, them both focusing on the scenery as the late evening arrives and the stars begin to shine.
At this time, Jesse is still in his full admin form, he's blue and his eyes glow an eerie turquoise. But eventually Lukas has him stop and Jesse and him come to a stand in the air, Jesse holding Lukas against him and they look at each other. Lukas tells Jesse that he's so proud of him, and to look and see how much he's grown in such short time. Jesse looks around and, though his face still looks so grumpy, he does realize that they've been flying for a long time with no mistakes.
They share some really kind words to each other, Lukas praising Jesse and Jesse very quietly mumbling his gratitude for Lukas and his patience with him.
And uhh for the first time since the cave, Lukas gives Jesse a nice sweet kiss. Jesse doesn't remember it in the cave. He doesn't remember Lukas kissing him, so this comes as a complete shock (he was suuuper out of it) but quite literally every ounce of negativity drains from his body and he slowly begins reverting back to his original self. In the picture he's still in his admins clothes, but his body looks normal, aside from the crazy messy hair which is an admin trait.
Anyways yeah this is the moment Jesse realizes he for sure loves Lukas. And that kiss, and the kind words they shared, immediately calmed him. But uh. They calmed him so hard that when they kiss again, they both actually start falling out of the sky, and Lukas falls away from Jesse's arms in shock and that's when Jesse gains full control of his flight ability and swoops down to grab Lukas up bridal style in his big strong arms.
Lukas is all like "my hero" (he has the ability to fly too, so he was in no real danger, but the moment caused Jesse to take action instantly and use his powers for good).
That alone helps Jesse realize that these powers *can* be used for good. He's still a big grumpy butt in this form, but he still is that same gentle and loving Jesse deep down.
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habibibasket · 5 months
Admin Jesse villain arc who?
vvv base images vvv
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ribbononline · 1 year
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& every time it's you
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zilritsch · 5 months
Dream learned to read and write late (at about 14 years old), because before Bad/Puffy (choose whoever you want) took him under their wing and taught him.
He couldn't teach himself or sneak into the school to overhear lessons and didn't have an adult to teach him. He had to get food, take care of clothes and try not to die or go to prison. He stole and almost got enslaved by Hypixel in the arena while trying to make more money (His greed and desperation took over, but he really needed clothes. He was growing too fast), but he was lucky to get away without a brand or a collar with a curse of indestructibility.
He also needed money to buy passage and priority status to the main hub.
Tommy had it all from birth, and he chose from all possible methods theft, insults and ridicule. A guy who doesn't go hungry, who has been going to school since he was 7 years old, received a basic education and had a good guardian, chooses to steal for fun. He doesn’t need so much resources, he can get it without straining, his clothes are new and clean, without holes and suitable for each biome.
He had priority passage status from birth, he never died of hunger and never lost all the accumulated progress, he was never robbed, tried to kill and did not look with contempt at the next beggar/pickpocket.
Dream doesn't understand him. Dream desperately wanted to be in his as a child. He doesn't understand Tommy, he despises him.
He envies him in a childish, stupid way.
Ps. I like it when Dream suffers. but hey! he now has a whole server, everything will be fine, right?
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emicat1159 · 24 days
Admin au sketches featuring lil Lizzy- as my friend likes to call her hehe
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'Sleepy' and a 'snow day' -cute titles no?
I'm... taking photos of my screen...
Okay okay I was taking pics to share the progress with my friends but I don't think I'll ever get these finished so like
Give me strength to break out of art block please
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polarized-here · 1 year
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Romeo’s Play Thing Can’t Speak.
He lost his speaking privileges.
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blankweiss-sb · 1 year
Birthday drabble
Okay, so this might play in the same verse as the gift drabble I did for @hiding-in-the-vault
CW: blind Dream, blood and torture mention, Pandora's Vault time, un-beta'd
People were blind, they'd always been. Not literally blind, in most cases, but ...metaphorically, metaphysically, definitely emotionally. How could everyone be so wary of him, Bad mused, yet be so totally dismissive?
" Looking forward to curling up underneath a warm blanket." Antfrost yawned, the leather of his gloves stretched and worn but still steady and sturdy. Etched spells lined the seams.
When Antfrost had won a parkour challenge, Dream had gifted him these gloves with a grin and the boious claim of having bought them of one of the villagers in the village the parkour challenge had been held.
