#Alpha Zo
pwponderings-blog · 1 year
West Coast Pro 02/04/23 Three Cheers For Revenge Results
Photo credit Mikey Nolan Photography You can find this show at IWTV Pre-Show Match Jiah Jewell defeats JT Thorne (6:13) Alan Angels & Kevin Blackwood defeat Creature Feature (El Chupacabra & Lazarus) (10:11) Abigail Warren defeats Allie Katch (11:04) Super Beast defeats Jordan Cruz (7:57) Bret The Threat & Vinnie Massaro defeat El Cucuy & El Primohenio (14:24) Masha Slamovich defeats Brooke Havok…
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zozo-01 · 1 year
minor spoilers for the redacted timeline utc (specifically about david's proposal) <333
if david felt comfortable enough to invite vincent and lovely to his house for the pack solstice, than there's a chance that he may have spoken to either of them before
so therefore i propose: david going to vincent (the resident romantic to end all romantics) for advice on how to propose <33333
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baby-walsh · 1 year
So I'm halfway through season 9 and this is the first time I've heard Alpha speak
I didn't think she'd sound like that.
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gemzies · 11 months
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My morning may have been awful, but tonight is going to be a whole lot of fun.
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demifiendrsa · 26 days
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Bethesda Softworks will close Redfall developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi RUSH and The Evil Within developer Tango Gameworks, as well as Alpha Dog Games and Roundhouse Studios, according to a companywide email sent out by Microsoft Gaming president of game content and studios Matt Booty this morning.
Full email
Today I’m sharing changes we are making to our Bethesda and ZeniMax teams. These changes are grounded in prioritizing high-impact titles and further investing in Bethesda’s portfolio of blockbuster games and beloved worlds which you have nurtured over many decades.
To double down on these franchises and invest to build new ones requires us to look across the business to identify the opportunities that are best positioned for success. This reprioritization of titles and resources means a few teams will be realigned to others and that some of our colleagues will be leaving us.
Here are the changes going into effect:
Arkane Austin – This studio will close with some members of the team joining other studios to work on projects across Bethesda. Arkane Austin has a history of making impactful and innovative games and it is a pedigree that everyone should be proud of. Redfall‘s previous update will be its last as we end all development on the game. The game and its servers will remain online for players to enjoy and we will provide make-good offers to players who purchased the “Hero” downloadable content.
Alpha Dog Studios – This studio will also close. We appreciate the team’s creativity in bringing DOOM to new players. Mighty DOOM will be sunset on August 7 and we will be turning off the ability for players to make any purchases in the game.
Tango Gameworks – Tango Gameworks will also close. We are thankful for their contributions to Bethesda and players around the world. Hi-Fi RUSH will continue to be available to players on the platforms it is today.
Roundhouse Games – The team at Roundhouse Games will be joining ZeniMax Online Studios (ZOS). Roundhouse has played a key role in many of our recent game launches and bringing them into ZOS to work on The Elder Scrolls Online will mean we can do even more to grow the world that millions of players call home.
With this consolidation of our Bethesda studio teams, so that we can invest more deeply in our portfolio of games and new IP, a small number of roles across select Bethesda publishing and corporate teams will also be eliminated.
Those whose roles will be impacted will be notified today, and we ask that you please treat your departing colleagues with respect and compassion. We will provide our full support to those who are impacted in today’s notifications and through their transitions, including severance benefits informed by local laws.
These changes are not a reflection of the creativity and skill of the talented individuals at these teams or the risks they took to try new things. I acknowledge that these changes are also disruptive to the various support teams across ZeniMax and Bethesda that bring our games to market. We are making these tough decisions to create capacity to increase investment in other parts of our portfolio and focus on our priority games.
Bethesda remains one of the key pillars of Xbox with a strong portfolio of amazing games and thriving communities. As we look to the future, there is an impressive line-up of games on the horizon. In 2024 alone we have Starfield “Shattered Space,” Fallout 76 “Skyline Valley,” Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, and The Elder Scrolls Online‘s “Golden Road.” As we align our plans and resources to best set ourselves up for success in this complex and changing industry, our teams across Arkane Lyon, Bethesda Game Studios, id Software, MachineGames, ZeniMax Online Studios, and the Bethesda publishing and corporate teams will be well-positioned to build new IP, explore new game concepts, and expand on our existing franchises.
Messages from each studio
Arkane Austin
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Tango Gameworks
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Alpha Dog Games
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discar · 1 month
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 44 (non-canon omake) | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
[FlameHairSavior], [Zo], [BoyNextDoor], [HIMBO], [MARSHAL Kotallo], [β], and [DIVINER] have joined [PZD Alpha Group Chat]
Captain_RobotKiller: ...did we just get hacked?
BigMama: Travis, what did you do.
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Wasn't me, boss!
MARSHAL Kotallo: Wait, what just happened?
DIVINER: Hello new people!
β: i thought you didnt give anyone else focuses
BoyNextDoor: I definitely didn't.
MARSHAL Kotallo: We appear to have suffered a security breach, do not treat this lightly.
BigMama: YOU suffered a security breach? This is a private military network, your actions constitute treason in EVERY existing nation.
Zo: ...I think we have some irrigation crossed.
Kitty_StopCallingMeThatTravis: Travis, what did you do?
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Still wasn't me!
DIVINER: Maybe we could talk instead of yelling?
ShennyShen: Hi! I'm Margo Shen!
ShennyShen: But you probably already know that because you hacked into our network!
ShennyShen: Why did you do that, btw?
DoctorKilljoy: I'm fairly certain it was to spy, Margo.
ShennyShen: I don't think spies announce their presence on the group chat, though?
Zo: Aloy, PLEASE tell me you're reading this.
FlameHairSavior: Glinthawks, can't reply.
FlameHairSavior: I'm here though.
RobertFrostWasA_HACK: We are definitely missing something important here.
