#Alexa play the boys are back in town
manybcdthings · 1 year
autobody thing again because i guess he lives there
hunter cross and dominic rose @gloriouswhispers
During the three years of the war, Hunter sometimes found himself wondering if the Rose pack ever made it. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that they must have survived but elsewhere until the sight of Dominic, Roxy and their father made him burst out laughing. Not surprised in the slightest that they were the last three standing. Spotting Dominic nearing the truck he was working on, Hunter let out a quick bah-ah to drive him backwards. "Don't you dare put your city boy hands anywhere near her, Dom. I just got her workin' again." he warned, straightening from his crouch and leaning against the vehicle. "If this is 'bout somethin' Jack has said, he got our name but not our pack. And I've been told I gotta stay away, so don't get me in trouble. I'm bein' good." Hunter could barely keep a straight face as he said that part but the few occasions that Dominic and him spent together in either Atlanta or New York proved that some due diligence was needed.
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krakenshipwreck · 1 year
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starqueensthings · 6 months
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Alexa, play: “The Boys are Back in Town” 🎶
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mazikeenhyde · 1 month
Less than a minute...
(Ive decided to be brave, I always wanted to try my hand at writing fan fiction so here we go! If i got anything wrong, like warnings for example please let me know so i can fix it! )
A Poly!Judgment-Day fanfiction containing themes and mentions of DEPRESSION, LONLINESS, SOME SMUT, ANGST, SADNESS, ALCOHOL etc 
Overall, I’m just trying to make you all cry… 
READER X JUDGMENT DAY/POLY! – Rhea, Damien, Finn, Dominik x READER- Written in first person with Y/N (Reader Female)  
Italic font – flashback, speech or memories
Less than a minute 
The hotel room was quiet, the cheap TV fixed to the wall showing Monday night Raw on a low volume mixed in with the sounds of footsteps in the corridor, each sound filling the hot humid air. Outside the rain lashed down, heavy rainclouds hung low in the night sky blocking out the starlight, yet the full moon powered through, illuminating the streets, reflecting in the puddles that ran along the gutter line. 
 It was late, most of these anonymous guests rushing around just outside our door would be returning from busy work days to catch up on sleep or be heading out for a fun night on the town.  A blissful life for most, a chance to escape their homes and stay in a bed with room service, maids to clean up after you and a reception for any assistance required! I hated it though; it wasn’t my choice but when you are on the road traveling for what felt like 300 days of the year with your partners there isn’t much of an option. A different country every month, a different state every week, Christ a different town every night. I longed for those one-off days where we were all free to do nothing. Something many people take for granted is the ability to do nothing, and I missed it. 
Life felt far too chaotic, and despite being in a 5-way Polyamory relationship, I’d never felt so alone. I longed to go home, back to our own little house, we had been away for so long now. I could picture it, the front room shelves filled up high with my collection of books. My own little library I had spent a lifetime building now just collecting dust. The cabinets filled with Dominik’s board games that had bought about so many nights of endless laughter and equally some rather extreme arguments over winners, losers, cheaters and a half empty liquor cabinet that had been drained dry after a game of Scrabble. I still laugh now thinking back to when Rhea would demand the Alexa to define a word, we were sure Dominik had made up. Still, you could always rely on Finn to settle the score with a round of tequila shots and an accidental knock of the board. 
“Oh no!” Finn would laugh as he ‘accidently’ kicked the board off and onto the floor. 
“The board fell… guess we will have to play something else aye lass” he stated sarcastically, winking at me as he passed over one of the shot glasses. 
“I wouldn’t say No to a game of Twister” Damien suggested, raising his eyebrows as he took his shot and ran his fingers down my back. I swear that man would give me goosebumps from the top of my head to the center of my core with just a passing look and that fiendish glint in his eye! 
Rhea was quick to move herself over towards us resting her head in my lap, turning her view point to a more favored position. “I’ll second that” she smiled gently kissing the inner of my thigh, my breath was hitched, excited and on edge all at once. 
“Well I’m calling it!  I won..” Dominik stated with a huff as he began to pick the letter tiles up off the floor. Smirking over at him we each adorned a loveable gleam towards the boy. A little brat at the best and worst of times, but we wouldn’t have changed him for the world. 
Moving Rheas head onto Damien’s lap where the two of them began their own little make out session I crawled my way round to Dom, helping collect the remaining tiles off the floor and boxing his board game up. 
Smiling into his eye line I whispered ‘Never change who you are Dom Dom, We will always be here and we will always love you”
“What about when they break us up though?” he asked, I could hear the anxiety in his voice, his eyes. “I have to turn on Rhea and…and..” 
I held him close, his hands holding tightly to my back and I could hear his gentle muffled cries. 
“You’ll never be alone Dom, I love you so much. Even if I’m not always there to hold your hand, ill never be far away” I whispered in his ear. 
“Less than a minuite?” he smiled. 
I couldn’t deny how much love I felt for each of them, work life had been tough for the four of them after the WWE had stated they would be splitting the group up to start a new storyline involving the likes of Liv Morgan, JD & Carlito. It didn’t stop the love we had for each other, but it certainly made traveling together difficult! I often reminded them that unlike myself none of them exactly blended into a crowd. 
Sitting in the middle of this king size bed I pulled my knees up to my chest, I had stolen Damien’s hoodie and a pair of rhea’s gym shorts in the hopes of being comfortable enough to focus while I studied my textbooks, but alas tonight my mind was elsewhere. I had been studying Law for some time, it had always been such a passion of mine and thankfully no matter where we slept I could bring my books and get my head down while my partners entertained the world. It also came in quite handy when certain members of the group had one too many drinks on a night out and needed some help in escaping the police without legal prosecution. Dominik can tell the world he did hard time in jail all he likes, but it was me that got the little brat released early after a dramatic night with Rhea at his parents’ house on thanksgiving. 
The WWE had offered me a position on their legal team once I had passed all my exams, yet that was over a year ago. I had deferred my exam date twice already, I wasn’t sure what was wrong with me but I didn’t feel the love, the passion or the joy I had done surrounding myself in plans for my future dream career, I was starting to worry I had wasted all these years for nothing.
