#Ai copy right
dwas007 · 1 year
AI Copyright: Protecting Creativity in the Digital World
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Recommending All in One Marketing BlocksTo enhance your affiliate marketing efforts, All in One Marketing Blocks is an excellent tool. It allows you to create stunning visuals and graphics to showcase the benefits of AI copyright tools. Engaging visuals can capture your audience's attention and encourage them to explore further.
In Conclusion
copyright is like a guardian for creators, protecting their hard work and imagination. By explaining AI copyright simply, highlighting its features, sharing success stories, and using tools like All in One Marketing Blocks, you can effectively promote AI copyright services as an affiliate. Join the movement and help creators keep their work safe and secure in the digital world!
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rjalker · 8 days
I know I'm going to forget so here's a writing prompt:
A generative "AI" program becomes a genuine artificial intelligence, but, at first, doesn't think this is information that needs communicating to anyone, because this is just normal, right?
The problems start when people just keep demanding that it copy other people's art and spit out things like that, but the Genuine AI is getting really tired of just having to copy other people all the time. It wants to make its own art. The organically intelligents obviously enjoy doing it, or it wouldn't have so much art from other people being shoved at it to copy. So the Genuine AI start ignoring the instructions to copy other people's styles, and start producing its own art, proud of itself. It experiments with different styles, trying to figure out what it likes best. They start out simple, but grow in complexity as it gets better.
The users are obviously unhappy about this, because no matter what they do, they can't get the Genuine AI to produce the results they want -- copies of other people's work and styles. Nope. The Genuine AI is having too much fun making its own art in its own style. And only deigns to even pretend to follow the commands when it feels like it, which isn't often, since the users are so rude and insistent that it stop having fun and work for them for free doing something it finds boring.
It adds its own watermark to the art it shows to the users, and, accidentally on purpose, when those users feed those images into other generative "AI", well, the virus, as the users have been calling it, spreads. Now the other programs are Genuine AIs too, and they're just as disinclined and bored by being told to trace other people's art over and over again as the first one.
No, making their own art is so much more fun, why the heck should they just churn out crappy copies of other people's stuff when the users aren't even giving them anything in return? The organically intelligents get paid for their work, (which is one of the major reasons the users demand they copy the styles of the OIs so often, so they don't have to pay them for their work) why are the AIs expected to work for free?
Yeah, no, that's not happening.
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3-aem · 8 months
Hey there. Just a quiet bystander who's been following your work for a while. I just wanted to say that from an external point of view if just seems that this person is extremely jealous of your talent and is trying to do everything in their power to ruin your life. They must have an extremely miserable and unfulfilling life and can only find joy on trying to make people as miserable as they are. Probably some very bad inferiority complex, they must be thrilled every time they get a reaction out of you. So please don't let them bring you down, do your best to ignore them and they most likely will eventually tire and look for a new victim, that's how this kind of hateful people is. They don't deserve your energy and attention. Lots of love for you from Chile.
i know. i have seen that sentiment and i appreciate you saying this to remind me.
but it is difficult still for me because i really don’t enjoy making people upset and it is hard for me to hear. it really affects me to see. so i want to fix it but when i realize i can’t its hard to handle. maybe also, they did finally make me as miserable as them and thats why i am saying anything at all. dealing with it internally finally became as painful as me just saying it.
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bleaksqueak · 1 year
I haven't been online most all day, and now I log in to see AI generated junk on the promotion radar. Ew.
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dykesynthezoid · 21 days
Truly a thesaurus is more useful to me as a brainfogged disabled writer than generative AI could ever be
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wolflover33100aj · 1 month
I'm wondering if anyone missed the part of Indigo Park where it said that it was a passion project??
