#Alistar Vangeance
loosesodamarble · 2 months
Magic Knight Squad Robe Redesigns
A long time ago, I had the idea of redesigning the uniforms of the Magic Knight squads for the (many) next gen ocs that me and my friends have. I thought it would be fun for the squads to each have a unique article of clothing for the squads' uniforms, to make each group a little more unique beyond their colors.
With the help of my beloved friend Steph ( @cringeyvanillamilk ), that idea has now come to fruition! I commissioned her for all the art you are to see.
And modeling the redesigned uniforms are mine and my friends' next gen ocs.
Representing the Golden Dawn is @lyranova's oc, Alistar Vangeance.
For the Black Bulls is @eme-eleff's oc, Hikari Yami.
Wearing the Crimson Lion King's uniform is @thoughtfullyrainynightmare's oc, Leonidas Vermillion.
From my own collection of ocs and representing the Blue Rose Knights is Dawn Faust.
The representative for the Aqua Deers is also my oc, Merel Faust.
The Silver Eagle's uniform is worn by @koneko-pi's oc, Avalinia Silva.
Representing the Coral Peacocks is @sailor-muno's oc, Bellini Fortuna.
Showing off for the Green Praying Mantises is @faewraithsworld's oc, Sullivan Vixen.
And the model for the Purple Orcas is another of @/faewraithsworld's ocs, Zoisite Ideale.
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The CLK and GPM's uniforms have different versions that can be worn by the squad members. As seen below.
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Thank you to Steph for taking my commission. And thank you to all my lovely friends for allowing me to turn your next gens into some gorgeous models!
Further notes about the uniforms below the cut.
Golden Dawn: they wear full body coats that are meant to be worn open. Squad members can have tassels added to their coats so they can be tied close if they so choose.
Black Bulls: they're not wearing leather jackets. It's standard fabric, that's all. Jacket length is somewhat adjustable though longer jackets are avoided to steer clear of having the same silhouette as the Golden Dawn.
Crimson Lion Kings: the sashes are sewn so that squad members don't have to wrap the fabric over their shoulder and around their waist every time they don their uniform.
Blue Rose Knights: it's a short cape already attached to a shirt. You'd just put it on like a regular shirt and hope that you don't get the cape in your face as you put it on.
Aqua Deer: it's a scarf, plain and simple. The ends of the scarf are to be a clean cut.
Silver Eagles: this squad retains the original form that a majority of the squad robes have in canon, a short mantle with an long cape attached. For the next gen's version, the fluff of the mantle was made a smaller component so that the feathers can be the main focus, instead of being mostly equal parts fluff and feather.
Coral Peacocks: a waist sash with the end of the fabric being shaped to resemble the tail feathers of a peacock.
Green Praying Mantises: arm sleeves that can just cover the forearms or cover the upper arms too. There's also a version with a slit in the sleeves in case there are squad members who don't want to wear the form fitting sleeves.
Purple Orcas: a vest with pointed hems reminiscent of the triangular shape of the squad robe worn by the previous generation. There are buttons on the vest so they can be worn open or closed to a squad member's preferences. (And most members tend to wear a shirt under the vest. Zoisite only wears his uniform this way because he can.)
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lyranova · 4 months
Lies, Puns, and the Wishing Tree
Hiya everyone! So instead of working on requests today…I decided to be self indulgent 🤭. This oneshot mainly focuses on Next Gens with brief mentions of a couple of canon characters, and I tried my best to include as many as possible but mainly focused on a few (If you want, you’re more than welcome to say what your next gens would be doing during the star festival 🥰). I hope you all enjoy~!
OC List: Leon, Cyra, and Nora belong to @thoughtfullyrainynightmare , Noureen Heinry and Natalia belong to @kalolasfantasyworld , Dawn Dusk and Vivian belong to @loosesodamarble , Avalinia, Nymphie, and Mikhail belong to @koneko-pi Zoisite belongs to @faewraithsworld and Hikari, Hana, and Einar belong to @eme-eleff !
Word Count: 3,532
Warnings: None
“ Oh my, don’t you look handsome,” Zera Cassia said as she looked at her eldest son, Alistar, who was currently looking at himself in a full length mirror.
“ Gotta hot date?” She asked him playfully, and watched as his face turned bright red.
“ No, I don’t have a ‘hot date’,” He told her after he cleared his throat. “ I’m going to the Star Festival with some of the others to hang out.”
“ I see,” Zera walked up to him, turned him towards her, and began to fix his shirt and Golden Dawn robes. “ I take it Hikari’s going to be there as well?”
Alistar cleared his throat and turned away as his face turned red again.
“ Of course she is, she’s part of our friend group too…” He told her softly, and his mother smirked.
“ Ah, so that’s why you’re dressing extra nice tonight, to impress Hikari.” She told him teasingly.
“ N-No!” He denied with a shake of his head. “ I wanted to dress nicely for the Star Ceremony, since it would be unbefitting for the Captain of the Golden Dawn to dress shabbily.” He told her, she nodded quickly.
“ Uh-huh, I see, I see. So this has absolutely nothing to do with Hikari?” She asked with a raised brow.
“ None at all.”
“ Then why are you wearing the Spider Lily pin she gave you for your birthday?” Zera asked curiously, and instantly Alistar’s hand shot up to try and conceal the pin.
She wasn’t supposed to see that…
As he opened his mouth to explain another voice chimed in.
“ Dear, are you trying to play matchmaker with our son and his best friend?” Alistar’s father, William Vangeance, asked as he walked into his eldest child’s room.
Zera turned towards her husband.
“ Maybe~!” She told him playfully, a bright smile working its way onto her face. “ If I was, can you really blame me? I mean; they would be soo cute together!”
“ You just want an excuse to be in-law’s with the Yami’s.” William stated matter of factly, and his wife shook her head.
“ Nu-uh, although that is a bonus now that I think about it,” She muttered in thought, making both Alistar and William sigh and shake their heads. “ But that isn’t why I want them to be together!”
“ I just…I see how happy the two of you are when you’re around each orher, how much you both care for one another, and it makes me want to see you together.” She admitted softly, her eyes moving to the floor shyly.
“ You realize that friends can be happy and care for one another like Hikari and I do, right?” Alistar asked her, and Zera looked up at him.
“ I know that! It’s just that I think you two would be much better as a couple than just friends!” She told him as she crossed her arms and pouted.
Alistar sighed, he knew his mother had the best of intentions when she was being pushy like this. All she wanted for her children was for them to be happy, healthy, and to have all the best things in the world.
He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
“ I appreciate your concern, mother, I really do,” He told her softly as he placed his hands on her shoulders. “ But Hikari and I are just close friends and nothing more; I care about her as a friend would, not as a boyfriend would. There’s absolutely no romantic feelings between us.”
“ Really?” She asked skeptically as she leaned forward to inspect her eldest son’s face.
“ Really.” He confirmed with a nod, and Zera hummed.
“ So; if Hikari were to meet someone else tonight, fall in love with them, and start dating them, you would have absolutely no problem with that?” She asked curiously, her head tilting slightly.
Alistar suddenly felt a sharp pang in his chest at her question. This was the second time someone had asked him that, the first one being his other friend Leonidas Vermillion, who asked him something similar during one of their outings at a mixer a few weeks ago…
“ If that were to happen,” He began slowly. “ Then I would be happy for her. After all, doesn’t everyone deserve to fall in love and be happy?” He asked as his most charming smile, or his mask as he liked to call it, slipped onto his face.
As the lie left his lips, he couldn’t help but feel sick. If that were to happen, he would be devastated. He loved Hikari, and had for a long time. But he had always been too afraid to say anything to her about it; he valued her friendship, and didn’t want it to be affected negatively if something were to happen and they broke up.
So he’s kept his feelings to himself for over 12 years…
Zera’s eyes narrowed, a skeptical look in them as she studied his face. Eventually she closed her eyes and released a defeated sigh.
“ Fine, fine, you win,” She told him as she raised her hands in defeat. “ I’m going to go see if your siblings are ready.”
Zera walked away, but stopped when she stood beside William and said: “ See if you can convince him to confess to Hikari tonight!” before walking out of the room.
Alistar and William looked at each other as the room fell silent.
“ She means well.” William explained softly, and his son nodded.
“ I know.”
“ She’s just worried about you and your happiness.”
“ I know, and I appreciate it,” Alistar said with a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head. “ I just wish she wouldn’t worry so much about me; she has four other kids she should worry about too.”
“ She does worry about them,” William told him as he crossed his arms. “ But not as much as she worries about you.”
“ Because unlike my siblings I’m special and her favorite?” Alistar asked jokingly, and his father chuckled.
“ Exactly,” William replied, making his son laugh as well.
It was a well known fact that Zera, while genuinely loving all of her children, was especially partial to Alistar since the two of them had nearly died when she gave birth to him. She worried about him more, spoiled him a bit more, loved him just a bit more…
He was her favorite.
“ Do,” William began hesitantly as the room fell silent again. “ Do you really not have feelings for Hikari?”
Alistar looked at his father quietly for a moment, before nodding.
“ I don’t have feelings for her, we’re just good friends,” Alistar lied, his usual, charming smile appearing on his face.
William nodded slowly.
“ Alright, I just thought I would ask,” He said before turning around. “ I’ll let you finish getting ready.” He added as he walked out of the room, leaving his son standing there by himself.
As soon as the door clicked shur Alistar let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding and his hand reached up to rub the back of his head again.
This really sucked!
“ Alright everyone, are you ready to go?” Zera asked her children as they stood before her.
“ Yes!”
“ Now remember; have fun, be safe, and don’t do anything I would do,” She instructed them. “ And if you do, make sure to use protection!”
Her children groaned.
“ What? I’m so sorry that I don’t want any grandchildren right now!” She told them while throwing a pointed look at her second oldest child, Sebastian.
“ Why are you looking at me like that?!” He exclaimed.
“ Because out of all my children you would be the one most likely to make me a grandmother before I’m ready!” She pointed out, her blue eyes narrowing at him.
“ Do you have no faith in me?��� He asked, his tone sounding hurt even though he really wasn’t.
“ None.” She replied bluntly, making the other chuckle.
“ So I know we’re supposed to wear condoms and take potions if we decide to have sex with someone,” Daisy began as she raised her hand. “ But what about if we decide to hold hands? Should we use protection then?”
The room chuckled, knowing fully well that Daisy was joking with her question.
“ Oh, in that situation you must certainly use protection,” Zera told her, playing along.
Sunni, Daisy’s twin, suddenly raised her hand.
“ What kind of protection should we use if we decide to kiss someone?” She asked, and William’s eyes instantly narrowed.
“ You’re too young to be kissing,” He told her sternly, and his gaze shifted as another hand shot up.
“ Am I allowed to kiss someone?” Mavis, the youngest, asked innocently.
William quickly shook his head.
“ No. You’re way too young to be kissing anyone!”
“ But I’m sixteen?” She pointed out, and Sunni nodded.
“ Yeah, and Daisy and I are eighteen!” Sebastain nodded.
“ Exactly, they’re all of age now, dad!” He pointed out. “ Since Clover’s majority age is fifteen Mavis could easily go out and get married without needing anyone’s permission-.”
The rest of the sentence died in Sebastian’s throat as he saw the glare his parents were giving him.
“ Anyway,” Daisy interrupted with a clap of her hands. “ We should get going before we’re late!”
“ Alright, be careful and watch out for each other!” Zera instructed her children as she gave them all a kiss on the cheek.
“ We’ll meet at the Ceremony, right?” He asked his children, and they all nodded.
“ Right!”
The Vangeance children bid their parents goodbye and left the Golden Dawn base to head to Kikka for the Star Festival.
At the Star Festival
As soon as the Vangeance siblings arrived in Kikka they split up to find their respective friend groups.
Alistar walked along the stone streets, passing by various food and item stalls as he did. Usually Hikari was working at the Black Bulls food stall with her father Captain Yami, but this year he decided to give her the night off so she could hang out with her friends.
It had been a surprise, but not an unpleasant one.
As he maneuvered through the crowd and his gaze drifted to the various stalls, his mind began to wander. It was odd that Captain Yami would give Hikari the night off, and it was odd how pushy his mother was about having him confess to her…he frowned; were the two of them trying to get him and Hikari together?!
Alistar quickly shook that thought from his mind. There was no way they would be doing that; especially Captain Yami. He would rather crush Alistar’s skull with his bare hand before he would ever allow them to date; especially after what happened that night.
He shuddered as the terrible, and embarrassing memory, from a few weeks ago resurfaced. How could he ever dream of confessing to Hikari after that?!
“ Alistar! Over here!” A familiar voice that always made his heart flutter shouted, and he slowly turned to see the girl he was just thinking about standing there.
Hikari waved her hands above her head and waved him over to the picnic table she and the others were sitting at.
He smiled his usual smile and gave a small wave as he walked over to them.
“ You’re late,” Leon Vermillion said as he took a sip of his drink. Alistar sat down across from him.
“ My apologies,” He apologized, using his formal voice. “ But leaving the base with my siblings was like trying to herd a bunch of cats.”
Leon chuckled.
“ I can only imagine,” He took another sip. “ I assume your mother gave you the usual ‘protection’ speech?”
“ Always.” The pair chuckled.
“ Your mother seems very…adamant about SexEd,” Noureen Silva said as he crossed his arms. “ She should host a seminar or something.”
“ Ooh she should, and my mom could help her!” Avalinia Silva said brightly from beside him.
“ I think all of our moms would pitch in and help her!” Dawn Faust agreed.
“ But wouldn’t it be embarrassing for our moms to be teaching our friends and peers the do’s and don'ts of sex?” Zoisite Ideale asked as he leaned back in his seat.
“ Would you prefer our dads to be the ones to teach it?” Hikari asked curiously, making everyone shudder.
That would not end well if their dads were the ones to teach it…
“ By the way,” Alistar began, quickly changing the subject. “ Where are the others? I thought they’d be joining us.”
“ Cyra is on a date with Dusk,” Leon explained. “ So I thought it would be best to give them some space.”
“ Heinry and Natalia are off playing in the fun houses,” Noureen said simply. “ But I’ll be meeting up with them later.”
“ Nymphie is off doing her own thing, and Mikhail is on a date with his princess.” Avalinia told him with a giggle.
“ My siblings are all kind of scattered around the place,” Dawn said with a laugh. “ Vivian was here earlier waiting for you, but I told her you’d see her after the ceremony so she went off on an adventure with Nora and Kito.”
