#Adobe Text Pro
lethal-spaceship · 4 months
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The unenlightened masses,
They cannot make the judgement call.
Give up free will forever,
Their voices won't be heard at all!
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ladespeinada · 3 months
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Is it? Is it fucking rich, Richard?
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Anyone have any good art tablet recommendations? I'm looking to replace my old one as a little Christmas present to myself, but I'm not 100% sure what to go for
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tutos · 4 months
Dynamic Text Animations in Adobe Premiere Pro
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cnlvfx · 1 year
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YouTube -- https://youtu.be/2L7k9rEwqdk?si=8MwYT6YLNHN3ysHP
In this video, we will learn how to set up 3-point lighting in Maya. 3-point lighting is a standard lighting technique used in film, television, and video production. It involves using three light sources to create a well-lit and balanced scene. We will start by discussing the three types of light sources used in 3-point lighting: the key light, the fill light, and the back light. We will then learn how to position these lights in the scene to create the desired effect. Finally, we will take a look at some of the different ways to adjust the intensity and color of the light sources to achieve the desired look.
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Video Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro – From Beginner to Pro (Hindi) : https://motionplex.in/courses/video-e...
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bestcampinggear · 2 years
How To Mask Video In Text With Adobe Premiere Pro
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cal-kestis · 1 year
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HOW TO: Make an iPhone Layout + Downloadable Template
Hi! I've gotten a few messages asking for a tutorial on my iPhone gifsets — but instead of only doing a tutorial (that would probably be triple the length this one already is), I decided to turn my layout into a template with all the bits and bobs! In the "tutorial" under the cut, I'll share everything you'll need, a free template download, and quickly go over how to use this template. :)
Disclaimer: This template uses Video Timeline and this tutorial assumes you have a basic to intermediate understanding of Photoshop.
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1.1 – Download fonts. These are the fonts used for all assets I've included in my template: – SF Pro or SF Pro Display (Regular, Medium, Bold): Either version works, they look nearly identical. You can download directly from https://developer.apple.com/fonts/ or easily find it via Google – Bebas Neue: Free on Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts, and dafont – Times New Roman (Bold): Should be a default font in Photoshop
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Make sure to download and install any of the fonts you don't already have before opening my template. That way, once you open the template file, all the settings (font size, weight, spacing, color, opacity, etc.) are as intended.
1.2 – Download my template. Before you use my template, all I ask is that you don't claim or redistribute it as your own and that you give me proper credit in the caption of your post. Making these iPhone gifsets takes me a longgg time and turning this layout into a template took several hours too.
DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE VIA KO-FI ← This template is completely free to download (just enter $0), but if you feel inclined to tip me, I appreciate you! 💖
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BTW this template also includes some of my frequently used icons!
NOTE: If, for some reason, you open the template and see the pop-up shown below, click "NO" — otherwise, the fonts will be all messed up:
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And if you see this triangle with an exclamation point by a text layer, don't double-click it — it'll mess up the font as well:
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I'm just going to briefly go over gif sizes and my recommendations. Also, keep in mind when grabbing your scenes, you'll want all of these gifs to be the same amount of frames.
2.1 – Background Gif: 540 x 540 px. I recommend this size so you have a good amount of visibility for the gif behind the iPhone wallpaper. I also recommend making this black and white (or in my case, black and white with a slight blue tint — idk I just like the way it looks) so the wallpaper coloring can stand out.
2.2 – Wallpaper Gif: 230 (w) x 500 (h) px. Keep in mind the very narrow dimensions of the wallpaper! And also keep in mind that you'll have a bunch of apps and widgets covering the image. I try to use wide shots (or layer my clips into looking like wide shots). Also, keep in mind your color scheme for your set and your character's aesthetic! I tend to focus on one or two colors for the wallpaper.
I usually position the wallpaper to the side with 20px bumpers, so there's lots of space to see the background:
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2.3 – Large Photo Widget Gif: 201 (w) x 96 (h) px.
2.4 – Small Photo Widget Gif: 94 x 94 px.
In this section, I'll try to quickly walk you through how to use this template and some bits that may require extra instructions. I'll be going through each folder from top to bottom.
3.1 – Status Bar. Time, Service, and WiFi are pretty self-explanatory. In the Battery folder, you can use the shape tool to adjust the shape layers labeled "Fill (Adjustable Shape!)" to customize the battery level.
