#Allison: I can’t explain it
bookburners · 8 months
Everybody is wrong actually
Neil: Bard
Andrew: Paladin
Kevin: Wizard
Renee: Monk
Aaron: Cleric
Matt: Fighter
Allison: Rouge
Dan: Paladin
Nicky: Bard
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helaintoloki · 1 month
Family Dinner
pairing: Five x reader ft the Hargreeves siblings
warnings: the usual Hargreeves siblings chaos
notes: fulfilling a request asking for a shy!reader meeting Five’s siblings for the first time. it was actually very hard squeezing in so many characters into one piece
summary: despite trying his best to avoid it, Five is forced to introduce you to the family
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The last thing Five wanted was for you to meet his family. If he could, he’d do everything in his power to keep you away from the chaos and stupidity that was his siblings forever. He didn’t need them overwhelming you with their quarreling or reminding you of how utterly tumultuous his home life was, and he felt an unwavering need to keep you separate from the Umbrella Academy. You were the one thing he didn’t have to share with his siblings, the one thing he had earned on his own without his powers, and the one thing that was normal in his life. He would do anything to keep his life from tainting your innocence by all means.
The discovery of your existence by his family had been completely accidental. When visiting his new apartment for the first time, Allison and Klaus had stumbled upon a framed photograph that Five had forgotten to stow away before their arrival. In the frame was a beautiful girl with kind features and a gentle smile, her arms lovingly draped around Five’s neck as he held her to his side and forced a lopsided grin for the camera. They knew Five had always hated photos, but it seemed here that he was willing to set aside his disdain for being photographed to please this mystery girl.
“What are you two looking at?” Five demanded after stumbling upon them staring down at the frame. Eyes widening when he realizes just exactly what the two are looking at, he quickly snatches the photo from Klaus’s grasp and holds it protectively against his chest. “I can’t believe this, I was gone for two minutes and neither of you could manage to stay out of my things.”
“Why didn’t you tell us you had a girlfriend?” Klaus asks, voice laced with mock offense as he clutches at his chest to mimic being wounded.
“The details of my personal life are none of your concern,” Five grits through clenched teeth, his tone dripping in annoyance at their snooping and frustration at being caught red handed. How could he have been so sloppy? Five had always been meticulous about every minute detail and keen at covering his tracks when needed, and yet he had failed to protect the most important secret he held.
“She’s gorgeous,” Allison tells him in hopes of assuaging her agitated brother, “and she looks really sweet. Why would you hide something like this?”
“This may come as a shock to you, Allison, but you guys aren’t exactly great at first impressions,” he explains condescendingly with a tight lipped smile, doing his best to hold back the urge to use more colorful language and insults. “The last thing I need is for you guys to start hashing out old childhood issues in front of her and scare her off.”
“Ouch, okay, noted,” she replies with a displeased frown. “But that’s still no excuse to keep your relationship a secret. I know we’re not always the most reliable bunch, but obviously this girl is important to you, Five, and if that’s the case then she’s important to us, too. Just give us a chance to prove ourselves- bring her to my place Friday for dinner so we can all get introduced.”
Five is silent as he mulls over Allison’s offer, doubt clear on his features as he considers all the possible ways a family dinner with you could go. While there are a million ways for it to go wrong, he’s able to acknowledge the plausibility of it being a success. As much as he hated to admit it, his sister did have a point. They weren’t always completely unreliable, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t think spending time with his siblings could actually be pleasant at times. And it’s not like you haven’t been questioning him already about his family and the details of his childhood. Perhaps it was time to finally bite the bullet.
“You get one chance,” Five finally relents in a firm tone, pointing his finger at them both in warning. “Do not screw this up.”
“How exciting!” Klaus gasps with an enthusiastic clap of his hands. “Oh, I have the perfect dish for this occasion.”
As Allison and Klaus immediately begin to discuss the details of Friday’s dinner, Five can only force himself to quell his panic as best as possible and hope that you’re able to stand his family.
You fidget nervously with the pendant of your necklace as Five swiftly parks the car in front of Allison’s home. It’s beautiful, and by the looks of the warm lights that glow through the window it seems the festivities have begun. Despite your boyfriend having already turned off the car, you make no attempt to move, prompting Five to reach over and gently take hold of your hand in his.
“Don’t worry,” he assures you in the softest voice he can manage. “These idiots are more worried about impressing you than you are about impressing them.”
“They’re not idiots, they’re your siblings,” you reprimand him gently before finally mustering up the courage to step foot out of the car. “And despite how much you act like they annoy you I know you really care about them. I just want it to go well is all.”
Five can’t really argue with that- sometimes he hates how easily you’re able to read him. It’s a feat not many can accomplish, and yet you managed to do so in record time. It’s also just another thing he adores about you; you see him like no one has before, and your gentle nature and levelheadedness perfectly balance out his tense and combative personality. You’re good for him, and he hopes his siblings see the good in you too.
The door swings open before you can press the doorbell and immediately you find yourself being pulled into the tightest hug of your life. A gasp of surprise leaves you at the sudden intrusion, and it takes everything in Five to resist the urge to immediately pry his sister off of you. He stares daggers at her innocent smile behind your back, but she merely waves him off before pulling away to look at you.
“It is so good to finally meet you!” She exclaims cheerfully, excitement clear in her tone. “I’m Allison. Come in, come in.”
You aren’t able to get in a word edge-wise as the woman practically drags you into her home and begins to show you around. A pleasant smelling aroma fills the house from the food that cooks in the kitchen, and animated chatter drifts throughout the hallways as the siblings gather and catch up on each other’s lives.
“Please make yourself at home and let me know if you need anything at all.”
“Thank you, a-and thank you for having me,” you offer with a meek smile, your hands nervously wringing together in front of you. “I’ve heard so much about you all and it’s finally nice to put faces to the names. I’m y/n.”
“Well then, welcome to the family y/n,” Allison notes with a wink before disappearing into the kitchen. You almost jump in surprise when you feel Five’s hand rest against your lower back as he leads you into the living room to meet the rest of his siblings.
“Ready to enter the lion’s den?” He whispers under his breath, and for a moment you genuinely can’t decipher whether or not he’s joking.
Three men and a woman sit on the couch animatedly discussing the contents of the television show playing on the screen before turning silent at your arrival. The sudden attention makes you nervous, your throat drying up as you harshly swallow down your anxiety.
“Luther, Diego, Lila, I’d like to introduce you to my… girlfriend,” Five utters after clearing his throat, obviously not familiar with the process of introducing a partner to family. He was still fairly new at this relationship stuff and still struggled at times with opening up. If he didn’t care about you so much he probably wouldn’t even bother, so you appreciate his efforts. “Y/n, these are my brothers and my sister-in-law.”
“Girlfriend, huh? This is certainly an upgrade from the last one,” Diego teases with a wry chuckle.
“Wasn’t the last one a mannequin?” Lila prompts with a raised brow much to Five’s dismay.
“Shut it,” he warns through clenched teeth, heat crawling up his neck at the mention of Delores. Leave it to those two to bring up his past at the worst time.
“A mannequin?” You repeat unsurely, your features contorted in confusion. Five’s eyes widen in panic, but Luther is quick to change the subject on Five’s behalf.
“It’s nice to see Five with someone for a change,” he notes with a nervous chuckle in hopes his comment redirects your attention off of the previous topic. “How did you two meet?”
“I work at a coffee shop in town,” you explain with a sheepish smile, and Five visibly relaxes beside you as you start to recount the beginnings of your relationship. A crisis has been avoided thanks to Luther, and for once Five is grateful for his brother’s conversational skills. “I was the only one who could make his coffee exactly the way he liked it, so he became a regular and would stop by every time I was working. We got to talking, one thing led to another, and, well, here I am.”
“Well, I for one think you are much too good for him,” Lila points out to the boy’s annoyance, “but seeing him less uptight and ornery is a pleasant change.”
“Thank you for that lovely observation, Lila,” Five retorts sarcastically with a roll of his eyes before escorting you out of the living room before the woman can embarrass him any further.
“Did you really date a mannequin?” You whisper curiously only for Five to immediately redden at your question.
“Let’s not hash out my dating history just right this second,” he instructs you before entering the dining room where a man has just finished setting down a heavy centerpiece on the table while another watches.
“Hmm, a little more to the left,” the one with curly hair and heavy eyeliner instructs while scrutinizing its placement. His eyes glance over the table before landing on you and Five in the doorway, and he immediately gasps before rushing over to greet you. “You must be y/n! Oh, it is so lovely to meet you. I’m Klaus, Five’s favorite brother, of course.”
“I don’t ever recall saying that,” Five points out with a raised brow and amused smile. Klaus simply rolls his eyes and waves his brother off with a tsk.
“You don’t have to, I can see it in your face,” he dismisses before returning his attention to you. “And that handsome man over there is our sweet brother Viktor.”
“Hey,” Viktor offers with a timid smile and small wave. “Nice to see you, welcome to family dinner.”
“Thank you,” you reply gratefully, “it’s nice to finally meet you all.”
“Well, not all of us. A certain someone thinks he’s too good for family dinner,” Klaus huffs in annoyance before turning his attention back to the centerpiece. “Does that look centered to you?”
“It looks perfect. I love the arrangement you’ve made,” you compliment much to Klaus’s delight.
“Finally someone with taste!” He gasps before draping an arm around you much to Five’s dismay and guiding you back to the kitchen. “Come, come little one, you can help me pick which napkins to use.”
Watching your figures disappear into the hallway, Viktor glances at Five before stating, “I don’t think you’ll be getting her back for a while.”
“Trust me, I’m aware,” the boy sighs in displeasure before heading towards Allison’s liquor cabinet for a drink.
Much to Five’s surprise, dinner goes off without a hitch. The food is lovely, the conversation is pleasant, and despite your usually shy demeanor you were able to open up rather quickly to his siblings. It was obvious the family took a great liking to you, and his original worries about them scaring you off had been proven irrational and untrue.
From his seat on the couch Five watches as you animatedly converse with Luther and Klaus about a new bakery that just opened up in town, your smile never once leaving your face and their interest in your words never once dwindling. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen you talk this much, and the sight brings a comfortable warmth to his chest at seeing you happy.
“See? This wasn’t so bad, was it?” Allison goads with a pleased smile. “Everyone had a nice time and y/n fits right in.”
“As much as I hate to say it, I’m sorry for doubting you,” Five relents with a soft smile. “This was nice.”
“And we like y/n, so don’t mess this up,” Lila warns him with a facetious shove to his shoulder. Annoyed by her words, Five rolls his eyes and shrugs away from her touch before refocusing his gaze on you. Your eyes meet for a brief second as you glance out into the living room, and you flash him a quick smile before looking back to Klaus who enthusiastically grabs hold of your hands and begins to demand a trip to the bakery with you while Luther attempts to insert himself into the plan. Despite how annoying his family can be at times, he’d be lying if he said it didn’t bring a smile to see his face to see them all get along with the girl he loves.
“Trust me,” he utters carefully, his voice so uncharacteristically tender it takes the two women by surprise, “I’ll do anything to keep her around for as long as I live.”
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theplotdemandsit · 2 months
When Five finally makes it back home with his siblings, finally makes it back to the right timeline, he finds he’s still holding his breath. 
“Is it really over?” He thinks out loud. 
“I guess there’s only one way to find out,” comes Luther’s response. 
So they do. And everything seems…normal?
But as much as Five wants to sleep for ten days straight, he can’t help but feel on edge. He spends his time visiting each sibling, popping in for dinners or briefly making sure they haven’t felt anything out of the ordinary. One day Allison asks him if he actually wants there to be an approaching apocalypse. His eyes fall onto Claire who’s catching him up on High School Musical the Musical the Series.
“No,” he answers. “I really don’t.” 
They make time for family dinners every Sunday. They still bicker and maybe swing some fists every now and then, but everyone is fast to apologize and laugh again. With room to breathe again without high stakes, the hurt finally begins to heal. They had been family before, but it slowly begins to feel like a real family. 