“ Einar and Hana are with my parents, so we’ll probably see them later!” Hikari said with a bright smile.
Alistar nodded, and the conversation between the children continued to flow with various topics being discussed; including which squad they all thought would get the most stars.
“ It’s obviously going to be the Black Bulls!” Hikari said proudly, and Noureen scoffed.
“ Didn’t your squad just lose a handful of stars due to the destruction you caused near the Heart border?” Noureen pointed out as his eyes narrowed.
“ Hey we only lost two stars because of that,” She pointed out in irritation. “ And if you think your squad’s going to rank above ours you’re delusional!”
“ I think you’re the delusional one here!”
As Alistar watched the two go back and forth in amusement, he suddenly felt someone kick him under the table. He turned to see who it was and saw Leon giving him a serious look.
He leaned forward and Alistar did the same.
“ What’s up?”
“ Are you going to confess to Hikari tonight?” Leon asked quietly, and Alistar’s eyes widened.
What was with everyone wanting him to confess to Hikari tonight?!
“ Are you and my mother in cahoots or something?” Alistar asked quietly, his blue eyes narrowing.
Leon frowned.
“ What? No,” He said in confusion. “ Why would we be in cahoots?”
“ Because you’re both asking me if I plan on confessing to Hikari tonight, and it’s really suspicious!” He told him, and Leon hummed.
“ Well, tonight does seem like the perfect time to do it,” He said to Alistar as he hummed in thought. “ Your mother and I were probably just thinking the same thing.”
Alistar sighed and shook his head before taking a sip of his drink.
“ But you didn’t answer my question,” Leon pointed out quietly. “ Are you going to confess to her or not?”
Alistar hummed in thought as his blue eyes gazed down into his cup, staring at the swirling contents as he tried to decide what to do…
“ I don’t know,” He admitted softly. “ Maybe…we’ll see how tonight goes? If everything feels right, then I will, and if it doesn’t then…I’ll wait.”
Leon nodded slowly before he set his own cup down onto the table.
“ That sounds like a good plan, but I wouldn’t wait too long,” Leon said as he gave his friend a very serious look. “ You never know when someone will come by and try to snatch her up.”
Alistar smirked a bit.
“ What? Are you planning on trying to ask her out?” He joked, and Leon’s eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“ Absolutely not. I already have someone,” He told Alistar, who chuckled in response. “ Besides, even if I didn’t have someone, I still wouldn’t be that big of a jerk.”
Alistar smiled, nodded, and raised his glass.
“ Well, if it helps, I wouldn’t do that to you either.” He told him, and Leon chuckled before smiling and clanking his glass against Alistar’s.
“ Noted.”
“ What’re you two talking about?!” Hikari suddenly asked as she leaned over towards them, the boys instantly dropped their glasses and turned to her.
“ Puns!” They shouted in surprise, making Hikari blink.
“ Huh?”
“ Hey Leon; What do you call an alligator in a vest?” Alistar asked, and Leon shrugged.
“ I don’t know, what?”
“ An investigator.”
Leon burst into laughter.
“ Hey Alistar; Why did the scarecrow get an award?” Leon asked, and Alistar shook his head.
“ Why?”
“ Because he was outstanding in his field.”
Alistar burst into laughter, and Leon followed suit.
The other children at the table groaned.
“ I shouldn’t have asked!” Hikari muttered as she rested her head against the table.
Leon and Alistar looked at each other as a sigh of relief escaped them. Who would have thought making puns would save their lives?
After the children talked for a little longer they all decided to split up and explore the Festival.
As usual Hikari and Alistar paired up together, and the two walked around and explored all the things the festival had to offer.
They played games, ate food, walked around, and chatted about all the things that had happened since they last saw each other. Everything was normal between them.
But in the back of Alistar’s mind he couldn’t stop thinking about what his mother and Leon said; they were right in saying he was running out of time to confess, and they were also right that she could meet someone new tonight and fall in love with them…
“ Come on!” Hikari’s excited voice suddenly pulled him out of his thoughts. His heart skipped a beat when she suddenly grabbed his hand and dragged him towards a tree with lanterns and papers hanging from it.
Alistar stared at the tree, was this new? He had never seen it here before…
“ It’s a wishing tree! Papa told me about it yesterday and I wanted to come check it out.” Hikari told him as she let go of his hand, making his heart sink a bit.
“ A wishing tree?” He asked in confusion. She nodded, walked over to where papers and quills were sitting and grabbed some before bringing it back to him.
“ Yeah! You write your wishes down on these pieces of paper, and then you hang them on the tree!” She explained as she handed it to him before writing her own wish down.
“ That’s it?”
“ That’s it!”
Alistar nodded slowly, and as he stared down at the piece of paper his mind began to race as he tried to think of what to wish for.
He glanced up at Hikari. A soft smile appeared on his face as he watched her brows furrow in concentration, her tongue sticking out just slightly as she wrote, and the satisfied smile that appeared on her face as she finished writing down her wish.
He looked back down at his paper, and began to write down his wish.
As he finished he followed her to the tree and hung his wish right beside her’s.
“ Aren’t we a little too old to be making wishes?” Alistar asked playfully, and Hikari pouted before giving him a slight glare.
“ You’re never too old to make wishes,” She told him. “ Uncle Asta said so.”
Alistar chuckled, and Hikari grinned.
The pair stood together quietly, their gazes on the large tree as it swayed slightly in the wind. But soon his gaze drifted over to Hikari.
As the warm light of the lanterns drifted over her features, as the wind slightly shifted her beautiful brown hair, he couldn’t help but wonder; is now the time? Should he confess now?
“ So, what did you wish for?” She suddenly asked as she turned towards him, her blue eyes shining brighter than the moon, and her smile more dazzling than the stars in the sky.
Yeah, now was the perfect time.
“ My wish…is to hold you close and never let you go…” He said softly, his face turning slightly red.
“ Huh?”
As she stared at him in surprise and confusion, Alistar could hear his heart drumming in his ears, and could feel it pounding against his chest while he waited for her answer.
But much to his surprise…she suddenly began to laugh.
“ That’s a good one! You scared me there for a second.” Hikari laughed as she slapped him repeatedly on the shoulder.
She…thought it was a joke?
As he opened his mouth to correct her she suddenly grabbed his hand again.
“ Y’know you shouldn’t make jokes like that though,” She told him mock-seriously. “ Otherwise your girlfriend might get the wrong idea!”
Alistar blinked at her as her words sunk in.
“ Hikari-!” He began, raising his hands and waving them quickly, he needed to clear up whatever…misunderstanding this was! But she cut him off.
“ Don’t worry I won’t say anything,” Hikari told him. “ What happens between bodyguards, stays between bodyguards.” She added before grabbing his hand again.
“ C’mon the ceremony’s about to start!”
As Hikari began to drag Alistar away from the tree he couldn’t help but wonder; why did she think he had a girlfriend, and how did his soft-confession go so wrong?!
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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crazyclownthanos · 2 years
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White Clover’s Yin and Yang half Brothers
Alistar belongs to my big sis @lyranova !!
Alistar and Jayle are the sons of William Vengeance they just share different mothers.
Alistar is the captain of the Golden Dawn (19) While Jayle (15) is only a third intermediate magic knight
In the future of Black Clover I can see the Golden Dawn adapting some kind of more princely aesthetic, hence the golden shoulder pads. They got rid of their hoods and added blue fur trimming to the hems of their robes. I gained inspiration by looking alot of Manhwa prince reference
Their colors holdings of their robes is a warmer shade normally representing warmth, brightness, strength(Jayle). And colder colors reflecting sophistication, tranquility and calmness (Alistar)
Jayle’s has elf ears, as the result of a DNA error. Since William and Patri had shared bodies for so long, strands of their DNA were traded and infused. As they were separated and given their own bodies it would take some their DNA would return normal, meaning so Jayle inhertied his elf ears from Patri not William.
Ying and Yang;
Yami started calling Alistar, Yin (the negative) and Jayle, Yang (the positive) as he couldn’t remember their names whenever they were together
Yin and Yang are two complementary principles of Chinese philosophy: Yin is negative, dark, and feminine, Yang positive, bright, and masculine. Their interaction is thought to maintain the harmony of the universe and to influence everything within it. and i kinda wanna reflect their relationship and influence on each other
Yin is the moon. connected on Alistar’s chest. Alistar is the good that is found in bad. Yang is the sun. Connected on Jayle’s chest. Jayle is the bad found in good. polar opposite’s as Alistar character is quite calm, collected, passive while Jayle character is loud, bright, active though this isn’t a one for one on their characters
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This is a collaboration piece I made with Lyra @lyranova in which we follow the nightly adventures of Ezio Roulacase, Alistair Vangeance and Leonidas Vermillion, all 2nd generation magic knights. Yami does pop up as well, and there’s a couple of mentions of other 2nd generation OCs. 
Treat is as a spin-off to Lyra’s Chidren of the Future -series, in case you wish to read of course ^_^
Words: 6505 
tag list: @eme-eleff
A night out and a mixer
It was a nice warm summer evening in the Clover Kingdom, couples were out shopping and having dinner, children were running around playing. It was a typical evening for most citizens. Except for 3 young Magic Knights, all in their early to mid 20’s, normally they would all be back at their respective bases. But tonight, one of the young men decided it would be a good idea to go to a mixer and ‘meet a few lovely ladies’ as he put it. Ezio Roulacase was a flirt and everyone knew it, he partially did it just to try and get the attention of a beautiful pink haired woman, but he also did it because he enjoyed having fun and socializing.
The other two Magic Knights, Leonidas Vermillion and Alistar Vangeance weren’t quite as ecstatic as Ezio about this whole ‘mixer’.
“ Oh lighten up you two! You’re supposed to be my wingmen just like I’m supposed to be both of your wingman!” Ezio exclaimed as he saw the sour looks on his friends' faces.
Alistair and Leon looked at each other, as if mirroring the expressions on the other's face.
"Remind me again," Leon began. "Why are we doing this?"
"Because..." Alistair sighed with a heavy tone that fell from him as if it was a boulder. "He is our friend."
Leon answered with another sigh, knowing that the friend -card was very much the reason they were there. But still feeling reluctance, much like Alistair.
"You make this sound like a chore," Ezio remarked as they entered the tavern where the mixer was to be held.
The tavern itself was decorated in a minimalistic fashion, but the wooden surfaces and soft lighting made it seem cozy and comforting. And the young men had visited it often times before, because of which they knew it to be one with good food.
As they entered the warm tavern Ezio quickly turned in the doorway and looked at the two with a half stern half pleading look, both Alistar and Leon knew exactly what that look meant; he was about to ask them for a favor.
“ Listen, I know you two like puns. I constantly hear Hikari complain about it all the time. But can you two please not make any tonight? I don’t need you two scaring off any of the girls with your bad jokes!” He said in a low tone of voice. Alistar and Leon shared another glance, of course it would be about the puns.
“ Fine, I swear on my role as Captain, that I will not make any puntastic puns this evening.” Asliatr said with a mock salute, Leon snorted and tried to suppress a chuckle.
“ I swear on my family’s name that I not make any punny puns as well!” Leon said, causing Alistar to snort as well.
“ You’re both unbelievable.” Ezio muttered as he walked inside and towards a table where three young women sat.
“ He does realize we can’t exactly control when we make puns right?” Leon whispered in Alistar’s ear, the white haired boy shook his head.
“ No, I don’t think he realizes that.” Alistar said with a small sigh. “ The thing about it is that it’s spontaneous and in the moment, and if there just so happens to be the right opportunity to make a pun tonight then we will.” Alistar added with a small chuckle as he sat down at the table.
"Indeed," Leon agreed while taking his own seat.
"Oh? What are you talking about?" One of the girls on the opposite side of the table asked, making Ezio glance at them from the corner of his eye.
"We were discussing..." Leon began, pausing for a split second, "how having to demonstrate quick wits while on duty, can reflect onto one's everyday life," he explained.
"Oh?" the girl uttered. "I imagine that is really useful," she continued, making Ezio let out a faint sigh of relief.
"It is," Alistair agreed taking part into the conversation.
"Well isn't the conversation flowing smoothly already?" Ezio smiled with a playful tone in his voice. "How about we make proper introductions, before moving forward? That'll make it easier for us to address each other. I'm Ezio and more than happy to meet every single one of you gorgeous, beautifully brilliant ladies," he began.
The conversation continued by them going around the table, making brief introductions and ordering themselves some food and drinks while making small talk in the process.
Alistar rolled his eyes slightly at Ezio and shook his head, he truly was his fathers son, except better at flirting. He gently took a sip of the water he had ordered as the girls began to speak and make light conversation with them.
“ So what made you two come to this mixer?” The blonde haired girl that sat across from Alistar asked, he frowned as he tried to remember her name, he shrugged internally. It would come back to him eventually. He smiled warmly at her.
“ Ezio.” He half joked, the pink haired man cut him a look as Leon chuckled softly, the vermillion haired man knew he wasn’t quite joking as Ezio was the whole reason they were even here in the first place. Otherwise the two would probably be back at their respective homes. “ But in all honesty, I came out here to support my friend and maybe meet someone in the process.” He added, his charming smile remaining in place.
Leon frowned at his words as he looked over at his white haired friend. Obviously he knew that wasn’t the truth, but he noticed something very odd in his friend's eye; disinterest. He tilted his head curiously, not just anyone would notice that look since it was a very rare look his friend would have, you had to really know Alistar, and know him well, to be able to see it. He placed a hand under his chin. ’ Well this is very interesting.’
“ W-What about you? Why did you come to the mixer?” The dark haired girl in front of Leon asked, she appeared to be very timid, and it almost looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here in this moment, her friends probably dragged her here just like Ezio dragged him.
"Hmm..." Leon hummed out in thought. "Well, unfortunately I must admit that I too am here to support a friend," he gave her an apologetic smile. "Though meeting new people is intriguing, mixers and events such as that can make people feel... forced, by which I mean that there seems to be a given set of expectations, rather than it being about people meeting people and getting to know each other without pressure."
"There's always pressure on a date," the brunette commented with a mumble.
"Hmm.. I suppose you're right," he agreed. "Especially if the parties on the date haven't known for long, because one tries to give the best possible image of oneself. But I think it's best to meet a potential spouse as who you are. Chances are that they'll fall who you really are, rather than the image you're trying to portray."
