#Also Harry gets kidnapped like. at least three times
pumpkinrootbeer · 5 months
voyager has everything. sexual tension between every member of the crew, a strange emotional support little man they picked up off the street, a captain pushed to the brink who constantly has to betray her own morals to try and save everyone in the end, a girl who like. becomes a weird non corporeal space entity and just like. evaporates into space and that's the last we see of her?? borg. an ensign who: has invented warp 10, saved the ship single handily multiple times, has zero rizz, is somehow always working, a senior member of the crew, died at least twice, and despite all that never gets a promotion. lizard sex, dubious ethics, if HIPAA wished to be a real boy, steven universe fusion, boy AND girl failures, and coffee in that nebula.
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emmie-tt · 9 months
Can you write a harry potter x reader where the reader is harry gf and she got kidnapped into the malfoy Manor (in dh) and when Harry, Ron and hermione got captured there too, he finds her and he take her back to fleur and Bill cottage and he takes care of her because she got injured really bad while being there? <3 (also her having a lot of scars/marks and being insecure about them but harry will kiss them all and tell her they are perfect) and one night when she finally Trys to leave the bed (because her legs are really shaky) they go out and stay in front of the sea and they talk about their future? Sorry this is long hope you can make it <3
My Protector
Harry Potter x Reader
CW: Angst (Kinda) , Mental Problems, Mentions of blood and wounds, Mentions of Scars, Female Reader
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How did you get here...As you lay on the cold hard ground of the Malfoy Manor your whole life flashes in front of your eyes. You had always been the quiet kid. Never causing drama. Never getting involved in drama. Never acting out. Hardly ever going to parties unless Harry had went with you.
Speaking of. Harry had been frantically searching for you, the moment he realized you were missing it felt like hi whole world stopped.
You didn't know that though. Not yet at least.
The lightheaded feeling began a few minutes ago. Whether it was from blood loss or dehydration was also unknown. You did know that it had been three days since you've had water and you also knew that gash in your forehead had been left unattended for quite a few hours so whichever was causing the lightheaded feeling was anyone's guess.
You heard a gasp from Luna Lovegood who was also being held captive but instead of reacting you ignored it choosing to focus on not passing out and praying to Godricks that someone helped and got you out of here...
The feeling of someones hands on your face brought you out of your haze and suddenly a fuzzy yet familiar voice was cutting through the silence
"Y/n...Y/n can you hear me?"
As your vision comes into focus your eyes widen as you realize who was knelt next to you.
"Harry..." you mumble as you weakly reach up and cup his face
He smiles weakly back, seeing you in so much pain and honestly so close to death...
"Hi sweetheart...I'm gonna get you out of here okay? Get you some help, alright?"
you nod slight and he slides one arm under your knees and the other under your upper torso. Picking you up bridal style he quickly makes his way out the things he noticed about the woman he loved more than anything was how much weight you had loss, the blood dripping down his arm from your forehead and that dazed almost lifeless look in your eyes.
He picks up the pace in his steps and as soon as the coast was clear he held you closer and floo you both off to the cottage.
------ At The Cottage ------
Harry quickly sat you down on the couch, the dizziness had took over and you had loss consciousness a few minutes prior. Molly gasps as she rushes over and helps Harry lay you on the couch.
She asses the wound on your head before quickly jumping into action and cleaning then stitching the rather deep wound
Harry stood at the end of the couch the whole time. His eyes never once leaving you as he watched Molly clean the wound and stitch you up.
He felt completely guilty for this whole thing, he had promised from the day he met you to protect you. You were nothing more than a ray of sunshine in his extremely dark life, the reason he lived was you and seeing you lay on the couch unconscious and injured absolutely broke him. He could not loose anyone else.
After Molly was finished she stepped back and walked over to Harry wrapping her arms around him in a tight motherly hug.
"She will be alright..." she mumbles softly into his hair as he begins to sob.
------ A Little While Later ------
Harry had fallen asleep sat on the floor next to the couch where you had been laid. His head rested uncomfortably on the edge as his hand gripped onto yours tightly. His whole body reacts when he feels you hand twitch slightly. His hands snap open and he quickly looks up at you right when your eyes slowly flutter open.
"Y-Y/n? Sweetheart, are you awake?" You groan softly as you reach up and feel at the now bandaged wound. Harry gently grabs your hand and pulls it back down, planting a soft kiss on your palm as he moves to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Hey...You're alright love...I'm right here..." He whisper softly as tears flood your eyes
He stares at you sympathetically for a moment before, gently as possible, lifting you into his arms and holding you close to his chest. His hands rubbing up and down your back slowly as you sob into his shoulder where your head is resting.
He feels his own tears rise but he chokes them down to comfort you, something he knew you needed.
After a long few minutes you calm down and slowly sit up, ignoring the pounding that happens in your head at the movement. You hands wrap tightly around him and you stare down at him silently as he stares back before gently kissing your forehead leading you to let out a sigh and lay your head back down on his shoulder.
Harry noticed the shift in your personality. The silence that used to be replaced with constant chatter about things only Hermione could truly understand. The fear in your eyes that used to be full of light and shine. He noticed it all and it killed him...
"My love...Lets get you some food alright? And maybe some orange juice?"
He waits for your reply and when you nod he immediately stands with you in his arms and makes his way into the kitchen where he goes to place you in a chair only to be stopped when you tighten your grip and mutter out a soft "No..."
He stops in his tracks and stands back up with you in his arms, glancing down at your face
"No what love? You don't want me to put you down?" When you nod, confirming his question he sighs softly but obeys your wish and walks over to the fridge and pulls out a pitcher of orange juice that he pours into a cup and hands to you. As you sip at the juice he quickly makes a sandwich before taking a seat at the dining table and slowly feeds you the sandwich.
When you finish it a few minutes later he lets you finish the orange juice before standing and placing the dishes in the sink, letting the magic do its thing and clean the dishes, Harry makes his way down a hall and into the room Bill had given him to stay in.
He gently lays you down in the bed causing you to let out a soft whimper, he gently kisses your forehead
"Shh sweetheart, i'm right here...Let me get you some clean clothes okay?"
You hesitantly nod and he rushes off into the closet where he grabs an old shirt of his and a random pair of boxers before quickly making his way back to you where he finds you crying.
The guilt in his gut only grows and he walks over gently rubbing your back, you climb into his lap and he instantly lets you, wrapping his arms around your waist and rocking you gently as you sob.
Once you calm down he coaxes you off of him for just long enough to get you bathed and changed into the outfit before helping you into bed where he climbs in after you, letting you lay on top of him- rather uncomfortably, before holding you close as you fall asleep a few moments later.
And that is how most days go...
A few weeks passed and your physical condition had improved, the gash had almost completely healed, leaving a scar. All the bruises had faded and the small cuts had healed leaving their own small scars across your body.
Your mental health was another thing...While it hadn't worsened it really hadn't improved either...Harry could finally leave you alone but not for to long, you refused to leave the bed and talking still came very rarely for you.
Harry had left the room a few moment ago, to do something...He had said but truly you hadn't been listening.
Looking around the room your eyes land on the mirror hung on the wall, more specifically the reflection in the mirror. As you stared down your own reflection, seeing the large scar across your forehead caused disgust to rush over you in waves.
You slowly sit up in the bed letting the blanket fall to your waist, being in only your bra, all of the small scars that now littered your body were on full display. Your hands slowly ran over each of them, picking and pulling at them almost as if you were trying to get them off of you.
You were so lost in your own world that you didn't notice harry stepping into the room until you saw him in the mirror causing you to jump.
"What are you doing sweetheart?" He asks softly as he climbs onto the bed and wraps his arms around your waist after gently grabbing your hands and pulling them away from your skin
He clearly didn't believe you but instead of saying anything he gently pushed you back onto the bed and yanked the blanket off of you completely causing you to gasp and wrap your arms around his shoulders. "H-Harry! What are you doing?!"
He shrugs slightly as he leans down and kisses your forehead, right on the scar. "So pretty..."
Your whole body heats up as he leans down to your stomach area and presses soft kisses to each scar he could see as he mumbles praises.
Any praise he could think of was flying out of his lips as he worshiped you, your face was the so ho from being so flustered that you couldn't stand it. This was exactly what you needed...That disgusted feeling melted away with every kiss and praise he gave you.
After a moment he looks back up at you, his glasses sat on the tip of his nose almost falling off. You giggle softly pushing his glasses back up his face, a smile appearing on your face for the first time in weeks.
Harry grins and moves up peppering kisses all over your face causing the small giggles to grow even more as you gently push him away
"My sweet girl" He says softly "Wanna take a walk with me? You seem in a good mood..."
You think for a long moment about the offer before ultimately nodding and slowly pulling yourself from the bed and into a standing position.
Harry smiles quickly following you out of the bed and helping you put your shoes on before putting his own on and leading you out of the cottage, the sun hitting your skin for the first time in weeks was an amazing feeling. You soaked it in for a moment before walking down the beach towards the water where you stop at the shore line letting the water wash over your sandal covered feet.
Harry slowly approaches you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder as he gazes down on your face as you gaze out at the water
"What are you thinking about honey?"
You stay silent for a moment before leaning back against him "Our future..."
"Oh yeah? What about it?"
"I don't know...Just how- how everything is gonna end...With the war, the death eaters...he who should not be names..."
He sighs softly and kisses your cheek, before being taken you had no problem calling him Voldemort but now you were terrified..
"Nothing will happen to you again...Me, Ron and Hermione have a plane okay? Please don't worry about it..."
With a small nod you turn around in his arms and snuggle your face against his chest "How many kids do you want..?"
He looks down slightly shocked at your question before thinking for a moment "Honestly, it wouldn't matter to me...As long as I have you that's all that matters...What about you baby? How many?"
"Three...Two boys and a girl..."
He chuckles, your answer was instant with absolutely not hesitation behind it. "I'll do my best to help fulfill that dream my love..."
You giggle and slowly close your eyes as you rest against him. It finally felt like you could see a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. He had been everything you needed to get through such a rough time. Your love. Your support but most importantly your protector.
Oh. My. Goodness. I think this is my best work yet, I hope this is up to your expectations love!! And I am so so sorry it took so long to get this out there!!
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saintsenara · 3 months
hello! your opinions genuinely make me laugh so hard and often everytime i check your tag, so i have come bearing some more unhinged food for thought:
1) hagrid/sirius
2) harry/narcissa
3) harry/snape/narcissa
4) narcissa/snape/lily
really interested in your opinion on these, esp. snarlily, since i already know your instance on all three bilateral dynamics involved on their own! this ot3 came to me in a ferver dream and ever since i’ve been pondering hard on it, and what i’m thinking is maybe it could pop off as leeway for so much political drama and character development in a first war au, where a saner voldemort spares lily and harry and kidnaps them instead because he’s curious and wants to further investigate and/or keep the boy of the prophecy under his thumb. so, let’s say, since lily doesn’t die the fidelius doesn’t fall (going with the theory on how the fidelius charm works that says the charm only falls if the one to cast it dies and the idea of lily being the one to have cast the charm making peter the secret keeper) but james still dies and lily is widowed… so we have a hostage situation where everyone is stuck at the manor having the worst time ever, maybe a snily marriage of convenience is proposed by snape as a front to further protect her, who agrees for harry since he’s all she’s got left, and appease to the dark lord in a show of keeping her in check; all the while snarcissa already have an affair on the low while lucius is away doing war crimes business. i could see narcissa being lowkey so jealous that severus “got” the woman he told her he’s actually in love with even as their affair continues, lily finding out about said affair and having mixed feelings as she and severus are forced to reconnect for survival’s sake, and the forced cohabitation of both women as mothers with overprotective tendencies contrasting each other in their very polarizing mindsets and standings re: the dark lord’s approaching victory over the light all going a lot of interesting, plotty, intimate, possibly even betraying ways that could parallel narcissa’s quiet self-serving defiance in the second war—maybe if she somehow finds out more about severus’ duplicitous spy duties?
i’m a sucker for the prospect of ALL three black sisters finding themselves in romantic relationships to non-purebloods. the potential of dramatic irony in the most conformist black sister succumbing to the same ��fault’ both of her sisters have fallen to and being forced to confront herself about the hypocrisy is so tasty to me… (also, “i mean, what’s better than lucius getting cheated on not once but twice?” was an insane argument that came to mind and it reminded me of our beloved ‘other women and of purer blood’, which is why i thought to bring the idea here)
what do you think are really the potential vibes in this mess? sorry for the extremely long ask + rant ;;
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
sirius black/rubeus hagrid
i back it enormously.
not least because it's really striking in canon that hagrid - and not, for example, lupin - ends up being the adult who best understands sirius as he actually was, who best understands what he meant to harry, and who therefore becomes the guardian of relics of sirius' life [buckbeak, the motorcycle] which we would ordinarily expect harry to be unwilling to let go to someone other than him.
it's also really striking that, no matter how much the fandom likes to focus on dumbledore's role in this rather than hagrid's, sirius is willing to relinquish control of harry to hagrid after james and lily die.
there is, then, a clear trust - and a clear honesty - between them. and since trust and honesty are intimacies in and of themselves... why shouldn't there be other intimacies going on in sigrid nation...
narcissa malfoy/harry potter
harry would - canonically - go there.
harry would also - canonically - definitely opt to pursue a gorgeous blonde milf specifically for the way it would ruin the life of her son.
narcissa would do it to punish lucius for using her shower gel.
narcissa malfoy/harry potter/severus snape
flopping for harry, since the other two are so transparently into each other.
they keep slapping his hands away whenever he tries to join in.
narcissa malfoy/lily potter/severus snape
i am genuinely intrigued by the kinky hostage ot3 scenario, but only as a crackfic, with these two separate pairings linked together by a snape who's in shambles.
narcissa's conformity is - as you say - something that i'm really obsessed with, and what i like is that the artifice in her self-presentation meshes really nicely with the artifice in snape's. in snily, in contrast, there's not so much artifice as delusion - snape is in love with a version of lily who doesn't actually exist outside of his own head; lily is best friends with a version of snape who doesn't actually exist outside of hers.
and so i really like the idea of snape have to constantly fluctuate between the two different people he is with each of the two women he finds himself entangled with - and having to switch between the various different versions of himself he presents to dumbledore, voldemort, et al. - and basically ending up having a complete breakdown.
lily is canonically stubborn, so she stays and drags snape back into something approaching a stable sense of self.
narcissa moves - praying mantis style - onto rodolphus.
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Massive procrastination time, let me give you some fic lists of mine.
CJ Hook is alive and she will make it everyone's problem
„Can I take Spot here for a walk?“
Yeah so "alive" might have been an overstatement. But have you considered that the three headed hell hound is very cute?? And that CJ wants to take him on a walk??
You have not, have you
„Your siblings are dead, CJ. I'm so sorry“
CJ is alive, but her siblings are not, and she will make Auradon pay for it. (And if she's not mentally present for half of her actions, can you blame her, really?)
„Can you add this to my hairdo, please?“
Yes garrotes absolutely count as a fashion accessory! Harry! Come on-
CJ Hook celebrating Ace Pride week in perfectly acceptable ways
It's arson.
I don't know why you're surprised.
But, like, Judge Frollo had it coming. And it counts as fireworks, doesn't it?
„...Yeah no, how about we watch a movie instead?“
There is a reason why CJ needs to be babysat. The reason being, she thinks that arson and revolutions are a fine downtime and doesn't see a problem with death.
Too bad her babysitter disagrees.
On the brighter side, her older sister got a date!