Finn was always the voice of reason; he would often sit and help me revise while Rhea and Dom would shower together after the gym and Damien would take a nap. He was the voice of reason in the group, the glue that held us all together when things got tough. It was Finn that supported us all the most when our relationship went public, none of us had wanted to hide how we felt and the WWE were supportive, but that didn’t stop the online hate. The four of them were use to random strangers throwing insults due to the nature of their job, and thankfully I wasn’t of much interest to the fans. We had done our best to keep me away from the public eye, almost everyone just assumed I was part of the WWE teams supporting the group. There were a few fan speculation pages online who loved to play the guessing game but the majority saw me as nothing, as no one. 
Finn always knew when something was wrong, he hadn’t wanted to leave me this evening but I had persuaded them all to go on the promise when they returned we could order in and cuddle up to watch a new release on tv if we connected Damien’s laptop. 
“Chicken tenders! Ooh and nuggies?” Dom said, looking around the room in minor disbelief as we all looked at him with smiles. “What?” he asked. 
“Really Dom? Chicken tenders, I’d never have guessed that bro. There’s me thinking you’d want Sushi!” Damien stated sarcastically with a smirk as he zipped up his duffel bag. 
“Ew, raw fish? Bleugh! That’s gross!” Dom was genuinely disgusted at the idea. 
“Hey! Don’t knock Sushi you little squinnie! Just because the rest of us have some foodie culture, your mother should have had you expand your pallet better!” I replied as I walked over and flicked Dom on the head. He was quick to wrestle me up and onto his shoulder, spinning me round onto the bed where he climbed on to pin me down. 
“Uh Excuse me! I think you’ll find…Mami! has expanded my pallet just fine hermosa!” He stated, daring his lips closer to mine. 
“Oh I bet..” I whispered to him closing the gap between us, our lips aching to touch. “Your pallet has had its fair share of tasting sessions aye Dom Dom” 
Before he could respond Damien wrapped his arms around Dominik’s waste pulling him off me and planting him back down to earth, ruffling his hair upon release. 
“Alright you two, break it off!” Damien patted Dom on the chest as he tossed over his rucksack from the chair. I bought my chest up leaning back on my hands winking at Dom as he scowled at me with a mix of frustration and cheek. 
Rhea walked out from the bathroom with Finn following in tow, slapping Dom on the ass and wrapping her arm around his neck. 
“Behave yourself Dom Dom” Rhea said before looking over at me on the bed, “You too Bunny, Brats be warned there will always be consequences.” She laughed and pulled Dom towards the hotel door blowing me a kiss as the two of them headed out to work. Damien followed suit leaning down on the bed to kiss my forehead. 
“Te amo, Hermosa” he held the back of my neck touching foreheads before following Rhea and Dom. 
“Ill catch up with you three downstairs” Finn said and Damien gave him a thumbs up as he headed out the hotel room door and closed it behind them. 
Finn took a seat next to me on the bed as I sat up properly and moved to the edge, adorning one of those fake convincing smiles that had worked so many times before. 
“A night of studying then? We won’t be back too late I promise, you can pick the film tonight. I dread another of Rheas slasher films aye. We will be up all night watching the door” Finn said with a gentle nudge to my shoulder. I just nodded, unsure of how to respond. It was strange, I could hide myself in the love and laughter I felt for them all, the never ending flirting and sexual frustration that would build when we were in a room. But a reminder of the real world, of the real life we were living was enough to shatter my dreams back to reality. Every day was blending into one, the repetitive endeavors were tearing my soul apart. Tears began to fill the corners of my eyes as I was quick to stand and rub them away taking a sharp breath. I knew inside I was breaking, I was like a ticking time bomb and I needed to protect them all. Finn leapt up to his feet spin me around and face him.
“Y/N, listen to me lass, you know we all love you. No matter what, no matter how hard it all gets, whether you sit the exams and pass or fail.” Finn held his hands to my face cupping my cheeks. 
Finn had suspected something was wrong for a while, he and Rhea had sat down with me before to talk. They knew about my past, the scars I had whilst silver and faded now were a window into a past life I had battled for so long to break free from, always terrified it would find me again. I was like a rabbit in headlights when it all got to much, I would freeze in fear of my mind running away with my sanity. Hence the nickname Bunny. 
“I don’t know what is wrong with me..” My voice was fragile, broken. 
Finn held me in a close hug, his warm embrace relighting the fire inside my chest, a willing to keep going forward. The serenity was quickly broken by a car horn beeping outside followed by a text alert on Finns phone. 
BRAT NO.2  -
“Oi! Save some of her for the rest of us Finn >_< get your ass down here! We’re gonna be late!”  
Finn shook his head, “That boy tests my patience to its limit at the best of times, ive a good mind to put him over my knee’ 
I laughed wiping my eyes with my sleeves “Only if you let me watch” 
He smiled and held me close, “I can stay, if that’s what you need?” 
I shook my head and released him from the hug, “No. its okay, you go kick ass! I’m gonna jump in the shower and try to get in a quick nap before I crack on with those books, can’t defer the exam forever!” 
“We will be back before you know it” Finn said softly 
“Less than a minute?” I half smiled
“Less than a minute” He returned the all too familiar phrase. Finn kissed my forehead before getting his bag of the chair and reaching into his pocket to get his phone that had started to ring. He answered the call whilst slumping his bag over his shoulder and nodding his head goodbye to me before heading out the door. 
“Dominik, I am telling you now! I swear to god if you don’t…” Finns voice faded out as he continued down the hotel hallway, the door closing behind him. 
Taking a deep breath I shook off the heavy emotional cloak weighing me down and headed for the shower. 
Looking around the rather large hotel room we had booked for the night I came to wonder; anyone would have thought we would have been used to this horrendous decor by now. No matter where we stayed every room felt much the same, whether it was the dismal wall art, low pressure shower heads or dull painted walls that felt like they were closing in. Though I knew the others were not fazed by it, they very rarely spent a lot of time in these rooms, aside from catching up on missed sleep or dancing the devils tango with any sparing energy the four of them would be in the gym or at the WWE training centers for live shows or TV. 
Sitting here I couldn’t steady my mind, I felt lost, lonely, empty even. It wasn’t their fault, they showered me in affection, I could want for nothing but more time with them. Yet it wasn’t that either, no amount of time in the arms of Rhea could fix the damage, she was the only woman I could love with the entirety of my heart, but as incredible as she was, even Rhea Bloody Ripley couldn’t fight off the demons inside me. 
