#After Sundown (2023)
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The Hanging Promontory
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littleragondin · 8 months
After Sundown (2023)
Saengrawee has spent his life in the temple with Luang Lung Chanthakorn. When he turns 21, Parit – an old friend of the monk – comes to take him away, to live in Phra Nahkon with Parit’s family. As he settles in the mansion, Rawee starts getting plagued with nightmares, and visions of a ghost. Parit’s grandson, Praphloeng, comes back to Thailand at his parents’ demand. They worry about a prophecy who warns that if Phloeng does not bind his life to a soulmate by the time he turns 25, his life will be in grave danger. Said soulmate can’t be from Phra Nahkon, nor be a woman (according to mdl). Luckily, Rawee fits the bill, and despite their mutual dislike, the two men accept the ceremony. But while they learn to live with each other, and Phloeng’s presence is able to soothe Rawee’s nightmares, the ghost’s apparent grudge against Rawee only seems to deepen …
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this shot is just too pretty
Non-spoilery review:
It was not a very good movie, all in all. I think it worked with a lot of ideas that, while not necessarily groundbreaking, were good enough to make a nice romance and an interesting horror story. The reluctant soulmates/fake marriage tropes are beloved for a reason, and can make for a compelling journey. The newcomer in the house mysteriously targeted by a ghost that seems to know him is also pretty classic, and when used well can be ground for a good, creepy mystery. The problem here is that imo, the execution was sub-par.
To begin with, the horror is not well integrated to the story. While I liked all the ghost scenes – tense and efficient, and in 720p at night the ghost freaked me the fuck out let me tell you – they were not well integrated into the story. Outside of those specific scenes, there is no sense of something terrifying happening to the main protagonist of the story, he doesn’t seem worried not curious about any of it, focused as he is on his romance.
And that’s where for me, it went from ‘not great’ to ‘not good’. Because with how much time is spent on the romantic parts of the story, I still can’t believe how little development happens. They are reluctant to even be in the same room a moment, and straight up acting like a married couple the next with absolutely nothing to justify this. Zee and NuNew share a lot of soft, romantic scenes, but they felt disconnected from each other, and because there is no showing of their feelings gradually changing those scenes, for me, lacked any emotional impact. That said, the two of them work well together, and the chemistry was chemistring alright when they were on screen. Still, with characters that don’t have a big personality and a scenario that has trouble holding itself together, there is only so much chemistry can do.
So yeah, for me After Sundown failed both as a horror and as a romance movie. I had no emotional investment in anything happening (which also made the reveal/conclusion at the end fall flat), the pacing was not good and actor performances alone (which were mostly good across the board) could not save this one.
Tl;dr: I gave this one 5/10. I would only recommend it if you really really really miss Zee and NuNew and just want to see them act cute with each other while not being bothered by the absence of actual story and the presence of a few good jump scares. Also if you just want to see Nammon wet and shirtless, just skip to 1:12:00 =3
Below the read more, I will go a little more into the reveal at the end, as well as a few pet peeves I got through the movie. It will be full of spoilers.
The reveal about the ghost:
I hated how we got nothing about the ghost during the whole movie except that she thought Rawee was someone else (the monk/his uncle) and wanted to kill him for it, and then 20 minutes before the end you get that huge, 10-minutes long info dumping flashback explaining who she is, what her relation to both the family and Rawee’s uncle is, how she died and why she is so vengeful. My first thought was ‘that’s a movie I would have liked to see’, followed by tons of ideas on how it could have been, you know, actually made part of the movie and not just stacked at the end like an after thought. 1 hour 20 minutes in, and you have no notion that there was a tragedy in that house, that Parit has A Mysterious Past regarding his sppuse, or that the ghost is actually linked to the family in any kind of way. It’s fine if you don’t want the protagonist to find out until the very end, but there should be stuffs to clue us, the audience, in, otherwise the reveal comes and you’re like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ okay I guess. Show us a picture of her in the house, maybe hidden away so we know Something Is Afoot, have some of those final flashbacks interwoven into Rawee’s nightmares (maybe make it so they’re misleading, showing her under a different light). Make the scene where Parit comes to the temple and meet the monk, after all those years, far, far more charged so I can feel that they’re not just old acquaintances but share something so much deeper. That they share both love and guilt. Just mention the fact that Phloeng's father never really knew his mother, that she died when he was small and I don't know, maybe they Don't Talk About Her Anymore. Give me something basically.
Also, at least Parit and Luang Lung Chanthakorn were aware of what was happening/who she was, and no one ever thought of, oh, I don’t know, do something about it? Warn the guys?? Why on earth did the monk say yes to sending Rawee back there knowing what the fuck happened in there and the responsibility he had in it? Come on.
Smaller things and Pet Peeves:
Ok this one is just for, like, random grievances I had with the movie.
First of all, Rawee’s lack of curiosity. You don’t have to make him an amateur detective, but that guy who grew up in a temple (so I assume at least a little spiritual) starts having nightmares and visions and doesn’t question it for a second? Doesn’t think oh, maybe there is something going on, maybe if I find out what the spirit wants and why, I could get rid of it? Nothing? I know my own curiosity is probably skewing my opinion but I wanted to shake him and beg him to ask even one goddamn question! Please!!
The “secondary couple”. Okay, so, this one ties up more to the romance aspect of things. We set up Pudson to be a sort of rival to Rawee, the spurned, jealous boy who hates the one who took Phloeng away, but there is never… I mean I’m pretty sure we never see him and Phloeng in a scene together, even, and all of this amount to nothing. Never actually hurts Rawee, never confronts him or tries to actually get Phloeng, this never leads to any tensions between Rawee and Phloeng… Then Kraiphop, the chauffeur, who is being so nice to Rawee and who makes Phloeng jealous once. Less of an actual rival to Phloeng, he’s presented more like a kind man who might help Phloeng realizes that he actually like Rawee. But the jealousy scene happens after we have seen them basically act chummy and nice to each other so it doesn’t work either. And then!! 35 minutes before the end, we get thrown a bone that oh maybe Kraiphop actually kinda likes Pudson, who may fall too, but that’s so brief, and then completely left hanging, I don’t see the point of having those characters. And I say that when it gives us Nammon shirtless and wet, so you can imagine…
Finally, and those are both the smallest and the most annoying of all (alright I might push it a little). That single voiceover we have maybe a third in?? There is that breakfast moment where Rawee’s voice says something along the line of ‘uh, since I sleep by Phloeng’s side the nightmares are gone and then there is never EVER another voiceover during the whole movie? Could you not have found another way to show not tell this? This irked me so bad lol
And then, MDL tells me it’s supposed to happen in 1961, and while the (very cool) car Phloeng rides seems to agree, the rest of the aesthetic screams Khun Chai to me (not just because it’s the same house I swear) which is 1942-something so like … two decades earlier. It’s not a lot but it added some confusion post viewing I guess.
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blmpff · 7 months
📢 Old Men Yaoi Alert - both actors are born in 1990!! and with that out of the way:
New bl based on Patrick's (My Ride, Mystique In The Mirror) novel is coming our way, it's called: LAST MEAL UNIVERSE THE SERIES
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Shun(旬) was a galactic civil engineer with a unique assignment: demolishing Earth to make way for a new intergalactic expressway. Naturally, we had no clue about this impending doom. However, on his first day, Shun was captivated by the delectable homemade Thai dishes served by ChonDan, the owner of a quaint Thai restaurant.
When we think of superheroes, we often imagine beings with superpowers. But what if our world was saved by the simple flavors of Thai food and an ordinary guy?
more here, our main leads are: Gun Napan and Ritz Rueangritz
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they previously acted together (guest roles) in After Sundown (2023) (ZeeNunew MLs)
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coming soon~
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aquareegia · 10 months
Transcript of Will Ramos' essay on Sleep Token for Rock Sound magazine
I might play in a metal band as part of my job, but I don't listen to much metal music anymore.
A few years ago though, I remember one of my friends saying to me, "Dude, you've got to check out this band Sleep Token… They're pretty cool".
I'd never heard the name before, but I'd listened to 'Hypnosis' and a couple of other songs from the band's second album, 'This Place Will Become Your Tomb', to see what they were like.
Hitting play for the first time, I was caught off guard. You hear the guitar and these slamming instrumentals and instantly you think, 'This is about to fucking kick ass'. You're so sure that the vocalist is about to come in with some gnarly screaming, but then you hear this man singing, and he's singing so beautifully. I didn't see it coming at all, and as soon as I heard it, I knew that it was exactly what I needed to hear.
At the start of a long drive that I had to make on my own, I hit play on 'This Place Will Become Your Tomb' from the beginning for the first time. As the record began with 'Atlantic', I was vibing to the sound of the music, but as it rolled through each track I started to get more and more caught up in this incredible sonic journey. By the time it was over, I realised that I'd been on this emotional roller coaster of love, pain, happiness, sadness and nostalgia.
Boom, that was it - I was hooked on that album. Every single song on that record was so freaking incredible to me, and I needed to know more about Sleep Token. Believing that my friend and I were the only people in on this hype, I spoke about it to my band one day, and they said to me, "You need to listen to 'Sundowning'!" I was so mad that they knew about this band the whole time, and nobody ever told me, but I went back and listened to Sleep Token's first album like they suggested.
I remember thinking it was very different. It's not as polished, but it's very dynamic and so beautiful. I think it definitely says something when you can see the progression of a band from just their first and second albums. From then, I knew they were onto something incredible.
It feels like more and more people have been catching onto that hype over the last year, and now it seems as though their name is impossible to ignore. I remember when they released 'The Summoning' at the start of 2023, the day after they'd released 'Chokehold', it felt like it all went crazy. They had something like 4-million hits on that song in just two days, and now, it's got over 70-million plays on Spotify. It was the beginning of a huge explosion for Sleep Token, and the first time I heard it, I was genuinely confused by it. It's so ridiculously versatile, and on my first few listens I felt like the super jazzy outro didn't fit at all, but the more I listened the more it began to click. I remember at the time I showed it to Elizabeth Zharoff, a vocal coach from The Charismatic Voice, and the outro was immediately one of her favourite parts.
She's from a completely other world of music, so to hear her approval showed me how capable Sleep Token were of reaching people outside of the metal scene.
I might not listen to metal music anymore, but Sleep Token are revitalising heavy metal. It brings back the nostalgia that I felt when I was a little kid listening to this type of music for the first time and being like, 'Holy shit, what is this? This is so cool'. I had started to lose that feeling over the years, but every time I listen to these songs, all those emotions come flooding back. In my opinion, there's no band out there that sounds like them - and that's a truly impressive feat.
Merging metal with pop, R&B, and rap influences, and bridging all these different gaps that many artists have historically been afraid to explore, there's something here for so many types of music fans. For a long time, metal bands have been putting themselves in a box. There's been this idea that a metal band needs to be heavy, that you need to have a breakdown in every song, and that you need to tick all the boxes in order to succeed. It's been so refreshing to see the evolution of the genre over the last few years, and to see bands like Sleep Token bring all these different sounds to the forefront of metal.
It brings a whole bunch of unique people into the fold. People love to say that metal is dying, but it's music like this that keeps it alive. It doesn't just move the scene forward, it expands it.
Now, there are all these people who didn't listen to metal before listening to Sleep Token. R&B and pop fans are coming into this as fans of Vessel's singing voice and hearing all these metal influences along the way. The second verse of 'Take Me Back To Eden' has this great rap-inspired singing part, and it's these little things that speak to different people in different ways. All of this feeds into our community in some crazy way, shape, or form. It's welcoming people into a genre that they may never have been exposed to otherwise, and I think that s a beautiful thing.
As a vocalist, one thing in particular that draws me to Sleep Token is Vessel's voice. I have always been a screamer, but I've always wanted to be a singer at the same time. I always practise on the side of Lorna Shore, but in my mind I'm like, 'This isn't very good. My voice is not fit for metal at all, as far as singing goes'. When I first heard Sleep Token though, one of the first things I noticed was that Vessel and I have a very similar range. Hearing him lay down all of these incredible parts, it makes me realise that I can actually sing metal vocals.
Back when I first discovered them, I wanted to cover their songs in the hopes that more people would hear them. Now, I just want to cover them so that I can sing something that is in my range.
Obviously though, his voice is much more dynamic than mine because he's been polishing it for a very long time. He does a crazy vibrato and can switch between his head voice and chest voice super easily. It's crazy stuff, and as someone who has been a vocalist for so long, I can appreciate the techniques he's using. I love to hear the different ways he's able to blend his voice into the genre.
Another thing that makes his voice so unique is that it's so emotional. When I hear Vessel sing, I can truly feel the emotion behind his words. He might be this otherworldly figure singing about an ancient deity, but there's a distinct humanity to his vocals. You can sense his sadness and pain, and whether people realise it or not that draws a lot of people to Sleep Token's music. They're the band that you can listen to at two o'clock in the morning when you're driving down the road alone. They're the perfect companion for those moments where you're upset about something, and you just need to listen to something that feels like a release.
That's a beautiful thing, because when you write music, you want people to feel the same emotions that you're feeling when you're writing it. The way that Vessel translates all of that is so incredible, and it's arguably my favourite thing about the band. Between his vocals and the instrumentation behind them, you feel exactly what they want you to feel. Even before thinking about what I knew about Sleep Token, when we were thinking about what we wanted to do with Lorna Shore, that was the goal. We wanted to bring a little bit more emotion into heavy metal music, and now they've done that and brought the singing into it too. Metal's now even more emotional because of the way he uses his beautiful voice, and I think that's what this genre has needed for a long time.
The truth is, from the moment I first heard Sleep Token, I knew they were one of those bands. Between their studio quality, their musical skill, and their ability to conjure up their own lore to incorporate into the music, I could see that they had the potential to be something truly special, they just needed that little push.