„You're grounded, CJ.“
Lol, yeah, no, being the high king absolutely does not grant you the ability to ground the mighty CJ Hook, why would you ever think that?
„Just get into the blanket fort.“
On totally unrelated note, CJ thinks that kidnapping the king in the middle of a very public event should earn her a grounding at the very least. It's just no fun if there isn't the threat of consequences!
Also, it's not a blanket fort, it's a pirate ship, CJ will have you know.
„I wanna cuddle!“
Hmm yes. Breaking into her gf's dorm in the middle of the night to cuddle and give her some stolen jewellery is a totally reasonable course of action.
CJ is so lucky Freddie loves her.
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triviareads · 10 months
Any good marriage for convenience romance books?
I actually had a hard time with this one because there are so many historicals where the marriage is convenient for one party, or like, convenient in that otherwise she'll be "ruined" or she's possibly pregnant. But here are some of the ones where both parties agree to marry without any (or much) external pressure:
Convergence of Desire by Felicity Niven: Harry wants to devote her energies to proving Fermat's Theorem (which I now know way too much about) rather than being out in society, and Thomas needs a rich wife, so they decide to marry and Harry even says he can sleep with whoever after they marry..... unfortunately this man is only able to get it up for her soon enough.
Fiona and the Enigmatic Earl by Grace Callaway: Fiona wants to be free to continue her work as a member of an investigative agency, Lady Charlotte's Society of Angels, and Hawk wants to marry but without any emotional entanglements and to continue his spy work, so they agree to a marriage of convenience where neither party will hinder the other.
How the Wallflower was Won by Eva Leigh: After fucking up his sister and best friend's (DOM MFING KILBURN) marriage, Finn needs to marry or he'll be cut off, and Tabitha wants to join an influential intellectual society that only admits married women, and so marriage it is.
The Scot of Mine by Sophie Jordan: Kind of a marriage of convenience? Except the terms aren't laid out super clearly beforehand and Clara's brother does have a hand in the marriage, but this one is too funny to not include. Clara lies about being pregnant to escape marriage to an asshole, but when she's sent to Scotland, she meets Hunt, a laird who has a generational curse on him which means he will die before his heir is born. So Hunt decides to marry her because she's pregnant with someone else's baby so obviously, he won't die!
Except, well, it's a lie, and he finishes inside her multiple times after they're married so........
The Beast of Beswick by Amalie Howard: Astrid proposes marriage to Thane, a scarred misanthrope duke, so that her sister can escape marriage to the man who ruined Astrid's reputation. Thane eventually agrees because he's intensely attracted to her but has no intention of falling in love with her.
The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare: Another scarred duke, this time in want of a wife that won't faint when she sees him so he can begat heirs; Emma is the seamstress who made his former fiancée's wedding dress and shows up for payment, but Ashbury decides she'll do just fine as a wife.
Worth Any Price Lisa Kleypas: The only male virgin in Kleypas-verse (well at least in the beginning), Nick Gentry is tasked with finding Charlotte on behalf of her family and fiancé, but it turns out the fiancé is, among other things, deffo a groomer so he agrees to marry her to protect her.
Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas: You know the deal with this one; St. Vincent needs to marry a rich heiress since he's about to be cut off and his attempted kidnapping of Lillian failed miserably, and Evie needs to escape her abusive relatives, so off to Gretna Green it is.
Lush Money by Angelina M Lopez: Prince Mateo agrees to marry billionaire Roxanne and have sex with her three nights a month so she can have a kid in exchange for money for his impoverished country. The resentment in this man is real, not that it stops him from calling her mi mujer and jumping her every 10 seconds. Basically, the only wife guy I condone.
Unfortunately Yours by Tessa Bailey: Natalie and August agree to marry so Natalie can access start-up capital and August can improve his shoddy vineyards. I really loved August's (objectively dumb) no-PiV-sex-until-she-won't-regret-it rule because it actually made the wedding night kinda great, and it also drew out tension until they had no choice but to admit their feelings for one another.
The Harlequin fave Jackie Ashenden very helpfully made a page on her website devoted to all her marriage of convenience books, and yes, I recommend all of them.
Crowning His Lost Princess by Caitlin Crews: Warlord touches down in a Kansas (?) field and announces that this farmer gal was switched at birth, is actually a princess, and that they must marry for political reasons.
Trust Fund Fiancé by Naima Simone: Reagan needs access to her inheritance and proposes a marriage of convenience to her friend Zeke in order to gain access. This one is also technically friends-to-lovers but a really well done one.
*tbh your best bet in terms of modern marriages of conveniences might be harlequins because the stakes feel somewhat high and the tension is real, unlike a lot of contemporary romances which have people marrying to like, inherit a family ski resort or something.
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artzzyb00-27 · 7 months
Spider-Man; Vol.1 Harry Grant
Harry, Denny, and Christopher as Spider-People. Harry's first. Don't worry no one(important) dies(yet). Also, I edited the poster of all three of them. Twas not fun. (No cat is coming with them to fight crime, I couldn't find a male Sun-Spider to represent Chris' crutches but just pretend that he's got male anatomy in the picture.)
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He never wanted to get bit. It was by accident. And by accident, a spider that was in the house Jeffrey used for his little escapade had stowed away on Harry. Camouflaging itself in his hair. Getting bit when he was unconscious. After another incident at school, weird things started happening.
His hearing, smell, and sight were increased. He could feel things almost before they happened. Like something was telling him, 'Watch out!'. It's how he got away from someone else trying to kidnap him when he was out with friends at the mall. Sometimes things would stick to his fingers for extra time but he didn't think anything of it. Still trying to forget the incident. Until his wrist shot out a long white sticky string.
After that, he confided in May. He wanted at least someone in the family to know what was going on. Granted, she wasn't happy that he kept it a secret for three years. She understood in the end, that's what mattered.
She asked a friend who graduated already, who had a major in bioengineering, to help out with a slight issue with her brother. Agreeing to keep the secret, Peter explained to him how his powers resembled that of a spider.
"You did kill it right?" He had asked. Harry shrugged and May rolled her eyes at her little brother. In his defense, he liked bugs. What was he gonna do? All he did was grab it, stick it out the window and-
"Oh my god, I let it out my window." He said rubbing his hands against his eyes. When he felt, well 'sensed', that May was about to throw a pillow at him, he quickly stuck out his arm and caught it. Taking a break from becoming a lab rat, Harry had gone out to the convenience store to get snacks for the three of them. Then the cashier was held at gunpoint. Great.
Lifting his COVID mask, which he still wore if he felt like he was getting sick, he grabbed a ski mask from the back and put it on away from cameras. Probably stupid as someone must've already called the cops but he needed to do something. Jumping out from the aisle, Harry aimed his wrist and prayed he didn't look stupid. Luckily, he didn't. The webs, which Peter told him to call them instead of sticky white stuff, grabbed hold of the gun and was pulled back into Harry's hands. The robber and cashier looked at him in shock.
Panicking Harry shot out another web with his right, landing on the robber's face, and pulled on it. Making the guy land hard on the ground. Knocking out unconscious. Not knowing what to do next, Harry looked at the cashier and walked up to pay for the snacks.
"N-nah man! On the house!" Harry must've looked shocked so the cashier explained. Rob. "Not everyone can do that. And I'm not just saying that." Still confused Harry took that as a sign to leave the store. He forgot that he still had the mask on, so when he walked outside with a plastic bag and a ski mask on, the cops outside assumed he was the robber.
In their defense, he was dressed like one. The universe loved messing with him apparently, because the officer in front of him was his mother. With a gun pointed at him. That kinda stung, though he couldn't be too hurt. She had no idea who was under the mask. While debating in his head whether to remove the mask or not, his mom started speaking in her work voice.
"Put the bag down, and take that ridiculous mask off you!" Okay, so trying to calm her down would not go well. Luckily Harry was fast so he sprinted and jumped over a brick wall that led into an alley. He knew his mom would follow but that made it easier to get the attention off him.
When his Spidey-sense told him she was right behind, he instinctively threw his right wrist up to shoot out a web and launched himself. Into. The. Air. Landing on the building that was an office. Which definitely, didn't make people jump and scream at the small man who was sticking to the side of their building.
Snapping out of the trance, Harry realized he needed to think of something. No time for thinking about the massive fall below him. Not the time to try and tell the people inside to stop taking pictures of him. He needed to,... turn invisible? What!?
Taking the opportunity, he climbed down as fast as he could and ran back to May's place. Telling them what happened in extreme detail. Things were different now.
That was a week ago. Harry had gone around training his power. Whether at the private lab, Peter had, due to working at some fancy tech company, or just serving vigilante justice to randos causing trouble. I mean hey, it was giving his family fewer dumb calls to take. Plus it meant more time with his mom. Although he got annoyed Athena the majority of the time. Due to the 'Slippery Slick' people were calling him. Cameras on the sides of buildings had caught the whole thing.
At a family reunion, Harry overheard the adults talking about him. Well, not him him, but you get it.
"I don't know, does he even know what he's doing?" Michael asked no one in particular. Again, his parents didn't know, but damn it hurt.
"Hey, if I got powers-,"
"I'd tie you to a chair and make you pinky promise to not do anything." Eddie interrupted Buck's penny for thought. Makes sense that Buck would do the same thing Harry was doing. Made him feel more confident his older brother would support him.
"Kid could get hurt. There are rules for a reason. Cashier told me he's on our side, but,... Look bottom line, vigilantes are outlaws for a reason." Athena said ending the conversation there. She seemed more uncomfortable to answer honestly. Why, Harry didn't know. He didn't think he wanted to know.
Three days after that, Peter called Harry and asked to meet him at his apartment. He had to tell his mom and Bobby that Peter was tutoring him with homework because everyone else was too busy, and he understood it better from Pete. Which wasn't a total lie.
"So, I have a surprise for you. I know how hard you've been working. And how dangerous this side job of yours can be," Harry rolled his eyes playfully but kept his attention on Peter. Who had walked over to grab a box and walked back to Harry. "So I wanted to give you this. Well, I technically made it, but you get it."
Shaking his head, Harry opened the box and went slower. His very own suit. Running into the bathroom he went to try it on. From outside Peter told him to bring his civilian clothes with him. Looking in the mirror after putting on the mask, Harry took in a deep breath.
The suit was one-piece style but had a hood attached to it. Walking out of the bathroom, Harry looked up at Peter who was taking the sight in proudly.
"Hold out your left arm." As Harry did so, Peter stuck in a thin and small USB that made the inside of his mask light up. When Harry focused his attention back on Pete, he saw his face glowing. Literally. Harry went to look in the mirror that hung above the couch in the living room and gasped in awe. His eyes were glowing with a makeshift fog effect. "The schematics in your mask will help you access situations out on the field. And connect me to your mask if you need backup. Whether I'm at my desk or not. It also can call anyone on your phone's contact list."
"Alright, let's test this bad boy out."
Athena had been patrolling the area when she saw a group huddling in front of the tallest building in the area. Parking the car and wailing her sirens a bit, she got out to see what everyone was looking at. Up, apparently. Lifting her eyesight, she gasped and wired her walkie.
"Available units near me, I've got a suicide about to happen at the Ten Thousand." Clicking off her walkie, she forced her way into the crowd and saw more officers coming in to de-escalate the situation. Then the 118 arrived, looking like they didn't know what to do. The kid was sticking to the side of the building.
Harry had never been so nervous before this moment. But he was so ready for it too. So, in a moment of faith, he jumped. Breaking the glass his fingers were sticking to and letting himself fall. People beneath were watching and the firefighters froze for a second. They weren't fast enough. Or were they?
Twisting in the air, Harry looked up and shot out webs to reach the top of the building. When they caught him, he ricocheted up and to the left. People on the ground were cheering as he swung away. Then Athena heard glass raining down and she told the people to leave.
"What just happened," Hen asked anyone who could answer.
"I think our friend just upgraded," Ravi answered smiling at the awesomeness in front of him.
And boy, did he upgrade. Harry had never felt so sure of himself in that moment. Swinging around the city and stopping occasionally to stop crime. At one of these, he saw a redhead getting assaulted. Or about to, he should say. Improving with each encounter. Outsmarting some and overpowering others.
Jumping in between her and the men, he jumped and put the guy in a headlock with his legs and twisted his body quickly. Slamming the man on the ground. To the second, he shot out webs and jumped up landing on top of a street light. Shooting out more of the desired type of string, Harry wrapped the guy up like how a spider would a fly.
Jumping down, he ignored the looks of amazement he was getting from the people around who witnessed the scene. Finally getting a better look, he realized it was a reporter who Taylor had worked with. Mariah, or something.
"Impressive. Though, you're a lot shorter than I thought you'd be." Harry laughed and shrugged it off.
"I get that a lot. Gives me the upper hand though. They underestimate me, and I knock down their egos." Smiling, the woman held her hand out. Grabbing hold of it and shaking it out of habit, cause his mom raised a gentleman, he began stepping back.
"Hey, wait!" He stopped and turned to the woman again. "What's your name?" Well, he acted like a spider and he got bit by one. Might as well use it.
With that, Harry backflipped on the side of the building nearby and swung off for a final round of patrol before sneaking back home and hiding his things. The morning after, thank god it was the weekend, came in a report from the lady he saved. His mom was making breakfast and listening to the news. Looking up at the mention of the masked vigilante.
"Last night, I was down the streets of LA, unknowingly being followed by dangerous men. Spider-Man, which is what the swinging hero chooses to go by, stopped them and saved my life." The TV then shows video clips of the fight from last night and the aftermath of how the guys were. Harry had hoped that he didn't go too hard on the guys. He and Peter found out he could break solid rock if he wanted to.
"That's pretty cool. That there's someone else helping you guys." He said trying to subtly push his mom's opinions, of him ironically, out.
"I don't know if cool is the right word, sweetheart. Brave, yes. But cool. No." She turned off the TV and kept making food, changing the topic to school and friends. At least she wasn't overly anti-Spidey like his dad. That would hurt later.
Swinging through the city for the rest of the month was fun. Oddly therapeutic. Got his mind off teenage angst and emotions. Every day after finishing his homework, and eating dinner, he would sneak out and swing through the city and patrol around till about 2:30 and then go off to sleep if nothing held him up. His latest was 4:30. He needed some sleep for school.
And for his family to not get worried. May had also installed a tracker on him which told her exactly where he was. At all times. Fair.
One night, however, while sitting on top of a building's gargoyle statue, his mask sent a notification. Trouble near the 136 and he needed to get there quickly. Once there he saw the firefighters outside talking with the 118. Bobby speaking with Bosko.
Landing on top of one of the fire trucks parked outside, he drew people's nearby attention. Looking up Buck smiled in awe.
"Spider-Man!" Harry nodded up and turned his attention to Bobby and Bosko. Reminding himself to call him Captain and not what he usually does.
"Captain," He greeted gaining a nod of acknowledgment from the older man, "What's going on?"
"Something attacked our station. It's inside but one of our members is in there. It looked like a giant octopus. But he made a metal sound when walking. Power went out so we couldn't get a good look at him."
Suddenly long arms shot out from the station doors and grabbed hold of Bobby.
"Cap!" Buck screamed and ran forward in a failed attempt to save his father figure. The arms raised the man in the air and pulled him into the smoke coming out of the building.
"I've got it handled, you just take care of the injured firefighter! This doesn't seem like a normal thug!" Huffing out in amusement and shock, Lena nodded behind her, as if permitting him to enter. Good thing Peter installed that voice module thing in his mask. Didn't want people to recognize him at all. Especially because his voice broke halfway through speaking.
