#Also I can see Kaz getting way to focused in it that he doesn't get nervous being around a girl
Can i request for Kazuichi making braids on Mikan's hair?
Yes you can!
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grandlinedreams · 7 months
hello!! I've been reading your law works recently, and I absolutely love the way you write him- you just capture his character so well :,)
hopefully it's not too much to ask, but can you write about law/reader soulmate au? I don't have anything too specific in mind because i'm really not too good with making prompts 😔
maybe a bit angsty though? I would also prefer if it was in the canon setting, but modern au would be fine too :)
Thank you in advance!!
OH I'M A SUCKER FOR SOULMATE AUS as I've said before I think dkdjs my brain's still booting up for the day but absolutely!! Couldn't resist adding the quote I was thinking about yesterday because Law is so Kaz Brekker coded istg
[Heads up!: talk of soulmates/red string of fate, little bit of angst, fluff, the 'fell first vs fell harder' trope]
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"Do you believe in soulmates?"
The question makes Law pause where he's in the middle of reading about a blood-borne pathogen, looking up and over. Splayed out over his bed with your own book in your hand, you stare back. He frowns.
"Why are you asking?"
You shrug. "It's in this book," you say, "It's talking about how there's different ways to look at it. If they're two pieces of the same soul just separated and always trying to make it back to each other, or if something called a string of fate ties them together."
Law makes a noise in the back of his throat. "That sounds ridiculous."
"So you don't believe in them?"
"No." He watches you for a moment, studying you. "Do you?"
You hum, lifting one of your hands and focusing on your pinky. You can almost see it, the neat knot of red tied around the knuckle, string that loops and weaves aimlessly through the air. If such a thing exists, you wonder where it leads, then about where you wish it would.
"No," you answer at last, "I suppose I don't."
If Law lets himself think about fate tying you to him with red string, it's far less romantic. But there must be something that keeps you in his orbit, silent pull to bind you to him.
It scares him. Scares him for how badly he wants to let you in, expose soft underbelly and trust you won't sink your teeth in and rip it all apart.
The push and pull is how he copes with it even though he knows it's unfair to you ㅡ taunts you with what could be, then pushes you away. Open and shut, over and over.
You're tired of it, he knows that. So he apologizes, not sure what exactly he's sorry for. Sorry that he only knows how to take and less how to give, that he only knows how to lose.
You understand that. He knows, you've told him before. But even you have your limits. "I will have you without armor, Law," you tell him, "or I will not have you at all."
He knows it isn't fair to you. But he wishes things were different, that he were different ㅡ and that when he lets himself think about that red string, it wasn't wrapped around your throat.
Law's emotions are a house of cards and his defenses a glass house ㅡ and all it takes for both to crumble is, of course, almost losing you.
It's through no fault of his own, but he still feels sick as he dabs at the blood threatening to drip down into your eye.
"What you did was beyond reckless," he scolds sharply, wraps soft worry in barbed wire, "if you'd stuck to the damn plan, you wouldn't have gotten hurt."
"Sometimes you have to improvise." He gets the feeling you're not just talking about the situation at hand, but he doesn't care to analyze it at the moment.
"Whatever. You sound like that idiot Strawhat." He wants to keep scolding you, hammer home just how dumb you've been ㅡ but you're watching him, and the thin rubberband of his patience snaps.
The kiss is far from gentle. It's messy and clumsy, tastes a little like blood and gunpowder, but that hardly matters when you're kissing him back with the same kind of desperation.
Law doesn't put much weight in the idea of soulmates. It's a romantic connection at best and baseless for proof at worst, straddling somewhere in the middle.
But he supposes he does like the idea that you've always been meant for him, and he for you ㅡ that orbit gets easier to accept when he puts it that way. Or perhaps the atoms that make the two of you up have simply existed together for long enough in the grand scheme of things to echo through, even now.
You laugh when he tells you that, reaching to tug at a lock of his unruly hair. "Putting a scientific spin on it takes the romance out of it, Law."
His eyes flick to your lips and back. "Does it matter?"
Your expression turns thoughtful. "No, I suppose it doesn't." If you want to say more, Law doesn't know because he leans in to kiss you.
Be that you're a soul split in half trying to reunite or truly woven together by a thin red string, Law doesn't know.
What he does know is that you're in his bed, kissing him back, and that's all that matters.
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vroerry · 8 months
Hi. So, to start, i dont know the difference between oneshot and short fanfic, im not used to those words yet, im sorry ;n; so make it whichever one of those two you feel like and would have fun with! Id like a nice little story to read, not just headcanons alone if possible.
Ive been thinking about this idea that takes place after Kazuichi Soda gets yelled at by Sonia in the Dangan 2 game, and they all storm off in their own directions. But then, reader tries to go comfort Kaz and one thing leads to another~
I suppose a touch of angst would be appropriate for such a story, but i dont want it to be just that, or too focused on that. Thats the lead up to the NSFW, which is the focus.
Reader goes and finds Kaz in the night after everyone went seperate ways, comforts him, they talk, hes probably a bit snippy, but then calms down. These 2 were buddies, not dating, but then all the ~stuff~ happens, and, you get the rest. Sexy stuff ought to cheer the man up lol. You fill out the "how" of this scenario. Howd they end up in bed? Have fun with it.
Im sure reader would feel bad for Kaz, not wanting him to be in distress. Maybe reader has been secretly pining for Kaz, but that doesnt HAVE to be a detail, im kinda making this all up quickly, throwing in lots of details, and you decide what sticks~ The others on the island didnt see each other for the rest of that night, so they could definitely get alone time no problem. Maybe after he calms down a bit, reader comes up behind him and hugs him, sweet and somber.
Idk about location, because the others would be in their cottages, but the motel should be free at this point, so maybe there so they can be loud and not care.
Can i PLEASE have reader taking kaz's hat the morning after because her hair is so messed up, like "gimmi that shit, your hair looks fine as hell, im the mess today i need hat." Maybe something in the end about them trying to act natural the next day around the others, you know? Perhaps some hickeys gave it away or somethin, whatever you think up and wanna write is cool.
Gender neutral or female reader is cool if ya dont mind. And idk what genre to label it as like you asked in your rules. Slight angst with mostly NSFW? Idk how to genre, i apologize ;-;
Thank you for reading, i look forward to your future works, whatever youre inspired to do is cool. Take it easy<3 ~Tiara👑
I'm so freaking sorry for the wait😭 My life took a heavy turn, but I'm fine now!
When I tell you I took my sweet time to play around with this scenario~
Also, difference between short fanfic and oneshots: It might be made up by me??? For me a short fanfic is multiple parts, 10 at tops, each part being around 1600 words at least?? So the entire fic is maximum around 16k words.
But now, to the fanifc:
A comforting touch
Kazuichi Souda x fem reader, NSFW
words: 1380
Another day on the islands, another day to end in chaos. Just the usual Jabberwock Island drama in the middle of a damned killing game.
Everything was fine, everything was going well, until Kazuichi decided to express his love for Sonia again. And this time, it did not end well. And you were the one that was in charge of finding Kazuichi. Again.
"Just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" Hajime asked you and sent you off on your way.
"I will!" you replied and took went on a journey to find your buddy. Ever since you've ended up in this situation, he made you weirdly comforted. His goofiness, his fun aesthetic, everything. Except for when he was driving Sonia, and after that everyone else, insane. Even you struggled to understand his obsession with her, but brushed it off. It's his business not yours. It's his business not yours...
When you started looking for him, the sun was still up, but soon the moon took his place on the sky with the stars and you were completely clueless about his whereabouts.