And for the first time, they really get to know each other. For all the crap they gave Luther about the moon, they listen as he shares the misery and loneliness and betrayal he felt. Allison describes her time as a Black woman in the 60s without her voice. Literally. Viktor tells them about what it was like growing up powerless only to end the world twice. How he lost his memory and found the one he loved only to lose that too. 
Klaus manifests Ben (who is still a ghost but as alive as he could get) and together they tell of their adventures growing up and the cult Klaus accidentally created. In between laughs, they also learn about Klaus’s harrowing experiences with drugs and death.
And Five? He has over 40 years of stories, and at first he doesn’t want to share any of it. His time in the Apocalypse, his time in the Commission, murdering for the sole purpose of survival in order to get back to his family—it’s not a side to him he wants his family to know about. 
But at the same time for reasons he can’t explain, he does want them to know. For the first time, he wants to talk to his family, the family he worked tirelessly to save. 
Little by little, he does just that. Every now and then he will start a sentence with, “Back in the Apocalypse…,” during dinner or his visits with them. Silly ones at first, like the time he had the nasty Twinkie. The time he sang all the Beatles songs he could remember and pretended he was having a concert. The time he found Umbrella Academy action figures and reenacted missions with them. 
When it’s just him and another sibling, he starts sharing some of the hard stuff too.
He tells Allison how he starved during his first winter alone and hallucinated that she had helped him find food. When he woke up he found himself in a storage house full of canned goods and bawled his eyes out.
He tells Diego about the first time he killed someone. How the scariest thing was that he wasn’t shaking. 
He tells Viktor how he sometimes still wonders if he deserves everything he got for messing with time in the first place. How he’s afraid that one of these days he’ll wake up and be alone again.
He tells Klaus about the time he thought about giving up and ending it all. 
He tells Luther about Dolores. About how even though he knew he was crazy for talking to a mannequin, Dolores was the better part of him that salvaged his sanity.
He tells Ben (and Klaus, by default) that his biggest regret is not being there. That he tries not to think about how things might have been different if he’d stayed.
Slowly, slowly, bit by bit, the tension eases from his shoulders. He stops worrying so much about the world ending and how to keep everyone alive. Instead, he spends his time going to the park with Claire, helping Diego and Lila with the babies, having midnight food outings with Klaus, and listening to Viktor play his music.
At their weekly family dinner, Luther tells Five he has a present for him and pulls out a box of Twinkies, saying, “I know you want to try one.”
Five gives him a practiced glare and says, “I would rather swim in a pot of boiling oil.”
Before, his family might have stared at him like he grew two heads, but now they laugh and think his retort is hilarious. Luther opens the box and pulls out a bag of marshmallows instead, and Five can’t help but crack a smile. 
One day they ask him what his plans are—what’s next for the oldest sibling.
Five warms his hands on a hot mug of coffee. “I’m tired of thinking about the future,” he tells them. “Right now, I just want to spend time with my family.”
That earns him plenty of “aww”s and “You’re such a softie, Five.” He waves them away and tries to duck out of their hugs, but they get him in the end. And even if he could teleport, he doesn’t want to.
He hadn’t been looking for happy, but he found it anyway.
Now cross-posted on Ao3 under the same handle!
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babygirl-riley · 11 months
His Girls
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Simon had to go into work throughout the craziness of the Riley household he lost his plastic skull mask. Only to find his youngest chewing on it.
Warnings: PURE fluff, seriously dad!simon, swearing
A/N: I am OBESSESSED with dad!Simon and to FEED my addiction @ave661 just keep coming in clutch! Go subscribe their pateron! Just a small drabble for you all ❤️
simon x reader guide
simon x reader family edition
Simon was running around throwing on small amount of gear, only going to the base. He put his mask on and realized he missed placed his skull that was suppose to be with it. “Daddy,” His five year old cried. “I don’t wanna have you go.” She held his leg.
“Daddy has to,” You said as your pre teen followed you. She was rambling on how she wanted to go to the mall with her friends but couldn’t. “Millie enough.” You said behind you to his oldest.
“Dad.” Millie looked at him and he shook his head.
“Do what ya mum says.” He looked down at Allison and kneeled down. Millie scoffed and walked off. “I’m not gonna be long promise. We will go get ice cream.”
Allison pouted. “Okay.” She walked out before Simon turned to you.
“I can’t find my fucking mask,” He cursed ripping through everything. “I had it ‘ere now it’s gone.”
You nodded. “Have you checked between the drawers?”
Simon nodded walking out. “Dad! I promised Jackie that I would be there, now what do I do?”
Simon loved his kids he did but damn he didn’t expect having all girls would make his head spin. You even joked about how soon Millie will start her womanhood and then they were fucked. Simon jogged down the stairs looking in the kitchen. “Millie, your mum said no, you think I’m going to say yes after? Ya know not to make promises that you don’t know if you gonna keep.” He explained not looking at her.
Millie groaned. “Listen though everyone goes out with their friends to the malls at this time. Not later. Plus they all can’t go.”
Simon snapped his head up looking on the counter. “I thought it was just Jackie.” You said having his baby youngest in your arms. She was wrapped in her blanket as she set her down in the living room that we connected to the kitchen.
Tessa giggled as she looked up at the tv. Playing with something in her hands. Simon sighed irritated, time was running short, he was running behind, and his patience running thin. Millie and you were arguing back and forth, as Allison came running down the stairs to watch tv. Simon inhaled deeply looking around again. “Your father agrees with me. I am done talking about this. You are not going, we have to be at Nana’s today.” You said putting your foot down.
Simon looked up and waited for Millie to respond. She just rolled her eyes and stomped off, you pressed fingers against your temples. “Alright Simon I am going to look in Allison’s room maybe she was playing with it.”
Simon nodded as he kept looking through and stood for a moment thinking where it could be. Trying to think where the fuck he put it. Nerves were high. He was getting anxious of being late. His thought started to swirl making his anger higher. Until he heard a small giggle.
Simon looked down to see Tessa on her back gnawing on something. Larger than her for sure. His eyes softened when they made eye contact, the blanket moving over to the side to see his mask. He inhaled with relief as he knelt down. “You bugger.” He whispered ripping his balaclava off.
Tessa giggled, he always loves the sound of his girls laughing giggling. It made him miss and think of Millie when she was this young. Innocent. Naive. Hell Tessa even had the same outfit that Millie wore. When both of you kept having kids and they were girls, he couldn’t or wouldn’t let you get rid of this outfit. It was his favorite.
Simon sat Tessa up and turned her towards him. She stopped chewing on it but held onto it. Her way of rebelling of him leaving for the day. Simon chuckled and grabbed the top of it. “Daddy will be back sweet girl.”
Tessa just had her large brown eyes set on him. Simon looked at the features, seeing Tommy and his mom in them. Making him think of his nephew Joseph and how Millie and him could have been close. How you could have a friend with Tommy’s wife. He often thought about it when looking at his girls. Millie definitely was a slit image of you though, personality to features.
Allison would just attach whenever she wanted to, independent like him. Tessa though was definitely daddy’s girl, anytime he would walk into a room she would know. Hell when you were pregnant with her she would move when hearing his voice. When he forgot to take the mask off she giggled and reach for it. Anytime he came home she was thrilled, screeching and giving sign to pick her up.
Tessa giggled as she reached for his thumb grabbing it. These moments he loved, the small gestures. The smiles. Giggles. It made him have that stir inside, the one that wants him to have another baby. His girls were his angels, so why not have more? More of these innocent kids that he made. His pride and joys. He didn’t want to go, he rather be here, with his girls. Go get ice cream now. Simon sighed as he looked up the stairs to make sure Millie wasn’t standing there so he could go say a proper goodbye for the day.
Allison came next to Simon as she hugged his thigh and looked at Tessa. “Daddy said we can get ice cream Tess! Sooner he leaves the sooner we get ice cream!”
Simon smiled down at her, he thought how smart she was becoming. Her sentences making more sense. Allison was like him, truly. Short tempered. Emotional ball. At the same time though she was thick skinned, she could take a hit until she can’t take it. She was caring, always sharing even if she didn’t want to. Would try to make everything more lighter when things got tense. At 5 years old.
“Exactly,” He felt his plastic mask loosen up and he softly took it away. “I love you baby girls.” He said kissing both of their foreheads. “I’m gonna say bye to ya sister, watch Tess yeah?”
“Yes sir daddy!” Allison chimed as she started to gather Tess’s attention.
He looked down at the stairs watching Tessa giggle and squeal at her sister. Simon walked towards Millie’s room, hearing her soft rock play behind the door. He knocked softly as he heard the music turn down. “Who is it?” She said snarky.
“Dad.” He said softly, he heard the knob unlock, having him note of that being a potential problem. She walked to her desk, sitting in her chair looking away from him. “I just wanted to say goodbye.”
Like him, distant once he was angry. “Have fun at Nana’s.” He softly said walking to her to place a kiss on her head.
“Love you.” She mumbled looking over at him.
“Love ya too dovie. I’ll see ya after work.”
She nodded to his comment as he walked out to face you. You sighed smirking. “Of course daddy comes to save the day.”
Simon smirked as he walked up to you placing his hands on your hips. “She’ll come ‘round,” He whispers kissing your neck. “Want baby 4?”
You pushed him off, giggling. Your stomach swirling with excitement. “Oh no Tessa have you the swirl,” He kissed your neck again, mumbling a yes. “Oh stop it, you’re gonna be late. Get going.” You giggled pushing him gently off before kissing his cheek.
When you turned he slapped your ass. His favorite thing to look, touch, grab. You scoffed, shaking your head while chuckling. Heading down the stairs to the other two girls. Simon smiled as you watched the two play, his girls. His angels. And the thing was…He would never change a thing.
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The itch
An: so I’ve never written for TUA, I think, I haven’t written anything in like a long time cause my brain is made of worms most days, but the new season and mostly five in his new attitude? Personality? His almost soft tired of it all way, gives me the feelings. As a 28 year old women it’s odd that a 68 year old trapped in a 18 year old body works for me like it does but hey, I’ve liked weirder (cough I was in the Hamilton fandom cough) so enjoy this sort of bonding with Lila over the new mundane life and the exhausting reality of having to live it, because I love Lila and hate what they did to her and fives characters with the whole 7 year time line romance. Like why make her a mum of 3 and married to Fives brother just to ruin it like that. But anyway enjoy this weird fic.
Readers power: molecular manipulation, think piper from charmed, overhaul from my hero, uhhh it’s hard to explain but basically it means you can make things explode, freeze people and things by fucking with the molecular structure of said thing.
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You wanted to scream, to smash things, to burn yours and fives apartment down, it had been six years of calm, six years of learning to enjoy ‘normal’. Six years of working at dead end jobs because you didn’t pass the god damn psych evaluation for the CIA, somehow you are far more ‘unhinged’ than your husband.
You and five spent 30 years together, a decade in an apocalyptic wasteland when you ended up teleported there by mistake, and then 20 years at the commission becoming trained and ruthless assassins. Now, now Five worked doing CIA investigations and you got stuck working at a grocery store gas station. It was calm, it was normal, it was absolute hell on earth and made your skin itch.
So sitting in the parking lot of the play place for your nieces 6th birthday, you didn’t know why you couldn’t make yourself leave your car, five was already here, he had texted you as much, everyone else minus Viktor who was in Canada, and Allison who hasn’t shown her face irl to any of her siblings in the 6 years, you just needed to get out of the car and walk in with the gift you signed from both you and five for Gracie. It was a set of toy weapons, knives like her dads old ones, and a few other random ‘play pretend’ things.
