#Agricultural supplies near me
mcveighparker · 5 days
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baurenhofequipment · 2 years
Used Valtra A Series Tractors for Sale in Canada
The VALTRA A SERIES (75-135 Hp) – The A series is one of the best tractor series that is being used for field purposes. It is one of the best Farming equipment that you can purchase from our website.  This tractor machine has some amazing features like new gear models, redesigned cover engine, dual-circuit hydraulic brakes, and beautifully redesigned wheels.
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
🦾 - High-Five for Bionic Hand
1. Houston-area school district announces free breakfast and lunch for students
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Pasadena ISD students will be getting free breakfast and lunch for the 2023-24 school year, per an announcement on the district's social media pages.
The 2023-24 free lunch program is thanks to a Community Eligibility Provision grant the district applied for last year. The CEP, which is distributed by the Department of Agriculture, is specially geared toward providing free meals for low-income students.
2. Dolphin and her baby rescued after being trapped in pond for 2 years
A pair of dolphins that spent nearly two years stuck in a Louisiana pond system are back at sea thanks to the help of several agencies and volunteers.
According to the Audubon Nature Institute, wildlife observers believe the mother dolphin and her baby were pushed into the pond system near Grand Isle, Louisiana, during Hurricane Ida in late August 2021.
3. Studies show that putting solar panels over waterways could boost clean energy and conserve water. The first U.S. pilot project is getting underway in California.
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Some 8,000 miles of federally owned canals snake across the United States, channeling water to replenish crops, fuel hydropower plants and supply drinking water to rural communities. In the future, these narrow waterways could serve an additional role: as hubs of solar energy generation.
4. Gene therapy eyedrops restored a boy's sight. Similar treatments could help millions
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Antonio was born with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, a rare genetic condition that causes blisters all over his body and in his eyes. But his skin improved when he joined a clinical trial to test the world’s first topical gene therapy.
The same therapy was applied to his eyes. Antonio, who’s been legally blind for much of his 14 years, can see again.
5. Scientists develop game-changing vaccine against Lyme disease ticks!
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A major step in battling Lyme disease and other dangerous tick-borne viruses may have been taken as researchers announced they have developed a vaccine against the ticks themselves.
Rather than combatting the effects of the bacteria or microbe that causes Lyme disease, the vaccine targets the microbiota of the tick, according to a paper published in the journal Microbiota on Monday.
6. HIV Transmission Virtually Eliminated in Inner Sydney, Australia
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Sydney may be the first city in the world to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. Inner Sydney has reduced new HIV acquisitions by 88%, meaning it may be the first locality in the world to reach the UN target to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030
7. New bionic hand allows amputees to control each finger with unprecedented accuracy
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In a world first, surgeons and engineers have developed a new bionic hand that allows users with arm amputations to effortlessly control each finger as though it was their own body.
Successful testing of the bionic hand has already been conducted on a patient who lost his arm above the elbow.
That's it for this week :)
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allbeforee · 11 months
Words from a Palestinian (Eman Basher)
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Translation of this tweet.
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ID and plain text broken up version below
Image ID:
Let me tell a few things clearly and in Arabic: Regardless of October 7th incidents, Israel has constantly been bombing Gaza. I work at a school affiliated with the UNRWA near the borders. We're always asked to wear loose clothing to help us escape in the event of bombing. More than half of the female students in the class, not only have martyr relatives, they also witnessed the death of martyrs before their eyes.
Meaning, more than three-quarters of the students in my school have psychological trauma. More than once we fled from school under random bombing. More than once we hide in our classes and sit on the floor (like the CNN broadcaster), but this time I have 40 students in the class and I am charged with protecting them, and I cannot even protect myself.
Many times we would go back to school when we were not in a state of war, and we would find a girl who had been martyred, or in the hospital seriously injured because a soldier on the border had targeted her while she was in her home.
The residents of Beit Hanoun, all of their agricultural land, which is their livelihood, is on the border. Go and ask them about the tragedies they experience day in and day out. How many times have their crops been burned? How many times have they been targeted while they were farming safely?
Before October 7th, Israel constantly assaulted women on their way to prayers in Jerusalem, preventing them from reaching Al-Aqsa Mosque for days. Celebrations are held in vain and repeatedly, and they chant racist slogans to provoke the Palestinian people of Jerusalem.
Gazans need a permit to enter the West Bank, which is often denied (for education, work, treatment, all the same, forbidden).
On a personal note, I am 32 years old and have never visited Jerusalem or the rest of the cities of Palestine. Patients with serious medical conditions that require a transfer to the West Bank die while waiting for the approval of the transfer.
Checkpoints are widespread in the West Bank on every street, to the point that you take 2 hours to reach a place that you can normally reach in 15 mins because you have to stop and wait many times. Israel arrests men, women, and children, imprisons them without charge or trial, abuses them, and tortures them in prisons without supervision. If it releases them in deals - something that happens once in a lifetime - it exiles them to another city far from their family, that if it doesn't take them captive again!
Settlers occupy houses in the West Bank, steal them and live in them (just like that, imagine!), and the Palestinian who yesterday was still sleeping in this house is expelled under the cover of the occupation government. Even the Palestinians inside Israel, who are supposed to have Israeli identity cards, were not spared. They are treated as second-class citizens and are considered a minority.
They are prevented from many jobs. Armed Israeli gangs constantly assault them in the streets and in their homes. They are killed without any accountability. Rather, their killing is encouraged because they are causing a crisis for the occupying state.
In Gaza, if you order something online, it will take a year and we will be answered verbatim "it's up to the mood of the Israeli soldier working at the crossing". Three-quarters of the items Israel considers to be dual-use and refuses to enter the Gaza Strip, the most important of which is reinforced iron, which can be used in building shelters to protect civilians in wars.
I once ordered diving goggles, and they were returned because they were classified as dual use. Everything entering the sector is subject to inspection. Israel rations the Gaza Strip's food supplies so that the food that enters is not enough for a single person. It updates its data after each war to account for the sector's decrease in population due to martyrdom (articles are widespread and numerous, for example how it rations the entry of chocolate into the sector according to its own specific calculation).
Fishermen are hunted at sea and they're falsely accused of getting close to the border. The fishing area keeps shrinking that they now have a tiny area from which they can make a living.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of the occupation's practices against the Palestinians in general and Gaza in particular.
Israel did not need October 7th except to inflame people's feelings, remind them of the Jewish tragedy, and wipe out the Gaza Strip, with the world giving it the green light. If October 7th hadn't happened, Israel would have bombed the Gaza Strip and said that a Gazan dog walked near the border and denied the Holocaust.
Resistance, tunnels, return marches, and demonstrations are all forms of oppressed people trying to defend themselves. Whether they succeed or fail, they are all attempts to say that we died with dignity, and at least we tried not to let them kill us while they were happy. As Naseer said, "If it were not for the resistance, your mother would've been washing an Israeli soldier's feet in a basin right now."
