#Honestly love this so so so much <333
kogglyuffs · 8 months
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practicing w vincerody cuzzzzzzzzzz
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hiddenmoonbeam · 5 months
Thinking about teenage Sirius, wickedly smart with top grades, a rich heir to an old pureblood house, tall and handsome and haugty, drawing many admiring and envious looks that he appears to be above acknowledging. Popular, yet sticks to his small and close circle of friends, not really allowing anyone else close.
But even with them he's guarded about his own physical space; the old uncease is hard to shake, and it twists the want into knots. No matter how much he craves this intimicy, he struggles to accept it when it's given, and initiating it himself is even more difficult.
Padfoot makes everything simple, though. And so Sirius starts turning into him whenever he needs to be close - because asking for cuddles is so much easier for the dog than it is for the boy.
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dustykneed · 4 months
heads up for spones spiceposting.... two of em actually. but honestly figuring out how to crop the other one is beyond me so here you go xD
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inspired by the premise of this INSANELY HOT fic by @twinkboimler (painted months ago for the mcspirk discord except for some reason i didn't think to put it here until now! but that's all good really because i needed something to post to tide yall over until after my finals. btw that last f!spones spice summoned a bunch of spicy mcspirk asks and i am absolutely delighted by your minds and i cannot wait to draw all of them!! but yeah. finals. so jsyk i'll get to your reqs in a week or two ^_^)
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fandom-zoomer · 5 months
I think I may have come up with the best worst tma time travel “fix-it” au (imho)
Inspired by Ketakoshka's 'dread spawn' idea in their dread child jon series, Dribbledscribbles' origin story for the dread powers and extinction entity interpretation in their extinction!jon fic (and some more of the latter in their post-eyepocalypse fic too), as well as my own love for making unholy (aka fun) fusions of things and sandboxing eldritch interactions with the 'mundane' . . .
. . . I have created a post-canon, Somewhere Else, time travel ""fix-it"" story that I think might be unique (at least I've never seen any fics like it– but if I'm wrong then please please share the link!! or dm me if it's your own work hehe but no pressure!!)
(mag 160+ spoilers after this point!)
(i'm about to wax poetics here (hopefully coherently)—so you can read the story-ramble OR you can scroll to the TL;DR at the bottom to skip it & spoilers to read the nutshell & see if you're interested :3)
so get this...
The big Change happens right? But this time the Extinction is a bigger player in the game than canon, and ultimately deeply marks Jon throughout the eyepocalypse.
So when the finale happens, since Jon is now connected to the epicenter of the whole show, his 'death' and the panopticon's destruction has the simultaneous effect of baiting the Dread Powers into the Hole (via his voice in the spools of tape)– and also killing everyone trapped by the Dread Powers in the world via Jon the walking detonator thanks to being entrenched in the Extinction's influence. —Combining both his best and worst plans and realizing his worst nightmare: killing everyone and spreading the Powers to an unknown number of worlds to wreak even more havoc.
How did this happen?
Simple—but first some backstory for context.
The Extinction was more of a 'lurker', much less "outgoing" than its 'siblings'. And when it was "grandiose", well. . . it tended to leave no survivors. Thus its unrecognition by those like Robert Smirke or Jürgen Leitner.
To go back even further, the Dread entities were originally one cohesive entity with many faces and limbs. Its faces reflected the same developmental complexity as the sources of their manifestation. So those with the most diverse species feeding them held the widest capacities. Namely: the Hunt, End, and Extinction. But being a singular entity, it didn't mean much.
But as human species' family lines develop and grow more complex cognitive ability, more esoteric Dreads developed, and more faces become more complex. And the Extinction was right there from the beginning as more species died out one by one. Quietly. (...maybe? 👀)
Over time humans discovered the Powers and bonded with them, then started to classify them. From here, the Dread entity fragmented into Dread entities.
They developed their own 'consciousnesses' distinct from the hive 'mind' they once were. And, eventually, sapience. Self-awareness. Desires. Personalities. But they were still connected, part of the 'system'.
The Extinction and the Web (newer, but always sapient) are a quirky pair, the Web seeking control over everything and the Extinction seeking ultimate entropy and change upon its catastrophe.
It's hard to distinguish the Extinction exactly, its work misidentified for others with few under its own unique umbrella. Things 'unique' to it get missed due to being a misnomer and not getting clocked. (But that is the nature of the Dread Powers after all.. being a fragmentation of their original singular mass.)