Zo: I'm sorry that we intruded, but we don't know how we connected to your network.
BoyNextDoor: Alva, these aren't your people?
β: im checking things ill figure it out
Zo: Or we can just ask the nice people a few reasonable questions and open a dialogue.
BigMama: I don't know what sort of prank you're playing, but we don't have time for it.
MARSHAL Kotallo: I was about to say something very similar.
FlameHairSavior: Okay, I'm back, everything is dead.
ShennyShen: ????
FlameHairSavior: Who are you people, and how did we get connected to your network?
FlameHairSavior: You don't sound like Eclipse.
BigMama: This is the non-emergency group chat for the project leads assigned to Project Zero Dawn.
BigMama: I am Dr. Elizabet Sobeck, project head.
MARSHAL Kotallo: ...
Zo: Um. Well.
BoyNextDoor: wbiufdb lhjasljbu
Zo: Yes, that summarizes my thoughts on the matter.
FlameHairSavior: All right, joke's over.
FlameHairSavior: Who are you and how the FUCK do you know that name.
Zo: Aloy! Beta's here!
β: i know curse words how old do you think i am
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Fuck yeah, kid!
BigMama: Travis, NOT the time.
BigMama: If you people do not start explaining yourselves IMMEDIATELY, I am going to let Travis hack you back into the Stone Age.
FlameHairSavior: Beta, are these your people?
β: i dont think so the data doesnt look familiar
β: besides none of them have called us worms or scum or given us orders
BoyNextDoor: The person who may or may not be Elisabeth Sobeck gave us orders.
FlameHairSavior: Can you trace them back to wherever they're broadcasting from?
β: i can try
FlameHairSavior: Good. I'll pay them a visit.
DIVINER: Please don't kill them!
FlameHairSavior: I might not kill them.
BigMama: Okay, this has gone on long enough. GAIA, please execute standard intruder purge protocol.
FlameHairSavior: Wait, you know about GAIA?
BigMama: Of course I do. How do YOU know about GAIA?
BigMama: And how are you still here? She should have completed the purge by now.
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Uh, Lis? I'm kiiiinda not getting any answer from GAIA or any of her subordinate functions.
Zo: Aloy, I'm in GAIA's chamber right now, and she's not answering.
ShennyShen: You're where?? I'm in the main AI core, and there's no one else here!
β: uh
β: so
β: i tried to trace the hacks and
β: things got weird
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Yeah, I'm with the kid who or may not be too young to know fuck words.
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: If this is a hack, it's the weirdest one I've ever seen.
FlameHairSavior: I'm on my way back. What's wrong?
β: i cant find any trace of a hack
β: and the metadata says that theyre all texting from a thousand years ago
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Yeah, that's pretty much the same on my end.
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Except the new people are texting from a thousand years in the future.
BoyNextDoor: All-Mother's eyes, hands, and soul.
BigMama: Travis, what EXACTLY are you saying?
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Time travel, boss. They're from the future.
DoctorKilljoy: This is fascinating on a thousand different levels.
RobertFrostWasA_HACK: And existentially terrifying on a thousand more.
DoctorKilljoy: Well, yes, there is some of that as well.
DrPBK: It means we succeeded, does it not? Humanity survived.
DIVINER: Weeeell...
ShennyShen: Oh god. You're aliens, aren't you?
MARSHAL Kotallo: Alva is the only one of us not from the local continent.
DIVINER: We really need to have that movie night because you are missing SO MUCH context!
DIVINER: Also I think Beta might technically be an alien?
BoyNextDoor: She's still locked in her loom and this isn't helping.
RobertFrostWasA_HACK: ...loom?
Zo: He uses autocorrect.
RobertFrostWasA_HACK: Ah.
DIVINER: But, uh...
DIVINER: Honored ancestors? (do you still count as ancestors when we haven't been born yet?)
PuppyParade: Speaking as an evolutionary biologist, yes.
PuppyParade: It makes discussion of inheritence easier.
PuppyParade: Though it usually doesn't involve time travel.
DIVINER: You all seem to be taking this rather well??
Kitty_StopCallingMeThatTravis: Speaking personally, there's only so much existential dread you can take before it just starts washing over you.
Captain_RobotKiller: I believe Elisabet might be having a panic attack in her office, though.
BoyNextDoor: Yeah, Beta has locked her door again.
Zo: And I suspect Aloy has gotten into another fight.
FlameHairSavior: Fighting is easier than talking.
Zo: PLEASE don't text and fight at the same time.
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Ha! That sounds like something the boss would do.
BigMama: ...I'm sorry, WHAT?
Zo: By all the songs, Erend...
ShennyShen: Elisabet has daughters??
BigMama: I certainly do not.
DrPBK: And if it has been a thousand years, I can't imagine any existing daughters would have survived. Even with some of the cutting-edge life-extension technology people have been talking about.
FlameHairSavior: Erend, I just ripped a cannon off a Thunderjaw, I'm going to come back and shoot you with it.
A.Larsen: ...I have questions.
MARSHAL Kotallo: I will help.
ShennyShen: Wait, does "flame hair" mean red hair?? Like Elisabet??
FlameHairSavior: Erend, have I ever thanked you for this stupid display name?
BigMama: If it makes you feel better, I understand the sentiment.
BigMama: Travis hacked the network so I can't change my name back.
RobertFrostWasA_HACK: Oh good, you're bonding with your daughter!
BigMama: Tanaka, please don't.
β: am i the only one worried we dont know what kind of time travel rules were working with
β: we might delete ourselves from existence if we say too much
DoctorKilljoy: I don't think anyone can call themselves an expert on this subject, but I expect if that was a real danger, it would have happened already.
BoyNextDoor: I'm with Erend on this, what?
β: its probably fine
FlameHairSavior: If we can change things just by texting the past, I have a list.
MARSHAL Kotallo: An excellent point. Is someone here in charge of the HEPHAESTUS system?
ShennyShen: That's me!