"Let's see..." you thought to yourself. "What did I miss...?" The locations quickly ran through your head. Library, check. Theater, check. Cottages, check. First island entirely? Check.
"The motel!" you said out loud. "Well, I doubt he'd be there but... it's worth a shot" you wondered and decided to give it a go. You made your way to the third island and immediately headed for the motel. The abandoned looking building looked the same as ever, and the smell of musk was just as strong as before. You slowly opened the door and called out to the seemingly empty building.
"Kaz? Are you here...?" you walked inside and started looking around. "I just want to make sure you're okay, bud... I've been looking for you for hours..."
No response.
You continued to walk around the dusty place, stopping every now and then in front of doors.
"Kazu? Please be here, I have no other idea where to look for you... We can do whatever you want... Just be okay..."
Still nothing.
You sighed.
"Fuck, maybe I was wrong..." with a heavy heart you started to get to the exit. "I hope he's alright..." as you started walking away, a door behind you opened. You quickly turned back to see Kazuichi standing in the doorway.
His hair was the usual mess, he cried his eyeliner off.
"I'm sorry" he mumbled. "Were you that worried?"
"It's okay! Oh god, I finally found you..." you said and went back to him. "Thank god you're okay... Would a hug be okay?"
"Yeah..." he replied and you wrapped your arms around him and so did he.
"It's going to be okay... I promise, Kaz... You'll apologise to her tomorrow and everything will be fine..."
"I will..." Kazuichi said. "I... i went overboard... I didn't want to upset her..." he slowly let go of you.
"I suppose... You don't want to go back there, right?" He shook his head in response.
"I don't want to be near anyone right now... Well, aside from you, I guess... But if you don't want to stay, you can go back..."
"No, it's fine" you brushed the offer off. "I'll stay here with you... I promised the others and myself that I'd keep an eye on you..."
"Alright then.. I guess... we can stay here..."
"Do you... uh... want to talk about everything that happened..?" you ask. He stays silent for a bit.
"Let's sit down..." he said and went back to the room he was hiding in. You followed him.
He sat on the bed and gently tapped the space next to him.
"C'mere... Let's have a... chat..." he smiled at you gently and rested his back against the wall. You sat next to him with a curious look as he speaks up.
"So... I know I fucked up... Miss Sonia didn't deserve that" he mumbles, looking down with a guilty expression. "But at the same time.. I... don't really know how else to show her how I feel... My parents never really... taught me how to handle emotions... But it doesn't matter now... She's got real close with that demon lord or whatever he calls himself"
"Kaz..." you sigh. "I know, rejection sucks but... I'm sure you're going to find someone that knows how to take care of you, someone who loves you for you..." you smile at him and pat his shoulder. "Even if that person isn't Sonia... There must be someone out there.."
"Where?" Kazuichi frowns. "I won't ever find my match and you know it... I'm like that one sock at the bottom of the drawer, always lonely and"
You suddenly press your lips on his, making him shut up in the middle of his dialogue.
"That someone is right here, Kaz..." you whisper to his lips. "I may or may not destroy our friendship but I don't care... I am that person..."
"Man... what since when why..." he starts asking every question that comes into his mind. Nonetheless, you quickly. make sure he stays silent.
"Just shut up and enjoy the moment" you kiss his soft lips once again, wrapping your arms around him. Pulling him close, not letting him escape your touch.
Kazuichi's eyes slowly flutter close, as he kisses you back, letting himself go under your touch.
Your hands start to wander around his chest. Slowly caressing each spot through his overall then zipping it down to reach under it...
"Are you surre this is a good idea?" he breathed out.
"Do you feel better?"
"Yes" he whispered.
"Then yes..." you kissed his lips again. "It is a good idea.." You smiled and slowly tugged his overal off his chest.
You now began placing passionate kisses all over him. Starting right under his ears, steadily working your way down his neck, stopping at the collarbone and then repeating the said path in reverse. Now going up, every now and then gently sucking on his skin, leaving hickeys. He let out soft sighs of pleasure, his eyes fluttering after each kiss.
"Let me take care of you too" he tried to switch things up but you stopoped him with a firm expression.
"I am the one comforting you" you took your shirt off, making him blush and his eyes lit up in excitement.
"Actually...Keep going" he said with sparkling eyes, as you went down on him with a sly smile. You kissed him like there was no tomorrow, making sure all of your love went through. All the love, admiration, and comfort. Everything that was boiling inside you whenever you thought about Kazuichi But despite your order, his hands began wandering too. Pushing your clothes down, guiding you into his lap.
"Ride me" he pleaded.
"Any time" you replied and began grinding your hips. Back and forth in his lap. Kazu groaned, feeling the pressure of yourbody. His patience on edge, his mind wishing for the clothes to disappear. Both of you bit down on your lips to keep the silence. , Trembling, shaky breaths leaving his mouth he spoke up again.
"We can be as loud as we want... Just please ride me already" he pleaded again, whining under you. He was so on edge, so impatient. So ready for everything to come crashing down.
"I’ll get right to the point, I promise...” you continued to rock yourself back and forth, putting more and more pressure on his body. Even you started to tremble and placed your hands on his chest for support. Gently grabbing onto his small pecks, feeling muscle tensening at your touch. 
"Don't just promise me. Do it"
The next morning the two of you were walking back to the first island. Hand in hand, smiling as the sun was coming up.
"So.... We're together?"Kazuichi asked.
"I am not sure" you replied. "All I know is that..."
The two of you entered the first island. You quickly grabbed his hat and placed it on your head.
"That I need your stupid hat... My hair is a mess..."
"Mine too!" he tried to get his hat back.
"Yours is alway a mess, Kazu. Mine not" you giggled. He rolled his eyes.
"Love you dork,.. And your comforting touch..."
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kristailine · 4 months
Tekken 8 storymode thoughts/rant/review
Obviously will contain spoilers
But I have to say that
Surprisingly, I really liked Tekken 8's story (which is something I really didn't expect. I was preparing to gaslight myself that I liked the story because I was expecting a mid plot. But I can definitely say that I genuinely enjoyed this installment's storymode)
I'm going to remove my kazujun stan lens for this review
Jin has always been an after thought to me. The only time I care about him is if it's connected either to Kazuya or Jun (as a kazujun shipper). But the way he was written in Tekken 8 added layers to him and developed his character well. Don't get me wrong though, IT WOULD NEVER REALLY ERASE THE FUCKED UP SHIT THEY DID WITH TK5-7, but Tekken 8 was sweeping up some of the garbage left behind.
I always joke about Jin and his war crimes. Obviously, waging war is bad irl, but this is fiction okay. Anyway, Tekken 8 somehow managed to make me really feel like Jin didn't want to wage war. It was more of a result of his own self deprecation. Add to this, he was already suicidal before he took over the Zaibatsu, but after Tk6, he just really sulked into the idea of having to carry his sins and let it define him for the rest of his life.
The way they turned Jin from this guy who's hopeless and is submerged in his own hatred towards his bloodline and himself to this guy who finally acknowledges that all of the bad things are a part of who he is, but it doesn't have to be who he completely is, was really really really written decently. This whole character development with Jin instantly makes Tekken 8 on par, if not equal to, Tekken 4 story writing. And I was really impressed and blown away with how they unfolded the development. Because I really didn't want the romanticization of all his past mistakes, and his allies just cheering him on. Instead, his allies actually acknowledge JIN AS A DEVIL literally and figuratively (e.g Hwoa saying Jin has those dope-ass powers, Leroy asking Jin who is he, Xiaoyu saying she isn't scared of Jin despite the devil look), but they all believed in the chance they gave him to atone for everything he's done wrong.
