#Akira x s/o
ashton-sano · 1 year
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Souma in: Having a Baker S/o
(Char. Involved: Sōma Yukihira, Akira Hayama, Erina Nakiri, Takumi Aldini)
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Sōma Yukihira
-Same old Soma tbh
-Sees you as quite the worthy adversary whether or not you're better than he is
-Always the first one to try your dishes
“C’mon! Lemme have a taste, it looks so good!”
-Biggest supporter honestly 
-It doesn't make him any less likely to make you try his gross dishes though
“Oh don't be a scaredy cat, Just one bite!” 
-At least one food war per day honestly
      -Tiring, to say the least
-I'd like to think he has a sweet tooth so you being a baker is like heaven for him
“Everything is here. The cake is cooling in the fridge, The fondant is rolled and properly colored and the frosting is-'' I pause my listing as I realize the frosting isn't where I left it. “Huh?” Did I misplace it or something? “Could've sworn I left it right here.” I blink twice in an attempt to backtrack from when I had it. “Okay, so I remember grabbing the ingredients from the fridge, then setting them right here,” pointing to the counter as I pull a pout. “Then I brought out the stand mixer and began making it. Afterward, I turned away to put the mixer away but when I turned back I still remember seeing it.” I close my eyes in hopes that’ll jog my memory, “Then I ran to my room to get my molding knives and called Soma in to watch the Strawberry puree boiling.” Wait. I called Soma. “I came back and that's when I don't recall seeing it.” That bastard. “SOMA!” I yell throughout the dorm as I dash to his room in a fit of annoyance. As I made my way past several of my roommates, they each gave a fearful expression and made way for me to get by. I clutch the doorknob, slamming the door wide open as I catch the thief red-handed. He had the spoon halfway in his mouth as the frosting was mostly gone, eyes slightly dilating at my entrance. “Oh, Uh...Hey Y/n.” I glare at him, “Why are you eating my frosting.” He looks anywhere but my gaze as he lets out a nervous chuckle, “It looked good so I took a bit and then a bit turned into a spoonful, and well you see what happened.” I sigh, “Whatever, just know you’re making me dinner for the next month for that.” He smirks, “Why say that like it's a bad thing? I love making food for you, Y/n.” My heart warms at his sentiment, “Yeah yeah.” I make my way to close the door but stop just short to peek my head in, “However, do that again and I’ll make sure the only thing you can eat is frosting.” He drops his smile to replace it with worry at my threat, “Yes ma’am.” I close the door and shake my head, too touched to be truly mad. “He thought it was that good?” I let out a breathy laugh on my way back to the kitchen to remake it, “Stop making me want you to come back to steal my food you idiot.” 
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Akira Hayama
-Very proud of you 
-However, he isn't very keen on showing it so you’ll have to be patient
-There are some things you add in that even he doesn't sniff out which is probably the only time he’ll get curious and ask about it
“Making something new? What crazy ingredient did you add this time, hm?”
-May act all mean but he is actually very excited when you come to let him try your food
         -Never call him out though, he’ll always deny it
- “This again? Still hard at work trying to perfect it, are you? Fine ill have a taste.”
-Don't let the facade fool you, he’d hate if you asked anyone else to try your food.
       -Can be a bit childish when it comes to that
“Is it too salty?” He smacks his lips a few times, taking in the flavor. “If anything it's a bit lumpy, kinda dry too.” I scrunch my face, “Odd. Could've sworn I kept the heat low enough. Guess I wasn't paying enough attention.” He tilts his head, “The flavors aren't bad though, honestly pretty perfect if you ask me.” I give a small smile, delighted by his praise. “Sorry to drag you all the way here for this Soma.” He gives a low chuckle, “No problem. I'm always down to taste test, especially your amazing food!” I grab the plate with the crumbs of the cake I had recently made and brought it to the sink, “You do not need to flatter me.” He shakes his head, “No flattery needed. You’re talented, nothing to sugar coat y’know.” I wasn't sure how to respond to such blatant compliments so I settled for a small lopsided grin.  “Thanks, that means a lot. Especially coming from the first seat of the council himself.” A light pink brushed his cheeks, “Now whos doing the flattering? It's nothing to brag about. I do have a lot I must improve on.” His ability to grow never ceases to surprise me, “You have quite the determined spirit, it's admirable.” 
“Yeah, I'm sure he's quite the guy.” 
We both turn to the voice that chimed in, “Ah, Akira, how's it going?” Soma inquires with his usual enthusiasm but the albino doesn't share the sentiment. “Fine. What's happening here?” I don't miss his dismissive tone as he turns himself to me. “Soma was just taste-testing a recent cake I was making.” He narrowed his eyes for a moment, “Well how's that going?” He asked but I'm certain he didn't really want the honest answer to that. “Still need some tweaking, but good overall.” He folds his arms, “Well I'm glad he's been of assistance. Now I think thats enough for today, it's getting late.” Its 6:30… Soma chirps up, “Well i gotta head out, needa prepare some stuff for tomorrow's food war, see ya’!” He waves as he leaves the room, and for a split second, you could see a glint of a smirk on Akira’s face.
“You’re such a jealous child.”
“Shut up.”
“You know I'm right.” He pulls me in, pressing a warm kiss to my forehead, “You don't need him to taste your food. I was here y’know.” I rest on his chest, “You never really seemed interested in tasting my food so I asked Soma since he wasn't busy.” He tightens his grip, “Don't do that again. Just come to me and ill give you feedback.” I give a knowing smile but don't comment on his obvious jealousy, “Well ill keep that in mind.”
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Erina Nakiri
-A true sweetheart honestly
-Will 100% help you with your sweets and pastries as the loving girlfriend she is
-Baking dates every weekend is a must
 “Quite the variety you have! All this for just one night?”
-Takes a little more time to judge the taste since she does truly enjoy your food and doesn't want to miss any key flavors
       -Has to take a few tastes to actually take it in and not just judge with her god tongue and all that
“Wow, this is well made! The ganache you used brings a beautiful contrast to the moisture from the cake; well done my dear.”
-Basically, her and Hisako's relationship if they were dating; just very doting and sweet entanglement
 -Loves when you surprise her with your treats after/during a long day
      -Simply brightens her whole day
  (might be ooc)
    The kitchen brimmed with anticipation as I stood beside her as she flour-dusted the countertops, and the sweet scent of vanilla permeated the air. Today, she had invited me to step into her world, to experience the artistry she crafted every day.
I watched with admiration as Y/n effortlessly measured ingredients, their hands moving with precision and grace. Their culinary intuition was a marvel, as they expertly combined flavors and textures to create a symphony of tastes. The kitchen became their canvas, and I was fortunate enough to witness the strokes of their pure genius.
With every task that was to assigned me, Y/n’s patience and guidance enveloped me. They encouraged me to embrace the techniques, trust my instincts, and pour love into each step. Their professional expertise blended with unwavering belief in me, ignited a newfound passion within my heart.
As we worked side by side, I absorbed their knowledge like a sponge. They shared secrets and tricks, while their insights lifted my baking skills to new heights. The boundaries between teacher and student blurred, as our connection deepened and our shared love for the craft blossomed.
The oven hummed, the heat embracing our creations with warmth and anticipation. Together, we carefully placed our masterpieces inside, entrusting them to the alchemy of heat and time. The kitchen transformed into a sanctuary of hope and creativity, where dreams and flavors melded together.
As we waited for our creations to bake, Y/n's presence filled the room with an aura of confidence. They smiled,  eyes gleaming with pride and love. At that moment, I knew that this experience was not just about baking—it was a testament to the beautiful bond we shared.
As the aroma of freshly baked goods filled the air, we opened the oven with eager anticipation. The sight before us took my breath away—golden perfection, a testament to our collaboration and dedication. With a sense of accomplishment, we adorned our creations with delicate touches, transforming them into edible works of art.
Sitting at the table, forks in hand, we tasted the fruits of our labor. Each bite danced on my taste buds, an orchestra of flavors that sang of our love and shared passion. At that moment, I felt the warmth of Y/n’s presence, the fulfillment of our culinary journey, and the sweet taste of a love nurtured by the joy of creation.
Baking with Y/n was more than an adventure in the kitchen—it was a glimpse into her world, a celebration of her talent, and a reminder of the beautiful bond we shared. Together, we wove a tapestry of flavors and emotions, creating a lasting memory that would forever sweeten our lives.
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Takumi Aldini
-A tad competitive 
-Will mellow out when you’re practicing your craft though
-Absolutely will stare hard at you (but do not point that out, he will blush and pout)
“N-No! I wasn't staring. I don't know what you’re talking about.”
-Please make him some, will be fussy if you don't let him have what you made
-Will always give you pointers though so never be afraid to ask
    -Especially loves it when you come up to him to ask; makes him feel all bubbly inside And a bit outside too. (Again, don't point it out. Tsun-Tsun.)
I carefully dusted the final touches of powdered sugar onto the delicate pastries, admiring the golden crust and the perfectly piped cream filling. My heart swelled with pride as I surveyed the display of my creations in the bakery. This was my passion, my art—the result of years of dedication and hard work.
Just as I was about to take a step back to fully appreciate the beauty before me, I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist. Takumi, my Italian chef boyfriend, nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine.
"Y/n, these look amazing," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration. "But you know, there's something missing."
I turned my head to catch a glimpse of his mischievous smile. "Oh? And what might that be?"
He pouted playfully, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, you see, I've been craving your sweet treats all day. You can't just tempt me with these delectable pastries and not save a few for your beloved Italian chef."
I couldn't help but chuckle at his theatrics. Takumi had a way of tugging at my heartstrings with his charm and infectious enthusiasm for food.
"All right, all right," I relented, unable to resist his request. "I'll save a couple of pastries just for you. But you better be prepared to savor every bite, Takumi."
He grinned triumphantly, his eyes gleaming with delight. "That's what I like to hear, Y/n. You know just how to make me happy."
As I carefully set aside a small box of pastries reserved exclusively for him, I couldn't help but marvel at the power food had to bring us closer. Our shared love for culinary delights was a bond that we cherished—a language of flavors and textures that spoke volumes in our relationship.
And so, with a secret stash of pastries hidden away, I looked forward to the moment when Takumi would indulge in my sweet creations. Because in those moments, as he savored every bite, I knew that our connection was strengthened, and our love for each other grew sweeter, one dessert at a time.
(This is my first writing piece on this platform so it's not the best but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. Never hesitate to make a request and ill make time for it.)
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bayothemayo · 7 months
If requests are available, can I please request head canons for an Akira kurusu with a s/o that's is a persona user but under the terms, of the s.e.e.s. Later on his s/o invites him over to their room then goes out for a bit then finds the evoker??
P.s I genuinely love you're writing .
Akira Kurusu x S.E.E.S! Reader Headcannons
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Warning: Swearing
Note: The reader doesn't know that Akira is a Phantom Thief but has suspicions.
He doesn't know that you were a persona user, due to him thinking that the only way to summon a persona is ripping off the mask and that the Metaverse is the only place where shadows can exist. So he was essentially clueless even if you two dated for a while.
When you invited him to your house to hang out he was excited, he was excited to see what your room was like and to see your personality shine through it.
And indeed it had your personality and your likes slapped all over it. Posters of your favorite band/game/movie and some of the items you own in your favorite color.
You have to excuse yourself to get something you left downstairs, so Akira was left alone in your room.
Akira just stood there awkwardly, he didn't want to snoop around but something caught his eye.
There was a sliver case peeking out under your bed, the blanket almost covering it.
It caught his interest. He kneels down and takes the case out under your bed. He wanted to respect your privacy but curiosity got the better of him.
He carefully open the case, and he immediately saw something that shook him to the core.
A fucking gun.
A unique-looking gun at that. Another thing that caught his eye was the red armband that was sitting there, waiting to be worn again. He didn't want to touch it in case you noticed that it moved once you opened the case. But he can see the letters S.E being shown while the rest of the letters are hidden.
