#Again feel free to send more Sandy at the monkey~
artsartblog · 2 years
I had an au idea for the twins (Xiaoyue and Mk) where they were Mk was raised by Monkey King and Xiaoyue was raised by Macaque. Neither one knew about the other until Mk meets Macaque and ends up meeting Xiaoyue. Both are confused, but Mk is too focused on being trained by Macaque to give it much thought while Xiaoyue stays quiet about it. It's only after the fight with Monkey King that she actually brings it up with Macaque.
Macaque doesn't have much of an explanation, but brushes it off as some weird coincidence. Xiaoyue doesn't fully believe this, but doesn't bring it up again. Meanwhile, Mk asks Monkey King about it and he's just as clueless about it. However, from the way the two have similar features he speculates that the two are most likely related, maybe even twins. Yet he can't be certain since when he found Mk he didn't see any other babies where he found him.
Monkey King did raise Mk on Flower Fruit Mountain, but also had some help from Pigsy and Tang. Only because in this au Pigsy is Bajie and Sandy is Wujing, but the two go by Pigsy and Sandy nowadays. The three still keep in contact, which is why Wukong gets help from them. Tang is a lot tamer around Monkey King because of how often they've seen each other since Mk was definitely a handful as a child.
Macaque raised Xiaoyue by himself, which was stressful because of her having powers like his. However, he wouldn't complain because she was actually more well-behaved. She was also a quick learner so teaching her lessened his stress. Though he does at times forget she's only human and pushes her too far with some of their training, which has resulted in her pushing herself too much when she's reached her limit. He doesn't mean to do this, but he just wants her to be able to hold her own in a fight against demons and other beings.
I'm still working on the details, but I already have some ideas for it. I'm going to be calling this Seperated Twins AU so if you have any questions about it, just remember to make it clear which au you're talking about. Anyways, feel free to send in any questions about it or any of my other aus or ocs.
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siixkiing · 2 years
“You don’t have to push so hard. It’s okay to rest.” - for sun wukong?
☯  exhaustion … sentence starters  ☯
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Had the other noticed his exhaustion that easily? The golden simian thought he had been doing a fairly decent job hiding the fatigue he had been feeling from his friends. Not wanting to worry them for the most part. After all, he was suppose to be the strong one, right? The durable one? He didn’t get exhausted or worn out. Not him.
Which was an utter lie of course. Trying to do his best to be more open and honest with those around him — which was hard after centuries upon centuries of hiding what he felt and being honest. 
So, to have Sandy call him out like that and see the concern on the big guy’s face, had caused him to pause for a moment. Than again? Sandy was an utter sweetheart at times and a softie, course he’d be worried. It was how he was — his muscles might be big but that heart was even bigger. Something that Wukong had come to admire and find endearing about his friend.
 “That sweet but I swear I’m fine, Big Guy.”
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“Just a smidge bit tired is all, but nothing you need to worry about too much. I’m sure once I get some sleep I’ll be feeling much better.”
More lies pouring from his mouth. Sleep and him weren’t on the best of terms right now — one of the reasons he was as tired as he was. Still, he didn’t want to worry the other too much over it. Even if he knew that the big blue guy would.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Prompt 76, MK accidentally lets it slip to Pigsy that Monkey and Macaque are “seeing each other” as in not quite dating but been on a few “dates”...again. Pigsy who is on a low profile and hasn’t told MO who he really is, let’s it slip how he thinks “his eldest brother can do better” and MK is very confused.
Feel free to ignore!!!!! I’ve never asked for something like this before and if I did it wrong feel free to ignore it!
I may or may not have a soft spot for protective younger sibling type scenes in media so I had way too much fun writing this.
It could be worse. They could be dating. Wait? They are?!
"I don't understand what that damn monkey is thinking half the time," Pigsy said with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his snout with a groan. "Just... let Macaque on the ship, yeah, that totally isn't going to backfire. Not like he has ulterior motives at all, not like we just learned all the stuff he pulled over the last year including trapping three of us in a lantern to fight you and teach you some kind of lesson.”
Things had been tense on the drone ship for the last month. They’d barely begun on their journey before a certain immortal monkey managed to catch them off guard and chase them for multiple days under the White Bone Spirit’s influence.
It became apparent very quickly that she was using him to toy with them, a sort of gloating in her victory. Well, joke was on her. Sending him after them meant they were able to see just how far her influence and control actually reached and they were able to find a way to free him from that with more than a little force and some stolen artifacts.
The fact she hadn’t sent anyone else, however, was... concerning to say the least. If she wasn’t worried about losing her grip on Macaque, of all people, that did not bode well for them.
But for the moment that was neither here nor there. What mattered in the moment was that in the month since the immortal monkey had managed to be dragged onto their ship to recuperate Wukong had become far too comfortable with letting him have free reign over whatever he wanted to do on the ship (within reason).
And Pigsy didn’t like that. Aforementioned soul trapping in a lantern and trying to turn MK against his teacher and all that. Pigsy didn’t trust Six-Eared Macaque as far as he could throw him.
"It's been a month and nothing's happened yet?" MK offered not so helpfully, shrugging with an awkward nervous chuckle. “I mean... unless he’s playing a really long game he’d probably have done something by now, right?”
"Well... It could be worse," Pigsy admitted with a chuckle as he stretched out and started to cut up the ingredients for his lunch dish. "They could be dating."
MK made an awkward choking sound as he inhaled his water.
"Wait...?" Pigsy turned around slowly, leveling the young man with a half glare. He stared for a moment, watching as MK refused to meet his gaze. Looking left and right and literally anywhere not at Pigsy’s face. "THEY ARE!?"
"I didn't tell you!" MK shouted, jumping up and hiding behind the table and pointing at Pigsy dramatically. "I said nothing, you cannot pin this on me!"
"YOU KNEW AND YOU KEPT IT A SECRET!?" Pigsy yelped, tone not angry but loud enough to make MK freeze with wide worried eyes. The chef stopped, sighing again as he took in a calming breathe before continuing. "Ok... ok... MK, I ain't mad, being mad at you would be ridiculous. But exactly how long have you known?"
MK frowned, looking up at the ceiling in thought before a tentative but curious look passed over his face.
"...I can neither confirm nor deny that I caught them smooching in the med bay two weeks ago."
“You didn’t hear it from me!” MK said, pointing at himself as he backed away with another nervous laugh. “I have plausible deniability, you figured it out on your own!”
“Of all the hard headed thick skulled bad decisions that stupid-” Pigsy mumbled to himself, burying his face in his hands as he held back a scream of frustration. “There are so many men. So many men! So many ex-enemies even! But no, he had to go and hook up with his actual ex that tried to take over his identity and kill his entire travel party!”
“To be fair he kinda seems to be changing for the be-wait...?” MK started to offer, watching at the chef paced around the kitchen. “How... do you know they used to date? I don’t think even Tang knows that.”
“He could have dated literally anyone else and he chose to get back with Macaque,” Pigsy said with another sigh, removing his hands from his face with a scowl. “I knew he was dense but elder brother can do so much better.”
“I’M. SORRY?” MK yelled, this time being the one to startle the other. “ELDER. BROTHER?”
Pigsy froze, eyes wide in horrified realization. “... you didn’t hear that.”
Pigsy ran out of the room, MK hot on his heels.
Pigsy did not go back to the kitchen, instead heading straight to the rec room that he knew the two monkeys were spending most of their recent time in when not off alone who knows where (now he knows where). MK was following right behind, trying to both get an explanation out of him and to dissuade him from confronting the Monkey King and also looking generally very confused and concerned.
He didn’t succeed before the pig demon slammed the rec room door open.
"WUKONG!" Pigsy shouted from the doorway, startling the two immortal monkeys from whatever conversation they were engrossed in . "You. Me. Deck. Now."
The facial journey through confusion to realization to horror on Sun Wukong's face was worth the delayed reaction shout of "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ELDER BROTHER!?" from the other immortal sitting next to the Monkey King.
“BAJIE!?” Wukong yelped.
“YOU’RE ZHU BAJIE!?” MK yelped in much the same tone.
“Oh fuck,” Macaque whispered under his breath.
“DECK!” Pigsy repeated.
“BAJIE WHAT THE FUCK!?” Wukong repeated himself.
“ZHU BAJIE!?” MK also repeated.
“How many other enemies did I piss off that are on this ship?” Macaque continued, seemingly resigned to his fate.
Needless to say that conversation was the most incoherent non-productive mess they had on the ship in the last month. Until Sandy burst into the room and forced them all to talk it out peacefully.
Macaque did, in fact, learn how many old enemies he had on the ship when Sandy came clean that he was also Sha Wujing.
And Pigsy did not, in fact, manage to talk any sense into his elder brother given how much MK was yelling at him for keeping his identity a secret from him.
Wukong just sat with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands wondering what in the actual hell his life had become.
(The next day, after a night of rest and a day talking to MK and apologizing and explaining everything, Pigsy caught the two immortal monkeys asleep cuddled on the couch of the rec room and decided that his elder brother could make his own decisions. And maybe MK had a point, given Macaque hadn’t done anything. Yet.
If he pulled a blanket over the two of them while they rested and they noticed no one said anything about it. And if Macaque snuck off the ship and there were, coincidentally, some rare ingredients for some dishes Pigsy missed making and a few scrapes and bruises on the immortal when he resurfaced... well, he didn’t say anything either. But he made it a point to have more mangoes and plums on hand.
Just in case.)
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starsfic · 3 years
Maybe some Spicynoodles? After LBD is defeated they decide to finally relax with a party and Redson (or MK) asks the other to dance? (A maybe lil bonus is if Pigsy sees his son getting just a lil to close to Red he goes into protective dad mode) Also all of your fanfics are great! its hard to choose a favorite!
Thank you!
Music pounded through the city.
In the wake of Lady Bone Demon’s defeat, the mayor (the actual mayor, Xiaojiao had checked) had announced a party. Now, the night before clean-up was to begin, the main square, right next to the noodle shop, was richly decorated. Almost everyone in the city was there, dancing and laughing and celebrating in the relief that this enemy was truly gone.
Only a few weren’t there.
Xiaojiao and Tang were at the party. Xiaojiao could not resist the call of the porty. Tang had followed to keep an eye on her.
Sun Wukong and Sandy were still on the airship. Wukong wasn’t ready for a massive gathering like this. Sandy wanted to let the Lady Bone Demon’s host rest.
Both DBK and the Spider clan had returned to their homes. Spider Queen had given Xiaotian a polite nod before she had, mentioning that she would be sending a message. What that was about, he didn’t know, but he was certain it would be good.
That left him, perched on the roof of the noodle shop. Thankfully, the noodle shop seemed largely untouched by Lady Bone Demon. Downstairs, he could hear Pigsy dusting and sweeping and preparing to prepare meals for clean up. Xiaotian couldn’t help a smile as he heard the pig hum, clearly happy to be back in his environment.
There was still questions. Who the host of the Lady Bone Demon was and where she had come from was a big one. If she had any family would hopefully be answered. Where Macaque was, after their confrontation, ate at his mind. The third was...
Well, with himself, and the powers that were mystic monkey but not Sun Wukong that had awoken in him.
But, right now, Xiaotian wanted to focus on the music he heard.
He didn’t notice the whoosh of flames until a throat cleared. “Hello, Noodle Boy.”
He glanced back, grinning up at his friend... or maybe more. “Red!” The fire demon shifted at his cry, subtly different now that he had the true fire of Samadhi, but still Red Son. “What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you.” Red Son said with a shrug, clearly trying to pretend to be indifferent. But his frame was a touch too tense for anyone to be fooled. “Dragon Girl said you were up here.”
“Yeah.” Xiaotian nodded. “I...Just wanted to chill. I have a lot of thoughts.”
“Just... questions. Worries about the future.”
“Isn’t this party meant to give people a night free from worries from the future?”
Xiaotian shrugged.
Red Son hummed. “Well...” He offered a hand, just in time for the music to take a slow turn. “Do you wish to dance?” Xiaotain raised a brow. “If you’re wondering if I planned that, yes.”
The delivery boy snorted, unable to help his grin widening. “Alright.” He got to his feet, taking Red’s hand. “Since you planned it.” He grinned, hoping Red would understand that he was joking. The fire demon shyly smiled back, his tense posture relaxing as he set his other hand on his waist.
The two started to slow dance. It was quiet, peaceful, compared to the rush the past days had been. Xiaotian couldn’t help but be soothed by it, feeling his worries slide away. Eventually, he gave in, resting his head against Red’s shoulder. The demon tensed again, but it was a different, softer tense.
And now Pigsy was up here. 
“Hands off!” the chef yelled, storming up. He grabbed Xiaotian’s hand. “I need you in the shop,” the pig said, giving Red the stink eye. “And not being seduced by demons.”
“I wasn’t being seduced-”
“I was trying to seduce you.”
Xiaotian felt heat rush into his cheeks. Pigsy growled, walking off, his son in tow. He glanced back.
Red made a “call me motion”.
Xiaotian nodded before he was being pulled into his apartment.
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vegalocity · 3 years
Tell no tales (Red Groom AU)
I debated for awhile about whether to make the Miracle Max segment its own part or not, and then figured 'eh may as well for tonal consistency' this is the act 2 darkest hour one may call it because...
...well you've seen the princess bride you know how this story goes once Westley's in the dungeon
TW: Suicide mention, Death
Red Son's knuckles were turning purple.
He didn't know how many times the bands had tightened around his wrists, restraining his magic further and slowly cutting off the bloodflow, but he could barely move them, and the slightest twitch brought pain.
“Ahhh beloved.” He glanced up and glared with as much venom as he could muster at the prince on the other side of the cage. “The time has come for you to make me the happiest man in this mountain!” The prince reached forward Seemingly to try and stroke Red Son's face, and perhaps if Red Son hadn't already been down in this cell, powerless and slowly growing more and more pained, he would have tried to play along in attempt to remove his restraints, but as it was, he was full of nothing but contempt and rage for the prince, his only thoguth was to lash out. So as the Prince's hand neared his face Red Son snapped his teeth, the threat to bite as clear as possible. The Prince pulled his hand back and huffed.
“Still so stubborn. Well Beloved, It saddens me to realize that your selfish stubbornness has forced my hand so, but all the same my hand has been forced. We must be quick before my father passes, his curse is getting worse and the healers have yet to heal him.”
“You cursed him yourself didn't you? Kin slaying garbage.” He hissed back, and the Prince at least had the good sense to not keep up the act. He rolled his eyes.
“Honestly, Macaque was right about you. Far too hotheaded to be of any use.”
“Why haven't you killed me already then?”
“You're going to need to be my husband before you're more useful dead.”
“You think I'd be consenting to a wedding at this point?”
“You don't need to. You know the old time customs as well as I do. And since you're not here by choice then wouldn't that mean-?”
“You think my parents wouldn't notice the change in circumstance? They're not stupid, you worm.”
“Oh of course not, but that doesn't mean anything when marrying you off means they don't have to deal with you anymore.”
“...Excuse me?”
“I mean, It makes sense doesn't it? Weren't you their only child? Why did they marry you off to another demon king-to-be instead of keeping you to inherit your father's position? Especially when they didn't even have much to gain from allyship with us?” The Prince laughed, a bitter, cruel sounding thing. “Your parents wanted rid of you once it became obvious what a weakhearted fool you always were, Red Son. They basically told my mother 'we will pay YOU to take him' when they arranged our betrothal, And once you're gone no doubt they'll only care as much as the blow to their image it will be that you died so quickly. 'Our poor useless boy didn't even have the time to pretend to TRY to be a good husband he could have at least saved us the trouble and taken his own life before we'd wasted so many resources on sending him over there.'”
Red Son snarled at the arrogance dripping from the prince's words. He knew his parents had grown rather short with him near the end, but that was in part due to his own stubbornness, not simple callousness.
“Not everyone is as heartless as you, scum.” Sure his family wasn't the warmest, but that didn't change that when he was at his lowest both his mother and father had been at his back. Though it was vindicating to know his continued dismissals of his suitors before the option was taken from him was the right course of action, it's not like he didn't know that his parents wanted what they believed was best for him.
They honestly thought that he needed to move on, they didn't know Xiaotian was still out there, they thought he was clinging to the memory of a dead man, and for a long time there he thought he was too.
Besides... If he had his days right he still has about a week before the ceremony and-
“It doesn't matter. My love will be coming for me.”
The Prince's face twisted in a scowl. “Your 'Love' couldn't stop a wedding in a few short hours time! I was merely visiting you as a courtesy 'beloved'. Maybe no one told you, but we will be wed tonight-” the Prince turned on his heel and snapped his fingers and a small gaggle of servants rushed in carrying bathing tools and finery. Before Red Son could make a break for it the cuffs straining his hands shuddered and forced his hands together. Though he could barely feel the motion until it was complete.
“He'll know that this wasn't my choice. And I'm not so easy to kill.” Red Son hissed with as much venom as he could muster into his voice. “My Xiaotian will return for me, and it'll be YOUR head I have on a spike while waiting for him, mark my words.”
The Prince turned on his heel and marched away. “Your Xiaotian will be dead on the 'morrow and so will you husband.”
Red Son would like to see him try.
“Ah, my prince, what a pleasant surprise. Shouldn't you be preparing for the wedding-?”
“Plans changed Macaque. I know you've had fun with him but I want this man dead. Now.”
“Bro, Bro we gotta get out of here!”
“Master Six Eared Macaque, My brother and I will be taking our lunch now 'Kay Thanks Byyyyeeeee”
“Is there something wrong?”
“Yes. I cannot afford to have my 'Husband' still counting on this helpless slab of meat to be able to stop things or he'll put up a fight I cannot afford to chance loosing! End him!”
“My prince the machine is very delicate-!”
The Prince cranked the machines settings as high as they would go.
A scream echoed through the air so loud that the heavenly court above took note for only a moment, a wave of pity from all whom heard the torment and agony was offered to the poor soul who uttered such a ravaged note.
Red Son looked up from where he'd been struggling against the servant trying to force him into his marital robes, a primal fear as he instinctively recognized the voice springing his fire forth and scalding himself as his restraints blasted his magic back onto him once more.
It couldn't be. As that was the cry of a dying man.
And he knew better than to doubt Xiaotian ever again.
If he could convince his heart to stop pounding that would be nice.
The Pit of Despair was spoken of only in rumor among the guards, so Sandy had heard of it briefly in his workings on the hastily assembled brute squad. Therefore after caring for Xiaojiao until she'd once again reached sobriety, he told her all he knew.
“-The only problem is, if the Monkey King really is this love of Prince Red Son's, the Pit of Despair is hidden from all eyes.” Sandy mused as he and his friend wandered through the forest. “It's said only the prince, and his adviser: Your enemy, know of its whereabouts.”
“Well there has to be SOMETHING we can work with!”
Then, much like Red Son surrounded by enemies in the mountain, they heard the scream.
“That way.” Xiaojiao uttered after a pause. “Follow the scream.”
“You can be sure it was the Monkey King?”
“Sandy my friend, that wasn't any scream of pain.” Xjaojiao stopped only for a moment to place a hand on his shoulder. “That was a cry of true agony. I felt it in my heart ten years ago watching my father bleed out, and I remember it's timbre. His true love is being forced to marry a cruel prince who intends on murdering him after the fact. If anyone knows true agony on this day, it's the Monkey King.”
“Do we really need him to find the Six Eared Macaque, you think?”
“Think about it Sandy, he outplayed me; blade versus staff, he subdued you despite your attempts to stall, and he must have outsmarted the Spider Queen, if there's anyone who can get us into that mountain it's the Monkey King.”
But their conversation was cut off as a pair of urgent whispering voices made themselves known.
“Ohhhh man, I heard that, that's gonna haunt me forever. Boss just totally killed that guy.”
“We all heard it Jin. I'm pretty sure the heavenly court heard it. Come on, brother you're going to be fine.”
“Don't just say stuff like that Yin it just invites disaster!”
