siixkiing · 2 years
“You don’t have to push so hard. It’s okay to rest.” - for sun wukong?
☯  exhaustion … sentence starters  ☯
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Had the other noticed his exhaustion that easily? The golden simian thought he had been doing a fairly decent job hiding the fatigue he had been feeling from his friends. Not wanting to worry them for the most part. After all, he was suppose to be the strong one, right? The durable one? He didn’t get exhausted or worn out. Not him.
Which was an utter lie of course. Trying to do his best to be more open and honest with those around him — which was hard after centuries upon centuries of hiding what he felt and being honest. 
So, to have Sandy call him out like that and see the concern on the big guy’s face, had caused him to pause for a moment. Than again? Sandy was an utter sweetheart at times and a softie, course he’d be worried. It was how he was — his muscles might be big but that heart was even bigger. Something that Wukong had come to admire and find endearing about his friend.
 “That sweet but I swear I’m fine, Big Guy.”
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“Just a smidge bit tired is all, but nothing you need to worry about too much. I’m sure once I get some sleep I’ll be feeling much better.”
More lies pouring from his mouth. Sleep and him weren’t on the best of terms right now — one of the reasons he was as tired as he was. Still, he didn’t want to worry the other too much over it. Even if he knew that the big blue guy would.
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darkkitty1208 · 2 years
Am I the only one who can't get enough of the portrayal of Sinister Strange? Whenever I'm looking at gifs I want to scream how perfect every minuscule mimic is. (And I could look at them for hours and I wouldn't be bored) The way his eyebrows move, and his eyes speak so much without words. We are truly fortunate to live in the time of Benedict Cumberbatch qwq
Oh god, anon. You get me so well. Sinny's appearance was one of the (*cough* *cough* only) best things that happened in the movie. And the mention of Donna? Absolute. Perfection. And Benedict definitely has a flair for microexpressions, which is why he nailed the character. The somber voice he had the moment he showed up was just... god, the feels. Despite loving every version of Stephen there is, Sinister comes as my second favourite Stephen variant (the first being What If!Stephen, I love myself some pathetic little boys).
It's a shame he died just as soon as he had appeared... though every variant seems to end up like that. I'm rather disappointed Stephen's variants were all killed instead of being incorporated to progress the plot further. Would've been more of a 'Doctor Strange' movie if that happened. Well, maybe they did try to make his variants seem important for the plot, but they literally got rid of them once done. (Hell, even Supreme was dead before the whole story happened)
But nevertheless... let me indulge us in some Sinister headcanons ;) I'm holding on to the little vague details we had of these Stephens, especially Sinny's, so... I made assumptions. Everything's under the cut.
Sinister had become accustomed to the sanctum's silence ever since... everything happened, really. The sanctum had always had a discreet thrumming of magic, and now that it was gone he couldn't help but be very aware of it. Which is why he's sensitive to every sound.
Sometimes, when he hears something, anything, he hoped in that moment that he wasn't truly alone. Or maybe when he saw a flicker of a shadow, a silhouette, a slight movement, he hoped he wasn't the only one left. But that was just wishful thinking.
It was never mentioned what happened to his cloak so I assumed it must have been either teared apart or lost its sentience or something.
Sometimes his tattered cloak would move (because of wind or whatever) and he would let himself believe for a second that it actually came back alive, that it hadn't died or gone away like everything did, but that glimmer of hope dissipated when it didn't respond to him when he called.
He didn't have much to do in his now-destroyed reality, but sometimes he liked to indulge himself by playing his harp. Music was one of the only good things that remained in his life reality.
There was no other person or being or anything living in his world anymore, so sometimes he talked to the cloak as if it were alive. He had always done this before the incursion, but the cloak was still sentient at the time, and the memory of it had always made him pause mid-way through his 'conversation' with it.
It's canon that his immense self-hate was what drove him to hate every version of himself, so he made sure that every version of him across the multiverse would die by using the darkhold to sleepwalk into his variants and driving them to suicide. He thought of it as 'mercy' from life, so he probably looked forward to dying himself (but not until he made sure he put other Stephens out of pain).
With that in mind, he was torn between anger and utter relief the moment he reached his death, anger that he hasn't finished his 'task' and relief that the pain would finally stop.
Sleep was always a difficult thing to achieve. He had ignored it the first few days, even if the bone-deep fatigue was present. One time he was too emotionally and/or physically exhausted that he might've just collapsed then and there. But that just led to more nightmares.
He had nightmares even before the whole... mess, but this time it was worse with the guilt of everything.
He never slept much after that.
These headcanons aren't much but I hope it was painful, because it was for me.
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missblissy · 3 years
Glad you're back!! Miss you! I see about your post, can I have some modern AU maybe of Human! Alastor x reader going to an aquarium? Maybe a cute date? Haha thx amazing to have you again
(( QwQ/ It's good to be back! And I would be honored to do that. I had a lot of fun with this. I hope you enjoy!!))
It was hinted with salt filling the air. Misty and warm, the summer sea winds rolled off the coast and into your hair. The Long Island sound was picture perfect, just as you remember in your childhood dreams. You were staying in a quaint little town your familly use to visiting summer after summer when you were a child. And it was the perfect place for you to bring yourself on a long over due vacation. Work had been too much to handle this past year, and now you could spend the next week relaxing on the soft sandy coastal beaches of Long Island. 
However today you had plans to take the ferry across the sound to the aquarium. Sure... you were going by yourself but... So what. You didn’t particularly have many friends, nor a partner in your life. But so what? You were an introvert natrually and a social gathering over five people where never your thing. 
You had just made it to the ferry docks. As always, you were fifteen minutes early. You couldn’t bear to be late, especially since you considered “on-time” to be late. You were sitting on a public bench facing the sound. Dozens of other people have started to gather around the same place as you. You were just about to take one of your favorite books out of our bag when someone approached you.
“Do you mind if I sit?” You saw a man standing before you. He had a pleasant smile. A soft one that just barely met his eyes. You took one second too long to peer at him.
“Uh-...” You tore your gaze from his soft brown hair and to his polished shoes. They were out of style yet he somehow managed to pull it off, “Yea-.. I mean no...! Help yourself.” You tried to return his smile but you were far more awkward about it. This man had some strange sense of fashion. He looked oddly in place, however, he seemed like he was trying to live in a time long since past. 
“Are you waiting for the ferry too?” He asked, making simple conversation to fill the void of silence. 
You glanced at him quickly a second time and made a nervous little laugh. His dark complexion matched his brown eyes hidden behind perfectly circular glasses, “Oh... yes.” You remember you had your ticket in your hand, “It shouldn't be much longer until it arrives,” 
The stranger nodded his head slowly, “Have you ever been on a ferry before?” You nodded your head to his question, “Ah, first time for me. They don’t have ferries where I’m from.” He said with a cool expression.
He seemed chatty for a stranger. Most of the time when strangers tried talking to you, you’d brush them off. But this man was lucky that you thought he was rather... stunning in the looks department. That, and he seemed rather harmless as of right now. So you indulged in his conversation, “Where are you from?” You asked. 
The man paused only slightly then turned himself to face you. He held out his left hand for you to take. You were hesitant but you still reached out, “Alastor,” He said, “I’m from New Orleans. I’m guessing you’re a local?” You wouldn’t have ever guessed that, he didn’t have any kind of southern twang or drawl to his tone.
You shooked his hand but you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing a little at his question, “No, no,” You waved your hand a little, “Uh- aha... I’m (Y/N). And I’m not from here, but my family and I use to come here all the time for summer vacations.”
“Well, it’s certainly a lovely place to visit. I’m here for business though so I can’t say I’ve gotten the real experience of it all yet. Today was my day off, however, and I thought I’d go see this aquarium one of my friends keeps telling me to go to. She’s rather annoying about it, truly, spoiled even and quite the nagging little thing. But she is my friend after all and I’d rather not deal with the consequences of not listening to her.” 
There was a moment there went you felt your heart stop for a minute, “That’s... really ironic.” You said slowly.
“Oh? You have a bossy friend too?” He jested with a smile. 
You laughed for a second then shook your head, “No, I mean that it’s ironic that you’re going to the aquarium,” You paused for a second then reached into your bag and pulled out your phone. You showed Alastor and said, “I’m going too.” 
He peered at the e-ticket on your phone, the pushed his glasses up on his nose with a deep laugh, “What a small world!” He laughed, then laughed some more, “How truly ironic indeed!” Then without a second to waste, he faced you once again then asked, “Would you like to go together?”
The question startled you. You didn’t expect that. He was very bold, wasn’t he? You had only just met and he was asking to spend probably what would be the rest of the day with you. You were flustered suddenly, then you were tongue-tied, lastly, you cracked your voice as you answered, “S-Sure! Yea- um--....” You felt your cheeks turn a little pink, “Sorry. It’s just... That was unexpected.” Just as you said that the loud horn of the ferry screamed as it pulled into the docks. 
Alastor stood up while smiling down to you, “Life wouldn’t be life if what you expected happened all the time.” 
He then held out his hand, offering to help you up from the bench. You took a moment, sitting there and taking everything in for what it was. Alastor stood before you, looking as though he was some kind of mathematician, or professor, now that you got a good look at him. His red tie was tucked behind a brown sweater vest that stopped just shy of his belt. His hand was offered to you, while the wind dusted his brown hair around in the breeze. And that smile on his face, it was soft yet firm enough to show that he was pleased to help you up. 
So you decided then... why the hell not? He was right, life wouldn’t be the same if it was exactly like what you expected. You took Alastor’s hand and pulled yourself to your feet. The two of you chatted while boarding the ferry, and then stood beside each other while leaning along the guard rails of the top deck.
The both of you talked about all kinds of things. You found out that Alastor was some kind of internet personality, not really. He had a podcast he ran and owned with some friends of his. It was apparently very popular and well known, though not that well known because you’ve never heard of it before. And to say that didn’t hurt Alastor’s ego a little would have been a lie. Apparently, Alastor also had a strong taste for liquor, because at one point he went to the ferry’s indoor bar and came back with two rum on the rocks.
You told him it was only noon, to which he replied, “It’s five o’clock somewhere,” And laughed before taking a sip of his drink. You decided to have the one he got you and told yourself it’d only be one which Alastor stayed true to. He didn’t wander off for another drink once he finished the one he had. There was another point that you learned that Alastor had the habit of ignoring his phone, to the instance where he got annoyed with it and turned it off. It seemed he only wanted to focus on talking to you and listening to what you had to say.
Alastor and you talked the whole ferry ride, which was just under an hour long. And when you docked, you both walked side by side down the three and a half blocks to the aquarium. It wasn’t a massive place, but it was a good size with a decent amount of animals. You originally came here with the idea of looking for inspiration within sea life. For you were an author, after all, writing stories for a living came with its ups and downs. For instance, right now, your much-needed vacation wasn’t really a vacation. The current book you were working on took place in late century seaside town, much like this one. And you had run into the worse possible writer’s block you’ve ever been in. 
As you and Alastor had finished passing the entry gates and showing your tickets, you wondered why Alastor would want to come here with you. Maybe because he realized how terribly awkward it would be if you continued to cross paths all day. You also thought about how you wouldn't be able to focus on working with him around now. You also didn’t really want to out yourself, or your current story. 
But that would soon be unavoidable. You and Alastor had just made it to the open exhibits of the aquarium. You had stopped on an old wooden bridge to briefly look out at a beautiful koi pond. Alastor leaned over slightly while resting his arms on the bridge railing. He had a soft smile that was barely on his lips, “This one oddly reminds me of home,” He sighed. 
You learned along the railing as well, looking over the swampy like pond. It lily pads all over, with a dark green water filled with dead trees and moss. You couldn’t see them, but you could hear the bullfrogs chirping away. Seeing it gave your a sudden surge of inspiration. Something about it made you get several ideas for your book. You couldn’t let them slip away, so you reached into your bag and grabbed your notebook.
While you became lost in your own world, scribbling down idea after idea, Alastor quietly watched you. It wasn’t in a way that you noticed, because he’d only take a side glance here or there. But after a moment or so, he finally asked, “Forgot something to add to your grocery list?” 
It was meant to be a joke but it went right over your head (Mush to Alastor’s dismay).
“O-oh..” You then laughed weakly, “No... It’s for a story I’m working on.” 
Alastor turned to face you slightly while still leaning on the rail, “Oh, like an author?”
You took a dry swallow then glanced away and shrugged, “Yea,” You didn’t want to egg him on. But of course, he asked anyways. 
“Are you published?” He seemed genuinely interested. Yet there was a reason you wanted to avoid it. Oftentimes when you told people about your books, the general reception wasn't that good. There was a reason you wrote under a pen name. 
However, Alastor wasn’t from around here, and you weren’t on New York Time’s Best Selling List yet, and probably never would be. So there was a chance he wouldn’t know or ever heard of your books. 
So you took the chance and said, “Yeah. I’m the author of Sea Rise.”
“Oooh,” Shit. “That book series about the pirates?” Dammit. 
You felt your cheeks burn as you took in a deep breath and nodded your head, “You’ve heard of them?” You wouldn’t look at him though. You just kept your gaze on some turtle resting on a log. 
“Yeah, never read them,” He gave a slight chuckle, “But the girl I work with-”
“You said her name is Charlie, right?”
“Yes- Well, she reads ‘em. She’s a big fan. I’m under the assumption that it’s about fictional pirates?” 
You took in a small breath then sighed, “Pretty much. It’s... not that amazing or anything. It’s okay.” You noticed that Alastor pushed off the rail and started to walk again, but slower this time.
“Tell me about it.” His words surprised you enough to look at him with a shocked expression. He laughed at you while giving a small wave of his hand, “Only if you want to. I’m sure you can’t talk much about spoilers.”
You blinked, then let out a shaky laugh, “I-I don’t know. It’s... A long story. This is for my fourth installation.”
He hummed with a slight chuckle, “Well it’s a good thing there is a snack bar over there.” He pointed to one not that far away, “And plenty of places to sit too.” 
There was something that flickered around in your chest. You felt butterflies you always wrote about in your stories. You peered at Alastor finding it hard to stare at his face. You glanced up from his shoes and got caught in that tilt in his smirk. Heat ran to your cheeks and spread across your nose, you gave a sharp nod of your head then awkwardly stuttered out, “O-okay!” With maybe a little too much excitement. Who knew that today, of all days... You’d run into someone like him. 
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masterhandss · 4 years
HameFura Manga V6 Bonus SS (translated)
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It says “Magical Girl Flag Breakers” and “Our Enemies: The Ruin Four”
Volume 6 Bonus SS - “Magical★Girl Flag Breakers”
Hello! So I snagged a raw copy of Manga Volume 6 on the internet because I was really excited for the bonus story ever since I got raws of Volume 5. For those who don’t know, typically a copy of the manga comes with an extra chapter with Katarina having a dream about different scenarios (V1 was Fortune Lover, V2 is a Highschool AU, V3 is a Fantasy RPG AU, V4 is a Genderbend AU and V5 is a Kindergarten AU), and alongside the chapter of the volume is a image preview of the next story in the next volume.
I couldn't wait to read this one-shot so with the power of google translate, I’ve decided to translate it myself! Please read this one, it’s a very fun one-shot, so much so that I want more of this story XDD (also because it took me half a day to translate this from pictures qwq)
Please do remember to read this one-shot once an official English Release of Manga Volume 6 comes out, and please forgive me for any mistake I made while translating this story to English.
It was a sunny morning that day. I, Katarina Claes, an ordinary high school student, overslept that day and was late for school. While I was dashing to school with a fresh cucumber in my mouth from our fridge instead of my breakfast, was suddenly struck with something hard on the head. I was surprised! I rubbed my head and looked around, but I saw nothing.
I was about to start running again because I assumed that I just imagined, until I heard a voice. "Ouch, I'm sorry I bumped into you", the voice said as I looked up to follow it. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH~~~~" I screamed instinctively as I looked at what looks like a small little doll.
There was a small boy with wings. The boy covered his ears and frowned at my loud outcry. "Oh, I'm sorry" I apologized, also instinctively, but this is turning out to be a really weird situation. What even is this small little boy? It's a really well-made toy or something like that. "I'm not a toy", eh did I say that out loud?
I was surprised to hear a reply, so I asked "Are you a dwarf then?"
"No, I'm a spirit" he said with a matter-of-fact tone. 'Oh, so he's a spirit~' is what I would have said........ 
"Wait, what do you mean a spirit?" I wasn't convinced at all. What do you mean it's a spirit? The little spirit boy begins to explain to me, who was still surprised and flustered, while pointing with his tiny finger.
Well, it turned out to be quite the serious discussion. While a story about an evil organization, the most worrisome part to me was, "So, if the 'planet' dies, what will happen?" I could predict what his answer would be, but it still scared me to hear what the answer was. "If the planet dies, all living creatures here will die" The little spirit replied with an expected answer. When he said that all living creatures will die, does that mean everyone?!
"We will fight and defeat the evil organization with the power we receive from the planet," the spirit declared so bravely. He may look cute like a doll, but he was very cool. I instinctively made a guts pose, "In behalf of everyone, I thank you. Good luck on your fight". "Thank you, but the one who will be fighting is not me--. The spirit boy was interrupted by a loud explosion nearby, where I heard a loud scream saying "Ah! It's a monster!".
When I ran over there to check it out, for some reason, there was something big rampaging in a park just further away. Wait, what? There was a giant bear that appeared out of nowhere?! Around these parts, there could be monkeys showing up, but not bears.
Next to me, the spirit boy was visibly upset. "Oh no, They've already started to appear. I haven't even formed a contract with anyone yet" the spirit boy whispered. What does he mean by a contract? No, its not the time for such questions when something serious is happening in front of us.
"Um, Spirit boy, lets run away, the situation over there looks dangerous". I called out to him, but the spirit boy didn't answer with his eyes growing bigger. "And you, can you help me with my work?" He said as if there wasn't anything happening in front of us. What does he mean help with his work? What is he saying in such a dangerous time like this.
"The Evil Organization".
"What happening right now, it's involving the things I've told you about. I need your help, please". "Wait, even if you say it so suddenly like this...." I'm already really late for school, and at this point getting in would be really difficult. I'm in deep trouble. "Please, I can only ask you." I was being stared with such a desperate face and moist eyes, making it really hard to refuse. Aside from that, the noise in the park is getting louder, and I feel like it's really dangerous to stay here.
For now, its best to run away for the time being and listen to him when we get to somewhere safer. I thought and said, "I understand. I'll help you, so lets run away from here first." My words did not even finish until the end. Before I finished, the spirit boy grinned and said, "Okay, then lets form the contract."
The moment I saw his grinning smile, I knew something was weird, but before I could say anything, the spirit boy pulled something that looked like a stick with a flag and asked, "What is your name?" "Katarina Claes". For some reason, my mouth started to move on my own and said my name. Eh, what's going on?
"Then, Katarina Claes, I will appoint you as a magical girl who will help protect this planet". When I shook the flag that the spirit boy had, my body was wrapped in light, and my school uniform changed into a cute and frilly costume. 
"What's this?!" "It's a magical girl costume. Now you have the power to do more than what a hundred normal persons can do".
"Wearing this frilly outfit can make me do that?!" "Yes, that costume has that kind of power. With this, you can defeat the enemy as a magical girl". "Wait, what's a magical girl? and by enemy you mean--" "Ah, it's already here"
As soon as the spirit boy interrupted my words with his own, a giant pink bear doll came out from the entrance of the park.
"What's that?" "That's our enemy. Now, let's defeat it with the power of a magical girl." "Even if you tell me to defeat it--?!"
What should I do? The bear started to launch itself towards us while I was trying to figure out what to do. While it is a stuffed toy bear, it was very big so it's power was quite impressive.
It’ll be bad if I get hit, so I jumped really high unexpectedly in order to avoid it. Wow, the bear looked really surprised by my movements, which are a hundred times faster and stronger than a normal person, and it made the bear look like fool as he gave his all into that attack. What a terrifying bear. That bear tried to attack with a punch again. The bear is very quick for its size. Thanks to this outfit, I can easily avoid his punches, but this can’t keep going on like this.
“Hey spirit, how I can I defeat this bear?”. While trying to avoid the bear’s attacks, I asked the spirit who was watching me jump above. “Oh, that’s right. Point the bracelet at the bear and say ‘Flag Break’. If you do that, you can defeat it”. He seems to have forgotten to tell me this earlier.
I wondered if that was enough, but I did as I was told, pointing my bracelet at the bear and shouted “Flag Break”, and a ray of light appeared from the bracelet. When the light hits and wraps the bear in its entirety, it disappeared after the light.
I coughed while staring at the spot where the bear disappeared, and the spirit who was now next to me said, “Thank you, Katarina. Thank you for your continued support. My name is Raphael”, he said as I held his outreached hand. 
This how I, Katarina Claes, became a magical girl who fights against evil organizations.
And, through this event, I learned that I should not accept unclear requests so easily. I became a magical girl by being convinced in a shocked state by Raphael, and in the months since I became a magical girl, my number of friends seemed to have increased. After several months, I realized that there are more magical girls in my school, such as Maria who was part of the student council and the school’s cooking club, Mary from the gardening club, and Sophia from the literature club. Strangely, all of them are smart and beautiful students. Not only that, they were all scouted by a female spirit named Anne as magical girls. I was only scouted in the heat of the moment, but everyone else are so good at their job, and eventually we all began to get along as friends. Until then, I usually go to school late because I always get lost, but now we all go to school together every day.
“Yes, I tried to turn the flowers in the gardening club as a bookmark, Katarina. If you’d like, please use it”. “Wow. it’s so cute, thank you. Mary has good taste” “Katarina, I’ve brought a book I want to recommend” “You did? I’m looking forward to it. Thank you, Sophia” “Katarina, I brought some sweets I made in the cooking club, please eat some if you’d like” “Oh! Thank you Maria. I love your sweets so much because they are just so delicious”
Just like that, we continue to have fun chatting to each other, when suddenly there was a figure ahead of us. “Hello, Katarina and co.”
A beautiful young man with blonde hair and blue eyes appeared before me. “Wow, you’re here again Geordo” I frowned, but Geordo returned it with a smile. “Today, I will defeat you and make you mine”, that’s when he suddenly changed into a black cloak with a mask; the uniform of the evil organization.
Yes, this handsome young man is named Geordo, he might look like a prince, but he is actually one of the Four Kings of Ruin, part of the enemy organization that we, magical girls, need to defeat. I met Geordo after I had become a magical girl, during my third battle. It was Geordo who summoned enemies like the giant stuffed toy bear and released it onto the city. Since then, I had fought him multiple times as enemies, where he continuously says things like “You’ve piqued my interest. Would you become mine?” whenever he approaches me. Is this a new form of attack? When I reply to him with an attack, he would reply with “One day, I will beat you and make you mine”. 
I don’t know if this is a new kind of attack, but Geordo would typically show up every three days, and now that its the third day, it probably means I need to transform into a magical girl again.
“I hate you” “Yeah, please stop disturbing our good time” “Please pack it up”
Mary, Sophia and Maria all said, as they transformed into magical girls too. “You girls are interrupting the moment between me and Katarina. You girls are in my way” Geordo said, as he raised his hand to the sky. Then, a black circle appeared, with people falling out from it.
“Ouch! Geordo, do you know how many time you’ve been calling out to us recently? I was gonna take a nap”, that was Geordo’s twin brother who scratched his head, the snobby Alan who is also part of the Four Kings. “That’s right, I was on a date with a girl” said Keith, the playboy from the Four Kings of Ruin, who frowned and brushed his bangs. The last one was expressionless, but was looking at the pasta who had fallen onto the ground with a sad face. He is Nicol, the final member of the four who has a magical and mysterious charm to him.
“Everyone, don’t be so lazy. Let’s work together and defeat the magical girls once and for all” Geordo said to them, and they all turned to me in a daze. There’s something he didn’t know about his allies when he called them out.
“Yo, it’s been a long time, Katarina. You’re still playing magical girl?” Alan said. Perhaps he was embarrassed that he had just declared that he would take a nap, because his face was flushed red. I met him during one of my battles.
“Katarina Claes, you’re always so free. It’s so lonely to think that you don’t have anyone to date yet,” Keith said. Perhaps he was shy or was embarrassed by the girl he was just on a date with, because his face was also quite red. I also met him during one of my battles so I’m acquainted with him.
Maybe he was called from a place where he was eating his pasta, and now it had fallen to the ground and splattered, because Nicol had a very sad expression. ”................” “Would you like some of these sweets so compensate for your food?” I offered to him. He gave me such a happy and devilish smile, saying “thank you” as he reached out for one of the sweets. I staggered a bit at the sight. I also met Nicol during one of my battles.
“What are you guys talking about so happily with my Katarina? I called you guys here to deal with the other three magical girls who are trying to get in between us” Geordo said. “What are you taking about? You’re the ones who are in the way of our good time,” Mary lifted her eyebrows and snapped at Geordo, who simply replied to her accusation with a dark smile. “That’s my line. You high school girls who just talk about crap without any meaning”.
“That’s rude, it’s not meaningless” Sophia said angrily. Well this is the kind of thing that Geordo definitely won’t understand. He doesn’t seem to have a prejudice against high school girls... wait a minute, shouldn’t we be fighting? Geordo, Mary and Sophia are quarrelling, Alan and Keith are summoned but have flushed cheeks and are looking away, Maria is sharing handmade sweets to Nicol who lost his pasta.
Recently, every time we confront the Four Kings of Ruin, we more frequently fight like this, without throwing any hands. I even started to wonder if I was still a magical girl, so I tried to look around for our two spirits, before I was interrupted by Maria who offered sweets to me. It was so good that I lost all my will for battle.
“Lady Katarina, Lady Katarina, please get up. It’s time for you to go to school”
What happened to the battle? “Battle? Katarina, you’re sleeping. We need to get you ready for school”, Anne said, bringing out my clothes. “Oh I had  a very strange dream. I was transformed into a magical girl. Not only that, the enemies were Geordo and the others. What a strange dream”.
“What’s a magical girl?” Anne gave me a suspicious look while the adjusting my clock. “Ah, um, a magical girl fights against an evil organization--”
“Katarina, I’m grateful for your explanations but we don’t time for that right now, so I’ll ask about it later after we finish your preparations”. Ann told me, and when I looked at the clock, I knew that it was almost time for class and that I was about to be late. I hurriedly cooperated with Anne and started preparing myself for school. My usual day begins as from that point.
That’s it! It’s a very cute one-shot, and I hope after I post this, maybe it inspires people to write stories based on this au qwq. Volume 7′s oneshot is “Detective?! Katarina’s Office” (Tantei?! Katarina Jimusho) so if thats interesting then i’ll translate that too.
Some unnecessary notes from me if you’re interested in reading:
Since Katarina is the hero and Miri is the leader of the evil organization, I guess if this really was a story then the plot twist is that Katarina is her daughter. I can imagine maybe this story takes place in her old world with her old family (mom, dad, grandma, two brothers) but the difference here is that Katarina is adopted or something like that.
