#Akihito Akane
skbne · 1 year
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Akane Construction LLC By PraetorZ
Akane enjoys a little bit of trolling. The views are her own, and are not shared by us
Except PraetorZ
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ashhearthelps · 5 months
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Below the cut will be a list of some of my favorite Japanese names. I like to write a lot of original characters that are based in different animes, so I thought this would be useful to have. These will be placed under a read more, as this post got quite long. There are 70 feminine names, 75 masculine names, and 31 gender neutral names. Please like or reblog this post if you found it useful. Thank you. :)
Feminine Names.
Ami. / Aimi.
Emica. / Emika.
Hatsue. / Hatsu.
Kanna. / Kana.
Masculine Names.
Ryo. / Ryu. / Ryou. / Ryuu.
Gender Neutral Names.
Ren. / Rin.
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tarmidzi0310 · 3 months
Godzilla Flock And Topics About  Godzilla
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Sumber: Picture : Wallpapers.com
Kalian pasti pernah dengar kata-kata seperti Kadal dan dinosaurus tidak, kata-kata itu  mengingatkan sebuah Dinosaurus rakasasa. Dinosaurus Raksasa yang dimaksud adalah  Godzilla. Jadi Godzilla itu makhluk seperti apasih mari saya jelaskan terlebih dahulu.
Yang Fans nya Godzilla pasti dong Godzilla itu apa.
Godzilla adalah sosok monster Raksasa fiksi legendaris asal Jepang yang pertama kali  diproduksi menjadi Film oleh Toho Company Ltd pada 1954. 
Nama Godzilla merupakan gabungan dari gorilla dan kujira yang menggambarkan  ukuran, kekuatan dan hidup di air. Godzilla itu digambarkan sebagai makhluk raksasa  prasejarah destruktif yang terkena radiasi Nuklir. Godzilla sendiri merupakan  representasi dari Bom nuklir, karena insiden Pengeboman atom Hiroshima dan Nagasaki  dan Lucky Dragon 5 masih menempel di pikiran orang-orang Jepang.
Godzilla dianggap sebagai Raja Monster hal ini terlihat dari Film Godzilla : King of The  Monster. 
Ishiro Serizawa yang di film itu diperankan Ken Watanabe mengatakan bahwa, Godzilla  dipercaya sebagai predator teratas dari para Monster dan merupakan Monster yang  bertugas menjaga tatanan kehidupan di muka Bumi dari gangguan Monster lain.
Godzilla aslinya adalah Dinosaurus. Desain ikonik Godzilla sering dikatakan terdiri dari  campuran ciri-ciri dari berbagai spesies Dinosaurus. Untuk lebih spesifik, ia memiliki  tubuh dan bentuk keseluruhan dari rekonstruksi Tyannosaurus Rex atau Allosaurus pra 1990. Lengan panjang dan Jempol dari Iguanodon dan pelat punggung dari Stegosaurus. (sumber : Wikipedia)
Jadi kesimpulannya adalah tidak ada hewan yang benar-benar hidup sebesar Godzilla di  dunia nyata. Bisa dikatakan Godzilla itu adalah Raja dari Kaiju Yang ada di Monarch.
Monarch adalah makhluk penghancur super kuat ciptaan absolute being, sementara  Shadow mengarah pada elemen atau kekuatan yang dimiliki nya Kemampuan Shadow  Monarch berkutat di pengendalian bayangan seperti mencuri dan menciptakan pasukan  bayangan.
Absolute being adalah Makhluk yang menciptakan Alam semesta Solo Leveling, dan juga  bertanggung jawab atas penciptaan Ruler dan Monarch. Dia adalah Makhluk yang  sangat jahat, yang membiarkan para Ruler dan Monarch bertarung hanya untuk  hiburannya.
Kaiju adalah genre Film dan Televisi Jepang yang menampilkan Monster Raksasa. Istilah  Kaiju dapt merujuk pada Monster Raksasa itu sendiri, yang biasanya digambarkan  menyerang Kota-kota besar dan melibatkan Militer, atau Kaiju lainnya, dalam  petempuran. Genre Kaiju adalah subgenre dari hiburan Tokusatsu. Godzilla sendiri  mempunyai Era nya masing-masing apa ya kira-kira Ok Aku akan membahasnya 
Various Eras of Film and Godzilla : 
1. Era Showa 
Untuk yang pertama pada Eranya Godzilla adalah era showa. Gojira (1954) adalah  bagian dari periode dari seri film Gojira yang disebut Era Showa. Sebagai film yang  pertama, ia menjadi dasar cerita film-film setelahnya. Semua film era Showa adalah  kelanjutan dari Gojira yang pertama, walaupun tidak terhubung satu sama lain dengan  film penerusnya.
2. Era Heisei 
Era Heisei merupakan istilah yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi era politik Jepang  sebelumnya. Jepang, yang dimulai pada tahun 1989 dengannaik takhta Kaisar Akihito  dan berakhir pada tahun 2019 Secara teknis, film Milennium dan Monsterverse Godzilla  juga merupakan bagian dari Era Heisei karena dirilis pada periode politik Heisei, tetapi  dianggap sebagai seri terpisah dari seri Heisei karena memiliki kontinuitas yang terpisah  dan berbeda. Waralaba kaiju besar lainnya belum mengikuti konvensi ini meskipun  mengalami jeda serupa : misalnya, Gamera: The Brave dianggap sebagai bagian dari seri  Heisei, meski dirilis tujuh tahun setelah film sebelumnya Gmera 3 : Revenge of lris.
3. Era Milenium 
Era Milenium adalah era yang membuat penasaran, karena formatnya antologi dengan  setiap Filmnya benar-benar terpisah Asal usul makhluk Godzilla yang muncul dalam film film ini yang diterima secara umum mirip dengan Godzilla Era Showa kedua, karena film  pada tahun 1954 masih menjadi bagian dari kanon sebagai besar film-film ini. Namun,  dalam Serangan Habis-habisan Monster Raksasa, ada perbedaan besar. Film ini  menampilkan salah satu versi Godzilla paling kejam yang pernah dilihat di layar lebar,  dan film ini memuat gagasan bahwa Godzilla, tidak seperti film lain yang dibintangi  monster tersebut, dirasuki oleh jiwa-jiwa yang mati di pasifik selama Perang Dunia  Kedua. Hal ini membantu menjelaskan kebiadaban Godzilla dalam film ini, dibandingkan  dengan sikapnya yang relatif orang baik Sepanjang Era Milenium.
4. Era Reiwa 
Dan di urutan yang terakhir pada era nya Godzilla adalah Era Reiwa.  Reiwa adalah era di Jepang yang menggantikan Heisei setelah pergantian pemimpin ke  kaisar Naruhito pada Mei 2019. Era ini penting karena seri Godzilla dibagi beberapa Era,  yaitu Showa, Heisei, Milenium dan sekarang Reiwa (Monsterverse juga sering dianggap  jadi era-nya sendiri).
Yang Berikut nya soal kekuatan, kemampuan dan masih banyak lagi.
Kekuatan : 
Godzilla dapat mengisi daya nuklir dan melepaskannya secara serentak.  Kekuatan nuclear pulse ini akan melepaskan Gelombang Energi Atom yang  kuat dari tubuh Godzilla. Kemampuan Nuclear Pulse ini pernah digunakan  oleh Godzilla dua kali untuk mengalahkan Ghidorah dalam film Godzilla:  King of The Monster.
Ciri-ciri : 1. Bentuknya seperti Dinosaurus Namun Jauh lebih   besar dari pada Dinosaurus umumnya 
2. Dia bisa mengeluarkan Radiasi Nuklir dari mulutnya 
 maupun dari Badannya pada Godzilla 
3. Biasanya Godzilla digambarkan sebagai Makhluk 
 Reptil Raksasa berkaki dua dengan sisik kasar, 
 bergelombang, dengan bekas luka Keloid atau tekstur 
 seperti kulit pohon, kepala yang cukup kecil dengan 
 tonjolan seperti alis yang menonjol di atas mata, 
 lengan humanoid dengan empat jari termasuk ibu 
 jari, kaki berotot dan lain-lain.
4. Dia digambarkan Makhluk Fiksi yang ada di laut 
5. Kadal yang mempunyai Ekor besar
Shin Godzilla tigginya 112 meter di bentuk keempatnya, Godzilla Ultima  punya ukuran 100 meter lebih, sedangkan Godzilla Earth tentu yang  terbesar yaitu 300 meter. Tentu disbanding yang modern, Godzilla Minus  One lebih kecil.
Kemampuan :
⮚ Kemampuan yang paling dasar adalah Atomic Breath. Namun  Godzilla sendiri nggak hanya menggunakan kekuatan tersebut untuk  menyerang. Kita bisa melihat bahwa Godzilla punya kekuatan  bernama atomic rays. Dengan kemampuan ini, Godzilla dapat  menembakkan sinar Atom dari beberapa bagian tubuhnya.
Mampu mengeluarkan Radiasi Nuklir dari tubuhnya hal ini karena  terlihat dari film Godzilla King of the Monster yang dimana ketika  Godzilla legendary melawan King Ghirdorah. Nah ketika King  Ghidorah ini mau menyerang, Godzilla ini Pun langsung  mengeluarkan Jurus terkuatnya yaitu Mengeluarkan Radiasi Nuklir.  Nah pasti orang-orang belum akan tentu tahu dari Jurusnya Godzilla ini.