“Jin, bro, I need you to be real with me, like one hundred percent real.” only then the two voices curved from behind a tree, a wheelbarrow carried between them. “Do you not have the stomach for this anymore? If you don't, we can leave. We can find work elsewhere, I don't think Mother would begrudge us for taking a little break-”
“I'm FINE Yin. Don't be so dramatic I'm not a sissy-!” The golden demon trailed off with a yelp as Xiaojiao grabbed him by his front.
“You know where they are? The man that screamed do you two know his location?” She unsheathed her sword just a bit, just enough to make the threat present. But just as the silver demon moved to try and throw her off of his brother Sandy stepped in and placed a large, iron gripped hand on either of their shoulders, pulling the gold one free from Xiaojiao's grip but keeping him just as immobile as his brother was now.
“Settle down, we're just tryin' to find our friend.”
“Haven't the foggiest idea what you guys are talking about.” The Silver demon tried.
“Indeed!” The Gold demon concurred. “Never seen any secret tunnels coming out of trees around here!”
Sandy raised his brow and Xiaojiao shared his look as the Gold demon seemed to realize he'd said too much.
“Well! It was nice talking to you both good luck in finding your friend!” he chirped, struggling to get himself free from Sandy's grip.
“And don't try to bother us further because we know nothing-” The Silver demon continued. Xiaojiao unsheathed her sword and held the very tip to the gold one's chin, tilting his head to meet her eye.
“In a funny turn of events something tells me you two know what we're looking for. Talk.”
“...Anyone ever tell you you have beautiful eyes, madame?”
The silver one groaned, and didn't even look particularly startled as Xiaojiao reeled back and knocked his brother out with the pommel of her sword.
Sandy scrambled to catch the gold demon as he slumped over, and though he had to let go of the Silver demon to do so Xiaojiao kept him from moving by turning her sword to him instead.
“You got any better ideas to cover your ass than flirting with the woman with a sword to you?”
“Uhhh Nope. Honestly I hate working here anyway. The secret passage is about a five minutes walk from here in thaaaat direction.” He pointed behind them. “Straight too, no turns, the tree is the one with all the knots. The Prince wanted Boss' workshop to be far enough from the mountain's base so he'd have distance for his 'experiments' to get loud without alerting anyone.”
“You're a fountain of wisdom. Take your brother and find some better work.”
The Silver demon did just that, and once they'd both vanished in the treeline she and Sandy exchanged a glance and nodded.
Five minutes was generous an estimate of course, and implied quite a lot about the lackadaisical pace the brothers usually kept as Xiaojiao and Sandy found the grove described to them within three. However, the Silver demon had neglected to mention a very important detail: There were many trees with many knots in the grove and it would be impossible to determine which of them was 'The' tree without searching every knot on every tree. Which could easily take hours that they did not have.
Just as Sandy was pondering over the quickest way to solve this conundrum he'd turned to see his friend in a very peculiar position, dropped onto a knee with the Jade sword held upright toward the sky.
“I need a moment Sandy.” She stated calmly, her eyes shut and she took a deep breath.
“My family had a river of our own. When I was a girl I couldn't get to sleep without the gentle rush of the stream in my ears. I haven't slept a full night since the day I was expelled from my home. Every night as I settle down my ears strain for the familiar rush. My mother once said that I had an ear for the river's flow, and every night that was proven to be a curse as well as a gift.” Xiaojiao stood, her sword now held in both hands again, eyes still shut.
“There's water flowing near here.” she stated, voice barely over a whisper. “I can hear it.”
Sandy was quite literally a fish demon and even HE didn't have a sense for water like that. Nonetheless He found himself impressed with his friend all over again as she began to tilt her sword this way and that, as though it were helping her detect the source of the noise.
“I can hear it-” Xioajao whispered again before the tip of her sword embedded itself in a particular tree. She didn't open her eyes, merely placed a hand on the trunk and leaned in until her ear was pressed to the tree.
There was silence and then Xiaojiao smiled.
“It's this one. Sandy my friend, help me find the knot.” she quickly sheathed her sword and began to try as many knobs on the tree that were in her reach as possible.
It was only luck that the first knot Sandy tried gave way beneath his hand and with a small 'click' a hollow panel on the side of the tree swung open, revealing a staircase descending below.
Xiaojiao shot him a bright grin and Sandy grinned back bashfully, but before they could trade witty banter his friend's eagerness to finally reach her goal implored her to descend down the stairs. It was a bit of a Squeeze for Sandy but he was able to make his way down a few paces behind her.
And... Well the Pit of Despair was about what he'd expected. A dank dungeon like place, ornate lamps lighting the room trying to pretend there was a level of class present in the torture chamber, a huge water wheel was perched in the corner, heartily chugging away but no Six Eared Macaque for Xiaojiao to face.
There was however a figure strapped to a table beside the water wheel. Xiaojiao was quickly ensuring the three of them were alone but Sandy rushed to the strapped figure's side and-...
He was human. He was wearing the same clothes he remembered the Monkey King wearing, and his hair was the same shade of dark brown as he'd remembered the Monkey King sporting, but there were no simian features and no tail.
And he wasn't breathing.
“What?! Xiaotian dies!?”
“Well The prince had the machine turned up all the way, remember?”
“Well then who KILLS the prince? Is it Red Son? Xiaojiao?”
“Nobody. The Prince lives.”
“SO HE WINS?! That's not right who would write a story like that!?”
“You know- we should probably stop here, you're getting too heated, and you're sick, I don't want my own kid glaring at me because I made my grandbaby feel worse.”
“No! No! I'll be good I promise! I won't interrupt anymore I need to know how it ends!”
“You sure?”
“I'm sure! Grandpa Pleeeaaasseeeee?”
“Alright, if you're sure.”
“I am!”
“Well then....'Xiaojiao came to find Sandy quickly and examined the body on the table herself, a quick pass over with her eyes, and finding the same tells He did quickly enough.-
“He wasn't really the Monkey King...” she breathed. “A body double or something- How'd he learn to shapeshift like that?”
“He was mortal. Poor guy.” Sandy sighed and placed a large hand over the still chest.
Sandy held a moment of silence to try and give the dead man a moment's respect, but Xiaojiao had other plans, Her only shot at finally finding the Six Eared Macaque and having her revenge and he was dead on a slab. She shouted and kicked at the water wheel until one of the spokes cracked beneath her rage.
Then something occurred to Sandy.
“We have to get outta here.”
“Why?! Where are we going?!” Xiaojiao shouted, still lost in her anger. “It's not like we've got anything we're doing that's FEASABLE ANYMORE!” She kicked another wheel spike.
“Don't give up just yet, my friend.” Sandy huffed as he looked the body over once more looking for any lingering damages, and finding none he hefted it over his shoulder. “There's this guy back in the village, While I was on he brute squad, and you know, they thought I was actually gonna fight, they said not to worry about 'going too hard' because this guy can heal just about anything.”
“He's already dead Sandy-”
“Better than nothing.”
After a moment's pause, Xiaojiao shrugged and followed behind him.
“-Oh, you still got much money left after your bender?”
“Not much, why?”
“Sandy how much does this guy charge?”
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tigerseye46 · 4 years
The Discord server came up with angst and now I crave for more! How about some FreeNoodles with 31? (You can do regular or your au, up to you)
MWAHAHA! Ask and you shall receive. Needed an excuse to write more of this au, lol.
Manipulation, Possession
31. “Just follow my lead. You trust me, don’t you?”
Pigsy, well “Pigsy” stirs a pot of noodles, a creepy grin on his face, his eyes never blinking as he did so. Tang was too immersed in his bowl of noodles to notice that, although he could tell something was a little off about the way the pig had been acting. Aside from his eyes which was just probably the lighting, he had been making weird comments lately, including giving Tang as many bowls as he wants, he’s never done that before! The only time the pig had ever given him free noodles was on a rare occasion, he wonders what put him in such a good but at the same time, he got free noodles so he wasn’t going to question it much.
He flips to a page in his book as he pushes his now empty bowl away. “Pigsy, can I have another one?”
Pigsy turns to him and passes another bowl to him. “Of course ya can, Tang!”
“Thanks. You’ve been acting weird lately.”
“I have?”
“Yea, you’ve been in a good mood lately. I’ve been seeing you smile a lot more. What’s up?”
“Pigsy” opens his mouth to speak while the real Pigsy tries to use all his willpower to scream to Tang that that isn’t him but he can’t. Instead the chef comments, “Well I have ya and the kids, how can I not smile?” He purrs and lifts Tang’s chin up, Tang blushes.
“O- oh. Charm- charming…”
“Thanks, gorgeous. I try.”
“Gor- gorgeous?!”
“I’m not wrong, aren’t I?” He smirks and leans into Tang, extremely close to his lips, inside his mind he fights the urge to kiss Tang.
“I- I guess not…” He pushes the pig away slightly and nervously laughs. “Jeez, you’re really weird lately. Are you sure you’re not sick?”
“How can I be when I have ya right at my side? I’ll take ya away from that monkey and you’ll only be mine,” he mutters.
“Nothin’. Ignore me and go back to what you were doin’.”
“Okay?” He eats the soup reluctantly, eyeing Pigsy who takes the time to smile and wave at him, muttering some intimate comments under his breath and it makes Tang shiver and blush slightly, he’s never known the pig to be open with his feelings, does he like him? Tang shakes that thought off, Pigsy is just being Pigsy right now, it doesn’t mean anything.
Their kid comes in shortly afterwards, wielding his staff and whistling. “Hey bába, hey papa!”
“Hey MK!” Tang says as he waves at him.
Pigsy spots their kid and rushes over to him, he gives him a big hug. “KID!”
MK giggles. “Hey papa!”
The pig nuzzles his child. “Did that stupid monkey train ya too hard?” He growls at the thought of Sun Wukong.
“No, I’m fine!”
“Good!” He continues to nuzzle his kid with Xiaotian secretly sending Tang a raised eyebrow, Tang shrugs.
The scholar gets off his stool and goes over to them. “You’re going to crush him, Pigsy,” he jokes.
“But look at him, Tang. Don’t you just want to keep him away from that stupid Monkey King?”
“What?” The two both question.
“Nothin’. Nothin’ you two need to know at the moment.” The two look at each other and decide to shrug it off. Mei comes in after that, waving her arms. “MEI!” The chef hugs her.
“Hi Piggy! Guys, there’s another demon attack! Sandy is there right now!”
MK twirls his staff. “Alright! We’re on it!”
Tang nods and Pigsy scowls. “Stupid monkey is makin’ ya handle all his dirty work, ya sure you want to do this, kid?”
MK cocks an eyebrow. “Yea… I’m sure.”
“Pigsy, MK can handle himself. Now let’s handle this demon.”
The pig scoffs. “Of course, love. I won’t let anyone touch our kids.”
“L-love?” Tang doesn’t have time to question it further as he gets dragged out.
The pig gives a scream in his mind as they go to face the demon, nothing comes out of his actual lips. The White Bone Spirit is smirking at him as she always does, she enjoys his futile resistance. He narrows his eyes and attempts to kick her but she’s too far away from him to actually do so, she giggles at his meaningless attempt.
“So much resistance, Zhu Bajie, haven’t we already decided you can’t escape me?”
“Shaddup” is his only response.
“Awwww, such a talker,” she teases. “You made it so easy to possess you. In fact, I hardly have to lift a finger.”
“I’m not doin’ any of this! This is your fault!”
“Is it? Is it really? I just pumped up your already bad qualities and you have so many.” She chuckles. “Now that I look back at it, you haven’t changed at all, so greedy, so selfish.”
He struggles against the chains. “Shaddup! You don’t know anythin’ about me!”
“I know plenty, remember? I remember how you flirted with me when I showed up, how jealous you were of the monkey.” She closes her eyes only to open one. “I also remember that monk, how foolish he was to believe you of all people.”
Pigsy growls, “Don’t you dare talk about him!” He struggles against the chains again.
The White Bone Spirit smirks and seemingly vanishes, the pig looks around and gasps as he feels a kick to his back. “You know another thing I noticed is even though you flirted with me, your eyes seemed to be on that monk. Poor you, all you wanted was his attention but how could he love you? A selfish pig, his eyes were always focused on that monkey and that’s why you did what you did.” Bajie stays silent. “No words? Pathetic.” She shapeshifts into Tripitaka and he holds back in his tears, she falls in his arms. “All you wanted to do was hold him, make him yours but he loved that monkey and who could blame him? After all, he was a much better option.”
Bajie closes his eyes and tries to block out the image. “SHUT UP! YOU AREN’T HIM! I KNOW YOU AREN’T!”
She lifts his chin up. “Bajie,” she says in a voice just like Tripitaka’s.
He opens his eyes rapidly, he knows this isn’t the real Tripitaka but he can’t help himself from falling again. “Mas- master?”
“Yes, Bajie. It is me. What are you doing, my Bajie?”
“I- I don’t know…”
“You should just give in.”
“But- but- I can’t!”
“Why not? Don’t you see how lonely I am without you? I haven’t seen you in ages.”
“You’re lonely without me?”
“Yes I am. All I wanted to do was for you to take me and never let me go. Why didn’t you?”
“Because I thought you loved Wukong!”
“No, how could I love him? He was the one who kept us apart from each other. He made sure we were never a couple, maybe I should have used the circlet on his head so we could run away together.” He smooches the pig’s cheek, the demon lets out a purr.
“Ya want to run away with me?”
“Of course I do. Now I am in Heaven without you, you left me.”
“I- I didn’t- I didn’t mean to,” he stutters.
“But you did. Now think about it, you could use all this power you got to rescue me.”
“Rescue you?”
“Yes, rescue me.” He smooches Bajie’s cheek again and tickles his chin. “I am trapped in stupid Heaven, I need you to rescue me then we can get married and live with your kids happy and safe, away from Wukong.”
“Our kids,” he replies. “They would be our kids. Ya really want to marry me?”
“Yes, our kids. Of course I do. We would do all sorts of fun things together. We could even bring that scholar you like so much.”
“Ummm… ummm…”
“Don’t worry. You could have us both.”
An image of Tang appears and he approaches them both. “He’s right, you know.”
“Tang” runs a hand over Pigsy’s face. “You could have us both,” he repeats.
Pigsy swallows and nods. “I could have ya both.”
The two seem satisfied and kiss him. Tripitaka states, “All you have to do is use your new power to get rid of Wukong and grab our kids then we can be happy.”
“Okay,” he says simply. “I’ll- I’ll handle him.”
Tang cheered, “See, that wasn’t so hard now.”
“Uh huh... Gods, you’re both so beautiful.” They smile and give him the affection he so desperately craves, he doesn’t notice how the chains on his wrist get tighter as he gives into his desire, happy tears roll down his face.
He opens his eyes and blinks out of haze. He stares at the direction in front of him, it shows the battle the kids are currently in, it’s like he’s looking at it through a tv. He sees Tang in the battle with the kids, but isn’t Tang with him? Then it hits him, this isn’t real and he’s been tricked yet again.
He lets out a wail then the fake Tang disappears. He stomps his feet, rage burning in him. He narrows his eyes at “Tripitaka” and the White Bone Spirit goes back to her original form. She smirks at him. “You are really easy to manipulate. Aren’t you, darling?”
He screeches, “SHUT UP! SHUT UP!”
“No, I don’t think I will.” She cackles and vanishes.
He turns his attention back to the battle. He pulls at the chains, he bites them, he does anything he thinks that can get him free. He screeches, he howls, he’s desperate but nothing works and he watches as his possessed body watches gleefully on the sidelines. He can do nothing to help his kids.
In the real world, Tang tries to help his kids and Sandy fight off the demon but they are struggling. He glances at Pigsy who is smirking for some reason, the pig hasn’t been doing much to help. As Xiaotian hits the demon, Tang rushes over to Pigsy.
“Pigsy! We could use your help!”
“Why, Tang?”
“Because we’re kinda getting destroyed out there!”
“But ya look so gorgeous fightin’ like that.”
“What? Are you joking? This is serious!”
“I know, I know. Don’t worry. I’m just lettin’ the kids have some fun first.” He shuts his eyes. “Now.” He opens them and his currently icy blue eyes glow along with his body. “This should be easy.”
Tang takes a step back. “What are you doing?”
“Just follow my lead. You trust me, don’t you?”
For some reason, Tang’s gut instinct makes him want to say no but why would he say no? This is Pigsy, he might have been acting weird but Tang has no reason to distrust him. Pigsy is their protector and whatever plan he has has got to work. “Yes, I trust you.”
Pigsy smiles and it sends shivers up the Buddhist’s spine. “Kids!” He calls. The kids look at him. “Stay back and let your father handle this. Stay behind Tang and Sandy.” The kids nod and get behind Tang, Sandy going next to them to protect them. The pig stomps to the large demon.
Tang reaches a hand out to him to stop him. “What- what are you doing?”
The pig sends him a reassuring look. The large demon they’ve been facing laughs at him. “What are you going to do, little pig?” They continue laughing.
Pigsy smirks. “Oh I’ll show you.” He puts his hand up and ice shoots out from his fingertips, he freezes the demon’s feet first, the demon tries to break free but Pigsy freezes the rest of them, a gleeful look on his face. He turns back to the group who have their eyes widened. “There, all taken care of.”
Tang goes “How- how did you do that?”
“Oh Y’know magic and such.”
Xiaotian approaches his papa, his eyes now sparkling. “Wow, papa! I’ve never seen you do that before! Can you teach me to do that?!”
Xiajiao asks, “Me too, please!”
Sandy keeps his mouth shut, a billion questions racing through his mind. The pig simply laughs. “Sorry, kids. It’s a special power only I can master.” The kids whine in disappointment. “Don’t worry. Ya two are plenty strong already. Now let’s go back to the shop.”
The scholar raises an eyebrow. “How come this is the first time we’re seeing it? You’ve never mentioned it before.”
The pig lifts his chin up. “Because doll, it was meant to be a secret but you’re so cute that I had to show ya. Did I impress ya?” He winks.
The scholar mutters, “Oh you definitely did something alright.”
Pigsy beams and plants a kiss on his cheek. “Now come on, let’s go home.” The kids nod and he walks to the shop, the two following behind him.
Only Sandy and Tang are left. Sandy mumbles, “In all the years that I’ve known him, he’s never done that.”
“Really? He’s never done that?”
Sandy shakes his head. “No, never.”
“That’s- that’s weird.”
“Yea… I feel like something is up with him lately.”
“Me too. Maybe we should keep an eye on him.” Sandy nods.
Pigsy shouts to them. “Hey, you two! Come on!”
They nod and walk with the rest of the group, Pigsy wraps an arm around Tang’s waist, the scholar blushes at the contact but eyes him suspiciously as they make their way to the shop. He has no idea why the pig is acting so weird but he should be mostly fine, right? Tang prays there is no reason to worry.
Meanwhile, the real Pigsy continues to try and break the chains, rage boiling and he screams but no one can hear him.
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Nagging Doubts
Find on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27255805
Pigsy did not sign up for this monkey nonsense. He had half a mind to march over to Flower Fruit Mountain and tell that Monkey King to clean up his own mess leaving him and his delivery boy out of it.
Two things stopped him. One, he couldn’t seem to get away from the shop what with the frequent attacks on his person and employees setting them so far beyond schedule. And the second reason defiantly wasn’t how excited the kid and Tang were to be living the legacy of Sun Wukong. Or how good having an outlet for all this pent up energy was for both of the kids. Or how nice it was to see Sandy on the regular even if he wasn’t really up for fighting as much as he had been.
Oh who was he kidding. He’d probably do anything to see them all so happy.
That didn’t mean he didn’t have second thoughts.
Lying tied up at the hands of Red Son, hearing the kid sputter out that he wasn’t invincible anymore.
Being saved from being crushed to death by the massive clone of his employee while contemplating all the negative reviews and refunds he was going to have to make. Only to find out there were more of these threats and they were with his kid and friend.
Hearing from Sandy that his kids had been attacked in Mei’s house of all places.
Upon hearing the last one he’d actually gone ahead and asked Sandy if he could take him to Flower Fruit. Sandy had blinked at him and asked, “Why? You could just send a message with the kid when he goes up there to train.”
