amsoart · 2 days
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lil baby lou!
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sonicwind-01 · 7 months
"And so what if I do?"
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finn-theshark · 6 months
Alastor: I hate you dear
Lucifer: I hate you more bitch
Charlie: Please just try to get along-
(A while later)
**at their wedding**
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lukebellz · 2 months
I Found a scene by @benaya-trash and wanted to draw it RadioApple :vv
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themysteriousauthor18 · 5 months
Alastor comes out as Ace to Lucifer
(HEY ALL MY ACE'S OUT THERE! If you are or are not a radioapple shipper thats fine. But...I'm praticing trying to write Alastor as ace, or I think grayace? (please feel free to correct me.) Anyway I'd like the opinion of people on that spectrum to tell me how good or bad I did. And were I could improve if needed. Thank you! And thanks for reading!
The current scene is set somewhere in the 1990s. Alastor and Lucifer have been dating (around) a month at this point (can be changed later). Lucifer and Charlie are having a sleepover at Alastor’s house (they do this often now) and Lucifer is laying in bed with Alastor while Charlie is bunking it with Alastor’s mom in her room.(?) The concept of gay is a new concept to people in this era and while its legal its frowned upon. So being asexual is an undiscovered thing and while Alastor is ace he doesn't understand it. Or understand its okay and there isn't something wrong with him.
Lucifer liked Alastor’s house. 
He liked how warm, cozy and inviting it felt opposed to the gigantic mansion he owned. He liked how small Alastor’s bed was compared to his own. Because his bed felt empty. Hallow. Alastors was small and cozy and because it was small it made them have to lay closer to each other. Which…neither ever seemed to mind. 
He liked it here. 
He liked taking Charlie out along the banks with Alastor to go exploring. He liked how warm the neighborhood was. How kind they were to Charlie. How the fellow kids in the neighborhood played with her. It was such a stark contrast to the wandering judging eyes of his own neighborhood.
As Lucifer lay there though, Alastor in his arms. He felt something was off. Alastor felt…tight. His body was tense. “Alastor?” He asked, gently. His voice is quiet. “Are you awake?” It had to be almost midnight if not early morning by now. But since the birds were quiet, he assumed night.
“Mm.”Lucifer lays there for a moment. He’s unsure if Alastor is really awake or if he’s sleep talking. He’s about to try going to sleep himself when he feels Alastor move in his arms. When he opens his eyes Alastor is moving away and sitting up. Lucifer lays there for a moment, watching Alastor with growing worry as he sits facing away from him. He’s hunched forward and his head is hanging low. 
After a moment, Lucifer sits up too. 
“Whats wrong?” He asks carefully. 
Alastor's response is immediate. “I need to talk to you.”
“Okay?” He shifts forward but Alastor turns away. So…he keeps his distance. 
They sit there in silence for a few minutes. Lucifer tries to fight the anxiety growing in his chest like a beast. And the desire to start pacing around the room. He settles for tugging at the sheets repeatedly. 
“I understand we have been together for a month now. And this may seem sudden. But I believe there’s something we need to talk about.” 
“ …I’m listening.”
Alastor looks nervous, he’s staring at the wall without a hint of a smile on his face. Lucifer noticed Alastor smiled a lot as a person. A long sigh comes from him. And at least a few minutes pass before Alastor even tries to speak again. It's like he’s contemplating dropping the subject altogether. Lucifer’s grateful he doesn’t. Because he’s not sure he wouldn’t be able to not worry about it if he knew something was on Alastor’s mind. And that it was bothering him.
“I…” He starts, messing with the bottom of his hair. “I’m not a very big fan of sex, or…sexual activities in general.” 
The statement catches Lucifer off guard. Because…well, like Alastor said they’d only been together for a month. And sure he’d known plenty of people and friends who had done way more than he’s done with Alastor in a month. But, he enjoyed that they were taking things slow. After literally marrying someone at 18 and having a child at 19 (even though he loved Charlie very much)  just to be divorced not long after, taking things slow was what he desperately needed. Having said that, neither of them had even glanced at the topic of sex. So to hear Alastor bring it up felt…strange.
"Where's this coming from?” he decides to say. Unsure about what he should say on the statement itself yet. He needs to know where Alastor’s mind is at first.
Alastor is fidgeting. Being around him for this long, he’s picked up on the notion that Alastor does that when he’s nervous. Not a man to typically wear his heart on his sleeve. But it's not entirely difficult to figure out what he’s thinking or feeling if you knew what signs to look for. 