It’s interesting that Raphael is Katarina’s fairy partner instead of Ann. It works since both Kat and Raph use Dark Magic in canon lol haha also because it shows how competent Ann is haha
It’s also cool to see the playboy version of Keith liking Katarina.
Sophia and Nicol don’t seem to be related at all in this version of the story, which I’m cool with. They could also have a Hawkmoth-Chat Noir situation where they aren’t aware of each other’s secret identities (though I doubt it myself since they all transformed in front of the boys, but hey i’m just throwing it out there).
Omg rip Nicol’s pasta. Press f to pay respects
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thottyraccoon · 3 years
Kylar but Heelshire
Because @angrelysimpping made me think about my two favorite stalker crushes, also Alex would DEFINITELY fit in House of Wax, please watch it!
(warnings: attempted SA, Murder, Relatively Creepy Incidents. Also this is a bit messy so excuse me qwq)
You had nothing better to do, watching after a married couple's house wasn't your first choice… but they offered a whole lot more than you would have expected them to have! Maybe it was because they had no children, the house devoid of any noise besides the occasional creaks and moans of an old house, and they didn't carry any extra bags with them when they left. Before they left, you had been given a small list of chores in a schedule you had to follow. All of it was pretty understandable, like watering plants or dusting certain areas, but something about how they wrote down that you needed to make enough food so you would have to put leftovers in a plate rather than normal plastic bins felt...weird. Whatever, some people have their quirks, besides it could have been to feed a stray you hadn't seen yet that might have been hanging out around the house… that they didn't want to tell you about?
The second you had brought your things in on the day they left, you quickly began to settle in. While you were quick to violence and skullduggery, you tried your best to be helpful and made sure to follow the notes left behind for you to follow. Day after day, you would notice weird shit though, sometimes clothing of yours would disappear, then turn up again only for something else to go missing. The food you had leftover in the fridge disappearing and the dish you left it on being in the sink, dirty and always appearing the next morning from when you put it away. It had only been a week of these things happening and each day that passed you swore you would hear something else in the walls besides the house, maybe rats, but rats can't eat leftovers in a fridge and put the dish away in the sink.
With each passing hour after that, you had begun losing it, you had to be! One time you swore you saw someone in the window of the house when you had begun to walk back inside from the garden you had to water, only to search the house and find no trace of anyone besides yourself.
It wasn't until the next night, on the odd blood moon nights this town had that you found out what was going on…
Maybe you had been careless with the locks on the door, or maybe this stranger was particularly stubborn on getting to you, but whatever the reason you woke up to a man standing over your bed and screamed. He had tried to go for your throat, barely getting his wrists caught by your hands before you pulled him aside and away from you. Jumping out of the bed once he landed and running for the front door, to find the lock was stuck… remembering the poker near the fireplace you ran for the living room next, barely able to reach the doorway before you were tackled onto the couch arm and tumbled down with your assailant to the ground. The fireplace was directly across from you but all you saw was your own reflection in the large mirror that resided next to it, tears running and face burning with exertion. Still, you wrestled and yelled, hoping someone, anyone, would hear you!
You should have been more careful with your wish, because before the stranger could begin to start on undressing you, the mirror shattered making both you and them look up to it. Despite the large hole from the wall behind it, a short figure walked out wearing a porcelain mask with different black markered designs on its face. Without a second thought they began to run at you both, the glint of a knife shining in the brief streetlight glow that shined through the window.
Honestly you had thought this would be your end, you saw what the short mask wearing wall lurker did to the would-be rapist… he had gotten torn apart, the knife slicing through his skin and clothes like nothing. Once the mask turned away to look at you, a cry bursted from your throat as you began to try and crawl away to a corner or anywhere to hide, the quiet and barely audible footsteps from this killer indicating their way to you before you heard the weapon fall and felt hands grab the back of your shirt to lift you back into their chest as they wrapped their arms around you.
"Y-you're safe, I-I saved you… you're m-mine, only mine…" the voice was soft, and it sounded masculine. You flinched at the hand that left moved to pet the top of your head. It was all too much, the adrenaline quickly giving way to fear and your tears began to fall once more. "You'll s-stay with me, h-here in o-our house. T-they won't be coming b-back, so, that l-leaves it to us to m-make it full of life… we'll have such c-cute kids running around."
Before you could begin to hyperventilate at the implication he was saying, you felt the hand petting you stop and instead felt something prick your skin. It was all too easy to figure out what it was when you started fading in and out of consciousness...
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krysphycookiez · 4 years
Heyo hun can i request a NCT 127 scenario please? 🥺 where the foreigner fem!reader is the same age as haechan and they're both gemini's (reader late may - haechan early june) and they're a lot a like to the point where they're known as the nct twins. johnny is basically their dad. lmaoo.
(ps. reader doesn't refer the boy as hyungs.)
if you don't feel like it that's fine hun. 🥺❤
nct 127 | gemini twins
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synopsis: you’re the same age as donghyuck and both of you are very similar, to the point you both are known as the ‘twins of nct’ amongst the group
genre: fluff, platonic, slight humor, one-shot
pairing: nct x foreign!fem!reader
tw: none except for a bit of swearing
a/n: hi sweet pea! thanks for requesting, i really appreciate it <3 this one in particular was a little specific so i apologize if there’s some parts i missed! with that i hope you enjoy!
btw, anything in italics and bold is in english :)
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“do you think johnny hyung will kill us if we do this??”
“last time we did, he almost cremated us into paste. let’s do it,”
“hell yeah,”
you and the little sunshine himself, lee donghyuck, we’re currently hovering over your tired leader’s sleeping expression, while setting up alarm clocks around him strategically.
both of you guys were known as “the twins of nct”, with the two of you being gemini’s and similar in personality, that name was bound to come around. the slightly younger male next to you snickered as he set up the alarm clocks, and fleeing along with you once it was all set up.
once the two of you got into a safe position, you looked at the timer on your phone, and the alarm clocks were going to set off in 5 minutes. sure you got an earful from doyoung and mark cussed you out in english, but it was worth seeing their funny reactions.
the tan-skinned male pulled out a small tablet and turned on the screen, and what appeared on the screen was camera viewings of each member’s rooms, all of them sleeping soundly, unknowing of the danger that awaits them.
both of you snickering quietly to yourselves, you both sat on the couch, awaiting the amazing reactions that was gonna come from your fellow bandmates, but you both were unknowing on the figure standing behind you.
“what are the two of you doing?” johnny, one of the older members asked you suspiciously, making you both freeze up and turn around nervously. “o-oppa! uh— well we were just- y’know—“
your statement was quickly interrupted when you heard the familiar voice of your fellow member jungwoo. both you and the soft-faced male both turned over to the screen with excited smiles, while johnny tried to peer over your shoulders to see what you two were looking at.
“what did the two of you do this time?” he questioned, as if you guys were some sort of criminals. “just gave them a nice good morning greeting~” the sunshine maknae said cheekily while he was watching his members catastrophe in the cameras.
despite the fear and terror that ran through your bodies when entering the member’s rooms, it was so worth the risk. jaehyun was trying to calm down a screaming jungwoo, your leader knocked over various things on his nightstand which hit mark on his toes, but the cherry on top was yuta desperately trying to turn off the alarms with his sleeping mask still on, running into taeil on the way as well.
you and the devilish maknae exploded with euphoria, you could feel tears of joy pricking at the corners of your eyes while donghyuck was hunched over his seat laughing out loud. johnny just sighed, growing tired of your guy’s antics, but he could feel the small smile teasing the corners of his lips.
after the whole fiasco went down, all of the members went downstairs and you laughed even more at their tired and sleepy faces. they looked angry, but you knew deep down that they actually didn’t have the energy to be mad at you.
the first one to speak up was none other than taeyong himself. “did you brats start this whole thing?” he questioned in a somewhat intimidating tone, but his tough facade soon fell after he saw the both of you laugh even more, making his face light up a bit.
in between huffed pants, a familiar cute voice answered. “y-yes, hyung! it was us!” donghyuck replied, still trying to catch his breaths while you were already gone on the couch. “why did you guys do that!? i was just sleeping after staying up last night!” mark yelped out in a distressed voice, automatically switching to english, so you assumed the statement was directed towards you. “s-sorry mark! we just wanted to prank you guys a bit..” You said still recovering from your laughter, which can be seen through your stuttery tone. you were born and raised in a country that spoke english, so you obviously knew how to speak it.
before the other members could counter, a voice of reason spoke up. “alright guys let’s just get ready for the day, at least y/n and donghyuck are ready for training,” johnny said as-a-matter-of-factly, leaving the other members dumbfounded.
“hyung but they—“
“did i stutter?”
“ON IT—“
“hey give me the strawberry mochi,”
“no i’m not, donghyuck.”
“why not???”
“because i’m older than you,”
“yeah by like only two weeks,”
“both of you just shut up and eat your food,” doyoung said a bit irritated by your guy’s bickering, making the two of you chuckle cheekily as you went back to eating your food. you and the boys just finished rehearsing your newest comeback, superhuman. it was a nice change of pace for a song, given that it was very positive and energetic.
“hey y/n— aren’t you gonna visit the dreamies with haechan soon?” johnny asked you, while you were munching on your delicious cold snack. you swallowed the food and replied. “yeah we will, right after lunch actually,”
“the two of you are lucky, i can’t see them any time soon,” mark said sulkily, making you chuckle. “must suck to suck, mark,” “shut up.” mark said while playfully punching you in the shoulder, which resulted in you punching him back. your little banter was soon interrupted when a familiar voice ringed in your ears.
“ay what’s up twins of nct!?”
“eyyyy jaemiiiiin!!”
you and sunny hyuck got up excitedly to be met with the two members of nct dream, na jaemin and huang renjun. you all did a signature handshake you came up with and laughed while the 127 brothers watched you guys with happy smiles. “how have you guys been?” the chinese boy asked curiously while donghyuck waved him off. “pssh! we are fiiine~ mark was being annoying as always,”
“i’m right here!”
“i know~”
the flirt of the dreamies just chuckled and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him, much to your surprise. “well let’s go! chenle and jisung planned some awesome things back at the dorm, and jeno is cooking some good food too!” jaemin exclaimed, but his smile disappeared when he heard the familiar sound of someone clearing their throat and putting their hand on his shoulder.
“and will you kiddos cause any trouble? i don’t want managers to come and cause some more chaos while you guys are away.” taeyong asked sternly to the younger male, causing him to gulp the lump in his throat. “w-well hyung- we were gonna just play games and stuff...” he said nervously while you silently snickered at him. you knew taeyong just didn’t want anything bad happening to you, considering that jaemin made a particularly inappropriate joke that quite literally almost landed him in the wrath of mom taeyong.
“are you sure about that, jaemin?”
“yes i’m sure!”
“don’t worry about it taeyong, they won’t do anything.” johnny said while approaching the duo, making jaemin sigh in relief. taeyong just sighed and let go of jaemin’s shoulder. “alright, but if you brats do anything i’m gonna—“ “taeyong.”
the leader slightly froze at johnny’s words and didn’t say anything further. but when johnny walked away, he turned back to renjun and jaemin and said seriously, but cutely. “i’m watching you.” in english before walking out of the room.
all four of you stood there confused for a moment before letting out joyous laughs. all of you were hunched over trying to catch your breaths while jaemin wiped a tear from his eye. “holy cow hyung is scary! i thought i was gonna die!”
“mhm, i don’t blame ya. however he does have a point, if you do anything to y/n i swear on yo fuckin yEEZY’S—“
“hyuck, not the time.” you said sternly at the slightly younger gemini, making him smile cheekily. this overprotective brother side of his really was something. “fine fiiine~ but still, i see you, jaemin.”
“alright alright i won’t do anything!”
“come on guys let’s just go, we don’t wanna keep the others waiting.” renjun said excitedly while running off, making the three of you trail behind him in pure joy, ready for the fun that’s about to start.
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ANNND DONE! thanks for the request again! this one was really fun to write for, sorry if i did miss anything though i promise i didn’t mean it qwq
this is @/krysphycookiez logging off... ♡︎
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blackypanther9 · 3 years
Not the End.
AAAAH ! I did it !! I made a second part !!! QwQ
PART 2 OF “The End” !!! If you didn’t read part one HERE it is !
It had been 2 weeks. You were buried at your favorite place in the garden, but Loki couldn’t accept the damn fact that you got killed and it was all their fault ! And all these assholes could sent was an ‘I am sorry for your loss’ card ! They knew that you weren’t even ALLOWED to work at all. They forced you to join them ! They threatened their lives !
Loki grabbed his old scepter and marched off.
The next day the survivors of the war and people of the Government got reported murdered.
Thor new exactly who did it and rang at their doorbell.
Loki opened the door.
“What is it Thor ?”, Loki asked dully.
Since you were dead, Loki was dead inside. The 2 adopted kids and his own daughter knew that and stayed away from him, in fear he will throw a bottle at them. Why do they fear that ? Because Loki got drunk a lot and acted out and threw stuff around.
“You killed them, didn’t you ?”, he asked Loki.
Loki chuckled darkly.
“So what if I did ? They deserved it ! M/n wasn’t allowed to work AT ALL ! HE WAS SICK ENOUGH ! They knew he was and still they forced him to join them and even threatened our daughter’s and MY life ! These bastards knew he wasn’t able to work !!!”
“His bone disease wasn’t that bad, Loki !”
Thor went silent and Loki was panting, letting tears of sorrow and rage escape.
“But he always seemed fine…”, Thor mumbled.
“Because he didn’t want anyone to know how bad it truly was. He took 5 painkillers at once, so you all won’t see anything.”
Loki hugged himself tightly.
“I can’t continue like this… My own kids are afraid of me, Thor !”
“What did you do ?”
“You drink, don’t you and you get drunk and do bad things, don’t you ?”
Loki nodded.
“Loki, if this continues, I will take them away from you. Stop drinking.”
Loki snapped his head up at that and stared at Thor in fear.
“Loki you are an alcoholic ! And you just murdered people ! That is reason enough to take them away from you by force !”
“I will kill you if you dare to take them away from me ! They are all I have left !”
“THEN ACT LIKE IT, LOKI AND STOP DRINKING !!!”, Thor yelled at Loki in anger.
Loki flinched and looked away.
“Either you treat them like they are all you have left, or I will take them away from you. This is going too far.”
With that Thor left and Loki got rid of all the bottles of alcohol.
It has been a month now, since you died and Loki and the 3 kids hung out a lot and played games together. But at night…Loki threw up a lot of food he ate with them, cut himself and cried. He couldn’t live without you by his side.
A week later, Loki had an idea. He stopped drowning in pain at nights when the kids slept and researched the Necromancy Magic. A very old, dark, Magic, that can resurrect the dead.
Loki’s only hope…
He remembered that you said that you were friends with someone who HAD Necromancy Magic. So one night Loki went to the Graveyard and found the person he was looking for.
“Lucius !”, Loki called.
The man stood up from the Gravestone he sat on.
“I need your help ! It is about M/n !”
“M/n ? What happened to him ?”
“He…he got forced to join the war and got murdered… I can’t live without him by my side ! I need him back and all I have is you !”
Lucius made a thinking face and stroked his small beard.
“You want to learn the art of Necromancy, don’t you ?”, he asked.
Loki nodded.
“This will be a long way for you, so you better learn fast and carefully.”
Loki nodded again.
“Meet me here tomorrow night again, then the training can begin.”
“Thank you, Lucius !”
He nodded.
“One more thing.”
Loki looked at him.
“What do you want to own ? For Necromancy, you need a made object to contain and control it. It can be anything.”
“What would you advise me ?”
“Something that doesn’t look like a weapon, if there is ever an emergency and you can’t use Magic and all weapons got taken from you.”
“Then a ring or a bracelet.”
Lucius nodded and then vanished in shadows. Loki stared at the place he was at and then left the Graveyard.
The next night he was back in the Graveyard and soon saw Lucius on the same Gravestone.
“There you are. Almost thought you wouldn’t be able to come.”, he said calmly.
“Sorry. I tucked the kids in and they just didn’t want to go to sleep…”, Loki excused.
“It is fine.”
Lucius stood up from the Gravestone and walked over to Loki, with a small box in hand. Loki took it and opened it. A black ring was inside it and it looked beautiful.
“Before you put it on, we have to make you learn some ground rules.”
Loki nodded and looked at Lucius.
“You can’t tell anyone why that ring is black and what it does. A lot of people would want to misuse it and then we are doomed. NEVER let anyone else have the ring. NEVER allow anyone else to use it ! If you allow them to use it, then the ring will let them live and they can keep them as long as they want. If you don’t give them permission to wear it, they get torn into pieces. The ring protects you as long as you have it on your finger and as long as it is in one piece. The ring can be broken, so be careful. If the ring breaks, all the Necromancy inside it, will search a place inside you. It doesn’t mean anything bad, but you can’t use it then. DON’T EVER experiment with it. Got it ?”
Loki nodded.
“Good. Now, how many deaths and corpses did you see ?”
“A lot.”
“Alright. Focus on that only. I will tell you when you can stop.”
Loki nodded and did as told, thinking of all the deaths and corpses he saw in the past. After 10 minutes Lucius told him to stop.
“Good. You filled the ring with a lot of Necromancy. I am impressed. Now…let us train, shall we ?”
“But you don’t have your weapon.”
Lucius chuckled.
“It is my staff, silly.”
Loki looked at Lucius’ walking stick and he saw the shadows leaving it. He grabbed the ring and suddenly yelped, pulling his hand away fastly.
“The ring is so cold !”, he said.
Lucius laughed.
“I forgot to mention, that the ring feeds off of death. The more death, the powerful it gets. The more powerful your Necromancy becomes. We are on a Graveyard, which means…”
“Death surrounds us…”
Lucius smiled at Loki.
“Exactly. My, my… Now I see why M/n married you. Quite a fast thinker and learner, aren’t you ?”
“Now let us train.”
And with that they trained until 2 hours before sunrise. EVERY night.
One whole month went by and Loki bested Lucius in everything he had in store for him. They panted and Lucius sat down on the same Gravestone, he always sat on. Loki sat on the floor.
“Perfect work, Loki. Now I can teach you resurrection, but a fair warning…be very careful with this.”
“Why ?”
Lucius gave him a grim expression and then lifted his staff, concentrating hard with closed eyes. His staff was letting lose a whole black cloud and it went into the ground next to him. Not long after a Human, fully restored, came out of their grave.
“Where am I ? W-what happened ?”
“This is how you want M/n back, right ? The last thing he remembers was dying and then he is awake again, with all his memories restored, not one missing, his soul in one piece, his body fully healed and normal and his whole personality just as he always had, right ?”, Lucius asked Loki, ignoring the resurrected person.
Loki nodded.
“Good. Because one mistake or one careless flaw and you resurrect something entirely else.”
“Like ?”
“Like a Zombie. A creature with no working organs and destroyed, decaying body.”
Lucius made one appear and Loki stared in horror. Then he killed it again.
“Or an emotionless person, because they have no soul. Or a person who doesn’t remember anything at all. Or even a person that has a very different personality and has suddenly an urge to kill. The worst scenario would be, an M/n that at first seems fine and than, all of a sudden, kills you all. It all happened once before.”
Loki gulped.
“I have a question…”
“Spill it.”
“Can I heal M/n’s bone disease with Necromancy too ? So he won’t suffer again ?”
“Hmmm difficult to answer… A chronically disease is healable with Necromancy. You restore his body to his original state, so you can change his eternal pain into nonexistent as long as it doesn’t change anything else.”
“So that means…?”
“You can heal his bone disease. But if it would have been a mental disease, emotional disease or an organ disease, you can’t, because then you change too much.”
Loki nodded.
And with that they got to work and Loki needed 3 tries to get it right. Then the sun was slowly rising.
“Before we part… Resurrect M/n only at night and when I am near. Just in case something goes wrong.”
“Okay. He is-“
“Buried on your property in the garden. I know. That was his wish to be at if he ever dies and I didn’t find him buried here.”
Loki smiled and left.
It was night. Loki tucked his kids in and made sure they slept as he went to the garden. There your corpse was already digged out.
“Thought I would help make it all faster.”, Lucius said behind Loki.
Loki jumped in fright and then chuckled.
“Thank you.”
“Sure. And now do what I taught you. Revive him.”
Loki nodded and did as he was told.
You groaned in pain and exhaustion, holding your head and stomach where you got shot. Then you realized something. The shot wound was gone. You were surprised and tested yourself, no gunshot…
You looked around and jumped up all of a sudden. This can’t be ! How did you get home ?! The last thing you remembered was dying in Thor’s arms.
You sprung off of the couch, blanket falling to the floor and ran up the stairs to your and Loki’s Bedroom. As soon as you saw the door you banged it open, making Loki jump awake and screech.
“DAMN IT M/N !!! YOU SCARED ME !!!”, Loki yelled.
Then realization hit him and he looked at you closer.
“M-M/n ? You are alive ? It worked ?”
Loki and Lucius put a lot of Necromancy into you yesterday, but you didn’t wake up after 3 hours and Lucius declared that it didn’t work and you stay gone. So that was a surprise to Loki.
“W-what happened ? The last thing I remember was dying….”, you told Loki lost.
Loki stood up and went over to you, touching your cheek with tears in his eyes.
“You did die…”
“Then how am I…?”
Loki stared into your eyes.
“I am sorry… B-but I couldn’t move on without y-you and I-I hurt our kids b-because I drank and- and Lucius was my only hope ! I…I asked him to teach me Necromancy and we revived you. You have been gone for 3 months…”
You grabbed Loki’s shoulders and looked at him. You understood his pain and why he did what he did, even though you will punish him for being an idiot. But one thing confused you greatly.
“Love…who is Lucius ?”
Loki’s eyes widened and he stared at you.
“YOUR friend you talked so much about ! Lucius Vandan !”
“Love… He is dead since 2010… He got into an accident and died.”
Loki took mere steps back and stared into your eyes.
“I don’t believe you !”
You sighed and held him.
“Bring us to the Graveyard…”
Loki obeyed and brought you and him there. You grabbed his hand and led him to a Gravestone. M/n stood there and smiled at it.
“Hey there old friend.”, M/n said softly.
Loki looked at the Gravestone in horror. There on that very Gravestone stood ‘Lucius Vandan, Born 3rd of July 1990, Died 7th of March’
‘He died the same day and month as M/n did in war…’
And then he remembered where he was. He went away from the front of the Gravestone and behind it.
“Love ?”, you asked.
As Loki turned around he covered his mouth in horror. That’s where he always stood and Lucius always sat on his own Gravestone in front of him. Loki fell to his knees and started crying. You ran over to him and hugged him tight.
“Love, what is wrong ?”
“T-that was where he always sat on ! He sat on his own Gravestone and I stood right here !”, Loki sobbed out.
“What did he look like ?”
“He had his white long hair, pale skin, dark circles around his eyes, black cloak, black boots, black cylinder hat and a walking stick.”
You froze. You never described him to Loki. You only told him that you can find him at the Graveyard, always. You stared at your old friend’s Gravestone.
Did he really help Loki ? Did he really come back as Loki needed him most ? Was Lucius truly a Necromancer ?
“He even gave me this ring !”, Loki said and showed it to you.
You held Loki’s hand.
“Love…That was his ring.”
“W-what ?”
“He told me once, if he ever finds someone worthy of his ring and he won’t need it anymore, he will give someone else his ring. Someone who he sees worthy of it. It was his Mother’s ring, before she disappeared.”
“I-it is filled with Necromancy. MY Necromancy.”
You looked at your friend’s Grave again and smiled softly.
“Then he really died a mysterious death… You fool… You truly DID experiment on yourself with Necromancy and it all backfired.”, you chuckled weakly.
Loki and you felt a ghostly hand on each shoulder and then a soft chuckle.
“You know me too well, dear friend…”, Lucius’ voice appeared in a whisper.
You smiled and looked down, tears in eyes.
“Thank you for helping Loki. And if you feel bored, you can move in and haunt us. I think Auri wouldn’t be that bothered.”, you chuckled softly.
Another soft chuckle.
“I will think about it, old Buddy.”, he whispered.
Then it all disappeared. You grabbed Loki’s hand softly and then kissed his lips.
“Let’s go home and surprise the kids, shall we ?”, you whispered.
Loki smiled.
“We shall. I am glad you wanted to adopt Gerald and Annie. They are such sweet souls.”, Loki said.
You chuckled.
“They will all fall over in shock to see me again.”
“I have another great news for you, Love.”
“Hmm ?”
“I cured your bone disease with Necromancy. Lucius said I was allowed to go that far.”
“You mean I can lift everyone in the air, without screaming in pain anymore ? No more painkillers ?”
“Yes. No more of that.”
“Well if that is so…”
Loki screeched in surprise and you swept him off his feet and carried him.
“Then that means I can carry you again ! And so many positions in bed~ Oh, we will have a lot of fun and kids~”, you purred happily.
Loki only chuckled and teleported you home, waiting for the kids to awaken and be happy that their Daddy is back.
End ? Part 3 ? With/Without Smut ? Let me know !
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acuteagawa · 4 years
Writing a 8K smut fic instead for my university stuff? Sure, here it is uwu. Jokes aside, I love this man with all my heart and I hope I did him justice, I feel like he'd be extremely demanding and such a TEASE when it comes to sex. Please, let me know if you want more BSD smut because I will GLADLY write more QwQ I'm sorry for any typos here, I wrote this at 4AM! Hope you like it and please leave me a comment if you feel like it TwT <3
You didn’t really comprehend what he was asking you to do at first. You stared at him for a couple of seconds, a blank expression plastered on your face as your eyes blinked cluelessly. 
“Here?” You managed with a flushed face, the question unsure and your voice filled with pure embarrassment. He chuckled lowly at your delayed answer, making it harder for your knees to keep your body straight. You took a deep breath to steady you wobbly posture, and looked towards the windowed wall, towards him.
Chuuya was staring back at you, his blue eyes almost menacing as he looked up at you from his sitting position. The lights in his office were dim, the orange tint of sunset echoed throughout the whole room; he was glowing, honestly. He knew exactly how to play that game, he knew what to do to push all the right buttons and make you a flustered mess with the mere use of his words. You knew he was enjoying this, the bastard. Humor was clearly written all over that handsome face of his.
“Why not. It’ll be fun.” He almost groaned as he straightened up, placing his elbows on his desk and getting a better look of your blushing expression. You didn’t even dare to look at him now, you knew better, but you could still feel his unforgiving, grinning gaze heaving on you. Your resistance and your shyness seemed to only entice him more, he loved that side of you because he was the only one allowed to see it. He made sure to remind you of that every waking moment. 