As soon as they got that with 'The Summoning', that was it - they were taking over.
First impressions are a big thing, and I think 'This Place Will Become Your Tomb' will always be my favourite album because of the way I first connected with it, but 'Take Me Back To Eden' is phenomenal. They have been able to get all of their emotion out in so many new ways on those songs because there's even more happening from a musical perspective. They've managed to strike the balance between heaviness and beauty perfectly and that's what we strive to create with albums. The goal is to create an album you can sit with, front to back, and feel the waves of emotion. A record to let yourself feel those things, and an opportunity to sit in isolation whilst you experience that journey.
It's a feeling that's amplified within Sleep Token's live shows, and I was able to catch them at Blue Ridge Rock Festival in Virginia. Lorna Shore were also playing, and we had a meet and greet scheduled for that day. It was scheduled to take place from 7pm until 7:30pm, and Sleep Token's set started at 7:30pm. I was a little antsy, because I know that meet and greets always overrun by half an hour or so, and they were the band I was most desperate to catch.
I was sitting there, it was 7:29pm, and the meet and greet line was still as long as it had been when we'd started. I started to hear 'Chokehold' playing in the distance, and I felt so sad.
People online were messaging me to tell me that Sleep Token were playing, and I was like, 'I know! I can hear them, but I'm stuck here!'
That's where it started to set in how freaking massive Sleep Token were becoming. They're one of the biggest metal bands that I'm aware of right now, and there were so many people watching that set. They refer to their live shows as rituals, their fans are the congregation, and the stage as a place of worship. It's something that could easily seem tacky if a band did it with little consideration for the details, but they're so committed to what they do.
After about three minutes, as I heard 'Chokehold' coming to an end, I stood up and said, 'Alright everybody, I've got to go. I'm so sorry, but if you know me, you'll understand'. The people who come to our meet and greets know how much I love Sleep Token, so they were like, 'Dude, go!' I sprinted out of there, leaving the rest of the band still doing the meet and greet, and made my way over to the stage. I thought I was the only one who wanted to see their set, but ten seconds into running I turned around and saw Of Mice & Men's singer, Aaron Pauley, following me. We started running through this huge crowd together, and everybody was so excited. I'm not the type of guy to leave a meet and greet early, but I needed to witness that set. It was an act of true love!
Even when they post on Instagram after shows, the captions are always like, 'The ritual has been completed in Copenhagen'. They totally absorb themselves in the spiritual aspect, physically, visually, and sonically. It's a brand, and they completely own that brand. They've made it exactly what it is, and they stick to it.
When I saw them, they had four people onstage doing harmonies with them, and they just stood there in their cloaks.
They didn't move throughout the entire set, and I began to picture it as a church choir at the side of the ritual. The whole experience does feel super spiritual, and they don't just give 50 per cent to the theming, it's 100 per cent. People feel the emotion, see the way they embody this ideal, and hear this incredible music - and I think that's why people are so ready to absolve themselves in this spiritual moment.
Everybody has a different connection to every song because of the different things everyone goes through in life, but they get to experience all of that in a place where everybody else is feeling something too.
Vessel's vocals translate into their live experience so perfectly, too. His screams are even better live than they are in the studio, and he still sings beautifully, which is so impressive. I was genuinely doubtful that he was going to be able to hit all of those vibratos and do all the other crazy vocal work he does on the albums, but he hit every note. Sometimes, he doesn't even hit the notes that he does on the studio versions, but he hits another note that is equally as stunning. He's a true performer.
You can tell a lot about a band from their live performance, but as a band in the modern age you also have to put a lot of thought into your promotion. The way you come across on social media is important, and the way that people perceive you is largely down to how you come across online. That's why I've always been fascinated by Sleep Token choosing to keep the identities of their band members a secret, refusing to do interviews and placing the focus on their visual identity.
I definitely think that's played a part in their success, because it's allowed the music to take centre stage. I remember when I was first talking to the rest of Lorna Shore about Sleep Token, they told me about the lore behind the band and that the members are all anonymous. That was before 'The Summoning' came out, but since people have caught on there have been some serious investigative deep dives, so l'm pretty sure the internet has found out who Vessel is.
I didn't look that up though, because personally for me, I always really appreciated the fact that they were totally anonymous. I like the feeling that Vessel is just a voice in the ether. You can hear it, but you can't classify it as being the voice of any one person, it's just this intriguing mystery. I've heard a lot of people say that it reminds them of when they first got into Slipknot because when a lot of people I know first listened to that band, nobody knew who was behind the masks. They were just a bunch of dudes making music with no outside perceptions, but then obviously people found out. I think that Sleep Token have that similar allure for a whole new generation, but sadly for me that mystery was shattered when I met them after a show.
It was great to meet them, but I also really didn't want to know who they were. I loved not knowing and I think that the anonymous aspect of what they do plays such an important role in the impact they're having on the heavy metal world.
It's a bit of a double-edged sword because everyone wants to know their identities, but once you do know - you miss the anonymity.
There's something special about the way they're putting their music out into the world with no need for individual validation, and I think it takes a lot of guts and confidence in what you're creating to do what Sleep Token are doing.
Usually, you almost want everyone to know who's in the band, because often that helps push you forwards. If you have someone in your line-up who's been in a well-known band before, you want to use that name to get yourselves out into the scene more. Sleep Token aren't anybody, and that takes a lot of courage and humbleness to do. There's no predisposed idea of what their music is supposed to be or what it's going to be, and that's part of the magic.
It's something that also comes out in the lore, the symbolism, and the cryptic clues that Sleep Token scatter throughout everything they do. There are Reddit threads dissecting every single word in the songs and analysing each pixel within their visuals, but it's not something I've had the chance to fall into just yet.
When I first listened to 'This Place Will Become Your Tomb', I could only find one or two articles about Sleep Token online.
They were basic articles explaining the idea of the band and what they were trying to do, which I thought were cool, but I never really looked it up again.
Over the last year or so, it seems that these conversations have spiralled. People are coming up with these different ideas about the band's story, and there are all these hints appearing constantly. I don't know any of the Easter eggs yet. I'm still just fascinated by the music and their wicked aesthetics, but I love that they've got people talking. It's become this kind of community around the band, and as someone who grew up in this scene, seeing artists who are able to foster that feeling amongst fellow music fans is such an incredible thing.
I think that's one of the reasons why Sleep Token have been able to find success on such a wide level so quickly, because there's a constant conversation about them. If people aren't talking about their music, they're talking about the lore and the stories behind it, or they're talking about the potential identities of the band members. They have this perfect package in place that lends itself to a world class metal band, but they're achieving it at such an incredible speed.
They thought out every single element of this band before they even started, from how the melodies work with the vocals, to the emotion and the quality of the sound. A lot of people put out music that sounds like they're hitting a trash can, and whilst they might have really good singing over the top of it, you can't ignore that trash can. Sleep Token have got incredible production value though, which is even more impressive when you consider how versatile their sound is.
It's so well thought out that you hear new things in each song on every listen. If you listen to 'Take Me Back To Eden', the title track of their third album, there's an allusion to a particular part of 'Chokehold', and it's details like that which make their production so unique. They wanted to make sure that it came out perfect, and maybe - like all musicians I know - they think they could have made certain parts of it better in retrospect, but I honestly can't imagine how.
Between the versatility, the emotion that people feel when they listen to it, the heaviness, the quality, and the songwriting, Sleep Token don't cut any corners anywhere. That's why they're already playing these huge, career defining shows, and putting out music that's changing people's perception of heavy music as a whole. It's so exciting to be a Sleep Token fan, and I just want them to write even more mind-blowing music and play even bigger places because they truly deserve it.
The bigger the places that they play, the better they're going to sound live. They're already playing arenas over in the UK, and with the size of those venues I just know they're going to sound absolutely incredible. They're reaching heights much higher than most metal bands that I know, and the bigger they get, the better their production value is going to be all round.
'Take Me Back To Eden' only came out earlier this year, but I already can't wait to hear them put out more music. lf what we heard on album three is the direction that they're going in, I'm very optimistic to see what the future holds for Sleep Token. I imagine at one point, they're going to make it on the radio - and honestly it could happen sooner rather than later. I knew it when I first heard them, and I'm even more certain of it now - they're going to be huge.
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anotherghoul666 · 2 years
i JUST started listening to sleep token and went to the tag only to find you there, please tell me more about this band?? collective?? i need more
You got it buddy! One order of a full Sleep Token beginner primer, coming up!
Sleep Token are a rock? metal? genre blending collective based out of England, tho nobody's 100% sure of where the members are from because they are also a masked and anonymous project. Their style of music varies greatly from album to album and song to song. From soft ballads, to electronic music, to indie, to progressive / prog metal, to post-rock / post-metal, and now with their newest singles, a definite shift into heavier sounds with roots in djent and -core genre elements like breakdowns and scream vocals, let's just say they are very diverse and there are not many bands that sound the same out there. Their blending is pretty unique, and imo will prove to be genre-defining in the coming years. They are signed to Spinefarm records and they're touring as we speak in Europe.
They formed in 2016 and self-released their first EP called One that same year. Their second EP aptly called Two was released in 2017 on Basick. They currently have two full length albums out on Spinefarm, 2019's Sundowning and 2021's This Place Will Become Your Tomb, which are the crux of the material you wanna look into. I always advise that you listen to the whole albums front to back because artists plan these tracklists deliberately, so we owe it to them to consume their output the way they intended us to, but! I also realize nowadays nobody does that because of Spotify and streaming, unfortunately, so: for Sundowning, I'd recommend Sugar as a first track because it touches on both the soft and harsh sides of the album beautifully; and for TPWBYT I'd say start with Alkaline (bonus points for a delicious video to get you into their visual side too). On January 6th and 7th 2023, they released two new songs to showcase their new sound, Chokehold and The Summoning. These two singles seem to be the optimal path currently to get into the band. There are rumors of a new album called Take Me Back To Eden to be released this year, there's a tracklist floating around online though we don't know if its legit, and there are also rumors for new singles coming out, at the time of writing this, tomorrow and in two days, on the 19th and 20th of January 2023. There's also a recording of an acoustic show called From The Room Below floating online, with new takes on their previous songs and a few choice covers like Billie Eilish's When The Party's Over, surprising crossovers that are emotional experiences.
Now, visually and in theme, you'll notice the band has a storyline of sorts. The lore of Sleep Token is this: the band was formed after an ancient deity called Sleep (a reductive name that doesn't encompass the deity's nature at all, but its true name cannot be spoken in any human tongue) revealed itself to the singer, Vessel, in his sleep. Sleep appears to be a powerful force worshiped in ancient civilizations, that gave them the blessing of dreams and the curse of nightmares. Since this apparition, Vessel's life purpose has been to worship and make offerings to Sleep via music. The members of the band are all called vessels, we can infer vessels for Sleep. The singer is Vessel I, but the fandom's moved to just calling him Vessel. The other members are just called by their numbers. II is on drums, III is on bass, IV is on guitar. They're all vessels. They wear masks to hide their identities, with what seems to be full body black paint and some variety of stage costumes including hooded coats and capes and now apparently full pauldrons and void wizard staves.
You'll come across some specific lingo when encountering Sleep Token content or in the fandom. These terms mostly come from their official social media so they use them themselves, it's not fan made. "Worship" is the tagline, kinda like "Nema" is with Ghost. You'll see fans telling each other that all the time. To Worship is to take part in enjoying the band in any way you can: listening to the music, watching videos, streaming their stuff, spreading the word, going to shows, buying merch, etc. Sleep Token's shows are called Rituals, like Ghost's. Pictures and videos are referred to as Sacred Moments, or Sacred Moments in Time. The bands they tour with are called Brethren. Sleep Token's songs are called Offerings. Because they are written as a means to Worship the Sleep deity. Offerings can also be in the form of instrument playthroughs, videos, etc. What the band produces. When you listened to new material or acquire merch, you also Consume. A note on their anonymity to finish: while there are rumors about who the band members are, nothing's confirmed and the band's explicit wish is to maintain this anonymity, so it fundamental to respect those wishes and not try to dig. They value art for art, they let the music speak for itself, and they explicitely wish for their music to be detached from who they are as people. Let's leave the magic in place both for them and for us!
Welcome to the fold! Worship!
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26 May 2023 - 6 Sivan 5783
Yes, today is Shavuot, the festival marking both when the Torah was received at Sinai, and celebrating the spring harvest.
Shavuot means “Weeks,” and occurs “a week of weeks” (49 days) after Passover. It marks the conclusion of the period of Counting the Omer, where the days and weeks are counted to show anticipation of receiving the Torah.
The holiday is one of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals, along with Passover and Sukkot, when in the times of the Temple, Israelites would make pilgrimage to the Temple and bring the first fruits of their harvests.
Shavuot does not have many biblical mitzvot (commandments) associated with it, but there are several wide-spread customs. These include consuming dairy products, reading the Book of Ruth, decorating the home and synagogue with greenery, and staying up all night studying Torah.
Staying up all night studying originates from that the night before the Israelites were to receive the Torah, they retired early to be well rested, but when it came to morning they overslept, and Moses had to awake them. To “rectify” this, it is common to stay up all night studying Torah.
Shavuot is typically celebrated for one day in Israel, and two days in the Diaspora. The reform movement typically observes one day world wide.
Chag Shavuot Sameach—Happy Shavuot! Shabbat begins at sundown.
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absolutebl · 9 months
All BLs from 2023
that I tracked, may not be exhaustive for some regions. Only BLs that ended in 2023 are included in this list.
LAYOUT: Title - sub/alt title - rating/10 - where to find it (with a US IP, if on multiples channels only one listed)
China & Hong Kong
Stay With Me AKA Addicted + fuck you fans - dnf - grey
Stay Still - 7 - YouTube
Blue Sky Complex - cnf - ?