Pasti dari kalian pasti mungkin ada yang nanya kok bisa sih Godzilla  ini bisa mengeluarkan Jurusnya tersebut. Ok Biarkan aku  menjelaskannya. Jadi Godzilla ini mendapatkan kekuatannya itu dari  Mothranya Gaiss karena King Ghidorah ini niatnya mau menyerang  Godzilla Ehh tau nya, Godzilla ini Mendapatkan Perlindungan dari  Mothra, yang dimana sebelum Mothra Ini Mati gara-gara si King  Ghidorah. Mothra ini mengasih sebuah seperti kekuatan agar  Godzilla bisa bangkit kembali kekuatannya tersebut seperti burning  Godzilla yang pernah ada di Film pada tahun 1995 pas dimana  Godzilla ini melawan Monster yang namanya destoroyah, Cuman kali  ini lawannya bukan Destoroyah melainkan King Ghidorah. Nah  setelah si Mothranya sudah mengasih kekuatannya dan melindungi  sang Raja Godzilla Akhirnya sang Ratu pun Tumbang Alias tewas  mengenaskan. Nah jadi itu dia asal usul dimana Godzilla itu  mendapatkan Kekuatannya seperti Burning Godzilla. Alias bisa  mengeluarkan Jurusnya tersebut.
Godzilla ini mampu terbang dan bisa dibilang sih kemampuannya  sangat mustahil. Ini terjadi karena Pada Film Godzilla pada tahun  1971 yang dimana Godzilla tersebut Ingin mengejar Monster yang  namanya Hedorah. Karena Hedorah juga memiliki kemampuannya  bisa terbang juga agar si Hedorah tersebut tidak akan kena  serangannya dari Godzilla. Zamannya Godzilla Bisa terbang itu  merupakan Zaman yang dimana Zaman Showa itu terjadi. Dan bisa  aku katakan Bahwa Kemampuannya Godzilla ini terbilang cukup  Langka loh.
Dan untuk kemampuannya Godzilla yang terakhir ini itu Masih saya  katakan bahwa kemampuannya Godzilla ini terbilang cukup Unik dan  langka Juga. Ya apalagi Kemampuannya adalah Memanipulasi Metal  yang dimana kemampuannya tersebut muncul pada Film Godzilla vs  Mechagodzilla pada tahun 1974. Kemampuannya Godzilla ini muncul  pada saat Era nya Godzilla Showa, yang dimana Godzilla ini sedang  bertarung melawan Mechagodzilla ya Guys.
Penyusun: Andra Sena S (Kelas 8 SMP Citra Alam)
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heroic-endeavors · 4 months
Pop the name of an OC into my ask box and I'll make a playlist based on them.
Names under the cut.
Kohaku Takahashi. Akane Ito Mirai Owari Karou Kobayashi Sadao Todoroki Nagisa Takami Tenti Oshita Victor Owen Victoria Owen Hisako Takahashi Noriko Kaminari Erika Koizumi Shinn Koizumi Hibiki Koizumi Akihito Koizumi Yuka Tomoko Homura Koizumi Miyuki Koizumi Shiro Amai Naomi Kawari Maki Kako Tento Shingo Enko Todoroki
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chorusmusarum · 9 months
Ship Bias
(Note: I love developing rarepairs and having ships take me by surprise. Just because I haven't listed your ship doesn't mean I'm not interested - PLEASE come to me if you have other ideas!)
Here we go, this'll be long:
Kotone: Aigis, Ryoji, Akihito, Junpei, Shinjiro
Akira: Ryuji, Ann, Akechi
Ann: Shiho, Akira, Ryuji
Futaba: Yusuke
Sojiro: Wakaba
Ace Attorney
Dahlia: Kristoph A prison cell
Trucy: None, currently.
Zero Escape
Junpei: Akane, Carlos, Snake, Clover
Akane: Junpei, Sigma
Clover: Alice
Sigma: Diana, Akane
AI: The Somnium Files
Date: Hitomi, Boss, Kagami
Mizuki: None, currently.
Saito: A prison cell.
Square Enix/Team Asano
Cyrus: Primrose, H’aanit, Odette, Lucia. Don’t @ me.
Ringabel: Edea, Tiz, Agnes
Minato (Namikaze): Kushina
Karin: Suigetsu, Sasuke, Sakura
Sasuke: Sakura, Karin, Naruto
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Byleth: Yuri, Jeritza, Hubert
Edelgard: Hubert, Dorothea, Ferdinand, Claude
Hubert: Edelgard, Dorothea, Claude, Bernadetta, TLDR: Yes.
Dorothea: Ferdinand, Edelgard, Ingrid ,Yuri, Hubert, TLDR: Yes.
Bernadetta: Yuri, Hubert
Monica: Edelgard, Bernadetta
Dimitri: Marianne, Felix, Ingrid
Felix: Ingrid, Sylvain, Dimitri
Claude: Hilda, Edelgard, Hubert
Hilda: Claude, Marianne, Caspar, Lorenz
Constance: Jeritza, Yuri, Hapi, Ferdinand
Fire Emblem Engage
Alear: Ivy, Zelkov, Diamant
Veyle: Currently none, ships will be VERY selective given young dragon aging
Ivy: Alear, Diamant
Yunaka: Zelkov, Seadall
Goldmary: one selective but I'll update this later
Fire Emblem Awakening
Chrom: Robin, Sumia, Olivia, Maribelle, Tharja DO NOT @ ME.
Frederick: Emmeryn, Sumia, Cordelia
Maribelle: Lissa, Lon’qu, Gaius, Chrom
Tharja: Stahl, Robin, Libra, Gaius, Chrom DO NOT @ ME.
Morgan: Nah, Cynthia, Noire
Marc: Inigo, Noire
Severa: Lucina, Inigo, Cynthia, Brady, Yarne (Selena: see Fates)
Inigo: Lucina, Severa, Owain
Accalon: Cynthia, Severa
Fire Emblem Fates 
Xander: Charlotte, Laslow
Camilla: Hinoka, Ryoma, Beruka, Selena, Keaton
Selena: Tsubaki, Laslow, Camilla
Laslow: Azura, Charlotte, Xander, Odin, Selena
Zero: Leo, Azura, Corrin, Charlotte
Charlotte: Xander, Benny, Niles, Silas
Flora: Corrin, Jakob
Nina: Siegbert, Forrest, Velouria, Soleil, Caeldori, Shiro 
Oboro: Takumi, Hinata
Lilith: Leo, Jakob, Nyx, Laslow
Arete: Happiness.
Fire Emblem Echoes
Alm: Celica, Clair
Camus: Tatiana, Nyna
Fernand: Mathilda, Clive, Clair - selectively
Berkut: Rinea
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harunokijournal · 1 year
(Di dalam ada warning sign)
Despites Setsuna yang kesannya bandel banget sebagai anak cewe, gitu2 dia banyak yg demen di sekolah. Cowo2 di kelas dan kelas sebelah banyak yang mengagumi Setsuna, karena meski anaknya kalo udah berantem serem banget, aslinya dia ramah ke orang-orang. Wajahnya juga cantik, lalu sifatnya yang periang ikut nambah pesona dia.
Kebayang tiap Jumat sore, pas anak panahan latihan, kadang ada aja anak cowo yang merhatiin dari jendela kelas atau pinggiran lapangan. Setsuna kalo latihan panah suka ngiket rambut, yang meski ga panjang2 amat, tapi lumayan menarik perhatian mereka juga. Setsuna jadi tambah cakep kalo ngiket rambutnya, apalagi ketika lagi fokus sama papan sasaran dan busur panah dia. Kebanyakan fans dia datang dari orang2 yang suka merhatiin anak2 klub panahan latihan di hari Jumat (atau Sabtu kalau ybs juga ada ekskul pada hari itu), yang mana biasanya mereka ga cuman ngefans Setsuna, tapi juga cewe2 seisi klub panahan (emang ciwi2 klub ini isinya cakep semua www).
Setsuna bukan tipe cewe cool, tapi bukan juga tipe cewe manis yang suka ada di manga shoujo. Kayak balance aja gitu sifatnya dia, tipe2 ball of sunshine yang mana kalau kamu berani mengusik matahari, maka matahari itu akan membakarmu (disclaimer ini kiasan asbun tolong jangan ditanya sumbernya dari mana).
Setsuna awalnya ga begitu peka, tapi makin ke sini dia makin sadar kalo dia mayan populer di kalangan anak cowo (both dalam makna positif dan negatif, tpi di sini lagi bahas sisi positifnya jadi mari kita maksudkan ke sana). Dia juga sadar dia banyak yg suka. Pernah berapa kali dapet surat cinta di loker sepatu, kadang ditanggepin (read: didatengin lalu ditolak) sama dia, kadang diabaikan aja—it's a hidden kinda-useless-skill tpi Setsuna bisa mengenali tulisan orang, kalau tulisannya berasal dari orang yg sama dia bakal tau, dan kalau sudah begitu lebih baik dia abaikan karena nolak orang yang sama dua kali itu ngga enak. Tiap white day juga sering dapet cokelat/bunga di lokernya—karena suka manis jadinya Setsuna terima aja cokelatnya, kalo bunganya dia kasih ke Kana atau orang lain yang berminat.
