#kaz and yeager
locitapurplepink · 3 months
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"Well, wherever we're going, at least we're all together. Most of us."
Taglist : @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022
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locitawritingsblog · 6 days
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This fanfic is between "A Quick Salvage Run" and "Live Fire"
After few hours later, after they escaped from D'Qar where the first order found the colossus, Kaz sat on the top of the fireball to grieve his homeworld was destroyed by the first order.
He remembered when he and the others just arrived at D'Qar, he was shocked that planet was destroyed and attacked by the first order. He noticed a big hole on that planet reminds him of a planet base called starkiller destroying Hosnian Prime, his homeworld.
He suddenly heard a knock and looked at the bottom. It was Yeager holding two cups of tea "Hey, I made extra just in case." He offered. Kaz smiled sad at him as nodded and climbed down from the fireball.
They had a peaceful time with drinking their tea until Yeager spoke first "How are you holding on, kid ?"
Kaz sighed "I don't know, there's too much grieve in my mind...how did you deal with all your losses ?"
Yeager took a long breath before told him "Well, at first I was devastated, couldn't believe this was true to see then I was angry that why I had to lose everything I had. Then I decided to leave and came to this station..."
Kaz listened carefully as Yeager saying "...I joined few races few times but... everytime I joined the race, it reminds all those memories that Marcus and I were used to live, race each other until he cheated and killed my family..."
Kaz noticed Yeager had some tears in his eyes, he rubbed Yeager's shoulder "...How could he do that to them ?" Yeager broke into tears.
"I'm so sorry for you've been through, Yeager. I had no idea you had to deal all those things."
Yeager wiped his tears "Thank you Kaz." Then drank his tea.
Kaz gave him a sad smile as nodded.
After they stared at the space as drinking their teas for awhile, Kaz sighed "When Poe told me that the first order would attack my home in some ways, I immediately jumped in and would do anything to be a part of resistance but...."
"You were shocked that Poe took you in here as a resistance spy ?" Yeager finished.
Kaz responded "Yeah ! I wasn't trained to be a spy, I was trained as a pilot. I mean, I was on the top of my class." Yeager shook his head as smiling "Alright, no need to brag, hotshot." He gave Kaz a friendly punch then they chuckled.
"Speaking about pilots, I've been noticing the ace squadron hasn't been experienced in this war situation, I was thinking you and I show them some tricks to make them great fighters in the sky."
"Like teaching them ?" Kaz raised in confusion.
"More like partner up. We'll show them what we made of."
"Are you sure ? I mean, you've been in the war so many times while I don't have that many."
"But you had been flying with Poe few times and I could really see that you're a gifted pilot." Yeager pointed out.
Kaz smiled "Thanks Yeager. It means a lot."
Yeager smiled back "I'll tell Doza that we will join the ace and prepare them for whatever it comes to protect our home." Kaz nodded "Sounds great."
Yeager tapped Kaz's shoulder "And Kaz, you don't have to talk about your homeworld if you don't want to...but when you ready to talk about it, call me up and I'll be there." "Okay and thanks." Kaz replied.
"We should get some rest, tomorrow will be our big day." Yeager suggested. Kaz nodded and they walked to get some sleep to prepare their big day.
Taglist : @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad
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unactive-shroom · 4 months
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Hey guys! So, as a thank you for being so patient while I was inactive for exams, I've decided to hold a Valentines day event! To request, simply head to my ask box, say what character you want it for and what prompt you want with it.
Normal rules apply! see here for fandom list <3
"Hey! Can I get Eren Yeager with prompt #5?"
"Hii, could I get Sally Face with prompt #14?"
"Hello! May I request Hobie Brown with prompt #13? Thanks! "
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Prompt #1: Love Letters ♡
"Coming home one evening to your empty apartment... It seems your partner has left a neat stack of letters for you on the kitchen counter, tied with a pink ribbon..."
Prompt #2: Jerk ♡
"'What kinda Jerk breaks up with their partner on Valentine's?' It seems your friend has some very vocal opinions on your partner ex. Maybe they could treat you better..."
Prompt #3: Love Language ♡
"What's your partners Love Language? How does it change throughout your relationship?"
Prompt #4: Proposal ♡
"It seems like someone has a very important question to ask... and what better time to do it but on Valentine's night?"
Prompt #5: Jealousy, Jealousy ♡
"After receiving a few anonymous Valentine's, it doesn't seem like your partner's too happy about it..."
Prompt #6: Gifts ♡
"What did your partner get you for Valentine's day? What did you get them?"
Prompt #7: It's a Date. ♡
"Looks like someone's worked up the courage to ask you out for Valentines...!"
Prompt #8: Trouble in Paradise ♡ (Specify Angst/fluff, please!)