The occupation is not the enemy of the resistance itself. The occupation is my enemy, the enemy of my students, the enemy of my children, the enemy of my family members, and the enemy of my people. If God allowed us to live, I would like to let my children and students grow up cursing Israel. The battle is not over yet. This is not a post of justification, I don't have to justify to the world why we resist.
This is for some of my people who seem to believe the occupation's repeated narrative that its goal is to eliminate Hamas. And to remind them that in the past there was no Hamas, but your grandfather and grandmother were still killed. My son and your son are not Hamas, but my son and your son are still being killed.
End ID
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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We don’t want autonomy
Daniel and Miriam live in the community Juan Lincopan, at Ranquilhue, with their three daughters. The community consists of about 300 families living on 400 hectares, and is trying to retake another 1000 hectares. They live amongst gentle, rolling hills, partially forested, above the northwest part of the Lleu Lleu. Alongside their house, which they’ve just finished building themselves, Daniel and Miriam have a large garden, and higher up on the hill a field for potato and barley. Someone in the community owns a tractor he rents out for plowing, otherwise they would plow with oxen. In their garden they practice organic agriculture, though they haven’t yet begun to implement this practice in the fields.
They have chickens and a steady supply of eggs, dogs that live in the space under the house and warn of anyone approaching, they make their own bread and cook and heat the house with a wood stove. The house has a water connection but no sewage; all the graywater drains into the garden, and at the edge of the yard is an outhouse.
Proudly, Miriam shows me a line of trees they have planted near their house, all native species like the notro, haulli, arayan, and hazelnut. “We found the seedlings up in the mountains and brought them down here,” she explains. The top of the hill is still covered in exotic eucalyptus trees, which drain the water table, but they’re harvesting the eucalyptus for firewood and slowly replacing them with native species.
They want their daughters to go to school at least until they learn how to read, but there doesn’t seem to be any great pressure to attend. During the days that we stay with them, one daughter seems to be playing hooky permanently. Miriam says she likes to bring her daughters along on land recovery actions so they can get a sense of the struggle, and an understanding that all this is their territory.
In the past, most young Mapuche went to the cities but now an increasing number are staying in the country. What they really need now is an independent school in their community, that will not train Chilean citizens but will be based in the Mapuche worldview.
Both Daniel and Miriam used to belong to the C.A.M. but they have since left it. “The C.A.M. came from the outside and did their work very well, but after the actions they’d leave, and who would receive the consequences? The community. We don’t think that’s a good strategy. We work inside the community to make the struggle from the inside. Even if it takes 15, 20 years.”
C.A.M., though it was the most radical Mapuche organization until recently, proposes autonomy instead of independence, meaning that the Mapuche would receive cultural and political rights, and perhaps their own regional government, within the Chilean state. Some of their lands would be returned to them, though ownership would still be formulated according to the existing capitalist laws. An increasing number of Mapuche are beginning to think that the time has come to openly propose independence, restoring the pre-1880 borders, as guaranteed by multiple treaties with the Spanish crown and the Chilean state, and restoring a sovereign Wallmapu, self-organized according to its own cultural traditions, circular, ecocentric, decentralized, and nonhierarchical.
We talk with Daniel and Miriam about all the similarities between the struggles in Wallmapu and in Euskal Herria, the Basque country. The Basques have won an autonomous government within the Spanish state, and some cultural rights for the preservation of their language, coupled with an even stronger repression that applies the antiterrorist law, torture, and long prison sentences against anyone who fights by any means for the full independence of the Basque people. If that’s autonomy, “then we won’t fight for autonomy,” laughs Miriam.
As the Mapuche struggle strengthens, the repression also becomes more effective. In the past, the police would come into Mapuche communities and get lost, but now they know where everything is. Now there are also police experts who know Mapudungun, the language, and there are more infiltrators, like one university student from Concepcion whose testimony led to several arrests, and who is currently working in Mexico, they say. “Bachelet,” the Socialist president who preceded Piñera, “had two faces. She showed a nice face, and then sent in the repression. There was more repression with her than there is now.”
In fact, a number of young Mapuche were killed by police during the previous government. Three cases are best known, and their names grace the walls of many towns and cities around the Mapuche territories. Alex Lemun, shot in the head near Angol. Matias Cachileo, shot in the back in January 2008 on the estate of a big landlord, his body fell into a canal and had to be fished out. Mendoza Colliu, shot in the back in August 2009. “All of them were shot from behind, none in the front,” Daniel explains gravely. “They were all running!” Miriam adds, and they start to laugh.
They talk about how the struggle is growing beyond the exhausting cycle of action, arrest, and support, and how they need to develop a legal aid organization, as a shield, to function alongside the more militant parts of the struggle.
The Mapuche are by no means victims. These confrontations have taken place during a forceful struggle for the recovery of their lands. At Ranquilhue, there used to be some trailers where timber employees lived, watching over the usurped lands. Around the 2004, the houses were set on fire, and the workers and their families were burned out. Then the state set up a makeshift command center where a number of police lived, to guard the timber plantation. Chile’s strategy of control is highly legalistic, so instead of hiring mercenaries or paramilitaries as they might in other countries, the timber corporations rely directly on police protection.
Around 2006, it was time for the police to go. This time, the community members didn’t come in the night, but in the daytime, in their hundreds, and forced out the police. Since then, that particular pine plantation has been unprotected, and the community has begun clearing it so they can plant fields. Up until then, the forestry company wanted to rent out land right on the banks of the lake, the Lleu Lleu, to build a tourist hotel. The local Mapuche would receive employment, Daniel relates with disgust, working at the hotel for the tourists, selling them vegetables, cleaning their toilets. After the police were forced out, the hotel project was put on hold. Some tourist cabins owned by outsiders were also torched around this time. Around Ranquilhue there are a few vacation cabins owned by Mapuche and rented out in the summers to generate some income, but they are low key and exist on the terms of the community members themselves.
There is, however, a problem with indigenous capitalism. Daniel and Miriam relate one story of a community member who used his lands for small-scale agribusiness, and others who kicked out the logging companies only to continue to harvest and sell exotic trees on that land. But the only companies able to buy the lumber were the very same logging companies, so in the end they didn’t care who controlled or managed the land as long as it continued producing under a capitalist logic. Recreating capitalism within their struggle is a recognized danger.
And then there are Mapuche politicians. There are those who work with the government, and those who try to form political parties to co-opt the struggle, “but there is no Mapuche political party, it doesn’t exist, because we closed the door and they’re left on the outside.”
“The Mapuche can have their independence, but if they lack the spiritual side of things it’s nothing. A Mapuche without newen is not Mapuche.” Newen, they explain, means strength, but it is also the strength of nature, or the energy one receives from the natural world. “The time when the sky goes from dark to light is when you receive all your strength.” Accordingly, there is a specific Mapuche ritual that one undertakes in times of difficulty, getting up before dawn to ask for strength and draw on the power of the world.
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mariacallous · 6 months
ODESA, Ukraine—In his office overlooking Odesa’s Pivdennyi Port on the Black Sea, Viktor Berestenko smiled contentedly at the half-dozen large international cargo ships just beyond the harbor. “It’s as beautiful as your first kiss,” said the grinning president of the Association of International Freight Forwarders of Ukraine. Speaking to Foreign Policy in late March Berestenko was only too happy to inform me that Ukraine’s three free ports—all in and around Odesa—are operating 24/7, and that the country’s grain exports are back to prewar levels.