Mungkin bakal ada yg dendam ke Setsuna karena cintanya tertolak, tapi currently gaada yang berani ngapa2in since Setsuna terkenal sering menang kalo berantem lawan orang (alias kalo kmu macam2 sama dia, kmu tamat). Jadilah kalau udah jatuh hati ke Setsuna, either dipendem doang atau diungkapkan pun hasilnya bakal sama aja: Setsuna ga bakal memiliki perasaan yang sama, karena dia ngga tertarik buat pacaran.
(Ak pernah bahas alasan kenapa Setsuna ga tertarik buat pacaran di sini wwww.)
Membayangkan fansnya Setsuna bertambah waktu dia naik kelas www. Dia jadi kakel yang ngelaksanain demo ekskul panahan dan banyak cowo yang tertarik gegara Setsuna cakep. Dengan begitu jadi banyak yg tertarik buat joinan ekskul memanah, meski ujung2nya di pertengahan semester banyak yg keluar gegara ternyata latihannya sulit (tpi tetap gamau melewatkan kesempatan nonton anak panahan latihan tiap Jumat demi cuci mata awokwokwwok).
( ⚠️ trigger warning // sexual assault , rape attempt ⚠️ )
Lalu kebayang juga karena fans barunya ini adek kelas dan belum dengar rumor, suatu hari salah satu dari mereka nyoba confess ke Setsuna. As always Setsuna dateng sendirian, ke atap sekolah tempat adek kelasnya ini minta didatangi, lalu seperti biasa pula dia menolak. Si adek kelas ini rupanya emosian, dan waktu mendengar Setsuna nolak dia, dia langsung nyerang Setsuna—berniat memperkosa karena kesal ditolak, dan waktu itu Setsuna terlambat menghindar (nyerangnya pas Setsuna udah balik badan mau balik ke kelas) jadilah dia sempat ketahan di sana. Namun sebelum benar-benar berhasil (baru sempet buka celana, this mf lengahnya di situ) Setsuna keburu nyerang balik, lalu kabur. Setsuna ngelaporin ini ke kakak2nya dan selang tiga hari, si adek kelas ini di-drop out dari SMA Hakuyama (thanks to Paman Akihito yang dihubungi Akira).
Setsuna trauma sebenernya, karena si adek kelas ini udah sempet megang2 dia—bahkan kancing seragamnya ada yang putus karena si adek kelas ini mainnya kasar. Tiap berapa menit pas lagi sendirian, dia ngeraba bibirnya sendiri, lalu leher (pernah ada "tanda" dari si adek kelas di sana), lalu dada, lalu badannya, kadang tiba2 nangis sendiri (lalu cepet2 diusap kalo ada orang, gitu2 Setsuna masih mau keliatan kuat). Dia izin ga masuk sebulanan, yang mana selama sebulan itu dia berusaha memulihkan mentalnya (dibantuin kakak2nya, juga Kana).
Sebulan setelahnya dia lanjut masuk sekolah. Untungnya selama dia ga hadir, gaada rumor aneh2 (Kana dan Saya dkk berusaha biar beritanya ngga kesebar, also untungnya si adek kelas ini ga sesumbar sebelum tau2 di-drop out. Paling2 cuman kedengeran kabar pasca drop out, tau2 si adek kelas ini masuk rumah sakit, babak belur soalnya digebukin orang ga dikenal pas lagi ke luar sampe nyaris mati (orang ini ternyata Akira Raizael ww)). Orang2 pada nanyain Setsuna ke mana sebulanan ini, dan Setsuna berbohong dengan ngejawab kalau alerginya kambuh parah gara2 dia salah makan, jadinya harus dirawat di rumah sakit. Seterusnya dia lanjut ngejalanin hari2 kayak biasa, ketawa kayak biasa juga. Pokoknya Setsuna bener2 balik ke dirinya yang lama, yang dikenal baik oleh orang2 maupun oleh dirinya sendiri, meski kadang2 dia suka keinget kejadian ngga ngenakin itu.
Karena kejadian itu juga jadinya Setsuna semakin enggan pacaran. Kejadian waktu dia kelas 2 SMA masih tertanam di ingatannya bahkan sampai dia dewasa. Dia bisa temenan sama anak cowo, bestie-an sama mereka, atau bahkan nunggu berdua doang di suatu tempat, itu semua bisa banget. Tapi kalo pacaran, dia ngga dulu. Kalo sampe diconfess juga Setsuna ogah banget (sejak kejadian waktu itu dia kalo diconfess lewat surat gapernah nanggepin lagi, kalo diconfess langsung out of nowhere juga biasa ditanggepin sekenanya). Sejak saat itu juga dia mulai sering latihan bela diri—ngga asal2an lagi kayak dulu, yg sekarang harus lebih proper supaya kalau ada apa2 dia bisa lebih sigap ketimbang biasanya.
(Kalo di bunal!AU ini jadi hidden reason TouSetsu 6 taun friendzoned—selain Setsunanya yang ga peka kalo ternyata mereka saling suka, ya ... gitu).
(Also kalo menanggapi Takigawa yang naksir Kana, Setsuna sebenernya ga masalah sih, since dia juga udah lumayan mengenal Takigawa. Setsuna percaya Takigawa anak baik2, pernah bilang juga dia mempercayakan Kana ke Takigawa karena yakin Takigawa ga bakal menyakiti Kana).
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o3o-aya · 3 years
my mha oc uwu
Name: Akane Furaito
Nicknames: Aka-Nii (given by her sisters) Songbird (given by her mother) Mermaid (given by Dabi)
Age: 19
Hero, civilian, or villain: Villain but becomes a teacher later in life
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5'3
Birthday: March 10
Star sign: Pisces
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Personality: Akane can be very quiet, she hardly ever speaks unless spoken to even then it's just a mumble and it's only for people she repects and she tends to speak rather formally, plus she chooses not to speak in order to save her voice for her quirk and prefers to speak in sign language. She prefers to keep to herself. Yet she has a secret sadistic side when it comes to watching people in pain. She holds no remorse for the ones that she hurts and she tends to do things recklessly. Yet being an older sister, she has a soft spot for her siblings. In the future, she tends to speak more for her job and she got counseling and therapy for herself, she's more understanding but tends to be more confused on her emotions.
Quirk: Siren
How her quirk works: Siren is a quirk that works with singing. When the user sings, their voice carries effects to those who hear it. This can include both allies and enemies but is not selective. Effects include Sleep-inducing, Calm-inducing, and Mind Contro depending on the note and tone. The quirk's range is dependent on how far the voice can be heard. While this means that items such as a microphone can increase the range, it also means that items such as headphones can negate the quirk.
Whenever she uses her quirk and speaks afterwaards, she tends to cough rather violently, if she overuses it and speaks right after she can cough so hard blood comes out of her mouth so she has to wait a few hours before speaking.
Family: Ryuga Suzuki (Father, pro hero Sairen) Status: Deceased Kana Furaito (Mother) Status: Deceased
Yuno Furaito (uncle) Status: Missing
Alec Furaito (older brother) Status: Alive, Whereabouts: Unknown Kurai Furaito (younger brother) Status: Alive, Whereabouts: Unknown Alyna Furaito (younger sister) Status: Alive, Whereabouts: Currently UA Akari Furaito (younger sister) Status: Alive, Whereabouts: Unknown Kane Furaito (younger brother) Status: Alive, Whereabouts: Unknown Toma Furaito (Younger brother) Status: Alive, Whereabouts: Unknown
Akihito Sukuzi (paternal grandmother) Status: Alive, Whereabouts: Musutafu Akane Furaito (maternal grandmother) Status: Alive, Whereabouts: Unknown
Background: At a young age she always had trouble showing empathy or feeling remorse. But, after the sudden death of her parents when she was 8, her and her siblings were sent to live with their abusive paternal grandmother. Akane couldn't take the abuse and faked a suicide. She wandered the streets before being found by Kurogiri, who convinced All for One to let her stay. She grew up with a hate for the hero society for failing to rescue her and her family. She has a hatred for her father for being a hero but she can't help by love him as well.
Fun Facts: Her favorite color is green She's fluent in American and Japanese sign language Her favorite flowers are blue Iris She was named after her maternal grandmother Her eyes glow when her quirk is activated
Love interest: Dabi
Children: Tomioka Todoroki
Quotes: "No, no, no... Tomura Shigaraki, win in silence. Let them think you're losing..." "Maybe I'm a villain in your story little sister... But in my own story... I may as well be a hero." "I know how to reconize a desperate soul..." "We villains are simply victims... Victims who's stories hasn't been told.." "You morons frustrated me like a crackhead without a lighter.."
picrew used
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Made in Abyss Game Dated for PS4, Switch and PC
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  Following some earlier previews, we now have an official launch date for the Made in Abyss console and PC game. The Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness action-RPG is coming to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam in North America and Europe on September 2, and you can take a look at the main characters and their voice cast below.
  RELATED: Made in Abyss Action-RPG Heads to the West This Fall
  Here are the leads, starting with the new customizable main character:
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    "DEEP IN ABYSS" Mode Main Character
VA: Katelyn Barr
VA: Matt Shipman
Japanese VA: Akari Kito
The main character in the DEEP IN ABYSS mode. Players can customize the character's hair, facial features and more.
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VA: Brittany Lauda
Japanese VA: Miyu Tomita 
An active girl who's deeply curious. Her dream is to become a White Whistle Cave Raider. She was living at the Belchero Orphanage, but when her mother Lyza's White Whistle and letter were found, she departed, heading for the bottom of the Abyss.
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VA: Luci Christian
Japanese VA: Mariya Ise 
He descended with Riko into the Abyss to find out who he is. He tends to take things seriously and has a mature way of speaking. However, he panics easily during unexpected circumstances.