Pigsy opened his mouth to explain that this wasn’t a conversation he was ready to have with the kid present but a rush of unpleasant memories stopped him, dragging him back to the last time he’d seen the kid on Flower Fruit mountain. He blamed word association.
“He almost died,” he said quietly into his teacup.
“But he didn’t,” said Sandy in a somber tone leaning forward. “He made it to Sun Wukong, gaining the ability to solve the problem on his own.” He sat back and waved his giant blue arms “And look at us all now!”
Pigsy raised his eyes to meet Sandy’s, “You got attacked in one of the most secure places in the world.”
“Yes,” Sandy acknowledged with a nod of his head, “but we came together and fought the guy off. Mei gained a new weapon of her own. We’re growing into a solid team. When danger come, we’ll have each other’s backs.” He smiled down at Pigsy. “Now how about you and me have some more tea and you can tell me all about noodles.”
While far from a subtle change in topic it was, alas, effective. Sandy knew him a bit too well. And he spent the rest of the evening happily thinking of noodles.
He was walking up a mountain. A mountain he’d barely seen through smoke and fire. But as he is guided by chittering monkeys towards a massive waterfall he somehow knows this is Flower Fruit Mountain.
He steps into stone room full of pillars and there, at the end, was stone throne. Upon laying eyes on its occupant, orange fur, fiery eyes, and a golden headband, he knows without a shadow of a doubt this is Sun Wukong.
“Why are you here --------?” says the king. His last word comes out garbled, like static corrupting a signal.
One of the King’s eyebrows lifts at his silence and he realizes he must speak. Why was he hear? He’d wanted to speak to this man. Something to do with danger.
“We are in danger,” he said. The king’s tail quirked up and his eyes narrowed. “The others are in trouble. Sandy was…captured,” he hadn’t known it before speaking but the words rung true. They’d been fighting something together and then…then everything was fuzzy but somehow he’d escaped only to find, “Mei has been injured. Damage to her leg. And what’s worse she told me Tang was capture too.” Panic that hadn’t been there before swelled up but he shoved it down. He needed to stay calm.
“And what do you want me to do about this?” said the King, now surveying his nails nonchalantly as his tail whipped back and forth.
“You?” he said and a bit of his frustration bubbling up. “I’m here for the kid.”
“What kid?” there was no malice in the voice, just idle curiosity.
“My kid,” he said. “You decided to train him, even if he’s barely more than a boy.” Wukong was now openly staring at him. “Oh don’t give me that. You decided to take him on after he picked up your staff? And we got him all the way over here? Through all the fire and…”
He was in the flaming mountains watching Princess Iron Fan had tossed his boy into the fire. Humans can’t survive in lava. He’d grabbed a distressed Mei before he lost another kid and carried her back to the boat. When they’d got to the water it had been so cold inside and out. His boy was gone. His boy was gone. And he couldn’t save him. He couldn’t do anything. Like he couldn’t do anything back then.
“W-----!” Someone was shaking him. “B----!” Someone with furry hands. Wait. He looked up and stared into the wide golden eyes of the Sun Wukong. They were back on Flower Fruit but the room was now old and crumbled. Where the throne had been was now a painted mural he couldn’t see because Wukong blocked most of his vision, majestic phoenix tails blowing in the wind which would have made him intimidating were it not for the worry in his eyes. “Wake up,” he said,  “You’re dreaming.”
He woke up.
The next morning nothing was going right. And he wasn’t just saying that because he’d gotten so little sleep. For starters the kid was late due to Monkey nonsense. In a fit of anger he told him he’d fire him if he was ever so much as one minute late again. Mei took one look at how he was acting and grabbed Sandy to hang out at the secret base. He didn’t really care, he had more important things to deal with. Like all these customers. Or the boxes of vegetables which had the nerve to be empty today.
While yelling his frustrations to an empty pantry he felt a hand tap him on the shoulder. He turned to see the freeloader. “What do you want?” he growled.
“You could keep yelling at the pantry,” said Tang. “Or you could come with me shopping.” Pigsy opened his mouth to retort but Tang beat him to it. “I’ll pay.”
He opened his mouth. And shut it. Tang watched him with a raised eyebrow and quirked smile. Then he turned and walked back out. Pigsy followed him dumbly.
About four carrots in his shock wore off in favor of ensuring that this once in a lifetime opportunity to use Tang’s money got him the best produce he could find. About twenty in his confidence was back in full swing. There’s nothing like doing something he was good at to bring up his mood. Even if Tang failed to see the difference between the individual vegetables.
And then he saw her.
She was beautiful. And she was interested. And…and being wanted felt good. It made him feel young again and capable. Like he could still do this one thing. It was tantalizing. He needed this. This promise of a future break, with all the stress of his day, was too good to pass up.
So of course it was a trap. When was it ever not a trap? When in the history of his life had romance ever ever gone right for him?
The only thing worse than getting tied up to a salty Tang, losing his ability to speak, and having to rely on Tang’s smooth talking to keep them from being eaten was being used to lure in his arachnophobia kid into a trap and then watching it get sprung on him, his other kid and oldest friend.
By all rights it should have terrified him, but a well-placed sword and a little teamwork managed to get him and the others free to pull a little rescue mission of their own. It worked. And it was exhilarating.
Maybe Sandy was right. They could do more together then apart.
In the spirit of apologies and team-bonding, he actually recommended Tang tell the story about the Spider Queen and how the Monkey King had defeated her. Tang had laughed and said he didn’t know that story but he did know about seven spider sisters and a centipede. MK did not enjoy the story much despite it being about his idol.
They trap a seven spider sisters in a river. He takes the opportunity to mock them believing them subdued. Then at their next stop they find themselves poisoned by the spiders’ ally for revenge against him…not the revenge against them all, no, revenge against him.
The poison raging through his body hurts, so much so he’s on the ground. But what hurts more is that everyone he cares for is beside him in the same agony. Save one. Off saving the day as usual while he lies here helpless, unable to fix his own mess.
“Again?” he heard from the behind him. “Ba---, wake up!”
He woke up to the screeching of a bird. The window was open and the moonlight streamed through the curtains. Had he left that open?
He got up to close it and caught sight of the full moon. He’d always had a fondness for moonlit nights. He moved out onto this balcony, a moment in the fresh night air would do him some good.
He let the cool night air wash over him and sooth away the lingering feelings the dream had surfaced. The overwhelming feeling of helplessness and uselessness. Unable to protect those he loved, unable to make up for his own mistakes, unable to do anything. But that had been a dream, based on Tang’s story. Right? Why just yesterday he’d come up with a solution, escaped with Tang, and faced the spider queen head on, turning the tide. And they’d been able to save his kid. That feeling of inadequacy it was just part of a dream it was just part of a dream it was just part of a dream.
“Pigsy?” came his roommate’s voice. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing, just a bird waking me up,” he said not looking over at Tang as he approached. But he could hear him approach and lean on the balcony beside him.
They stood in silence for a moment. Then Pigsy sighed. “I had a nightmare. Just some nonsense about living your story, but not as the Monkey king.”
Tang did not respond. Which was unusual for him. He seemed to be waiting for something.
Pigsy let out a deep sigh. “It just reminded me how helpless I am to protect everyone I care about. And I know, I know that we are becoming a strong team and support each other and the kids are getting older or would find trouble anyways…it’s just… I worry about them. I worry about all of you. And I feel like I should be the one doing the rescuing, I’m practically a father to both of those young ones. But I can’t. So what am I?”
Tang was silent for a moment. Finally he leaned back from the balcony and said, “I worry about them too. I worry about all of you. Especially the kids. And I don’t know how to fix it.” He turned to face Pigsy. “But I do know who you are.”
“Oh?” goes Pigsy, turning his head as much as he could while still leaning over the balconies edge. This ought to be good.
“You’re the owner of Pigsy’s noodles, father figure to those two kids, and part time superhero,” said Tang with a grin. “And you’re my best friend.”
“oh,” he said and let his eyes drop down to an orange bird perched on a balcony below them. He didn’t know what to say to that. He closed his eyes and gruffly replied, “Don’t expect free noodles just because you’re my best friend too.”
Tang’s laugh startled the orange bird and it flew off into the night, red and green feathers illuminated by moonlight. Pigsy felt himself smile. Everything was going to be fine.
As he turned to head back into his house, he was unaware of the gold and silver demon hiding beneath the balcony frantically scribbling ‘best friends’ down on a piece of paper.
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RP with @hetaliaindie  under cut.
Shiv stood in the airport by the arrivals gate, holding a garland of flowers, with a group of dancers all in traditional garb; they wore beautiful silk saris, shiny jewellery and hair neatly tied up in buns or braids. When he spotted the ex-empire, he smiled and clapped, the dancers assumed their positions, music played and they all smiled as they began telling a story older than most modern nations with their craft. He smiled and placed the garland on the great traveler. "Welcome! I trust that the flight was comfortable?" -------- Rome was a little nervous on how they would be finding each other in this busy crowded place. He sure was glad he picked up speaking English, which seemed to be the international language now. He didn’t have a translator anymore, or an army, or people taking care of his clothes, or feeding him,... He was very aware he was pretty much useless just being by himself. Rome had adjusted as well as could be expected in such a short time. New stylish shirt, shoes and trousers even. It made him feel a little uncomfortable but at least he didn’t look like the middle-aged (*cough cough*) homeless person he was now. Indie had said he’d pick him from the airport himself, but Rome didn’t expect him to put so much effort in it. He was really touched. “Seriously Indie, I don’t know if I should cry or laugh. It took me just 14 hours to get here.” He shook his head “Bless you, I haven’t had a welcome like this in... well... you didn’t have to do all this.” -------- He smiled and withdrew his hands after placing the garland on him, the hands were folded and he bowed slightly. "I had bigger plans, but logistics is Hell these days. Though I promise that it gets better still." He waved a hand, and the dancers stopped, all bowing before they walked off in a line. The clinking of jewellery could be heard as they made their way to rented rooms. He grinned, "Wait till you see your carriage." Of course, he had gotten for him a stunningly elegant limousine. Only the best for such an esteemed guest, especially since it was his first time there. The early morning air was surprisingly chilly, complete with light breezes. He opened the door for the Roman, "Mind your head, please." -------- Rome's eyes shined brightly by amazement. "You should have told me, silly, I feel akward and way underdressed." he spoke under his breath to the nation as he felt the whole world was watching. -------- He laughed, "I have escorted men who dressed humbler than you, now don't feel awkward." He added, "There's an old fable that's popular here, people should be wiser than to actually judge a man by his clothing in my nation. -------- Rome kissed the other lightly on the lips as he was accustomed to greet, then smirked "My sheep clothing seem to fool most ladies anyway, or perhaps people just want to believe..." He looked away as if in thought "Where is it we're heading?" -------- He froze for a moment before sensibly taking it a sign of brotherly affection. He smiled with a resigned sigh. "Well women can be catty creatures. We're heading out of the city, I figured you'd like a change of pace, a villa for your relaxation." He sat next to him and the driver happily welcomed him in an accent much too thick to be English. -------- "That would be welcomed, yes. It seems everything runs fast these times. Looking back I think the only thing that went fast was the replacement of my bosses" he sighed "How do you and the others cope with it?" -------- He was silent for a moment and leaned back on his seat. "I can't speak for others, but I suppose spirituality helps. Everything in this universe is constantly expanding and shrinking, in motion but constant. When someone dies..." He spoke softly, "well regardless of the many religions in my land, I personally believe that they all return and contribute to the essense of life. In that sense, I accept their deaths and free myself of the past. That was always my biggest problem with the speed at how fast new leaders stepped up." -------- "Interesting, still you look happy to see me. I'm not so sure what I believe any more. But I do know it's all more complex than I once thought. Not sure about the contributing part, to be honest. I think I've lived long enough for others. It may come off selfish but I am because I want to be. Only when my empire fell I realised I've always lived to others expectations now I only wish for some days just for me. " He looked outside the window "It's nice to see your beautifull country flashing by. I always enjoyed travelling." -------- "Of course I'm happy to see you." He looked outside the window and smiled proudly. Not every place of his was beautiful, but as they were driving to a more peaceful area, far from violence and far from decadence, the scenery certainly was delightfully grand. "I don't know if it's selfish, I'm not of the belief that I can understand your situation. But I don't see anything wrong with your wish at all, let me help make it come true however I can." It almost seemed like what the other desired was closure, and he thought that respecting that was the best thing to do as a host. "Have you anything that you specially want to see here?" -------- "you" Rome answered straight away and turned to look him in the eyes. "Im just here to see you, not to talk business or planning a possible invasion for a change. I was hoping you'd just have me too, no strings attached." -------- He smiled, leaning on the headrest and looking at the other through the corners of his eyes. He sat up straighter and looked to him, "I have faith in you, though I do think we won't be seeing Jaipur." He laughed and shook his head, "And I did hope for an answer more like 'A white Bengal tiger' or 'the Taj Mahal', but I suppose I'll have to catch you up to the famous sights here. Hmm. Perhaps you'd like to bicker with monkeys or eat from a banana leaf." -------- He laughed "Sorry for not beeing very specific how Id like you then. Ha HA I haven't really thought it threw to be honest. But Id love to try different food and maybe see the dyes at a market? All the colorfull fabrics just blow me away, it's so pretty! I'm sure there are cute looking birds here that are as wonderfull to me as the Taj Mahal. I'm easily distracted, caused me quite some trouble back in the days." he thought for a moment "Is there anything I should know up front, to save you for shame. Our cultures differ so, you know...?" -------- He nodded, "There's plenty to see, but something tells me you don't know that the Taj Mahal is a pretty looking tomb when you compare it to pretty looking birds." He wondered if the other did know, and was just pleasantly strange. "Ah, but we shall definitely visit the markets, and I will point out to you which fruits are only native to this land! Surely, I'll take you to the sandy beaches and monuments. Hmm, I hope you do not get overwhelmed here, culture-shock is very common with the tourists who come here for the first time." "No public displays of affection, walk away from beggars- especially if they're children asking for money. Depending on where we go, there may be different requirements. In holy spaces, there are steps or fields you must not place your foot on- I think that's a pretty good set of general rules." -------- "no touching?... You could have just stabbed me at the airport." Rome joked about it but it felt like being said he was unworthy like a slave. Then again, what was his position really as a retired empire. He tried not to show it. "Is it alright for me to pet animals?" -------- He chuckled, "Well, displays of romantic affection in public are what I meant. Those behaviours are generally reserved for closed quarters. Though most of the cities are westernised and you'll be allowed to do most taboo things as you're a foreigner! Worry not, you can certainly pet animals!" -------- "well roman taboos differ quite from modern western ones, I've learned. But I'm pleased to hear that. Are there dangerous wild animals here or venomous ones, snakes and such? Oi... Look what's that tree, that's beautifull, look!!!" he was excited like an eight year old. -------- He was about to ask him to elaborate before his attention was taken to the trees and he grinned. "A common tree, but if you'd look over there," he pointed with all five fingers, "that there is a banyan tree, the one with roots hanging down from the crown. It's my national tree! There are a lot of different plants and trees near the villa, I would recommend lying under its shade during harsh weather." -------- "That's so weird, I love it!" "I wish i could show you my home but most of it is gone. And what's not should have been" -------- He stared for a moment before bursting out into quiet and well-meaning laughter at the others remark on the tree. "Well then, may I ask about your tastes when it comes to food? Sometimes my cuisine may be overwhelming to the modern European, but you have had far more experiences in other lands, than the modern European. Is there anything you can't stand, or that doesn't sit well with you?" He nodded sympathetically, "History is not forgiving in what it chooses to remember and what it doesn't." -------- He laughed "Seriously, Romans are known to eat nearly anything. And I've been send to the most decadent banques so my boss could stay in bed reading poems to his boytoy. I'm not sure about eating things that are still crawling on a plate." He sighed relieved "At least you understand." -------- "Don't worry, unlike some Asian nations, I've never found insect eating to be tasteful. Though you must beware the flies, and the ants, and in your own body's case, the mosquitoes." -------- "Waah Indie I'm so EXCITED! When can we get out of this thing?!" airplanes and automobiles were great because it made travelling so much faster, but you had to sit still and that wasnt one of Rome's fortes. He got a fidget spinner out of his pocket to calm himself down. It seemed to work pretty well for him. -------- "Excited for mosquitoes?" The corners of his lips lifted, and he asked the driver. "Not long, ten minutes or so! The road is clear, so maybe it'll take a shorter time." -------- Rome faked a frown and watched the other from the corners of his eyes whispering "Jaipur surely has potential..." -------- "You're not burning down any cities, that would be very undiplomatic." He grinned and leaned his head on his palm. "And getting to Jaipur would mean hours of commuting, ten minutes is a much shorter time!" -------- Rome started snickering burrying his face in his hands. Then took a deep breath before turning to India again. "This is going to be the longest ten minutes in world history. It better be worth the wait" -------- He smiled and was silent for a moment. "It's just nine, now." He leaned forwards and moved the divider between them and the driver up. In easy-going and casual Hindi, they discussed the possibility of traffic cutting them off from their destination, and then he pulled it back down. He sat back and the limo went faster, "For both our sakes, we're hoping to make it in 5 minutes rather than 9." -------- Rome laughed so hard tears were running down his cheek. -------- He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, he passed him a handkerchief from his breastpocket and grinned. "Come now, if we get caught up in a traffic jam, the time it'd take us.... Well we would have been better off going to Jaipur." -------- "this is priceless. Your driver will dive us down a cliff because we're acting like eight year olds" -------- He gasped, and mirthfully pulled up the divider to tell the driver, "I won't pay you if you drive us down a cliff!" He closed the divider, "There we go, problem solved." The poor driver was confused. -------- "By all the Gods, you're killing me Indie." he took the handkerchief and wiped away his tears. "Im holding on to this for a while if you don't mind. Your words strike me and something tells me you're not done with me yet" He took a deep breath again "thank you" -------- He chuckled, "Keep it, I've learnt to keep all sorts of things on me when I leave the house. I have a spare." He also had a packet of roasted peanuts and other mysterious and arguably useless items that he fitted into his clothes. "Oh look! We're entering your temporary grounds. I think we're in them now. Hmm- oh yes, for as long as you stay here, that coconut tree over there is yours." Trust him to recognize the coconut tree and nothing else. -------- "Yes! I got my own tree, that's a great start." He already was trying to pick a new name for it. How did they get the coconuts out when they were all the way up there? Wait..."You don't got elephants at the villa, do you?" he looked concerned now. -------- "This whole ground is yours now silly, you have a lot more than one tree." He had the grounds, the villa, the well and the servants that maintained it now. He laughed, "No, I'm aware that if I want you to get used to them I should not force them onto you until you're ready. Though there are a few in a nearby temple." He smiled, "I was battling the idea of welcoming you with a domesticated tiger though." -------- Rome fell silent and gave him a puzzled look "I'm sorry... I might have given mixed signals... I can't except this gift. I'm really flattered..." Rome combed his hair nervously. "Im not ready" -------- He looked at him for a moment and helplessly laughed, "For as long as you stay here. When you're gone someone else will live here. Honestly, what goes on in that mind of yours?" -------- "I don't know, you confuse me greatly." he looked down blushing. "I don't know what it means here. But in the empire it would be considerd something like I'm going to wreck your career, by putting my dick up your ass, but don't worry about it because I promiss to take care of you. And Im not ready for such a commitment... Id like the big cat though" -------- He frowned, "Well here it's called hospitality and it's done with no such ulterior motives." He folded his arms and while he was slightly offended, he contemplated how their cultures were truly very different. In India, the guest was to be treated like a God. He was always extravagant with his gifts, and while that led to him being taken advantage of, he still adhered to his beliefs. He sighed and looked at the other, "Then you get the big cat." -------- Rome nodded "... I know, we are a vulgair bunch I get that a lot... Well,... thanks for clearing that up. Sorry if I have offended you." -------- He looked at him and shook his head, "No, you still took your great baths, that is something that your descendants had forgotten when I first met them." He smiled, clearly he was not meant to have been offended, it was a waste of energy to brood over it. The limo had paused in front of the Villa's gate, a servant opened it. "Well then, I promise you that all that I give you while you stay here are gifts of hospitable nature and goodwill, so you needn't worry at all." The vehicle moved again