There was something else that caught his eye, but it was a lot more innocent compare to the gun.
It was a group picture with people, a dog, and a robot? that he doesn't recognize other than you of course. The people in the picture were wearing a school uniform. You looked younger in the picture so Akira can guess that this picture was taken years ago.
"Oh shit I can explain!" You quickly shouted when you saw Akira looking at your Evoker case. You thought that you had hidden the case better.
"...Why do you have a gun?"
"It's not a gun it's an Evoker!" You try to explain but it didn't really help with another. You quickly responded, "Look, let me explain, and hope this won't change your opinion of me." You then explain on how you had gotten this Evoker, S.E.E.S the Dark Hour, the shadows, and a little bit of your teammates. You didn't tell him about the more... sensitive parts when you were part of the S.E.E.S. It took a while for Akira to process the information because he was shocked that there were other Persona users and something similar to the Metaverse. Akira did feel bad that you had to explain this to him which is probably one of the most private parts of your life. So Akira spoke up.
"(Y/N)," Akira said softly, "thank you for telling me this. To make things fair, I want to tell you a secret." Akira then mentally prepared himself for your reaction, "I am the leader of the Phantom Thieves."
Silence fills the room. You sigh as you run your fingers through your hair, "I had my suspicions...and I had a feeling that you were more special than others." You put your hand on his cheek, "You are being careful with being a Phantom Theif right?"
"Yes, I am..." Akira put his hand over yours.
You stay silent and then you spoke, "I want to join you guys." Akira stiffens but then slowly nods. Despite him not wanting you to join, you already have experience with shadows. More than him actually. So he reluctantly let you join.
You Had Join The Phantom Thieves!
Akira let you tell the others what you had told him.
When you all got to the Metaverse and started to fight the shadows, he (and the others) got a heart attack when you put the Evoker to your head. He felt a little better when your Persona came out instead of your brain bits.
It is going to take a while for him to get used to it, maybe never.
Despite you having more experience, he is still a little protective over you.
...and maybe gets a little flustered when you are being a badass.
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sea-of-dust · 10 months
Hello c:
can I request Akira and Ryuji with a f!s/o who is going through her period
(I'm suffering the wrath of cramps 😭)
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This is the worst....
Ryuji and Joker/Akira x Fem!Reader
Summary: you're on your period with them trying to help you
Notes: HI Hi annon!, dw I feel ya 💀 ALSO I GOT THE OTHER MESSAGE IM SORRY I MADE YOU WAIT SO LONG 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
Warnings: mentions of blood, the hell of period craps
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He has futaba he already knows what it must be like for you maybe even worse, so he brings you stuff you like in hopes you don't turn into a fire breathing dragon and spit fire (futaba)
Offers to do your homework for you or help you with it. He wants you to rest, don't stress about it too much not like he memmorised your handwriting for this exact purpose. So what if they aren't causing you that much pain you rest watch him speed run homework.
He lays his head on your stomach sometimes, this could lead to teasing unless you were actually about to make futabas story real. "Hey leave my girlfriend alone stomach" "stop qouting that!" Getting you to laugh made it worth it
He will lay with you even if you don't ask you could take a nap and wake up with him on his phone next to you. "You're awake?" Scooing over with a chipper grin on his face he shows you his phone "take a peak at this" as he shows you the video you don't notice him sneaking his arm under your torso to pull you into his chest. "Felt that" "awe" you feel him lean over you to kiss your cheek "I woulda got you this time sure of it" smiling weakly you kiss him back "not a chance"
He does cook for you during these times. The godsend of his cooking always make you forget about the pain and misfortune of these unfortunate times. "I can spoon feed you if you want" "YES"
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He looks like his brains about to explode when he learns your on your period. "Ohhh that time of the month. No biggie!" Until you didn't show up to school one day because of your cramps
He did come running to your house with pads and the plush you kept hugging when you stayed in his. "Miss l/n it's an emergency please let me stay with your daughter!" "Oh you must be Ryuji! She talks so much about you!" Her eyes water as she fondly tells him about the times you spoke about him. It was nice but what was great was sneaking away mid rant. "Y/n!" "Ryuji?!"
He takes oddly great care of you, offering you food and bringing a game with him. "You brought alot-" "well yea I didn't know what you were in the mood for so I brought everything I knew ya liked" "They're gonna last me years..." "perfect!"
Only lays next to you if you ask him to. Feels like if he moves the wrong way it'll make you uncomfortable. So when you eventually get him to lay next to you he's just a board, his mind comming up with all sorts of theories for what would happen if he even breathed wrong.
So the next day you came to school the guy was with you every step. "Ryuji your classrooms next door" "what if you pass out" "they aren't that bad worse case I end up vomiting" "what if there's no bag!" You sigh patting his shoulder "listen I'll be fine" it's gonna take the bell to ring for him to finally give in. Doesn't mean he isn't walking you home keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.
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ozzgin · 8 months
Could I perhaps request something with Guriko from Worst? Maybe foreigner S/O that makes him work for her number or attention? I just need a sassy girl who doesn’t put up with his shit lol
Oof, I was trying to avoid Guriko at all costs. Not because I don’t like him or anything, but I was faced with the dilemma of whether I should stick to the 8-girlfriend-harem or whip him into monogamy. Would he still be the true Guriko, then? That’s the trouble. But the way you worded it, I’m tempted to go for the latter. Additionally, if it’s alright with you, I’ll be using this as the opportunity to do even more character headcanons. Hence the delay. ^^"
WORST Characters x Reader (II)
Featuring Hanaki Guriko, Kurosawa Kazumitsu, Nara Akira, Higuchi Shuuji and a new-in-town Reader who grabs their attention.
Come get your delinquent boy content! I included photos for those who don't know the characters. (Once again my attempt to advertise old school manga because there's not enough of us out there)
Content: female reader, foreigner reader, Japanese delinquents, everyone is 18+
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Hanaki Guriko
Uh oh. Whatever Eriko-chan was complaining about is no longer registered by Guriko's ears. He's holding the phone away from his ear, frozen in place. Are his eyes deceiving him, or is a cute foreigner sitting by herself just a few steps ahead? Without a word he hangs up and shoves the device in his pocket. Sorry, Eriko-chan, he can't miss this chance of a lifetime. He approaches you with a predatory smirk and questions with furrowed brows how a hottie like you ended up alone. You glare at him with a bored expression and assure him you can speak Japanese just fine. Even better. He slides next to you and introduces himself, reaching for a handshake. "(Y/N)." Is all you respond. "A pretty name for a pretty girl, eh?" He retorts, smugly. "You know...Not to intrude or anything, but I might've been more impressed with your flirting if I didn't just hear you talking on the phone with a girl, calling her 'baby'." Ah. Damn it.
"And? What did you tell her?" Kurosawa is leaning against the wall, holding the cigarette between his lips. Naturally, he was the first to hear about Guriko's complaints. To whom else could he have whined? His girlfriends? "I tried to explain it's my little cousin." He pouts a little, then continues. "She started laughing and said next time she won't forget her clown nose." Kurosawa chuckles at the image and gives his friend a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "That's what you get for trying to pull this shit on a foreigner." The man, however, straightens his back and crosses his arms, with a glint of determination in his eyes. "Nah. I still have a chance. She said 'next time', didn't she?" The strongest man in town isn't about to shy away from a challenge when it arises. Once he has his eyes on something, giving up is no longer part of the vocabulary. He'll win you over one way or another.
...Even if it means paying for it dearly. "C-can you repeat that, please?" He mumbles in a sheepish voice, turning pale. As luck would have it, you happen to live on the same street as the Umehoshi Household. Which made it easier for him to find you again, but it also means you've been briefed on his situation by the Suzuran boys that were eager to get their revenge for his scummy behavior. "I think you heard me just fine, you shameless horndog. If you insist on dating, you can't keep your harem of girlfriends." You stipulate with a scowl. He closes his eyes, weighing the options. You are hot, and he does like your attitude. Is it worth ditching everyone else for it? After a moment of contemplation, he shakes his head solemnly. "Alright. I'll break up with them right now as you watch. But that makes us official. Deal?"
You're wondering if this was to your advantage, after all. Against your expectations, Guriko is a very involved and caring boyfriend; having all those girlfriends before you certainly paid off, as he knows exactly how to spoil you and can read you frustratingly well. On the other hand...you're not sure if you can get used to the reputation. True to his word, he has made it very clear you're his girlfriend and so it's not uncommon for you to bump into someone and have them beg for forgiveness, muttering something about being the Demon's woman. "What exactly have you done to have people this terrified of you?" you ask, baffled, during one of your dates. "Didn't I tell you?" he states proudly, throwing an arm over your shoulders. "I'm the strongest around! Only the best of the best for Miss (Y/N)." You blush at the words, but before you can open your mouth he adds: "Also, can I come over to your place tonight? I don't want to spoil the fun, but I got you something to wear for me~" Nevermind. You ruffle his hair with a groan. "I should put a collar on you, like the dog in heat you are." You conclude.
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Kurosawa Kazumitsu
Christ, what the hell is he doing? Kurosawa is pacing back and forth, taking another drag on his cigarette. Earlier this week Guriko approached him with an idiotic grin on his face, begging for a favor. One of his girls had befriended a foreigner and they didn't want her to be the third wheel. Somehow he was conned into some sort of a double date with a complete stranger. He whips out his phone and is about to text the bastard he changed his mind, but it's too late. He hears that annoying voice calling him: "Yo, Kurosar~" and then, to someone else: "That's the guy. He looks scary, but he's just an awkward loner, heheheh". Kurosawa turns around, opening his mouth to bark a proper comeback, though he is quickly silenced one his eyes meet yours. He did not expect to instantly fall for you.
The fact that you're good-looking obviously makes matters even worse. He's not much of a talker to begin with, and now he feels like someone just gave him an uppercut straight into the jaw and twirled his brain into mush. "So, you went to Suzuran?" You ask politely, sitting next to him at the table. "Y-yeah?" he mutters, dumbfounded. Why the hell did he phrase it like a question!? His heart is threatening to burst out of his chest and he's twisting and turning the chopsticks in an attempt to calm down. It doesn't help that Guriko is in his own little world right now, baby talking to his girlfriend like the two of you are invisible. Maybe he should spare you the disturbing view. "I'm going out for a smoke. Wanna join?" He finally manages to state with some regained confidence. Outside he can exhale in relief. "Sorry, I don't like groups that much." He explains, and you nod in agreement. Would Guriko even notice if the two of you were to sneak away? Worth a try.
And so he finds himself walking you through town and lastly back to your place. It's only common sense to take your date back home safely. Right? He can only guess, as he's never been in this situation before. "Well, it was nice hanging out with you." He says as he turns away. He can definitely imagine your delight to be done with this overall awkward, spontaneous date with a shady looking guy like him. "That's all?" You inquire, raising your eyebrows. He freezes. Did he forget something? He faces you with a confused expression. "What, don't tell me you want to exchange numbers or something." You stare at him expectantly. Oh.
Kurosawa is the typical cool and laid-back boyfriend. Compared to the other delinquents, he prefers to keep to himself, so most of his free time will be spent with you. He's also rather stoic and prefers to listen to you talk. He's not too expressive and tends to show his affection through physical gestures rather than words, like hugging you from behind or giving you a quick kiss on the forehead. Surprisingly, he can be quite jealous and if he sees someone trying to flirt with you he won't even bother to give any warnings, he'll knock them out and proceed with his day as if nothing happened.
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Nara Akira
"Cool bike." Akira doesn't immediately respond to the comment behind him, doing a final check on the engine. Probably some curious brat anyways, so he just mumbles a thank you. Finally he gets up, wipes his hands and turns around. Once he realizes who spoke to him, he nearly chokes. Oh, God. He's had a dream or two involving girls, but none dared to venture as far as a cute foreigner suddenly hitting him up. "Uh...Are you okay?" You ask, raising your eyebrows in mild worry. He realizes he's been staring like an idiot, with his mouth wide open. "Yeah, sorry about that." He fumbles to reply. Fuck. How the hell do you talk to women? He scratches his now burning cheek, trying to come up with something else to say. Thankfully you spare him the torment and casually follow up with questions about his custom motorcycle and printed leather jacket. He answers with way too many details, trying to drag it on for long enough to figure out a way to ask for your number.