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VA: Chaney Moore
Japanese VA: Ayaka Suwa
A colleague from the orphanage. A quiet, inconspicuous child who tends to go unnoticed. He has high physical abilities, but dislikes running. You became close friends after surviving getting lost together. He dreams of becoming a White Whistle and reaching the bottom of the Abyss.
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VA: Hilary Haag
Japanese VA: Akane Fujita
A colleague from the orphanage. A girl who deeply admires Riko. A bit of an airhead, which is her key charm and flaw. She tends to get rather competitive.
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VA: Meg McDonald
Japanese VA: Natsumi Fujiwara
A colleague from the orphanage. A boy who's always full of energy.  He tends to get in trouble by speaking his mind. However, he is still a likable person.
  RELATED: Made in Abyss TV Anime Reveals More About Season 2 in New Trailer
  Publisher Spike Chunsoft describes the game:
  Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness is an Action RPG in which players themselves descend into the world of the Abyss and grow through their experience in its depths. The game, supervised by original series author Akihito Tsukushi, recreates the world of the Abyss in 3D, including battles with creatures, collecting relics, and "The Curse of the Abyss". Fans are sure to enjoy the dark fantasy that remains true to the unique flavor of the original work. 
  The game offers two game modes. "HELLO ABYSS" is a story mode in which players can relive the story of the anime while learning the basic system and how to progress in the game. In "DEEP IN ABYSS," players can enjoy an original story of a new Cave Raider, who takes on the challenge of exploring the depths of the Abyss. Many characters from Made in Abyss appear, and event scenes are fully-voiced by the cast of the anime.
  Source: Press release
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief of Sci Fi Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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Anime i’ve Watched
That begin with a K (Part 5)!
Yep this is how i’m going to bring over all the anime and manga i’ve watched and posted about on the old blog. It’s not so detailed but it will have to do. Anything new I watch or read from this point on will have their own posts.
Kuroko no Basket:
Genres: comedy, school, shounen, sports
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Synopsis: Teikou Junior High School's basketball team is crowned champion three years in a row thanks to five outstanding players who, with their breathtaking and unique skills, leave opponents in despair and fans in admiration. However, after graduating, these teammates, known as "The Generation of Miracles", go their separate ways and now consider each other as rivals. At Seirin High School, two newly recruited freshmen prove that they are not ordinary basketball players: Taiga Kagami, a promising player returning from the US, and Tetsuya Kuroko, a seemingly ordinary student whose lack of presence allows him to move around unnoticed. Although Kuroko is neither athletic nor able to score any points, he was a member of Teikou's basketball team, where he played as the "Phantom Sixth Man," who easily passed the ball and assisted his teammates. Kuroko no Basket follows the journey of Seirin's players as they attempt to become the best Japanese high school team by winning the Interhigh Championship. To reach their goal, they have to cross pathways with several powerful teams, some of which have one of the five players with godlike abilities, whom Kuroko and Taiga make a pact to defeat. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8/10
Finished airing in 2012 with a total of 25 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Sports! But not as much friendship, character development and fluffiness as I personally prefer. Plus some of the characters have special abilities or powers taking this firmly out of the realistic category. Not a bad series overall though! Certainly enjoyable. 
Kuroko no Basket 2nd Season:
Genres: comedy, sports, school, shounen
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Synopsis:  With the Interhigh Championship finally over, Seirin's basketball team refocuses their efforts, training harder than ever to get the chance to participate in the Winter Cup. Both Kuroko and Kagami see old friends walk back into their lives, providing a challenge both on and off the court. As new skills are developed and new alliances created, enemies from various teams—giants of high school basketball such as Yousen, Shuutoku and Touou—stand in the way of Seirin's steadfast attempts to get to the top. All of these schools prove to be formidable foes whose abilities progress exponentially, while Kuroko struggles to find a balance between his resolve to play as part of a team and his desire to win. With old wounds reopening, new challenges to face on the court, and a new set of foes—the "Uncrowned Kings"—vowing to defeat the new hopefuls, will Seirin ever be able to achieve their dream of beating the Generation of Miracles? [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2014 with a total of 25 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Season 2 was even better than the first though all I said before pretty well stands! 
Kuroko no Basket 3rd Season:
Genres: comedy, sports, school, shounen
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Synopsis:  Following their triumph against Yousen High, Seirin's basketball team has reached the semifinals of the Winter Cup along with Kaijou, Rakuzan, and Shuutoku. Each of these teams possesses a member of the Generation of Miracles, and Seirin prepares to face the largest obstacles on their path to winning the Winter Cup. In the final season of Kuroko no Basket, Kuroko goes head-to-head with his old teammates once more as he attempts to show them that individual skill is not the only way to play basketball. His firm belief that his form of basketball, team play, is the right way to play the sport will clash with the talents of a perfect copy and an absolute authority. While Kuroko tries to prove that his basketball is "right," he and the rest of Seirin High ultimately have one goal: to win the Winter Cup and overcome the strength of the Generation of Miracles, who have long dominated the scene of middle and high school basketball. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2015 with a total of 25 episodes.
My Thoughts: We’ve now reached what was essentially the final boss. You don’t need me to convince you to watch the third season if you’ve  already watched the previous two... 
Kuzu no Honkai (Scum’s Wish):
Genres: drama, romance, school, seinen
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Synopsis:  To the outside world, Hanabi Yasuraoka and Mugi Awaya are the perfect couple. But in reality, they just share the same secret pain: they are both in love with other people they cannot be with.
Hanabi has loved her childhood friend and neighbor Narumi Kanai for as long as she can remember, so she is elated to discover that he is her new homeroom teacher. However, Narumi is soon noticed by the music teacher, Akane Minagawa, and a relationship begins to blossom between them, much to Hanabi's dismay.
Mugi was tutored by Akane in middle school, and has been in love with her since then. Through a chance meeting in the hallway, he encounters Hanabi. As these two lonely souls spend more time together, they decide to use each other as a substitute for the one they truly love, sharing physical intimacy with one another in order to stave off their loneliness.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8.5/10
Finished airing in 2017 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: This may be an unpopular opinion but I actually really liked this anime. It had some really large issues and moments that made me want to cringe until death took me into her sweet embrace but it was a rather unique story and anime. Plus you know sometimes it’s fun to watch an anime where pretty well everyone is an absolutely awful person. I doubt i’d ever watch it again but it was worth that single watch. Great art and opening though!! 
Kyoukou Suiri (In/Spectre):
Genres: mystery, comedy, demons, supernatural, romance, shounen
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Synopsis:  Hidden in plain sight, spirits known as youkai inhabit the world. While most are benign, a certain subset threatens the tenuous peace between youkai and humanity. Ever since she agreed to become their "God of Wisdom," Kotoko Iwanaga has served as a mediator between the two realms, resolving any supernatural problems that come her way. At a local hospital, Kotoko approaches Kurou Sakuragawa, a university student whose long-term relationship ended with an unfortunate breakup. Kotoko harbors feelings for him and suspects that something supernatural lurks within his harmless appearance, so she asks Kurou for his assistance in helping out youkai. Two years later, news of an idol who was accidentally crushed to death by steel beams flooded the press. However, months later, sightings begin to tell of a faceless woman who wields a steel beam. As is the case for any supernatural problem, Kotoko and her partner set out to stop this spirit from wreaking havoc—but this case may prove to be far more sinister and personal than they could have ever thought. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7.5/10
My Thoughts: An interesting mystery with rather interesting characters. I personally had quite a few issues with this anime, including but not limited to the pacing, gratuitous (in my opinion) violence and gore at times and just a lack of character development. Despite much of the anime revolving around the female lead just talking I feel as though I hardly know her... or worse yet care whether she lives or dies. That being said this seems to be one of those animes that everyone seems to either love or hate with little middle ground.... maybe you’ll land closer to the love side of things? 
Kyoukai no Kanata:
Genres: slice of life, supernatural, fantasy
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Synopsis:  Mirai Kuriyama is the sole survivor of a clan of Spirit World warriors with the power to employ their blood as weapons. As such, Mirai is tasked with hunting down and killing "youmu"—creatures said to be the manifestation of negative human emotions. One day, while deep in thought on the school roof, Mirai comes across Akihito Kanbara, a rare half-breed of youmu in human form. In a panicked state, she plunges her blood saber into him only to realize that he's an immortal being. From then on, the two form an impromptu friendship that revolves around Mirai constantly trying to kill Akihito, in an effort to boost her own wavering confidence as a Spirit World warrior. Eventually, Akihito also manages to convince her to join the Literary Club, which houses two other powerful Spirit World warriors, Hiroomi and Mitsuki Nase. As the group's bond strengthens, however, so does the tenacity of the youmu around them. Their misadventures will soon turn into a fight for survival as the inevitable release of the most powerful youmu, Beyond the Boundary, approaches. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7/10
Finished airing in 2013 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: One of my favorite female glasses wearers of all time! All the characters are pretty cute actually, thanks in large part to the pretty animation and art. Honestly though i’m struggling to remember much about the plot and story... I recall a bit but not nearly enough to give a proper over view of things. 