till it stopped outside the veranda. -------- "Thank you" Rome seemed relieved. The idea of being publicity degrated to a womens degree was very real and frightening to him. It was expected of him to be orderly, dominant and agressive to serve his people. Neighter the republic or empire had given him much space to keep lasting friendships or any other relationship. And now he made a fool of himself, just great. -------- He stepped out the vehicle excitedly and hurriedly moved around the car, just as the chauffeur opened the door for Romulus. He extended his hands and grinned as he presented the home. "Welcome!" Theatrics were sometimes, quite irresistible to the Indian. -------- Rome started snickering again and got out off the car. "Beautifull! And so is the villa. I'd be honoured if you would show me around" -------- He laughed, "But of course! Follow me." He waved at the chauffeur who without much difficulty would begin to reverse the car and move out. He opened the door, and then a second netted door to keep out insects, and gestured to the inside. "Hurry in before the mosquitoes spot you!" -------- "Is it really that bad with the mosquito's here?" He took a firm step inside, lingering in a doorstep he considered bringing bad luck. -------- He nodded, "Not unless you're wearing some sort of repellent, but I'm not sure that you are." He closed the door and smiled. The hall was large, and there were many divans, sofas and a large table fashioned in a native style that was only slightly influenced by an Islamic one. He removed his shoes and placed them near the exit. "The building surrounds an outdoor private bath (or pool), there's a slightly smaller one in the left wing if the weather's bad." He didn't expect the other to remove his shoes, though he'd be glad if he followed suit. -------- Rome almost directly took off his shoes too and glad so. "I like it. It has a really warm and welcoming atmosphere." finally he could wiggle his toes again. He placed his hands on Indies shoulders and pinched softly, then let go and did a little happy dance. "You will be dining with me too, right? I don't want to keep you from working ofcourse but I really enjoy your company" -------- He would have joined Rome in his happy dance if it weren't over so fast. The disappointment was almost visible, complete with a pout. But at the thought of food, he was very happy to say, "Of course I will be, I'm starving. Sorry for the intrusion, though." The floor was wooden and slightly slippery because of his cotton socks, but instead of falling he glided across the floor (of course he hadn't originally meant to). "Follow me, I had a meal prepared for you." And he had! In the dining room room of the complex was the entire package, he thought that it may have been too showy, but when did he let a chance to boast his magnificent cuisine ever slip past him? -------- Rome smiled broadly when he saw the other gliding on his socks. He himself wasn't wearing any and that was probably a good thing. "Ohh yo... I'm glad you're hungry cause I'm going to need help with all that" he laughed "I couldn't bake an egg by myself, this is amazing. What should I try first?" -------- "Who bakes eggs?" He raised a brow before passing him an ornate bowl of water and a napkin, "To wash your hands." He smiled and turned to a seat next to him where a similar bowl lay for him. -------- He washed his hands and dried them, looking at India. "Do you pray before eating and use cutlery?" -------- He paused, "Sometimes out of habit, but not really. And I don't use cutlery, though I suppose I don't refuse to either." He was a mess of cultures and European colonialism made it worse. "Do you pray before eating, I will join you if you do." -------- "I do not pray. Traditionally that's a girls job. I will take this moment to wish you all that is good and your enemies to ashes" -------- He smiled, "Then I wish you the same, though I pray that we do not become enemies." Sometimes it is hard to tell whether he's arrogant or respectful. He's both. He took the other's plate and served him a piece of each dish generously while giving an explanation of each. "This is a dish that's native to the north, it has cottage cheese, the green comes from spinach," he then revealed containers, "we don't typically have rice for breakfast, these idlis and appams are made out of rice-flour though." -------- "Ah, if it ever comes to that I wouldn't sell you for the world don't worry. I'd keep you close like a priceless jewel." Rome was delighted it all looked so wonderfull. "I think I might make me a ambassy at this very table for now! Ha ha. How do you say 'enjoy your food' in your speech?" -------- He may have flinched at the word 'jewel', or it may have been a reaction that never escaped his mind. "That's happened before, though I hadn't foreseen it at all." How condescendingly sweet was the title... The Jewel of the British Empire. He smiled, "I've over a hundred languages, but I'll teach you the Sanskrit phrase. Bhojanam svaadishtamastu." -------- Rome gazed at him in wonder. Only to snap out off it to try the phrase, he was sure he didn't say it quite right "I do hope I didn't accidentely say something innapropriate about your mother" he joked "Sometimes I just forget that you're older than me" he meant to say more experienced but that would have given the other to much to pester him with, he presumed. "So... hmn,... what's it like to be somebody's love then, if I may ask?" -------- He clapped his hands gamely, "It was a fair attempt! And thankfully you didn't." He gave the other a pleased look, for when he looked like he did, most of his own people had him bowing down to them despite his seniority. It was perfectly enough to pester him with, especially since the elders were always meant to be respected and forgiven. He considered the question for a moment, "Each experience was different. They were always more...honest in the old days, but in the last few hundred years, I've been lusted after more than I've been loved." He was always more capable of complaints than compliments, but he shifted away from that topic, back to the one that had been brought up. "It's really quite magnificent to be loved. Especially when the feelings are reciprocated. It's as if the planets aligned, the diseases cured, the world shifted into the light and the doom conquered." -------- "It sounds like a dream dipped in honey. You have a way with words. Do you like poetry? I used to write, with Greece and China mostly, I was thinking maybe pick it up again... It might be a little rusty, though." -------- He laughed, "Perhaps it ended because it was too dreamlike." He nodded at the question before the other had finished it. "Is that so? You must! Poetry, dance, music, painting, all the arts, we love them to a fault here! There have been many reknown poets from my land, it was something that earned the attention of the other Europeans during the 19th and 20th centuries. Truly, Tamil and Sanskrit are among the most poetic of languages." -------- "Oh, I'd love to read! Can you get me a copy. I'm reading some fantasy novel now and the story is entertaining but it's, meh.. It will help me to understand some of your languages better too. I Really like epic tales, love stories and witty jokes! You like art?! I'm gonna make you something!!!" Indie seemed to have pushed some right buttons there. Rome was overexited, he totally forgot to eat. (that's it, right there, you did it) -------- He smiled, "Epic tales? Well have the longest epic in the world, called the Mahabharata, it has 200,000 lines, featuring one of the greatest and oldest adventures in the world, complete with tales of wit and romance of course. You are?" He was not used to receiving gifts that were so significant -which is a little sad, really- "I'd be honoured to receive a piece of art from you." (Oh my-) "But first, you must accept my gifts, please have some food before it gets cold." He smiled and gestured to the table. "If there is anything you are fond of, the servants will prepare more immediately." -------- Rome ever had a great appetite because he never sat still in his life. Only when he was very focused drawing his mind and body was at peace. He had a bit of a sweet tooth but he seemed to like all flavors. He did however had a shocked reaction at a more spicy dish. He looked at Indie with a both thrilled as pained expression and a mouth half full with food. -------- Knowing what to do, he poured the other some cool milk, and separated the spicier dishes from the plainer ones. "Curd... Or yoghurt will rid you of the spiciness." He called a maid to bring some to them and gave it to him. "Are you not familiar with spicy dishes?" He was always confused by those who couldn't handle spice- what did they cook with?? -------- He coughed "I didn't expect it to be like this..." the yoghurt sure helped "This is not spicey, this is fire on a plate..." He didn't want to come off as weakminded though "Ok, Im ready, let me try that again" he still had tears in his eyes from the first try. -------- He laughed, "It's not that bad, I wouldn't serve you obscenely spicy food on purpose." He did admire the other's attitude though, "Why don't you mix it with the yoghurt, that way you could ease yourself into eating it instead of shocking your palate again." -------- "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger..." he took another bite "... this actually might be the death of me..." he just started waving his hands (not sure how that helps though he's a dork) -------- He sighed and started eating as well. Midway through his meal he made an off-hand comment like, "I would suggest that you don't continue forcing yourself to eat something that burns your tongue- unless you want your death to take place on the toilet." Which to him, didn't seem like quite a glorious way to die at all. -------- Rome hadnt thought about that really and decided he could always try again some later time. He smiled "this is so much better than that swedish crap i've been eating" -------- He chuckled, "Food from the north is made to keep one's stomach full and one's body warm. It's like that in my land as well, the south has more fish and coconut in their cuisine while the north have breads and potatoes." -------- "I used to eat lots of fish. Ah and I love fruits. My grandson likes it too I always brought him new ones to try. He's a good eater, strong boy. My youngest though is all bones, always been like that. When he was a still kneehigh people always thought he was a girl. Good boy, very talented in many things... Mmm... This is a nice dish..." He looked really happy "What do you drink around here; wine or beer?" -------- He nodded and identified the Italy twins by the other's description- he should remember to invite them both for food eventually. "Hah, I was confused for a girl at times when I was young- If I had to blame anything for making me so restless and eager to prove myself, I'd blame that-" He shrugged, "Both? Beer is fairly more common, though we have other alcohol that's native to this land as well. But many of my states have started prohibiting- I hope my tourism industry stays afloat despite it." -------- "Ofcourse it will! Ah, if a boy is quiet or fair looking or if he has long hair it's always like that. I think it's nice when people look a bit androgyn, like a angel so to speak. That, and skin smooth as marble, so pretty. My hair is so thick it's a curse. When I shave, according to Egypt, by the end of the day my cheeks are worse than sanding paper. And these messy curls are the worst! Total disaster." he said as he twirled his finger round his hair. -------- He shook his head politely, "What are you saying? That rough, half bearded look is popular enough here, and your curly hair is very charming. With some coconut oil, you can make it as shiny as silk." He smiled, "An angel, you say? Well the androgynous look is quite adhered to the idea of transvestism or the third gender here." -------- "You are the second person who said i should try the oil this week... what's that, third gender?" -------- "But of course, if it's about cosmetics, China and I are still ahead of the game. I'll have the servants bring you some later." He blinked, "We have a minority group called Hijras, who are considered 'neither fully male, nor fully female', they're born male but take on the female identity. They are ostracised, but have always been believed to have the power to bless you with fertility or curse you by taking it away." -------- "Really now,... we don't have those. not really anyway. Ah but when one of my bosses married he dressed as a bride and I was so moved i nearly cried. -------- He laughed, "Strange things move you, but I'm sure it must have been a lovely wedding." -------- "It truly was amazing. Lot's of dancing, drinking... I got SO drunk.. Pfffft. There were plenty of cute girls but i was way too drunk" -------- How nostalgic, he smiled and took a sip of some juice- not before offering it of course. "Did you regret it in the next morning?" -------- "A wise man once told me; regret is for the brainless. If you make a decision you should never question it again because you made it with the knowledge you had that day and no other... Yess I really regretted it." ha HA HA -------- He was in the middle of creating a sound argument against 'regret is for the brainless', tensing up and everything only to have his shoulders sink, and a sigh escape. "You.... Was this wise man, you?" -------- "Nah, I just made that up. It was really dumb to drink like there was no tomorrow" -------- He nodded, "If anything you should eat like there's no tomorrow." No bad advice. "Then excercise like there is a tomorrow." -------- "Well... that's excactly what we are doing now, aint it?" he said as he took one last snack on his plate "So what's the exercise? Want to eat some dirt for desert? we can wrestle and I'll let you eat some, tehee!" -------- He grinned, "Wrestling? That's fine with me, but I'm sure that I could make you eat your words instead." -------- Rome started laughing at him "You are ALL talk. Maybe we should just have a nice calm walk, far more fitting for an old man like you" -------- He chuckled, "Now, if you think it's that easy to provoke me, you're wrong. I wouldn't mind a nice calm walk, I could show you around the garden. But my sweet Roman friend, you must learn not to take your elders so lightly. For I would still definitely win against you in wrestling." -------- His eyes shone brilliantly and his smile was all mischief "Did I tell you about that one time that China kicked me in the nuts?!" -------- He shook his head with a silly grin, "Oh if pecan do it, so could I." -------- "You call him, what?!" -------- "A nut." He coughed into a fist and tried to keep a straight face. China is a rival, though they had once been close. -------- "nuts... ha ha, have you got nicknames for others too? What about me?" -------- "You? Well, I haven't gotten one for you yet. And I really don't give nicknames out that often. Though I do have a wealth of passionately created nicknames for England." -------- "Well then, I'm going to do my very best to make sure mine will be worth a tale when you do..." he thought a moment "... ah but you wouldn't kick me that would be cheating... But I'm going to take your word for it, like the responsible man I am and leave it..." the other had won him over by mere talking and won his respect, so there really was no need to fight him now "I will show you I am a man of many qualities and outgame you in some different field, just you wait!!!" -------- He smiled, "You did seem excited when I mentioned the arts, perhaps you could out-dance me?" No that would be slaughter. "Or perhaps you have an interest in archery? It's a sport that's very close to my heart! I assure you that many things are, I may truly be passionate about every field you could imagine." Likewise, his respect for his guest rose through their exchanges, but seeing him back up his words would be quite entertaining. -------- Rome leaned in a bit and just looked at the other with piercing eyes like he was scanning him. Then sat back with closed eyes as if he was processing it. Hmn, this was going to be tough. He needed to find something he could slaughter him with, without looking like a complete dick. "I need to think about it. Let's start with that walk, maybe then we come up with something." -------- Oh? He watched the other and smiled, it was nice to see that he was being judged and considered seriously. The only worrisome part was that he didn't know how good the other was at it. "Oh but of course." They were presented with refilled containers to wash their hands. Once he dried his hands with a napkin, he gestured to a direction that went into the house, towards a second exit/entrance out to a garden. -------- Roma didn't bother to pick up his shoes. He was glad to have them off. He did bring a small bag however that couldn't have hold more than a few books or clothing. That bag was all that he seemed to have brought on his trip. -------- He paused before a door on their way, "Ah my sincerest apologies! Would you like some time to settle in, this is a bedroom, the opposite room's a bedroom- you can take your pick!" -------- He pointed at the door without bothering to look inside "That one, I'm sure they are both lovely, let's just get some air for now, I'm fine really! I've been sitting still too much and I can sleep when I'm dead" he smirked and pulled the other along "come on, come on, come on..." -------- He shrugged, "That one it is, though you can always change your mind." Soon enough, he took the lead and pulled the other along. "Here you can see a spice much revered and loved these days, they used to call it black gold! Behold, the mighty peppercorn plant in all its glory!" Pepper, is grown on vines. -------- "It's piper, I didn't know it looked like this! They look like grapes but the size of berries. Ha Ha, that's cute. No wonder your food is so spicy!" -------- "We have more spices than these in our food of course." He laughed and looked around the garden, "There are many flowers here, but there used to be more." -------- "Do you have a favourite?" -------- "My national flower, you can't see any here though they may grow nearby. The lotus, it's been sacred to Hindus for a very long time. Do you have a favourite?" -------- "I like rosmarinus. I used to have them in my garden. The little flowers come in nice colors and they look so sweet. I used to draw them, it relaxes me. I can draw them from my mind, anything really. If I have seen it once I can draw it." -------- He smiled, "They suit you, somehow." How exactly did he mean it? "Oh? Do you have a photographic memory?" -------- "Is that what they call it these days? It is really handy when you need to invade a city too, say jaipur... Ah, but the girls loved the roses, ofcourse! Modern roses are rubbish, they don't smell as a sweet promise... They smell of nothing. The paper wrap is best" -------- "Hahah, it is handy but I'd rather live without it." But do you have it yourself or not, you mysterious hermit. "Oh, but how do you find the smell of the jasmines on your garland? They are used for temple worship as well because their smell is so sweet." -------- "Well, actually I like them best but ofcourse I wanted to pick something native. As much as I love my home, being away is very liberating. And it's scent always reminds me of it. " -------- Hmmm, "Do they remind you of a particular place?" A certain northerner came to mind. -------- "Egypt had some, but she's a lapcat that likes to stay inside most times. And well China's, but I only met him twice in person." -------- "And one of those meetings was a fight?" He smiled, but back then there were no troubles between the two. Life was quite different in terms of international relations, though he supposed he had his internal affairs to attend to. -------- "Ah well, I was VERY young and ready to prove my worth. So when I was sent off to 'make friends' as my boss would put it I had little patience for formalities. I was rude and got the fight I asked for because he was fed up with my piss teen attitude." -------- "Sounds like it was a short-lived fight. I taught him well." He's kidding, right? He grinned and shook his head, "Though perhaps patience is something we both lacked back then." -------- "yeah pretty much. I tried to hit him trice and he kicked me out. My men had a good laugh. I suppose they were just as annoyed with me after the long way getting there. But after that I was real polite. My boss even wrote him a thankyou note. We wrote for many years!" -------- "Really? He only gave you three shots?" Perhaps the old Chinese fellow was particularly irritated that day, even he'd have allowed at least five strikes. "Ah I am glad that you grew close despite that rocky start! Did you get the chance to learn a little of his language?" -------- Rome nodded, just three shots indeed, suposedly that was all that China had needed to know how to bring him on his knees. "Ah I know a little!!!" He took a stick and started drawing characters in the sand. His writing was quick and messy like a docters note, not elegant in the slightest, but it came from the heart. -------- *****Life that's scarse a hundreds years holds a millennium of fears, brief it's noon and long it's night, best then mingle dark with light. Merry-making while you may, wait not for another day. Fools that treasure up their sock after generations mock. Him that hold a bond with fate, none may seek to emulate.