It’s not like the two of you were new to that sort of things. He had taken his time breaking you nicely, after all. But you were a quick learner, much to his approval. It has been a couple of months since Chuuya had the balls to finally confess his interest in you; he asked you out right after he came back from an important mission in the West, one that had kept him busy for weeks. It was during those long, lonely weeks that he realised how deeply the thought of you had planted its roots in his mind. He just couldn’t deny himself any longer; all he could think about was how good you’d look between his legs, sucking him off like the good girl you always were with him. It was your fault, honestly. You and those damned tight skirts of yours. He kept saying this to himself, trying to justify his weakness for you; truth is, he was really a goner the first time he saw you enter his office as one of the new Port Mafia secretaries many months before. For him, seeing you everyday had been worse than torture itself: watching you swerve your hips around the office without being able to claim you like he wanted had been both his salvation and his demise. Low curses emitted from his lips every single time he witnessed some other guy trying to flirt his way into your panties, because honestly he blamed himself and his cowardice for not securing himself around you soon enough. All he could do during that time was to sit back and let his groans subdue within his chest without being able to properly call you his. 
But that was not the case anymore.
Now, you were his and his only. He was the only one allowed to make you blush like this, his name was the only one you where allowed to scream. He was the only man on this earth who was allowed to find refuge in the warmth between your legs. No one else. 
“There’s still people around.” You retorted, hugging the stack of files tighter around your chest as to cover yourself better from his hooded, piercing eyes. 
“That’s what makes it fun, Y/N.” His lips curved in a languid smirk, his honeyed voice ringed in your ears, sending shivers down the entirety of your spine. The idea of doing something so… intimate in a place so crowded was totally new for the two of you. Well, at least for you it was. Chuuya had been your first in many, many things, and you trusted him wholeheartedly, but this was really pushing all your boundaries. 
You heard him shuffle in his leather armchair, probably growing tired of your insecurity. Chuuya always gets what he wants, you learned it the hard way during these past months. It’s not like he ever forced you to do anything you were not comfortable with, he just liked to experiment with you. He’s constantly trying his best to understand you, unravel what’s in your head, decipher what feels good and what doesn’t. Chuuya always puts you and your pleasure first, he was a true gentleman at heart, and for that you were extremely grateful. It just surprised you at first when you heard him whisper those filthy words only a few moments ago, but you trusted him and his vision.
“I need to fuck you so bad right now, Y/N.” You shivered again, remembering how sultry his voice sounded as you spoke for the first time that day. 
He had been extremely busy these past days, it had been almost impossible to get a hold of him even via text, but that didn’t surprise you since he was the executive with the best records in all of Port Mafia’s history. He was really popular in the field and there was a really high demand for him and his services. Time periods in which he was totally unavailable were not unusual, which was something that had frightened you at first. You thought he had grown tired of you the first time you tried to get in contact with him to no avail, he didn’t answer your texts or calls for exactly four days. Needless to say, you were over the moon when he knocked at your door on the fifth night, begging for you to let him in so that he could help you forgive him. It was one of the best nights with him to date, he’d been so needy for your touch and so focused on making you cum all night long, until you had begged him to stop, filled to the brim with his gift. The mere memory of his long, sharp thrusts plunging deep within your drenched core with each raw drag of his hips made your head spin. 
“Y/N. Come here.” Chuuya noticed how lost in your thoughts you had become, so he regained your full attention by patting his hand gently on his lap, encouraging you to get closer to his desk. You snapped out of it immediately, and slowly but surely you started walking towards him; the soft clicking of your heels echoed through the room, now completely silent. As you reached him, you clumsily placed the files you’d been clutching on the marble table. Your hands were shaking slightly and he noticed: Chuuya quickly took hold of your right hand, making you gasp in surprise. He took this small window of opportunity and dragged you down so that you were sitting across his strong thighs.
“You don’t trust me?” He smiled at you with hooded eyes, so much darker than usual. He slowly pulled your delicate hands towards his smooth lips, kissing each and every knuckle like his life depended on it. You were his queen, after all. He never failed to make you remember that either. 
“It’s not that. You know it’s not that, Chuuya.” You blushed again, the mere thought of what he was proposing was making you weak in your knees once again, if it wasn’t for the fact that you were almost straddling him you’d be on the floor by now. You couldn’t deny that you missed him and his ministrations too, all of this was making you extremely sensitive, your panties felt a tad damp by now. 
But you would never admit that to him directly. The man was already so full of himself.
“Hmm. So what is it about? Are you scared someone will see us? Hear us?” He chuckled once again, hoisting your body up so that he could drape your legs to each side of his thighs, making you straddle him completely now. You hissed at the feeling of his already hardening length brushing against your inner thigh. 
“Chuuya...” You panted, eyes hooded with lust as his skilled digits started travelling down from your hips to your thighs, so conveniently bare and at his mercy. 
“Yes, kitten? Changed your mind?” He smirked, his lips now locked against the soft skin of your neck. He angled himself so that he was resting his forehead right inside the crook of your neck, where your sweet scent was stronger and where he knew exactly how to torture you with his skilled lips. He immediately started nibbling and licking the soft expand up until he reached your sweet spot, the spot he knew would make you mewl and beg. The combination of his plush lips and his nibbling teeth made you moan softy against your will, your hands finding their place in his hair as you gently grazed at his skull. He groaned at the feeling, a primal sound rumbling in his chest at the sensation of you tugging his messy locks. 
You didn’t even know when your hips had started to involuntarily buck against his on the chair, your clothed cores colliding slightly with each move; feeling your warmth radiating through his tight dress pants and against his painfully hard cock made him grit his teeth, hard. He’d been hard all day thinking about this, about you straddling his cock and taking him in so perfectly in your tight little pussy. Man, he loved how tight you felt against his pulsing, throbbing length just before you cummed, he couldn’t wait to finally plunge himself inside you and fill you up nicely. You were making him loose all his cool.
Without a single word, he snaked one arm around your tiny waist to support you better while his free hand travelled from your thighs to your skirt, hiking it up just enough to reveal your damp panties to his hungry, hooded eyes. He smirked teasingly at you, one eyebrow shooting up just to mock your current state. He then pressed his solid cock against you experimentally, sucking in a sharp breath at the sight of his clothed length nestled tightly against your folds, but more importantly watching how your chest rose up in shock from the sudden contact. Fuck, he could cum just by looking at your flushed face right now. Your tiny whimpers and moans were music to his ears, hands down his favourite sound in the whole world: they never failed to set his groin on fire, knowing that you were feeling this good because of him, and him only. 
Chuuya rolled his hips a couple more times, the both of you panting and grinding against the other like two horny teenagers who didn’t know better. The dry and rough feeling of your panties and his dress pants against your most sensitive area made you whimper his name with each one of his slow, yet precise thrusts. 
“You like this, uh? You fucking love it, don’t you? Look at you, humping my thighs to get yourself off. Tsk, I thought you were a good girl, Y/N.” His dirty talking did nothing to help your current situation, it only made the unbearable ache between your legs burn and sting deeper. You opened your eyes briefly just to stare at him, noticing how he wasn’t in a better state than you where. He looked just as desperate as you did, his bangs falling messily across his face, teeth gritting with purpose and eyes focused on the place where your bodies connected. Well, should connect. The feeling of your clothing was almost unbearable now, you wanted to touch him so badly, to feel his warm skin under your fingers, to caress his muscles and leave marks on that pretty back of his. 
“Chuuya, please...” You whined, not really sure what you were asking him to do but you needed some sort of relief. Anything would do, really. 
“Please what, Y/N? Aren’t you going to be a good girl for me and cum all over my leg? I want to feel you drench my pants.” He groaned, his blue eyes completely filled with the pure black of his blown out irises. Fuck, he was so hot, asking you to do that so he could simply enjoy the view. And with that, one of his fingers hooked your panties just enough to pull them to the side; your glistening core was finally able to directly brush against the clothed muscles of his thigh and to occasionally bump against his painfully solid erection. You heard Chuuya curse beneath his breath at the mere sight of your drenched pussy dragging over and staining his work pants. 
“Chuu- Fuck!” You bucked your hips a couple more times, grinding down harshly against him in order to reach your limit and finally give him what he wanted to see. You opened your glazed eyes, hands shooting right back at his hair and pulling it softly so that he understood the signal. You wanted him to look at you, to see how desperate he had made you. How hungry you were for him and his touch. His dark eyes met your hooded ones, sharp canines revealing under his satisfied grin. The way you were grinding your hips against his was making it hard for him to focus on anything but your core, but fuck he loved to see you cum. To see those pretty eyes of yours roll back in ecstasy and to hear his name though your moans.
“Fuck Y/N... That’s it. Cum on me, let me hear you, princess.” He roared, the grip of his arm tightening around your waist and helping you move against him better, now that your legs were spasming and growing tired. He dragged your lower half against him a couple of times more before you felt the knot in your lower belly unravel, almost painfully. His words coaxed you to reach your limit, the idea of his hungry eyes fixed on your convulsing form turned your legs into jelly. You came hard, really hard, moaning his name loudly, almost desperately. The strength of his arms never leaving you as he continued bucking his hips against yours, prolonging your orgasm by tenfold. Then the so familiar overstimulation came, and everything felt too much for you, so you gently pushed his chest away and rested your back against the edge of the desk, trying to distanziate your core from his body as best as the position allowed you. You experimentally opened your eyes: all you saw was his usual smug grin wide on his face, and his hungry eyes. 
You almost felt yourself coming undone again. 
“Such a sight to behold.” He grinned at you, a tingle of something oddly sweet laced in his voice. You smiled back at him, your breath was still ragged and uneven but you craved more. You always did when it came to him.
“Look at the mess you made, princess. My dress pants are ruined for good. Such a nasty little girl, aren’t you?” He continued, knowing exactly how to get under your skin. He knew how flustered the whole ordeal would make you, yet he decided to torture even further with his dirty comments. You looked down at his pants, noticing the big, wet splotch that was turning the grey material of his expensive pants black and moist. You blushed heavily at the sight of your desire for him so clearly evident on his clothes and fingers.
“My, my. What to do about this reckless behaviour of yours, uhm? You certainly enjoyed yourself a lot.” 
“Quit the crap, Chuuya. You asked for this.” You honestly weren’t good at reacting to his dirty talk, it made you fluster badly and it sometimes embarrassed you to the point that your ears turned red. He loved seeing you like that though, all shy and prudish after what you had just done. 
“Tsk. Who taught you to talk like that?” His brows knitted together with fake annoyance and shock, while his arm snaked back to his original place around your waist, pulling you closer against his chest, demanding a kiss.
“You did.” You leaned closer and kissed him on the cheek instead, mockingly. He clearly wasn’t happy with it, so he immediately trapped your face between his hands, fingers tilting your chin so that he could have easy access to those pretty lips of yours and finally devour them. 
The kiss was rough and dry at first. Teeth colliding together messily as his tongue fought to enter your lips but you sealed them tightly, making him groan with anger. When did his little angel turn into the stubborn demon that was straddling him just now? Was it his fault that she became so skilled in making him loose his cool? 
Chuuya knew how to play that game, though. His hands travelled down to your plump backside that he so eagerly worshipped, grabbing handfuls of it, roughly. You gasped in surprise, his raw touch enough to set you ablaze again as you felt his tongue finally colliding against yours in a fight for dominance you knew you couldn’t win. He was everywhere around you; his musky scent was so strong you honestly thought you could just pass out from it. 
“Why don’t you put that pretty mouth of yours to a better use instead of babbling profanities, my love?” He questioned lowly, your bottom lip trapped between his teeth as he pulled it slightly and bit on it until you sensed the coppery taste of blood on your tongue. You hissed at the sharp pain, wincing away from his hold. Looking right back at him, his hands started to softly circle patterns across the bare skin of your legs, up until his fingers reached under your shirt. You moaned at the feeling of his strong, calloused hands feeling you up and kneading your tender breasts, pinching your nipples from underneath your lacy bra. 
You slowly removed yourself from him, the awkward position had left your legs sore and weak from how roughly you were pressing down into his hard body. His eyes never stopped following your every movement, curious to see if you’d actually accept his challenge and blow him in his office. Out in the open. 
As you kneeled before him underneath the desk you didn’t fail to notice the way he was grinning from ear to ear, his hands still glued to your chest, cupping you from beneath. Fucking bastard, you couldn’t wait to make him beg for it. With a swift motion of your hands, you pushed his arms away to grant yourself a better access to his clothed lower half. His tight pants did nothing to conceal the evident bulge of erection, which was straining painfully near his thighs. Slowly, your tiny hands palmed him through his clothes, stroking him gently and experimentally; you almost chuckled at his sudden reaction, his hips instantly bucking into your hands looking for any sort of relief, his eyes glazed and semi-closed but still fixed on yours, a sharp inhale of breath through his gritted teeth echoed to your ears. The sight of him completely lost in your touch and so needy for you to continue was something that will always occupy a special place in your mind. Gods, he was so handsome.
You slowly grazed the entire outline of his cock with your fingers while your other hands continued palming and fondling his base, making him groan loudly with eagerness. Chuuya loved foreplay: he especially loved receiving it, having your lips encase his whole length tightly while choking because of his girth, but today you noticed a tinge of impatience in his every movement. From the strong grasp of his hands on your head, to the unsatisfied groans he was so desperately trying to suppress, while he twisted and turned in his armchair with knitted brows… Everything seemed to indicate that he wasn’t up for any of it today.
“Y/N…” The tone of his voice seemed almost menacing, and you smiled at how desperate he already sounded. You loved how his eyes dared you to continue your little game; but you were a smart girl, you quickly learned not to challenge him or else he’d deny you any form of release until you begged and screamed his name. Shuddering at the mere memory of one long and evenful night, when he had punished your teasing by fucking your throat raw, your hands quickly grabbed his belt to undo it. As soon as you were able to unfasten his leather belt, you hooked your tiny fingers into the loops of his pants, while your other hands worked fast to unzip him. His eyes were deeply focused towards your hands, which were working desperately to free him from his expensive dress pants, his head was hanging low so that your foreheads were almost touching. Finally, you started pulling down his slacks, eager to release his cock and please him: with one single pull he was left in his tight boxer briefs, which you skilfully pulled down as well, just enough for his throbbing cock to spring free and rest on his clothed stomach. 
“F-Fuck.” He hissed, his head lolled back to rest against the plush leather of his armchair. The feeling of cold air finally caressing his painful erection was pure bliss. You smiled at his reaction and took the opportunity to admire his cock in all his glory.
He was definitely well packed down there, your eyes always grew to the size of saucers every time you saw his cock spring free of his confinements. The first time you two had been intimate with each other you asked him if he was sure it could fit inside of you, honestly clueless about all of this. You remembered his low chuckles, how they made you tremble with anticipation as he answered in your ear that yes, it would fit because your body was made for him. Time has passed, sure, but you would never grow tired of the sight of his leaking, red tip and angry pulsing veins waiting for your touch. You licked your lips while your delicate fingers wrapped around his throbbing shaft, pumping him slowly but firmly. You knew the exact amount of pressure that he liked to be touched with; you knew that he much preferred to be squeezed tightly at the base but gently at his tip, all of it while your other hand gently fumbled with his balls. Chuuya hissed and groaned as soon as he felt your warm hands on him, head still lolled back and breath coming out in harsh pants, cursing from time to time. He was really a goner for your delicate but skilled touch.
He trained you well, after all. 
You quickly established a slow but consistent pace of your pumps, making him shiver each time your fingers would graze against his enraged, velvety tip. Your lips found their place at his neck, nibbling and biting along the thick vein up to his sharp jawline, possibly leaving some love bites across his pale skin. He roared loudly when a particular snap of your wrist engulfed his whole leaky tip in a firm grasp, making him wince and spasm under you. He was so sticky and wet already, the mere thought made you clench around nothing. 
“What’s wrong, baby? Coming already?” You teased him, licking the shell of his ear and biting his lobe mockingly. You removed your hand from his tight balls and ran it under his shirt, your nails scratching along his toned abs up to his solid chest while your other hand was still pumping around his cock. He finally looked at you: his eyes were now completely black and filled with liquid lust, a sheer layer of sweat was making his skin glow under the sunset light; he was grinning at you while his hot breath fanned across your face in incoherent pants. 
“I thought I asked you to use your pretty mouth, Y/N.” He suddenly pushed away your hand from his cock, harshly, almost making you loose your already precarious balance. His strong hands grabbed hold of your frail shoulders, pushing you back down under his desk with a big toothy grin. You were now back on your knees, the sweet prospect of dominance shuttered in just a few seconds; you hummed softly at the delicious sight before you: his cock was completely slicked with his own precum, which was even dribbling down onto his smooth balls and boxers, while the thick veins along the entirety of his shaft pulsed and throbbed from your previous ministrations. You felt a sharp clench again. Your hands found their place on his knees and thighs as you positioned yourself to get a better access over his cock, taking it back into your hands and slowly dipping your face down to plant a first soft kiss on the tip. He felt velvety and smooth on your lips as you started placing kisses all over it, making his hips buck in response. How he loved when you worshipped his cock like this. 
Your tongue darted out, tracing along his sensitive slit where precum was already oozing out in thick bubbles, the salty taste that you loved coating your wet muscle as you finally closed your lips around his tip and started circling it skilfully. You heard him moan above you, his hands found mercy in your long, silky hair as he kept your head steady between his legs with a strong hold, pulling it into a loose ponytail so that he could see you blow him better. He flinched and spasmed again as you started bobbing your head slowly, taking him wholly inside your mouth until his tip reached the back of your tight, warm throat. The hands that were still glued to his knees moved: with one, you started massaging his balls again, loving how smooth and soft they felt and knowing how much he liked that kind of stimulation, while the other hand travelled to hike his shirt up, revealing his lower abs to your hungry eyes. Your nails grazed at the expanse of his lower stomach, a faint trace of hair trailed from under his navel down to frame the pretty cock inside your mouth. You hummed around him, he vibrations coursing through his length made him hum in response too.
“Fuck… You look so beautiful between my legs. With your mouth full of my cock like this… Fuck baby… You’re so good to me.” He kept cursing and moaning above you as he praised you and your mouth. His nails were massaging the sides of your skull lovingly, hips bucking slightly to meet your pace halfway. 
All kinds of fluids, yours and his, were dribbling down the sides of your mouth to your chin as you choked and gulped around him, his pants and boxers messy with new splotches and stains. He didn’t seem to care in the slightest though, too enamoured with the sight and with the feeling of you choking and struggling around his angry length. He was now starting to fuck your throat: it was a bad habit of his that you were slowly growing accustomed to, but it always hurt at the beginning no matter how many times he did it before. The discomfort of his cock plunging deep inside your throat repeatedly mixed with the loss of air induced by the fact that he was keeping your head steady with his hands almost made you pass out. He was that intense when it came to chase down his own release. You struggled under him, his breath hot and loud above you making you slick with arousal for him again. He sounded oh so desperate to cum, to spill his load deep down your convulsing throat and make you swallow all of his seed like you were hungry for it. Feeling his legs and thighs twitch under your hands, you relaxed your throat: he was so close. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He groaned loudly, his hips giving a couple more thrusts inside your mouth until you felt the underside of his cock tremble on your tongue, coating your throat with thick spurts of his cum. You eagerly swallowed everything he was willing to give you, until he stilled and panted loudly above you. His hands were still caressing your head and hair, his hold releasing almost all of its pressure and giving you room to breathe, to relax around him. Looking up, you saw that his head was still reversed back into the armchair, his Adam’s apple bobbing fast as he tried to recover as much air as possible after his climax. You licked his cock clean, and finally released it with a loud pop; your eyes followed it, watching how it now rested limply over his toned lower abs, red and spent but somehow still hard and twitching. Chuuya was still lost in his afterglow bliss, his chest was rising a bit more steadily now while he hummed his approval, opening his glazed eyes to finally lock his loving gaze with yours. His hand connected with your left cheek, massaging it tenderly while watching you with hooded, grateful eyes; his finger collected a small drop of cum that managed to escape your lips and dribble down your chin, pushing it back into your mouth with a low groan rumbling in his chest as you sucked on his finger and cleaned it up thoroughly. 
Then, your shy gaze averted from his heavy, sultry one; it was so amusing to him that you still managed to feel embarrassed after taking his cock so perfectly deep inside your mouth, after everything the two of you had done together, but nevertheless he loved that side of you to pieces. At that, he gripped your arm strongly and pulled you up to sit back onto his lap once again, making you shudder. His lips connected with yours immediately, massaging them with a slow, sweet pace; it was so abruptly different from the way he was using your mouth just moments before. Your bruised lips danced with his smooth ones, his taste was still lingering on your tongue and it mixed with his strong, musky scent, making you whimper into the kiss. 
“I’m not done with you, just so you know.” Chuuya nibbled your bottom lip and travelled back to your neck, his statement making you hungry all over again. Your gaze fell down between your bodies, the sight of his cock resting hard and heavy against both of your stomachs made your insides flutter. His clothes were completely soiled with cum, spit and sweat, your panties ruined and sticking to your core once again. You briefly wondered how the two of you would manage to exit his office and the building without anyone noticing the sticky mess on your clothes.
You were suddenly brought back to the current situation when you felt his skilled fingers rub circles over your clit from outside your drenched panties. You winced, still a bit sensitive from your previous orgasm, but melted to his touch as soon as he slipped his fingers inside the flimsy material of your lacy undergarments and started rubbing your slick folds gently, probing at your entrance with his middle finger, teasingly. 
“Chuuya… Please, don’t tease me now… I can’t anymore.” Your voice sounded so pathetically weak right now, it was a mix between a plea and a cry. Instantly, you felt his lips curl into a wicked smile across the sensitive skin of your neck. 
“You know it will hurt if I don’t prepare you well enough, baby.” He whispered in your ear, his low voice making you shiver above him while his middle finger entered your tight core. Of course you knew, he had been rough with you before, it mainly happened when he was too horny or angry to bother with foreplay. The painfully dry drag of his cock inside your tight core only added to the turmoil inside of you though, you secretly loved when he was rough and needy with you. You loved everything about him.
“I don’t care… Please just- Please Chuuya…” You whined, stopping his hands by placing yours around his wrist, stilling his slow movements. Your pleading eyes were now fixed to his hungry ones, almost as if you were trying to convince that you really wanted it, that you meant it.
“Very well. Whatever you want, princess.” His tongue clicked, strong arms swiftly grabbing you and pulling your body flushed to his. He proceeded in pulling down your skirt and panties with a single swift motion, doing the exact same with his own pants and boxers. With his free arm, he tossed everything that was lying on his desk to the floor, not caring about the stacks of documents and files flying everywhere. He needed to fuck you out of his system, now. He laid you on the cold marble beneath him, standing on his feet and towering over your petite figure; your legs instantly laced behind his back, pulling him even closer to you and securing him against your dripping core.
Chuuya placed one of his hands right next to your face on the marble desk, to avoid crushing you with his weight; his other hand draped down around his shaft, pumping himself a couple of times with his hooded eyes glued into your demanding ones. He slowly rubbed his shaft between your folds, your slick coating his cock nicely so that it would slide in without any pain. The tip of his cock brushed against your neglected clit with each and every gentle thrust, making you whine for more. Your hands travelled to his toned arms and laced behind his strong neck, pulling him closer for a kiss. He gladly obliged, lowering his face enough for you to peck him and lick his lips before you felt the head of his solid erection push inside of you. You both moaned into the kiss, exchanging your breaths; the feeling of him stretching you so fucking nicely was to die for. 
Chuuya entered you slowly, making sure that you were able to feel each and every inch of his dick dragging across the ridges of your tight cunt, filling you up completely until he was buried balls deep into your heat, hips stilled against your plush ass. He cursed beneath his breath at how deliciously your pussy wrapped around him, sucking him in, almost. Low profanities were leaving his mouth as he waited for you to adjust and stop clenching around him, or else he’d cum in a matter of minutes. You moaned underneath him, trying to undo the buttons his shirt so that you could finally claw your back and watch his abs contract as he drilled mercilessly inside of you. Chuuya got the hint and raised his torso away from yours, without actually pulling out, and unfastened the buttons for you. His shirt opened up, finally revealing his toned mid section to your hungry gaze and nails. The sight of his naked torso, except for the presence of his black leather choker wrapped tightly around his viscous neck, made tears swell up in your eyes. Fuck, you don’t recall ever being this hungry and horny for him. Chuuya smirked, knowing how much you loved to see him like this all too well, and he almost ripped your shirt open: you trembled as you heard a couple of buttons hit the floor and flying across the office. His calloused hands shot up to cup your breasts immediately, kneading them gently while uncovering them haphazardly from your damned bra. You held his head lovingly as he nestled his face down over you, latching his lips to your nipple while rolling the other between his fingers; he sloppily kissed and marked your chest with small love bites that you knew would turn purple for weeks. 
“Chuuya… Please move… I can take it now.” You whimpered, having adjusted to the size and feeling of him inside of you. The stretch was no longer painful, it only stung a little but it added to the amazing feeling of him filling you up to the hilt. He nodded, thrusting out of you and pushing back in immediately after, experimentally. He didn’t want to hurt you, not today, you had been so nice to him and you deserved every ounce of pleasure he was able to gift you. 
The heels of your feet pushed at his backside, urging him to fuck you harder, to which he quickly obliged. Chuuya set a steady and harsh pace, drilling his cock into your warmth with an unforgiving force. The desk dragged against the hardwood floor with each thrust of his hips, but none of you seemed to care. He hid his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your maddening scent sharply as he kept rutting hard inside of you; your loud moans in his ear only coaxed him to go faster, deeper. Your legs were wrapped tightly around his waist, the idea of you wanting him so damn close made butterflies dance in his stomach, loins set on fire. He grabbed one of your legs and pulled it closer to his chest, angling you so that he was hitting it even deeper, making you cry as tears formed in your eyes from how good you were being fucked. 
“God Y/N, you’re so fucking tight… You want me dead.” He groaned, placing a couple of kisses on your ankle as he kept his pace hard and steady. The sound of skin slapping and of your moans echoing through the room were making him drunk and hazy. He wouldn’t last long.
You hummed, unable to answer with words anymore. He felt just so good, so thick and deep inside of you, reaching places you never thought he was able to reach. This position allowed the tip of his cock to brush against your sweet spot with each thrust, making you clench around his throbbing shaft uncontrollably. A familiar bubble in your lower belly began to form, you could feel your high approaching with every snap of his hips.
“Chu-Chuuya… I’m so close… Please!” You cried, tugging his hair and asking him to come back down so that you could kiss him. So that you could watch him in the eyes and express how grateful you were for his ministrations. So that you could praise him.
“I know, love. I can feel you sucking me in… How do you want me?” He whispered between harsh hisses as he finally came back to you, body flushed against yours. His rutting became even faster and more desperate, if possible. Your nipples brushed against his solid chest, only adding to the pleasure of spiralling down because of his unforgiving, precise thrusts. 
“I don’t care baby, just please make me cum…” Your voice was now a mess of pleas and moans but somehow you still managed to form a coherent sentence. Your hands cupped his cheeks, kissing him like a starved woman while he groaned into the kiss. You knew he loved when you left the choice to him, when you submitted yourself completely to his will. He hugged you, his large hands cupping behind your head in order to prevent you from bumping against something and  actually hurt yourself because of his hard pace. You hugged him back, your chin rested against his shoulder while his was hidden in the crook of your neck; your nails dragged across the large expanse of his toned back, marking him up and trying desperately to steady yourself as he pounded inside of you restlessly. All you could hear were his grunts and hisses mingling with your own screams, and the sound of his poor desk dragging harshly against the stone floor. 