Shooting out webs at the frame of an open window near the top of the station, Harry hopped up slightly and whipped himself in. Landing on the roof looking at the station upside down. Very different from the 118. Using his mask, he scanned the building for body heat. Nothing. Heart beating fast, Harry prayed that Bobby was safe. Despite being pulled in by who knows what.
That's when his Spidey-Sense went off. Jumping down and front to land on the wall in front of him, he avoided mechanical arms that shot through the roof. The arms pulled out of the roof, and other arms grabbed onto the railing in front. Lifting a figure that looked human. Dammit Bobby, where are you?
"Hello, Spider-boy." The man in front of him asked.
"It's actually, Spider-Man. W-who are you, exactly? You're wearing a lab coat and have eight limbs. Are you like a Doctor Octopus? Doc Ock?"
"My name is Doctor Otto Octavius."
"Meh, I like mine better. Woah-!" Harry yelled as he jumped off the wall avoiding another attack from Doc Ock. "So, you wanna explain why you attacked the 136?! No offense," Harry bantered as he bobbed and weaved around the station with the man chasing him around effortlessly. Suddenly, Harry used the webs he shot out from both wrists, twisted his body, and launched himself back towards the other. Landing a swift kick to the face. "But I don't think you're the 'swinging' type! What do you think? Was that good?"
Growling in frustration, Otto commanded his tentacles to restrain Harry against the wall. He did, but just when he was about to get closer, an axe chopped his lower mechanical leg. Looking down he saw the 136 captain holding the axe and Bobby right next to him with parts of his shirt torn. Without thinking twice, Otto used one of the arms restraining Harry and launched the captains to the wall behind them.
Harry yelled out, shooting out some webs from his free arm, and pulled Doc Ock closer. Kicking up his leg hard, hitting the man on the jaw, and threw him upwards through the ceiling outside. Landing on the elevated ground, Harry ran towards the captains who were knocked out and threw them over his shoulders.
"I gotcha you guys!" He said, while running back towards the window he came through while avoiding debris falling from the damaged roof.
Outside, the firefighters had tried to go in and search the building but during the chase, Doc Ock was careful to throw heavy objects to block the doorways. Trying to figure out ways to get inside and help the masked vigilante, Athena, and her partners showed up.
"What the hell is going on?" Just as Buck was about to answer, a loud crash was heard and caused the people around to turn their heads. All they saw was Doc Ock flying out and running away on all eights. A firefighter from the 136 was looking towards the window when Harry flew out carrying Bobby and the captain of the station. Just in time as well, the roof of the 136 had caved in. Athena threw her hand up to her mouth to cover her gasp.
When he landed he placed the 136's captain down on the rolly bed and then put Bobby down helping him gain his footing back. He'd woken up again when Harry was running out and leaped out of the building with a total of 320 lbs on him. Turning to the crew helping out their captain he spoke.
"Sorry 'bout the mess. Doc Ock sure left an impression."
"Doc Ock?" Chimney asked while checking  Bobby over. Hen went up to Harry to inspect the bleeding arm he had. Huh, the mechanical arm must've more than pinched him. Meh, it would heal.
"Better than Otto Octavius. And don't worry about it, it'll heal itself. Powers, remember?" Harry said mimicking his move when throwing webs out. Buck imitated it making Eddie chuckle and shoulder bump his fiancé.
"Well whoever he was, he's going to have an APB on him. I'm not technically allowed to let you go, but I'll let the chief and mayor know what you did. You saved my husband's life." Feeling pride swell in his chest, Harry nodded.
"Just trying to do the right thing. I don't think I could've handled losing someone tonight. Right now, I gotta get home before my mom beats my ass. I got school in the morning." Not a smart thing to say as everyone looked at him like he was insane.
"School? How old are you?" Getting more worried, Hen reexamined the arm, which was now fifty percent healed. Laughing nervously, Harry pulled away from the group who looked like they wanted to jump him. Too bad he jumped first and swung off.
"Might wanna keep an eye on that one Sergeant." Ravi. Ever so the quiet one, made the others jump but nod their heads in agreement. Softly, Athena sighed. Why did she feel like she'd met him before?
Telling May and Peter about what happened the next day was exhausting. They decided to dive into Doc Ock more, whoever he was.
"Let's see. It says here that Doctor Otto Octavius was the head scientist at Otto Industries. They specialized in prosthetics that were connected to the neural link of an amputee's brain. Making them slightly more efficient than other prosthetics." Humming, Harry looked over Peter's shoulder while May was in the kitchen making chocolate sandwiches.
"How'd he end up like this though? He seemed, agitated. Annoyed. Desperate. And why go after a firefighter captain?"
Typing more, Peter pulled up files and reports of a fire that happened three years ago. An experiment gone wrong showed up a lot. Scrolling through some of them, one document mentioned a young woman named Olivia Octavius.
"His daughter."
"She died in the fire."
"Look at the pictures, zoom in!" As Peter did so, they could see the station that was there at the fire. 136. "Doc Ock blames the firefighters for his daughter not making it out."
"That's why he went after the captain, but why grab Bobby? Attention?"
"No. He wanted the Fire department to feel the same hits he felt. Losing a firefighter captain can be overcome. But losing two in the same night? Things fall apart." Harry said, rubbing his eyes. He hadn't slept well. Bobby almost dying back at the station in front of him brought back memories of Jeffrey. This time Bobby was kidnapped. While Harry was forced to watch.
"Go in my room and get some sleep. Mom already knows you're here." May told her little brother who was eating the sandwich she made him.
"No way, I gotta find him by today. He'll take advantage of me not being out there."
"It's five o'clock. I'll wake you up at midnight. You need energy." Sighing, he walked into his sister's bedroom. She was right, if he wanted to confront Doc Ock and win, he needed to rest his body. And mind.
After a six-hour nap, Harry woke up to talking in the living room. May and Peter were in front of a corkboard with string connecting pictures. They looked like the office meme.
"What, in the Sherlock Holmes, did I miss?" Turning at his voice, May looked up at him in the suit and smiled.
"Nothing much just found some leads on where our octopi friend might be."
"Yup, and we've got one big hint. Oscorp center. Our biggest competitor when it comes to selling world-changing technology." Peter said. Damn, if he didn't work at Oscorp, where did he work at?
"Why Oscorp?" Harry asked while walking toward the board and looking at the highlighted and circled science center picture.
"Oscorp shut down Otto Industries after getting into a battle of who was making more money. Oscorp won, and took over all technology Otto was working on." Harry frowned.
"That doesn't seem fair."
"It wasn't, and now that Otto's after a firefighter captain who's currently at a hospital,..."
"It's more than likely he's going after anyone else who wronged him. Oscorp being our best guess." May concluded Peter's thought.
Harry hoped that was the case. He wanted tonight to go smoothly. He wanted peace and quiet.
Why does he do this to himself? Bobby's always saying how the Q-word is a jinx. Why didn't he listen!?
When he first arrived at Oscorp he snuck in past security flawlessly. Having a hands-up on the competition with invisibility powers. After reaching the lower levels of the building, he heard rumbling and load crashes. Screaming from the scientists and visitors. No time for invisibility.
Leaping down he started directing people.
"That way! Let's go, let's go!"
"Help!" Harry turned to see some debris that had fallen from the roof collapsed on a woman's leg. Shit. Running over, Harry lifted and tossed the giant piece of the building away. Shooting some webbing onto the victim's leg. Handing her over to a scientist and firefighter nearby. Guess they arrived quickly.
"Get her out of here! I have to deal with Doc Ock." Nodding the firefighter picked up the woman.
"Will do! Be careful kid!"
When he reached the testing area, Doc Ock was fighting some weird green-looking dude.
Just when Doc Ock pinned his opponent down, webs zipped in front and behind his head. Looking to his right, he got another kick to the face. Launching him to the wall. Shaking his head and dusting off debris on his coat he looked up more annoyed than before.
Harry narrowed his, which was expressed through his mask, but then he tucked and rolled after his Spidey-Sense warned him of behind. Spinning as he rolled, he faced the other person in the room.
"Hey there! My name's Spider-Man! How 'bout you?"
"Norman Osborn. A pleasure to meet you. I admire the kick you gave my friend. However, while cliche, he's mine." Just as he finished speaking, Norman controlled his hoverboard to speed at Harry while Doc Ock rammed towards Harry as well. Waiting for the last possible moment, Harry leaped up, making the two bad guys crash into each other. Shooting out webs, Harry pulled himself toward them and landed a punch on Otto and a famous face kick to Norman.
"I'm gonna call you Green Goblin. Suits your mask." Harry said as he dodged something G.G. threw at him. Beginning to walk forward, a small explosion pushed him forward faster. "Bombs! Are you insane!"
Laughing, G.G. ignored Harry and sped towards him with Doc Ock in tow. Somehow these two worked well as a team. Scarily enough, thank go they didn't fully get along. Awe, Harry brought them together- he's gonna hurl.
"Weren't you two trying to destroy each other a while ago!? What happened to that!?" Harry asked rhetorically while avoiding and throwing attacks. Hopefully, everyone above evacuated the building. Because by the way Green Goblin threw his bombs, not everyone was making it out.
The fight seemed to go on forever, that is til one of the bombs had hit a pillar that supported a huge portion of the floor above them. Green Goblin flew away and escaped through the opening, while Doc Ock was busy trying to murder Harry.
"This is your fault. If it weren't for you, I would've gotten my daughter back, my job!" What? Scanning the area, Harry's mask told him a lucid gas was in the air. It had properties that made people hallucinate, which explained why Doc Ock thought Harry was Green Goblin. While Harry was distracted, Otto took the opportunity to pin Harry against a wall with his arms. Cracking the wall behind him. "It's over Norman. You're going to feel the pain I had when you took away my life's work. It could've saved her. My Olivia."
Oh no.
"Goodbye." He said before rushing towards Harry. As if in slow motion, Harry kicked up at the last moment. Without holding back. Launching Otto into the concrete ceiling. A crack was heard, and Harry fell to the ground. Taking a breath, he realized the building was collapsing and burning. Scanning for life, he saw glimpses of Otto's. No.
"No!!" Swinging through the hole made by the man who attacked him, Harry landed near Otto. He was hefting loudly. Wheezing while trying to speak.
 "No, no no no. Come on! We've gotta go!" Harry flipped him over and disconnected the tentacle on Otto's back. Making yell out in pain. "Come on!" Harry yelled out, picking the man up and swinging out of the building avoiding large debris.
Once out, Harry was able to see the damage. Oscorp was destroyed. Smoke coming from the center. Landing on a building nearby, Harry saw firefighters outside trying to put out the smoke. Landing he cried out.
"Help! He needs help!" Gaining the attention of Eddie and Buck, they ran towards him and took Otto. Harry tried to follow but he fell to the ground. Hen and Chimney rushed over to him, asking to remove the mask for breathing but Harry refused. His vision focused on the firefighters 20 feet in front of him.
He saw Buck shake his head.
He failed. His ears rang. He looked over to see a cop walking over with handcuffs and a gun in hand. He's failed. Athena steps in front of the cop. Muffled yelling. Their hands are off him. No one touches him. Bobby.
A hand was placed on his shoulder. Looking up through the lenses.
"Breath in." Fuck that.
Harry rammed into Bobby's chest and shut his eyes. The inside of his mask was wet from his tears. He failed.
"No, you didn't." Looking up, Bobby looked at his eyes despite not knowing who was underneath the mask. "You saved the most lives. That's what matters."
"I don't care what old laws are! The mayor was set to reveal Spider-Man as a trusted ally of the LAFD and LAPD. So back it up, before I take your badge and gun from you." Athena reprimanded the cop before turning back to the boy savior.
"Oh baby, come here." She said pulling him into a hug. Despite having to pretend she wasn't his mother, he couldn't help it. "You did what you could."
"We've got new trouble." He said when he let go of her. "Green Goblin. Norman Osborn. He's gone mad. I don't know how, but I'm going to find out. And I'm going to bring him to you." He said determined to come back with an alive enemy next time.
"I know you will. We'll be on the lookout as well. Go home, I know your family's worried." Yup. May crushed him into a hug and Peter cried out apologies for encouraging it in the first place. The next morning MJ reported on how Spider-Man saved her friend, Phin's life.
Playing video games was a great distraction. The family was over for a barbecue and Harry was talking to Denny while Chris went to the bathroom. He'd gotten better at doing things by himself.
Harry was just about to beat Denny when the game paused. Looking over at player two he saw Denny looking scared.
"You okay?"
"Y-yeah, just,.." He got up and closed the door. Locking it. Huh. "Some things have been happening. Like physical." Huh. Awkward puberty talk.
"Oh, well. I mean, yeah, you're a teenager now and things are going to start changing with your body and-"
"No. Not that." Harry quirked his eyebrow. Denny sighed and stimmed his hands. "It-,.. It's better if I show you." He said while bending his knees slightly. Harry closed his eyes.
"Denny no please-!" Thud. Huh. Braving, Harry opened his eyes. Denny was gone. Scratch that, he was on the roof. The. Roof! Denny was smiling while panicking.
"This is weird, right?" Smiling in return Harry leapt up while twisting mid-air. Landing in front of Denny whilst sticking to the roof like a pro.
"Not that weird." Denny looked in awe. Then relief. They're not alone.
To Be Continued in Volume 2.
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ysbrydthespoop · 1 year
Gorillaz Headcanons Part 3
After the forever cult incedent, Noodle subconsciously makes the decision to wear less pink and makes the conscious decision to dye her hair back to black. She is officially done with this cult shit.
"If anyone ever says it would be a good idea to start a cult ever again. I'm punching them." Noodle 2023, as they all pack up to move the fuck out of Silver Lake.
She never thought it was a good idea in the first place. She pretty much only went along with it to monitor it and make sure the boys didn't do anything stupid behind her back.
She regrets not keeping a closer eye on 2D. Admittedly, almost all of her attention was focused on Murdoc because she thought if anyone was going to end up getting themselves into trouble, especially in a cult situation, it was him.
Noodle thinks Murdoc is way bigger dumbass than 2D. In her words, "He's proved this many, many times."
Russel agrees entirely and will tell you, "I can vouch for the girl. There have been so many times."
The music video for 5/4 was ultimately scrapped because Russel and 2D were convinced that if it ever saw the light of day, social services would come for their assess and they would never get to see Noodle again.
Getting naked during a live concert, while filming a music video, in front of Noodle can also be added to the list of reasons why Russel has broken Murdoc's nose.
"I wish I was blind." Noodle 2001. Or whenever the video for 5/4 was in production.
When Noodle was around ten years old, two Marv and Harry level morons decided it would be a good idea to try and kidnap her. Actually, they made Marv and Harry look like geniuses. This was around time the band had really started to gain fame and success, and they thought they had chosen the perfect target. Small kid. Incapable of defending herself. Especially against two fully grown men. Wealthy caretakers. What could go wrong? All that resulted in that were two grown men getting the crap beaten out of them by a tiny child and then by three other grown men.
2D made her go to counselling after that, certain she was traumatised, but at most, all that incident was to her was an annoying inconvenience and an insult. They really thought she'd be an easy target? Idiots. Counselling probably did help her through events to come, though.
Even after regaining her ability to speak fluent English, it still took about a year for Noodle to understand 2D's accent.
Every Halloween, when Noodle was still young enough to go trick or treating, she'd wear a birthday girl badge with her costume, as per Murdoc's advice. Said advice would land her with a ton of extra sweats, to the point where all three of the other band members had to help her carry it all.