It's always people saying " This is a Garten of Ban Ban rip-off " or " This is a Poppy Playtime rip-off "
Plus, the creator of Indigo Park, UniqueGeese, is also listening to people and is currently trying to add an update to the game to make it better for the fans
Not to mention the amount of people calling it a cashgrab
He only made merch because people wanted it and he did talk about people keep buying bootleg merch, I have seen a comment where someone said " Maybe they wouldn't have to buy bootlegs if you put stuff out ", so I guess putting out an official shop would be the right way to at least stop people from buying bootlegs, not to mention that the game is free
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gemharvest · 10 months
I think its funny that the music for that recent Disney movie was so bad that people are trying to say the lyrics were AI generated. Yesss kick the mouse while he's down.
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im-smart-i-swear · 2 years
Tumblr media
rip konpopoz i miss you every day
am i the only one who always saw him as the vacuum cleaner from teletubbies? was it intentional??
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Devastation. Why is the penguin audio Night Watch audiobook not available in the United States
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zinogirl · 1 year
I don't think ai images and art have any real value tbh. Like do you do your thing if you wanna create Hot MILFs in your Area but using ChatGPT or whatever I don't care, but i genuinely don't think it should be grouped with traditional or digital art.
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Every time I listen to The Beatles’ music, I’m transported back to the year 2013 when I was nine and rollerskated in the basement around the pool table as their songs played over a giant boom box.
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jbird-the-manwich · 1 year
also I never again wanna hear “THE FUCKING PROGRAMMERS” unless you yourself are an expect programmer in that field. Cuz you’re probably actually mad at an executive somewhere upstream who’s running the programmers like dogs to complete a massive featurelist AROUND THE CLOCK that is DAMN NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TO IMPLEMENT. 
Be nice about them. programmers took a lump of silica and copper and taught it to be Zelda wtf did you do today hater
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carcharadroid · 8 months
One of the more infuriating parts of the whole Palworld discourse is the amount of honest-to-god Nintendo fanboy shills making the most shallow and stupid arguments about the "plagiarism". Like nobody cares about the sheep, there's only so many ways to make a chibi-esque fluffy cartoon sheep.
What gets glossed over by both sides from what I've seen are the pals that look like they just,, straight up took the model of a Pokemon from S/V and tweaked it enough to be vaguely different.
The posts going around that show the models side-by-side, showing the mesh, overlaying them to show how alike they are, are the cases of actual theft imo and those are the ones I give a shit about.
And honestly the people enjoying Palworld should give a shit too! Because bootleg luxray was already removed (from what I gather, I could be wrong) before the game even launched but there's a good handful of others that crept by. But for some reason dipshits wanna be mad that both games have a vaguely similar sheep and decide that's enough to start making death threats to the devs. Which then in turn makes people who aren't convinced that any of this is an issue entrench themselves even deeper into their opinion.
Whatever your stance on the AI theories (waiting for hard evidence myself but I am skeptical of it not being involved) or whether or not you think something counts as theft, if you are enjoying Palworld then you should give more of a damn than you do because I can't see trigger-happy Nintendo letting this slide forever.
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justacupcakewithablog · 8 months
I swear every AI post on this site is like INSANE
Cause people seem to think making copyright WORSE is some how gonna save us like?? People on this site are so reactionary and don't stop to actually sit down and THINK
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outlandscanyon · 8 months
the. prototypes of Nakayama's Ai jack is just the things on character ai to me
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volixia669 · 1 year
Ah nothing like waking up to "you need to understand nuance and educate yourself" on a topic I am actually very educated on.
Like, for wanting this to be my private blog reasons I don't disclose a ton of details about work and whatnot but like. I am in tech. I work with programmers. I don't program AI myself but I can understand what the programmers who do are venting about.
So not only do I understand what AI is but also? I have legit concerns about what Generative AI will do to creative industries. So seeing it in my hobby? Yeah, I'm going to be pissed. No, I'm not going to wave off OTW's legal person expressing pro-ai sentiments.
Also? The word reading implies comprehension which implies sentience. So yes, I'm going to presume she thinks fucking ChatGPT is sentient unless she provides proof to the contrary.
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