***** It was a poem he memorised. -------- He looked at it, and smiled. "What an interesting poem, it reminds me of an old Sanskrit one, though that one is far simpler in narrative." He moved to the left of the Chinese characters, and drew several lines of sharp and neat Sanskrit. "Look to this day: for it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course, lie all the truths and realities of your existence. The bliss of growth, the glory of action, the splendour of achievement- Are but experiences of time. For yesterday is but a dream And tomorrow is only a vision; And today well-lived, makes yesterday a dream of joy, And every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day; Such is the salutation to the new dawn." Long poem, it was more of spiritual advice than a pretty picture, but he felt that the meaning was the same. -------- "You have a pretty handwriting even with a stick!" -------- "Thank you, I'm sure we both could do better on paper." He translated the poem as best as he could, though certain words had a lot more essense to them than their English counterparts. When he was done, he erased the markings, leaving only the Chinese. -------- Rome had listened to Indies brief explanation on the Sanskrit and it didn't make much sense to him just yet. After Indie had cleared the ground Rome took the stick and wrote, or rather drew, it back again in a strange order like it was a patern instead of words. In the end it was all there, albeith a messy reflection of it. -------- He looked at it delightedly and back to the Roman, "And now you have proved your words with actions. Though if the curl on that 'tha' is not prominent, it may be read as a 'ya'." In Sanskrit words were not only separated by spaces, but also it the fact that they would have one line connecting them together at the top. He didn't have to edit much, though for the sake of clarity he poured sand over gaps that were too close to each other and marvelled at it. It was always wonderful to see. -------- Rome erased it all again together with the Chinese. "Let's take all that away. A garden like this doesn't need words to do what comes so naturally." and he tossed away the stick as well "neither will you be needing this. I promiss to be a exemplary student" he winked. No need to beat him XD -------- He laughed and stood up, patting away the sand from his clothes, "You are right, though the wind would have taken it all away naturally." Call him sentimental. "Oh? If you weren't, I don't think I'd need the stick." Whatever that was meant to imply. With a wave to his side, he began walking. "These days it is rather important to take care of your skin, the sun's rays can be unforgiving in the afternoons." -------- Romulus quickly followed giggling "Ah, you are more off the open hand method then? A true classic, totally you" -------- "A true classic? Far from it!! Back in my day there was a 'treading over hot coals' method, which I of course went through." Gurus could be very strict! -------- Rome looked as him with a expression that screamed 'bitch please' "You don't have to try so hard. I'm not buying this nonsense nor piper today" -------- He grinned, "What, you don't believe it? But you're right, it wasn't a punishment. It's a test of courage and faith. It's not painful when done right." -------- "Let's get you in the shade, your brain is melting" -------- He blinked, "No I really am not joking about it, burning coals look kind of like beautiful flowers so it's a temple tradition in the south that is quite a few hundred years older than you." He thought it was well known as a feat, if not for its reasons. -------- He laid a hand on your shoulder "You should take a rest" he smiled -------- He smiled and moved the hand away, "I'll show it to you later today." -------- "Ha Ha Ha, ofcourse you will! So, what's next?" -------- "Perhaps we shall move to the pond, I could show you the lotus flowers, and then we can meet the animals here." -------- "I'd love that! If it's not too much trouble. I don't know if you have other things to do?" -------- "I've cleared my schedule for the next few days, I'm a free man." -------- "AHH YEAH!!! Then we can drink together maybe like there's no tomorrow, hahahaha! I'm so happy, I haven't had so much fun in ages." -------- He smiled, "Hah! Then we'll drink all evening and adventure all day long. I do hope you could keep up with that." He playfully teased. -------- "I was born ready! Let's check out the animals first" -------- "Alright! Well this isn't a a zoo, but all sorts of creatures find their way here. I'm partly to blame as I tend to lose myself and feed strays- they keep coming back. But I should say, happy strays are better than starving strays." -------- "Im like that. Feeding others is a token of love. And when you've known hunger yourself and you see somebody gulping it down with such force you can only relate and help out..." He fell silent for a while, lost in thought. "... That's how I found my grandson, poor thing." -------- He nodded, "Poor thing. No one should have to starve, especially not the young." And yet they did, and yet he had so much poverty in his land. As he predicted, a stray forest cat strutted in. With a smile, he presented her, "Aha! Beware the beautiful jungle cat, she's wild." -------- He slowly bent down not to startle the creature. Rome just watched threw his eyelids producing some kind of nasal puppy growls. -------- "Try not to get scratched in the face, she's not too friendly and rather territorial." HE STILL LOVED HER! He himself found small pets to be unusual and quite strange, he loved the wild and majestic animals in his land more than he'd ever be able to love a squeaky Chihuahua or hamster. -------- Rome did his best to control his excitement, he was moving his toes (and would probably wiggle his tail if he had one) he stook out his hand so the cat could smell it and approach him instead. "What are you feeding her?" -------- "Fish remains." He tilted his head, and was about to warn him when the cat approached his hand and lightly bit it. Not food- It circled him once and walked to the house, mewing outside the kitchen. "Don't be disheartened! I got a lot worse than that the first time- does it hurt?" -------- "..no it doesn't, it's just a warning. If she had wanted to hurt me she would have locked her jaw and claw me. My brother had a mean bite" -------- Your brother? He stopped himself from asking. "Ah cats are interesting creatures! Though they aren't really popular here- they never had much husbandry value." -------- "I LOVE cats! Dogs have been domesticated so much is takes out all character. A cat doesn't have a boss, it has servants to control. They don't take crap from anyone, hahaha! And certainly not from some silly roman" -------- He laughed, "Oh please, the average house cat scarcely has character. The wild cats here on the other hand- oh how majestic they are! The leopard, the cheetah- the tiger!! I am painfully biased towards the 'big cats'!" -------- "i don't think I've ever seen a cheetah before. They are slimmer than leopards right? I don't suppose you have wolves here, do you?" -------- "They look different as well, cheetahs have clear well defined spots while leopards have rosettes. And of course we have wolves! Everyone has wolves- Well until they started killing them, sadly wolves are endangered here." -------- "Ahh that's sad. They scare people sometimes expecially when they come in large groups. But they wont kill your crops like deer, or boars. Let's give her something before she gets into the kitchen to take it herself" -------- He nodded, "Ah but alas I have nothing to offer her. The maids will probably take care of it, I bet they're gutting fish right now." Sure enough the cat didn't return, she was probably eating. "But the fellows I'm going to show you are quite something, hold your belongings close to you." -------- What was all the mystery about? "alright, show me" what could it possible be, birds? -------- He narrowed his eyes and looked around as they walked. There were more trees around the area, not coconut trees...decent...midsized trees. He heard one! He turned swiftly and it was gone. "Oh it might have been my imagination... Those tricky things..." He turned to the Roman and was startled for a second before pointing behind him. "Monkeys-" he whispered. -------- Rome gasped "you got monkeys?!" he looked around if he could spot one. "what do they eat?" -------- They were right in front of him, curious and mischievous. He looked at them discerningly, as if one was missing and "Appu!" One of them ran over to him from behind the crowd and climbed over to his shoulder, he laughed, "Ah, my excellent kleptomaniac friend." He handed him a small fruit, "All of you, meet my excellent Roman friend." They had their eyes on him as he moved closer to Rome. Appu wooted. India had a way with animals and while he still suffered their moods, he was generally on their good side! -------- "what they pick pockets is that what you're saying. They are funny, look at the tails, ha ha! I like them!!!" -------- "Pockets, bags, noses, ugh they pick everything. But they are an entertaining bunch! And they're so soft." He gave Appu to him. "Cuddly babies." -------- Rome petted him but it soon excaped his hold to climb on top of him. He looked up "salve appu" -------- He laughed and the other monkeys climbed upon him, he kept walking with the added weight of a few more bodies. "Well then, the lake is near." -------- "hold on appu, don't fall off" he said as he hurriedly followed. "can they swim?" -------- "These can, the lake is part of their habitat. Though most monkeys don't swim bwchumnnggff-" He picked up a monkey that had taken to exploring his face and let it cling to his hand instead. "Ah there it is!" Green lotus pads gracefully floated across the river and baby pink flowers were in full bloom. There were a few insects flying over the water as usual, "It's not safe to drink, but here we are!" -------- "HAHAHA,... Oh my... that's so pretty... I can understand they are dear to you... They are really energic the monkeys i bet they are smart too!" -------- "Yes, the Hindus believe that the gods themselves sit upon these beautiful flowers as their thrones. Oh yes, if only their intelligence didn't go into their little thievery rings." -------- Rome giggled "have you ever tried yourself?" -------- He paused and his face was clearly flustered by the question. "Of course not." He had, many times, and many unholy words had slipped out of his mouth every time he fell into the water, though of course that was a very long time ago. -------- "You don't believe to be a descendant? You haven't even tried once? As gracious as you are if any God can do that, so can you." was he joking or not it was hard to tell -------- He was about to say something but the man made an intelligent argument that had his mind working a little backwardly. Snap out of that man! "Unfortunately our Gods seem to have no mass, but I do." -------- The Roman laughed. "and now with a bunch of monkeys and a full stomic it's even more. A well, my people sure believed so. According to the tales, I was left to drown in the river as a baby. But I have no memory of it" -------- "Are you not afraid of the water?" He never really feared the sea as most early nations had. -------- "no, not at all. Im a good swimmer actually. You know, baby's know how to float, it's supercute!" -------- He laughed, "Are you trying to convince me that you're a good /and/ cute swimmer?" -------- "YES!" he laughed "Nah, I was pushed off in a basket back then. And then the Gods were like; this one is too cute to die let's save him!" he grinned "But they got more than they bargained for!!!" -------- "They definitely did, ah but you're not quite so cute anymore~" He was on the handsome side now, which was a compliment he kept to himself. "The lotus is very hard to grow out of the wild, would you like one?" -------- "..." he didn't know what to say. Ofcourse somebody like Indie would not think he was cute. He smiled but his eyes didn't "No, please save it for a pretty looking girl, someone special" -------- He kicked off his shoes, "Alright then, I'll still get them for your room." He ignored the last part, he'd already decided to give them to him when he asked. He removed the socks and pulled up his trousers before wading into the lake. Just a little further.... And that's the story of how he ended up completely drenched from head to toe, scolding similarly drenched lemurs and holding up a large lotus flower for his guest. -------- Rome took the flower with slightly shaking hands before he started crying "I told you not to" the monkey had already ran off with his fidget spinner. "You are all wet, how am I supposed to keep my eyes off you now?! " -------- He would have patted him. But he was all wet so he had to courtesy to resist it. He pressed his palms together, "It's alright, I will dry up soon, life is as it should be. Om." Or in English, 'Pls calm down.' -------- Rome's crying redused to a silent snottering. He nodded to Indies words but avoided meeting his eyes "... It truly is majestic... this flower is" -------- What a pity, his spare handkerchief had gotten wet. He stared at the lemurs as they sped away indignantly- They'd caused him to lose his balance, those scoundrels! Ah but it was alright, the water was cold and refreshing. He wondered what made the Roman so sad. "Indeed, the gods sit upon them, but it's not just their throne. The lotus flower is the universe itself, the symbol of morality, goodness, beauty... We strive to be like this perfect bloom, to be flawless despite our murky surroundings, to work without attachment and to rise above the mud." He squeezed out water from his shirt. "Keep it." -------- "Then I quess Id better visualise this lotus than Jaipur in ruins when I try meditating again" he opened his bag "I've got a spair tee, if you like" -------- He snorted, "Another technique is to visualise a lotus where your heart is, a light emerging from it as your conscious mind grows aware and enlightened. The lotus is as much a symbol of the universe as it is, a symbol of you." He smiled and accepted the T-shirt, "You're very kind." He removed his own shirt and quickly, a flash of wheat brown skin showing before he covered up again. "Ah, perhaps I'll still change out of these trousers in the house. Will you stay here while I change or would you like to come back into the shade?" -------- "I'll ehh go back to the villa. Than we can take care of the lotus after you're done" he gave him a quick glance "...maybe a shower is a good idea to wash the green off your hair..." he looked like a mermaid. -------- He felt his hair and moved out a string of green. Aiye- "Sounds like a plan, let's go!" -------- Rome followed with a easy tred carrying Indies shoes. "You are a idiot you know that" a sooking wet idiot with a cute tush -------- He laughed, "It's been a long time since I've heard that. I almost miss it." He grinned, "No, I don't really miss it. Though I'm still walking on burning coals today to prove a point, and you can't stop me." He opened the door with a merry swing and gestured for the other to step inside first. -------- "Make it a cold shower too cool off that melting brains of yours" he's not the one who needs one. "I'll be in my room, reading. Don't forget to wash behind your ears" -------- "Hah, just you wait!" He winked and gave one of the servants a little fright. Some sort of handsome swamp monster had returned in place of their nation- oh? Or not, it was still the same old strange man. "I did just cool down you know, maybe I should have made you join me." He smiled and turned, "Alright then, I'll be back soon." -------- Rome got in the guestroom and filled the sink with water, carefully placing the lotus in it. Then with a sigh he grawled up the bed, took a cushion and curled up around it. His eyelids felt heavy of a sudden and he drifted away in chaotic dreams that didn't make much sense. -------- He had taken a quick shower, getting the gooplike substance out of his hair. And he remembered to wash behind his ears though he did make a face at it. He really could walk on burning coals! He'd practiced it in the past... Ah but actions would speak louder than words anyways. When he was out, he wore a traditional piece of clothing that was much like a large fabric wrapped around his waist and tucked in, a lungi. Many men still wore it in the south. He dried his hair out with a towel and reapplied the tilaka on his forehead. He slowly opened the guest room, only to see that the other had fallen asleep! He must have been very tired from his travels. India closed the door gently and made his way to the living room where he'd lounge on a divan and read the newspaper. -------- Damnit, there were just too many of them. Fight, fight harder! "Forma - Duo finis!" Why did they have assault rifles, this was madness. He took a quick look to the right to see his brother already burried beneath a pile of bleeding auxiliar soldiers, trying to get up. "PILA IACE" a cloud of pilae flew towards their opponents but the tank just ploughed threw like it was nothing. Man was he pissed off right now. "Gladium stringe - Celeriter" this was going to be a massacre "Parati - OPPUGNARE - Ad Victoria!" They charged, finally somebody had taken down that stupid machine gun, it was starting to get on his nerves. The iron wagon wasn't going to stop anytime soon but they had put stones and pilae down the barrel and if a pig could be lit in fire than so could the pigs inside that thing. And man did they squeel hard when it finally started to be a pretty bonfire. He giggled. suit you right, stupid, think you can destroy me I got more tricks up my sleeve. But loo, over the hills there they came in, eight, with towers as high as houses, angry looking elephants to trample them. His men fled in terror. One bumped into him and he was trown down the ground - and off the bed. He looked around breathing heavily. -------- He laid down the newspaper, he had finished with it- and looked out the window. Mere minutes has passed since he left the Roman to his nap. The man sighed morosely and slid down the furniture, onto the floor. He sat up and leaned his head on the cushioned divan. Another sigh. The newspaper was depressing and his boredom guilt-inducing. Alright then! He was going to meditate and clear his mind so that he wasn't such a wet blanket when the other did wake. He placed his hands on his thighs, palms facing upwards and his thumbs and index fingers loosely touching. He closed his eyes and hoped that he would find the answers to the day's moments of confusion. He could stay in that position for hours if no one interrupted him. -------- Rome got up grumbling and arched his back then marched out the room to find the other. "Indie?!" now where was that fool. -------- Why did the other cry? He was still rather worried about that, though he had brushed it off earlier. In the midst of heavy self-reflection, he hadn't heard him. There was a saying, that the ones who laugh the loudest, cry the hardest. And that just unsettled him. -------- He flung open the doors of the living "Ah, there you are" he tossed his shoes at his side "come put those on, we need to go... now" -------- He opened an eye, what was all the noise about? -------- "please? I don't want to go by myself" -------- He closed his eyes, brought folded hands to his chest and exhaled. "Where are we going?" He stood up and put on the shoes, "You were asleep when I had finished bathing, thought I'd let you rest." -------- "I can't sleep. I need to face those beasts of yours and I don't want to d... do it alone." he looked determined yet anxious "They hurt me... they scare me and I want to forget" -------- "Beasts?" He figured he wasn't talking about those monkeys. "What, the elephants?" Would it be more expensive to hire a man who'd bring it to them or to hire a taxi- no, of course, they could walk through the markets and go to the temple! "Hum, perhaps you should know that they're a different type of elephant from the ones you have encountered." Indian elephants were just so much sweeter than their African brothers- Or they were at least, tamer. -------- "they look the same to me. I suppose they are nice to the hand that feeds them. I only know them as means for war... You have them to protect the temple right?" -------- "They aren't exactly watchdogs," he grinned, "but I'll take this as an opportunity to show you around the markets as we travel there." He felt refreshed, the newspaper was left on the divan like a forgotten thought. "Perhaps apply some sunscreen, you don't want to get sunburnt.' -------- "i don't have any, should i really?... You smell nice, way less like a wet monkey now" -------- "You should, I think there's some in each bedroom. I've had to treat many burns, and I only have so much Aloe." He laughed and pulled the other along, as they found a room he joked, "People tell me my natural scent is that of petrichor and spices." -------- Rome smiled and shook his head "I guess I just smell like what one would expect from a sexgod, like uhm a sauna" he licked his finger and rested it on it's cheek "Tssss...." really now why did they need to make a competition out of everything? He poured water on his face from the sink and freshed up a bit before putting on the sunscreen. He run his fingers threw his hair. With a little water his messy locks became pretty stylish. -------- "A sauna?" These Europeans and their unusual tastes, "Believe me when I say that's not what I associate the smell of saunas with." He found his new style rather lovely, but he didn't say anything about it. "Alright, the markets await!" -------- He was glad they were finally going now and that they would do some sightseeing too. "Ah yes, I hope it's not too crowded." -------- "It's never not too crowded!" He said cheerfully and led him out the main exit this time. "Prepare to hear a lot of shouting and bargaining!" -------- "Oh, Im lousy at setting a good price. Either i pay far too much or they give it away for free because i terrify them greatly" -------- He grinned, "Not to worry, you'll have an expert with you." He gestured towards himself and bowed as if he were in front of an audience and not just the one companion. He looked at the other and gasped, "I'll have them do a puja for you since you're here!" A ritualistic prayer for favour from the gods, but he really wasn't giving him a choice. Better safe than sorry! "And we'll get you a new garland of jasmines outside the temple!" -------- "You are so sweet to me, thank you!" he sighed. Why hadn't he visited him back in the days or vise versa? Perhaps his brother had but well. He didn't want to bring that up really. "I am aware I kinda abruptly ended your meditation, if you like I can try and join you later today." -------- It wasn't so much an abrupt end as it was a perfect one, it was like his thoughts manifested onto reality and brought forth his guest. "Alright, perhaps you'll indulge me further and join me in some hatha yoga. If you're flexible enough, that is." -------- he coughed "flexible enough? What do I have to do? I can touch my toes standing" Anything else? "Ah yes, and I can touch my nose with my tongue, see?" -------- "I'll show you then, touching your toes standing is a great start. Some stances are just harder than others, it's a nice way to test your limits. However I'm limitless-" he grinned. "Don't talk to me about touching your nose with your tongue if you can't move your ears." One of his many natural talents, he illustrated it and laughed. -------- Rome laughed too. "That's so funny! Yes show me when we get back! I'm sure I will pick it up quickly with such a good teacher" -------- It was far too easy to appeal to his pride. He beamed, "You're right, you'll reach an advanced level very fast under my wing, you already have strength, with some stretching and discipline, you'll have everything. -------- "I'm happy you want to teach this old dog some new tricks. Is it far to the market?" -------- "Are you old?" He didn't know the answer to that- but then that would make him ancient... He shook his head, he was still young at heart. "Not by too long, a few minutes? Is walking as boring to you as riding a car?" Oh that gave him a very, very good idea. -------- "Ahh, according to some... but I ripe like a good wine :) Others just turn sour. Ahh and then there are those lucky few that aren't touched by time at all." he smiled " oh no, i like walking! and maybe its different if you drive a car yourself. The kids seem to enjoy it." -------- He smiled at the analogy, confidence was always attractive to him, "Ah but if you were my student earlier then time would not have touched you, our cosmetic and health knowledge are supreme." -------- "Maybe so. I was found beautifull and promising enough to turn heads in Greece but I was not courted over. There was a time where Id get drunk at any word China would spare me, but he did not want me." and it still hurt "and seasons and years passed, because I was to stubborn to let go... So, that's my story. Im practically raised by the army, all I know of other fields is by reading" -------- He was craving... affection? Yes, his earlier question about what it was like to be loved did fit the speculation. He put a hand on his back, though he wouldn't offer comfort to the private matters he mentioned. "Well then, I'm glad you're here, you can learn of many new fields by trying them out yourself. Maybe you'll outdo me in more than a couple." He smiled, nope not a chance. -------- "YES I can do that!" he was really motivated to crush the other and he wasnt scared to work hard for it "...huh?!..." he checked his pockets "the monkeys really did mug me. Im glad they didn't take my wallet... Or did they?" he checked his bag "pfffft, it's still here. By Jupiter if they snatch that from me, no more mister nice guy. It got the pictures of the kids and everything in it!" -------- "No, no, put that thing away!" He shook his head, "You're my guest, there's no reason for you to bring out any money. Though you should keep it safe, especially if there're pictures in it." -------- He nodded "you wont believe the trouble i went threw to get them. I even tied up God in his office... And I still don't have one of my Romano" -------- "You tied him up?" He sighed unsurprised, "Did diplomacy fail?" Tying up people was not very nice, he'd have at least bribed the deity with something. "Ah, I'm sure you'll be able to get one eventually, worry not." -------- "I sure hope so. He's angry with me, as are the women in my life,..." and his brother and who not really?! "... even my best friend stabbed me. Fitting for a roman, no?!" -------- He considered his response, and sighed. "People can be complicated, it's how it's always been." The streets were starting to get more lively, with people travelling to work, a few cars moved past them. Since they weren't in the middle of the city, they were spared the noise and honking. "Though I do hope you make peace with all of them if you can." -------- "Well, that's why I'm back, my main reason, to say Im sorry" -------- "Oh?" He smiled, "Apologies from the great Roman empire himself- somehow when it comes to you, I feel that people would rather have explanations than apologies. Especially those who admire you." -------- "I would be happy to provide both. Although Im not that well a speaker like say Greece" -------- "That is true indeed, well if you can get a price down for anything by 40% in any one of the stalls in the marketplace, you'll have made great progress in that area." -------- "Pfff... Ok I'll try..." he better pay attention to see how other people handled this. -------- "Watch and learn." He had centuries of experience in bargaining- he nearly got things for free when he was in the need. Though there was a time when he was completely unable to do so- The marketplace was colourful! There were many many carts selling foods and trinkets, people were dressed traditionally except for the odd shopkeepers daughter who was daring enough to wear jeans and a t-shirt rather than a chudidar. India stirred