And because Noodle was small and looked a bit younger than she was, they may have gone a few years after she would have been considered too old.
The others all read 2D's poetry just because they it's something they like to do. But they try to keep 2D from knowing because they suspect at least some of them are meant to be private and personal. Exept Murdoc. He reads them to see if they have the potential to be turned into lyrics (or so he claims) and has no problem telling 2D if they're good or "rubbish." The sight of Murdoc sat on the floor, poetry spread about him, base in his hands. Trying to get his notes to synchronise with 2D's words is a sight 2D has long since gotten used to seeing. Quite a few of them have ended up becoming songs
2D took a degree in law because of what happened to them in LA when they tried to make a movie. He didn't want himself or anyone he cared about to be conned and taken advantage of like that ever again.
In the aftermath of the forever cult incident, there are two members that are under the constant watch of the others. Noodle and Murdoc have been watching over Russel since this whole thing began, and that's not going to stop any time soon, or ever, until they know he's going to be okay. Meanwhile, 2D was drugged for weeks, and they're praying he doesn't have any lasting affects.
Now that the forever cult is no more, the clues in the static have served their purpose and everyone, namely 2D, is safe, Noodle has only one thing to say to Russel "My friend, I'm putting my foot down now. It's straight to therapy for you."
Murdoc has only one objection to this. "Let us get back to England first, love! The bills here would bankrupt us!"
When Russel headed out into the desert, he unknowingly put Noodle through a nightmare. Well, it had been a nightmare for 2D and Murdoc, too. But she thinks she has the right to say it was especially a nightmare for her because she had to manage this shit. He didn't tell anyone where he was going or how long he'd be. He was just home one minute, gone the next, and this sent Noodle frantic. He still wasn't well, not by any means, and in his unstable state, Noodle wasn't sure if he was a danger to himself. The others didn't fare much better. Murdoc was trying to show them he wasn't worried, but you could tell in his eyes he was panicking. The only reason 2D kept calm was because he was still high out of his mind. If he wasn't, he would have had a panic attack there and then. But even in the state he was in, the thought of Russel being missing alone in the state he was in still made 2D worry a little. Cue a search and possible rescue mission that took all day. ALL DAY. With a high 2D in tow because 2D also wasn't in a state where he could be left alone right now and like hell was Noodle trusting Murdoc to be alone with him in a state like this. In fact, none of the boys could be trusted on their own. She wouldn't have trusted Murdoc on his own on any day of the week. Just for being Murdoc. So their so-called search party was just her looking for Russel while babysitting the other two. The ultimate low point came about four hours in. When the possible places Russel could be were becoming threadbare, and as if some dumbass had said "Well at least this can't get any worse", 2D started to come down from his high, and with it, down came the gravity of the situation. And that was when he had a panic attack. Russel had left his phone at home, making the tracker she put on it useless. So they had no choice but to find him the old-fashioned way. The gruelling, never ending, ever terror and dispare inducing old-fashioned way. When they finally managed to find him, it was a releif beyond words to find him asleep, looking more at peace than she'd seen him in years. But the smallest part of her (the part of her she didn't particularly like) wanted to let Murdoc smack him.
Noodle has decided the others don't need to know that she has now put a tracker on every single vehicle they own, along with every device that can support one. She loves Russel with all her heart, but she is NOT letting him do that shit to her again.
And then the next day, 2D goes missing. He goes off by himself without telling anyone despite still being under the effects of all those drugs. Actually, he probably went off like that because he was still under the effects of all those drugs. I mean, she found him playing a melodica while standing on the severed head of the demon that just tried to eat him, for God's sake. God knows what he was thinking! When she realised he was gone, her reaction was pretty much, "OH HELL NO BOY!"
How she managed to be raised by these three and not develop a severe addiction to nicotine is beyond her. Every day, they make her think, "I need a cigarette, and she's never once smoked a cigarette in her entire life.
One of the main decisions Russel makes while out in the dessert is to spend more time with his loved ones. Especially 2D because man did almost die, and if he had, Russel would have wasted the last year or so he had with him staring at a TV. And especially Noodle. He doesn't regret getting obsessed with static chanels and the idea of a promised land. Because if he hadn't, they might not have been to save 2D. But he does regret that he neglected everything else around him, including her, and now he worries they might not be as close as they used to be.
Noodle, on the other hand, has been worried sick about Russel for over a year and just wants him to be himself again. It's not going to take much at all to get these two back to being as close as they've always been.
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blnk338 · 1 year
hi hello i am once again (this is the first time) asking for 831 content. like i KNOW you prolly can’t tell much because of like lore and trauma and stuff but like they’re so cooooool and i have a gigantic crush on ALL OF THEM AND REAPER USED TO BE SO HAPPYYYYY. do you have any plans on possibly giving lil sprinkle hints and stuff abt them throughout the story? bc like 3 of them are still alive and well and one is like. kidnapped 🤨 soooo idk i know reaper has some deep seeded trauma like every girlboss does but idk
i also don’t know if this ask makes any sense. i’m very eepy BUT no pressure to write or add anything i’m just genuinely curious. ANYWAYS i hope your week goes well!!! and pls stop eating shrimp bc we need them to fry the rice !!!!
fun fact I was actually going to make something for them so...
//drinking mentions
"Okay, so, it's gum, but it's natural." Tahoma tried, offering Izzie the packet. It was a sweltering summer in Austin and the two of them and the rest of the 831 were waiting outside the lines of parked taxis and Ubers rumbling, hidden from the heat. "No gum is natural--"
"Yeah, but it's not like you're going to eat it!" Izzie just shook her head and leaned further into the concrete wall, sipping her water like a drunkard at noon. Each and all of them had pretty much run out of water by that point, but Okazaki and her ever-growing intelligence snuck in another bottle in her bag, aptly saying "fuck TSA." Johnny was well and done with her, sighing as he popped another piece of gum into his mouth as Rigo groaned loudly, Nadya shoving him. "If you keep moaning someone's gonna think you're having sex."
"In this weather? I'm sweating enough as is."
"I thought you liked hot," Marisha quirked, pushing her lips out as she fanned herself with the collar of her shirt. "Yeah, but this shit's dry!"
"At least California has a beach-- all Austin has is a river you can't swim in." Angel wiped her forehead, rubbing her eyes in the process. She hadn't slept on the flight and, frankly, the nearly twenty hours of travel, she was ready to hit Phil's guest bedroom's mattress and sleep for an equal amount of time.
The doors wheezed open, Rosie stepping through with seven different water bottles in her arms, the rest of her team practically leaping at the chance to take one from her. Everyone thanked the woman with all of their heart, gulping down every drop, Nadya crushing the plastic bottle like a Four Loko, sighing in relief. As if right on queue, the massive black SUV that they were so familiar with pulled up and honked loudly.
Shades pulled down, bright American smile sparkling as the window rolled down, their captain's arm out his own window, patting the roof. "You folks need a lift?"
They piled and packed in like sardines, grateful for the ever-blasting AC that he cranked up to max. "Hope I didn't leave you guys out there for too long."
"No offense, Cap, but you were forty-three minutes late." Rigo tapped his wrist, his metaphorical watch clinking (he made the noises with his mouth). "Always so exact," Phil smiled, rolling up the windows as Achebe settled herself in the front, happy to get her own special seat while the rest of her team had to sit on top of each other (though none minded all that much, they were just happy to be out of the heat). "And that was thirty-eight minutes we sat outside when we could've been inside your house, in your pool-- oh, wait, did-- Nadder, did you order already?"
"What? Dude, we just got here, why would I have ordered?"
"Because I was talking about Lolo's and I thought we were on the same page." Phil grinned over the 2015 Summer Pop that played over the radio, cranking the volume. "Can't hear you two over the sound of Calvin Harris!" The rest of Nadya's and Rigo's unharmful argument over whether or not the former could predict the Californian's hunger was muted by "How Deep Is Your Love?" as the team was driven to the not-so-humble abode of Phillip Graves.
It was everything the sweaty brigade of military idiots needed; from a pool and green, green grass in his backyard, to a three-bedroom, fully airconditioned suburb-style house. As all of the group crammed in right behind Phil, his keys jingling as he unlocked the door, he chuckled, the group pushing through as he let them inside. The first time that they'd been over, there were kids' toys, drawings of crayon figures, and dozens of stacked apple sauce packs in the pantry. By the second trip, they were gone. There was a mutual agreement not to talk about it, but Graves' team still softened their blows on him.
But as the team made their way from the front entry to the living room, they stopped. Nadya was in the back of the group, rummaging through her backpack, bumping into the back of Navarro. "Shit-- why'd you..." But as she stepped around the massive woman, she stopped too, her jaw slacking. "... Dad?"
To be continued...
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narastories · 2 years
Salty #7, 11, 25?
Wohoo, juicy questions lol I think I already answered one of those but I'll answer these now with the Dresden Files in mind <3
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
No, I will not be taking any further questions on this topic today, thank you. xD
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Nicodemus. That's very predictable, but I'm happy to elaborate on the why. I think the fandom hates him for a very good reason, he had done some truly terrible things. Tortured a good man to death, almost started a plague, kidnapped a child, fucked up Murphy's knees, and almost killed Harry a number of times... and that's just his recent track record.
I'm fascinated by him because I think he's an extremely well-written villain. He also reads like a fanatic. I'm sure he has some clear and specific goal and the fact that he turned up three times and yet we know jack shit about his long-term goals and motivations is truly fascinating to me lmao And let's be real that goes so well with his whole theme of being this mysterious guy going around and destroying evidence about himself. (And that makes me want to go on a tangent about how peculiar it is that Harry knows basically the only way to kill him and yet he's alive. Sure, Nic tried to kill him. But not *very* hard.)
Also, I love the fact that because he's so evil we like to dismiss everything he says. And that's so dangerous lol If you think about it, he single-handedly foreshadowed so much. Thomas. The Outsiders. Whatever is going on with Nemesis and the nature of the apocalypse. I think he's getting a kick out of this. He's lying through his teeth and when people stop believing him he drops these nuggets of truth and no one notices...
Yeah, I love him and I hope he'll be back.
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
Okay so in this case how I would like the DF to end? It's going to sound sappy but... I just want Harry to be happy. Whatever form that takes. Idk it's just... he suffered so much. He's trying so hard. Just... let that matter. I would like a satisfying, at least partially happy ending. Bittersweet is fine. Just a little teaspoon of extra sugar please and thank you.
Thank you for the questions! xx
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childrenofthelab · 2 years
Ok so I’ve had this rotting my brain after talking lab stuff with @firstcurse and @memxriaxx and so I had to get it all out because while Ten might be my baby, Two has also been giving me brain rot like the little asshole he is.
So first of all I want to clarify a little about Two’s background, at least in my interpretation. As of the events in September 1979, my Two is seventeen years old. While I’m aware the actor was a little older at the time of filming (I believe he might have been around twenty, but I’m not certain) I’ve aged him at seventeen for a variety of reasons:
It’s not uncommon for slightly (or sometimes less slightly) older actors to play teenagers, particularly given the rest of the cast it fits (ie the party who are supposed to be fifteen being played by actors who are around eighteen, Joe Keery and Joe Quinn veering closer to thirty, etc) and going down from twenty to seventeen is hardly much of a stretch
Given the whole set up of the lab, I feel that it works better that Two is still young enough to legally be considered a child- he’s veering close to adulthood in technical terms, but he’s not quite there yet
We know that Henry was taken into the lab in 1959 at the age of twelve. It also seems to be more or less implied that Two has no more knowledge of One than any of the other children. Two being seventeen places him as being born in 1962, when Henry is fifteen, and kidnapped and brought to the lab in 1965, when Henry is eighteen, and thus more plausible that Henry would have been pulled from the official testing/being ‘One’ part of his time at the lab, hence Two has no idea of his existence. Making Two any older either means him not knowing One is more unplausible, or leads to the idea of him being taken at an older age, and I don’t feel that particularly suits Two
So as I’ve stated, Two wasn’t born into the lab. His father was an ex-subject of MKUltra who no effects had been noted on, but the lab kept tabs on him even after he left and went on to get married and have a son of his own. Even as a baby, the lab was aware of Two, then known as Harry Miller. He had a fairly normal life, save for his own little quirks, which Hawkins Lab of course recognised, beginning to make plans of their own. One day in 1965, shortly after his third birthday, he went out to the local park with his father. Mr Miller turned his back on his son for only a few minutes, but those few minutes were all it took. Harry was brought to the lab.
At first the toddler was terrified, alone in a small bedroom and crying for his mother. That was when Dr Brenner came in, with a soothing hand, and a small stuffed toy. His family had to go away for a very important job, he told him, but he was going to look after him from now on. They’d have a lot of fun together, he promised, and play lots of games. He could call him Papa, and Papa would call him Two, like a fun little nickname, another game of sorts. A game that would involve new clothes, a new haircut, little numbers on the inside of his wrist. He believed it, sought out the comfort of Papa, revelled in the attention.
For a little over a year, Two was the only child in the lab. He had Dr Brenner’s sole attention, specialised lessons, and though he asked of his family from time to time, he was always mollified by the answer. Then, in 1966, two more children were brought into the lab, and Two became an older brother of sorts. Though a little uncertain about his feelings to suddenly sharing Papa’s attention, it was nice to have friends of sorts, and he quickly bonded with Three and Four, though Three was his closest friend. Five was added not long later, and joined their little posse of friends, though Two tolerated her more than anything else.
As more children were added to the lab, Two grew a little more unruly. He began pushing himself harder in his lessons, a quiet fear building within him that Papa might end up replacing him with one of the younger children. At first, Two had seemed like a fun nickname, used to the point where he couldn’t recall his actual name. But as the numbers grew, it became clear that this was not the case. With more subjects, the time Brenner had for Two naturally reduced. But as long as he was still the favourite, as long as he could still prove that he was the best, in Two’s head he would be okay.
As he got a little older, Two was given some clarity in a way as to why they were here from Papa. The outside was dangerous, he told him, and there were bad men out there who sought to cause trouble, who sought to create war. But he and the others, Papa told him, had been given a gift, this miracle of their powers. They had to train, and train carefully, and one day, they might help to fight the bad men. This was a secret between them, Papa told him, the others wouldn’t understand. They were all still too young to understand, too immature, but he was grown up, he was mature, he was powerful. He would be the first to go and fight the bad men. He had to be. He wanted out.
One thing always haunted Two’s mind though, from the moment more and more numbers began to be added. He was Two, and the numbers continued after him. Three, Four, Five, all the way through. But if he was Two, then that meant there had to be a One. And yet Two had never seen them, never even heard whisper of them. It brought to his mind two possible conclusions. First, that One had failed in some way, that they had done something wrong, been such a failure that Papa had cast them aside and deigned to never mention them again. The other option was that One was out there. That they were fighting the bad men, just like Two wished to do. All his life in the lab, he’d felt like he was being held to some impossibly higher standard set by an unknown. But as he thought about it, perhaps One had set those standards.
It came with the stinging realisation that perhaps he might always be second best.
This in turn only further ignited Two’s fear and anxiety surrounding his own place. The cocky arrogance that had started from being Papa’s favourite became fuelled by desperation. From around the age of thirteen or fourteen, what had been previously been more standoffishness towards his fellow subjects grew into aggression and intimidation. He felt a need to establish amongst them that he was the best, the most powerful. It was important to him that the others knew their place and that they kept to it, that no one even dared to try and supercede him as Papa’s favourite. In his head, if anyone surpassed him in Papa’s ranking, it might ruin his chances of getting out of the lab, of getting to go and fight the bad men. He was the soldier, the one who trained and trained and trained, even within the privacy of his own room.