The restoration of Black Sea trade is a major breakthrough for Ukraine, in stark contrast to the losses it has endured this year on the eastern fronts. In the Black Sea theater, Ukraine has pulled off the unthinkable: beating back the esteemed Russian Navy even though it has next to no naval force of its own.
From the tiny swath of coastline around Odesa, Ukraine has stymied Moscow’s attempt to landlock and hobble its economy by rendering it unable to market its voluminous agricultural exports. In the spring of 2022, the Russian military barricaded Ukraine’s Black Sea ports and brought exports to a standstill. This forced Ukraine to shift to land routes to market its goods and caused worldwide grain prices to spike, which raised concerns about famine in the Middle East and Africa. Today, Russia still occupies 16 Ukrainian ports. But the Black Sea front looks more hopeful for Ukraine than at any time since the war’s onset more than two years ago.
The Ukrainian fleet lost 80 percent of its vessels after the Russian occupation of Crimea in 2014. But, relying a combination of missile systems and unmanned drone boats guided by advanced GPS and cameras, Ukraine’s armed forces claim to have crippled a third of Russia’s Black Sea fleet. They have also upended the Russian supply lines that serve thousands of troops in the occupied areas of southern Ukraine.
On March 24, Ukraine landed another blow, reportedly using U.K.- or French-made air-to-surface missiles, taking out two large Russian landing ships and other infrastructure near the occupied Crimean port city of Sevastopol. Russia’s fleet has suffered such a drubbing that it prompted the firing of its top admiral, Nikolai Yevmenov, in mid-March. Today, Russia’s remaining ships are in docked in berths along the far side of the Crimean Peninsula, out of sight but not entirely out of Ukraine’s reach.
“Russia wanted to turn the Black Sea into a big Russian lake. But Ukraine reversed it,” said Volodymyr Dubovyk, the director of the Center for International Studies at the Odesa Mechnikov National University. “Russian ships today don’t venture into the northwest of the Black Sea.”
This cover has enabled Ukraine to improvise a sea corridor that begins in Odesa and hugs the safe shores of NATO members Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey as ships travel southwest en route to the Bosphorus Strait, through which most Black Sea trade passes. Exploiting a bumper crop, Ukraine is now exporting as much grain—corn, wheat, and barley—as it did before the war, as well as other goods, and has opened its Odesan ports for nighttime business to handle yet more. Prior to the war, Ukraine traded more grain than the entire European Union and supplied half of the globally traded sunflower oil, as well as iron ore and fertilizer, according to Bloomberg.
“This is enormously important for Ukraine’s economy, for the Odesa region, and for our future,” said Sergey Yakubovskiy, an economist at Odesa National University. “We have to do everything to keep this route open and reliable.”
Ukraine’s asymmetric Black Sea strategy relies ever more upon Ukraine-made drone boats—known as uncrewed surface vessels (USVs)—that speed across the water beneath Russian radar carrying up to 800 kilograms (1,760 pounds) of explosives. These projectiles have sunk or disabled some of the 24 lost Russian warships, evidence that Ukraine’s domestic arms production has been stepped up and is increasingly consequential in the absence of anticipated U.S. and European assistance. According to the Guardian, there are currently 200 drone manufacturing companies in Ukraine, some of them bankrolled by crowdfunding campaigns. In December 2023, they delivered 50 times as many robotic explosives as in the entire year of 2022, according to Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation.
Ukraine’s strategy is to maintain its presence in the Black Sea with the prospect of soon acquiring the longer-range missiles that it needs to hit Crimea itself and Russia proper beyond it, Dubovyk said. For Ukraine, he explained, the pressing issue is what comes next. “Crimea is in play, and if Ukraine can put more pressure on Russia there, it can make the occupation untenable. It would change the war’s logic if Russia couldn’t supply the eastern fronts from Crimea,” he said.
Russia’s response has been to target Odesa’s ports, energy infrastructure, and housing blocks with ballistic missiles. Seldom does a day pass without air raid sirens in the port city, which send its residents scrambling into their cellars. In March alone, Russian attacks killed 32 civilians.
One would think that the new coastal sea route would obviate Ukraine’s need to access EU markets via land, namely through Central Europe, and thus ameliorate the friction it has caused between the Central Europeans and Ukraine. Following Russia’s invasion, the EU allowed Ukraine tariff-free access to its markets, which had the effect of undermining the Visegrad Group states’ own grain trade and prompting farmers to take to the streets in anger, above all in Poland. Now, logically, trade could revert to its previous routes and the injurious tiff come to an end.
Not so quickly, explained Yakubovskiy, the economist. He pointed out that Ukraine’s new sea corridor is a temporary and unsanctioned byway, possible now only as a result of Russia’s naval weakness and an informal agreement between Russia and Ukraine not to target civilian shipping. It could end at any moment, he said.
As for Russia, it is not likely to improve its Black Sea positions soon. This is because Turkey controls the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits, and Ankara has chosen to adhere to the letter of the 1936 Montreux Convention, which prohibits the passage of warships through the straights into the Black Sea in a time of war. Russia thus has no way of getting reinforcements to its ports.
The upshot of Russia’s retreat from Black Sea waters and Turkey’s control of the straits has put Ankara in the driver’s seat. Whether Ukraine maintains its new trade route thus depends, to some extent, on Turkey.
In the past, Ankara has shown itself deft at using leverage to promote its own interests, whatever they may be. It could turn Viktor Berestenko’s bliss into a short-lived fling.
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Greetings, I'm Alexios Mikonos, militia commander for New Corynth
Is it possible to buy licenses for Apocalypse Rails as standalone artillery emplacements? I'm looking to beef up ground-to-orbit defenses for our colony but the bugdet can't cover enough full Barbarossa frames for the whole perimeter, nor do we have enough trained mech jockeys to crew them.
We were very satisfied with the performance of your Tachyon Lances, but we can't use them near the agricultural and refinery sectors due to the fire hazard under sustained fire, which has been happening a lot lately.
If it helps motivating you to give me a hand, my rivals in the Defense Council are proposing mortgaging our colonie's genetics to SSC for some Pinaka silos.
Thank you for your request; You can! Our Apocalypse Rails are usually sold only with the Barbarossa frame, but we can do exceptions for things like colony defense forces. We can send 10 deconstructed Apocalypse Rail turrets that can be assembled and placed inside a super-heavy-class emplacement mount, and we're also willing to provide you with a whole Barbarossa, two Shermans and a Legionary-Pilot Training Manual for free as a package deal if you contact us on our supply-line-channels which can be found on the official omni-net site!
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922rifle · 11 months
An English translation of this post on X/Twitter:
"Let me tell a few things clearly and in Arabic:
Regardless of October 7th incidents, Israel has constantly been bombing Gaza. I work at a school affiliated with the UNRWA near the borders. We're always asked to wear loose clothing to help us escape in the event of bombing.
