#Air Quality Index
The AQI in my area is at 111, and an hour ago it was 92. Anything over 45 will have me struggling, and right now I can barely talk because it takes so much effort.
If you're in the US and finding it difficult to breathe, check the AQI.
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purplethespian · 1 year
Is there a way to help with the Canadian wildfires?
My area is back to being Unhealthy according to the Air Quality Index because of the smoke, but all I can think about is how scary and dangerous this must be for everyone actually living in Canada right now. I spent a little time googling, but I haven't seen any information about how to support people living through the fires themselves. I found a NYT article from the beginning of June, but I don't know how up-to-date it really is. I want to be able to help in some way but I don't know how.
(P.S. USAmericans can visit AirNow.gov to check the air quality in their area)
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pandemichub · 1 year
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(MSN AQI (Air Quality Index) Map)
Please visit MSN AQI (or other AQI maps. The Weather channel and AccuWeather are also fantastic) map on desktop or laptop for all areas under advisory and warning.
Advisory and warnings issued for parts of the east coast, Ontario and Quebec however other parts of the U.S. as well and as far Midwest as Michigan and Minnesota.
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Wildfires have been linked to increased COVID cases and deaths. (Link).
PPE such as respirators, HEPA air purifiers, sealing windows and other areas within a home, hotel or other buildings to seal off outdoor smoke are all helpful to protect oneself and reduce exposure to the particles released and circulating from the wild fires.
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An excellent thread of advice, please click on "view on Twitter" to be directed to read it in full.
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cyarskj52 · 1 year
theneighborhoodtalk TNHT Intern: @breyonnabryant
Neighbors, it appears there has been an air quality alert sent out in New York due to smoke from wildfires in Canada lingering over into the city. City officials are urging New Yorkers with heart or breathing issues to limit outdoor activities.
There are currently 150 wildfires happening in east central Canada (Quebec) with 110 of them being deemed out of control. The forest fires began emerging a little over a month ago. Pictures and videos of bridges and buildings throughout the city surrounded in an orange-like haze are beginning to trend on social media platforms as the air quality index reached a 342 compared to its usual 100 index.
New York has been listed as the most polluted state of any other major world city this past Wednesday as the air continues to get worse. Weather sources are now comparing the levels of air quality to that of India and New Delhi.
As of right now, New York will reportedly continue under an Air Quality Health Advisory until Thursday morning due to wind patterns pushing the smoke further towards the city. Fox weather meteorologist Stephen McCloud tells us the city should start to see improvement in the air by Sunday night.
Sending love to the citizens of nyc, Canada, northeast and other parts of the country that are affected by this air pollution crisis.
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burningchandelier · 1 year
Honestly it is homophobic for the air quality to be this bad from the wildfires during Pride month.
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ferdifz · 1 year
"New York City's air qualiy is currently the second worst in the world after New Delhi"
Did Jakarta not even make the cut..?
#HahaLol #IndonInferiorityComplex #ThisIsAJokeLaugh #CanadaWildfires
—— Ohwait Jakarta still made no. 10 yay lol! 😝🙃
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The AQI in my region is described as ‘Very Poor’ ok bro 👍🏽
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#WDEFWeather #News12Weather @WDEFNews12 - #AirQuality reported worse over parts of NW #GAwx, NE #ALwx, ranked at the Red/Unhealthy level by EPA data.
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vipschoolbaddi · 6 months
Exploring the Air Quality Index- What you should know
You might keep hearing about the rising air quality index of the major cities in India, such as Delhi, especially during winter. But have you ever wondered what the air quality index is? And how does it affect our health and environment? If you are aware of the air quality index and its consequences, you have the right knowledge to safeguard yourself and the environment
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financeguruadvice · 7 months
Do check the AQI in your area !!
Join a mission to make this world pollution free.
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anumetservice · 7 months
Navigating the Sahara Dust Season: Health Impacts, Ecological Concerns and Hidden Benefits
By Dale C. S. Destin – Published 22 February, 2024 | The dust season has officially started. Dust traverses the Atlantic, on the trade winds, and reaches the Caribbean continuously from the Sahara Desert, all year round. However, this dust tends to be more evident and impactful from mid-February to mid-October, annually. The Dust has wide-reaching implications for health, as it is very much a…
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kjheatingandair · 8 months
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Ever wonder how buildings stay comfy and cozy? HVAC systems are the secret superheroes! They use special filters, ventilation, and humidity control to make sure the air we breathe is clean and good for us. It's like having a breath of fresh air inside, making our spaces comfy and healthy. Continue reading to learn more about the importance of HVAC systems for indoor air quality.
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getambee · 10 months
Integration of Air Quality Data in Smart Cities: Transforming Urban Planning through API-driven Monitoring Systems
In an era marked by rapid urbanization, the need for sustainable and healthy urban environments has become paramount. Smart cities are leveraging cutting-edge technologies to address various challenges, and one crucial aspect is monitoring and managing air pollution. This article explores how cities are integrating Air Quality APIs to monitor and manage air pollution, showcasing case studies of successful implementations and the profound impact on urban planning.