The deeper I looked the more the world felt wrong. It all felt alien, uneasy, I wondered if it was just me, was I the problem? I checked the time, just after 10pm, they would be back soon enough, why did that bring about such panic, an anxiety drowning my heart, my breathe hitched and I felt it. You just know don’t you, it could have been years, weeks, days, hours or minutes that you had been fighting the voices in your head, the devil on your shoulder, but I was so lost in it all I just wanted to be alone. 
Slipping  off the bed I pulled on my socks and trainers and headed for the door. Pausing in the doorway I felt my heart sink a little, maybe this was it, maybe I wasn’t what I had promised I would be. 
A single tear fell down my cheek as I closed the hotel room door behind me, leaving my phone and keys on the nightstand. I needed to break free, only time would tell how long for, but I needed to feel. I needed to escape the War inside my head and the only way I knew how to do that, was to run. 
Rhea and Dom walked through the carpark with his arm wrapped around her waist as they headed towards the rental car. It had been a hard night for them and all they wanted was to climb into bed with their girl and sleep. Damien followed just behind the both of them carrying the groups bags. Finn bringing up the rear of the group was locked into his phone, his face filled with concern for their girl who hadn’t responded to a single text all evening. They had received a message from the WWE management team that they could leave early to limit fan interaction ahead of SummerSlam. 
Climbing into the rental car Dom, Rhea and Damien waited for Finn. 
“Maybe she fell asleep studying?” Dom asked as Finn sat in the back passenger seat. 
Rhea had her phone up to her ear listening to a never ending ringing on the other end, Voicemail again. “Bunny? please call me back.” She ended the call and looked up to Damien in the drives seat. 
“Priest, Floor it!” 
Reaching the hotel all four of them raced from the car inside, adrenaline fed through them as they reached the hotel room. 
Hands shaking Rhea swiped the card multiple times before holding it still long enough to enter. The realization. The Silence. It was deafening.
Damien rushed in to check the bathroom as Finn scrambled around the room with Dom, looking for something, for someone they knew wasn’t there. Rhea stood frozen in the doorway, in silence, her eyes locked in. 
“Rhea?” Dom hastily rushed over, hand on her shoulder as he turned to her eye line. There it was, on the bedside table. 
Finn edged his way over to the bedside as Damien came back into the room. Hands shaking nervously Finn reached down and picked up Y/N phone and hotel keycard. 
They all shared a look between each other, a look of fear and confusion. What were they meant to do now? Where did Y/N go? 
“I shouldn’t of left her…” Finn held the phone tightly pacing the same two steps over. “I could see it, I saw it, I shouldn’t of left her…” Finn repeated again. 
“Finn?” Dom hesitantly questioned his actions. 
Rheas demeanor quickly turned and she slammed her hand against the doorframe and rushed out followed by Finn and Damien desperate to find their girl. 
“Dom stay here! In case she comes back!” Damien yelled, he paused in the hall before rushing back to the room and holding Dominick’s face in his hands. “We will find her, I promise, we will all be back before you know it” Damien kissed his forehead before turning and running back out the door. 
Dom was frozen on the spot, he couldn’t move, he looked around the room at abandoned study books, half unpacked suitcases and clothing discarded on the floor. He felt smaller than ever before, his heartbeat felt cold, his chest filled with butterflies and his hands cold to touch. 
Walking over to the window that stood from floor to ceiling he held his hand to his chest tearing up at the rain lashing down outside . “Less than a minute?” 
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So because I love @oneforthemunny and their summer writing game/cuntry boy summer era, I thought I would do another 👙 prompt…but this time with modern!eddie 🖤
Private Dancer (modern!eddie x fem reader)
Summary: reader has bought a new swimsuit and desperately needs modern!eddie’s opinion on it 🥰
Contains: mentions of stripping (reader is a dancer at a club in this au), smut, mentions of pregnancy/breeding, fem!reader, mentions of female anatomy, p in v sex MINORS DNI
As your car trundled up to Eddie’s trailer, you smirked to yourself as you eyed the bag of swimwear on the passenger seat. You’d only had the intention of buying some new everyday underwear pieces, but the new boutique in town caught your eye; so you convinced yourself you needed a couple of new sets for your job at the strip club on the outskirts of Hawkins. You worked there on Fridays and Saturdays, plus any special holidays as the tips were killer and the job was fun; it worked perfectly around your class schedule at the community college.
Swinging the paper bag in your hand as you entered Eddie’s trailer you were met with the sound of heavy metal, the sound of home to you. You eased open Eddie’s bedroom door and the sight before you made your thighs clench. He was shirtless, sitting on the bed with his guitar in his lap, a cigarette hanging from his lips as his curls cascaded down his shoulders. You coughed to get his attention as his eyes were shut in concentration due to a particularly tricky riff he was working on. His head snapped up when he heard you, flashing you a loved up grin “sweetheart! You’re back early, did you find anything” he asked as his eyes shot to the bag.
“I did” you replied as you set the bag on the bed, “and I thought I could give you a show…some new stage outfits for work”. Eddie’s eyes flicked over you as you stepped out of your high waisted shorts and pulled your tank top over your head; you were so happy you’d decided to forgo a bra. “Princess, you know you don’t need stage outfits with a body like that”, he drooled, running his hands up and down your hips while you stood inbetween his legs. You leaned down and kissed him deeply, his hands cupping your tits as you leaned down. “Let me give you a free show baby”, you whispered as you delved into the bag and pulled out a black leather bikini set-matching silver chain dangling from the waistband of the bikini bottoms. Eddie’s eyes were the size of saucers as you squeeze your ample sized tits into the small material.
Your clear heeled pleaser shoes from the corner of Eddie’s room completed the look as you straddled Eddie’s lap “Alexa, play Rainbow in the Dark by Dio” you shouted to the Alexa player in Eddie’s room; which elicited a groan from him. The opening metal guitars made you swirl your hips around Eddie’s crotch-you grabbed both of his thighs, parted them and sank down inbetween his legs. He leaned back on his elbows as you reached up and closed his mouth-his jaw had been hanging open the whole time at the sight of his dream girl dancing to Dio in pleaser heels. You crawled backwards, rolled onto your back and threw your legs in the air, parting them then crossing them at the ankle as you ran your hands down your leather clad tits. Arching your back, you sat up and lunged forward towards the ground, ass wiggling as you brought your body up and propped yourself on your elbows, legs outstretched and using your heels to balance as you shook the meat of your thighs.