However, the gloves consisted of well-treated warhog hide - not pig hide. How the others had ever swallowed that lie Bad would never understand since villagers wouldn't have been able to access the Nether - or treat the warhog hide with diamond dusted sponges. Or enchant it with Admin-specific spells.
"You sure you're ok with taking my shift?"
Bad forced his lips to move, stretch and part, smile but not too brightly. "Yeah, go get some good rest. Only come back when you're properly rested, you silly muffin." When sharp eyes didn't waver away from Bad's face, he let his smile fall, not quite shatter, just shrink a little. "I don't have anyone waiting for me, after all."
Antfrost winced, cringing away, any suspicion hopefully wiped away and redirected. He kept his silence until they stepped in front of the hissing portal.
"Bad...you good with taking half my shift? I could stay here, you know, keep you company. You...don't actually have to be all alone." Antfrost shifted as his ears folded back and his tail wrapped around his armor covered shin.
Well, Bad didn't want that. Now, how to discourage Antfrost...ah.
"Aww, thank you but all's good." He chuckled and mimicked ruffling the top of Antfrost's head, right between his ears. Antfrost ducked away long before Bad's hand would have made contact.
"See if I care about your feelings again." Despite his parting shot, Antfrost waved and skipped through the portal.
Less than a minute later, the portal screeched and shattered at the press of a button. Now the only two inhabitants of the prison were Bad ...and Dream. Just like Bad had planned.
(Sam was ...out. He hadn't told them were he was going and Bad didn't really want to know. It was a good thing. If he didn't see Sam, it was easier to dismiss the mounting urge to rifle through another forgotten but barred with three locks vault. Nobody would benefit from Bad taking up his Scythe and wielding her to her full extent again.)
Turning on his heel, Bad marched towards the center of the prison, past check-ins, levers and iron bars until the sulfur stench of the lava burned his nostrils. His hand paused on the lever to the bridge and Bad prepared himself mentally. His other hand slipped into his pockets, curving around the rind of the Gapple he smuggled in. Its enchantments zing across Bad's palm.
With a firm breath, he pressed down the lever and the bridge groaned inching forward. Bad hurried to the front, hissing as lava droplets sizzled onto his armour when the lava curtain spluttered and stopped.
His breath hitched.
Had Bad been complaining about the sulfur stench? It was roses and daisies compared to the iron tang in Dream's cell air. Not to mention brown and dark red splattered against void black and crying purple was much more nauseating than the ever-shifting red-orange-yellow.
Dream himself had pressed into the corner opposite to his water hole. Or rather, he'd wrenched himself into the gap between the wall and lectern, somehow, muscles tense and shaking. (Not enough food - or not the right one as molding potatoes languished underneath the droppers. Admins needed way more than potatoes, especially molding one. Keeping up a server took energy, being connected to One took even more. Bad didn't believe the latter was in effect at the moment, or Dream wouldn't be here anymore.)
This was painfully familiar - only with less torture and Dream having been much, much younger.
Dropping to the floor, Bad crossed his legs and hummed. At the first note, Dream froze before a small noise vibrated through his mouth. Bad didn't know the words to the songs he was humming. He was merely humming the song back to its creator.
After humming another of Dream's humming songs back to him and a couple of lullabies, Bad smiled as Dream slipped from his hiding spot and settled against the wall. His smile widened into a grin when Dream tilted his head and Bad opened his mouth-
The mask slipped to the side, revealing just a sliver of Dream's face. It was enough. One milky eye, blood-crusted, stared at Bad's collarbones.
Dream's small smile dealt a fatal blow to Bad's heart.
Bad rearranged things in head - he needed a plan, he couldn't, couldn't, how dare they - took a second and a breath. Gulping down any negativity, he almost cooed. "Heya Dream."
"Hullo Bad, how nice of you to visit me."
Hadn't Bad seen the smile or his eyes or heard the almost crumbling of his voice, those words could have been sharp and cutting with their sardonic edge - or at least be taken as such.
"Is today my birthday or what?"
"In fact, it is."
"O-oh." No matter how humorous Dream's little falter was, laughing was the last thing on Bad's mind. Especially when the tension in Dream's body returned. "Going to give me a birthday present?"
It was so painfully clear that Dream was expecting violence. Bad hated it.
"Indeed, I will." Dream flinched when Bad flipped his dagger open and pulled out the Gapple, carefully cutting the enchanted fruit into pieces. The sound of the weapon slicing through its flesh must be scary or traumatic enough for Dream to begin trembling.