Closing your eyes you leaned your head back against the head rest, taking a deep breath. Almost hitting the gas when the passenger side door opened and slammed closed. Turning eyes wide you saw Lila, the exhausted mothers face blank staring forward
“I just needed a minute, just needed” you nodded
“Take all the minutes you need. I assume it’s like pulling teeth in there with Diego?” Lila nodded sighing loudly
“Fives the same way, just on other stuff, like deciding if he wants to go out to dinner or stay in and order pizza, or if he needs new underwear because the ones he has have so many holes in surprised they still count as underwear, or just simple things like the dishes, like how hard is it to wash a cup, it shouldn’t be as hard as it is, how hard is it to just tell me when you need a quiet night cause work was stressful, and you are exhausted from stupid people all day, i work retail, he acts like I don’t understand being tired of idiots…I just…” you paused looking back out the windshield
“It’s like your skin is on fire and nothing stops the itch of being a once highly skilled assassin who could fuck with peoples molecules and freeze them in time or make them explode?” You nodded looking at her
“I find myself flicking my hands out and remembering I can’t just blow up or freeze people anymore, it’s like an itch and anytime I explain it to five he just…”
“Doesn’t listen? Or doesn’t understand that you are used to how your life was and now that it’s different, it’s not bad but it’s eye burning mundane clock ticking by slower then ever reality?”
Nodding you sighed
“Diego, he wants to listen, he just, from what five always told me he had a hard time understanding others because his brain is just, frazzled and he feels inadequate, how they grew up I guess shaped them in every timeline. Five is just used to being alone he was alone for 30 years before we met, then I popped up and it’s just. I don’t think he gets that sometimes I just need him to..”
“Let you Help with the itching”
You nodded smiling at her
“He just, it’s been a lot, and we haven’t quite got the ‘normal life’ down just yet.” Lila nodded
“It’s not easy in normal marriage land either, 3 kids and a chunky husband who, doesn’t make it easier is….”
“Not helping the itching. Well how about me and you, when the itch gets too bad, we help each other? Maybe find a way to do something, go to a rage room? Do a fighting class something to feel the….rush? Of what we did before. Have Klaus or someone babysit the kids, be me and you and just….”
“Fighting each other like the before days?” You laughed nodding
“Yeah…I miss getting to kick your ass and having you kick mine…”
Lila laughed looking around
“We could start a fight club, you, me, Ben when he gets out of prison. Just….maybe we’ll get used to normal eventually….” You frowned nodding
“You know if you ever need anything, help with the kids, a friend to vent to when Diego is being Diego…I’m not to far from your guys place. I can always swing by, let the munchkin tornados beat up on auntie Y/N.” You smiled at her for all the mess you and her had been in against each other, she had become one of your closest friends and family members through it all.
Soon enough you finally made your way into the building, the screams of children everywhere, the smell of sugar and something faintly child everywhere. You spotted five by the ball pit, speaking with Ben, walking over you hugged five from behind sighing as you rested your forehead against his back
“Hello, love.” You squeezed him in response before looking up and over to Ben
“Ahh Benjamin, free from jail, good to see you didn’t die, love that you still look like you want to murder us all” Ben didn’t laugh, just glared at you before sighing
“Not in the snark mood got it.” You felt five squeeze your arm a bit pulling away from you, making you groan
Turning to fully look at you, he looked you over smiling softly
“How was work?” You looked at him blinking slowly before sighing and planting your forehead on his chest, groaning
“Ahh I see” his hand rubbed your back softly, his other lifting the beer to his lips.
“People are stupid. How hard is it to put a gas nozzle in a car….”
“Apparently impossible if what you tell me says anything” you looked at him nodding before turning to look around
“10 bucks says Diego forgets to put up the piñata like Lila asked him” five laughed slightly
“Nah 20 says Lila has a mental breakdown before cake is served” you looked over to where Lila stood with Gracie helping the young girl fix her party hat,
“Nah I think she has a breakdown after presents when she sees what we got Gracie” five laughed looking down at you, brushing the stray hair from your face, smiling at him you sighed softly again,
it seemed even if you wanted to rip your hair out from the new ‘normal’ reality you all had to live in, even if your skin itched from the need to return back to what life was before somehow, it was nice that you still had small moments, where normal wasn’t so bad, normal birthday parties for your nieces and nephews, seemingly normal holidays, and normal, non murder happy work. As much as you loathed admitting it, sometimes it was nice. Like now, now was nice.
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The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Part 2
Five Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
Summary: After finding out about the seven years Lila and Five spent together, reader walks in to a diner in between all time and space and finds exactly what she didn’t know she was looking for
A/N: This part is really short but I’m now planning on making it 3 parts ❤️ but you guys have been so patient and awesome
Part 1 PART 2 Part 3
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Booth Five blinked her home. She let go of his hand, staring at the front door of her apartment in dread.
It seemed silly to care this much about something so trivial when the fate of the world was literally hanging in the balance.
“He lives here too?” He asked, stepping up so that they were side by side.
“He’s not home or else I’d be feeling the side effects of paradox psychosis,” Booth Five explained, “You’re safe to go in if you’re worried about seeing him.”
She wondered if he was still in the subway, looking for her.
When she didn’t answer, he reached out and put a hand on her shoulder, turning her gently to face him, “Hey, I can stay if you need me to. I’ll risk it.”
She gave him a small, tired smile just as her phone began to chime over and over, texts messages catching up now that she was back in the correct timeline.
Pulling it from her coat pocket, she watched as a couple dozen messages from Diego, Luther, Klaus and Allison popped up.
“I actually need to go,” she said, reading all of the urgent, worried texts on her screen, “It looks like things are coming to a head around here.”
“As they usually do,” Booth Five sighed, “I hate leaving you like this. I want to fix it.”
“Five, this timeline is not your responsibility,” she reminded him, “I know you want to help me, but I think having two Five’s in one timeline is asking for trouble that we can’t really afford right now.”
“I know.”
He looked at her so tenderly, so heartbrokenly, that she could not stop herself from throwing her arms around him. It caught him by surprise because he stumbled back a bit before steadying himself again and wrapping his arms around her in return.
“I wish I could keep you,” he whispered in to her ear, his breath warm against her skin, sending a shudder down her spine.
She sunk in to him, willing herself not to cry again. She was so tired of crying.
“If I survive all of this, come back and find me,” she told him, “you know where I live.”
He was feeling bold now, her close proximity pushing him to do something he had been dying to do from the moment she stepped in to the deli.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, “Please?”
“Yes,” she breathed, “Yes, please do.”
There was no time to contemplate the absolute fuckery that was kissing the timeline counterpart of the man who broke her heart. She didn’t care what the repercussions would be, she just wanted to feel him.
He did not immediately go in for her lips the way she thought he would. He took his time, his lips brushing first across her temple, then down the planes of her cheekbones, to the tip of her nose and back up to her forehead. Wherever she granted access, he took, savoring the feel of her.
When she finally could take no more, impatience winning over, she grabbed him by the lapels of his coat and brought his lips down to hers. He returned the kiss with fervor, his hands cupping either side of her face, bringing her flush against his chest.
There was no mistaking that this was not her Five. There was no languid domesticity behind this kiss. He kissed her like a man starved, who had no idea when his next meal would be.
She was breathless when they pulled away, but he did not let go of her just yet.
Pressing his forehead against hers, he whispered, “I love you. Every version of you, in every timeline. I love you.”
“I love you,” she replied, her lips finding his once more; a soft, lingering kiss, “I love you so much, Five. I’m sorry that we weren’t able to find our happy ending in your timeline, but thank you for being here for me in mine.”
It was with great difficulty that he finally let her go, taking a few steps back so that he could actually find the strength to leave her there. His eyes wandered over her, as if he was trying to memorize every single detail about her, about this moment.
“Be careful,” he warned, “Please, be careful, love.”
“I will.” She assured him, but the words tasted sour on her tongue. Every blip of the future she could see was dark and desolate.
She watched him blink away and she stumbled back a few steps, sinking down to sit on the stoop behind her. She needed just a moment to collect herself before meeting the family. Before seeing her Five again. Before facing yet another apocalypse.
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ninyard · 3 months
I don't know if you've taken this into account for your trial posts, but if the prosecution requested Kevin's/the house's phone record that day they could found out he called Wymack before the police. And that could not look Good especially with his deadpan 911 call
i had thought about this and i don’t think i’m going to mention it but it’s SUCH a striking point i actually love it. i wasn’t going to bring it up purely because i’m not putting kevin on the stand, but it’s such a good reason as to why i could put him on the stand. like perfect kevin day trying to explain why he’d seen a dead body and called wymack before anything else? and how that phone call went as well? what if they played it?
“Take a breath and spit it out, kid.” Wymack’s voice is getting more and more strained with every second that passes and Kevin just can't get the words dislodged from his throat. How could he, when all he could smell was blood, and alcohol, when all he could hear was Andrew’s voice in his head saying tell me again how I'm too unbalanced to understand normal brotherly affection and love.
“Something happened.” Kevin tries not to watch as Nicky’s parents pass him, faces pale and hands shaking. He can’t hold himself together, when he opens his mouth to explain, all that falls out is a muted sob accompanied by, “Oh, fuck, Coach, it’s really fucking bad.”
Kevin winced as he heard Nicky start to sob somewhere upstairs, and David must have heard it too, because his voice was much more serious when he asked, "Who's hurt?"
It's the perfect question, almost, but that doesn't make it easier to answer.
“How hurt are we talking?”
“I don’t know.” Kevin’s chest is getting tight. Not right now. Not now. He takes in a shaky deep breath, as much air as he can muster. He continues, “Somebody’s dead.”
“Fuck, Kevin, who’s fucking dead?” He sounds angry. No, he’s worried, he’s terrified. Which one of my foxes is it?
“I don’t know.” He repeats. He watches as Nicky’s parent fuss over something in the kitchen. “I don't know, I don’t know.”
“Dead, how?” David says, before he says something, presumably to Abby. Kevin's breath comes in and out of his lungs in painful, jagged intervals. This is too much, he can't do this, he can't do this. “Kevin, I need you to talk to me.”
“Aaron.” He cant say the words. “Somebody was- oh my god.” He feels his chest tighten, and tighten, and tighten. A twisting stomach accompanied by a pounding chest and fuck, the smell of blood, and alcohol, and-
“Breathe.” David says again, like it’s really that simple. “You have to tell me what’s going on so I can help you, kid.”
“Call Betsy.” It’s the only thing he can think to say. But when he thinks of Bee, he thinks of Andrew, he thinks of the body lying upstairs. He thinks of- “I don’t know what to do, David.”
There’s a moment of silence, and David is forced to listen to Kevin’s quiet hyperventilating. “Is Aaron dead?”
Kevin almost laughs. “No.”
Wymack's sigh is gentle, but louder than anything else, the sound weighing on Kevin's shoulders like the secret he felt like he was keeping, the secret he felt like he couldn't share. It's not exasperation, no, his annoyance is not directed at Kevin's panic or inability to find the words. It's worry, it's fear, it's being too used to those kinds of phone calls. It's too soon after Allison's Seth is dead, Coach, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
“Is Andrew? Is Neil?”
“No.” He says. The words are right there, he tries to swallow them down hard, but they keep getting stuck in his throat. Just say it. Just say it.
"Nicky?" He's getting impatient. But Kevin knows it's not directed at him. It can't be. "Work with me, Kev. Just say it."
"Andrew's been...r-" The tears that threaten to spill out swell in his eyes, the tightness at the back of his throat manifesting in a sigh, an exhale of breath that he had been holding for far too long. Kevin shut his eyes so he couldn't look at Nicky's parents, and following a deep breath that he hoped would fix everything, he says, "Andrew's been raped, and Aaron killed the guy that did it."
The silence that follows goes on for hours, for far too long. For long enough that Kevin has to check that David hasn't hung up on him, for long enough that he starts to think about it all, all over again.
"Jesus Christ, Kevin." is all that David can muster, in this voice Kevin has only heard once before, as he sat sobbing in his hotel room with no plan and no reason to live. He stumbles through a hundred different questions until he lands on, "Have you called the cops yet?"
