#Ahahah sorry I’m ranting!!!!
jacarandaaaas · 5 months
opening random encanto yt videos’ comments section is like staring at the waking storm you’re about to plunge into and knowing it’s not gonna be pretty and you’re probably not getting out of it unscathed (aka calm/happy fine—also sorry pepa oof—)
god the amount of misinterpretations people have with the movie, with so many scenes is insane, i’m about to go even more insane myself than usual
it’s so frustrating and i want to throw my phone every time AAAAAAA
but anyway yes, i wrote this ask in the first place to ask about your thoughts on different details and plot points and just general stuff of the movie that you noticed and really love, with any/all of this helping you appreciate the movie more? just anything, really, your choice on whatever you wanna ramble :3 (also to make up for how my last question had stopped you from rambling AHAHAH)
because i know you have so many good ideas and thoughts, so i’d love to hear it hehe :>
hope i made sense with the question, just a bit sleep deprived rn haha, but yes, ty!! <33
I totally relate to this feeling😭 except instead of YouTube comments it’s like almost every platform💀 and thank you for the ask!!
I could rant forever about all the details in this movie honestly!!!
The foreshadowing is SO good in this movie!! waiting on a miracle and the family madrigal being obvious ones but did you guys know the order mirabel sees the doors flicker when she sees the cracks is the order they lose their powers in? Isa + Luisa first because that’s who’s powers act up first dolores + camilo + antonio at the dinner scene and alma last because she was the last one willing to admit the problems!!
I love the character design!! I’ve rambled about it many times but it’s just !!!
I love how despite mirabel being our protagonist they show when she’s wrong and other characters call her out! She’s not a perfect protagonist she’s a flawed teenage girl and that just makes her more endearing
I love that they didn’t make Mariano a mean character just because isabela didn’t want to marry him. The problem isn’t Mariano it’s isabela feeling trapped!! Mariano is also shown to be considerate!
I love that most of the focus is on the female characters (if only the fandom would do that) I love seeing a multigenerational cast of women all flashed out with their own unique traits
about the misinterpretations i completely agree. I feel like this fandom has a “fanon” problem. especially with the most developed characters! surprisingly the ones with the most screen are the most common mischaracterised. I really dislike how encanto as a movie went to such an effort to give every character such a variety of traits and nuance only for the fandom to continuously reduce them down to one singular trait. It almost feels like reinforcing those stereotypes the movie was so set on breaking. As well as this continuously ignoring some of the best canon traits each character has. They feel so far from the original you might as well consider them ocs at that point.
I love the animation on Bruno’s vision shards (they look edible), I love the little details in mirabels room like her outfit sketches being hung up on the walls! THE BUTTERFLIES!! this movie has so many hidden butterflies it’s so fun to spot them!!
the soundtrack obviously but also the score!! only recently discovered that “the house knows” is a reprise of “the cracks emerge” it blew my mind!!!
One thing I really love about encanto is the expressions! they can convey so much with so little and the little subtleties it adds to each character is just incredible to me!!
SKIRT ANIMATION. it’s like hypnotizing to see how the skirts flow in this movie I am glued to the screen every time.
the dos oruguitas scene is gorgeous and so incredibly important to the core message of this story! As well as this scene the fall of casita is another incredible one!!
the songs feel like full blown fantasy musical numbers and I don’t know why people consider that a criticism of the movie is about MAGIC I want to feel that magic in the visuals of the song. So each musical number was like the most incredible experience!!
I love how waiting on a miracle starts off as a reprise of the family madrigal before changing to 3/4 time to show how mirabels out of place
the line “how far do these roots go down” hits so hard and I cant explain why
Felix and pepas love is so real and pure
julieta and agustín are incredible parents
dolores entire design
the fact luisa wasn’t reduced to a stereotype and was allowed to be flawed
mirabels voice!! it’s so unique and recognizable like I love it sm
the way felix sings “no clouds allowed in the skyyy”
I love that the characters actually look their age!
almas room being a replica of her old home showing how metaphorically and physically she’s stuck in the past
“I was thinking of my daughter!!”
I love that with isas transformation it’s not her hating femininity but changing what her femininity means to her
I love how mirabels worst enemy is her own mind. the madrigals aren’t aware of how she feels because she never opens up and it’s just slowly eating her up inside. in the end mirabel needed to acknowledge herself in order to grow (I say acknowledge because I refuse to believe it’s acceptance and I think she would still struggle with her self perception post movie)
I love how the Madrigals use their gifts to help their community and not for self gain. It’s such an interesting twist on the classic superpowers story
I love that the Madrigals are just normal people who randomly got a miracle, nothing of status just normal people in a normal town who got gifted.
the way pepa kisses antonio and hugs him after he gets his gift !!!
the way isabela is the one to initiate the hug but mirabel is the one who snuggles into it
julietas smile
the entire animation is so gorgeous!!
antonio. just antonio if u hate antonio I hate u
I love how realistically written alma is and how her story is treated with respect and nuance.
how all the madrigals problems aren’t solved instantly but it’s shown in a montage that happens over large period of time
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
Hi! Im new to tumblr and have been keeping this interaction to myself for MONTHS because no one in my friend group care, but I had one class with Mark this semester and he’d always sit in the same seat next to me but with an empty seat in between us and let me tell you this man is so gorgeous in real life, pictures really do not do him justice (he’s really tall and really broad and he has the cutest smile okay) and I have not said one singular vocal to him the entire time. EXCEPT for when we had an assignment due and the poor guy was NOT paying attention SO he turns to me and asks what we’re supposed to do, and I have never once in my life fucked up three sentences so hard but he was so very sweet and gave me a very cute smile and then we talked a VERY tiny little bit and it was very basic small talk but it’s been the nicest interaction I’ve had with a boy my entire time at umich so that’s a bit pathetic ahahah. And the worst part? I’m not even THAT into hockey he’s just really nice and really sweet (this is me mourning we probably won’t have any classes together next year).
Sorry for the rant I had to get it off my chest ahahah
omg 🥹
that’s so sweet and cute omg
ugh i knew that man just HAD to be absolutely beautiful up close
his height is my weakness i’m ngl- as a 5’6” girly, i love tall guys especially when they’re the broad build like Mark is 🤭
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crystallinestars · 4 months
Regarding your post mentioning Genshin burnout, recently I kind of felt it as well ! The only saving grace for me was Scara's banner, I finally managed to get him on Tuesday after pining for him during the past few months. So I guess I kind of have more motivation to play now? Esp to build him along w his team (Layla and Faruzan also popped up in my rolls :D). But after I've built them sufficiently, I might lose motivation again ...