If Bad knew the words to whisper to reassure Dream, he would - but he didn't. He didn't and it was his own fault. No matter what Dream had done - and really, thinking about it, had it been any worse than what other members of the Server had done? Or at least, the punishments here didn't fit the severity of the crime, not when every other member of these lands got off scot-free - he didn't deserve this.
"Hey Dream." Bad shifted until his knee was touching Dream's. Dream almost choked on his own tongue as he tried retreating but only hit a wall. (Don't react.) "Open your mouth, dear one, the sun's coming."
For one second only the lava and the crying obsidian talked, in hisses and screeching - then a long-missed sound echoed through the cell.
Dream's wheezing laugh was lovely to hear, without any malice or taunting staining it.
"Bad, what the fuck, I'm not a little, sick kid anymore! You used that then! Like, seriously?!"
"First off, language, secondly..." Bad reached out and squeezed Dream's four spindly fingers before wrapping them around a slice of the Gapple. "Here's your gift. You've got the rest, too, but I kind of need to feed it to you now. I'm gonna look at the lava now, just tap my hand when you want more."
Settling his hand to Dream's knee, Bad turned away. For quite a while, nothing happened. Dream did absolutely nothing, Until muscles contracted underneath Bad's fingers and he listened to the scraping of Dream's mask against obsidians, small bites as teeth crunched down on an apple, the shuddering sobs and sniffles through Dream's nose while he was choking down a thin Gapple slice.
A finger feathered against Bad's knuckles, and Bad pressed another Gapple slice against it, only for it to be snatched away.
He didn't know how long it took - the cell didn't have a clock - but Bad estimated that Dream used an entire hour to eat one Gapple. Bad's resolve solidified when he turned around and carmine skin edged Dream's eyes. Dream's cheeks were still wet with tears.
"Happy Birthday, Dream."
Dream answered with choked laughter and pressed his knee against Bad's. He even patted the spot next to him and Bad didn't hesitate to slide into it. (Despite the dried blood on the wall, floor and Dream himself.) As soon as Bad settled down, Dream turned and buried his head into Bad's collarbones.
Slowly, slowly Dream dozed off. "Thanks, Dad," he whispered, like it was a secret, like no one else was ever supposed to know.
Bad had plans to make.
And a vault with three locks to unlock and rummage through.
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The thrill of the escape carried Dream farther than he thought it would. He managed to bury the hurt at Techno’s – Technoblade and Philza’s rejection of his presence. He managed to escape Sapnap – barely, stupid betrayal ensnaring Dream’s limbs with invisible ropes – when he tried to retrieve his armor. He even managed to meet up with Punz, the rush of divine loyalty giving him enough second wind to find a safe space.
If by “safe space” Dream meant the middle of enemy territory, anyway. The little hidden bunker underneath the Community House was right smack among everyone who wanted to kill him.
Did Sapnap remember? Did George? That little bunker had been for the three of them and had withstood fire and bombs and – When Dream crawled into the hidden space, dust irritated his eyes – in a different way than the sun did, after so long of lava and no darkness – and a thick layer of it coated the three beds and spare furniture.
By all means, this was a terrible hiding spot, too close to everything. His wounds wouldn’t thank him for dragging his skin along dirt and dust. And, obviously, neither George nor Sapnap would be here with open arms but –
It was safe and small enough that when the adrenaline finally faded and his bonds to the world snapped open again, no one could hear him scream.
Going from zero to everything was – more than jarring. Scorching in its intensity, ripping him apart from the inside with its force while simultaneously knitting him together. A loop of hurt and more hurt and yet again more hurt as his being reconnected to the world and –
The world wasn’t kind, it screeched its reproach without words as it mercilessly forced the essence of everything to slot into Dream’s being.
By the next morning – the sun told Dream it was rising, the dew drops twinkled a symphony inside his head, skeletons sank back into the earth clattering their own songs – Dream’s muscles and nerves wept in agony, his tears washing away the dust from his cheeks.
Dream was breathing – in and out. And the world was taking its breath from inside of him.
I love this. I am holding it and shaking it and rotating it.