MARSHAL Kotallo: Are there any weaknesses in the system you can tell us?
ShennyShen: wwwwhy would you need to know that?
β: there might have been a small
β: glitch
BoyNextDoor: I thought you said glitches were accidents.
ShennyShen: What's wrong with HEPHAESTUS??
FlameHairSavior: He wants to kill us.
ShennyShen: You specifically, or...
FlameHairSavior: Us specifically, and also everyone else, specifically.
DrPBK: Can we please go back to Elisabet having daughters?
ShennyShen: Can we please stick with what's wrong with HEPHAESTUS!
FlameHairSavior: They're all crazy.
ShennyShen: Who???
FlameHairSavior: The subfunctions.
BoyNextDoor: Wasn't MINERVA fine?
FlameHairSavior: Besides being suicidal? Perfectly fine.
Captain_RobotKiller: Wait, what?
DrPBK: Miss... Aloy, was it? And Beta?
FlameHairSavior: Yes?
β: what
DrPBK: Am I to understand that you are both the result of the Lightkeeper Protocol?
BigMama: Oh god.
FlameHairSavior: Sort of. It's complicated.
BigMama: I discontinued that protocol for a reason.
FlameHairSavior: Sorry to disappoint you with our existence.
BigMama: That's not...
BigMama: I didn't mean it like that.
FlameHairSavior: Okay.
DrPBK: Elisabet canceled the Lightkeeper Protocol because she did not agree with the idea of creating generations upon generations of human beings born with the express purpose of performing a specific task. She was worried about your own lives.
Zo: Oh dear.
BoyNextDoor: Ooh.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Now that is unfortunate.
Kitty_StopCallingMeThatTravis: THAT'S a worrying reaction.
FlameHairSavior: Long story give me a sec.
β: are you fighting again
FlameHairSavior: It's fine, just some bandits harrassing a caravan.
FlameHairSavior: There are only twenty or so.
BigMama: Wait, what? Are you attacking a group of twenty people?
FlameHairSavior: They're distracted, it's no big deal.
A.Larsen: Why are there bandits at all?
ShennyShen: And why did HEPHAESTUS go crazy?
BigMama: She kills people all the time?
MARSHAL Kotallo: Well, yes. But I believe Erend was referring more to saving the caravan.
DIVINER: She saved my people from our insane leader who thought he was Ted Faro reborn! (no, that doesn't make sense in our religion, he was just crazy)
DoctorKilljoy: I have multiple questions?
Zo: She saved my people as well, though that was more of a religious crisis than a practical one.
β: didnt she kill your god
Zo: It was more of a mercy.
PuppyParade: I'm with Samina on the questions.
BoyNextDoor: Wait, twice?
FlameHairSavior: That doesn't count as saving the city.
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Of course they built a statue!
BigMama: Not helping, Travis.
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: I'm supposed to be helping?
BoyNextDoor: She saved the Sacred Lands at LEAST twice.
FlameHairSavior: I did not. I saved it exactly once, when the Eclipse attacked the second time.
BoyNextDoor: You drove them off the first time, too.
FlameHairSavior: I didn't "drive them off," they finished killing everyone and LEFT.
MARSHAL Kotallo: She saved my chief and restored the sacred Visions of my people.
DIVINER: Oh! And she saved Vegas!
FlameHairSavior: Vegas was not in actual danger, I refuse to take credit for that one.
DIVINER: You still saved it, though!!
ShennyShen: Is anyone going to explain what happened to HEPHAESTUS, or the Lightkeeper Protocol, or ANYTHING?
FlameHairSavior: Basically, GAIA needed an Alpha to open some doors, so she made one.
BoyNextDoor: That is vastly understating your own value and you know it.
Captain_RobotKiller: Why would GAIA need an Alpha? Why not use one of the new Alphas that took over in the new world?
Zo: That... wasn't an option.
Captain_RobotKiller: Why not?
A.Larsen: Expand on "bad."
MARSHAL Kotallo: Ted Faro is an affront to humanity and you should save yourselves a great deal of trouble by stabbing him in the heart.
A.Larsen: ...ah.
BigMama: Ted is under control.
BoyNextDoor: For now.
PuppyParade: I'm just worried that after a thousand years, people apparently STILL hate Faro. I mean, I hate him too, but I would assume it's all just history to you now.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Ted Faro is an affront to humanity and you should save ALL OF US a great deal of trouble by stabbing him in the heart.
PuppyParade: Ah.
PuppyParade: ...okay?
Zo: Maybe don't bring that up right now.
FlameHairSavior: Or ever, thanks.
Zo: Are you done with the bandits?
FlameHairSavior: Yeah, just have to talk to the caravan.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Are they Tenakth?
FlameHairSavior: Oseram escorting a Carja priest.
MARSHAL Kotallo: ...how have they possibly survived so long in the Clanlands?
FlameHairSavior: I've been listening to this guy for thirty seconds and I'm already wondering why his own guards haven't killed him yet.
DoctorKilljoy: Oh, are those new cultures? I'm curious to hear about how APOLLO influenced human development!
Zo: Samina Ebadji, I presume?
DoctorKilljoy: Yes, you know me? Did you like my introduction holo for APOLLO?
β: i did
β: it was nice
PuppyParade: How did the re-introduction of the stage two organisms go?
BoyNextDoor: That's the part where the new humans help GAIA rebuild the ecosystem, right?
PuppyParade: Part of it, yes.
BoyNextDoor: What's a puppy parade, anyway?
β: puppies are baby dogs
PuppyParade: ...why do you not know what puppies are
RobertFrostWasA_HACK: Dear God in Heaven, what exactly happened?
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: I've got the data.
ShennyShen: You what?
β: i sent him everything that might possibly be relevant
β: history politics that sort of thing
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: And I'm sending her everything on HEPHAESTUS, then anything else I can think of! Not sure how much it will help, but it can't hurt!