Kyoukai no Kanata movie 1:
Genres: action, supernatural, fantasy
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Synopsis:  The first part of a two-part movie. The story is a recap of the TV series. Mirai Kuriyama is the sole survivor of a clan of Spirit World warriors with the power to employ their blood as weapons. As such, Mirai is tasked with hunting down and killing "youmu"—creatures said to be the manifestation of negative human emotions. One day, while deep in thought on the school roof, Mirai comes across Akihito Kanbara, a rare half-breed of youmu in human form. In a panicked state, she plunges her blood saber into him only to realize that he's an immortal being. From then on, the two form an impromptu friendship that revolves around Mirai constantly trying to kill Akihito, in an effort to boost her own wavering confidence as a Spirit World warrior. Eventually, Akihito also manages to convince her to join the Literary Club, which houses two other powerful Spirit World warriors, Hiroomi and Mitsuki Nase. As the group's bond strengthens, however, so does the tenacity of the youmu around them. Their misadventures will soon turn into a fight for survival as the inevitable release of the most powerful youmu, Beyond the Boundary, approaches. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8/10
A film released in 2015
My Thoughts: It’s a recap which I apparently rated higher then the series... if you could see me right now you’d be quick to note the lazy shrugging. I have no idea what’s going on with my rating’s half of the time. Thinking on the series more I know I absolutely adored the characters, especially the main couple. 
Kyoukai no Kanata movie 2:
Genres: fantasy, slice of life, supernatural
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Synopsis:  After Akihito Kanbara reunites with Mirai Kuriyama—whom he believed had vanished after defeating Beyond the Boundary—he discovers a heartbreaking fact: Mirai has lost all memory of him, their friends, and her past as a Spirit Warrior. Akihito is utterly devastated, but realizes that she has a unique opportunity. Mirai can finally live the life of a normal girl—where she'll be completely devoid of the supernatural society that both shunned and used her. While it's all for the sake of Mirai's happiness, the price is costly—Akihito and his friends must keep her true origins a secret from her, and as a result avoid befriending her. However, the troubling memories of Mirai's old life gradually begin to resurface, and a mysterious new evil leads a group of shadow-like creatures into the city with the goal of seeking her out. As the situations become dire, Akihito must fight to protect himself, his closest friends, and Mirai—the bespectacled beauty he holds most dear. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8/10
A film released in 2015. 
My Thoughts: You’ve already made up your mind about watching this pair of films or the series. Why are you even reading this one!?
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chayashix · 4 years
6, 23, 46, 51, please. and welcome back!
ただいま!/ Tadaima! *hearts*
This fanfic meme. Warning: long answers!
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
I guess I should take “involved in” to mean “at least moderately obsessed at some point”? haha. Cos there’s maybe only 1-2 fandoms that I’ve actively contributed to, ever...
In no particular order:
Shingeki no Kyojin: RivaMika (Levi x Mikasa) (as if you can’t tell that from my blog)
Wotakoi: KabaHana (Kabakura x Koyanagi)
Psycho-Pass: GinoAka (Ginoza x Akane)
Toshokan Sensou / Library Wars: DoIku (Dojo x Kasahara)
SAO: KiriAsu (Kirito x Asuna)
Naruto: SasuSaku (Sasuke x Sakura)
Bleach (before it completely went down the drain after arc 2): IchiRuki (Ichigo x Rukia)
And though I’m not seriously into BL, I’m apparently hiding a secret fujo somewhere(?) because I also ship:
Yuuutsu na Asa: Akihito x Katsuragi
Yami no Matsuei: Tsuzuki x Hisoka (reversible)
Saiyuuki: Hakkai x Gojyo (+ their past incarnations & reversible)
Haikyuu: KageHina (Kageyama x Hinata)
I swear there’s a pattern here... it seems I am irresistibly attracted to characters who have serious difficulties expressing their emotions and I like a lot of pain in my relationships...
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Gotta be Red Velvet Cake. 
Because it’s just... bizarre hahaha. I mean, who literally puts a frosting recipe in the middle of a fic? I went crazy with that piece. It was for a Valentine’s Day prompt challenge to boot... I seriously wanted to trap/shock everyone with a totally unexpected, really DARK story that turned out to be nothing like what the title suggested.
I completely blame this little fic misadventure on all the Gothic/post-modern lit studies I did in school; that module wrecked my psyche permanently. And in true post-modern style, I went all fragmented stream-of-consciousness with it, stirred in a totally unreliable narrator and sprinkled it with a dash of retro pop culture references. It was so much fun to write. And even more fun to see how people reacted to it lol.
Gosh. Talking about it makes my muse all excited. I must try another one of these bad boys one day. Heh.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Definitely The Endgame (hey, I took this title LONG before the last Avengers movie was a thing ok). I consider this one of my best pieces of writing to date, though it’s not really popular amongst my readers (sigh. universal truths.). 
This piece is DENSE in imagery and references. (might even argue a little TOO dense; it’s teetering on that fine line between intellectual and overly affected). I did a heck of a lot of research on chess gambits for this one too, which was tough to get right because I’m not actually a chess player. 
Special mention of @fuku-shuu and @magikarp-diem-blog because they started all the chess prompt nonsense. (good times. where are you guys? I miss my old tumblr fam :( but I shouldn’t talk cos I was the first one to go AWOL.....)
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Er... can I have 3? and they’re all going to be negatives because I’m just a natural critic =P
I hate self-inserts with a passion. I just cannot get into the fic when every other line is screaming “you! reader! yes you! this is YOUR fantasy! let me fanservice you in most plastic way possible!”
The second thing I (honestly) hate is how much really bad fic there is out there. Like you have to go through 20 or more terrible fics to find just one really really good one. (or maybe I’m just searching the wrong way, or using the wrong platform). Ratings/likes don’t necessarily mean anything. Sometimes I really want to read fic, but I get so tired of trying to find that one passable piece that I just give up.
The third thing I hate is WRITING FIC SUMMARIES. Like I’ve spent so much energy getting the ACTUAL fic right, and then I have to condense it to something that will fully convey how interesting the fic is, and yet not give too much away. I know it’s important to hook a potential reader in, but I feel like a fraud when I have to write a summary for my own fic lol.
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firespittingbunni · 5 years
A list of the anime's I have watched (PART 2)
Here a list of the all the anime I have currently completed watching and my personal rating of them (part 2)
9. Psycho-pass
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Psycho-Pass is set in a futuristic era in Japan where the Sibyl System, a powerful network of psychometric scanners, actively measures the minds and mentalities of civilised populations using a "cymatic scan" of the brain. The resulting assessment is called a Psycho-Pass. When the calculated likelihood of an individual committing a crime, measured by the Crime Coefficient index, exceeds an accepted threshold, he or she is pursued, apprehended, and killed if necessary by police forces. The series starts of be following Akane Tsunemori, a new police Inspector at Unit One of the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Division. Over the course of Akane's early investigations, the group uncovers the works of Shogo Makishima, a prolific criminal mastermind. Makishima is a Criminally Asymptomatic, he is persistently assessed as having a low crime coefficient by the Sibyl System in spite of his actions and plans, thus protecting him from Dominator shots.
Genre: Crime, cyberpunk & mystery
Season one: 22 episodes
Season two: 11 episodes
Season three - coming soon (orginal run scheduled for October 2019)
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
10. Haikyuu!!
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Junior high school student Shōyō Hinata gains a sudden love of volleyball after seeing a national championship match on TV. Although short in height, he becomes determined to follow in the footsteps of a star player, nicknamed the "Little Giant", after seeing his plays. However, his dreams are destroyed in his first official match, where his team suffers a crushing defeat against the junior championship favourite team, which includes the so-called "King of the Court" Tobio Kageyama. Hinata vows to follow in the footsteps of the "Little Giant" and enter Karasuno High School to defeat Kageyama, only for the two to wind up as unlikely teammates. By combining the genius-like qualities of Kageyama with Hinata's sheer athleticism, the duo create a brand-new volleyball tactic. Their new combo allows them to get over their differences and creates a strange alliance between the two filled with fun and laughter for them and their teammates. Thus begins the Karasuno boys' volleyball team's journey to the top.
Genre: Comedy & sports (volleyball)
Season one: 25 episodes
Season two: 25 episodes
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
11. No game No life
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The series follows Sora and his younger stepsister Shiro, two hikikomori who make up the identity of Blank, an undefeated group of gamers. One day, they are challenged by the god of games to chess and are victorious. As a result, the god summons them to Disboard, a reality that revolves around games. Intent on maintaining their reputation as the undefeated gamers, Sora and Shiro plan to conquer the sixteen ruling species and to usurp the god of games.
Genre: Isekai, fantasy & science fiction
Episodes: 12
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
12. Tokyo ghoul
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The story follows Ken Kaneki, a college student who barely survives a deadly encounter with Rize Kamishiro, his date who reveals herself as a ghoul. He is taken to the hospital in critical condition. After recovering, Kaneki discovers that he underwent a surgery that transformed him into a half-ghoul. This was accomplished because some of Rize's organs were transferred into his body, and now, like normal ghouls, he must consume human flesh to survive. The ghouls who manage the coffee shop "Anteiku" take him in and teach him to deal with his new life as a half-ghoul. Some of his daily struggles include fitting into the ghoul society, as well as keeping his identity hidden from his human companions, especially from his best friend Hideyoshi Nagachika.