Chuuya was a strong man. The force he was using to pin you down and to fuck your brains out was almost scary, but you were used to this by now. He wasn’t even using his ability today, but all the pent up lust and desire allowed him to be just as strong and raw with you. 
It all came crushing down on you when you felt one of his hands leave your head and snake down between your legs, finding your clit and rolling it between his rough fingertips, matching the rhythm of his hips. He wanted you to come undone first, as always. Well, when he felt like you deserved it. Your left hand clutched his arm desperately, but his touch never faltered: he kept brushing over your sensitive nub, using the slick of your arousal to get you off.
“Come on…” He hissed, teeth gritting with the sole purpose of making you cum before he did. It was really hard for him to deny himself any longer, but he was trying his best.
“Chuuya… Baby!” You whined, a high pitched moan following your pleas as you felt his cock hit your spot repeatedly while his skilled fingers rubbed you gently. You opened your eyes just to look for his own pair, mouth agape as he pounded the living light out of you. His jaw was clenched, tense, and you knew he was on the verge of heaven too. 
A couple more of those flicks were all it took for you to spasm harshly beneath his weight, legs wrapping around his waist and gripping him like a vice. You screamed his name loudly, eyes rolling back as he fucked you through it, prolonging your high with the sharp rut of his hips, balls slapping your ass with every thrust. Your hands grip his arm and back, anchoring yourself and marking him up badly because your release was too strong, he was too strong. Your mouth was open but nothing seemed to come out, the tears that had collected in your eyes rolling down to wet your cheeks and chin. It was too much, all of it was simply too much, you honestly thought you were about to pass out on that desk.
Chuuya gritted his teeth and inhaled sharply, the feeling of your drenched cunt convulsing around him, trying to milk his cock of all its worth, was making his thrusts sloppy. He fucked you through your orgasm, his fingers never stopping rubbing your clit. He looks down to your shuddering form, the blissful expression plastered on your face was a sight to die for, more valuable than any piece of art he owned. He felt your hand trying to stop his own, a weak try because he knew he could coax another orgasm right out of you before he’s allowed to cum and spill his seed inside of you. And before you were able to stop him you were already clenching again, crying over of the force of your second orgasm. It was mind-blowing, almost painful, your walls spasmed around him so hard that you could feel his cock twitch inside of you. Chuuya allowed himself a couple more of those sloppy, incoherent thrusts before he came inside, a loud roar rumbling in his chest. You hummed at the feeling of his warm cum spurting deeply inside of you, painting your walls and filling you up to the brim with his gift. He moved sloppily until he was sure he was completely empty and collapsed on top of your body moments after. 
Both of your breaths were irregular, chests heaving against the other’s in a futile attempt to regain some composure after your highs crushed down on you full force. You aimlessly caressed his hair and back, keeping him close and flush to your form as he rested his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. It took him a couple of seconds before he regained enough energy to stop crushing you with his weight, peeling himself off of you with a satisfied grunt. Chuuya looked down between your legs, where your bodies connected and where his cock was still nestled inside your folds. His hooded gaze watched as you still clenched around him slightly, cum dripping down on both of your thighs, pooling all over the desk. He hissed at the sight, gods he really came hard, his seed was overflowing everywhere, making a hell of a mess. He pulled out a bit, a streak of cum following his tip as cum oozed out of your abused cunt, only to push himself back in seconds after, plunging his cum back into you. Chuuya heard you whimper lightly and his eyes shot up to your face, taking in the blissed glory of your fucked out expression and tear stained eyes. He had really fucked you good. He grinned, placing a soft kiss on you red, abused lips and removing some stray strands of your long hair from your beautiful face. Honestly, he was all for aftercare: he loved taking care of you after a good fuck, kissing you softly before both of you fell asleep in a tangled mess of limbs was one of this favourite things in the universe, but his office desk was not as comfortable as your shared bed. He finally pulled his cock out of your tight warmth, one last shared moan echoing through the room.
“Can you stand?” He offered you his hand, which you grabbed immediately as you were quite unsure you were able to. His hand grasped yours tightly in order to pull yourself back into a sitting position. You back screamed in pain, the hard surface of his marble left some nasty bruises all over your shoulders and back.
“Fuck, I made a mess.” Chuuya continued, his eyes focused on the sticky pools of cum and what not that were sputtered all over his work space. You grabbed his shoulders and pulled yourself on your feet, your legs wobbled at first but he was quick to catch you by securing his strong arm around your tiny waist. 
“Hey, careful now…” He chuckled. The sight of your shuddering figure and the fact that he was the one who wrecked you this good caused a primal surge of pride to swell in his chest. You nodded at him, blushing heavily. Your hair was a mess, and so was his: both of you looked like you just had the best sex of your life. The air in his office was heavy and humid, the sun had finally settled so you were left standing in the dim, warm lights of his expensive table lamps. He placed you in his leather armchair before pulling his pants up roughly to go and open a window, the fresh night breeze helping you focus and ponder on what had just happened.
You adjusted your shirt and skirt, cursing at the sight of three missing buttons and a sticky cum stain on your skirt. You really made a mess this time, you honestly didn’t know what possessed the two of you to indulge in such a messy ordeal in a place like this. 
“We should do this more often, don’t you think?” You heard him chuckle behind you, his body was leaning against the opened window just to light up a cigarette and blow the smoke outside.
“If it wasn’t for the mess, then yes, maybe.” You smiled at him, he hummed at your answer. That was true, the feeling of stickiness and sweat clinging to your bodies was somewhat unpleasant, the convenience of showering together right after sex was something he truly cherished. Mainly because he always gets to fuck you in there too.
“I guess you’re right. What do you say we clean up a bit and go straight back home earlier tonight?” He grinned, his usual twisted smile sending shivers down your spine, a trail of smoke coming from his bruised lips.
You nodded your head softly, the everlasting crave you felt for this man was going to be the end of you, you were sure of it. And yet, you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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salamanderdr · 4 years
Lost Family in a Mad Town
My ‘Town That Went Mad’ one-shot
By @salamanderdr
tw: death/child death/trauma
Featuring: c!Karl, c!Dream, c!Corpse, and Robin
Authors note: Also I am in no way a writer so sorry for any typos. I’ve never actually written a fanfiction so the only place I can put it is here. I wrote this because I couldn’t get the idea out of my head and I had to get it down. Karl and the others did such a good job on the stream. I literally wrote this in one sitting, I hope ya’ll like it qwq. 
Karl had been having these dreams for a while now. It didn’t seem like anything special. To him, they were just interesting stories to tell his friends. These stories are what he became known for, and he enjoyed the attention. What made the dreams so special is that most of them involved Karl’s friends getting into unusual shenanigans, which inspired most of the young men’s hangouts. However, one dream, in particular, caused Karl to reconsider if there was more to them. 
~Once asleep, Karl finds himself in a rather interesting dream. In the middle of a small village, Karl stands next to the town’s water fountain. The setting is more rustic than he is used to, and his bright multicolored hoody stands out among the bustling villagers. Despite his appearance, the quaint villagers paid him no attention. Concerned, Karl realizes that he can't interact with the townspeople. Unsure of what to do with himself, Karl spots a familiar neon green hood. Karl walks up to the figure and lays his hand on their shoulder, whispering, “Dream... is that you?” The brightly clothed man whips around, shock in his voice, “H-how… who are you?” Karl tilts his head, “It’s me Dream, Karl. Don’t you remember me?” Dream put his head in his hands, “I-I… Karl? Y-yes.. I re”. Suddenly a deep voice pulls both men’s attention away, “Cornelius! You still waiting for us?” Karl looks behind Dream to see a pale man with cat ears and tail, holding the hand of a sweet-looking boy with a hat full of lovely wildflowers. Karl’s heart became warm, something seems familiar about the boy, like if he could be an old friend. Karl speaks again, “Dream, who are they? Did he call you Cornelius? Jeez, what the honk is going on?” Dream quickly turns to Karl, “I’ll explain it later. Just go on, I’ll find you.”  Karl shakes his head “Oh, it’s fine I don't think they can see me.” Dream sighs, “fine, just stay quiet for a bit so I can focus.”
Dream walks over to the two who patiently wait for him “Sorry Corpse, I got sidetracked.” He gently offers his arm to Corpse. Still holding the boy’s hand, Corpse hooks his arm with Dreams. Dream smiles towards the boy, “Y’all didn’t miss me too much, did ya, Robin?” Robin giggles, “If anything, we’re better off without you.” The three laugh as they walk down the path as Karl follows close behind, also laughing to himself.
As the day ends and the night comes, Karl finds himself sitting beside Dream outside his little cottage. Slowly rocking in his chair, Dream speaks, “ I started remembering a little more, not much but enough to kinda understand what’s going on.” He looks at Karl, “I know you later down the line, don’t I?” Karl nods, “Yeah… so this really happened? You had a little family Dream?” he smiles. Dream frowns, “I did, a very long, long, long, long time ago,” he sighs, “this happened like hundreds of years ago, Karl, and you weren’t here. I guess those dreams you have are actually real things that happen.” Karl scratches his head, “I guess I’m learning new things about myself every day, haha. Hey, why don’t you tell me about them… if you want”. Dream looks longingly through the window where Corpse and Robin sleep, “ I found them. I was just planning to mess with the village for a bit, but then I got attached”. Karl's smile grows wider at this, knowing how Dream can be despite his usual dark intentions “and?” Continuing, “I found a boy and his blind friend, and I decided to play house… t-that’s it…” sweat starts to pour from Dream’s forehead “I lo-lost them, and it’s my fault.” Karl's face drops “W-what?”
Suddenly the dream changes and Karl faces a gruesome scene. Dream is on the ground, blood flowing from a deep wound in his chest, being held by Corpse, who is crying. Karl falls towards Dream, shaking him, “Dream! Dream! What’s happening? Who did this?” Dream splutters, unable to speak. Corpse cries for help, “Please someone! R-Robin, go get help!”. Not noticing him till now, Karl watches as Robin flees into the night in search of someone to help his dying adopted father. Corpse turns back to Dream, his voice shaking, “It’s gonna be okay Cornelius, Robin’s getting help.” In Corpse’s arms, Dream lifts his hand to Corpse’s face and wipes the tears from his sightless eyes, “Sorry, Corpse.” Karl watches helplessly as Dream takes his final breath, shocked about how tragic things have become. Karl stumbles to his feet and runs into the forest.
After several minutes, Karl leans against a tree, gasping for air. A voice suddenly speaks up, “Tragic, huh?” Karl jumps at the voice with a welp. He searches the empty trees to see Dream in his bright outfit, and this time, his disturbing clay mask with the eerie smile. Karl catches his breath and stutters, “W-wait, you died?” Dream moves closer, sitting in front of Karl, the morning sun reflecting off the mask, “Oh come on. You really think it's that easy for someone to get rid of me?” Karl shakes his head, “Of c-course not. It’s just, it was so convincing, it scared me. I’ve never seen you like that… What’s happening, what happened to you? What happened to Corpse and Robin?”, concern and millions of questions fill Karl’s head. Dream rolled his hidden eyes, “I guess I’ll be honest with you… it won’t really change anything. Well, you know I’ve been around for a while, and of course, you know I’m hard to kill. Those idiots didn’t know that though.”, he turned his head away “Karl, I bring chaos wherever I go, and I knew whatever that was wasn’t gonna last long, but I ignored it.”  Seeing the Dream he was familiar with sitting in front of him, the one who terrorizes many of his friends in the present, his voice hardens, “Yeah, that’s for sure. So you left them thinking you were dead. That’s cruel. Even for you. They cared about you, Dream.” Dream looks back to Karl, “Well, it was a different time I couldn’t just reveal myself. The ones that ‘killed’ me already saw I would only bring trouble, but they didn’t realize it all started when they decided to take a man’s life. It only fanned the flames of chaos. Hahaha, if I did reveal what I am, I’d be in real trouble. Then I would have hurt Corpse and Robin.”, he looked towards the ground. Karl narrowed his eyes, “You didn’t want them to know you’re actually a monster.” Dream didn’t respond. Then in the distance, a bell rings. 
Karl and Dream appear in the middle of the village to see the villagers in utter disarray. Dream speaks, “The Dream you spoke to was able to remember you only a little bit. When I was 'killed' I was able to show up. He should be watching right now. Heh, I guess I showed up so I could finish the story for him”. Karl looks at Dream, “so what is that story?” Dream looked at the crowd of angry townspeople, “Just watch for now.” Karl turns his attention to the mob. The people are angrily fighting about who killed the man known as The Wise Cornelius, paying no attention to the poor blind man and his adopted son, who were the real victims. As Karl watches, he begins to understand Dream’s role in the village. Yes, he was part of the family made up of a blind cat boy and a tragically orphaned child, but he also brought a lot of new knowledge to the villagers. His brilliance also seems to be what made him a target for the murderers’ Dream mentioned. To Karl, at least, the killers just didn’t understand Dream’s ideas and saw it as some sort of sin against God, knowledge, only meant to drag them all to hell.
Karl is snapped out of his thoughts to see two villagers dragging Corpse toward a prison, “W-wait! Dream what’s happening? What’re they doing to Corpse''. Dream didn’t speak. Robin’s cries rose above the crowd as he ran toward Corpse “Please don’t! It can’t be Corpse!! We’re all family, He would never hurt Cornelius!” Grabbing the arm of the villager, Robin is pushed to the ground “shut up kid! It couldn't be anyone else but him”. Corpse calls out to Robin as the other villager pushes him into the cell, “It’ll be okay, bud. It’s ok.” Tears running down his face, Robin grabs the bars of the cell as the villagers lock it, “Corpse, I can’t lose you too! You’re like a father to me!” Corpse places his hands on Robin’s “I-I know b-buddy.” Robin’s cries echoes throughout the village prison grounds, “P-please don’t go! I need you!”. Karl couldn’t help himself and began to cry too. Dream places his hand on Karl’s shoulder “They didn’t like how chummy I was with them, they framed Corpse because they believed I had already corrupted him” his grip became tighter, making Karl wince “they targeted my family Karl and I didn’t do a thing about it!”
The whole village, along with Karl and Dream, watched as the friendly local cat boy dropped into a lava trap, dying instantly. Robin fell to the ground, broken, weeping uncontrollably. No one comforted him. Dream speaks once more, “Robin was an orphan. His mother disappeared when he was very young. His father died in a war. He was so strong, and he was able to make his own family, but he lost that too. A child can only take so much really”, his voice grows cold when he says this. Karl nervously glances at Dream. 
It was suddenly night, and Karl stiffened as a blood-curdling scream came from one of the cottages. From the dark, Dream sighs, “Another innocent life lost.” Karl stutters, “H-how long do they keep this up?” Tired, Dream answers, “Till there is no one left. They let their paranoia corrupt them. The feeling they had about me doesn’t leave, so they turn to just taking everyone else to hell with them”. A shiver runs down Karl’s spine. Dream voice is ice  “They kill and kill and kill because they are too stupid to realize they are the evil they fear! Now that they have started this whole mess, they can’t stop”. Nervously, Karl whispers, “You really to cause people to go mad…”. Ignoring the comment, Dream asks, “And do you know who they blame all these deaths on?” Karl’s vision changes and his eyes widen in horror at the person in the prison cell. “A poor, innocent, orphan boy.” Karl looks directly into Robin’s eye, but the boy isn’t looking at him. He is looking at a figure behind Karl. Karl turns to find the ghostly figure of Corpse. The spirit walks through Karl, speaking to Robin and placing his hands on the doomed boy’s head, “Straight to hell buddy.” Just like that, Robin is gone. 
Karl jumps awake, his bed soaked with sweat, fear being the only thing he feels. He cries for a long time. After a while, there is a knock at the door, and wiping his face, Karl opens the door. He finds Dream in his doorway, “Well, that was a weird dream, wasn’t it, Karl?” Dream lets himself in. Karl's eyes follow Dream, “W-was that real?”, Dreams sits down on Karl’s bed “Yes, that was real. Now you know one thing that happened in my past... that I caused”.  Concerned, Karl asks, “Jesus Dream, there’s more?!” Dream lets out an unsettling laugh “Hahaha, of course, Karl! You don’t even know a quarter of the chaos I’ve caused, the villages and countries I’ve destroyed by just existing!”. Karl backs up, “so you let that happen? To your family, Dream?”  Dream leaned back on his elbows, “Don’t worry too much about Robin… Did he seem familiar to you Karl?” he nodded, and Dream continued, “That’s because he came back as Tubbo. He got another chance at life. Pffft, not like it’s any better really! Don’t know about Corpse though, bet he’s still in hell”. Shocked, Karl angrily speaks over Dream, “How can you say that? Do you not care about them anymore, Dream?”. Though Dream’s mask was covering his face, Karl can tell Dream is grimacing, “Corpse, Robin died ages ago. I could care less now”. Horrified, Karl truly realized the monster he let into his house and into his life. 
Karl didn’t sleep again for a while.
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Okay so I've read a million times your story about the Shelby half sister living in France. I estimated her to be born in 1910-11 (bc reasons) so imagine her telling stories of her childhood in France in the middle of the war and everyone just being shook
A/N: Thank you so much qwq Aaaaah I loved this request so much! It was kinda hard to write as I’m a history nerd, but this isn’t exactly my favorite timeline lol. I tried my best and I hope you like it, love! Warnings: mentions of war and death ________________________________________________________
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After one of the many ‘business meetings’, you and your family decided to stay at the Garrison for a round of drinks and conversations.
The family members were in a good mood, as one of their latest trades was successful, making the family’s influence grow stronger and wider.
“You remember how we once threw Finn out of the window and Ada nearly jumped after him?”, John giggled, spilling some of his beer onto his lap as he couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “I just saw you throw our baby brother out of the window! That’s a perfectly normal reaction, idiot!”, Ada responded, throwing a crumbled napkin after John.
“Arthur catched him and he was laughing the whole time. Also, look at him. He’s fine, isn’t he, Y/N?”
You watched your bickering siblings with a smile on your lips, as you listened to the memories of their joined childhood. “Yes, he looks quite okay.”
“Stop allying with them, Y/N. They would have done the same with you!”, Ada yelled from her spot, her cheeks already reddened from anger and whiskey. “We actually did a lot of stupid stuff like that in the orphanage.” You smiled and sipped on your glass. When you looked up, you suddenly felt all eyes on you, an awkward silence spreading in the room. “Did I say something wrong?”
Everyone shuffled in their place, suddenly awoken from their frozen state.
“It’s just… you never told us about your childhood in France.”
You shrugged slightly, your eyes lowering to the glass of whisky in your hands. “There isn’t much to tell, to be honest.
 “My mother originally planned for us to move to an aunt of her living in the south, but when we finally had the money it was already too late and our village was occupied by soldiers.”
Clearing your throat, you continued. “I was merely a child when the war started, so I don’t really remember much, about the things that happened. But my mother made sure to create a lot of happy memories for me despite the scary situation. She sang to me, whenever the screaming and gunshots sounded in the far. At night I slept in her bed, hugged close to her chest, listening to fairytales, her mother once told her when she was my age.” Looking at the auburn liquid in your glass. “My mother always made sure that I was able to eat first, when she could get her hand on anything. I remember some of the soldiers giving us kids sweets or a piece of bread, when no one was looking.”
You sighed as you remembered the sugary taste and the gooey texture of the sweets, how the bread tasted after days of not being able to eat, something you haven’t forgotten over the course of the last years.
“My mother got really sick the same year. It was an especially cold winter and we lived with a family in an old house with breaches in the walls and ceiling. There wasn’t much to heat or make a fire and no number of blankets could keep the cold and dampness away.” You shrugged your shoulders, thinking back to the day when you held your mothers’ cold hand and how she didn’t wake up from her nap as she said. “I think she had pneumonia and due to our situation we couldn’t do much to help her. She was buried behind the house, not the burial she deserved, but I guess it was better than anything else that was thinkable.” Taking a sip of your whisky you continued, when you made sure that everyone still wanted to listen to your words.
“The old woman and the family couldn’t afford to feed yet another child who wasn’t even their own, let alone an orphan they didn’t really know. But at least they were kind enough to send me to an orphanage not far from where they lived. Still better than anything that happened to other children who weren’t as fortunate as I was.” “And now you’re here.”, Arthur concluded, his voice cracking and his eyes watery.
“I still don’t know how they found you, but I’m glad they did. I may have lost my mother in France, but I found a family in England.”
Tommy took your hand in his, squeezing it softly. “I’m sorry we couldn`t be there for you, Y/N.”
“You’re here now, aren’t you all?”, you said with a genuine smile. “Maybe it had to be that way, to make me the person I am today and to meet you, you know?”
“Always the optimistic one… Ya sure we’re related?”, Arthur said, wiping his eyes and taking a big gulp of his whiskey.
“I guess I got it from the other side of the family.”, you said with a cheeky smile, making Arthur choke on his whiskey.
The gloomy atmosphere abruptly changed, as the whole family fell into bellowing laughter, lightening the mood of everyone in the room. “To Y/N, bringing optimism to this side of the family.”, John yelled, making everyone laugh and clink their glasses.
Maybe in the end, everything really had to happen for a reason.
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sparklingpax · 3 years
Hmmmm... Starscream, and Leonardo!
Hi!!! Yes!! I can definitely do these two <3 And aaaa sorry I left this tab open and forgot about it >///<
Starscream (I'm assuming from TFP?)
First impression: (Given that I was like, 5 or 6 when I saw TFP, cut me a little slack on the simplicity of this jdsjsdsdj) "The King of being Sly" and also "sharp claws, sharp claws, so COOL!! OWO" Interestingly enough, I had no particular feelings for him as in 'hating' or 'liking' his character, I just liked his claws and the Way he moved and talked :3 So.....well, I guess contradicting myself two seconds ago that would classify as: I liked him when I saw him, and also acknowledged fully that he was So Evil but that was ok >:)
Impression now: PRETTY MUCH THE SAME AS BEFORE EXCEPT NOW I LOVE HIM AS ONE OF MY FAVORITES OF THE SHOW AJSDJSDKFSj Starscream hhh 💖 Also I still adore his claws and figure <3
Favorite moment: Oof, there are many to choose from....
Every time he used his claw fingers as weapons of some kind
Every single time he did that epic thing where he jumped off a surface and near the ground, transformed, and bolted straight back up into the sky, leaving a clean, perfect trail of smoke...AHHHH
The Entirety of the episode "Thirst" because Starscream (and KO) and their dynamic was just *chef's kiss* 💝
Idea for a story: I know these have been written before but like. Any kind of scenario where Starscream gets to enjoy some recreational activity, maybe where he just goes on a nice, long flight on a clear, sunny day--maybe even goes to another country...just flies around in peace, stops and sits on a rock somewhere and watches a city of people down below, contemplating life.........sure, he reminds himself how easy it would be to go down there and destroy everything because he is more powerful than those puny humans could ever be!! And yet.....he just sits there and watches those people walk around and live their lives, intrigued for even just a little--after all, Lord Megatron didn't give him orders to destroy that city, now did he?
........SORRY ITS CHEESY, maybe even slightly ooc, but jsJSDH o///o I want Scream to be happy :3
Unpopular opinion: Probably not unpopular, but I've seen some people say that Starscream's character was inconsistent and written badly,,,,and I,,,,,disagree so fully with that???
But that's kind of it, and I don't think that many people think that, so.....I'll leave it at that--
Favorite relationship: Hmm......Starscream and Knockout dont come for me please I said this already but they have the perfect dynamic AA
Favorite headcanon: As you can tell by my story idea, that Starscream has recreational activities he tries to do when he can, and that they include Just Flying Around in Peace amongst other things (idk where I saw that one but I did see it somewhere and I love it ok--)
In conclusion, Starscream q///q 🥺💗💖💕✨
Leonardo (TMNT 2012)
First impression: OK so my first episode of TMNT 2012 was actually the last five minutes of "The Enemy of My Enemy" because I was just flipping through channels (and I was a third grader :D). I got that bit where he and Mikey were talking and Mikey was like "It's like when I found out that Leprechauns aren't real," to which Leo just stares at him and says, "You didn't know they're not real?!" (as Raph and Donnie sign frantically for him not to say that) and instantly, Mikey looks horrified: "LEPRECHAUNS AREN'T REAL???"
You might be asking why this is at all significant for my first impression of him....well I decided right then and there that Leo was a Dork and I liked him a lot.
To this day, I can't make sense of this or why that one scene there made me think that, but well, I can't figure myself out anyway lmfao--
So long story short: I liked Leo on sight, and maybe three or four episodes later, I cemented that opinion for sure in my mind, and also found him highkey attractive o///o 💙 In fact, he was my favorite for a short period of time ^w^
Impression now: LEO MY BELOVED 🥺🥰💕
He's officially my second favorite now!! I stil think he's adorable, but like adorkable kind of cute ;w; BUT I also see him as a great leader, a good character with meaningful development. He remained attractive to me and I've always thought he was cool.
Also he was and still is the definition to me of That Friend everyone calls responsible who Is Kind Of but sometimes you find that friend trying to eat three hotdogs at once and reconsider that and I Know this makes no sense but I stand with this idea lmfao
Favorite moment: BATTLE WITH SHREDDER IN TE SEASON 2 FINALE (which had a sad ending and it makes me sad every time I watch it but also GO LEO GO, SHOW THEM WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF)
-"Imagine if they knew who they were working for!!" *proceeds to Kraang Impression accurately* "..." and then he just laughs nervously and they return to planning an infiltration to TCRI
-and many other because there are 6 seasons and I'm forgetting a lot of moments I'll be sad later I didn't remember at first--
Idea for a story: Hmmm.......Leo attending a Comic Convention and disguising himself as a human, because that would be funny but also lowkey cute >w< And!! It would be just him....idk, but it feels like something fun and that would result in him being a Happy Turtle~
Unpopular opinion: Um...........I didn't love those outfits/battle armor/whatever those were that he (or the other turtles tbh) had for both the forest thing in season 3 and then the black ones they had for the end of season 5; like it was only in a few scenes and it wasn't awful by any means but.....eh......
Favorite relationship: His dynamic with Master Splinter as the eldest and most responsible son, and then the dynamics with his brothers, especially with Raph because they fought a lot, but by the end of the series, they kind of saw eye to eye most of the time....that was just so well-written imo, I enjoyed it :D
Favorite headcanon: Ok, at the moment I can't recall one I've seen, so I'll just tell you one of mine: Leo actually likes onsies (those pj things) and owns a few because they're comfy and kinda cute :D but he's kind of embarrassed of this because he just knows his brothers will never let him hear the end of it if they were to find out, especially Raph--
Thanks so much for the ask!! :)
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twistedlymad · 4 years
Your Phone Shopping Dat- Experience (Ft. Ace, Deuce, Grim and Cater)
Ah... Phone Shopping... I’ve never been on one of these :’)
Remember when Cater said he’s going to bring us on a phone shopping date? WHICH NEVER HAPPENED? Yea, me too! So, what if we were the ones to remind him about said ‘date’ and what would happen.