Suddenly, you felt a hand in your hair. “If you don’t get back up here right now I’ll leave pretty red palm shaped marks on that ass of yours” Eddie growled. He was hard and he needed you. As you stood up, he kicked off his jeans and boxers and pulled you towards him, hooking his fingers in the waistband of the leather bottoms. “These off, heels left on” he whispered as you kicked off the bottoms with your heels; your exposed cunt within licking distance of Eddie’s tongue. “Usually I would taste those sweet juices of yours but…I need to fuck you into next week” he moaned as you sank down on his already hard, leaking tip.
As you started to bounce, his dick hitting you deliciously in places you didn’t even know existed, Eddie whimpered in your ear “gonna let me come in you princess? Gonna let me get my little slutty pole dancer pregnant?” your cunt clenched around him at his words, “oh she likes that does she? Wearing your little stage outfits with your swollen tits, would you let me fuck you in them? Holding your belly up while you ride me in your little leather s-set” you watched between hooded eyes as his eyes rolled back at the thought of you pregnant with his child and his hands on your swollen belly. “Shit princess I wouldn’t be able to stop sucking on your tits” he moaned as you pushed your tits closer for him to kitten lick your nipples. “Eddie”, you were out of breath but needed that release, needed to come “please Eddie” you whined as his grip on your hips tightened. Eyes darker than you’d seen them, he pressed his forehead against yours and whispered “come for me mamas”; you let out the most guttural moan as you came, harder than ever, pushed over the edge by Eddie’s new found breeding kink.
“So…you’re going to let me call you daddy now then?” You asked, Eddie’s cock still inside you in that post orgasm glow. “Sweetheart you can call me anything as long as I can fuck you like that every-time you go shopping. Take my card next time too…daddy wants to treat ya”.
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nerfpuncher · 8 months
Alexa, please play "The Boys Are Back In Town"
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aricr0cs · 2 months
So my Broska and Zevran and Alistair and Sten (Alexa play the boys are back in town) just finished fighting. Covered in blood. I imagine they'd be panting and sore. I was in call with my gf.
I fat thumbed Alistair instead of looting a corpse.
Imagine my shock and horror as my big cheese loving ferelden son produces a rose to my dwarf and proceeds to tell her how she reminds him of this rose as both are beautiful and need to be protected.
I wasn't ready. I screamed.
Leah cackled britishly.
So I've managed to avoid the leliana romance I was perfectly okay with having but got successfully ninjamanced by Alistair (and not only Alistair as I would find out later).
My Broska told him he must be joking. But..... it didn't deactivate the romance. I sighed and resigned myself to the fact that Bhilun would actually love him very much. I blew a goodbye kiss at Sten. And my oc boinked my son later in camp.
Romancing Alistair was NOT in my bingo book for my first playthrough. Leah is pleased.
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coffee-at-annies · 12 days
Alexa play the boys are back in town
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(Well minus the core) (DKSports feed link since I can’t actually link to the post in question)
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auxiliuno · 2 years
I love how you wrote my last request so here's another. I feel manic but dogshit lately so please gib angst.
König and ex gf Y/N bump into each other again at a German cafe after so many yrs. Lil happy catch up over coffee (that Y/N prolly initiates bc knowing König). They had a good relationship but shit didn't work out as young peeps. She lives abroad now and just returned to town to visit family, so as much as the relationship was rly special, it's old and unrealistic and both are just happy to know the other is doing great.
Then days after, he lowkey wants a friendly chat again but finds out that she died in a car accident. Now König doesn't know if he wants to cry or not, and if he should visit (he prolly will). Gawd it's a whole level of sad when it fits upbeat music. Song reference? Alexa, play Never Forget You by Noisettes.
And thank you, have a good day.
Hello! Thank you for requesting from me again, I'm really happy you enjoyed my first writing! 💗 I hope you feel better soon darling :( ik how it feels to be in a bad place so I'm sending you lots of love! XOXO 💝
König x ex!reader
Tw: mentions of death and car accidents, funeral, crying, cursing
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How long has it been? 2 years, 3 years? No, definitely more than that
The time you spent with that boy washed away like sand on the seashore
Memories fade, as do old relationships
You just never thought you'd see him again
On a trip back to your hometown, to visit your family
You go to your favorite café, the one you always went to before you went to work abroad
The smell and atmosphere of the café brings back so many memories, of good and bad, happy and sad
Nostalgia is truly a weird thing
As if he knew you were nostalgic, he was sitting at a small table, in the back of the café, looking over it
That's when his eyes meet yours
Both of you freeze momentarily; time seems to stop
None of you dare to move, waiting for the other to initiate the first move
Like how it was, and always had been, you were the braver one
You started your way to him
He shifts, clearly startled by your sudden eagerness
"Hey, is this seat taken?"
Well then that's your que
You sit down across him; time seems to go by painfully slow. You both don't dare to look in each other's eyes, not knowing what to say. Having to take the lead again, you part your mouths to say what he didn't have the courage to say. "How have you been König?". He seems even more disturbed by your friendliness, shifting in his seat; he answers: "I've been fine, you?". A bit more comfortable now, you decide to be more open about what you've been up to, despite the fact that you both had history.
"Well, you know, just been working, doing the adult stuff....paying taxes and shit." You try to be a bit funny, but you think you sound awkward to him. He smiles, he missed this old you, you've never changed ever since you were children; that takes him back to his younger days, with you. You continue on: "I found a good job abroad, and it pays well. It's also a job that I've always wanted to have.". "I know, you've always been adventurous, wanting to get away from this small town.". You nod, surprised that he somehow still remembers that about you.
"What about you? What have you been up to? You ask curiosly. Truth be told, he had grown up and looked way different from the young boy you used to know, but his personality didn't seem to change much; his body was just a man now. A handsome man at that. You briefly wondered if he was seeing someone else know, but quickly remind yourself that it's not what you're here for. He's just an old friend you knew.