3.2 – Message Notification. Again, these are pretty self-explanatory. I've already masked the circle for the contact photo, so you can simply import any photo and use the transform tool to shrink it down. The circle is 24x24 px. If you don't want to use a photo, there's another folder called Default Initials.
If your message text can't fit the text box, the message should end with ellipses which is how iOS caps off long texts.
3.3 – Blurred Banner (IMPORTANT) This folder is easy to miss because there's only one placeholder layer in there. On iPhones, the area behind a banner notification and the dock get blurred (including the wallpaper and any apps).
What to do: Make a duplicate of the apps in Row 1 and/or widgets that intersect the message banner, convert them all into one smart object, apply a Gaussian Blur filter (Radius: 3.0 pixels) on the smart object, and move the smart object into this masked folder!
(There's another masked folder in the Wallpaper folder for the dock which I'll go over in that section.)
3.4 – Apps Turn off the yellow guide if you don't need it to keep things aligned and turn off layers you don't need by clicking the eye icon. Replace the "App" placeholder text with your app name, change the color or gradient of the square to compliment your color scheme, and add your custom app icon overlay!
If you can't find an app icon you need from the ones I provided, flaticon.com is a great resource. Also, if you can only find the filled version of an icon, check out this tutorial for how to make any text or shape into an outline.
Also, each app folder has 4 notification bubble options (1-4 digits). Again, you can toggle these on and off as you need!
3.5 – Big Widgets I like using these when my wallpaper has A LOT of negative space to fill. I included the Photos and Books widgets in my template, but there are lots of widgets available on iPhones. You can check some of the other ones I've done here, or if you have an iPhone, simply try adding some widgets to your phone!
There are also widgets bigger than these, but they would take up half of the phone screen which is why I don't use them for these edits.
3.6 – Small Widgets The only thing I'll say about these — because they're pretty straight forward — is there are a lot more weather themes than I included in my template. Also, if you set your character's phone to evening, the weather widget will show a dark background (sometimes with stars), so keep that in mind.
Speaking of, I've included Light Modes and Dark Modes for, I think, every applicable widget.
3.7 – Page Dots These barely perceptible dots indicate that your character has more pages of apps than shown in your gifset (so if an anon tries to come at you, you can just say "it's on the next page of apps" /j /lh)
3.8 – Dock Again, the dock has notification bubble options and I've included the default app designs, custom filled designs, and custom outlined designs for iMessage, Phone, Email, and Safari (there's also a FaceTime alternative if that's how your character rolls). These are usually the apps people keep in their Dock, but this is fully customizable too. So, if your character is, like, super obsessed with Candy Crush or something and needs it in thumb's reach — you can put it in the dock.
3.9 – Wallpaper This whole folder is masked already to a 230x500 px rounded rectangle.
Inside, you'll find another "Blurred Portion" folder for the area behind the message banner notification and the dock.
What to do: Duplicate your gif layer and place it in this folder, remove any sharpening filters, and apply a Gaussian Blur filter (Radius: 3.0 px). Be sure to add any coloring/adjustment layers ABOVE this folder and your original sharpened gif layer.
We made it!
I hope this template makes it super easy for you to recreate this layout! If you decide to try it out, feel free to tag me with #usernik.
If you notice anything wonky about the template, kindly let me know so I can fix it! And if you have any questions about how to use this template, please don't hesitate to send me a message! I just ask that you try to be specific in your question so I'm able to answer you the best I can!
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sits-bound · 4 months
Bound: The complete lyrics of Taylor Swift
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I sure hope my niece isn't on tumblr…
She is turning 17 this month, and while I know she reads fic, I don't know if she'd really appreciate a bound copy of Crimson Rivers. I do know she loves Taylor Swift, though. I've seen plenty of lyric books floating around that people have bound, so I thought this would be a fun idea. (Bonus: it's another book I can show friends and family!)
However, not being a Swiftie myself (I think she's a lovely and talented woman, I have nothing against her, I have several of her songs on exercise playlists, but my taste runs more to 90s britpop) I had a lot of questions.
Do I include all of her lyrics? From all the way back?
What's up with these "from the vault" songs? Do I include them?
What's the deal with the re-releases?
Do I include Christmas songs?