It starts off with you being bored as hecc in your humble Ramshackle Dorm. You had already finished your classes and homework as well as Grim because you forced him to do so before he ends up being lazy.
So you were sprawled out on the Dorm’s Common Room sofa. Grim is also sprawled out beside you.
 “(Y/N) (Y/N)!!” You have to see this!!” Ace said as he shoved Deuce’s phone in your face.
It was a meme. A MEME OF WHO? Why, none other than their dorm leader of course. Literally it’s a picture of her majesty Riddle’s face photoshopped onto a baby’s body.
Caption? “Imma cri becuz u no follow da rulez.” (Imma get beheaded soon pls send help)
Anyway, you laughed at this poor attempt at a meme (I’m dissing myself :’) ) and suddenly you remembered that you yourself didn’t have a phone and Cater-senpai did promise you to go phone shopping. So the 4 of you set off to find the elusive MagiCam-addicted third year. You found him in Heartslabyul’s garden again, but this time he was wearing pink and feeding the flamingos. You tried to stifle your laughter as you approached the pink dude.
“Ano, Cater-senpai?” 
“Ah.. (Y/N), what can I do for you?” He asked.
“I wanted to go buy a phone and I remembered you said something about knowing a place I can go to?” 
“Oh yes! You came at a good time! Just gimme a sec~” And without a second thought he had already used his unique magic to clone himself to finish his chores. He quickly changed his clothes and dragged you and the other 3 towards the school’s main entrance.
“Let’s go~”
After some time, you 5 arrive at a shopping mall. Cater leading the way of course. As soon as you guys got in, you and Grim stared in awe. 
“What? Never been to a mall before?” Ace asked and you almost smacked him on the spot. (I’m sorry for torturing Ace QwQ)  Yes, you’ve been to a mall before, but this is your first time being in one in Twisted Wonderland. Basically, everything is magical. You’ve got magic shops, floating benches and even twisted clocks! So you were starstruck immediately. Cater laughed and led you to the shop where he said and I quote, ‘has the latest models at a very cheap price’. 
As you were looking at some phones, you heard shouting coming not too far from you. Yes, very VERY familiar shouting. You then gently set the phone back on the counter and went to the source of the shouting. There, you saw two certain dark haired and dark orange haired friends of yours arguing about something. So, you did the one logical thing to do. You smacked them in the head. Two shouts of pain were heard as you went back to looking at new phones.
You’ve set your eyes on a certain model and you asked Cater for advice on your choice. He approved of the model and you went to pay. But as soon as you reached the counter, another ear piercing scream was heard. 
You looked around to see Cater, Deuce and Ace staring at the direction of the scream. And lo and behold, out comes a raccoon running away in the other direction.
“That creature!! It took my tuna sandwich!!” 
“Fgnaaaa!!! Finders keepers!!” As soon the thief had said this, Ace, Deuce and Cater could feel a dark aura coming behind them. As they sheepishly turned their heads to looks at you and your back was faced towards them. However, your entire body has a black outline to it with the most dangerous aura anyone could ever experience. You excused yourself from the cashier and took off after the creature. Cater, Deuce and Ace followed you shortly after.
After catching the ‘thief’, you went back to the lady and apologized to her while giving her enough madol to buy a new sandwich. Which in turn made you a few madol short for you to buy that new phone. You sigh in defeat.
As you were about to walk away, Ace and Deuce stopped you before you could do so. They each pulled out half of the madol that you were short of and gave it to you. You looked at them in awe as they blushed slightly.
“Well? Are you going to take it or not?”
“But, why?” You asked them.
“Seriously? You’ve done so much for us. You even helped us get out of a contract with Azul.” You smiled at the both of them and gave them both a gentle hug and went to get that new phone, leaving the ADeuce-combo blushing like a bright red tomato ever so slightly.
Cater then treated you all a cup of coffee and even gave Grim a can of tuna even though he didn’t deserve it. 
Then you guys went around the mall looking at more cool stuff while Cater was getting a lot of pictures for his MagiCam. 
The hashtags? #datewithfriends #phoneshopping #memorableday #NRC 
A few more hashtags were added, but those were in reference to your dark aura and Grim’s mischief.
As you all made your way home, you asked yourself a few questions:
Did you get a new phone? Yes.
Did it cost you a part of your sanity while doing so? Yes.
Should you have went to Idia and asked him to build you a new phone instead? Absolutely yes.
But most importantly, you had fun with your group of goofballs and this ‘date’ turned out to be one of your most treasured memories of all.
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xxsweetiemurmaidxx · 4 years
Oh! Hi! I'm new here, and i just want to tell about my fav oc that i work
And i still work in him!
Now i will talk about him 👉👈
•Name: Code Incubus Venty
•Age: ?
•Died In:1997
•Name when alive: Cawtron Venty
•Specie: 50% Goat, 25% Incubus and 25% Spider, A Hybrid 👌
Code in hell is an Overlord, he is known to be The Overlord Of Pain and Nightmares He runs a company and is a partner at Blitzø 😎 When Vivo Code was called Cawtron, its full name was Cawtron Siena Venty He was a boy who suffered bullying for being lame and having heterochromia ... and his hair also helped the Bullys to bully him He was always accompanied by a plushie, and that plushie was a goat, because goats were his favorite animal plush story Cawtron's father, Marco Venty, was a mobster who was always wrapped up to the neck with debts that were never paid, and when Cawtron was 15 he lived alone at home, his father stopped at home and his mother was a prostitute to help in the expenses of the House already q the money with l Marco was going down the drain since he spent everything with unnecessary bets, so she who kept that house ... Marco was always "bothered" by Cawtron, and Cawtron just wanted his father to pay attention to him, since the brothers Candy and Yuri received more attention and he didn't Irritated by this, he went after something that would keep Cawtron undone, he spoke to a colleague who had a funny stuffed animal, he was a goat and the colleague said he really needed to get rid of the stuffed animal The plush was the target of spells that this "colleague" did, but one day he made a mistake ... today this plush is inhabited by a very evil soul, who was from hell When she arrived in hell, she did so much damage that Proprio Lucifer had to imprison her, for being evil this way, decided to use her to make a Hell dog but ... on the day that Lucifer was going to use this soul, she was freed by magic black and trapped in a plush that had no shape before, but dps invaded became a goat Marco did not want to hear the story of the plush and ignoring the colleague's warnings he took the plush to Cawtron Cawtron was happy with her, but ... after 1 month he noticed something strange with the plush, whenever he put it in a place, the plush always dps him to sleep was in his bed Until one day Cawtron saw the stuffed animals moving around and took a big scare The stuffed animal after that started to communicate with him by codes, what Cawtron did, by the name of Code on the stuffed animal As time passed, they became friends, Code did things that Cawtron had never seen, like giving life to his old toys, which had red and demonic eyes, with strange movements Code became a little more obsessive about Cawtron, he burned Bibles and everything that was "God" and said that Cawtron would never go to heaven What scared Cawtron a lot
Code knew things Cawtron didn't know about his parents That the Father was a mobster, betrayed his mother, had many lovers and made them pregnant, and after that he had the children aborted The mother was a prostitute, used drugs, and she had already betrayed her father. Cawtron didn't believe it, but dps believed it. Cawtron's dps turn 20, things have changed, parents had died The plush said the Mother died of Cancer because of smoking And the father in a shootout with the police Cawtron only had brothers and friends, and Code But Code didn’t want to know anything, as I said, he was a very bad soul who did damage in hell by killing almost the entire population He didn't care, Code's mission was to take a body, and put his foot down to kill people and become more powerful One day in college, Cawtron after being pressed by the popular, he went to the bathroom and Code got to him
Code: why are you crying, little human?
Cawtron: I am mocked by my appearance and because my parents were not nice people, they committed crimes, they had jobs that in the eyes of people are horrible ... I can't take it anymore ...
Code: ... what do you feel?
Cawtron: Pain ... and suffering ... Code: ... perfect ... and what did you want?
Cawtron: let this end ...
Code: let me help you ... I know how to get this over with ...
After that dialogue, Code invaded Cawtron's body ... the people at the college realized that he was strange ... who would smile all the time after he was finished making fun of? Until the Bullys re-pressed him in the closet
Fred: ... why do you laugh so hard huh? *laughs*
Cawtron did not answer, only increased the smile
Fred: ??? Are you enjoying being joked ??? What evolution did you see? For those who cried with that
Cawtron: heh ... * grabs him by the neck * I'm not afraid of you- not anymore-
His eyes were different, they were red, blood red It didn't take long for Cawtron to twist Fred's neck, making people scream and run ... People standing around him were horrified by this And they asked why do that Cawtron just walked to the college door, but before that, he went into the back where the school light switches were and set fire, it didn't take long to hear an explosion from a part of the college that caught fire Cawtron from there on the run, until he arrived in 1997, February 8th ... his birthday Cawtron killed children, at night he invaded the children's house, and always killed them by dictating a blood message on the doors or wall, or even hanging the children's heads on the door, he found a figure before the birthday, who looked at him in a dead end, Cawtron passed right by ... but I came back to see it again ... the figure was gone ... But one day, on his birthday, he went after a child in an antique store But it didn't work out, because the police cornered him
Policeman: Stop! You'll be fine there, kid, you're under arrest for child murder, put the knife on the floor and your hands behind your head Cawtron no was no longer being controlled by Code ... he was back ...
Policeman: don't resist
Cawtron saw no escape, he didn't want to be arrested, he couldn't live with a soul that wants to kill people in the body, how would he have a normal life? He took gas and put in his body
then after took a lighter and put fire on himself during his slow, he saw that figure again, saying "bye bye" to him . . . . . .
1997, February 2 in hell
Cawtron arrives in hell the same day ... but he is scared since he didn't know what happened
Razzle and Dazzle appears and accompanied Cawtron until they reached Charlie
Charlie: hello! I'm Charlie ... welcome to hell!
Cawtron: hell???
Charlie explained everything to him, and in every part of the explanation
Cawtron was more horrified
Charlie: you can't keep the same name ... here you have to change ... what do you want to call yourself?
Cawtron after thinking a lot, he remembered the cause of it all
Cawtron: Code ... I want to call myself Code ...
Charlie asked him if he wanted his memories back, to keep them And Cawtron, now Code, said yes ... From there he met again with the Father He began to suffer torture, because he refused to fulfill a tradition tradition of the Venty Family
In every blood moon in the world of the living, rituals are committed, where there are paintings with blood, many things ... And a melody is played at the sound of the bloody moon
But he didn't want to comply What left his father now is called Misfit
Angry... And it led him to force Code to do this with torture, poisoning, days without eating
Until he decides to leave the house But he had nowhere to live, which led him to Valentino's whorehouse U_U
I hope you like, and i will post more, but if you wish!
Yeah, look at my boi, he's my favourite oc, is the true-
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I DESPERATELY want one of those chat fics where MC and Levi slowly fall in love via making dumb jokes over text.
(oooh! Ok ! I’ll try my best , Levi is one of the ones i don’t interact with much so i’m sorry if i get things wrong or if it’s not properly written qwq This might be short ) 
You were in your room on one of the days off from school , today you just wanted to relax. Suddenly your phone buzzed, you were curious who it was and it was surprisingly Levi. You were puzzled since he normally doesn’t talk to you. He texted:
“Hey MC ..what kind of games are yo into ?”
You blinked, was he trying to gain interest with you? I mean that’s one way to start off  a friendship , though you really don’t have a game type, i normally like any that interest me 
“Nothing much really, i like any kinds “
“expected much from a normie”
You giggled a little 
“ What? you expected me to turn into you and freak out over games i like?”
his text was almost immediate “H-hey! that’s not true! I don’t go over board! Besides it’s like like you would have much interest..”
You think to yourself for a bit before responding, it’s hard to tell if he wants to talk with me about interest or he was just bored and needed someone to talk to. Not that you mind anyways. You continue to text for a bit til it was night. You guys actually text a little more after that day and usually talk about upcoming games or anime , even if you weren’t interested , you could tell it made him happy and that felt nice for you 
Then one morning you got a text from Levi when you woke up 
“Hey, if you were a transformer, you’d be optimus fine “
...was he ..flirting with you?? You read it over again and let out  a small laugh. It was so cheesy and dorky , so you try to counter it 
“ I guess but you must be a bakery good because you’re such a cutie pie!~”
You waited for him to text back but it was a half hour later. Either it was so dumb he decided to stop or so cheesy that he’s a blushing mess. But he did respond back to it 
“Have you been covered with bees recently?”
“No?? why?”
“Just asking since your sweeter then honey “
You clenched your heart, it was so cheesy and dorky that you screamed a little in your pillow , you had to try to think of a better one 
“If i had to 4 quarters to to give to 4 of the cutest boys, you’d have a dollar ~”
It was silent for a few moments  but he texted you back surprisingly quicker than expected and when you saw the text , your heart nearly burst and were a blushing mess 
“well..I want us to be like the number Pi. toghter and never ending”
you were blushed , you thought he was jokingly around before but he could actually be serious..not that it was entirely bad, just surprising 
“Is this the part where i say i like you back to ? “ you texted 
“I mean..”
“if that’s what you want “ he replied 
“I love you Levi”
Then you heard a scream from a distance , it was Levi , you were about to check on him but you got a text from him 
“I’m fine..I love you too i guess.”
All you could do is just smile and laugh at his dorkiness
(I hope you enjoy! Sorry it’s bad qwq I could made more if needed)  
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blackevermore · 3 years
x Secrets of The Lake: The Company of Misery and Pain
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{ Chapter 14 }
Summary: Vladimir Masters’ family tree has always been tainted by secrets swept under the rug. From generation to generation there have been countless reasons the Masters’ family had seemed to keep private from the public. Even to this day, Vladimir was no exception. But what was one to do when a restless spirit from the settlement years finally breaks free from restraints and demands you answer for your ancestor’s crimes? Vladimir doesn’t know. However, Clockworks does.
Notes: We just having fun, rewriting some of the canon, new adventure new characters. I will apologize now for any grammar, spelling, weird sentence structuring in advance. My brain writes faster than my fingers and even when I go back through to reread it I still miss things. Sorry about that!
Word Count: 8024
P.s: This is so broke on tumblr so if you choose to read this on ao3 it will be a lot better qwq 
Vladan felt his heart start to beat again moments ago when he left the town square, rushing to get home and make sure Tayonna was safe. He had heard the whispers, the rumours, the stories of a man in the town cursed by a black witch to be her slave. He heard it from the young maidens the gossip near his stall as they peaked over their shoulders to look at him. His fist was clenched tight but he wore his polite face continuously as he greeted customers anyway. He heard the way the children would gasp as they lifted their fingers towards him but their mothers quickly shooed them away in a panic. 
Then he heard the mention of killing the witch and that was enough to put him on edge. Vladan tried his best to keep himself composed and not lash out demanding who spoke ill of him. He knew if he did it would only further their whispers and nor he or Tayonna would be safe. However he would neither stand around for the rest of the day listening to their words, especially if they were not gentlemen enough to do it out of his face, he was disgusted. 
When the last customer of the day wandered away with their goods. Vladan quickly set to work, closing his stall and loading his wagon up with what was leftover for the day. He didn’t care that the profit was unusually low, what he wanted more than anything was to get home. When he was finally prepared to depart he drove the horses with haste, as he weaved through those on the street he didn’t fail to see the glowing green eyes that watched him like prey.
Lady Spelltra, dressed in dark reds that almost went black, fanned herself with a smirk pulling at her lips. Vladan had known it had to be her. Anger filled him but he was no beast to ever lash out at a woman without real proof. Nor was he a fool to do so to the judge’s daughter of all people. As he finally made it to the clearing of dirt roads that went north of the town, he whipped for the horses to pick up speed. 
Vladan didn’t have to turn his head to hear the patter of hoofs that trailed behind him. They weren’t good at hiding nor were they good at making sure he wouldn’t be able to notice he was being followed. The town was not made up of the best British soldiers, only the ones that did enough to get by. They should have taken better notes from the Germans instead of relying on their French relatives.
Vladan tsked and whipped the horses again to pick up the pace so he could have time to warn Tayonna. He knew she wouldn’t be in the house, she was always outside or near the door to greet him. To welcome him on with love and warmth and her bright eyes and smile. But there would be none of that, he hoped she would at least be behind the house to give them both time, or he hoped by the small chance she would actually be inside.  
When he rounded the bend and tucked off into another dirt road he could see the clouds parted above his home bathing in the set of the sun. Vladan groaned and tried to think of an excuse for when the townies arrived at his home with a false ‘checking on you’ he would have a good enough reason to why, in a very gloomy part of the colony, did the sun shine down so brightly. By the greatness of God! Could you believe that, must be his appreciation for the great German people! Vladan joked in his head but quickly whooshed it away as he made it up to the last dirt stretch between his house and the road. He jumped from his wagon and ran the rest of the way trying to find Tayonna. He spotted her by the front garden kneeling down with plants in her hands.
“Tayonna!” Vladan called out breathlessly and panting as he finally made it closer to the house. He was so relieved to see her but the panic set back in when he realized they were still in danger. The girl rose to her feet and turned around with a giant smile to greet him. When she saw how alarmed he was she walked towards him with her hand stretched out to comfort him. Vladan yelled at her no and swiped in the air for her to go. 
“You have to run, Tayonna! They are following me, get away from here and don’t come back until you think it’s safe or I come for you. Go, hurry!” Vladan yelled and Tayonna dropped everything and picked up her skirt and took off towards the edge of the forest. Vladan stayed put to make sure Tayonna was able to escape. When the girl was out of sight Vladan could then hear the front door open as two of his other servants peaked out and also the slowing of running horses. Vladan finally caught his breath and straightened out his back , he locked eyes with the servants and nodded towards them and they knew what that meant. They walked out and stood beside him as Vladan slowly turned and put on a stoic face. The archbishop, the town's mayor, and of course the judge himself rose from their horses and walked down the dirt path.  
“Good Sirs, what brings you so far from the town?” Vladan forced his politeness as he bowed his head and his servants followed suit.
“Sir Mægisters, we believe you are unwillingly harbouring a witch.” The judge stepped forward with his hands behind his back and a dark, deep scowl on his face. Vladan swallowed and took a deep breath before slowly turning his head towards the forest. It felt like time had suddenly stopped and the air around him became dense as his vision only tunnel towards where Tayonna had gone. His body began to shake and his breath became hard and laboured as he huffed and puffed through his mouth. The air then turned hot and flames started to grow from the ground. The forest began to go up in flames and Vladan’s eyes widened as fear of the very worst pushed to the forefront. He felt this voice stuck in his throat but it burned to be let out. He tried to move but every fibre in his body turned in slow motion. Finally, as if on his last breath, he screamed as he watched the flames turn from red to a toxic fuchsia.
Vlad's eyes shot open and he sharply sat up as a burning sensation roasted in his throat. He hadn’t even opened his mouth but it felt as if he had been yelling for hours non-stop. He was too shaken up to move any part of him and just panted heavily as he looked forwards towards the wall. He hadn’t had the dream since this whole thing started, now he knew what was being said and why Tayonna ran away, but he never remembered there ever being a fire. 
As a matter of fact there was never a fire, it wasn’t real, but it felt so real. And in that dream in those last few seconds, he felt hopeless. No. Vladan felt hopeless, these were all Vladan’s memories and nightmares. Vlad was not Vladan and damn sure was not going to start having an identity crisis all of a sudden. Finally, Vlad felt his body become his body and he brought a hand up to his face to cradle it. He took another deep breath then pushed his hair back and out of his face. 
A red mist rose from Vlad’s part lips and he quickly turned towards the left when he felt the energy of someone in his room. Tayonna stood at his bay windows staring out towards the night sky. He took note that she was in her ghost form and was wrapped in a purple shawl he had never seen before. She didn’t wear her sad expression but more so a stoic and unbothered one. 
“Why are you in my room?” Vlad’s voice broke a bit as the sting in his throat made it difficult to speak. Tayonna turned from the window and her eyes dug holes into Vlad. Her eyes glowed green from her ghostliness but also from the moon that hung higher in the sky but lower towards the earth. Vlad wasn’t going to ask her again but he knew if she didn’t answer him here soon he wouldn’t be too kind to send her on her way for invading his space. Tayonna looked back towards the sky then sighed then shook her head.
“He called for me,” Tayonna lowered her head then slowly faded away in the air and out of Vlad’s room. His senses told him she was completely away from him and Vlad could only groan and fall back into his bed. Vlad knew he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep now. He knew it would be the air of staring up at his ceiling counting black sleep as the sun slowly rose that he would feel the pull of his eyes. Luckily for him, four hours of sleep were enough to keep him going. 
Vlad felt so out of place as the days filtered by one by one. The week had already started again with Monday sending him off to work at a different company he owned. Everything for the most part seemed in place but yet, Vlad felt like he was operating on autopilot and just allowing what was left of his consciousness to do his day for him. After hours he would drive home expecting an empty house, however, even if Tayonna wasn’t around he knew she was there. They wouldn’t speak other than when Vlad was being polite and or when Vlad was telling her something she shouldn’t do while he would rush out. Honestly, he felt no need to remind her to behave, she hardly did anything except ghost around his home and then settle herself in his garden. Even in the late hours when dinner was served she would stay outside leaning against the statue spinning a flower in her hand.
Vlad didn’t really try to make an effort to speak to the girl either. Though it would have been nice to have some decent conversation, he held his tongue and went about as if she wasn’t there. What was the point when the few times he did talk to her it was to ask a question about her problem that left them both in weird feelings. Vlad very much preferred not feeling a false romantic intimacy towards the girl. Luckily for him, the voice in his ear had also been silent the past couple of days which brought joy to Vlad for having his mind to himself. 
The only time it seemed that the voice and the person it belonged to seemed to surface a bit was when Vlad became curious about Maddie. One evening while enjoying soft music playing from his radio and a drink, he thought of how lovely dance with Maddie would have been. Within a matter of seconds, his head was hurting and he could hear incoherent grumbling echoing around him. Vlad felt rather silly screaming out shut up to no one during the dead of the night.
During the busy week Vlad tried to keep up with his personal public affairs. Kate hadn’t gotten much done due to the state libraries in Pennsylvania being closed for construction. That meant she wouldn’t be able to do much except enjoy a few vacation days with Jackson till she was able to report back to him.
“Don’t worry, Sir, we won't drive the company bankrupt.” Kate snicker then hangs up and Vlad would only shake his head and get back to work. 
When he tried to reach out to Dani, the teen would keep up the small talk but would end it quickly when someone called her name or Vlad figured out she was sneaking out of the Fenton house again. Surely Vlad couldn’t think of a good enough reason why the girl was sneaking around doing stuff but a part of him told him not to pressure her to tell him. Instead, Vlad sends a text to Danny telling him to keep an eye on his young cousin. Danny would only respond with an emoji. Personally, Vlad found that disrespectful considering he wrote out a full message. A single emoji. A thumbs up emoji at that, Danny could at least say okay and Vlad would have taken it. Guess that was just his age talking, Vlad would never be caught up with the youth of the world.
At night when the house became sound of sleep and Vlad would have a dream and found himself awakened and unable to sleep. He would find Tayonna in his room once more standing and facing the window. She would never turn towards him nor acknowledge him. The few times Vlad actually paid her more than a glance he would see her lips moving but could never hear what she was saying. Tayonna would stand at the window for the same amount of time it took Vlad to go back to sleep, then she was gone. Sometimes that wouldn’t be until the sun started to peek over the horizon and Vlad had made it obvious he was getting up for the day. She still wouldn’t say anything and faded away in thin air. He had asked her the third night why she kept creeping in and she only huffed and mumbled something about ‘he is so loud’ before slipping through the side of the house towards the garden.  
What was the point? If she wasn’t bothering him then he would allow her to stand there and talk to herself, it's not like if she left he would be able to sleep. It wouldn’t, he would still be staring up at the white ceiling sighing annoyingly. At least she was some else to look at. At times when the dreams were a bit out of hand Vlad was glad to see her standing there even if she wasn’t helpful. He didn’t feel alone, especially when he knew that she knew what was going on. Like a child waking up from a nightmare about the monster under their bed but the night light was a safety beacon. Tayonna served as Vlad’s safety beacon of understanding the nightmares, just like Danny did with understanding the halfa business. It was lacklustre and a bit bland but Vlad would smile gently as he saw her there and sometimes that was enough to roll over and actually fall back asleep. There were never dreams afterwards, Vlad would dream of nothing and he was okay with that. 
But sometimes when he dreamt of nothing it felt like an out of body experience and he was still somewhat awake. He could feel the gentle swipe of a hand across his face and it eased him.When Saturday made its round again Vlad didn’t feel like going golfing and preferred to go home. He didn’t even bother looking around as he ghosted through his front door and shrugged off his suit jacket to hang up. He kicked off his shoes without unlacing them, which on another day would have bothered him, but today he just didn’t care. He pushed at the buttons of his button up and loosen his tie as he walked towards the kitchen for a snack. 
He turned his arm invisible and reached through the fridge to pull out one of Dani’s Gogurts. He knew it was childish but he had to indulge himself at least once a month. No harm no foul when no one worth keeping up an image for was around. Vlad was about to head towards the living room and turn on the tv until he heard talking coming from the sliding doors. He slowly walked over and looked through the glass towards the normal spot Tayonna would sit. He couldn’t actually see if she was there due to the angle but he could see the top of her head popping in and out of sight as she moved.  
He didn’t feel like walking out so he stood by the door and used his enhanced senses to try and make out what she was doing. Though she was a bit out of his hearing range he could still make out she was speaking in German. Angrily speaking at that, she was grumbling about wanting something, and of course Vladan, but some words Vlad couldn’t make out because they were older German words he never learned. 
Thank those above Vlad took German in college and had an overseas company in Germany, or else he would be stuck at square one if Tayonna ever fuck right off with English. Vlad didn’t care to continue listening if all the girl was going to do was complain, he could listen to himself do that if he really wanted. Vlad scoffed and turned on his feet only to hear the sound of paper hitting the floor. He sighed and kneeled down to pick up Clockwork calling card and read it.
“Anger with others festers in ourselves, acting upon it will drive us insane.” - CW
 Vlad felt the sudden urge to go down to his basement and invent something that could rip a hole in space and time to create a portal straight into Clock’s lair and ask him what the hell this meant. Always with the vagueness! Vlad was now starting to understand why Danny either loved and bragged about how amazing clockwork was, or bitch him out about Clockwork loving to take a jab at him every chance he got. Truly those with masterful minds were annoying. And that was coming from Vlad himself. 
Vlad crumpled up the card and threw it away as he exited out of the kitchen and towards the living room. Saturday meant a football game or something sports related would be on. Vlad just wanted to enjoy his Gogurt (and maybe another one) and cheer for whoever was winning. And that’s how the week ended with Vlad getting a little too into a hockey match between two states he actually never been to. 
“How did you forget?” Vlad didn’t need to see Danny to know the young man was rolling his eyes. He could hear the slight annoyance in his voice and for once Vlad did feel bad for causing it.