Genre: dark fantasy, horror & thriller
Season one: 12 episodes
Tokyo ghoul ✔️A: 12 episodes
Tokyo ghoul:re 12 episodes
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
13. Beyond the boundary
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One day, high school student Akihito Kanbara instinctively goes to save his fellow schoolmate, Mirai Kuriyama, from committing suicide. Following his pleas, Mirai suddenly stabs Akihito with a sword formed out of her own blood and is shocked to discover that Akihito is an immortal "half-youmu"—the offspring of a supernatural creature, called a youmu, and a human. After learning that Mirai is a Spirit World Warrior specialists who protect humans from being affected by your and the last surviving member of her spirit hunting clan, their lives become intertwined as Akihito seeks to help Mirai gain the confidence to kill youmu so that she may stop attempting to kill him as practice.
Genre: dark fantasy, romance & supernatural
Episodes: 12
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
14. Terror in resonance
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In an alternate iteration of the present, Tokyo has been hit by a terrorist attack that has devastated the city. The only evidence of the culprits is a cryptic video uploaded to the Internet, which sparks paranoia across Japan. Unbeknownst to the authorities is that the terrorist masterminds—who call themselves "Sphinx" are two teenaged boys who go by the names Nine and Twelve. Though they apparently should not exist, they have nonetheless decided to "wake up the world" with their heinous plans of destruction, with their fingers on the trigger. However, midway through a execution of one their plans, one of them is discovered by depressed school girl Lisa. This leaves them with only two chooses: either kill Lisa or welcome her as a co-conspirator.
Genre: psychological & thriller
Episodes: 11
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
15. Mob psycho 100
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Shigeo Kageyama is an average middle school boy, nicknamed Mob. Although he looks like an inconspicuous person, he is in fact a powerful esper with immense psychic power. To keep from losing control of this power, he constantly lives a life under an emotional shackle. In order to help learn how to control his abilities, Mob works as an assistant to con-man Reigen Arataka, a self-proclaimed psychic. Mob wants to live a normal life just like those around him, but a barrage of trouble keeps coming after him. With his suppressed emotions growing inside Mob little by little, his power threatens to break through its limits as he eventually encounters other Espers like the Claws.
Genre: action, comedy & supernatural
Season one: 12 episodes
Season two: 13 episodes
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
16. Asobi asobase
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The series centers on Hanako, Olivia and Kasumi, second-year students at an all-girl middle school and the only three members of the Pastimers Club, a not-officially-recognized group. The club has very ambiguous goals, usually consisting of whatever so-called "pastimes" the girls happen to think up.
Genre: surreal comedy
Episodes: 12
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: no
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
(I do not take any credit for any of the factual information stated above.)
- Bunni
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edwxrdkenway · 6 years
Anime Recommendations part 2
guess who’s back for more anime recommendations. some asked for more so here I am. part 1 can be found here btw if you’re new
Note that I only listed underrated or forgotten animes that I watched and enjoyed every minute of it and you may be too
91 Days
Lets start with some heavy stuff y'all
91 Days is set during the Prohibition era and tells the story of the protagonist Angelo.
As a child Angelo has witnessed the death of his family who all have been slaughtered by a mafia family. Losing everything he holds dear, he leaves both his name and hometown behind, adopting the new identity of Avilio Bruno. Years later he finally has his chance for revenge when he receives a mysterious letter prompting him to return to his home town and to kill all who are at fault for the tragedy of his family.
(idk I thought that this one is famous but turned out that only a few watched it?? that one is so good idk ??)
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Zankyou no Terror/Terror in Resonance
(Idk why people thing this is underrated?? That one watched almost everyone when it aired??)
This one is also a heavy anime so be prepared. (I’m not joking be prepared)
Tokyo has been hit by a terrorist attack that has devastated the city and The only evidence of the culprits is a cryptic video uploaded to the Internet. Unbeknownst to the authorities is that the terrorist masterminds are two teenaged boys: Nine and Twelve who should not even exist. Their plan: to "wake up the world" with their heinous plans of destruction, with their fingers on the trigger.
btw im not pluffing their names are nine, twelve and one is even called five
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Death Parade
Imagine that after death, there is no heaven or hell, only a bar. 
Yeah you read right a bar. A bar that stands between reincarnation and oblivion. There, Decim will challenge the deceased to a random game in which his/her/they fate of either ascending into reincarnation or falling into the void will be wagered. Whether it's bowling, darts, air hockey you name it, each person's true nature will be revealed in a ghastly parade of death and memories, dancing to the whims of the bar's master. Welcome to Quindecim my friend.
(BTW do not be fooled by the opening if you decided to watch this, I warned you)
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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun/My Little Monster
Ok here some light stuff ^^ Tnkk is a shoujo and one of my fav shoujo tbh.
Shizuku Mizutani, (who kinda looks like Maka from Soul Eater somehow) is only caring about her grades but her cold view of life begins to change when she meets Haru Yoshida, a troublemaker. Sounds like those typical story lines but behold. He’s not much different from her. He also understands little about human nature and does not have any friends. Much to her surprise, he proclaims that she will be his friend and immediately confesses his feelings towards her upon meeting her. 
This one is very funny and not that cliché shoujo you would expect and I binge watched it in a day and would recommend 11/10 bc Haru is a precious cinnamon roll who should be protected at all costs
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I mean just look at him-
Psycho Pass
Another heavy one (I think I have another type lol). 
This anime is set in the 22nd century where the Sibyl System, a very powerful network of psychometric scanners, actively measures the minds and mentalities of civilised populations. With other words if you are a bad person you do not go to jail, nah you will be eliminated.
Into this world steps our main heroine Akane Tsunemori. However, as she works alongside bae I mean Shinya Kougami, she soon learns that the Sibyl System's judgments are not as perfect as her fellow Inspectors assume. 
This got 2 seasons and a movie and let me tell you you better watch this because this one will get you hooked !!
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Tokyo Ravens
Romance? Check. Magic? Check. Mystery? Check.  Very underrated? Double Check.
Onmyodou magic was once a powerful technique which was used by the Japanese during World War II. Later, infamous onmyoji Yakou Tsuchimikado performed a ritual, which goes horribly wrong and the result of this becomes what is now known as the "Great Spiritual Disaster", an incident which haunts the entire Japanese continent to date. 
Our boy Harutora, who is a member of the Tsuchimikado's branch family once promise Natsume, the heir of the Tsuchimikado's main family and Yakou’s reincarnation, to protect her as her familiar. However, turned out Harutora has no talent for magic and chooses to live a normal life instead. But when a prominent member of the Onmyou Agency attempts to recreate the same experiment which led to Japan's downfall, he decides to make good on his word and fight by Natsume's side.
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Your lie in April/Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Here I introduce you to a masterpiece that will ruin you. Like literally ruin you. I'm not even exaggerating, I told my best friend to watch this and she did not talk to me for 2 days.
Our boy Kousei Arima was strictly taught how to play the piano and meticulously follow the score by his mother, to the point where he dominated every competition he entered with ease and he became one of the best piano players. However, after his mother suddenly dies everything went downhill and had to quit the music industry. 
Two years later, Kousei lives a monotonous life with his childhood friends supporting him. But he still  continues to cling to music, although performing is still an impossibility for him. This is until his unexpected encounter with our girl Kaori Miyazono, a violinist who performs freely without the dictations of a score. A story of friendship, love, music, and a single lie, Kousei's life begins to change and gain color as Kaori helps him to take up music again.
(note: if you decide to watch this pls do not hate me)
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Boku dake ga Inai Machi/Erased
Another dark one nice. Our protagonist Satoru Fujinuma has a special gift. He finds himself sent back several minutes before an accident occurs. He has taken advantage of this mysterious phenomenon to save many lives. 
However, when he is wrongfully accused of murdering someone close to him, he is sent back to the past once again but 18 years in the past. Soon, he realizes that the murder may be connected to the abduction and killing of one of his classmates Kayo Hinazuki, that took place when he was a child and he tries to prevent the death of his classmate while protecting those he cares about in the present.
Idk why I decided to watch this but let me tell ya my poor heart was not ready while watching this. I recommend this 11/10.
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Kyoukai no Kanata/Beyond the Boundary
ok so pls drop everything what your doing and go watch this if you didn’t. pls do yourself a favor.
KNK is about Mirai who is the sole survivor of a clan of Spirit World warriors with the power to employ their blood as weapons. Yeah you read right blood is their weapon. As such, Mirai is tasked with hunting down and killing creatures called youmu, who are basically manifestations of negative human emotions. One day,  Mirai comes across Akihito Kanbara, a rare half-breed of youmu in human form. In a panicked state, she plunges her blood saber into him only to realize that he's an immortal being. From then on, the two form an impromptu friendship that revolves around Mirai constantly trying to kill Akihito, in an effort to boost her own wavering confidence as a Spirit World warrior. 
I’m not biased I swear but this anime is so aesthetically pleasing im livin-
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Ok so thats it. Like last time I did not include popular anime series that like 99% of us watch/ed like boku no hero academia/my hero academia, tokyo ghoul, gintama, satsuriko no tenshi/angels of death, cells at work, black clover etc.
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kemungkinan-blog · 5 years
'Kagum dengan Masako, bukan jenis tergedik-gedik nak harta & pangkat' - Netizen kagum dengan kisah Permaisuri kepada Maharaja Jepun yang baharu
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Maharaja Akihito, 85, adalah anggota monarki Jepun yang pertama melepaskan takhta diraja dalam tempoh dua abad. Anak sulungnya, Putera Mahkota Naruhito akan mewarisi takhta diraja Jepun sebagai Maharaja baru.
Di setiap negara, pasangan kepada keluarga diraja bakal menjadi perhatian rakyat. Bukan sahaja penampilan, malahan kisah-kisah peribadi mereka turut menjadi tumpuan. Begitu juga isteri kepada Maharaja Naruhito, Masako Owada. 