Reconnecting back to the world!! It being painful!!?? That’s awesome. Ohhh Dreamie my Dreamie ;v;
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sweeneydino · 7 months
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Left to Right ->
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Spikangelo, & Raph(Here)
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Ghost In The Shell, Ghost & Ghostlets by @amevello-blue / @bluepeachstudios
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Two Souls, Aoi & his little lion by @virgilisspidey
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Shellshocked, Raph & his gremlins kids by @lieutenantbiscute
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Cass Apocalypse, Uncle Tello & Casey Junior by @somerandomdudelmao
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The Last Ronin Becomes A Discord Admin, Slonkangelo & The Little Ones by @melonpalooza
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And finally, Snapper Lou Au, feat. Snapper Lou from @kittynomore, Nini from @amevello-blue, and The Eldest Brother AU from @debb987
PLEASE check out everyone here! Their works are amazing, and I bet you'll find something that'll stick with you for a while!
I noticed the quality gets screwed up when you zoom in, so I decided to export it myself so yall can see them better. Hope it helped!
Have a wonderful day, everyone!
Oh, and I added little easter eggs, too.
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vettelsbees · 9 months
whatever it takes
charles leclerc x redbullracingadmin!reader
fic type: social media au
summary: charles is dating the redbull racing admin which is why there’s a sudden uptick of charles content…but it’s proving to be a hit for engagement so they're just kinda allowed to continue
note: welcome to my second-ever smau. i am still learning kinda how to do these, so my formatting might change as i figure out what works best for me. this one is pretty different format-wise than the last and I'll probably end up somewhere between. and, of course, any constructive feedback is welcome! the next one i have planned (a charles x piastri!reader introduced via arthur) might need a bit of texting so if anyone has recommendations for how to make fake texts - let me know!
disclaimer(s): I try to keep it mostly gender-neutral but I do picture a girl when writing and my pinterest selections tend to be fem coded so it isn't truly gender neutral just be warned. also, i am borrowing content from (obviously) the redbull racing insta and from public instagrams. these are real things redbull posts haha. also i think there is swearing.
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@//redbullracing has posted a Reel to Instagram
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@//redbullracing Some classic Maxplaining and Leclerifying
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@//lecfosi everyone is charles fan
@//dutchlion8 stop i thought this was a fan account not rbr
@//yourusername has posted on Instagram
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@//yourusername day job makes me sleepy
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@//bestie_estie pop off with the soft launch
@//landogirlz is this one of the f1 workers?? where are the drivers?
@//zhouscloset it's their personal but okay
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@//redbullracing has posted on Instagram
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@//redbullracing We are racing in Las Vegas!
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@//patofan how is charles half of these he's not a redbull driver
@//snowmansandesteban loving the charles content
@//yourusername has posted on Instagram
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@//yourusername just explorin'
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@//lovefrombrasil Now this has become a proper soft launch
@//maxverstappen1 Hm
@//yukipopsoff this is who we think is the rbr admin @//ln4theresties
@//yourusername has posted on Instagram
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@//yourusername it's kinda hard to protect the feed AND soft launch
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@//artiesparty then hard launch
@//georgerushing scream, sobbing, foaming at the mouth
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@//yourusername has posted on Instagram
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@//yourusername nowhere i'd rather be <3
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@//whiteandsilverarrows this looks like a certain monégasque...
@//elpadrenando someone ask arthur about it
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@//redbullracing has posted on Instagram
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tagged: maxverstappen1, schecoperez
@//redbullracing Looking back through our festive wardrobe
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@//charleswife16 girl where is charles
@//yukigasly boo bring back sharl
@//rockytherb19 Great team!
@//yourusername has posted on Instagram
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tagged: charles_leclerc
@//yourusername saved him for the priv account this time
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@//yukigasly THERE HE IS
@//sharllechair god...it's me again
@//tripodgasly girl me too. i can't believe they confirmed it
@//alpharedbull no one tell christian
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hehe the end
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enden-agolor · 7 months
if it isn’t spoiler territory could you explain how Jesses personality changes in his admin from? I’m mad curious
I wouldn't say his personality changes exactly? 🤔 At least not early on. It's more like his natural jolly and excitable nature lays dormant beneath all of the stress and negativity he exudes (its all that emotion he kept hidden from everyone for so long), but that doesn't mean he's completely hostile. Early on, Jesse changes into his Admin form the most when he's under extreme amounts of pressure that causes his stress and anxiety to stir, thus making it harder to keep a grasp on his emotions and that's what brings out his inner Admin. When he's in this form, his exterior is grumpy and intimidating, but he's not mean. He still goes to work, but most people he'd talk to daily tend to avoid him when he's like this. Even Radar is a bit put off by Jesse and nervous to talk to him because Jesse's voice and demeanor just radiates a deep distortion that sounds so frustrated and tense. But he still says things normal Jesse would, it all just comes off wrong and his temper is like a very short fuse now, and too much stress can make him lash out so people tend to leave him alone until he's calmed down, or back to his normal self.