I wish we could've gotten more about the history of the devil gene. It's still a very vague concept, and I was kinda expecting Tekken 8 to answer most of the questions about it, but still no.
Although as a Jun stan, I'm upset she never really appeared in the real world, I have to say that I really like how they still kept going with Jun's persona as a mysterious woman. If you see a previous post of mine, I have always been scared that Tekken 8 would finally be the franchise who would ruin Jun's character, but they played safe with it. She's still as mysterious as ever, but they allowed her to show more of her kindheartedness.
Like I said, I really wish we could've gotten more. I wish we could've also got to explore Kazuya's perspective. It's been like 6 consecutive games, and we still haven't had a storymode that focuses on Kazuya's character (always the one sided villain). Although, I understand why they couldn't do it (maybe because of budget constraints, and it would really diminish and compress the quality of Jin's char dev if they're gonna focus on both of them). I'm assuming at least that we get Tekken 9 and have it shine a spotlight on Kaz.
Overall, I really liked it. It gets an 8/10 for me!
More things I kinda didn't like:
- Where the hell is Yoshimitsu???? He appears in the tournament and then goes Bye Felicia once Kazuya absorbed Azazel LMAOOOOO. His bio about investigating the Mishima bloodline and whatever didn't really reflect on the storymode :<<
- Nina and Steve.... Uhhh.... We already had them in Tk 7, and I was at least expecting that they would continue it in Tk 8
- The Asuka Kazama erasure.... She's just treated as another one of the side characters at this point. I fear she's just only in the game now because of Lili. She's very underdeveloped and underutilized and I feel so sad about it :<<
Tekken has a very interesting set of characters with amazing dynamics and chemistry with everyone else. It has a huge amount of lore to explore as well. And they could really do better by exploring and developing most of the characters. Here's to hoping we get a story expansion DLC not just for the main story, but also for the other beloved characters in the game.
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sixofkingdom · 11 months
The Crows as DnD Characters
This is DnD 5e, though I'm curious to see if any other systems have more suitable classes for the Crows.
Kaz: Rogue, Mastermind
This one is straightforward, Kaz is the scheming tactician of the Crows, and Mastermind Rogue fits on all accounts. He can help his allies, gain insight on his enemies, has access to useful tools (including proficiency with cards, which is an important element of his character), and Kaz is legendary for his bluffs. Misdirection might not be strictly in-character, but the rest are perfect for Dirtyhands.
Inej: Rogue, Thief
Rogue is an obvious choice for the Wraith, but the archetype isn't as apparent. You might be tempted by assassin, or swashbuckler for her daring acrobatics. Until you read Second-Story Work and Supreme Sneak for Thief. Climbing, jumping, and sneaking up on people so reliably you get mistaken for a ghost. Yeah, Inej is a Thief Rogue.
Jesper: Fighter/Sorcerer, Gunslinger/Clockwork Soul
Jesper's a Gunslinger through and through, but he's also Grisha. Which could suggest Forge Cleric since he's a Fabrikator. But I think Clockwork Soul Sorcerer is a lot more in line with his current abilities, which allows him to even the odds in a fight, and affect the outcome in many slight ways. Restore Balance and Bastion of Law are subtler manipulations that seem in line with what Jesper usually does in combat.
Matthias: Fighter, Battlemaster
It was tempting to put Matthias down as a Ranger Monster Slayer, which is a good way to hunt some Grisha, as well as allowing for some kinship with animals. But the fact that Rangers have access to spellcasting made this a difficult choice. I'm gonna err on the side of caution and put him down as a Battlemaster. The maneuvers like Grappling Strike and Ambush seem to be in line with his skills.

Nina: Cleric, Domain of Order
Cleric has a wide spell list which includes restorative and healing spells, as well as enchantment spells, which the Domain of Order focuses on enhancing. Heartrenders are deadly, yes, but Nina's more benevolent magic is also not insignificant. Channel Divinity: Order’s Demand seems to replicate the ability to halt and make enemies drop their weapons, briefly incapacitating a whole group of them. But Nina has a lot of options out there!
Wylan: Artificer, Alchemist
Ignoring the spellcasting, which can be re-flavored to be the effects of items, the Artificer is the foremost choice for a demolitions expert. Now, hear me out. Artillerist's spell-list is perfect for being the results of bombs, and as for the canon... Who doesn't love canons? It's hard to place Wylan anywhere else, without losing important tool proficiencies and mechanics, so I'm sticking with Artificer
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crowpricorn · 11 months
7 for wesper😴🐔
7: to shut them up
hi!! here it is 💗💗
D&D nights are a nightmare, and Wylan wonders why on earth he still goes. He should be back at his dorm polishing his last project due tomorrow night but, instead, here he is.
Wylan agreed to one trial night months ago, and somehow he found himself stuck to a every other week night session of role-playing. Not that he hates it — he loves it and he is also fairly lucky with dice. It's just that D&D nights are a mess of yelling young adults that can't accept the fact they are unlucky with dice. 
Namely, that's Jesper. 
They play because he and Kaz had wanted to try something new rather than watching Moana for the fifth time in a row or playing Risk — "It lasts an eternity," they always complain. Not that Dungeons & Dragons lasts any shorter — on the contrary. But it's way more fun and dynamic. That is, until Jesper throws his dice and it never goes over a five or six. 
"It is unfair," Jesper yells now, pointing his finger against Kaz's master book. "I'm sure you're tricking us."
"I'm not tricking you, Fahey. You get a three, you fall into the pit full of snakes. Wait for someone to save you and shut up."
"But I don't want someone to save me," Jesper whines.
"Then you stay down there and shut up." 
They keep bickering for a while longer, and Wylan loses himself in chatting away with Inej and Nina, while Matthias tries to back Kaz up. 
"Jesper, stop being a kid and let us play," Nina yells after a while. 
Jesper pouts, crossing his arms before his chest and darting hostile gazes all around. "Fine, but you'll have to drag your asses here and save me. Again," he spits, eyeing Kaz in hopes of a reaction. But Kaz is already face back into his manual, ignoring Jesper on purpose. 
Wylan's mind swarms during the dullest moments, all focused on the project he has not finished and how annoying it is to be here during such a bad Jesper day. Which means that he is insufferable every bit of the way, a constant litany of complaints about Kaz's directions and his dice numbers and that thing Nina's character got as a gift that he would have liked for himself. 
Wylan shoves his face into his character sheet the umpteenth time that Jesper interrupts the game to complain. Inej pushes her chair back and stands up with a groan, circling the room and then heading to grab some drinks from Kaz's fridge. 
"Bring me a beer," Nina yells after her, surely desperate to wash the night away with a bit of alcohol rather than keep listening to their friend's antics. 
Ideally, they all know about Jesper's gambling past and how he shouldn't be encouraged around bets and dice. They also know how little self control he has. That's why they spend their nights around safe board games easy to enjoy without further addiction. That's how D&D nights began. 
Wylan watches Jesper stand as well and mutter a choked Going to the bathroom and, before he even realizes, he is strolling behind him. 
"Are you alright?" Wylan asks as soon as Jesper opens the bathroom door. Jesper jumps, surely unaware he has been followed until Wylan speaks. He turns, with a sour and sad smile that doesn't reach his eyes. 
" 'Course," he dreads. 
Wylan sighs, leaning against the wall. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks. He would never prompt Jesper into talking more, but he also knows his friend and he can see that he has one of those days. Jesper does start talking, like he had been waiting for nothing else than permission to. 