"No." Kevin admits with a guttural sob. He hasn't even thought about it. Well, he did, in some way, but his fingers hadn't even hesitated over David's contact number. It hurts so badly, all of these feelings, the image of Andrew, the image of Andrew, the image of Andrew. His protector. The person who kept him safe. This was never supposed to happen to him. This can't have happened. Not to him.
"Jesus fucking Christ, kid, get off the fucking phone," David's yell snaps him out of it. "Get it together, take a real deep breath, and call 911. Then call me back afterwards. Fuck, Kevin."
"Okay, Coach." Kevin says, as seriously as he can manage. Call 911 - An order, something to follow. Something to do. Something to be good at, to pretend for, a reason to shove his panic behind a plastic mask for a couple of minutes.
"Okay." Coach agrees and lets out another deep, hurt sigh. Another second or two pass, but Kevin feels frozen in place. The phone is stuck to his ear, the electronic hum and buzz the only thing keeping him from going back to the reality of Nicky's parent's house.
"Are you okay?" Coach asks, and Kevin shuts his eyes to inhale, before exhaling out anything that hurts. He's switched off, untouchable, numb and unfeeling. Kevin isn't there, inside of himself anymore. He can come back later.
"No," Kevin says, but it doesn't feel like the truth anymore, his voice flat, the back of his free hand wiping away a tear that had found its way out of his eyes. "But I'll call you back."
"Okay," Coach says again. "You better."
The phone call ends with three consecutive beeps. Kevin pulls it away from his ear, and stares for too long at the 911 he's typed into the keypad.
Do what you have to do.
Be who they need you to be.
"Hello, 911, what's your emergency?"
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functionofjules · 1 month
At Last
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Pairing: Five Hargreeves X (She/her) Synopsis: (Taking place at the start of Season 2) Y/n finds herself alone in the sixties. Just as she begins to give up hope of ever getting home to her husband, Five, she’s pleasantly surprised. A/N: Reader has healing powers which lead to enhanced abilities like endurance and strength. Aged up Five in my interpretation. Feeling nostalgic after the series finale.
I slam to the ground with a force that could rival an elephant cracking my spine. Luckily enough, I have a tendency to avoid the repercussions from a fall of such heights. I can practically feel my cells regenerating already.
My tattered Umbrella Academy uniform that I borrowed from Allison’s closet upon Five and I’s arrival is reeking of the events of the last week. I’m not particularly fond of it and due to my lack of personal hygiene lately, I think I may be due for an outfit change.
I observe my surroundings. It seems I’m far away from home. By that I mean directly next to a dumpster.
I cautiously make my way into the street and take note of the vintage style of clothing. This indicates I’ve been dropped somewhere between the 50s-60s. This is confirmed when I steal a glance at a newspaper dated March 5th, 1960. At this point I feel myself begin to hyperventilate. Not necessarily because of the date but because I can’t seem to find a single Hargreeves sibling, most importantly my husband, Number Five.
I stagger backward until my back hits a wall that I slide down. Just as the tears begin to pour, a figure casts a shadow over my hunched position. I look up in hopes of a familiar face but am only met with a stranger. She has soft blonde hair framing her face which honestly reminds me of that actress, Florence Pugh, from the only film Five and I had time to see.
In pitying tone accompanied by her southern drawl she asks “You okay, Pumpkin? What’s the matter? You look like you ain’t doing too hot.”
I let a shaky breath escape and contemplate how much information I should give this woman. There’s no way in hell I’m explaining how my husband and I just attempted to stop the end of the world only the end up being separated from him and the rest of his family. So I settle for the next best thing.
“I’m a little lost,” I admit “My family and I got separated and I have nowhere to go.”
“Aw you poor thing!” She exclaims, bending down to my level and taking my hand “You want to come with me? I can getcha something to eat and figure things out from there.”
I nod, standing to my feet.
“That sounds nice. Thank you…” I falter realizing we hadn’t properly introduced ourselves.
She takes both my hands in hers and says “Charlotte, but you can call me Lottie.”
“I’m Y/n,” I say, offering my first smile since getting thrown out of that portal “Y/n Hargeeves.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It’s been three years since I was dropped in Dallas and a lot has changed.
Lottie and I live together I her two bedroom loft apartment and work together everyday at the local diner. It was quite different from my work at the Commission but not to brag, I’ve developed a very impressive coffee pouring time.
I haven’t heard anything from Five. At first I figured he’d come along right after me but he never did. A part of me holds out hope he got dropped somewhere further ahead in the timeline then me or got caught up with someone putting out a hit on him but I’m losing that hope. But I’m okay here with Lottie. I’ve built myself a nice life in Dallas.
I had just expected it to be another normal day at the diner. I tied my apron in a tight knot around my waist, told Lottie to hurry up, and we began to rush down the street together.
I had told Lottie a little about Five. How we were in love and we always protected each other. She knows better than anyone how much I miss him.
We rush into the diner with the ring of the bell behind us and ran to the back to put away our bags. Just as we’re about to head through the door my manager calls, “Y/n! I need you to give one of the chefs a hand with the pantry inventory.”
I shrug “Okay boss!”
A shoot Lottie a wave and run back to help our chef, Dave, count various condiments.
I was still in there after about fifteen minutes when Lottie ran back with a strange look in her eye. She slammed the door with such force I almost slipped off the stool I was balanced on.
“Sorry!” She apologizes, but I can tell she can’t contain herself for long “There’s a guy asking for you.”
I raise a brow “Asking for me? Is it that Harry guy again? Because he gives me the creeps, I’m really not in the mood to-“
She shushes me
“No it’s not Charlie! I really think you ought to get out there. I’ll finish up back here for ya!” She cuts me off, practically shoving me out the door.
“Okay, okay!” I say, chuckling at her intensity “I’ll go! Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
I think nothing of what could be on the other side of that door cause I know it’ll be the same thing everyday. I snatch my notepad out of my apron and the pen from behind my ear.
“Welcome in! What can I do for you today?” I say. I was about to list off the specials until I look up and see Luther Hargreeves sat next to…”Five?”
He blinks behind the counter saying “Hello Darling-“
I don’t let him get to far before a tackle him with kisses. Every inch of his face is smeared in my burgundy lipstick and it takes everything in me to stop there. I let him stand to his feet as tears spring to my eyes.
“I can’t believe you’re here! I can’t believe-“ And then the anger sets in “I can’t believe you!”
His brown furrows as I begin to land strikes to his chest.
“You left me! You abandoned me for three years! I was terrified I was never going to see you again! How could you do something so reckless!” I tell. There’s a large part of me that knows it isn’t actually his fault but I choose to neglect that right now. My hits become harder and it’s only then he gently grasps my wrists and lays his forehead against mine.
Throughout my whole fit, he is shushing me and whispering “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry my love. I didn’t want to. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”
I finally cease my attacks and begin to breathe easily again. Once I’m calm I turn back towards my brother in law.
“Hi Luther.”
“Oh,” he says with an awkward attempt at a smile “Hello!”
Just then, Lottie reveals herself from behind the kitchen doors and walks over. She scans the scene and smirks at me, saying “Hey pumpkin! Care to introduce your friends?”
I chuckle introducing everyone “Lottie, this is my husband, Five Hargreeves. And this is my brother in law, Luther.”
“Alright!” She replies with a smile “Who wants coffee?”
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itsnoones-stuff · 29 days
Do you think they know?
Summary // you’ve been secretly dating Five for a month without suspicion but one morning could change everything.
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Five groans lightly, using his free hand to rub his eyes as his other hand wraps tighter around your waist, the sun seeping through the curtains waking you both. There was nothing you loved more than spending the morning cuddling in bed with Five, it was the only time you two can really be together. No one else in the family knows what you two have been doing, you’ve become so good at hiding it they think the two of you hate each other. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
“We should get up princess” Five mumbles, his voice deep and rough, you loved his morning voice. “No” you mumble back, letting out a chuckle as you bury your head further into his chest. “Yes princess” he chuckles to himself, preparing to get out of bed, you hold onto him tighter moaning at the idea of leaving the bed. He sighs, leaning down to kiss you on the forehead, “I know, I’m sorry but at least one of us has to get up” he’s right. You know he’s right. You loosen your grip with a huff, watching as he stands from the bed. Throwing his shirt on and buttoning it up, he turns to you, giving you a soft smile “I know princess but you know what will happen if we stay in bed all day”. One thing about Five is that he’s always right. You hate it. “Fine” you say defeated “I’ll see you tonight?” You ask, looking up at the sweet boy “of course” he coes, turning to face the door as he puts his pants back on. “I’ll see you soon princess” he winks, sending flutters through you, before heading to the door and for the kitchen. You watch him leave, carefully closing the door behind him.
Walking down the hall you start to hear your siblings arguing, you stop, trying to find out what they’re saying. “Just admit it Five, we all know” know what? You think, carefully stepping closer as the argument continues, “I’m not going to admit to anything Allison because there is nothing to admit” Five fires back, you can feel his frustration, “nothing’s going on huh?” Diego pipes up, your interest only increasing “then explain why Klaus saw you two this morning” your heart stopped at his words, you’ve been caught. It was nice whilst it lasted, you thought. “I don’t know what Klaus thinks he saw but he’s high right now” Five snaps back “he doesn’t even know what he saw” he’s mad. Really mad. Klaus scoffs in protest, he is high but he knows what he saw.
The bickering continues some more before you decide you’ve heard enough, you decide to walk in like nothing happened, watching as your family all fall silent and stare as you make your entrance. “Morning” you coo, heading to the coffee maker “what are you all arguing about?” You ask, already knowing the answer, watching as they all become flustered at the question. Silence quickly filling the room, you let out a soft sigh as you pour your coffee. “Well” Luther clears his throat, ignoring Diego’s attempts to silence him “we we’re talking about how…” his words drift off. “Are you two fucking?” Allison asks, folding her arms over her chest as both you and Five choke on your drinks, “Allison!” Diego scolds his sister, you can’t help but chuckle.
“No, we’re not fucking Allison” you snapped back after a moment, shaking your head at the idea. “Is that what you were all arguing about?” You add, looking around the room, no one can make eye contact with you, not even Five. “Maybe” Luther mumbles, looking around at his siblings, you laugh in response, it was the only thing you could think to do. “Why would you all care anyway?” You ask, instantly regretting your choice of words, your siblings all look around before looking to you “because” Allison sighs “because?” You ask, pushing for an answer “because you’re brother and sister, that’s weird!” She shouts, clearly forgetting. You turn to her, a smile prominent on your face. “Oh hunny” you chuckle “those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” you were right but it was kind of harsh. You watch as the others try not to laugh, holding in your own.
You finish the last of your coffee, taking it in one swig before placing the empty cup in the sink and standing straight. Clearing your throat you wrap your hands around your chest “well” you speak, grabbing everyone’s attention, “since you all think we’re fucking, I guess we might as well do just that”. Allison scoffs as the rest of your family look at you with wide eyes, Five can’t wipe the smug grin off his face. “Yeah, I guess you’re right princess, might as well” his words were like hunny, your body fluttered at the idea. Taking Five’s hand you cheerfully walk to your room, leaving your family pick their jaws up off the floor. Guess there’s no point in hiding it anymore, right?
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magictookourmemories · 2 months
I just finished watching The Umbrella Academy season finale. And rewatched all 3 seasons the past few days. I am so disappointed with this season that I have to express it in some ways.
Okay good things first. I loved seeing all them back together again. I missed Klaus and Ben together even though we didn’t see them together that much this season. I love the chaotic reunion in eps 1 and 2. I like how Ben toned down his a-hole personality, less screaming but Brelly Ben and Sparrow Ben were somehow both there. Luther’s stripper clumsy dancing because he’s so happy he’s not hairy anymore. Viktor going on dates after dates? Klaus still being the weirdest in the fam with his new phobia. Allison less famous but with her Claire. Diego and Lila adulting really hard.