Understanding Air Quality APIs and Data:
Before delving into case studies, it's essential to grasp the fundamentals of Air Quality APIs and data. Air Quality APIs provide real-time and historical information on various air pollutants, typically measured using ground-level sensors. These sensors collect data on pollutants such as particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and carbon monoxide (CO). The APIs process this data and present it in the form of Air Quality Indices (AQI), offering a comprehensive snapshot of air quality.
The Role of Air Quality Data in Smart Cities:
Smart cities recognize the critical role of air quality data in creating healthier living environments. By integrating Air Quality APIs, city officials gain access to accurate and timely information, enabling them to make informed decisions for public health and urban development. The data empowers cities to identify pollution hotspots, assess the effectiveness of pollution mitigation strategies, and engage in evidence-based policymaking.
Case Studies:
Beijing, China:
Beijing, notorious for its air pollution, has implemented a robust air quality monitoring system driven by APIs. The city employs a network of sensors strategically placed across urban areas. These sensors continuously collect data on pollutants, which is then fed into an Air Quality API. The city's real-time air quality monitoring platform allows residents to access up-to-the-minute information on pollution levels, fostering public awareness.
The impact on urban planning in Beijing has been substantial. The city authorities use the data to enforce strict emission controls, adjust traffic management strategies during peak pollution hours, and optimize green spaces to act as urban lungs. The integration of Air Quality APIs has played a pivotal role in Beijing's transition towards a greener and healthier metropolis.
Copenhagen, Denmark:
Copenhagen exemplifies how a smart city can use Air Quality APIs for proactive urban planning. The city's air quality monitoring system combines data from sensors with environmental factors such as weather conditions and traffic patterns. By integrating this information through an API, Copenhagen can predict pollution levels and take preventive measures.
The impact on urban planning is evident in Copenhagen's emphasis on sustainable transportation. The city uses air quality data to optimize traffic flow, promote cycling, and incentivize electric vehicles. This integration has not only improved air quality but has also influenced the city's overall approach to transportation planning, fostering a more sustainable and resilient urban infrastructure.
Los Angeles, USA:
Los Angeles, grappling with longstanding air quality challenges, has embraced Air Quality APIs as part of its environmental management strategy. The city's extensive monitoring network feeds data into APIs, generating insights into the correlation between air quality and health outcomes.
In terms of urban planning, Los Angeles has used this data to designate low-emission zones, encouraging industries and transportation services to adopt cleaner technologies. Additionally, the city has prioritized green infrastructure projects in areas with high pollution levels, demonstrating a commitment to equitable urban development.
Impact on Urban Planning:
The integration of Air Quality APIs in smart cities has a profound impact on urban planning. Here are key ways in which it transforms the planning process:
Precision in Infrastructure Development: Air quality data allows cities to pinpoint areas with high pollution levels. This precision enables urban planners to design infrastructure projects that prioritize green spaces, implement effective traffic management, and establish emission controls in targeted locations.
Public Health-Oriented Planning: Cities can incorporate air quality data into health impact assessments for proposed developments. This ensures that urban planning decisions prioritize public health, leading to the creation of healthier living environments.
Dynamic Traffic Management: Real-time air quality data facilitates dynamic traffic management. Cities can adjust traffic flow, reroute vehicles during peak pollution hours, and incentivize the use of public transportation or cleaner modes of commuting.
Community Engagement: The availability of air quality data empowers communities to actively engage in urban planning. Informed residents can advocate for sustainable development, participate in decision-making processes, and hold authorities accountable for air quality improvements.
Resilient and Sustainable Cities: Smart cities leveraging Air Quality APIs are better equipped to build resilient and sustainable urban environments. By considering air quality in every aspect of planning, cities can reduce pollution, enhance quality of life, and contribute to a global effort to combat climate change.
Challenges and Future Directions:
While the integration of Air Quality APIs presents significant benefits, challenges persist. These include ensuring data accuracy, addressing sensor calibration issues, and maintaining the security of sensitive information. Additionally, future developments may involve the incorporation of machine learning for more accurate predictive modeling and the expansion of monitoring networks for broader coverage.
The integration of Air Quality APIs in smart cities marks a transformative shift in urban planning. By harnessing the power of real-time air quality data, cities can create healthier, more sustainable environments for their residents. The case studies of Beijing, Copenhagen, and Los Angeles exemplify the positive impact of API-driven air quality monitoring systems on urban planning. As cities continue to evolve, the integration of such technologies will play a pivotal role in shaping a cleaner and more resilient urban future.
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Navigating Air Pollution for Optimal ENT Health
Global concerns about rising air pollution highlight significant threats to both the environment and human health. This extends to Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) health, as airborne pollutants can exacerbate conditions and impact the delicate structures of the respiratory system. Dr. (Major) Rajesh Bhardwaj, a renowned ENT specialist, advocates proactive measures. This involves staying indoors during high pollution periods, using HEPA-filter air purifiers, and consulting experts for informed decisions. Choosing the right air purifier, considering factors like capacity and features, empowers individuals to safeguard their ENT health and foster a healthier indoor environment.
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brave003 · 11 months
How to check the quality of air you breathe. (AQI)
It becomes essential to know this while looking through Google maps. Check AQI
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Amidst Rising Pollution Levels, Delhi Takes Swift Measures: Schools Closed, Construction Ban Implemented
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