And I saw you mention toxicity on online platforms, this is so real (for both Genshin and HSR) 😭 Like I was scrolling on Reddit yesterday and I saw a hella cute AvenPaz family artwork. It was then reposted on another subreddit (It's kinda meme-y community) and OMG they were being so rude ... Like they legit seemed so pressed seeing Aventurine in a non-BL ship. They were going "ohhh the str8s are at it again," (they used a more obscene term that I won't name) and I was thinking: so my bi self is apparently mega straight now just because I like NL stuff, huh 🤨🤨 I had to unsubscribe, like I loved seeing the funny edit pics from this subreddit but whenever they see a NL ship (or even a hint that a male playable character could be with girl) they just absolutely become so rude... I guess it could have been worse (like straight up brigading the artist) but the negativity was so so off-putting. Ofc we could all have our own preferences but whyyy feel the need to become so insulting when they see something they don't like.
Big big sorry for longggg negative vibes rant 😭 Ngl I'm also super tempted to go off about the treatment of a certain architect by the hands of both Mihoyo and a huge chunk of Genshin fandom, but if it is too uncomfy for you then I will refrain. ^^ I don't want to disrespect your blog !
Tbh though it is comforting to know that there are at least other Genshin likers (esp girls) who have similar sentiments regarding BL and our favorite architect ahahah...
Congrats on pulling Scara!!! He’s so much fun and a godsend in exploration. Seems you already have a good team for him (I use Layla and Faruzan with him too 😄)! May he grow big and strong haha.
If you lose motivation to play again, well… don’t play! Do something else you find fun! Life is too short to dedicate all your free time to a single game.
Honestly, the entirety of the Hoyoverse fandom is quite toxic. The only game that’s exempt from it, to my knowledge, is Tears of Themis.
Reddit is definitely up there with Twitter for being the most toxic platform in the fandom (I’m guessing TikTok and Instagram too, but I’ve never been on these sites). The BG/NL ship bashing is incredibly common, unfortunately. Really can’t enjoy anything NL on there. Really, why can’t they leave the things they don’t like alone and just move on? Why be so rude? 😔
I used to be a part of AlhaithamMains and things were mostly chill at first, but over time it became a haikaveh mains. Anyone who requested for there to be a separate sub for the ship was berated, and posts politely saying they didn’t see Kaveh and Alhaitham in a romantic light were rife with hateful and aggressive comments. I remember someone posted Kavehlumi art in KavehMains, and one person had the audacity to comment that Kaveh actually belongs to Alhaitham. And these types of comments were EVERYWHERE, under every NL ship post.
I took one peek into AventurineMains, saw the very first post talk about how Ratiorine is implied in the 2.0 quest, and noped out of there. Not surprised the same fate befell Aventurine 😔
So yes, Reddit is full of awful, loud people that ruin the fun for anyone who doesn’t ship the popular ship. You were right to leave. I left a long time ago and have been so much happier because of it. It’s unfortunate you have can’t enjoy a lot of things now, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to protect your mental health.
If you want to go off and rant about how Kaveh gets treated, please do! God knows I have my own gripes about it, so it’s really nice to know I’m not the only one troubled by it. Plus, I love it when people share their complaints with me, so don’t worry about being too negative.
Trust me, there are quite a few of us girls who love Kaveh but don’t care for BL. We just keep to ourselves and stay quiet to avoid trouble from the toxic shippers.
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raewrites42 · 1 year
This is my first story ever so you have been warned. I saw Across the spider-verse and am OBSESSED with Miguel O'Hara. This is my contribution to the fandom. I hope you like it. This is an OC story.
“Everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go. Nah. Imma do my own thing. Sorry man, I’m going home” Miles says throwing Miguel off him. I see Miguel falling above me “Miguel!” I reach up to grab him and end up losing my grip on the train, falling with him. While falling I lost my grip on Miguel and fell out of the train tunnel. “AHAHAH!” I try to use the wed shooters that Peter B Parker made me only to realize…. I’m out of webs.
Hi, my names Taylor and I’m not a spider person. I’m from earth…. Actually, I don’t remember what earth I’m from. I don’t remember much of anything from my life before the spider squad. Apparently, I fell through a portal and landed here in the spider headquarters. Hobie was the one to find me unconscious in the cafeteria. When I woke up, I was in the medical wing of the spider headquarters. The first person to come into my room was Jess, asking how I felt and if I was hungry. She was so nice and welcoming I was starting to relax, until he came in. The door slammed open to reveal a hulking figure of a man aka, Miguel. Immediately he started off with the questions of, “who are you?” “Where did you come from?” “Why are you here?” “The fate of the universe blah blah blah” to be honest I stopped listening. He didn’t seem to like that, because when he saw I wasn’t answering questions his eyes got really red and he looked like he was going to lunge. Lucky Jess was there to calm him down or at the very least keep him at bay. They tried to send me home in the go home machine, but when it scanned my DNA, it said my universe didn’t exist. And I’ve been here with the spiders ever since. It took a while for Miguel to not look at me like I was the biggest mistake ever (thanks for taking the heat off me miles) but then somewhere along the way he started to tolerate me. Then when he started to open up more to me, we became friends. Then when he started to open up more to me is when the hugs started, then the cuddles and then came the forehead kisses. Then not long after that Miguel hated not having me by his side, he would always get irritated when I ran off to go hang out with Hobie or Peter B but to be fair he's Miguel, when is he ever not irritated. Peter B made me these web shooters so I could keep up with the rest of them and Miguel did not like that, went on a whole rant of how dangerous it was and how I could get hurt. Me being me I told him I’ll do what I want, and I’ll be fine and if I’m ever in any trouble their would always be a spider to save me. Never in a million years did I think that I would actually be in danger, because I knew Miguel would always be there to save me. Oh, how I wish I listened to him, then I wouldn’t be here now.
Falling, I’m falling and I’m out of webs. I hurriedly click my watch calling LYLA. “Yes! What’s up?” she says cheerly. Her attitude soon changes when she hears my distressed voice. “LYLA! Help me! I’m out of webs and I’m falling!” “OMG! OK, OK! HANG ON I’LL CALL FOR HELP” “Nothing to hang onto in the sky LYLA!”
LYLA pops up on all the Spider people’s watches screaming, “ATTENTION ALL SPIDER PEOPLE TAYLOR IS FALLING AND OUT OF WEBS! SHE NEEDS HELP!” It takes a second for all the spider people to process the message before they’re all leaping off the train going to save Taylor. Miguel, already in pursuit of Miles too far away to be able to help, he hears the message. A look of indecision falls upon his face before he shakes his head continuing to chase after miles. Thinking to himself, someone was going to catch her.