The Jennifer incident finally explained. Did not like the rush love line between her and Ben though. Viktor and Reggie’s car bonding moments just like Klaus and Reggie’s in s3. And Viktor finally confronting old Reggie, one of my fav scenes. I think the diego luther cia story line wasn’t necessary but it was funny. Love the series dumb and dumber.
I wished they explained more about the subway time travel, it looks really promising. I mean how did he figure out how to go back after reading the notebook. What was in the notebook? I wanted to be included in the journey. Instead they focused on Five and Lila being a thing. I can see the actors have chemistry. I loved them in S2 as bickering siblings trying to impress the Handler like she’s their mom. I mean if Lila didn’t have kids with Diego and wasn’t married maybe it was alright. Enemies to lovers trope is classic but not this way. I understand the actor is of legal age now but seriously it was wrong. I actually thought Lila is the Dolores of this stuck in time scenario this season. I don’t know why the writers did this.
Five is my favourite character. He just wanted to go back to his family and retire. Can’t believe they made him ruin another family. Yes, maybe he’s tired of another apocalypse and he just wanted to stay in that house with a glasshouse garden but man not with his brother’s wife. I can’t seem to move past this.
Although the Five Deli scene was cute. Would’ve like more scenes of those. I wonder when Lila shouted it’s over to him, what was he thinking going back to the subway. What would he have done if he didn’t see himself?
And Ben? Ben turned into a giant blob. I cannot believe it. There was no sibling warmth except with Viktor. I can’t believe Klaus didn’t make a fuss about it. He wasn’t even a marigold at the end. Because I counted 7. Or was I too tired?
I wish we can create another timeline with better writing and ending. Maybe if we had 10 episodes it could’ve been better? I don’t know did Netflix ruin this for us?
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thefoxholecast · 6 months
The Original Foxhole Court Extra Content (Archived from Nora Sakavic’s Tumblr)
We copied the following text directly from the pre-2024 version of the Foxhole Court Extra Content page on Nora Sakavic’s Tumblr blog (korakos.tumblr.com/fox). In March 2024, she did “some spring cleaning” by shortening the list of links and deleting/hiding old posts. The links in this copy lead to archived snapshots of the old posts on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Some of the links are broken. If you have copies of these posts, please let us know so we can fill in missing content!
Because Tumblr only allows up to 100 links per post, we're unable to replicate the full list here. View the full list of links on our blog here: thefoxholecast.tumblr.com/FoxArchive
The Foxhole Court
ETA 2023: most of the posts here are from 2013-2015. Some of them overlap with older drafts. Some answers have evolved over time, even if they haven’t been updated here. Most I haven’t changed my mind on, for better or worse. Take ‘em or leave ‘em, and good luck making sense of ‘em around all the drunk rambling and detours. One day if I have the energy I’ll just sort it into a coherent reference.
Two sections here: the questions submitted by tumblr users, and a miscellaneous collection of stories & factoids pulled from the oft-neglected blog. The questions aren’t in any particular order, though I did try to organize them by subject matter. Ish. Once the dust is settled a bit I’ll try to find a better sorting system. Also, the tumblr tag I use for questions is http://korakos.tumblr.com/tagged/foxhole-court-questions-and-spoilers
Lots of spoilers for The Foxhole Court ahead!
Preface: Why are Asks disabled in 2016?
—Exy Rules & Regulations
—Exy: A History of the Sport
—Palmetto State University
—The original “What Happens After King’s Men” post
—SON NEFES, the cousins’ freshman year through Renee’s eyes
——One . Two . Three . Four . Five
—Nicky Hemmick
—Seth Gordon
—Aaron Minyard
—Matt Boyd
—Kevin & Andrew
—David Wymack & the Monsters
—Wymack & Andrew re: Neil
—Dan Wilds is recruited to the Foxes *
—Allison through Dan & Renee’s eyes *
——pulled from an abandoned, unfinished book about the Foxes’ women
—Neil’s life on the run
—Do they ever celebrate Neil’s birthday?
—What if Neil told the truth earlier?
—Neil through the Foxes’ eyes
—Neil through Ichirou’s eyes
—Neil’s looks post-book and relationship with his reflection
—Does Neil ever talk to Bee?
—Neil’s millions
—Neil’s fight training
—Who’s Neil closest to beside Andrew
—Neil’s fashion style
—Cellphone ringtone
—Christmas/birthday presents for Foxes
—Does Neil ever cry?
—Neil’s lonely fifth year
—When Neil’s overwhelmed
—Does Neil crush on his teammates?
—Neil & Ichirou’s intimidation
—Andrew’s sober look at his teammates & Neil
—How did Andrew react to Cass’s letter?
—Andrew’s medication and the follow-up
—Has Abby seen Andrew’s scars?
—Andrew & Mama Bee
—Andrew & Roland
—How far has Andrew willingly gone?
—What animal figurine did Andrew buy Betsy?
—Andrew’s eye color
—Andrew’s opinion of the cats
—What’d Andrew say to Nicky in TKM?
—Andrew’s honest opinion of Exy
—Andrew’s thoughts on Neil’s binder
—Andrew and his sexuality
—If Andrew had met Neil’s mother
—Andrew’s thoughts on Neil’s sexuality
—Andrew’s fondest memory of Neil
—Andrew’s aforementioned withdrawal
—Do you think Andrew is really really really awesome?
—Proust and Andrew
—What happens to Proust?
—Andrew’s reaction to Neil’s bday blood
—Andrew on Neil eventually changing out
—Does Andrew get grumpy?
—Does Andrew get less dead inside?
—Does Andrew call Neil by his name?
—Why give the Foxes crackers?
—Andrew’s first choices in winning a fight
—Who liked knives?
—What got chopped from Drake’s arc?
—Does Andrew get off thinking about Neil?
—Post Andrew & Bee’s side story?
—When did Andrew start thinking Neil was interesting?
—Any other words he can’t stand?
—What does he think about nicknames?
—Explain Andrew’s fatal disease in the comic version
—Andrew’s canon mental state
—How did Andrew not know about Tilda’s abuse?
—Why punch Neil for “Sorry”, and when Andrew is sick
—What’s with Andrew and promises
—Andrew’s thoughts on Roland’s premature confession
—Andrew’s arrest
—Wanting nothing vs not wanting anything
—Why was Andrew laughing after Drake?
—If Neil had chosen Dan & Matt over Andrew
—The other 10%
—Which teammate caught on first?
—Do Andrew & Neil go on dates?
—When did they first hold hands?
—When did Andrew clue in?
—Exites self-censure
—Betsy’s & Aaron’s reactions to the news
—Roland’s opinion of things
—The breaking point
—Who tops?
—On tying people up
—Their domestic life aka Sir Fat Cat
—I love you
—Andrew and the bed issue
—Do they learn to talk to each other?
—Blaming Neil for Drake
—Andrew comforting Neil?
—Neil’s fondest memory of Andrew
—Neil getting Andrew off for the first time
—Neil seeing Andrew naked
—Neil & the sex how-to
—How was the first time
—Where’d it happen?
—When was their first hug?
—“I won’t let you let me be”
—Their roadtrips
—Neil waking Andrew up
—Andrew’s real smile
—How does Andrew show appreciation for Neil
—Their happiest moments
—Does Neil ever make Andrew laugh?
—Does Andrew take comfort in Neil
—Does Andrew get protective/possessive?
—Doesn’t Neil crave affection?
—Andrew re: Neil’s panic attacks
—Media reaction to Andrew/Neil
—Further reaction to Andrew/Neil
—On “accidentally” sitting in laps
—What if Andrew died?
—What if Neil died?
—Reaction to getting hit on by others
—Do they celebrate anniversaries?
—The first time Neil pushes Andrew down
—How tall are the Foxes?
—Why is everyone so short?
—Where did their names come from?
—What were their majors?
—What do the Foxes look like?
—What are their Hogwarts houses?
—Reaction to the kidnapping
—Do Neil & Renee become friends?
—What did Allison do with Seth’s urn?
—Nicky’s evolution over the drafts
—Do the Foxes get their skiing trip?
—Does Andrew know Nicky kissed Neil?
—When did Aaron & Katelyn fall for each other?
—How did Andrew and Wymack end up handcuffed together?
—Kevin’s favorite things
—Kevin and Andrew’s on-court kerfuffle
—Dan’s haircut
—Dan & Matt’s relationship
—Dan & Matt’s first kiss
—Matt bouncing back from Columbia
—Matt rooming with the monsters
—The other what-if OT3 aka D/M/N and the dynamic
—Do Allison and Renee have the hots for each other?
—Matt forgiving his father
—Any mistletoe shenanigans?
—Thanksgiving and the Foxes
—Kevin’s best friend
—Janie Smalls
—How did Kevin and Thea meet?
—Foxes’ favorite ice cream flavors
—Kevin & Andrew’s on-court argument
—Foxes’ taste in music
—Kevin’s middle name & drink of choice
—Do Kevin & Neil want to kiss?
—Which Fox would Kevin kiss, then?
—Kevin’s best non-Exy memory
—Allison’s three bets
—Why is Allison’s middle name Jamaica
—Kevin, Andrew, and Neil staying friends
—“Joan of Exy”?
—Can the Foxes sing?
—Some of the Foxes’ previous bets
—Do Nicky & Allison become friends?
—Are Foxes based on RL people?
—Nicky when Neil asks about friendship
—Dan & the monsters in Columbia
—What if Kevin was killed?
—Renee and her near-death experiences
—More background available on Renee?
—Why doesn’t Aaron let the Foxes in?
—Team’s reaction to Drake, Andrew’s reaction to being outed
—Andrew & Aaron’s time with Tilda
—Does Aaron reconcile with Andrew over Tilda?
—Nicky & his parents after Drake
—Foxes thoughts in Baltimore
—The Pro Teams
—The Weddings
—Neil as the Best Man?
—Kevin after TKM —Thea, Jean, Foxes, and Riko
—How does Kevin & Wymack’s relationship evolve?
—Renee after TKM
—Nicky after TKM
—Aaron after TKM
—Allison after TKM
—Dan & Matt after TKM
—Dan and the US Court
—Any pro-period scandals?
—Andrew & Neil’s relationship with their team
—Would Neil hold Matt’s children?
—Neil & babysitting the Foxes’ kids
—Which Fox’s child would curse first
—Who is Robin Cross?
—Neil and Jack
—Andrew’s reaction to Neil punching Jack
—Foxes’ reaction to Neil punching
—Kevin and Jack
—Neil’s new recruit
—Andrew and Jack
—Who is Riko Moriyama?
—Riko & Kevin’s evolving relationship
—More about Riko & Kevin’s past
—How did Riko break Kevin’s hand
—Riko’s brutality toward Jean
—Any draft where Riko wasn’t killed?
—Were Riko, Kevin, and Jean involved sexually?
—Does the Fox-Trojan rematch happen? Also how do the Trojans & Jean get along?
—Do Alvarez & Laila (Trojans) have backstories?
—Thea’s number & thoughts on Raven brutality
—Kayleigh Day & David Wymack
—Abby Winfield & David Wymack
—Wymack’s parents
—Did Wymack cry during the trilogy?
—Did Kayleigh know about the Moriyamas?
Nora & the Foxes
—Fancast and Andrew
—Changing opinion of Foxes over the years
—Bits of the scrapped K/N/A threesome here and here
—The KxAxN AU where Kevin died
—Will there be a sequel?
—What inspired you to develop Exy?
—Fox fanfictions, collected by coldsaturn
—Why a pseudonym?
—What came first, characters or story?
—Were you the artist of the comic version?
—What did the comic-Foxes look like?
—What do you do when you’re not writing?
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helaintoloki · 1 month
Now that we know how Ben was a bit rebellious when he was a teen, how are we feeling about a fic where he used to sneak out to meet with reader, who is very much a sunshine person?
a/n: ty for requesting and i hope you enjoy ! also to clarify the ben in this piece is the original ben and not the sparrow
warnings: language
summary: ben manages to sneak out and pay a visit to his favorite person
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At the exact stroke of twelve o’clock, three pebbles are thrown against the glass of your window to alert you of the waiting presence below. You’re quick to drop the book you’d been reading and lift the glass to greet your midnight visitor who immediately begins to climb through and into your bedroom.