Not as smooth as he would've preferred (he ended up stuttering it right before you left), nonetheless his first ever female contact outside his mom and relatives is now in his possession. He returns to the junkyard and greets the others with a lazy sway of the arm, whistling. "What's with that shit eating grin?" One of the Armament guys inquires. "Oh, nothing, nothing. Sorry for being late." Akira answers casually. "Late for what? We're not doing anything", the other man retorts, incredulous. "It's just, you know, I would've arrived sooner if it wasn't for this girl complimenting my bike..." he finally makes his point, smoothening his hair. The place goes quiet and even Shougo has to walk out of the shed, not believing his ears. "What did you say?"He retells the story like an apostle before his followers, omitting his anxiety and pitiful attempts.
Although all the bragging will have been in vain if nothing else comes out of it. So after a lot of coaching and teamwork (the rest of the bikers are just as invested now) he manages to type out a message to ask you out on a date. He sends the text with the somberness of a president signing off a historical document before the masses (the guys don't believe he can pull it off). Shortly afterwards they all gaze at the affirmative response peppered with cute emojis, mesmerized. Is this what it's like to talk to a girl?
Akira is a little clumsy when it comes to romance, even though he has the best intentions at heart. He's not the most chiseled and often forgets you're with him when some other guy is looking for trouble. Even among the Front of Armament he has a reputation for being reckless and violent. Thankfully, he is not without help. Occasionally he will surprise you with unexpectedly thoughtful gestures; Takumi has taken it upon himself to discipline your boyfriend. All you need is a little bit of patience. In his mind, Akira doesn't have the looks nor the brains, he's just strong. Thus his only way of proving his worth to you is by fighting other people.
Just a funny interaction I thought of: During the war with E.M.O.D., Akira becomes somewhat fidgety and nervous and eventually asks you if you find Muneharu to be handsome. You cross your arms and frown. "If there's one thing I hate in this world, it's guys that are popular with chicks. Makes me wanna vomit." You argue with a grimace. Akira has to look away and cover his burning face. That's...that's his catchphrase. Is it too early to look for a ring? Because he's officially decided you're the one.
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Higuchi Shuuji
The men throw Hana a doubtful look. "Oi, are you sure about this...? We're not going on a holiday. We're about to fight the Manji Empire!" Mitsumasa finally words out everyone's worry. The Suzuran senior laughs and pulls the hood over your head. "It's fine, it's fine! No one can tell it's a girl. And if they find out, I'll take care of it." You smile nervously and ask again if it really is okay to join them. You were curious to see the supposedly strongest gang in Japan, but you don't want to be a burden. "Do what you want, I don't care either way." Is what Amachi concludes, walking ahead. Muneharu quietly observes the ongoing argument. To be quite honest with himself, there's only one thing bothering him presently: how the hell did these guys befriend a cute foreigner girl?
You sheepishly follow after the team and into the building. This is where the matches should take place in order to settle the conflict between all the parties. Soon enough it's Amachi's turn to fight, and a man with cornrows and patterned shirt steps forward. He barks something about fairness, that he's not going to fight an injured man (pointing at Amachi's bandaged face). Then, he swiftly proceeds to smash his own head against a pillar and you gasp in shock. That's one way to make it equal, you think to yourself. "That's Higuchi Shuuji, leader of the Zento group." Sera whispers in your ear, seeing your surprise. "Has a hot temper apparently." You nod. That's...a mild description. Despite the bleeding forehead he joins the fight, completely unbothered. Although it quickly becomes obvious the brief contact with concrete is taking a toll on his body. The fight doesn't last long, and Amachi returns to your group, victorious. Feeling bad for the fellow, you sneak towards the passed out Manji leader and splash some water over his face, offering to bandage his wounds.
Once it's time to depart, Higuchi glances at you, suddenly remembering to mention: "Thanks for the help, by the way. You one of their lackeys?" He inquires, given you didn't take part in the matches and just sat aside. You turn towards Hana and he nods with a smile. "Guess there's no point in hiding it anymore", he says and you promptly lower the hood of your jacket. "I'm (Y/N). Not exactly a lackey, just a friend." The Manji guys stare for a long moment, speechless. Higuchi suddenly groans, irritated and red faced, and runs a hand over his head. "Fuck! Y'all bring a fucking girl over and let me embarrass myself like that?! And a pretty one too...Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you all right now." He moans, exasperated. No way. Is he still out of it? Did he mess up his head for good? Out of all the times...you had to see him lose like that. He feels like strangling someone. "I...uh...I'm sorry?" your begin, but you're unsure what exactly to apologize for. "Give me a minute" he announces, abruptly pulling you after him at a safe distance from the rest of the confused group.
“What did the weirdo want?” Mitsumasa asks, eyeing you suspiciously on the train back to Toarushi. You wave your hand in dismissal, trying to hide the faint blush dusting your cheeks. You’d rather not have this kind of conversation on public transport, and besides, how would you explain that one of the Manji leaders had quite literally asked you out on the spot, and you just went along with it? They’ll find out either way at some point. Maybe due to your sudden frequent trips to Tokyo, or because Higuchi’s yakuza-like appearance gathers the attention of the delinquents in your small town.
Your relationship most certainly won’t go unnoticed. Not with his short fuse and obvious jealousy. He’s the type that’ll immediately start a fight if he thinks the bloke passing by stared at you. “What the hell? Were you looking at my girlfriend? You must have a death wish, motherfucker”, he’ll warn loudly. You often have to keep his attitude in check, pulling him back and scolding him to stop threatening people. He’ll naturally do his best to listen, but he does love your assertiveness and it’s hard to focus when you’re being this cute. Alright, alright, he'll try to be less aggressive (It lasts a day).
Bonus scenario I had in my head after writing this: The Manji leaders sitting at a table and discussing the next potential gang war, until one of them notices Higuchi's phone wallpaper. "What the hell is that?" he can't help but blurt it out in disbelief. "Oh, (Y/N) wanted to try out a new cat café and they took this photo of us. Comes with hearts and shit, but eh. It's nice" he explains, indifferent to the grimace of the guys piled up to gaze at the cute themed, cat-eared picture.
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🐉 anon here! I hope you're doing alright! I hope these request won't be too much! Would it be okay if you wrote about Shinobu with a s/o, she/her, who has that dragon tattoo? Possibly a criminal syndicate but wants to leave her family because of how bad they have gotten! The family found her at a younge age and took her in, becoming the imitating woman she is. But what her boss asks of her is too much and not what she wants to do. So she tries to leave and stagger away from the family, meeting Shinobu in the process! She would be seen as a monster, but she really does have a good heart. Maybe even a slow burn with Shinobu? Those are my favorites! While she stays or keeps meeting Shinobu, the family finds her and roughs her up, she kicks thier ass but ends up being taking down. The boss would come in and try to cut her pinkie off, but Shinobu comes in being the badass queen that she is and deals with him herself, and saves her s/o, with a happy ending! Again, I hope this isn't too much to ask! I love your work!
What Is Right
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: Here you go, sorry it took so long! I hope it’s alright, I am having trouble with the December requests that are left. 😫 Word Count: 5,640
“Aniki, are you sure about this? Is there really no other way?”
“Of course not,” Akira scrutinized his adopted younger sister, put off by her reluctance, “That cowardly man’s betrayal killed my father, our father.” He hissed, crushing the remains of his cigarette in his hand, ignoring the burn.
“Then, if it’s absolutely necessary, shouldn’t it just be him who has to pay?” (Y/n) risked speaking out against him yet again, “Why kill his family, but leave him be?”
“It sends a message!” Akira shouted, “He’ll know not to fuck with us again. He’ll be forced to confront what he took from me, us. Don’t you understand, (Y/n)? That’s why I’m telling you this.” He grasped her shoulder a little to tightly to be friendly or comforting. “I’m trusting you to bring honor back to this family. That dragon tattoo on your back isn’t just for show, its supposed to mean something. It’s what unites all of us. Otosan loved you like you were his own flesh and blood. If you want this band of misfits, your family, to continue to have a legacy, you will do this.”
“But, they’re only little kids. Not even his wife knows the shady shit he’s dealing in. And it’s not just that… we’ve been pushing away our allies with the decisions you’ve been making in Otosan’s stead—“
“Do you think this is easy?!” Akira shouted again, getting in (Y/n)’s face, she stayed remarkably calm despite this, “I was chosen to make the choices that no one else has the guts to make! This is what has to be done!”
“I just can’t do it, Aniki.” (Y/n) shook her head, “It’s more than and eye for an eye to me. I think you’re asking for too much.”
“You either do this, or you will be marked as a scourge on this family. The family that gave you everything when you had nothing. You think you repaid us for that debt yet?” He asked coldly.
“I doubt I ever could.” (Y/n) murmured, focusing on her breathing to keep a calm appearance, “I’ll… prepare then.”
Akira searched her eyes for a long moment before straightening up again, “Good. Go on, then. I expect results. You have a week.”
“Very well.” (Y/n) bowed before the young man who had used to be so carefree, then got up and took her leave.
It had been a couple days since (Y/n) had that meeting with Akira, and she had yet to carry out her mission. She had shadowed the happily unaware family in that time, and it only made the reality of what she had to do even harder.
She was running out of time, only a few more days before her once beloved Aniki would call her back and put her through god knows what for disobeying him. So she decided to do what any decent person tasked with killing a burgeoning family would do, and got wasted. If she couldn’t do it sober, perhaps she could do it drunk.
But of course that plan went south quickly. Instead of gearing herself up for a bloodbath she was drunkenly sobbing in the izakaya. She had never had to kill anyone before, hustle and intimidate, rough-up, sure, but never with the intent to irreversibly maim or kill. The very public moral dilemma (Y/n) was having was finally brought outside when the owner of the establishment cut her off and sent on her way, leaving her to drunkenly stumble down the road alone.
She barely knew where she was, but that didn’t stop her from picking a direction and lumbering away. She didn’t really care where she’d end up. She wasn’t going to be welcomed back to the family unless she had carried out her job, and she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. She knew she’d never be able to go through with it.
“What am I supposed to do?”
Her foot rolled over a pebble as she said this and unable to correct herself, she fell sideways, half in the path, half in the woods. Instead of attempting to get up, she just laid there. Not long after her tumble, she heard the crunch of gravel from the main path, the sound eventually coming to a stop right where she had fallen.
“Oh dear, have we had a little too much to drink tonight?”
(Y/n) managed to sit up on her elbows a bit so she could peer back into the path and her breath caught in her throat. Standing over her was a downright ethereal woman. Oh no, had she hit her head on a jagged rock on the way down? Had she died? Well, that put an end to one dilemma at least.
“Woah,” She said, oh so eloquently, “beautiful.”
“Oh my, thank you.” She chuckled, causing (Y/n)’s heart to stutter. “Here, give me your hands, let me help you up.”
(Y/n) didn’t need to be asked twice, she took hold of the strangers hands, a little more calloused than she would have imagined, and clumsily rose to her feet, almost falling back down a few times in the process.
“You can hardly even stand up. We had better get you home so you can sleep this off. I hope you will have learned your lesson about such heavy drinking when you wake up with a hangover tomorrow.”
Home… (Y/n) sobered just a bit.
“I, I can’t go home!” (Y/n)’s shoulders drooped and the buzz she had going fell flat, “I have no home to go back to anymore.”
The woman gave her a sympathetic look then seemed to be contemplating something before finally speaking again.
“Then I suppose you can stay with me for the night. It’s too dangerous to be out alone at night sober, much less drunk.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Don’t worry about me, I’ll manage.”
“Don’t be difficult,” the woman sighed, “either walk with me, or I’ll drag you along. Your choice.”