Naruhito dikatakan sebagai seorang suami yang amat menyayangi isterinya. Walaupun berdepan dengan adat istiadat dan pantang larang istana, beliau tetap menyokong penuh isterinya. Kisah mereka diibaratkan oleh netizen seperti fairy tail dan menganggap masih wujud lelaki seperti Naruhito yang mengagungkan wanita. 
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HARI ini hari terakhir pemerintahan Maharaja Akihito di Jepun. Maka berakhirlah era "Heisei" (1989-2019) dan bermulalah era "Reiwa" dengan pertabalan Putera Mahkota Naruhito sebagai Maharaja Jepun yang ke-126. 
Naruhito ini orang yang macam mana? Nak kenal hati budi seorang lelaki, lihatlah cara dia melayan isteri atau kekasihnya.
Seperti ayahnya, Naruhito juga memperisterikan seorang wanita dari kalangan rakyat jelata. Permaisuri Naruhito, Masako Owada bukan berasal dari kerabat diraja atau bangsawan, tetapi dia juga bukan perempuan biasa-biasa. Malah CV dia kalahkan Diana Spencer, Kate Middleton atau Meghan Markle yang menjadi pujaan orang ramai.  
Ayah Masako, Hisashi Owada ialah seorang diplomat, pangkat tertinggi ialah Jimu Jikan (sama macam KSU) Kementerian Luar Negeri Jepun. Dari zaman kanak-kanak, Masako ikut ayahnya posting merata dunia. Dan sebab itu, Masako fasih 5 bahasa iaitu Bahasa Jepun, Inggeris, Rusia, Perancis dan Jerman (wow).
Masako juga ingin mengikuti jejak langkah ayahnya. Selepas memperolehi ijazah sarjana muda ekonomi daripada Harvard (woww), Masako melepasi ujian kemasukan Kementerian Luar Negeri dan mula berkhidmat sebagai pegawai diplomatik. Hanya 28 daripada 800 pemohon lulus pada tahun itu (wowww). 
Ni kalau kat Malaysia kira PTD Wisma Putra cream of the cream of the cream, bukan calang-calang orang boleh masuk meminang.
Tapi pada November 1986, kehadiran Masako di sebuah jamuan teh telah mengubah hidup Masako. Pada jamuan tersebut, Masako ditemukan dengan Naruhito, anak sulung kepada Putera Mahkota Akihito, cucu kepada Maharaja Hirohito. Naruhito ketika itu berumur 26 tahun, baru balik dari Oxford. Kali pertama melihat Masako, Naruhito terus jatuh cinta dan mula melamar Masako. 
Walaupun Naruhito ialah "most eligible bachelor" di Jepun waktu tu, Masako rasa rimas dengan lamaran Naruhito. Sebab cita-cita Masako adalah menjadi diplomat yang berjaya. Kalau berkahwin dengan Naruhito, maka Masako perlu melepaskan career dia yang baru nak mula. 
Untuk elak daripada Naruhito, Masako menyambung pengajian sarjana di Oxford selama 2 tahun, bermula pada 1988. Tapi Naruhito masih tak putus asa, cari Masako sampai ke Oxford. Tapi sekali lagi, Masako menolak lamaran Naruhito. 
Media dan orang ramai mula bising, siapa Masako? Siapa dia berani jual mahal depan prince? Siapa dia sampai prince yang kena mengejar dia? Orang lain kalau dengar perkataan prince dah ovari meletup berkecai. 
Tapi Masako tahu apa yang dia mahu dalam hidup. Dia tak memerlukan gelaran permaisuri, dia dah cukup hebat. Dia hanya mahu mengejar impian sendiri. Tak kisahlah prince ke tak prince. Ini perangai Sagittarius yang tipikal. 
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Akhirnya, selepas 6 tahun Naruhito bercuba, Masako menerima lamaran Naruhito pada tahun 1992. Naruhito berjanji, dengan kedudukan Puteri Mahkota, Masako boleh memainkan peranan sebagai diplomat. Menerima kunjungan tetamu negara, mengadakan lawatan negara bagi pihak maharaja, itukan kerja diplomat.
Yang lebih penting, Masako tersentuh dengan janji Naruhito untuk melindungi dia seumur hidup: "僕が一生全力でお守りします" (boku ga, isshō zenryoku de o-mamori shimasu). Perempuan ni, strong macam mana pun ada soft spot dia. 
Naruhito dan Masako melangsungkan perkahwinan pada 9 Jun 1993. Selepas berkahwin, Masako cuba menjalankan peranannya sebagai "diplomat", namun mendapat tentangan daripada pejabat pentadbir istana, Kunai-chō. 
Kunai-chō melihat tindakan Masako melangkaui Maharani Michiko, dengan itu melanggar protokol. Malah Masako pernah ditegur kerana berucap lebih lama dari suaminya. Kehidupan istana yang penuh dengan adat istiadat dan pantang larang membuat Masako rasa terkongkong, dan Masako mula rasa stres.
Yang lagi membuat Masako tertekan ialah desakan dari Kunai-chō, maharaja, kerabat diraja, media malah orang ramai supaya Masako cepat-cepat menimang cahaya mata. Sebagai Puteri Mahkota, Masako dipertanggungjawabkan untuk melahirkan zuriat bagi mewarisi takhta.
Tahun demi tahun berlalu, perut Masako masih belum bunting, maka macam-macam spekulasi timbul. Masako mandul ke? Patut tak Naruhito cari isteri baharu? Tapi Naruhito tetap dengan pendirian tidak mahu mengkhianati cintanya terhadap Masako, minta semua bersabar.
Paparazzi pula pergi korek rahsia Masako dan menyebarkan cerita yang mengatakan Masako mengalami masalah untuk mengandung sebab pernah menggugur dua kali. Maksudnya dengan lelaki lain sebelum berkahwin dengan Naruhito. Reaksi Naruhito? Tetap mempertahankan isterinya tak kira apa yang orang kata.
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Selepas 8 tahun berkahwin, akhirnya Masako melahirkan anak perempuan bernama Aiko pada 2001. Mengikut perlembagaan Jepun, perempuan tidak boleh mewarisi takhta. Oleh sebab adik Naruhito, Putera Fumihito juga tak mempunyai anak lelaki, maka tekanan ke atas Masako untuk melahirkan zuriat lelaki jadi semakin kuat. Sekitar tahun 2003-2004, Masako mula mengalami kemurungan. 
Perangai orang Jepun takut malu, jadi Kunai-chō cuba nak cover up masalah kesihatan Masako. Naruhito marah sungguh. Dari seorang yang lemah lembut, Naruhito bergaduh dengan semua orang: ayahanda Akihito, ibunda Michiko, adinda Fumihito dan Kunai-chō. Naruhito kata tindakan mereka semua sedang "menafikan kemanusiaan" (人格否定, jinkaku hitei) Masako.
Dalam sejarah Jepun, tak ada putera yang pernah buat kenyataan terbuka against istana. Ketegasan Naruhito memaksa Kunai-chō mengakui bahawa Masako mengidap masalah kesihatan dan memerlukan rawatan. 
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Akur dengan ketegasan Naruhito untuk tidak melahirkan zuriat lelaki, Kabinet Jepun mula menimbangkan pemindaan Perlembagaan bagi membolehkan Puteri Aiko mewarisi takhta. Tapi cadangan tersebut terbatal selepas Putera Fumihito menimang anak lelaki pada tahun 2006. 
Lega Naruhito. Bagi beliau, samada zuriatnya mewarisi takhta atau tidak, itu tak penting, cukup sekadar Masako bebas daripada tekanan untuk melahirkan anak lelaki.
Selama 26 tahun mereka berkahwin, Naruhito betul-betul memenuhi janjinya untuk melindungi Masako. Biarpun beban dan tanggungjawabnya sebagai putera mahkota begitu berat, biarpun ada ramai orang yang perlu dipuaskan, Naruhito tidak sesekali mengkhianati janjinya kepada Masako dengan mengahwini perempuan lain atas alasan untuk mendapatkan anak lelaki.
Yang lebih mengagumkan ialah reaksi Naruhito menangani kisah silam Masako. Kita tak tau apa yang Naruhito fikir dalam hati apabila mengetahui kisah silam Masako dengan bekas teman lelaki. Tapi yang pasti, Naruhito mempertahankan kehormatan isterinya daripada cemuhan masyarakat.
Cinta Naruhito kepada Masako adalah begitu dalam, sehingga apabila orang bertanyakan apa yang beliau risau dengan peranan baharunya sebagai maharaja, perkara pertama yang beliau sebut ialah Masako. Beliau takut Masako rasa tertekan dengan gelaran maharani dan harapan orang ramai.
Berbanding dengan keadaannya 10 tahun yang lalu yang murung sepanjang masa, Masako kini kelihatan lebih ceria. Semua ini adalah hasil usaha Naruhito yang sentiasa sabar dan mengutamakan kebahagiaan isterinya. 
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Sebagai maharani, peranan Masako akan jadi lebih besar, lebih menghampiri cita-citanya sebagai diplomat. Kita boleh agak, selepas ini, Naruhito akan lebih kerap membuat lawatan negara atau menerima kunjungan tetamu negara, demi memuaskan impian Masako yang terpendam. 
