#Aisha Wilson Barnes
writerkenna · 11 months
happy halloween from the wilson-barnes family
this year, it’s bucky’s turn to take the kids out trick or treating while sam hand out candy. mila is dressed as ariel, aisha has been brought into her daddies’ gumbo costume and is dressed in a big pot with leg and arm holes, and, most upsetting to sam and bucky, eric has asked to dress up as iron man this year.
they know this is probably one of the last years mila will want to trick or treat, so sam takes about a million pictures.
at the end of the night, they take their candy tax and stay up after the kids have gone to bed munching on kitkats and snickers and watching horror movies from the eighties. bucky scares easily, but sam is there to snuggle him after every fright
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tllgrrl · 1 year
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Dreamgirl by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
Pairing: Sarah Wilson & Bucky Barnes and Cass & AJ Wilson | Rated: G | Words: 300-ish
* * * * * * * * * *
Summary: Much to Cass and AJ’s (and of course, Bucky’s) delight, Sarah is dolled-up for a special event she and Bucky are attending. Before they leave home, he grabs Cass’s camera to get some pictures. Hopefully, one will end up in his wallet. Yes, he has a cellphone with a camera and a Camera Roll, but he’s admittedly old-fashioned enough to want to carry a photograph of his intanda in his wallet.
Sarah reminds the boys of the Dreamgirls, from one of their mom’s favorite movies.
Shenanigans ensue, and they learn something new about Bucky and Dora Milaje General Okoye.
* * * * *
“Are you done messing around with Cass’ camera? We still have to drop the boys off at Aisha’s.”
“This is the last one, nandi. I swear.”
“Baby, we’re going to be late, and you know how Sam gets with his ‘you’re either early, or—“
“—you’re late!!” Bucky, Cass and AJ all finish the sentence in unison, each in their own imitation of Sam.
“Stop playin’,” Sarah laughs, “and take the picture before you drop the camera!”
“Can’t help it. You’re stunning. ‘m I right, fellas?”
“Yeah! You’re stunning, Mama!” Cass declares, pushing his glasses up and grinning.
“Yeah! You look like one of the Dreamgirls in that movie you watch and lip sync all the songs with!” AJ nods in agreement with his big brother.
Bucky looks at Sarah, eyebrows raised, and a delighted grin spreads across his face because he’s watched Lip Sync Battle with her.
“Really! Lip sync, you say. All the songs?”
“ALL of them,” Cass confirms. “You should see her, Uncle Bucky. Especially that one song where one of the Dreamgirls gets fired by her boyfriend and she says—“
“AAAAAAAAND I am telling you…” both boys strike dramatic poses, Cass clutching his chest, AJ throwing his head back, closing his eyes and joining in. “I’m not going!!”
Bucky joins in with them on “No-no-no no way!”
“Uncle Bucky! You know this song?” AJ asks, eyes wide with amazement.
“Well, don’t tell her I said anything, but, General Okoye absolutely loves Dreamgirls. She played the Broadway cast version on the way to and from a mission with the Dora.”
“Alright you guys. Uncle Bucky’ll tell you about General Okoye and the Dreamgirls later. Grab your backpacks and let’s go, or we won’t just be late. We’ll be—“
“Late-late. Got it, sweetness. But, wait right there. Hold on. Don’t move. Just one more, Dream Girl.”
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missnobodymadness · 8 months
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I've been wanting to introduce Aisha here for a while but considering that my OC introductions never really go well I kept procrastinating...well, I decided that I have all the right to talk about my babies here and my mental health and enjoyment should always be more important than notes, so I am gonna be who I am today and do what I like even if no one is there to read it, so here is Aisha's introduction, along with some backstory that I already wrote for her profile on TH.
“Whenever a scientist finds a cure to something, companies will take advantage of them and sell it to you for the price of your soul, lives weren’t meant to have a price tag, you can’t play God and decide who is gonna live based on who is wearing Prada and that’s what motivates me to keep fighting for a world where science and technology will become a right instead of a luxury” Name: Aisha Fraser (Aisha Fraser Stark after marriage) Meaning: Alive, Well Alias: Hell's Bane or 69676 Date of Birth: 9, May, 2009 Age: 21+ Zodiac: Taurus Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Orientation: Pansexual Species: Human (Modified) MBTI: ENFJ Status: Alive More posts about her: Aishamcuoc
Height: 5'7" (170cm) Weight: 161lbs (73kg) Skin: White Eyes: Blue Hair: Ginger (Natural); Fiery red (After modifications) Scars/Birth marks/Tattoos: Freckles, a beauty spot on the side of her mouth and a tattoo with her lab name "69676" on the back of her neck, a few non important small scars from the experiments Special features: She has built-in real black wings that come out of a cavity on her back
Biological Family
Mother: Unknown scottish woman Father: Unknown scottish man Siblings: None Partner: Tony Stark (Married) Children: Ryan, David, Nelson, Mathew ♰, Lennon ♰, Aron ♰, Henry ♰ and Morgan Other family: None
Other relationships:
Wonderland Circus family (Found Family, they are background OCs) Natasha Romanoff (Best Friend) Wade Wilson (Close Friend, they have some tea like two old ladies while being the most sassy bitches together everytime they meet 8) ) Sam Wilson (Annoying friend that she wants to kick) Bucky Barnes (Friend) Happy Hogan (Good friends, they eat hamburgers together while Tony is not watching, shhh) T'Challa (Good friend, mutual respect) Thor (Friends, he had a small crush on her when they met) Baron Zemo (One night stand lover) Peter Parker (Sees him as a son even thought she wishs she could kick his ass sometimes too) Nick Fury (Confidant)
Occupation & Abilities
Powers/Skills: Fire creation and manipulation, slightly physically stronger than an average human and has wings that allow her to fly, they are real wings and she avoids using them because they are a weakness to her Weaknesses: Her wings, her hair (it let's her enemies know when s he is hurt, her hair changes color according to her status, if she is hurt her red hair will turn into a greyish white, the amount of white hair tells you how badly hurt she is, for example, if she is dying, her hair will be fully white), close combat Equipment: She usually doesn't use anything other than technology, such as suits or technological tools that enhance her powers and skills Job: Science and engineering Affiliation: Avengers Former affiliation: Hydra (As an infiltrator)
Positive Traits
✔ Extremely intelligent ✔ Independent ✔ Social ✔ Wise ✔ Empathetic ✔ Hardworking
Negative Traits
X Insecure X  Sassy X  Clumsy X Perfectionist X  Forgetful X  Disobedient
Likes: Her family and friends, technology, science, politics, mutants, helping people Dislikes: Cheaters, injustice, hate crimes, mainly towards minorities, shallow and closed-minded people
Aisha (Aka Hell’s Bane or 69676) is a very intelligent genetically modified human, she was sold to the organization Leviathan by her own parents, who had close ties to them, when she was only a few months old.