BigMama: Ah, I was wondering why you were being so quiet.
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Silent and effective, that's me!
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: [MissionAccomplishedExplosion.gif]
FlameHairSavior: You're like Alva's skills with Erend's personality.
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: I'll take that as a compliment!
FlameHairSavior: You shouldn't.
DIVINER: Uh, should I take that as an insult?
FlameHairSavior: Of course not, you're fine.
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: ...why am I offended by that??
BoyNextDoor: Wait, you finally looked at GAIA's orientation packet?
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Oh buddy, oh pal.
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: How fall you have fallen. How much culture has been lost.
VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: The point of a drinking contest isn't to WIN, it's to experience a drinking contest.
HIMBO: ...
BigMama: Oh good, you have the reincarnation of Travis Tate looking after you. That's... great.
FlameHairSavior: We're doing fine.
BigMama: Are you? You've mentioned multiple fights in the short time we've been talking.
FlameHairSavior: And I survived.
BigMama: Is that all you have to say?
FlameHairSavior: Yes.
Zo: Aloy, perhaps don't be so short with your mother?
FlameHairSavior: I don't think cloning counts.
β: its not like well ever meet her for real
Zo: A woman who shares your blood is worried for your well-being, that sounds like a mother to me.
DrPBK: Oh, certainly.
RobertFrostWasA_HACK: I have to agree.
ShennyShen: Yeah, that combo of competence and social anxiety had to come from Liz!
DoctorKilljoy: You know the more we tease her, the more she's going to deny it?
MARSHAL Kotallo: It seems you figured out Aloy quite quickly.
DoctorKilljoy: Actually, I was talking about Elisabet?
BigMama: You people are going to be the death of me.
β: thats in the data packet too
BigMama: ...right.
BigMama: So, Beta, was it? Is that a nickname of some sort?
β: no
BigMama: So you were literally named Beta.
β: yes
BoyNextDoor: Same here.
β: its not
BigMama: And why, exactly, did GAIA see the need to create two clones, one LITERALLY named Beta?
β: she didnt
BigMama: What's that supposed to mean?
FlameHairSavior: Tilda is a bitch is what it means.
BigMama: Tilda is dead. I mean, she's dead NOW, her ship blew up. How is she relevant to your time period?
FlameHairSavior: Let me clear this up:
FlameHairSavior: Tilda IS a bitch.
BigMama: ...oh ffs.
A.Larsen: I always knew there was something fishy there.
BigMama: I never should have trusted them.
RobertFrostWasA_HACK: We can deal with it later, after we've looked through the data. We shouldn't waste any of this time with business, we should try to connect to our descendants.
Kitty_StopCallingMeThatTravis: Correct. We don't know how long this will last.
BigMama: I suppose.
ShennyShen: Wait, wait! Future people!
ShennyShen: What's the date on your end?
Zo: Winter solstice, to be specific.
β: december 25
ShennyShen: So that means this is a Christmas miracle!
BoyNextDoor: I suppose there's no way to describe randomly connecting two groups over a thousand years as anything but a miracle.
BoyNextDoor: Though I'm curious what GAIA will think when we talk to her about this.
[FlameHairSavior], [Zo], [BoyNextDoor], [HIMBO], [MARSHAL Kotallo], [β], and [DIVINER] have left the group
This omake was more fun to write than it had any right to be. Clarity for anyone who hasn't bothered to memorize the list of Alphas (because only two or three of them are relevant): BigMama: Elisabet Sobeck (GAIA) A.Larsen: Anders Larsen (AETHER) DoctorKilljoy: Samina Ebadji (APOLLO) PuppyParade: Charles Ronson (ARTEMIS) RobertFrostWasA_HACK: Tanaka Naoto (DEMETER) DrPBK: Patrick Brochard-Klein (ELEUTHIA) VAST_SILVER_SLAYER69: Travis Tate (HADES) ShennyShen: Margo Shen (HEPHAESTUS) Captain_RobotKiller: Ayomide Okilo (MINERVA) Kitty_StopCallingMeThatTravis: Catalina Garcia (POSEIDON) Now guess which ones were named by Travis Tate.
Chapter 44 (non-canon omake) | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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bwoahtastic · 11 months
Max also wanting to nest with momma in the beginning and Toto being confused how zo build a nest.
He'd sit there one night with Max fast asleep on his lap while Toto sits on his laptop and looks on how to build a nest 🥺
Oh pllss maxy softly asking for a nest or clumsily gather blankets before giving toto a hopeful stare cos he wants to nest with mommy!
Toto has no clue how to nest but he will Google it for his cub and figure it out! Maxy is so happy when he is snuggled in the Alpha's messy nest, purring and nuzzling Toto so sweetly!