(Y/n) laughed half-heartedly. “The way my feet keep tripping up you’ll probably have to drag me anyway.”
“I can see that.” She smirked, putting one of (Y/n)’s arms over her shoulders to help her keep her balance.
“My name is (Y/n) by the way.”
“And mine is Shinobu.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Shinobu.”
Shinobu hummed, but did not outwardly share the sentiment and somewhere in (Y/n)’s drunk brain she had the sense to be a bit embarrassed. What a wonderful first impression she had made, laying on the side of the road, drunk off her ass.
“I swear this is not normal behavior for me, you just caught me at a really bad time.”
“I’m not judging you, we all deal with grief in our own ways.” Shinobu told her.
“Based on the puffiness around your eyes and the way the moon catches on your cheeks, how sore your voice sounds, you have been crying a lot, haven’t you?” She clinically deduced.
Grief… that would be an apt way to describe what (Y/n) had been feeling since her adoptive father had been killed, since everything she thought she knew about her family had crumbled in his absence. How Akira was spiraling in the name of revenge. How heavy and constricting the ink engraved upon her back felt as the days dragged on. How quickly things had changed.
Shinobu led her to an incredible mansion that she couldn’t help but gawk at. The inside was just as impressive. She had half the mind to ask Shinobu if she was a noblewoman, but by the time she had recovered enough to ask, she had already been led to a guest room.
“Drink this water and then rest. I will see you in the morning.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Shinobu gave a short nod and smiled before closing the door.
(Y/n) staggered into the cot and fell into a sleep like death mere moments later.
The next morning, almost afternoon, actually, (Y/n) awoke with a brain splitting pain. She could hear whispering around her, but they might as well have been screaming. She groaned pitifully and weakly attempted to shield her eyes from the sun.
“Oh! She’s waking up.”
“Is Shinobu-sama’s medicine ready?”
“I have it right here. Excuse me… Can you sit up please? We have medicine for your headache.”
(Y/n) grunted, slowly sitting up and then putting her head in her hands. Her head was swimming and she immediately wanted to lay back down, but a cup of sludgy looking medicine was soon put under her nose.
“Make sure to drink it all.”
“The smell may be off-putting, but it works really well.”
“Once you get some food and water in you, you’ll feel a lot better.”
Beyond the smelly hangover cure, (Y/n) could smell something good enough to make her mouth water. With great resolve, she downed the medicine and suppressed a gag, finally looking up at the three young girls working around her.
“Thanks,” she sighed, “sorry, I’m normally not such a mess.”
“Shinobu-sama said you were going through a difficult time. We aren’t judging.” The girl with pink butterfly clips promised.
“Here,” the girl with pigtails offered her a generous tray of food, “eat up.”
“You’ll feel better in no time.” The girl with braided hair smiled.
“Thank you all so much, really. This is fantastic.” (Y/n) said between bites.
“We will be sure to let Aoi-san know you enjoyed her cooking.” The girls beamed.
As (Y/n) ate, she chatted with the girls, learning all about the Butterfly Estate and all of its inhabitants. She also learned about the mansion’s purpose, to provide shelter and care to the injured. After her meal had settled, (Y/n) felt almost normal. There was still a bit of a dull throbbing in her skull every once in awhile, but given how much she drank the night before, it was amazing how much good that medicine did for her. She didn’t want to go back to her reality. She wished she didn’t have to leave this oasis.
“So, where is Shinobu now? I wanted to thank her before I left.” (Y/n) asked once she helped the girls clean and prepare the room for any new guests that may need it.
“Oh, she had something come up earlier this morning so she couldn’t come by to check on you herself.” Kiyo explained.
“She probably won’t be back until much later in the evening.” Sumi nodded.
“But we will make sure to let her know when she comes back.” Naho promised.
(Y/n)’s shoulders slumped slightly with disappointment. She had made such a poor first impression, she was hoping to end on a good note at least. There was also the fact that every moment (Y/n) was here, was another moment away from facing her reality. Maybe she could stall just a little bit longer.
“I’d really like to tell her myself… ah! What if I helped you guys with your work until she gets back? Would that be alright? Then I could really show my gratitude to you all.”
The girls gave it a little thought, but saw no harm in getting a little extra help for the day, so they happily agreed. (Y/n) spent the rest of the day sweeping, dusting and washing bedding. She was a little clumsy, and bit too rough and almost ripped the sheets she was scrubbing, but she got the hang of it. It was a lot different from the work her adoptive father would give her.
As she worked, she found out there was more to this infirmary than met the eye. She learned about demon slayers and was fascinated by their cause. It all seemed so noble to her, risking their lives to save unaware people like her from demons who roamed the night. She owed Shinobu more than she knew for last night.
When Shinobu came home around dinner time, she was surprised to see her guest was still there and even more surprised when said guest fell to her knees before her, thanking her so thoroughly for her good deed. Stunned, she blinked slowly then worked her mildly surprised expression back into a kind, yet reserved smile.
“Oh my, you are much more chipper than you were last night. Thank you very much, but please stand, there is no need for any of that.”
(Y/n) stood, but let it be known how much Shinobu deserved every second of praise and appreciation. She bowed again, but only at the waist. It was at that point the younger girls decided to chime in, telling Shinobu about all the tasks (Y/n) had helped them with during the day, so of course Shinobu offered to let her stay for dinner as well, and since the sky was darkening, she invited her to stay another night. Before they knew it, an extra night became two, then three, then—
(Y/n) was running out of time. Her week was almost up, just one more day. She had a decision to make, and she wasn’t sure why it had taken her so long to get to this point, as there was only one correct course of action.
Early that morning, she leapt out of bed to make the treck back to the city. She would come back, of course. She promised Shinobu she would fix all of the clunky sliding doors around the mansion today. She silently thanked the stars for the millionth time that she crossed paths, er, fell into the path of such an extraordinary woman. She was going to follow Shinobu’s example and live a life she could be proud of, a life her adoptive father would have been proud of.
“You’re up early.”
(Y/n) nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Shinobu call to her from the engawa, a cup of tea in hand.
“When I told you the doors could wait until the morning, I didn’t mean dawn.” She teased.
“Ah, right, but I’m actually heading to the city. I have some affairs to get in order, but I promise I’ll take care of those doors as soon as I get back.”
“Is that so? Well then, safe travels. Be back before nightfall and stay away from any alcohol while you’re out.”
“I’m telling you that was a one time thing!” (Y/n) said in an exasperated tone.
Shinobu chuckled and (Y/n) smiled despite the jab.
“I’ll be back later in the afternoon, try not to work too hard!” (Y/n) sent Shinobu a wave, then bounded off of the engawa and left the estate grounds.
When she made it to the city, she kept a low profile, staking out a certain home as she had earlier in the week. At this time, the man who had killed her adoptive father with his cowardice and big mouth was busy at his day job while his wife took care of the children at home.
She took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. When the wife answered, (Y/n) asked to come inside and explained all that her shady husband had been up to and why it was important for her to take her kids and leave the city as soon as possible.
(Y/n) expected to have to persuade the woman further, force her out the door if necessary, but it seemed she already had her suspicions about her husband’s strange behavior. Hearing gossip about people seeing him in the Red Light District, and him claiming they had barely enough money to make ends meet despite the large amount of money she had found hidden away in the back of one of his drawers. She had been waiting for answers before doing anything rash, but (Y/n) provided her the last bit of incentive she needed to skip town with her kids and take her unfaithful husband’s money with her. Her parents still lived in a little known mountain village a couple weeks journey from the city, they would go there.
(Y/n) helped the woman and her children pack up their most precious belongings and got them a ride that would take them to the city limits where a carriage would be awaiting them next. When (Y/n) saw their car disappear around the corner, she left the crowded city herself, finally allowing herself to really breathe for the first time all week. There was no turning back, but that was fine. She felt so much lighter.
She couldn’t risk showing her face around town any more than she already had today. It wouldn’t take long before her betrayal was discovered and Akira would send the clan after her. What her punishment would be, she was not sure. However, under Akira’s harsh leadership, she was sure it would not be pleasant.
She stomped down the anxiety fluttering within her. She was on a better path now. No more shady shit, she wanted to put her strength to good use. She was going to ask Shinobu about becoming a demon slayer once she returned to the mansion. When she got back and took care of the doors like she promised she would, she did just that and asked Shinobu about becoming a demon slayer. Shinobu didn’t seem surprised by (Y/n)’s interest, but she did try to dissuade her from taking that path. However, with passion and persistence, she did finally manage to get Shinobu to give in and introduce her to a cultivator.
“But… I thought you were going to teach me.” (Y/n) had sheepishly admitted when Shinobu dropped her off on the first day.
“To start all the way at the beginning with the fundamentals of proper swordsmanship and Water Breathing would be… how can I say this kindly… tedious and not worth my time.” She answered with a mischievous smile.
“That didn’t sound kind at all!”
“I’ll tell you what, you do well, and I’ll give you a supplemental lesson here and there.”
“I’ll hold you to it!”
And in the next few months, (Y/n) learned a lot. When the time for the next Final Selection came around, she would be well prepared. Between what the Water Breathing cultivator taught her and what Shinobu refined with her own expertise, she felt confident in what she could accomplish. Maybe a little too confident.
“Can I come with you this time?” (Y/n) asked hopefully as Shinobu packed a light bag of supplies for her mission.
“I will tell you what I always have. You haven’t passed Final Selection yet. It would be unwise to bring you along.” Shinobu said, snapping her small medical kit shut. “I mean no offense when I say this, but I don’t want to have to worry about you while I have to focus on doing my job.”
Shinobu gave (Y/n) a smile that was paired with a look she knew all too well at this point. The ‘I’ll leave you in charge of all the most annoying chores while I’m gone if you keep this up’ look. (Y/n) pouted.
“I don’t get it! Why can’t we have supervised missions? Don’t you think it’s a little extreme to go from training without seeing a single demon, to a several nights of fighting them alone in the woods? I trust that everyone is doing their best to prepare me, but it would still be helpful to see what I’ll be up against in the future.”
Shinobu considered this as she checked over the experiments scattered around her lab one last time. It was a fair point. People tended to either go in with too much confidence or went in terrified over what to expect. Many fledglings had been killed by getting stuck in their heads and forgetting all they had been taught.
She would hate for (Y/n) to meet the same fate.
“Very well,” she sighed, “you may come, but,” she pointed her finger towards (Y/n) in warning, “you are only to observe from a distance. Do not attempt to engage unless absolutely necessary. If you go against me, I will make sure that you will never be cleared for final selection. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes! I’ll be on my best behavior, I promise!” (Y/n) eagerly held out her pinky and Shinobu sighed again inwardly before hooking their pinkies together.
Hopefully she wouldn’t regret this decision. It was getting harder and harder for her to deny (Y/n) anything. Despite the undesirable first impression and how rough she appeared around the edges, (Y/n) was a true sweetheart. She had a very abrupt introduction to the mansion, but quickly became another familiar friendly face within its walls. It would be devastating to see her life cut short.
“So, where are we going?” (Y/n) grinned excitedly and Shinobu couldn’t help but smile as well.
“A village to the southeast.”
Everything had gone smoothly until it hadn’t.
Shinobu had left a small trail of poisoned demons in her wake, (Y/n) safely observing and cheering her on at a distance, until two other demons had snuck up on them both. While Shinobu was busy taking care of one demon, (Y/n) had to defend herself against the other. Shinobu had lent her a Nichirin Sword for just such an occasion, but (Y/n) was having a hard time reading the demon’s erratic movements and had been slashed half a dozen times across her arms, legs and back before she finally managed to behead the thing. It hadn’t been very clean, but she gave a triumphant, albeit breathless shout of victory.
She had then turned to Shinobu, excited to she her reaction to her hard fought kill, but that fire died immediately when she saw how angry Shinobu looked as she strode towards her, the last demon melting into a pile of goo behind her.
Instantly (Y/n) felt the need to be defensive. “You- you said I could defend myself if I absolutely had to! Everything’s fine, right?”