Why on earth did she have to write SO MANY SONGS?
Fortunately, I have friends who were able to answer these questions for me.
Yes, all the way back
Yes, include them
I don't know, but there's a new album cover for them
No (a completely arbitrary decision, but related to the next point)
This book could have been over 500 pages. I was trying to reduce the page count as much as I could without sacrificing readability or content. But as it is, it's 462 pages and a few more would have been fine, but what's done is done. Anyway, as to why she is so prolific, I have no idea, but I am impressed.
Thank GOD I found a google doc on reddit with all of the lyrics. I think if I'd had to copy and paste from somewhere, my niece would be getting a copy of Crimson Rivers instead.
The cover was foiled with my Silhouette, and I was so pleased with how it came out. I used this tutorial on Instagram for my settings. But I couldn't do that with the spine, because lining it up would have been impossible. So I stenciled that on. And a friend advised me to use the cat charms on the ribbon.
Details: Bookcloth: Brillianta in this gorgeous pink Title on cover and spine: Beloved Sans and Beloved Script Body text: Adobe Garamond Pro
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jabberwockprince · 2 months
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hi! me again! with another template, because we started talking about how the arcanist lookbook was such a banger concept with insane graphics, unique info and animations but they got rid of them. so ofc I ended up making the still lookbook into a template for OCs
you can get the PSD file here!
and thank you so much to the arcanistsanctum blog for providing the lookbooks, this template was based using Oliver Fog!
read below for more info!
there's a hidden layer that has some guidelines from me if you don't know what the general gist of this template is, just turn on the visibility to read it!
there's only three fonts you need for this: adobe gurmukhi, adam warren pro and luminari. you can find them around online 🏴‍☠️
the format of the item text varies--the text and titles can be moved around. you're free to play around with it! check out different arcanist lookbooks in the blog linked above!
you don't have to change the "20th century" section, that stays the same for every character regardless of their era--it's alluding to UTTU Magazine's release, not the character's respective time
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purplephloxpress · 1 year
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总有一天 a place to hide (can't find one near) - yiqie
That’s just the thing, isn’t it? Wei Ying feels nothing. He doesn’t feel anything, and this emptiness should scare him. He knows he should be scared. He wants to be scared. He isn’t. Fear itself is never scary; fear is just a response. It means that your body wants you alive. It’s the absence of terror that scares him.
I had SO MUCH FUN with this bind! This one had a lot of firsts for me, and is one that I really poured my heart into due to its particular emotional impact on me (tl;dr - I was a piano major in college, burned out, this fic helped me fall in love with music again). It's an Untamed WangXian Pianists AU (TW for anyone interested that it deals with attempted suicide and life following that) and I tried to tie that into the design details literally everywhere I could think of. Black and white cover paper, music note scene breaks, and my absolute favorite part to create: sheet music title pages. The particular song used for that is a recurring motif in the fic and one that means a lot to me personally, and I knew I wanted to include it somehow. Unfortunately I couldn't find an existing image of the sheet music that was high enough quality to use how I wanted, so I used a sheet music program to input it myself!
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This book was my first time doing any sort of edge decoration, and I had fun figuring out how to splatter paint with a toothbrush (Spouse: is that supposed to be blood? Me: no but also... kind of?) and it was also my first time doing endbands! (Shout out to the friends who walked me through it over voice chat one evening, and then rolled their eyes when I announced that I'd torn them out and done them over again. Twice.) I went with red and black for both of those parts to match the main characters canonical color scheme, and also because I liked the dramatic pop of color against the black and white cover.
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Spine titling was done once again with a foil quill, and I decided to paint the Chinese title of the fic on the cover. I couldn't find a paintbrush that let me get as fine tipped and detailed as I wanted so I may or may not have used a toothpick to paint it on.
I prevailed over: somehow deleted half of my page numbers and had to reprint the WHOLE THING! Forgot to measure the boards as part of my spine width and had to do surgery with 2mm strips of paper! (Thankfully had allowed plenty of hinge because I didn't realize until I'd finished ALL of the titling and I would have cried if I couldn't salvage it) Truly this is my child and I adore how it turned out. Is it perfect? No. Are there things I would change? Sure. But I learned and I did and I'm so goddamn proud of it!