Can I Buy Your Love From A Vending Machine AKA Sono Koi, Jihanki de Kaemasu ka? - cnf - ?
Candy Color Paradox  AKA Ameiro Paradox - 8 - Gaga
Egoist - dnf - ?
I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai - 10 - Net
If It’s With You AKA Even If I Fall In Love With You AKA  Kimi to nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo’ - 7 - Gaga
Jack o'Frost - 5 - Gaga
Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai - 6 - Gaga
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 - 6 - Gaga
My Beautiful Man 2 AKA  Utsukushii Kare Season 2 - 8 - Viki
My Beautiful Man: Eternal AKA  Utsukushii Kare Eternal - 8 - Viki
My Personal Weatherman AKA  Taikan Yoho - 9 - Gaga
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi - 7 - Gaga
One Room Angel - dnf - Gaga
Our Dining Table AKA  Bokura no Shokutaku - 9 - Gaga
The End Of The World, With You AKA  Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu - 6 - Gaga
Tokyo in April is AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa - 8 - Viki
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA  Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 - 100 - Gaga
A Breeze of Love - 8 - iQIYI
A Shoulder to Cry On AKA Comfort the Boy - 4 - Viki
All the Liquors AKA  - Liquor - 8 - Viki
Behind the Shadows - cnf - ?
Bump Up Business - 6 - Gaga
Happy Merry Ending  - 8 - Viki
Individual Circumstances - 7 - Viki
Jun and Jun - Jun & Jun - 9 - viki
Love Class 2 AKA  Love Class Season 2 - 8 - Viki
Love Mate - 8 - Viki
Love Tractor - 9 - iQIYI
Our Dating Sim - 10 - Viki
Our Winter - 5 - YouTube
Sing My Crush AKA  Follow The Wind - 8 - iQIYI
Star Struck AKA Starstruck - 6 - iQIYI
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner - 6 - iQIYI
The Eighth Sense - 9 - Viki
The New Employee AKA The New Recruit AKA Shinib Sawo - 9 - Viki
Unintentional Love Story - 9 - iQIYI
Why R U? - (Korean adaptation of Thai original) - 8 - iQIYI
The Love Ring - dnf - YouTube
The Philippines
Ever After - dnf - YouTube
My Story  - dnf - YouTube
Our Story - dnf - Oxin Films
Stay - dnf - YouTube
The Day I Loved You - dnf - YouTube
Tie The Not AKA Under the Same Sky - 7 - Prime
Pure Vanilla - Singapore - 7 - Gaga
HIStory5: Love In The Future (HIStory 5) - 7 - Viki
Kiseki: Dear to Me - (formerly Miracle)  - 9 - Gaga
My Tooth Your Love - 8 - Viki
Stay By My Side - 8 - Viki
You Are Mine - 7 - Gaga
609 Bedtime Story - (OhmFluke) - 6 - WeTV
7 Days Before Valentine - cnf - One31
A Boss and a Babe - (ForceBook) - 7 - YouTube
Absolute Zero - 6 - iQIYI
After Sundown AKA Saengrawi - (ZeeNew) - cnf - ?
Bake Me Please - 6 - Gaga
Be Mine Super Star Superstar - (JaFirst) - 6 - Viki
Be My Favorite - AKA You Are My Favorite - 8 - YouTube
Bed Friend - (NetJames) - 8 - YouTube
Between Us - (BounPrem) - 8 - iQIYI
Beyond the Star - dnf - iQIYI
Boyband the series - 3 - grey
Cafe In Love - 3 - grey
Chains of Heart - 3 - iQIYI
Cherry Magic (Thai remake) - (TayNew) - cnf - YouTube
Chiang Mai Adventures - 100 - subscribers only
Colorful Melody - cnf - WeTV
Crazy Handsome Rich - dnf - Gaga
Cutie Pie 2 You special - (ZeeNuNew TutorYim MaxNat) - 7 - YouTube
Dangerous Romance - (PerthChimon) - 8 - YouTube
Dear Kitakyushu - cnf - ?
Destiny Seeker - (EarthBank) - 8 - WeTV
Dinosaur Love - Buddy Line Y Animal AKA Buddy Line Y(aoi) Animal - dnf - iQIYI
Friend. Boy Friend - cnf - ?
Future the series - 7 - YouTube
Hidden Agenda - (JoongDunk) - 8 - YouTube
Hit Bite Love AKA  - Hit Bite Lick - 3 - YouTube
House of Stars - dnf - iQIYI
I Feel You Linger in the Air - 9 - grey
I Will Knock You - 5 - Gaga
La Pluie - 9 - Viki
Laws of Attraction - 9 - iQIYI
Love in Translation - 6 - iQIYI
Love Syndrome III   - characters from Unforgotten Night - 100 - WeTV
Low Frequency - 6 - iQIYI
Make a Wish - 8 - grey
Man Suang - (MileApo) - cnf - ?
Middleman’s Love - (TutorYim) - 6 - iQIYI
Moments Of Love - cnf - ?
Moonlight Chicken - (EarthMix) - 8 - YouTube
My Biker - cnf - ?
My Blessing - 2 - YouTube
My Dear Gangster Oppa - 8 - iQIYI
My School President - (GeminiFourth) - 9 - YouTube
My Universe - Casanova Begins - 2 - iQIYI
My Universe - Fake Love - 4 - iQIYI
My Universe - Pisces of Me - 4 - iQIYI
My Universe - The Camp Fire - 5 - iQIYI
My Universe - Marry Go Round  - 5 - iQIYI
My Universe - Right Time, Right You - 5 - iQIYI
My Universe - You Are My Soulmate - 6 - iQIYI
My Universe - Lucky Love - 7 - iQIYI
Naughty Babe  - (MaxNat) - 8 - iQIYI
Never Let Me Go - (PondPhuwin) - 8 - YouTube
Night Dream - dnf - YouTube
Only Friends - (ForceBook) - 3 - YouTube
Our Skyy 2: A Boss and a Babe - (ForceBook) - 6 - YouTube
Our Skyy 2: A Tale of Thousand Stars - (EarthMix) - 8 - YouTube
Our Skyy 2: Bad Buddy - (OhmNanon) - 8 - YouTube
Our Skyy 2: My School President - (GeminiFourth) - 8 - YouTube
Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go - (PondPhuwin) - 8 - YouTube
Our Skyy 2: Star in My Mind - (JoonDunk) - 8 - YouTube
Our Skyy 2: The Eclipse - (FirstKhao) - 8 - YouTube
Our Skyy 2: Vice Versa - (JimmySea) - 6 - YouTube
Pastsenger AKA - Past-senger  - 4 - Gaga
Remember Me - (JaFirst) - 5 - Gaga
Senior Love Me - 3 - YouTube
SHADOW - dnf - x
Step By Step - 9 - Gaga
The Luminous Solution - 3 - Gaga
The Promise - 4 - YouTube
The Whisperer - cnf - ?
Till the World Ends - dnf - grey
Tin Tem Jai  - 5 - Gaga
Tin Tem Jai special - 4 - YouTube
Venus in the Sky  - 5 - iQIYI
Wedding Plan - 7 - YouTube
Love Bill  - source title: - LỜI HỨA MÙA HẠ - dnf - YouTube
Mr Cinderella 2 - dnf - YouTube
Stormy Honeymoon - dnf - YouTube
Stupid Genius - 7 - YouTube
The Star Always Follow You - Lấp Lánh Tựa Ánh Sao Trời - dnf - YouTube
Vian the series - (Bah Vinh) - 4 - YouTube
cnf = could not find
dnf = did not finish
requested by @guzhu-furen
75 notes · View notes
sailoryooons · 1 year
Obsidian | One | myg (m)
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☾ Pairing: Yoongi x f. reader
☾ Summary: You remember everything. The first time you radiated at garnet, feeling the power of the jewel rushing through you. Remember the energy pulsing at your command. And you certainly remember the face of the man who ruined your life. Then there’s Min Yoongi, the Chaotic who is the key to your revenge.
☾ Word Count: 10,012
☾ Genre: Urban fantasy, criminal/syndicate, strangers to lovers, angst, eventual smut
☾ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
☾ Warnings: Graphic depiction of death and body dismemberment, a lot of blood, Yoongi is brutally wounded/gutted, near-death experience, traumatic loss of parents, mention of suicide (not actual, but metaphorical), this is pretty blood and gory but not gratuitous? Death of a koi fish rip Agust the I. 
☾ Published: April 22, 2023
☾ A/N: Don’t ask me to explain myself. I have no idea what I’m doing and my Aries moon is in full control of me and working me like a robot. This is a series or something I don’t know. I have no plans and no thoughts, just brain rot. Inspired by Jade City by Fonda Lee, the movie Colombiana, the movie Scarface and by my fuck it we ball attitude about writing what I want when I think of it. Also please note that the order of first and last names will be done in Western fashion in this, as this story does not exist anywhere real-world-adjacent and thus, will be first name > last name.❀ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
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An emerald Radiant walks into the bar and makes a mess. It sounds like a punchline, but you never hear the end of the joke. Only the hook and the line. No sinker. 
Before he arrives and messes everything up is important, though. 
Market Town is a mess. Each side of the road has storefronts with open doors, neon and holographic signage blinking on and off with the shitty pulse from the electricity grid. In front of them on the side walks and spilling into the street are the stall vendors, ever-changing and ever-moving sales carts, tables, boxes and people hawking their wares, fruits and trinkets at the hundreds of people who writhe through the market. 
It smells terrible. You keep to yourself, all the stink of bodies and rotting fruit and the sizzling fat of meat making your head dizzy no matter which way you navigate. Market Town stretches an entire district, street after street of stores and people and things and it feels like it never ends, the stench of humanity clinging to you like a second skin.
Water crashes down on a man selling lab-grade jewels to a wary-looking mother and daughter. They flinch away from the seller as he sputters and screams, soaked in sweat and whatever liquid has been tossed out an apartment window from above. He cranes his neck up to locate whoever tossed the water - or more likely, piss - out of the window, but he has hundreds of options to choose from from the apartment building that towers behind him. You grimace and step further into the middle of the street. Most of the apartments in Market Town have years worth of failing plumbing, and you have no desire to be showered with piss and shit. 
It’s too early in the evening for the lights of the neon advertisements glittering in the air above your head to cast a blinding light on your eyes. Their glow is not yet painted on the surge of people coming and going, but you know by sundown Market Town will be a watercolor of holographic and neon advertisements courtesy of Roanoke Insurance, Jend Cosmetics, and Jura Jura Coffee: Best Brew In Diade. 
At least Market Town has sensible advertisements. It isn’t the vibrant horror of naked figures bent over, or the bloody holograph of a man having his brains blown out. Crimson District has no shortage of unique and salacious advertising and the money its businesses generate make the lights and the glow much harder to ignore, even in the daylight. It’s part of why you prefer to scrounge around Market Town like a mangrove rat. 
Well, and it’s what you can afford. 
Namjoon’s work stall floats around Market Town. Usually, you can find him tucked between Margot’s fruit stand and Len’s divination table. Namjoon likes to nibble on Margot’s sweet strawberries in exchange for fixing the till on Margot’s stand, and Len is an okay stall neighbor when he isn’t so drunk that he’s trying to convince you that the end is near and the world will be swallowed in garnet and obsidian. 
That sounds lovely, you always tell him.
Prepare for the end, Len always answers. 
The sweet smell of tangerines reaches you through the sizzling smell of frying meat a few stalls over. It’s better than the rank stink  of flowers wafting from a stall a few carts over, your head dizzy with the fragrance as you approach Namjoon, Margot and Len.
Margot’s fruit always smells better than any other food set out across tables and bins on the street. You’re pretty sure it has to do with the pretty, green citrine jewel that he keeps tucked away and out of sight and away from any wandering eyes. 
You can’t blame him. Even though citrine isn’t high on the Jewel Caste, Market Town is primarily made up of Nulls. They certainly can’t radiate with jewels, but they sell them at a high price to those desperate enough to feel the power of a Radiant. Some even promise to sell jewels that make Radiants Caste Drop to a new, darker and more powerful color. 
Only an untrained Radiant would think a Caste Drop is possible through a rock. It’s stupid, really. Anyone who wears or buys jewels openly in Market Town is asking to be robbed and gutted. You’ve even seen as light as a diamond caste get murdered here. 
A kindly young man stands in front of Namjoon’s stand. It’s really just a wooden table with a bunch of trinkets, clocks with too many dials, little holographic action figures jumping into different poses, and other wares that run on technology or small engineering. Namjoon prides himself on being the best tinkerer, though you’re willing to bet he’s a lot smarter than that. 
Namjoon himself isn’t much older than the man at his table, gesturing to a watch as Namjoon leans over it. Namjoon’s brown hair has grown long, shoved back by a black, cotton strip he has tied around his head to keep it out of the way. He’s dressed in a dirty shirt and canvas overalls, a little bit of grease on his arms. His glasses slide down his nose, lenses fogged with the humidity that collects in Market Town and makes it rot. 
A fly buzzes toward you from Margot’s stand. He has his back turned to you, placing little white pricing stickers on his green melons. He's a little portly and very short - especially when Namjoon stands and shakes his customer’s hand. Namjoon is taller than most people, and much broader, his shoulders wide and arms thick, suggesting that he did something else before he became a tinkerer in Market Town. 
You don’t know what, though. You can sense the peridot he has hidden in the soles of his boots and the fingertips of his work gloves, giving him power to radiate as he works on his little devices and mending broken objects for people. But you’ve never asked. 
Asking questions is the first step to murder in these parts. 
When his customer leaves, Namjoon turns to you and blinks his brown eyes at you owlishly, magnetized by his prescription lenses. He’s handsome - a little too handsome by Market Town standards - and he smiles at you, a dimple popping up in his cheek. 