"I got the military job I wanted." Swiftly, he meets your eyes for a second to see any sign of admiration or fondness for his new job. He thought that maybe joining the army would make him more scary, more manly, less of the young and dumb boy he once was. Yet your expression never wavered, but you seemed proud of him. He was fine with that. "That's really great König! I can't imagine the hard and tough training you went through to join the army, I'm very proud of you." Your answer was so genuine and kind. It made his heart ache a little. Just a little... "Yeah, I'm happy you think that." Wow, what a conversation killer you thought. Seems like you still need to take the lead, even in a conversation.
"So...." You start slowly, pleading him with your eyes, to say something too. "So, why are you back here?" He asked, genuinely, he was curious; he hadn't seen you in such a long time, didn't hear from you either, and now you just suddenly show up? And he happens to see you? Fate must have set you guys up, again. Dumbfounded, you answer: "I'm just back to see my family, I miss them a lot, and this town, even if I acted like I wanted to get out of it. I never thought that I could miss it so much, or maybe I just missed the memories I made here." Wow. What a deep answer. Were you also thinking of him when you said the memories you missed? Does that mean you missed him? Part of the reason why he was in this particular café today was because he missed you.
He missed the memories you both made here, the numerous dates you guys had here. He just didn't expect to see you. Lady luck really smiled on him today, so why does it feel like he's fucking it up? What does he lack? What's wrong with him? Hadn't he grown into a better man now? Older and wiser, kinder and smarter? You break his train of thought when you suddenly tell him that it was time for you to go, you still had family to visit. He silently curses himself for letting you sit in silence with him, when he had this chance to talk to you again. He just mods politely, tells you that it was nice to see you again, and maybe you both should go out to catch up again sometime. You nod and agree: "Here's my number if you want to contact me König." Althought taken aback by your boldness, he eagerly takes your number. "Here's mine. See you here, same time, same place, in two days?" You agree and say your goodbyes to him, little did he know, he should've cherished this time better, as it would be the last time he ever got to see and hear you again.
The two days went by so slow. He was still processing the fact that he actually got to see you again. "Should I wear something nicer today?" He thought. "No, it's just a casual talk over coffee. Nothing special." He opted for a white button-up shirt and rolled up the sleeves, paired with dark jeans and leather shoes. At least he looked presentable enough. At the same time as yesterday, he drove to the café. He sat down in the sane spot as yesterday, patiently waiting for you. After he waited around 20 minutes, he decided to text you."Hey y/n, are you okay? I'm waiting at the café for you. If you are running late, it's okay, just lmk." Simple, yet to the point. He waited about 10 minutes for you to reply or call him, but there was nothing. Anxiously, his thoughts started to waver and think the worst. Maybe it was your plan all along, to get him to trust you, and then to hurt him like this. No, you wouldn't do that; you never were that kind of person. He knew he needed to stop being so insecure and worried, so instead, he decided to drive to your family to check on you instead.
It was a short drive, from the café to your family house, which he remembered was on a small but peaceful street. Driving by, he saw it; it was the same as he remembered in his teenage days; small yet cozy, you had a younger brother that most likely already moved out too. The house had all sorts of flora and greens growing outside of it. Your parents had a passion for gardening and always kept everything presentable. Parking his car on the side of the street, he got out and made his way up the steps of your family house. Nervously, he knocked on the front door a few times, anxiously waiting for someone to answer the door.
After a few minutes of worrying and anxious thinking, your mom opened the door, looking distraught and her eyes a bit red. "Hello Mrs.l/n, how are you? I came to check up on y/n after she didn't show up to our...catch up day today.". He was so nervous about talking to your mom again, fearing she would get mad and shut the door on him since you guys weren't a thing anymore. Instead, she looked a bit relieved, but tears started welling up in her eyes. "K-könig, it's so nice to see you again... It's y-y/n, she...she got into a car crash just half an hour ago. She told me she was on her way to see you." His heart dropped. "W-What, Mrs.l/n, are you sure? Y-y/n can't really be....gone? Right?" He was shaking now, stuttering through his words. "I wish I was lying too König, but we just found out too, after the police called us.". No!no! This can't be! After all those years of missing you, he got his chance to talk to you again, and now you leave again? It can't be true! "Would you like to come in and have a seat König? I'll make a cup of tea for you, " she sniffled. Still shocked, he nodded and went inside your house. The smell and feeling of your presence hit him like a train. He couldn't help but let tears well up in his eyes, nose starting to run. Your mom gently pats his shoulders as she leads him to sit down at the dinner table.
After he was seated, she started to make some tea in a kettle: "she had missed you a lot." She told him suddenly. Shocked, König looked up at her from his hands, "she did?". "Yes, she told me yesterday night about how she ran into you at her favorite café, and how you hadn't changed much. She said you reminded her of home." Fuck. He started crying harder now, after he heard what your mother told him. You really missed him? And all this time he was worried about what he did. You truly were a kind soul. Your mom turned around and gave him a hug. "I know it's hard König, I know you must have missed her too. Otherwise, why could you have come all the way to our house to check up on her?" He shifted, agreeing with what she said. "She would've been very happy to hear that you still care about her this much, after all these years.". He started bawling now. He didn't care if it was embarrassing. He didn't care if he wasn't manly anymore. All he wanted to do was to mourn for you, for the soul mate he lost. For the one who slipped from his fingers all the time.
Your mom continued: "After the police are done investigating who the driver that ran into her was, and after they...they gather her body... we will be having a funeral for her. We would be happy if you'd come." "Yes, yes, I will be attending her funeral, Mrs.l/n." "Good, she would have wanted you to. Would you like to stay here for tonight?" She asked kindly. "Thank you for the offer, Mrs.l/n, but I think I should go and think about everything." "I understand König, but you are welcome back here anytime okay?" He nodded, thanked her for the tea, and went about his way home.
On the drive back to his home, he couldn't stop the waterworks from coming. He was never the type to cry so hard, especially not over someone. But you, you had been different. You bad been someone special, someone he held dear.
Now that you're gone, he doesn't know what to do. He was probably going to drink his night away and reminiscence all the good times you guys had together.