Lucifer slides up, and places a gentle hand on Alastor's forearm. Alastor doesn’t look at him. He’s looking down, his long hair covering his face and making it impossible to see his expression. But he doesn’t move away, or move the hand. “Hey, you can talk to me Al. I’m not judging, I’m just trying to understand what's going on.”
It makes him worry when Alastor doesn’t seem to relax. Even when he’s said that. But Lucifer waits there, patiently. The two of them tangled in the sheets, sitting together. Eventually Alastor does speak again and it's slow and cautious. Maybe even a little…scared?
“I’ve never…been a fan of sex. Or sexual things. It's just….it's not something I could ever really get into. That's not to say I don’t like it? I just like it in a different way?” He leans his face into his hand. “I’ve only had two relationships in my life. And maybe that’s pathetic for someone who is 25 but that doesn’t matter. I suppose 3 if you count us but I’m not counting us in this particular situation.” Lucifer frowns, unsure of what that’s supposed to mean. Should he be worried? He keeps those thoughts to himself for now, letting Alastor go on. 
“The details of those relationships aren’t important. What is important is that they both were very physically intimate people. They both liked to indulge in sex quite a lot. And I tried to satisfy them both when I was with each of them. But I felt…uncomfortable, with how much it happened.” Alastor shifts, pulling his legs to his chest and resting his chin on his knees. Lucifer can see his eyes now but not the rest of his face. His eyes are dark and they are facing down. Away from him. “My first relationship was with a woman. And naturally I lost my virginity to her. But I remember my reaction to sex itself was just… ‘that's it?’ She seemed to enjoy it and love it. But I didn’t, not really.  I liked that it made her happy. I tried to like it as much as her. For her.” 
Lucifer remembered Alastor discussing his second relationship briefly, on the night of their first kiss. He remembered that one was with a man. He briefly wondered if Alastor was into both men and women or just men now? Another time…
“Eventually, we’d been together for long enough that I thought I could bring my discomfort to her. And talk about it. But she took it as an insult. That just because I didn’t particularly enjoy sex itself, I didn’t love her. But that wasn’t what I was trying to say. However she didn’t see it that way,” he pauses. Lucifer sees the way Alastor’s shoulders tighten. “She looked at me like something was wrong with me. And that was that. And I was on to my next relationship within a year. You already know about that one. But what you don’t know is that the end result was more or less the same.”
Lucifer wants to hug him. …He doesn’t.
“I…I actually quite enjoyed Vox’s personality. He was similar to me, in a way. We both liked to dance, we liked jazz and singing. We shared a lot of common interests. And once again I thought we’d be on the same page if I voiced my discomfort. But again, he had a similar reaction. He didn’t take my statement as not loving him, but took it as there being something wrong with me. ‘How can a man not love sex. You're a man. Are you sure you like men? Because maybe you just prefer to bed a woman.’ Is essentially what he told me.”
“What a dick.” Lucifer mutters, unable to help it.
Alastor actually chuckles, just a little.  “Yes that…didn’t feel too nice to hear.” He shrugged, “he also said that it was something I’d learn to like in time. And that I was just getting bored, or it was because it was new. So…we tried a lot of things. …I tried a lot of things for him. But I didn’t like any of them. I liked how he seemed to like it. But, I didn’t like it. And I didn’t really like how much we did it. I just wanted to hang out or cuddle honestly. Having sex was…fine, once in a while but I felt guilty. Like, there was something wrong with me because I was never as into it as they were.”
“In the time I’ve come to get to know you, Lucifer. I’ve learned you are a very open-minded and down to earth man. That’s something I’m very grateful for, because it was something those two lacked. But you are still a man, a person. And I imagine you still have needs and desires. And…” Alastor hesitates, he swallows and continues a bit more cautiously. “Truth be told, I’m a bit scared. That I will disappoint you the same way I disappointed them. So, that's why I’m bringing this up now. I do adore you, and Charlie. But I can understand if this…if me being broken like this deters you from going any further in this relationship.”
“Alastor.” Lucifer says abruptly, Alastor flinches. He flinches?! Lucifer tried to hold his tongue but couldn't help it anymore. So he lets everything spill out about what he’s been thinking. Uncaring of how messy it comes out. 
“There’s not a damn thing wrong with you Alastor. You're not broken or anything.” The brunette finally looks at him, and he’s…surprised? Taken aback? Like he was expecting him to say something else. Lucifer continues. “Look, I…I’m not really that into sex either. I like it, sure. But that's not all there is to a relationship.” He shrugs, his cheeks tinting pink a little but he continues to look at Alastor. He needs to know Alastor is listening. “I love hanging out with you, I love it when you go with me and Charlie on outings.” He pauses, taking one of Alastor's hands in his own and squeezing it. Alastor smiles. Lucifer does too. “I like this. Just sitting here in bed with you. I like having these sleepovers where we just lay in bed and talk about things we like. Or talk about our day…I like you. And I want you to be comfortable with me. I don’t think it’s weird that you aren’t into sex. It’s fine. And you shouldn’t think you're broken or anything like that because you're not. You're amazing Alastor. And if you're not super into sex that’s completely fine with me. As long as I can still smother you with kisses.`` He pauses, “if that's something you're comfortable with?”