When Brenner began focusing more time on Eleven, Two’s self-doubt and anxiety sky-rocketed. To his knowledge, Eleven was nothing special, in fact as far as she could see, she seemed to be way down at the bottom of the list. It scared him that perhaps there was something more to her, something that he couldn’t see that jeopardised his own position. When she beat him in that lesson, Two had never been more terrified. So he’d acted on impulse, feeling that if he reminded her of her place, things might go back to normal. He’d planned on confronting Eleven alone, but his little posse had followed, so he’d improvised.
Overall, Two has always felt a little like he’s being held up to standards he can never meet, and as he’s grown older it’s become increasingly apparent to him that everything comes with a condition. He’s becoming a lot more disillusioned with the lab, but at the same time he’s clinging to it because it’s all he really knows, and he feels that if he’s not the best, then he serves no purpose and that he might be discarded. Hence he always pushes himself, which in turn is a problem. Two has a lot of physical power, but in his quest to always be the strongest, he lacks control, lacks refinement, which contributes to Brenner’s dismissal of him.
Do I personally think that Two alone if given the chance would kill Eleven? No, I can’t say I do, particularly after Brenner’s punishment of him. That being said, I feel like things might be different when within the mob mentality of his little group,  and I do feel like Three, Four and Five and their presence pushes him to extremes he wouldn’t reach alone, with the expectation of being strong and in charge.
Also because we were talking about biblical references in ST, one I noticed that I was telling Ire and Ellie about is Two’s attack on Eleven, followed by Brenner’s interrogation of him. It feels like such a big reference to the story of Cain and Abel, with Two being Cain and Eleven Abel, and Brenner amusingly filling the role of God, with asking what happened, and the response akin to “I am not my brother’s keeper.”
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For the ask game, can you answer the letters that spell KEVIN DAY? :3c
oh my god absolutely! this is the best ask thank you so much!
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
probably andrew, i love how he learns to find community and satisfaction in neil over the course of aftg and begins to heal
honorable mentions being kevin, i love seeing him being able to stand up for himself and know his worth, and trent crimm from ted lasso actually, i love how he went from this really jaded reporter to being a friendly, community oriented, queer role model to the team, it just makes my heart happy
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
no not really, but the first fic i ever published on ao3 (back in may) was one where kevin basically got kidnapped by allison and taken to a sex shop to buy lingerie which is kinda hilarious
V - Which character do you relate to most?
my top five characters i've related to over time has been: jo march, remus lupin, yuri katsuki, henry from red white and royal blue, and probably kevin day
note: i am a recovering harry potter fan, that series was my hyperfixation for over 8 years of my life so i can't get rid of the fact that it was so important to me. i fucking hate jkr and i have serious critiques of the series as a whole which i'm happy to discuss at length
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
i can't get into ofmd anymore, people were campaigning super hard to get it renewed back in oct/nov after taika waititi signed the "good on you biden" letter and it was just really off putting for me, like there is a genocide happening and you're worried about a tv show getting renewed? like i wish ofmd had gotten renewed for a third season too but i just really don't like the culture the fandom turned into in pursuit of that. it just felt really toxic and uncomfortable and i just can't really engage with the show anymore without feeling vaguely uncomfortable. this is just my take tho, no hate on anyone who still loves ofmd
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
more aaron minyard love, he deserves the world and i feel like he gets written off as homophobic or boring by a lot of the fandom which is a shame. by extension, more kevaaron. it's my favorite ship rn and i just adore them together so i wish there was more of it. i love it when people draw/write andrew as a big guy, like he's super built but also built like a brick shithouse, that's a fave
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
idk i like most pairings or can at least see where they're coming from so there's not any i really can't get into under certain circumstances. maybe jonelias? i don't like it that much but i can see why people like it
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
kevaaron, andreil, kevjean, kevjerejean, kevkateaaron, i love jean and neil's friendship, i'm a big fan of kevin and allison being friends, dyhard from tmagp is big rn for me as well, labru (laois/kabru), tedpendent (ted lasso/trent crimm)
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
there's so many at this point lmao. the silt verses and malevolent are big rn and lots of 9-1-1 and i weirdly get a lot of buffy the vampire slayer posts from time to time (i tried watching buffy a couple years ago and just couldn't get into it but i do appreciate a lot of the posts). i've got lots of tags blocked though because i just get overwhelmed by the number of posts i see about some stuff.
link to the prompts: https://www.tumblr.com/mostlyvoid-partiallyflowers/756757932546359296/gehayi-a-ships-that-you-currently-like-a-lot?source=share
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
Old Fashioned way (You guessed it, Harry potter)
Draco sighed and grumbled, laying on his tummy on the plush carpet his room as he waited for Potter to finally come in and check on him. The fucking git had to of heard what he'd just done, he had the place wired with something called baby monitors, a muggle invention and in truth the room wasn't a room. It was a fucking nursery! The mad git, the chosen one, he who farted goddamn rainbows and lighting out his arse if you listened to the masses had kidnapped Draco three weeks ago and while he was mostly loving and kind (But a stern daddy) he'd also gleefully reported that NO ONE missed him, that no one cared he was gone.
He'd gone from being a paroled prisoner to nothing more then Harry's big baby bitch, and as such was forced to disgrace himself many times a day, though how much depended on his diet as Potter claimed he was trying different things to see what gave the big baby the best oppise poopises.  Draco naturally hadn't responded well to that and had ended up with a bar of soap cut into the shape of a dummy put in his mouth and nursing compulsion spell used to ensure Draco had nursed on the damn thing for half a hour with bubbled drool trailing down to mix with his spit. After that Draco watched his mouth as much as he could, though with his temper it wasn't easy butttt Potter commented he could SEE he was trying so lessened the punishment.
Still, the git liked to leave Draco sitting in his own...UGH...Mess and with what he'd been fed today had made a horrible lumpy and extra smelly mess. Draco had learned that laying on his tummy helped to keep it from spreading too much at least till 'daddy' as he was suppose to call the crazy bastard came in to change him, usually using a changing spell for a nice and quick change. He also sometimes like to do it 'the old fashioned way' as he called it which Draco loathed but when he'd gone to voice his complaints Harry had just smiled and tapped a finger on his nose. "And you REALLY think you get a say in this baby boy?" he asked in a sing song voice. "Though amusing..instead of demanding your freedom you just want a quick nappy change. SO proud of that!" Draco's cheeks had redden and he'd tried to back track but 'daddy' had popped a dummy in his mouth, coated with honey and he just suckled and pouted instead.
Draco wasn't stupid of course, he'd figured out that sitting on his stinky bum got a faster diaper change then laying on his tummy, and ..Gah.. BOUNCING in it the fastest but he just.. he couldn't bring himself to do it. And while he had expected 'daddy' to get mad and maybe spank him with who knows, a slipper or something Harry had just patted his head and told him he'd give him time. "But you know, you're only really torturing yourself in the end.. " and had patted his nappied bottom. "Literately." LOTS of whines there but still, Draco had a small tiny piece of pride left. His problem was Harry was taking longer then normal and well, his nose hairs were starting to burn. there was ONE other way he could get a nappy change quicker but he'd never chosen to use it, refused to use it. But as the minutes rolled by on the cartoon cat clock in his nursery and the itching and burning got worse and worse, Draco finally gave in and pressed his head to the carpet, tears of shame coming out and then looking up. "Dadddy Baby Draco made a big stinky mess and need you to clean his Stinky but up Pretty please with a cherry on top!" He called out, his cheeks CRIMSON as the humiliating phase left his mouth. In a instant the door opened and there was Harry, and Draco had to bite his touage to keep from demanding to know if he'd been just waiting outside the door to see if he said it. "There's no need to fear, daddies here baby boy!"
Harry smirked as he looked at the red faced diaper boy. what Draco didn't know of course was before he'd been kidnapped all of this had been cleared with the ministry of magic. Harry had heard tales of how Draco had messed himself over and over in his cell in prison and had pressured them into a parole and then said he'd make sure Draco was looked after. Naturally he left out SOME details..but for the most part he had the support of the government and that meant little Draco was his and only his. Back to the task at hand he had a VERY smelly boy and was liking it, he'd keep with the current baby food. "Oh Draco buddy, are you sure you're messy and it's not just gas?" Harry asked, coming over and waving a hand. "I can see how a baby like you might get confused." Of course there was no way to hide Draco had truly shat himself. the discoloring and lumps in the back of his diaper made it MORE then clear. "W-What are you..Come on..I say what you wanted..Please..it's starting to burn and itch.." Draco mewed and sniffled, pressing his face to the carpet. At that point Harry DID feel a little guilt, he had used fake baby powder and cream on Draco's hinney to help break him a little faster and now his baby was suffering. "Shh I just need to check then we'll get you out of your stinky nappy and into the tub. that'll soothe your poor buns." Harry said and rubbed the back of Draco's back. "O-Ok.." the boy mewed softly. Harry would of normally patted the boys squishy behind to check, but with the whimpering Draco was doing, he just slipped the tip of his finger into the back of the soiled nappy and pulled back. "S-Seee?" Draco huffed, sounding like a toddler and making harry smirk. "Oh yeah, you're totally messy buddy. sorry for doubting you." "Can you PLEASE just use the quick change spell?" Draco mewed. "Sorry buddy, I've decided to stick with old fashion. I feel it helps us bond more." Harry said and Draco.. well Draco started to sob just like the big stinky baby he was.
The end.
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How is it even possible to HATE Dumbledore ??? He made mistakes but he was far from a bad person...
Oh dear. My good anon, I respect your point of view completely. But I simply disagree.
Albus Dumbledore is a fantastic character who is multi-layered and three dimensional. He's written in such a way that one could view him as the hero who saved the wizarding world, who dedicated his life to engineering Voldemort's downfall. Who truly cared about Harry and did the best he could to prepare him for a destiny that he would have had to face no matter what. You could interpret Dumbledore that way, for sure. He's trying to do the right thing and his personality makes him extremely likeable. Even I, proud champion of the Dumbledore Antis, cannot help but like him when he's played by Jude Law.
On the other hand, you could also interpret him in a completely different fashion, and I do. Seriously, I don't think he's evil in the way that Voldemort is, but I think he's just as much of a villain. While he's not my most hated Harry Potter character, since that would be Greyback, he comes pretty close. The previous paragraph was the best interpretation of Albus Dumbledore and his motivations that I could offer, and it is the nicest thing anyone will ever hear me say about him. It's really not a point of view that I agree with at all. But Dumbledore is like Snape. He's divisive. This is why the fandom lost it's mind over what Harry named his son, though honestly that doesn't bother me.
How can I hate him? Allow me to explain. (This got long.)
When I look at Dumbledore, I see the man who is responsible for Voldemort's rise to power. He knew what Tom Riddle was. He could see all the red flags from the time that Tom was eleven. And yet he did nothing, warned no one. Sure, I get it, he wanted to give him a second chance. Except he admits that he had no reason to assume that Tom would change, and either way? It is still his responsibility as a teacher to inform his colleagues of that particular students' needs. He never does this, and if he had? Tom might have turned out to be a better person, or at least he wouldn't have been able to inflict the damage that he did.
I have no proof of anything, but I suspect some funny business went down when James and Lily died. That Dumbledore pulled some strings to ensure he would be in charge of Harry's living arrangements. He already sent Hagrid to collect Harry before Sirius was even arrested. Hagrid refused to turn Harry over to his rightful guardian because "I had me orders from Dumbledore." Hagrid, that's...that's kidnapping. Hey, you know what we never see? The Potters' Will. They must have had one because they were living in war time with a target on their backs, and they had a son. Sirius had a Will when he died, and he wasn't that much older than them. I do not believe Lily would ever be okay with Petunia and Vernon raising Harry. We also know that Wizarding Wills are examined by the Ministry, and that Dumbledore is the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. He had the opportunity and the motive to bury that Will.
And what does Dumbledore do once he's in charge of Harry's upbringing? Why not let Remus take him in? Because he's a Werewolf? I doubt it would be difficult for him to find someone to watch Harry for all of one night a month. But okay, if not Remus, why not the Weasleys. Or Augusta Longbottom. Or any family that would be willing to take him in and love him. Instead, Dumbledore leaves Harry with relatives who will neglect and abuse him for his entire childhood. He continues to force Harry to go back to the Dursleys. Who starved him and made him sleep in a cupboard. When Mrs. Weasley flat out offers to adopt Harry permanently at the end of GOF, Dumbledore says no. (Keep in mind that for whatever reason, this is treated as something that requires his permission, when he has no legal standing over Harry at all. We'll be coming back to that.) Dumbledore claims that this is due to the blood wards, that Harry must live at Privet Drive to protect him from Voldemort. But this is bullshit for many reasons.
First of all, no one knows that Voldemort is going to come back. Dumbledore has this gut feeling, and he happens to be right, sure. But we shouldn't treat that guess as wisdom, when the Blood Wards only shield Harry from Voldemort specifically. They did jack squat to protect him against the Dementors in OOTP. Dumbledore stranded him in the muggle world with people who weren't equipped to protect him and didn't care to anyway. I'm sorry, but DH confirms that protective enchantments can be placed over literally any dwelling, including tents. There is no excuse for forcing a child to live in an abusive situation, ever. But this attempt at an excuse doesn't even begin to hold water. It is also a lie. Dumbledore basically admits the real reason for this plan in the first chapter of the series. He doesn't want Harry to grow up knowing that he's famous. That's what it comes down to. He wants Harry to feel grateful to the Wizarding World for saving him from the Dursleys. He forces to go back because he has to remind Harry that the Wizarding World can be taken away. So that when the time comes, Harry will lay down his life to protect the world he loves. It is the first step in Dumbledore's plan to groom Harry into being the Chosen One. Am I a conspiracist? Perhaps. But just wait, because it gets worse.
In PS, Dumbledore openly steals a House Cup victory from Slytherin. Gryffindor was in fourth place. And rather than punish the Golden Trio for putting themselves in terrible danger by doing what McGonagall strictly forbade them to do...Dumbledore rewards Harry's tendency to charge into dangerous situations to try and save the day. This. Is. Grooming. This is positive reinforcement, and it doesn't hurt that it buys Harry's loyalty to Dumbledore at the same time. The only person who earned those points is Neville. Harry arguably made the situation worse by looking into the Mirror and summoning the Stone. Quirrell wouldn't have been able to get it otherwise. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that Harry passed the first test. And Harry even speculates that Dumbledore wanted to give him the chance to solve the puzzle. At age eleven, he's figured Dumbledore out, but thanks to his abnormal childhood, he doesn't recognize how creepy this is.
And Dumbledore just keeps doing this. It's not unlike what he does to Jacob's Sibling in Hogwarts Mystery. He literally rewards Harry's loyalty to him in COS. He sends Harry and Hermione to rescue Buckbeak and Sirius when he could have easily done it himself. That would have posed less risk. He also forces Harry to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. The film spells this out, even. Dumbledore wants to see what will happen, so he uses Harry as bait. The book doesn't make this explicit, but it also doesn't really give a reason beyond there being a vague "magical contract" that they never explain. I see no reason why Dumbledore couldn't have pulled Harry from the Tournament and that is what a responsible adult would do. In OOTP, he decides to ghost Harry all year. For reasons that, despite having read the book and seen the film many times...I still don't really understand. Ah well, "old man's mistake" right? You know what, we need to talk about that scene.