them towards the direction of the fabrics which the other mentioned wanting to see. -------- "See this dark blue fabric, and that purple, how do they do it? How do they make the purpura, Indie? Does the color hold in tempera, for paintings? " -------- "From flowers in the past- Oh you should have been here during Holi, it's a festival where traditionally we throw colourful powders or vibrant paints on each other- They tend to be naturally made so that they don't harm anyone! Yes it holds in tempera. But nowadays they use ugly synthetic dye for clothes. It's quite nostalgic to see handmade fabrics, back in the days I was at the pinnacle of fabric dyeing!" Ah the key was to make sure the cotton would permanently hold its colour- after that was figured.. hah! Well then he was the greatest fabric dyer in the world!! -------- "Really?! Id love to come next time to see. They don't mind foreigners attending?" he tried to picture it "Think we can buy colors here? I'd like to make something pretty just for you" -------- "Of course we don't mind! In fact it's been adopted by some other countries, it's nice to have fun once in a while! Though there is, of course, a great story behind it." He was still quite touched by the other's offer to paint him something. "I... You really don't have to... But ehm, you can buy them here." He suddenly found a really cute elephant figurine to admire. -------- "You really like elephants, don't you? It must seem silly to you that they scare me." -------- He looked at him and shook his head earnestly. "Not at all." He was able to meet his eyes, "I've known elephants that destroyed villages. They're well worth one's respect, be it through love or through fear. I hope that you can see their gentler nature too before you decide on fearing them once and for all." -------- He nodded "One hit me with his snout and nearly trampled me... And when Hannibal led them over the alps I totally lost my shit. You know you can be sleeping and suddenly there is one in your house. Im not afraid much. My youngest is afraid of spiders. He can't sleep if there is one in his room." Rome laughed "I shouldnt laugh but it's so silly. You are not afraid of bugs are you?" -------- He nodded, "Yes they can be terrifying, I'm sorry you had poor experiences with them." He hoped that he would get over them, they weren't so much beasts as they were gentle spirits... Plus they were so cute! The ones that were native to his land, at least. And even when upset, he could tame them fairly quickly. "No, but I can understand being squeamish about them. I know someone who's honestly a terrible person who has done terrible things, but the sight of a cockroach alone is enough for him to turn into a mess. Did you know that elephants are terrified of mice? It must be like how some of us are terrified of bugs." -------- "Really, ah but if he annoys you you can drop a chart of cockroaches in his living to bug him that's fairly easy! Ahh, i didn't know they don't like mice. We used to scare them with pigs we covered in tar and set alight. The sound they made, brrr. Kinda horrible when you think of it, hmn?" -------- He looked like he was picturing it and made a heartbroken face, "The poor pigs..." He shook his head, "Believe me, I'm not above it to use that if I must with him. Do you want an elephant figurine?" -------- "yes! But a small one so I can keep it with me for good luck." India was spoiling him. "Are you going to demonstrate it now?" Rome felt a little sorry for the shopkeeper already. "I do hope you enjoy my time spend, cause it's the only thing you'll take from me now. Please accept a few good memories to stay with you." -------- Hmm, a small one. He looked at the other, "There are so many to choose from, I'll demonstrate after you take your pick." There were so many intricate little carvings in the various figurines, elephants with their trunks raised, made out of wood, stone- and just about any material. No matter how many times he saw it, he always found them so cute. But he kept a discerning eye and a neutral expression. Rule #1 of the trade, don't get overexcited. -------- "maybe one of those made from malachite, that's a pretty stone. You should take one to match for yourself." that would be super cute! -------- He looked over to them and nodded, "Chic." They were quite adorable though, "Another one for my collection then." He called for the shopkeeper and of course the price for the two figurines were higher than that of say, the wooden ones. (As mun is not nearly as good as the great Shivaramakrishnan at bargaining, she shall now skip a scene.) "Ah thank you, I'm glad that you won't be doing this to your next customers." Honestly! It was actually far too expensive for something so small. He handed his Roman friend one of the elephants, wrapped securely in brown paper. "45% off~" -------- Rome was highly impressed. The other made it look so easy so he wanted to try as well. To get an idea of the progress he picked an item he could find at different shops. This way he would pick up quickly what the set price was. He choose to go for a nice fountain pen. If he was going to write again he needed one anyway. But the shopkeepers weren't so easy on him. It was a dead giveaway he was a tourist which meant easy money. Also he was a open book to read, so not one was going to lower the price much. He was visible frustrated by it and people enjoyed messing with him. When he walked away after a fifth try he looked like he was going to give up and sighed. He looked at Indie and when he caught his smile suddenly got an idea. He strolled around just making some silly jokes until he found what he was looking for. There was one stand he was looking at from across the street and he took his sweet time to unfold his magic. There, she spotted him. The woman blushed, turned away and looked again. He came closer now and asked if she could help him. He said he needed a present for a friend. He asked her name, complimented on her dress, asked about what places were nice to eat around here... and all the while flirting shamelessly. At some point he took his wallet and folded a bill wonderfully in the shape of a heart. He then took the pen he liked best wrote down something on the heart and left it in her hands. She smiled, he walked off with a even wider one back to Indie "40% off, The shopkeepers here all want to trick me, but their women sure seem to like me!" he laughed -------- He was trying so hard, it was hard not to smile. But five tries, and not a smidge of success... To be fair, some others had done much worse. Bargaining was not just a skill, it was a culture one simply grew up immersed in. It was the familiar memory of holding a parent's hand as they shake their heads and complain about the quality of an item, it was the memory of the shopkeeper's eyes lighting up at the challenge. Maybe it wasn't very easy to pick up from just one observation- He almost lost track of the other as he stood there contemplating the nature of bargaining and vaguely reacting to a series of jokes, but he soon found him and watched him try his luck with that woman who had laughed at his joke. Several moments later he had returned with a pen. "Is that so?" He chuckled and shook his head, "The poor darling may never be cured of her broken heart, but you did succeed." Bargaining was unfair by nature, he looked at the other and nodded. "You've led me to believe that if you are persistent, you will definitely get your thoughts and feelings across to those you want to speak to. Though I'm not sure if charming them will be as effective." He smiled and turned, "Let's get you your dyes." -------- "ah yeah!" he was happy they were about to see the colours. "I'm not a heartbreaker. I now have a pen so I can write my new beloved friend and it will last me what ten years maybe before I need to buy another. While I gave her sweet dreams that may very well last a lifetime." he smiled "Ah but you are quite right. Flirting with the ladies, that's easy enough. The men, they wont buy crap from me" -------- "Ten years? Well, if you want to buy yourself refills, I suppose. Though I'd rather buy a new pen at that stage." He laughed, "Oh yes, I'm sure she'll have sweet dreams over your charming encounter." He doubted it, but who knew how the minds of people worked. He grinned, "Yes, you're going to have to work harder with the men. Assert your dominance without endangering their pride, and that's often your best bet." -------- Rome nodded " I still have a lot to learn, I suppose. Some of the young ones look up to me because they picture a big structured empire built from scratch in a couple of years. HaHa! I couldnt have done it on my own. Also we missed out a lot, being on campaign all the while as a Republic. I think the best thing was we adopted other cultures into our own." he starts laughing "Germania's boy freaking fetishises me. It's SO weird! I feel like I'm the opposite of what he thinks I am" -------- He laughed, "If I haven't had my own share of experience with invincible empires, I think I'd have /fetishized/ your empire as well. You're seen as the pinnacle of discipline and military prowess, aren't you?" -------- "Discipline just means being pushed in a position that's convenient. Some are easily disciplined with rewards, but most by fear. I'm not sure if that's something to be proud of. And then there is me as a person too. I very much doubt that's what you see when you look in my eyes. No, I don't think I'm that disciplined. What reward was there waiting for me? What was there to fear, really? I might very well be the least disciplined person you'll ever meet." he played a little with his guirlande, smelling the flowers " I don't think I'll ever grow up. I'm not saying I can't be motivated, nor am I lazy, I think. I'm just a very passionate man, you need to rub me the right way" he giggled "But yes, compared to the others, our military was most skilled!" -------- He laughed, "Is that what discipline means to you? To me it means being able to separate one's individual concerns and suppress them for the efficiency and quality of a larger machine." He didn't think there was a right definition to it, but conveniency and efficiency were two separate matters. "When I look at you, I see a miracle, honestly. I don't know whether you are disciplined or childish, unmotivated or lethargic, but you are most certainly a miracle. As such, I think you're unpredictable and worthy of being a great friend or a great foe." -------- "I'm not a saint. Maybe If you surpress all you are for the greater good for too long, say a couple of thousand years, you too would start to hate the machine you are feeding. Of course it's efficient when everybody does what they are supposed to do. But may I question what I am supposed to do? Everything that exists is in a matter the seed of that what will be, as my boss put it. I have no taste for blood nor do I enjoy breaking things. I like to built things. I build a great empire out of sand only to give my boys a handfull. After all I endured I wanted them to have a good life. Therefore I am very content their military is a complete mess" he laughed "But now India... you DO rub me the right way... will you stop it?" -------- "Did you hate the machine you were feeding?" He understood that the other was immensely lonely. He wasn't quite a part of that machine as he actually was the machine. In that sense were nations solitary by nature? India may have been lonely once, but he was trained to see the world with different eyes. He did think he was a God among men, but that made him ambitious, to raise the standards of humankind, to elevate them by being with them. He was never lonely, he had a purpose given to him by himself! He didn't remember it, but he was terribly lonely and whiny as well, in the past. It was grossly egotistical on his part. He blinked, and from behind his roman friend, he put both hands on his shoulders. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, but I don't think I will. I'm curious to know what type of motivation I'm sparking." -------- "In a way yes I hated it. Because it drove me and my brother apart see? I was always trying to stress how much we are alike, he on the other hand pointed out our differences. He was my best friend and my greatest enemy. And I miss him greatly. I find it hard to except the credit for his efforts, cause truly he's the better half." Twins really are the worst. He was still angry for what he did. On the other hand he wanted to except his new chosen path. It was complicated on so many levels, Rome thought. Surely East crossed the line by fucking Greece though. And she knew, oh the bitch knew. He was startled when India touched him. "... Hmn see, you make me want to be a better man... I think I might just started to have a little crush on you. But no need to worry about it. " -------- "Is he now?" He smiled, the other clearly seemed to be a deep thinker, to be capable of critiquing himself in such a way. Or was it baseless gloom? He hoped for the former, because clouds of self-depreciation could easily ruin his otherwise golden radiance. What an expression, it didn't fully convince him that he only missed his brother. But brotherhoods so old were rightfully complicated. He sighed and ignored the thoughts that tried to depress him, of his neighbour and brother. He blinked and removed his hands, "Is that what it was?" He smiled, "Perhaps if you become a better man and impress me, I'll have a crush right back on you." He was downright cocky and he knew it, ...he didn't think the crush would last. He didn't treat it with much surprise at all, it may have even been a touch underwhelming. He wondered whether that was enough to extinguish the flame. -------- "HA! I sure hope not! Can you imagen all the gossiping ancients at the crossroads?! Greece would make your life a LIVING HELL." He put his thumbs in his jeanspockets and started walking "But make no mistake, I will better myself and impress you... better yet, I'll CRUSH you... Think of it as a warming up. After that I'll make Constantinople great again... I can't stay at Ikea forever, Swedish food makes me sick." he halted suddenly and beamed a most happy smile "wowww,... It's more beautifull than I imagined" he had found the dyes. -------- He laughed, "You'll crush me?" He was glad that he was in high spirits but honestly, "I'd rather that you don't try. Learn more about these times, you have far too much studying to do before you go around invading or building up cities." He really didn't care for gossip, "I had decent relations with Greece." He remarked before he looked over at the fabrics. "Isn't it? I was the very best with them. How many would you like?" -------- "But mummmm...." he said in a winey voice "seriously it's only fair I got at least half of Constantinople. And just think, I get to sent you lot's of nice food..." He sighed and put it to rest, India was probably right. Even though he had learned so much about the modern world. He didn't have his legions to actually invade anything. He was all talk now. But he could still bragg about his past accompliches. he snickered "Well MY relations with Greece were ANYTHING BUT decent." even that was a lie. His country was highly influenced be her and he loved her lot's. Ofcourse they had made out, but Greece could and would play him like a fool. "Hmn... just some basic earth colours, okers, black and white and maybe a bit of two brighter ones. I haven't got a clue what it costs and I don't want you to spend too much." -------- "You could send me nice food anywaayyyys." Why was he mimicking the whiny voice- he chuckled and watched the other sigh. Oh no, was that the sound of crushed dreams? It was...for the best, he decided. "Oh? I couldn't believe that, she seemed like such an amiable lady." "Basic earth colours?" He nodded and picked a few greens, yellows and reds. White and black, and then of course he picked a lot of indigo. Indigo was his most famous! "Choose as much as you like, what use is there in excess money if it cannot sate the desires of the esteemed guest?" -------- "Thank you Im so happy! I will learn to make food myself so I can send you! J.just you wait! " he was never going to repay this he thought "I will make you proud of me, your time will not be a idle investment I swear" -------- "You'll make the food?" What is this, he's being so spoilt, to be promised homemade food and an artwork? It was a little overwhelming and he was so grateful that he couldn't really say anything for a moment. Finally he smiled and nodded, "I'm sure it won't be, though rather than an investment, my time is a gift. I don't expect anything in return, and you needn't hold yourself to your words should they feel like weights." -------- "Weights? Never. You lift me up to rise above what I thought was possible. I am very thankfull" he put his hands together and bowed his head "That smile of yours was the only gift I truly needed. I'll keep it save and cherish it for a thousand years...and a day" -------- "And a day?" He thought he might have felt his heart skip a beat at the last addition, surely his standards were not high. What made him difficult was his negligence towards himself. He returned the gesture, bowing lower, "Your words are too kind, and the sincerity behind them, kinder still. My smile is a permanent matter of course, you may get tired of it." -------- Rome shook his head "I will grow tired of it the day easter and christmas fall on the same day, just as people grow tired watching dancing flames, the sun rising and waves washing ashore... you must show me the temple and tell me what it's for... -------- Well that put a silly grin on him immediately, "You are too generous." He nodded at the last bit, "I will show you the temple, it'll be easier to explain it when we're there. And I assume you are asking about my tilak and the Bindi on our foreheads. It is a Hindu custom," he touched the spot on Rome's forehead with his thumb, "this is where the soul enters and exits the body, the Ajna Chakra. By applying sandalwood paste on it, you are respecting the mind and soul. It's also said to improve your attention and intuition." The thumb moved upwards, "The different type of tilak can also help one understand which God the person worships, during religious instances. Women wear it in the form of a simple dot, married women wear it as a larger red dot." He withdrew his hand, "Like kohl, it also has cooling properties." -------- Romulus listened and seemed intrigued. "Do you have priests or virgins to look after the temple and do they also wear tilak or bindu?" -------- He laughed, "Temples tend to be owned by people who used to be from the Brahmin caste. They have families to take care of them- And yes, you will see it." -------- "This caste, is a familyline or house, or an institute of some sort? I am sorry Im trying to understand" -------- "The caste system (I've tried to dissolve it in these times) is a social hierarchy, the brahmins were at the top as people who are the closest to the gods. Then the warriors, the merchants and at the very bottom were the Untouchables, who are said to have been sinners in their previous life." -------- "That seems like a pretty fixed system that suits it's purpose but none can possibly escape from. Not like ours was much better I suppose. Both the free born and slaves were bound, in different ways -------- "We believed in the cycle of rebirth, and in that sense it was more than fair. You escape it by living righteously and being reborn into a better caste. But it's ultimately cruel and so nothing more than its legacy should continue." -------- "hmn,... Then you should know everything about how to be a good man with your experience. And your people have written down knowledge for those who want to make an effort to better their lives, no?... One of my bosses was really into that. He is known as one of the worlds greatest filosofers. " -------- "The more I think I know, the less I know, so I tend to just do my best and hope for good results." He sighed, "But of course, my people have written many rules and guides down, though I think it's most important to have a strong sense of dharma, and the rest fall into place." He paused, "Duty." He seemed rather curious when the other mentioned an old boss, he got the attention of the shopkeeper and looked back at him. "Which of them was he?" -------- Rome nodded, yes the more you know. "Ah... he's known as Marcus Aurelius. We ehh, change names at times. He was really kind to me. Even let me go travel and see Seres... we did make a short stop in Pandyan... It's a long time ago I don't remember the name of the city." -------- "You seem to remember him fondly," he took out his card and the lady shook her head. Only cash. But of course, he fiddled in his wallet for the price and kept it in her hand. -------- "Yes! And history has been kind to him luckely." some would claim the pax romana died with him. "We did we not meet back then, why didn't we?..." he was digging his mind. "I remember we had to keep a good pace even though I was feeling sick... we cut part of the main route, for some reason... " he shook his head his memory was too clouded. "Did you have leaders you were fond of, more than the others?" -------- He watched as the woman packed the dyes and he could feel the other's lapse in memory with just hearing his voice. "I did. Ashoka the Buddhist king was a force to be reckoned with, Akbar the Great from the Mughal empire was such a curious and wonderful man. There are many more, some dipped in mist within my memories as I fail to recall whether they were real or myth." -------- Rome laughed to that "And I thought MY mind was a mess" he sighed. "But I do think I've heard of this Ashoka before... But hey, let's put that in my bag, then we have our hands free." -------- He smiled, "Oh I'm sure that one was real. We use his chakra on my flag, saffron, white and green, with a navy blue wheel at the middle. It has twenty-four spokes and symbolises the twenty-four hours of a day, rotating, rotating without tire, to continue for an eternity." He took the dyes and thanked the woman. "The elephants (and coals) await us! Is there anything else that you would like to buy?" -------- Rome started grinning, whatever he was thinking he wasn't saying it out loud. "You're feeding me and everything. And since you won't let me invade nothing, what more do I need?" -------- He smiled and tilted his head, "What are you grinning about? Hm perhaps I am ideal company for swashbuckling young empires." -------- "I'm not telling" his grin widened. "but you may guess, HA HA" -------- "Is this about you still being sceptical about my hot coal walk? I will impress you nonetheless." -------- "You serious?! I don't want you to burn yourself please" -------- "Oh," he laughed, "since you said please, I won't burn. Though I had no intention of burning and I will still do as I wish." -------- Rome combed his fingers throw his hair and shook his head "You are a grown free man, by all means do as you wish. I'm still not certain what you are trying to proof though. Of all the ways you could pick to try to - impress - me, you had to choose walking on coals" he flung his hands in the air in a dramatic matter "You could have just got naked" -------- He laughed, "I don't tend to get naked for my guests (and its not the first time I've heard this...sadly), but walking on coals is no problem." He took his hand and held it firmly with his other, "Where's your spirit gone?" He was not going to be kept from it. It was that or snake charming. -------- "Very well... It clearly means a lot to you, show me. though I'm not sure what I think is scarier this moment. You doing just that or me getting trampled." he pouted "but it's not my fault if you get hurt in the process. Unlike popular belief I do not enjoy people suffering" -------- "I'm honoured that my safety is as important as yours." He let go of his hands and looked at him with a carefree grin, "Don't worry, your name will not be tied down to any mistake on my part." -------- "My name has left a much hated mark on far to many people, quite literaly. Let us go to the temple" -------- "Now do not go being depressed," he eyed him and held his hands behind himself, "the Mandir is a place of light. Put a smile on your face and let your heart be free of the past." He led the way. -------- Rome faked a smile and followed. Let your heart be free of the past? The past was basically all he was. Both good and bad. "What do elephants eat?" -------- He smiled at the question, "Bananas! Whole bunches of them. Though they'll like you more if you peel them and put in the extra effort." -------- "Should we bring some? Then maybe they wont smell my fear and peel me instead?!" -------- "They'll have some at the temple, don't worry. They really are gentle, you'll like them!" Very