He complains about Kaz's leading ways and about this stupid campaign and about his dice throwing luck. He also complains about his character — a half-orc paladin — that he found so brilliant at the beginning and that now he has grown tired of. Inej once told him that they are campaigning just for fun — nothing is involved except their friendship and the intricate worlds that Kaz loves to throw them into. But Wylan knows that Jesper can't stand losing, feeling less than the others, staying behind. And whenever a dice lands on a one, or two, he sees his friend retreat into a shell of self dread and despair. 
"We don't have to keep playing if it affects you this much," Wylan whispers. 
"But I like it. I just wish I could… be lucky? Or, or be as chill as the rest of you," he mumbles. 
Wylan stands there and lets him talk, and talk, and as he speaks his own focus shifts from Jesper's words to his gorgeous face, his bright eyes, the shape of his mouth. The way his hands and body move to bring his words out with more clarity, the way his brows dart up or down whenever he says something he likes or doesn't like. 
Jesper is a machine full of clogs for Wylan to uncover and discover, and now he lets himself follow every gear to his heart's content. Until it becomes annoying again to hear all these hasty, complaining words about this or that Kaz behavior or gaming strategy or luck, until Wylan— 
He doesn't think, that's the thing. 
He is leaning against the wall one second and shoving his mouth against Jesper's but a moment later. 
He realizes just as soon as his lips press against Jesper's, but it's too late to do anything other than stiffen right there where he is, eyes stubbornly closed because if he opens them the truth of this will shower over him.
It has the desired effect, though, because Jesper was talking too much and now he is not talking at all and he is as stiff as a stone. 
I broke him, Wylan thinks, and he starts to push away, finally defeated by the fact that he will have to face his friend. His friend that he just kissed. On the mouth. To shut him up — even though he is the one who encouraged him to start talking to begin with. Maybe shutting him up was just an excuse that his mind found for him to finally act on this stupid crush he has been restraining for quite a while now. Whatever it is that prompted him to kiss Jesper, he knows he fucked up. Jesper was having a moment, and he ruined it with something selfish like a kiss of all things. Besides, they are friends. Friends don't go around kissing friends. 
Just as he is about to push back, though, Jesper presses forward, making sure that Wylan feels that the kiss is being reciprocated. A choked whining sound surges from Jesper's throat when Wylan opens his mouth to exhale a held back, surprised breath and then deepens the kiss. 
Jesper moves into the kiss also, leaning closer, hands grasping Wylan's arms and his waist and his curls — but he is ever moving, so it doesn't come as a surprise. On the contrary, Wylan likes it. 
He is the first one to break the kiss, pushing his forehead against Jesper's and opening his eyes only to be met by Jesper's impossibly wide gray eyes. Wylan smiles, and then starts laughing against his friend's face, gently brushing his nose with Jesper's. 
"Holy shit," Jesper exhales. Then, pushing Wylan back by the shoulders so that he can look at him, "Holy shit. You kissed me."
Wylan smiles again, feeling euphoric and dizzy with joy. He did! "Mh," he answers. 
"No, I mean… you kissed me. You are like," Jesper flushes, and if his skin was any clearer Wylan is sure he would see splotches of furious, red blush all over. "You are beautiful. And amazing and gorgeous and I've had this massive, stupid crush for like… And I'm just…"
Wylan grabs Jesper by the collar and kisses him again. And again when Jesper starts to show signs of wanting to talk again. And again until Jesper is reduced to a pathetic puddle, letting himself be pushed closer and hugged tighter and kissed better. 
"But what do you… Mh," Jesper moans around the umpteenth kiss. 
"Stop talking," Wylan complains. "Just," he blushes, "shut up and kiss me." 
And Jesper does. They kiss for what feels like ages but shouldn't be more than ten minutes, until someone comes knocking on the bathroom door — Matthias, who really urgently needs to use the toilet and that won't even notice how entangled they are in each other. 
When they go back, Wylan watches Kaz sourly shove a five kruge bill in Nina's already waiting hand. "I told you," she sing-songs, eyeing the two of them with a knowing look. 
Wylan blushes, but he also glares her way because "Betting on your friends kissing is fucked up. How do you even know we were?"
"It's written all over your faces," Inej whispers from her chair. 
"At least now Jesper might play without throwing a tantrum," Kaz adds. "You can kiss him every time he tries. I am not above some pda when it's needed."
And Wylan — well, he is not above some pda to shut Jesper up every now and then, either. If anything, their D&D sessions get all the more interesting and fun from that moment onward. 
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reneeub · 10 months
I can't believe I missed out on Lockwood and co bc I thought it's another silly monster hunting in victorian London show. It's such a good show (and it's a book adaptation!)
I absolutely love the world they're in. More wordbuilding should make use of "modern world but something went wrong along the way"
It's modern but the technology is kinda backwards, they have no smartphones (I personally dislike phones in fantasy settings so I'm really happy) and have to do research in the library, THEY USE SPADES WHICH IS SO COOL, like YEAH why not make swords relevant again, it's fantasy and they are great and it makes the world feel so original and real bc of that.
Also the whole economy (?) of the world, that young people are the only ones that can sense the ghosts so they're being used to protect everybody else (and die along the way but it's called a noble sacrifice, of course). It's so messed up. Which makes it so compelling.
All the politics between the different kinds of agencies and teasing with conspiracy theories that there's something the agents don't know about was also great (and it would probably be even better in season 2 if the show wasn't canceled)
I loved Lockwood, Lucy and George. Especially the fact that they're all crazy in some way and you can see that. Lockwood with his reckless plans, Lucy with her compassion to ghosts and George with his social awkwardness. They're all so lovely and love each other so much it warms my heart.
Characters and plot related thoughts under the cut
Tbh I thought George was gonna die pretty quickly bc characters like him (third wheels to another characters that have a dynamic that's more focused on) are often created to die for shock value, so it was interesting that he didn't and moreover, his plot line was dedicated to showing that he feels like a third wheel and how he deals with that which led to him befriending (?) that older woman. What the hell was that. This whole relationship made me so uncomfortable (which was most likely the point but still UGH)
Before I watched the show I saw some Kanej and Locklyle comparisons and yeah, they're pretty similar on first look but I'm so glad that's where it ends. I love both Kaz and Inej but Lockwood and Lucy are their own characters.
Lockwood is a genius but he relies more on his charisma than longtime planning. He would never get the reputation Kaz has. He's got big ego, he's self-sacrificial, he doesn't have trouble with showing his people he cares about them.
Lucy is so much different than Inej that I won't even compare them. She's great on her own, I wanna hug her and I'd trust her with my life.
I can't believe they ended the season just before showing us what's in Lockwood's room. My guess was that it's gonna be his parents in some form (bodies/sources) but I guess I'll go read the books now to find out
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ibrahim-mazur · 1 year
do you have any soc fic recs???
oh i do, i definitely do! but please tell me what you're interested in and what you're not! i read mainly kanej fics so i could link you to a bunch of those if that's what you like and i'll add some wesper/general ones.
i'll link a few down here
Monsters at Midnight by DecafPerception
This is the Jordie lives fic I mentioned the other day, in this au Jordie becomes Dirtyhands and Kaz just gets to be a kid. It's hilarious, makes me cry and I love seeing a version of Kaz where he just gets to be a kid (doesn't mean he changes completely don't worry AND HE STILL MEETS ALL THE CROWS and they annoy the hell out of jordie)
Good Enough by SixofProse
More of a Jesper & Kaz being besties fic as they get drunk and talk about their relationships and their insecurities a bit, but I love them
ten thousand miles away by pyrrhlc
Post CK - Ketterdam gets hit with the Queen Lady's plague again. Kaz loses his shit and focuses on keeping his friends safe and alive.