"M-mmm..." the girl seemed to agree with a blush while averting her gaze.
"So I take it that you're the one 'being supported'," the red-head in front of Ezio commented.
"Well..." Ezio chuckled with a nervous tone, scratching his cheek with his index finger. "I am a romantic at heart," he explained.
"Oh~...." the girl uttered while leaning closer. "So not just a flirt?" She smirked.
"I prefer calling it as a 'language of love'," Ezio continued.
"Mhm. Very much of a sweet-talker," the girl grinned.
Alistar rolled his eyes at Ezio, he was really laying it on thick tonight. He must’ve been rejected by Josslyn again, he sighed internally, everytime she rejected him he always went out and flirted with women. He silently wondered if Ezio went out on these dates when he was rejected to boost his own ego or to try and make Josslyn jealous? Probably a bit of both Alistar concluded with a nod.
“ So Alistar,” the blonde started as she pulled him out of his thoughts. “ I hear you’re into plants.” She added awkwardly, Alistar shrugged.
“ I am yes.” He answered shortly, Leon glanced over at him for a brief moment before looking back at the brunette in front of him.
“ Care to elaborate?” She asked with a small laugh, Alistar bit his tongue as he wanted to respond with a ‘not really’, but he decided to keep quiet. He leaned forward a bit and put on his most charming smile.
“ Well flowers are a lot like people; they need food, water, and sun in order to grow and,” he took her hand in his and rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb. “ Some are more beautiful than others.” He added in a soft voice, the girl in front of him looked away but her face told him everything he needed to know; she liked the really cheesy line. He almost sighed, that was the worst pick up line he ever used and she liked it.
Leon rolled his eyes at Alistar and Ezio; Ezio and the red haired girl in front of him might as well be kissing at this point, while Alistar, well, he was genuinely curious about what Alistar was doing. It was as though he were an actor playing a part on stage, his eyes still held that disinterested look and his smile was very forced, and yet he was still somehow ‘whooing’ the woman in front of him.
As Alistar was trying his best to ‘flirt’ with the blonde in front of him he looked up when he saw a flash a pink out of the corner of his eye, at first he thought it was Ezio, but when he saw who it actually was Alistar was shocked.
“ Oh snapdragon, is that Josslyn?”
Ezio's head shot towards Alistair, staring at him with wide-eyes before turning to look to the same direction to see, none other than Josslyn herself. She was wearing a dress that highlighted her features and complimented her hair; her jewelry, though modest enough, made her eyes pop.
Ezio couldn't help but swallow as he stared at her, while everyone else around the table stared at him in turn. Leon quirking an eyebrow, and Alistair letting out a faint sigh.
The red-head tugged her hand away from Ezio's. And it was only then that he realized how hard he had been squeezing it at the sight of Josslyn.
"'A romantic at heart' huh?" The girl scoffed.
"Well I-," he began, trying to collect himself. "I saw a familiar face and I... didn't expect to see her that's all," he tried, without success.
"Riiight... and I suppose you don't really know her either, and you're not here to look for something 'on the side'?" The girl continued while standing up.
Meanwhile all Alistair and Leon could think was "oh no...."
Ezio gaped like a fish out of water, he and Josslyn weren’t dating and yet here he was acting as though he had just gotten caught cheating on his girlfriend. He looked over at Leon and Alistar, who both shook their heads, there was no way they were helping him out of this.
“ N-No it isn’t like that at all! S-She’s honestly just a friend-.” He stammered and the red head’s eyes looked at him with irritation.
“ Riiight, I’m sure you’re ‘just friends’ and if that were true you wouldn’t be staring at her while I’m talking to you!” She said as her voice grew louder and more irritated. Ezio swallowed, he had noticed that. “ I think it’s time we take our leave. C’mon girls, we don’t need these guys.” She added with a huff before standing and walking away, the other two looked apologetically at Alistar and Leon.
“ Sorry, it was nice to meet you!” They both said before leaving the tavern. Ezio jumped up, his eyes wide in disbelief.
“ Excuse me.” He said before walking over to where Josslyn was sitting and grabbed her hand and led her to one of the empty party rooms, the door slammed behind them and Alistar sighed again.
“ Well, that went well.” He chuckled, he suddenly sunk down into his chair as he held his drink in his hand. He was mentally exhausted after the entire exchange with the women and with Ezio as well.
"Yeah..." Leon sighed, taking a sip of his drink. "But then again what did we expect?"
Alistair shrugged as a reply while staring ahead of himself.
"But... um," Leon began. "Tell me."
"Mhm?" Alistair uttered while taking a sip of his drink.
"What-, um," the vermillion haired man hesitated, trying to think of how to formulate his question. "What was going on between you and your date?" He asked while a hooded figure at a nearby table turned their head in an effort to hear better.
"What do you mean?" Alistair asked with a hushed tone. "It's a mixer. Showing interest is... courteous."
"You took her hand and called her beautiful, making her blush," Leon stated. "But ..." he drifted in thought, his voice growing more silent as a result. "You seemed... disinterested in the conversation? So... why go to that extent if you're not interested."
"But the thing is that I am interested," Alistair replied with a clear tone of voice, pausing for a moment. "But the person I'm interested in wouldn't be taken by such cheesy lines," he muttered.
Leon tilted his head curiously at Alistar’s words, so there was someone he was interested in. Leon swirled his drink around in his cup as he contemplated his next question.
“ Who are you interested in?” He asked, he watched the white haired man’s face turn a slight shade of pink, Leon smirked a bit. “ I never thought I’d see the day that Alistar Vangeance blushes over someone he likes.” He teased lightheartedly.
Alistar grumbled before leaning over and grabbing his drink, he really wanted to change the conversation. But sadly it seemed Leon wasn’t going to let this go, not until he got some kind of answer.
“ N-No one.” He tried to lie, Leon cut him a look that said ‘try again’. Alistar sat there for a moment as the wheels spun in his mind.
“ She’s, hm, she’s…” he swallowed the sudden lump in his throat, why couldn’t he just come out and say it? It was as though he were afraid to say it out loud to someone else. His eyes softened slightly as he glanced over at his Vermillion haired friend, who sat there and waited patiently.
“ It’s Hikari.” Alistar’s voice was so soft and so quiet he wasn’t sure if anyone heard him other than himself.
Leon's brows shot up and his lips parted in slight shock as, for a split second, he wondered if he had heard correctly. But it was as if, with that admission, it all just clicked. The whole bodyguard -thing, going both ways. The slight, admiring glances, that meant so much more than it might seem.
"I see," Leon chuckled.
Alistair slouched further forward, gripping his mug tighter as the tint over his cheeks grew more intense.
"You should tell her," Leon finally stated, taking a sip from his drink.
"I-," Alistair began. "I can't..." he muttered.
"Why?" Leon shrugged. "What's the worst that could happen? You'd still be you. You'd still be the captain of Golden Dawn, and then you could move on. In better or worse. Either you'd get to build a relationship with her, or then you'd get closure and be able to move on."
"You talk as if you'd know," Alistair replied with a hint of meek amusement.
"Yeah.. True," Leon admitted. "I haven't had feelings like that for anyone, especially not for years, so I can't know just how scary it is."
"I didn't say that it would have been for years," Alistair replied, taking a sip from his drink.
"And yet, you're not exactly denying it either," Leon smirked. "But. You're still right on not having first-hand experience. Most of this is second-hand from listening mom talk with Cyra," he shrugged.
Alistar glanced over at his friend as he continued to slouch over his drink, when he finished speaking, he looked away and just stared into his drink. Sure, his friend had some valid points, and they were almost the same points that Mrs. Sukehiro had made when she found out about his crush on her daughter. So, if two different people were telling him almost the same thing, then what was the harm in telling Hikari about his feelings? If he did, and she rejected him, he could move on with his life, but: “ I don’t want to lose her.” He finally admitted as his eyes moved from the glass and over to his friend. “ I don’t want to lose her, she’s been the only other constant person in my life. Sure, now I have you and the others, but she’s always been there, you know? Yeah, we’re not in the same squad, but still, somehow she’s always there when I need her the most.” He continued softly and with a small smile on his face.
“ I wouldn’t think,” Leon started cautiously. “ that telling her how you feel would change anything between you two. I mean, sure it can, but with as much history as the two of you have together, I would think it would take a lot more than that to cause you both to split apart.” He took a sip of his drink and watched his friend's eyes move back to his glass.
“ I’m not willing to take that chance.” Alistar added softly, he heard Leon sigh in exasperation.
"Then what will you do?" He asked. The very same question he had heard his mom ask Cyra so many times over and over whenever she was pondering about what to do with her feelings; wallowing over if they'd be requited or not.
"Hm?" Alistair hummed while glancing over to his friend. "What will I do when?"
"I mean, will you just keep everything as it is? And keep watching her from the distance?" Leon asked, looking over to the white haired man next to him.
"Yes..." Alistair admitted while averting his gaze again, swirling his drink in his mug.
"Fair enough," Leon commented, catching Alistair off guard.
A brief silence lingered between them as Alistair's gaze shot to his friend, wondering why such a quick change of attitude. "Just like that?"
"Yes, just like that," Leon agreed. "I can't force you to do anything, so if your 'doing something about it' is just watching her from a distance, then... that's what you'll do." He stated looking ahead of him. "But," he continued, "if it was me, and I'd then have to watch, who just might be the love of my life, fall in love with someone else, right before my eyes... I don't know what I'd do." He explained, pausing for a moment. "Or, I mean," he corrected himself, "of course I'd let her go. I'd let her live a life with someone else. Love someone else. But I'd probably keep kicking myself over the chance I didn't take."
Alistair listened, watching into the depths of his drink. He swallowed the lump in his throat that had reformed at his friend's words. He had never considered the possibility of Hikari possibly falling for another person, why hadn’t he thought about that? He swallowed what remained of his drink in one gulp, he noticed Leon’s eyes widened slightly in surprise at the action.
“ For someone who considers all possibilities, that was the one thing you didn’t think of wasn’t it?” Leon asked in a lighthearted teasing manner, Alistar grumbled a bit and Leon tilted his head. “ So, I ask again; what will you do? Because, in my opinion, you never struck me as the type to just sit back and watch.”
Alistar nodded in agreement, he wasn’t the type to be that way, and even the thought of someone else possibly capturing Hikari’s heart made him feel a pang of hurt and a bit of jealousy in his chest. He poured himself another drink and swallowed that in one gulp as well before slamming it down with new determination.
“ What will I do, you ask?” He finally looked at his vermillion haired friend with a bright smile and a determined look in his eyes. “ Heh, well, I guess I’ll have to tell her how I feel, because I’ll either lose her as both a friend and possible lover, or my confession will make our relationship that much better and, possibly even greater, than it was before.”
“ Finally.” Leon said under his breath as his friend quickly stood from his seat. “ Where are you going?”
“ To get Ezio, we’re leaving. Come on.” He said quickly pulling his vermillion haired friend up as well and dragging him to the back room where Ezio and Josslyn were, when the white haired man opened the door he blinked in surprise.
They were gone?! Alistar sighed, he must’ve taken her back home, which meant they were currently stranded at the tavern.
"It seems that he has left us to our own devices," Leon commented stating the obvious. "But we should first cover our tab. And then we can go... or you can confess and I'll make sure you don't chicken out," he smirked. "Or was your plan to pull back and think of the perfect way to confess?"
Alistair paused to think about it, but only for a moment. 'No', he shook his head, because he knew that if he'd let this newfound determination slip from him, he might indeed end up losing Hikari. And, at that moment, letting his confidence fade from him, was the chance he couldn't take.  So, they paid and were on their way, making their way towards the Black Bull's base while Alistair tried to feverishly think of what to say to Hikari. But the more he thought about it, the more his train of thought seemed to flow into 'okay, I'll-, I'll just tell her, yeah, I'll just say it', as if it had always been that easy.
"You okay?" Leon asked after a while of flying, watching as the white haired man's flight patterns had become less streamline.
"Yeah! Never felt-," he paused to hick up, "better."
"How much did you drink?"
"Enough," Alistair replied. "But I'm good, I'm good. Trust me, I can do this," he tried to assure.
"Aha," Leon muttered to himself while quirking an eyebrow, thinking to himself about whether or not he should talk his friend out of the confession, for the evening. But. Hikari knew Alistair, far better and far longer than he had, so there was a good chance that she had seen him in a worse condition. And besides, maybe Alistair would manage to convince himself out of it, if let to sleep it off. Thus, Leon opted to say nothing, and tried to instead keep an eye on his friend.
Alistar frowned, he was fine when he left the tavern, but the more the alcohol started to set in, the less ok he became. Luckily the Black Bulls base wasn’t too far from the city, plus if Alistar happened to crash or anything Leon would be there to help.
The two landed outside and Alistar, half stumbled half walked towards the door. Leon rushed to aid his friend but Alistar shook his head quickly, which he realized was a mistake as the world spun slightly.
“ I’m good. Promise.” He slurred, Leon sighed and shook his head before he watched his drunken white haired friend knock on the door.
Alistar began to ponder what he would say to Hikari when she opened the door. Should he just blurt it out like he normally did? Yes that seemed best, rip it off like a bandage. He closed his eyes tightly as he heard the door open and he inhaled quickly.
“ Hikari, I have something to tell you; I’ve been in love with you since I was 12 years old, and I’ve been too afraid to say it until today because I didn’t want our friendship to change! But now I realized that our friendship is going to change either way, for better or worse I’m not sure yet. But if you don’t feel the same way then I’ll respect it even though it’d break my heart, I’ll respect your feelings. I just thought you should know just how much I love you and how I’d love to spend my life with you!” Alistar blurted out, some of his words came out slurred, but there was still determination in his voice.
When Alistar opened his eyes he instantly paled as he saw the face staring back at him wasn’t Hikari’s, but her fathers, Captain Yami Sukehiro.
Yami stared at him wide-eyed, his gaze piercing through Alistair's form, and still gathering intensity with each passing second. "What...?" Yami only asked with a low, slow, monotone voice that rose as a rumble from deep within his throat.
Alistair, couldn't bring himself to answer. He could feel whatever drunken confidence he might have had, drained into the ground under him. He wanted to answer, but even before he could bring himself to even open his mouth to try mumble out anything, Yami continued:
"Don't. Say. Another. Word. Or else I might actually kill you."
Alistair, remained quiet.