The Extinction represents the fear of disaster that will bring about the end of everything—everything you know, love, need to survive. Everything you built, worked for, hoped for. The destruction of stories and of life, of the very history written by your land—your home.
Your community. Your society. Your species.
Annihilated in totality.
The Extinction represents the fear of those that come after you to replace you—worse than you, different from you. Leaving you and your history and stories (the driver of your continued existence) forgotten forever. The fear of life moving on after you, ignorant and apathetic. Your story meaningless, irrelevant.
Your community's story. Your society's story. Your species' story.
Your story.
Erased and written over.
The Web represents the fear of being controlled, fate being out of your hands—by malevolent authorities out of reach, by abusive companions or relatives, by invisible forces far beyond the human comprehension. Spinning, winding, twisting, pulling each decision in your life made for you. Until destruction of the self by your own hand.
Your struggle for change futile. Your feet following the same path. Your fate determined for you.
You forfeit control—your feet march you to your bitter demise.
The Web represents the fear of being conspired against. Scheming, plotting, planning your downfall. The loss of everything you hold dear, worked for, bled for. Spinning, twisting, scripting lies about you. Your credibility falls to pieces, your world shatters, and your story distorts.
You are kept alive by the spreading of your story. And the people have decided to trust the manufactured tale.
You are forgotten—twisted into an image of something wrong.
Sometimes they're at odds. Where one seeks to manipulate the threads of everything endlessly, the other seeks to destroy it all so thoroughly, with such finality, as to mutate it– the schemes, the pawns, the gameboard itself.
Sometimes they're complementary. Where you watch as you lose everyone you cared for one by one, spiraling down a path darker into entropy, the irreversible nightmare, and wondering if you ever really had free will in the first place– if anyone did.
What if the end for you really was just another game to them? What if this wasn't their first round? What if you're just the next step in the grand scheme, larger than even your own universe?
Alright, now with that out of the way, let's bring back the question.
How did the Extinction change Jon, and how did this cause the altered result of the finale?
The Web has been there since the near beginning, pulling Jon along and guiding him to his next milestone in the plot. She had known the world would come to an end one way or another, and wanted to bring it about on her own terms so that she—they all—could escape it.
So when the Web saw what the Eye was doing, she had an idea. So she aided their acolytes, seeing her sibling as the perfect way to bring all of them together for the final step. And the Web set her own card onto the board: Jon.
Jon had a natural disposition for the Eye; from stubborn curiosity to the reckless pursuit for answers to even the coldest cases. Whether he knows it or not, his mind is a gaping maw for horrible knowledge—chasing after experiences disguised as answers to his burning questions so dreadful they leave scars on him like sigils of a looming doom.
While he has no affinity for the Web's machinations, he is still hers. She has no issue with guiding agents from across the court, she knows how to share. Especially when it benefits her. Jon archives each event, every little detail, with such care and readiness that he makes the perfect vessel to pull them in—to guide them out. He'd flourish best as her tool in the Watcher's sphere.
After the Watcher's Crown and the Dread Powers came into the world, the Extinction started to make its presence known. It seeped into other Domains and fed on the people's dread for permanent catastrophic change, on their fear of ruin and total desctruction. And as Jon traversed them and lived through their fear, so was he marked by the Extinction.
It seeped into his skin like oil and burned through his veins like acid. It tainted his trails with the radioactivity of human hubris and greed, twisting and mutating both the mundane and Dreadful as he passed. It closed its grasp on him with the tightness plastic rings and infected his Perceived routes with the stench of mountainous landfill and the thickness of city smog.
The Web and the Extinction had a complex relationship, but in this moment they guided the Archivist in synchronous song like a soldier being led to his final mission: dropping the nuclear bomb.
Did Jon know?
The twines of manipulation layer labyrinthine over everything, above and below and through every angle and dimension. Even the Nigh-Omniscient Antichrist and his All-Knowing God will never fathom its depths.
He might never know that he helped start the Extinction's ritual: Raze the Earth.
Or that both the Web and the Eye knew and did nothing. (honestly, the latter's only there for the show)
So when Martin stabbed Jon and Melanie lit the gas mainline, the threads around the world snapped and the glowing light of humanity's greatest sins exploded over everything—
—and they prayed—
—and they wept—
—and the Dreads rushed out torrentially. (pulling a few strays with them)
Now for the part you were all waiting for (well I was)—the Heart of this AU
The Dread Powers and the ones who were dragged with them were transported Somewhere Else– a parallel world in a parallel universe. But they were. . . Changed from their previous/original selves.