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chojin-cu-chulain · 7 months
Morphinverse timeline (updated)
Autumn 1977: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1 (Himitsu Sentai Goranger Season 1)
Autumn 1978: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2 (Himitsu Sentai Goranger Season 2), Masked Rider Season 1 (Kamen Rider Season 1)
Autumn 1979: Power Rangers Royal Flush (JAKQ Dengekitai), Masked Rider Season 2 (Kamen Rider Season 2)
Autumn 1980: Power Rangers World Strike (Battle Fever J), Masked Rider Tri (Kamen Rider V3)
Autumn 1981: Power Rangers Shine Force (Denshi Sentai Denjiman), Masked Rider Crosser (Kamen Rider X)
Autumn 1982: Power Rangers Nature Fist (Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan), Masked Rider Repton (Kamen Rider Amazon)
Autumn 1983: Power Rangers Five Star (Dai Sentai Goggle V), Maksed Rider Voltar (Kamen Rider Stronger)
Autumn 1984: Power Rangers Mega Assault (Kagaku Sentai Dynaman), Masked Rider Soar (Skyrider)
Autumn 1985: Power Rangers Star Force (Chodenshi Bioman), Masked Rider Supremo (Kamen Rider Super 1)
Autumn 1986: Power Rangers Mythic Fury (Dengeki Sentai Changeman), Masked Rider Alpha (Kamen Rider ZX)
Autumn 1987: Power Rangers Giga Strike (Choshinsei Flashman)
Autumn 1988: Power Rangers Solaris Crusade (Hikari Sentai Maskman)
Autumn 1989: Power Rangers Beast Assault (Choju Sentai Liveman)
Autumn 1990: Power Rangers High Octane (Kouskou Sentai Turboranger)
Autumn 1991: Power Rangers Sonic Warriors (Chikyu Sentai Fiveman)
Autumn 1992: Power Rangers Sky Partrol (Chojin Sentai Jetman)
Autumn 1993: Power Rangers Dino (Kyoru Sentai Zyuranger)
Autumn 1994: Power Rangers Thunder (Gosei Sentai Dairanger), VR Troopers Season 1 (Chojinki Metalder, Jiku Senshi Spielban)
Autumn 1995: Power Rangers Ninja (Ninja Sentai Kakuranger), VR Troopers Season 2 (Uchu Keiji Shaider, Jiku Senshi Spielban, Kyoju Tokusou Juspion, Uchu Keiji Gavan, Uchu Keiji Sharivan), Masked Rider Bio (Kamen Rider Black), Karato, and the Mega Patrol Season 1 (Kidou Keiji Jiban, Tokkei Winspector, Tokkyu Shirei Solbrain)
Autumn 1996: Power Rangers Zeo (Choriki Sentai Ohranger), VR Troopers Season 3 (Uchu Keiji Shaider, Jiku Senshi Spielban, Kyoju Tokusou Juspion, Uchu Keiji Gavan, Uchu Keiji Sharivan), Masked Rider Bio Solar (Kamen Rider Black RX, Shin Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider ZO, Kamen Rider J), Karato and the Mega Patrol Season 2 (Tokusou Robo Janperson, Tokusou Exceedraft, Blue Swat), Big Bad Beetle Borgs (Jukou B-Figther)
Autumn 1997: Power Rangers Turbo (Gekisou Sentai Carranger), Beetle Borgs Metalix (B-Fighter Kabuto), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Next Mutation, Ninjaman (Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya)
Autumn 1998: Power Rangers in Space (Denji Sentai Megaranger), Beetle Borgs Season 3 (B-Robo Kabutack), Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog
Autumn 1999: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy (Seju Sentai Gingaman), Beetle Borgs Season 4 (Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack), Mystic Knights Battle Thunder
Autumn 2000: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (Kyukyu Sentai GoGoV)
Autumn 2001: Power Rangers Time Force (Mirai Sentai Timeranger), Masked Rider Gilgamesh *(Kamen Rider Kuuga)
Autumn 2002: Power Rangers Wild Force (Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger), Masked Rider Orpheus (Kamen Rider Agito)
Autumn 2003: Power Rangers Ninja Storm (Ninpu Sentai Hurricanger), Masked Rider Draco (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
Autumn 2004: Power Rangers Dino Thunder (Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger), Masked Rider Code 555 (Kamen Rider Faiz)
Autumn 2005: Power Rangers S.P.D. (Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger), Masked Rider Spade Ace (Kamen Rider Blade)
Autumn 2006: Power Rangers Mytic Force (Mahou Sentai Magiranger), Masked Rider Echo (Kamen Rider Hibiki)
Autumn 2007: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive (GoGo Sentai Boukenger), Masked Rider Horn (Kamen Rider Kabuto)
Autumn 2008: Power Rangers Jungle Fury (Juken Sentai Gekiranger), Masked Rider Chrono (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Autumn 2009: Power Rangers RPM (Engine Sentai Go-Onger), Masked Rider Knightmare (Kamen Rider Kiva)
Autumn 2010: Power Rangers Samurai (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger), Masked Rider Omega (Kamen RIder Decade)
Autumn 2011: Power Rangers Megaforce (Tensou Sentai Goseiger), Masked Rider Duo (Kamen Rider Double)
Autumn 2012: Power Rangers Legendary Voyage (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger), Masked Rider Medanimal (Kamen Rider OOO)
Autumn 2013: Power Rangers Beast Morphers (Tokumei Sentai Go-Buster), Masked Rider Astro (Kamen Rider Fourze)
Autumn 2014: Power Rangers Dino Charge (Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger), Masked Rider Mystic (Kamen Rider Wizard)
Autumn 2015: Power Rangers Imagination Express (Ressha Sentai Toqger), Masked Rider Seed Samurai (Kamen Rider Gaim)
Autumn 2016: Power Rangers Ninja Steel (Shuriken Sentai Ninninger), Masked Rider Pursuit (Kamen Rider Drive)
Autumn 2017: Power Rangers Wild Crusaders (Dobustu Sentai Zyohger), Masked Rider Spirit (Kamen Rider Ghost)
Autumn 2018: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury (Uchu Sentai Kyuranger), Masked Rider Jump (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)
Autumn 2019: Power Rangers Night Robbers vs Power Rangers United Patrol (Kaito Sentai Lupinranger vs Keisatsu Sentai Patranger), Masked Rider Mix Master (Kamen Rider Build)
Autumn 2020: Power Rangers Dino Fury (Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger), Masked Rider Monarch (Kamen Rider Zi-O)
Autumn 2021: Power Rangers Crystal Cruisers (Mashin Sentai Kiramager), Masked Rider Andro (Kamen Rider Zero One)
Autumn 2022: Power Rangers Mighty Morphbots (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger), Masked Rider Story Knight (Kamen Rider Saber)
Autumn 2023: Power Rangers Cyber Safari (Avataro Sentai Donbrothers), Masked Rider D.N.Avenger (Kamen Rider Revice)
Autumn 2024: Power Rangers Royal Swarm (Ohsama Sentai Kingohger), Masked Rider Revulpe (Kamen Rider Geats)
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Alas, here at @mostfuckableffvillain, we must say goodbye to Queen Gunnhildr, Mitron, Nero tol Scaeva, Varis zos Galvus, Ilberd Feare, Nael van Darnus, Fandaniel/Hermes, Lahabrea, Omega, Ser Zephirin de Valhourdin, and Lakshmi. There were some really close calls here. Nael and Hermes fought until the bitter end, but, alas, their efforts were just not enough to beat their opponents.
