#Advanced Methods
hajihiko · 1 month
Did you know they keep people awake for lobotomies? And that they access the brain through the eye lid area? Just… wanted that information out there (I can’t be the only one who knows)
I did know both those things! Horrible stuff. This isn't exactly related but I never understood when people think 'asylum horror' is about the patients because to me its always been about the insane horror of experimental medicine and malpractice and the people subjected to it, how they were treated.
Also I'm pretty sure this is all past tense I THINK they don't Do That anymore. Sure hope not.
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kakiastro · 4 months
An Astrology Method
-you can get a feel of the energy of each month by viewing your solar return houses.
-so for example, we’re heading into March tomorrow. March is the 3rd Month of the year so you can look at your 3h to see what’s the energy of that month can feel like.
Example: for February, I looked at my 2h because Feb is the 2nd month of the year. In my solar return for this year, I have Capricorn 2h with ruler Saturn in the 4h. The moon is also in the 2h for me this year along with the Mars and Pluto
How did this manifest this month?
-my mom bought a gift (moon)
-some debt(money) was cleared (Pluto)
-I’ve been working on long term plans with creative ideas (Capricorn) and (Saturn)
-recognizing my worth (2h)
-weird tension with family member that came to a head but now we’re okay (Mars)
Someone test this method out, I’m trying to see if it works on others and not just me😅
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orfeolookback · 22 days
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good take!!! correct take!!!! until your universities are free, so they stop being for privileged/rich people only, they won't be good!
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bunnieswithknives · 1 year
As an avid D&D player and DM, I love this magic system you've created so much- bc it means that necromancy exists like it does in D&D, but because David is David (TM), he just goes "yeah, but yk what would make this better? Puppets." and just is flying by the seat of his pants trying to create a fusion of DIY crafts and reanimation. he even could be inadvertendly creating an entirely new form of magic while messing around with the Book and his puppetry, but no one will ever know bc he just wants to play around with his little flesh puppets instead of, idk, sitting down and writing an actual grimoire/codex on it and i love him so much for that <3
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Really tho!! This is the closest anyone has ever come come to actual reanimation in this universe, not just souless zombies or possessed lamps, real breathing creatures with the souls of people and working innards to back it up! And he's not even writing it down!
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stuckinapril · 4 months
I thought you liked physics ?
yes I do. I love physics. I love it bc I was raised by a brainiac engineer mother who taught me to see math as fun from a very young age. and sometimes it pisses me off bc I don’t understand concepts immediately and my ego is HURT but then I humble myself and learn it and I’m back to adoring it again
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Don't you love the colour of the Fallen London Memories of Light grinding flowchart?
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Which method?
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harrowharksoup · 10 months
It’s not Bury Your Gays if a bunch of them die tragically but everyone’s gay 😭💀
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soldier-poet-king · 10 months
Now that I have a New and Fancy job title (as of Monday), would it be a complete dick move to add my post grad degrees to my email signature???
Like. It's standard in the field. Everyone I email OUTSIDE of my organization includes them. I probably need help being taken seriously because I am Young Baby Child among mostly older professionals and am talked over in meetings by everyone except the IT guy (bc Ive proven to him I actually know what I'm doing and I'm the only non-IT computer literate person in the building) and one extremely elderly coworker who is my favourite person in the whole world and listens to me when I voice my opinions.
HOWEVER. My boss doesn't use hers in her email signature + I have more advanced degrees than she does. So like. It would look shitty. But I'm concerned abt being taken seriously by outside ppl (I already KNOW I'm not taken seriously by ppl inside the org, but y'know, non profit hell + I am the youngest person in the building by a SIGNIFICANT amount and have chronic baby face syndrome so I'm walking around looking like an animal crossing villager despite early greys and laugh lines)
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anti-dazai-blog · 9 months
I'm hoping that this person Fyodor mentioned in the last episode that challenged him once is someone who can give Dazai a run for his money and put him into a real situation where he doesn’t have all the answers. At this point, I'm starting to worry that's never going to happen.