gentle and very smart. -------- Romulus wasnt so sure. "We will drink to celebrate after, right? If I do pet one, that is" -------- "If you take one for a walk with me, I'll even make sure to get the finest brew from my place." That was a little tricky these days, but if the other put in extra effort, so would he. -------- "Ww..." his voice cracked "Walk with.. you mean walk beside it? Ohh... I don't know India. What if I can't control it then the whole town is in ruin." -------- "I'll be with you, so of course that won't happen." He pressed his hands together, "They're not going to rampage with me around, and you don't need to control them, they're my friends." Because why wouldn't you have an elephant pal. -------- "You speak of them like they are big dogs. Like you can just let them lie down and roll over. Aah, I really am nervous, omg" he pinched India's arm "I can feel my heart beating in my chest" -------- He patted his shoulder, "I'll help you face them, you won't be in any danger and they are a different species from what you remember, maybe you'll notice their physical differences." -------- "I'll trust your judgement. This temple is it dedicated to one God or several?" he asked "Do you have a favorite?" -------- "I'm glad you will." He was honoured. "Oh, it's dedicated to one of Vishnu's most beloved avatars, Krishna." He grinned at the question, "Are you looking to get me in trouble?" -------- "Get you in trouble? They are a jealous bunch, is that what you are saying? Or is my company troublesome already?" -------- "They can be a jealous bunch, and your company is far from troublesome! You've been wonderful company." He nodded, "In seriousness, I used to favour Shiva the most, though now I think my admiration has shifted to Vishnu. Each God does play an important role though." -------- Romulus smiled shyly "What is Vishnu known for that you pick him?... Or is it a Goddess? See how little I know. I don't want to anger Vishnu... Sorry God, if you are listening, Im a silly tourist I mean no harm." -------- "Don't worry, he's one of the gods who never gets jealous or petty, he would not be offended." And as for why he picked him, how does one put Vishnu into words? He is like life itself! "I suppose it is only natural for me to appreciate him the most, he is associated with heroism and with protection. In Hinduism, we have the Vedic triad, three gods who are the most important from the entire pantheon. Brahma, he who creates, Shiva, he who destroys evil to make space for more creation, and Vishnu, he who protects what is good. In times of great evil, he is born to the earth and will become a saviour. According to the stories, he has done this 9 times already. He's like a guardian angel- That...And he's just really really admirable in each tale he plays a part in. He's collected and calm, within him lie the secrets of the cosmos." Only in India do you have such persistent fanboys for Gods or goddesses. Don't even get him started on Hanuman, the monkey God. -------- "He sounds like a great guy! You should tell me some of his stories when we have time to spare" -------- "Wonderful! Actually there's a perfect tale to pass the time with as we walk to the temple, it's about Vishnu and an elephant devotee of his." -------- "YEAH let's hear it!" Rome smiled -------- He laughed, "During the times of Akbar the Great, was a man so witty and intelligent in his court that his stories are well remembered. He was called Birbal, and unlike the Muslim emperor, he was a Hindu. Akbar sought for peace between the two groups and wished to understand this story. Once, there was a leader of a herd of elephants called Gajendra, he was a great leader and one who cared for his fellow elephants. He led them to the river so that they could bathe themselves, but suddenly, he was attacked! The jaws of a crocodile snapped shut on his leg and he cried out for help. But his herd backed away and began to turn away, as they had realised that death had come for Gajendra. Poor Gajendra struggled and struggled, to no avail. They say he held out for a thousand years, trapped by the crocodile, clinging onto dear life. But even his strength had its limits. With the last of it, he picked up a lotus flower with his trunk and held it up high," he extended an arm above him, as an offerring to the Lord Vishnu, as a prayer for help." There were almost by the temple, he could make out the shape. They say if you can view your destination, you're halfway there. "That's the temple, see?" -------- "I see,... then what happend? Did it got dragged down the water?" he was caught by the story already -------- He shook his head, "Upon hearing his devotee's prayer, Lord Vishnu himself rushed to the scene, looking for the one who surrendered control of their life to him. As Gajendra saw him, he exerted the last of his strength in raising the lotus even higher. At seeing this, Vishnu was moved and with his Sudarshana Chakra, a weapon that's much like a discus with jagged edges- he beheaded the crocodile and saved Gajendra. Akbar was rather shocked by the fact that Vishnu himself came down to help Gajendra when he could have sent any of his strong and loyal subjects to take care of it in his stead. Birbal took to explaining it later by telling the Emperor that his grandson was drowning in the pool. This was, of course, not the case, but Akbar jumped in himself to rescue his supposed grandson. The moral of that being that Vishnu treats his devotees with such personal care, it is as if he is family." -------- Romulus nodded "He is a good God. The elephants do know how to touch peoples hearts. We had some at the circus once, I did not go because I don't enjoy it. But a friend did and he said all left feeling sad because they wailed so bitterly and casts their trunks up to heaven. This friend never returned there ever again and became stoic. Seneca and Pliny also wrote about their greatness. The organiser of the event was cursed by both elephant and man it's said and he got stabbed." -------- He nodded, "It depresses me that we cannot take care of these animals and make proper use of them. For entertainment we have each other, why must tigers be chained and bears made to balance on balls?" He smiled without much humour, "There's a bit of poaching in my land, people kill elephants for the ivory. How pointless it is, the ruin a life so large and great, for a small bit of material." -------- "The Gods made many foolish people. But they may grow to do what is right. They should not anger you. Do not question why is it that these things happen and fill you with sorrow. Nobody is helped with such thoughts and you the last of all people." -------- "They don't anger me." He sighed but he was cheered by the other's words, "And it is impossible for me to be filled with sorrow when with it comes motivation to work against the nature of all things poor." Things will get better! "Thank you for your advice." -------- "We are all connected in a way, I believe. Only take the words that are of use to you that come from my mouth. Because I loose myself quite often, which is not very wise. I have still need to learn to shut my mouth and pick my words with more care. But you are making a great difference for my world this day. So that is progress, right?" -------- He smiled, "I don't know, maybe you were a better man before you met me. However, I can never know, so I'll believe that I made a positive difference." They were almost there! A cool breeze blew past them, shaking trees and letting flower petals and leaves fall onto the ground. "There's art in honesty and straightforwardness, there's science behind picking words with more care. Both are neutral choices, only you decide whether they harm or support. You're already very wise in the ways of art." -------- Rome smiled proudly at that. "Maybe" he looked at the leaves dancing in the wind then back at India "will there be paintings or statues of Vishnu in the temple of Krisna as well? Im curious to how he looks like" -------- "There will be statues, but honestly he looks different in every temple- ah but since it's a temple they'll sell paintings for worship outside! Imagine a dark man with beautiful eyes, like lotus petals, and a constant smile. He's normally lying on a large cobra with several heads, with his wife, the goddess of fortune and prosperity massaging his feet, floating on the cosmic waters that represent the universe." He was heavily romanticized, but which gods weren't? "Krishna is a form of Lord Vishnu so technically speaking, even the flautist with a peacock feather in his hair and doe-like eyes is him." -------- Rome giggled "He most be very charming indeed if the women lay at his feet like that. HA HA The temple looks really cool, are they all built likewise?" -------- "Oh yes, and his wife is madly in love with him. Everytime he is born to the earth, she comes with him, they always find each other and fall in love all over again." He was a romantic, and there was such beauty and aesthetic in the stories of Vishnu. "And Krishna had 16008 (or 16108, the stories are inconsistent) wives, each of whom he loved dearly and spent equal time with." "No, they vary from region to region, and they look different depending on which deity or which deities they are dedicated to." -------- "oh?" he froze and his mouth hanged open in amazement "seriously, that's the cutest thing ever!" ------ He grinned, "It gets cuter than that, he originally only had 8 wives, but 16000 (16100) of them were slaves of the demon Narakasura. After Krishna slew him, the women would not have a place in society as old servants of the late demon, so he married them out of kindness to protect their dignity. And they lived happily with him in his kingdom. One of the stories say that the mischievous God, Narada, asked him if he could take one of his wives -he had so many, after all- for himself. And Krishna agreed, provided that Narada would marry the one who he finds alone." He smiled, he loved telling stories, his eyes were still full of wonder and admiration, hands naturally moving to gesture and illustrate the nature of his words. "Narada went to the home of each of the 16008 wives, and in each home, his prospective bride was accompanied by Krishna who was very close with her, laughed and was intimate with her or even raised children with her. He finally realised that Krishna splits himself into a being for each wife and spends the night with them all simultaneously while in the daytime his selves combine as he performs the duties of a Prince." He actually learned to play the flute because of the stories of Krishna. -------- Romulus listened carefully and smiled all the while "I wish my Gods were as generous. Jupiter had quite some trouble with his jealous wife. Not as much as the Greek ones though. Personally I try to keep my relations with women open, it's not ideal but it's manageble that way. I could not handle more than two loves at the same time, Id go crazy I think. I was really blessed Greece and Egypt liked eachother." -------- "Haha," he had a sudden mini-film of flashbacks, one after the other, building up his spirits and crushing them, devastating him and consoling him all at the same time. He walked into a corner. Rubbing his head and torn out of his five seconds of silence he looked at the other, "You were blessed, catfights can turn ugly." -------- Rome nodded. It looked to him India had not been so fortunate with girls. "Well, girls are strange anyway" -------- He didn't have time to wonder what the other had thought to himself after watching his host walk into a wall, because when the stars faded from his view, he realised that they were by the temple. "We're here! Alright, now first we must remove our shoes and secure them." -------- Romulus tried not to laugh when the other hit his head "...ehh, you ok?" He opened his bag and took out a package of wipes offering them to India before he took a few to clean his face, hands and feet. Then took his spare sandals out. "secure them, you said?" -------- "I just showered," he said as he declined the wipes. He regarded the other fondly, "You know your temple etiquette, I'm impressed." It was very important to go into the temple with a clean body, but foreigners weren't required to observe each custom. "Yes, sadly they may get stolen by the time we return if we don't tie them to the pole." -------- "That would be a something, these.." he hold up his sandals "... Are the only thing that they truly 'respect', my boys" he smiled "I could put it al in the bag, although Id like to have the full experience, ha ha. Or uhm should I leave my bag here as well? I can take my pictures out, I have pockets in my jeans" having pockets was new to the roman. "If they take it then that's that. I try to live minimalistic now. It works rather well for me." -------- "They only truly respect your shoes?" He cocked his head to a side, "Your boys have strange tastes." He smiled and shook his head, "Carrying it in your bag is alright, just so long as your footsteps are pure on temple grounds, you needn't do anything else!" "Take your bag, you can carry all your items with you, though I wish you'd left some more in the house." -------- "Yes well, I'm not sure if they fear my fashion sense or the beating" he laughed. "Next time I'll leave it all at the villa. I'm just so used to carrying my stuff when I travel I didn't even think about it, silly heh?. This..." he shook his bag "...is everything I own, apart from my armor, which I left at a friends place in Reykjavic." He looked excited at the temple then back at India "It's just stuff. All that is important is stored up here" he said as he lay his hand on his brow. -------- "You sound just like an Indian aunty." He laughed, but in all his youthfulness, he still got the odd threat of being whacked by a slipper or rolling pin. "It's good to be detached from material things, but I don't know if you really are. I'll make sure that you do not part with your things if it can be helped." Unbeknownst to him, the monkeys had already taken his fidget spinner. -------- Rome put the sandals in the backpack and followed his friend to the temple silently. It sounded and smelled like a another world than the market they just visited. Temples were different yet the same in other countries. He felt truly at peace now. -------- "Now should we go to the elephants or the coals first?" He said with an excited smile, clapping his hands together as his hardened feet lightly kicked at the scorching temple grounds. The coals weren't a problem but he was trying quite hard not to hop around in front of the other. Of course he couldn't hide his relief when they came to a shaded path. -------- Rome shook his head, his new friend was an idiot. "Ok, show me your wonders first." they were quite alike, he thought. -------- Where was the lie though? Perhaps it was just a matter of eccentricity, all the ancients were excessively eccentric, India just happened to be worse than most. "Yes! Alright then, where was it again- that way? That way!" He dragged the other along, they could see children running along and playing, parents scolding them, those of marriageable age praying for luck- the atmosphere was bustling the way the market had been, yet it also felt different. As though there was a sense of lightheartedness in the air, everyone was smiling. It was a stark difference from temples dedicated to other deities. -------- Rome grinned as the other pulled him along. India's enthusiasm sure was contagious. Young countries more than often were so... serious. "You really are excited aren't you?" Rome still wasnt sure this was such a great idea but "you smile like an idiot" It was super cute to see him like this. -------- "Of course it's been years since I've done it!" That was cause for worry but clearly the thought hadn't reached him, he was immensely confident in his abilities. He found the coal pit, it probably hadn't been used in forever- there weren't so many young people who'd do it- burning one's feet off to prove their courage clearly didn't appeal to them in the way it appealed to more religious generations. "It's alright if I'm a cute idiot." He said as his eyes scanned for a handler, aha! He got one, he might have given the old man a fright for he must have only met him 20 years ago or so. "Shankar!" He called out in a similar tone and quickly got the man to light up the coals. He turned to his guest and whispered, "I think he thinks that I'm a form of the God... What do I do?" Would it be even more confusing to explain the whole nation thing or should the old man be humoured? It wasn't a simple and obvious moral choice. -------- Rome had to admit "fit for the asylum but equally cute" Rome thought for a moment "Let the old man think what he will. He'll be honoured..." he started laughing "When I was young I used to prank the poor souls. I would put on sandals and rub my feet madly at this wool carpet and then go around and electric shock people, HA HA! Some really believed I was the grandson of our King of Heaven. It was just a cheap trick but the faces they'd make... Ha HA" -------- He raised an eyebrow and laughed, "What a mischievous young boy you were!" The man looked old, perhaps he wouldn't live long- ah but somehow he may just live forever, one could never tell. In the end he went with his guest's suggestion, it wasn't a matter of personal pride, he just wanted him to have a good day. And he wouldn't do anything to purposely feed the idea! "Fit for the asylum?" He pouted, "Thats not very fair on me. My mind /is/ sharp." -------- "Hmn,... That is yet to be proven. But it only takes one look to see you're cuter than me. Maybe I get to outsmart you then. That's a honourable field to beat you in." he grinned "though I bet there are people who'd say Im just as wacko" -------- "Oh don't try to outsmart me," he spoke with such light-heartedness that even while he was facing the coals with as they were being lit, his tone was carried without the other seeing his smile. He turned to him, "Though of course you are handsome and there is no contest between our looks." Personally he was a better judge of the feminine beauty, for men it was hard to explain- there were too many different types of handsomeness that had never been given the same attention. Whether it was rugged or smooth, muscular or slender, there were too many handsome men to compare them all. It was during thought processes like this, that the Indian was filled with vexation as he couldn't understand why his country was yet to allow two men or women to be together. /Everyone/ is attractive and appealing. "The fire's been lit!" -------- Rome was about to challenge the other when India's reply left him speechless. He knew he should surpress his emotions because they would become overwelming. But he didn't. He accepted the compliment and felt so strong and beautifull he could move mountains now. He was all warm and fuzzy inside and it showed. "So it's on, this is it. I think you are really brave. I will cheer for you! " He bowed his head a little and gave him all the space to get ready. Please Gods watch over my friend, he's so precious. -------- He was dazzling- when he was so happy. India blinked at the sudden change, he hadn't thought it possible for the Roman to get even brighter and happier than he had at many moments throughout the day. Somehow, a part of him was worried that he'd made him feel too much, but he was also pleased that he left some sort of memory on the other. Though the latter was quite immature of him so he chided himself for it. "This is it!" He winked when the other made way for him. But beyond the coals was an idol of his beloved god, he folded his palms together, pressed them to his chest and bowed. The man gave him a garland of flowers and he took them carefully. "And now you'll see the walk." He murmured, before doing just as he promised. Now there was science to it, temperatures cancelled out and the time the coal made contact with his feet, whether they stick to the feet, how dry they are- it all mattered. But while watching him, it looked effortless and practiced. It was in equal parts fascinating and unnerving. He deliberately walked as slowly as the embers would allow, not rushing, but getting through the walk with grace, and back onto the sand at the other end. He hung the garland on the Krishna. A turn and a thumbs up, "See! It wasn't as bad as you expected, was it?" -------- Rome was blown away "That's incredible! How do you... Are you sure you're not hurt?" he turned to the old man "that's my friend, look at him" Rome run up to India and hugged him "sorry i doubted you, I saw you do this just now and I still not believe it!" Rome was blown away "That's incredible! How do you... Are you sure you're not hurt?" he turned to the old man "that's my friend, look at him" Rome run up to India and hugged him "sorry i doubted you, I saw you do this just now and I still not believe it!" -------- The old man looked just as stunned and India welcomed the embrace with a grin. "I'm sure, I'm sure." He lifted his legs and while they were covered in ash, there were no burns. He dusted them off easily, somehow even on one foot he looked as stable as an oak tree. "You must believe it, I will teach you how it works but I will not encourage you to try this /feat/ today." -------- "Oh, I'm so relieved you're ok." Pffffftttt HA HA HA "Ah indeed that would be a bad idea. The sand is warm enough for my feet!" the roman grinned -------- He smiled at the other's laughter, there were two types of reactions he was used to at this stage, groans and complaining or laughter. He genuinely thought he was funny so of course Rome's encouragement was confirmation of that notion. "Oh yes, the sand's scorching isn't it? Let's walk in the shade." He thanked the old man and bowed in front of the idol, before dragging the guest to a completely different part of the temple. "Now that I've done the impossible, it's time for you to bond with elephants." -------- Rome took a deep breath "Yes, I can do this!" he would make India proud. It was a totally irrational fear and he would face it. As simple as that. What could possibly go wrong? -------- India smiled encouraging but he was actually already running various scenarios in his head, how close to the elephant would he be able to bring the other, how would he keep the elephant calm- Should he let the Roman do this himself or should he lead by example? Elephants were brilliant creatures with much patience, but would something go wrong? He stopped the other and took some bananas from the tree, there weren't many ripe ones left but he got those on the brink. "Here, take half of these." He was going to do his best to make this as easy as possible. -------- Bananas perfect, he thought to himself. But felt tensing up already. Just because Rome was used to do whatever, whenever he was ordered to didn't mean he felt less. His mouth felt dry. He knew this would make him feel miserable, but that wasn't important. The fear was real, the treat wasn't. -------- He looked so tense, it made him feel a little bad, India pulled him into a tight hug. "Hey," he whispered, "calm yourself, loosen your muscles, breathe, breathe in as deep as you can, breathe out as much as possible, just focus on your breathing and you'll feel a lot more prepared." -------- He hold his breath with the sudden hug. Then slowly breath out again. He really was pumped up, ready for a fight. His nostrils wide, jaw clenched and soldiers stare picking up every essential detail of his surroundings. His arms hung unmoveble at his side when India wrapped his around him, like they were cut out marble. He did however lay his head against him. "yes sir, please let me go to feed it -------- How the Roman managed to get more stiff, went beyond him. He patted his head and looked downwards in thought, still hugging the other there. "Easy now, you're not about to wage war on Jaipur, are you? Hehe, I'm a little nervous, you /must/ comfort me from the thought before you go befriending elephants." He let go of the other and held his hands out wide, "I felt like I was hugging a tree!" What a bossy host he was, but he still felt that the had nervous energy threatening to spill out, call it a gut feeling. -------- There was a carefull grin on his face. He bit his lip and tried to order all the different thoughts plaging him. He dropped his backpack and bananas and duck back into a hug. The fingers of his rough hands, meant to wield a blade, running delicately over his back. He leaned into him with a whisper so close you could feel it "I could never harm you. -------- He laughed, finding the whispers ticklish and mirrored the way he felt the other stroke his back, "Is that so?" Perhaps there was a difference in 'could' and 'would' which the other ignored, but maybe there wasn't. "I won't give you a reason