More than half of the female students in the class, not only have martyr relatives, they also witnessed the death of martyrs before their eyes. Meaning, more than three-quarters of the students in my school have psychological trauma. More than once we fled from school under random bombing. More than once we hide in our classes and sit on the floor (like the CNN broadcaster), but this time I have 40 students in the class and I am charged with protecting them, and I cannot even protect myself. Many times we would go back to school when we were not in a state of war, and we would find a girl who had been martyred, or in the hospital seriously injured because a soldier on the border had targeted her while she was in her home.
The residents of Beit Hanoun, all of their agricultural land, which is their livelihood, is on the border. Go and ask them about the tragedies they experience day in and day out. How many times have their crops been burned? How many times have they been targeted while they were farming safely?
Before October 7th, Israel constantly assaulted women on their way to prayers in Jerusalem, preventing them from reaching Al-Aqsa Mosque for days. Celebrations are held in vain and repeatedly, and they chant racist slogans to provoke the Palestinian people of Jerusalem.
Gazans need a permit to enter the West Bank, which is often denied (for education, work, treatment, all the same, forbidden).
On a personal note, I am 32 years old and have never visited Jerusalem or the rest of the cities of Palestine.
Patients with serious medical conditions that require a transfer to the West Bank die while waiting for the approval of the transfer.
Checkpoints are widespread in the West Bank on every street, to the point that you take 2 hours to reach a place that you can normally reach in 15 mins because you have to stop and wait many times. Israel arrests men, women, and children, imprisons them without charge or trial, abuses them, and tortures them in prisons without supervision. If it releases them in deals - something that happens once in a lifetime - it exiles them to another city far from their family, that if it doesn't take them captive again! Settlers occupy houses in the West Bank, steal them and live in them (just like that, imagine!), and the Palestinian who yesterday was still sleeping in this house is expelled under the cover of the occupation government. Even the Palestinians inside Israel, who are supposed to have Israeli identity cards, were not spared. They are treated as second-class citizens and are considered a minority. They are prevented from many jobs. Armed Israeli gangs constantly assault them in the streets and in their homes. They are killed without any accountability. Rather, their killing is encouraged because they are causing a crisis for the occupying state.
In Gaza, if you order something online, it will take a year and we will be answered verbatim "it's up to the mood of the Israeli soldier working at the crossing". Three-quarters of the items Israel considers to be dual-use and refuses to enter the Gaza Strip, the most important of which is reinforced iron, which can be used in building shelters to protect civilians in wars. I once ordered diving goggles, and they were returned because they were classified as dual use. Everything entering the sector is subject to inspection. Israel rations the Gaza Strip's food supplies so that the food that enters is not enough for a single person. It updates its data after each war to account for the sector's decrease in population due to martyrdom (articles are widespread and numerous, for example how it rations the entry of chocolate into the sector according to its own specific calculation).
Fishermen are hunted at sea and they're falsely accused of getting close to the border. The fishing area keeps shrinking that they now have a tiny area from which they can make a living.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of the occupation's practices against the Palestinians in general and Gaza in particular.
Israel did not need October 7th except to inflame people's feelings, remind them of the Jewish tragedy, and wipe out the Gaza Strip, with the world giving it the green light. If October 7th hadn't happened, Israel would have bombed the Gaza Strip and said that a Gazan dog walked near the border and denied the Holocaust.
Resistance, tunnels, return marches, and demonstrations are all forms of oppressed people trying to defend themselves.
Whether they succeed or fail, they are all attempts to say that we died with dignity, and at least we tried not to let them kill us while they were happy.
As Naseer said, "If it were not for the resistance, your mother would've been washing an Israeli soldier's feet in a basin right now."
The occupation is not the enemy of the resistance itself. The occupation is my enemy, the enemy of my students, the enemy of my children, the enemy of my family members, and the enemy of my people. If God allowed us to live, I would like to let my children and students grow up cursing Israel. The battle is not over yet.
This is not a post of justification, I don't have to justify to the world why we resist. This is for some of my people who seem to believe the occupation's repeated narrative that its goal is to eliminate Hamas. And to remind them that in the past there was no Hamas, but your grandfather and grandmother were still killed. My son and your son are not Hamas, but my son and your son are still being killed."
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Your tags re: the Woolman article are making me think about some things... No need to respond to this--I'm just sending it over in case you have some insight, as someone who's constantly living and breathing and thinking about these things.
I've often considered my comfort a matter of physical safety. I have multiple compounding disabilities (a lot of them undiagnosed, not a lot of access to competent medical practitioners in my life) which generally directly translate mental stress & physical exertion into negative health outcomes. Insomnia, inability to process nutrients and resulting significant weight loss, joint pain and instability, constant swelling of my lymphs and tonsils, autonomic dysregulation, fatigue and muscle weakness, decreased immune function, and more. When I was working outside of the house regularly, my health was incredibly poor; when the new coronavirus hit and I was forced onto SSI, I was able to move in with a caretaker/partner and my required activity level has gone significantly down. I gained over 30 pounds, started sleeping regularly, stopped subluxing, no longer experience sensory meltdown, and went from getting contagiously sick once or twice a month to once or twice a year.
But my activity level is now only possible because I rely on the structures I think are abysmally unethical. My daily routine involves very light housework, emotional care and trauma work for my partner, and sedentary hobbies like writing poetry. I can't even do useful hobbies that require fine motor skills (i.e. sewing), because of my sustained tremors and dyspraxia. I don't cook, and I rely almost entirely on prepackaged foods and delivery services. We have a small garden, and I work in it occasionally, but nowhere near enough to grow our own food, apart from some tomatoes (very easy plant to care for where I am, but does not a divestment from industrial agriculture make). We've chosen not to care for animals because I don't think I could comfortably manage them. In fact, I do not do much of anything that involves exiting my front or back door, as my sensory overload is strongly triggered by direct sunlight and causes genuine physical pain--something that has become much more difficult to deal with ever since I stopped subjecting myself to it daily.
Frequently, I feel hypocritical for, for example, having a principled and genuinely *angry* opposition to the global supply chain and my principles being in favor of divesting from it and hoping it breaks down entirely--and yet, I myself won't divest from it, because of my own comfort. Because at the end of the day, I certainly wasn't dying before. Perhaps I could re-train myself to not feel the sensory overload I am now so sensitive to--when I was used to experiencing it every day, I barely even noticed it, and things like sunglasses do take the edge off. I was not *dangerously* underweight, just enough to make my life slightly more difficult. Getting sick so frequently was frustrating, but I could significantly up my activity level without upping my socializing or generally being around others, which would make it less likely I reach the level of contagious sicknesses that I was at pre-coronavirus.