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(See below the cut if you want specific details on the binding)
What pieces went into making it:
Fandom: The Untamed
Pairing: Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji
Pairing: Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji
Bookcloth: black Brillianta
Cover paper: black and silver marbled lokta
Endpapers: red cardstock
Titling: foil quill, acrylic paint, acrylic paint pen
Endbands: leather cording for the core, DMC embroidery thread for the bands
Body font: Adobe Garamond Pro
Title fonts: Long Cang and Canva Holiday
Text message font: Nirmala UI
Scene breaks created in Canva
Title page sheet music created using MuseScore
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etherati · 7 months
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Another fanbind--still just my own fic, so I can experiment without worrying about doing poor service to someone else's work--and both my first quarto and my first quarterbind. This is still one of my favorite creations from my Watchmen era: The Widening Gyre, a really genuinely spooky ghost story with an extremely ambiguous ending. Only about 13,000 words, so a good small book.
Technical details below.
Text block is Adobe Garamond Pro on France French Parchtone in fleece white. Page headers are Traveling Typewriter and title page is Special Elite. Bird wingdings are from the font Birds of a Feather.
Endpages are just plain black Canson. Page edges trimmed with the chisel method and painted with Daler Rowney FW Pearlescent black acrylic ink. Headbands are premade, sorry, still not in that deep yet.
Spine in some generic black book cloth, covers in a natural fiber art paper I found at the local Guiry's, spattered with some red watercolor paint. Spine lettering done by hand with a Faber Castell pitt artist pen in white.
A lot of experimenting this time, really happy with the result.
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hexagonspress · 2 years
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BE by tothewillofthepeople
Grantaire is earnest in this, and it’s heartbreaking. Enjolras can’t look away. This is just a rehearsal. Grantaire is still wearing skinny jeans. They have lights and phones and textual analysis and thousands of years of history between now and then and yet– When Grantaire speaks, the distance collapses. (Grantaire as Hamlet.)
Title: Middle Ages Deco Headers/Accents: Letter Gothic Standard Body text: Adobe Caslon Pro Case title: Goudy Initialen
38,667 words | 224 pages
Binderary book 1: a long-favourite EXR fic. I love wild Les Mis AUs and I love Shakespeare and this is all of that in such a lovely lovely form. Stage manager Enjolras is inspired. Also, I've been frothing at the mouth to use my special blackletter fonts and go suuuper overboard designing and this was Perfect for that purpose.
More pictures/design/process under the cut.
Design and Construction Case: Flat-back case binding with bradel board covers and spine. The spine cloth is Hollander's pearl linen in charcoal grey. The painted titles were done in Amsterdam acrylic ink in silver, with a pair of scissors because I don't own a painting brush and likely never will. The cover papers are printed on 80gsm white printer paper and glued with a regular Elmer's glue stick and PVA on the turn-ins, and the whole case is sprayed with workable fixatif to (hopefully) preserve it longer-term.
Covers: The front and back covers were designed in Photoshop. The centre image is a William Morris pattern, and the top and bottom little circles are Renaissance printer's ornaments (pngs by the lovely @helle-bored of Renegade Bindery) that I vectorized in Illustrator (Illustrator and I were sworn enemies until this month. Now we're forced friends. Like enemies to lovers).
Insides: Endpapers are a William Morris pattern recoloured in Photoshop to be a richer green and red, obv, for EXR. Printed with inkjet on 80gsm printer paper and glued to gold cardstock, and sewn into the textblock. Endbands are pre-sewn from Hollanders, dyed gold with acrylic ink to match the endpapers.
Typesetting Typeset was done in InDesign. This is a one-shot with scene breaks, so to match the theatre theme of the piece I replaced the horizontal line breaks with flagged scene numbers. I tried to strike a balance in the typesetting between classic Shakespearean aesthetic with the blackletter drop caps and cover fonts versus what you might see in a theatre script book with the monospace accents. The title spread uses a transparent decorative frame, again from Helle's collection; the large box in the middle with the title was part of the original frame and then I duplicated and resized it for the author name and my imprint.
We All Do It, or, the Mistakes Section I somehow managed to print the cover papers nine inches tall and didn't see a problem with it until they came off the printer. Truly who knows how that happened. I was working on the case at two in the morning and cut the spine cloth the wrong length three separate times...earned the measure once cut twice badge big time for that one. The endpapers were an ordeal and a half for real. What I learned: print them too big and glue the cardstock to the back, then trim the paper to size, not the other way around otherwise you'll end up with big ugly gaps where the trimming was a few millimeters off. Whoops.