Leviathan is a secret european organization based in Scotland, they have an illegal and hidden laboratory in Portland, Oregon, USA, to where Aisha was sent.
Since then she has been used and modified by the organization, she was nothing more than a weapon in progress and her life was resumed to that for the first 20 years of her life, until the day she was able to escape, burning the laboratory down along with everyone in it, even the innocent ones.
Their project wasn’t completed yet, which means she is considered as an incomplete experiment. With the death of their leader and most important members, who were there when everything happened, the organization collapsed, only a few workers were left and most of them only wanted to go home as they were also victims.
Aisha went through a really hard time after that event, she felt lost and could barely communicate with people due to her lack of social skills, as a fast learner she was able to hunt for food and fend for herself, staying hidden at the Willamette national forest. Sometimes she would adventure into the city of Portland and try to interact, as time passed by Aisha finally learned some social skills.
It wouldn’t take long before she met her future first friends, they belonged to a travelling circus who was currently staying at the city, they were all extremely nice to her and made her feel welcome, some time later she had an idea that would change her life once again, she could use and control fire and a circus would be the perfect place for her to hide and go unnoticed, after all who would suspect she was actually creating and controlling the fire? She could always use a mask as well, no one would ever know who she was during her exhibitions. Maybe they would take her in and let her travel around with them?
Aisha started practicing a few tricks daily and once she finally felt ready, decided to show them what she was able to do and was successful in impressing them with her supposed talent, she got what she wanted, an invitation to join their circus and Aisha was totally ready for that wild trip!
Some months passed and she had learned so much about the world, finally feeling free and like herself for the first time, social skills weren’t a problem for her anymore, in fact, she found out she was quite the communicative type.
They had just arrived in New York, well, most precisely the suburbs, when Aisha found out about the Avengers, she was quite curious about them, mainly about the one named Tony Stark, she had this weird attraction to technology and couldn’t avoid her curiosity. Aisha got inspired and started to create her own cape and mask so she could hide her identity, tracking their activity the best way she could at the moment, she was able to help them whenever she saw they needed it really bad, Aisha had no fight skills but she surely could impress with her fire and wings, so she was quite useful to distract their opponents when everything seemed to be lost for the Avengers.
Eventually she never showed her face, but they could see her blue eyes through the mask, she became a mystery to them and she would always get away before they could even talk to her, until the day things were way more serious than she could’ve imagined and Aisha was knocked out while trying to helplessly help Sam and Natasha who were currently fighting alone, some minutes later Tony Stark showed up and they were able to overcome the situation, but Aisha was still out, they captured her and took her to the tower where she eventually woke up some time later, she had no idea where she was and started to freak out when she noticed she was literally locked inside that room, the Avengers couldn’t risk any danger.
Tony Stark couldn’t help himself, his curiosity was screaming, he needed to know more about what she was and why she helped them several times, Stark studied her for a few days, Aisha wasn’t happy, she didn’t fight for her freedom only to see it being taken away from her again, but she wasn’t dumb, she knew she couldn’t get away the way she did at the laboratory, the room was fireproof and she didn’t really want to hurt any of them either, so she allowed Tony to keep going with his studies and meanwhile they got to know each other a bit better, but what really caught his attention was her intelligence and apparent interest, maybe even passion, for technology and eventually they realized that keeping her locked in a room wasn’t necessary and was making her miserable, she wasn’t a threat at all and not having any stimulation was driving her intelligent mind crazy.
Aisha didn’t think twice before running away, her friends were probably very worried and looking for her and she needed to let them know what has happened and where she had been and so she spent some more time with them while they stayed at New York, however, on the last day at the city, Aisha started to feel very unsure if she really belonged there, she couldn’t even tell them who she really was, how would they understand? How would they take the news once they realize she has no talent and the fire was created by herself all this time? She loved them, they were her family, but did she really belong with them? She wanted to do great things, she wanted to learn a bit of everything and dedicate her life to what she truly loved: Technology.
She would never be able to do that with them, she would just perform fire tricks for the rest of her life, Aisha knew, deep down, that she didn’t belong and so, she decided to part with them and stay at the tower where she knew she was also welcome.
With all the technology on her side, Aisha decided to start her own research and projects, catching Tony’s attention once again who later offered her a place at his laboratory as his apprentice, she was happy to get such privilege and worked hard to impress him and he wasn’t disappointed and later she became an official S.H.I.E.L.D adviser.
Aisha started to be successful with her work and became really popular for her ideas and creations, getting the spotlight on several magazines and scientific journals, little did she know such popularity would turn into a big problem for her.
The spotlight made Hydra notice Aisha and lately find out about who and what she really was, targeting her, especially after Aisha was able to get into their database later on, they wanted her, she would be way more useful to them alive than dead and they knew exactly how to make her behave but they also knew it wouldn’t be easy to fool her, some force would certainly be needed, they also planned to finish what Leviathan had started.
Unfortunately for Hydra, Aisha was no idiot and after successfully escaping from their first try she had started to think of a plan just in case they’d be successful someday, she had read enough articles to know they weren’t gonna stop coming for her and by the time they were finally able to capture her she already had traced one, it wasn’t a easy one, Aisha knew she would need to sacrifice a lot for it and that they wouldn’t go easy on her, she had studied Hydra so well lately that she was pretty aware of how things would work there, she was terrified but she would not give up, she would fool and take advantage of them and they wouldn’t even realize that!
And Aisha did exactly that, she made them believe she was under their control while she gathered information and learned how to fight, they surely weren’t soft with her, but Aisha was used to the pain and she knew it was for a greater good, however, slowly she started to realize she would probably carry a few physical and psychological scars with her from her experience with Hydra.
Tony was the only one who she told about her plans and that also brought him some trouble with the Avengers, she had asked him to not look for her in case she was successfully but how would Tony make sure the rest of them wouldn’t try to rescue her? After all not rescuing her sounded extremely absurd to them.
Okay, this is enough spoiler for now, her story is REALLY long. :'D
. Aisha has a very intelligent mind and is very prone to boredoom and frustration, as such, she is always in need of something to keep her stimulated. . Before running away from the Leviathan laboratory, she was learning a few useful languages so she could do her job properly, she learned german and russian with them. . Aisha has a very sassy and sarcastic nature and while some find it amusing, others may find it annoying, her nickname at the tower is actually "sassy pants" because of that. . She has black wings on her back, they come out through a big cavity that she has on her back, on both sides, that goes from the shoulder to her waist, her wings are extremely sensitive and she usually doesn't allow people to touch them. . Aisha is a feminist and when she finally gets famous and rich, she decides to build a safe place for women who are victims of domestic violence, she has helped many people to rebuild their lives, she loves people and wants them all to have the same chance she once had to rebuild hers.