“I finally fixed this device for you,” Namjoon says by way of greeting. He digs around in his overall pockets and produces a tiny, silver device that looks like a bullet. “The little battery inside was fried. I put in a new one and replaced the copper plating on the starter. Your wires were totally corroded and-”
“How much?” you ask, a little exasperated. Namjoon will go on forever if you let him, and you need to get to Montana. “I only asked for the battery to be looked at, Joon.” 
“No cost. It was a fun little device to look at. Kind of dangerous, though, no?”
“You can’t not charge me. I told you to stop giving people their shit for free.”
His cheeks turn cherry as he scratches the back of his neck. “Fine, what about five nil?” You toss the coins on the table and he passes you the device. “It’s a mini shatterwave, right? The high-pitched frequency scatters the frequency of Radiants?” 
You give him an annoyed look. “Yes.” 
“Who made it? It’s a fascinating device.” 
Instead of answering Namjoon’s question, you pocket the little bullet  and toss another five nil on the table. “For silence,” you tell him firmly. 
He wants to ask another question. You can see it in his face. Namjoon is always asking you questions about the things you bring to him and ask him for. It isn’t his job to ask questions, especially as freely as he asks them. But Namjoon operates like someone who has no idea that he’s tucked away in the most dangerous market in the Crown Cities. 
Nothing Namjoon does is that of someone low born. He’s too polite, gives out too many handouts, and lets his curiosity get the best of him. Lets his clients become friends. You’re fond of him as much as someone of your position is allowed to be - maybe even a little more - but Namjoon is a danger to himself, no matter how often you keep steering him back in the right direction. 
“You!” Len leans over Namjoon’s table, his glassy green eyes wide, pupils dilated. His hair is white as salt and sticks up in multiple directions, looking as though he may have been electrocuted and never recovered. He points one knobby finger at you. “The world will end in garnet and obsidian.” 
“That sounds lovely, Len.” 
You predict the next words. Have heard him say it dozens of times. “Obsidian.” 
Len surprises you. That has yet to be a response in your little game of prophecy, and you open your mouth to indulge and ask him what he means when something tingles at the back of your neck. 
You pause and glance to the side where Margot is dealing with a customer arguing about the price of squash. A soft breeze rustles the canvas topper to Margot’s stand, carrying the scent of tangerine with it. Something is buzzing at the back of your neck, and your gaze slowly drifts from Margot to a man passing by the cart. 
This is someone who blends in. His clothes are plain: his pants are ripped at the knees and scuffed at the bottom, his white t-shirt clinging to his chest in places where he’s sweating through. He has a floral shirt pulled over, open and fluttering in the balmy breezy of the market.
Nothing about him is remarkable, except that he’s beautiful. Perhaps not on the first glance, but when you blink and focus, it feels like you’re seeing him for the first time. You have no idea how upon first glance you thought he could ever blend in.
He has a round face, glowing and pale like the moon. Inky hair that is a little bit dirty, a few wavy pieces falling over cat-sharp eyes. He smirks as he walks, and though he isn’t looking at you, he seems smug about something. You’re not sure what, but as he passes you, you feel that tingle again. 
Your eyes dart to all of the places you look for jewels first. Hands, ears, neck, and wrists. Nothing, there’s no jewel on him. You can’t sense a frequency about him that makes sense - he doesn’t fit anywhere on the caste that makes sense to you, but it’s definitely a Radiant-adjacent sensation. He’s on the caste, but you don’t know where.
Most Radiants feel like a dull buzz. When they have jewels, it’s more like an itch that you want to scratch. There is always an attraction for a Radiant to use jewels, even if they don’t belong to them. This feeling isn’t that, it’s more invasive and sharp, not like anything you’ve felt from diamond caste to onyx caste.
When he gets a few yards away, the feeling begins to fade. You start to turn away but he tosses something up and the air and catches it. You narrow your eyes and he does it again, realizing he’s tossing a tangerine up and down. 
A tangerine that he stole. 
“Hey!” you bark at him, making several people turn in your direction, including Namjoon and Margot. The man doesn’t pause, tossing his tangerine in the air again. “Hey motherfucker! You have to pay for that tangerine!”
That catches his attention. He turns and looks at you over his shoulder, eyes round and mouth parted in surprise. A few people turn to look at where you’re shouting, but you mostly go ignored. Thieves are common here and most people don’t bother to yell at them anymore. 
The man pauses for a moment. His gaze darts between you, Margot who is coming around his cart behind you with a knife, and the ripe little tangerine in his hand. He looks at you again, dark eyes glittering. For a second, the two of you are connected, strung together by an unlikely moment between strangers. Then he does the damndest thing: he grins. 
And then he’s running down the street, floral shirt snapping in the wind as he dashes headfirst into the crowd. 
Like the idiot you are, you take off after him. Suddenly, you are the number one security measure of Margot’s fruit stand, a man who has never given you a fucking discount in your life. You have no idea why you’re running after this tangerine thief, but you feel energy surge through you as you do, dodging people and bodies and things as you tear after him. 
The tangerine thief is quick on his feet but you’re fast too, the emerald jewel hidden in your boot sending energy through you. You only radiate a little - not enough to draw too much attention, but enough to not lose sight of his red shirt flapping as he takes a corner and leaps over a stall. 
He’s a Radiant, you realize. You suspected when you felt him walk behind you, but the ease at which he vaults a market stall much taller than him gives it away. He isn’t worried about hiding his status from you, which can mean a couple of things. 
You don’t consider any of them, going around the stall instead of over. The emerald in your shoe is more than enough to send you several meters in the air, but you like to play your cards close. Don’t like to flash power unless you absolutely have to.
In a market full of Nulls, you prefer to blend in. Unjeweled is safer, especially in Market Town full of thieves and cut throats for naive or unsuspecting Radiants.
Just as you catch sight of your thief again, there’s a loud snap in the market. You look up, seeing a two story stall made from dry-rotted driftwood splinter. There’s a single second where you’re watching the top of the stall holding fresh rain water and it’s crashing down onto the market floor. 
Screams ring out as alarmed market goers are startled by the sudden deluge. You just barely throw up a shield of concentrated energy. Water splits once it hits you, a river breaking around a boulder. Chaos ensues, the stall owner screaming her head off and wailing about the precious rainwater she collected to bless with her divine spiritual energy and sell, while shoppers and other stall owners alike are furious about their now soaking persons and wares. 
Dropping your shield, you shoulder through the crowd. Now the smell of garbage is wet and pungent, clinging to bodies as you shove through the mess, looking for any sign of the pretty boy and his stolen tangerine. 
It’s a mass of colors and people, lanes between stalls and the crowd opening and closing. The movement of Market Town flexes like a living thing, shifting and writhing, a hungry serpent sliding through the streets. 
“Fuck,” you growl. It was a well placed distraction and perfect aim, using his power to snap the beam of the stand. 
With a sigh, you look down at your watch and curse. You’re going to be late to work. Again. All because you chased down a thief for a fruit salesman that doesn’t even like you.  
But that tingle. That sense of awareness that pricked the back of your neck, sharp and lethal. You think about it as you speed walk to the outskirts of Market Town where the edge of the Night Sphinx territory borders the loosely carved strip of streets that belong to the Green Dragons.
The lane of pockmarked pavement between the left and right sides of the street is the only place in Diade where two families of the Armory share such close property. Though the Salib and Park families are friendly enough, it still doesn’t do well to mix too much among Armory families outside of official business.
As soon as you hit the corner, you keep your eye on the other side of the street. It’s lined with clubs and bars and gambling dens that belong to the Night Sphinx organization. A few patrons loiter on the street, but it’s mostly members with sphinx tattoos, brooches or emblems stitched to their clothing to state their association.
The sun is sinking toward its final goodbye, rays of gold light cut in half by the towering buildings of Civ just a few miles away. It’s a beautiful sight, a shot straight down to the lower elevation of the giant buildings turned burnish gold by the sunset. 
Even from a distance, the commercial district of the city is imposing, its steel teeth biting upward at a colored sky. You wonder what it must be like to live in that world. To work or live in one of the Civ towers. You imagine you’d have your own little office with a desk and a private window to look out at the world. So high up near the clouds, a god of civilization. 
A group of Green Dragons pour out of the door of Montana and onto the sidewalk. It draws your attention away from the shining, ever-golden Civ to the flickering neon sign above a banged-up metal door. It looks like the lock is busted again and you make a note to tell Burro. Not that he’ll get it fixed. It’s not worth the nil to fix anything in Montana, including the mangrove rat infestation brought in by one of the liquor shipments from Blows.
Inside the bar is no better. Sticky floors, wobbling tables with chipped wood and scratched lacquer coating, a single bar with broken stools pulled up to the edge. There are a few holoscreens flickering above the colorful bottles that line the bar, sometimes interrupted by Jungkook’s tattooed hand reaching for bottles.  
Montana is rarely busy. It’s a new acquisition fronted by the Green Dragons, though the building isn’t new and neither is the bar. It had been closed for almost fifteen years, a rotted hole of a used-to-be-bar until Jimin opened it up again. He doesn’t intend for it to be a popular place to drink as much as he needs it for Green Dragons operations, but he fixed it up a bit. 
As you round the bar to throw your shit in the office, a mangrove rat scurries by your feet, making you screech and jump. Jungkook lifts his head, round eyes sweeping back and forth for danger, hands cocked and fists half-clenched. He catches sight of the rat scurrying into one of the holes in the side of the wall and scowls before nodding in greeting.
So maybe Jimin hadn’t fixed up the bar that much. 
If Jungkook is irritated by your tardiness, he doesn’t say anything. You’re just as pleased as you are displeased to discover that Burro isn’t in the bar at all. You suspect he’s down the block wasted in the Green Garter. Instead of asking, you immediately get to helping Jungkook maintain the system behind the bar, which is mostly cleaning vigorously at all times to fight the grime that seems to inch up on the place every hour. 
Working with Jungkook is your favorite. He’s a quiet kid with a guarded expression and soft eyes. You don’t ask him much about how he got here or why. Jimin seems to show him the same reverence as when he first found you, so it’s safe to assume that Jungkook is a stray like you. 
Even without jewels, Jungkook is tall and broad, his arms thick and strong enough to lift kegs one-armed over his shoulder. You’ve seen him go from quiet and unassuming behind the bar to throwing a jeweled Radiant across the street. You know he has your back. Despite the fact that his eyes sometimes drift to where your emerald is hidden. It’s the only evidence that you have that he’s frequency sensitive, like you.
Jungkook’s energy vibrates somewhere on the light colors. Maybe jade or rose, it’s hard to place him because he wears no jewels. 
The sound of some sporting event on the holoscreen buzzes behind you. The murmur of voices is soothing as you work, scrubbing a stain on the bartop you don’t remember being there yesterday. A quick sweep tells you that it’s the usual crowd this evening: Daro who is a smoky jewel sitting at a booth with Rollins and Gia, both emeralds; twins Rin and Maki sitting at the bar with their sharp, matching gazes vibrating at amethyst, and Bolero who doesn’t run with the Green Dragons but has become a regular, the only Null in the building. 
Bolero signals for another drink, grey eyes following you. He’s dancer-thin and his face is sharp like a hawk, grey eyes even sharper. He’s always in a long, red trench coat no matter how boiling hot it is. You think you’re going to see him keel over and have a heatstroke one day, but he never does. Just strolls in, pushing his long, dark hair out of his face before sitting down wordlessly at the bar. 
You pour him a whiskey neat and slide it over to him. He hums a thank you and turns his attention back to the screen flickering behind you. Bolero never talks, but you don’t mind him. The Radiants ignore him, though they hadn’t at first. You still see Rollins sporting a ropey scar on his hand from learning how much bullying Bolero would take.
Apparently, it was very little. 
Most places would have had the Null killed and dragged out for the city sanitation to collect in their once-a-week pickups. To Radiants, anyone who doesn’t have power, who can’t radiate on the same frequency as a jewel, is beneath them. Powerless. Ant, meet boot. 
Radiants, you’ve learned, are certainly powerful but not quite intelligent. 
“Where’s the asshole?” you ask Jungkook as you close the dishwasher with your hip. Three hours in and no Burro in sight. Not that you’re complaining, but as the manager, he’s usually expected to be around in the event that someone important drops by for business. 
Jungkook shrugs, dubious. “How should I know?”
“He can’t keep leaving you alone.”
“I’m not a kid.” You give him a look and his cheeks go pink. “I’m twenty-two, you know?”
“A child. A mere infant. Baby.”
“Anway,” you clarify, throwing a rag over your shoulder. “It’s not right. If someone comes in here for Green Dragons shit and Burro isn’t around, you’re gonna be fucked.” 
“I can service them just fine.” 
“Yeah? Where’s the stash?” 
Jungkook smirks and leans against the bar. He’s dressed in dirty pants and a t-shirt he’s patched holes on several times already. His arms flex as he crosses them, cocking his head to the side. His hair is so much longer than it used to be - now it’s wavy and falling into his eyes, sticking to the sweaty skin of his forehead. You want to offer him a haircut, but you don’t want to baby him further. 
“It’s in the grate underneath the desk in Burro’s office.” 
“Great, and then they’ll flay you alive for not answering in their weird little code phrase.” Jungkook’s smirk falls off his face and you shake your head. “Exactly. Just because you know things doesn’t mean you know all of them, Jungkook.”
Jungkook pushes off of the counter and distracts himself by sullenly adjusting the bottles on the bar. You snort and turn back to trying to pry the sparking plug of the freezer out from the outlet to move power sources. Eventually, you feel Jungkook’s presence at your side, making you crane your neck up to look at him.
“So what is the code phrase?” he asks, pout prominent. You roll your eyes and straighten just as the door opens to the bar. 