That fic is good. But heavy. With the pandemic it all hits a bit closer to home I think, the fear, the desperation, the not-knowing. But honestly it's a great fic.
Five Times People Thought Kaz was Like Them (And One Time Matthias Decided he was a Demon) by rainstormdragon
the title is really self explanatory lmao but it's a quick one shot and i like other people's perspective on kaz, it's super interesting to read how other characters interpret kaz in their own way
Leave This Place Unbroken by rainstormdragon
honestly i think i binged rainstormdragon's fics in two days and i don't regret it. this is a super angsty fic about kanej getting kidnapped before they leave to fjerda in soc. kaz gets tortured. all is pain.
die for you in secret by downn_in_flames
another 5+1 fic! 5 times Kaz Brekker didn't say what he was thinking, and 1 time he did. it's fluffy. it's frustrating because it's kaz. i love it
The Astute Tourist's Guide To Ketterdam by terribletruths
honestly i haven't read this in a couple of years but it was in my bookmarks. i remember the amount of detail for kerch culture is insane and the author is one of my favorites
also kaz gets a dog <3
Tatoeëren by Thesuncameout
another dive into my 2021 bookmarks i wrote: who needs soc3 when you have fics like these. kanej fic that spans pre-soc and post-ck. it is rated m if you're not comfortable with that kind of thing.
who is the lamb and who is the knife by OceanEyes1n
jesper takes the jurda instead of nina in soc. this author is incredible and their ideas with the use of durasts and parem is really, really good. this story goes on to have several different parts and it's really well written.
shaking the wings of their exultant and terrible youth by lovebeyondmeasure
some inej stories before soc, her early days in the dregs <3
i love the og crow trio so much so i love seeing things like this. also. another 5+1 lol
only love can hurt like this by leehab23
wesper fic set post ck, in the future. a lot of angst... a lot of smut as well lmao. jesper and wylan broke up and jesper left for novyi zem, returning to ketterdam to finally finish university and finds that wylan (and everyone else) has moved on. :(
sweet as a bowl of candy by demigodbeautiies
modern au wesper fic where jesper is taking care of kanej's daughter and meets wylan and little plumje. it's fluffy as fuck and i want to re-read it right now actually lmao
welp. i went overboard from my original idea of linking five or six fics but i hope any or all of these fics sound interesting to you and if you tell me your interests i'll be glad to send more recommendations if i have them. hope you enjoy <3
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locitawritingsblog · 1 month
Kaz and Yeager Moments part 5
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This might be spoilers for anyone else who hasn't watch this series yet. I have been re-read my old notebooks, there are some my favorite moments with these two so I decided to write these here.
Yeager notices something's wrong with Kaz because he know Kaz like flying and racing since the beginning. This time, Kaz just watching the race.
Kaz tells Yeager that he can't sit the fight, he decides to leave the Colossus which Yeager is shocked then put a sad face on his face.
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Before Kaz leave, Yeager speaks with Kaz alone and give him the fireball. Kaz is surprised and grateful and use the ship to meet up with the resistance.
Yeager tells Kaz if he take care good of the fireball, it will good to him and Kaz knows how much it means to him.
Kaz and Yeager shaking hands then Yeager pulls Kaz to hug and say goodbye, Kaz is surprised at first then hugs him back. Yeager warns Kaz to take care of the Fireball and watch himself out there.
Yeager tells Kaz that he has changed a lot since he first time got in Colossus with Poe, he says that he was not an awkward kid and he's proud of him.
Look at them, deep down, they really miss each other 🥺
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When Kaz is in a hot water after he destroyed a probe droid who sent information to the first order to attack the colossus, he's imitating like Yeager to fix the fireball on the space, on his own.
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As the first order attacking the colossus, even Yeager isn't pleased because what had Kaz done with the fireball, he lets him borrow his personal ship to join with the ace to help.
After the colossus escaped from Aoes Prime, Kaz has a chat with Yeager about Tam. Kaz tells Yeager that she was the one who was going to attack him but she saved the first order star destroyer instead. Yeager knows how much Kaz care about her but they had to do this sama way if it was really happening.
The way Yeager introduces Kaz to his old friend, Venisa with put his arm around Kaz's shoulder like he's really proud to have him as his own son.
Yeager is pleased to see how much Kaz grown with his mechanic skills so he offers help to repair the fireball and Kaz says "Sure Yeager, it'll be just old times." As he gives a tool to Yeager.
When Kaz got a message from Tam with Neeku's code and Neeku translates it, Yeager listen their conversation carefully as Kaz figuring out that Tam wants out to leave the first order and meet her on Castilon.
Yeager warns Kaz that it could be a trap from the first order and Kaz agrees with him.
Even it's a big risk, Kaz would do anything to get Tam back home. Yeager doesn't let him go alone and he knows Kaz have a faith on her so he also joins the mission with him. Even they convicing Captain Doza to let them get Tam back.
Kaz and Yeager share each other memories on Castilon as waiting for Tam. Yeager also tells Kaz about how Tam ended up living with him and Neeku before Kaz showed up.
Kaz asks Yeager why he didn't give Tam the fireball, Yeager tells him that Tam would race somewhere else if he did it and he didn't want to lose her.
Kaz really sure that tie attacking another tie is Tam which Yeager asks him if he sure about it. Kaz tells Yeager who else would do that.
When Yeager and Tam are about out of control, Kaz is able to stop them saying "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, come on, you two. We-we don't have time for this. Let's go home and then you guys can argue all you want."
When Kaz and Tam feel down about the colossus is going to be in danger, Yeager cheering them up to figure out to warn the citizen.
As Kaz took Commander Pyre down and made sure CB-23 is gonna be alright, he hears Yeager calling and staring to Yeager and Tam, focusing to get out from the star destroyer as the way Kaz passing CB-23 to Yeager.
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When Yeager tells Tam that she was brave to face and fought aganist the first order, Kaz claims that he also brave. Yeager just shakes his head and smile while Tam telling Kaz that he always has be brave.
Kaz and Yeager really pleased to get Tam back having a complete team fireball members as a family.
It's finally all done to rewhite all my fave Kaz and Yeager's moments from my old notebook.
Taglist : @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad
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anulithots · 3 months
Random ask, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....
I'm not the one who asked that fav charas but WOW your answer is great, thanks for sharing them.
I typically like dynamics, romantic or otherwise (if they are canonical, it's just an extra for me, a nice extra but an extra nonetheless.)
BUT I do have my ships, very much so.
Here's a quick list:
Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto
Megumi Fushiguro and Yuji Itadori (queer platonic/semi-romantic, I really just like their dynamic)
Maki and Nobara Kugisaki
Crowley and Aziraphale
@pinetreevillain's Timothy and Donnie
Jesper and Wylan
Kaz and Inej (really all the pairings in Six of Crows are great)
Bo Seon and Kang Dae (I hope I spelled their names right! I don't have easy access to webtoon anymore... sadness)
Daph and Tom (queer platonic) from the Interpretation of Shadows
And just a note! I typically ship with a 'queer platonic flavor' to everyone. This aspec person loves their fluff I guess. (I don't like/don't read smut)
#1 Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto
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I've rambled about them... a lot.
Most of my essays are here
Gojo the analyst
SatoSugu and how they support each other
Ao No Sumika - "Will we meet again?"
Gojo and Geto being compliments in an ironic way
Edit with them is here
They are each other's compliments, they are soulmates, they are most comfortable around each other, and they feel like themselves when the other is around. Like... just perfection tbh.
#2 Itadori Yuji and Megumi Fushiguro
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I ship them queer platonically/semi-romantically.