Both artworks on here were made on Picrew. (1,2)
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mrsbrekkers · 2 years
hey there everyone! as promised, here is the updated fandom list! i had to go to the er after work so (: that was lovely. anywho!
 🕊 KEY NOTES! - i write imagines, headcanons, and blurbs! when sending your request, give me the type of fic you want, the character for said fic, and your idea for said character :) - characters marked with a <3 are ones I'm wanting to write for the most as of recently! - DO NOT request characters not listed please! instead, if you have questions about characters i'll write for, pm me! we'll discuss. - i do write smut, however! be mindful of who you're requesting smut for. also, i am in no way vanilla, be dirty ;)
★ TV SHOWS! ☆ ━━━━━━━ ˚⁀➷ CRIMINAL MINDS <3 - aaron hotchner <3 - spencer reid - luke alvez - emily prentiss, wlw only! <3
˚⁀➷ HOUSE OF THE DRAGON <3 - jacaerys velaryon <3 - aemond targaryen - daemon targaryen - harwin strong - rhaenyra targaryen, wlw only! <3 - alicent hightower, wlw only!
˚⁀➷ GAME OF THRONES - oberyn martell <3 - ellaria sand - tyrion lannister - jaime lannister - robb stark - margaery tyrell, wlw only! - daenerys targaryen, wlw only!
˚⁀➷ ONCE UPON A TIME <3 - regina mills, wlw only! <3 - emma swan, wlw only! - killian jones <3 - robin hood - david nolan/charming
˚⁀➷ PEAKY BLINDERS <3 - thomas shelby <3 - micheal gray <3 - arthur shelby
˚⁀➷ BRIDGERTON - anthony bridgerton - benedict bridgerton - colin bridgerton
˚⁀➷ GREYS ANATOMY - andrew delcua <3 - jackson avery - arizona robbins, wlw only! - callie torres, wlw only!
˚⁀➷ DISNEY/NICKELODEON - justin russo - max thunderman - phoebe thunderman, wlw only! - jax novoa - andi cruz, wlw only!
˚⁀➷ WINX CLUB - flora, wlw only! - aisha, wlw only! - helia - nabu - brandon - sky
★ MOVIE SERIES ☆ ━━━━━━━
˚⁀➷ THE HUNGER GAMES - peeta mellark <3 - finnick odair
˚⁀➷ HARRY POTTER - regulus black <3 - sirius black <3 - james potter - remus lupin - lily evans - harry potter <3 - cedric diggory - ron weasley - hermione granger
˚⁀➷ MARVEL - bucky barnes <3 - peter parker <3 - sam wilson - steve rogers - clint barton - baron zemo - natasha romanoff, wlw only! <3
˚⁀➷ STAR WARS - anakin skywalker - obi-wan kenobi - han solo - kylo ren - rey, wlw only!
˚⁀➷ DESCENDANTS - evie, wlw only! - carlos de vil - ben beast
˚⁀➷ DREAMWORKS - hiccup haddock <3 - astrid hofferson, wlw only! - heather, wlw only! - jack frost
★ BOOK SERIES ☆ ━━━━━━━
˚⁀➷ SIX OF CROWS <3 - kaz brekker <3 - jesper fahey - nina zenik, wlw only!
i've also read several katee robert series :)
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
well, that's it! send in your requests or pms! <3 t.
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ao3feed-sambucky · 2 years
One Bad Pumpkin (Don’t Spoil the Whole Bunch)
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42766755
by jemgirl
“Sam,” the stranger repeated, smiling. “I always liked that name.”
“I bet,” Sam mumbled, but he had to bite back a smile of his own.
“I’m Bucky, by the way.”
“Well, not legally, but socially, sure.” He shrugged, then gave Sam a wink while stepping forward just enough that Sam had no doubt it was a come on. “So, what’s the problem Sam?”
“The problem is my daughter, Aisha, and I came here to find some pumpkins, and it looks like all the good ones are gone.”
Or: While out with his daughter, Sam meets a hot guy. That’s it. That’s the plot.
Words: 3092, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Original Child Character(s)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Meet-Cute, SamBucky Halloween Bingo 2022, Widower Sam Wilson
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42766755
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secondsineternity · 2 years
Requests are currently open!
Currently Focused On: Katsuki Bakugo, Din Djarin, Steve Harrington, Anthony Lockwood, Eddie Munson, Matt Murdock (send in a request for any of these characters and it will be completed faster!)