The door swings open with such force that it smacks the wall behind it, doorknob cracking. It draws the attention of the bar, everyone turning in their seats to see the man standing at the entrance. He’s mid-size with wild, blue hair and there’s a messy tattoo of a black cat on his arm. Your eyes narrow and the bar stills at the violent entrance of a Night Sphinx member in front of you, panting and staring directly at Bolero, the only person not looking at the door. 
“Can I help you?” you ask, looking back and forth between them.
The Night Sphinx is angry and his energy snaps around him, a crackle in the air. You don’t have to sense the emeralds on him to know where he’s at on the Jewel Caste. He has a single ring on his finger and two modest earrings, not polished jewels but still emeralds all the same. 
For a second, the man doesn’t say anything. He just stares at Bolero in a red rage, face purpling with the way he’s panting, fists clenched at his sides. You think he might just pass out, but then he’s pointing a finger at the Null sitting at your bar, sipping whiskey.
“You motherfucker!” His voice is garbled and slurred with liquor. “You fucked my wife!”
“Oh for jewels sake,” Maki grunts, turning away and sharing a roll of her eyes with her twin. “Take him outside and kick his ass then. He’s a Null.” 
If being sold out by Maki bothers Bolero, he doesn’t show it. He simply sits there in his heavy trench coat, eyes fixed on the game on the holoscreen. This seems to enrage the man at the door even further. He ignores Maki’s advice and storms into the bar, gathering energy as he goes. The chairs and tables he walks by rattle and slide away from him, the pulse of energy flowing through him as he radiates disturbing them. 
No one in the bar moves. Jungkook is transfixed and confused, eyes wide. The Green Dragons in the bar watch with mild interest. Bolero isn’t one of them, and the bar isn’t important enough to pick a fight with one of Salib's men over a Null.
But you’re not looking forward to the cleanup, and you don’t want to explain to Jimin how you did nothing while some Night Sphinx came in and fucked up a patron. 
As your hand slides to the small, bullet-shaped device Namjoon fixed for you, Bolero moves. It’s almost too fast to follow the fluid way he stands and spins from the chair. His foot slips under the stool, using the toe of his boot to hook it behind the stool’s leg and he kicks. 
The stool flies at the Radiant. He’s a little drunk and slow, but he’s still a Radiant and he reacts with enough clarity to pulse with the jewels on his hand and earrings once, sending a shield of energy around him. The stool shatters against the invisible wall, leaving the intruder unharmed. 
Bolero is still fast for a Null though, already flipping a round table over to duck behind it as the Night Sphinx sends a green bolt of energy right at Bolero. It hits the table and singes it, cracking it in half. It’s loud as thunder, your yell going ignored as the two of them wreck the left side of the bar. 
This is the ignorance of the Radiants. They don’t care about how destructive they are, storming into places and letting others take damage as they make demands and use force when they want. 
Grabbing the scatterwave in your pocket. Bolero is dodging and waving blasts of energy from the man who chases him around the bar, blowing tables and chairs to bits. The other members of the Green Dragons have moved out of the warpath, collected near a booth on the far end of the bar, watching and jeering as Bolero doges a slice of concentrated energy that would have taken his head off.
“Fuckers,” you mutter. 
Palming the device you press the top of the scatterwave. The device is small but it lets out a high-pitched sound when activated, sharp enough to disrupt frequencies within a small radius. Its target is the darker colors on the caste, its high frequency enough of a distraction and disruption for Radiants that it makes it harder to radiate.  
The reaction is instantaneous. You feel nausea roll through your stomach and your world spins. It’s an earth-shattering noise, your ears vibrating with the force of the whistle. Your vision is blurry but you stumble toward where the two men are fighting, the Radiant bent over with his hands on his ears screaming from the force of the shatterwave. 
Bolero is unaffected. He has no frequency to scatter and he takes the shot, leaping at the struggling Radiant with a snarl on his face. 
“Not in here!” you screech. “He’s a Salib, you cannot kill him in Park territory. Go somewhere else! Bolero, please!” 
Bolero looks at you once, grey eyes full of fire. He has the intruder by the shirt collar, fisted tight as the man continues to thrash against the sound of your device. You think for a split second that Bolero is going to drag him out of the bar and do what you ask. He turns to look at the door, considering it. 
He decides not to. A knife appears in his hand and you yell as he stabs downward. You can’t hear the fleshy sound as Bolero sinks the blade in over the wailing of the device in your hand. He hits right between the ribs and up, a solid jab directly to the heart. The Radiant jerks in Bolero’s arms, his death twitch violent as he fists Bolero’s shirt, eyes wide, face aghast. Then he goes limp, sagging as a ragged breath leaves him. 
No one moves. Bolero holds the dead man in his arms, panting and looking down at him. They are so close, Bolero’s face right over the man’s and if you didn’t know any better, you might think they were lovers. Bolero slowly crouches down, suddenly gentle as he lays the dead body on the ground, hands hovering over him. 
You press the top of the shatterwave and it goes silent as it can with the high-pitched ring in your ears as you try to recover. You’re a little unsteady on your feet, pressing your hand against the bartop to keep your balance. A sharp pain behind your eyes signals an oncoming headache.
“What the fuck?” your voice sounds foreign and strained in the ringing quiet. “Are you fucking serious?”
Bolero rises, pulling the bloody knife with him. He wipes it on his pants and flips it in his fingers artfully. Familiar with blades, you note. He half turns to you and glances around the destroyed section of Monatna before he looks back at you and shrugs.
“Maybe you didn’t notice, but he was trying to kill me.”
“I don’t give a fuck. You kill people outside of this bar. You aren’t permitted to kill here.”
“Montana doesn’t protect its patrons?”
“Montana protects Green Dragons,” you clarify with a hiss.
You feel your fingers twitch. The familiar urge to radiate rises. It’s a natural instinct, to want to reach for the power that is right there on the edge of your mind all the time. You feel the emerald in your shoe. You imagine it beckons you, wiggling its fingers, begging to be used. 
You ignore it, pointing a finger at Bolero. “You fucked up and you know it. What the fuck am I supposed to do with a dead Night Sphynix?”
“Tell the Salib’s he attacked first.”
“You’re a Null asshole, it doesn’t matter that he attacked you first. You’re not fucking one of us.”
Something passes over Bolero’s face when you say it. Offense, you think. It’s there and gone so fast that you think you imagine it. You only feel a little guilty that he thinks you mean not a Radiant. You really mean not one of the Green Dragons but it doesn’t matter, in the end. 
He pulls his phone out. “My boss will pay for the damage and deal with the Salibs.”
“Unless your boss is Jimin fucking Park, that doesn’t really matter.” 
Bolero holds the phone up to his ear. You watch as he smirks a bit, shrugging. “Nah, but don’t worry about it.” 
“Oh I’m fucking worried about it,” you snarl. Jungkook is watching wordlessly, mouth parted slightly. “Call Jimin,” you bark at him, making him flinch. You immediately soften your voice. “Sorry, just - call Jimin.”
With a bow of his head, Jungkook grabs the phone and dials.
Jungkook starts murmuring quietly when Jimin - or an assistant, more like - answers the phone while you let yourself into the back and lock the backdoor for security before returning to the front. Bolero is sitting at the bar waiting, the dead Night Sphinx behind him. Red is beginning to pool around him, almost black against the dirty floor of the bar.
Heading to the door, you throw Gia a look. “Watch the bar,” you grunt. “Unlike you did when that fuck stick walked in here and ripped the place apart.”
She looks down her nose at you, eyes narrowed. Gia is terrifyingly beautiful, standing nearly a foot taller than you and built with wiry muscle. Her silky, black hair is braided out of her face, elegant and carved like one of the glass angels sold in the art district. Her eyes are the same color as her jewels, a stunning emerald that flashes in annoyance at your command. 
Gia nods once instead of arguing. The other Green Dragons behind her have the decency to look ashamed. While they aren’t heavies dedicated to protecting the Park family assets, they are low-level lackeys who could have prevented half the bar from being blown to bits by a Radiant. Especially the two amethyst caste twins who look at the wall blankly realizing what's going to happen now. 
Instead of stopping the Night Sphinx, they all stood there with drunk stares and half-tilted grins. Jimin won’t like it and they know it. It doesn’t matter that Montana isn’t an integral operation to the Green Dragons. It’s about pride and respect. The fact that a drunk, emerald caste man under the flag of the Salib family stumbled into Jimin’s bar, destroyed the place and then was killed by a Null is going to set Jimin off.
So you find a target to direct his anger at. 
Burro is slouched down on a leather couch at the Green Garter, exactly where you expect him. He doesn’t see you coming, the scattered green and white lights from the stage refracting and splitting into dozens of beams shining in his eyes as he stares at the topless woman on stage. There’s hardly anyone in the club and only a few people look startled when you grab him by the collar and yank him from the booth.
Security at the door and near the strange straighten up. The girl on stage keeps moving, lithe movements carrying her  away from where you lift Burro up, fingers digging into his shirt enough to rip. He smells like grain alcohol and sweat, the stubble on his face indicating that he may have slept in the club.
It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Come on,” you snarl at him, shooting daggers as one of the security guards steps in your direction. You let yourself radiate just a little, enough to give out a steady hum that even the lightest on the Jewel Caste can feel the sensation of an emerald jewel. He backs off immediately despite the fact that you can see and sense the amethyst pieces drilled into his pale knuckles. 
But there are two things that stop him: emerald is close enough to amethyst that a good Radiant can fuck up someone who is only a little darker than them on the Caste, and you’re a Radiant under the protection of the Park family, specifically Jimin, who owns the club. 
As much as it annoys the man whose job is to protect the dancers and the patrons, if you want to beat the shit out of Burro on the shitty green carpet in front of everyone, he has to allow it. You’re one of Jimin’s favorite little Radiants and everyone knows it, especially on this strip of road. 
No one stops you as you drag Burro out of the bar. His feet slide on the stained carpet, trying to find purchase as he yanks at your hand, shouting obscenities at you with his reeking breath. Your grip is iron, and you throw him as hard as you can once you’re back onto the sidewalk. He hits the ground hard, shoulder cracking against the street. 
Burro yells and rolls over, curling into himself. You fight the urge to kick him a few times, your wrath waiting like a coiled snake to strike out and punish him for being such a burden to deal with. You leave him in a fetal position, storming back into the bar to throw a couple of nill on the table for the drinks and a heavy sum more on the stage for the girl’s trouble. She winks at you, pretty enough to make you flush and spin on your heel to get back outside where Burro is still laying on the ground. 
Most of the time, you don’t bother. Burro is technically your manager and your superior. He’s an asshole and a waste of the Green Dragon's salary, which is why Jimin stuck him behind the bar, a punishment as much as a favor to Burro’s father who is a mid-ranking heavy in the Park family’s retinue. It’s as good as his son is willing to get for an emerald caste who is lazy and spends most of his days gambling, ogling at naked bodies, or wasted in a booth with Rollins. 
Even so, most days you let him yell at you. Throw curses your way. Drone about how shitty of a bartender you are - which is true - like a gnat that won’t leave. He’s harmless on good days, annoying on bad days, and he’s too afraid to retaliate in rare moments like this when you shove him into his ill-fitting role. 
“Get up,” you spit at him. You have the urge to crush his fingers that are spread out on the sidewalk. You think the loud crunch beneath your boot might be satisfying. You don’t, though. “Bolero just killed a Night Sphinx in the bar.”
You growl as he slurs, slowly pushing himself to his feet. You think he might have been handsome once. He has the making for it, but his days knocking back grain alcohol have weathered him. You see the early signs of Alloy addiction all over his face, scabs picked raw, leaving behind dark scarring, the track marks in his arms when he wears short sleeves.  
Raucous noise reaches you from a group of Night Sphinxes watching your exchange. Their laughter and whistles echo across the street, backed by the loud hum of shitty neon and the now very bright and flickering holographic display ads spinning in windows. This is a nice show for them, you’re sure. Everyone on this edge of Market Town has seen Burro get his shit kicked, though usually not by you.
“Get up, you’re embarrassing yourself.” You start marching back to Montana. “You’re needed at the bar. You know, the place you manage.” 
He mutters something behind you as he manages to get to his feet, tilted and tripping. You don’t catch what he says, eyes fixed on the sleek car that sits parked right in front of the door at Montana.
The road here isn’t really built for cars. It’s full of cracked faultlines and potholes, but Jimin has opted for a sharp-looking SUV with green LEDs running down the side and a little metal dragon on the grill. Not his personal car, but a business class that is no doubt reinforced with bulletproof windows and shatterwave tech. 
There are four men standing around the car, dressed in pressed suits, each with a dragon brooch pinned to the front. They nod when you walk by and you keep your eyes low, feeling the different colors as you pass by: amethyst, sapphire, emerald. They have jewels drilled into their knuckles and some of their teeth, earrings of polished stone, and necklaces set with their respective caste colors. 
Walking around with that much power is safe enough for them, but it makes your skin itch. Thinking of all that energy just waiting to be tapped into, waiting for them to radiate. The urge to reach for the power just a few feet away lessens as you walk inside of Montana. 
Inside is a vision. Jimin’s loyal group of Green Dragons sit together in a booth, silent and heads down. Maki glances up for a split second as you come through the door, anger twitching on her face before she looks back down at the table in resolute silence, her curtain of black hair hiding her scowl. 
Good. She could have used her fucking amethyst to wipe the now dead man from the map and not suffered a consequence under Jimin’s protection. And yet there you are, walking slowly toward the scene of the crime. 
Jungkook is standing behind the bar chewing on his lip, hands linked behind his back as he watches the two men in front of him conversing. Bolero smokes a cigarette on the same stool he was on earlier, eyes fixated on the holo once again. The dead man is still very dead, Jimin’s men spread out around the bar to assess the damage.