Dumbledore knew about the Prophecy the whole time. He declined to tell Harry until he was nearly sixteen years old. Right after Sirius died, no less. Even though Voldemort has tried to kill Harry multiple times at this point. Even though Harry point blank asked why Voldemort came after him as a baby and Dumbledore had the nerve to go "Alas, I cannot tell you!" Like, no Dumbledore, this is Harry's life, his safety, and his future. He had no right to keep this from Harry and I don't care if he was "too young." I don't care if Dumbledore is basically admitting that he was wrong to not tell Harry. The thing about Albus Dumbledore is that he will gladly own up to his own wrongdoings, but then carry on as though his apology closes the matter. No one else ever, and I mean ever, gets to actually hold him accountable for anything. Have you noticed that?
But this is a long scene and things only get worse. Dumbledore waxes poetics about his brilliant plan and urges Harry to guess the "flaw" in it. And what is the flaw? That he cares too much about Harry. That he cared more about Harry's happiness than the safety of others, that he put Harry's life above the life of innocent people. First of all, no. This man who is currently planning the death of the teenager in front of him, has the nerve to look him in the eye and pretend to care about him. He suggests to Harry, an anguished, depressed child who already feels like he got his Godfather killed...that innocent people will suffer and die because of him. That Harry being happy will lead to the deaths of others. And it's crystal clear why he's doing it, too. He's nurturing Harry's tendency toward self sacrifice, so that he'll choose to die when the time comes. I've never hated Dumbledore more than in this moment.
And you know what? We're still not done! We haven't even talked about Snape! I don't object to Dumbledore giving Snape a second chance. I don't even mind that he manipulated Snape's guilt for losing Lily. If it gets him to turn on Voldemort, fine. But instilling him as the Potions Master when he does not have the skillset to teach, when he is abusive to his students? Unacceptable. I don't care if Dumbledore thinks that kids can learn a lot from a "bad" teacher. That's a cute theory, but as the Headmaster of this school, he simply has to do better than that. Countless moments in the books indicate that Snape can't handle this job, and even if Dumbledore needs to keep him at Hogwarts, Dumbledore should have sacked him ages ago. And don't even get me started on Snape's dynamic with Harry. Dumbledore never disciplines Snape for anything, certainly not for his bullying Harry. No, you know what he does? He guilts Harry for disliking and mistrusting the man who emotionally abuses him on a regular basis. The man who arguably played a hand in the death of Harry's parents. Just because Dumbledore trusts Snape completely doesn't mean that he can expect everyone else to do the same.
Oh wait, yes he can, because Dumbledore is pretty much the Minister of Magic in everything but name. Remember how Hagrid was so willing to kidnap Harry as a baby because of Dumbledore's orders? Remember how Molly just assumed she would need Dumbledore's permission to rescue Harry from the Dursleys, and shrugged it off when he said no, as "Dumbledore has his reasons." Dumbledore is beloved by the people of this world. They idolize him and put him on this pedestal of wisdom and goodness, they adore him. Everyone wants him to be Minister and he's been offered the job three times. Even though he turned it down, he is still the de facto leader of this society, it's clear as day. Especially with how inept the actual Ministry is, and everyone knows it. Other than the Death Eaters and their associates, literally everyone just blindly trust Dumbledore. Remus, Hagrid, The Weasleys, even McGonagall. The only "good" character who doesn't? Sirius. He is the only one we ever see even slightly question Dumbledore. And let's talk about Sirius for a second.
Albus "second chances" Dumbledore, who is the chief warlock of the Wizengamot and thus has authority over the courts, who was Headmaster during the Marauder's time at Hogwarts and saw how inseparable Sirius and James were, who knew that James turned down Dumbledore's offer himself to be Secret Keeper in favor of choosing Sirius...he didn't think anything was fishy? He didn't even use his influence to make sure Sirius at least got a trial? If only so that he could figure out what was going on? Why didn't he do that? Everyone suspects Snape, but all it took was Dumbledore vouching for him to pretty much grant him immunity. I'll tell you why Dumbledore discarded Sirius. He couldn't use him. Remus, Hagrid, Snape, Newt...Dumbledore has a history of collecting underdogs and taking them in, giving them sanctuary when no one else would. It wins their loyalty, and then he can use them. He literally forced Harry into an abusive home just to turn him into one of these "underdogs." Sirius wasn't an underdog though. He was a rebel, who chose his path. He was disowned because he ran away. So he's useless.
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Protective P2 - Harry Hook x reader - commission work
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(gif by Val on twitter) 
Protective p1 (OG version, bad writing made in early 2019)
Protective p1 (V2 REWRITTEN VER made in October 2020)
commissioned by @thebookbakery
You stared wide-eyed at the letter held in your eyes; sent, written, and signed by King Ben himself.
Dear Mr. Harry Hook and Ms. (y/n) of the isle. His Royal Majesty, King Ben of Auradon, and his Councilor Ms. Evie of the Isle, hereby request the pleasure of your company, for the upcoming academic year at Auradon prep. Please notify his Majesty’s couriers of your response to this request.
-we’d love to have you three with us here in Auradon, you and your child deserve a better life, will you come? If you accept you will be picked up one week from your response date and will live in the dorms until graduation. - King Ben
It had been around two months since the whole ‘kidnapping ben for the wand’ situation, and Ben had not been able to get you, Harry, and your baby off his mind. And before anybody else could stop him; he made the arrangements for the three of you to live in Auradon, and sent the very invitation you were holding now.
You stood from the barrel you were sitting on and walked into your shared room with Harry, holding up the letter as he looked up from feeding Arella. “what’s up-“ he paused as you turned the letter around and let him read it. His eyes went wide “holy shit, is-is that fer real?!” he stood, gently moving Arella into your arms and taking the latter, reading it over and over again “holy shit it's real-we-i-you…” he looked back up at you, reaching out for your free hand and intertwined your fingers “should we do this?”
You thought about it for a moment, then looked down at Arella, smiling as she played with your jacket straps “yes…yes we should” you smiled up at Harry, who seemed unsure of this decision but he would follow you into oblivion.
“Okay, I trust yeh” he mumbled, kissing your lips and then Arella’s head.
Only a week later, you and Harry were packing the last of your things up to leave for Auradon, Gil had been invited as well, already at the other end of the tunnel to wait for the limo with Dizzy; who had also been invited.
Harry slung his bag over his shoulder and picked Arella up off his bed, cradling her carefully in his arms and leading the way out of his room and onto the main deck, where the rest of the crew were waiting.
They all said their goodbyes, Desiree and Drey cooing at Arella and Harry let crew say their personal goodbyes to her. Bonnie squeezing you tightly as you patted her head “stay safe you two” Jonas mumbled, patting Harry’s shoulder as he took Arella from him “and take care of the pirate princess” you and Harry nodded, the crew waving goodbye as you walked off the docks through the tunnel.
You stood with Gil and Dizzy a few moments later, waiting anxiously for the arriving Limo. And behold a minute later it pulled up, the driver stepping out and unlocking the back, helping the four of you load up. Harry took all your bags and stuffed them in the trunk, Dizzy sliding into the car first and taking Arella for you to get in easier.
Harry and Gil soon got in and Harry slid next to you, wrapping one arm around you and the other on Arella, rubbing his thumb on her chest as her tiny little hand curled around his forefinger hanging from your shoulder. “we ready?” Harry whispered, leaning in close to you. You nodded with a nervous smile and Harry kissed your cheek “let’s do this”
Two hours later the limo pulled up to Auradon prep, where Ben, Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Ben’s mother all stood ready to welcome the four of you. Dizzy bolted out first as soon as the door open and leaped into Evie’s arms, the two squealing with each other in excitement at Dizzy finally being in Auradon.
You weren’t surprised Mal wasn’t there, she didn’t trust or like Harry or Gil at all and probably felt betrayed by you for siding with Uma after she left.
Ben stepped forward as you, Harry, and Gil climbed out of the car, holding a sleeping Arella in your arms. Evie and Belle immediately went soft at the sight of her but kept their composer as Ben stepped forward with a smile “Welcome to Auradon: Ben said happily, clapping his hands together “first I want to apologize it took so long, and second; thank you for accepting my invitation. I know it was hard to make that choice in both trusting me and leaving behind the isle and your family” you knew he meant the crew “but I promise they will soon follow and now;” he gestured back to the dorm building “let’s get you all set up.” You nodded, letting Evie step closer and coo over Arella.
“oh she’s so cute~” Evie giggled, pressing her fingers into Arella’s (not as pudgy as it should be) cheek softly, your baby girl gurgled and pushed Evie’s hand away, Evie laughing quietly at it “oh I love her already…(y/n)?” you hummed, not looking at her as you followed Ben through the halls of the building “im sorry I left you”
You looked into her eyes, softening a bit as you could only see sincerity in her eyes. “i-“ you started, lifting Arella in your arms a bit, her head cradled in your arm. “i-…don’t forgive you, not just yet but” you smiled at her as her face fell but rose in hope at the ‘but’ “we can start with being friends again?” Evie beamed and nodded, looking over at Jay and Carlos who were letting Evie talk to you first before they tried “and them too, I can tell they want to apologize…Mal thought” Evie winced at that, yeah; Mal would probably take a long time to come around. She had even cussed (y/n) out at the hideout after Evie the boys told her about (y/n)s relationship with Harry and her position on the crew.
‘she betrayed us as soon as we left! We can't trust her! Or Harry! they might lead Uma right into Auradon to destroy it!’
To say the least, Evie and the boys distanced themselves from Mal; after seeing her very narrow tunnel vision, they didn’t want to hear her bitch about (y/n) and Harry’s arrival at Auradon.
Evie hoped she would come around soon though; she missed the days of the five of them running around causing chaos. But reminiscing about the wicked old days could be saved for later, as Ben had led the group to one of the dorm rooms.
“Harry, (y/n)?” Ben called, Harry humming and looking up from Arella as he made faces at her “this will be your dorm room” Harry looked surprised at that, he had expected the dorms to separate them but-
Ben opened the door to reveal a large room, two full-sized beds by the windows (that could be easily pushed together), a crib, a newly installed mini kitchen with a working stovetop, a large dresser (two actually) flowing with baby blankets, baby clothes (designed by Evie), toys, baby food, diapers, wipes, anything a young parent could ask for.
“guys” your voice cracked as you walked into the room, Arella already reaching for the teal octopus plush sitting in her new crib “this is-i-holy shit!” Harry walked up behind you, resting his hands on your shoulders as he looked around the room with watery eyes.
“I don’ know wha’ ta say” Harry croaked out, turning back to Ben; who just smiled.
“a thank you would be nice” Ben joked then waved it off “we’ll let you settle in, Gil, Dizzy?” the two turned to Ben, who waved them out of the room “I’ll show you to your rooms” Gil gave you and Harry a hug and kissed Arella’s forehead, running out of the room after Ben and the others as he closed the door.
“we’re actually here” you breathed out after a moment of silence, slowly spinning around the room. “actually in Auradon”
“aye,” Harry muttered, noticing your bags had already been brought into the room “kinda weird we’re not ‘ere ta destroy it” you chuckled, handing Arella to him and checking over her new items, Harry cooing at her and lifting her into the air, her adorable baby babble echoing around the room.
A few hours later, everything had been unpacked and set up, Arella was dressed in one of her new outfits, of course, designed by Evie; a tiny red jacket that copied Harrys iconic one, black shorts, booties, and a white t-shirt with a spray paint hook on the front. “hi darling” Harry cooed, kissing his daughters cheek multiple times as she giggled “ah yeh look so badass~”
You laughed at his adorable behavior with your kid and walked over to him, slipping on one of your new jackets from Evie and kissing his cheek “and you are so cute” Harry flushed but accepted the compliment, bringing Arella to his chest and enveloping her in his arms as you grabbed Arella’s dinner. “come on, Ben said we were going out for dinner tonight” Harry hummed, grabbing a baby sling and putting it on, then slipping Arella inside.
You sighed, setting down your book bag next to the door and closing it with your foot. You appreciated the fact that FG gave you and Harry only four classes a day (and switched the two of you off so Harry took care of her in the afternoon while you took the morning shift) so you could attend to Arella more often than not but that didn’t prevent you from being exhausted from them.
You looked up and cooed, Harry was on your now connected beds, asleep with Arella sleeping on his chest, his arms curled around her safely. you quickly took a picture with your phone and sent it to Evie, who immediately sent back several heart-eye emojis.
You put your phone on the table and walked over to the bed, carefully climbing on and resting your chin on Harry’s shoulder, reaching up and caressing Arella’s soft cheek. Harry grumbled as he felt you and took one of his arms off of Arella and wrapped it around you, pulling you even further into his side “afternoon my love” you mumbled, leaning up and kissing his cheek “how’d she do?”
“ ‘ad a lil’ tantrum afta’ yeh left, missed ‘er mommy but” he yawned in the middle of his sentence and pushed his cheek onto your head “she did good, fell asleep ‘bout n’ ‘our ‘go”
You hummed and rubbed your thumb on Arella’s chest, she hadn’t even moved in the few minutes you had been on the bed “that’s good, did she eat her lunch?” Harry sleepily nodded and was already falling asleep again, following Arella’s lead.
You stared at the two loves of your life, and you thanked whatever gods that had intervened in your life to let you meet Harry almost two years ago and saved you from meeting a bad end with the Gaston twins. And then you had fallen for him and fallen for him hard. And you didn’t regret going behind your friend's backs to be with him; not if it resulted in the greatest thing you had ever made, that was sleeping on his chest.
so this was a commissioned 2nd part to one of my very first stories i posted on here back in 2019, that was rewritten in late 2020 and i never planned to continue it, but i was commissioned to do so and im happy with how it turned out~!!!! :3
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @rintheemolion​ @imtryingthisout​
@thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​ @verboetoperee​
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Match made in Hell : Chapter Thirteen
A/N : And this is it the last and final chapter. Kinda sad but mostly happy to finally finish this series. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Summary : you always wanted a simple life but to be born as the daughter of a dangerous mobster turned out to be a curse for you. Everything changes when your father gets your lover killed and forcefully marries you off to another mobster as a part of a deal. You hate your father and your husband the only thing you seek is now revenge. Will you ever be able to fall in love again or this burning hatred inside you will consume you?
Warnings : mature content, kidnapping, blood, violence, murder, death, language
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“What? How?” you looked at him with a worrisome face.
“We don’t know yet but we are gonna catch him don’t worry” his hands come up to your shoulders in assurance.
“Then we must go now he might be planning something dangerous to take revenge on us” saying so you were about to rush back to your room to get dressed but Tom caught hold of your hand.
“Y/N stop, you can’t go” 
“Why? You only said we need to catch him” you look at him questioningly.
“By we I meant me and the boys. You are not going anywhere, not in this condition” he speaks softly placing a hand gently over your stomach “you remember what Dr. Martin said, right? No stress and as much rest as possible”
“But-but you don’t understand Tom I can help and I was pregnant the last time we caught him” you argue as Tom reaches his hand out to cup your face with an understanding smile.
“I know love but we weren’t aware of it at that time and I'm thankful that he didn’t do anything bad but not anymore" he caressed your cheek with his thumb "I’m not letting either of you come in harm's way” you were about to say something but he cut you off “please Y/N for this time just let me handle this. I know you’re strong and the most fearless woman I have ever met in my life but for this time for their sake at least stay back” 
You finally gave up hanging your head low with a sigh. He was right with your current situation; it wasn't a wise idea. The risk would be too much and you can’t afford it, not when it’s about the safety of the little ones growing inside you.