Congratulations to Emet-Selch, Fordola rem Lupis, Elidibus, Ysayle Dangoulain, Estinien Varlineau, Nidhogg, Midgardsormr, Zenos yae Galvus, Gaius van Baelsar, Lyon Helsos, and Yotsuyu goe Brutus! We look forward to seeing them in the Round 2!
Some of the reasons why this lot was nominated in the first place, after the break:
Omega: Cool robot shapeshifter. The only form that's not fuckable is Alpha Omega. and that's not because of the design but because Alphz is in there.
Hermes: He's sad and pathetic Okay, this is spoilers for you, but this guy just wants to watch the world burn. He's disillusioned with everything and just wants to die in a fucking orgy of pain and suffering. Also… he kinda sorta was the guy who kicked off the Final Days the first time by sending a baby bird into space for the meaning of life, but everything was dead or dying nearby, so the bird decided to kill everything and he supports her.
Varis: He's a beautiful milf MILF
Nero: He is snarky highly intelligent very tall and always getting into trouble
Lahabrea: he's just a fucked up old man who happens to be very attractive. I hope his wife is well (she's not). I also hope he's well (he's not)
Ilberd: Meme response- I bet he'd give great 'SLOPPEH's :)
Gunnhildr: Big lady sitting an attomaton throne, just chilling. The bgm that plays during her fight is enchanting as well
Mitron: Look, this guy manipulated a woman into becoming a villain and became a Sin Eater for 100 years when the heroes fought him instead. And then he kidnaps a girl to try and free himself cuz her past life was his girlfriend.
Nael: tbh idk much about this one as i never played og ffxiv but they had something weird going on with gender that i can appreciate
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nerd-artist · 10 months
tag game (Horizon)
Thanks @singingkestrel for tagging me! This was fun!
1. ride or die ship (your otp):
Ereloy. When I first played HZD and Erend made his first appearance I didn't like him a bit because I prejudge him as the alpha male stereotype, but then the writers began to unwrap his layers, revealing the cinnamon bun inside him and I ended the game by being in love with that big Oseram and his mohawk. I shipped them then, when they had the two minutes conversation, but my obsession started with The Daunt reunion in HFW when he couldn’t avoid being upset because she left without saying goodbye, and then Aloy closing his wounds by defeating Asera in First Forge by his side, and Singularity with all those flirty lines and the side hug. I’ve always thought they were going to be end game (and I still hope we can choose that in H3). They care for each other so much, I can see them living happily together and I need to witness it.
2. most annoying ship: Ship and let ship. We’re all here to enjoy so if your ship makes you happy, there’s nothing wrong with that (unless they are sisters, that's it, that’s the annoying one for me).
3. second favourite ship: the second ship involving Aloy that makes more sense to me is Hawk and Thrush, and also involving the Sunhawk there is Kotalanah that has a special place in my heart (what can I say, they have chemistry).
4. favourite platonic relationship: I love the friendship between Erend and Varl there was so much complicity between them, makes me so sad that we only could enjoy it for a short time and now I hope we can see Erend having a similar relationship with Kotallo. Also Aloy and Zo, I need to see that friendship evolve even more in the next game, Aloy is going to need her wise advice.
5. underrated ship: This one is underrated mostly because it only exists in my head: GAIA/Gildun. Just imagine them having daily long-distance calls and then Gildun going to the base to meet her. The calculations GAIA is making at that moment let her know she is experiencing love and we can see her smile for the first time…
6. overrated ship: I don't know, I don't think there is one.
7. one thing i would change in canon: A lot of us agree, Varl’s death was unnecessary, Aloy had already lost Rost, she didn't need to lose a friend too to know how important people can be for her. Also, the way they wrote some characters in HFW and some plots in BS. But what I think is the big mistake is to have wasted the opportunity to make Aloy and Beta bond in Burning Shores, she could have been helping Aloy a lot more from the distance, giving us some cute sisterly moments. I hope they fix this in the next game.
8. something canon did right: A lot of things! That’s why I love these games! HZD is almost perfect, that game made me go through a roller coaster of feelings and I’ll never forget that.
Aloy’s personality evolution. You can clearly see the difference between HZD Aloy and herself at the end of HFW but it’s not forced, she learned through the way to get there.
The lack of prejudices. Obviously there are conflicts between tribes, mostly because of the different religions, but the Horizon world is showing us how humanity would be without racism and without homophobia, Guerrilla is doing a great job there.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: I am very proud to be part of the Focus On The Heart team, a visual novel fan game. It is a huge project that I believe a lot of Horizon fans are going to enjoy when it’s done.
Also I’m proud of my Horizon’s characters as Greek Gods series of fanarts. I got distracted by other illustrations I needed to draw, but I plan to keep on doing them at some point.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Gildun! He is a light in the darkness, but I want to talk about Zo because she is also perfect and she is very underrated. She is fierce but she is also lovely. She joined Aloy although that meant to deny all her beliefs. She confronted the Utaru chorus in the past and she doesn't hesitate to do the same when it’s needed. We meet a very interesting character and I hope that the fact she is pregnant doesn't mean she is not going to have an important role in the next game because that would send a very wrong message.
11. the character I relate to the most and why: I never thought about this until now, but I guess I can relate to Beta, all the traumas of her past aside and I’m way more social than she is but... I work remotely and my hobbies are almost the same as my job so I’m always indoors in front of a screen, like she is (using her focus constantly). She is also afraid of a lot of things, which is essentially my everyday mood. I can relate to Erend sometimes because I tend to make fun of myself to hide my insecurities.