Jimin is one of the two men speaking at the bar in front of Jungkook. Jimin’s dressed sharply in black dress pants and a matching black, tailored jacket with emerald buttons and a beautiful dragon broach set with emeralds and jade. His arms are crossed as he listens passively, dark hair slicked back. There’s a single dangling earring in one ear, a teardrop diamond at the end.
Jimin Park is one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen. He reminds you of a dangerous jungle cat. His eyes are sharp, shadowed by a full-fan of dark lashes, cheeks round and soft in contrast to his elegant jawline. He smiles at something the man he’s talking to says, full lips rosebud pink.
Your eyes drift to the man talking to Jimin and before you can think twice about interrupting them, you’re yelling, “You!” 
Both of the men jerk their heads in your direction. Jimin’s brows shoot up and he shakes his head as if to ask what the fuck? But you’re too distracted by the other man, who grins at you as soon as he realizes who you are, adjusting his floral shirt as he turns to face you head on. 
You get a better look at him now and you’re angry to discover that he is still just as stunning as he was in the middle of the Market Town stalls. His hair is pushed back out of his face more, eyes twinkling as they drag up and down your frame. He wiggles his fingers at you in a wave. 
“You can’t just steal tangerines!” you bark at him suddenly. 
“What?” Jimin asks. He frowns and looks between the two of you. “I’m sorry, do you know one another?” The man says ‘no’ at the exact same time you say ‘sort of’ which makes Jimin’s jaw tick, patience waning. “Well? Which is it?” 
“Seen her once,” the man admits. “But I don’t know her. She chased me through the streets of Market Town today like a lunatic. I think she took one look at me and fell in love.”
Your jaw drops. “You stole fruit from Margot’s fruit stand motherfucker! It had nothing to do with your good looks.” 
“So you admit I’m good-looking!”
A failed attempt at a response comes sputtering out of you. You stop and start your sentences multiple times, trying to come up with a wicked riposte to his ridiculous insinuation that you think he’s attractive. Which you do, especially when he gives you a full, shit-eating gummy grin. 
“Enough,” Jimin snaps in your direction. “Wait with Jungkook, I’ll deal with you later. And don’t interrupt me again, got it?” 
You bow deeply at the command.  You feel hot all over, an unpleasant mix of shame and something else that you can’t place for “Yes sir. I apologize for my outburst.” 
Jimin turns away from you and back to the tangerine thief, leaving you to rush behind the bar to stand next to Jungkook while you stare at the two of them.  
You have no idea who this man is. You’ve never seen him in the bar with Bolero, though it’s possible he’s come in when you’re not working. It isn’t likely, since there’s only one additional bartender besides you and Jungkook, but you can’t possibly imagine how this man is important enough to look Jimin in the eye when he speaks.
Jungkook gives you a head tilt and doe eyes. You shake your head, opting instead to study the object of your irritation rather than explaining. He doesn’t ask any questions but you can see the way he shifts back and forth, unsure of where to focus his energy. 
As one of the family members in the city’s Armory, Jimin is one of the highest-ranking citizens in Diade. Though the Green Dragons are on the bottom of the totem in the Armory, Jimin ranks higher than most of the city by being the son of his family’s leader. 
The man speaking to Jimin looks at him directly in the eyes as an equal. He is a hairsbreadth taller, but his gaze and tone are steady and respectful. There is no air of superiority between the two of them, making you wonder where exactly this smug man falls on the spectrum of city authority. 
Each face of the Armory is familiar to you: the Parks, the Manobals, the Salibs, the Achilleos’ and the Kims. This man belongs to none of them and yet Jimin listens to him calmly, nodding his head at whatever the man is saying. Jimin’s arms are looped behind his back and he is poised as ever, even making a joke or two as they exchange words in hushed tones. 
In Diade, the ruling family syndicates are the ultimate power. Jimin’s family owns the territory to the southeast, the Salib’s directly to the north, the Manobals to the west. You stick to Park territory only, always mindful of where each Armory boundary lies. 
Despite Jimin’s favoritism, you’re not a high-ranking member of the Park family’s Green Dragons. Jimin thinks you’re useful enough though, and has a soft heart for strays. Jungkook is proof enough of that as you are, two little sources of information and loyalty in his personal pocket. 
You work for Jimin, not his mother. 
The respect that Jimin shows the tangerine thief leads to a few possibilities of who he could be. Under the rule of the Armory, there are other smaller and less organized gangs. The Circles are not particularly powerful and still concede to the Armory, but they range from loose bands of idiots and thieves to highly organized factions. There are dozens of Circles in the city, but only a few are powerful enough to earn a smile from Jimin Park, the prince of the Green Dragons. 
Chewing your lip, your mind runs through a list of possible Circles this man could rank high enough in to matter. White Fang has always worked with the Green Dragons well. Their members can sometimes be found hanging out in Montana with tight if not overly polite smiles while they conduct business. While White Fang answers to all of the families of the Armory as a collective governing body, they are particularly fond of the Parks. 
There is little chance that the tangerine thief belongs to the Midnight Sun. As the largest and most powerful Circle, they are only allied to the Kim family. Dangerous for any Circle to declare allyship to only a single governing body, but the Kim family sits at the top of the food chain. Being protected by Yujun and his son Seokjin have its strengths.  
Your vision blurs when you think of the Kim family. Seokjin’s beautiful smile, the way his inky eyes glitter. He remains the most eternal person you’ve ever laid eyes on, and one of the most charming. Funny, smooth talking, intelligent. 
But Seokjin is a snake. A beautiful thing that can fool you into a false sense of security before striking and sinking his fangs in deep.  
Nausea unfurls in your stomach at the thought of him. You blink a few times, willing away the memories of him and his high-pitched laughter and anything else to do with him. Jimin shakes the man’s hand in front of you. It draws your attention to where their hands meet. Jimin’s hand is small and delicate in the large hand of the tangerine thief. A man who was raised with privilege and a man you suspect made his own. 
“I’ll be back,” Jimin calls. You realize he’s talking to you and you bow. He turns his attention to the group of his gang members sitting at the table, waiting for their punishment. He whistles at them, calling them like dogs. “With me.” 
You can’t help but feel a little smug as they jump up, tangled over one another to get out of the booth as fast as possible to follow Jimin toward the front door. None of them look at you or Jungkook, chins tucked to their chest and eyes on the floor. At least they’re good dogs who know when they’re going to be punished. 
“Hello again.” 
The tangerine thief is leaning on the bar. Up close, he smells like sandalwood and a hint of sea salt. It isn’t unpleasant, but you grimace all the same. There are bracelets on his wrist, but no jewels. The prickling, needle-like sensation comes back, right at the back of your neck.
“Jungkook, can you start cleaning up?” You ask. He nods and dashes away, giving the stranger a single nervous glance as he joins the security members of Jimin’s team cleaning up. 
They pick up the body and carry him through the bag on Jungkook’s guidance, dripping blood the entire way. Bolero doesn’t even glance as they pass him, still transfixed by the holoscreen. 
“Why did you use a shatterwave?”
Your eyes drift back to the man in front of you. Up close, you notice that his skin is flawless. He has a shine and glow to him of a healthy Radiant, and yet you’re not sure how to place him on the caste. You know he’s a radiant from his escape methods in Market Town, but you’ve never had this much trouble placing someone on the caste. “What?” 
“The shatterwave. Had to hurt you too, I imagine.” 
“Well no one else was going to do anything,” you answer, skirting his assertion that you’re a Radiant. “It didn’t hurt that bad. I’m a Light Radiant.” 
He raises his brows. “Oh, you’re a liar.” 
“About some things, sure. I can’t take on an emerald caste, though. So I used a shatterwave.” 
“There’s an emerald in your boot.” 
You grit your teeth. He doesn’t make sense. The needling feeling only increases as he cocks his head, scanning you from head to toe. His pout turns into a smirk and there’s something heated in his gaze that makes you squirm as you shift back and forth on your feet, trying to place him. 
Sensing jewel frequencies outside of the jewel you radiate most with is difficult. Energy is a fickle thing, and though you can feel the buzz of every color of jewel around you, most Radiants can’t. They can only sense what jewel they vibrate on the same frequency as, though trained Radiants can sense their assigned jewel and lighter. 
This puts the tangerine thief at emerald or darker. If he can sense the emerald in your shoe, it means he can use it. Unless he is a rare case like you and Jungkook, who are frequency sensitive. But he doesn’t feel like emerald and he doesn’t feel like he sits darker at garnet and onyx. 
You shiver remembering what onyx feels like, an oppressive and demanding thing.  
“It wouldn’t be the first time I lied,” you offer. You can keep skirting the topic of the emerald in your shoe, but he already knows it's there. 
He chuckles. It’s raspy and soft as a whisper. There’s no doubt he’s used to the effect he has on people. It reminds you a little of Seokjin and you feel skittish.
“No, I’m sure you are quite the liar.” He leans in a little bit. “I’m Agust, by the way.” 
Schooling your features is hard. Out of all of the Circles that crossed your mind that he could belong to, you never considered Black Lotus. It makes sense, you suppose, that Bolero belongs to the Black Lotus. It’s one of the few Circles in the city that not only accept Nulls in their ranks, but encourage it. A little oasis for Radiants and Nulls alike to claw their way to the top from the bottom of the barrel. 
My boss will pay for the damage and deal with the Salibs. You think of Bolero’s comment, realizing why he was so confident. His boss is the leader of the Black Lotus, a chaotic thorn in the Armory’s side who walks around the Crown Cities undermining authority where he can. 
Agust smiles, pride bleeding through when you recognize his name. He’s a little notorious for the destruction of three Circles associated with the Kim family and for donating thousands of nil to squatters in Blows. A violent killer with a soft spot for charity. Strange, and not quite as heroic as some seem to think it is. 
Instead of saying anything, you busy yourself with folding rags, feeling the way of his gaze. Agust is pretty with a soft edge to his face and a charming grin. There’s a confidence about him that draws the eye, and yet he can blend in just like he did at Margot’s fruit stand. He is both sides of the moon, light and dark, switching whenever it suits him. 
Again, he reminds you of Seokjin and your heart squeezes as you take a step away from him.
“Well, I hope you have a great evening, Agust.” It's dismal. Polite, but an end to the conversation nevertheless.  
He isn’t swayed. “What, no name?”
“Do you need it?”
“I’d like it. Is it as pretty as you are?”
“Your flattery isn’t welcome here.” 
“Then what is?”
You glare. “The money for Margot’s tangerine.” 
Agust chuckles again and shrugs. You expect him to walk away or volley back with a riposte but he doesn’t. Instead, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the nil that Margot is owed and sets them on the counter, the silver coins clinking against the wood. He leans against the bar again, hand cupping his chin as he looks up at you.
“This cover me?” 
You swipe the coins off the bar and sniff. “I suppose.” 
“I like you. How about I call you Montana, hmm? Since you won’t give me a name, I’ll make one for you.”
Instead of looking at him directly, you busy yourself with moving around the syrup bottles in their plastic bin. “You don’t have to call me anything.” 
“Or Garnet?”
For a second, you stare at your hands before slowly dragging your gaze to him where he watches you, feline-eyes glittering. That pinprick feeling returns sharper than ever. You’re a mouse caught under the watchful gaze of a hungry cat. 
There are only a handful of people in the world that knows you sit on the second darkest color of the Jewel Caste. One of them is outside giving his gang members the lashing of a lifetime, one of them is sitting in a luxurious home in Aria and the other is no doubt watching cameras on the casino floor of Kaiju. 
Sweat gathers on the back of your neck. You think about the first time you radiated at garnet, the power so raw and rich that you were almost drunk on it. You were just a kid, untrained in how to syphon energy that volatile. You’d become sick right after, taking too much too fast and completely unaware of how to channel all that energy.
The Kim’s had helped you find a way. And then used it to their advantage, a little girl with no one else to count on with all that power just waiting to be directed. 
You refused to ever be used for your place on the Jewel Caste ever again. 
“Say it again,” you murmur, voice low. Your hands open and close and you feel the emerald surge in your boot. Agust is either onyx or frequency sensitive, but it doesn’t matter. You’ve gone head to head with darker than you before. “I dare you.”
To your surprise, his smile is sad this time. There’s a moment you think you see understanding. Compassion. Something soft. Then it’s gone and he gives you a brief nod before pushing away from the bar, running a hand through his hair. You don’t move, muscles locked and primed to lash out, to grind him to dust if you have to. You don’t have a garnet, but you don’t need it. You can do just as much damage with an emerald, regardless of whatever color he is. 
“Put the claws away, your secret is safe with me.” He nods to the pool of blood on the floor. “You have my apologies for the mess. Black Lotus will handle the fallout. Tell Bolero if any of those Night Sphinx fucks give you any trouble. You have my word I’ll pay my debt.”
“What debt?” 
He jerks his thumb at Bolero. “You saved his worthless ass.” You don’t disagree but you say nothing. He lingers for a second, looking you up and down. Something passes his face that makes your heart speed up a little. “I mean it. Call if you need.”
“I won't.” 
He grins. “Bye, Montana.” 
When Agust turns to leave, Bolero gets up and goes with him. When the door shuts, it’s just you and the sound of Jungkook and Jimin’s men putting the bar back together. 
No one can hear how loud your heart thunders. 