The day of the funeral came back. All your friends and family were gathered together on a gloomy, cloudy day. The sky looked like it dared everyone to go home, for it would start storming anytime soon. Looks like even the heavens were downcast from your death. He stood alongside your mom for the rest of the funeral. He brought your favorite flowers and set them on your gravestone solemnly. Silently, he promised to himself that he would never, ever love anyone unless it's you again.
Omgggg this was one of the longest fics I've ever written 😭😭😭 I'm sorry it took kind of long, and I apologize if there are any errors in here, I was too lazy to go back and proof read it 😞😞😞 I hope you guys enjoy it tho!
Have a great day!💐
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poetrysings · 6 months
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— whoa! REBECCA HENNING just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, working as a/an OB/GYN. that can’t be easy, especially at only 41 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit RETICENT and RANCOROUS , but i know them to be PROTECTIVE and PERSUASIVE. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to QUEENS! —
spotify pinterest musings visage connections
full name: rebecca imani henning
nickname: becs, becca
age/date of birth: 43 / nov 12th, 1980
zodiac sign: scorpio ☼ virgo ☾ aries ↑
gender identity: cis woman (she/her)
hometown: manchester, england
current location: queens, new york
time in town: on and off twenty-five years
sexual orientation: pansexual
occupation: ob/gyn
labels: the prodigy, the opaque, the catalyst
positive traits: longanimous, vehement, protective, incisive, meticulous, persuasive, assertive
negative traits: intransigent, reticent, brittle, distrusting, rancorous
hobbies: researching, hiking, horse-riding, scrapbooking, art collecting, candle-making
languages spoken: english, french, a bit of latin
instruments played: none
favorite color: blue, pink, red
favorite food: okra soup, ghormeh sabzi, chocolate mousse
height: 5'2
distinguished characteristics: n/a
tattoos: a couple phrases along her body in different languages from her travels
piercings: earlobes and helix
right or left-handed?: right-handed
parents: anthony henning (surgeon), freyja henning (stepmother, surgeon), alexa mahama (oncologist & activist), nicholas gold (lawyer)
sibling(s): four in total, one younger sibling, one half sibling, two step siblings
children: redacted, a thirteen year old boy named Henry
pet(s): a black cat named nova
tw: cheating, divorce, teen pregnancy
Alexa met Anthony on a warm evening on her very first day in Oxford's medical program, when she accidentally entered the fourth trimester class instead of her own as a freshman. Others would've backed out immediately, apologize and go to her own class to start their year right. Alexa however, quick to her feet and noticing her mistake the minute she entered, took a seat next to an amused Anthony and proceeded to take the class alongside the others, making questions and answering a few whenever she was allowed to. Anthony, two years her senior, was impressed not only by her beauty but her assertiveness and cleverness, inviting her for a coffee and a private tour of the campus. Quick enough, the couple fell in love and married after Anthony graduated college and started medical school. Their plan was to wait a few years, get medical school done and get halfway through internships and residencies before even considering having children but when a year and a half after their wedding they were surprised by a positive pregnancy test, the couple couldn't help but rejoice.
Rebecca was born during a rainstorm in November in Manchester's Royal Infirmary, the very same hospital her father was making his residency in. She lead a very normal life for a child who has two med students as her parents. They were barely present throughout her formative years, forcing her to spend most of her time with her grandparents, aunts and uncles who were graceful enough to accommodate her on their itinerary, but whenever her parents were around if even for a short amount of time, they always tried to make the most out of their time together. They were strict with the rules they had set for her firstborn, but always made her feel loved. And the joy only multiplied when the second-born, Rebecca's younger sibling, was born.
Things started getting complicated by the time Rebecca reached teenage-hood. Her father, a now renowned general surgeon started to behave oddly. He'd claim he had long shifts and rather sleep at work and don't come for for a week straight and when he was in the house, his sole attention would be on his phone, leaving his family aside. Alexa loved her family as it was, loved the good and the bad and claimed she was fine with this sudden shift in her husband, claiming it was only phase, shutting down everyone who dared to suggest Anthony was being unfaithful or was disrespecting his own family until the day everything blew up: Anthony came home one night to pack his stuff and tell his then wife he was leaving, that he had been cheating on her with a colleague and she was pregnant with his baby. Alexa was left brokenhearted, completely disassociating herself from her family and burying herself in work. Rebecca, being a young teenage girl with no supervision or care, began rebelling. What once was the perfect daughter in the eyes of her parents became a nightmare that failed classes, skipped school and hung out with the wrong type of crowd, a scream for help that caused the relationship with her parents to break slightly with every fight they had.
At age 15 Rebecca started to date her very first boyfriend. He was charming, quick.witted and payed the attention to her her parents didn't, so she fell. Hard. She loved him for two years, through good and bad. The couple even began planning a future together where they could move to the USA once they were done with their high school years, dreams of freedom away from their homes and a life of their own. All their dreams were crushed down the day Rebecca found out she was 5 months pregnant after fainting in PE. She told her parents, hoping they would support her and guide her through the process, that they could find an answer as to what to do next but was only met with harsh words, threats and hurtful words that claimed she was on her own from that moment on. She went to tell her then boyfriend and found him on someone else's arms, breaking her heart into a million pieces.
Rebecca then made a decision, since she had nothing left in England and it was only her and the baby she carried against the world, she took all the money she had saved from allowances and summer jobs and bought herself a ticket to New York, leaving her former life behind. She worked tirelessly for the last four months of her pregnancy to get her ged and find a small apartment in queens, a place to make a home for her and the child on the way. And then, the baby came. She had promised herself she'd be a better parent than her own, that she would care for her child more than she cared for herself and she did her best. For three months, Rebecca didn't sleep; going from work to caring for her child to bring them the bare necessities— until it stopped working. Her breaking point was the day her baby got sick right as her landlord cut her electricity and water for being a few months behind on rent. It became painfully obvious that if she kept them, there was a chance her child wouldn't survive. Keeping her promise, she did what she thought was best for them; gave them up for adoption praying they would find a family that could give them what she couldn't.