The point of all of that being, I have been mulling over this for quite some time, and now I'm considering the matter even more intensely. I have been primarily socializing in online disability support groups for a very long time now, and this kind of talk is always met with the assertion that my comfort is more important than my principles above all else. That I should care for myself, make my life as comfortable as possible, because disabled people deserve to be happy. I agree with that. But simultaneously, my happiness should not come at the expense of others' *lives,* and while I cannot actually stop those people from being exploited and dying, individually, I still resonate with your statements... that my principles are important to live by, and even moreso, that we *must* make the decision to be comfortable with discomfort to destroy these systems to begin with--all of us, individually. I wonder where the threshold is for "comfort" vs "safety" when you are someone whose discomfort can be physically dangerous. How does one assess that danger? Where does one draw the line? I am in the process of feeling out that line... but where are the rules for how to draw it, where are the guidelines... Has anyone even written any?
I appreciate you sharing your insights with the Internet as a whole, allowing me access to them and expanding my worldview. Once again, certainly no pressure to offer any on this ridiculous essay of an ask specifically. This is a matter I will surely be journaling about!
Honestly Anon? I love you for this. You've given me the space to say out loud things I very rarely acknowledge to anyone other than my wife and my therapist. Not because it's private or shameful, but because it's just....so goddamn hard???? To figure this shit out.
Simple answer Anon: we all have to make that judgement call for ourselves based on our values, our needs, and our circumstances. We cannot, and should not, prescribe judgement calls to others, because we can never fully know what their relationship with those factors is like. I meant what I said about needing to refuse to share your power with a system that wields violence in a SUSTAINABLE way, maybe even your whole life. That doesn't mean "strip every connection out and then deal with the consequences until you find a new normal" though. It means "for every place you don't HAVE TO utilize a connection, don't, and be REALLY honest about what "have to" means to you."
Long answer: I have lived a "homesteader" life for poverty and access reasons during my childhod. And now, as an adult, I am returning to it after the sweet joys and freedoms of modern infrastructure, NOT because of poverty, but because of being middle class with an autoimmune disorder that nearly killed me at least twice in the past 5 years. In both cases, there were parts of life that absolutely still relied on systems of power (as a kid, for example, my mom bought me all my clothes through thrift shops for as long as she could, but my body type has always been a bit unusual and by the time I was 10 we had to buy clothes from your standard department store - usually a sears or every once in a while a kohls, and it's not like we weren't aware of the clothing industry's impact on the environment and human life globally. As an adult, I currently depend HEAVILY on technology, and for all that I am a huge advocate against the ongoing atrocities in Sudan and DRC in part due to their geographical role in tech, research, and development from rare earth mining, I also literally cannot survive in the world right now without semi-current tech due to communication needs, work needs, healthcare beeds, etc.)
This is not to say "if I can do it, so can everyone else!!1!" (Obvious bullshit I have no interest in selling yall). But it IS to say that there are so many different reasons and ways that people withdraw their power from systems of violence. For example, people who undergo the process of removing themselves from the public workforce and accessing state or federal financial aid are absolutely withdrawing their (e.g.: labor) power from systems of violence. The fact that your (e.g.: finanancial) power may be placed in various access points, resource pots, etc., really isn't a BAD thing, it's just the reality of being human.
To one extent, this is why I talk about (and try to engage as much as possible in) mutual aid the way I do. It would be literally an impossible demand to tell someone they have to completely withdraw their contributions to and from society in order to have opinions about systems within that society being abusive or unacceptable. The idea that you (or you, or him, or her, or them, or me, or it, or ANYONE) should need to be completely self-sufficient as an individual or a household in order to demand change from resource systems is ultimately one that opressive systems themselves put forward in this twisted all-or-nothing portrayal of autonomy. To buy into that framework is to accept their claim that there is no other way to do things besides theirs or Alone and Unsupported. And we all need to work REALLY hard to remember what utter fucking horseshit that is.
So instead of shaming yourself for being a human being with survival needs you don't want other people to have to die for, focus on asking yourself what you ACTUALLY need, at the literal survival level. Then take the time to think of as many different ways you could meet those needs as possible, even the obviously unreasonable ones. Think about WHAT MAKES THEM unreasonable. Is it an intersection with another need? A societal construct (money, respect, family structure, etc)? A logistical/environmental issue? What would it look like to problem solve for any of those? What is EFFECTIVE at addressing the barriers and what is ACCESSIBLE at addressing the barriers? Figure out, realistically, what it would mean to take the autonomy and choice of each factor FULLY into your hands.
So that way, when you make a decision, you know you've made one based on what is as in line with your values as possible, while taking into account your needs and your circumstances, on a case by case basis. A conscious, thoughtful level. Whatever the outcome is, that's ultimately less important than the fact that you really took the time to observe, understand, and actively participate in the process of impact on the world living your life will inevitably have.
"There is no ethical consumption under capitalism" doesn't mean, as some allege it is understood or used as, "ethical consumption is impossible therefore do whatever you want," it means "your existence and its interaction with the existences of others, whether direct or indirect, WILL have an impact, and not all of that will be good, or within your control, so don't waste time trying to be perfect when what you need to be is respectfully and compassionately INTENTFUL."
So what does that look like for me?
Well, I have an autoimmune disorder, intermittent chronic organ failure, constant pain and frequent limited or restricted mobility, and can't let anything touch a mucus membrane that I don't know the EXACT ingredients of.
So long before a return to homesteading, or COVID, or anything else that's happened in the last 5yrs, I had already been put in the position of needing to be EXTREMELY aware of the origins and distribution chains of everything I came in contact with. I had to start making my foods, drinks, hair and skin care products, hygeine products, hell my own fucking PET FOOD sometimes to cut out potentially lethal exposures to substances I could no longer interact with. And while that list STARTED at 3, it has only grown since, and I now maintain strict isolation from. Well. Basically everything and everyone. It. It sucks, Anon, gonna be honest. I genuinely don't want to do most of it, and between the constant pain, the brain fog, the ADHD, the intermittent flareups that leave me bedridden, etc, my life has basically been nothing more than an endless game of catch-up since I was about 23.
I *am* catching up tho.
Like, one of the things that's really stuck out to me through the near-decade long process is how the every step more distant you take from these systems makes the next step easier.
My first step was removing gluten and corn from my diet, and boy howdy let me tell you, there is NOTHING left for you that you don't make from scratch if you need to avoid both. Your life as "normal" kinda just. Ends there. You know?
Like, I'm about 9yrs into this change in particular, and once or twice a month I STILL manage to bring home something from the market that ends up having a gluten ingredient that got missed in the first scan because I got careless because why the FUCK do egg salad and hair shampoo have wheat flour in it STEVE??????
So the idea of buying any ingredient or food item that has been processed in any way beyond basic cleaning and transport just comes with this inherent thrill of terror every time. And god, the THINGS that I have to CARE about???? Literally, it depends on severities and who you ask, but there are real conversations being had in celiac circles about having to raise their own chickens because COMMERCIAL EGG LAYING CHICKEN FEED HAS WHEAT IN IT AND SO THEY REACT TO THE EGGS???? Nightmares, I'm telling you.