Yuji validates Megumi's way of seeing things. Megumi says that he values personality most ('unshakable character') for people he likes, and he canonically likes Itadori's personality and his 'unshakable character'.
They also get to have a calmer version of satosugu moral squabbles. (With Megumi being the one to say that not everyone should be saved, and Itadori trying to save everyone.)
ALSO ITADoRI KNOWING THAT mEGUMI SAVED HIM BECAUSE MEGUMI THINKS THAT ITADORI iS A GOOD PERSON, ONLY FOR ITADORI TO BELIVE HIS ACTIONS (finger eating) HURT OTHERS. (and Megumi's adamant proclamations towards not saving someone who would hurt others in the future... but all the while Megumi is making sure not to tell Itadori because he doesn't want itadori to be sad.)
Also the way Itadori is always giving Fushiguro little compliments, and considers him a friend pretty much immediately.
Also the 'if you die, I'll kill you' 'I guess I can't die then'
Their dynamic is just perfection. PERFECTION I TELL YOU!
#3 Maki Zenin and Nobara Kugisaki
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Maki and Nobara feel like they have similar underlying beliefs, values, and personalities. They would definitely hype each other up (especially when Nobara immediately fawns over Maki). Honestly I would love to see more Nobara content in general, and if JJK were a slice of life, it would've been so much fun to have an episode directly devoted to Nobara and Maki.
As it is, they both are self-determined and are selective with who they choose to care about. And as far as anger goes, Nobara seems like someone with a 'wild anger', whereas Maki's anger is more controlled.
Nobara also is sparing in her compliments, doesn't let unessecary emtions get in the way of a mission, is more focused on strategy than the rest of the Tokyo trio, and all she wants is to live her best life. No one's getting in the way of that.
Maki is also going to live her life to the fullest, but in a ~spiteful way~. She doesn't see herself as lesser and will leave relationships behind (see Mai) for the sake of living to her fullest potential.
Basically Maki and Nobara solidarity. They would understand and work well with each other.
#4 Crowley and Aziraphale
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I got into a hyperfixation about them (just them, did not have acess to the show so I scoured the internet for clips of them). A lot of my ships have this common theme of 'comfort person'. And... yea.
It's been a bit since I've hyperfixated on them though! I fell out of it a little bit before JJK.
Crowley recognizes the flaws in the system and decided to live in his own human-esque way. This includes Aziraphale. Always.
Aziraphale follows the system and justifies all of his human indulgences with the fundamental goodness of the system. Most comfortable around Crowley.
They are constantly doing little things for each other. THeir own tragic breakup scene was because they wanted to do things for each other. (Aziraphale wanted Crowley to be an angel because he thinks he would be happier. Crowley knows that they would both be happy if they had each other.)
I'm probably missing some things, but yea! They gave me a lot of happy sparkles. (Aziraphale was so excited to hold Crowley's hand it was great)
#5 @pinetreevillain's Timothy and Donnie
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(I want this image forever imprinted in my brain.. also hope this doesn't count as a repost... full credit forever to pinetreevillian!)
Again, while I still love rottmnt and it was (and is) my longest running hyperfixation ever... my brain is all JJK right now. So I might have forgotten some things!
For all the love that his brothers give him, none of them give their wholehearted trust to Donnie ("Fixing your fix" and all that jazz). None of them can understand exactly how his brain works - and it's lonely being the only one with a mind that works differently. (Plus it's maddening to not have at least ONE PERSOn that listens to your infodumps... speaking from experience).
The FIRST THING TImothy says to Donnie is "I trust you"
"I love it when you talk"
Someone who understands his science jargon! Somone who he can vent to that isn't his brothers! THE FONTS! FRIENDS! EVERYONE GETS A TRAGIC BREAKUP WHOOPDEDOO! (the bad ending death)
... is there a single ship on this list that isn't 'comfort person + tragic breakup?'
... nope?
.... I guess I have a type.
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THEY ARE LIKE THIS TOO WUT. 'comfort people + tragic breakup'
WELL! YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST! If you want Noorie to like your ship, they better be each other's comfort person and have a tragic breakup scene.
I'm going to skip over the SIx of Crows ships because it's been awhile + I want to talk about the others. BUT THE SIX OF CROWS SHIPS ARE REALLY GOOD
#Iforget - Kang Dae and Bo Seon.
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They are so fluffffyyyyyyyy
And they're from the webtoon: to the stars and back. I don't have easy acess to webtoon anymore because of 'they're going to make you gay' (I'm literally lithromantic asexual... being gay isn't going to change anything... also being genderfluid makes everything gay. So there <3)
#something or other. Daph and Tom from the interpretation of Shadows.
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CANNONICALLY QUEER PLATONIC WHOOODEWONDEROUSDOO!(comfort people comfort people comfort people... not sure if they have a tragic breakup tho)
Daph can't see Tom's shadow and it's a comfort because he isn't bombarded with truths all the time and I remember seeing the author talk about it more but I forgot..... and I still like them A LOT, but I;m also waiting for the comic to progress before I can analyze fully.
For now! We have Daph the silly with a great burden on his shoulders, and Tom who tries to be rational and likes hanging around Daph even thought the sillies can be aggravating (because of aggravating sillies?)
and while we're here... Satosugu anyone?
Also Gojo core-
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lilithfreya · 1 year
Six of Crows/Shadow and Bone Modern College AU's
Finally, zoya and nikolai, I haven't finished "King of scars" so maybe that will be a little diferent, but let's go.
Due to the problems she had with her family, she was adopted by her Aunt, but during the process she spent time in a shelter, which turned out to be very bad for her. She does it right but when she entered the university she had a slight crush on the art teacher, Darkling, because he felt that he really cared and understood her, but later realized that it was all her imagination and that she had no reason to fight with Alina over account of it. To make it up to her, she agreed to go with Alina to help out at the shelter and there she met Mal and the captain of the football team and king of the university, Nikolai, but she didn't have time to pay attention to him because she was having a seizure attack. panic due to his memories and he helped her out of it, talking to her and distracting her. She got mad at herself for letting someone see her in that state and started to avoid him, but her plan falls apart when genya proposes that they make Alina finally get to be with Mal and they end up asking Nikolai for help to access more evil. Badly, because he is extremely quiet. During this time she ends up being part of the shelter to get more information where she becomes friends with Inej and the rest of the crows, even though she can't understand Kaz, but she really likes the rest of them and Inej and Nina are like little sisters to her . In addition, she also gets closer and closer to Nikolai until she finds out that he is actually engaged (arranged marriage) and completely isolates herself, but after a big statement he makes they end up running away and getting married, and with the money that Nikolai accessed she can help her aunt to have a better life.
Nikolai is president of his fraternity, captain of the football team, seen by many as a playboy and he is also the heir to the media empire, but his plans are to inherit the company that is starting to present financial problems and transform it into a great technological empire. For that he already knows who will recruit one of the best inventors at his university David and of course his right-hand men Tamar and Tolya, who help in his small anonymous company stormhold, but he needs more money and to access his inheritance than his grandparents let him get married, so he agrees to follow his parents' plans to set him up with a complete stranger. Until the moment he goes with his friend Mal to the shelter and sees the most beautiful woman in the world with problems that even he has when he was younger due to the cruelty of his brother and father, making him unable to check with people or they let her approach. But when a few days after helping her get dumped, he sees in the plan to make Mal stay with Alina a nice way to solve several problems at once, like getting closer to David for his girlfriend, making that your second on the team is more focused on the game and suffers less for her friend and manages to stay close to Zoya. He just doesn't expect to meet a whole new family along the way, and to fall in love and finally find the more happiness he had hoped to be able to deserve.