I can now see a sea of spider people above me. Thank God! Someone is going to save me, but I’m starting to see that the ground is getting close, and the spiders aren’t. I start screaming to LYLA, “they’re not going to make it!” “Yes, they are!” I wanted to trust her I really did, but I couldn’t. I started to panic and press anything on my watch. “Taylor what are you doing? You’re going to-” her voice is interrupted as my watch opens up a portal and I fall through it. It closes immediately, and I’m still falling to I keep hitting anything and the more I press on the watch the more portals I fall through. When I fall through this last portal the watch stops opening portals. (The Andrew Garfield Spiderman universe) I’m screaming in terror as the ground is coming closer. This was it, Goodbye Miguel I lo-. That thought is cut off as I feel arms wrap around me and I’m swinging through the air. I tightened my arms around my hero. “it’s ok I’ve got you” I hear an unfamiliar voice say. I peek at their face to see Spiderman, well a spiderman. Wait, I’ve seen this Spiderman before, what was his name oh yeah it was, “Peter!” Spiderman quickly looks down at me then swings us to a roof top. He drops me as soon as we land. I don’t even get the chance to enjoy being on solid ground before he is angrily webbing me up. “Who are you and how do you know who I am?” Not this again. I take a deep breath, “My name is Taylor and I know you because where I’m from you’re not the only spiderman.” He takes his mask off “You’re from the Multi-verse?” “Well technically its call the- you know what yes, yes I am and as fun as this conversation is I would like to go home.” He un-webs me and I stretch after what seems like forever. “How did you get here?” “With this.” I showed him my watch. “It allows me to travel to different universes and keeps me from glitching” “How did you figure it out?” he asks, looking at my watch in awe. I chuckle, “oh no I don’t have the first clue to how this works that credit goes to LYLA and Miguel.” “Who?” “Their my friends, well Miguel is kind of more than a friend, but we haven’t really talked about it yet, but we cuddle, and he gives me- “I stop talking as I see he is giving me a weird look. “they’re people back home, who I need to get back to. So.” I go to click my watch, and nothing happens. What the what? I click it again and nothing. “LYLA?” I tried to call her, and I got nothing. “I’m no genius, but isn’t something supposed to be happening?” Peter asks and I glared at him. “Yes, but I don’t know why it’s not working. Hello? Anyone there? LYLA? Miguel? Jess? Peter? Anyone?” No matter how much I called for anyone I got no response. I can feel my hands start to shake and tears start to well up in my eyes. I turn to Peter. “I don’t-” my voice breaks and Peter comes closer. “Hey, hey it’s ok. Don’t cry.” I am now sobbing into him as he has his arms wrapped around me. “we’ll figure it out.”
Miguel walks up onto his platform angrily. Calling LYLA, “LYLA where’s Taylor, I wanted to check on her.” LYLA looks at Miguel nervously. “We don’t know.” “WHAT? What do you mean you don’t know?” “When she was falling, she started messing with her watch and after 7 portals her location stopped showing.” “So, give me her last location so I can get her.” “that’s the thing Miguel, we checked that universe, she’ not there.” “What are you saying LYLA?” he said in an eerie voice. “We don’t know where she is and have no way to track her, because her watch stopped working.” A look of disbelief goes across Miguel’s face, “Do we even know If she’s alive?” “there’s no way for us to know that. I’m sorry Miguel.” LYLA disappears and Miguel is left to himself. Miguel lets out a scream of anguish, throwing anything he can get his hands on.  screaming and thrashing until he tries himself out. Miguel goes to his monitors watching the playback of Taylor falling off the train and into a portal. Swearing to himself and to Taylor wherever she is that he’ll bring her back home. Then being angry at himself for ever letting her use those damn web shooters. Without those web shooters she would never have been on the train in the first place.
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bookofmirth · 1 year
I recently read a comment where an El/riel said that Az could never end up with Gwyn just because she is an “irrelevant nobody”, while he in one of “the main and most important characters”. And they go on saying things like “she is unworthy of him”, “he deserves someone insanely great” and bla bla bla…
Beside the fact that the whole post sounded pretty, uhm… aggressive and anti-feminist I guess? It made me realise that maybe some people ship Elucien or El/riel because being Elain’s partner means… more “screen time”?
We know that the ACOTAR series follows the journey of the Archeron sisters, and the only one left is Elain, whose journey basically still have to begin and find a properly conclusion. So, it’s logically implied that, as Nesta’s book became a Nessian book, Elain’s one will also become her LI’s ones (but SJM looooves feminism, at least as Rhysand does ;) ).
Sincerely, I’m pretty sure that, deep down in our unconscious, this is the reason why we all stan a ship or another, and I know it’s kinda a cynical though and not so feminist, since it implies Elain being a sort of “prize” for more screen time and more fangirl internal screams (yeah, because we all are fangirl who just want more hot-fae material at the end ahahah).
The point is, if only we were a little more conscious of it, we could understand each other better and, in an idillic word, maybe stop writing insults each other for supporting a ship we don’t like. We are all on the same boat, thirsty for our best men in fictional books, so there’s no point on being mean or writing a poem about how a character sucks for this or that reason, especially if it could only hurt someone else who feels a strong connection with that character…
Sorry for this looong rant ahaha, but I really like your blog. In your post you’re always polite so I though you where the right one to share my cynical vision of the ship war with. 😊
Hello! Just to be clear, the main reason I am posting this is because you were talking about the fandom in general, rather than being a butt about anyone in particular (other than whoever posted about Gwyn being a nobody, RIP because sjm is going to do what she wants with whatever character she wants. Chaol was just an annoying ass royal guard at first, too.)
I do agree with you about screen time. And that yeah, when we get Elain's book, it will not just be hers but also her love interest's book. I kept insisting on calling acosf the Nesta book before it came out, but... idk, I could go either way. We definitely didn't learn as much about Cassian as I think people had hoped to, but Nesta's issues were at the forefront and more pressing, anyway. The narration did follow Cassian at times, and we got to know some of his inner thoughts. So yeah, I assume that whenever we get Elain's book (and whoever else's we are going to get) then the narration will likely follow her love interest and we will get his (let's be real, it won't be a her) inner thoughts, and probably learn a bit more about him.
(This has made me start thinking about perspective and how people are struggling to understand the difference between first and third person and being unreliable, hang on let me grab a drink 😭)
And I definitely agree that if we could just accept that we are generally here for the same reason - obsessed over acotar - then maybe we might possibly, potentially, not be at each other's throats all the time? People just gotta make this their whole personality though, like if someone on the internet, who they will never meet irl and who otherwise has absolutely no bearing on their lives, disagrees with them, then *pearl clutch* omfg call the police their whole identity has now been put into question.
Calm. Down.
The most annoying thing about all of it to me is that it's all over MEN. People shit on Elain and Gwyn for a DUDE. And maybe it's not because of the ship war but people also shit on Mor for a DUDE. How about we just don't?
I'll be out here, doing my level best to tip the scales all by my lonesome by shitting on the dudes for the sake of Elain, and Gwyn, and Mor :)
Okay but back to your point, that people are actually invested in whoever the secondary character is going to be, I can see that. I've seen plenty of people say they don't like Elain, but will read elucien/elriel. It makes me sad tbh. I always see one of sjm's strengths - or at least one of the things I enjoy the most - being that she centers women in her stories. I used to assume that that's something that other readers enjoyed as well, but I guess not. People can like what they want for whatever reasons they want, but some of these discussions make it very, very clear how they feel about women, queer people, and people of color! Even if they won't say it out loud.