Alastor grins. His face lights up. “Always.” Lucifer pulls Alastor in for a hug and he gladly accepts. Pressing his face against Lucifer's shoulder. Lucifer holds him there like he’s protecting him from the world. And Alastor holds onto him with a new found love.  “Should we ever get to that bridge though…” Alastor says, his voice a little muffled but Lucifer can understand him. “I…I wouldn’t be against it. With you.” 
He can see the tips of Alastor’s ears tinting red. But he doesn’t make a comment on it. “Yeah well…” Now Lucifer blushes. “Likewise. But…let’s just enjoy being together for right now.” 
Alastor hums, more than happy to do that. His body finally relaxes in Lucifer’s hold and before either of them know it they’ve fallen asleep. 
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strawberryshineart · 8 months
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ENEMIES TO LOVERS, ENEMIES TO LOVERS!!!! How we feeling Radioapple fans???
Ahemmm uhhh now that that's out of my system this was supposed to be done shortly after episode 5 came out but chronic wrist pain and drawing don't go together all that well :(
I decided to use my version of Al for this piece, just for fun. I like the more earthy tones personally. Might mess around with more redesigns later.
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st-dorothy-minority · 6 months
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Alastor/Lucifer Magne | Morningstar, Alastor & Lucifer Magne | Morningstar Characters: Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Lucifer Magne | Morningstar, Charlie Magne | Morningstar, Original Characters Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Rape Recovery, Gang Rape, Enemies to Lovers, Blood Drinking, Slow Burn, Angst and Feels, Secret Relationship, Self-Hatred, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Bonding, Restraints, Power Dynamics, Dubious Consent, Past Rape/Non-con, Blood Magic, Demon Blood, Blood Kink, Addiction, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, using each other
Summary: After being confronted by Charlie for not taking out Adam sooner, Lucifer's darkest secret is at risk of being exposed by the last person he'd ever want knowing: Alastor. They eventually make a deal and get a bit more than they'd bargained for.
A/N: Added the tag for graphic depictions of violence since this chapter gets a bit more into it with Lucifer's torture. 
Can you see the deal Alastor is wanting to make? 😈
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jib0 · 4 months
day 4.
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drinking / bonding.
I can’t sleep, I accidentally make 2 posts in a row-
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sidsinning · 5 months
*I like the concept only* but how do you feel about AlastorxLucifer
Oh boy
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I just don't see Alastor romantically with any character in any capacity not just with Luci 🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️
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I really love how they are in canon and non romantic fan content tho
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amsoart · 5 months
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HANNIBAL AU — RadioApple
“I feel like I’ve dragged you into my world.”
“I got here on my own,  but I appreciate the company.”
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countycashew54 · 6 months
Caught-AlastorxLucifer fic
Also please remember this is my FIRSTT attempt at writing so... if you yell at me I will cry.
Waking up after a one-night stand is rough.
Waking up after a one-night stand with the Radio Demon proved to be just as horrific, if not more. Only the difficult nature of this wake up had little focus on Alastor at all. In fact, the opposite.
See, when you wake up to your daughter and her entire hotel, residents and staff, (although that's not saying much) barging into your room while you're in bed with the man who is also trying to parent your daughter; you're bound to have an extremely, painstakingly rough morning.
"Dad we can't fin- oh. OH-wo- that is jus-... Dad is that- Alastor?" Charlie was very clearly fighting to keep her shock and disgust off of her face, with a forced smile. Whether it was from seeing her father and her hotelier in bed together or the state of unclothed said men were in remained to be seen.
"Morning Deer!" Alastor smiled, as though nothing was out of the ordinary.
"Shit- Charlie, sweetie, this isn't what it looks like, I mean we- he-"
"NO- I mean, no need to explain dad! I am super happy to see you guys are finally…getting along! In fact, I am SO happy about it that I am going to create an activity for our patrons focused on making friendships and boundaries! You know maybe you two could be the ones to lead the activity and-" Charlie's shock-toned voice began to trail off as she was slowly walked away from the room by Vaggie, who managed to glare threateningly at them both with her one eye.