“You’re late,” you tell him with an impatient look as he finally sets foot on your plush rug.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Ben confesses apologetically before dusting himself off and removing his shoes. “Dad stayed up later than I thought he would.”
“What about Luther?”
“He swore to secrecy after I threatened to tell Allison he wet his pants last week because he couldn’t get his uniform off fast enough to use the bathroom,” the boy explains with a cheeky smile, laughing at the playful nudge you give him.
“That’s evil,” you scold him with a giggle that conveys your lack of conviction.
“Sometimes a man just has to resort to blackmailing his brother in order to successfully sneak out,” he expresses with an innocent shrug before enveloping your frame into a tight hug to emphasize his point. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too. It’s been lonely without you around,” you admit as the ghost of a frown begins to form on your lips.
“Are your parents gone again?”
“Another business trip,” you confirm as nonchalantly as possible in hopes of masking your hurt at their neglect. “Won’t be home for at least two weeks, so it’s just me here.”
“I promise to sneak out and see you as much as I can,” Ben vows earnestly, carefully cupping your cheek in his hand and pulling your face closer to his own so that he may press a comforting kiss to your forehead.
“It isn’t so bad,” you admit with a lighthearted smile as you pull away from him and move towards your closet to retrieve something. “You want to see what I found at the bookstore today?”
Ben isn’t given a chance to answer your hypothetical question as you display the said item for him to see. It takes a moment for the boy to realize what it is he’s looking at, but once it processes an unamused huff of air leaves through his nostrils in response.
“Please tell me you didn’t actually spend money on that thing.”
“Technically I stole money from my mom’s purse to buy it, so no, I didn’t,” you correct him defensively before proudly holding up your purchase. “I figured if the real Ben can’t keep me company twenty-four-seven, then action figure Ben can.”
“That’s ridiculous!” He cries out indignantly before snatching the thing out of your grasp to scrutinize the details. “It doesn’t even look like me!”
“Of course it does!”
Shaking his head in bewilderment, Ben can only sigh and hand the doll back to you before moving to make himself comfortable on your bed. Having decided you’ve teased him enough for one night, you set the figure on your nightstand before moving to join him. It’s almost as if you naturally fit perfectly into his side when you curl up next to him and bask in the warmth of his arms around you. Nights like these have become more rare with time, so you like to make the most of it while you can.
“We should run away together,” you suggest casually after a comfortable bout of silence. You feel Ben’s chest rise beneath your fingertips with the amused laugh that leaves him in response.
“And where would we go?”
“Anywhere we want.”
“As enticing as that sounds, I can’t,” he reminds you. Frowning, you shift your frame and prop your head up on your hand so that you’re facing him.
“Why not?” You retort indignantly, almost offended by his immediate rejection. “My parents constantly forget that I exist and your dad is a complete asshole. Why should we stick around?”
“Look, my dad is a jerk, and I would love to just drop the whole super hero thing and never look back. But I can’t… I can’t just leave my siblings behind,” Ben explains gently while reaching out to push a stray strand of hair away from your face.
“So you’ll just wait for them to leave you behind instead?” You retort, aggrieved on his own behalf at the thought.
“They wouldn’t do that-“
“Five already did.”
A tense silence follows your words, and you bite your lip in regret at having let it slip. You know you’ve gone too far judging by the flash of hurt that passes on Ben’s face, and you’re quick to apologize for your lack of eloquent conversation skills.
“I don’t mean to be harsh,” you quietly clarify as you meet his understanding gaze. “I just don’t think it’s fair we both have to stick around and suffer because we got stuck with shitty parents. I want to get out of here, Ben. Don’t you?”
He pauses for a beat, his voice soft as he finally answers, “I do. And I promise you that one day we will. We just have to hold out for a little longer is all.”
“You swear?” You ask meekly, almost afraid he’ll change his mind and take it back. However, Ben takes your free hand in his own and gives it a reassuring squeeze before replying, “I swear on my life.”
Placated by the sincerity of his words, you’re happy to resume your previous position of being nestled into his side as he begins to tell you the latest tales of the Umbrella Academy, and you can live comfortably without the knowledge of knowing that Ben has made a promise he soon won’t be able to keep.
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lfzyxf · 4 months
Can you write fluff where Isaac takes care of his sick girlfriend? I got sick myself quite recently and would like to read something like this with my comfort character ~ 🙈anon
Hope you like this, honestly i don't think he'd have much experience but he would definitely do his best to care for you. Just Isaac being the best boyfriend ever.
Isaac Lahey x gn!reader Word count: 840 Masterlist
You really don’t have time for this. Everything has been going wrong once again, first, this weird deer runs into Allison’s car, then the windows at school break because a bunch of crows thought it was a great idea to smash themselves against it. And now you’re stuck in bed, 3 blankets covering you, including a heated one. Next to you is a mountain of tissues because you can’t be bothered to walk all the way over to the bin. And your bedside table stands full of half-empty medicine packaging.
You sneeze for what feels like the hundredth time that morning before groaning miserably. You can see your phone flashing once again from the corner of your eye but just like with most things today, you can’t be bothered getting it. You close your eyes for a few seconds before the sound of your door slowly opening makes you open them again, albeit barely.
“Did you die?” You hear him before you really figure out that he’s standing in your room. “Yes Isaac, I’m dead, I’ve died a miserably, lonely death.” He nods before really taking in the view in front of him. He sighs before quickly walking over to your bin and dragging it towards your bed. Making an odd-looking face he starts throwing away the pile of tissues and lying next to you. “I was wondering why you weren’t answering my texts, figured it had to be something close to dead for you to ignore me” he explains while laughing.
You snort before taking the bin away from him and shooing him away. He does as you request, only to plug your phone into your charger. “Are you hungry?” You shrug before nodding half-heartedly, “I could eat.” Isaac nods back before leaving your room, making you close your eyes and rest while you wait for him to come back.
Fifteen minutes later your door opens again, Isaac is holding a bowl with what you assume is soup and in his other hand is a large bottle of water. He opens the door further by pushing it with his hip, before walking back towards you. “A meal made just for you by the incredible chef Lahey, you’re welcome.” He speaks with some sort of accent you can’t quite place and a ridiculous look on his face, making you laugh.
“Oh, thank you kind sir-” you interrupt yourself by laughing again when he makes an extravagant bow. He puts the stuff he got you on the bedside table that stands empty before jumping into your bed and laying his head down on your lap. “Caught a cold?” He asks while playing with one of the blankets covering you. “Some type of virus, again” you explain rolling your eyes.
“What’s that- the third time? This month?” He says while laughing softly, but his hands move to hold yours softly. You nod in response, squeezing his hands before grabbing your bottle of water and taking a few big gulps. “Shitty timing, like always,” you say once you’re finished hydrating. Isaac shrugs, a soft smirk resting on his lips like it often does. “At least you’re safe here, no birds crashing against your window. No annoying twins running around.”
He moves to sit next to you now, handing you your bowl of soup before softly kissing the side of your head. “Don’t think too much about the others, they’re fine. You need to rest and get better” he says softly, playing with your hair as you relax into him.
It’s quiet while you finish eating, he’s grabbed your laptop from the corner of your bed to try and find something to watch. When you’re debating whether or not to do another rerun of your favourite show, Isaac’s phone starts ringing. He sighs before picking it up, “It’s Scott-” “It’s okay, it might be important” you interrupt him.
He lets out another sigh before picking up, you can’t hear what Scott’s saying but by the look on Isaac’s face, it’s important. You’re about to tell him to just go when he responds to Scott. “Look Scott, don’t you think you can do this without me? Call Derek if you need to but I can’t leave right now.” You hear some distant words before they say goodbye and Isaac hangs up, throwing his phone to the other side of the bed.
You look up at him with a raised brow. “What? Scott’s a big boy, he can handle himself for one night. I need to make sure that you are okay.” He puffs his chest out, almost acting proud of staying here with you. “Yeah, okay big guy- I really need some protection here in case a deer breaks in” you respond laughing.
He laughs, shaking his head softly so his curly hair falls back in place. “That’s what I’m here for,” he says before grabbing the forgotten laptop again. “And to rewatch this show for the fifth time.” You smile at him before snuggling into his chest, ready to watch your favourite show again.
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Was Star really supposed to be Asha's love interest in the beginning of the development of Disney's Wish?
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I keep seeing this being brought up everywhere, appearing even on Trivia TikTok videos about the movie, but as far as I know this is coming from a deeply misunderstanding of the development process.
The main idea is that Star-boy was supposed to be Asha's love interest and that At All Costs was supposed to be their love song.
Seeing the concept arts of Star-boy I can see where most people are coming from. I'm also think that Asha and him are definitely shippable.
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However, in the Art of Wish, Star-boy was just the third stage of the character development, and on that stage he was meant to be Asha's deceased grandfather reborn. On the first stage he was supposed to be a shapeshifter and on the final stage a ball of pure energy.
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You can say they missed the opportunity of having Star stay as a magical boy like Peter Pan, but it's clear that on that stage his relationship with Asha was probably going to be platonic. No romance here.
Then why do At All Costs sound so much like a love song?
Luckily for us, Jennifer Lee, one of the writers for the film and chief creative officer of the Walt Disney Animation Studios, and Julia Michaels, the songwriter for the movie, gave an interview to Variety explaining their reasons.
The song “At All Costs,” sung by Asha and King Magnifico, was important to Lee. The song navigates the importance of the wishes to each of them, and the two are emotionally aligned here. Lee pushed for a song expressing this. “You had to understand what it felt like to hold someone’s wish in your hand. How do we viscerally understand that when you’re with them, you feel like you’re holding someone’s raison d’être?” she says. “You can’t do this in any other way but song.
Since there was no love song in the film, Michaels wanted to write a song that as a standalone sounded like a love song that could be played at weddings. Yet in the context of the film, it’s about the heroine and villain. Says Michaels, “How cool would it be if we wrote a song that if you listened to on its own, it sounds like a love song, it could be something you could play at your wedding, or be a lullaby to your kids, just something really beautiful, but when you watch the film, it’s the heroine and it’s the villain.” She continues, “You realize they’re coming about this both from various points, one from a very selfless standpoint and one from a selfish standpoint.”
Basically Jennifer Lee wanted a song about the importance of the the wishes for both Asha and Magnifico, but Julia Michaels wanted to write a love song. As there were no opportunities to write a love song, Michaels wrote At All Costs to sound like one.
But in the demo, they sing "Love you, as one does", instead of "Promise, as one does"?
Probably Julia Michaels wanted to write a love song, but had to tone it down so as to not confuse the audience. Clearly, it didn't work that well.
Disney is lying!
Why would Disney lie about the development of Wish? As far as I know, there's nothing to hide, no scandals, no controversies.
Jenifer Lee is literally the chief creative officer, the highest ranking position of the creative team within the Walt Disney Animation Studios. She along Allison Moore WROTE the screenplay and she is part of the team that came up with that story. Wish was her brainchild. Why would she need to lie?
Maybe higher ups like Bob Iger and Bob Chapek screwed with the project. That's completely possible. Maybe we learn later some big and super shady controversy in the development of the movie.
But, by the time being, with all the evidences available, Wish seems to be the story she and others of the studio wanted to tell, even if general audiences reacted badly.
And so far, no evidence of romance.
Unless someone comes out with some legitimate evidence of the contrary, Star was never supposed to be Asha's love interest, and everything else is consequence of fans being dissatisfied with the end product and wanting for something more Disney-like.