Lukas is one of the very few people that can settle the hero's battered heart. Axel, Olivia, and Petra too are able to help calm him. It's his closest friends or his lover that Jesse latches onto for the comfort he needs to return to normal, but it's even harder because in this form, he's so stubborn and acts like he doesn't want or need the attention he secretly and desperately desires. Like in this form, he can't handle the idea of looking so weak that he needs some kind of special treatment. So he puts up a lot of walls. Walls that are very hard to break down, and it usually is Lukas who tends to successfully break through that barrier and pull Jesse into his arms to remind him that he's loved and that he'll always be the hero that he himself and everyone still loves.
However, there is a development a few years after Jesse has taken on the Admin powers where he will encounter a complete personality shift. That would be spoiler territory so I'll save it for if/whenever I get around to writing for this au 😁
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ribbononline · 2 years
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Postgame admin AU pictures as taken by Brendan and May respectively. Removing some illegally installed lava pipes (oops) and rebuilding parts of the lilicove hideout after flood damage!
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zilritsch · 6 months
Some general information about Admin AU:
- Everything basically revolves around three characters: Dream, Philza and Techno, so all the main points are about them.
Brief information about the characters:
In this au he is a child by the standards of the admins, but due to circumstances he developed like an ordinary player, which is harmful to the mental health of the admins. This development failure occurred due to the absence of an adult admin nearby, so Dream’s code will adapt to the circumstances in order to survive. In fact, he was damn lucky that he didn’t die, since the code of the children of administrators is a favorable environment for the development of viruses or gods who want to gain more power. Therefore, children are usually kept on a separate server with only a guardian until their late teens.
Now Dream will not be in any danger when, after escaping from prison, Philza realized that Dream is a child. The boy will be under the watchful eye of Philza and Technoblade, and no one will dare touch him again (And no matter what plans Dream had or still has, he will not escape).
- Elythrian, member of the first generation of administrators. He was one of those who participated in all the skirmishes with the gods, invented the first fashions and founded the academy of administrators. He has extensive and varied experience working with children of all ages.
- Disdainful of the gods.
- A member of the now extinct Elytrian race, which gives him an understanding of the ancient Enderian language. True, the language has long fallen out of use. Among the characteristic features: dark gray wings, a cluster of feathers throughout the body, but most of all on the cheeks, in the neck, shoulders and shoulder blades, and also pointed claws.
- There have already been attempts to create his own family and settle down, but all his partners are now dead, as are the admin’s children. Wilbur in his eyes is a mistake, too similar in appearance to his mother.
- The players are treated with some disdain, as a lower caste unable to compare with him (his attitude is also influenced by the fact that the players were created by the gods as an imitation of the admins).
Technoblade: Pure-blooded Brute piglin.
Previously, he lived in one of the thousands of bastions of the Primordial World, he grew up in it and defended it. Everything changed the first time he killed a player. Then he heard a heartbreaking scream full of agony in his head (Techno pushed the guy into the lava after blowing his head off with one precise blow). He backed away from the scene of the player's death, clutching his head in an attempt to muffle his scream. He waited a few more hours until the screaming died down. This is how he gained his first voice, and later lost it when he didn't have enough blood to keep all the voices strong (Much later, after Techno learned mojang thanks to the voices, Philza spoke about his code being warped and confused with the players' code lines. Philza called him special, called him the darling of the Universe, said that she gave him the opportunity to learn, and that he did not mind a companion on his journey).
Technoblade has participated in many events in this world, now he wants to rest a little.
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slavhew · 4 months
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breaking badifies them. happy pride motng
au elaboration under cut
this is just copypasted from twt i forgot to post yetsterday
I imagine that the Dirkjake dynamic would be down on his luck partyboy and the estranged high school friend that coerced him into a drug dealing operation. For reasons he refuses to elaborate on. Jake doesn't really want to be cooking meth but he needs the cash and sees Dirk as the one stable thing in his life really. Dirk really needs a partner and an in to the business and is most of the brains behind the operation.
Dirk is also doing a fair bit of posturing to keep them both safe but Jake... hooo Jake. Dear whining Jake will become a loose cannon when it counts. The power balance would fluctuate alluringly.