“To be fair I do have a ghost lurking around my house while also trying to keep face with my companies. I promise it was not intentional and if I did happen to forget until the day of, I would have hurried over in good nature to embarrass you as I had planned.” Vlad shrugged and smirked as he heard Danny grumble a ‘fuck off’ so he wouldn’t he heard by his parents. Vlad did feel bad though, he forgot Danny’s graduation was this coming Wednesday and it was already Monday afternoon. 
Surprisingly, it wasn’t Jack nor Maddie that had invited Vlad to the graduation, Danny himself hand delivered the invite two months ago. Vlad felt his heart flutter with warmth at the realization that Danny really did see him as much more than ‘that old man that tried to steal my mom, kill my dad, and adopt me in one day’. Vlad also knew it had to be Dani that pushed for Danny to do it and Vlad was forever grateful for her. But Vlad did become busy with other things and time seemed to slip away from him. Almost like a cruel joke made up by someone to give Vlad more than he could chew.
“No embarrassing me, just show up and be cool and don’t gather any further attention to yourself. The last thing I need is someone thinking I’m about to get an expensive car or something.” Danny sighed.
“Oh, so you don’t want the car?”
“You got me a car?!” Danny's voice cracked as it rose an octave and Vlad let out a chuckle of delight.
“No, I didn’t, but if you had wanted a car I’m sure that would have been a cheaper gift than what Danielle and Miss Way put together.” Vlad rolled his eyes remembering the two week expensive getaway he booked weeks ago for Danny and Co. to go on next Monday to Florida. Dani had told him she overheard Danny wanting to go to the Kennedy Space Center, Tucker wanting to go to the Humpy Dumpy anniversary concert, and Sam mentioning she wanted to see the sea life. Or was it to set it free? Vlad couldn’t remember but he knew he mindlessly said yes and passed the information to Kate. The horror when Vlad woke up the next morning to see he had just paid for something labeled under ‘a good time’. Kate had a wicked way of pranking her boss he wasn’t too sure he could live through. Good thing he was already half dead.
“D-Do I want to know?” Danny knew there was no weaselling out of whatever expensive gift Vlad got him. The man thrived off showboating and Danny knew if he told the man no, whatever it was would triple and might even have his family involved. 
“That ruins all the hard work Danielle put into putting this all together.” Vlad leaned against his desk as he looked out the windows down to the busy city of Amity. It was mid evening and some people had just gotten off work. Vlad looked over to his clock and noted he had three hours left before he could go. He really craved a bath and a strawberry shortcake right about now.
“Suuuure, whatever, but still no embarrassing me Wednesday and also no flirting with my mom.” Both halfas grew quiet on the phone as an awkward silence washed over them. Vlad hasn’t tried to flirt openly with Danny’s mother in two years. Sure he still thought of her but he had learned to keep that to himself. He even told Danny he was over her, which was only half true to the point Vlad wasn’t obsessed anymore just...admirable. “Sorry, bad habits die hard,” Danny whispered and cleared his throat. Vlad only sighed and nodded to himself.
“They die hard for some, not for others, at least you didn’t say kill your father.” Vlad chuckled to himself. Honestly, since coming out as halfas and actually reconnecting with the Fentons, Vlad found himself back to his old ways with Jack. They were advancing at a constant pace towards who they used to be. But Vlad refused to do the old college battle call, they were adults now, middle aged, he was not going to scream at the top of his lungs.
Danny laughed, a little snort even fell out which made Vlad chuckles deepen, “Nah, I think you guys are fine. Besides if you did I would tell dad you totally wanted to go camping in the raw wilderness and sleep on the cold hard ground.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Oh how Vlad despised the rawest form of camping, he liked nature just nothing about it that would cause him discomfort. Going camping like wild men was very displeasing. Vlad could hear Danny pull away from the phone and greet his father from wherever he came from and Vlad felt his heart run cold. He wasn’t in the mood to listen to Jack ramble, becoming friends again or not, now wasn’t a good time. Nor did he want Danny to tell Jack he wanted to go camping. 
“You got lucky, fruitloop, Dad only came in to get a snack and left.” Danny snickered.
“I despise you,” Vlad dramatically responded and Danny let out a ‘ha!’
“Oh hey, Plasmius when did you get on the phone?” The two laughed for a bit before Danny spoke again. “But seriously, don’t forget and don’t be late, I’ll cry to my mom how I trusted you and you let me down and she’ll give you her disappointed mom look.”
“I will not be late, scout’s honour.”
“Yeah, yeah, scout’s honour, bye Vlad.”
“Goodbye, Daniel.”
Vlad couldn’t remember the last time he had been to a graduation and not been a part of it. Casper High School was not the only high school in amity, during Vlad’s mayor duties his springs were filled with giving speeches at several graduation events spread out from May to June. Having to now sit on the football bleachers and wait for god knows how long for everyone to take their seats then wait another hour for the graduates to come out made Vlad restless. Maybe a suit wasn’t his best choice, his butt started to hurt from sitting on metal. Luckily, or maybe not, Vlad was far from being bored as Jack and Maddie told him crazy stories from Danny’s childhood. Of course Jack made sure they all sat together, including Sam and Tucker’s family, as much as the Manson’s didn’t want to. Vlad couldn’t help but laugh at Jeremy and Pamela’s discomfort every time Jack drugged them into a conversation. While the other adults talked amongst each other about their children’s goals and accomplishments. Vlad's eyes wander off to see where his responsibility ran off to. 
As soon as he arrived Dani was already away from the group chatting with friends that were in the band or happen to be the younger siblings of Danny’s peers. Vlad could only imagine the day of Dani’s graduation, he was already so proud of her being able to not only control her powers but also find her own personality. She never allowed the fact of how she was created deter her away from making something of herself. 
Now that she got from the Fentons and Vlad could admit he was envious of it. He also couldn’t lie to himself he missed having her at home, who else was going to put chocolate syrup in his coffee as they slept walk in the morning? He finally spotted Dani down on the first row of bleachers with a group of her friends. One of them seems to have caught Vlad looking and got Dani’s attention and pointed. A few of them yelled hello and Vlad simply waved back and nodded. Dani covered her face in her hands and Vlad smiled knowing she was likely saying they were embarrassing her. 
Just then Dani’s band friends were called back to their seats and began to play as teachers and staff walked across the stage and waved before taking their seats. When the song came to an end the speeches before the graduates started to introduce and welcome everyone. Jack and Maddie were already standing on their toes with banners with Danny’s face and name on them. After the two speakers, the music began again and the graduating class began to walk out in a single file line to the rows of chairs on the field. Vlad could never remember the names of any of Danny’s peers no matter how many times in the past he caused an issue. They were all just kids barely caring about their education and more about popularity. 
All those kids had grown up and were about to breach into their twenties either getting jobs or going to college. Vlad hoped that as they got older they would be better people, but who was he kidding, only some of them could even spell the word mature. Except for the Baxter boy, Danny always complained about, who was currently throwing up hand signs and sticking out his tongue as he waved to the crowd. Somehow the whole football team had last names that sat them all together. Vlad could only imagine how well thought out that was when the staff realized the chaos. It didn’t take Danny long to be seen in the line of students since he was closer to the front of the alphabet.
“That’s my baby!”
“Danny-Oh!” Vlad knew his friends wouldn’t be able to handle themselves when they saw their baby boy. They had done the same thing when Jazz graduated from what Danny told Vlad. It was Jazz who had to get her parents to sit back down so they weren’t being too much of a nuisance the whole ceremony. Tucker was only five people behind Danny and the boys kept shooting glances at each other. Tucker held up his phone and Danny nodded. As the line continued Vlad realized Sam wouldn’t be anywhere near her friends.  
Out of the 137 children graduating, Sam would be placed two rows behind her friends and somehow right next to Paulina, guess the school didn’t have many students with n-r as a last name. From what Danny said Sam and Paulina had just recently put their past aside and found themselves actually forming a friendship. Danny had also let it slip that Paulina may have developed a crush on Sam and that would explain why Paulina was twirling her finger through her hair.
Someone should have told Vlad that sitting on the other side of a graduation was outrageously boring. Speech after speech, thank you after thank you, the new mayor had no favour and was downright bland. Vlad had hoped the valedictorian and salutatorian would have fun speeches, but nope, they were just as boring. Vlad couldn’t stop the yawn that escaped his lips, it quickly turned into a red mist and Vlad shut his mouth. Dani seemed to have noticed and leaned over.
“Really? Today of all days?” Vlad saw Dani’s fist clasp and her about to stand up to take off and he quickly reached out and held his hand over hers and shook his head. Just then his phone beeped and he pulled it out of his pocket.
Daniel: Please tell me this is a joke >:T
Vlad: I’ll handle it.
Vlad slid his phone into his pocket and rose to his feet. He got the Fentons’ attention to tell them he was going to the bathroom but was going to be quick to not miss anything. They bought it (maybe all of them but Jazz, she saw his sense go off ) and Vlad excused himself but not before telling Dani to stay put. The last thing Vlad needed was the sporadic ghost hunters to rip the place apart out of rage for a ruined graduation. Vlad pardoned himself past families and walked down the stairs. He had to make this quick and find who or what set off his sense before they caused a scene. When Vlad made it to the ground he pushed past those who chose not to sit and made his way behind the bleachers. He was about to transform until he heard someone clear their throat towards him. Vlad quickly turned around and saw nothing but red eyes glowing from the shadows.
“Well, well look what we have here,” from the shadows stepped out Spectra in her human form fixing up her hair and double checking herself in the mirror. “Here to enjoy the misery as well? Or were you actually enjoying Danny’s big day?” The female ghost chuckled to herself and batted her eyes.
“What are you doing here? Didn’t you have your fun here ages ago?” Vlad spat out and Spectra pouted then rolled her eyes
“Always straight to the point, seems like things never change. If you must know, I’m here for a quick spa treatment and goodies.” Spectra walked over to Vlad and circled him a few before placing her hands on his shoulders. When he shrugged her off she playfully threw her hands up. “Don’t worry I’m not here to cause any more trouble than there actually is.”
“Any more?” Vlad cocked a brow telling her to continue and Spectra’s eyes narrowed and she walked back towards him to hook her arm through his and pull him along towards the ceremony. Vlad was about to pull away until he heard whimpering coming through the speakers.
“He would have wanted to walk with his class one last time. He would have wanted to be here and I’m happy I’m able to do it for him.” A mother stood at the mic dressed in a cap and gown whipping her tears and shakenly accepting her son’s diploma. Vlad had forgotten all about the accent that happened to one of the football players a couple of months ago. He had died from a tumour in his brain that he had been fighting since Vlad was in office. 
It really shook the school to the core when his passing was announced. Vlad looked over to Spectra who was taking a big breath from the faint green clouds that formed around her. Like magic the wrinkles that happen to be on her face began to disappear and she became youthful. Her fiery hair burned back to life and her green eyes glowed like neon ectoplasm.
“Don’t look at me like that, I’m not feeding off the mother, just the handful of children who are still mourning,” Spectra smirked and fixed her hair in the mirror. Vlad could never understand why Spectra was so obsessed with her looks. Maybe it had something to do with who or what she was before her death. He never cared to ask her, he honestly never asked any of the ghosts their backstory. You weren’t supposed to get close to business unless it truly benefited you. Vlad learned that long ago when stepping into the political world. Vlad had done business with Spectra before and thought there were great benefits. That was until she’d crossed the line and Vlad made sure she was aware of it.
“Well since you’ve had your fix, you’ll be on your way.” Vlad pulled her arm back and tucked it behind his back while creating space between them. Spectra's happy go lucky mask seemed to melt away as Vlad kept cold towards her. He could almost see the way her smile twitched to stay upright.
“I said I was sorry and yet you still don’t forgive me?” Spectra fluttered her eyes and Vlad wanted to gag. Her charm had worked on him once but he was determined it would never work again.
“Your apologies are as empty as you are, and truly, there is nothing inside you that would amount to an actual apology.” Vlad gritted his teeth and turned away from her but when he looked forward Spectra was standing in front of him fixing her sunglasses.
“Oh, Plassy-”
“Never call me that.” Vlad felt his blood boil and the sparks in the palm of his hands start to ignite and he quickly calmed himself down.
“Fine, fine, but Plasmius I don’t really understand.” Spectra was quick on her feet and spun Vlad back around while pulling him in close just as Danny’s name was announced across the speakers. Vlad could hear Danny's parents losing their mind as their son awkwardly walked across the stage and got his diploma. The boy gave a quick wave to his family then down to Sam who too gave a cheer. “You used to want control over that boy, have him weak and begging under your boot to be taken under your wing. Then you wanted control over this town and that leaked into the Ghost Zone. Remember how excited you were to possibly sit on Pariah’s throne?” Vlad groaned and tried to pull away from Spectra until she turned his head towards the Fentons. “And then her. Everything about her was truly what you wanted. Then suddenly, poof! It was all gone and you were turning over a new leaf for “the better”.” Spectra finally let go of Vlad and made air quotations while rolling her eyes. Vlad said nothing, he honestly didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t be him threatening to kill her where she stood. He remembered all of that! But he also remembered how bitter and petty he was during all of it.
“That is the past, Spectra.” Vlad kept his cool even when he growled at her. She only smirked.
“Sure it is, but you have to admit when you came to me for help in your little games I did what I could.” Spectra walked close and only stood inches away from Vlad. He could feel her icy breath tickle his cheek and he pulled back. “I did what I could and then much more.” Spectra ran a finger up Vlad’s arm then caressed his cheek before sliding it down to his chest. Vlad felt his core shake and a burning feeling rise to his chest which caused the other to pull away. She shook her hand and cursed then pulled herself together. Vlad had no idea what that was but whatever it was he thanked and hoped it would keep her off him for the rest of their conversation. 
“I bet you miss that.” Spectra narrowed her eyes over her shades and winked.
“I don’t,” Vlad held up a finger and shot at Spectra’s feet to get her away from him. It worked but Spectra’s smile never fell and she continued to act as cool as ever. She shrugged then turned back towards the ceremony and narrowed her eyes wickedly. Vlad knew it was best not to ask her what she was thinking, he didn’t want to hear her voice any more than he had to. 
“He’s gotten so big and tall and stronger, maybe one day he’ll surpass you and you’ll be nothing but a faint memory. I know how much that weighs on you.” Vlad nearly shot the ghost down where she stood but she was quick to disappear with an echo of laughter. Vlad stomped his foot and turned away from where they were to go to the bathroom. He had to calm down and not allow that red headed vixen to play with his mind. She had already done that in the past and it left Vlad in a blind rage until he had her begging mercy before he ripped her apart. 
Why on earth did he think Spectra was ever a good ally, he wasn’t sure...actually he knew why but he didn’t want to admit it. Desperation made you do foolish things that haunted you in three inch red heels and red hair. He was sure he would never see her again but today seemed to be against him. After a few minutes of counting down from 30 and fixing his suit he rushed back out the door and towards his seat.
When Vlad sat down he held up a hand before Maddie or Jack could say anything, “Don’t worry I saw him walk, I was at the food hut in the nick of time. I’m so proud of him.” Jack only smiled and waved his banner back and forth, Maddie nodded and turned back towards the end of the students crossing. 
“What was it?” Dani leaned over towards her father and nudged him. Vlad sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose before shaking his head.
“Nothing, just some loose goops, everything is handled.” Vlad held his gaze with Dani to ensure her but he knew she could tell he was lying. With what just happened with Spectra he wanted nothing more to pull Dani into a hug but he knew that would only raise suspicions. For now Vlad only smiled and looked away from a very confused Dani.After the graduation and a lot of crying from the parents' parts, the freshly new graduates were asked where they wanted to go for dinner. When they (plus Dani) yelled nasty Burger Vlad found himself groaning with the Mansons like the rich they were. Surely they could have picked a much more appropriate place to eat besides the godforsaken nasty burger. But Danny was persistent and held his ground and eventually everyone huddled into their cars to drive over to nasty burgers. When everyone was seated the adults made it obvious they much rather be elsewhere. 
Well most of them except Jack who thought Nasty Burger was a wonderful idea. It didn’t take long for Sam’s parents to cut from the group when they saw how “ungodly” the food was and told Sam they would see her when she returned home. Jazz had to cut out due to her job and she apologized to her brother. Tucker’s parents were called in and apologized for leaving but they made sure to tell Tucker when he got home his big gift would be waiting for him. It wasn’t long into the waiting for drinks did Vlad enjoy a conversation with Jack and Maddie about their college days.
“Ay yo, Vladdie, you remember when we used to have nasty nacho nights and see who could get down the most without throwing up?” Jack laughed and nudged the much smaller man who almost fell out of his seat. Vlad caught himself and shook his head but he genuinely smiled and rolled his eyes.
“Oh how could I forget how you snorted nacho cheese then proceeded to shove five trays of chips into your mouth. Then you called Madeline to come help you to the bathroom because your brain was clogged.” Vlad twisted his finger on the side of his head like it was clogs. Jack let out a stomach full laugh and Maddie could help but follow along.
“Remember when you drunkenly stood outside Taco Hut Tony’s half naked at 1 am demanding tater tots?” Maddie pointed towards Vlad and the man became flustered in the face as he tried to hide himself. Both of the phantoms spun around from their booths with their mouths dropped and laughing. Vlad groaned and leaned down against the table to cover his head and face. The kids quickly turned back around and he could hear them telling the others. 
Jack slapped Vlad’s back which quickly knocked the man forward and out of breath. “Oh man that was crazy and then you started yelling in Russian. To this day I still don’t know what you were saying.” Jack wiped tears from his eyes and Maddie leaned in to make sure only they could hear her.
“He was yelling he would piss on the doors until Tony opened up.” Vlad thought he was surely going to fall over and die. Why in the world would she remember that?! He didn’t even remember that!
“You know Russian?” Vlad peaked up and shot Maddie a look. The red head shrugged and shook her hand sided ways up and down.
“Kinda sort of, my roommate was Ukrainian but her father was Russian. I learned a few things.” Maddie chuckled then turned towards Jack to spark up another conversation about their time in the lab when he made ghost stink bombs. Vlad on the other hand felt his blood run cold as he remembered all the love notes he had placed in her binder. When she found them he would play it cool like it wasn’t him who placed them there and would falsely read them to her. There was no doubt she would give them to her roommate when he wasn’t there to read them. Vlad felt like a schoolboy who had been caught but he didn’t want to confirm that with her. Vlad would just have to swallow that and hope it never got brought up. Vlad was ever so grateful the food finally came even though he did more so at poking at his than eating. 
After everyone was full, the family and kids packed up, paid, and headed out towards the parking lot to continue their conversations. Vlad was stuck in a vice grip on Vlad by the neck as the man spun him around doing the very obnoxious college battle call Vlad now grew to hate. Finally, he was let go and Vlad could feel his head spinning as he leaned over his car for balance.
“My apologies V-Man.” Jack gently rubbed his back.
“All is well...I think.” Vlad wasn’t sure if he's seeing double would ever stop or if he was going to have to have someone drive him home. When he regained his vision he felt a tug on his sleeve and turned to see Dani standing beside him. He excused himself from the Fentons and gave Dani his attention and the girl gave a soft smile.
“Can I come home tonight? Danny is going over Tucker’s with Sam and I don’t want to be stuck at home with Jazz trying to use me as a psycho experiment for her upcoming paper, no offence.” the youngest phantom rubbed her elbow and lowered her head and Vlad quickly reached out a hand to place on her shoulder.
“Danielle, you never have to ask to come home. You could have easily gotten in the car with me and I wouldn’t have said a thing.” Vlad rubbed her shoulder and Dani nodded before thanking him and running over to her cousins and telling them she was going home. When it was time to part ways, Maddie and Jack piled into the car with Danny and his friend’s and Dani got in the car with Vlad. As they drove off Dani sighed and looked out the window.“Is everything alright over there?” Vlad asked, never taking his eyes off the road.
“Y-yeah.” Dani mumbled out and Vlad automatically could assume what was the problem.
“I told you, there is nothing to worry about, she shouldn't be anywhere but the guest room when we get home. In the morning I will inform her of your arrival if you wish.” Vlad hoped his words would ease Dani just enough for the teen to trust him and it seemed to work. Dani pulled away from the window and crossed her arms as she thought for a moment then nodded. 
“Yeah, that would be cool. Thanks, dad.” Dad...she called him dad again and Vlad's heart fluttered with happiness. When they got home Vlad allowed Dani to walk in first and the young phantom quickly said goodnight and hurried to her room. Vlad took his time to settle in and made his way towards the kitchen back doors. It was late but he had to know whether or not Tayonna was lurking in the garden. When he peered out the door he couldn’t see any form of activity and he quickly floated upstairs to the bedroom hallway. He secretly stuck his head into Dani’s room when he heard her talking on the phone. He found her on her bed throwing a ball in the air and giggling. 
He wouldn’t overstay his welcome but he couldn’t help but become curious when he heard her tell someone she loved them. Pulling back into the hallway he knew he would have to get to the bottom of that. He walked down to the guest room and knocked on the door gently and waited for an answer. When he didn’t get one he ghosted through the door and looked around. Tayonna wasn’t there either and that concerned him a bit. 
He could go about trying to find her but the pull for sleep was nagging him and he could feel the endless string of yawns airing through his body. He pushed the thought of Tayonna away and went out the door and towards his bedroom. Vlad knew that no matter where she was when he woke up from another dream she would be standing there at his window and he didn’t have to worry. Vlad caught himself in mid-thought and snorted. He felt foolish for almost admitting he looked forward to seeing her.  
“She is not a guest that is welcomed, Vladimir, she is a ghost that is haunting you.” Vlad reminded himself as he slipped into his master bathroom for a shower.
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weevil-wallflower · 4 years
Robotnik: Into the multiverse (part 1/?)
Word count: 12,395
A/N: a little-big story that was the result of a little roleplay me and my friends did. For some context btw, I’m going to mention who played which characters:
My characters: Zinnia Frost, Theodore Collins, Tweety & Dr Ivo Robotnik (aka Robotnik #2, who’s from another universe). @jimbotnik: Emil Sobel, Agent Stone, Dozy & Dr Robotnik (aka Robotnik #1, who’s from this universe). @blood-on-my-paws: Zonic the Zone Cop, an alternate version of Sonic. @stuffedfoxwiththewifipassword: John Constantine and Liam Constantine.
Have fun reading this convoluted mess of a story uwu. And yes, it loosely follows the movie-verse.
After Robotnik successfully made it into this universe, it took him barely an hour to locate Zinnia and his other self, along with a few unpleasant individuals. Instead of contacting them outright however, he first set up a base deep in the woods up in mountains a few miles from Zinnia’s house.
The mess that he’ll later find himself into, started with a series of text messages:
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter So Zinnia is your assistant. It seems I’ve crossed into another universe. A minor setback but it can be easily corrected.
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Precisely! You just toddle back into your universe before you ruin everything for me.
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Everyone How the FUCK did two Robotniks end up in the same universe?!
Dr Frost To: Everyone I’m sorry, what? OwO And who are you?!
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Everyone I’m a zone cop, and I have to get these guys back to their worlds...
Dr Robotnik To: Everyone Nice, TWO hedgehogs...
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Everyone I don’t get paid enough for this
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter Wait, you have your assistant but I don’t?! That’s unacceptable! I’m taking yours! She’s mine now!
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Just go ahead and try. Your head will be on a pike in my personal surveillance room if you go anywhere near her. She's MINE.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter I always like a good challenge.
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Have you ever tracked another man on foot through the moonlit forest, each breath burning your lungs, adrenaline racing as you close in? Have you ever been transfixed by the light of pure, primal terror in your victim's eyes? By the hitch of their breath as the knife goes in, the one shortly followed by a scream louder than they've ever produced? Have you ever truly relished the way that their cries for mercy and their begging give way to bestial vocalizations of fatal agony?
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot I look forward to meeting you.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter That’s quite a reply. I think you should relax. You don’t need to prove anything. We both know that I am the better one of the two of us.
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #2 So, there’s two of you now? OwO So different dimensions do exist! I’ve always been fascinated by this.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia Yes, unfortunately there is two of me. Although, you don’t exist in my universe anymore... But that can be easily rectified!
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #2 How exactly? OwO
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia You’ll come with me back to my universe, of course!
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #2 Ummm, no. Thank you for asking though.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia That wasn’t a question
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Robotnik #02 and Zinnia Do not steal people from their universes!
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Robotnik #02 If you don’t stop I’m going to arrest you
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Hedgehog cop Oh great. Another hedgehog. Just what I needed. It seems you can’t leave me alone even in another dimension! But don’t worry, I’ll deal with you later.
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Robotnik #02 I’m trying to protect the dimensions, that’s why!
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Hedgehog cop Not for long.
Zonic the Zone Cop To: Robotnik #02 I’m... I’m not gonna argue with you. But if you don’t go back to your world, I’ll take you back there
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Hedgehog cop You’re more than welcome to try.
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 The other you wants to take me back to his universe. But I don’t wanna go QwQ
Dr Robotnik To: Dr Zinnia I can see that. This sad imitation of me doesn't seem to realize that I can read his messages... It looks like he takes a lot of things for granted, actually. I'm on my way to your home, and I'm sending a fleet of drones and ground cover ahead of me. Hide someplace secure, and use your boyfriend as a distraction.
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 If Teddy found out there’s more of you, he’s going to have a breakdown. He already doesn’t like you 😞
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 I don’t want to get stolen either QwQ
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot You're outclassed, you lack passion, and you're not exactly playing in your home court, either. You're unworthy of my violent tendencies.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter Bold of you to assume I’m not always prepared.
John To: Zinna Oi, just saw Robotnik at the cafe and he didn't yell "GO BACK TO BRITIAN, LIMEY TWINK" is he alright?
Dr Frost To: John Yeah, that must be the Robotnik from another universe.
John To: Zinna ...May I have his phone number?
John To: Other Robotnik I'm John Constantine. I heard you're another Robotnik, eh?
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Constantine That’s classified.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter So I see you have your assistant’s house surrounded by drones. What makes her so special that you’re willing to go out of your way to defend her, I wonder.
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Come try to find out. Oh, and don't mind the whiny, poorly dressed British man. He hates fun.
Agent Stone To: Dr Robotnik Doctor! I just spotted the blue hedgehog in the compound! He was wearing an ugly helmet. I'm not sure what that's all about...
Dr Robotnik To: Agent Stone Did you catch him? Is THAT why you're bothering me?! I'M VERY BUSY RIGHT NOW!!!
Agent Stone To: Dr Robotnik Sorry, Doctor. 😔
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 Uhhh, I saw you outside my house just now. Or was it the other you? OwO
Dr Robotnik To: Dr Zinnia I'll prove it's me! Now open up! [sends a picture of his ungloved hand, showing the fucked-up finger that Tweety gave him]
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 Oh okay, it really is you. Can’t be too sure now that there’s another one of you.
“Okay, so my agents and my machines are staked out in all of the houses in your immediate area, and all of the entryways into the subdivision are being watched. No one is coming anywhere near you without my knowledge!” Robotnik now stood in Zinnia’s living room after he proved to her that he was their Robotnik by showing her his scarred finger that her parrot gave him. Agent Stone was there as well, standing to the side, waiting for the doctor to give him further orders. 