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YUPPPPPP JAEHYUN IS CONFIRMED TO BE A MAIN CHARACTER IN “6 Hours Later, You’ll Die.” WHICH IS LIKE A MYSTERY THRILLER apparently his character is a killer who pretends to be nice (and the cute thing is when dojaejung had a fancon here in manila, they were asked about what genre would they like to see jaehyun in and they said mystery because they wanna see jaehyun’s evil or creepy smile!!! they were teasing BECAUSE THEY KNEW omfg i’m so excited to see how jaehyun will act out for this role and i’m hoping that it’s his real big break for his acting career considering dear m’s difficulties because of her co-actress’ issue 😭)
2 major Ws for us today for receiving this news about jae and us receiving a devoted update 🥳 but i feel bad for being happy when you had the update as a distraction for what you’re going through. i hope you’re taking care of yourself despite what happened 🩷 i hope that u heal and feel better soon!
just some Qs!!! what are some things up for devoted now? are the questions for the characters still open? i remember readers sending in questions for the characters here!!! idk how to navigate that much here in tumblr so i cant tell but did you update last friday at 1:27? is that going to be a thing again? missed your active era omg i might as well be again too after your update 😭 i literally told my friend to stfu since i thought she was pranking me about a devoted update to get my attention lmfaooo
and if only you’re comfortable to answer and share! how are you, really? what have you been up to? just wanted to check on u since you’ve shared some life updates before.
sorry about this long ass message but i just wanted u to feel that we’re still here 🩷 i used to be a silent reader but i realized how much it means to authors when readers leave a message whether its short or a long one :) hope this one cheered u up! thank you again, rj!
i never watched dear.m bec my attention span wont let me
but thats so cool!! THE UNIVERSE REALLY SAID YALL LIKE PSYCHO JAEHYUN, HERE U GO ugh manifested me thinks
regarding OPEN FORUM, you can definitely send some in as always!!
for update schedules, i can't promise a proper timeline for it since i'm back to full time* but i can promise that i'll be writing more often now and will have it updated as soon as i proofread it!
will hide the rest of my answer since im gonna rant AHAHAH
as for my... well being, i guess -- i'm in a gray area at the moment. *i said i'm back to full time earlier because for the months of May and June, I asked to be a part timer since it's slow season for our company. but that also meant my paycheck would be cut in half. I'm not really happy with work right now since it's so draining (i work 10 hours/5 days) and i want to quit and look for work but im not in a position to do so (i have no savings bc of family medical issues). so im considering finding another source of income, but idk what to do really.
so ye thats whats been happening in mi life 😪 ill be fine eventually ^^
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
may i rant for a second because i’m so mad? thank you 😭 anyway i’m kidding, i’m just so pissed because i got sick and i’m going to a birthday party tomorrow and leaving for vacation soon and i feel like shit, i hate being sick during summer when i could be out tanning or something 😭😭
Omg of course, rant away!!
No, I feel that!! Feeling stuck and miserable is one of the worst feelings and I'm so sorry you've caught a bug!
Definitely take it easy, get lots of rest, drink your fluids, and don't put any pressure on yourself! Let your body relax and heal and you'll be poolside before you know it!! Being able to breathe out of both nostrils again AHAHAH
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moonwonuu · 2 years
Loooooeeee paki panindigan po yung kilig ko.
🥹👉🏻👈🏻 I mean- umagang umaga eto bubungad sakin omg. Now I know how you feel pag bumubungad submissions ko sayo sa umaga 😭😭
Wait sigaw lang ako ng mga payb seconds AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA okay na po. I’m just- hahahahhahahah tatawa ako dun sa lakas ng loob magbake ng cake ni marie tas di siya marunong no? Ano yun, nakagawa nga talaga siya or bumili na lang siya sa kanto? Kaso kasi wala namang ganyang ka-gandang cake na nabibili sa kanto (sorry na manong earl. At least masarap pandesal niyo. ✌🏻) tsaka supervised ba siya nina nonie? Naiimagine ko tuloy yung pure panic sa choi household nun.
At nagdrama talaga si hannie HAHAHHAHAHAHAH ilang gc ang pinagrant-an niya buong araw? At ilang beses din siya nagrant kina cheol sa span ng 20 hours? HAHHAHAHAHHAHA kaya nauumay sa kanya ang combo meal buti di siya nabigwasan ni isla 😂
Aaaaaaaaa happy birthday talaga sa bias wrecker natin: hannie ko baby ko!
- 🌸
AHAHAHAHA HELLO BEH 🫶🏼 good morning naman sakin, and hello sayo 🥹 siya gumawa nung cake kaya hanggang 11pm nag i-icing pa siya AHAHAH. o diba cinareer talaga niya yung pagiging bakerist niya 😂 ang nag supervise si isla, cheol at nonie tapos na amaze sila kasi marunong pala talaga si marie kahit first time niya ✊🏼 sumbong kita kay mang earl AHAHAH CHZ.
AHAHAHHAHA MGA 20 HOURS DIN SIYA NAG RANT KAYA TALAGANG NA BIGWASAN SIYA NI SHUA 😭 tapos muntikan lang naman si cheol and isla 😂😂
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mariaiscrafting · 4 years
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For those who missed it, Wilbur posted to Twitter, clarifying what he meant about lying.
No rant tonight, folks, since I rant about this kinda thing all the time, but just to reiterate: CCs don’t owe fans anything, we will literally never fully know CCs (only the bits of themselves they choose to show on streams and in videos), and the fact that CCs constantly feel the need to clarify themselves when they make jokes or lighthearted comments speaks more to problems with this fandom and how it views CCs than the CCs themselves.
[Image Descriptions:
First Image: Screenshot of Wilbur’s Twitter, @ ZoneWilbur, from 02/25/2021, at 6:21 AM. Reads, “Deleting this immediately after posting so grab your screenshots but I’ve heard so much stuff going around lately of people pissed off at me/wary that I said I about everything. While it’s 5 am I feel like I can quickly explain myself.
Second Image: Screenshot of Wilbur’s Twitter, @ ZoneWilbur, which reads, “I am so bad at articulating things, so this is entirely on me, but when I said I lie about everything it has always come after my story about how I’m ‘not allowed within 500 yards of my office’. it is solely in reference to that story and I thought it would make it funner”. The next reply reads, “That is all I lie about ahahah The ‘joke’ I’m failing to make is; ‘I’m not allowed within 500 yards of my office… hey guys! Also I lie to you all the time!’”