“Everything is not fine!” Shinobu dropped to her knees beside her and opened her medkit, “You are covered in wounds! If you had a uniform, you wouldn’t be hurt half as badly. You might even get an infection on top of all of this. I shouldn’t have let you come.”
“Hey, none of this is your fault. That demon scratched me all up, not you.“
“You wouldn’t have gotten hurt, if I had left you at home.” She restated stubbornly. “Now show me your wounds, the sooner I clean and wrap them, the sooner we can get home so I can give you proper aid.”
(Y/n) let Shinobu clean and wrap her calves and arms, but when Shinobu began peeling back her clothes to try to work on her back, (Y/n) froze.
She had been rather vague with Shinobu about her past. How could she tell Shinobu she had been raised in a criminal syndicate that took a turn from admittedly kind of in a grey area, to definitely irreprehensible? That the night Shinobu met her, she was trying to gear herself up to kill an innocent woman and her children? No, she couldn’t. She could only imagine the disgust Shinobu would feel, the betrayal. (Y/n) suddenly felt ill.
“What is it, what’s wrong?” Shinobu asked. She tried to peel (Y/n)’s clothes from her back quicker, worried she was having some kind of reaction to the demon’s attack.
(Y/n) tried to pull her clothes back up over her shoulders, but Shinobu was faster, a quiet gasp that felt deafening in (Y/n)’s ears left Shinobu’s lips as the spiraling dragon tattoo was revealed. The blood seeping from the gashes across (Y/n)’s back making it look even more ferocious.
“When did you get this done?” Shinobu lightly poked her shoulder blade, the dragon’s snoot.
“A few years ago.” (Y/n) mumbled, pressing her palms together.
“Why haven’t you told me about this before?”
A weak hum and a shrug of the shoulders.
“You know,” Shinobu traced the coils, making (Y/n) shiver, “I have heard about a group of criminals that bear similar tattoos…”
(Y/n) broke down and told Shinobu everything about her up-brining from when her parents had gone out on a routine fishing trip and didn’t come back, up until the night they met, now months in the past.
“I understand if you don’t want me around anymore. I’ll—ah!”
Apparently Shinobu had been treating her back throughout her tale, as made evident by the sudden tightness of the bandages around her torso.
“That’s just foolish. Do you think I’m afraid of a little ink? Do you think I would ever be afraid of you, (Y/n)? Let’s think logically here.”
Shinobu proceeded to verbally beat some sense into (Y/n)’s brain. Reminding her of all the good she had done in the last few months.
“There is no better place for you than the Butterfly Estate. It’s a much better fit. Isn’t that right?”
Before (Y/n) could collect herself enough to respond, she felt Shinobu pinch her skin lower on her shoulder blade.
“Yes, you are so very wise Shinobu.”
“Why thank you.“
(Y/n) blinked, turmoil somewhat pushed aside for the moment. “Are you… pinching my skin to make it look like my tattoo is talking?”
“I’ve patched you up as best I can here. Get dressed, it’s time to go home.”
“Hey, don’t ignore me!” (Y/n) fumbled with her clothes then stumbled to her feet to catch up with Shinobu.
It was a little awkward on (Y/n)’s part as they walked back to the mansion, but once the fact that Shinobu still liked her caught up to her, the conversation became more natural and by the time they returned to the mansion and Shinobu completed the finishing touches to (Y/n)’s care, (Y/n) felt a familiar weightlessness and with Shinobu’s teasing pokes, the tattoo on her back didn’t feel as heavy and constricting anymore.
In the following weeks of recovery, (Y/n) and Shinobu grew quite a bit closer and many residents of the mansion took notice. The touches that were a couple beats too long when they passed the other something, the lingering looks, and most damning was how Shinobu would put off some of her work to join (Y/n) for a meal or a chat and a walk around the garden, knuckles brushing as they went. (Y/n) couldn’t help but feel hopeful that Shinobu might want to change the nature of their relationship as well.
On this lovely summer day, she was prepared to share her feelings, for better or for worse. She had already planned a little outing that Shinobu agreed to join her on. Nothing too grand, just a sweet little picnic in the woods near the mansion. It was pretty much a date already. She had woken extra early that morning with the intent of getting everything in order before they left, but when she walked past her window, something on the sill outside caught her eye. A letter.
She opened the window and took the letter and wasted no time in opening it. The curiosity she had felt chilled into a heavy feeling of dread.
Traitorous coward, the letter read, If you have any ounce of honor within you, you will come to the cemetery and accept your punishment for deserting the family, or we will burn this mansion and everyone in it to ash.
There was no sign off, but (Y/n) didn’t need one to know it was Akira. She let the letter flutter to the ground and jumped out of the window so as not to be caught running down the halls. This was her mess to deal with. She would not allow anyone to be hurt because of her.
Part of her was hopeful she and Akira could talk it out, but she knew that wasn’t going to be very likely. Whatever happened today would be the final wedge between them.
She went to the cemetery and walked to the very last row. Though it was not specified, she had a feeling she’d find him near his father’s grave.
“There you are.” Though she expected it, (Y/n) stiffened at Akira’s icy tone. “Look who left her comfy new castle to finally face the consequences.”
“No, you are no sibling of mine. Not by blood nor bond.” Akira sneered, “I trusted you to do the right thing for this family. You’d think after taking you in, you’d have a sense of duty to avenge the man who took you off the streets and put food in your mouth.”
(Y/n) stood a bit taller, holding her head high, “I don’t regret letting them go. They did nothing wrong. I heard all about how you got your man in the end. That was all that needed to be done. It’s over.”
“Not until they’re all dead.” He growled, then sighed. “Here is how this is going to work. You tell me where they ran off to, or you will pay dearly.”
“I won’t tell you anything.” She declared almost talking over him with how quickly she replied.
“Oh, trust me,” he glared, “you will.”
People (Y/n) once considered family and friends had quietly surrounded them as they talked. And now were charging at her with the intent to harm. She managed to hold them off for a time, even incapacitated some after all the training she had done to become a demon slayer thus far, but between being outnumbered and her wounds still relatively fresh, she was beaten to the ground and held there at knifepoint barely able to breathe with the combined weight on top of her back.
“Start with the fingers.” Akira ordered cooly. “If she manages to hold out, we’ll move on to the toes. But before all of this is done we also have to take that tattoo back as well. Try to be as delicate as possible. I want to dry it out and hang it on my wall. My father always said it was one of his favorite works.”
“Stop!” (Y/n) squirmed beneath the weight, struggling to pry her wrist out of one of the many grabby hands. She closed her eyes and grit her teeth tightly, anticipating the first slice, but then she felt some of the weight get yanked away and her eyes shot open, craning her head back, she was surprised to see that the Calvary had arrived.
Inosuke cackled and crowed as he swiftly kicked outward like a hurricane, Kanao weaved behind thugs and struck them in their weak points, toppling them. Tanjirou delivered a few swift headbutts and even Zenitsu, though screaming, came through as well. Last but not least, Shinobu floated gracefully to the ground behind (Y/n), her smile too sharp and her eyes to dark to be considered kind. Her gaze was trained on Akira, challenging him.
“My home is filled with an array of trained fighters at all hours of the day, and our allies are many. You had best cut your loses and move on with your miserable life.”
Akira ground his teeth together and his eyes flickered all around him to see just how overpowered he was despite how small the opposing group was in comparison. He determined his clan was no match and called back his gang to retreat, but not before giving (Y/n) one last hateful glare.
While Inosuke cheered and cackled wildly around them, Shinobu dropped to the ground beside (Y/n) to check her over.
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Show me.”
“I’m alright, you guys got here just in time. How did you know where to find me?”
“I believe we had a date planned for today.” Shinobu reminded with just the tiniest hint of attitude. “I went to your room, saw the letter on the floor and rallied the troops. If something like this ever happens again, you better tell me instead of running off by yourself. We are stronger together.”
Now, Shinobu had a lot to say just then, but (Y/n) was still fixated on the first line. A date. She saw the outing to ask if she wanted to date as a date in and of itself!
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Shinobu asked, tilting (Y/n)’s head in her hands, “Are you concussed?”
“No! I mean, I don’t think I am, I just, you just—“
“Yes?” Shinobu coaxed with just a touch of impatience. If there was something wrong, she wanted to know about it as soon as possible.
“You-me-we-us— date?!”
Shinobu laughed, it was a little more unrestrained than her usual chuckles and it made (Y/n)’s heart palpitate.
“Yes, is that not what this outings was supposed to be?”
“Well,” she flustered, “technically no. It was supposed to be like a pre-date to ask if you would like to date… it sounds kinda silly when I say it out loud but—“
Shinobu then sighed and rested her forehead against (Y/n)’s. “I think it’s cute. But we can just start dating now. I think we’ve beaten around the bush for long enough.”
“Y-yeah? Okay.” A smile spread across (Y/n)’s face. “Awesome.”
Shinobu took (Y/n)’s hands in her own and placed a quick kiss on her cheek before helping her to her feet.
“Why are you stumbling around like you’re drunk?” Shinobu asked, finding it difficult to keep (Y/n) upright. “Perhaps I should check your pupils again.”
“No, no, I’m good! Great, even! A goddess just kissed my cheek!” (Y/n) beamed, hooking her arms around Shinobu’s shoulders.
“Don’t make me change my mind.” Shinobu warned, a light blush dusting her cheeks.
On the tail end of the sweetness of the moment, Inosuke butted between them to tell Shinobu how hungry he was despite Tanjirou, Kanao and Zenitsu’s best efforts to keep him back. Shinobu chuckled and nodded in understanding. They all marched back to the mansion and enjoyed a hearty breakfast together with the rest of the Butterfly girls, (Y/n) and Shinobu sitting hip to hip during the whole lively affair.
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c-o-t-o · 9 months
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Akira dreams of Akechi
Author: c-o-t-o
Characters: Akira Kurusu x Goro Akechi
CW: none, sfw
Misc: ~1.4k words
About: Akira dreamt that Akechi cooked for him and tells Akechi about it. In the hopes that acting it out will stop Akira from dreaming about him constantly, Akechi pays a visit to LeBlanc to prepare a home cooked meal.
*Do not remove info or credit from posts when reblogging or sharing!*
‘I had a dream where Akechi made a home-cooked meal for me…’ Akira recalled to himself upon waking up. He grabs his phone that's half stuck under a sleeping Mona to tell Akechi about it.
“Another dream about me?" Akechi responds. “At least it's better than the dream you had of us at the beach with your bathing suit shorts washing away…"
Akira chuckled. He didn't know why he was always dreaming of Akechi, but lately he found himself enjoying those dreams more and more. As he and Akechi became closer friends, those dreams started to feel somewhat warm and fuzzy to him. Akira found himself feeling flustered around Akechi now, sometimes getting nervous for no real reason.
Akira got up and ready to help Sojiro downstairs in the cafe for his morning regulars. Sojiro was teaching Akira how to roast his own coffee beans, about the different kinds of roasts and brewing methods, and he kind of loved it. He was able to make drinks for the regulars now, some say even better than Sojiro himself.
Around noon when it quieted down, Akira was startled by the bell suddenly ringing from the front door opening. A customer around this time?
To his surprise, it was Akechi. More specifically, Akechi holding a shopping bag with a look of annoyance on his face.
“I'm here to…” Akechi’s face contorts as if he doesn't want to say the words. "I'm here to make you a home cooked meal. Maybe this will stop you from having all those goddamn dreams about me.”
Akira stands behind the counter in his apron blushing, trying to figure out if he's excited about the idea of Akechi cooking for him, or if he's nervous because they're alone. They've spent so much time together before, but it was usually in a public place with others around. It's been a while since the two of them have been alone by themselves. Especially since Akira started having these dreams and feelings.
Akechi takes his jacket off, rolling up his sleeves, and putting a spare apron on as he rounds the counter. He starts tying his apron at his back when he looks at Akira whose cheeks are still red. Akechi huffs through his nose, still looking annoyed.