"And you," Yami continued, shifting his attention to Leon who was standing in the background.
"Hi," Leon greeted while giving Yami a slight wave.
"Are you here to confess to my wife?" He asked with a nearly mocking tone in his voice through his groggy state.
"No Sir, I can assure you that I have no such intentions," Leonidas began. "Instead I am here to ... aid a friend to conquer a maiden's heart."
Yami's already raised eyebrow rose even further up. "If you weren't the son of the King-of-hard-noses I'd swear that you're more drunk than this one here," Yami motioned towards Alistair.
The white haired young man opened his mouth to reply, but was shot down by Yami:
"I didn't give you permission to speak up."
Alistair, remained quiet.
‘Why me?’ Alistar thought as he stared into the ground beneath his feet, why couldn’t the other Captain Sukehiro have been the one to answer the door?! Oh wait, no that probably would have been much worse, especially if Captain Yami had only heard part of the conversation. Alistar didn’t even dare glance up, he could feel the taller man’s piercing gaze on him.
Yami studied the young man in front of him, he had known him since he was born and has somewhat watched as he grew up to become the person he was today. He frowned a bit.
“ What makes you think you deserve my daughter? Especially in the sorry state you're in now.” Yami asked harshly, which was what he intended. He was being tested. Whether the young man knew it or not was another question entirely.
Alistar visibly flinched at his words, he was right, what did make Alistar think he was good enough for Hikari. He bit his bottom lip in thought for a moment. “If we’re being honest, I probably don’t deserve your daughter,” He started, not noticing the surprise on Leon’s face or catching the surprise in Yami’s eyes. “ at least not in the drunken state I’m in now. But I do love your daughter Captain Sukehiro, and I believe Hikari should be the one to decide if I’m truly good enough for her.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “ Your opinion means a lot to her sir, and I know she’ll take your thoughts about me into account. So I apologize for showing up here like this and there’s no excuse good enough to explain my drunkenness. But,” Alistar paused for a moment before finally looking up to face Captain Yami. “ haven’t you ever just needed a little help to get through something that completely terrified you? Haven’t you ever been afraid of losing someone so close to you that it almost physically hurts to think about? That’s how it feels when I think about losing Hikari, that’s why I needed some ‘liquid courage’ tonight. It’s not an excuse, but it is an explanation.”
Yami continued to look at the hunched over shadow of a man, or a boy in man's shoes, in front of him. And. He could relate to the white haired suitor. He didn't feel worthy of his wife on most days, and certainly not on their wedding day, or any of their children's birthdays.
"And if I told her about what happened today, would you not talk about it with her?" Yami asked, still pushing, wanting to see how Alistair would react.
"I-," he uttered as his gaze fell to the side. "I... would need to apologize, her finding out that way... so... I would. At least that much," he spoke with a hushed tone.
His ki was sincere, and he meant every word even if he seemed unsure of himself. He was being honest about what he thought he would do.
"This is my daughter we're talking about," Yami still emphasized. "And she'll be more than I ever was, or will be. You're right on her making her own choices. That's all I will say."
Alistair's form slouched further down, as if the guilt of the heaven's above had been placed onto his shoulders. And Yami couldn't help but feel tiny bit sorry for the young man.
Tears started collecting behind Alistair's eyes as rejection and disapproval slapped him in the face. And yet, he glanced up, looking at the stern gaze of a father looking out for his daughter. "I-, understand," he spoke with broken syllables.
A brief pause lingered in the air, but it was ended by the sound of Yami letting out a sigh. "You did do two things right," he stated. "And if you want to make one more thing right today, you'll go home and sleep off your sorry state."
Alistar looked up quickly once again, he had never dreamed of Captain Yami actually saying he did one thing right let alone two, but the tall man didn’t elaborate further on what those things were.
Alistar nodded and muttered a quick ‘yes sir’ and turned toward Leon, who only stood there with a supportive smile, and the white haired man just shook his head. A lot of help Leon was. But as Alistar took one step forward the world began to spin again, he quickly lost his balance and face planted in the dirt. Right in front of Captain Yami and Leon.
Yami sighed as he walked over and grabbed the back of Alistar’s robes, when he pulled him up he noticed the boy was limp and he blinked.
“ He passed out?” Leon asked as he came over and grabbed Alistar’s arm and threw it over his shoulder. “ How can that be, he only had two drinks?!”
“ What tavern did you go to?” Yami asked, as Leon quickly explained Yami sighed, again. “ Yeah that place is known for their exceptionally strong drinks, wait a second, wasn’t Taxi Jr. with you two?” Yami suddenly asked as he looked around, Leon frowned at the nickname when suddenly a portal opened and out walked Ezio.
“ Ah there you are, where have you been?” Yami nearly shouted, causing Alistar to groan and making Ezio jump. The pink haired boy instantly ran over and began to apologize profusely. Leon shook his head, he was just as scared of the Captain as his father was. “ take these two idiots back home would ya?” He added, Ezio quickly nodded and saluted the Captain before rushing over and grabbing Alistar’s other arm.
“ ‘m sorry sir.” Alistar slurred softly, although Yami was able to hear him.
“ Just sleep it off kid, you’ll have one terrible headache in the morning, but you’ll be alright.” Yami said as he walked back towards the base.
"So... What happened?" Ezio asked while opening a portal, glancing over to make sure that Yami was already a small distance away.
"Nothing much," Leo shrugged as they started practically carrying Alistair through the portal and to the Golden Dawn's base.
"You can't expect me to really believe that after I find you to outside of Captain Sukehiro's door, with him," Ezio nodded towards the barely conscious white haired male they were more or less now dragging through the Golden Dawn's base, "looking like he faceplanted into the ground."
"He does like planting alright," Leon replied.
"Not again," Ezio groaned.
"Plantannan...." Alistair tried to mumble, but only let out incoherent grumbles.
"Fiiine," Leon shrugged. "We stayed to chat, and after downing a far too strong drink, Alistair ... found some courage and decided to ... spill something."
"Oh?" Ezio uttered, intrigued. "And what might that 'something' be?"
"I'll let Alistair answer that one," Leon replied with a frank tone, making it clear that he wouldn't say anything else to the matter.
Ezio frowned but he would let it go for now, and he sighed as they half carried half dragged Alistar towards his room. He was a lot heavier than he looked, Ezio knew Leon was carrying most of his weight, and he felt partially bad for that, but Leon didn’t even seem to notice the weight.
“ We need to hurry and get him to his room before someone sees. I’m pretty sure the Captain of the Golden Dawn isn’t supposed to be drunk.” Ezio whispered hurriedly as he looked around, Leon nodded and they quickly made their way to Alistar’s room.
Once there, Ezio shut the bedroom door softly behind them before they walked over to his bed and dropped him gently onto it. Alistar groaned and rolled over so his face was buried into the mattress.
“ ‘m sorry.” Alistar slurred again, this time it was muffled by the mattress, but it also had a hint of sleepiness in it as well. Leon sighed and shook his head, Alistar was something else tonight. He walked over and took off his friends boots, placed them at the foot of the bed, and threw a blanket over the white haired man.
“ Goodnight Alistar.” He said before walking towards Ezio, who already had a portal open and waiting. Alistar muttered an almost incoherent ‘goodnight’.
“ I bet he’s not going to remember any of this tomorrow.” Ezio said with a sigh, Leon shrugged.
“ If not, then one of us will just have to remind him.” Leon chuckled before walking through the portal with Ezio.
"Oh that we will certainly do," Ezio agreed with a smirk which let Leon know that Ezio wouldn't let Alistair live this down easily.
"So," Leon continued while making his way closer to home. "Did you make up with the missus?"
Ezio halted his steps with a blush over his cheeks. "I-, she's-, we aren't together!" He insisted, but the blush hinted of him not minding such a thing to be implied.
"Hmm... You sure seemed confident when you took her by the hand and pulled her to have a private conversation," Leon grinned.
"Well I-, I needed to clear things up... So it was necessary."
"I see," the vermillion haired boy continued with a smirk.
"We really need to get you a girlfriend so that we can tease you about these things," Ezio continued, trying to shift the conversation elsewhere. "We need to take you on more mixers and get you someone to call your own," Ezio started planning. "So, what's your type?"
Leon let out a groan. "That seems like a hassle, more than anything. And besides, if I say that I only like something specific or 'have a type', I would be excluding a lot of wonderful people I'm sure."
"Love is a battlefield and it shouldn't be taken lightly!" Ezio insisted.
Leon groaned at the pink haired man as he seemed to be walking Leon to his room. He could practically see the wheels turning in his head.
“ Hm, well I know quite a few people from all walks of life. So I’ll go through my long list of contacts and old flames and ses if there’s anyone that might pique your interest.” Ezio said with a chuckle, Leon was a good-looking guy so he couldn’t understand why he hadn’t found someone yet.
“ Or are you picky like Alistar is?” He asked, Leon chuckled and shook his head, although Ezio frowned at the sound. It was as though he knew something that Ezio didn’t.
“ Ah no no I’m not ‘picky’ like Alistar, I just don’t want to limit my pool of potential partners that’s all.” Leon answered simply. “ How many ‘old flames’ do you have anyway?” He asked the pink haired man curiously, he watched as a blush crept onto his cheeks.
“ A couple, but none lasted longer than a month.” Ezio answered with a nervous laugh. “ I don’t know why, but for some reason I just can’t seem to stay in a relationship for very long.”
“ Maybe,” Leon started as they reached his bedroom door. “ maybe it’s because none of them are the woman you want.”
Ezio muttered something as a reply, but the words didn't leave his mouth and thus, nothing could be deciphered of it.
"Look..." Leon continued. "I don't know anything about this relationship stuff, or the 'game of it', but... if there's someone you want to have a relationship with, you probably need to get closure on that front."
Ezio stayed silent glancing at Leon as they reached his room's door.
"How?  I have no clue. I'm not you, and I don't know anything about it all, and what it's like, but something is keeping you from moving forward."
"It's easy for you to say," Ezio remarked while looking away, hunching over himself slightly.
"True, it is. Because I've only seen Cyra grimace over it," Leon shrugged. "But from what I can tell, she's had her share of broken hearts, she has gotten closure and moved on. Though I'm not sure just how ... attached she was in those cases, but she was hurt, and I get it."
"Mmmm...." Ezio mumbled, still looking away.
"But. It's late and I don't need you tugging me in, I'm not that drunk," Leon joked while opening the door. "Good night," he still wished waving Ezio off.
"Night," the pink haired man replied casting a portal to take him home as well.
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Hello, I hope you’re having a lovely day ma’am! So, I hear there’s a rumor going around that my life has been threatened. Well please don’t worry I’m perfectly safe and I am alright so please try not to worry lovely lady *smiles warmly*. Thank you for coming to my defense and for form a “Alistar Protection Squad” for me it really warms my heart haha and I’m very grateful for all of you for coming to help me!
Hikari is currently trying to convince me to post a selfie as “Proof of Life” so I will try and get that out for you soon haha. But I once again thank you lovely ladies for coming to my defense, I’m glad to know I can count on all of you as well to have my back just like I have all of yours *gently bows and gives you a bright smile*.
— Alistar
Did the handsome Young Vangeance just write a little letter to meeeeeeee (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
I didn't expect you in my inbox hehehe SCREAMS INTO MY PILLOWS
Also don't call me MAAM it sounds so old, but I'm glad you're safe and sound and I'll be waiting for your selfie!
I've been practicing my Yami Maho >;)
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
Alistar: Would your rather: die or- Dusk: Oh definitely dying. Mikhail: You didn't even hear the second option! Dusk: I still choose it. Zoisite: What's the other option, Al? Alistar: Fighting with your parents. Dusk: I choose death. Leon: Please wait. Do you mean "fight" as in "argue" or "fight" as in "a physical altercation"? Alistar: I meant an argument to be honest. Zois: Guys, this is Dusk, I think arguing with his parents would send him into cardiac arrest. So he'd still die! No offense. Dusk: None taken. Though I would've said a stroke- Zois: Nah, it's your heart that would give out. Mikhail: Can we *not* imagine Dusk suffering a severe medical emergency? Leon: Fair enough. Although... What would be the cause of death for the "death" option? Alistar: Hm... I just kinda assumed the idea of collapsing dead out of nowhere. Zois: Damn, you can't give Dusk a cool death? Alistar: Alright then, I'm deeply sorry for not elaborating on a hypothetical death scenario! Mikhail: (looks into the camera) These guys are supposed to be my seniors? Give me a break.
Alistar is @lyranova's oc. Dusk is my own oc. Mikhail is @koneko-pi's oc. Zoisite is @faewraithsworld's oc. Leon is @thoughtfullyrainynightmare's oc.
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loosesodamarble · 9 months
After a long day of school…
Dusk: Ugh, my brain feels totally fried…
Zoisite: Do you mean like deep fried or pan fried?
Dusk: Wh-what kind of question is that?
Mikhail: A valid one. My brain has an air fried feel today.
Alistar: I think I’m deep fried today.
Leonidas: Honestly same. Like you are all stoked before-
Alistar: And now that you’ve cooled off, your thoughts feel kinda crunchy!
Leonidas: Exactly!
Zoisite: My brain is honestly more pan fried.
Dusk: (trembling and shaking his head) What language are you guys speaking?!
Zoisite, Mikhail, Alistar, and Leonidas belong to @faewraithsworld, @koneko-pi, @lyranova, and @thoughtfullyrainynightmare respectfully. Dusk is my own oc.
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Alistar: Weirdest thing your parents ever told you growing up. Go! Dawn: Father always said that Gimodelo and the others were normal pets. It wasn't until I was ten that he sat me down and explained the truth. Nymphadora: And you believed the lie? Dawn: Well yeah. Why wouldn't I believe my father? Leonidas: They've got horns and wings. It's a pretty big give away. Hikari: ... Wait, you're saying not all dogs are like that? The others: ...... ... Alistar is @lyranova's oc. Nymphadora is @koneko-pi's oc. Leonidas is @thoughtfullyrainynightmare's oc. Hikari is @eme-eleff's oc.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Ooo for the 300 event may I request an OC interaction between Alistar and Vivian please 🥺? I can dm some Alistar fics on Discord if you need me too 🥺?
You may indeed request that, @lyranova! And not to worry, I was able to find Alistar content on my own. Did a bit of reading before sitting down to write. Hopefully I capture Alistar's personality well.