“Okay but promise me you’ll be careful and in no circumstance you will risk your life” you place your hand over his on your stomach “we will be waiting for you”
“I promise I’ll be safe” he presses a soft kiss on your forehead “you just take care of yourself. I have told the guards everything and Leslie will also be there” he gives a one last peck on your lips before parting “I’ll be back in no time I promise” he reassures smiling as you nod mirroring his smile.
Tom along with with his brothers and Harrison were at their office in Westminster discussing their next move to get hold of Ethan before he makes a move against them.
“Any news?” Tom asks Harrison. 
“Nothing,” he answers with disappointment.
“We searched downtown but found no trace of him,” Harry informs, exchanging glances with Sam.
“How is this even possible? A man escaped but is nowhere to be found?!” Tom groans in  frustration when they are interrupted by William whom Vanessa brought along with her in case he might be able to help track down Ethan with his years of experience with your father's mob.
“Only if the man has never left the place” he elucidates.
“What?” Tom’s brows knit in a frown.
“Has anyone seen him getting out of the house?” William throws the question to his men as they stood there silently with their gazes lowered down at the floor. 
“Answer the question you morons!” Tom barks at them.
“No sir” one of them squeaks out in response as the frown on Tom’s face grows deeper.
“Well then you have your answer Ethan is still in your house hiding maybe seeking for the right opportunity” William remarks.
“Right opportunity for what?” Vanessa questions.
“Y/N..” Tom’s voice comes out shaky as panic washes over his face at the realization “Y/N is all alone in the house. We need to go now!” 
You were in your room trying to keep yourself occupied by reading some books on parenting and childbirth to calm your nerves which honestly wasn’t helping much cause you knew how dangerous it is with Ethan escaping and the vipers seeking revenge. Since no one would be informing you about anything you thought it’s best, you take a nap as stressing about it will be useless and in turn be bad for the two little beans inside you. 
You were about to lie down when you heard shuffling noises outside of your room. Your hand instantly reached out to your bedside table, opening the drawer you took out your gun and got off the bed. You carefully tip-toed out of your room, eyes scanning the corridors when you felt someone’s presence behind you. You cocked your gun ready to turn and shoot. 
“I wouldn’t dare to do that” you heard, feeling the muzzle of a gun pressed to the back of your head. 
“Ethan?” you frowned deeply.
“Miss me baby?” his voice dark and full of malice. You went to shove him in the stomach with your elbow but he was quick to catch hold of your hand and twist it back as the gun fell from your grasp on the floor.
“You’re getting clumsy sweetheart” he chuckles tauntingly.
“What do you want?!” you hissed struggling to set free.
“You’ll get to know soon but for now start walking”
“What makes you think I’ll listen to whatever you say?” you grit under your teeth. 
“Well honey news is in the air that you're pretty knocked up right now" he snickers and your throat went dry, he knows "so if you don't do what I say I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to pull the trigger” 
Usually you were tough and it takes a lot to shake you but now it is different. You couldn’t think of fighting back as fear grasped on to your mind and body. You weren’t alone, you had two lives growing inside you and in no way you were going to put their lives in danger so you remained quiet and decided to do exactly what you were told. You slowly walked down the stairs with Ethan behind you holding you by your arm with one hand the other had his gun pointed at the back of your head when Leslie walked out of the kitchen.
“Ma’am!” she gasped in horror and immediately pressed the alarm on the nearby wall to alert the guards outside as she rushed towards you in an attempt to save you.
“Get back or she dies” Ethan threatens, pressing the gun further to your head.
“It’s ok Les just stay where you are” you say calmly. Two of Tom’s men posted at the gate barged in pointing their guns.
“Put down your gun now or you’ll regret it” they threaten, cocking their guns which made Ethan chuckle darkly.
“You really thought I would be so stupid to do this all alone” he snickers when three men dressed in all black rounded them from behind. They pulled out their guns and within seconds several gunshots were fired piercing through their bodies as both of the guards dropped dead.
“Leslie run!” you shout at her. 
“But…” she hesitates.
“Just go or they will kill you!” you tell her as she unwillingly ran to the back of the mansion to get out of the place.
“Yes, run to your boss and tell him that I got his most prized possession and soon I’ll have this whole city within my palms too” he grins wickedly. He then drags you out of the front door to the driveway where two SUV’s were parked.
“C'mon get inside the car” he nudged you as you reluctantly got in the passenger seat while he sat on the driver's seat and starts the car.
“Ethan you don’t wanna do this” you tried to talk some sense into him.
“Oh hell I wanna do it. Today I take back what is rightfully mine. Now shut the fuck up!” he yelled at you while driving and you flinched feeling utterly helpless.
“Tom is on his way he is gonna kill you and if my dad comes to know” you glared at him.
“I don’t care what that bastard wants, he has been using me to take hold of the drug cartel but I was the one who was using him to set up my own gang to take my sweet revenge. Your daddy thinks he owns the vipers, no honey, it's me who gives them the orders” he laughs when his eyes go to the phone in your hands “give me your phone” he orders.
“Why?” you tried to hide it away from him
“Just give it to me dammit!” he snatched it out of your hand and threw it out of the window on the side of the road “now no one will know where you are” he chuckles darkly speeding away through the traffic.
“Y/N! Y/N! Where are you?!” Tom stormed inside the house to be met with the two dead bodies of his men in a pool of blood.
“Oh God!” V gasped in horror and the boys were left dumbfounded at the scene in front of them..
“Y/N! Where are you?!” Tom called out again desperately.
“Sir!” a very terrified Leslie came running from the back of the house.
“Leslie, where is Y/N? Answer me!” he demanded.
“They took her sir” she broke down into tears as Tom felt the ground slipping from under his feet. 
“Uggh this is all my fault!” he knocks off the glass sculpture kept on the nearby table out of rage.
“Tom, calm down, get yourself together!” Harrison stops him from breaking any other things further.
“How can I stay calm Harrison?! That bastard took her and I wasn’t even there to save her. Now I don’t know where she is or even if she is alive or not” he laments.
“You need to think clearly, Tom. He won’t do anything to her I’m sure not until he gets what he wants” William remarks and just then Tom’s phone rang with an unknown caller id
“Take it I’m sure it’s him” William advised he pressed the call button as Ethan’s face became visible on the scream. 
“Hey Tom, what’s up man?” he says with a smug grin.
“You scum, where is Y/N?! If you lay a finger on her you’re gonna die a very brutal death!” Tom barked.
“Oh don’t worry, she's alright. For now. Say hi to your husband honey” he mocks flipping the camera towards you. Tom’s heart clenched seeing you tied up to a chair. You looked completely exhausted as you somehow lifted your face up to face the camera.
“Y/N…” he croaks a lump growing inside his throat as he fights back his tears after seeing you being treated like this when you should in the comfort of your home. 
“Tom-Tom, don’t agree to what he says it’s a tra-” you tried to warn him but were quickly cut off.
“Okay that’s enough sweetheart”
“Give me my Y/N back!” Tom growled in rage.
“Woah not so fast not until you give me what I want” he remarks with a smug grin.
“What the hell do you want?!”
“Nothing much, just hand over your mob and accept my allegiance only then you'll get your wife back. I’m giving you 12 hours to think Tom after that I’ll empty this gun into her head” he threatens and the call disconnects.
“Hey wait!” Tom yells at the dark screen.
“Let’s go! We don’t have much time” Tom was about to rush out when Harry stopped him
“Wait Tom, are you seriously going to hand over everything?”
“I'm ready to give up everything for Y/N. I don't give a fuck about the mob because that’s the reason behind Y/N, my wife, the mother of children is being held captive in the first place!” he snaps.
“Don’t do anything in a rush you don’t want to strengthen your enemy’s power do you?” William remarks..
“Yes Tom, I agree with William too. You do remember what the Coopers did back then before your dad had to kill them himself?” Harrison reminded him.
“Yes I do but what option do we have?” Tom sighed unable to find a way out
“You have an option” V speaks up
“Ask papa for help” she suggests
“Are you out of your mind?! You’re telling me to ask another enemy of ours for help for whom Y/N was almost going to die!” Tom says disapproving her idea.
“Just listen to me for once all this rivalry between you and our dad is just because of the business. If he comes to know that Y/N is in danger he would certainly help cause he loves his family more than anything” she explains.
“Vanessa is right Tom only Victor can help you. The vipers were his gang after all he will know everything and you also need more men to overpower Ethan” William agrees.
“What do you guys say?” Tom looks at his brothers and Harrison.
“You should call him” they all suggest unanimously. After a little pondering Tom took a deep breath and dialed his number.
“You really have the balls to call us after what you did Holland” Julian quipped.
“Julian you gotta listen to me mate this is important. Ethan escaped” 
“Well it's not our problem that he escaped”
“He has your sister Julian” Tom informs.
“And why would I help you to save her who is the reason we are about to lose the whole drug cartel”
“It wasn’t your sister Julian it was Ethan all along he had been double crossing you and using the vipers to grab hold of the drug cartel behind you back”
“So what? We just don’t care now end the call”
“Jules, wait your sister is pregnant” Tom reveals as Julian perks up at the news.
“What? What the hell are you talking about?” Julian asks with concern in his voice.
“She is expecting. I know you have had issues but I also know you care for her and so does Mr. Martinez. I know he is listening to this too. It's your daughter sir and if you really want her to stop hating you then help us take down Ethan” Tom’s voice breaks as he pleads with them.
“Dad?” Julian turned to Victor. 
“I'm gonna kill that bastard myself!” Victor mutters standing up from his chair enraged “everyone to get ready and tell them to meet at the Docklands”
After searching for almost three hours your father was able to locate you. You were being held in an old factory near Kennington. They drove to that place as fast as they could and stopped a mile ahead to not alert his goons. Carefully they walked over to the place and took down the guards posted outside surrounding the place. Tom along with Harrison and your father and brother entered the building killing anyone who came in their way. The deserted factory echoed with the loud noise of gunshots and you knew that Tom was here to rescue you.
“You hear that? Tom is here, you’re going to die Ethan” you quipped a knowing smile etched on your face.
“Not so easily” he goes to untie the ropes and pulls you up on your feet pressing his gun against the side of your head.
“Y/N!” Tom barged in.
“Come closer and she dies,” Ethan threatens.
“You might want to reconsider mate” Tom says with a sly smirk
“Why is that?”
“Your sister Meredith, is her name right? And she lives in an apartment near Brixton” he muses “guess what? my brothers happen to be there too” fear washed over Ethan’s face as he realized how the tables have turned and all thanks to your father who knew about his sister and told Tom about her.
“No, keep my sister out of this” he says weakly.
“You left me no choice mate” Tom tsks “it’s over Ethan so let Y/N go and no one gets hurt” he warns him as Ethan removes the gun from your head and lets go of you. You take one quick glance at him and then look at Tom standing in front of you. You immediately strided your way towards him with tears in your eyes but Ethan had something else in his mind. He lifted his gun again and pulled the trigger aiming at your back.
“Y/N!!” Tom shrieked but before the bullet could hit you Victor was on time to pull you in his tight embrace guarding you as the bullet hit him on his right  shoulder. He flinched in pain as you grasped on to his shirt trembling.
“Daddy?” you said weakly glancing up to him with tear filled eyes. 
“It’s ok mija I’m here now. Don’t worry everything is going to be alright” he caresses the back of your head gently as you feel your head spin. The stress was too much for you to handle and you fainted in his arms.
“Go get that motherfucker!” Tom shouted seeing Ethan trying to flee. His men were quick to grab him as Harrison snatched the gun out of his hand and punched him right at his face.
“Jules, take her to the hospital now!” your father instructed. Jules took you from his arms and carried you to the car and immediately left for the hospital.
Tom stalked his way towards Ethan as if he was a prey. He cocked his gun, his gaze stone cold eyes burning with rage. He kicks Ethan on his legs as his knees buckled and he kneeled down on the floor in front of him.
“Tom please let me go I swear I’ll go as far away as possible and never return back” Ethan begs for his mercy.
“You should have thought about it before you decided to shoot Y/N” Tom growled, pressing the gun in between his eyes. But for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger. It didn’t feel right to him.
“Tom, what are you waiting for?” Harrison nudged him.
“I-I can’t, Y/N wouldn’t want this” Tom looked at him unsure of what to do “it’s better we hand him over to the police” he suggests.
“If you can’t I will” Victor interrupts and aggressively points his gun at Ethan.
“No Victor, wait!” Tom tried to stop him but it was too late he had already pulled the trigger and Ethan’s lifeless body collapsed on the ground.
“It’s ok Tom nobody gets away after messing with my family” he shrugs when the blaring of the sirens could be heard from a distance.
“Get out of here right now!” Victor says to Tom.
“But..” Tom hesitates.
“Leave or you’ll get caught too” he insists.
“What about you?”
“I think it’s time for me to pay for my crimes” he sighs looking at the gun in his hand with a contemplating smile etched on his face. The screeching of car tires could be heard as the bellowing of the sirens grew louder which was soon followed by the clamoring footsteps of people in tactical boots. 
“Now go to my daughter she needs you” Victor rushes him “and remember to keep her happy and safe or else I’ll hunt you down too” he warns him.
“Will keep that in mind” Tom smirks and walks out of the place.
“Raise your hands where I can see them!” Grace orders and without a single Victor raises his hands in surrender.
“Victor Martinez you are under arrest for embezzlement and several other crimes including hoarding and smuggling of illegal drugs and murders” Grace states pointing her gun at him along with a team of officers behind her. A male officer was quick to handcuff him. Tom watched it whole from a distance as he was led inside the police van before leaving for the hospital.
You woke up to the rhythmic beeping of the EKG. Your eyes slowly adjust to the lighting of the hospital room.
“Tom..Tom” you mumbled half awake.
“Hey, hey I’m right here” Tom quickly gets up from the couch and holds your hands as you sit up.
“Tom what happened?” you ask warily.
“You fainted honey, your blood pressure went low due to all the stress” he informs.
“What about our babies?” your hand goes to your stomach as you look at him with panic stricken eyes “are they ok? Tom, are they safe?” you rambled out of fear.
“Yes darling, they are safe and healthy the doctor’s confirmed” he assures you gently brushing your hair with his hands.
“Oh thank god” you heaved a sigh of relief.
“I think we should thank your dad too cause if he wasn’t there in time you would have got shot” he remarks.
“I know,” you say, staring at your lap.
“Y/N the interpol and police took your father”
“Well that was going to happen some or the other day anyways” you half shrugged.
“But he saved you, saved us”
“I know and that’s the irony for the first time my dad genuinely showed that cared about me and now I will never see him again” you say with regret in your voice.
4 months later….
You were seated in the huge courtroom of the New York State Supreme Court with Tom, Vanessa and your mother by your side as you awaited the jury’s verdict on the charges you, your father and brother have been indicted with. After your father’s arrest the underworld imploded and most of the leaders went into hiding to save their businesses and escape the law. It was a huge issue in the international media too, the trial went on for three months. You had to travel back and forth to appear before the court for the murders you were charged with. 
Though they could never find any proof against you, your dad and your husband made sure of that. Tom had told you that he had requested the families not to testify against you and they had agreed. But you know his way of requesting people very well : it's pointing a gun at their head. If they don’t agree then they are permanently relieved of their life. 
When you said that to him he laughed it off by saying “that’s preposterous! I would never do that” and you gave him ‘not buying it’ look “okay the old me would but I’m a changed man now and as I promised no violence” he clarified. But you knew better and you didn’t mind this time really cause you didn’t want to abandon this beautiful life you finally got and go to jail. 
