unforgivingchorus · 2 months
If I had a nickle for every time they preformed impromptu underprepared brain surgery in a dimension 20 season I’d have 2 Nickles which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice
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unforgivingchorus · 1 month
Every time I see someone perpetuate a bad take on lord of the flies I try to explode them with my mind
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unforgivingchorus · 1 month
The new Cassandra cain batgirl comic save me
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unforgivingchorus · 2 months
if i get to write my red robin solo run, i will validate all trans Tim truthers. not by actually having him be trans or explore gender, im just going to give him so many extremely complex identity issues, it will be hard not to draw a parallel
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unforgivingchorus · 7 months
Richard Siken Twitter update. Hes giving bad takes on AI. He’s getting ate up on Twitter for it and I fear he would get destroyed here for it.
Old man syndrome hits ur local poet
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unforgivingchorus · 2 months
everyone who thinks tim drake is a coffe and cigarettes guy is lying to themselves, He is sucking down zesti and vapes
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unforgivingchorus · 1 year
Obsessed with the fact people are hating Richard siken on Twitter cause he said cannablism is selfish and so it as a metaphors about love is about a selfish wanting love. Twitter is not happy with the take ‘cannablism is selfish’
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unforgivingchorus · 1 year
Rewatching criminal minds s1 and I forgot how batshit Gideon is sometimes. He just does shit. Walked into an active crime scene at ass crack o’clock and just started fucking screaming to prove a point
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unforgivingchorus · 3 months
I’ve got like story boards for a red Robin solo run that would retcon a lot of the unfinished arcs of the last red Robin (keeping brucequest cause it was mostly finished) but the only person I would ever want drawing it is Juni Ba who’s doing the current boy wonder run. In love with her art actually.
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unforgivingchorus · 3 months
*learning how old varian is in tangled’
When is someone going to parent this fucking child
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unforgivingchorus · 5 months
Last words of a shooting star is Tim drake red Robin comics. I don’t take critisism
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unforgivingchorus · 2 months
Giggling and kicking my feet re-reading all of @batsnacks ao3 works
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unforgivingchorus · 1 year
Me when I have to take a break from tiktok cause someone called Marla signer a manic pixie dream girl
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unforgivingchorus · 1 year
If anyone ever needs a beta reader, just reach out. Don’t care if it’s the worst first fanfiction ever. I want to help people feel confident in their writing and grow in a kind way. Doing an English with creative writing degree. Will not judge
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unforgivingchorus · 2 months
Content update for my red Robin solo run ideas
He has bipolar disorder, he doesn’t go to a doctor or anything because vigilantes are psychological freaks but the first case would be him at the start of a hypomanic episode, followed by an inbetween case then a case that’s worsened by the fact he’s having a major depressive episode (bipolar type 2) eventually it would even out and largely the lessons he’s learning would be about living with mental health issues and not dismissing or punishing yourself for them
Normally I tend towards writing autistic characters specifically cause I’m autistic but I think it would bring a lot of the up and down emotional spirals from the red robin run to the reboot continuity as well as letting me explore a more overt mental health spiral
It mostly wouldn’t be set in Gotham, a lot of the smaller in-between cases would be but ultimately the meat of the story would be set across the globe, specifically focusing on post-conflict countries. Or countries where systematic oppression and colonisation is being deconstructed
Thematically this is because a lot of Tim drakes years as robin where following major personal and city wide conflicts and crisis, (see every comic with crisis in the title set in Gotham, the contagion, cataclysm and no man’s land events, and more recently the battle for the cowl and events of the red robin run). Not all of these necessarily still happened in the current Continuity but it’s not a stretch to compare Gotham to a city post-conflict or one in conflict.
Largely setting it across real world cities let’s me ground the experiences of Tim drake and Gotham itself in a more serious tone than is always given to the events. And let’s me draw parallels between Tim and the cities he visits
Also selfishly I’m from Belfast, specifically I’m a ceasefire baby from Belfast, so I’ve spent my whole life living in a country that’s in its first generation post-civil war, and I believe in that thing where writers draw from somewhere inside them for everything and Belfast is always going to have a place in what I write.
Although for This and the mental health stuff there would be a-lot of dedicated research
Also, despite calling it a red robin solo run because that’s the characterisation that I would bring most to it, I wouldn’t be bringing back that moniker. In fact it would probably be titled primarily as a Tim drake series, with the first comic subheaded robin but i would quickly leave the robin mantle too.
So much of it would be also about identity and him finding who he is post-mission, when he doesn’t have to be Robin anymore, and coping with the fact that he doesn’t hold any weight in his civilian identity, and he doesn’t value his own continued existence outside of how useful he can be to the mission.
Largely it would be done through nameless masks and undercover identities so I can further fuck with identity stuff
He is not on a mission. I think I would do something that lets me explore his childhood a lot more and his parents, so I can really dig into why he formed such a disconnected attachment to personhood, and probably by having him look into something from their archeology stuff, i haven’t thought through a-lot do what it would be and where overtime he would be much more reckless with his life and desperate to find a purpose or a way for the investigation to allow him to form a connection between him as he is now and his parents as a way to try and form an attachment and basis for who he is and how he sees himself as a person outside the mask, I also would be highlighting how he can’t walk away from someone who needs help, big or small. Real friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man shit that let’s me really hone in on the fact that brings him back to why he became robin in the first place, not any of the duty or personal trade by that came later. The unavoidable temptation within him to help whatever way he can. (And also a severe lack of self respect or value of his own life).
It so doesn’t sound like it but, ultimately the goal is to become more and more lighthearted over time as he develops a moniker he’s happy with and finds joy in the vigilante act again. Without ever shying away from the fact that he will never not have mental health issues but learning to cope and live with them rather than outright denying them
Also I want to portray someone who’s mentally Ill and extremely capable. He is just as smart and ahead of the game as in red Robin, but he’s also still the saddest boy tam fox ever saw. Ultimate he’s able to use his intelligence as a shield for why he’s taking unnecessary risk and choosing plans that put him in danger, because he can argue it as the logical choice with himself because he’s capable and it normally is the fastest or least lethal way, he just choses to pretend it’s doesn’t matter that there was safer options. You can be mentally ill and extremely smart and capable!
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unforgivingchorus · 1 year
How is the prequel of Kakeguuri gayer than both seasons of the main show
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