This isn't a super cute or fluffy display of Alistar and Vivian's friendship but I wanted to show him interacting with her more deadpan side. Because that's also cute in my opinion.
Summary: Alistar and Vivian have set aside a little time to hang out, during which Vivian provokes a bit of thought in Alistar. Genre: general Word count: ~800
Alistar and Vivian walked up a short hill, hand-in-hand. Well, it was more like Vivian raced up the hill while dragging Alistar along behind her. She took quick, energetic strides while looking devoid of energy, not out of the ordinary for the young girl. Alistar couldn’t help but smile at the contradiction.
Upon reaching the crest, Alistar set his hand on the ground and created a shady oak. Alistar laid out his cloak to sit on in lieu of a blanket only for Vivian to kneel directly on the grass.
As usual, not much care towards her appearance, Alistar thought as he sat down. “So what would you like for today, Vivi?” he asked once she finished smoothing out her skirt.
Vivian looked up at Alistar and, with her usual blank expression, answered, “If it’s not too troubling for you, would you please grow Papaver rhoeas for me?”
 “It’s no trouble, but you almost always ask for those,” remarked Alistar with a quick chuckle. “You know I can make more than that, right?”
“Certainly. But I’m sure you’re aware that individuals have preferences for such things as flowers.”
“Ah right. Your favorite.” Alistar nodded. “Alright then.” He set his hand on the ground and, in the matter of seconds, brightly colored poppies bloomed in a circle around Vivian. “What do you think?”
The girl’s lips twitched in a smile that quickly faded. She then began plucking the flowers and gathering them in her lap. As Vivian picked her flowers, Alistar created a cluster of white clovers beside his cloak. The shape of the little, white flowers reminded Alistar of his own messy head of hair. When their laps filled with blossoms, Vivian looked at Alistar.
“Pardon if this is abrupt or too personal but…” Vivian twirled one poppy by its stem between her fingers. “Would you say your magic is stronger in the spring or summertime?”
Alistar tilted his head and muttered, “What kind of question is that?”
“Recently, my siblings discussed environmental factors related to magic,” Vivian began to explain. With her hands, she started the process of weaving the flowers together. “Such as Water Magic growing stronger with a full moon.”
“Ah, I see what you’re getting at,” said Alistar with a nod.
“So is there an observable difference?” Vivian questioned.
Alistar looked at the clover blossoms. In silence, still mulling the question in his head, he began work on a flower crown.
Was there really a difference? Did something as distant-seeming as the alignment of celestial bodies really influence the strength of magic as well? Sounded like a loose theory at best. How would attributes such as Mirror or Emotion Magic be affected, if at all? Seemed unfair if the universe worked that way.
“Alistar?” Vivian’s voice cut into the young man’s thoughts. “I apologize. Perhaps it was a strange inquiry…”
“No, it’s fine,” said Alistar with a shake of his head. “I just… never actually thought about it before.”
“Is that so? I would think you would be more mindful considering the…” Vivian paused and pursed her lips. “Reactionary nature of your powers.”
Against his will, Alistar snorted. Still critical but Vivian had tried to soften the blow against him. Ever the kind soul, just like her parents and siblings. And hopefully like him too.
“Well turns out I don’t pay as close attention as you think,” he replied and gave a shrug. “Sorry to disappoint you.”
“You have done nothing of the sort.” Though Vivian didn’t smile, her eyes held a gentle shine. “Let us change the topic then.”
“Before that…” Alistar absentmindedly connected the ends of the chain of flowers he’d been working on, completing the crown. “There!” He placed the clovers atop Vivian’s head. “A crown for the birthday girl.”
“Thank you, Alistar, you truly are a valiant knight,” Vivian stated as she smiled again. This time, the happy look stayed on her face.
Alistar smiled back. He then pointed to Vivian’s incomplete chain of poppies.
“So will I get to wear that when it’s done?”
“No. I intend to bring this and more back for my family.”
“Well now I’m disappointed.” Alistar faked a pout to which Vivian shook her head, still smiling though.
He never expected to befriend Vivian Faust but he was happy to be there for her. It was moments such as that one, where Alistar’s kindness could reach another and they returned it, where he felt like a protector and not a danger due to his magic. Perhaps he wouldn’t always be successful and perhaps it wouldn’t be forever, but he would try to be Vivian’s knight.
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lyranova · 1 year
Alistar: *as a child* PAPA I DID SOMETHING TERRIBLE!
William: *concerned* What’s wrong? Are you hurt?
Alistar: No, but I think i did something bad to Uncle Yuno 😥
William: What happened?
Alistar: I was playing in the field with him and Auntie Neva, and I saw a flower and picked it, then I gave it to him, and now I think he might have a baby 😭!
William: …I’m sorry say that again?
Alistar: You told me that a certain pollen helps people have babies, and now I’m scared that the flower I gave him is gonna make him and Auntie Neva have a baby 😭!
William: *deep breath, trying to stiffle his laughter* I need to call Neva and Yuno
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lyranova · 1 year
Hiii , I've been enjoying your works for a very long while , and it's my first time getting courage to request smth :D Generally my idea is from your drabble collection on ao3 , that time you wrote about Yami and Charlotte putting Hikari to sleep , Yami said that he should ask William about some " Parenting advise" . So I would actually like to see that , our three respectful captains being desperate new parents that struggle to care after some babies lmao. Thanks in advance !
Hiya anon! Aw thank you so much I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my stories and that you finally got the courage to request something 🥰! Ah yeah I remember which one you’re talking about, it’s the one with Hikari and they were trying to get her to sleep 😁! Of course, I admit this…kind of took a turn from William giving advice to YamiChar helping William out because they’re all in this together 😆. But I still hope you enjoy~!
Word Count: 1,310
Warnings: None
Yami walked silently through the Golden Dawn base. He had gotten little to no sleep thanks to his daughter Hikari. She couldn’t be entirely blamed though since she was still a newborn and didn’t understand that she was keeping her parents up.
So after talking with Charlotte Yami decided to go and see how William was fairing and if he maybe had some tips and tricks on how to get a newborn to sleep.
Yami knocked on William’s bedroom door and waited, and waited, and waited. The man frowned before he knocked on it again and eventually he heard some shuffling inside before the door opened to reveal a very disheveled William.
The Golden Dawn Captain was usually very calm and clean cut. But the man standing in front of Yami was the complete opposite! His clothes and hair were messy and he looked like he hadn’t slept or shaved in a couple of days. His eyes lit up in mild surprise at Yami and a forced smile appeared on his face.
“ Yami, what a surprise, what brings you here?” William asked softly, pulling Yami out of his thoughts. Yami shrugged a bit.
“ Well I was hoping to ask for some advice but with how you look right now, I see that you’re in the same predicament as Charlotte and I.” Yami told him as he rubbed the back of his head, William frowned before stepping aside to allow Yami to walk inside the room.
As he did Yami’s eyes widened and his jaw nearly dropped.
The room was a complete disaster! Baby clothes were everywhere, as were toys and blankets, even baby bottles were strewn all over the place! At least William wasn’t so tired and stressed out that he forgot to throw out the dirty diapers and other trash, otherwise that would be really bad.
“ Sorry for the mess, I just got Alistar to sleep so I haven’t had the chance to clean up.” William said as he walked over and began picking things up. Yami nodded, his house wasn’t much better if he were being honest.
“ Alistar’s having trouble sleeping too huh?” Yami asked as he crossed his arms, William nodded before he sat down in a chair.
“ He is. I’ve tried all the different techniques that Zera had written down in her journal but nothing’s helped.” William said softly as he mind began to wander for a moment.
“ I wish she were here, she’d know exactly what to do to get him to sleep.” He mused quietly as he leaned back to stare at the ceiling, Yami shook his head before he sat down in a chair opposite William’s.
William’s wife, Zera Cassia, had passed away the night their son Alistar was born. So William was raising his son all by himself. Everyone had offered to help him but he refused, citing that they were all busy with their own families or upcoming families and he didn’t want to add more stress onto them. So for the past few months he had been doing this all on his own.
Yami watched as his eyes began to droop closed slightly. The Black Bulls Captain sighed. If he had to guess William was probably getting as much, or even less, sleep then he and Charlotte were. He watched the man jerk awake as his son began to cry loudly.
“ I’m coming Alistar, hang on!” William shouted before he jumped up. Yami jumped up quickly and held out his hand towards William to stop him.
“ I’ll take care of Alistar, you just tell me what to do and then take a nap. You look like hell.” Yami said before he walked towards the nursery. He opened the door and walked over to the crib before he bent down and picked up the screaming child.
“ Hang on kid I gotcha, just quiet down.” Yami muttered as he carried him out of the room, he walked back into the living room to see William standing there with a worried expression.
“ Is he alright? Maybe he’s hungry or needs to be changed? Or maybe he hurt himself while he was sleeping?” William began to fret slightly, Yami snorted and shook his head.
“ He’s fine, just calm down Goldie Guts. I think he was just wondering where his old man went and was scared.” Yami explained and William nodded.
“ Now tell me how to take care of the kid,” Yami said and William frowned for a moment.
The younger man began to explain and give the best advice he could to his friend. There were times where he would pause and grab Zera’s journal, read it over, and then explain it to Yami. Eventually the two were able to calm Alistar down and he fell back asleep, and Yami committed all of William’s words of advice to his memory.
As soon as William sat down in his chair he closed his eyes, probably hoping to rest them for a moment. But eventually he smoothly fell asleep, Yami shook his head, he had stretched himself too thin.
Yami balanced Alistar easily in one arm, just as he would Hikari, and pulled out his communication device to call his wife Charlotte.
After a few minutes Yami heard a soft knock on the door and walked over to it. Charlotte held Hikari in her arms and couldn’t help but giggle as she saw Yami holding Alistar in his.
“ We’re quite the pair aren’t we?” She asked curiously as she gestured to the infants and Yami nodded in agreement before moving aside to let her in.
He smirked a bit when she audibly gasped at the horror that was Vangeance’s room.
“ Yeah, that was my exact thought too.”
“ How on earth has been living like this? It’s a wonder he hasn’t tripped over something or has any clean clothes or bottles!” Charlotte exclaimed quietly so as not to wake William or the babies, and Yami shrugged.
“ I dunno either, he’s just survived somehow I guess.” Yami said softly, and Charlotte nodded in understanding. She walked over to her husband, handed him Hikari, before looking around the room.
“ Are you seriously gonna clean this up?” Yami asked in surprise as he held both newborns in each arm. “ I called you over here to watch the kids while I cleaned up this…disaster zone!”
“ Darling, I love you and I’m sure William would appreciate you helping him out. But you’re better at making messes than cleaning messes.” Charlotte said with a small grin before she kissed him on the lips.
Yami chuckled, she wasn’t wrong, if their own home was any proof of her words. He sat down on the couch as he held the babies as Charlotte cleaned the room.
After a few hours William awoke. He looked around and noticed Alistar asleep in a bassinet beside him and his eyes widened as he saw how shiny and clean his room was. He looked down as he found a note stuck to his forehead. He pulled it off and began to read it.
“ Hey Goldie guys! I called in reinforcements to clean up the disaster area, think of it as repayment for the advice you gave. Oh yeah I also took your wife’s journal to read over for more advice since she’s always been better at explaining things than you! Charlotte said she’ll bring it back safe and sound in about a week.
And one last thing Vangeance;
You don’t gotta do all of this all on your own y’know? You’ve got a bunch of people who are ready and willing to help you out, we know you’ve been through a lot lately. You’ve already surpassed your limits multiple times over, so now it’s time to ask for some help, dontcha think?”
William smiled softly as he folded up the piece of paper. He really had some amazing friends.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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lyranova · 1 year
hello 👋 ! I see that you opened request again , so , I would like to request what if one shot about William and Alistar , about What if William died when Alistar was still a kid , which I think that you talked about in one of your posts and thank you 🥰
Hiya anon! I did talk about this a few weeks ago 🥰 but I haven’t written a oneshot or anything with the idea yet. This is very OC focused with a bit of YamiChar in it as well, so I hope you enjoy~!
Taglist: @thoughtfullyrainynightmare (Solara x Fue), @koneko-pi (Briar x Nozel), @hybridanafrost (Lorena x Jack), @loosesodamarble (Josele x Nacht), @eme-eleff (Hikari)
Word Count: 1,791
Warnings: Death
Alistar gasped and struggled to breath…this couldn’t be happening…his father, no this couldn’t be happening! He said he would be right back, that the mission wouldn’t take long…so what happened? Why did he…?
Why did his father die?
Alistar cried and cried as the days earlier events replayed like a movie in his mind. His father had explained there was a sighting of what appeared to be a demon, or an angel, in a dungeon not too far from Kiten and that he needed to go there with his squad. Of course Alistar had told him brightly that it was okay, and that he would stay there and wait for him. William told his son that he loved him and that they would have dinner together later.
Alistar waited…and waited…and waited some more. Morning turned to noon before it eventually turned to evening. He waited on the front steps of the Golden Dawn base the entire time, he stood up excitedly as he saw his father’s squad come walking towards him. He ran over to them, fully expecting to see his father amongst the group, but stopped in confusion as he was the only one missing.
Vice Captain Klaus Lunettes stared at the young boy, he didn’t want to have to be the one to tell him the news, but he had no choice. He looked the young 12 year old boy in the eyes and quietly said the words he never wanted to say.
“ Your father, Captain William Vangeance, passed away while protecting the squad from an attack by a demon hiding in the Kiten Dungeon…I’m so sorry…”
Almost as soon as the words slipped from his lips, he watched the light leave Alistar’s eyes. The boy stood stock still for the longest time, not even uttering a single word. His eyes welled up with tears and spilt onto his cheeks, his hands clenched and unclenched at his sides, and he began to gasp for air.
“ Alistar-?” As soon as the question left Klaus’s lips he felt a surge of mana come from the boy and his eyes widened, he recognized this surge, and the last time he felt it was when he lost control of his mana the first time.
Vines of various species sprouted from the ground and began to surround and destroy the area. The Golden Dawn members were too tired and were too low on mana to be able to defend themselves. Luckily he was able to send a signal to the Magic Knights and Wizard King for assistance.
It took all of them hours to get through the vines. The young boy was on his knees in the center, much like he had the first time he lost control, but this time he just looked…defeated. More defeated than he ever looked.
Once everyone was able to clear away the vines, Hikari Yami grabbed the boy by his shoulders and tried to snap him out of it. It had worked before, right? So surely it would work again.