Now the netx couple will be Genya and David, i hope al of you liked. See u next time
Part 1 Alina and Mal
Part 2 - Nina and Matthias
Part 3 - Wylan and Jesper
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stingslikeabee · 1 year
gib me kid meme for kaz & mel please lov u k thx bai
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child . accepting
Name: Olivia Hope Drysdell-Miller (Kazuhira insisted that Melissa's name was included; he didn't want to be the only parental reference on Olivia's documents). Gender: Female. General appearance: Much to Kazuhira's delight, she looks like a younger version of Melissa - fair skin, the same honey color of the eyes, full hair (here is where one might notice that Kazuhira's dirty blonde and Melissa's dark chestnut colors mixed, since Olivia's hair is a lighter shade of brown that pairs in a lovely way with her eyes). She grows to be of average height (just a little taller than her mother), not overly curvaceous or owning a voluptuous figure but staying rather on the slender side like a ballerina. Personality: Sweet, innocent and really befitting of her names associated to peace and hope for better, brighter years. Kazuhira did his best to shield Olivia from his own anger and hatred; having a daughter somehow worked beautifully to have him get in touch with his softest side, and the protective and caring nature of his youthful years clearly left a lasting impact in Olivia. She also shows a lot of the nurturing and cheerful disposition of her mother, making her incredibly gentle and compassionate. There is never anyone in the room who doesn't want to hug the girl - she is really too precious. Special talents: A very good listener and supportive individual for as long as both her parents can remember; in a direct opposition to many kids who are often able to talk non-stop, Olivia was always very happy to lend an ear and to counsel others, from her dolls who faced imaginary problems to her own friends and even Kazuhira and Melissa (if she sensed they were struggling with something). Her selfless nature is a weakness that can be exploited, what concerns the former soldier - but he's more focused on protecting her from external threats than forcing her to change. The world needs good people - Kazuhira is honored he was given the chance to contribute to that goal despite everything; it feels like he has been given a second chance by karma. Who they like better: Both! Olivia feels very lucky in relation to her parents - some of her friends have crappy families, but she is just delighted to have been born to a such a loving couple. The way her mother and dad found one another and overcame obstacles by being each other's source of strength (even if it came in the form of a rather forceful push sometimes) fascinates Olivia, and she makes no secret of the fact she wishes to find someone just as nice for herself one day. Who they take after more: Melissa - she is physically and emotionally a small clone of her mother, being very open about her affections, assisting others through their endeavors and finding meaning in not only holding someone close but to do acts of service for them as well. They share many hobbies and similar approaches (with Olivia having inherited Melissa's famous 'hand on the hips' gesture which means that Kazuhira is in trouble when she pulls that one) and if the two ladies of his life join efforts... He is absolutely doomed. He means this fondly, of course. Personal Headcanon: Olivia really likes birds - watching them, hearing them sing, feeding the little ones who come to her. It is an adorable hobby and one that makes the frequent Disney princess allusions even stronger, but the girl really is dedicated to them and has always asked to be gifted with themed books or to be taken on strolls where she could try and spot them. Olivia is very against holding them captive in cages - but she likes to offer fresh fruit and water at their home garden to see them voluntarily come for the food and keep her company. Faceclaim: Nicole Gale Anderson.
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pencilscratchins · 2 years
Hi can you please give me tips on drawing cas I really suck at drawing him
absolutely. i am cursed with this knowledge, i might as well share it. (ID's all in alt, also you might want to check out my very old character tutorial, but it's still a good base re: how i approach drawing faces)
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let's draw cas supernatural! off topic but an austrialian mutual from Back In The Day once told me youse call him "kaz"? which, if true, i enjoy a lot. in new jersey, we'd just call him "gay jimmy."
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STEP ONE: one good thing about this show is how different the face shapes of the leads are. misha collins has basically a perfectly square face (which, as a square headed bitch myself, i very much appreciate!) his cheekbones are high, but not wide set, so it doesn't break the profile of his face. (:edit: i will say, his cheekbones are also most visable from about the pupil to the end of the browbone if that makes sense. focus the highlight in a very obtuse, but short angle below his eyes.) however, he does have a super prominent cleft chin- so much so, that the bottom of his chin isn't even square! it's dimpled! a good starting point is drawing a square and then drawing a little v in the middle and going from there.
also- misha collins randomly became absolutely yolked sometime around 2018 and his face gets WAY wider. dont really know why he did that but work. the general jaw shape doesn't change much, but it does expand. his features generally just get a bit broader with age.
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STEP TWO: He has a very particular, confusing nose. from the front, it's fairly wide with very flared nostrils. while he has an IOTA of a bridge bump, the more notable feature is it's pointiness. it's not hooked so much as it is sharp. in profile, it's much thinner and you see how the nostrils sit higher than his tip. i really like his nose its very pretty.
also a note: collins's cupids bow & philtrum get noticeably deeper as he gets older. this isn't massively unusual
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STEP THREE: the particulars: there's a couple of really identifiable things about this dude's face. One that always caught my eye is the line from his eye bag to his cheekbone- it's a tangent! i've literally only ever seen this on one other person and it's alexander calvert. it's really fascinating. I usually compensate for this by drawing one light line from his eye bag down to about the bottom of the nostril and adding a u shaped highlight along his cheekbone. it should end up forming something like a ♥ shape. (:edit: this is sort of what i was talking about re: his cheekbones- it depends on the angle. from the front/profile, their not so visible as where from 3/4 view, they will be way more prominent)
second: he has pretty little eyes. he has a really prominent hood that hangs over his entire eye and has a sort of upward arc. his inner corner is the only bit of his top lashline that's visible under the hood. theyre less oval shaped, more trapezoid. i really camp up his puppy dog eyes because theyre so prominent so it gives his face a lot of character. i want him to look like a wet cat.
finally: his lips! pretty straight forward. fuller on the top than the bottom with a very deep cupid's bone
now, if all this still doesnt work just go my route. try obtaining some deep seeded issues with your catholic upbringing, and then try hyper focusing on this character as a 13 year old desperately clinging to the last visage of their heterosexuality. it may take a bit more time, but it really gives swell results!
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manikas-whims · 3 years
Time for Show Kaz Appreciation
This is not in any particular order, I'm just gonna ramble all my thoughts.
Now we all know the show is kinda fast paced so everything doesn't settle in your head within a single watch. But after re-watching a few clips, I grew more fond of show Kaz.
1: Starting with Episode 5
Kaz decides Arken will grab Alina whilst the rest of them set up the lynx flush (was lynx intentional? remember Inej's title at the menagerie?)
Anyways, Inej immediately makes a remark because even though they all believe in Kaz's planning, she is shocked he's ready to let the new guy take the most important part. This shows that like usually in the books Inej (and Jesper) don't know the complete details or the actual plan laid out by Kaz.
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Look at Arken's joyous look on knowing he's being handed the most important task. He had wanted to be alone with Alina all along so he could get rid of the sun summoner. He probably even lied about the lodestone and its prolonged use making one..impotent?
And its only later after the Winter Fete event, when she sees Alina hanging out with her grisha pals that Inej realises Kaz had lied about the lynx flush. That they weren't acting as distraction but were actually flushing out the traitor. Arken dumbly took the bait cause Kaz let him believe that he as the leader of crows was putting his trust in Arken when handing him the main job. And it all went exactly as Kaz planned 😌
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Look at all the fucks Kaz gives about Arken getting caught 😂 whilst Inej is there somewhat worried for this stranger. Soft Kaz who? He only cares about himself and "his crows". 😗
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And he's smart as usual. If there's one person whom you can count on to know about profit makers, its Kaz. Where Inej is concerned about the "what ifs" if he's wrong, Kaz is completely sure because he thinks things over. Everything.