The decision weighted on her for months, making her stay in bed for months on end, letting herself be absorbed in the darkest pits of inner hell until a light appeared in her way in the form of a friend who encouraged her to leave her bed and do something for herself. She applied to a few universities and was accepted into Brooklyn College for their pre-med program. She worked two jobs and did the entire program in the four years mark, earning a spot in the NYU school of medicine upon graduation with full scholarship to continue her career, things began falling into place, even earning a paid medical residency even before graduating from medical school. Somewhere in between medical school and her residency, Rebecca met the person who would become her husband, Kian Zhang. They were different from anyone else who she had met and she fell harder than ever before. A wedding came sooner than anyone expected it and a pregnancy shortly after; which wasn't easy for Rebecca who was still dealing with what had been of her and her child as a seventeen year old but she did her best to make her new life work.
When her mother called for the first time in over ten years, Rebecca didn't expect it to go well, nor to create a new relationship with her now that they were both mature adults. It took them months to heal the wounds of the past so it really was a surprise when she offered a position on the hospital she worked in, st. mary's hospital, earning over six times what she did in New York. After discussing it with her partner, they decided to take a leap of faith together and move to Manchester, her hometown, to once again start anew. With a family she thought she had lost as a teenager having her back and the one she had formed on her own, she began her journey as an OB/GYN. However, as she began to scale up the ladder and her name became more wildly known and she began gaining notoriety in the medical field worldwide, her personal life began to crumble. With her new busy schedule and other problems the couple had been dragging along, the relationship became a ticking bomb until they couldn't simply handle it anymore. The divorce papers were settled with no fights or blowouts, the love she still harbored for Kian shifting to care and respect to the father of her child. Kian decided to move back to New York and the two decided to try and coparent from different sides of the world best as they could for years, with Rebecca traveling back and forth whenever she could to make sure Henry had a sense of normalcy in his life and didn't have to travel as much himself.
At age 40, Rebecca grew tired of missing the little milestones in her child's life when he was with his father alas, after almost ten years working in st. mary's, the now renowned ob/gyn resigned and decided to move to new york to her own borough, opening her own private practice in manhattan to be closer to her son.
Oldest child ( any gender / fam / 25 )*
To this day, her biggest regret is giving them up for adoption although a part of her knowns it was for the best as she could not provide them the life she knew they deserved. She has recently contacted a private investigator to find try and find them. Although the outcome and what will happen after she finds them is still unclear, she wants to make sure they are doing fine, see if there's anything she can do to help them, now that she is able to.
Siblings ( any gender / fam )
There's four, total. One legitimate younger sibling (around 37-33), a half sibling (29-30) and two step sibling (ages undefined). She had a chance to meet every one of them during her time in England, forming all sorts of relationships with them. For one reason or another, they have now they found eachother again in New York and it's time to prove that blood is ticker than water, isn't it?
First baby daddy ( male presenting / ? / 43-45 )
They met in England when she was 15 and he was her first love. They truly thought they'd lasted a lifetime together— until the day that she disappeared from the faces of earth without much explanation. There were many rumors as to what happened but one one really knew the truth, not even Rebecca's parents who were too upset to even discuss the matter, only telling their daughter's boyfriend to forget her and start a new life. They used to dream about living together in New York, start a family there and follow their dreams— it would only be poetic justice to have them meet twenty six years later in the place they dreamed of growing old together.
Best friend ( any gender / plat / 40+ )
How they met is unclear, but they have been friends since Rebecca was 17 and arrived to New York, five months pregnant and they have been inseparable since. They've saved Bec's life more times than she's willing to admit by simply being there for her and in return, Rebecca is the most loyal and caring friend anyone could ask for.
New love interest ( any gender / rom )
She promised herself it wouldn't happen again, that her time to let herself fall was over and all that was left was her work, her child and whatever hobbie she'd pick up that month. And yet... It's all very new, who knows where it'll lead? But it gives a special spark to their lives none of them has ever felt before. Could it be love?
Other connections: people who work on the medial field, former classmates, clients, neighbors, friends, one-side crushes, fellow single parents, nannies for Henry whenever she or Kian are busy, the sky's the limit!
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bannteags · 2 years
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Alexa, play The Boys are Back in Town.
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ashleybenlove · 2 years
“Straight in front of us and not far off—in fact, so near that I wondered we had not noticed before—came a group of mounted men hurrying along.”
Alexa, play Thin Lizzy’s The Boys are Back In Town.
eta: it was not who I thought it was.
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thereyvan · 1 year
Humorous Chapter Titles: A Very Long Compilation
What The Fuck Is A Driver’s License 
In Which We Learn Why Tiny Demons Shouldn’t Drive Cars 
Asses Were Kicked In This One 
Welcome To Cry Time, Bitch 
Well, I Guess That Happened 
Not This Shit Again 
Why Does God Hate Me 
Stop Calling Me A Twink(I’m Straight And Have A Girlfriend) 
He Said That If You Call Him A Catboy One More Time, He’ll Scratch You 
Fuck The Moon 
I Fucked Your Mom And She Liked It 
Alexa, Play Can You Feel My Heart By Bring Me The Horizon 
She’s Cheer Captain And I’ve Been Suffering For A Really Long Time 
The Boys Are Back In Town(And They Brought Some Trauma) 
It Is Wednesday My Dudes 
Fuck You And Your Ugly Christmas Sweater 
Never Gonna Give You Up, Probably Gonna Let You Down 
Dance Dance Till You’re Falling Apart To Halftime 
Some People Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Adult 
Really? Right In Front Of My Crocs? 