“Don't get excited about this, I'm only doing it so that your freaky dreams about me stop. Maybe if I can act out one of your dreams it'll satisfy your subconscious." Akechi combs his fingers through his hair. “And then you can stop texting me EVERY MORNING about them."
Akira awkwardly smiles as Akechi brings the groceries into the kitchen. He didn't realize he was bothering Akechi with all his texts about his dreams, but at the very least it lead to them hanging out again.
“Usually curry is everyone's go-to for a simple meal, but I won't attempt that here. Even I know I'd be a fool for trying to make curry in Sojiro’s place.” Akechi takes the ingredients out one by one, looking at some almost questioningly, before placing them on the counter.
Akira starts looking through the ingredients when Akechi lightly slaps his hand away.
“No. I have to be the one to cook it all, or this might not work.” Akechi's eyebrows narrow as pinches the bridge of his nose. " Why don't you… go sit down or something.”
Akechi flicks his phone screen with his thumb to scroll through the recipe he found online for some stew. He figured it would be hard to mess up something where all he had to do was boil chunks of beef and vegetables together and add some sauces and seasonings.
“Simple enough," Akechi mutters to himself. As he starts chopping the vegetables he looks up to see Akira watching him from the counter, chin resting on his folded hands. “Why are you so quiet? You haven't said a word since I came here." Akechi said with an air of annoyance.
“Sorry," Akira mutters softly. "First I dreamt you were cooking for me, and now you're actually here... I'm just excited."
Akechi's face becomes flush, so he lets his hair fall over his face to cover up the red that has spread across his cheeks. He breathes out quickly through his nose as if to laugh.
Akira studies Akechi carefully, noticing that he's following a video as he chops everything and adds ingredients to the pot.
‘How much did he prepare for this? He even found a video to make sure he did it right,’ Akira thinks to himself.
While Akechi finishes cooking, Akira brews coffee for them with beans he had just roasted a few days ago. He had been letting them rest for a few days and was excited to finally try them.
Finally, Akchi walks two bowls over to the bar counter and places the bowls by each of their coffee cups. He looks at Akira questioningly at the sight of the drinks.
“I roasted and brewed this coffee myself, I hope you like it." He grabs the coffee cup and holds it up to his mouth as a way to use his hands to hide his blush. The flavor was deep and chocolatey and came out even better than he expected.
As Akechi sat down next to him, his leg and arm brushed against Akira’s, causing him to momentarily choke at the feeling. Why was he getting so flustered? Although… now he notices a faint smell of cologne coming from Akechi. Did he always have some on? Was it only today? Before his thoughts could wander more, Akechi grumbles and holds a spoon of stew out to Akira.
“C’mon already. Eat. Before it gets cold…” Akechi says with a look of annoyance on his face. It quickly turns to one of embarrassment as Akira takes the bite from the spoon being offered to him. Akechi opens his mouth to retort, but closes it, blushing. Looking away with his eyes, he asks Akira how it tastes.
“It's really good, I can't believe it." Akira’s eyes widen in surprise as he eats the stew. He honestly expected Akechi to mess it up somehow.
“Why are you so surprised? It doesn't take a genius to follow a recipe…” Akichi retorts. He stops himself though, and sighs. Still looking away, he slightly mumbles, “Thank you. I'm glad you like it."
Without thinking about it, Akechi uses the same spoon he just fed Akira with and uses it to feed himself. Akira stares at him completely blushed at the same moment Akechi freezes with the spoon in his mouth, suddenly realizing the same thing. Him eating from the same spoon is like sharing an indirect kiss. He slowly pulls the spoon out of his mouth and chews his food, eyes spaced out on nothing in particular ahead of him.
“Not. A. Word." Akechi threatens.
Neither of them realized that Mona had wandered downstairs. All he knew was that the two of them were eating and suddenly heard Akechi threatening Akira. Out of spite, Mona jumped up on the counter and swiped Akechi's bowl off the table. Akira heard Mona snickering to himself before running off somewhere.
“Aaghhh! Your cat! He-" Akechi stands up abruptly and tries to wipe the stew off his clothes. “My stew! My clothes…” he said aggravated.
"I'm so sorry! Let me get you a change of clothes so I can wash yours.” Akira pleads. After a few minutes, Akechi returns wearing Akira’s spare gym clothes. " I'm sorry about him,” Akira says, referring to Mona. "And I'm sorry we didn't really get to eat your stew.”
Akechi sits at the countertop that Akira cleaned while he changed. He takes the warm coffee in his hands and, after sipping it, grimaces.
“Damn it," he quietly mutters to himself. “How is this so good…” he continues drinking Akira's coffee with a mixture of satisfaction and annoyance. In the end, he wasn't really able to give Akira a home cooked meal, not completely. And Akira brewed this incredible coffee, somewhat outdoing anything Akechi could have made.
Akechi tries to rack his brain for ideas on how to live out one of Akira's dreams so that maybe they'll finally stop. He really believes acting one of them out might satisfy Akira enough. He rests the coffee cup on the counter, still holding it to warm his hands. Akechi looks down into the coffee, once again letting his hair fall over his face to hide the immense blush covering it when he asks Akira his question shyly.
“Should we… try going to the beach next time…?”
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fandom-madness69 · 11 months
hey can u make a scenario where s/o is a simp for gojo like she says the most craziest shit like "ngl gojo is like water I can't live without him~~" and she says that infront of everyone and he literally doesn't even care like it normal at this point and everyone is just looking at him like he's crazy😭 (fluff and nsfw please!)
You've got it 🫡 it helps I am a simp for Satoru myself
Content: fluff, Satoru and S/O are equally whipped for each other, slightly NSFW, plus sized reader (I actually switch it up like every other fic if you actually take time to read my masterlist. This is both a dig at someone and me letting everyone else know what to expect), Satoru x reader, fem reader
Word count: 616
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“Listen, I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again,” you said and the sound of a few of your coworkers groans filled the room, “I need Satoru like I need the oxygen in my lungs.”
“Awwwww, always so sweet about me Princess,” he cooed from his desk without looking up from the stack of paperwork.
“Would you two please fucking get a room?” Akira groaned out.
“We have one. And it definitely is a fucking room,” you said as you stick your tongue out at her. You watched her face turn bright red at your comment.
“I’d high five you for that one but I’m across the room so, air five,” Satoru called out as he held up his hand. You held up yours and mimed giving him a high five.
You returned to your own paperwork for a few minutes before you let your eyes wander back to where they truly wanted to be. Resting on Satoru’s figure. His shoulders were hunched over his desk and he scribbled at the papers underneath his hands.
“I can literally see you staring at me,” he cooed out from his desk. His eyes might be covered but you had cursed energy which means he could still see you.
“Not my fault you’re walking sex incarnate,” you cooed back at him. Your coworkers all groaned much louder around you. This made you giggle and your eyes quickly flitted to each of them to see their expressions. You might not have six eyes like Satoru but you did have a vision curse. One that allows you to see everything around you from a fraction of a second of a glance into a room or at a person.
You tried once again to focus on your paperwork. You didn’t have much left and you knew once you two were done you’d get what you really wanted. All of Satoru’s undivided attention on you. You doubled down your efforts on making yourself focus on your work. Despite your best efforts your brain kept drifting off to Satoru. You rubbed your thick thighs together hoping a little bit of friction would help. You were wrong.
“Alright, well I’m all done over here,” Satoru called from his desk.
“I still have a few things left to do, my sexy sorcerer,” you responded. He chuckled as Akira and Masamichi, the only two left in here with you and Gojo, groaned again. You knew they were only partially bothered by your open simping for Gojo. Akira had mentioned to you at one point it was actually really nice to see someone who loved Satoru as much as you did.
After a few more minutes of intense focus, you pushed back from your desk. You stretched out your arms and subsequently your whole back. Satoru might have bought you a really nice desk chair recently but it didn’t help when you had shit posture. Your hands land on your thick thighs and you giggled as you watched the fat jiggle for a while. You used to hate how pudgy you were but Saturo had made you more comfortable when he worshipped you as much as you did him.
“All done?” he crooned in your ear and his arms came to rest on your tummy fat. You smiled as he nuzzled into your neck.
“All done,” you confirmed.
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“Good then let’s go home so I can repay all your worship from earlier,” he said as he kissed your neck. His hands grabbed at your tummy more. You used to hate it when he grabbed at your fat like this but now you love it. The way his fingers touched every inch of you with love and adoration.
Please do not reupload this anywhere. If anyone ever sees my original work uploaded anywhere please let me know. I only post here for now. One day I might actually move things over to my Ko-fi
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immortalmsmoon · 11 months
Can you do headcanons or a one-shot of Akira Kurusu with an insecure s/o that has some problems with food and is really skinny... I mean, you don't have to but I would really appreciate it because I was feeling a little insecure :c
Akira Kurusu X Reader
A/N: im really sorry to hear your feeling that way anon :( i totally get how your feeling and it sucks so much, so i hope you feel better soon!
Warnings: Y/N has problems with food, talks about insecurities and how Y/N is uncomfortable, mentions stuff like passing out, and other problems that can come with not eating enough.
Read at your own discretion.
Word Count: 329
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Akira is many things, but he is not stupid
he kinda figured something was going on, he could tell by how skinny you were
he doesn't really bring it up, weight can be a tricky topic for a lot of people, and he didn't want to make you feel bad, or start any fights between the two of you
He starts to check up on you more, asking if you've been eating and drinking ok
he NEVER forces anything on you, EVER.
he does not want to make you feel like you have to eat, and he also does not want to make you feel like you have to tell him everything, or anything at all
he does not really care whether or not you tell him the whole situation, or if you tell him at all
he still checks up on you and makes sure your feeling ok
sometimes he worries that your lack of eating will cause problems like passing out, and makes sure your never to drained or tired when in public
Reassures and compliments you A TON.
constantly telling you how pretty you are, how he doesn't deserve you
if your feeling insecure, he does his very best to make sure you feel better
he'll give you his hoodies and sweaters if your feeling insecure about how you look or if your feeling vulnerable
he'll also never hesitate to leave crowded or public places if your feeling uncomfortable
as soon as you guys get to a private place, he's reassuring you and comforting you
you get all blushy, because he's so smooth about it
he's very sweet to you, and will spoil you, spending money on you and setting up bath's for you
over all, he's a very aware, kind, significant other, and tries his very best to make sure your comfortable. he may not always know what you want and may not always know how to handle situations, but he tries his very best :)
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blackstarmylove · 6 months
My Hair! (HC)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: B, W x fem!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: So, i just went to a hair salon to cut my hair and it turns out way shorter than i imagined (around Menou's hair length). So, i want to request Team W and Team B reaction to female s/o with shorter hair after she went to a hair salon 😄🙏
A/N: Oh no! Do you at least like it? 🙈
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Kokuyou is very surprised by the drastic change in your haircut, especially since you didn't tell him you were getting a haircut.
But he masks his surprise with teasing remarks, asking if you are trying to look like Menou.
If he realizes you are happy with it, he purposely tussles your hair to ruin your set hairstyle and laughs.
If you dislike it, he will say you look cute in it, and it's just hair. It will grow back eventually.
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He is excited about your hairstyle and thinks it's cool that you are willing to experiment.
Akira thinks you look good no matter what, so he isn't surprised in any way, even if you don't tell him you are going to get a haircut.
If you let him, he will do your hair and add a bunch of accessories to it.
However, if you don't like your hairstyle, he will shower you with compliments until you feel good about it.
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Sin doesn't react in any way and smiles at you as usual. You notice his eyes studying your new style.
However, he pays close attention to your words and expressions to see if you have any issues with your hairstyle.
If he sees you being uncomfortable, he will calmly tell you that your hair will grow back and to enjoy the ease of washing your short hair. If you are happy about it, he pats your head and says you look cute.
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He realized you were getting a haircut a few days back when you hinted that you were tired of your current hairstyle. So, Takami isn't surprised when you show up with short hair.