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THE JEWEL CASTE (from least to most powerful)
Light Caste
Diamond Citrine Aquamarine Jade Rose
Mid Caste
Peridot Topaz Turquoise Ruby Smokey
Dark Caste
Emerald Amethyst Sapphire Garnet Onyx
THE CHAOTIC CASTE (in general, from least to most powerful)
Opal Quartz Tourmaline Carnelian  Obsidian 
Alloy - A drug that allows radiants to lift frequency for a temporary amount of time and meld with a jewel they cannot normally radiate with.  Caste Drop - When someone drops a color on the Jewel Caste and vibrates at a higher frequency  Circle - Lower gangs who are not in the Armory Dark Radiant - Those who vibrate at the low-colors and high frequencies Jewel Caste - The order of least to most powerful vibrational jewel frequencies  Light Radiant - Those who vibrate at the lighter colors and lower frequencies  Mid Radiant - Those who vibrate at the mid-colors and medium frequencies Null - Those who don’t vibrate at the same frequency as the jewels and cannot radiate Radiant - Those who vibrate at the same frequency as the jewels and thus can radiate Shatterwave - A type of device that lets out high-frequency sounds to shatter Radiant frequencies in a certain radius Unjeweled - A radiant who doesn’t have any jewels on them to help radiate
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hooked-on-elvis · 10 months
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Spring, 1968: Elvis and Bobby Dick, a local Los Angeles musician member of the rock band The Sundowners. Bobby's band was a support act for The Monkees on their 1967 Summer Tour and his band also opened gigs for megabands such as The Rolling Stones and The Who in the 60s/70s. In these pictures, Elvis and Bobby were in front of the office building on Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, where Elvis had a meeting with Steve Binder about the upcoming NBC TV Special (Singer Presents Elvis A.K.A '68 Comeback Special).
Bobby talked about meeting Elvis. You can watch the interview on Youtube (Skip to 40:48). I recommend you take your time. ♥
Bobby said he was so nervous he was shaking and didn't ask Elvis the meaningful questions he really wanted answers for - about Elvis' choice of music in the 60's being so out of character for him and why he weren't doing recording better songs. Instead, Bobby says he looked more like "a babbling idiot" because he was starstruck, and didn't say much of what he truly wanted to. Funny. Those pictures surely don't look like Bobby was nervous at all.
Sadly, Bobby Dick passed away in March 27, 2023, at 76 years old, after a battle with cancer. Rest in peace, Bobby. ♥
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steddieunderdogfics · 7 months
for the omegaverse fic recs weekend - among the leaves sae green by StarsHideYourFires
its sort of a mix of fantasy/fairy/folk tale and its so good, I was totally hooked on it! I can't wait to reread it and I feel like it needs more love for sure!
among the leaves sae green by StarsHideYourFires
Rating: Explicit
37,909 words, 10/10 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Omega Verse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Eddie Munson, Omega Steve Harrington, Dark Fairy Tale Elements, Inspired by Tam Lin, Fae & Fairies, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Handfasting, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mpreg, Pregnancy, Human Sacrifice, Steve Harrington Has Good Parents, for once, Steddie Big Bang 2023 (Stranger Things), Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Knotting
Hawkins is a village in the woods. Everyone knows to be careful of wolves. To steer clear of fairy rings and elves’ trees, to carry cold iron or an offering of bread on forest paths. But in Hawkins there are tales of darker creatures. The devil is in their woods. He controls great faceless demons, eight feet tall, and hungry for blood. Grasping beasts with horrifying maws that hunt in packs and steal livestock. Monsters to frighten children and explain the rituals that drive community life. Every year, a sacrifice is made to the old gods. A sacrifice for prosperity, but also protection. No one is to leave the village after sundown. Always wear a protective amulet when in the forest. All is well in Hawkins. The rituals keep them safe. Until young Will Byers goes missing. Barbara Holland, next. Kindly tinker Bob Newby is found dead, chest ripped open on the forest edge. A Tam Lin-inspired Dark Fairytale Omegaverse AU Work #089 in the Steddie Big Bang
Thanks for the rec!
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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sleepanonymous · 10 months
Hi, I was wondering if you knew when Vessel started 'dancing' on stage? I'm pretty sure he started doing in in the late Sundowning-ish era/ TPWBYT era but I thought you'd probably be the best person to ask about finding videos from when he started dancing.
Oooh this is an interesting rabbit hole, thanks for asking Anon 🖤
So... I guess it depends on what you mean by dancing, because Vessel has always sort of moved on stage, you know? But what he did back then and what he's doing now is completely different. Like... maybe a better word for what he used to do is "writhing." The earliest video of a ritual I've seen of Sleep Token's was their third ritual in (what I'm assuming is) late 2017, and "writhing" is probably the best word for what Vessel was doing on stage (and I say that affectionately/respectfully).
TLDR; Conclusively I would say Vessel started dancing, as we see him dance on stage today, in the summer of 2022. He's always moved on stage, and even acted unhinged during Sleep Token's earlier rituals. Below the cut, I go through rituals on YouTube from 2018-2023 to try and pinpoint exactly when Vessel started dancing like we see currently in 2023. (I went through quite a few videos, most not even mentioned in this monster of a post, so I made a YouTube playlist here).
A great example of Vessel's early "writhing" dancing is this YouTube video of Nazareth from the 2018 Leeds Festival (he's also an absolute menace here!! He steps on III, he didn't paint his waist or his back, and he strangles and spits on the original OG IV. Like... the man had demons and I am here for them). The dancing that's most similar to current times starts around 2:37 and 3:40.
2019 is impossible to find good videos for lol, since they did most of their rituals for the Beautiful Oblivion tour as an opener and, apparently, nobody films openers. But there are some with decent audio quality from ArcTanGent (my favorite being The Offering). Interestingly, he's less animated, still writhing, but not a menace to the rest of the band while doing so. If anyone is even slightly photosensitive please don't watch these ArcTanGent videos, the lighting effects really didn't agree with the camera's shutter speed.
This is a video of Higher from December 2019. The sound is not as crisp, and the videographer is quite a bit further from the stage, but Vessel is still moving, especially towards the end. The breakdown starts around 2:15, and while III and OG IV are definitely more animated than Vessel, he's still dancing with them. He even jumps down to scream the end of the song at the barrier (and has a mini-wardrobe malfunction) at 2:39. That crowd was really feeling it and so was Vessel.
Because of the plague in 2020, all of Sleep Token's shows were in January. Vessel's behaviour was very similar to the video posted above (just with less crowd interaction). The first show they played in 2021 was the Download Pilot. This is the best audio quality of that show, and Vessel also moves/dances the most in this video, though it's toward the end around 2:31, where the videographer forgot they were filming and just started vibing, so it's really hard to see, lol. I don't blame them, but it's also shakycam to the max. (Also, a quick fun fact, this is the first show the band played with our current IV as far as I can tell.)
This is another video from 2021, but from Sleep Token's TPWBYT rituals tour. It's Hypnosis, and in the very beginning, we see some Floor Vessel, which is neat and reminiscent of the most recent NA rituals, before he does some of his usual writing, though quite a bit more animated. Around 4:06 you can see the writing again, but after 4:19 it morphs into what we've seen from more recent rituals. (Also, if anyone wants a full 70-minute video of this show, filmed from the center of the balcony looking down on the stage, you can watch it here. Some parts have major flashing, so just be careful).
Here's another video of Hypnosis, this time from September 2022. Here, finally, we see Vessel's current version of dancing, hops and arm flails included. It starts right when the song kicks in at 0:13, and he does it again at the end, around 4:29. Technically they did a UK tour with the Architects in May (see this video of The Offering at 3:50) and an Australian tour in June 2022 with Northlane (again, see this video of The Offering at 0:20, 1:37), with similar behaviour from Vessel, but that BRRF Hypnosis video is the first video I ever watched of Sleep Token live so it's very dear to me and it's also better sound quality than anything I could find from earlier in the year.
I went way overboard with answering this question, Anon, but it was super fun, so thank you again for asking 🖤🙏 Again, I made a playlist of all the videos + several others. If anyone has any recommendations for me to add to the playlist, send the links my way (especially if they aren't The Offering or Hypnosis lol) and I'll add them in chronological order.
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hornyhornyhimbos · 11 months
"Love Potion No. 9" ~ J. Byers
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Summary: When you and Jonathan visit a witch on your hunt for something supernatural, you don't expect to leave with ever-growing arousal between your legs.
Pairing: Supernatural Hunter!Jonathan Byers x Supernatural Hunter!AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 2,106
Content Warning: MINORS DNI (18+ content) unprotected piv sex, cowgirl activities, car sex, love potion/aphrodisiac consumption, dry humping for a second, explicit language, lmk if i missed anything!
Extra Notes: does this read a little bit like a Supernatural fanfic? maybe. but i can't be blamed when Jonathan just feels so Winchester-coded.
Originally Written: 10/12/2023
stranger things masterlist can be found here!
halloweek masterlist can be found here!
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Neither of you were quite sure how it happened, but your latest hunt had led you into the home of a witch. Low-hanging ferns and wind chimes and twinkly lights filled the area, the scent of frankincense heavy in the small space.
"Don't mind the smell," she'd said, "Figured I should cast some sort of protection over my home with that thing running loose."
After talking with the woman for a while, you and Jonathan had both silently come to a mutual conclusion: that this thing was a werewolf, and a rabid one at that, and it wouldn't stop until it had consumed as much blood as possible.
"Would you mind if we grabbed a bottle of water?" you asked, standing up from your spot on the lumpy sofa.
The witch shook her head. "Not at all, dear. Kitchen's just through that doorway. I think I'm gonna go have a quick smoke out on the porch." Your brows furrowed at her statement, but she quickly rebutted, "I'll be fine. I keep a gun by the door and I'll use my frankincense spray to help ward him off."
And with that, she was headed out the front door, leaving you and Jonathan to yourselves.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Jon asked, leading the way into the kitchen.
"Werewolf?" you asked, arms folding in front of your chest.
He gave you a quick nod, opening the fridge and pulling out two water bottles. "Yeah, and a rabid one at that."
"Which means there's probably another one close by that gave it to him," you commented. You quickly grabbed one of the bottles from him and took a long drag of the liquid. It had been hours since you'd stopped for food or drink or gas, and the water was like nectar from the gods to your desperate and deprived taste buds.
Jonathan chuckled at your behavior, but took a long drink from his own bottle. After gulping down the liquid, he concurred, "That's what I'm thinking too."
"So, how do we find them?"
He shrugged. "Wait. The wolves around here only come out at night so we wait until sundown, then hope to God that we're right about where they're hunting."
After a few minutes had passed, the lady had joined you back in the house, leading the two of you back into the living room. As the conversation carried on, you started to feel a strange, warm tingle in your belly. You attempted to shake off the feeling, but your body heat picked up and the feeling grew stronger.
"Jon," you whispered into his ear, "can we please go? I'm not feeling well."
Jonathan had a sort of flushed look to his face, and you assumed he must've been experiencing a feeling similar to yours. As you stood, he quickly side-stepped behind you, almost strategically placing you in front of him.
You both managed a rushed goodbye before heading out to the car, the warmth in your stomach quickly turning into a feeling you could identify— arousal.
The ride was silent, save for the tape playing quietly on the radio. Your legs clenched together involuntarily as a familiar wetness formed between them. Curiosity got the better of you as you looked over at Jon, who was white-knuckling the steering wheel like his life depended on it.
You came to a stop at the end of the nearly abandoned road, no other cars in sight as Jonathan approached the stop sign. He shot you a quick look, trying to act as casual as he could. "You alright?"
You swallowed the hard lump in your throat, nodding much more enthusiastically than you should have. "Yeah, I'm totally fine." A heavy silence took over the air for a couple seconds before you awkwardly asked, "What about you?"
He quickly nodded as well, avoiding eye contact with you. "Yeah, I'm good."
Another round of heavy silence came over the small space, Jonathan opting to break it by clearing his throat. He mumbled something to himself as he started to take off again, the car gradually gliding toward a speed bump.
You tried your best to hold it in, but it was almost compulsory the way a moan flew out of you when the speed bump caused your jeans to hit your core in just the right spot.
Jonathan hit the brakes right there in the middle of the road, an erratic look coming across his face. "You too?!" he asked in surprise.
You knew it would do you no good to lie, not after the way your mouth had just betrayed you. "You think she put something in that water?"
Sweat was cascading down both of your faces, each of your breathing already speeding up. "I don't know," he answered, his expression changing to one of shyness. "What are we gonna do?"
You thought for a moment, quickly going over your options. You could wait it out, but that might be miserable. You supposed you could pull over and one of you go into the woods, discreetly giving you both time to get yourselves off, but that would chance one of you getting taken by something in that clearly haunted forest. The third option was one you truly hated to think, but you supposed it might be your best bet.
"Quick, get me that dropper out of the trunk. It's in the case with my dagger."
He pulled off to the side of the road, giving you a questioning look. "Why-"
You all but pushed him out of the car, urging him to not ask questions. While he grabbed the dropper, you unscrewed the lid to both bottles of water. When he got back, you dropped a tiny dab of the liquid in the tube down into the bottles of water. You watched as the water turned a bright sapphire blue, knowing all too well what it meant.
"Fuck," you exclaimed exasperatedly, your hand meeting your temple.
Jonathan met you with a confused look, brows furrowed tight together. "What? What does that mean?"
"That bitch gave us a serum of desire."
"A what?"
You sighed, though you couldn't ignore the growing feeling of arousal as you looked into his eyes. "It's a potion to make us realize our deepest desires."
He went from confused to downright dumbfounded. "So, our deepest desire is… each other?" You nodded in reply. "Well, what do we do?"
"We have no choice but to confront our deepest desire. It's the only way it'll wear off."
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, shock and lust wafting through the air as heavily as the frankincense had earlier. You tried to think of any other way to make the potion wear off, but deep down, you knew there was only one way to get rid of this feeling.
"So…" he said, the word lingering.
"So…" you repeated.
Jonathan was the first to make a move, which surprised you, given his hatred of confrontation. "Can I… kiss you? I-In the backseat?"