I don’t remember if Fyodor mentioned the gender of the person when he made his comment, but if he didn’t then I’m gonna hope it’s Agatha Christie.
We’ve already seen her— in fact in the manga she’s already interacted with Fyodor— and the only strategists we’ve seen so far have been guys. I’d kinda like a woman strategist (so long as she’s treated with the same respect the series gave to Dazai/Fyodor/Ranpo in regards to their strategies.)
Technically Louisa could count as a female strategist, but she never goes up against any other strategist, and the only “strategy” she does is tell Francis not to make stupid decisions and (iirc) telling Steinbeck and Lovecraft that Dazai would try to retrieve Q. Neither of which are strategies. It never even goes into how she reaches her conclusions— it basically chalks it up to “she thinks for a really long time until she knows stuff”.
Anyway. Although I personally have never read any of Christie’s works, she’s my cousin’s favorite author, which essentially makes her my blorbo-in-law. So I gotta root for her getting more content.
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saber-monet · 4 months
"Fake News " Revision method
I've been using this method for the last two days, but it's so good and so simple.
I don't think it's really a traditional "revision" method, but it does revise the way that you think about and tell your story, instantly
Anytime you find yourself telling the unwanted story, you just have to declare it "fake news" and then tell the new story.
"Im so dumb and ugly and unfashionable... no that fake news my self concept is smart, beautiful confident and self assured. Anything other than that is false, and not worth listening to"
"Why did I say that, that was so stupid and dumb, wait, that's fake news I never said that. I said something much more couth and smart. I made a good impression with those people and gained their respect. "
"I don't think i can do this, i cant figure this out this, it too hard..... wait that fake news, I've already figured it out and the answer was so simple too. I only affirm realities I want because those are the realities I live out and experience"
"Why did I ever go out with them, now everybody knows and will bring it up ... Wait, that's fake news I left after the first red flag I saw and never looked back. And my realities are confirming that.
IDK why but it's much more fun imagining Trump saying it
And remember the more you tell your wanted story, and the more prominent it becomes in your awareness the sooner you notice the shifts in you realities ( "realities " plural, cause you're experiencing multiple realities per minute)
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dnangelic · 6 months
'dark burst into the art room, stepped on a tube of paint that had been spilled onto the floor, slipped and fell... even though it looks like dark, it's actually daisuke on the inside. '
#loserboy rep
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International Darwin Day on February 12th will inspire people throughout the globe to reflect and act on the principles of intellectual bravery, perpetual curiosity, scientific thinking, and hunger for truth as embodied in Charles Darwin. It will be a day of celebration, activism, and international cooperation for the advancement of science, education, and human well-being.
Local and state governments will close in commemoration of the Day, and organizations and businesses will celebrate by engaging in community outreach centered around science as a tool for the betterment of humanity.
Darwin Day will be observed by the United Nations and its members as an opportunity for international partnerships through the common language of science for the common good of all.
Feb 12 is International Darwin Day.
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trivorowo · 15 days
Man I swear every time I see a new genshin character it feels like the Devs are in an arms races to make the most difficult character to cosplay.
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felikatze · 27 days
an dream can be prophetic if you put your mind to it
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spitblaze · 1 year
Okay so. My hc was that OT1 was in the 1600s because I heard somewhere that 2 takes place 200 years after and like, everything about Partitio's thing specifically shouts '1800s' to me. So logically 1 would take place in the 1600s. But I actually have no idea where I heard the '200 years later' thing so maybe I just made it up. Or maybe this is all happening at the same time and theres like no cultural or technological exchange happening between Orsterra and Solista. Or maybe I'm overthinking things and it doesn't matter when shit is because having fucking MAGIC would completely fuck with the scientific advancement of literally any culture youd give it to
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Myriam Ruthchild - Psychotechnics: Advanced Psychic Methods (Mental & Occult Series, Book 1) - Lee Jacobs - 1981 (back cover)
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