Ace Attorney: Athena Cykes, Simon Blackquill, Nahyuta Sahdmahdi, Franziska von Karma
A Court of Thorns and Roses: Elain Archeron, Feyre Archeron, Nesta Archeron, Amren, Azriel, Cassian, Emerie, Gwyneth, Helion, Morrigan, Rhysand, Tamlin, Tarquin, Eris Vanserra, Lucian Vanserra
Camp Half-Blood: Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez
Castlevania: Alucard, Charlotte Aulin, Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, Jonathan Morris
Crescent City: Hunt Athalar, Lidia Cervos, Ruhn Danaan, Declan Emmett, Danika Fendyr, Tristan Flynn, Ithan Holstrom, Tharion Ketos, Bryce Quinlan
Death Note: L Lawliet, Mihael “Mello” Keehl
Demon Slayer: Hashibira Inosuke, Kyojuro Rengoku
Doctor Who: The Doctor (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Fugitive), The Master (Gomez & Dhawan), Mel Bush, Jo Grant, Grace Holloway, Martha Jones, Yasmin Khan, Dan Lewis, Ace McShane, Donna Noble, Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, Bill Potts, Liz Shaw, Sarah Jane Smith, River Song, Rose Tyler, Rory Williams
Fate, The Winx Saga: Aisha, Beatrix, Flora, Terra Harvey, Musa, Bloom Peters, Riven, Sky, Stella
Haikyuu!!: Keiji Akaashi, Asahi Azumane, Kotaro Bokuto, Chikara Ennoshita, Lev Haiba, Hajime Iwaizume, Tobio Kageyama, Shinsuke Kita, Kendaro Kyotani, Yu Nishinoya, Kiyomi Sakusa, Tendo Satori, Daichi Sawamura, Kiyoko Shimizu, Koshi Sugawara, Rintaro Suna, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Yuji Terushima, Kei Tsukishima, Keishin Ukai, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Hitoka Yachi, Tadashi Yamaguchi
Jujutsu Kaisen: Satoru Gojo, Toge Inunaki, Kento Nanami, Maki Zen’in
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Dex Dizznee, Sophie Foster, Keefe Sencen, Linh Song, Tam Song, Biana Vacker, Fitz Vacker
The Legend of Zelda: Link, Zelda
Lockwood & Co.: Lucy Carlyle, George Cubbins/George Karim, Anthony Lockwood
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ajak, Liz Allan, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, Katy Chen, Carol Danvers, Layla El-Faouly, Jane Foster, Gamora, Agatha Harkness, Jessica Jones, Scott Lang, Darcy Lewis, Maya Lopez, Mantis, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Karli Morgenthau, Matt Murdock, Namor, Nebula, Hela Odinsdottir, Sylvie Odinsdottir, Loki Odinson, Thor Odinson, Peter Parker (Any), Pepper Potts, Peter Quill, Monica Rambeau, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sersi, Marc Spector/Steven Grant, Gwen Stacy, Tony Stark, Ava Starr, Stephen Strange, Thena, Joaquin Torres, T’Challa Udaku, Shuri Udaku, Valkyrie, Hope Van Dyne, Vision, Jennifer Walters, Michelle “MJ” Jones Watson, Sam Wilson, Shang-Chi Xu, Xialing Xu
My Hero Academia: Shota Aizawa, Tamaki Amajiki, Mina Ashido, Tsuyu Asui, Katsuki Bakugo, Jin Bubagawara, Nejire Hado, Tenya Iida, Kyoka Jirou, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Atsuhiro Sako, Hanta Sero, Tomura Shigaraki, Hitoshi Shinso, Mezo Shoji, Keigo Takami, Shoto Todoroki, Toya Todoroki, Himiko Toga, Mirio Togata, Fumikage Tokoyami, Ochako Uraraka, Toshinori Yagi, Momo Yaoyorozu, Hizashi Yamada
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner
Shatter Me: Kenji Kishimoto, Aaron Warner
Spy X Family: Agent Twilight (“Loid Forger”), Yor Briar
Star Wars: Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Cara Dune, Armitage Hux, Bo-Katan Kryze, Fennec Shand
Stranger Things: Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Chrissy Cunningham, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Donatello, Casey Jones, Leonardo, Michelangelo, April O’Neal, Raphael
Throne of Glass: Aedion Ashryver, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, Gavriel Ashryver, Manon Blackbeak-Crochan, Lysandra Ennar, Nesryn Faliq, Dorian Havilliard, Elide Lochan, Fenrys Moonbeam, Lorcan Salvaterre, Yrene Towers, Chaol Westfall, Rowan Whitethorn
Twisted Wonderland: Leona Kingscholar, Jamil Viper
The Umbrella Academy: Number One / Luther Hargreeves, Number Two / Diego Hargreeves, Number Three / Allison Hargreeves, Number Four / Klaus Hargreeves, Number Five, Number Six / Ben Hargreeves, Number Seven / Viktor Hargreeves, Number Five / Sloane Hargreeves
Vampire Academy: Adrian Ivashkov, Dimitri Belikov, Lissa Dragomir, Rose Hathaway, Sydney Sage
Wednesday: Wednesday Addams, Tyler Galpin, Enid Sinclair, Xavier Thorpe, Larissa Weems
Wizarding World: Lorenzo Berkshire, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, Ominis Gaunt, Hermione Granger, Queenie Goldstein, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, James Potter, Mattheo Riddle, Sebastian Sallow, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley
a character in italics is a favorite to write for. taking a break from strikethroughed fandoms. list is subject to change.
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jemgirl86 · 3 years
Sam’s and Bucky’s first real fight fight is over their child’s name. Not her first name. Bucky was adamant about Aisha Mae for the first and middle names. Stevie Wonder was the first musician Sam made him listen to that he was really into. Yeah, Sam liked to drone on about Marvin and Trouble Man, but if you asked Bucky, Stevie’s 5 album run from Music of My Mind to Songs in the Key of Life, really tells you everything you need to know about life. And, once he heard “Isn’t She Lovely,” Bucky knew that if he was somehow ever blessed with a daughter of his own, Aisha was going to be her name. The Mae part, well, that’s simple: every girl in his family from his maternal grandmother, to his ma and her sisters, all the way on down to Becca had Mae as a middle name. And, even if he was going to be 100 or so years late, he wasn’t about to break tradition.
And, Sam’s fine with that, he is. Aisha Mae is beautiful; he’s fine with Bucky’s choice. But he wants their daughter to have his last name. Wilson means something in Delacroix - it rings out in the streets. No, his family wasn’t rich and their blood wasn’t blue, but their name carries some weight in their little neck of the woods, and Sam wants his daughter to have that name. That privilege.
Bucky honestly hadn’t thought he cared either way. Until it came time to make the final decision and a niggling teeny tiny part of him that might have been still stuck in the ‘40s felt like his kid should have his last name. Besides, there weren’t any Barnes’ left. He was the last one - so shouldn’t he give his daughter his name?
They fought. Whew did they fight. Even when they tried to compromise and agree to a hyphenated last name, they couldn’t agree on whose name should be first.
But then… Aisha was born. She was here. She was real. And suddenly her last name didn’t seem so important.
When Sarah showed up at the hospital, balloons and gift bags in hand, and told them to go flip a coin in the corner and let her hold her niece… they looked at each other, shrugged, and did it.
And a couple of days later when they posted the first official picture of Aisha Mae Wilson to the social media account, Hill and the powers that be insisted they use, both Sam and Bucky thought her name was perfect… just like her.