Lelaki seperti Naruhito dan Emmanuel Macron membuktikan bahawa not all men are trash. Wujud je lelaki yang romantik, caring dan setia, yang appreciate kelebihan pasangan mereka, dan menerima kekurangan mereka. Yang sanggup menunggu, walaupun bertahun-tahun (Naruhito 6 tahun, Macron 12 tahun), sebelum saat kebahagiaan tiba. 
Kalau tak jumpa, berusahalah lagi sehingga jumpa. Kalau anda serius dengan cinta, anda tentu deserve jejaka yang menjanjikan anda perkara yang sama seperti Naruhito janjikan Masako, 27 tahun yang lalu:
"Boku ga, isshō zenryoku de o-mamori shimasu" (Saya akan melindungi awak, dengan sepenuh kekuatan, hingga ke hujung hayat).
Sumber: Ayman Rashdan Wong
from The Reporter http://bit.ly/2ZPa6ry via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat http://bit.ly/2Lgol5E via IFTTT
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elmokodulce · 5 years
Kabar jepang
Pelantikan Kaisar Naruhito menggantikan kaisar Akihito. Congratulation. Tepat di tanggal 1 mei. Hari buruh / labor day / international worker's day / MAY-DAY.
Hokage Naruto namanya mirip ya dengan kaisar jepang saat ini.
Elmokodulce & Fleurvanwiz@ji adalah
Sama2 Penggemar cerita anak2 / manga / anime dari jepang.
Membantu proses pengembangan kecerdasan aksara sih , gemar menonton juga membantu meningkatkan kreatifitas di masa kecil. Kami berdua mulai menulis cerpen singkat setelah bahagia bisa membaca banyak buku dan menonton banyak kartun. Memetik pesan baik tentang bagaimana menjadi hero yang sebenarnya tidak pernah sempurna, tidak akan malah. Tetapi gigih berusaha memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kemampuan juga menurunkan tabiat pesimis.
Eitss jangan sedih.. kami juga suka kok dgn cerita rakyat (folklore) indonesia.
Malin kundang, Lutung kasarung, Sangkuriang, si jampang, Timun mas, dewi sri, bawang merah dan bawang putih, jaka tarub & 7 bidadari, ande ande lumut & Klenting kuning, gatotkaca, gundala, dsb.
Garuda wisnu kencana dan dewi nagini cerita rakyat yang mulai kami berdua cari tau beberapa tahun ini. Baru tahu tepatnya.
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aestuavis · 6 years
Match Maker
match maker. || accepting
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SHINO. so, i have to admit that at first i was going to go with akane because of how she’s such a major bookworm but seeing his lifestyle & all, i think shino might have an interesting meet with him ! i was thinking of perhaps akihito could find shino in her white tiger form ? either injured or she was napping under the sun in a park somewhere & turning into human in front of him, then having to ask him to keep that a secret because ... well, you wouldn’t want everyone to know you can turn into a huge white tiger, right ? akihito seems like a laid-back, easy-going person so i couldn’t help imagining it’d be cute to give him a body pillow being a fluffy, white tiger as a cuddling companion. she’d also take interest in his work & sometimes randomly turning up to his place in her white tiger form for an unannounced cuddling session. the image is cute in my head so i can’t shake it off XDD also him recommending a few books for her to read & them just having a quiet reading session seems nice too !
▸▸ [ @thelazyeditor ]
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undinefin · 6 years
miss mellen name all ur sons DO IT NOW- nom
hi ive been saving this for a while this will literally take me forever okay im making this organized. sons will remain male and those who identify as male. i have daughters and children as well, we will nOT go into that today
you asked for this.
bold = the ones that i LOVE (to save you from reading everything if you do you get a gold star
anime (last name first even if its uncomfortable):kashiwagi sora, kamiya tazuki, otonashi yuzuru, yadomi jinta, akabane karma, shiota nagisa, chiba ryuunosuke, horibe itona, isogai yuuma, karasuma tadaomi, maehara hiroto, asano gakushuu (i guess), A106, midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, iida tenya, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, kirishima eijirou, kouda kouji, ojiro mashirao, sero hanta, tokoyami fumikage, yamada hizashi (mic), aizawa shouta, testsutetsu tetsutetsu, monoma neito, amajiki tamaki, togata mirio, shinsou hitoshi, hawks, wash (HES A WASHING MACHINE), sir nighteye, dabi, dazai osamu, nakajima atsushi, nakahara chuuya, edogawa ranpo, akutagawa ryuunosuke, kunikida doppo, miyazawa kenji, tanizaki junichirou, oda sakunosuke, fyodor dostovetsky, edgar allan poe, togashi yuuta, decim, clavis, ginti, kida masaomi, kishitani shinra, heiwajima shizuo, dragneel natsu, fullbuster gray, happy, fernandes jellal, redfox gajeel, conbolt romeo, eucliffe sting, cheney rogue, doranbolt, erik, midnight/macbeth, tachibana makoto, nanase haruka, matsuoka rin, hazuki nagisa, ryuugazaki rei, yamazaki sousuke, shigino kisumi, souma kyou, souma yuki, souma hatsuharu, souma hiro, kira takuto, rio izumi, sousuke (ponyo), all male named haikyuu!! characters, raven, maou sadao, ashiya shirou, urushihara hanzou, howl, usui takumi, kanou soutarou, yukimura shouichirou, tachibana taki, ishida shouya, shimada kazuki, phantomgive ciel, stucliff grelll, finnian, kanbara akihito, nase hiroomi, reigen arataka, kageyama shigeo (mob), hanazawa teruki, kihara tsumugu, isaki kaname, juugo, nico, uno, rock, sugoroku hajime, gokuu samon, natsume takashi, tanuma kaname, natori shuuichi, sora (ngnl), nezumi, shion, yato, yukine, kazuma, ebisu, genos, onsou no sonic, suou tamaki, hitachiin hikaru, hitachiin kaoru, morinozuka takashi, haninozuka mitsukuni, ootori kyouya, nekozawa umehito, hyakuya mikaela, hyakuya yuuichirou, saotome yoichi, hiiragi shinya, bathory ferid, natsuki subaru, haku, watari ryouta, arima kousei, yukihira souma, isshiki satoshi, hayama akira, aldini takumi, ryou kurokiba, ibusaki shun, arlert armin, death the kid, evans soul, black star, stein franken, cecil guy, ooji mochizou, tanaka, oota, pazu, yoshida haru, takasu ryuuji, katsuki yuuri, plisetsky yuri, chulanont phichit, altin otabek, ji guang-hong, lee seung-gil, inuyasha, shippo, miroku, sesshoumaru, kisaragi shintarou, kano shuuya, kokonose haruka, seto kousuke, son hak, shin-ah, jae-ha, ki-ja, yun, zeno, okumura rin, okumuro yukio, kuro (does he count), shima renzou, suguro ryuuji, yagami light, lawliet L, ryuk, elric edward, elric alphonse, mustang roy, yao ling, envy, zoldyck killua, kurapika, freecss gon, paladiknight leorio, kaneki ken, suzuya juuzou, uta, nifuji hirotaka, kabakura tarou, nifuji naoya, miyamura izumi, ishikawa tooru, iura shuu, yanagi akane, nekota, ichijou raku, maiko shuu, shi ryuuki, kou houju, kou reishin, li kouyuu, rou ensei, to eigetsu
books:ronald weasley, charlie weasely, harry potter, neville longbottom, draco malfoy, cedric diggory, scorpius malfoy, newt scamander (shhh im not doing a movie section), percy jackson, leo valdez, nico di angelo, simon snow, tyrannus basilton grimm-pitch (baz), levi stewart, magnus damora, felix gaebras, kaz brekker, jesper fahey, wylan van-eck, will herondale, james carstairs, oba yozo, the little brother in shatter me that deserves more, rudy steiner, max vandenburg 
kpop (i stan everyone equally so no bolds ;-; ):donghun/lee donghun, jun/park junhee, wow/kim sehyoon, kim byeongkwan, chan/kang yuchan, s.coups/choi sung cheol, jeonghan/yoon jung han, joshua/joshua hong, jun/wen junhui, hoshi/kwon soonyoung, wonwoo/jeon wonwoo, woozi/lee jihoon, dk/lee seokmin, mingyu/kim mingyu, the8/xu minhao, seungkwan/boo seung kwan, vernon/hansol vernon chwe, dino/lee chan, sungin/park sung jin, jae/park jae hyung, young K/kang young hyun, wonpil/kim won pil, dowoon/yoo do woon, woosung/kim woosung, dojoon/park dojoon, hajoon/lee hajoon, jaehyeong/lee jaehyeong
and the last pillar of my existance.....
utaite (no bolds):risru, houkagou no aitsu, maruguri, ityouyaku, noristry, banayuu, azusa yuu, stungun, wolpis, syun, kidi, kanseru, tsukasashi, shakemii, kogeinu, silvana, meychan, 3bu, rim, yukimi, again, utau onii-san, colon, shintaro, izu, ivu, senra, shima, aho no sakata, uratanuki, invaderT, clear, bee, pusu, s!n (ww), natsushiro takaashi, isubokuro, sou, rib, eve, amatsuki, shounenT, luz, itou kashitarou, kain, shoose, panaman, kradness, araki, nqrse, un:c, soraru, mafumafu
im sorry for any spelling mistakes and if ive forgotten anyone at this rate i probably have. i cant believe i spent 1.5 hours on this why do i take thing seriously
(how is it that ur off tumblr but still looks at my blog enough to ask me shit like this ily best mom)
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