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tootalltech · 1 month
the more i think about tua s4 the more it’s like. wow they really just lost steam after the first four episodes huh? like the first four weren’t amazing necessarily, but there was some interesting stuff being set up. i wanted to see what would go on with ben and jennifer, or where the hell five and lila were, or how they would fix some dynamics within the group like between klaus and allison. and i thought gene and jean were kind of good villains, like they were just on the classic tua spectrum of funny, unsettling, and weird. and then it’s like they just didn’t know how to wrap any of it up. like i would fully believe that the ending of the show was not how they meant to conclude it, but they couldn’t think how else to “fix” things in so little time. the five and lila thing i still just really don’t get the purpose of, but it did still feel very rushed and maybe the writers didn’t want to try and figure anything else out about the subway thing they created and five’s new powers being connected to it. and that problem is solved if they have five and lila give up looking (no matter how out of character it is for both of them) and create some lame sibling drama to fill the screen time they could’ve used to explain any of their own world building. not to mention that they then go “oh actually none of it matters anyway because they’re gonna destroy all those timelines and there will just be one real one”- which now that i think about it is another plot hole but that’s another post.
anyway. i guess what i’m trying to say is that some of season 4 was fine. like. the “you’re a good brother” moment from diego to five who looks a little guilty yet touched bc he knows he’s still kind of lying to diego, but he also knows if he were in lila’s position he wouldn’t want his partner to just be told that he’s getting himself into dangerous situations again like that? that’s good. that’s diego, lila, and five’s dynamic right there. lila thinking it’s absolutely hilarious that diego would ever think she’s cheating on him with five? that works, because it is ridiculous. and lila and five both sneaking into the keepers meetings at the start was very in-character for both of them as well. they’re the two former commission agents who get bored with normal life very easily (another reason it makes no sense to have them settle down with each other, lmao). it’s like they understood the three of them decently well before the fifth episode, and when it started they just kind of lost the plot. so i personally will just be ignoring the last two episodes. diego and five love each other even if they are both very grumpy sometimes. and diego and lila still have communication problems but they also are never going to leave each other (and hey, even david castañeda understood that). and then five and lila are commission frenemies who on some level still can’t stand each other but also know they need to work together a lot of the time. and i’m sure they and the rest of the umbrellas figure everything out and stop the fourth apocalypse and live happily ever after. the end.
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the empath and the eldritch horror (2/5) - ben hargreeves x empath!reader
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Summary: Haven't you heard? It's the end of the world. And what's a small wedding among friends and family? Oh, and Ben is really bad at being a functioning human being. And why does he keep looking at you like he can't decide between kissing and killing you. Wait, what?
Word count: 4.0k
Series masterlist
Warning: drunk!ben, language, angst, fluff (we've got everything!), mention of smut (not the way you think)
Author's note: Still feeling the muse, let's go!
This series was meant to be a three-parter, but while writing this I realized the third part was just the morning after 😅 So, I'm merging everything. Watched S3 after writing this. Just noticed Sloane actually made that dress herself, oops. 🥹 Eight is wearing the dress by Zuhair Murad on the right. For these events, Eight likes to cover her skin due to her powers making her feel sensitive. I figured if Allison can go all out, so can my character. It's the end of the world, what the heck. Please tell me you guys want to read my S4 fic when I start to work on that 🥹🤗 You know how it goes, comments and reblogs feed me.
“Hey, Y/N, where have you been?” The moment you heard Luther’s voice from a distance in the lobby, you turned your head to watch your brother walk arm in arm with Sloane towards you.
You winced at the reminder of the team meeting you had deliberately neglected to show up for. “Oh, I’m sorry. Luther. My body can’t handle the weird tension with Allison and Viktor. I’m all for easing tension, but I’m getting a migraine just being there. The last time I numbed myself was not a good week for me,” you explained, while realizing you were on a rambling roll when you were done.
“I understand. Listen-” Luther started.
“Luther and I just wanted to let you know,” Sloane snuggled deeper into his side before she gingerly raised her bejeweled hand, while pressing her lips together in a nervous but excited energy. “We’re getting married.”
It took you a few seconds to understand what your eyes were seeing. Your giggling eased the tightness in their bodies. “Oh my God. Congratulations, you two.” You had to stretch a bit on your tip toes to reach Luther’s gargantuan shoulders when you tried to hug them both simultaneously.
It was moments like this when you appreciated how Luther always gave the best hugs among your siblings when he squeezed you a tad tighter than you did. Still, no broken bones, no foul.
Lingering in their embrace, you felt like you could breathe again when you said, “I’m so happy for you, Luther. You guys deserve it.”
After finally letting go, Sloane offered you a grateful smile while rubbing the inside of Luther’s arm. “Thank you. It’s tonight, at 6 in the banquet hall. Black tie-” she said, listing off a mental checklist of important information.
“Which is in a few hours, so…” Luther added, chuckling excitedly.
You smiled, letting yourself be swept away by his infectious energy. “Can’t wait. Let me grab a dress real quick,” you replied, pointing with your thumb behind you and secretly hoping there will still some shops open. Or still standing.
Luther nodded in understanding. “Right, you do that. Gotta dash to my bachelor party. Can you believe I just said that?” He already walked a few steps when he stopped in his tracks.
“Forgot something.” With a surprising motion, Luther kissed Sloane, while lowering her into a dip and with such a passion like he didn’t need air. After that public display of affection, he rushed off with an adorable wave.
“You guys are sugary sweet. I feel like I could die just watching you,” you said with a dry tone.
Sloane’s cheeks were blushing when she staggered slightly. “He’s it for me.”
With arching eyebrows, you nodded. “I can see that. Now I gotta think about where to get a dress in the apocalypse.”
While following your steps, Sloane asked, “Do you mind if I catch one with you too?”
You chuckled at their spontaneously planned wedding. “Sure. Let’s make our own bachelorette party, huh? I’ll meet you here later, okay? I’ll be quick.”
“Let’s do that.”
Quickly, you rushed towards the elevator which transported you to the floor of where your hotel room was located.
As soon as you arrived on the floor, Ben’s voice jolted you from behind. “Nice of you to finally show up.”
“Oh God, don’t do that.”
Ben walked by your side as you tried to locate your hotel room. “I told you before, you need to work on your powers.”
“Don’t worry, I felt your cloud of pure bliss when I entered the elevator.” You learned very early on that appearing omnipotent to your surroundings didn’t generally put people at ease.
Ben forced a smile on his face. “You’re hilarious. Did you hear the news already?”
“Judging by your reaction, I can guess which one you meant. Or did another happy event occur which I should know about?” At last, you arrived at your destination when you opened the door to your room and unceremoniously tried to swing it shut behind you.
Ben frowned darkly when he caught it, following after you.
Your eyes wandered over to him, perplexed by his need to continue the conversation. Ben was truly baffling sometimes for calling himself a lone wolf who didn’t need people. Dramatically, you swung your arms around to invite him to your living space.
“Why don’t you enter? Have a seat? Get a drink while you’re at it?”
Almost like accepting the invitation, the mocking undertone ignored for the moment, Ben sat on your made bed. “I mean, getting married? What the hell?”
You grabbed a few clothes from the wardrobe before going into the bathroom to change into them, yet keeping the door slightly ajar.
Feeling like he was being ignored, Ben approached the adjoining wall connecting you. “The apocalypse is right at our door and we’re celebrating a damn wedding?”
“You mean the wedding of your sister? You have to relax with that ‘I can’t stop until I’m at the top’ mindset,” you grumbled in a low voice to imitate Ben’s. “Life doesn’t have to be about missions and constant success.”
“That doesn’t sound anything like me,” Ben grunted. His focus intensified when he heard your clothes rustle as you changed into them. He furrowed his brows, like his attentions focused on what you were doing. “Where are you going?”
“Kind of in a hurry. Going dress shopping with your sister.”
With pursed lips, Ben nodded unwittingly. “Nice to know someone is so damn likable. Having a bachelorette party?”
“It’s a two-way street with us. Sloane is a sweet one and maybe I’m just fun to be around. And it’s not that much of a bachelorette party but …”
Ben felt something soothing stroking his skin.
“Why don’t you just talk to Luther?”
He snorted, crossing his arms. “What makes you think I care about a stupid bachelor party?”
You stepped out of the bathroom after you had changed into looser clothing to adapt to the Kugelblitz absorbing everything around it and with the world going literally up in flames.
“There’s no need to pretend with me, Ben. Maybe you shouldn’t spend time with the person who can feel everything you’re feeling.” You chose to remind him of that little tidbit since he seemed to want to linger within his blissful ignorance. It felt strange that Ben felt safe in confiding in you when he didn’t even like people.
“Luther is just a guy who wants to enjoy his wedding and wants to spend time with the people who care about him.” You implored vehemently, facing Ben again.
With a sarcastic air, Ben scoffed. “So sorry to disappoint that I’m nothing like your precious Ben.”
“You think you’re nothing like him? Sure, you’re way more eager to please daddy dearest. And there’s such a-” Your hands strained around his head in frustration while grunting. Sometimes, Ben’s whole aura compelled you to choke him or at least shake him profusely until some sense would barge into his head. “Dark cloud of wrath surrounding you, it’s insane.”
“You can fool anyone, your family or anyone else. That you don’t want anyone to see that you have goodness inside you. But here’s the thing: it doesn’t matter who you’re not.” You exhaled heavily.
“You’re Ben Hargreeves from the Sparrow Academy. Or what’s left of it. And I’m here for this Ben. I might want to get to know this guy.” You smiled endearingly, knowing that getting to a stubborn Ben Hargreeves proved harder than you’d expect.
Ben calmly stared at you. He pensively licked his lips before quietly admitting with a hoarse voice, “Stop making me like you.”
You tilted your head, smiling softly. “Why is that such a bad thing?”
“Because I don’t need-” Ben pointed between you and him. “This.”
Well, great. You were dealing with an emotionally stunted Sparrow.
“People are literally dying. Either do something about wanting to be a part of something or don’t.”
Ben shook his head, steeling himself. “Maybe you should work on those powers of yours. You think you know me so well, huh? Because you have no idea who I am.”
His solitude was all-encompassing. How alone he truly felt. After some time you could understand how it could deceive you into feeling like it was a comforting blanket.
“I know you’re the guy who needs people at his side. I know I haven’t said it before, but … I’m sorry about Fei and … you know, Christopher.” Although that grief wasn’t as profound, you could sense that on some level Ben cared. At least, Fei had something fascinating about her even if she tried to kill you with her crow powers.
At the memento of his family’s death or absorption into the black hole, Ben’s features darkened. “Don’t. Don’t pretend to care.”
“Sorry to disappoint then. This is all I can offer.” You shrugged. “Someone has to say it. You know, if someone hasn’t yet.”
Ben leaned forward until you could admire how utterly black his eyes looked. His wrath was wafting in dark smoke around his figure. “What makes you think I care about what you have to say?”
You felt so drained. “Then wh- You know what? Fine. End of the world and all that.” You twirled your finger in the air. “Do what you want.” Your hands made a cutting gesture. “I get to decide how I spend my energy. Just close the door behind you. And, just so you know, I’ll know when you steal something.”
You pointed at Ben threateningly before closing the door behind you.
Ben’s voice reverberated through the threshold. “Why would I steal your stuff?”
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You leaned back in the chair, enjoying the taste of champagne in your mouth with the sensation of luxury. “You know, this is actually really nice,” you called out, trying to reach Sloane while she was changing into her dream dress.
You stretched out your legs, trying to relax. “Just us girls, having fun together. No baggage. No worries.” At the memory of impending doom, your eyes widened. “For now at least.”
Standing in the corner of the wedding store, Lila was curiously browsing through the clothes hangers and continued for you, “No annoying boyfriends.”
Through the curtain, Sloane added, “Nothing else to do but try out these gorgeous dresses.” With that, she stepped outside in a high-collared wedding dress.
Seeing her in all her glory, Lila and you hollered in delight.
“You look hot.” Lila draped her leg over your armrest to reach over and pop a small cupcake into her mouth in one go.
You merely raised your glass in silent agreement.