To be honest I imagine their dynamic would be much closer to a hypothetical high school au turned drug-dealing and wouldn't be much like Walter and Jesse. Wanna think there would be a happy ending but realistically they'd sink into their worst traits & probably end up in a saw trap by the end of it. I wanna imagine most plot beats still happen... gf dies... "gale" dies... Codependent yaoi and corruption arc flourishes.
I imagine Dirk's wardrobe would start to resemble more and more of Bro's and some of his personality might too. But I also don't think he'd go as far or be as bad as Walter, since here there's a care and concern for Jake as more than a pawn and stand-in (aka the Walter special). Damage would still be done though. The love didn't save anyone etc etc.
Bro and Grandpa would have a dynamic MUCH closer to the s1/2 duo. Devil-may-care stoner and the guy who needs cash FAST and doesn't have time for this shit. I dont think Bro has the tender heart Jesse but he definitely develops some terrible loyalty complex regardless. Honestly have a LOT less idea how their story would go so I'm all ears
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redmarqar · 5 months
Hey guys!! I was wondering, how did your band form in the first place?
oh, we've finally got to this question. well... take a look.
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holllandtrash · 2 years
secret admin | daniel ricciardo social media au
pairing: third driver danny ric x reader
admin loves daniel but he has a girlfriend, he jokes and claims that gf and admin are the same person...but what if it's not a joke anymore?
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 416,088 others
tagged: danielricciardo
redbullracing me when the boss man tells me i'm not allowed to post thirst traps of drivers hands on social media
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danielricciardo yeah stick it to the man
landonorris red bull admin about to lose their job
sebstroll why do i feel like red bull admin is on THIN ICE
redbullracing because admin IS on thin ice 🥶🥶
itsnotcharles admin has a crush on daniel and is quite literally risking their job for it
liked by redbullracing
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liked by yourbestfriend and 368 others
yourusername topic is: I❤️NY
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yourbestfriend ohhh she finally posts the mystery man
yourusername 😉😉😉
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liked by paddockgf, hamiltonn44 and 6,792 others
f1wagupdates Daniel Ricciardo seen in NYC with a new girl attached to his hip! No name yet but they must be serious if he brings her to the states weeks before COTA 🤔 leave your thoughts in the comments!
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ghostlewis rip red bull admin, hope she's taking the news okay
gaslygal and here lies the red bull admin x danny ric romance 😥 gonna miss those interactions
paddockgf watch as red bull admin stops posting about danny ric now
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redbullracing added to their story
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liked by chloestroll, yourbestfriend and 415 others
yourusername tonight
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yourbestfriend how long are you in NY for??
yourusername idk man i just go where the job takes me
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liked by landonorris, f1 and 571,993 others
tagged: danielricciardo
redbullracing save a horse ride a da- sorry, ride a cowboy
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danielricciardo yeehaw baby
paddockgf sorRRY?? RIDE A DANIEL? admin is openly flirting with him on social media now
landonorris woah admin keep it g-rated
redbullracing just close your eyes young one
yourusername 🥵🥵🥵
liked by pierregasly and landonorris
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liked by redbullracing, pierregasly and 611,935 others
danielricciardo texas photo dump (did i do it right? pierregasly)
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pierregasly 👌🏽👌🏽
hamiltonstire how is it that hes not even driving and he's still the most popular guy in the paddock
landonorris whos the girl
danielricciardo rbr admin landonorris pretty sure you shouldn't be kissing red bull's admin danielricciardo i do what i want
redbullracing danny ric ladies and gentlemen, everyone's (my) favorite cowboy
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redbullracing added to their story
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redbullracing added to their story
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liked by yourusername, redbullracing and 488,913 others
tagged: redbullracing
danielricciardo black and white
tracktalk admin is on a date with danny ric !!!!!! the jacket, the hat!! it's all the same as red bulls story post 🥺🥺
paddockgf wait okay maybe that Marina girl on twitter was right, this girl sort of looks like yourusername
landonorris she kind of looks familar, have i seen her around the paddock before?
danielricciardo are you dating the rbr admin too?
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yourusername added to their story
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liked by yourusername, redbullracing and 613,892 others
tagged: yourusername
danielricciardo great day for a birthday
view all 18,992 comments
redbullracing why does she look familiar
danielricciardo have you looked in the mirror recently?
yourusername i love you thank you
landonorris happy birthday yourusername i also love you
danielricciardo are you flirting with the red bull admin? on social media? landonorris i learn from the best
russellstires someone tell the fbi to hire that marina girl
liked by redbullracing and danielricciardo
requests are open
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