All this to say, the more often the stuff you bring home from the outside world inches you closer to death, the more motivated you are to have a complete understanding of the entire lifespan of anything you come in contact with. The easier it is to just. Do it all your damn self. Not because it's ACTUALLY easy mind you, but because you just don't have the emotional strength to keep pushing back on the sneaky, magical thinking based idea that if you just do it all yourself maybe being alive will hurt a little less. So it's probably not a surprise to anyone that my end goal here is to retreat to about 100+ acres of conservational land that I can slowly restore with edible, astringent, and fiber plants indigenous to the land's ecosystem and then just spend my days puttering around eating nuts and berries and amaranth and spinning thread or weaving cloth for bandages and blankets.
But I can DO that in part because I'm NOT doing it alone, or even just with my own household. I work with friends, colleagues, community resource programs, and everything else to make this stuff happen. I do everything I reasonably can to sustain my life as it needs living in ways that allow me to only depend on infrastructures of systemic violence as a conscious concession that I lack other survivable long term options. And I keep my evolving needs and circumstances in mind in case that ever changes in a way I can take advantage of.
I dunno, I guess....I've lived life a lot of different ways now, and I've come to understand the world really differently. One of the most meaningful frameworks for change I use now isn't eliminating or stopping something, but just. Lessening it.
When we were homeless for a while, we lost basically everything we owned. I think we had a handful of blankets, clothes, the pets, the car, a couple of personal treasures we managed to keep on us, and that was it. And we've stabilized now, but that doesn't mean we can afford things like furniture or dishes or clothes or whatever. Not unless we need them. So we make do with thrifted whenever we can and we also just. Make do without. We haven't had a couch in about 3-4 yrs now. It just wasn't a priority. Same with a dining table or chairs or the like. We have a bed! For a long time it was just a mattress from a lady selling them out of her garage and then we got some box springs, and now we have an actual bedframe! We each have a work desk and chair that's really it tho. A whole house now, and maybe 7 pieces of furniture in the whole place.
It's kinda similar with dishes and clothes. If you have to handwash all your dishes with special hypoallergenic soap that costs. Just so much more. Than normal dishsoap would. You're gonna start being really inventive about your dishes. My wife and I have what I like to call "service for 4" meaning we have 4 plates, 2 bowls and two tupperwares, two pans (1 cast iron, 1 ceramic, same size different functions), two pots (a 4cup stock pot and a 3gal stock pot), a full sheet baking tray, 3 mugs and a few washed jam jars, four of each sppon/knife/fork, and 2 nice butchering knives. Basically all of them are thrifted or gifts. And I could fit almost the whole lot piled together in the 3gallon stock pot for washing as needed. If you have to wash all your clothes in a basin while you shower, and hang them out to dry, you benefit from having only about 2-3 outfits worth of clothes that you can spice up with accessories instead of new combos, that way someone can do a basin full of washing each day and you'll more or less keep up with the pace of laundry. Missing days will happen, but they won't pile up as badly, are easier to recover from, and can - in a pinch - just be taken to a laundromat and dealt with for less than $10.
My floors are all (as much as possible) hardwood, because it's much easier to just put on my dusting or mopping slippers and "skate" around for a while to clean the floors than it is to lug around a vacuum I can't carry or use without pain.
I'm lucky enough to live on land with a creek, a well, and henhouse, so I thatch the henhouse floor with $5/bale clover hay from a local farmer once a week, and keep enough chickens on a rotation to cut down our protein costs and eliminate our egg costs. We're (wifey and me) building a fenced in run this weekend around the hen house so the hens can start foraging for food daily and we can cut back on feed (the area is already planted with lots of lovely chicken safe plants and I figure I'll keep cultivating that for them with replantings as necessary. That way, we can just let them out in the morning and close them back in (if we bother) at night, and top up a 25lb feeder once a week when we change the hay over again. The hay we clear out goes into the garden for mulch and fertilizer, and in turn the chickens get bundles or herbs and veggies and other snacks to supplement their forage and feed. It's an involved first year or so, but once the system is set up it's actually remarkably self-perpetuating.
And a lot of the ways I've changed my life are like that. Intensive to set up right, but shockingly low impact on day to day life once established. And sure it adds up, but like. So do the benefits.
I'm the healthiest I've been in years.
That doesn't always FEEL like much because things do still very badly wrong for me about once a month.
But it used to be daily. I used to push myself through a system of functioning that DID depend largely on these external hierarchical systems, and STILL come up short of resources in the end while experiencing daily symptoms. The more I've removed myself from those systems, the more I've removed their IMPACT on me, both positive and negative. And. At least in my case. It turns out there was always a LOT more negative than positive. I just. Didn't get to see and assess my alternatives, so it was harder to notice. Depending more on subsistence and community systems has turned out to be REALLY healthy for me.
I think part of that has also been learning how to create alternatives out of spaces that feel like voids. It's made it easier for me to cultivate a life of intentional accommodation by familiarizing myself with the process of initializing them.
And I think if that's NOT how you're experiencing your withdrawal of power from systems of violence, then you're not ACTUALLY meeting the needs you are trying to find replacements for OUTSIDE of that system. Maybe you can right then or maybe you can't! But either way it's worth asking why hurting yourself helps anyone else.
Praxis is uncomfortably complex in its simplicity: bring as much safety and compassion and collaboration to your world as you can.
It does include safety, compassion, and collaboration towards OURSELVES as well, after all.
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windvexer · 1 year
Chicken updates! Love hearing about the babies. Did you get them locally or online? I only ask because I want to get some again, but the only seller near me is Tractor Supply, which I would like to avoid if possible.
-Rowan @rose-colored-tarot
Locally. We are in a very agricultural area and many places carry them here. There’s a long standing farm supply store in town that’s been around decades longer than our Tractor Supply. We went there. If you have 4H or FFA clubs around, they might have resources to find local hatcheries too!
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mcveighparker · 12 days
At McVeigh Parker, we offer high-quality hardwood sleepers perfect for soil retention, raised beds, and reinforced walkways. Ideal for farmland, agricultural properties, and garden landscaping, our sleepers are available in both hardwood and softwood options. Please note, EU regulations restrict the use of creosoted sleepers for furniture and play areas due to safety concerns. Dimensions are approximate as these sleepers are not perfectly square. For expert advice on selecting the right hardwood sleepers for your needs, contact the McVeigh Parker team today.
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baurenhofequipment · 2 years
VALTRA T215 Tractor for Sale in Canada
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alienducky · 1 year
I am once again over thinking things and getting ramble-y about them, and this time it's the Fire Emblem Three Houses Academy Gronder fight, and also a little on traveling
We see in the cut scene that we have more or less a small army of generic NPC's for each house. Which is fine, makes sense, we are recreating an actual war. The students are learning how to be army officers and effectively direct others, we need them to have people to boss about. Besides their personal battalions
There's also Rhea and Seteth and a bunch of random Seiros guards standing at the top of a cliff watching the battle...