Third Image: Screenshot of Wilbur’s Twitter, @ ZoneWilbur. The first reply is the same as the last reply in the second image. The next reply reads, “That’s all the joke is. Everything I’ve told you aside from being kicked out has been true or to protect my privacy (my neighbours were not called Eddington’s solicitors). Hope that makes sense. Sorry for being bad at this kind of thing, not my expertise by far ahaha”
end Image Descriptions]
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aajjks · 2 years
FRIENDLY REMINDER THAT ITS NOT THE AUTHORS JOB TO CONTROL WHO READS THERE WORKS AHAHAH IF YOU DONT ENJOY DONT READ???? —- also minors dni isn’t stopping anyone sucks to say it but if you truly believe no minors are on ur pages / works then LOLOLOL —- also imagine saying ur romanticizing rape / kidnapping ?? if people truly believe that writing ff like that is the same thing then please go outside i beg … also the anons kept bringing up the fact your a minor ?? y’all are sending hate to a minor then ?? lol what … n e ways sorry for the rant it’s just to funny to me
It is funny I’m so sorry 😭
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midnight633 · 3 years
Hiiiii midnight it’s been a while! I’ve been pretty the air at school is pretty chill rn and I haven’t been as stressed as normal! Anyways I just finished reading the haikyuu manga and none of my irl friends are going to read it so I’m DYING to talk to someone about it while it’s still fresh on my mind (also I remember you saying you read the manga but if you didn’t don’t continue reading for spoilers!) well ANYWAYS the nekoma match took YEARS of my life let me tell you and the cage metaphors and tsukki and kuroo’s battle of the blockers it was probably one of my favorite matches. And KENMA at the end actually having fun ahahah I loved loved loved this match.
And then fukorodani’s match with akaashi was hard to read but the “we are the protagonists/stars of the world” made my bokuaka heart go places but akaashi just breaking was so surprising to see and the fact that they don’t even win nationals makes me sooo sad I wanted at least one team I knew to win nations also
AND THEN THE NEXT MATCH HINATAA the day that scene gets animated is the day I combust someone give HINATA a hug he just couldn’t play for w h a t and then they losttt and he was crying alone and coach ukai and takeda were absolute kings in this scene. Buuuuttt we did get to meet the tiny giant and I thkught he’d look real intimidating and scary but he actually seems pretty cool! AND THEN KAGAYAMA unpopular opinion I actually can’t STAND him sometimes he really went I win while hinata is really cryingg and I know it’s for plot but hsjajsjs
The time skip omggg okay yachi saying that date tech went to finals and the Miya twins beat karasuno actually made my heart really happy. I do wish when they were third years they could if won but getting third is also really incredible and YAMAGUCHI WAS CAPTAIN I really need the crew as their years fics. The beach part was so fun to read I loved meeting them new people and OIKAWA I never though hinata and oikawa would get to the point of being good friends but I loved seeing it
AND THEN RHE MATCH BETWEEN HINATA AND KAGEYAMA okay kags backstory was sad but the “one day you’ll okay with someone who is even better then you” and that someone being hinata he finally beat kagayama it makes me sooo happy. Also bokuto making everyone clap for him I love it AND THE NEXT PART WITH OIKAWA ahahshd I don’t even want to know the outcome of the match but I was sooo sad it ended (and is it weird that I want a spinoff with natsu hinata playing volleyball that would be so cool)
I’m so sorry for the long ask it’s just I have NO ONE to talk to about this and you don’t ever have to answer I just like ranting so if you made it this far thank you and have an amazing rest of your day!
@ren-likes-muffins ?!! HOLY SHIT??!! You did it?!
I don't know what's with Tumblr not giving me notifications (also I haven't checked it much) so I'm late at seeing this but I AM SOO HAPPY U READ THE MANGA BECAUSE WE CAN NOW SCREAM AT EACH OTHER! I actually read the manga then went back and rewatched the series and started rereading the manga till the end of nekoma match then a week of exams happened and I became antisocial.
Deep breath
Like I was so pumped up for the nekoma match when I realized that was not yet animated and reading the first few pages of the manga was hard cuz my dumbass brain didn't wanna read right to left and interpret instead went rushing through the panels ( hence the re read to savour the storyline and characters) . But once I got into it the match was soo good? Like Kenma really went I don't care you're my friend I'm gonna tear u from limb to limb and did so calmly? I agree with the cage metaphor when he broke through it I was so giddy and I remember Suguru ( Nohebi's captain) commenting how he didn't like Tsukki's vibes and realising that it was same as Kuroo's and hating them both :)
The Fukorodani's match fed my bokuaka heart and was a precursor to Bokuto's 'im a normal ace' part. The tiny giant was kind of a disappointment but that's life for you.. and the kamomedai match man the battle of the little giants - I was so rooting for Hinata but when he collapsed I didn't get it at first but then it hit me and takeda's talk about taking care of body being a part of volleyball and all made me cry. Also Kenma coming to check up on Hinata? Soft. Heart breaking. Cue waterworks.
Somewhere deep inside I always expected Karasuno to win the nationals but they lost and I wasn't even bothered by it at the end
So.. unpopular opinion I kind of don't like Kageyama? He is always being insensitive and a dick to Hinata and when says I'm going forwards or some shit when Hinata collapses really made me dislike him very much. I don't really think their dynamic is healthy so kagehina became a big no-no for me.
But post time skip I loved that they could settle it and work together as equals. But Brazil?! My god, little Hinata become so accomplished-Ninja Shoyou- and the bit abt Kenma sponsoring him, Oikawa meeting him and becoming friends, seeing all these great high school players in the same team- let me tell you Atsumo and Sakusa on the same team with their competitive vibes with Bokuto - man I laughed like crazy at the Bokuto Beam, its so dorky and utterly him- and Hinata was perfect. Is it weird I want spinoff of the MSBY jackals and their shenanigans? I loved how they showed every ones career and Tsukki still playing 🏐 after saying it's just a game - he must have been more hooked than he let on-
I agree a spin off with natsu playing 🏐 would be soo Cool - going all like but Onichan you can't come to my game then everyone will want your autograph and you'll embarrass me-
I wanted more but with the open ending I can now imagine anything and subsequently my haikyuu brainrot is spreading
I too don't have any irl friends who watch it and I resigned myself to being alone in this but man ranting is so satisfying isn't it?
My haikyuu phase doesn't seem to end soon but it's just that I can't get into the head space for ATLA and I feel so guilty for it, I have so many updates from fics I've subscribed and I can't muster any interest in checking them out.
On another note it's so funny in a show where the only confirmed couples seem to be Tanaka and Kiyoko yet I ship so many of them!? In my mind they are all gay and I ship them. My fav ships are probably- iwaoi, daisuga, BOKUAKA, kuroken, and weirdly enough I was kinda obsessed with sakuhina, atsuhina, oh and sakuatsu. I. Just. Think. They're. Neat.
Oh well this is way too long and if you've read all this you have the patience of a saint and I'm proud of you. If you want let me know your fave ships and other manga bits that caught your attention ( random- but I love that Kita is a rice farmer and supplies for onigiri Miya)
Here is a fanart that I love that reminded me of the ' we are the protoganists of the world'
Tumblr media
Byee!! Take care and Have a lovely day! Ily<3
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Cuz of ur 💜 anon and the other anons, I have ABTA a shot... and WOW I wish I read that sooner??? So goddamn perfect istg I want mooooorrrrrreee!! Yesss plz update ABTA whenever u can!