"You and your partner spent the day before Valentine's arguing and yelling. Will you make it up before Valentine's is through? Or will this years Valentine be the worst yet..?"
Prompt #9: Meet me at the lakes...♡
"Seems like someone has sent you a valentine! They're asking to meet you... Who could it be?"
Prompt #10: Forgotten ♡ (Specify Angst/fluff, please!)
"Your partner seems to have forgotten all about Valentines... or maybe, just forgotten about you."
Prompt #11: Ready ♡
"Getting ready with your partner to go out for Valentine's! Is your partner used to dressing up? How long does it take to get ready with them?"
Prompt #12: Help from a few friends ♡
"Your partner has planned the best surprise for you! Of course, they needed the help of a few friends though...Let's hope there's no third wheels!"
Prompt #13: Double Date! ♡
"You, your bestfriend, their partner, and your partner, are going out for a double date! Will both of your partners get along? Or will the night end in a dairy queen parking lot, scolding your partner for their behaviour? "
Prompt #14: Hand in marriage ♡
"Valentine's has to be the best day to get married on... right? or is this a spur of the moment, Hollywood-esque marriage? Or, maybe you and your partner simply don't have the time to waste." => aimed alot at aot characters... marrying them before they (or both of you) go to war... :(
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I'd also like this event to acknowledge the expansion of fandoms I write for, In particular, I am reopening requests for Attack on Titan, Percy Jackson (From Heroes of Olympus +) and Jujitsu Kaisen, and I will now write for SHADOW AND BONE/SIX OF CROWS, HARRY POTTER*, and SPIDERMAN: ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE.
That's all! Hope you enjoy :P And happy Valentine's Day !!
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clfixationstation · 2 months
when characters are terrified and repulsed when they realize the violence they are capable of >>>
also when characters have no reaction at all >>>
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fulltimecatwitch · 6 months
seen at the bookstore today in "The Star Wars Book"
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nice to see Resistance is acknowledged at least in a book 🧡🧡😭
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despairots · 7 months
forever a jeagerists 😓💔
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aleynnasworld · 1 year
same characters different reality
levi and kaz
eren and anakin
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darth-memes · 2 years
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ellements001 · 1 year
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arthur-kilgore · 2 years
Okay I started watching star wars resistance and if nothing else it’s incredibly valid for giving us more captain phasma content
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locitapurplepink · 1 month
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locitawritingsblog · 20 days
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Long short story, Yeager couldn't sleep so he decided to take a walk around. When he checked out the garage, he noticed Kaz sat on the ground as staring at a moon.
Yeager walked to Kaz then asked "What are you doing this late ?"
Kaz sighed "Can't sleep."
"Neither do I." Yeager sat besides him to join staring at the night sky.
Then Kaz offered "Wanna some tea ?" Yeager saw there were two cups of tea, one of them was already used by him.
"I made extra just in case."
Yeager accepted Kaz's offer and drank his tea. "Mmm....It's good." Kaz smiled sad "Thanks. My mother was used to make this whenever I feel upset especially I didn't always get along with my father."
Yeager was surprised "I see....I'm sure things getting better with your father soon."
Kaz scoffed "You don't know about my father as much as me. He doesn't think the first order is a threat." Yeager was shocked "Really ?"
Kaz nodded "He doesn't even like the resistance. He thinks they are extremists."
"Oh boy..." Yeager drank his tea to calm his nerve then asking "How do you really sure you wanna join the resistance ?"
"I guess....I've been hearing a lot about the resistance when I was in academy even my squad and I were doing the mission to give the resistance an information they need and that's where I met Poe."
"Yourself ?" Yeager raised his eyebrow.
"You remember the red tie fighter were chasing you around this station ?"
"Yeah, he was really good but you handled better." Yeager said.
Kaz smiled "I have my moments." Yeager smiled back as they gave themselves a cheer with their cups then drank their teas as they stared back at the moon.
Taglist : @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad
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dio-icarticaae · 9 months
Recently rewatched Star Wars Resistance Season 2 Episode 3, "Live Fire", and it's such a good demonstration of all the various kinds of pilots in Resistance and how good the show is at illustrating the difference between them. There's subtle difference between all of the pilots of course, but there's two main really glaring distinctions: First Order vs Resistance/non First Order pilots, and Yeager & Kaz vs the Aces.
The difference between Yeager & Kaz and the Aces is really fascinating and also officially spells out one of the best subtle details in Resistance - Kaz is not as good at racing because of his combat pilot background that he still uses. Kaz struggles with racing flying throughout the show because he isn't a racer or thinking like a racing pilot - he's a combat pilot and he flies like one and thinks like one. And in reverse, the Aces aren't good in combat because In a race, every ace is capable of beating him handily. In a combat scenario? Kaz and Yeager pick them off effortlessly because that the kind of piloting they are best at and have been taught. Kaz loses races all the time, but in situations like in the first season fighting the sea monster? Kaz is clearly far more at ease with flying in that situation than the Aces. And the race later in the season 2? Kaz wins that not only because of the knowledge gained about the course through watching the Aces fail to go through it, but also because what with the mines, being shot at, etc., it's more of a combat situation and that's what Kaz is good at.