The tag-alongs—Martin & Jon of course, but also Annabelle Cane, Oliver Banks, Simon Fairchild, and Arthur Nolan—replaced their parallels at birth, and gained partial or full amnesia to their past lives. But their personalities are altered, reflecting some aspects of their pre-finale personalities.
Except for Jon. Jon, the Pupil of the Eye, the Warhead of the Extinction, the Spools of the Web, the Archive of the Dreads and linchpin to their escape. . . was significantly destroyed in the center of the storm. He got it and so much worse—a stick so short its existence was inverted.
While they did get reach the new universe, they had to reconstruct their linchpin/Archive that they're still connected to so that his total destruction doesn't tear them apart as well (being an Extinction avatar that's now deeply connected with them, he's capable of "taking them down with him").
When Jon was reborn, he was literally thrown into the world like a meteorite, landing with an explosive blast that rendered the surrounding area a lifeless wasteland in moments. High radioactivity and a deathly curse left few flora or fauna returning before wasting away soon after. Those that 'survived' did so by being infected by the Extinction or Corruption.
It would permanently remain uninhabitable, and it would take months before the withered stillborn spawn of the sapient eldritch Dread Entities would crawl out of the jagged crater on its own, none the wiser to its tragedies.
The Web manipulated Jon's attempt to put a stop to the Entities' reign, utilizing the Eye's easy influence to help the Dreads escape the world and into a fresh new one before they were also destroyed in the Extinction's "Raze the Earth" ritual (set up by using Jon to weave toxic-filled veins throughout the world he was traversing that'll explode at once 'grand finale' style).
Jon, now deeply binded to the Entities' purest forms and still an Extinction time-bomb, was mostly destroyed during the trip to Somewhere Else and the Entities had to reconstruct him so his death wouldn't destroy them too. This led to Jon being reborn a near completely different being (with some of him preserved) as functionally the direct spawn of the Dread Powers, replacing his parallel counterpart from the new world.
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neoluca · 5 months
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Listening to: Fast Times at Barrington High - The Academy Is...
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swiftmitsu · 6 months
You must be so stressed from days! here's A LOT of blahaj's for you :3
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here's a Spotify song for u too !
(reminder, use a Spotify apk to listen ! do NOT support the app as it supports isnotreal.)
Anyways, love you. Bye! have a great day :)
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im squeezing my giant Furret one right now UEUEUUE
AND THE SONGGG THANK YOUU (that was a cool song ehehe)
I LOVE YOU TOO /p 🥺💛💛💛
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daisies-on-a-cup · 1 year
all my mutuals are so smart and well read... makes me feel like richard papen lurking behind bookshelves to listen to people way cooler than me translate some of the oldest texts in one of the hardest languages, except its me staring at my mutuals posts about cannibalism, murder, religion, and other taboo topics with the finesse of aged professors in their expert field
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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AFTERMARE WEEK: day 2- discovery/lost
lost into those eyes of yours i realized, there was nothing that could be done to still my beating heart
aftermare week is hosted by @bluepallilworld
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dark-and-kawaii · 10 days
came for the smut stayed for the lore drops for your characters. Zavrik can sweep me off my feet with his his dad 💖
(づ>/////<)づ Awhhh~ ♡ ♡ ♡!!!
Oh my gosh oh my gosh!!! This is making blush so hard ♡ ♡ ♡!!! I really, sincerely, never imagined people would love my babies!!! Let alone have a crush on some of them!!!
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Dying at how you want Zavrik to steal you away with Zevlor!!! You’ll have to fight Lofn for Zevlor (ง︡'-'︠)ง and she’s a mean little thing when it comes to protecting her man ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ…. I won’t lie though the thought of Zavrik tag teaming… no no bad kiwi!!!