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evergreen-cc · 2 years
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I cranked out all of @dizzywhims’s Teen-A-Day challenge in one day yesterday because I couldn’t wait for the new pack! Lil bit of info on all of them below :^)
Cheer Captain - Cassidy White (she/her) -- cheerful, self-assured, leader of the pack || Rebel - Dominic Stout (he/him) -- hot-headed, loner, chief of mischief || Band Kid - Aaron Olsen (he/him) -- music lover, insider, geek brain || Emo - TJ Smith (she/they) -- loner, gloomy, musical genius || Freshman - Laycee Carmichael (she/her) -- good, clumsy, friend of the world || Redneck - Colton Brady (nor/mal) (he/him) -- loves the outdoors, slob, angling ace || Try Hard - Elijah Brown (he/him) -- perfectionist, proper, renaissance sim
Hipster - Ada Varner (she/they) -- art lover, jealous, painter extraordinaire || Party Thrower - Jamia Mendez (she/her) -- outgoing, self-assured, party animal || 16-and-Pregnant - Talia Hurtz (she/her) -- romantic, outgoing, party animal || Theatre Kid - Andre Compton (he/him) -- creative, self-absorbed, master actor || Bully - Lexi Hays (she/her) -- mean, self-assured, world-famous celebrity || In a Rock Band - Aisha Faez (she/her) -- music lover, self-assured, musical genius || Loner - Jim Wilson (questioning) -- loner, loves the outdoors, friend of the animals 
Quarterback - Jake Swift (he/they) -- active, good, bodybuilder || Gamer - Annabelle Sparks (she/her) -- geek, goofball, computer whiz || Horse Girl - Josie Polk (she/her) -- animal enthusiast, loves the outdoors, country caretaker || Teacher’s Pet - Emily Barnes (she/her) -- perfectionist, book-worm, academic || Influencer - Jaden Hall (he/him) -- outgoing, creative, world-famous celebrity || Artist - Cali Tillman (she/her) -- creative, childish, painter extraordinaire || Stoner - Casper Blue (they/it) -- bro, lazy, freelance botanist 
Valedictorian - Alana Medley (she/her) -- genius, perfectionist, academic || Sk8er Boi - Adrien Winn (he/they) - active, outgoing, party animal || Class Clown - Ali Seiff (he/him) -- goofball, childish, joke star || Geek - Mia Robertson (she/her) - geek, good, bestselling author || Future Olympian - Cameron Berry (she/they) - active, self-assured, extreme sports enthusiast || Activist - Nadia Abdallah (she/her) -- outgoing, self-assured, eco innovator ||| You in High School [depressed] - V Evergreen (they/he) -- loner, gloomy, best selling author
Thanks so much to the CC creators! I’d normally link back to each item but there’s A LOT of it here so I’m just going to tag the creators if I can! 
@clumsyalienn @its-adrienpastel @casteru @nucrests @trillyke @jellymoo @jius-sims @simandy @saurusness @miikocc @solistair @valhallansim @serenity-cc @rustys-cc @nolan-sims @candysims4 @feralpoodles @pralinesims @cloudcat @moontrait @arethabee @aladdin-the-simmer @ms-marysims @ratboysims @twisted-cat @sentate @luumia @sorokacc @okruee @oakiyo @oydis @the-crypt-o-club @bellassims @nsves 
I guarantee I missed some but that’s all I’ve got for now. If you know someone i missed, tag them in the comments or a reblog or smth please!
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noratilney · 2 years
Fancast Friday #3: Might Tell You Tonight
THE STANDISHES (Delilah, Charlotte, Alicia, Abby, Andrew)
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Juno Temple as Delilah Standish
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Brianne Howey as Charlotte Standish
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Aisha Dee as Alicia Jordan
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Sofia Carson as Abigail Abby Cardenas
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Diesel La Torraca as Andrew Elliott
THE COHENS (Gabriel, Isaac, Emmie)
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Anthony Natale as Gabriel Cohen
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Sean Berdy as Isaac Cohen
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Elodie Blomfield as Emmie Cohen
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Isabel Durant as Kelsey Baker
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Vanessa Marano as Alexis Barnes
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Cameron Boyce as Anthony Cartullo
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Owen Patrick Joyner as Peter Chase
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Felix Mallard as Nathan Cooper
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Connor Paolo as Brandon Edgecombe
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Gage Golightly as Lauren Grant
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Becca Tobin as Emily Gregory
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China McClain as Morgan Hayden
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Claudia Lee as Jessica Hollis
Taylor Momsen as Claire Honeycutt
Dove Cameron as Delia Honeycutt
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Iman Meskini as Laila Kamoun
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Maya Hawke as Rachel Kuschner
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Dominic Sherwood as Jeffrey Lambert
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Nicole Maines as Mary Lawrence
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Curran Walters as Jason Matthews
Katie Stevens as Rory McGovern
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Peyton Meyer as Connor Miller
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Dylan Llewellyn as Evan Parry
Emilija Baranac as Jennifer Nielsen
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Mitchell Hope as Benjamin Peterson
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Victoria Justice as Michelle Porter
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Brenna D'Amico as Stephanie Rand
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Elise Bauman as Melissa Roberts
Sofia Black D’Elia as Hannah Sheridan
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Eli Brown as Corey Wilson
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Arden Cho as ? Wong
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Casey Cott as Adam ?
Ashleigh Murray as Courtney ?
Kit Young as ?
Jordan Fisher as ?
Barrett Carnahan as ?
Nathaniel James Potvin as ?
Isabel May as ?
as Tristan ?
as Michael ?
as Daniel ?
as Josh ?
as Eli ?
Madison McLaughlin as Miranda Carter
Vanessa Hudgens as Veronica Delgado
Ross Lynch as Bryce Honeycutt
Danielle Galligan as Kristin Lieberman
Mae Whitman as Natalie Piper
Matthew Daddario as Scott Tucker
Willa Holland as Amy ?
Sophie Cookson as Melanie Anderson
Chord Overstreet as Frederick Dean Honeycutt
Brenton Thwaites as Jesse ?
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JoAnna García Swisher as ?, mom of ?, aged eight and ?, age six
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Michaela Conlin as ?, mom of ?, aged nine
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Anna Torv as ?, mom of ?, aged eleven, ?, age nine, and ?, age six
OTHERS (Mary McCullough, Joanna Fell)
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Rachel McAdams as Mary McCullough
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Sharon Belle as Joanna Fell
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thornyrose463 · 4 years
Buck’s Girlfriend (9-1-1 one-shot)
This is a 9-1-1 (Fox TV show) one-shot. It takes place after the episode Pinned but before the episode The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1. I couldn’t find good gifs of the characters in the one-shot, so I had to use pictures. The pictures are not mine. I found them on Google. All credit goes to the rightful owners.
I would like to thank @fakesocialmediaa​ for making an Instagram profile for my original character Laura Smith.
Summary: Maddie, Chimney, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, Eddie, Michael, May, Harry, Denny, Nia, and Christopher meet Buck’s girlfriend, Laura Smith, a professional barrel racer.
Rating: K
Warning: None
Jennifer Love Hewitt as Maddie Kendall
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Oliver Stark as Evan “Buck” Buckley
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Kenneth Choi as Howard “Chimney” Han
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Peter Krause as Robert “Bobby” Nash
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Angela Bassett as Athena Grant
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Aisha Hinds as Henrietta “Hen” Wilson
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Tracie Thoms as Karen Wilson
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Ryan Guzman as Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz
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Spencer Locke as Laura Smith
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Rockmond Dunbar as Michael Grant
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Corinne Massiah as May Grant
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Marcanthonee Reis as Harry Grant
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Declan Pratt as Denny Wilson
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Margot Catherine Terry as Nia Wilson
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Gavin McHugh as Christopher Diaz
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Maddie entered her and Buck's apartment after her date with Chimney and saw him sitting on the couch, cell phone in hand, looking at his Instagram feed.