I had a question tho, why tf are readers parents so mean, like didn’t they like Crepus and Diluc? They were with Diluc for over 10 years and yet?? They push reader away from him
Also will reader ever comfort Diluc properly over Crepus and Kaeya? Will she hear the truth about Kaeya? I feel like Kaeya is at crossroads but he’s really not to blame like who tf abandons a CHILD and let’s the hope of a country on him poor thing, he’s sooo conflicted! Mona in her readings even said one day he’d have to choose, and I dread that day because it’s obvs how much he loves mond and protects them
Can I scream at how GENUIS it is that u had Diluc hide the infinity promise ring under his gloves?? And she only found out when he pulled her back?? That whole scene is *cheff kiss*
OH OH and when he was watching her from the Sumeru tower and she felt like someone is watching her!! And he got the envelope! AHHHHH! I love you and your writing forever ❄️
ABTA is one of the works I'm very proud of and I'm glad you guys are finally seeing it ahaha, it's gonna get more soon like, probably the next major fic after the one I'm working on rn
There are many aspects to this that I wish to rant over since there's many instances: They didn't inform Reader of his death because they knew it would be detrimental to her studies, and she's already working her ass up to lrove her worth, putting more stress to her would not be healthy and they plan to explain it once she comes home. The part by the end of part 2 is for her as well, because in their dwelling in Fontaine, they still think Diluc is gone and most probably dead. They didn't want their child to stay there drowning in double loss and heartbreak, wanting to console their daughter in a place far from bad memories.
The thing about Kaeya is, well, not gonna be out anytime soon or at all. It's a piece of information Reader doesn't need to know, and since Kaeya has a bit of fondness to her it's not the ideal scenario for anyone. Kaeya will keep her in the dark and he trusts Diluc wouldn't say a thing. I have a lot and not a lot of thoughts about Kaeya's prophecy but I'm not tackling that here.
AS FOR THE MOURNING, this is something I imagined perfectly and then forgot about the details when I WOKE UP- Post Trauma Diluc is not gonna be easy to work with, anon, and he has a different viewpoint that's gonna make this harder than it should. Consoling him is not easy because spoiler scene here: Whenever he looks directly or longer at Reader whenever she's all smiley, he always sees the image of his father like an imprint seeing as he always sees younger Reader and Crepus together in the earlier chapters, right? *wink wink nudge nudge*
I honestly FORGOT how I thought of that ending ahahah but I again had an explanation for it aodhsosnls he hid it ever since his freakin four years roadtrip to protect Reader <3 he had to keep it secret so that the enemies he encounter wouldn't look for any weakness, he ended up hiding it out of habit after coming back to Mond, and as you can see he's very touch starved and sensitive with physical interaction cuz of his compounded defense mechanism. Him finally reaching for your hand is a first step into finally getting his comfort, and it just so happens to be the step needed to pull her back uwu
Now that part was OUT OF THE BLUE kind of thing haha, I wanted to just make the letters rot in the mansion but I was like - isn't Diluc going on a field trip type of shit all over Teyvat? That was gonna be a diff scenario featuring creepy boy Lulu but I held back, just to make sure he's in character.
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athenagrantnash · 3 years
I read a review on IMDB where someone criticized Oliver’s acting when it comes to bucktaylor scenes and now I can’t stop thinking about it. That person is so right, honestly. All those expression Oliver does are so unnecessary and out of place? He’s getting so bad. I was so excited for bucktaylor at the end of season 4 but now I’m just … I feel nothing. I think he doesn’t like this storyline and he finally seems okay with buddie happening. Which good, people are entitled to like or hate a ship but like it doesn’t make sense with him now? I could understand if he was on board with buddie from the beginning but as we all know he definitely wasn’t ( to clarify: I used to ship buddie too but I’m okay with it happening only if and when they finally recast eddie but since it seems unlikely I don’t want it) So what’s all this, then? And I’m not talking about him liking buddie edits on instagram, that’s quite nice, but that story he posted after the episode aired with his face covered by this emoji 😣? Like that can’t be a coincidence ahaha he had no reason to post that.
Buck used to be my favorite character but Oliver is making it very hard to keep liking him, just like I used to love Eddie so much but the moment g*zman turned out to be problematic I stopped liking him and I stopped shipping buddie and now I can’t even stand that face on screen anymore. Also, Oliver apparently supporting the ship involving the problematic actor doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t care how much the fans want buddie to happen … let’s not forget what an awful person R*an is and how he shouldn’t be employed in the first place after what he said last year. Oliver hates bucktaylor and wants to give us bi representation? He can push for the buckravi agenda, that would be something I would watch with extreme happiness.
I honestly don’t know how Megan manages to work with him and his expressions but kudos to her because she was the only one who made me feel things in all their scenes ( her face when she says I love you to buck??? She’s so adorable 😍😍)
Sorry about this huge rant ahahah it’s just that I’m so disappointed in him. What do you think about this?
Okay so... I actually spent a while mulling over whether or not I was even going to answer this, because I really don't think you're being fair to Oliver here.
And yes, my opinions on his talent are fairly well documented (briefly - I think he has potential but doesn't seem to care to utilize that potential as much as he should, which results in some performances that are very good and others that are... mediocre at best). But like? I thought he was fine in this last episode, and he's been fine for most of this season with only a few cringey moments. I think what he's doing with Buck is trying to portray the overlaying sadness that he's going through this entire season over Maddie being gone and Chimney currently hating him. That doesn't mean he can't feel joy with Taylor, and it doesn't mean he doesn't love her. It just means that his prevalent emotional state is sadness and grief over his family being gone.
Here's the other thing. Oliver is allowed to like buddie. He's allowed to dislike BuckTaylor. What he likes or doesn't like isn't going to have any impact on what the show itself is going to do, and it's very clear which ship the show is going with. And the fact of the matter is that, even if he HATED Ryan and hated working with him, he would still need be able to make the fact that he HAS to work with him bearable. And if that means trying to view Buck and Eddie through the lense of the fandom, well that's his prerogative.
And honestly? Oliver just seems to be a really weird guy, so if I were you I wouldn't overanalyze everything he posts to social media (and then immediately deletes) that much. For all we know, he's trolling people. Or maybe he's not. I'm not inside his head, and can't tell you where he's coming from.
And while I do get being frustrated that he apparently hasn't been showing much support for BuckTaylor (especially with all of the BS BuckTaylor fans get from buddies ANYWAY), I'm not sure it's quite fair taking it out on him. Because if nothing else, we know that buddies would make his life hell if he actually was as supportive of BuckTaylor as some fans would like him to be.
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Everyone has secrets
The other marauders thought that by 5th year they knew everything there was to know about Remus Lupin. I mean he’s a werewolf for gods sake, that’s obviously his biggest secret!!