Seconds, minutes?, passed by with Alastor adjusting his hair as if nothing just occurred, while Lucifer was engaged in a reluctant stare down with Husk, Angel, Niffty, and Sir Pentious.
Angel was the one to break the standoff, a wide grin on his face.
"So I guess now I know why Smiles wasn' intrested in gettin' a sample of all o' this," a lewd gesture to his legs by one set of hands, and a scrunch of his chest fluff with the other, "when I offered huh?"
Alastor narrowed his eyes at the spider while Lucifer began to feel a golden glow coming to his cheeks, "A-and why would that be? exactly?"
"ain't it obvious? Al clearly got a kink for short kings wit' more power than he's used to, I don' fit the bill on either o' those."
"I think you will suffice to close your mouth before you end up caught in your own web, Pest." The Radio Demon's eyes had begun to darken to black as his antlers grew steadily.
"HA! He's only mad cus' I totally got it right! Huskie-baby you owe me twenty bucks!"
"Yeah, yeah let's get out of here before he decides you're his next meal," Husk had begun pushing Angel away in almost the same manner Vaggie had with Charlie.
Another moment of silence ticked by..
"Ssso-" Pentious was cut off by Lucifer's growl.
"LEAVE. please," horns and scarlet eyes flared.
As Pentious fled, Niffty awaited instruction from Alastor, who then nodded to release her from her stand still. Once she was out of the doorway Lucifer slammed the door closed with a flick of the wrist, falling back into the pillows with a groan.
Alastor had returned to his usual form, still sitting upright he glanced towards Lucifer, "well that was an entertaining start to the morning."
Lucifer ripped himself upright to glare at the man, "what part of making our little night of fun known to the entire hotel, to my daughter, was entertaining to you?"
"Why the overwhelming discomfort from all parties involved of course," He then leaned forward to whisper, "you included, my darling, you now know how much I love to watch you squirm."
Lucifer froze as the words processed through his brain and sent chills down his body. His eyes slightly crossing as he gazed at the sinner with shocked lust.
As Lucifer was processing, the demon had already stood from the bed and snapped his clothing back into pristine condition with the use of his shadows, "I do hope to see you at this morning's breakfast, the tense atmosphere that our daughter facilitates won't be the same without you, mon ange."
With a swift kiss to Lucifer's cheek the sinner was out the door, humming a radiostaticed tune that sounded vaguely from the 30's.
Lucifer stayed still for a moment, calming his body down while also wondering what had just happened. A jolt came to him when he realized, “WAIT, OUR DAUGHTER?”
Once again, please be nice to me this is my first time writing anything so I literally winged it. Hope you guys enjoyed it :,)
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aamy2100982 · 4 months
This is a very personal opinion, you can disagree with me that's fine, it doesn't matter but I think all of Alastor's ships are funny. Because they are so bad xd
Because I feel like most fanfics and things just don't represent him in any way. Alastor is such an unshippable character, because he has such a self-centered personality that when I see him showing the slightest affection to another being, he just feels too out of character for me.
If Alastor isn't being a real piece of shit in the most vile and manipulative way he can, then it just doesn't feel right to me. I don't think any of his ships deserve to be healthy... well, maybe one or two, but overall, I just can't handle him "loving" people.
I know that people who make ships usually want them to be healthy and cute and love each other and whatever. But sometimes no, you know? Sometimes what makes a ship special is not that they love each other and whatever, it's that both parts are a piece of shit who treat each other badly.
Like, I don't know! AlastorxVox AlastorxLucifer. Those ships simply don't deserve to have any ending other than where they both crawl on the ground while hitting each other in a romantic attempt to kill each other. Not even in a romantic way! Just kissing on the floor while you both bleed on each other
whatever, gay toxic marriage, how I love it!
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finn-theshark · 6 months
HC that Alastor has cat characteristics (Bringing things as gifts - Mostly dead body’s or organs- , Being possessive of things or people, and also being sensitive to touch)
And lucifer somehow became one of the people Alastor got possessive over
Alastor also gets either jealous or mad (it’s both but he can’t rlly tell) whenever someone touches Luci and he thinks it’s something Lilth did to them (he doesn’t wanna admit he’s just a possessive MF)
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lukebellz · 5 months
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I may be having a little brain rot for a while, so here some of my latest drawings-
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emiimagination · 12 days
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Howdy ^^
And here is the last chapter on Wattpad to be up to date with AO3 ^^
I will post a new chapter later today and then, it will be a chapter every Saturday ^^
Looking forward to seeing many of you and having your opinions ^^
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hazbmymhotel · 5 months
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My beloved wife has written more to her AlastorXLucifer fic! Please enjoy
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