If anything, he will observe your expression closely to see how you feel about the haircut.
Whether you like the hairstyle or not, he will be mature about it and handle the situation accordingly.
Takami won't tease you in any way, and if you dislike the cut, he will ask Qu to help suggest ways where you could style it in a way that's you.
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Taiga is visibly taken aback by your short hair. He quietly wonders if you did that on purpose because you usually tell him everything. Were you trying to surprise him?
He hesitantly mumbles a compliment and smiles, but you can see right through him.
"Does it really look that bad?"
When you ask him that, Taiga panics and says no, it looks great. He even compliments you, saying you look like his favorite short-haired game character.
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Mizuki isn't big on accepting change, so when you show up with the new haircut, he is shocked and a bit uncomfortable.
It takes him a little while to get used to it, but when he does, Mizuki plays with your hair and says it's more tussle-able. And when your hair is messy (after tussling), you look cuter.
At times, he even teases you by saying you purposely cut your hair short so you could fit more with the Starless crew.
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He immediately smiles when he sees your new hairstyle and thinks it's adorable, even if you say you dislike it.
Like the others, he reassures you it will grow back but thinks you should experiment more often if you are comfortable with it.
If you are upset, he will cook you your favorite meal to cheer you up. If you want, he will even buy you as many hats/beanies/caps as you want, anything to help you cover up the hairstyle until it grows out.
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Burst into laughter and teases you about resembling Menou. But if you get upset, Ran quickly apologizes and says you look great.
He compliments you endlessly and acts super cute to get you to cheer up. But then he playfully asks if you want him to 'take care' of the hairstylist. When you ask what that means, he laughs and says nothing~.
Ran even gets all of Team B members to shower you with compliments so that you can accept the new hairstyle with no issues.
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Rico takes a moment to study your hairstyle and see how well it suits you.
If he thinks it doesn't suit you, he gets upset with the hairstylist. If this upsets you, he quickly says he will help you stylize it better.
If he thinks your new hair suits you, he will shower you with flirty compliments and caress your locks.
But if you tell him you don't like it, he will try to do his best to improve the hairstyle by adding accessories and extensions.
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He is shocked by your new haircut but quickly realizes he might come off as rude and smiles at you. Heath wholeheartedly compliments you.
He even says Team B's boldness is rubbing off on you, and you should embrace change as it is good for everyone.
If you tell him you don't like it, he writes a diss rap aimed towards your hairstyle and hopes it makes you feel better.
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Hinata LOVES your new look and immediately starts to stylize it by adding some of his own hair accessories to show you all the different ways you could stylize it.
He doesn't give you a single chance to complain about your hair because he wants you to love it.
Though, at one point, Hinata purposely makes your hair resemble Menou's and says you look like his twin. If this upsets you, he will quickly regret it and sharply turn the conversation in a happier direction.
➣ BlackStar Theater Starless Masterlists [1][2][3][4]
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webraciszekbastion · 1 year
Requests Opens !
One Shot - Cup of Tea 🍵
Headcanons - Cup of Coffee ☕
My thoughts on games or characters - Bubble Tea 🧋(NO request)
Fluff - Chocolate Cookie 🍪| Hurt/Comfort - Dark Chocolate 🍫| Angst - Sour Lemon Cupcake 🧁| Suggestive - Angel Food Cake 🍰| Platonic - Piece of Pie 🥧
Master Detective Archives: Rain Code
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Yuma Kokohead:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Kurumi Wendy:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Yakou Furio:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
👻 Yakou Furio x Reader who is a Horror Fanatic 💀☕🍪
Vivia Twilight:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
📖 Vivia Twilght x Baker!Reader 🥐☕🍪
📖 Vivia Twilight x Artist!Male!Reader 🎨☕🍪
Halara Nightmare:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Fubuki Clockford:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Desuhiko Thunderbolt:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Zilch Alexander:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Pucci Lavmin:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Aphex Logan:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Melamie Goldmine:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Zange Eraser:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Yomie Hellsmile:
Martina Electro:
Seth Burroughs:
Guillaume Hall:
Makoto Kagutsuchi:
All Master Detectives:
All Peacekeepers:
All Characters:
Project Eden's Garden
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Damon Maitsu:
📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
Cassidy Amber:
Desmond Hall:
Diana Venicia:
Eloise Taulner:
Eva Tsunaka:
Grace Madison:
Ingrid Grimwall:
Jean DeLamer:
Jett Dawson:
Kai Monteago:
Mark "Mayhem" Berskii:
Toshiko Kayura(Only Platonic):
Ulysses Wilhelm:
Wolfgang Akire:
All Characters:
Danganronpa Despair Time
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Teruko Tawaki:
Xander Matthews:
Charles Cuevas:
Ace Markey:
Arei Nageishi:
Rose Lacroix:
Hu Jing:
Eden Tobisa:
Levi Fontana:
📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
Arturo Giles:
Min Jeung:
Veronika Grebenshchikova:
J Rosales:
Whit Young:
Nico Hakobyan:
All Characters:
Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope
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📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
All Characters:
My suggestions for the real names of the characters 🧋
Super Danganronpa Another
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Yuki Maeda/Utsuro:
Akane Taira:
Ayame Hatano:
Haruhiko Kobashikawa
Kakeru Yamaguchi:
Kanata Inori:
Kinji Uehara:
Kiyoka Maki:
Kizuna Tomori:
Mikako Kurokawa:
Mitsuhiro Higa:
Rei Mekaru:
Satsuki Iranami:
Teruya Otori:
Tsurugi Kinjo:
Yamato Kisaragi:
All Characters:
Super Danganronpa Another 2
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Emma Magorobi:
Hajime Makunouchi:
Hibiki Otonokoji:
Iroha Nijiue:
Kanade Otonokoji:
Kokoro Mitsube:
Mikado Sannoji:
Nikei Yomiuri:
Setsuka Chiebukuro:
Shinji Kasai:
Shobai Hashimoto:
Teruya Otori V2:
Yoruko Kabuya:
Yuki Maeda:
Yuri Kagarin:
All Characters:
Danganronpa (He)Artless Deceit
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Akira Hayasaka:
Chiemi Hattori:
Chou Yoshida:
Hideyoshi Kurosawa:
Itsumi "Bani" Yoko:
Izanami Hoshimiya:
Katsuhiko Minamoto:
Kiyoshi Fujioka:
Kyouran Murashita:
Otome Hanayama:
Rei Fukuno:
Satoru Tachibana:
Shion Morita:
Takeshi Yamamoto:
Tomoya Morita:
Yumeo Arakawa:
Denshi Shigenobu:
All Characters:
Your Turn to Die
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Sara Chidouin:
Joe Tazuna:
Keiji Shinogi:
Kanna Kizuchi(Only Platonic):
Q-taro Burgerberg:
Sou Hiyori:
Reko Yabusame:
Nao Egokoro:
Kai Satou:
Gin Ibushi(Only Platonic):
Kazumi Mishima:
Alice Yabusame:
Ranmaru Kageyama:
Hinako Mishuku(Only Platonic):
Naomichi Kurumada:
Mai Tsurugi:
Anzu Kinashi:
Shunsuke Hayasaka:
Sue Miley:
Tia Safalin:
Rio Ranger:
All Characters:
All Floor Masters:
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JoJo Masterlist
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* = Nsfw
° = Angst
× = Yandere
≈ = Family fic
© = Crack fic
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Robert Speedwagon
• If I Was Your Vampire
Dio Brando
• In Due Time°
• Shame on the Night*
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Joseph Joestar
• In-A-Godda-Da-Vidda°
Caesar Zeppeli
• In-A-Godda-Da-Vidda°
• Pillow Talk
• Coddling Santana and Wamuu (HCs)
• Pillarmen with a child "hostage" (HCs)
• Love Machine*
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• Them falling in love (HCs)
• Singing "Tequila" on karaoke night (HCs)
Jotaro Kujo
• One Shot, 2 Shot ©
• Bring on the Night*
• Feel Good Inc.
Mohammed Avdol
• Burnin' for You
Terence D'Arby
• Holding on to You*
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Josuke Higashikata
• Don't Stop Me Now
Rohan Kishibe
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
Akira Otoishi
• Pepper
Hayato Kawajiri
• A Little Bit Off Today ≈
Yoshikage Kira
• Beggin'*
• Modern Love*
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Guido Mista
• Looking for a Kiss*
La Squadra
• Japanese Mythology HCs
• Seducing La Squadra* (HCs)
• NSFW headcanons*
• No Rest for the Wicked AU HCs
• Him with your pet tortoise (HCs)
Diavolo / Vinegar Doppio
• Head Like a Hole, Ch. 1
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Weather Report
• Selkie out of Water, Ch. 1 || Ch. 2 || Ch. 3 || Ch. 4
• Dancing in the Moonlight
• Canned Heat
• Electric Love ×
• Dad Report ≈
• Dreams of a Samurai*
• Cold as Ice
• What's New Pussycat*
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
• S/o is on their period (HCs)
Emporio Alnino
• Thank You (for sending me an angel) ≈
Narciso Anasui
• Dating HCs
• S/o is on their period (HCs)
Jotaro Kujo
• Drive*
Enrico Pucci
• Fallen Angel*
• Lady in Red*
• My Light*
• Saints an' Sinners*
• Take Me to Church*
• That's Life
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
• S/o on their period (HCs)
Johngali A.
• White Room*
Thunder McQueen
• (You) Shook Me All Night Long*
D an G
Donatello Versace
• To Heal*
Perla Pucci
• General platonic HCs
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Gyro Zeppeli
• Hayloft*
• Hayloft II*
• Kickstart My Heart*
• Whole Lotta Love*
Diego Brando
• Moonage Daydream*
• Tell Him That His Lonesome Nights Are Over, Pt. 1 || Pt. 2*
Mountain Tim
• Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)*
Funny Valentine
• Cupid's Chokehold ×
• Oye Cómo Va*
• I Surrender*
• Twisted Nerve ch. 1
• Dating HCs*
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Josefumi Kujo
• Dating HCs (Ft. Kira)
Jobin Higashikata
• Hard Lovin' Man*
Aisho Dainenjiyama
• Keep On Loving You
• Can't Help Falling in Love
• Bad Case of Lovin' You
• Tooru HCs* (SFW and NSFW)
• Yan!Tooru HCs*
• Doctor play with Tooru* (HCs)
• Tooru x Nurse!reader*
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Paco Lovelantes
• Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy
187 notes · View notes
overtaken-stream · 1 year
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` Welcome! !
My Works:
One P!ece:
Yandere!King the Wildfire x F!Reader Part1 ~ Part2 ~ Part3.
Yandere!King the Wildfire: Darling wanting to pleasure him back. Who has the highest chance of falling for King's s/o.
Yandere!King the Wildfire: Bloodlines.
King the Wildfire: NSFW Headcanons, Kinks. Fluff.
King the Wildfire x Straw hat!Gn!Reader: Do Not F4lter.
King the Wildfire x F!Reader: Adorable Pigeon. Puffed feathers/shield. Red Dead.
King the Wildfire: Meeting anothers of his race.
King the Wildfire: Pregnant!s/o running away.
King the Wildfire x Gn!Reader: Annoy.
King the Wildfire: Biting his chest.
King the Wildfire: Pregnancy. With a daughter. Human-like child. Queen. Outside Threats.
King the Wildfire: Women.
King the Wildfire: Heats.
King the Wildfire+Avatar: Hair.
King the Wildfire: Gentle s/o.
King the Wildfire x F!Reader: In Modern AU.
King the Wildfire Dick Headcanons. Fire Headcanons.
King & Katakuri: Who is the bigger breeder? How many kids would they have?
King the Wildfire x F!Reader(100 Followers special): Where On3 Will St4nd. Funny thoughts. Big Mom. Big Mom2.
Kaidou: Women.
Izou x Gn!Reader: Love, Lust, Lick.
Portgas D. Ace, Sanji: 'U' in Art.
Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk x F!Reader: Drunk Deeds.