But it didn’t.
He just stared at her blankly, no emotion or pain in his eyes, just…nothing. Captain Yami, seeing that it wasn’t working, decided to knock the kid out temporarily. As soon as he did the vines and mana disappeared, and everyone was able to survey the damage and if there were any injuries.
Over the next few days Alistar stayed in his room. He didn’t eat, rarely slept, and was no longer speaking to anyone. His father had been the only constant in his life thus far, and now he was gone. So the boy did what he had to in order to keep himself safe.
He had shut down.
Fuegoleon Vermillion, Clover’s Wizard King, sat back in his chair quietly. He had tried talking to the young boy, as did his wife Solara, but the boy just rolled over as though they weren’t even in the room. That wasn’t the Alistar that Fuegoleon and his wife had become acquainted with for the last 12 years.
He looked up as he heard a knock on his office door, he quietly told them to come in and smiled when he saw his wife.
“ Why aren’t you asleep yet?” Fuegoleon asked as Solara closed the door behind her softly and walked towards him.
“ I should be asking you the same thing,” She said with a warm smile as she walked over to him and sat on the edge of his desk. “ Are you thinking about Alistar? Or William’s funeral?”
“ Both.” Fuegoleon admitted softly as he ran a hand over his tired face, Solara nodded in understanding.
Not only did he have to plan a grand, elaborate funeral worthy of the Golden Dawn Captain, he also had to figure out what would happen to Alistar.
After they had gotten Alistar and his magic under control the other Captain’s began trying to figure out what would happen to him. Klaus had offered for him and his wife to take him in, but after the two had discussed it the next day they began to worry that being in the Golden Dawn would hinder his recovery instead of help it. So they suggested that maybe it would be good for him to leave for a while, just until he was able to overcome this.
“ Yuno and Neva are coming in from Spade,” Solara said softly. “ I don’t know if they’ll be able to take him or not, or if that would be what’s best for him.” She added as she crossed her arms in thought, and Fuegoleon nodded.
“ It would be a lot for him to adjust to in such a short amount of time.” Fuegoleon admitted with a nod. “ But I don’t know if we could take him in either.” When Solara frowned he held up a hand.
“ It has nothing to do with Alistar. It’s just…it feels a little odd to take in William’s son, considering what he did.” Fuegoleon said as he held up his arm made of fire and Solara nodded in understanding. Fuegoleon and William still hadn’t really talked about that day, so there was never any closure between them.
“ But Zera was also our friend, and we promised to look out for Alistar,” Solara said softly. “ But there was also that incident between Leon and him a few weeks ago as well…it would be quite tense between them if we just suddenly made them live together.” She added as she placed a hand thoughtfully under her chin.
After a few minutes of the couple thinking quietly Fuegoleon suddenly snapped his fingers.
“ Solara, Josele and Nacht, as well as Yami and Charlotte are discussing bringing Alistar into their homes as well, yes?” He asked curiously, which caused Solara to frown but she nodded.
“ That’s right, Briar and Nozel along with Jack and Lorena are discussing it as well. Patri I believe is too, why are you asking?” She asked in confusion but all her husband did was smile at her.
“ Because I think I have an idea that will work for everyone.”
The Next Day
“ You want us all to share custody of Alistar?” Yami asked as he took his cigarette out of his mouth, and Fuegoleon nodded.
“ That’s right. Since Yuno and Neva, as well as Patri, will all be staying in Clover for a while it’s perfect. We can each take care of him just as we promised Zera and William, while also helping him recover.” Fuegoleon said simply and the others looked at each other.
“ Won’t it stress him out? Going from home to home, and family to family?” Nacht asked and Solara stepped forward.
“ Fuegoleon and I discussed that as well. We think a way to avoid stressing him out is to keep him with each of us for a couple of weeks to maybe a month at a time. That way he has time to adjust to each new environment, and if he happens to prefer one home over the others then we’ll discuss him possibly spending more time there or living there permanently.” Solara explained as she crossed her arms.
The others looked at one another. It would be difficult at first for everyone, including Alistar, to adjust to this arrangement. He would be going from home to home, and would have to adjust to different environments and family dynamics. While each family would have to adjust their schedules and things.
It seemed possible in theory, but would be a little difficult in reality.
“ What do you think dear, do you think we should do it?” Nozel asked his wife Briar, and the woman stood there awkwardly as everyone stared at her.
“ I think…we can manage it. Zera always said that she wanted her child to be raised by a village, so…I think this is a good idea.” Briar said hesitantly and Nozel nodded before he reached over and grabbed her hand.
“ Then alright, we’ll take Alistar in and share custody as you suggested.” Nozel said firmly and Fuegoleon smiled at his cousin.
“ We can manage it too,” Yami said with a sigh. “ Honestly Hikari hasn’t stopped talking and asking Charlotte and I to bring him into the family anyway, so, we’ll take you up on that offer Oldgoleon.” He added with a grin as Fuegoleon sighed at the nickname but nodded in thankfulness.
“ What’s one more child?” Josele said with a grin as she looked at her husband Nacht. “ I think Sterling would love having a younger brother that is also adopted, while Dawn, Dusk, Sirius, Merel, and Vivi would like having another older sibling.”
“ You’re right,” Nacht said softly. “ They would like another sibling, and we can honor Zera and William’s wish as well.” He added with a smile.
“ So I take it you agree to the plan as well?” Fuegoleon asked, and when the couple nodded he turned towards Lorena.
“ Ah what the hell, Jack and I agree too. It honors Zera and gives Abby and Agnes a little brother.” Lorena said with a grin, she would let Jack know of the plan once he got back from his mission, and Fuegoleon finally turned towards Solara.
“ I already contacted Yuno, Neva, and Patri and they’ve agreed to it as well.” Solara said with a small smile and Fuegoleon nodded.
“ Then it’s settled, we’ll all be taking care of Alistar. Now, we’ll go and ask him who he’d like to stay with first.” Fuegoleon said and everyone in the room nodded before following him.
They walked into Alistar’s room and explained the situation to him, he didn’t say a word, instead he just nodded. When he was asked who he’d like to stay with first he sat still for a few moments before pointing at Yami and Charlotte.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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lyranova · 1 year
What Could Have Been a Happily Ever After
Hiya guys! So i didn’t feel like doing a request today so instead i just wrote this AU where Zera and William get their “happily ever after” that they were cheated out of in the main timeline 😆! I hope you all enjoy~!
Cyraleona Vermillion belongs to @thoughtfullyrainynightmare and Dusk belongs to @loosesodamarble
Word Count: 1,309
Warnings: Mentions of Pregnancy and Birth
Zera awoke with a start. She placed a hand on her chest in order to steady her breathing, she had that dream again, the one where she died giving birth to her son Alistar. She felt her husband sit up beside her and wrap his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.
“ Are you alright? Did you have another bad dream?” William asked softly as he pulled her closer, Zera took a deep breath and nodded.
“ I’m fine, don’t worry.” She told him softly as she leaned back and rested her head against his chest.
“ Was it the dream where you died?” He asked quietly and Zera nodded.
While it had been a close call when Alistar was born, they had managed to save Zera. She had to be on bed rest and in the infirmary for a while, but she eventually recovered. But that didn’t stop her from having bad dreams about that day.
“ Do you think they’ll ever go away?” She asked William, he inhaled before nodding.
“ I think they will eventually.” He kissed the top of her head, the couple looked as they heard someone knock and shout from the other side.
“ Mom, Dad, breakfast is ready!” William and Zera looked at each other before laughing. Zera placed one last kiss onto her husband's lips before getting out of bed. Her husband shook his head before he also climbed out of bed. The couple quickly got ready for the day before they headed out.
Sitting in the dining room were their middle and youngest children; Sebastian and Daisy. After Alistar was born the couple had made the decision to not have any more children, they didn’t want to risk Zera’s health.
But fate had other plans.
A year after Alistar was born Zera found herself pregnant again with their second son Sebastian. After the two talked about whether they wanted to keep the pregnancy or not they decided to talk it over with Owen and get his opinion. He told them that if they wanted to keep it, they could take extra precautions with Zera and even keep her in the infirmary. They talked it over a bit more and eventually decided to keep it.
Zera’s pregnancy and delivery had been a lot easier with Sebastian’s then Alistar’s, which made everyone feel relieved. And 5 years after Sebastian was born came their little girl Daisy.
“ Good morning kids,” Zera said cheerfully as she walked into the dining room. She kissed her 13 year old daughter on the head before walking over to her 18 year old son and kissing his cheek. “ Breakfast looks amazing!”
“ Thank you, we used some of the fresh herbs from your garden to season the omelets.” Daisy said proudly, Zera almost winced as she could imagine the pain her plant babies were in at having their leaves plucked from their stems. But gently reminded herself that was what those plants were intended for.
“ Where’s Alistar?” William asked curiously as he patted his son on the shoulder and kissed his daughter's head before pouring himself a cup of coffee. Sebastian snorted at the mention of his older brother.
“ He already left for the Golden Dawn base, apparently there is a joint mission with the Black Bulls today. So he wanted to leave extra early.” Sebastian said with a chuckle, and everyone looked at each other with a knowing look. Alistar wanted to get there early so he could spend some time with Hikari Yami.
Of course the two weren’t dating, but everyone in the family knew he had a crush on the young woman.
“ I see,” William said with a chuckle. “ but if that’s the case then why are you still here? Shouldn’t you have gone with him?” He asked curiously and Sebastian sighed.
“ I was going to, but I wanted breakfast first. Besides, the mission doesn’t start for another 2-3 hours so I have time.” Sebastian said with a shrug, he had inherited his mother’s time management skills, which meant he was going to wait until the very last minute to leave.
“ He’s also hoping to catch a glimpse of Cyraleona Vermillion before he goes to the base,” Daisy said with a grin. Sebastian turned to look at his sister with a bright red face and wide eyes.
“ I-I am not!” He said quickly as Daisy began to chuckle, and William frowned.
“ Isn’t she dating Nacht and Josele’s son Dusk?” He asked and Daisy nodded.
“ You better not think of overstepping young man,” Zera said with a warning tone to her voice. “ I didn’t raise a homewrecker.” She added, causing Sebastian’s face to grow more red and Daisy to spew her drink before she began to laugh loudly, William just sighed and shook his head.
“ I-I’m not a homewrecker geez what kind of guy do you think I am?!” Sebastian sputtered in surprise. “ I…missed my chance with her, but she’s still my friend and I still care about her. So while I may be jealous of Dusk that doesn’t mean I’m gonna go and try to ruin their relationship, her happiness is what matters most. So if he makes her happy, then I’m happy!” He continued firmly and loudly, causing the family to watch him.
William and Zera looked at each other with small smiles on their faces. This was how they raised their children, and couldn’t be more proud.
“ Well this breakfast has certainly taken a turn for the worse, so I think I’m gonna go.” Sebastian said quickly as he jumped up. He quickly kissed his mother on the cheek and hugged his father before grabbing a piece of toast and running out of the house.
“ It’s so much fun to tease him.” Daisy said with a laugh as she finished her breakfast, Zera chuckled but nodded in agreement.
“ It’s fun to tease any man with the last name ‘Vangeance’. They get so flustered and their faces turn red, it’s like their personalities go from super cool to super uncool like that!” Zera snapped her fingers and Daisy laughed in agreement.
“ While that might be true for Alistar and Sebastian, I certainly don’t act that way.” William said as his cheeks began to turn a light pink, Zera and Daisy both began to laugh.
“ You’re such a liar dear, look your cheeks are turning red!”
“ Yeah Papa you’re just like big brother Alistar and Sebastian!” Daisy said, and William sighed before setting his coffee cup down.
“ This isn’t fair, it’s two against one, and against my favorite women no less.” William muttered with a shake of his head. Zera leaned over and kissed his cheek.
“ That’s the power of the Cassia women, we know how to use our wit and charm for both good and evil.” She told him jokingly, Daisy nodded before standing up.
“ I’m gonna go wait outside mama!” Daisy said quickly before she hugged her parents and kissed them on the cheek before running out of the room.
Zera shook her head before letting out a sigh and collapsing against her husband's shoulder.
“ Have three kids, they said, it would be fun, they said. What a bunch of liars.” She joked as William chuckled but wrapped his arms around her.
“ On most days it is fun, even though it is also tiring.” William told her with a nod.
“ It’s very tiring.”
“ But would you change it though?” William began curiously. “ If you could go back and change things would you?” He watched as his wife bit her bottom lip in thought, before she smiled and shook her head.
“ No, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.” She agreed with a nod, she moved and wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a gentle but passionate, loving kiss that he reciprocated.
The two had finally gotten their happily ever after.
Thank you all so much for reading and i hope you all have a good day~!
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lyranova · 1 year
Heya 👋! Can I request if Alistar died of illness like when he was young he got caught a serious illness that could kill him. What would happen to William and Alistar relationship? What if Alistar got better and joined the magic knight? What would happen if Alistar died of the illness? What would happen if Alistar joined the magic knight even with his illness not cured yet?
Hiya anon 🥰! So instead of writing a oneshot I decided to answer your ask like this, and this will probably be the last “angst/death” request for Alistar that I’ll accept for a little while because…it’s getting to me just a bit (it’s ok tho!)😅, but you can still ask about him and request stuff for him tho! I love talking about my OC’s and seeing that others really love him makes me happy 😁💕! Now to answer your questions 💕!
If Alistar had gotten deathly ill as a child I’m pretty sure it would bring up a lot of bad memories for William and the Golden Dawn members! They would worry and would bring in Owen and any other doctors that they thought could help in his recovery, and if the squad and William had to go to the ends of the earth and fight devils and angels for the cure, they would happily do so!
I don’t think it would affect Alistar and William’s relationship very much, if at all. William would be a lot more protective over him then he already is/was, and would definitely make sure to keep his promise to Zera that Alistar would always be happy and healthy. So I think it would just make William more protective and would cause him to worry and fret over Alistar more 😆!
If Alistar got better and joined the Magic Knights I think everyone would somewhat worry but if he didn’t show any signs, symptoms, or anything like that (as in it was a “one and done” situation where he only got sick the one time and it had no lasting affects) then they would just watch over him ☺️!