Maddie saw a picture of Laura and asked, "Is that the girl you were telling me about?"
"Yeah. We've been dating for three months. She was born and raised right here in Los Angeles. She's a professional barrel racer. She lives on a ranch with her best friend. Her best friend is a high school English teacher. She rides too, but she does it for fun. She doesn't compete." Buck said.
Buck showed Maddie Laura's profile. Laura had 200 posts and 100 followers and was following 90 people. Buck was one of her followers, and she was one of his.
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“When will I get to meet her?” Maddie asked.
"Tomorrow night. She invited you, Chimney, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, Eddie, and I to dinner at her place." Buck said.
At 5:30 the next evening, Buck, Maddie, Chimney, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, and Eddie climbed out of their cars and stepped onto the gravel path leading up to Laura's house. Past the landscape of greenery was a two-story house with stone-veneer siding and bay windows. Behind the house was a red barn, an outdoor riding arena, and a small field surrounded by an electric fence. There were two horses in the field. One was a dapple grey Arabian gelding, and the other was a black Friesian gelding.
"The grey horse, Trigger, belongs to Laura. The black horse, Shadow, belongs to her roommate, Chantal Johnson. She and Laura are best friends. She won’t be joining us for dinner. She has plans with her boyfriend." Buck informed Maddie, Chimney, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, and Eddie.
Buck, Maddie, Chimney, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, and Eddie entered the house.
Buck smiled at Laura. "Hey, babe."
Laura smiled. "Hey."
Buck gave Laura a peck on the lips.
Buck introduced Laura to Maddie. "This is Maddie."
Maddie smiled. "It's lovely to meet you."
Buck introduced Laura to Chimney. "This is Chimney."
Chimney smiled. "It's nice to meet you."
Buck introduced Laura to Bobby. "This is Bobby."
Bobby smiled and shook Laura's hand. "It's very nice to meet you."
Buck introduced Laura to Athena. "This is Athena."
Athena smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Buck introduced Laura to Hen. "This is Hen."
Hen smiled. "It's nice to meet you."
Buck introduced Laura to Karen. "This is Hen's wife, Karen."
Karen smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Buck introduced Laura to Eddie. "This is Eddie."
Eddie smiled. "It's nice to meet you."
Laura smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. Buck speaks highly of you."
Laura was tall and slender with fair skin and green eyes. Her naturally straight blonde hair was parted in the middle and reached her chest. She was wearing brown ankle-length leather boots, an unbuttoned dark blue jean jacket, a white t-shirt, and dark blue jeans with slim, straight legs. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft brown eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
"Everything looks delicious." Bobby told Laura.
Laura smiled. "Thank you."
Laura had made spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, and chocolate cake.
Laura took a pitcher of water out of the fridge and put it on the table.
Laura grabbed some food and sat down.
Buck grabbed some food and took a seat next to Laura.
Maddie grabbed some food and sat down.
Chimney grabbed some food and took a seat next to Maddie.
Bobby grabbed some food and sat down.
Athena grabbed some food and took a seat next to Bobby.
Hen grabbed some food and sat down.
Karen grabbed some food and took a seat next to Hen.
Eddie grabbed some food and sat down.
Maddie, Chimney, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, Eddie, and Laura started talking and hit it off. Buck smiled as he listened to them.
Later that evening, Buck, Maddie, Chimney, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, and Eddie left the house.
A few days later
Buck climbed up the steps of the outdoor stadium where today's races were being held and took a seat next to Maddie, Chimney, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, Eddie, Michael, May, Harry, Denny, Nia, and Christopher.
Chantal wasn't there. She had a dentist appointment.
Christopher smiled. "Hi, Buck."
Buck smiled. "Hi, Christopher."
"Hello, Buck." Michael greeted.
Buck smiled. "Hello, Michael."
May smiled. "Hi, Buck."
Buck smiled. "Hi, May."
"Hey, Buck." Harry greeted.
Buck smiled. "Hey, Harry."
Denny smiled. "Hi, Buck."
Buck smiled. "Hi, Denny."
Nia smiled. "Hi, Buck."
Buck smiled. "Hi, Nia."
The male announcer thanked everyone for coming out, gave some basic safety information about how to exit the stadium in case of an emergency, and then everyone had to stand for the national anthem.
Maddie, Chimney, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, Eddie, Michael, May, Harry, Denny, Nia, and Christopher had never watched a barrel race before, so Buck had to tell them the rules. Each rider would run a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels. The rider with the fastest time won. Running past a barrel and off the pattern would result in a "no time" score and disqualification. If a rider or their horse hit a barrel and knocked it over, there would be a time penalty of five seconds, which would result in a time too slow to win. There was a sixty-second time limit to complete the course after the buzzer went off.
"Our first competitor is Laura Smith," the announcer boomed.
Laura and Trigger entered the arena.
Laura was wearing a black cowboy hat, light brown cowboy boots, and a red long-sleeved button down shirt tucked into dark blue bootcut jeans. A black leather belt with a silver buckle was around her waist. Her naturally straight blonde hair was down. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft brown eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss. A piece of white cardstock with the number 37 painted on it in black was pinned to the back of her shirt.
Trigger had on a light brown Western saddle, a red saddle blanket, and a light brown bridle with a silver bit and light brown reins.
The buzzer went off, and Trigger took off running, rounding the first barrel smoothly. The next two turns were just as graceful.
Trigger bolted out of the arena. Maddie, Chimney, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, Eddie, Michael, May, Harry, Denny, Nia, and Christopher's eyes were glued to the dust that he had left in his wake.
"Time on Laura's run: eighteen seconds," the announcer boomed.
Buck cupped his hands over his mouth and yelled, "Yeah, Laura!"
The other thirteen competitors weren't as fast as Laura. She was declared the winner and given a gold medal.
Buck, Maddie, Chimney, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, Eddie, Michael, May, Harry, Denny, Nia, and Christopher watched as the riders led their horses to their trailers.
"Do you want to come to Laura's truck with me and see if she'll let you pet Trigger?" Buck asked Denny, Nia, and Christopher.
Denny, Nia, and Christopher smiled. "Yeah!"
Buck led Denny, Nia, and Christopher to a black Ford F-150 truck with a black horse trailer attached to it. Maddie, Chimney, Bobby, Athena, Hen, Karen, Eddie, Michael, May, and Harry followed them.