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: AMADIS, but also, The Quen as a tribe (not talking about individual characters here), they have the best outfits and they are sailors, and that is great… it is their society which is very disgusting, nothing good could come if it’s inspired by a start-up structure. I also don't like Carja. Anything imperialist makes me wanna puke.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: I’ve learned what to be in a fandom means, this is the first time in my (long) life that I join one, I’ve been screaming about other games and series before but mostly to myself and to friends that didn't fully understand me, to be able to talk freely about blorbos (a word I didn't knew existed until last year) with the lovely people I’ve met it’s truly a relieve. Also I think (and I hope🙏) being in this fandom and this obsession is helping me improve my English.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: friends to lovers, angst with a happy ending, it’s not unrequited they’re just dumbasses (and some others I don't want everyone to know 😉).
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: I come with knives by IAMX, I can see Aloy singing it to herself to stop her from having meaningful relationships.
tagging: You don't need to answer if you don't want to (sorry if you have already been tagged) and everyone is welcome to do it although you haven't been tagged @sorbetowl @meg-noel-art @chloefraazers @kittleskittle @hartlesshart @emtazer @xxxhellfireravenxxx @bookmancer-legendarium @boobaloof (edit because I wanted to tag @artekai too and I forgot 🥲)
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zozo-01 · 1 year
last line tag game >:3
The lovely @gingerbreadmonsters tagged me in this game and like, when Gingerina Ballerina tags you in something, you gottaaa give a line or a snippet!!! So here's some more Quinn torturing David. <3333
He wasn’t good enough to keep their heart from breaking, watching and doing nothing as they fell in love with the monster in front of him.
[Technically isn't the last line, but it's the last line that could stand on it's own!!!!]
Tagging (no pressure <333): @dominimoonbeam, @romirola, @starlitangels, @taelonsamada and you!!!!!
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gevleugeldewoorden · 3 months
Het voorvoegsel a- heeft in het Nederlands een duidelijke functie. Asociaal is het tegenovergestelde van sociaal, atypisch het tegenovergestelde van typisch, atonaal het tegenovergestelde van… et cetera.
Die a- is eigenlijk een alfa, want hij is ontleend aan het Oudgrieks, waar-ie precies dezelfde functie had. Als iemand ἄφοβος (áfobos) is, is hij onbevreesd. Iemand zonder geloof is ἄθεος (átheos), goddeloos. Dit voorvoegsel noemen we de alpha privans, van het Latijnse privare, dat ‘beroven’ betekent. De alfa berooft de rest van het woord dus van zijn betekenis. 
En deze rovende alfa is niet altijd zo duidelijk herkenbaar als in asociaal. Ook het Nederlandse asiel gaat bijvoorbeeld terug op een samenstelling met een alpha privans, namelijk het Griekse ἄσυλος (asulos), dat ‘onschendbaar’ betekent. Of neem ons woord asbest. Dat komt van het Griekse ἄ-σβεστος (á-sbestos): onblusbaar. En het godenvoedsel ambrozijn is in het Grieks ἀ-μβροσία (a-mbrosía), dat in de eerste plaats ‘onsterfelijkheid’ betekent. Dit spul moesten de Griekse goden eten om onsterfelijk te blijven.
Maar we kunnen nog verder terug. Dat Griekse voorvoegsel α- (a-) komt voort uit het Proto-Indo-Europese voorvoegsel *n̥-. Ziet er misschien ingewikkeld uit, maar eigenlijk valt het wel mee. Die asterisk (*) staat er alleen omdat dit een gereconstrueerde vorm is; de Proto-Indo-Europeanen hebben immers nooit iets opgeschreven. Dat cirkeltje ( ̥) onder de n geeft aan dat deze medeklinker zich een beetje als klinker gedraagt, zoals de n in het Twentse loopn. Dat streepje (-) staat er omdat het een voorvoegsel is en die punt (.) omdat mijn zin daar eindigde. Het voorvoegsel *n̥- zal ook in het Proto-Indo-Europees een ontkennende functie hebben gehad.
In het Grieks wordt *n̥- dus α- (a-), maar in het Latijn, net zo goed een dochter van het Proto-Indo-Europees, zien we weer een andere ontwikkeling. Daar is *n̥- geëvolueerd tot in-, waardoor er woorden ontstaan als invalidus, instabilis en inhumanus. Of in geassimileerde vorm: immobilis, irrationalis, illegalis. Die woorden zijn voor ons te begrijpen omdat ze natuurlijk ook in het Nederlands terecht zijn gekomen, vaak via het Frans.
Maar ook het Nederlands is uiteindelijk een Indo-Europese taal. En ook het Nederlands heeft het Proto-Indo-Europese *n̥- als erfstuk ontvangen. Niet ontleend, zoals we met a- en in- hebben gedaan, maar geërfd. In het Proto-Germaans, dochter van het Proto-Indo-Europees en tegelijkertijd voorloper van de Germaanse talen, veranderde *n̥- namelijk in *un-. Daaruit zijn onder andere het Engelse un- (unfair), het Duitse un- (unheimlich) en het Noorse u- (upersonlig) ontstaan. In het Nederlands werd het on- (ongelooflijk). 
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seaside-coffeemilk · 1 year
Been reading and enjoying a lot of Lis lives fics lately, and wondering what it would be like if the others alphas also got to live.
(spoilers for Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West) :
• They can all live in the base together :3
It would be a lively place to be.
Aloy and the gang would have the help they need to fix everything.
• Elisabet could work with Aloy and Beta on Gaia.
• Erend might be curious about how things work. I'm thinking maybe he'd be interested in checking out Hephaestus with Margo, who's amazed at the machines while trying to get to the AI to behave again.
• Okilo could reunite with Minerva :)
• Bet Alva would be curious about old world stuff. Samina could show her all about it.