If Alistar joined the Magic Knights while he was still ill then I think it would cause William and the squad to watch/worry over him more. They would make sure he took care of himself and that he didn’t get overworked, they would study his body language and mannerisms for signs that he was getting sick, and if it was too bad or he got too sick or it began to affect his work then they would all talk to him about taking a desk job and staying in the base so he didn’t get worse or hurt!
If Alistar died because of the illness I think everyone would take it hard, ofc William would most of all because he should have “noticed” and “saw the signs of his illness”. But sometimes things just happen, Owen would try to explain that to him but William would still feel like it’s his fault and would feel like he could have saved his son. He would carry that burden and guilt, along with the death of Zera, with him for the rest of his life.
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lyranova · 1 year
Children of the Future: Shadows of the Past
Chapter 3: No Rest for the Wicked
Hiya guys! So here’s chapter 3, I’m really enjoying this series so far and I hope you are too! I’ll try and get back on my other one’s shortly since I’m starting to miss them a bit (I also need to get back on writing requests 😭!) but I do apologize if this chapter is written funny or if there’s a lot of typos or anything, I’m having to write on a computer due to my hands and I’m not used to it. Also Corduroy and Chenille belong to my mutual @hybridanafrost and I thank her for allowing me to use them 🥰! I hope you all enjoy~!
Word Count: 3,263
Warnings: None
Later That Same Day
Yami silently flew to the Hideout. His mind just kept going back to the memory of William coughing in the hallway and looking pale. They both knew he was lying when he said he was fine, or that he would be fine. But Yami hadn’t wanted to call him out on it, William needed time to accept it himself and tell his son just how sick he really was and he was going to give his old friend that. Yami sighed and rana hand over his tired face, how he wished he hadn’t quit smoking right now.
He finally landed outside the much expanded Hideout. Over the years, as the Black Bulls each got married and began having their own families, Yami had asked Henry to give everyone their own living space. That way the Bulls could all be together but also have some privacy. And so far it had worked out very well, but now that meant the Hideout had expanded up and out in order to accommodate them all.
But Yami and the others didn’t mind. Because it meant they could all stay together.
Yami set his broom down against the wall of the Hideout before he moved towards the front door. Before he even opened the door he could already hear all the chaos and laughter happening on the inside, he couldn’t help but smile a bit. This is something he had always wanted for his brats; them to be safe, happy, and laughing.
He opened the door and immediately had to dodge a misdirected spell that came at him. He sighed and shook his head before he moved out of the way and closed the front door. The ones sparring were, as usual, Luck and Magna. Even as those two idiots got older they still sparred like they were teenagers. Meanwhile Magna’s kids Corduroy and Chenille just watched, Chenille with a nervous look on her face, and Corduroy with a grin on his face.
“ Wow dad you’re so cool!” Cory shouted as he watched his dad dodge one of Luck’s spells, Magna turned and gave his son a thumbs up.
“ Thanks son, that means a lot!” But as soon as the words left Magna’s lips he immediately got hit by one of Luck’s spells.
“ You shouldn’t have taken your eyes off your target Magna!” Luck laughed cheerfully as Magna growled.
“ I should have gone with mom to the fabric store,” Chenille said quietly.
Yami shook his head once again before he looked around the room. Henry’s daughter Alice was sitting on the couch, quietly reading the same book that she always read. Despite inheriting her fathers magic, luckily she hadn’t inherited her fathers illness so she could freely be around the other Bulls without the fear of siphoning their mana. Beside her was Aloys Adlai, who was also reading a book, he was exactly like his father but with his mothers magic. Beside him was Wendy Agrippa, Gordon’s eldest child and only daughter, she was sewing a doll just like father always did. She had the face of her mother, but her eyes and hair color were that of her fathers, and her magic was a variation of her fathers. On the other side of the room was Wendy’s younger twin brothers Thomas and Nicholas, they were the spitting image of their father in appearance and, in Nico’s case, magic as well. Thomas kept his hair slicked back like his father, while Nico kept his hair messy, that was the only way to tell them apart. The two were talking and playing with Maelie Adlai.
Yami heard a shout in the kitchen and watched Charmy and her daughter Lovely walk out with a group of sheep following shortly after. They had plates and plates of food and were setting them out onto the table. Lovely had inherited her fathers blue hair color and her eyes were the same color as her mothers, her younger brother Vincent followed behind all the sheep and began to set out the drinks. He didn’t like cooking or food as much as his mother and sister did, but he had inherited his fathers love of art and painting. Vincent’s hair was black like his mothers but his eyes were pink like his fathers.
Yami still had a hard time believing that Charmy had fallen in love with Rill Boimortier even though it had been nearly 15 years now since they had gotten married.
“ C-Captain Yami sir, you’re back already!” Ezio Roulacase exclaimed as he ran over. The young man looked identical to his mother, but his personality and magic was the same as his fathers.
“ Of course I am, did you expect me not to come back at all?” Yami asked with a raised brow, Ezio’s demeanor immediately grew nervous and he shook his head.
“ N-No sir! We just thought the meeting would run late.” Ezio said with a sheepish laugh.
“ How did Asta do at his first meeting?” Vanessa asked as she walked over. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at their Captain. He grinned at them.
“ He did great, so you guys can stop you’re worrying.” Yami told them and he heard everyone collectively sigh in relief. He knew everyone had been anxious and had wanted him to do well, so now that they had confirmed that he did, they all felt a weight fall off their shoulders.
“ At least we know we raised him well,’’ Finral said with a laugh as he walked over to his son and wife. Yami nodded, they all had raised Asta well.
“ Where’s my brats?” Yami asked curiously, he saw everyone else’s kids but his own. Charmy suddenly pointed towards the back door with her thumb.
“ They’re outside with Ms. Charlotte,” She said as she watched their Captain make his way towards the door. “ Tell them to hurry up and come inside since dinner’s ready!”
Yami walked outside and saw Hikari sparring against her mother as Hana and Einar watched. He crossed his arms as he silently watched his wife and eldest daughter, they looked nearly identical in their fighting styles, except Hikari had adopted a lot of Yami’s fighting style as well. She was like the perfect blend of her mother and father. Yami was pulled out of his thoughts as he noticed Einar turn to look at him.
“ Papa!” The young boy shouted excitedly as he jumped up and ran towards his father. He jumped into his arms and Yami held him.
“ Hey kid,” Yami said warmly. “ Who’s winning so far?” He asked and Einar grinned.
“ Mama of course! Tata’s still trying her best, but she’s still always losing against her.” Einar said with a sad look on his face, he always called Hikari ‘Tata’, apparently it meant “Big Sis” in the Diamond Kingdom. At least that’s what one of Einar’s favorite books told him.
“ But mama’s not going easy on her anymore, and Hikari’s still managing to hold her own,” Hana stated as she walked over to her father and brother. Yami nodded, it was no surprise that Charlotte had stopped taking it easy on their daughter. She was a Vice-Captain now, and had proven that she was a fierce and capable warrior. So there was really no need to take it easy on her.
One of Charlotte’s Briar spells hit Hikari’s katana and kocked her back a few feet. Hikari was huffing and puffing while Charlotte hadn’t even broken a sweat.
“ I’m…not done yet,” Hikari panted as she doubled over to try and catch her breath. “ I still…need to surpass my limits!” Hikari continued, and Yami shook his head.
She had certainly adopted Yami’s stubbornness.
“ Hey brat,” Yami shouted, drawing both Charlotte and Hikari’s attention to him. “ You can surpass your limits after you get something to eat! Charmy said if you didn’t come inside and eat you’d never get another meal from her!” Yami added, of course Charmy didn’t actually say any of that. But he knew it was a sure fire way to get Hikari to stop training. As he expected the girl sighed dramatically before she put her katana away.
“ Alright, alright, I’m coming! Sheesh tell Charmy to hold her sheep.” Hikari grumbled as she rubbed the back of her neck, mimicking her fathers habit. Yami chuckled as he set Einar down and the young boy ran to his sister.
“ Take your brother and sister inside, I gotta talk to your mom for a sec.” Yami told her, his eldest daughter nodded and he ruffled her hair gently as she and her siblings walked past him and into the house.
Charlotte frowned a bit as she walked up to her husband, she didn’t need to be able to read Ki to notice something was wrong with him. His eyes held a seriousness in them, and maybe a hint of sadness and worry in them too. Had the meeting gone that badly?
“ What’s going on? Did Asta’s first meeting not go well?” She asked in concern, Yami quickly shook his head.
“ Nah the brat did fine,’’ Yami quickly assured her. “ It’s William. He…announced that he was retiring as Captain.”
Charlotte’s eyes widened in surprise, sure he had mentioned it the day before at the party, but she didn’t really think he would go through with it!
“ What? What made him decide to do this so suddenly?”
“ He’s sick Charlotte, very sick.” Yami said softly, and he swore he watched her eyes widen more and her eyebrows raise considerably.
“ Did…he say what was causing it?”
“ Nah, he said he needs time. So I’m gonna give him a while before I start pushing for answers. He asked that you and I not tell anyone until he’s ready.” Yami said and Charlotte nodded in agreement, they would both keep their friends secret for now.
“ And,” Yami continued. “ He’s appointing his kid as Captain.” He watched as his wife shrugged at him.
“ Okay.” Was all she said, she didn’t look angry or concerned, she actually looked like she had expected it.
“ You’re not worried at all? What if that brat loses control again and hurts someone, or worse, gets someone killed?” Yami asked as he crossed his arms, he watched his wife do the same.
“ Since when did you hold a persons mistake against them?” She asked curiously. She watched a red blush appear on Yami’s cheeks. She knew exactly what this was all about, and it had nothing to do with Alistar.
“ He won’t hurt Hikari, besides they’re not even in the same squad so the chance of her getting hurt by him is very slim. And in addition to that, Alistar’s gotten much better at controlling his emotions which also means his magic is under better control. It’ll be fine,” Charlotte assured him. “ And if for some reason it’s not, and he does happen to lose control and injures her, I’ll kill him myself.” Charlotte added firmly and Yami couldn’t help but snort and laugh at her words.
People thought he was the more overprotective of the two, but in reality, it was Charlotte who was the overprotective one.
Eventually the couple went inside to have dinner with the rest of the squad.
At The Golden Dawn Base
Alistar yawned quietly as he followed his father out of his office, down the stairs and corridors, and eventually outside. William had told him that he needed to tell him something privately and that he would need some help to do it, which meant only one thing: They were going to visit his mother’s grave.
Alistar didn’t like going to visit her mother very often. It wasn’t because he didn’t love her or anything, it was just…hard since he had been the one who caused her to be in the graveyard in the first place.
As the two walked into the graveyard and made their way to Zera’s grave Alistar used his plant magic to conjure up a small bouquet of flowers. You couldn’t show up empty handed, his father had said.
The two eventually made it to her grave and stood in front of it, William knelt down and placed the flowers on her headstone.
“ I’m sorry it’s been a while dear, I hope you haven’t been too lonely.” William said softly as he stood back up.
“ Hi mom,” Alistar said a birt sheepishly. “ It’s been a while, I’m sorry.” He apologized softly and William chuckled.
“ Your mother would understand. She knows how nusy we Magic Knights are, especially when they’re a Vice-Captain such as yourself.” William said as he patted his sons shoulder comfortingly.
The two fell quiet after a few moments. William, unsure of where to begin, and Alistar unsure of what was going on. It wasn’t very often that his father would ask to speak with him privately, the last time they had a discussion like this was when he promoted Alistar to Vice-Captain status.
“ What’s going on father, did something happen at the meeting?” Alistar asked, a tinge of concern in his voice. William smiled and shook his head.
“ No, it’s nothing like that. The meeting went very well, and I think Asta will make a fine Wizard King.” William said genuinely. Alistar nodded in agreement, he didn’t know Asta as well as everyone else did but, from what he had seen, Asta really was an amazing and kind person.
“ If the meeting went as well as you say it did then what do we need to talk about?” Alistar asked with a small frown and William sighed, silently asking his wife’s spirit to give him strength.
“ I-” William began but was cut off by the sound of a familiar static noise. The two men turned and saw Marx’s face staring at them.
“ Ah Captain and VIce-Captain Vangeance there you are, I was looking for you all over the place!” Marx said in relief, but his eyes began to move around as he noticed where Alistar and William. “ Um, is now a good time? I can go to another squad-?”
“ What is it Marx?” William asked patiently, he couldn’t help but be silently thankful that the memory mage had interrupted them.
“ Ah right, well,” The man cleared his throat. “ I just received word of a remote village being attacked by bandits. And supposedly these bandits are former Magic Knights. So the village leader requested our assistance. I thought maybe The Golden Dawn and the Black Bulls would like to take it on as a joint mission.” Marx finished as he looked between the two.
William noticed his son’s light up just a bit at the mention of the Black Bulls. Of course the young man was able to hide his feelings from everyone else, but he wasn’t good at hiding them from his father.
“ We’ll take the mission, but,” William said before he turned to look at Alistar. “ Alistar will be the one to lead them and will get to choose the members he wants to take along.” He watched his son’s blue eyes widen in surprise.
“ What? Why? Shouldn’t you be the one to lead this kind of mission?” Alistar asked in confusion as Marx quietly agreed with William’s statement before disappearing. William smiled gently before clapping his son on the shoulder.
“ Consider this your first real mission as the newly appointed Captain of the Golden Dawn.” William said before he turned around and began to walk away, leaving Alistar to stand there completely stunned.
“ Come on Captain Alistar Vangeance, you need to hurry up and head out.” William called as he noticed his son hadn’t snapped out of his daze. The young man quickly shook his head before nodding and running after his father.
In The Spade Kingdom
Yuno, Neva, and their three children quietly walked into the Castle with their guards and Castle servants behind them. Yuno hadn’t wanted servants when he first became king, but after a while he realized just how much they did to help the Royal family and keep things in order. So when Yuno officially became king he immediately raised all their wages to reflect how much he appreciated them and their hard work.
“ Your Majesties!” Ralph saluted as he and the others watched them walk by. Yuno instantly waved their salutes away.
“ You didn’t need to stay up and wait for us, you all should have gone to sleep.” Neva said quietly as she carried a sleeping Kya gently in her arms while Yuno carried Kito and Miku sluggishly walked beside her parents while holding each of their hands.
“ It’s alright, I had something urgent that I needed to discuss with King Yuno.” Ralph said with a serious expression, causing Yuno to frown.
“ It can’t wait until morning?” Yuno asked quietly, and when Ralph shook his head,he nodded before handing Kito off to one of his guards. “ Alright, I’m sorry about this,” Yuno added to his wife, who only smiled and shook her head.