Honestly though… Both these men would treat you so right, like royalty and always be at your side safeguarding you like the knights in shining armor they are xoxo
Thank you so much for the love and loving my lore drops when I post them!! This is always so heartwarming and it’s something I’ll think about the rest of the day! I really have to credit @jellyfitzjelly for inspiring me so much to continue and for always feeding me so well when it come to my Thay family xoxo if it wasn’t for Jelly I don’t think I would have posted as much as I have about them all ♡ ♡
- 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒦𝒾𝓌𝒾 𝓍𝑜𝓍𝑜
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gothsuguru · 2 days
i’m here to ask you more about ‘out of my league’ (university au my belovedddd as you already know hehe :3 ) and ‘my love builds coffins’ because they both sound soooooo tasty!!!!
i’m so intrigued by your geto brainrot because you always come up with the most delicious and unique pairings and aus!! <33
much love,
Lily xo @storiesoflilies
THE FACT THAT I KNEW YOU WOULD ASK ABOUT UNI CRUSH!SUKUNA NDNFNFNDNDNF i know you and your love for your husband (sukie) so well 🤭 AND OMFG I’M SO HAPPY YOU ASKED ABOUT HARPIST!GETO THAT ONE JUST RECENTLY MADE ME VERY FERAL :3 putting in the wip ask game here so i don’t forget hehe
ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! you saying that i come up w unique pairings/au’s is literally the sweetest thing in the world i’m tucking that comment 2 my chest <3 hehe
my love builds coffins:
AHHHHHHH YOU DON’T KNOW HOW ECSTATIC I AM THAT YOU ASKED FOR THIS ONE HEHE IT’S A RECENT WIP AND IT’S MAKING ME INSANE!!!!! the title of the song is actually “my boy builds coffins” by florence + the machine but i wanted reader to be the coffin builder so i changed it up :3
okay so BASICALLY the gist that i have set up rn is that suguru is a harp player and ofc it’s such an angelic instrument that brings ethereal joy to others… but two of his friends (haibara & riko) passed away in a tragic car accident on their way to his show… i think suguru genuinely almost loses his way and can’t even look at his harp anymore but his best friend satoru wants him to find his way again — so suguru finds a cottage to stay at while also trying to process his grief.
there he meets a coffin maker who he gets to know a bit and they try and help him through his grief (this reader i think will be very beloved to me in the future… they’re not like my normal brash loud silly readers… they’re a bit more subdued & have an air of calm & mystique that intrigues and entrances suguru!) this fic i think will be about two people bonding over grief and trying to overcome it the best way they can together… i’m actually really excited to write this fic and get more ideas about it so thank you so much lily for asking about it :’) i think this fic will be very near and dear to me and a lot more softer/bittersweet/morose yet hopefully filled w fondness & longing! i’ll try and get ideas to write abt this soon :’)
out my of league:
ok this was actually originally a frat boy!geto fic but as i was writing it i found myself way more drawn to sukuna who is reader’s best friend! i started looking at their dialogue & the way they interact and i just fell in love with the idea of him as the campus crush but reader being the ONLY one he can tolerate! it’s a uni au and also best friend to lovers <333 sukie is so funny to me bc he doesn’t realize he’s in love until it hits him like a freight train & is like damn i like this bitch 😑😒
this snippet is what started it all for me 😭
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enluv · 9 months
not sure how I missed it till now but thank you for 3.9k ?!?!?! y’all are insanely incredible 🫰🏽 love you all so much hehehe be on the lookout for some new content soon!! muah love you all tooties <333
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basketobread · 10 months
Hi! I've been wanting to say this to you for a while now, but you and your art bring me so much joy!! \(^o^)/ Every time you pop up on my dash I always have a good laugh, I absolutely LOVE your energy and the way you draw! You have one of the best and most unique art styles I've seen, you're definitely one of my fave artists ever!! 🥰
I first saw your "Thy Mother" art with Lotus and I was INSTANTLY hooked xD As a bard enthusiast myself and my beloved Tav being a bard, I just DIED of laughter when I saw that artwork IT'S TOO DAMN GOOD 😂
I also have a huge soft spot for Lunara! She's so cute and also, one of my fave things you do is when you draw that funny wrinkly face on Karlach. It ALWAYS cheers me up whenever I'm having a bad day, plus I keep coming back to that "White Girl Shadowheart" artwork of yours and it never gets old! 🤣
Thank you SO much for gracing us with your art and for being such an awesome hooman bean all the time!! 🙌❤️❤️❤️
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oh my gosh... well, if this isn't just the sweetest message i've ever read then idk what is!! 😭😭❤❤ THANK YOU!!! SO VERY MUCH!!! FOR THESE KIND WORDS!!! seriously, you have NO idea how much this means to me. i started this blog just to have fun and post some fanart of my fav game ever and did NOT expect so many people to tune in on my bg3 adventure!!
i am FOREVER GRATEFUL!!! and you have absolutely no idea how ECSTATIC i feel to hear you talk about my characters in such a way too!! lotus and lunara are my pride and joy so seeing people enjoy them as much as i do has been a blast <33
seriously, i cannot express how happy i am to have received this ask. you're so sweet!! i'm going to be thinking about this all day now HAHA
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ifyoucandaniel · 2 years
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So I know this is more of a marauders blog bc that’s what I’ve been obsessed with more recently, but throwback to my one true love neil josten and my never dying foxhole court phase
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rosylamb · 1 year
Hello, my friends! I hope that you're doing well & taking care ♡
This is just something I feel needs to be said:
I apologize for how long people have had to wait for me to get back to asks & stuff!