He didn't have to ask twice. You were practically shoving him into the tiny backseat, climbing on top of him in record speed. The idea of doing this with him had you embarrassed, given your practically life-long crush on the man, but at the current moment, the serum was working hard to dilute all thoughts of rationality.
Your lips connected, heavy breaths flowing out of your mouth and into his as his hands landed on your waist. He pulled you down the expanse of his thigh, guiding your center along his denim-clad leg. Your hips were grinding all on their own, a moan slipping from your kiss-swollen lips as your jeans brushed your clit just right.
"Do you wanna," he started to say, being cut off by a needy kiss, "get off like this? Because this," another kiss, "is perfectly fine to me."
You shook your head, your tongue slipping between his parted lips as you continued humping his leg, your pleasure already nearing its peak. "Need more, please."
Your fingers slipped into his hair, tugging at the light brown strands and eliciting an absolutely beautiful noise from the man underneath you. You wanted to bottle that noise up and play it on repeat for hours, music to your ears.
He made quick work of his jeans, sliding them down just enough to release his cock. You moaned at the sight, torn between taking it in your mouth or putting it exactly where you needed it. The latter won as you made quick work of your own pants, Jonathan letting out another one of those gorgeous sounds at the sight of your wetness.
Without any resistance on your part, he was lowering you down his length, his head falling back against the car door. "Oh, holy fuck," he sighed, his eyes going glassy. Your hands moved to his bangs, moving the sweat-sticky hair away from his eyes to give you both an unobstructed view of each other.
You were the first to move, nearly cumming right then as the head of his cock brushed against that wonderful spot inside of you. Labored breaths filled the air as the two of you began to create the perfect rhythm between your bodies, his balls slapping against you every time you slid back down his length.
Your lips reconnected as you rocked up and down on him, tongues roaming freely inside one another's mouth. The car was undeniably rocking, anyone who drove past would know exactly what you were doing, but the slight movement had him bucking up into you even harder, and secretly you were thankful you'd decided to do this here.
Your hand roamed down to one of his, bringing his calloused fingers to your clit. "Touch me, right there, please," you all but begged, guiding his fingertips in the exact rhythm you craved them.
The pad of his thumb was rough, but only brought your orgasm closer. His opposite hand moved to grab the supple skin of your hip, guiding you along his cock and bringing him closer to the edge as well.
Your own hands gripped his shoulders for dear life as your climax washed over you, your cunt sucking him deeper inside you as your legs began to shake. "Shit, Jonathan," you whined, your hips speeding in hopes of bringing him to his own release.
"Fuck, where do you need it?" he groaned, his dick throbbing inside of you.
"What?" you breathed heavily, still working yourself through possibly the best orgasm you'd ever felt.
"Can I cum inside you?" he asked, somewhere between begging and demanding.
All words left your body as his finger continued to work at your swollen clit, so you simply opted for a nod of the head.
As if on cue, he was filling you up with every last drop of his seed, both of your bodies falling limp against each other. "Oh, my God," he sighed, his breath hot as it fanned around your ear.
The serum was already wearing off your body, realizing what you'd done. You wanted to enjoy this moment, to just be with him, but you couldn't deny the logical thoughts that had started to flood back into your mind. "Oh, my God," you repeated, nearly a whisper as you lay on his chest.
"We really just did that, didn't we?" he asked, a hand moving up to brush softly over your hair.
You let out a soft, amused huff as your eyes finally met his again. You swore you saw his eyes sparkling as he looked at you, an expression of adoration coming over his features. "I guess we did," you laughed lightly.
"Are you mad about it?" Jon asked, his tone seeming genuine.
This time, your brows furrowed. "Why would I be mad?"
He chuckled, leaning to kiss your cheek. "Just checking to see if you'll kill me the next time I ask to kiss you in the backseat of my car."
Another amused giggle fell from your lips. "I wouldn't dare. You're too valuable to kill, no matter if we enjoyed ourselves back here or not."
A playful pout flashed across his face. "Are you saying you didn't enjoy yourself? Because it seemed to me," he paused, moving to suck a harsh kiss on your collarbone, eliciting a gasp from you, "like you were really, really enjoying yourself."
"How long until sundown?" you asked, all breath escaping your lungs for what felt like the hundredth time that day.
Jonathan spared a quick glance at his watch. "Probably another half hour, maybe forty-five minutes if we're lucky."
"Better make it count, then."
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-> taglist: @ducky-died-inside @aftermidnightwriting @esoltis280
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: July 2023 ~  
🕶️ Happy August!!! 🌻
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post!
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff!  -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Be Mine SuperStar - July 3rd (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 - July 5th (Japan)  
🌟 Stay by My Side - July 7th (Taiwan)
🌟 Stay With Me - July 7th (China, censored) 
🌟 Senior Love Me? (short film) - July 7th (Thailand) 
🌟 Low Frequency - July 8th (Thailand)
🌟 Hidden Agenda - July 9th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Bump Up Business - July 9th (South Korea) 
🌟 Laws of Attraction - July 15th (Thailand)
🌟 The Star Season 2 - July 15th (Myanmar) 
🌟 Wedding Plan - July 19th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 After Sundown - July 20th (Thailand, cinema-release)
🌟 Jun and Jun - July 20th (South Korea)  
🌟 Monochrome (short film) - July 25th (Thailand) 
🌟 Papa, What Is Love? Season 2 - July 28th (Philippines) 
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ Be Mine Superstar - once in a while a trashy low budget show comes along and hits just the right spot - this is that show lmao. I was looking forward to seeing JaFirst again but I did not expect to like it this much lol. It’s ridiculous but the kind that makes me laugh a lot. JaFirst completely reversing their roles has me rolling and is working extremely well. Love Stage vibes all around. I love it so far. 
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Night Dream - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 I Love You I Kill You (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Beyond The Duo (short film) - Date TBA (Myanmar) 
🎥 UniverSad (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Iridescent love - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Nai Hia Bok Mai Chop Dek - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 The Hell Guards (Hey Don't Mess With My Heart) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Even If I Try To Fall In Love With You (君となら恋をしてみても, manga adaption) - Date TBA (Japan) 
🎥 Wishing Upon the Shooting Stars - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 Bad Guy My Boss - Date TBA (Thailand) 
Other news from the BL world
❗️ The following BL productions & actors won at this year’s Asia Top Awards 2023:
Ohm Thitiwat: Best Actor (609 Bedtime Story)
Tar Atiwat: Rising Star (I Will Knock You)
PeeTitle: Popularity Award (La Pluie)
Gun Napat: Best Performance in a BL (Luminous Solution) 
Mew Suppasit: Best Serial Actor (Love Me Again) 
KinnPorsche: Most Popular BL Series
❗️ Former StarHunter actor Bas Suradet (2Moons, Gen Y) has joined Studio WabiSabi, along with 4 other new faces in their New Generation Lineup. 
❗️ The novel ไหนเฮียบอกไม่ชอบเด็ก will be adapted into a series by MFlow Entertainment. Auditions are currently being held. Further details are unknown. 
❗️ The upcoming GMMTV BL Cherry Magic released its pilot trailer after an 8 month delay due to copyright issues. Workshops are currently happening. The show will likely air in early 2024.  
❗️ GMMTV announced that GeminiFourth will no longer be part of the upcoming BL/GL drama 23.5 due to changes in storylines & characters. They have been replaced by View Benyapa and June Wanwimol who will play the roles of Aylin & Luna, making it a GL-only drama. Further cast additions include Ciize Rutricha and others. 
❗️ Actor Tul Pakorn (Together With Me, Manner of Death) announced his retirement from acting as he is pursuing a career in real estate in New York after getting his master’s degree. 
❗️ The upcoming Domundi BL Middleman's Love has started workshops. The show will likely air towards the end of the year. 
❗️ The Japanese BL Ossan's Love is rumored to get a third season which will likely premiere in January 2024. Further details are unknown. 
❗️ The Norwegian web series SKAM (2015-2017) will get a Korean adaption called Skam Korea. The series has a total of 7 remakes from 6 European countries + the US. Auditions are currently being held. 
❗️ GeminiFourth announced that they will be starring in another BL series which will be a novel adaption. Further details are unknown. 
Upcoming series & movies for August
👉🏻 Stay Still - August 1st (Hong Kong) 
👉🏻 Sing My Crush - August 2nd (South Korea) 
👉🏻 The New Employee (movie version) - August 3rd (South Korea) 
👉🏻 Love in Translation - August 5th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 My Personal Weatherman - August 11th (Japan) 
👉🏻 Love Class Season 2 - August 11th (South Korea) 
👉🏻 Only Friends - August 12th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Friend. Boy Friend - August 19th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Lucky Love - August 20th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 My Universe - August 20th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Kiseki: Dear to Me - August 22nd (Taiwan) 
👉🏻 Why R U? Korean Remake - August 24th (South Korea) 
👉🏻 Crazy Handsome Rich - August TBA (Thailand) 
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save-the-data · 1 year
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Thai Movie - 2023
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absolutebl · 1 year
2023 Thai BL Favorites List - Mid Year Check In
Tagged by @thatgirl4815​ (thanks hon!) I adapted this to my taste.
Feel free to c/p do the same! 
I’m answering all these right now for 2023, because it’s too complicated for me otherwise. 
Favorite Thai BL 2023:
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My School President
Favorite currently active Thai BL Branded Pair:
High Heat: Net James (Bed Friend) 
Established: OhmFluke (609 Bedtime Story)
New: GeminiFourth (My School President & Moonlight Chicken) 
Most underrated Thai BL actor right now: 
Film Thanapat. He was perfectly serviceable in To Sir, With Love but he’s a goddamn revelation in Laws of Attraction. 
Pair the deserves a second chance: 
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Haii & Boom (Chains of Heart) 
Favorite Thai BL Main Character 2023:
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King (Bed Friend) 
Favorite Thai BL Side Character 2023:
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Thiu (My School President)
Favorite Thai BL side dishes 2023: 
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Li Ming & Heart (Moonlight Chicken)
Favorite scene in a Thai BL so far:
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My School President calling on the spirit of Love Sick. What can I say? I love meta and I love BL remembering it’s own history. This did both. 
Most Anticipated Thai BL (& why):
I Feel You Linger in the Air 
I like the premise, the cast looks great. This is a time travel historical romance adaption of y-novel by Violet Rain about a heartbroken architect who is transported to the 1930s from the producers of Lovely Writer.
Guilty pleasure Thai BL 2023 series (or likely to become so):
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Future the series
July 2023 Thai BL Report
ABL has watched:
My School President & Our Skyy 2: My School President
La Pluie
Step By Step
Bed Friend
Between Us
Destiny Seeker
Make a Wish
Moonlight Chicken
Never Let Me Go & Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go
Our Skyy 2: A Tale of Thousand Stars
Our Skyy 2: Bad Buddy
Our Skyy 2: Star in My Mind
Our Skyy 2: The Eclipse
A Boss and a Babe & Our Skyy 2: A Boss and a Babe
Cutie Pie 2 You special
Future the series
609 Bedtime Story
Our Skyy 2: Vice Versa
I Will Knock You
Remember Me
Tin Tem Jai
The Promise
Cafe In Love
Chains of Heart
Hit Bite Love
The Luminous Solution
My Blessing
Currently Watching: 
Be Mine Super Star
Be My Favorite
Dinosaur Love
Hidden Agenda
Laws of Attraction
Love Syndrome III  
Low Frequency
Senior Love Me
Wedding Plan
Can’t Find
Love Upon a Time
Boyband the series
Heart by Heart
Moments Of Love
House of Stars
Till the World Ends
Announced for 2023 (maybe still to come?)
After Sundown
Fake Love
Friends Forever
I Wish You Love
Lucky Love
Pisces of Me
Refund Love
Right Time, Right You
You Are My Soulmate
The Camp Fire
The Outing Series
Deep Night
Pit Babe
Rule No.1: Don’t Be Too Emotional
Future From Me
Naughty Babe
Only Friends
Buddy Line Y Animal AKA
Mystique in the Mirror
2 Worlds
Punk Spy
The Next Prince
Kemjira Will Survive
Close Friend 3 Soju Bomb
Waterboyy 3 AKA Waterboys
I Feel You Linger in the Air
Middleman’s Love AKA Middle Love
Cinderella Boys
Cherry Magic (Thai remake)
Born to be Y
Dangerous Romance
4 Minutes
7 Times 4 Days
Big Dragon 2
Big Dragon the movie
Boy Never Smiles
Chiang Mai Adventures
City of Stars 
Colorful Melody
Cooking Crush
Flirt Milk
Friend. Boyfriend
Heroin The Series
Hot Bamee and Yummy Gyogung
Khemjira Will Survive
Last Twilight
Lost in the Woods
Love in Translation
Love Puzzle AKA Plengrak AKA
Love Syndrome – The Beginning
Lover Merman
Man Suang
Night Dream
Our Skyy 2
Our Story
Rule No.1: Don't Be too Emotional
Sunset Vibes
The Chinese Family
The D Project
The Hidden Character
The Internship
The Sign
The Whisperer
True Moon
Two Worlds
Wish Me Luck
Wish You Luck
Crazy Handsome Rich
For Him the series
Twin The Series AKA Twins
Casanova Begins
Marry Go Round
Venus in the Sky  
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99 notes · View notes
colourme-feral · 11 months
No one asked for this, but here is GMMTV 2024 Part 1′s shared filming locations game in thai ql,
[GMMTV 2023]
The Trainee, Wedding Plan and GAP the Series
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Pluto the Series, Be Mine Superstar and its official trailer, Golden Blood, The Tuxedo and 55:15 Never Too Late
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Peaceful Property, Return Man, After Sundown (Official Trailer), GAP the Series and To Sir, With Love
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My Golden Blood, Naughty Babe, Midnight Museum, Not Me and KinnPorsche (1, 2)
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45 notes · View notes