“ It’s fine, just go do what you have to do.” Neva said softly in an understanding tone. Yuno smiled gratefully at her before he kissed his children on the head and gave Neva a gentle kiss on the lips.
Yuno quickly followed Ralph down the halls until they came to Yuno’s office. They walked over to the desk and Yuno looked down at a bunch of papers and maps that were sitting on the surface.
“ What’s all of this?” Yuno asked curiously and Ralph sighed.
“ Honestly we aren’t too sure ourselves. These coordinates are the last known locations of about 20 merchants that have gone missing in the last two weeks.” Ralph said seriously as Yuno’s brows raised in surprise.
“ 20 merchants in 2 weeks? How are we just now learning about this?” Yuno asked and Ralph shook his head.
“ We initially thought it may have only been a coincidence, or that people were making up false reports. Until we began noticing certain patterns,” Ralph suddenly began moving papers around until he found the right documents.
“ The merchants all had deliveries in the Lumi Kingdom?” Yuno asked with a frown as he began to read the papers over, and Ralph nodded.
“ That’s right. Now merchants go missing all the time due to the treacherous terrain that’s between us and Lumi, which is another reason we didn’t pay much attention to this, but according to these letters and other documents all the merchants that had been reported missing all made it to Lumi.” Ralph said as he began pointing at letters and receipts. Yuno’s frown deepend.
“ Are there any records showing that they left, or attempted to leave, Lumi? Maybe the merchants decided to stay there a while longer? Or maybe they died on the way back?” Yuno pointed out and Ralph shook his head.
“ That’s what I thought too. But from the witness statments and letters and documents it shows that all the merchants had plans to return to the Spade Kingdom. As for if they died on the way back, that’s someting I want to go and investigate if you’ll allow it. Things…just aren’t adding up, sir.”
Yuno placed a thoughtful hand under his chin as his mind began to race. Could there be something to this? Or was it just a simple missing persons case? His gut began screaming at him.
“ Investigate it. And ask for the Lumi Kingdom’s cooperation.” Yuno said seriously and Ralph nodded before saluting his King and walking out of the office. Yuno sighed quietly before he sunk down into his office chair.
Ther was certainly no rest for the wicked.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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lyranova · 1 year
Children of the Future: Shadows of the Past
Chapter 2: A Tense First Captain’s Meeting
Hiya guys! Here’s chapter two, and this is just more or less showing the Captain’s meeting and how it went while also showing how close Yami and William are, so it’s more mellow and emotional then anything 😆. The next chapter will show a glimpse at the Black Bulls and their Next Gen’s and families so it’ll take a while before you see it, but I hope you guys enjoy~!
Word Count: 2,512
Warnings: None
The Next Day
Asta yawned loudly as he opened his eyes and looked around. He was in his new home inside the Clover Castle, after he was appointed Wizard King he was told that he needed to move into the Castle in case something urgent came up. At first he refused, saying that he prefered to stay at the Black Bulls, but after some convincing from Noelle Asta eventually agreed.
The first few days in their new home was rough to say the least. The Silva family had gotten so used to the noise and chaos of the Black Bulls Hideout that the silence was nearly deafening. But eventually they got used to it, and now their own home was loud and rambunctious as well.
Asta looked over and saw Noelle sound asleep beside him. He smiled lovingly before he rolled over and just stared at her, how did he get so lucky? He had a beautiful wife, three beautiful daughters, and they were all happy and healthy. Everything was perfect.
Suddenly his wife’s breathing changed and her eyes opened slowly. She smiled sleepily and stretched slightly.
“ Good morning,” Asta told her cheerfully, Noelle chuckled and moved closer to him.
“ Good morning,” She blinked a few times and her hands moved up to wipe the sleep out of her eyes. “ What time is it?”
“ It’s early, I think around 7.” Asta muttered as he began to look for a clock, Noelle nodded before she wrapped her arms around him, causing Asta to blush a bit before his arms wrapped around her as well.
“ Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your First Captain’s meeting? Why are you still in bed?” Noelle asked, and Asta nodded.
“ I still have time, besides I was just laying here watching you sleep, thinking about how lucky I am.” Asta said softly and he frowned when Noelle snorted and began to chuckle again.
“ I don’t know whether watching me sleep is sweet or creepy.” Noelle said with a shake of her head and Asta grinned and moved his hand to rub the back of his head.
“ Honestly, I was going for sweet,” Asta told her with a laugh before their bedroom door suddenly opened and all three of their girls came rushing in.
They quickly jumped onto their parents bed, with Brielle sitting close to Asta, Mizuki sitting close to Noelle, and Kaiyo sitting in the middle. The girls began to talk excitedly about what they had planned for that day with their parents and Noelle and Asta looked at each other with bright and happy eyes as they listened. They may not have peaceful mornings like they used to, but in a way, these loud and chaotic mornings were much better.
Yami sat quietly in his seat, his mind just repeating William’s words over and over again.
“ I’m thinking about retiring from the Golden Dawn.”
It was so sudden and unexpected, sure he assumed William would retire one day, but not right now. Honestly he had expected him to retire after Zera passed, but when he decided to continue being Captain Yami had understood; staying Captain was a way for him to distract himself and keep himself busy.
So…why now? Was it really time for him to retire? Or was there more to it?
“ You’re awfully quiet Yami, may I ask what you’re thinking about over there?” William asked curiously, and Yami cut him a look. He knew exactly what Yami was thinking about.
“ He’s probably thinking about how much he wants to go home and be with Captain Charlotte.” Rill said with a laugh and Yami snorted, while that wasn’t what he was thinking about currently, it was something he had been thinking about in the back of his mind.
“ She isn’t Captain anymore, remember?” Sol Marron, Captain of the Blue Rose Knights, said with a somewhat sad look. She had been the most upset when Captain Charlotte had announced her retirement a few years ago, but eventually she had accepted it and was trying to follow in her successor’s footsteps.
“ Sorry! Sometimes I forget, she was Captain for so long it’s become a habit.” Rill said with a sheepish laugh and Sol nodded in understanding. Usually she would have gotten mad or irritated at the Aqua Deer Captain, but since today was the new Wizard King's first day she thought it would be better to put her best foot forward.
Suddenly the door burst open and in walked Asta, his face was slightly red and he was completely out of breath. He held up a hand before he stood up straight.
“ Sorry I’m late everyone!” Asta shouted loudly before he instinctively saluted all of the Captain’s. “ Wizard King Asta reporting for duty Captain’s!” He shouted again and the room was silent.
After the Captain’s looked at him for a moment they suddenly began to laugh. They all stood up and saluted him just as they were supposed to.
“ Hey kid, you realize that we’re the one’s that are supposed to salute right? Not the other way around.” Yami asked him with a laugh, Asta blinked for a minute before it registered to him what he had done. He was their boss now.
But old habits were hard to break.
Asta quickly sat down in his chair, as did the Captains, and they all went through their reports for the day.
As the meeting was coming to a close William suddenly stood up from his seat and looked around at everyone.
“ I have a small announcement,” He took a breath before continuing. “ I have made the tough decision to retire from being Captain of the Golden Dawn.”
The room went so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
Everyone stared at him in surprise except for Yami. Asta was surprisingly the quickest to recover.
“ Why are you retiring? It’s a little sudden isn’t it?” He asked with a bit of a frown, William nodded before he sat back down in his chair.
“ It is. But we all knew this day would come eventually, and since there are a lot of changes happening I might as well add a few changes as well.” William said with a chuckle. “ But I would like to ask you for a favor if I may?”
“ Even though I’m retiring I would still like to be useful. Perhaps there is a job opening here in the Castle?” William asked, he still wanted to help and still wanted to be of service to Clover and its citizens. Asta hummed in thought.
“ Since Marx is retiring too, maybe you can take his spot? I don’t really have any ideas for candidates, and you know a lot about how this stuff works, so why don’t you take it. I could really use your help and advice.” Asta said with a smile, and William blinked, take on Marx’s job? He almost wanted to laugh, he was already imagining just how much he was going to chase after Asta when he didn’t want to do his paperwork or when he wanted to see some new magic that was spotted.
Asta would probably give Julius a run for his money.
“ Well alright, but don’t expect me to be lenient with you just because I’ve seen how far you’ve come. If you neglect your duties as Wizard King or disappear randomly instead of doing your work, I won’t let it go. Is that alright?” William asked curiously, Asta grew a nervous look on his face before he laughed a bit.
“ Of course that’s alright! I’ll need someone to help keep me on track and to make sure I’m doing right by everyone in the Kingdom!” Asta said with a bright grin as he rubbed the back of his head, William chuckled.
“ Do you have a replacement in mind already?” Yami asked curiously, William nodded.
“ I do. I want Alistar to take my place as Captain.” Everyone went silent again. It was to be expected since Alistar was the Vice-Captain, but still…it was pretty surprising given his age.
“ Are you sure he’s ready?” Nozel asked with a frown. “ Considering he’s only 19 and has only been Vice-Captain for about a year.” William nodded.
“ Did you forget that Rill was also 19 when he became the Aqua Deer’s Captain?” Dorothy asked Nozel curiously. “ Also Yuno was only Vice-Captain for 2 years before William had appointed him as Captain years ago.” She pointed out which Nozel made Nozel pout a bit as those were a few things he had forgotten.
“ His age and qualifications isn’t what I’m worried about,” Yami interrupted as he looked his friend and rival in the eye. “ it’s if he can handle the job mentally and emotionally.”
Alistar’s mana was heavily tied to his emotional status. On a good day his power was completely under control and was quite powerful and precise. But on a bad day? His mana was deadly and completely uncontrollable. William stared into Yami’s eyes for a few moments before he sighed.
“ I understand your concern Yami, but as you recall Alistar hasn’t lost control of his magic in seven years. He’s older and wiser now, and has his emotions under control. So you don’t need to worry. He can handle this job.” William said firmly, Yami frowned as he studied his Ki. William completely believed the words coming out of his mouth.
“ If you believe that, then I guess I have no choice but to believe it too. But,” Yami leaned forward. “ if your kid messes up and someone gets hurt because of it, then I’ll take care of him. Got it?”
“ I understand. Luckily you won’t have to do that.” William said confidently.
The Captain’s meeting ended on a more tense note than Asta had expected.
“ Hey Goldie Guts,” Yami shouted as he followed behind his slightly younger friend. William turned around to face him.
“ Did you go and see Owen yet?” William sighed but nodded.
“ I did. I went and saw him first thing this morning.”
“ And? What’d he say?” Yami asked, his voice rough but there was a hint of concern in it. William smiled softly.
“ He said I’m in perfect health, and that I could live a hundred years if I wanted. So don’t worry.” William said and Yami frowned.
“ You’re lying.”
“ So you have been watching my Ki. I should have known.”
“ What did Owen really say?” Yami asked seriously and William chuckled.
“ Do you nag at your wife and kids this much? If so, I must admit I feel bad for them.”
“ Quit deflecting and answer me.”
“ Maybe I don’t want to answer you!” William said, his tone forceful and serious, he suddenly began to have a coughing fit. Yami quickly walked over.
“ Hey Vangeance-!” Yami said, worry in his voice. But William smiled and held up his hand.
“ I’m alright.” William said as his coughing subsided, Yami noticed his complexion grew pale after the episode. William stood up and fixed his robes a bit before turning towards him.
“ I understand you’re worried, and I thank you and appreciate it, but I’m fine. I’ll be fine. So just keep it to yourself for now alright?” William said softly. “ I’m asking as a friend, father, and fellow Captain.”
Yami rubbed the back of his head. Of course he would use all three cards at once.
“ I can’t keep it from Charlotte, you know that. But…I’ll keep it from everyone else.” Yami promised and William nodded.
“ Thank you friend, I owe you one.” He told him before he walked away, Yami sighed and ran a hand over his tired face.
He was itching for a cigarette right now.
At The Golden Dawn Base
William walked in quietly, he nodded and greeted the squad members as they walked around. He would have to tell them about his decision, but not right now, not today. Today William just wanted to tell his son, and tomorrow he would tell everyone else.
“ G-Good morning Captain Vangeance!” Ulla Lunettes, daughter of Klaus Lunettes, said as she quickly saluted him. Beside her was her father Klaus, and her younger brother Emery. The Lunettes all saluted him and he smiled before waving a hand.
“ How did the Captain’s meeting go?” Klaus asked, and William nodded.
“ It went well. Asta did a great job.” William said with a warm smile and he watched Klaus sigh in relief, he knew that Klaus and Asta were close so of course he must’ve been worried about his friend's first day as Wizard King.
“ Have you seen Alistar? I need to speak with him for a moment.” William asked and he watched the Lunettes family look at each other for a moment.
“ I-I think he’s in his office.” Ulla said somewhat nervously as she pointed behind her. William nodded and said a small thank you before he walked past them.
He walked down the hall and nodded and said a brief ‘hello’ to the Golden Dawn members that walked past him. As he walked he began trying to think of how to tell his son that he was retiring, and how to explain why he was retiring but…he didn’t know how or where to even begin.
Before William knew it he was already at Alistar’s office door. He took a deep breath before knocking on it softly. He frowned when he didn’t receive a reply and so he opened it slowly.
“ Alistar, can we talk for a moment?” He asked as he poked his head inside. He looked around the room and couldn’t help but smile as his eyes landed on his son.
Alistar was leaned back in his chair, his head propped up in his hand. His feet on the edge of his desk and papers lying on his chest. William walked into the room and closed the door softly behind him. He walked over to where Alistar was sitting and began to move the papers.
His son had been working very hard the past year. After having lost a majority of the squad's trust seven years ago he had made it his mission to earn it back no matter what. And, if you were to ask William, he had earned it back many times over. He joined the Golden Dawn, he went out on some of the toughest missions, and proved to be a great magic knight and Vice-Captain.
Of course not every Golden Dawn member thought so, but at this point no matter what Alistar did it would never be good enough for them, so what did their opinion matter?
Alistar stretched a bit in his sleep before he went back to softly snoring. William chuckled as he reached out and gently moved his son’s messy hair from his face.
“ How do I tell him…” He muttered softly as he watched his son sleep. “ No matter what I think of, no matter how many grand words and sayings come to mind, I just can’t think of how to tell him without it breaking his heart…” William suddenly looked out the office window.
“ I’m going to need your help…Zera.”
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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