And...more pictures
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I'm particularly pleased with how the covers here came out so here's closeups. Also, the arc on the spine that you can see in the endband on the last one is really pleasing to me lol I fought a war trying to get the flatback hinge calculations right.
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A Gallaplacidia Anthology
i had wanted to bind something for the lovely nim of @theonetruenim, also of nimmening fame, and thankfully nimmtro of chaos bindery came through for me and gave me a couple of suggestions of what to bind! the fics have been deleted off AO3, but can be found here.
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I opted for my two favourite galla fics - ship of theseus and the bucket list and decided i wanted to use greek themes as the design elements for the bind. I also was in the process of picking up Affinity Publisher during this, so I am very grateful to @pleasantboatpress who basically handheld me through most of the typesetting process as i stumbled around fucked around and found out.
some stats if you will:
50633 words || 179 pages
body text: adobe caslon pro
accents: Midnight Tales, Trajan Pro, EB Garamond
see below for more details:
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@celestial-sphere-press, @pleasantboatpress and @butterfingersbookbinding also basically gave me a ton of amazing design suggestions and talked me down many ledges as i was making this book because this was my first millimeter binding and OH BOY. i fucked that up from the get go because I SLATHERED THE WHOLE THING WITH GLUE AND WENT OH FUCK CAN I TAKE THAT BACK JESUS NO-
the glue eraser was my best friend for this bind. I have zero regrets.
i had wanted to achieve an ancient greek pottery look to my design and hence i used a black bookcloth (unknown source, probably hollanders) with duo scotch. i hadn't initially planned the greek design trim but because of fuck ups from the layering of the cloth (i have aphantasia so theoretical planning and design is challenging and i simply cannot envision shit until its done and THEN ITS TOO LATE) i had to put a layer of HTV around to hide the unsightly fabric lines which weren't cut straight.
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Endpapers are from an etsy shop with black and gold marbled paper and i did the endbands in gold, black and bronze silk.
Ultimately I really like where the design went, and though I over-pressed the HTV a little, i think it came out really well and I was really happy to be able to give this book away, especially to another bookbinder (which is always very nerve wracking, a little like you're unveiling a part of your soul and you're worried you'll be found lacking).
It seemed like a good surprise and thank fuck I gave her a book because she cut me papers as a surprise gift (fuck THANK YOU NIM I LOVE THEM) and it was such a lovely meeting with the cali renegades.
Anyway I'll be slowly revealing the books i've done over the last month - FFWAD is coming up and i am super excited for it! bookbinding has slowed a little but i am hoping to get back into the thick of things soon.
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How would I check for a pdf being accessible?
That's actually not as easy a question to answer as you might think.
The cheapest way I can think of to do this is to go through it with a free screen reader like NVDA (or VoiceOver if you're using an apple device, because its basically free for you at that point).
Now, you can also check to see if a PDF is accessible without a screen reader, but you're probably going to need Acrobat Pro. This is also something you are likely going to need if you want to make an inaccessible PDF accessible.
Unlike Microsoft Word or something like that, PDF doesn't do a lot of the accessibility work for you, at least not right off the bat. A lot more things have to be done (or at least verified) manually. However, this also means you have more flexibility. There are ways to make certain things screen reader accessible (e.g., tables with merged cells) that are impossible to make accessible in a program that does more of the work for you, such as Microsoft Word. PDF usually make less conventional reading orders possible too, when that's relevant to the content.
Create and verify PDF accessibility (Acrobat Pro) is a good place to start if you have access to Acrobat Pro.
Section 508 Guide Tagging PDF’s in Adobe Acrobat Pro is also another great resource that covers a lot of common tagging structures.
Of course, screen reader accessibility is not all there is to it. You want to make sure you check for other areas too, such as ensuring all text has the appropriate color contrast ratio with its background. You also want to make sure you're not using color alone to convey meaning.
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bestcampinggear · 2 years
How to Add Multiple Strokes to Text in Adobe Premiere Pro
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metamorphesque · 8 months
what font do you use in the texts you translate?
I mostly use centaur and adobe garamond pro
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