Trigger didn't have his saddle, blanket, and bridle on. He was wearing a black halter. He was tied to the right side of the trailer with a black lead line.
Trigger's saddle and bridle were on the back of Laura's truck.
"You're such a good boy." Laura gave Trigger a pat on the neck and kissed his nose.
Laura opened the back door of her truck and reached into a bag of carrots, giving one to Trigger.
Laura reached into the backseat of her truck and grabbed a bucket full of brushes. She started to brush Trigger. When she was done, she put the bucket of brushes back in the truck and closed the door.
"You were great out there." Buck said, walking up to Laura.
Laura smiled. "Thanks."
"Can Nia, Christopher, and I pet Trigger?" Denny asked.
"Of course." Laura said.
Denny extended a hand toward Trigger. He nickered at him and allowed him to pet his forehead and nose, even going as far as to lean into his touch.
Nia extended a hand toward Trigger. He nickered at her and allowed her to pet his forehead and nose, even going as far as to lean into her touch.
Christopher extended a hand toward Trigger. He nickered at him and allowed him to pet his forehead and nose, even going as far as to lean into his touch.
"He already loves you guys." Laura said, giving Trigger a pat of approval. "You'll have to come visit him sometime."
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writerkenna · 9 months
Yet another Christmas for the Wilson-Barnes Family!!
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thatdorkyauthor · 2 years
Requests are open
For those who are interested, requests are still open :) Lacking inspiration at the moment so feel free to flood the inbox.
I write for multiple fandoms for those who want to see something else on my page. (I’m also okay with crossovers ) The document with characters I write for:
(Or if you don’t trust links, which I can completely understand, I also added the characters underneath the cut.)
Green means platonic relationships only
𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝔹𝕒𝕪𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖
William Lennox
Mikaela Banes
Robert Epps
Cade Yeager
Sam Witwicky
Tessa Yeager
𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕤 ℙ𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕖
Miko Nakadai
Jack Darby
Rafael Esquivel
𝓦𝓲𝓷𝔁 2004
Natasha Romanoff
Tony Stark
Wade Wilson
Pietro Maximoff
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Stephen Strange
Sam Wilson
Peter Parker (2002)
Peter Parker (2012)
Peter Parker (2017)
Bruce Banner
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Wanda Maximoff
Ellie Phimister
Some characters aren’t included, mainly because I wouldn’t know how to write them, resulting in them being out of character.
Zane Julien
Lloyd Garmadon
𝔹𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕟𝕠 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕠 𝕒𝕔𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕒
Mezo Shoji
Kyoka Jiro
Momo Yaoyorozu
Shoto Todoroki
Tsuyu Asui
Tenya Iida
Itsuka Kendo
Nejire Hado
Denki Kaminari
Fumikage Tokoyami
Kouji Kouda
Yuuga Aoyama
Tamaki Amajiki
Ochako Uraraka
Mirio Togata
Mina Ashido
Neito Monoma
Taishiro Toyomitsu
Shouta Aizawa
𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕟𝕖𝕪 / ℙ𝕚𝕩𝕒𝕣 / 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤
Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Hiccup Haddock (How to train a dragon)
Alberto Scorfano (Luca)
Rapunzel (Tangled)
Mulan (Mulan -1998)
Luca Paguro (Luca)
Merida (Brave)
North (Rise of the guardians)
Giulia Marcovaldo (Luca)
Calhoun (Wreck it Ralph)
Roxanne Ritchi (Megamind)
Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean) 
Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) 
Megamind (Megamind) 
Eugene (Tangled)
Fishlegs (How to train a dragon)
Astrid  (How to train a dragon) 
Go Go (Big hero 6)
Tadashi (Big hero 6)
Honey Lemon (Big hero six) 
Vanellope von Schweetz (Wreck it Ralph)
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maddiesplaybills · 8 years
Hi friends!
I’m seeing the Matilda tour in Minneapolis next week and I’m getting excited and feeling quite generous and I’ve realized that I have a bunch of audio masters from the past year that I’ve yet to share... so here they are, as a gift to you.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical National Tour 11/28/2015 | Minneapolis, MN (full show) Cast: Abby Mueller (Carole King), Liam Tobin (Gerry Goffin), Becky Gulsvig (Cynthia Weil), Ben Fankhauser (Barry Mann), Curt Bouril (Don Kirshner), Suzanne Grodner (Genie Klein), Ensemble: Ashley Blanchet, Sarah Bockel, Andrew Brewer, Britney Coleman, Rebecca E. Covington, Josh A. Dawson, John Michael Dias, Paris Nix, Noah J. Ricketts, Salisha Thomas, Delaney Westfall, Dashaun Young
Newsies National Tour 02/13/2016 | Minneapolis, MN (full show) Cast: Joey Barreiro (Jack Kelly), Steve Blanchard (Joseph Pulitzer), Morgan Keene (Katherine), Aisha de Haas (Medda Larkin), Stephen Michael Langton (Davey), Zachary Sayle (Crutchie), John Michael Pitera (Les), Ensemble: Mark Aldrich, Josh Assor, Bill Bateman, Joshua Burrage, Kevin Carolon, DeMarius R. Copes, Michael Dameski, JP Ferreri, Sky Flaherty, Kaitlyn Frank, Michael Gorman, Melissa Steadman Hart, Stephen Hernandez, James Judy, Devin Lewis, Nicholas Masson, Alex Prakken, Jordan Samuels, Daniel Switzer, Andrew Wilson, Chaz Wolcott, Iain Young
The Book of Mormon National Tour 05/29/16 | Minneapolis, MN (full show) Cast: Ryan Bondy (Elder Price), Cody Jamison Strand (Elder Cunningham), Candace Quarrels (Nabulungi), Daxton Bloomquist (Elder McKinley), Sterling Jarvis (Mafala Hatimbi), David Aron Damane (General Butt Fucking Naked), Ensemble: Kevin Clay, Eric Geil, Jacob Haren, Daryn Whitney Harrell, Antwaun Holley, Eric Huffman, Kristen Jeter, Oyoyo Joi, Kolby Kindle, Ben Laxton, Will Lee-Williams, Melvin Brandon Logan, CJ Pawlikowski, Dereck Seay, Marcus Terrell Smith, Nichole Turner, Edward Watts
Fun Home National Tour 12/16/16 | Minneapolis, MN (full show) Cast: Kate Shindle (Alison), Alessandra Baldacchino (Small Alison), Robert Petkoff (Bruce), Abby Corrigan (Medium Alison), Susan Moniz (Helen), Pierson Salvador (Christian), Lennon Nate Hammond (John), Karen Eilbacher (Joan), Robert Hager (Roy/Mark/Pete/Bobby Jeremy)