to, and neither will the elephants. Are you relaxed yet, or shall we walk around for a bit longer?" -------- Rome wouldn't let go just yet. "I'm glad we've came to an understanding. I will not tax Jaipur since you are so kind to part with it. It just needs a more fitting name" hmnn "I don't know, do I still feel like a tree to you?" apart from the broad chest haha "... I like your cuddles, they are better than Germanic ones. And you're not even drunk." -------- "Oi, who said anything about me parting with it?" He laughed, trust the other to take his opportunities when he saw them. "No, you're not much like a tree anymore, I'm glad too- Even I would feel like a fool for having seen a man in a tree." He smiled, "I'm the embodiment of therapy, of course my cuddles are the best." -------- "Ah you could carve a fine man out of it, mr tree hugger, but marble is finer." he let go reluctantly. "I don't need therapy. I have no sisters to grow a crush on, haha. Though id like it if you'd show me how to improve my cuddling." feeling lucky are we, Romulus? -------- "I could, but I prefer metal to stone and wood for such pursuits." He laughed, "You could get therapy for less than that these days." With a grin he winked, "It's not easy to teach, if you'd prefer, I could give you an ayurvedic massage instead." -------- "Really now?! Id love that, you spoil me greatly!!! But I still need to feed the elephants, because you showed your bravery too!" he indeed felt much better now "I promise to be a good boy and nice to them. They are your friends after all!" -------- Now those words certainly served their purpose in relaxing him. His lips curled to a smile and he nodded, "Then follow me, we'll head to their stables." What bravery, he had only done a small performance for the other, but if it inspired courage in him, then he had nothing to say. -------- Rome quickly slung his back over one shoulder and followed. As they got closer he heard one trumpeting and this startled him so much he grabbed the others arm rambling something in his native speech. -------- "Relax, they won't hurt you. They're not even out in the open- I think." He placed his banana-holding hand, as reassuringly as he could, on top of the hand that grabbed him. "And you will soon get used to their beautiful strange sounds!" -------- "I'm ok,.." he laughed nervously. He peeked around the corner if he could see them. "omg... They are huge!" Rome pointed his banana at India like a pistol "you, go first. If you do anything funny I WILL use this" he smirked -------- He stepped back, "Oh no! I suppose I have no chance now-" He took a banana from his own bunch and tossed it up, catching it as if it were a gun as well. "No funny business, you can't run away while I'm not watching." -------- "Not so fast!..." he aimed for the kill CLICK CLICK CLICK "why you little cheat, mine is unloaded!" he stuck his between his belt "Romans never run, dying in battle is prefered above decimation. Well,... there goes nothing, it was nice knowing you" Carefully but determent he approached the stables. He stopped only a few meters away facing one, breathing in his hands for a moment to calm himself. -------- "Unloaded? Hahah! That was not any action of mine." He returned the banana to his side gamely and nodded, "But of course, it was not my intention to insult your honour." He watched him from a distance as he walked to the elephants, still debating on his role in this matter. Finally he stepped up when Rome had paused, moving past him to the elephants and cooing soft greetings in the local tongue. He placed a hand on the trunk of one. "Gently, come forward and hold out a banana." -------- He stepped forward and peeled the banana. "On behalve of my people I ask p.please forgive us. We are really sorry." He looked at the big creature and tried to read it's eyes but it was hard cause his were tearing up. He kneeled and presented the peeled banana. "please accept" he was terrified. -------- Of course the elephant didn't quite speak, but the brownish grey trunk rolled around the banana and it opened its mouth wide, revealing rows of sparkly white teeth and in went the banana. And back down came the trunk. Shiv leaned in expectantly, and watched as the elephant expressed its gratitude by resting it's trunk on the Roman's head for a moment before removing it with a soft toot. "I think you've been blessed!" -------- Romulus almost didn't dare to look when the elephant brought the fruit to his mouth to happily munch it away. He looks a bit like a big cow he thought. His heart skipped a beat when the trunk returned. But instead of a smack in the face he got petted softly. India's comment brought a smile to his face. He stood up tall again. "This one is really kind" still scary though "Did you see how carefull he hold the banana? If he had more trunks he could play piano..." Rome joked. When turning to India he suddenly felt really lightheaded and his vision turned black -------- "They usually are, we pamper them so much here too, it's a lesson taught to them by example." He wouldn't go as far as to say that they are always like such. He was glad that Rome was keeping it together, he felt proud! "I saw, I saw! He really likes bananas, and you're a wonderful banana feeder. Hahaha, maybe one is enough to play the xylophone-" Time seemed to stop, he watched the other's legs, first seeing knees buckle, dropping the bananas, he moved quickly to catch him. "Ah well then, this is enough of a victory for today." He pressed his forehead against the other's and smiled, "You did really well, I hope you are still proud of it when you wake up." He got the others arm around him and walked a few steps away, bowing to the elephants before they left the area. Soon they ended up in the shade and India rested besides him, leaned on a tree. -------- When Rome opened his eyes again it took a moment to realise where he was. "1-0 for the elephant, Im seeing angels." He felt pretty stupid as he carefully got up again "...well... At least I did better than last time. I think this one likes me" -------- "He definitely likes you!" He helped him get up and lent him his shoulder, "I think it's a fair 1-1, you got something out of it by managing to feed him. Be proud of yourself." He looked at him for a moment, "Is this enough for today, or do you want to try again?" -------- It was a succesfull deed even though the end was a slight bitter. He was tired of all the emotions really. "You won't tell anyone, right?" he had a reputation to think of or whatever was left of it "I will do what you think is best. You are my guide and teacher, are you not?" -------- He had a twinkle in his eye as he smiled, "You mean I cannot speak of how you conquered the mighty elephant's heart and got a blessing from the icons of Lord Ganesh?" He patted him on the back, "Then my verdict is simple, you try again. I'm not one to encourage leaving work half-finished, you've come so far, you can only get further than this." He linked their arms together and held the bunch of bananas over his shoulder, "But this time we take him for a walk." -------- India was kind to him but would make him give everything and a little more. Then again Romulus was quick to do about anything for his new friend. In a way he just liked to show off his strenght and bravery to be the brightest pupil of the class. "Only if the elephant is okay with that." Romulus really was a puppy that took touching of any kind for a friendly pet. -------- He looked at the bananas through the corners of his eyes, "I think that the elephant can be convinced." Nodding in thought, he smiled. "We can spend some time with the youngster elephants, you might even find them cute." It was all part of his plan to ease the other into relieving himself of the unease. Of course it was a plan that he would not take credit for, any result at the end would be a result of Romulus' hard work alone. -------- "You mean they are brought here when they are young... Or do they breed them?" Rome could not picture it, it simply had never occured to him that they too had offspring like other animals "Do they have nests?" Imagen stumbling upon a nest full of angry little trunks?! -------- "Probably neither." The thought hadn't really struck him, "Well as they're temple elephants we really aren't keeping them captive, we are living with them." He chuckled quietly, "They're freerange Elephants, I suppose. Though carrying idols is all we really ask of them." The poachers however, would shoot them down for their ivory and the thought crossed his mind like a cloud dimming the light. But that was a separate matter. "Nests?" A shocking mental image, "They don't have nests, they tend to travel around the jungle in herds. Here they stay under the care of their mothers and caretakers." He removed his hand from the other's when he spotted an aforementioned caretaker, after convincing him, the man joined them to lead the way to the small elephants. India was clearly in awe of the little ones, he rested a hand on the Roman's shoulder and pointed, "Look at how cute they are!! They're like puppies- but cuter." Honestly, it was taking him Herculean efforts to keep from unlatching from his guest and hugging the rather big, little ones. -------- Rome was still processing what he was seeing. The smaller elephants were more moving about. "herds?" vague memories of sheep past his mind. These did not move like sheep. More like cows. "They don't lay eggs... they are nursed like cubs and calfs. They have mothers" He turned to India and seeing him cracked him up "Won't the mother eat us if we get too close?" -------- "Well not if you win her over," he winked. "These elephants are communal, they don't see you as a threat. They're quite intelligent, Ganesha the elephant-headed God is also known for being the God of wit." He rubbed the head of a small elephant that wandered near them and it squeaked. Elephants...squeak. "Isn't she adorable." He grinned and waved his hands, the elephant child waved its trunk. -------- "Hold on... You've got a God with a elephant head?" wow. Rome hid behind India when the little one came close. It was different now they were all loose. He laughed at the sound though, more like a relieved giggle. this was all crazy. He gasped and hold it's hart as the animal waved at them "oh my gods, it's waving at us like a human being. Tell me I'm not imagining things" -------- "Oh yes, I'll tell you about him later, if you're still curious. He's also the God of overcoming obstacles, maybe his story will inspire you too!" Poor Ganesha, though he was very very witty and India enjoyed his stories. He grinned and laughed, "You're not imagining things, they're very smart. Though this one is just copying me." He moved his away grandly and then towards Rome's shoulder grandly. The elephant followed and it lightly smacked him as its trunk slid down his side. India stifled a laugh and pulled the other along to the others. "You can pet them if you like, that which you felt is about the worst that they can do to you now." -------- He let out a panicked yelp but when the little elephant pulled back it's trunk and playfully hopped along he just stared at India in disbelief. He made it whack him. Romulus walked up to the little ones and tried to pet one. pulled his hand back. tried again. When he finally did it didn't feel like a snake like he thought it would. -------- What a sweet sight it was!! Well since Rome went his own way, India was free to dramatically fall to his knees and trap a little elephant in his loving embrace. "Aren't they sweet?" He rubbed its little head and sighed contently, elephants are the best. Animals are wonderful. Life is great. They were all so squeaky and cute, he could say he lived the perfect life and pass with no regrets if his death were to be in an 'elephant nest'. Ah, now this was why he found them dangerous. He gave too much of his heart to them, he gave the elephant one last hug and looked up at Rome, "How are you holding up?" -------- While India was enjoying his moment of pure bliss the poor roman ex-empire was attacked by a playfull bunch of elephants. He walked away, they followed, he walked faster... in the end he was defending himself with a folding chair as an improvised shield over his head and a broom against the nest of trunks patting him "save yourself" he said. -------- He blinked and tried not to laugh at the sight, "Are they troubling you? They must really like you, I'm sure they're only playing." He stood up and patted the dust off his clothes before ushering the elephants away from Rome, "Po da! Odi po°." He patted them away and got a trunk to the arm but didn't really find himself hurting over it. "You did wonderful- please don't hit me with your broom." Where did he even get that from? He set down the folding chair though. "I think they're ready with the bigger elephant. Are you ready?" °"Go on, run and go." -------- Rome played some chords on his broom then smiled tossing the broom back where he had found it. "you wont let it hurt me, right? I'm not as tough as I used to be... If he breaks my spine, this time, I'm not so sure I'll be able to walk again. I haven't really put myself to test it fully yet... "
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skellebonez · 4 years
if you still wants prompts, how about 9 with red son after being taken in by tang and pigsy, seeing how they, mk, mei, and sandy all act around each other and being completely bewildered and out of his element around an actually affectionate family dynamic?
I had an idea a while ago about what might have happened if WBS had left one of those wisps that possessed the Bull Clones in DBK after episode 10, something she could use to try to manipulate him much more subtly and from a distance behind the scenes, so I'm gonna play around with a smidgen that here (so this ended up a little long... ok a lot long... SUPER LONG, 2K words). This is set between episode 10 and the Lunar New Year special, a little canon divergence.
How long have you been standing there?
The last few weeks hadn't been easy on anyone, but it hit Red Son harder than anyone else. Everyone had been hurt, physically at least, but Red’s hurt was on a deeper level... he'd thought everything was at least back to the status quo after Xiaotian had fought his possessed father.
He had no idea that the fight would be the catalyst for being forced into leaving his parents.
Oh, he had tried to stay. For a while everything had actually been pretty ok, his father was less cold and one minded on gaining power, but it quickly became apparent that something had gone wrong. He tried to talk reason into his father when he began to lash out at him, a little more every day, but after what had happened last time he couldn’t argue without his chest feeling tight and the words sputtering as they escaped his lips. His mother had tried as well, and she had managed to get through to him for a moment before that familiar blue light shone in his eyes and they realized exactly what had happened.
It was at her urging that he leave after that. For his own protection, she said, and Red didn’t know why that brought up so many conflicting emotions. DBK has fixated on him at the White Bone Spirit’s insistent manipulation, once again latching onto the notion of him being a traitor (and that hurt even more the second time around somehow) and she feared she would not be strong enough on her own to keep DBK from nearly succeeding in what he had failed to do last time. They had agreed on a plan, one that would have PIF playing along and pretending to banish her son so she could try to keep DBK under her watchful gaze while Red Son was at the very least out of harm’s reach.
It hadn’t taken him long to realize that he wasn’t safe anywhere alone. His mother had kept in contact with him at first, back when he tried to stay in his old apartment. DBK had made short work of that plan and Red realized quickly that if his father considered him a traitor and his mother wanted his safety before anything else he would need to swallow his pride and do the one thing he hadn’t planned on trying.
He went to Pigsy’s Noodles and asked for shelter... After he was body slammed by Noodle Boy and his two companions there, naturally. He supposed now that the reaction was relatively warranted.
The first thing they asked him was “How long have you been standing there?” since he was completely soaked in the rain that was pouring outside.
It was the scholar, Tang, who had listened to him most out of anyone. He seemed to be well versed in the stories of the White Bone Spirit and knowing the fight Xiaotian had put up against his father (and seeing the news stories of DBK smashing a random apartment) he was more than willing to give him a chance. Xiaotian had seemed willing to help after a time and once his stomach started growling and he admitted he had not eaten a full meal in over a day (and had been eating the worst meals he had in a while due to always being on edge) while hiding Pigsy had scowled and told him to sit down and wait. It was an awkward silence that fell over everyone.
The bowl of soup the pig demon placed in front of him was the best looking and smelling thing he had seen in days and he could barely hold himself back from scarfing it down. It was delicious, not that he was ready to admit so out loud. “Perfectly adequate” was what he had said when asked, around a full mouthful of noodles no less. He doubted it fooled anyone.
Though he hadn’t known what to expect when he asked for help, where they would send him or if they would even say yes. He thought maybe he would be sent to stay with Sun Wukong, though that would have been the worst possible outcome given their less than stellar history, or been told to stay with Xiaotian in his cramped tiny apartment. What he hadn’t expected was Pigsy to lead him out by the shoulder with a firm grip toward his and Tang’s apartment.
They’d given him their spare room and an old mattress and a set of rules. No going off on his own for his own safety (though he had a sneaking suspicion they also didn’t fully trust him which was honestly fair). He would work with Xiaotian on his deliveries or in the Noodle Shop (the idea of driving with Noodle Boy all day made him shudder and he hoped he would be set to work in the kitchen instead most days, but he bit his tongue). He could leave only if he stayed with Xiaojiao or Sandy. No catching things on fire (again, fair). Try not to fight with Xiaotian and Xiaojiao too much.
They tried to work out some kind of payment but he knew his father had no idea how bank accounts worked so he assured them he would at least be financially stable.
And things just... fell together somehow.
In time he started calling Xiaotian and Xiaojiao by their names rather than the nicknames he has given them. He found he actually quite liked Xiaotian’s music and driving delivery routes was not as bad as he feared. Xiaojiao had shown him the wonders of street racing (in disguise and the less Pigsy and Tang knew the better) and they bonded over mechanics. He had met Sandy and his many cats and learned that he was both a cat magnet and, according to Sandy, needed anger management (and also bonded with him over mechanics). He’d seen Sun Wukong only once, very briefly and neither saying a word in awkward silence. But somehow he could tell the monkey looked sad as he flew off back to Mount Huaguo.
Soon enough Pigsy had allowed him to help making soup and as it turned out while his own preferences for spicy food weren’t exactly popular with most normal clientele it drew an entire new group of food challengers. Pigsy seemed more than appreciative of this.
Tang, meanwhile, was overjoyed to have someone to talk to about all his stories and scholarly pursuits that wasn’t just Xiaotian and an annoyed (if, Red eventually realized, affectionately so) Pigsy. It was honestly quite fun to discuss topics he knew about and learn things even he had not known, learn how humans had passed down stories of demons he knew long ago, and just enjoy mildly antagonizing Pigsy in good fun.
This was all stuff he almost could have anticipated given what he knew about them all already. What he hadn’t anticipated was how... affectionate they all were.
Oh, some things he expected. Pigsy and Tang constantly being together? That wasn’t much unlike his parents. Xiaojiao grabbing him in hugs and pulling him around? He had seen how she was with others, that seemed in her character. Xiaotian bumping shoulders with him all the time? Much the same. Granted, he flinched every time this happened out of reflex.
But his confusion had started when Pigsy had ruffled Xiaotian’s hair on the first day Red Son worked in the noodle shop. The action baffled him, especially when the other young man swatted away the chef’s hands in annoyance, but there was a smile on his face and a laugh in his voice that belayed that he hadn’t hated the action.
He saw how much Xiaotian and Xiaojiao hugged, threw their arms over their shoulders, playfully punched each other. How Tang would also ruffle their hair and how Pigsy would move Xiaotian with a firm hand to where he needed him to be walking to. How Sandy would just gather everyone up in massive group hugs out of the blue.
He saw how Pigsy sometimes, when no one else watched, gave Tang the free helping of noodles he hassled him for with a smile. How he frowned after Xiaotian as he walked up to his apartment on shaky legs that were tired from a day of work and fighting demons. How Tang and Pigsy would sometimes reach over the counter and hold hands for a second before going back to what they were doing. How one time he had seen Xiaotian and Xiaojiao sitting back to back on his bed when he was sent up to get them and just... enjoy each other’s company.
He heard the nicknames and saw the casual brushes of hands and bumps of shoulders and smiles and gazes and it...
It made him realize how alone he had been with his mother, before his father had returned. How he almost always had Bull Clones for companions as he worked on his machines, how she rarely gave him casual touches of affection. Even after his father had returned she had been somewhat cold to him. His father was far more concerned with opening the box that started all of this, though he did not know how much blame to place on his father’s neglect itself or the influence he was under.
He loved his parents and he was certain they loved him. He had to be certain of that. But he could no longer deny they were not... affectionate.
So when one day Tang had reached out to grab his shoulder he had panicked.
Luckily he hadn’t burned the man, he had jumped back when he felt his hair flaming up, and he apologized profusely (when had he started being apologetic for his actions? maybe he was just afraid they would second guess giving him a chance and kick him out) for almost harming him.
It surprised him even more when Tang apologized and asked if he was the one ok, saying he didn’t mean to startle him and he should have asked before touching him. He honestly didn’t know what to say, staring at the man before Pigsy had managed to get his attention. Again, he apologized, saying he just didn’t expect it and that it was alright. He didn’t care as long as he wasn’t surprised again.
Something changed after that. Every morning when he woke up Tang and Pigsy made it a point to just nudge him in some way after getting his attention. A grip on his shoulder, warm and firm. A nudge on his arm. At first he tensed or flinched just like when Xiaotian or Xiaojiao touched him, but after a while he just... got used to it. Soon their gentle affection didn’t elicit any reaction and after that he realized he was starved for this kind of attention. He wanted more, not much, maybe he could stand his hair being ruffled a bit now.
And so he started to return it. He grabbed Xiaotian’s arm one day to get his attention and the look of surprise and joy on his face told Red that Pigsy and Tang must have told him something. He started sitting closer to him in the tuk-tuk, no longer pushing away when a bump made their shoulders brush together. He sat closer to Xiaojiao when they played video games or worked on blueprints for their rides. He allowed Sandy’s cats to have free reign of him (within reason) and accepted the hugs and nudges the large man had clearly been holding back from him (he was never able to initiate contact first, the other man was too touchy for him to beat him to it).
He started tapping Pigsy on the shoulder at work for his attention. He didn’t sit two seats away from Tang anymore, instead sitting right beside him.
And a few weeks later when Tang reached up to ruffle his hair the same way he did with Xiaotian he paused, looking at Red Son for permission. He nodded his head yes.
He knew why his old rival seemed to like them so much now.
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