Actually I'm going to get sidetracked a moment, because wtf is up with that cliff they stand on? Pretty sure Bergliez territory, aka the bread basket of Fodlan, is "a fertile area near the Airmid River that is well-suited for agriculture". Giant fucking cliffs are not generally conducive to plant farming. Sheep or goat farming, sure. But not crops like wheat. And watching the scene again, there's pretty steep cliffs to the north as well, and I just... Sigh. I know Bergliez is a big territory and probably has multiple terrain types in it, but given what we see in the Houses scene, it's difficult to imagine the majority is nice and flat and plough-able and this is the only cliffy bit. I think I almost prefer the Hopes version of the map...? Actually that's pretty hilly too, though I don't immediately remember background cliffs. Do remember someone saying the Alliance are nice for not torching fields as they left, so maybe this fight area is the one odd spot surrounded by fields? Eh. The game has dragons. Guess I can live with fucked up geography.
Anyway. Back to my original points.
First part is the three colour armies. Who are they? Does each country send some of their own soldiers to help with the mock battle, temporarily lowering their own defenses? Or are they all Serios knights getting to play dress up for the day, meaning a huge chunk of the church army is here? Or are they even the other house students, since we see hundreds of those wandering around, and in Hopes we meet people who say they were in our class/year at the academy (which leads me down a tangent of how I think the academy works, but I can talk about that if anyone's interested). And how long have the houses had to get to know these people, to learn quirks and go over orders and strategies and sneaky plans? Or is it a "You won't always know who you're commanding in a war, tell these people you've never met before what to do in the next five minutes"?
Secondly, there really is a fair few people here for the fight. I'd say at least 100 per colour. At least. And they all had to somehow get there. And we know the students and Seiros lot at least had to come from the Monastery, and the route they take goes through the Alliance and across the bridge at Myrddin. And I could work out the specifics of how long that would take thanks to the amazing sevarix-blogs doing some pretty neat maths, but I'm going to generalise and say several days to get there, and then several days to get back. Because that's definitely not a "there and back in a day" trip. And you lose time setting up and breaking down camps when you travel, especially for that many people.
Which means they're going to clog up the roads. Like. A lot. There's several hundred people all plodding along with their mounts, plus probably supply wagons and healers and other assorted people not involved in actual fighting. This whole thing has got to be so annoying for anyone who lives along the route and needs to use the road while they're on it. Because the procession of people and mounts and vehicles is gonna be long and bulky and noisy, and generally speaking Fodlan roads dont look that great. I can easily imagine any merchant caravans going the opposite way being "encouraged" to move off the road so they can all get past so Rhea isn't inconvenienced
(Though I admit, that's just my take on the Church people. I think Rhea would probably be pretty cool about it, and not want others inconvenienced on her behalf. Her cultfollowers though? Icky)
Or is long distance large group warping a thing that Rhea allows for this yearly event, and possibly the weekend missions where we go to bloody Sreng (which is a whole other thing, because when we go kill bandits do we go through Faerghus, or up to Derdriu and hop on a boat? I have so many questions), but conveniently isn't available post time skip when we need to move our army around? Or maybe it is, since there's no other logical reason to come back to Garreg Mach each month when we'd just need to immediately turn around and leave again
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onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
Day 2: Diary
I know that I have been doing the wrong challenge, in terms of the year. But, I have already settled to do it with that one so... sorry
Words: 807 yes it is really short sorry. (Chokako's name is Chikako, but Reina as misspronounced it since she was a baby and everyone knows her by her misspronounced name. She actually likes it, finds it cute. Also, yes Chokako is a trans character and she stated her gender very early and since that moment everyone has addressed her with the correct pronouns and name. So, I hope that nobody comes talking about it so everything is clear. )
-Cho-The lovely lady smiled at her broadly, showing her teeth without shame - You will be in charge of Reina for today okey? - Cho replied laughing happily. - Yes, I am with the baby!! - shouted. She immediately took her humble sandals and started to walk around the compound towards the Aburame home. - Hello!!!! Good morning!!- shouted the girl who was just 5 years old. -Choo- could be heard equally vividly by a tiny squeaking voice. In the garden a toddler. Reina was wearing a shirt too big for her and her barefoot was touching the grass. She giggled when she saw her and started to run to her sister. Chokako hugged her firmly -Chookakoooooo - said the toddler who kept elongating the vowels laughing while doing so. Cho tried to take her in her arms, the soft voice of Takeo looked at them - Chokako are you going to help me with this rebellious bumblebee? - the tall man approached both girls holding a big guard, he then put it on his back. The girl smiled seriously - It’s today’s mission, sir yes sir - Reina was bubbling some words trying to imitate her. 
The small group started their walk towards the rice fields. Reina did not have shoes for her, but the toddler seemed to not care about it. Chokako held her hand firmly while guiding her, they were straight behind Takeo. Aburames were usually in charge of everything related with the agriculture in that place, the overflow of chakra than the seed produced led quite usually to huge plagues that endangered the town’s supplies, or better said Kamo’s cargo. Aburames took good care of all of it, Chokako had lately accompanied her mothers to the repair and construction sites, learning the profession they would tell her; although it was more about learning about everything that was expected from her. However, today they need help keeping an eye on Reina. Nobody told her how, but Shiori’s serious face made her uncomfortable. Something happened, she was sure about it…but what?
-Apa apa gapa ? - said the toddler
-Let grandpa rest, ladybug - Chokako look at Reina
-Buna is ill?- Reina answered by munching her shirt. Nobody answered either of the toddlers. When they reached the rice field, Takehiko and Chio were already there. They just wave their hands. 
-Girls, stay near me okey? - both nodded with their tiny heads. Takeo started to work as was expected of him. He took the guard off his back and opened the jar. He then did some signs using one hand and started to concentrate his chakra, some insects left his body and started to do their routine checking the state of those big fields. While the insects started to work on that, Takeo went into the rice puddles, and started to harvest the rice. The girls looked at him amazed 
-Daice - laughed tiny Reina while giving little jumps. The man looked at both girls - Let me see your palms darlings - both girls offered their hands and the man put some rice on them
-Is brown? - said Chokako amazed by the look that unclean and unprocessed rice had before it was ready to be eaten. Reina tried to munch it - Nooo -shouted and took the rice off. A very agitated conversation started among both toddlers about why they shouldn’t eat that rice. Takeo laughed low and kept working. 
After some hours the girls run out of ideas to play with. Takeo had cleaned almost a whole field, experience and the fact that he was a shinobi for real allowed him to work faster than any worker. He got closer to the girls - What are you doing? - they were drawing with a stick on the Earth. 
-Is a picture of you! -
-PAPA - said Reina, sometimes she got her words right. He felt his heart break in two any time she said that word. - I should write that in a diary.
-What 's diary?
- It’s like a book, but the pages are empty and you write what you want there. Most people write about their day. - The tiny Chokako looked at the mud thinking - Let’s make a diary Reina
-Deina- repeated her. Both girls started to draw in the mud their own particular diary. Chokako could actually write her name and her clan name, but Reina just made a huge mess of sticks and figures. 
-No Reina is not like that - reprehend the kid.
Those were good times, but not the best of them. They kept playing with the mud, practicing more their letters and stick figures, forgetting about the rumbling in their stomachs and about the sounds that visitors made to the rice fields. Forgetting that they were trapped there, so did Takeo.