That’s what they all believed so imagine James’s shock when he hears Remus mumbling Sirius’s name in his sleep. He had tiptoed into the room and saw Remus’s lips moving.
He thought that it would be funny to creep over and listen to him but imagine his face when he hears Remus whisper about how much he wants to cuddle up in Sirius’s arms, kiss him all over and never leave.
After James picked his jaw up off the floor he rubbed his hands together in glee and started doing a celebratory dance to himself because it was only last week that a moping Sirius confessed his love of Remus to James.
James (being the good friends that he is) sat there and listened to Sirius as he ranted on about how “beautiful and cute Remus looks when he reads” or how “ he’ll never love me and i’m going to die an old maid”.
Now James may be a good friend but a person can only take so much of Sirius Black before they go insane. He started to think of a plan and once he had the perfect idea he slipped into bed and drifted to sleep.
Remus woke in the morning and noticed that the other boys had already left for breakfast. He quickly got dressed and rushed to the great hall to find them. When he got there he saw Sirius but no sign of James or Peter.
He walked over to the table and sat down. “Hey Moony, do you want some toast?” asked Sirius. “ yes please Padfoot.” Remus replied. “Any ideas where the others are?” asked Remus. “ No but here, this was taped to my bag in the dorm.” Sirius said while handing Remus a note.
“Binns is sick, no replacement teacher so first class free! Meet us at the Library after breakfast. Prongs and Wormtail”
“Are you ready to go?” asked Sirius. “yep!” Remus said while swinging his bag over his shoulder. They walked in silence to the Library and when they got there they looked around for James and Peter.
“I don’t see th- aghh” Remus was cut off mid-sentence as he felt someone shove him and Sirius into the broom cupboard next to the library.They heard James’s voice echo through the cupboard from the outside. “ You’re not coming out until you confess your love to each other”
Remus spluttered and choked after hearing this while the tips of Sirius’s ears went scarlett but thanks to the fact that there was no light in the cupboard it was concealed.
“Ahahah i have no idea what he’s talking about do you?” Sirius awkwardly laughed. Remus decided that there was no better time than the present and he stated “um- i think james is talking about the fact that i like you as more than a friend”
Sirius’s eyes opened wide and his heart skipped a beat. “ I’m so sorry i don’t know why i said tha-“ Remus was cut off by Sirius lunging forward and pressing his lips onto his. Remus gently pressed his hands on Sirius’s chest, unsure if this was all a dream or not.
Just as they were getting really into it the door of the cupboard opened and there stood James. Sirius and Remus sprang apart and hopped out of the cupboard with messy hair and rumpled shirts. “ I see my plan worked” James smugly stated.
“How did you know it would work, you didn’t even know that i like sirius?” Remus asked. “ well Remus my dear old friend, let’s just say that everybody has secrets!” James laughed.
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weishenkun · 3 years
Ppl were saying fendi only invited ten and they stuck lc there but what about yy? Iirc he was there too so they put him there on purpose as well or they won’t mention him because he’s not the one in trouble here? I’m not trying to give an attitude but if it sounds of it I’m really sorry. Idk there’s so much back and forth and ngl to that hardcore cbar fan and revealing all that info, if you saying he was such an a-hole throughout his entire career you didn’t bother leaving his fandom earlier and saying nothing? Idk that really irks me that this only came out because of what has been happening. Idk if you agree with me but I want to rant and I have so much to rant about but idk who to turn. Everything is being picked about from the littlest thing he has done or said and ppl are saying those interviews the 3 groups he in esp wayv ones have done were they praise him all must be fake. We don’t know his side of the story and in honest truth we will never know because how these things are handled through the west and Asian entertainment is so different. But I have I guess I have some reservations about what one of the victims said because of apparently who she is and it has made me think about some things. I still believe he was wrong for some of the things he has done because he needs to understand cheating and manipulation isn’t good. Idk idk idk my heart is heavy and people using this as a lololol ahahah moment to his fan community hurts too like going on and on how all along he was a douche and they always knew and we didn’t. And honestly I feel like there has been so much bandwagon hopping on the hate train because before this most ppl apart from the wayv fandom didn’t give a two cent shit about wayv. They never cared when sm mistreated them or that they got scrapings and were not treated like how 127 or dream were treated. But suddenly everyone who has never cared is up and arms about him in the group because when wayv is going to do their next projects I want to see if all these ppl are going to be cheering them on as loud about you cheering on about what’s going on currently. like I can guarantee you won’t watch an interview or stream their music. And there has been this post going around about what was revealed yesterday and it was about that cat and someone said to the girl well he didn’t give you the cat cause you ain’t his fav and she’s like go ask him on bubble cause that wasn’t what he told me yesterday and idk what it even means because everyone is jumping on it and going lololol he’s still in contact after the apology. Idk she had said it sarcastically and Idk if she’s being truthful or not but everyone is adamant he is still doing all this regardless. And honestly IF he did do that and you let him contact you like that i feel like it’s on her esp since everything has been going on for days. He was dumb for all of this and rn his entire career isn’t surviving so I can’t even tell if she is serious or not and given how this is going on I can’t imagine his devices not being taken away from him cause that’s dumb or someone watching him like a fucking hawk cause I would. Cause on top of everything ppl are saying he mistreats the animals/pets and it’s like wtf is going on?! Oh And with the surfing coach confirming they didn’t flirt but were just friendly, you could have said something earlier but did nothing for hours until you were asked directly because everyone was saying she’s number 5 but apparently in reality she wasn’t but you let it go on. Everything is plaguing me rn and I have so much more to talk about but I’m just so frustrated.
okay this is a long ask so let me just go through each point
1. i saw the fendi story and yeah, yangyang was there too but people are more 'forgiving' towards him cause hes not badmouthing other members like allegedly lucas is. also, labelv was basically trying to get more members into the thing than the organizer originally wanted to, so yangyang, since hes less popular, is pretty logical but lucas? really? he had his own shit almost always so what was the point
2. about that hardcore cbar fan, true, they did only come out with the rant after the stories came out but like they said - they were a hardcore fan. probably theres some money involved or even it was just ignoring stuff cause youre a fan. we did know about most of the things they mentioned, it was just over a long period of time so there were big gaps between each of the incidents and people forgot? idk
3. i agree, there's been a lot of analysis of every little thing he did, but like i said earlier - it was happening over a long period of time and people were blaming it on idk, the culture or the lack of knowledge of some language. now, when theres a chance it could be something more, because of the alleged badmouthing, people will bring that stuff up 🤷‍♀️
4. he had a chance to say something in the apology letter. he said literally nothing instead :D
5. there has been a lot of bandwagon hopping on the hate but theres also been a lot of just straight up ignoring everything. i saw a fan acc on twitter share a list of translators so the fans could block those, cause they've been spreading false news 🤡 like, he was trending for days so people will get interested in whats going on and they will have opinions, thats how world works. and yeah no one will give a single fuck about future wayv project for example but i just hope it will be because they wont care and not because there wont be any future wayv projects :DDDD cause wayv was never big lol, lets be realistic, and this scandal isnt helping them at all and also the fact its happening right when there's that social media/fans campaign going on, i think its even worse :D
6. the bubble thing... labelv isnt the brightest so idk if its that unrealistic. and i think theres the other girl who also said he was calling them non stop when they released their story so idk idk lol
7. wheres the cat :/ we all saw the pic of him getting it, i think i reblogged it with something like 'omg omg ot11 soon' lmao and we havent seen it ever since. it is weird, just like in general. i want to know wheres the cat
8. the coach 🤡🤡🤡 idk idk her story was weird but i think it made another person release their story so thanks i guess :DDD even if he didnt flirt with her, wow, omg, hes so brave for this, wow, bare minimum :)
okay i think i went through everything, thanks for letting me write a whole essay back to you, i will call it an english practice in my brain 😍
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misterywaren · 3 years
My Chaotic Reread Of Cdth
I’m rereading Cdth and the emotional roller coaster I’m on has me going on Tumblr and ranting as a read, hopefully someone can relate.