Moreover in less than two months there will be two new additions to your little family and you don’t want to miss any of it. You knew that you could never get rid of the blood in your hands and so did Tom but this time you are gonna start afresh for those pure little souls that are coming to light up your entire world and remove the darkness that had been clouding your lives.
“The jury have reached a verdict” the judge’s voice echoed through the silent courtroom and Tom places his hand over yours comfortingly giving you a reassuring smile telling you that everything will be ok “and they unanimously find Victor Martinez guilty of the following charges related to extortion, money laundering, murders and illegal smuggling of drugs. He is being sentenced to lifetime imprisonment” the judge declared.
“Also due to lack of evidence the jury declares Julian Martinez and Y/N Holland innocent and free of all charges” he adds and Tom squeezes your hand gently with a soft smile and a relief in his eyes as you look at him mirroring his smile. 
“The court is adjourned for the day” the judge announced and everybody stood up from their seats to walk out of the room one by one. You watched your dad getting handcuffed and being taken away by the officials as your brother followed them to finish the rest of the formalities that needed to be done before they took your father to the prison. For once you wanted to hug him tight and let him know that you loved him even after whatever went down between you. You wanted to let him know that you have forgiven him, you felt bad for your mother too after all he is her husband.
“Don’t worry honey I’ll be fine” she touches your shoulder breaking you out of your thoughts. 
“I’m really sorry mom you don’t deserve this” you sniffled
“It’s ok, Y/N I knew this day was coming soon and how much ever you feel bad a crime is a crime”
“Mom, you can come live with us. I can talk to Tom, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind” you offered.
“No sweetie that’s not happening I’m better off here and Jules will be there I will be perfectly ok. You just take care of yourselves”  
“Hello Mrs Martinez” Tom interrupts.
“Hello Tom”
“Honey it’s quite some time you ate anything let’s get you something shall we?” he suggested to you.
“Yeah I’m feeling a little hungry to be honest” you  remarked.
“I know love, let’s go then there’s a nice café right around the corner of the street” he says as Julian joins you three too.
“All formalities are complete, it’s time for us to leave as well” he informs as you walk to him and held his hands.
“Jules please take care of my mother” you ask him with hopeful eyes.
“I will don’t worry” he pulls you in a hug and kisses your forehead “you guys take care too, alright” you nod and go to hug your mom before leaving the place with Tom.
Tom and you slowly walked out of the court and made your way to the café. Upon entering the shop you saw Vanessa already waiting for you as you went and sat down at the table while Tom went to give your orders. You were a little bit out of breath cause being seven months pregnant with twins is no big joke. You get easily tired now. Your stomach has grown round and big in the past few months which makes it difficult for you to bend down. But Tom was always there for you patiently helping you out. He even signed up for birthing and parenting classes so that you are ready for everything.
“Well finally it’s over isn’t it? You got what you wanted” V chimes.
“Yeah kind of” you sigh “is it wrong though that I feel bad for him?”
“Not at all after all he is our father we have the right to feel bad but past is past we gotta move on” you remarks “so how are the little munchkins?”
“Oh they are doing quite well and also not letting their mother sleep with their constant kicking seems like they can’t wait to come out already and so do I. I really want my precious sleep back” you joked.
“Oh sissy for the next two years forget about sleep cause you will be getting none” V snickers.
“Can’t complain though I voluntarily signed up for it” you shake your head smiling as you pull out a file from inside your bag “here” you say handing over the file to her.
“What is this?” V looks at you cluelessly.
“A deal is a deal, open it” you tell her as she opens the file and goes through the papers. Her eyes widened with shock as she finished reading the last page.
“What?! Are you serious?” 
“I told you I’ll give your rightful share in the family so this is it” you stated.
“But you are giving me the rum and diamond business. That’s yours” she emphasized.
“I know but I don’t have the time or interest to run it and I can’t handle the business in New York while staying in London. Moreover, Tom has decided to start a chain of luxury resorts and since I have a management degree I’ll be helping him to expand it” you explain “so I’m entrusting you with our family businesses. Welcome to the family V” you look at her with a proud smile.
“I’ll not disappoint you” she promises.
“I know you won’t”
If you want to send blurb requests based on the series I'm more than eager to write so send me your ideas. Also suggest me some cute baby names both girl and boy. I was thinking of going with Beatrice or April and Cole or Ben but would like to hear your opinions as well ❤️
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hogwartsfirebolt · 3 years
for @drarrymicrofic prompt "better than fighting" (did I intend for this to be 2.3k no i did not)
The day Harry slept with Malfoy for the first time, was also the day he bruised his knuckles punching his boss in the nose.
The impossible chain of events that led to that stupid, ridiculous, unthinkable conclusion — sleeping with Malfoy, of course, not punching his boss — started two weeks earlier, when Robards slammed a shiny red folder on his desk and said, Sixteen werewolves disappeared yesterday. Find them.
Sixteen werewolves, three families. Including children.
Everyone knew Harry went crazy when children were involved.
In under two days, he found clues that seemed to suggest a high member of the Wizengamot was responsible and launched himself into an apprehension mission without filing for the permit, because he was sure every second that passed, more werewolves were getting kidnapped. He ended up escorting a furious Member Breckenridge to a holding cell.
Robards failed to see his logic, however. It turned out Breckenridge was working with the department in an attempt to catch the actual criminal, and Harry got reprimanded for skipping procedure.
But Harry, tired as hell of having information kept from him for the nth time in his life because, well, Dumbledore, exploded.
He didn’t even feel sorry as he yelled at Robards in front of the entire department for sending him blind into a case that could’ve compromised the wellbeing of so many creatures, including children, and how could he, when Harry could very well have saved them if only he’d known, and — that was about the time he walked up to Robard’s desk and punched him right in the nose.
So, that was the first impossible event in the series of impossible events.
The second was as follows: Harry was put on desk duty for at least six months, Potter, you should thank Merlin I’m not firing you.
This, in Harry’s opinion, should definitely be considered an impossible event. He hadn’t been on desk duty for five years, and had thought himself free of the burden, forever. He’d been wrong.
The consequences to his confinement became rapidly evident, however. For starters, every single person sharing the wide room that served as the headquarters to the Auror force filed a complaint before the clock had struck six that very evening. The Aurors were a notoriously conflictive sort, hardly ever agreed on anything, so the fact that they were all together in their fear was the third impossible event. To be fair, it was terrifying. Harry’s absolute lack of respect for authority coupled with his inability to sit still for even a second made every one of his coworkers fear for their life now they knew they’d be subjected to the rage of the caged tiger for at least six months.
So, all of Harry’s coworkers filed said complaint — all of them, including the incidental employees from other departments that had to pass through Auror quarters for one reason or the other — and stayed within a 10 feet radius of his desk at all times as he fumed so hard he half thought steam would come out of his ears.
The fifth impossible thing was that the only one person who stepped into the office and didn’t immediately run to Robards to make sure they weren’t hallucinating Harry aggressively punching holes through his stationery at the desk he hadn’t occupied in five years, was Draco Malfoy.
Malfoy showed up in the vibrant blue robes that marked his position as a member of the Department of Invoices, Correspondence and Credit, or, as Harry liked to call them, glorified mailmen, and leaned over his desk with a snooty smirk, not appearing surprised to see him.
He’d never been afraid of him, after all.
“If it isn’t the man who made Robards walk into his afternoon meeting with a bloody nose,” he said, apparently fucking oblivious to the very obvious signals Harry’s body was sending him to shut the hell up — the tense fists, the clenched teeth, the jumping muscles of his jaw. Malfoy didn’t see any of it. He continued, “well, what could we have expected, really, you’ve always been rather ... ah, ill-mannered,” and continued, “member Breckenridge had an interesting story at lunch earlier,” and continued, “escapes me how Robards was surprised by your acting on your first impulse, after all …”
And then Harry shut him up. He stood up abruptly, slammed his palms on the desk and leaned into Malfoy’s space, lip curled. He knew, logically, that he was being unreasonable. He also knew he kind of wanted to snarl.
Malfoy blinked, startled.
“What the fuck do you want?” Harry asked. Malfoy kept blinking at him. “Were you here for a reason, or did you come here looking for a fight? Because I will fight you, Malfoy, I -“
“Circe, you’ve got mail,” interrupted Malfoy, waving a neat stack of letters before setting them down by Harry’s hole puncher. “You ought to be kept on a leash, I swear to Merlin.”
Harry was seething by then, however, and decided snarling didn’t seem like such a bad idea after all.
And somehow, after he had delivered a comeback and Malfoy kept pestering him anyway, he found his fingers clenching around the front of Malfoy’s robes, pulling him towards the archive room, through a small door, and apparating him to his house in London. Malfoy’s house. Harry wasn’t very sure how he knew the address well enough to end up there, but he did and he had. This was the sixth impossible thing.
Malfoy spluttered, raged, but his hands pulled Harry close and into the house and it happened.
Harry slept with him. This was the stupid, ridiculous, unthinkable conclusion.
Thinking back on it, he was inclined to say that he’d been out of his mind, but the truth was, he’d had plenty of time to back off, and he hadn’t.
Even more ridiculous, even more unthinkable, was the fact that it … did something to him. After they’d had a go at it in Malfoy’s couch, Harry’s anger had — not disappeared, exactly, but it had been taken over by something bigger, stronger. A raging hunger he’d not experienced in … possibly ever.
And by then he’d been so, so angry for so many years, that he was hesitant to let go of the new feeling. He’d slipped his thumb into Malfoy’s mouth, and they’d had another go at it on his living room floor, and then another in the kitchen, and another in the bedroom, right before passing out, worn out and not angry, for the first time in longer than he’d care to admit.
He felt ashamed of it in the morning, as he was forced to vanish the evidence of their coupling from his chest and thighs, as he apparated home and scrubbed himself down in the shower, as he went to work and kept his head down, sure everyone would take a look at him and know he’d gone and done the unthinkable.
But even the shame was different from the everlasting anger he’d carried.
As he sat at the dreaded desk and curled his lip at the stupid, prying coworkers who stared at him, he found he couldn’t muster up the rage to continue punching holes through all his case reports, and proceeded to be so incredibly embarrassed that his face blushed bright red and he had to pretend to choke on his tea and cough violently so nobody would suspect a thing.
Around the sixth time he did the entire tea-choke-cough thing to fight yet another memory of the night before, the door to the headquarters slammed open and in walked Draco Malfoy, with a swagger to his step and a grin so bright that Harry’s hatred for him was turned up to eleven and intensified past stratospheric levels. Inexplicably, he wanted to run.
“Potter,” Malfoy said, white teeth flashing. Harry thought of a panther, then scowled because no way was intimidating a word he was willing to associate with the little shit standing in front of him, and willed himself to think of a stupid, raging, harmless house cat. Much more fitting. He made a mewling sound similar to theirs, anyway, when he – “Missed me?”
“Why are you talking to me?” Harry asked, digging inside himself for the anger, for something to hurl at Malfoy and run away, escape his maddening smirk, but he came up short.
Malfoy’s grin widened.
“Oh, you know, the usual.” He said, and it indeed was the usual — oblivious as usual, infuriating as usual, then leaned right into Harry’s space, crowding him against his chair and hitting him with his disgusting, revolting, nauseating, fresh minty breath. Then, he showed him a thin envelope. “Your mail.”
Harry snatched it from him. “Good. Now piss off.”
“As you wish. See you later.”
“Not if I can help it.”
He could still hear Malfoy’s laugh, even after he’d left and closed the door, could still feel the disgusting, revolting, nauseating minty breath inside his nostrils, and if he wasn’t careful he could still feel the shape of Malfoy’s mouth around his —
He most definitely was not seeing him later.
Harry told himself this all day. Not seeing him later, he told himself as he stood in front of Robards after he’d summoned him for a ‘meeting’ that was really just a load of bullshit on protocol and procedures and useless things Harry did not give a damn about. Not seeing him later, he told himself as he bought a salad at the café two streets down the ministry and smiled back at the lovely waitress. Not seeing him later, he told himself as he sat at his desk and found himself capable of punching holes after all, but not exactly out of anger.
Not seeing him later, he told himself after his shift was over and he left headquarters.
Not seeing him later, he told himself, as he apparated straight into Malfoy’s living room.
And there he was.
For a second he looked surprised, vulnerable, a flash in his eyes as he took Harry in that spoke of uncertainty. Then, he looked as thought he’d been expecting him.
“You couldn’t help it, then?” He asked, stepping forward and not making any sense whatsoever.
“What are you talking about?” Harry said. It came out low, and not at all the way he’d intended.
“You said you wouldn’t see me if you could help it.” There was triumph somewhere in that sentence, or an attempt at it. There was also a tremble right in the middle, a fracture.
A red, pulsating curl of – of something rose inside Harry’s belly, and he grabbed onto it with desperation, thinking it was there, the anger, safety. But as he took it, owned it and stepped forward to punch Malfoy in the nose as he’d done Robards the day before, he found himself pushing him up against the wall instead, and bringing his face very close to his.
Malfoy’s eyes were a ring of silver overtaken by the wide abyss of his pupils. Awful, disgusting, they made Harry think of ugly murky waters and nasty storm clouds and made him want to retch.
He slid a hand into wispy, blonde, awful, disgusting, revolting hair and pulled him into a rough kiss that was all teeth.
They had a go at it on the living room floor, then another two in the bedroom, before collapsing from exhaustion.
When their wand alarms went off at the same time in the morning, Harry opened his eyes to see Malfoy between his legs. No time for shame.
Afterwards, they padded downstairs, Malfoy two steps ahead of him, wearing nothing. Harry couldn’t look at him, couldn’t look away.
It was different in the morning light.
Malfoy was different, his naked body as he made them sandwiches was different, his eyes resembled something other than murky waters and his hair brushing against his forehead, against the constellations of freckles on his cheekbones was different, and his bare feet, light and silent on the hardwood floors were different, and the curve of his arms and the planes of his chest were different, and his cock hanging between his legs looked different, and Harry — Harry also felt different.
There was the usual racing of his heart, but no trace of anger, the usual heat in his chest and stomach, but not a sign of rage, the usual need to put his hands on the other person, but no want for violence.
He felt his fingers tremble as he poured water into an empty cup.
“Mayo?” Malfoy asked, low, sleepy.
Harry swallowed. “Yeah.”
Malfoy hummed, and Harry stared as he spread mayo onto his bread. At the work of his long, bony fingers. He tried to think they were disgusting, and couldn’t.
“Here,” Malfoy said, handing him the plate when he was done. Harry took it, put it aside.
They had another go at it in the kitchen.
“Isn’t it better?” Malfoy asked, breathless, pushing back against him, hands planted on the counter.
“Better?” Harry said, grunted into his shoulder, into the beauty mark he was getting acquainted with.
“Than … than anger – oh god, please.” He dropped his head back against Harry’s chest, panted, moved faster. “Than fighting.”
Then, he shifted and Harry stopped thinking for a while.
Later, leaning against the wall of the shower as he watched Malfoy wash his hair, he thought about it.
Better than anger.
Better than fighting.
Was it?
He brought a hand up, brushed his fingers against Malfoy’s chest, traced the lines leading down to his hips. Thought about fighting him, arguing. Thought about something else.
They had another go at it under the stream of water, as it turned cold against their feverish skin.
Stupid, unthinkable, ridiculous, perfect, just right conclusion. Harry supposed it was better than fighting.
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