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Takeo Aburame teaching young Chokako Akimichi and Reina Aburame to write their names and family name.
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estatedekho04 · 2 days
Plots for sale in Turkapally Hyderabad
Exploring Plots for Sale in Turkapally, Hyderabad
Looking for a plot in Hyderabad that feels like a hidden gem? Let me introduce you to Turkapally, a locality that's quietly making its mark on the map of Hyderabad's real estate. Whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned investor, Turkapally offers a blend of charm, potential, and that perfect slice of serenity away from the hustle and bustle.
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Plots for sale in Turkapally Hyderabad
Why Turkapally?
Turkapally, once a sleepy village, is now waking up to the rhythm of urban development. It's like watching a caterpillar turn into a butterfly, only with less good and more investment opportunities. Nestled in the northern part of Hyderabad, this area is attracting a lot of attention for its scenic beauty, affordable plots, and promising growth prospects.
Location, Location, Location!
One of the first things to consider when buying a plot is the location. Turkapally scores high on this front. It's conveniently located near key areas:
Distance from Hyderabad City Center: Just a 40-minute drive.
Connectivity: Well-connected through the Outer Ring Road (ORR) and upcoming metro expansions.
Nearby Landmarks: Genome Valley, BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus, and Rajiv Gandhi International Airport.
Personal Anecdote: I remember my first visit to Turkapally. I was initially skeptical, thinking, "Am I really driving out of the city for this?" But as I entered the area, the greenery and the peaceful surroundings won me over. It felt like a mini-vacation from the chaos of the city!
Perks of Buying a Plot in Turkapally
Let's talk about money. Plots in Turkapally are priced more reasonably compared to the more developed parts of Hyderabad. Here's a quick comparison:
Price per Sq.Yd
Hitec City
You do the math. With the cost of living (and pretty much everything else) going up, grabbing a piece of land in Turkapally feels like finding a clearance sale in an upscale store.
Scenic Beauty and Environment
If you’re someone who values a peaceful environment with lots of greenery, Turkapally will not disappoint. The area is surrounded by lush landscapes and farmlands, offering a serene setting that’s perfect for those morning jogs or evening walks.
Funny Line: Imagine waking up to the chirping of birds instead of the honking of cars. Your alarm clock might feel a bit neglected, but your peace of mind will thank you!
Future Growth Potential
Turkapally is on the brink of significant development. With the government’s focus on expanding Hyderabad's boundaries and promoting peripheral areas, Turkapally is poised for rapid growth. Investing here now could mean reaping substantial rewards in the future.
Types of Plots Available
From residential to commercial, Turkapally offers a variety of plots to suit different needs. Here’s a quick rundown:
Residential Plots
Ideal for building your dream home. These plots range from 150 to 500 square yards, providing ample space for a spacious home and a cozy garden.
Commercial Plots
For those eyeing business opportunities, commercial plots are available near main roads and bustling areas. Perfect for setting up shops, offices, or even a small cafe.
Agricultural Plots
For the green thumbs and farming enthusiasts, agricultural plots are also available. With fertile soil and plenty of water resources, these plots are great for cultivation.
Things to Consider Before Buying
Legal Check
Ensure that the plot has clear titles and is free from legal disputes. It’s always wise to consult a legal expert before making a purchase.
Check for basic amenities like water supply, electricity, and road connectivity. While Turkapally is developing, it’s crucial to ensure these essentials are in place.
Future Developments
Keep an eye on upcoming projects and developments in the area. This can give you an idea of how the locality will shape up in the coming years.
A Day in Turkapally
Let’s paint a picture of what living in Turkapally might look like. Imagine waking up in your cozy home, surrounded by greenery. You step out for a morning jog, breathing in the fresh air. After a hearty breakfast, you head to your home office (yes, remote work has its perks) or your shop nearby.
In the evening, you take a short drive to a nearby restaurant or cafe for a relaxing dinner. Weekends are spent exploring the local markets, visiting nearby attractions like Genome Valley, or simply unwinding at home.
Personal Anecdote: During my last visit to Turkapally, I met a couple who had recently moved there. They were thrilled with their decision, highlighting how they felt more connected to nature and enjoyed the slower pace of life compared to the city.
Turkapally, Hyderabad, is not just a place to buy land; it's a place to build dreams. With its affordable plots, scenic beauty, and growth potential, it’s an attractive destination for homebuyers and investors alike. So, if you’re on the lookout for a plot that offers both tranquility and promise, Turkapally might just be the perfect match.
Funny Line: And who knows? In a few years, you might be the proud owner of a plot in what could be the next big thing in Hyderabad’s real estate scene. Imagine the dinner party bragging rights!
Invest wisely, live happily, and don’t forget to invite me to your housewarming party in Turkapally!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about Plots for Sale in Turkapally Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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harshdakadam · 29 days
Commercial & Agricultural Storage Tanks: Premium Water Storage Solutions in Pune
When it comes to water storage, businesses and agricultural operations require solutions that are reliable, durable, and efficient. At Glass Fused Steel Tank, we specialize in providing top-tier Commercial & Agricultural Storage Tanks that meet the diverse needs of various industries in Pune and across India.
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As a leading Storage Tank Manufacturer in India, we take pride in offering products that are built to last. Our tanks are constructed using advanced materials and techniques, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality and safety. Whether you are looking for tanks for commercial, agricultural, or industrial purposes, our expertise in manufacturing guarantees that you receive a product that is tailored to your specific needs.
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Glass Fused Steel (GFS) Tanks are among the most reliable storage solutions available. These tanks are created by bonding glass to steel at high temperatures, resulting in a product that is exceptionally resistant to corrosion and wear. For those searching for a "glass fused steel tank manufacturer near me," we offer a comprehensive range of GFS tanks that are ideal for both commercial and agricultural applications.
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Agriculture is a sector that relies heavily on water for irrigation and livestock. Our Agricultural Storage Tanks in India are designed to meet these needs with efficiency and reliability. Constructed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, these tanks ensure that your water supply is secure, helping to maintain the productivity of your agricultural operations.
Steel Bolted Water Tanks
Steel Bolted Water Tanks are another versatile option we offer. These tanks are easy to assemble and provide a robust storage solution for both commercial and agricultural use. The bolted design allows for flexibility in size and capacity, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. Additionally, their steel construction ensures longevity and resistance to external factors.
GFS Tanks in India
Our GFS Tanks in India are renowned for their strength and durability. Whether you are in need of a GFS Tank for industrial water storage or agricultural purposes, our tanks are designed to deliver top performance under all conditions. The glass-fused-to-steel process ensures that these tanks are resistant to corrosion, making them a long-term investment for your water storage needs.
For businesses and agricultural operations in Pune and across India, having reliable water storage is crucial. Our Commercial & Agricultural Storage Tanks offer the perfect solution, combining durability, efficiency, and adaptability. As a leading manufacturer of Glass Fused Steel Tanks and Steel Bolted Water Tanks, we are committed to providing storage solutions that meet the highest standards. Contact us today to explore how our tanks can serve your commercial and agricultural water storage needs.
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