Matilda Broadway 01/01/17 I figure that most people that want this audio already have it, but if you don’t, here’s mine! (full show) Cast: Willow McCarthy (Matilda), Bryce Ryness (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), John Sanders (Mr Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Joseph Medeiros (Michael Wormwood), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Karen Aldridge (Mrs Phelps), Michael Minarik (The Escape Artist), Jennifer Bowles (The Acrobat), Michael Fatica (Party Entertainer/Sergei), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Evan Gray (Bruce), Serena Quadrato (Lavender), Gavin Swartz (Nigel), Brooklyn Nelson (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Trey Middleton (u/s Tommy), Ensemble: Colin Isarel, Marisa Kennedy, Travis Waldschmidt, Wesley Faucher Final performance of Matilda on Broadway
Sweet Charity Off-Broadway 01/02/17 (act 1 / act 2) Cast: Yesenia Ayala (Betsy/Panhandler/Daddy’s Assistant), Darius Barnes (Thomas/Marvin/Doorman), James Brown III (Man with Dog/Daddy’s Assistant/Barney), Sutton Foster (Charity Hope Valentine), Asmeret Ghebremichael (Nickie), Shuler Hensley (Oscar), Sasha Hutchings (Elaine/Rosie), Donald Jones, Jr. (Ice Cream Vendor/Philip), Nikka Graff Lanzarone (Carmen/Ursula), Emily Padgett (Helene), Joel Perez (Charlie/Herman/Vittorio Vidal/Daddy Brubeck), Cody Williams (Walter/Maitre D’/Manfred)
Falsettos Broadway 01/03/17 (full show) Cast: Stephanie J. Block (Trina), Christian Borle (Marvin), Andrew Rannells (Whizzer), Anthony Rosenthal (Jason), Tracie Thoms (Dr. Charlotte), Brandon Uranowitz (Mendel), Betsy Wolfe (Cordelia) This performance of Falsettos was filmed for PBS and includes a brief pre-show speech by the director
Dear Evan Hansen Broadway 01/04/17 (full show) Cast: Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck)
Waitress Broadway 01/05/17 (full show) Cast: Jessie Mueller (Jenna), Joe Cassidy (t/r Cal), Caitlin Houlahan (Dawn), Charity Angel Dawson (Becky), Dakin Matthews (Joe), William Popp (Earl), Henry Gottfried (u/s Dr. Pomatter), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie), Cate Elefante (Lulu), Ensemble: Thay Floyd, Molly Hager, Aisha Jackson, Anastacia McCleskey, Jeremy Morse, Stephanie Torns, Ryan Vasquez Joe Cassidy’s first performance as Cal
Matildapalooza 54 Below 01/06/17 (full show) Featuring Sophia Gennusa, Oona Laurence, Bailey Ryon, Milly Shapiro, Paige Brady, Ava Ulloa, Eliza Holland Madore, Tori Feinstein, Brooklyn Shuck, Fina Strazza, Mattea Conforti, Rileigh McDonald, Mimi Ryder, Alexandra Vlachos, Ava Briglia, Willow McCarthy, Aviva Winick
As always, let me know if there are any issues with the links and please enjoy!
Side note: does anyone have any idea of how the rotation works for the Matilda tour? I’d love to see all three girls in the role but since I’m completely clueless as to how the rotation works I’m not sure if I’ll be able to. Thanks in advance for any info!
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ao3feed-sambucky · 2 years
Home for the Holidays
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43229443
by jemgirl
“Sam wasn’t above admitting that he’d been sulking in the same spot for the past hour. He wasn’t proud of it, of course, but he wasn’t exactly embarrassed about it either. Considering that this was his first Thanksgiving away from Bucky and, more importantly, away from his daughter, Aisha, Sam thought he had every right to sulk.”
Or: Sam and Bucky are separated, but maybe not for long.
Words: 3815, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sarah Wilson (Marvel), Original Child Character(s)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Separations, Getting Back Together, Angst with a Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43229443
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jemgirl86 · 3 years
So, Bucky wasn’t in love with Trouble Man or Marvin Gaye.That’s fine. Marvin Gaye was really Sam’s and Steve’s thing anyway. And, just because he didn’t take to the Trouble Man album, that doesn’t mean Sam stops introducing Bucky to music and trying to find something he does like. Something that can be their thing. It turns out to be Stevie Wonder. Bucky pores through his entire catalogue and loves all of it, but Talking Book, Innervisions, and Songs in the Key of Life are his favorites. Marvin is great, but in Bucky’s opinion Stevie beats him by a mile. They argue about it halfheartedly on a regular basis, Sam claiming nobody can top Marvin’s smooth soulfulness, but he still ends up giving Bucky a limited edition vinyl copy of Songs in the Key of Life on their wedding night.
And, of course, when their surrogate gives birth to their daughter, Bucky decrees that she be named Aisha Rebecca Barnes-Wilson. Sam agrees happily.
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criminalmindsitalia · 7 years
Il vicedirettore della Sicurezza Nazionale dell’FBI si unisce alla BAU nelle indagini su un quadruplo omicidio avvenuto a St. Louis, in CRIMINAL MINDS, mercoledì 7 marzo.
Il vicedirettore della Sicurezza Nazionale dell’FBI, Linda Barnes, si unisce alla BAU nelle indagini su un quadruplo omicidio a St. Louis.
Fonte: SpoilerTV
“Annihilator” – Il vicedirettore della Sicurezza Nazionale dell’FBI, Linda Barnes (Kim Rhodes), si unisce alla BAU, quando indaga sul quadruplo omicidio di un gruppo di coinquilini di St. Louis, in CRIMINAL MINDS, mercoledì 7 marzo (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) sulla CBS Television Network.
REGULAR CAST: Joe Mantegna (David Rossi) Paget Brewster (Emily Prentiss) Matthew Gray Gubler (Dr. Spencer Reid) A.J. Cook (Jennifer Jareau) Aisha Tyler (Dr. Tara Lewis) Kirsten Vangsness (Penelope Garcia) Adam Rodriguez (Luke Alvez) Daniel Henney (Matt Simmons)
GUEST CAST: Kim Rhodes (Assistant Director Linda Barnes) Justin Franco (Daniel Robbins) Detective Shannon Morris (Rachel Quaintance) Ray Murphy (Deric Augustine) Jenny Kyle (Krishna Smitha) Vicky Wilson (Paloma Rabinov) Charles Cook (Yoshi Barrigas) Rachel Willow (Jessica Richards) Larry Scanlon (Alex Benjamin) Corrine Jordan (Mona Mira) CS Tech (David Chan)
SCRITTO DA: Erik Stiller DIRETTO DA: Rob Bailey
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