That’s Not Even Remotely Reassuring 
Facing God And Moonwalking Into Hell 
Well, When Life Gives You Lemons, (Insert Screaming Here) 
You Can Probably Tell That The Author Failed Chemistry 
Standing On A Pile Of Corpses Whilst Eating An Entire Package Of Peeps 
Shitty Advice From A Dumbass Demon Guy 
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, And Acceptance Of Depression 
Look At All Those Chickens 
Everyone’s Favorite Pedophile 
Sir That’s Our Emotional Support Asshole 
You Give Love A Bad Name 
Externally A Ghost, Internally A Zombie 
The Author Can’t Stop Traumatizing The Protagonist 
Falling Out Of A Tree 
That Wasn’t Supposed To Happen 
Literally Nobody Agreed To This 
When The Fuck Is This Story Going To End 
We Don’t Get Bitches, We Are Bitches 
The Good, The Bad, And The Even Worse 
This Meme Is Dead, But There Isn’t Any Way To Describe This Other Than Ohio Moment 
Oh My God, They Were Roommates 
Devastation Demolition 
Take This Chance Like A Pill 
I Would Literally Rather Be Dead 
Ohana Means Family 
Parkouring Into Purgatory 
You Take That Back 
Where Is Your Turkey God Now 
Rallying For Kinder Eggs 
All Aboard The Fun Train To Party Hell 
God Is Canon And I’m The Author Now 
We Put The “Fun” Into Dysfunction 
My Bed Is A Grave, So Shovel Dirt Onto My Sheets 
The Odd-yssey 
“He’s Well Hung” And I Am Hanging Up 
Orgasm Smile 
I Shot Romance In The Chest 
Who The Hell Ruined My Life(I Did) 
I’m A Loose Bolt Of A Complete Machine 
Stop Ending Every Sentence With Bitch, Bitch 
And Here We Have The Mentally Disturbed 
Professional Conflict Escalator 
Hey Look At This Rock I Found 
Crime’s Only Crime If You Get Caught 
Refuge In A Gay Nightclub 
Neurodivergency Called And Had A Panic Attack(They Hate Talking On The Phone) 
Ending Conversations Before They Start 
You Can’t Stop Me From Not Being Okay 
Suck My Co- Wait You Weren’t Supposed To- Oh… 
No, You Can’t Go Scuba Diving In The Wishing Well 
I Pissed Your Pants 
Dismember Me For Centuries 
Time For Crab 
Men’s Tits, Am I Right? 
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Favorite Twilight moments?
Two moments come to mind first (though I'm positive there are more), but also I will be overexplaining and including long quotes so just know that you brought this upon yourself!
I'm surprising myself with this one actually because the very first scene that came to mind was the one towards the end of book two where Bella has an epiphany that Edward loves her.
Context (suicide mention tw): Edward broke up with Bella and his family left town in the beginning of the book, Bella spent the book trying (and failing miserably) to get over him until she had to zoom to Italy to stop him from killing himself dramatically. He'd thought she'd died and so was going to join her in death, and to grossly oversimplify she went despite thinking she wasn't worthy of him and that he didn't love her, saved him, and brought him back to Forks.
She then thinks he's going to leave her again, but for some reason he stays and keeps acting strange (lovingly) towards her, and she doesn't understand why. She thinks maybe it's pity, but it doesn't quite match up. And then she has a little epiphany that goes like this:
I thought of that night in Port Angeles when I'd had my first delusion. I'd come up with two options [to explain it]. Insanity or wish fulfillment. I'd seen no third option. But what if... What if you sincerely believed something was true, but you were dead wrong? What if you were so stubbornly sure that you were right, that you wouldn't even consider the truth? Would the truth be silenced, or would it try to break through? Option three: Edward loved me. The bond forged between us was not one that could be broken by absence, distance, or time. And no matter how much more special or beautiful or brilliant or perfect than me he might be, he was as irreversibly altered as I was. As I would always belong to him, so would be always be mine. Was that what I'd been trying to tell myself? "Oh!" "Bella?" "Oh. Okay. I see." "Your epiphany?" he asked, his voice uneven and strained. "You love me," I marveled. The sense of conviction and rightness washed through me again. Through his eyes were still anxious, the crooked smile I loved best flashed across his face. "Truly, I do."
It's so ludicrous and also endearing at the same time. I'm a sucker for characters realizing they can be loved, because this is the scene where Bella starts truly believing she can be loved and that Edward isn't faking it or unsatisfied with her (she has confidence issues, and his perfection doesn't help). Her doubts have plagued the first two books but now she genuinely believed she's loved and I think that's great!
but ALSO this scene is her coming to the genuine god-forsaken conclusion that "hey! i had hallucinations of Edward for months because he loves me! this is so sweet alexa play a thousand years." Bella. Girl. Please. So this sweet epiphany is simultaneous really satisfying (to me) and also unbelievable because Bella do you hear yourself.
The second that came to mind is this one scene/series of scenes from Midnight Sun, which isn't technically part of the main story but I'm including it. It's twilight rewritten from Edward's pov.
And towards the end of twilight, Bella catches the unfortunate attention of a tracker, and he starts hunting her down to kill her very intently. This means that she needs to be protected, and you know who's a great protector? My favorite boy: emmett!!
There's a series of mentions of Emmett being protective of Bella and really serious about it (which is in contrast to his light-hearted, himbo nature) and I already love him so I just find it so sweet.
Here's a few:
"Strap her in," I [Edward] hissed to Emmett. He'd chosen the back with Bella, recognizing that he would be her bodyguard as long as I needed to drive. He was willing, even eager.
Emmett was already wondering if he should restrain her. I spoke his name, low and hard, so he would know that I wanted him to do this. He caught her wrists carefully in his huge hands and immobilized them.
"Don't worry, Bella," Emmett was saying--in a voice I found much too upbeat--while he loosed her from the harness. "We'll take care of things here quickly."
"Emmett was running in the road close behind us now. I was surprised at his intentions I would have expected he'd be itching to catch the tracker in pursuit, to bring this ordeal to a quick and violent end. Instead, hes thoughts were focused on Bella. His few moments as bodyguard seemed to have affected him deeply. Her safety was his current priority. Bella brought out everyone's protective side. [...] Still, Emmett wanted to make it clear that the tracker would have to go directly through him to get to Bella.
I'm already fervently in love with Emmett (and Alice), and every moment with him is a joy, so getting to see him be all big-brotherly and caring about Bella when she's so new to his life is just. Ah! I love it so much.
Emmett can say anything and I'd pay rapt attention he's just a guy. He's an idiot but so lovable. He was mauled by a bear and now eats bears for fun. He loves to fuck. He's absolutely infatuated with his wife and has married her several times. He brought a whole bag of eggs to school in the movie. He stronk. He's the one member of the Cullen family without depression or problems he's just having a good time and I adore him.
So those are the first two moments from twilight that come to mind as my favorites! I'm absolutely certain I could think of more, but I'll stop there for now. I'm very normal about twilight and like it a normal amount :)
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Sox are in Philly and I’m going to all of the games insert garbage fire elmo drum line video
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deathtriangles · 2 years
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