Emil glared at him, standing at a safe distance so he won’t end up doing something he’ll regret. “The only reason I haven't kicked your ass by now is because Zinnia hates violence. You're on thin ice, Ivo!” His growl turned into a shout when the scientist picked up Dozy. “PUT MY CAT DOWN!!”
“No. He likes me. See?” He held the cat closer as if to prove his point.
Zinnia on the other hand, looked on in mild confusion before speaking up. “Okay...does this mean I won’t be going to work? Can I go anywhere at all...?”
Robotnik’s response was quick and firm. “Unless you're accompanied by me, you're not allowed to leave the house. It's for your own good!”
A feeling other than confusion washed over her. Was it worry? Fear? It was difficult to tell. “But I’m sure I’ll be fine here on my own. There’s all your agents and drones watching.”
"Zinnia, this is for your own good! Don't you want to stay in this universe with your stupid boyfriend? The other Robotnik is inferior to me, but that doesn't mean he's completely stupid...” He trailed off, while still cuddling Dozy. Said cat didn’t care what was going on. As long as he was given affection, he was content.
“Of course I want to stay here! I don’t wanna lose Teddy and my friends. And for what it’s worth, I don’t wanna lose you...” There was anxiety in her quiet voice now that she finally registered the gravity of the situation at hand.
Hearing her say that, Robotnik was overcome with a feeling he didn’t really understood. But it wasn’t a bad feeling. Quite the opposite actually. It was pleasant enough to make him put the cat down, go over to where Zinnia stood, hesitate a bit before enveloping her in a hug in spite of Emil glaring at him.
The young woman didn’t hesitate though. She instantly wrapped her arms around his waist to hug him back. She needed all the comfort she could get. “I don’t understand why he’s so interested in me...” she whispered in despair.
“AHA! FOUND YOU!” What appeared to be a blue, mobian hedgehog, suddenly appeared in Zinnia’s living room, all his attention focused on Robotnik. The hedgehog was wearing some sort of red helmet and armour. It was Zonic the Zone Cop; an inter-dimensional counterpart of Sonic.
The scientist instantly pulled out his pistol. “Ohh you sure did!” He shoved Zinnia behind him and opened fire.
“Oh my God!” The young woman gasped and quickly moved away to stand next to Emil.
“MY CHILDREN! ATTACK THAT MOBIAN!!” Apparently, a pistol wasn’t enough because with a command using his gloves, Robotnik summoned all his drones that were guarding Zinnia’s suburb, into her home in order to catch the hedgehog.
Emil on the other hand, didn’t look amused one bit. “Do you really have to call them your children?”
“What the hell is going on?!” Theodore, Zinnia’s boyfriend, stood in the open doorway, observing at the chaos. His face twisted in anger and disbelief. He never expected to see his girlfriend’s employer in her home, along with his drones, trying to capture what looked like a blue, humanoid hedgehog. ‘I just wanted a relaxing evening with Zinnia...’ 
Zinnia did not waste a single second and ran into her boyfriend’s arms, clinging to him tightly. “I don’t know!” Her voice shook with distress as he wrapped his arms around her and caressed her back to sooth her. Before he could say anything else, Emil yelled out.
“WE NEED TO GO, NOW!!” He scooped up Dozy while frantically looking around for Tweety. “Where's the bird?!” He’d decided that they must leave for their own good lest they were caught in the crossfire.
Zinnia pulled away from her boyfriend and called out to the bird. “Tweety, over here!” Seconds later, the bird flew over from wherever he happened to be perched at that moment and gracefully landed on her shoulder. And with that, her, Theodore, Emil, Dozy and Tweety were all out of the still open front door.
But before they could go farther than the walkway, a car pulled in front of her house. And inside, was Robotnik. “Your saviour is here! Get in if you want to escape.” He called out to them, a bit too enthusiastically, through the lowered side window.
“What the fuck?!” Emil exclaimed. He couldn’t believe his eyes as. There was another Robotnik!?
“Oh no! It’s him...” Zinnia whispered in fright and clung to Theodore’s arm, pressing her body as close to his as possible. She did not like the way he was looking at her, his intense dark eyes boring into her. If she’s learned anything from their Robotnik, is that he’s unpredictable. His inter-dimensional counterpart may be just as unpredictable as him, if not more. Not to mention, she knows the Robotnik of this universe. The new one however, she knew nothing about.
Theodore was just as shocked as Emil, if not more. “Zinnia what...why are there two of them??” He questioned incredulously. Judging by her reaction, it seemed she knew who he was. But who, exactly? ‘Did that crazy employer of hers clone himself or something?’
“That’s a long story...” She murmured a reply back, never taking her eyes off the other Robotnik. The man who threatened- no, promised to take her away just hours prior. And unfortunately for them, their Robotnik had dedicated all his firepower into catching Zonic, effectively leaving them helpless. Something which the inter-dimensional Robotnik had decided to use to his full advantage.
Even Zinnia’s parrot, Tweety, looked surprised upon seeing the same man that was still in the house. ‘Unless he can teleport...’ His crest was raised in attention as he observed the scientist. No...It was not the same person. He looked identical but the bird could sense that he was different.
Back inside the house, Stone had unholstered his handgun and was firing shot after shot at the hedgehog. One of those shots successfully hit his intended target, causing Zonic to be shot on his side and fall back with a pained grunt
He stood back up, not expecting the aggressive attack in the first place. “Good Chaos, I was just going to give you a warning!” Unfortunately, unlike his other self, Zonic did not possess super speed, due to which he tried and failed to dodge the other bullets. “STOP!”
“FINALLY!” Robotnik shouted in triumph. “Agent Stone, you dependable little fool...” He grabbed Zonic by the arm and roughly hauled him to his feet. “Agent Stone! Cuff him and search him for anything that even looks like a weapon.”
“NO.” Zonic shouted in protest, despite the immense pain he was in. “OH MY CHAOS I’M JUST TRYING TO PROTECT YOUR WORLDS” He tried to escape from the house but the front entrance was guarded by the drones. “Where’s my team when I need them?!”
Zinnia shot a worried look back at the chaos occurring in her house then directed her attention at her friend. “Emil, what do we do?”
“You listen to me, of course!” The other Robotnik called out to them, sounding so sure of himself.
“The last thing we need is another Ivo in our lives...” Emil moved to stand between him and Zinnia.
“I’m trying to help you, you idiot!” The doppelganger just barely stopped himself from letting out an impatient snarl. “But by all means, if you want to stay here and get killed in the crossfire, be my guest.”
Emil weighed their options. The certainly did not have to leave with Robotnik. They could leave in his car, which was right there- “They shot up my fucking car...” He clenched his fists in anger. This felt planned. “Whichever one of them did this is dead. Wait... it's... I don't hear anymore gunfire...”
“Do...do we leave with him...?” Zinnia asked, looking from Robotnik to her house and then towards Emil, uncertain of what to do.
“I don't think we should. I don't trust this one any more than the other...Let's just go back in the house for now.” Emil said, turning to face the house, to which Zinnia replied with a small “Okay...”
The Robotnik in the car inwardly cursed, seeing as they were about to go inside, and quickly stepped out of his car and made his way over to them.
Emil was ready for that as he was quick to face him. “Time to see if this one's any stronger than the real Ivo.” He grabbed a roll of quarters from his pocket and clenched his fist around it. “COME ON! LET'S SEE WHAT YOU GOT!”
Robotnik #2 didn’t appear to be threatened one bit. Instead, he looked mildly irritated as he spoke in a deadpan voice. “If I was here to fight, you’d be dead by now.”
“Then why are you here?” Zinnia timidly spoke up despite her apprehension.
His attention switched from Emil to Zinnia. “Oh, I figured you all could use a little help to escape from my other, more volatile self.” He shrugged “innocently” and grinned down at her. It was meant to be disarming but to her it felt anything but that, causing her to unconsciously squish herself even closer to Theodore if that was even possible. His hands on her waist automatically drew her close, molding her body against his.
Robotnik stood in front of them, mesmerised by Zinnia, seeing her in the flesh after so long...It really was her. The same brown hair framing her beautiful face. The same fresh olive skin...Even the same voice. And those eyes...the very brown eyes he gazed into as he witnessed the life from them leave...His Zinnia was gone from his life, leaving a void no one could fill...Until he found her here...His fingers itched to reach out to her, brush through her silky hair, caress her soft skin. It had been far too long since he’d last had his hands on her. He comforted himself with the knowledge that he’d never have to wait this long again.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when as he noticed the pale, green-eyed man next to her draw her closer. So, this was the “poorly dressed British man” as his counterpart had put it. Robotnik’s laser focus now set on Theodore, observing him with narrowed eyes. He must be her boyfriend. Jealousy reared its ugly head but at the same time, he was gratified to know that this universe’s Robotnik and Zinnia are not together which meant he won’t have to worry about competing with his other self. After all, it’s not like he would care if his doppelganger took away the woman he does not even love.
“We already know how to deal with him. You, on the other hand? You're not one of us. Why are you even here?” Emil questioned further, pulling Robotnik out of his thoughts, to which he answered in a monotone voice, keeping a straight face, “There was a minor miscalculation in my latest experiment which transported me to this universe.” That was of course, a lie. He was not going to tell them that he had mastered inter-dimensional travel. He’s here for one thing and one thing only. And this is his only chance because Zinnia only exists in this certain universe besides his, out of many others.
“And LET me guess--you're either unable or unwilling to go back.” Emil crossed his arms, only to notice that his cat had wandered off. “WAIT! DOZY, GET BACK HERE!!”
Robotnik #2 took full advantage of that. He quickly snatched up the cat and held a knife to his throat. “That’s it! I don’t have time for this! Now you’ll all come with me! Or the cat dies!!” 
Emil saw red. “You son of a bitch...” He seethed as if he was off his meds. He looked at Zinnia and Theo.
“No, stop!” The young woman was quick to speak up. She could not let Dozy get hurt! He was just an innocent cat. “Don’t hurt him! We’ll come with you...”
“Oh, and the boyfriend stays.” Robotnik nodded his head at Theodore. That was jealousy speaking. He simply could not imagine his Zinnia being with someone else. Especially this someone. He remembered all too well how her boyfriend almost murdered her. Oh, how much he wanted to kill Theodore where he stood. But that would only upset her and make him look worse in her eyes. She already looked scared enough. Hence, it was better if the boyfriend stayed behind. That Emil guy, though? Well, he needed something to use as leverage against her if he ends up killing the cat.
Theodore obviously did not like his demand. “What?! No—” He was quick to protest but Zinnia cut him off. 
“—Theodore please!” She stared up at him pleadingly, silently begging him to do as the other Robotnik said.
Theodore internally seethed, his jaw clenching and his grip on her waist momentarily became tight enough to hurt. ‘Are they seriously going to listen to that madman because of a cat?’ His grip on Zinnia softened when he glanced down at her, genuine distress in her face. ‘Well, at least right now, it’s only the cat he’s threatening.’ He couldn’t care less what happens to the cat but who’s to say he won’t turn on any one of them afterwards?
So, Theodore nodded and, even though it pained him to do so, released his grip on his girlfriend, allowing her to step away. Emil grabbed Zinnia's hand and held it tightly for both her and his comfort. “I'll protect you, Zinny. I got your back.”
“Take care of her.” Theodore looked at him seriously. Emil nodded gravely as a reply.
“So we go then... Don’t worry, Theo. I’ll be okay...” The young woman’s doe eyes looked lovingly into his.
“Okay...I—” He was interrupted by Robotnik’s impatient growl.
“Come on! Enough of the niceties! Let’s move!” He hated the way the couple stared at one another. But even more than that, he hated how frightened Zinnia appeared. He knew his methods weren’t...conventional. Something a little like guilt tugged at his insides and he mentally swatted it away. He’d gone too far, was in too deep to be having regrets. He’d long since accepted that this was the only way.
Emil slowly approached this other Robotnik with Zinnia's hand in his, all the while keeping wary eyes trained on him.
“Get in. Now!” The doctor pressed the knife closer to Dozy to force them to move faster.
“Okay, okay! We’re going!” Zinnia scrambled to get in the car’s back seat, pulling Emil along with her.
“We're following orders. Now give me the cat.” Emil demanded once they were settled in the car.
“Not until we get to our destination. Now shut up!” Robotnik #2 yelled as he hopped in the front and carelessly deposited Dozy in the passenger seat.
Back inside the house, Zonic was cuffed and was barely able to stand upright due to the gunshot wounds he’d sustained, which were still bleeding. But he still put up a brave face. “No one’s going to listen to me, but for the sake of the balance of the multiverse, please go back to your worlds.” Stone did not like the way he spoke, however.
“Don't speak to the doctor. You don't have the privilege.” The agent kicked Zonic back into his knees.
“Excuse you, I’m an elite zone cop.” Zonic still spoke, a little too confidently for someone who was bleeding from several gunshot wounds.
“Should I kill him, doctor?” The agent asked all too eagerly.
“No, he's already been bound and incapacitated. Let's...” Robotnik paused and looked around the living room. “Where's Zinnia?”
“... WAIT DON’T GO WITH HIM! STOP!” Zonic mustered enough strength to  shout when he looked outside the still open front door to see Emil and Zinnia entering the other Robotnik’s car.
Zonic wasn’t the only one who noticed as Robotnik bellowed out, “ZINNIA! This is Emil's doing... Agent Stone! Take the blue rat back to the compound!” He ordered before marching out the front door. The doctor decided he would deal with the hedgehog later. Right now, stopping the inter-dimensional Robotnik was his priority.
The blue hedgehog coughed up blood, the crimson liquid staining his face. “F-fuck, stop! Your universes are in danger! Am I speaking Greek here?!” He choked out.
“I don’t care about the universes!” Outside, Robotnik #2 yelled back to Zonic before he turned his and looked over his shoulder at Zinnia sitting in the back. “I have everything I need now...” His voice had dropped to a low, sensual octave, the tone sending gooseflesh rippling along Zinnia’s arms and caused her to look away.
Agent Stone exited the house as well, dragging Zonic back to his SUV. “Just cooperate, and the doctor might be a little merciful with you...” He trailed off as their Robotnik fired at the other Robotnik, aiming for his head.
“Well don’t say I didn’t warn y- WHAT THE FUCK!?” Zonic let out a surprised shout as he witnessed that.
The bullet, however, missed the other doctor by inches. He cursed and hit the gas, driving off.
“You idiots will destroy your own worlds and timelines!” The hedgehog cop exclaimed. Despite being fatally injured and captured by the enemy, he cared more about the balance of the universe.
“TIME ISN'T LINEAR, YOU MORON!” Robotnik shouted back and sprinted towards his vehicle. He shoved Agent Stone aside and got in the Suburban.
“Excuse me, who is the universe expert in here? I am! I- you know what? Fuck this shit...” Seeing as no one was listening to anything he said, poor Zonic decided to just give up for now.
“Hey!” Theodore ran up to Robotnik before he could drive off. “If you’re done arguing with a blue hedgehog, you’ll notice that Zinnia and Emil have been abducted!”
“GET IN! You and Agent Stone are my gunmen!!! Get the rat into the car so I can follow them!!”
“Fine. Hand me a gun then...”
The two men did as instructed and soon, they're racing after the other Robotnik's vehicle. “AIM FOR THE TIRES!!” Their Robotnik yelled at his ‘gunmen’.
“Yes, thank you for stating the obvious.” Theodore said in a deadpan voice before he took aim through the vehicle’s window and fired the handgun.
At the very back of the Suburban, Zonic sat, mumbles a song, delirious due to blood loss before wondering out loud, “Am I dead yet?”
“Not until the doctor decides to kill you!” Agent Stone answered as a matter of fact while grinning as he opened fire as well. The hedgehog simply hummed in response.
“Damnit!” The other Robotnik swerved the car as the bullets miss by the tyres inches. “He’s not giving up, is he?”
Zinnia didn’t say anything as she got out her phone and proceeded to text her boss aka their Robotnik:
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 I have been kidnapped. In broad daylight. I’m scared QwQ
Dr Robotnik To: Dr Zinnia I'm close behind him and I'm not alone. I have a lot in store for that sad, pathetic imitation of me...
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 I’d appreciate it if there’s no bloodshed QwQ
Dr Robotnik To: Dr Zinnia Then politely ask him to pull over, and make sure you're buckled in since he'll invariably say no.
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 If he’s anything like you, convincing him will be difficult OwO
Dr Robotnik To: Dr Zinnia Just try it anyway before he runs himself into a ravine!!!
Zinnia decided to take her boss’s advice and spoke up, voice a little wobbly. “Stop! You’ll end up hurting all of us!”
Robotnik #2 shouted back, enraged. “And lose you after I just got you?! Never!”
“What??” The young woman mumbled, wide-eyed and stunned to silence. She was both frightened and confused. She didn’t know what exactly he wanted from her. But judging be his behaviour towards her...she was afraid to ask...
Next to her, Emil listened in as he begun praying under his breath in mangled Hebrew, barely being able to keep himself under control.
Back in the Suburban, Robotnik #1 was seething in rage at the other Robotnik’s audacity to abduct Emil and Zinnia. He decided to text his double himself seeing as he probably did not listen to anything Zinnia had to say:
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot You have NO IDEA how badly you've fucked up...
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter Hm, by taking Zinnia? She’s just your assistant. I’m sure you can get another one.
His idiotic imitation thinks that he doesn’t care about Zinnia. But little does he know... “KEEP FIRING!! HE'S TOO STUPID TO KNOW HE'S OUTCLASSED!!!” He bellowed out to Theodore and Stone before texting him again:
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot You might have a better idea than I thought. What's the matter? Did something happen to your Zinnia?
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter I lost her... But now I have a chance to get her back. And I’m not giving up!
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Ohhh... You happened to her, didn't you? You killed her!
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter IT WAS NEVER MY INTENTION TO!!! I loved her...
“They’re getting away!” Theodore interrupted his texting spree. A subtle hint of panic could be detected in his voice.
Robotnik floored it, the vehicle speeding up even more. “KEEP SHOOTING! I'll crash into it before I let him take them to his hell-dimension!!”
At the same moment, the other Robotnik took a sharp turn to throw them off. It caused Zinnia to jerk to the side and collide into Emil. “Just stop already! This is crazy...”
That turned out successful. Robotnik #1 barely avoided rolling the car as he swerved “You bastard...” he swore before he continued the messages to try and ‘reason’ with him aka taunt him. He does appear to be getting steadily more and more unhinged. If he can get him to stop...
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Was it your reckless driving that killed her? Your fits of rage? Your utter hatred for the world and everyone within it? Tell me
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter It’s none of your business! And don’t act like you care about her!!!
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Did you hit her too hard? Did you shake her until her neck snapped? Were you paranoid? Jealous? You just couldn't stand to let her out of your sight... Death was her only relief from your suffocating grasp, and oh, how dearly you must have made her pay for that bitter end...
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter I... I never hurt her! I could never... IT WAS AN ACCUDENT!!!
The messages almost triggered a very unpleasant memory, causing the inter-dimensional Robotnik to get distressed. He barely managed to stop from colliding into another car.
“Oh my God!” Came Zinnia’s frightened cry from the back of the car. She tightly wrapped her arms around Emil held on to him for dear life.
Their Robotnik was quick to notice as he sped after his counterpart. “He's becoming distraught... Don't give up yet!!” His messages were working...
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot It's never an accident. Not with you, and not with me. You know that, Ivo. Did she have time to beg for mercy? To scream, even?
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter I loved her...
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot No. You thought that you owned her. She was simply yours. You barely understand what it means to love someone! The closest you can manage is unmitigated obsession.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter So you know how I felt. Still feel... I made a mistake, I’ll admit that. But now I have a chance to start over!
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Listen to yourself! You think that she's replaceable. The woman that you've taken against her will is just a replacement part to you, isn't she? Any attempt that you make to start over will be forced at best. She'll wish that she could meet the same end as "your" Zinnia. She might even bring about her own end to escape your pathetic, crazed desperation.
The final message was the last straw. It triggered a flashback of his Zinnia dying:
=========== le flashback ===========
In San Francisco, what appeared to be a normal was interrupted by a shocking scene: an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog was running through the city at breathtaking speed while a flying machine called the Eggpod piloted by a moustached scientist dressed gave chase and fired explosive energy blasts at said hedgehog. Despite the Eggpod matching Sonic’s super speed, most of its lasers missed due to the hedgehog’s agility and instead caused immense destruction around the city. The lasers tore apart roads, blew up cars, killed and injured several innocent bystanders. Robotnik was unconcerned about all of that. That is, until one of the energy blasts struck a building a certain someone happened to be standing next to.
Zinnia had followed Robotnik to San Francisco, hoping to stop him from doing something he may come to regret. She had foolishly hoped she could stop him from putting anyone’s life at risk, including his own. But she was a bit too late. The fight, or the high-speed chase, had already begun. And Robotnik...was too far gone in his obsession and madness. He didn’t care about anything else other than capturing the hedgehog. Didn’t care who’s blood he had to spill as long as he successfully captures the hedgehog. The doctor didn’t take anyone into consideration. Not even Zinnia when she tried to knock some sense into him earlier. And that was his biggest mistake.
Zinnia stood next to the building as she looked up towards the sky, trying to catch a glimpse of the red blur that was the Eggpod. By the time she noticed one laser blast coming towards her direction, it was too late. The laser struck the building above her and the impact brought part of the structure directly down on her. The young woman had only enough time to take one retreating step before she was crushed under it. It all happened so fast.
The manic grin on Robotnik’s face was replaced by shock. At once, he stopped chasing Sonic and steered his Eggpod to where Zinnia stood earlier and brought it to a stop near the collapsed building. He hopped out and sprinted closer towards the destruction, trying to find Zinnia. When the dust cleared, he saw her lying on her back, among the wreckage, her lower half crushed under heavy rubble including an enormous metal beam. 
Zinnia whimpered in agony. Her face contorted in a grimace of pain and her breaths coming in little gasps. Her glasses laid off in the distance, the lenses broken. Everything looked blurry as if she was looking through a fogged window. She was trapped, in pain and was unable to see her surroundings well. All those feelings mixed up and panic swelled within her. Near hyperventilating, she tried to draw in deep breaths but instead, tears started spilling from her eyes and a choked sob tore from her throat. It hurt to simply breathe. Every breath she inhaled sent excruciating pain flaring through her entire body.
Her hands shook as she moved them lower and futilely tried to remove the structures pinning her to the ground. But they were too heavy. They didn’t move an inch. The simple movement caused her chest to heave in exertion and more pain flared up in her body.
“Zinnia!” Someone was calling for her. Her head weakly lolled to the side and she saw a red, blurry figure running towards her. Only when he came within three feet of her, she recognised who it was. 
“Oh no, Zinnia! No, no, no...” Robotnik got to work and managed to remove most of the debris but no matter how much he tried, he was unable to move the large metal beam. Not that it would have helped. Her lower half, including her lower spine, was already crushed. She was already losing the feelings in her legs.
“Ivo...I’m so sorry... the baby...” Zinnia weakly mumbled out while Robotnik was frantically removing the debris, immediately catching his attention.
“You’re sorry?!” He asked in disbelief as he kneeled down next to her. “Sugar plum, you don’t have anything to be sorry for!” Even while she was lying there, barely able to breath, all she cared about was the baby. He remembered how joyful she was when she discovered she was pregnant... He had never felt the need for children. But seeing her so happy like that made him happy...
The young woman shook her head in despair. “I-I lost...lost our b-baby!” she sobbed, as her hand unconsciously reached down to her belly but instead landed on the metal beam she was crushed under. She couldn’t even touch her belly. It brought even more tears to her voice.
“No, no! This is not your fault.” Robotnik reached over and held her hand. His larger one completely engulfing hers as he gave a gentle squeeze. “Don’t cry please, save your strength.”
But it was useless. What strength she previously had; it was no more. The pain in her body slowly turned to numbness. Her breathing slowed down. She only had enough strength to weakly whisper out one last sentence. “I-I... I love you...”
“And I love you! I’m so sorry! This is all my fault. I’m—”
—But alas, it was at that moment that Zinnia took her last breath and the light left her dark brown eyes, leaving then to stare vacantly up at the sky.
“—sorry... Please...forgive me.” A choked sob tore from his throat when he noticed she wasn’t breathing. “Zinnia? Zinnia...? Zinnia, please! Don’t-Don’t leave me! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”
She was his wife! He was supposed to protect her! But instead, he brought upon her horrifying death. He killed her... And in spite of having all this immense wealth and power in his possession, he could not save the woman he loved. Still loves... He remembered how she cried and pleaded with him to not go after the hedgehog. How she clung to him and begged him to not go down that road. But he just brushed her aside. How could be do that? How could he stare into her tearful eyes and push her away as if she was nothing. He was so consumed by his madness and greed for more, he didn’t realise he already had the greatest gift anyone could ever have: Love. If only he’d listened to her in the first place. This would not have happened. Despite what many people believed, both him and Zinnia were so happy together. He was even starting to change for the better all because of her. And he was finally going to have something he never had but always wanted; A family. But he destroyed it before it could even have a chance to grow. He let his greed control him. And it cost him his sugar plum...He remembered how that name came about. She loves...loved plums...These thoughts and regrets were raging in his mind now. The loss he had just suffered by his own hand no less, brought upon the most overwhelming feeling of self-hatred. The likes of which he had never felt before. 
Robotnik could not tolerate to look in her blank eyes anymore. It felt as though they stared right into his wretched soul. The doctor’s hand shook as he raised it to gently close her eyes. Now if it wasn’t for the blood slowly trickling out of her nose and mouth, one would mistake her to be peacefully asleep. Oh, how he wished that was the case. He wished he could wake up and find out it was all a horrible nightmare. But alas, it was not. Now, he could do nothing but kiss her cold lips one last time, lay his head on her lifeless body and weep. He was useless.
========== flashback end ==========
So caught up he was in this horrendous memory, he didn’t notice the car to slow down and swerve until it was too late.
“If you two don't disable that fucking car he's--fuck!!”  Robotnik #1 was not just seething with rage anymore. An intense fear was crawling through him as well. The fear of not being able to stop his other self in time.
But just at that moment, Theodore was able to shoot one of the tyres. “I think I hit it...”
“God damnit! No!” The other Robotnik bellowed out in frustration as the tyres screeched and his car came to a jerking stop.
“IT'S OVER YOU SON OF A BITCH!!” Their Robotnik screeched to a halt a few feet away and he wasted no time in jumping out of the car, and sprinting toward the imposter's car.
“Oh, thank God...” Zinnia on the other hand, tried to calm her nerves as she slowly stepped out of the car, only to be grabbed by said imposter.
“Let us leave and no one needs to get hurt!” The other Robotnik snarled as he pulled Zinnia closer with both arms around her body, gripping her tightly but not enough to be painful. That however did nothing to ease the young woman’s fears. She was practically trembling.