Since I treat people so warm & welcoming I think it's assumed I'm outgoing and social
And when I say I'm shy I'm just saying things
Not at all! I'm actually extremely introverted & keep to myself most of the time. Being social makes me nervous
I believe in kindness though. A friendly world with people who care about & consider one another is where I'd like to live ♡
So I try hard to get over my shyness & show as much love to everyone here as I can c:
And honestly, I enjoy seeing & hearing from new people! I'm really happy for all the kind hearts who reach out :D
It’s just often a lot for one as timid as I am :’)
So I’m sure it seems like you’re being ignored, but as long as you're courteous (and *not* inappropriate! As my blog states no adult content) I'll get back to you!
It might take a while, but all I ask is a bit of patience, please ♡
Sending hugs, hearts, & much happiness to my sweet friends! Thank you very much for all the love & I wish you the nicest day ~ ! 🤍 ⊹ ✿ 。⁺ ♡₊ ࣪⋆ 🌼 XOXO
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mirabel-on-a-bicycle · 6 months
a painting/work of art u think of often??
ougghh so manyy thank u for asking😭😭 i'm absolutely in LOVE with this artist emilyamiao and i think about mostly all of her works one after another daily🤧 also she's taken them down now but she had my most favorite animatics ever on yt and i think about the 'A Lovely Night' one SO much
idk if short films count but Last Summer from Gobelins is def up there for me too, I watch it like once a month at least and it's not even that profound or anything, its just that i found it at the most perfect time when i was leaving school for college and so were all my friends, and idk i really saw myself in that, it'll always have a place in my heart :')
Another life by @eunnieboo made me go absolutely fERAL too that is the most ouugghgdsfafh concept I've ever come across and I could cry over it forever. Like the way the paintings are towering over them and its literally their past lives looking down at them in a way and reaching out and smth smth in yun from past lives and its SO beautiful I just🤧 yeahg. lots of feelings
Then there's this absolutely soft fucking painting
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A Man Reading by Octavian Smigelschi
I just cannot? handle??how soft and beautiful it is???? and on top of that the backstory behind this makes me go insane too because even before reading it I could feel the yearning from the screen, there's so much love that went into this 🤧</3
Anything by Monet is an immediate yes for me too I could lay down in all of those paintings anyday 10/10 points for layability 😌
also side note this ask just made me realise that my "type" for paintings is just yearning abbaffshsjd
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So this episode was about teachers committing to and caring about their students, and district people too, and I love that :'). Sometimes all you need is a district person who will keep putting in the effort like that, and I love when it happens for people <33
Anyway! I'm so glad they got the interpreter for Amani, she so deserves it :'D. Everyone does :').
I'm glad Gregory decided to let them stay :') I think he can really help these kids out and be a good place for them :)) :D
Also proud of Tariq for finally calling Nick his name :'D hope they do get close :)
Poor Barbara though xD
And once again proud of Janine for fighting through it to get the ASL interpreter :')) and the way she did it was so iconic xD same for the parents lol, going to a reporter that already doesn't like the district LOL, but yeah I am so happy for them :D
Also I love Jacob and Janine <33
With going out for drinks at the end, I hope Janine doesn't leave them behind :((
Btw the reason for the boys being in Gregory's room being that the Mortons are in couples therapy is hilarious xDD
And lol hopefully it's just like, upkeep, because they just got married xD
Anyway!! I am distrustful of districts but I hope it works out (with the issues obviously) on the show :). And even though I am I know this side of the story needs to be seen as well so it's nice to see, switches it up on me a bit more than usual. Like, makes me a little more uncomfortable and see it a different way more than usual. Which is good :)
Loved the episode!!! I'm so excited for next week :D
And also terrified :')
But I almost definitely won't be able to watch it lol so, I'll see y'all a little bit after that lol
Bye y'all!
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