Trafalgar D. Water Law: Fatherhood.
Trafalgar D. Water Law: Pregnancy.
Trafalgar D. Water Law: Tattoos.
Charlotte Katakuri x F!Reader: Monster's Voice Is Sweet To Hear.
Charlotte Katakuri: Father Headcanons.
"Black Leg" Sanji x F!Reader: Sweets Full Of Lies.
Slam Dunk:
Rukawa Kaede with Sakuragi!Reader.
Random Sakuragi Headcanons.
Rukawa Kaedae x Gn!Reader Headcanons.
Kicchou Fukuda x F!Reader: Bros Ov3r Ho3s.
Mitsui Hisashi: Practicing with his s/o. Comforting his s/o.
Ryota Miyagi x F!Reader: 3 Years Younger.
Sendoh Akira x Gn!Reader Headcanons
Ao Ashi:
Akutsu Nagisa x Gn!Artist!Reader: Co0k Me a Meal, Make Me Starve.
Akutsu Nagisa: Intentions(Part 2 of the above)
Genshin !mpact:
Arataki Itto: is touchy.
Blue Lock:
α!Gagamaru Gin x Gn! β!Reader headcanon.
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#1 Feel free to submit as many characters as you like without spamming.
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When requesting keep these in mind:
I. Ask, don't demand me to write.
II. No OC's x character ships.
III. Would you like a platonic or romantic relationship? NSFW or Fluff? Any kinks?
IV. If you have an idea for me, be it a plot or AU, be detailed about it. However, leave space for me to expand on.
I will NOT do:
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↳Fandoms I write for;
Ao Ashi; Attack on Titan.
Blue Lock.
Demon Slayer.
Genshin Impact.
Haikyuu!! HunterxHunter.
JoJo's Bizzare Adventure(Part 1-6).
MONSTER; My Hero Academia.
One Piece; One Punch Man.
Slam Dunk.
Tokyo Revengers.
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↳Upcoming Works`
Portgas D. Ace x Gn!Reader(Platonic) Headcanon
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writers-reach · 8 months
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(p) - platonic
(x!r) - where x is the specified gender of the reader (i.e. m for male, f for female, nb for non-binary) note: for transgender requests (i.e. ftm, mtf, ftnb, etc), the prefix will change to fit the specification. gender-neutral readers are not labelled, as they are the default.
(au) - alternate universe scenario
(ha) - heavy angst, reader beware! content warnings will be in the notes section and the request will be under a break
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persona 3
minato arisato
general dating headcanons you're so tired... s/o who's one of the boys first kiss headcanons slow dancing headcanons hiding your relationship on the kyoto trip having a selfless s/o (f!r)
minako arisato
it'll be alright (m!r) general dating headcanons s/o who allies with shadows
yukari takeba
shopping date headcanons
junpei iori (p)
s/o who's one of the boys
akihiko sanada
general fluff headcanons wedding headcanons
mitsuru kirijo
calling her 'mom' saying 'i love you' for the first time lover who plays with her hair
fuuka yamagishi
fluffy relationship headcanons defending your relationship from bullies
adopting cats
shinjiro aragaki
fluffy date headcanons w/ an upbeat male /so (m!r) fluff headcanons with a fem s/o (f!r)
(elizabeth) - fluff headcanons (ryoji mochizuki) - s/o who's one of the boys (ryoji mochizuki) - fluff headcanons (jin shirato) - cuddly male s/o (jin shirato) - painting his nails (nb!r) (p4au!ken) friends since before sees (f!r)
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persona 4
yu narukami
general date headcanons s/o who allies with shadows first kiss headcanons slow dancing headcanons as an older-brother figure (m!r) (p) dealing with period cramps having a shy s/o
yosuke hanamura
general date headcanons having a shy s/o (f!r) having a sleepy s/o (m!r) dealing with period cramps
chie satonaka
sparring gone wrong! confessing your love!
yukiko amagi
lover who plays with her hair
kanji tatsumi
general date headcanons confessing your love! having a shy s/o
rise kujikawa
s/o who is an idol dancing under the stars and among the fireflies shopping date headcanons trying out lip balm flavours doing her s/o's makeup
teddie (p)
none yet...
naoto shirogane
snowstorm snuggles! fluffy headcanons
(marie, margaret) - fluff headcanons (ryotaro dojima) - having a shy s/o
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persona 5
ren amamiya/akira kurusu
playing with his hair (f!r) first kiss headcanons slow dancing headcanons w/ an s/o who went blind in one eye
ryuji sakamoto
out of commission
ann takamaki
shopping date headcanons
yusuke kitagawa
none yet...
makoto niijima
calling her 'mom'
haru okumura
none yet...
futaba sakura (p)
none yet...
none yet...
27 notes · View notes
project-neo · 2 years
Persona 5 Boy's as fantasy creatures
Game/ anime: Persona 5
Charakter: Akira kurusu/ Ren Amamiya, Ryuji Sakamoto, Yusuke Kitagawa, Goro Akechi (loyal to the Phantomthieves!).
Ship's: Boy's X reader.
Warning: gore, blood, mention of murder (typical dark fantasy being stuff)
A/N: I love fantersy being and I love writing stories with them. So yeah. Let's go!!
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Akira is not only the leader of the Phantomthieves. He is also the most feared Vampire of the city.
After befriending Akechi he wouldn't have a Problem anymore. The detective covers all murders of the Phantomthieves.
Akira can do more then just hunting. But he prefers not to kill. He rather drinks blood that was donated.
However he would never hurt you. If he is hungry or if it's Blood Moon he will stay as far away from you as possible. He couldn't never forgive himself if he hurt you.
Akira will do everything to protect you if you are a dark fantersy being yourself. And if not he will protect you from them.
The Thieves made a pact to never Touch each other's S/O. Wich means you can chill with everyone in the room even if Akira is not there. All Thieves will protect you.
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He is a Changeling. He can take on forms that you will never be able to Think of.
He once pretend to be your dead sibling wich made you sad. He never did this again after that.
Ryuji loves to scare his prey. He likes to hunt people who mean you or hurt you badly.
Changeling's form a bond with theire s/o. Said bond won't allow them to hurt/eat there s/o.
He will protect you from everyone and everything. He loves you dearly, and no-one will hurt you under his watch.
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Drawing with blood is normal for Yusuke. After what happens mit Madarame he started painting his with blood.
Yusuke Kitagawa: a strong and dangerous Ghoule. He eats basically everything.
Do not talk to him wenn he is eating. Ghoule's don't like this. And Yusuke is no exception. However his reason is to not traumatize you. After all he literally heat Humen Organs.
He would never hurt you. Even if he has the urge to bite you and eat you alive. But he will just leave and get something to eat.
However if you are a dark fantersy being yourself he will help you hunt prey
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No matter what being you are, your safe around Akechi. He mind look every dangerous with the black liquid coming from his eyes, and the dark aura that surrounds him, and he is dangerous if need to be, but in private he is soft and rather lovely.
Akechi is a fallen Angel. His black angel wings and his bloody red Hailo glow in the moonlight. Both part are hidebly. If you didn't know better you couldn't think he is a humen.
If you are a dark being he will go hunting with you, cover your tracks and shears his meals with you.
Akechi still is a detective. He covers the murders that the Phantomthieves do. He is loyal to them. The thieves safe't his life. He is greatfull to them.
Its feathers are soft yet sharp. He lets you touch them, but he makes sure you don't hurt yourself.
He can take of his Hailo aswell. So if you want to wear it he will put it on your head. He can't take it. You are just to cute.
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Actually lemme revert back to my Voltron days for a sec because i got rage.I got into the show the same time season 3 came out and the Lance x Allura development immediately stole my heart because why wouldn't it?It was the first time i saw people like me as a couple onscreen,by which i mean i'm a mixed latino like Lance-and we're even both carribean since he's cuban and i'm dominican!!!-and a black woman like Allura,and it was such a well-written ship to boot that gave me a good example of what i deserved to be treated like by my s/o and raised my standards for romance both fictional and for my own future(and current)dating life and it meant the world to me and i think it always will.And y'know what?Yes,Allura's death hurt a LOT and it still does sometimes but by now i've learned the sad truth that this is the norm for canon bw
The thing that REALLY sets me off?The fandom's response to them.Nonstop,i'd see 'Allura and Lance are such siblings!!!' 'Omg i'm so glad Lance is finally over Allura XD' 'I really hope Allurance isn't endgame afterall' and it was infuriating back then for the obvious people hating on my otp reason but i've realized that it was literally misogynoir.White and loads of nonblack Vee El Dee fans just couldn't stand that their precious Lancey boy genuinely loved the darkskin black girl mc with no ill-intentions and grew out of any bad habits towards her in season 3 of an 8 SEASON SHOW so that meant we were getting black4brown rep instead of sanitized twink tsunderes and they're STILL AT IT with the Le///akira desperation
But nah nah,y'all 'Space Mom and Dad' allegation makers ain't getting out of this!Allura was a GIRL,Shiro was a MAN-a GAY MAN FFS!!!Their season 1 dynamic was very clearly that of a tired dad and his rebellious teen daughter and all the 'baiting' you saw was you inserting your straight woman feminism fantasies onto them-Again,WOMAN,when Allura was an entire 17 year old and Shiro was in his mid-20s!You're literally the same as people who ship him with Pidge or even worse because there's an added layer of perpetuating the long history of adultification and by extension dehumanization of black children.Sit your tenheadasses down,it's not racist or misogynistic that people think you're gross and weird for infantalizing and straightwashing a canon gay japanese man
Keith and Lance weren't baited.Shiro and Allura were never even a fucking option.ALLURANCE was bait,for latinos and black people and those of us inbetween alike,they dangled it in front of us in promos and the vlogs and the official books and most importantly in THE ACTUAL FUCKING SERIES.Only to go 'Sike!!!The only deserving happy ending for traumatized black girls is to die for others and their soulmate to be forced to live on without them!!!' and the fact that y'all have the AUDACITY to make it about yourselves by twisting one of the best love stories in modern american animation into 'Nice Guy Gets The GirlTM' is bodyslam worthy.Be.Fucking Quiet.
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etherealzx · 1 year
Welcome to the official Etherealzx masterlist! Here you can find a list of all my works! Click here to find my rules for requests. Happy reading :)
☆ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders ☆
Kakyoin Noriaki
Kakyoin with a Quiet, Fem Crush
☆ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable ☆
Josuke Higashikata
Opposite Personality
Keicho Nijimura
NSFW Headcanons ♡
With a Plus Size S/O
Akira Otoishi
Relationship HCs
Jotaro Kujo
Jotaro x Fem!Reader that Tease Each other
Jotaro x Male Goth S/O
☆ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind ☆
Giorno Giovanna
Don!Giorno Venting to his S/O
Giorno as a Brother
Opposite Personality
Watching the Sunset with his S/O
Cuddle Headcanons
Being Comforted by his S/O after a Nightmare
Bruno Bucciarati
Cuddle Headcanons
Adopting an Emotionless Child
Bruno as your Older Brother
Leone Abbacchio
"I Cannot Bear to be Apart from you Anymore"
Acting like a Father Figure to new Gang Member
Cuddle Headcanons
Abbacchio with a Powerful Fem!S/O
x Fem!Reader with Imposter Syndrome
Abbacchio with a Fem!S/O That can Cook
Fugo Pannacotta
Cuddle Headcanons
Dating Reader that is a member of La Squadra
Guido Mista
Cuddling Headcanons
Narancia Ghirga
Cuddling Headcanons
Risotto Nero
With a Tall S/O
Dad!Risotto Comforting his Kid
With a Physically Affectionate S/O
Teasing Him ♡
Jealous! Ghiaccio x Fem!Reader
Physically Affectionate S/O
Teasing Him ♡
Physically Affectionate S/O
Teasing Him♡
Physically Affectionate S/O
Teasing Him♡
Physically Affectionate S/O
Teasing Him♡
Physically Affectionate S/O
Teasing Him♡
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