Fortunately, Emil came to her rescue. With his face a mask of cold, focused rage, he struck Robotnik's double with a rabbit punch. The force staggered him back, making him let go of Zinnia. “No... No!” Then he remembered his gloves. Assuming both him and his counterpart had identical technology. It was worth a try... He punched a few buttons on his glove with practised ease and successfully activated the drones, commanding them to fire at the others, except Zinnia, of course.
But sadly, she still got shot in the side as she ran away. Her body seized under the white hot pain she felt, causing her to fall with a pained scream. 
Robotnik #1 tackled his doppelganger in spite of the sudden hail of bullets, and he laid into him with his fists. Zinnia's scream only stoked the rage and hatred in his eyes...
“THEO! Go grab her! I'll draw them to me!” Stone started providing cover fire the same time as Theodore bellowed out Zinnia’s name and sprinted towards where she had fallen and now laid on the road, unable to move due to the immense pain she felt in her waist’s left side.
Theodore quickly kneeled down next to her and put pressure on her wound. “Hey, I got you.”
“Oh God... it hurts...” She barely managed to speak, her eyes screwed shut and face scrunched up in pain.
“Hey, it’ll be okay. I need you to breath” her boyfriend cradled her close and kept pressure on her wound.
“Stop touching me...” She whimpered and tried to blindly push away his hands as the pressure aggravated her pain.
“Zinnia, I need to make sure you don’t bleed out. Take deep breaths.”
Back with the two Robotnik’s, the fistfight came to an end because the second Robotnik had managed to get out his taser and fired it at the first Robotnik, successfully incapacitating him and pushed him away, “GET OFF ME!”
But he wasn’t out of the water yet. Emil strode closer, his eyes as crazed as Ivo's as he stomped on the imposter's chest with all his strength which definitely fractured a rib or two. He grunted in pain before grabbing Emil’s leg, and managed to throw him off his feet and stood up.
Agent Stone noticed and took aim at the other Robotnik and nicked him in the leg, causing him to lose his footing. He looked back, enraged and directed a drone to shoot at Stone, who promptly took cover behind the car.
While the others were distracted, the other Robotnik took it as an opportunity to escape. He limped towards an abandoned car, probably left behind in a panic by a terrified civilian, hopped in and drove off. ‘Today didn’t go as planned. But I will not give up...’  While racing away in the car, he was torn up between wanting to go back and make sure Zinnia was alright, to help her but he knew if he didn’t escape now, he would never get another chance. He never expected his other self to care this much about her, to be this passionate when it came to protecting her considering she happened to be in a relationship with a man who’s not him. But it may work in his favour. Knowing this, he hoped his other self would do everything in his power to make sure she would be fine.  
Meanwhile, their Robotnik was still on the ground, barely able to breathe but he tried to struggle to his feet anyway. He was helped up to his feet by Emil, who brought him closer to Zinnia. The misty air was condensing into a soft drizzle. “Did he hit any organs? Is she gonna be alright?!” Emil frantically questioned.
“No, nothing vital. But we need to have the wound treated...” Theodore answered, worry evident in his voice.
“We... Oh Jesus... Uhh, we have a hospital wing back at the compound. I think it might be the closest place.”
“Good idea... we should move.” Honestly, the compound was the last place he wanted Zinnia to be, but looking at the condition she was in, Theodore was quick to agree.
Robotnik fell to his knees next to Zinnia, opposite of Theo. He was as pale as a burial shroud. “Zinnia...” 
“H-hey...” The young woman managed to give Robotnik a smile despite her pain when she saw how worried he looked. “I-I’ll be fine...“
Robotnik started to say something to Agent Stone, but he couldn’t get the words out. He started sobbing, and he was mortified that he could not make it stop. Seeing Zinnia like that, he was overwhelmed with a sense of helplessness.
Zinnia’s eyebrows knitted together in a little worried frown. “Don’t c-cry! It wasn’t your fault!” She tried to reassure him but to avail.
“Uhh, do you... I can help you carry her if you need...” Emil asked Theodore before staring at Robotnik. In shock at the sobbing mess he’d become. “Ah Christ, Ivo!”
“No, it’s alright. I got her.” Theodore stood with Zinnia in his arms, wincing at the pained gasp she let out.
“Y-yeah, you l-look after Rob...” Zinnia told Emil, breathing heavily. “I-I’m starting to feel sick...” Nausea was creeping in.
Emil assured her while removing Dozy from the car. “Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him. Stone, can you drive us?”
Agent Stone looked the SUV over for damage before answering. “I should be able to, yeah.”
“Emil... take Tweety with you too, p-please...” Zinnia requested when she noticed him getting Dozy. The poor parrot was still in the car, probably in shock after the crazy car ride.
“C'mon buddy. You can sit with me n' Dozy...” Emil cautiously held out his forearm to the cockatoo who hesitated before perching on Emil’s arm. The bird was very worried about Zinnia. She sounded like she was in distress and he could detect the smell of blood...
“Alright... let’s leave. Quickly now! The bleeding is getting worse.” Theodore hurried over to the SUV with Zinnia in his arms. He settled them both in, with her lying on his lap, making sure she was as comfortable as possible. He noticed her bleeding had gotten worse. The entire left side of her black shirt now completely soaked in her blood. He quickly removed his jacket and pressed it to her wound, causing her face to contort in pain. Hopefully, it will help slow down the bleeding.
Robotnik was very quiet as he got inside the SUV after Theo and Zinnia. He sat as near to them as possible.
“Alright, I think everyone's accounted for, right?” Emil closed the door after climbing in the front seat next to Agent Stone, who immediately had to give Dozy ear scritches before driving away.
The car ride was quiet for a while until Zonic, who had been in the back the entire time, started messing around with his communicator, trying to make any contact with his team while mumbling to himself. “Fucking idiots. This is so bad. Destroying your own universes like this... ughh.”
“Shut up back there! What are you doing?” Agent Stone called out from the front before turning to look at the man next to him. “Emil--”
“I got it...” Emil climbed out of his seat and into the very back where Zonic was and reached over. “Just gimme that... whatever that is. I don't wanna hurt you, but I will. I've had an EXTREMELY long day.”
Despite his still untreated wounds, the hedgehog oozed confidence and lazily looked at Emil. “Talking to me?” Or perhaps it was the blood loss.
Emil grabbed him by the wrist. “No, asshole! The blue alien midget behind you! Why the fuck didn't you take this off him, Stone?!” He yelled at the Agent as he tried to grab the communicator.
“Good Chaos, just take it, don’t break it! I never thought I would miss being alone in an office...” Zonic managed to send one message before Emil snatched it away. “... welp, you can take it now. And I’m a multiverse guardian, also known as a zone cop, thank you very much.”
“Pfft, whatever, space-pig. I fuckin hate cops... You're lucky Ivo wants you alive!” Emil just scoffed before returning to his seat.
“I’d rather be dead.” The hedgehog replied in a serious tone.
The silence was broken once again, by Zinnia this time. “A-Are we...t-there yet? I’m n-not feeling...so good...” She mumbled, starting to feel weaker.
“WHY AREN'T YOU DRIVING FASTER?! STEP ON IT!!” Robotnik was quick to shout at Stone. Seeing Zinnia like that...he felt so helpless...
“Hey, stay awake. We’ll be there soon, okay?” Theodore gently held her limp hand. “I’m here.”
“I feel so tired...” she just whispered in response, her eyes starting to close on their own. 
“Zinnia, no! Try to stay awake for a little longer, please.” Her boyfriend urged her.
At the same time, Robotnik was also quick to keep her from closing her eyes as he practically yelled. “NO! You can't close your eyes! Look at your boyfriend or something!”
“Hmm...” Zinnia opened her eyes weakly. “But I just want to sleep...”  The blood loss was making her feel weak and faint. But they could not let her fall asleep. Because if they did, she may never wake up...
“I know. Please stay awake for a little longer. You can sleep all you want after we get there.” Theodore squeezed her hand, trying to get her to stay awake.
“Okay guys, we're almost to the parking garage! A team of medics will be there to get her to the hospital wing.” Stone informed them as he drove past the compound gates.
“Good, we’re here...I just...wanna sleep...” Zinnia faintly mumbled.
“DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! YOU'RE STAYING AWAKE UNTIL I SAY YOU CAN FALL ASLEEP!!” Robotnik wasted no time in jumping out of the car and screamed at the nearest emt. “GET HER INTO THE HOSPITAL! QUIT STANDING AROUND!!”
Theodore was quick to exit next, carrying Zinnia in his arms and followed Robotnik towards one of the awaiting emt’s. Agent Stone must’ve called ahead and informed them of the situation.
As soon as other Robotnik retreated to his hidden base and treated his injuries, he messaged his inter-dimensional counterpart. As much as he loathed to talk to him, he had to find out if Zinnia was alright. It was unlikely he would get a clear answer from him but he was desperate...:
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter How is she? Tell me she’s okay!
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot Well, considering the fact that you shot her while she fled terrified from you, what do you think?
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter This would not have happened if you hadn’t intervened! Everything was fine until you showed up! Why could you not have let me taken her? You don’t even love her like I do!
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot You're right. I don't love her like you do. Maybe that's why she wanted me to protect her from you. Nothing was fine. Even you, in your delusional state, must acknowledge that she had to be threatened and coerced into entering that car with you. What would you even do if you'd gotten away with her? Please, enlighten me as to how you'd force her to love you!
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter Please... Just tell me if she’s alive or not. Nothing else matters to me more than knowing whether she’s okay.
Dr Robotnik To: Fraudulent Idiot You're an idiot. She'd say the same thing if she could.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: The Imposter “If she could”??? Is she..
Dr Robotnik [message left on read]
Back at the compound, Robotnik had moved to Zinnia’s hospital room soon after her gunshot wound was treated. He brought his work with him as well. He was not letting her out of his sight until he knows that the other Robotnik is either dead or never coming back.
Theodore sat on the hospital bed, holding Zinnia close to him while she slept and gave Robotnik a strange look. “What are you still doing here?”
Robotnik was furiously typing away at a portable workstation as he answered. “What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to work! There's a lot to do before that idiot shows up again. He's been texting me non-stop... I made it sound like she's dead.” He paused to look up at Theo and smiled grimly. “If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's a little unstable!”
The other man appeared a bit uncertain. “You made it sound like she’s dead...? If he’s anything like you, I don’t think that will be enough to deter him. What does he want with her anyway?”
The scientist scoffed. “He loves her, allegedly. He did something to his universe's Zinnia, and now he wants ours. He thinks that he loves her, but this is how he goes about it...” He shook his head. “If there's anything I know about myself, it's that I wouldn't know love if it slapped me in the face. I'd never pretend to know...” He fell quiet and stopped typing for a moment. Then, he went back to work.
Unaware to either of them, Zinnia was awake and was listening to their conversation. She pretended to be asleep for a little longer, lying on the bed with her body tucked against Theodore’s, trying to get the raging emotions within her to calm down.
“Do you? Love her, I mean?” Since they were speaking, Theodore took it as an opportunity to probe further.
Robotnik gave Theo a deadpan expression. “If I loved her, then she'd be about as miserable as Liz, if not more. I'm sure you've heard about what I did to her. Emil isn't a discreet person.” His answer only managed to baffle the other man even more, causing him to shake his head in confusion.
“Then why do you care about her so much?” During the time Theodore has known Robotnik, he has seen the scientist to show genuine concern for only a select few people. Zinnia being one of them.
Robotnik’s gaze shifted from Theodore to Zinnia as he looked at her sadly. “I respect her. I want her to be safe and happy. I don't want to push her away like I've done with everyone else in my life.” What Robotnik didn’t realise however, was that is exactly what love is. Zinnia on the other hand, did as she silently listened to what he said. She couldn’t help but feel content at what she heard. 
Theodore just nodded silently and decided not to inquire further.
After a few minutes of silence, Zinnia decided she was unable to fall back to sleep, despite the fatigue she felt in her entire body. She groaned and rolls to her back, immediately regretting it as pain flares up in her waist. “Ugh, what time is it?”
“Zinnia!” Robotnik's out of his seat and by her side immediately. “Stop moving around so much. A bullet tore through your body just a few hours ago! You're a doctor--tell her to stop!”
“He’s right, Zinnia. You need to be on bed rest for a few more days.” Theodore gently held her shoulder to stop her from moving too much.”
“I wanna go home...” Zinnia whispered, feeling overwhelmed, before bursting into tears, cuddling close to Theodore.
“Hey, Zinnia...” He softly whispered and gently held her closer. “It’ll be alright.”
Robotnik just watched silently from his seat by the bed and hoped she’ll be alright soon.
The next day, Zinnia had not one but two unexpected visitors.
The door to the hospital room burst open and there stood John Constantine, “ZINNA HOLY FUCK!!!!!! LOOK AT MY SON!!!” He held up a little boy high in his hands in an imitation of Lion king.
The young woman was resting on her bed and was startled a bit due to John’s loud entry before she looked at the baby in wonder. “Oh my God, so cute! What’s his name?”
“Liam Mary Constantine...” John replied proudly.
Robotnik took that moment to enter the room as well, yelling at John all the while. “GET OUT OF HERE!! Can't you see she's recovering from a bullet wound?!” He noticed the baby in the other man’s hands. “Will you PLEASE remove that infant from the premises!”
“Can I hold him?” Zinnia reached out her hands towards John before looking at Robotnik with her wide, doe eyes. “He’s just a baby.”
“Be gentle, Zinna...” John ignored Robotnik and handed over little Liam to Zinnia.
“Of course!” The young woman held the baby close as she cooed. “Aww he’s so cute!” That unfortunately, prompted Robotnik to let out another outburst.
“Don't let it touch you! A newborn's immune system is weak so that child is a walking disease vector. ZINNIA'S BOYFRIEND! SAY SOMETHING!!”
“What?? It’s fine!” Theodore just gave Robotnik an amused look.
“Liam was born a few days ago, Robotnik, he's perfectly fine!!!” John shot back, smiling proudly.
The scientist growled in frustration before redirecting his attention towards Zinnia. “Fine! Just don't rupture your stitches!” Zinnia however, didn’t seem to pay attention to him as she cuddled the baby close. She noticed something very interesting. Little Liam had one blue eye and one dark brown eye. “Oohhh heterochromia! That’s neat!”
“Heh...Are you alright? What happened???” John worriedly questioned, causing Zinnia to stop smiling and turn gloomy all of a sudden. She looked to her boyfriend and he answered for her. “She got shot in an incident regarding the other Robotnik.”
“The coward fled. He couldn't bear to witness the consequences of his actions...” Robotnik seethed.
“A part of me thinks he’ll be back. After all, from what I’ve seen, you’re not one to give up easily...” Theodore shot the scientist a serious look.
“Oh bollocks. Sorry luv. Can I getcha anythin'?” John asked Zinnia, expressing his sympathy.
“Nothing really... I just want to go home...” Robotnik was quick to disagree with what she said.
“You're not safe there! He knows where you live!!”
“...I could kill 'im if ya need....” John offered, which Zinnia was highly against.
“...John please... I don’t want any bloodshed.” 
“Alrigh'...” The mage sat down on a spare chair. “So...What are we gonna do? The bastard hurt my friend, he's gonna pay.”
Robotnik spoke in a grumbling voice. “Why don't you just call him and set him on fire?”
“I would, but since your the same person I'd need his DNA so I don't set you on fire. Lock of hair, fingerprint...”
“No, no. Please, no setting anyone on fire!” Zinnia frantically shook her head.
“Alright. C-can I have my son back...??”
“Oh,” The young woman noticed she still had Liam in her arms. “Of course!” She gently handed him over to John before turning her attention towards Robotnik, her expression determined. “Oh and just so you know, if I’m staying here, so is Teddy.”
“Hm? Oh, right. The boyfriend, of course he can stay here.” The doctor was surprisingly quick to agree.
“I have a name, you know.” Theodore shot him an annoyed look, while in the background, John was talking to Liam using a baby voice. “Hello little hellion. Who’s daddy's little hellion??”
“Of course you do! Anyway,” Robotnik turned towards John. “I'm sure whoever have birth to that child would like to see him, right? I'll have one of my agents show you out.”
“Bloody rude.” John grumbled but agreed to being escorted out, waving them goodbye.
Zinnia waved back before asking Robotnik a question that had been in her mind for a while. “Hey, I just remembered, what happened to that blue hedgehog?”
“Oh, well, he's under surveillance by Agents Sobel and Stone. We need him alive right now, I'm sure he's fine.”
“Last time I saw him, he was hurt pretty badly...” She remembered how he had suffered gunshot wounds, much like her.
“I have some vet technicians working on him. He'll be fine...” The scientist clenched his fist. “He'd better be, for their sake.”
“So... why do you want him alive?”
“The off-brand me has the ability to travel between dimensions, and so does the hedgehog. I'm going to track that bastard down and strangle him with my bare hands...”
“Okay...” The young woman hesitated a bit. “Do you know why the off-brand you was after me specifically?” She already knew but wanted to see what he’ll say.
“He's under the impression that he's going to make you love him. That alone is proof that his intellect is crippled compared to mine.”
“What... but why?...” Zinnia appeared to be deep in thought. “He and the me from that universe were together?”
“So he says.” Robotnik shrugged. “Honestly? I can't imagine any version of you who's stupid enough to fall in love with me. Maybe he’s making it up because he fell for you when he saw you.”
“Hmm...I don’t think he is. He wouldn’t have risked his life like that for something made up.” She suddenly looked at him with a teasing smile. “Are you saying that I’m smart?”
He smirked, feeling so much affection for her at that moment that he didn’t know what to do except pinch her cheek. “What if he made it all up on the spot when he first saw you? And of course you're smart! I don't hire idiots!!”
She giggled while lightly batting his hand away. “I doubt that. Why would anyone make something like that up. And mayhaps I’m not as smart as you say I am, considering I do...love you. Not like that, but as a friend...I do.”
Meanwhile, Theodore was silently watching their exchange with a raised eyebrow, his expression unreadable.
Robotnik was genuinely taken aback by what Zinnia said, and it showed. He literally had no idea how to handle that unknown emotion he was feeling. He hugged her briefly before he stood up and returned to his workstation. “I should let you get done rest. You've had a long day.”
Her smile fades a bit as she looked at him worriedly. “Hey, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable...”
“I'm... I'm not uncomfortable! I just have to ensure that the knockoff version of me doesn't hijack my machines again!”
“Oh! Right, he was able to take control over your drones. Same technology probably...” Zinnia appeared to be deep in thought. “I do wonder, what exactly happened to this other version of me. He told me that I don’t exist in that universe anymore...”
“I have a few ideas as to what happened, and all of them are his doing. I know myself, and by extension I know him better than he knows himself. That man is adrift in a sea of self-delusion.” He scoffed.
“But you’re not like that... Something terrible must’ve happened for him to become this desperate...” She sighed. “So anyway, I guess I should move my stuff to my old room here. The stuff which is back at my house...”
“Not until you're recovered! Or maybe Theo can do it. It's not like he's going to be abducted!”
“Yeah, I can bring all your stuff here. No worries” Theodore readily agreed.
“Oh, and you think I can maybe... get a room with a window this time?” Zinnia asked Robotnik a bit timidly, not knowing how he would react. “My previous one doesn’t have one and it can be a bit suffocating sometimes.”
“Of course you can! And it won't just be a studio apartment, either. I'll make sure that it's nice and homey for you!” The scientist was smiling, overjoyed at the thought of having Zinnia live under his roof again.
“Really?” The young woman smiled brightly. “That would be great, if it’s not too much trouble of course!”
“Of course it isn't! You can even let Theo live with you! And... that fucking bird...”
“Oh yeah! I think he’s with Emil right now. And... I get that you still have a grudge against him. I’m sorry once again that he bit you. But look on the bright side, now we have something we can use to differentiate between you and your other self!” She giggled.
The next day, Zinnia was visited by Agent Stone. She got up from her bed to greet him. After doing so, he asked about Robotnik. “Has anyone seen the doctor? I don't think he's eaten in the past 24 hours and that's upsetting...”
“He hasn’t?? He’s been so worried about me lately. I feel kinda bad. Her boss was so busy looking after her, he neglected to take care of himself.
“Right--that other doctor shot you! Are you feeling better? ... Do you think there's another Agent Stone?”
“I’m much better. It still hurts a bit but other than that, I’m okay. Hmm I don’t know actually. There could be a possibility if there’s another me.” She answered.
“Two doctors... Imagine...” Stone looked lost in his thoughts all of a sudden, which caused Zinnia to give him a deadpan look.
“Stone... please stop.”
“Sorry! I wouldn't leave this dimension anyway, not since I'm finally allowed to talk to my daughter! She's a freshman at UC Berkeley!” Agent Stone said with pride in his voice.
Upon hearing that, Zinnia perked up looked at him curiously. “Oh really? I didn’t know you had kids. What’s her name?”
“Just the one. Her name is Sina Contreras. She, well, she took her mother's name. And that's fine!” He took an old photo out of his wallet. “She's grown so much since I took this picture of her...”
The young woman smiled brightly as she took a look at the photo. “Oh, she’s adorable!”
“She really is! And she lets me call her every week now. I finally was able to give her all of the letters I'd written to her all these years--”
“Agent Stone! What are you doing in here?! You're supposed to be guarding that blue rat!!” Robotnik barged into the room.
“That’s great! I’m so happy for you--” Zinnia’s attention turned towards her boss. “Oh hey, he was telling me that you haven’t eaten anything in a while.”
“Sorry, doctor! I'll just leave now...” And with that, Agent Stone left the room.
“Please do. And I've eaten! See all of those bottles over there?!” The scientist pointed to a bunch of empty Soylent bottles on his desk that he had set up in her room.
“What?? That’s not real food! I can cook something for you if you want.” She offered.
“YOU CAN'T LEAVE YOUR BED! What if you tear your stitches? What if you fall?! You!” He pointed at Theo as soon as he entered the room. “Tell her! You're the one who's her boyfriend!”
Said boyfriend sighed in mild exasperation. “Don’t you think you’re being a bit too overprotective?”
“Yeah...like there’s no need for all the cushion mats and stuff.” Zinnia gestured around her room. Earlier, Robotnik had ordered his custodians to put down cushioned mats on the floor and padding on all the corners, as if he was having the room baby-proofed.
“Of course not! She can do whatever the hell she wants! If "Doctor Theodore" says it's alright, you can run around as much as you want!” The scientist threw up his hands and walked out of the room, only to poke his head back in a minute later. “Just don't leave the compound yet, not until I'm standing over my dead lookalike with his blood dripping from my hands.” Then finally, he left, leaving Zinnia to stare after him with wide eyes.
The silence was broken by Theodore. “Well, that was...something.”
A few hours later, after everything had finally calmed down, Zinnia received a text message while she was laying in bed and just passing time on her phone. It was from the other Robotnik:
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia Zinnia, you’re alive! That bastard made me think you were dead! But you got shot... I’m so sorry.
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #2 It’s fine... I’m better now. But how did you find out...?
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia I saw you... with that infant... You have no idea how good it felt to see you in person yesterday, after so long...
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #2 Listen, I understand it was very difficult to lose your Zinnia but you have to understand that I’m not her.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia But you can be her. No, you are her.
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #2 I’m not! I don’t belong in your universe. My home is here.
Dr Ivo Robotnik To: Zinnia Here with that uptight British man who clearly doesn’t deserve you? With my other extremely more volatile self?! None of those people deserve you! I expect you to trust me and know that I know what’s best. I can look after you better than they can! That’s what I’m trying to do!
Dr Frost [left on read, feeling very scared indeed]
Dr Frost To: Dr Robotnik #1 He knows I’m alive. And that I’m here in your compound. I’m scared QwQ
Robotnik was in a room nearby, about to have a quick nap, but the moment he read Zinnia's text he was off the couch and back by her side in an instant. “He's insane if he thinks that he's going to bypass all of my automated defence systems! All of my private agents have been informed of the situation and if they see anyone who looks even a little like me then they're instructed to detain him if he can't supply them with the right passphrase. I'm going to issue your boyfriend a sidearm of his own in case I'm not here, okay? That lunatic will never get his hands on you!”
The young woman sighed sadly and nodded while sporting a very depressed expression. “So we just...wait now? I’m scared...”
"Hey..." Robotnik sat down on the bed next to her and took her hand. "We won't have to wait very long. I'm sure he has some idiotic plan to invade my compound, and he's a very rash and impatient man from what I've seen. When he finally shows his face and tries to use my own creations against me, we'll detain him and humanely dispose of him." he gave Theo a wink over Zinnia's head, and he didn't even attempt to hide the excitement he felt about the opportunity to kill his inferior self.
Zinnia looked up, still with that gloomy expression when she felt her hand being held by a larger one. She first thought it was Theodore but the feel of the glove suggested otherwise. She didn’t expect Robotnik to show this much affection towards her but then again, he’s been overly affectionate ever since she was abducted by him. She shuddered to think about the messages he sent her. She cleared her throat nervously and unconsciously squeezed his hand before speaking up. “You’re right. He has been... but he’s still basically you. He knows everything that you do. The odds right now... aren’t looking good.”
Theodore raised an eyebrow and gave the scientist an amused look but otherwise stayed silent and listened to whatever he had to say.
"He's in enemy territory though, and he knows that you don't want to leave with him. And what I've gleaned from taking with him makes me suspect that your interdimensional counterpart's demise might have been his fault. He probably lost his temper, or he treated her like an object even more than he does now... I know him better than he knows himself. Whatever his upbringing was, I can only assume that it wasn't quite like mine." His expression was grim. He didn't look at either of them. "Unlike him, I know what I am and what I'm capable of. I don't deny my true self."
“But...you don’t treat me badly,” Zinnia mumbled with a far-off in her eyes. “You both are identical...and yet different. I wonder exactly what lead him to become like this...”
Off in the distance, deep in the woods up in the mountains a few miles from Zinnia’s house was the other Robotnik. He had set up a temporary base, hidden within the mountains. Not many people travelled this far and even if some did, all they would see would be trees and land due to his cloaking device. And if for some reason they were to venture closer, his security drones would dispose of them.
The scientist himself was currently recovering from the injuries he had sustained during his fight with his other self and that strange Emil person. He has him to thank for his fractured ribs. While he recovered, he had successfully gained access into the other Robotnik’s security cameras. All his worries and rage dissipated, a soft smile replacing his frown as soon as he saw Zinnia in a hospital room, looking a bit weak and pale but alive. She was holding an infant. That image almost brought tears to his eyes as he was reminded of his late Zinnia who was expecting a child of their own. If he hadn’t screwed everything over, his Zinnia would be alive right now, along with their child. In fact, the child would be three years of age now...But he still has another chance to not only have Zinnia back but their child as well. 
’So that bastard lied to me.’ His mind went to that moment when his other self made him believe that she died. Considering he and Zinnia aren’t together in this universe, he was not expecting the response the other one showed when he abducted her. And he loathed to admit that he was unprepared for it. Looks like he’d have to hop back to his universe and get everything he needed to prepare himself for the next time. Because there will be a next time. He will never give up until he has her.
===to be continued? OwO===
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