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2: Kaz being fine with Arken's inclusion
Since from the SS above we can see Kaz knows that Arken is one of the two people profiting from this whole "Grisha smuggling trade", the other person has to be someone powerful enough to allow such trade to run smoothly. Arken has been doing this for quite a while without any governmental issues whicj means someone powerful enough is backing him up. And Kaz knows which is very useful to Kaz and his crows because:
~ their travel won't be gain much attention of higher ups cause people know its that guy Arken's train
~ if they do get caught by Ravkan government, they can put it all on Arken since the guy actively smuggles out Grisha. And the crows can just say they were working for Arken, not the other way around. (i know the Darkling may not let them go so easily but i know Kaz will have a plan to get out his crew if it ever came to that)
3: Suspicious of Arken
Kaz is always somewhat suspicious of Arken if you re-watch. Why would a smuggler just decide to join a bunch of criminals if he's already profiting off a lot from the fold. There must be something in it for him. And Kaz knows, which is why when its time to fetch things for Arken, Kaz doesn't let Jesper or Inej have any thoughts. He immediately takes up the quick task of bringing the goat and assigns Jesper with alabaster coal. He specifies no detours but he knows Jesper will take his time, which in turn will give Kaz more time to go around and spy on what is Arken actually upto. And he does, he discovers Arken conversing with Zlatan who must've also handed Arken the lodestone and the mission to kill Alina.
Thus, Kaz's suspicions about Arken are confirmed and now he's fully ready to expend Arken whenever the need be. And he finds that opportunity when he discovers there's a decoy to be dressed up as Alina. He immediately uses that to appoint Arken, what everyone believes, is the most important part of their mission but instead tricks him.
4: Other things to take note of
• Inej's lose trust in Kaz
Even when Alina escapes from the Crows, Inej doesn't believe for a second that Kaz has dropped the job. When they have a small argument in that tavern, she even asks if he's threatening to send her back to the Menagerie. We know he'll never but Inej doesn't. And same goes for the show onlys. They don't really know Kaz and trust him just as much as Inej.
Even when Kaz decides for them to board the ship as delegates, both Inej and Jesper are unsure. They ask him if truly just wants to get back to Ketterdam. That its merely coincidence that the sun summoner happens to be traveling via the same ship.
This small sliver of doubts about Kaz is something that the others always have about him even in the books. Nobody knows whats going on in Dirtyhand's mind.
• His outfit changes
We have no idea how he acquired the artist outfit or the guard outfit where Inej is about to stab him xD.
We also have no idea how he snuck amongst the Darkling's personal guard. How he acquired the outfit and what went down between him and whomever he snatched it from, we have no idea. A complete magician if you ask me.
• His Quick Wit
Now we were all having fun watching that "JES" moment. But thats where Kaz also informs them he had been focusing on Arken's timings and that he's learnt them. A quick thinker and a fast learner!
• His moments with Inej
Like I've said in my other post, his moments with Inej are canon compliant. Whenever they are alone, he's always more open..more like a boy talking to his crush ☺
All their book moments are like that— meaningful conversations or heated arguments or a mix of both.
• His friendship with Jesper
Its also canon compliant. If you remember "pay someone to pay someone else to burn my kruge" and "i'll hire Matthias's ghost to beat up yours" all happened in canon. Jesper is his bestie, he's always gonna be like that with Jesper.
5: His scenes in Ketterdam
All his scenes in Ketterdam were amazing. (okay him being bested by two of Pekka's men was kinda unbelievable but needed).
Him warning Jesper about loud noises at the table, him stoically standing when Alexei is shot, him casually looking around and discovering that a woman's way of counting money is different. He's really a keen observer and smart.
Also, him stealing the crow club shares, him quickly catching the note sent by Heleen and him telling Jesper he would've done exactly what Heleen did to manipulate Inej. Thats the cold and calculated Dirtyhands for you!
So there it is! Some of what I noticed whilst re-watching. The finer details about him are sprinkled throughout the show but we find it hard to see them because we are used to see such things fully unveil in books when reading his pov. Unless the show gave us a Kaz pov, we wouldn't have immediately taken note of everything I said above..:)
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crazynekochan · 5 years
Omegaverse Hope's Peak is a normal school AU: Kazuichi is showing Hajime and Fuyuhiko his brand new invention: a remote that shows you a portal of an alternate universe. He presses the button to demonstrate but it doesn't work. Thinking that it's just something with the button sticking, Kaz decides to press it repeatedly, which accidentally sends them through the portal, where they land in a field outside of a city surrounding a lavish palace instead of the school engineering lab that (1/?)
World Switch AU (2/?): they were in when this started. After some freaking out and arguing, they decide to head into the city and see if they could find anything to help them fix the, now broken in half, remote and find out where they are. They find an inn and, while Hajime tries to get information about the world they landed in from the landlady (who looks a lot like Mrs. Hanamura), Fuyuhiko gets into a fight with some royal guardsmen that were trying to hit on Kazuichi (who's fully focused on
World Switch AU (3/?): remote and didn't even know the guards were there until one got too handsy). Things escalated and other guardsmen got called in, long story short the group got arrested and taken to the palace. They get brought up to the 3 Emperoxs (the rulers), Nagito, Gundham, and Peko, and they (between Kaz's cowering and Fuyuhiko's threats to the guards) manage to explain why they're there and how they got stuck in this world until the remote is fixed. Then Nagito completely forgets
World Switch AU (4/?): his manners, walks up to Hajime, and grabs his hand and starts talking rapid fire about his beauty (they're all in their school uniforms and this is a European/Japanese fusion high fantasy world, so they're all half naked by this world's standards). Gundham isn't any help since he's completely entranced by Kazuichi, so Peko, despite having a huge crush on Fuyuhiko, takes charge of the situation and tells them that they can stay at the palace until their device is fixed.
World Switch AU (5/?): Meanwhile, back in their home universe, the fantasy world's Hajime, Kazuichi, and Fuyuhiko land in the school courtyard and, after some arguing and freaking out, get brought before Jin by the security team. They explain everything they know (Kaz has made a device that showed portals to other worlds, but they got sucked into a portal after a delay) and Jin tells them that they can stay at the school until they can fix this. Oh, and did I mention that the fantasy!group are
World Switch AU (6/6): all the crown princess (Hajime), royal engineer (Kazuichi), and scion of the most prominent family (Fuyuhiko) of a floating city filled with amazing technology that hadn't been seen by the surface in nearly 3 centuries and is ruled by the princess's overprotective brother who has a rather poor view on surface dwellers? Because I just did.
Mod: Well I guess the fantasy kingdom on the surface will soon see the floating city again, since Izuru will want to have his brother back x) Though I guess he would be very fast to realise that this Hajime is his brother, but at the same time not the correct one, which could tick him off completely. I wonder what Izuru will do then
Also I feel so bad for Peko, Nagito and Gundham, since they fell in love with people who are also not the right version and need to swap back with the version of this world
The part with Peko having to take over is canon, because she is probably the only functioning person of them all and actually has a brain that doesn’t turn off around pretty people
Same with Kazuichi not noticing that the guards were hitting on him, because he was a bit occupied with other stuff like that they were trapped in another universe and that the way back (the remote) was broken in half. That he doesn’t realise that he is technically way underdressed and that he is oblivious anyway doesn’t help until Fuyuhiko has to sucker punch one of the guards
Though the Fantasy!Trio would so be out of place in the normal world, because they are from a magical world and ended up in one without any magic
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