SPOILERS!!!  MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS!!  (Disclaimer: It’s long)
All quotes belong to Call Down The Hawk By Maggie Stiefvater!
Welcome to today’s session of “I’m a train wreck of a reading person”!
“Lock tapped the time of Nathan Farooq-Lane’s death into his phone.”   Pg 10
Dangerous dreamers, fun.  Killing your own sibling with an obsession with blades, so much fun.
“Ronan Lynch was about to end the world.”   Pg 11
Rereading this makes me laugh, it’s so funny that one POV is like “Oh no we have to find the Zed who wants to end the world asap” and meanwhile insert Ronan Lynch: I’m about to end the world.  Slow down Lynch, we’re only on chapter 2 and I haven’t had my sip of coffee yet.
“Ronan missed him like a lung” Pg 17
Idk man, this is what I call quality romance, if you don’t miss your lover like a lung you’re doing something wrong.
“Please.” Pg 32
If you know, you know.
“You smell like home.” Pg 35
My heart, awe
Okay, when RONAN DOESN’T MENTION NOAH, I HURT.  For real, I read those theories dhuiehuefhefuheui
““Don’t kill anyone.”  The words were only an excuse to breathe in Ronan’s ear; it made a marvel of his nerve endings.” Pg 39
*reads the fight-not a fight part* *closes book* *walks out the front door* we’re gonna buy Adam Parrish a cup of self-worth. (Pg 44)
“I want it too much.” Pg 46
....and murder crabs 
“Now who’s the little bitch?” Pg 73
Ah, yes, the moment I fell in love with Hennessy.
“Nightwash” Pg 76
Okay, ngl when I first read this my mind was like: mouthwash Now I’m like: The name is perfect 
“Is there any version of you that could come with me to Cambridge? No” Pg 76
“You are made of dreams and this world is not for you.” Pg 77
Oh you- ~ The text messages between Ronan and Gansey are wholesome
Chapter 12 really changed my perspective of Declan and let me tell you, I came out of this book wanting to hug the hell out of Declan- 
“Jordan imagined flinging herself from a roof and flying” Pg 101 
The moment I fell in love with Jordan ~ Parsifal- I- <3
“Bryde, they said” Pg 128
Meanwhile, my brain: Here comes the Bryde 
“The orphans Lynch.” Pg 135
*tears* ~ Declan and Jordan = Yes  (Pg. the whole book) ~ Tbh when Gasey asked if “Badass” was two words or one, I spent 15 minutes thinking about that- but that’s just Gansey, he says something, sends me to question mark nation and then monologues, love him. (Pg. 161) ~ OH MATTHEW YOU INNOCENT I’M SO SORRY FOR WHAT’S COMING FOR YOU- (Pg 160) ~ PARSIFAL T-T (Pg 166) Carmen...ah  (Pg 179) ~ Chapter 28: HOLD ON, HOLD ON ~ PARSIFAL T-T (Pg 195)
““I saved your life because I love you and I was scared [...]”  “I know you.”“ (Pg 204-206)
Yes, that’s all, yes ~ Tyrian purple (Pg 214) ~ YES DECLAN HAPPINESS, H A P P I N E S S (Pg 231) ~ *Insert Adam* *Insert Ronan* *Insert kisses* *Insert my happy tears* I’ll never tire of this scene, never, it’s so, you know? (Pg. 235-237) ~ *insert scrying* *insert scream* there has been a disturbance in the force *insert Ronan holding Adam* disturbance has been demolished (Chapter 39) ~ *insert Adam leaving* :( *insert Adam stalling* :D *insert Ronan feeling alone* :( *Insert kisses goodbye* :D  (Chapter 41)
“You are the most expensive thing I have ever saved” Pg 267
And this is the moment where I stared at the page for 5 minutes just loving this line ~ *Insert Ronan saving Hennessy* "THAT’S MY SON!” I yelled into the abyss/at my bedroom wall. (chapter 44) ~ *the matthew scene* You know the first time I read this I was in class and I was sobbing.  No matter how many times I read it, I die, can someone stop me from throwing myself out a window?  Please, it hurts. (Pg. 312) ~ *the matthew to ronan scene* Hahahaha haha ha *channels inner Neil Josten* I’m fine, totally fine, didn’t have my heart ripped out of my chest, NOPE (Pg. 316) ~ Chapter 56, I bow down to you, you’re amazing. ~ When Ronan said “my boyfriend” I screeched.  (Pg. 357) Ha..WERE GOING ON A TRIP TO OUR FAVOURITE MAGICAL FOREST, SOARING THROUGH DREAMS, IT’S GONNA BE FINE. (What am I doing?) ~ P A R S I F A L (pg. 364) ~ Declan “in case you don’t have internal organs” Lynch. (Pg. 371) Ouuu plot twist (Pg. 373) ~ Living for awkward Declan, you know? ~ Chainsaw and Opal, thank you for gracing me with your presence (Pg. 393) Give the girl some time Lynch, she’s scared (Chapter. 67) ~ (chapter 69) Sing it with me guys “Something good is happening, that can only mean we’re about to get our hearts broken! ay!”  THE PAINTINGS- Oh Declan, hun, you *hugs book* it’s okay, I’m sorry, I love you. ~ The dogs, yes Ronan, yess (pg. 428) ~
“Tamquam. It was marked unread.” -Pg. 458 
Ahahah, didn’t need my heart anyways ~ I reached the end and here I am again yelling at the book to give me answers and crying, it’s great to be alive. ~
Wow you’ve made it to the end (or you scrolled and scrolled and here you are, hello). Hope you enjoyed my rant and reread of this book, I’m a mess, I love this book so much. I loved The Raven Cycle as well and I can’t wait for the next book in this trilogy. Have a wonderful day and stay safe guys! *whisper hisses* MAY COME FASTER 
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