Sloane admired herself in the mirror while swishing with her dress. Disappointment laced her voice when she mused, “Allison could’ve been here.”
“I mean, I could’ve truly convinced her if I wanted her to and make her have fun, but that’s like half the fun.” You poured more liquid into your flute. “Allison wants to hold on to that anger of hers, fine. And just so you know,” you paused. With your glass hanging in the air, you couldn’t help saying out loud, “I’m tired. I don’t have the energy for it.”
“I could have tried my hand at that,” Lila retorted confidently.
You eyed her dubiously. “Are you sure about that?”
Lila shrugged, exhaling. “You’re probably right. Don’t think I want to get inside Allison’s head.” Her body shuddered at the thought of copying your empathetic power before her mood switched when she patted your leg. “Gotta rush to the loo real quick.”
You chuckled deeply. “Your cupcakes will still remain here,” you promised wholeheartedly.
Silently, Lila pointed a finger in warning at you. You merely observed her retreating form with knowing eyes.
Sloane continued watching herself in the mirror when she bit her lip while brushing the garment. You cleared your throat when you felt the stroking happening under the skin again.
“Something you want to ask me?” Your eyes met Sloane’s through the reflection.
“Have you talked to Ben yet?”
You chuckled at the mention of her brother, groaning loudly. “Did I tell you I’m tired already?”
Sloane smiled ruefully. “He took up all your energy?” The following heavy sigh perfectly encapsulated how it felt like to describe someone like him. “Ben, he’s, I think he has so much potential to be something more.”
Silently, you raised your eyebrows before adding, “Are you trying to tell me something I don’t already know?”
“He seems different around you.”
“You mean more intense? Are you trying rationalize him?”
Sloane chuckled while shaking her head. “I think you terrify him.”
“Thank you. That’s the biggest compliment anyone has ever given me,” you said sarcastically before emptying your glass. “You know, I’m over my bad boy phase.”
Excitedly, Sloane turned to gaze directly at you. “Wait, so you’re saying you’re into my brother?”
You shook your head vehemently at the mere insinuation while groaning. Not opening that can of worms.
“Ugh, nope, no. Not doing that. I’m not talking about your brother while you’re looking like a million bucks. Besides, today is about you.” You stood up with a coy smile, waving your hand at the mirage that was Sloane’s body.
“Damn right, it is.” Lila magically appeared to agree. “Are we coming to a decision?”
A sigh of deep regret exhaled from Sloane’s lips. “I think it’s going to be dress number one. What can I say? I liked trying on all these dresses.” She gushed while eyeing Lila and you. “And the company.”
“Aren’t you a doll,” Lila replied softly.
“Yes, Luther and you really deserve each other.”
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You were wearing your long-sleeved golden dress when you entered the banquet hall. Despite the time crunch, everything was set up quite beautifully. With the lighting making everything appear almost intimately. You were getting some prom vibes with the balloons and the retro flair, but you didn’t feel like judging them for the quick setting up.
Luther joined you near the entrance, smiling warmly. “Fashionably late?”
You shrugged shyly. “As always.”
“How are you feeling?” Like when you were still kids, Luther patted your hair soothingly, making you feel all warm inside. Knowing how overwhelmed you could get with big events, or as big as they could get with the Kugelblitz absorbing people.
“Don’t worry, I’d prefer a wedding over a funeral.” You smiled warmly, staring up at him with pride. “Look at you, big guy. Can’t believe you’re getting hitched,” you said, playfully nudging his shoulder with your knuckles.
You felt the stirring sensation again. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Ben standing in the distance with Allison, sending you an inscrutable expression. Not exactly a scowl on his face, but still something dark remained while he was leaning with his crossed arms against the wall.
Luther’s positive energy pulled you back. He shared a beaming smile at you. “It’s really happening, huh,” he mused, burying his gloved hands in his trouser pockets. “Sloane told me you went dress shopping with her. I really appreciate you taking the time to get to know her.”
“Well, kinda already did that almost a week ago.” After seeing Luther’s blank expression, you continued, “When we were abducted?”
“Right. Feels so long ago.”
“At least our little get-together with Sloane was kinda fun. A small reprieve from the chaotic mess of everything.”
Luther nodded. “I feel you.” He was getting all jittery before he even said the next part. “God, I can’t wait to be married. I’ll see you outside.”
After a very emotional wedding ceremony—also because of Klaus’ flamboyant theatrics—Luther and Sloane were finally husband and wife. Watching them bask in their wedding dance was slowly getting to your sentimental vibes, you realized. Wanting them to have their moment, you joined the table of Klaus and Ben with your cocktail.
“… ridiculously easy to love,” Klaus finished with a fond presence.
“Am I interrupting a heartfelt moment?” You softly asked before filling the seat at Klaus’ side and taking a hearty gulp.
“Beautiful Y/N, join us! We’re reminiscing.” Klaus gushed with absolute joy, throwing his arms around your middle. With a quiet murmur, he whispered to himself, “I think that’s the word. Oh, dad’s holding a speech.” Klaus jumped from his seat.
“Did you know our Y/N loves seafood?” Klaus whispered like he was sharing a secret with Ben. His gaze switched over to yours. “Be a dear and keep sullen Ben company,” he said before sauntering away without a care in the world.
Blinking slowly, Ben’s words were uttered just as slowly. Like choosing them carefully. “Your dress is really … golden.”
“Wow.” You nodded to yourself, with a smile. “And you’re very drunk.”
Ben’s gaze wandered around. “Everyone’s leaving. Even Sloane prefers that big walking ape.”
“She’s not leaving. Your sister just found something else she liked more.”
“You mean liked doing more,” Ben mumbled tauntingly.
You had to restrain from barfing at the idea of your brother having sex. As much as a drunk Ben was kinda hilarious. “Oh, that’s gross, Ben,” you said, trying to stop yourself from laughing.
A solemn sigh exhaled from your lips. “You didn’t ask Luther, did you?” You asked knowingly.
Ben’s shoulders almost appeared too heavy for him to lift when he shrugged them carelessly. “I don’t get an invite and dad just gets to show up to this wedding. What does it matter?”
Ben mindlessly fiddled with the small straw in his drink. The speeches were over for now and people started mingling on the dance floor.
“I think it does to you. How people see you. To be liked. Makes you endearing in a way. We all just want to be accepted for who we are.”
Ben supported his chin with his hand in a casual manner, or at least tried to, when he missed it by a few inches. Instead, he held up the side of his head with his whole palm while observing you through bleary eyes.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” He mumbled quietly.
It was moments like these when Ben revealed stuff like this which broke your heart. “Are you not used to this experience?”
“I don’t understand you,” he mumbled. “Sometimes you make it really hard not to like you.”
Inwardly, you felt bliss fill you up at the unexpected compliment coming from someone like him. Even if that little confession delighted you, your concern for his inebriated state was higher.
“Easy there, buckaroo. Maybe you should have more shrimps. Or at least some bread,” you advised, sliding over a glass filled with grissini. “Someone is quite a talker when they’re drunk, huh?”
“Someone cares about my well-being.” With a sing-song voice, Ben taunted and smirked cheekily.
You smiled wistfully, almost bittersweetly. “You know what I think?” You paused, intuitively envisioning a possible future scenario. “I tell you how tonight’s gonna go down. You’ll have fun, lose all your inhibitions. Because you didn’t have to try so hard to be number one. Or be the best at everything.”
Speaking slowly, you added, “Tomorrow, you’re going to wake up, with all your guards up again. No longer chummy with the people around you. And a part of you is going to regret ever being this real version of yourself. All adorable and sweet.”
Ben chuckled suavely. “You calling me sweet? You know what I think?” He took up the empty seat of Klaus, almost toppling over with the effort. “You’re secretly into me.”
You rolled your eyes at Ben’s ability to feed his own ego. With a satisfied smile, you turned it back on him. “And you actually like that thought.”
“Oh, you think you’re so smart.”
“Whoa, déjà vu.”
“Okay, then tell me what I want.” Ben smirked confidently, waving to himself.
“It’s been a long time since someone dared me for a party favor.” Trying to keep him in suspense for a bit longer, you bit your lip and tilted your head in mock speculation. But then you whispered conspiratorially, “You want me to dance with you, Ben Hargreeves.”
Blowing air through his mouth, Ben groaned. “That’s what you think? Is this how you get guys—with that little technique?” He twirled his finger in your direction.
You arched your eyebrows. “Then tell me I’m wrong.”
He snorted. “I’m not falling for that trick.”
“Maybe. But now I’m in your head, Hargreeves,” you sang tauntingly before laughter sprang free. “Come on, it’s just one night to let loose.”
You stood up, beckoning him closer while walking backwards towards the dance floor. “I promise, tomorrow you can pretend to be the asshole again. Just have some fun for a night.”
“We can’t all be Little Miss Sunshine.”
You snorted loudly at that description. If anything, as an Empath, you were almost an antithesis to the preconceived notion of an all-caring and always-happy disposition.
“Only you would think that. Come on, Benny-boo. Show me those dance moves of yours.”
“You’re a bad influence,” he mumbled before he gobbled down another shrimp. Ben reached for you and energetically spun you in a circle until your fingers held onto his chest for stability.
“Stop calling me by that name,” he whispered, only for your ears to hear.
You let go of Ben, sending him a smoldering gaze over your shoulder. “Why don’t you make me?” You mocked, strolling over to the bride to dance with her and watched as he joined the fray reluctantly, but no less swayed.
“You owe me,” he mouthed.
In the end, you chose to ignore his little warning by teasingly shrugging your shoulders. “I can’t hear you.”
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One hangover later … for Ben
“Did someone ever tell you, you look cute when you’re trying to fall asleep in an upright position?”
You watched in fascination how your words jolted Ben awake while he was leaning against the elevator wall, with his shirt pulled halfway down his muscled torso.
“Excellent workout routine, by the way.” You felt obliged to mention.
Ben grunted, rubbing his cheeks to awaken his senses even more. At the hint, he pulled his shirt down the rest of the way. “Why is Karma coming after me so hard?”
You stepped inside the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby for show, since Ben didn’t even select a button when he entered.
“It’s not Karma, Ben. It’s a literal hangover.”
Feeling a heated stare linger on you, your eyes met Ben’s whose blinking eyes tried to focus on you. With his arms crossed, his shoulder leaned against the other wall. “Then why do you look so pretty?”
You teasingly nudged his shoulder. “Aww, Ben Hargreeves, what a charmer. My body works in mysterious ways.”
Comfortable silence hung in the air the longer the elevator traveled to its intended destination.
“You know, your brother is a dick.” Finally, Ben decided to end the quiet.
You pursed your lips when several people who fitted that description entered your mind. Especially with a wedding in the past and many lowered inhibitions.
“Uh… which one are we talking about? You’re checking a lot of boxes right now.”
“Klaus,” Ben enunciated with every fiber of his being.
You nodded, comprehending their cautious bond. During the previous night, Klaus and Ben proved to be the tightest of bosom buddies. The fallout was unfortunate. Ben didn’t have a lot of people in his life. Most of your family would rather label him as Not-Ben in their heads instead of getting to know him as his own person.
So, yes, your family could be dicks sometimes.
“Well, he’s trying. The former Ben and him were like the closest for years.” You recalled fondly. Deciding to cheer Ben up a bit, you remarked playfully, “Judging by last night, you two were up to some wild shenanigans.”
Ben reached for your arm. “Wait. What happened last night?”
Chuckling, you shook your head. Almost impressed with last night’s Ben. “You were something else last night. I mean, you were just showing off with your tentacles. They were like really touch-starved. How are they even feeling after that spectacle?”
“Come again?”
The doors opened before you could divulge more. “Uh, you might want to check your shirt again. It’s still backwards. See you at the breakfast buffet.”
“This conversation isn’t over.” Ben exclaimed with great ardor before the doors shut again.
Tagging: @cherryinsalemverse @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @ravenmoore14 @blackmagicwoman @lelaamela
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