Sidenote - I always find it fun that Griff is the one who is most apprehensive about their chances in the training exercise. It makes sense; having been in the Empire he's well aware of what Rebellion pilots were capable of working together and he knows this will not end well for the Aces.
A minor addition to that is the difference between Yeager and Kaz as pilots is one of experience and leadership skills. Yeager's a Rebellion veteran, and you can tell - he's comfortable with being in command and giving orders to his fellow pilots in a way that Kaz isn't. He's also a little more adaptable to strange circumstances such as a giant creature trying to eat them - he saw a lot of wild things during the Rebellion so he's (less) phased than Kaz. Yeager as a pilot is who Kaz could be in the future.
The other main difference in pilots is, of course, the difference in how the First Order treats its pilots in training and how the Resistance/literally everyone else does and "Live Fire" does a great job of showing those. Yeager is so matter of fact when says of course they're not going to use live fire on each other. For the Aces, it's a given that they wouldn't be practicing with live fire because why would they? One of them could get hurt/their ship could get destroyed and that would not be good. And what's really to be gained from it?
In contrast, the First Order doesn't care if they lose a trainee in an exercise because of "friendly" fire - in fact that's preferable through some kind of "survival of the fittest" mindset. Tam preventing Rucklin's TIE from crashing into the Star Destroyer bridge also prevents a possible catastrophe and shows that she's a good pilot with good leadership skills - but because she shows compassion she loses squad leader.
Tam doesn't fit in the First Order survival of the fittest mold and it's a very early indication that Tam will leave the First Order - she's not like them and she could never be because her first instinct is to help her fellow pilots instead of leave them for dead, and that makes her a better person and pilot than any of them could ever be.
"Live Fire" does a great job of showing all of this and that's definitely a part of why it's one of my favorite Resistance episodes!
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ringsofsaturnnnn · 7 months
the crow club is open for business!
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welcome to the crow club lovely patron! are you feeling lucky today? if so, ante up! don’t worry, the dealer won’t cheat, or will she?
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ah, glad to see you’re feeling brave. before we begin, the dealer wants to know what game you’ll be playing and how much you want to bet. she’ll also need to know of any extra information you may want to let her know.
oh? you’re not familiar with the games and how to bet? that’s quite alright, i’ll allow her to explain how to play and the rules of our fine establishment.
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attack on titan — poker
jean kirstein | red chip
eren yeager | grey chip
hange zoe | orange chip
levi ackerman | black chip
mikasa ackerman | purple chip
armin arlert | light blue chip
choose your own character | all in
my hero academia — blackjack
eijiro kirishima | red chip
denki kaminari | blue chip
katsuki bakugou | grey chip
keigo hawks | orange chip
shoto todoroki | black chip
choose your own character | all in
tokyo ghoul — roulette
ken kaneki | white chip
hideyoshi nagachika | red chip
touka kirishima | blue chip
juuzou suzuya | green chip
ayato kirishima | purple chip
choose your own character | all in
naruto — baccarat
naruto uzumaki | white chip
itachi uchiha | blue chip
sasuke uchiha | green chip
gaara | orange chip
tsunade | black chip
kakashi hatake | pink chip
choose your own character | all in
six of crows — three man bramble
matthias helvar | red chip
nina zenik | blue chip
jesper fahey | green chip
wylan van eck | purple chip
inej ghafa | yellow chip
kaz brekker | brown chip
choose your own character | all in
dealer’s choice — you choose the fandom, i choose the character
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would you like a drink before you play?
shirley temple - fluff
rum & coke - angst
cosmopolitan - smut
bartender’s choice - i choose
special mix - you give me your own prompt (e.g. academic rivals to lovers)
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the rules of the crow club are fairly simple.
- you do NOT have to be 18+ to submit a request, but please refrain from submitting anon smut requests.
- when it comes to requesting, please select what game you’re playing, how much you’re betting, and what drink you’d like. along with this, please add any specific details/plot you’d like.
- please be patient with me. i haven’t written for some of these characters in a HOT minute, so it may take me a minute to fall back into their groove!
- UNLESS SPECIFIED IN ASK, the length of the request is up to my discretion
- if you have any questions, feel free to message me or ask in my ask box!