• Sylens can meet with Travis, the maker of Hades, and maybe he can finally get some answers. Maybe Travis will annoy him. XD
• Demeter's Alpha, Naoto, can work with Zo, and check on the current state of Flora and agriculture.
• Patrick could go with Varl and Aloy to check out Eleuthia (original and 9).
• Charles might feel bittersweet at seeing the state of the wildlife's recovery. Him, Catalina and Anders can go with Kotallo and Aloy to look for Aether, Artemis and Poseidon.
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resonancebeach · 9 months
Stéphane Nelson, straight, has never heard of gay or bi people: Ah, Nick, my zon, 'ow ahr yiu? So nice to mit yiur friend, your buddieie, Sharlie. Zo, Nick, av yiu bin, ow you zay, facking ze bishes? Drowining in ze 'cloonzh'? Ah, oui, ei em so glad ma garçon is a virile alpha meyel, who az sex with all ze wimmin. Liuk at yiu, yiu arrh growing taller, and mebbe longehr too, non? Hon hon. I lov my very straight sohn. Oui.
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howa-moco · 10 months
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Sponsor 🚺Left girl Bipolar - Yara Romper - Fatpack @Tress Chic(-Aug10) Stealthic - Malibu (Full Pack) [ODIO] BOMI SKIN - COLD TONE @HARAJUKU EVENT(Jul20-Aug10) [ODIO] WHENEVER LIPSTICK @THE WAREHOUSE SALE(Jul23-Aug18)
🚹center boy AGATA Max shirt and pants / fatpack @Alpha( Jul22-Aug17) ODIO SEONG SKIN - WINTER TONE Emporio Surpreme
🚺Right girl Loki - My Darling GACHA / Chained Shrug - RARE, White Bow Cami Top, Mint Bow Skirt The Arcade(-Aug15) Stealthic - Malibu (Full Pack) [ODIO] DOOMI SKIN - COLD TONE @HARAJUKU EVENT(Jul20-Aug10) [ODIO] WHENEVER LIPSTICK @THE WAREHOUSE SALE(Jul23-Aug18)
Other 🚺Left girl VELOUR: Malibu Collection LeLUTKA Zo Head(f) 3.1 eBODY Reborn v1.69.4
🚹center boy Modulus LeLUTKA Wade Head 3.1 [LEGACY] Meshbody (m) Athletic Edition (1.6)
🚺Right girl Addams // Malibu Flower Necklace // N*5 VELOUR: Malibu Collection LeLUTKA RYN Head 3.1 [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.6)
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discar · 2 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 14 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
Zo: Aloy, is everything all right? You rushed out pretty fast.
FlameHairSavior: Oh, just more problems to fix. Turns out that even though we have the other subfunctions, we can't actually get HEPHAESTUS, because it deleted the Alpha Override from its code! Which I didn't even know was a thing that could happen!
β: iut likely
β: it was likely only possible due to both its programming knowledge and its distributed nature over the entire caldron network
β: calkdron
β: cauldron
Zo: I actually already knew that. Beta and I discussed this.
FlameHairSavior: So now I have to go find the Omega Override, which hopefully is in Faro's bunker, which hopefully is in San Francisco after all, which hopefully the Quen can help me get inside.
Marshall Kotallo: The Quen are the invaders from across the sea, correct?
FlameHairSavior: Yes. They use primitive Focuses, about twenty years out of date. I only met the one who didn't try to kill me, but she seemed nice. I think she'll help me get what I need.
FlameHairSavior: Also, she might think I'm a goddess, or something.
β: what
FlameHairSavior: It's a long story, and has to do with the Quen religion, which I don't understand.
Zo: How long will it take you to get to San Francisco?
FlameHairSavior: I have no idea. Probably a while.
Zo: Then you probably have time to explain why you think she thinks you're a goddess.
FlameHairSavior: [Exasperation.png]
Zo: And I'll keep Erend from making any jokes.
FlameHairSavior: Deal!
ForgeLordAleMaster: HEY!
FlameHairSavior: Too late, no take backs!
HIMBO: Probably about how this is the second religion that's declared her some sort of holy person.
FlameHairSavior: I don't know the full details, but apparently Alva recognized me as Elizabet Sobeck. Thankfully, she seemed to realize that I wasn't actually Sobeck, but she played it up for the soldiers.
β: why would that even matter
FlameHairSavior: Seems like they worship the Old Ones. Or something. I don't know. It reminds me of the Nora revering the Matriarchs, except they're dead.
FlameHairSavior: She talked about the “Ancestors” and “the Legacy” a lot.
HIMBO: Are you sure you should trust them at all? Didn't you say the first Quen you met shot on sight?
Marshall Kotallo: There has certainly been no formal attempt at contact with the Tenakth. As far as I know, no soldier has survived contact.
Marshall Kotallo: Downplaying a threat does no good to anyone.
Marshall Kotallo: I... believe I just did?
HIMBO: So, Aloy, what's Alva like?
FlameHairSavior: Inquisitive. Better with a bow than I expected. I think you'll like her.
FlameHairSavior: What? No!
FlameHairSavior: I mean, she already got what she needed. Mostly, I think.
HIMBO: Was it because of you?
FlameHairSavior: I mean, I just helped translate a few files for her.
β: is this the part where we make bets i think im supposed to suggest a bet
FlameHairSavior: No.
ForgeLordAleMaster: YES!
β: then i bet all my shards that shes in love with aloy before the end of the mission
Marshall Kotallo: Hm, seems you have some fire in you after all. Very well, I'll take that bet.
FlameHairSavior: No! You're not allowed to bet on that sort of thing!
FlameHairSavior: Beta, where did you even get money?
β: erend taught me to play machine strike
β: he is not very good
β: no youre just not very good
HIMBO: Erend, I never thought I'd say this, but I think you need an ale.
FlameHairSavior: This is going to be a long trip.
Chapter 14 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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