- all posts will be tagged with #: ̗̀➛ crow club specialties
- credit for the idea goes to :: @chaotic-on-main! thank you so much for allowing me to use your idea and put my own spin on it! 💕
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have fun & good luck. may the luck of the cards be on your side..
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As I begin work on making the bracket for the Star Wars Pilots Tournament, there are unfortunately many characters that will not make it into the showdown. These characters were submitted very late in the game and/or only got one submission each, so they are sadly not eligible.
So, ladies, gentlemen, and all other associations of being, I invite you to join me in raising a glass to those pilots who simply did not qualify.
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Dak Ralter (The Empire Strikes Back)
Submitted propaganda: Look he's not really piloting and also he dies in his only scene but I love him
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2. Col "Fake Wedge" Takbright (A New Hope)
Submitted propaganda: Totally would have kicked ass in the Battle of Yavin if he had been there
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3. Thane Kyrell (Lost Stars)
Submitted propaganda: An ex-Imperial who defected and fought in the Rebellion, including the battle of Hoth, Endor and Jakku. He’s also in a very beautiful romance story with his childhood friend and Imperial pilot Ciena Ree 
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4. Oddball (Clone Wars/Revenge of the Sith)
Submitted propaganda: none :(
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5. Greez Dritus (Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor)
Submitted propaganda: none :(
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6. Jarek Yeager (Star Wars Resistance)
Submitted propaganda: Rebellion pilot who fought in the Battle of Jakku! Became a racer after the Empire fell but quit after his brother cheating in a race led to an explosion that killed his family. Moved to an out of the way fueling station and decided to run a mechanic's shop instead of piloting. He's drawn back into flying by Kaz when the First Order rises, and becomes a squadron leader/teacher for the next generation of pilots.
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7. Venisa Doza (Star Wars Resistance)
Submitted propaganda: Badass Rebellion pilot who convinced her future husband to defect from the Empire! When the First Order started to rise she immediately joined the Resistance to fight them. Awesome pilot and really good at convincing Imperials/First Order people to defect.
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8. Mara Jade Skywalker (Thrawn trilogy)
Submitted propaganda: none :(
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9. Ooryl Qrygg (Rogue Squadron)
Submitted propaganda: Ooryl is unique in what his contributions mean to his people. There are very few Gand in the Lore but Ooryl qualifies for Rogue Squadron, the best pilots of the New Republic. He also arcs to earn the right to use "I" pronouns, which is extended only to Gand who are famous enough to be known to literally every Gand that exists. 
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10. Garik "Face" Loran (X Wing - Wraith Squadron)
Submitted propaganda: none :(
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11. Myn Donos (Wraith Squadron)
Submitted propaganda: Pulled off a nearly impossible rescue (ultimately failed as the other pilot was unconscious and unable to aid) and was the only surviving member of [???]
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12. Wes Janson (Rogue Squadron + Wraith Squadron)
Submitted propaganda: none :(
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13. Derek "Hobbie" Klivian (Rogue Squadron + Wraith Squadron)
Submitted propaganda: none :(
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14. Nawara Ven (Rogue Squadron)
Submitted propaganda: none :(
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15. Temmin "Snap" Wexley (Sequel trilogy and Aftermath trilogy)
Submitted propaganda: none :(
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16. Kazuda Xiono (Star Wars Resistance)
Submitted propaganda: Resistance pilot who joins the Resistance because he wants to make a difference against the First Order and the New Republic isn't doing anything. Very good combat pilot and much more graceful in the air than he is on the ground. 
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17. Torra Doza (Star Wars Resistance)
Submitted propaganda: 15 year old racing pilot! Learned how to fly from her mom. Super good at flying and clearly has a lot of fun flying also.
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18. Hype Fazon (Star Wars Resistance)
Submitted propaganda: Super good race pilot who has to adjust to being a combat pilot when the First Order rises. Has a tendency to run from things that frighten him at first (the First Order, added responsibility, growth) but always comes back at the end. Also is delightfully cocky about his piloting skills.
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19. Isabella Garcia-Shapiro / "Pilot Isabella" (Phineas and Ferb/Star Wars crossover)
Submitted propaganda: Okay so she’s the Han Solo of the episode despite Han also being in that, but also I just think this is the funniest technically legal submission I could do I’m not a Star Wars fan <3
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20. that one ufuck (???)
Submitted propaganda: hhrrhhhghgngnhghghggngnghg i hve no fucking clue what any of this means im delirious right now im not even a star wars fan either
Believe me, y'all, I am as upset as you are over some of these not making it in. However, I made the rules and I would just be a hypocrite if I didn't follow them.
BUT stay tuned for the actual bracket with the 32 characters who DID make it in!
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fulltimecatwitch · 7 months
you can let it go
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you can throw a party full of everyone you know, and not invite your family cause they never showed you love
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you can start a family that will always show you love
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you don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up
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