#kiss ask game
adhd-coyote · 2 months
Why hello there!!! My dear partner in kissing prompts! Could I ask for Fox/Thorn with 18 - a kiss while laughing please??? ❤️🤍
Hehe yes indeed you may ask!! These two were an absolute delight to write, I love them so much
“You have freckles,” Thorn noted, idly tracing their thumb along the scar that ran down Fox’s jaw. This wasn’t the first time they’d stared at Fox’s face, and it certainly wasn’t the first time they’d noticed Fox’s freckles, but right now, snuggled up warm and safe in their bunk with plenty of time to kill, an idea popped into Thorn’s head.
“Really?” Fox tugged Thorn’s hand closer to nuzzle their palm. Despite the softness of the gesture, his voice was dripping with sarcasm when he continued, “I never noticed.”
Thorn snorted, rolling their eyes, untucked themself from Fox’s side to climb on top of him, and tangled their legs to prevent Fox from escaping. Fox raised an eyebrow, unamused but curious. “What are you doing, Thorn?”
“Gonna count ‘em.”
Fox’s second eyebrow joined the first. “You’re going to count my freckles?”
“Yep.” Thorn popped the ‘p’ and settled down, arms framing Fox’s face. “Needed to make sure I had a good angle.”
“A good angle.” There was that amused smirk that made Thorn’s heart flutter in their chest. A sharp, subtle curl of lips, like the knives Fox kept up his sleeve. “Cyare, you can barely even keep track of your hair products, how’re you gonna manage to keep count my freckles?”
“Hey! I keep track of my hair products just fine, thank you very much,” Thorn sniffed indignantly. “Now hold still so I can see.”
Fox obliged, exasperated but willing to indulge them, as always. Thorn grinned and leaned forward to nuzzle, overcome with affection, before pulling back enough to see.
“One,” they pressed a kiss to a freckle on Fox’s nose, “two,” under his eye, “three,” the center of his cheek, “four,” the corner of his mouth, “fi-”
“Are you going to kiss all of them?” Fox asked incredulously. Thorn groaned and bumped their foreheads together.
“Yes, of course I am! And don’t interrupt, otherwise I’m gonna have to start over.”
“Thought you said you weren’t gonna lose track.”
“Well I will if you distract me, Foxy. Now where was I?”
“You were on five,” Fox snickered, eyes sparkling with fond amusement. “Or maybe six? Or seven?”
Thorn’s nose wrinkled as they glared without heat. “You’re a menace. It was five.”
Fox grinned, canines flashing. “Was it? How sure are you about that, cyare? Are you absolutely positive?”
“You’re either stalling, or you’re trying to make me start over so you can get more kisses,” Thorn accused.
“Oh? Which one is it, then, hm?”
“I’m not answering that. Hush.” Thorn pressed a kiss to a freckle on the corner of Fox’s mouth. “One,” the crease in his brow, “two,” his jaw, “three-”
“So you did have to start over,” Fox cut them off again, eyes dancing with playful mischief.
“You know what? Fuck you.”
“But we already did that today, Thorn’ika.”
“You os’ika-”
Fox laughed. Clear, bright, and loud. It was a rare sound, what with the stress of their lives, and it sent sparks of warmth and love shooting through Thorn’s chest. They pressed forward into a proper kiss, drinking that sound in, craving more of it, and Fox responded in kind, until they were both breathless and panting and grinning like idiots.
“You missed.”
Thorn blinked. “Huh?”
“There aren’t any freckles on my mouth, Thorn’ika,” Fox explained, teasing. “You missed.”
“A menace,” Thorn declared again, rolling their eyes. “Now shut up and hold still. One-”
Kiss ask game
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dreamycloud · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
Here’s a snippet of the kiss ask prompt @mobius-m-mobius sent 💖 Inspiration took a hot minute to hit, but I’m really excited about this one.
With an hour lunch break, they had fallen into the habit of eating slowly, feet tangled under the table, watching the TVA wind itself up. Mobius was on a weight loss campaign, and with no small amount of displeasure, Loki watched that primordial pouch of belly shrink over the top of Mobius’ belt. But he had to pick his battles, and he had a more important one to engage.
“The cutest couple contest,” Loki supplied as Mobius chewed his salad. He batted his lashes and watched the way Mobius’ throat bobbed in response. “The prize is unlimited automat pies for an entire year-cycle.”
Mobius swallowed. “Some lucky bastards will enjoy that.”
“We’re the lucky bastards,” Loki said with a wide grin. He fanned out his hands. “You and I. We’re going to win.”
Mobius blinked. A frown tugged at the corners of his mouth. “You want us to pretend to be couple so we win the prize?”
“There’s my clever agent,” Loki said, holding the grin.
Mobius rocked his head side to side, irritated. “Come on, Loki. No one is gonna buy that.”
“Why not?” Loki nudged his foot against Mobius’ under the table. “It’s easier than you think. We’re always together. All we have to do is turn up the heat. All that pie is as good as ours.”
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electron-road-suspect · 7 months
For kisses! Bojere! Number 20 please!
I flipped this one on its head a bit. Can be read either as in my universe or not. CW: references to childhood injury
20. …on a scar.
Jere finds it one day in bed, as they lie there together naked, chatting and touching as if they have all the time in the world.
"What is this from?" Jere asks, as he runs his finger over the thin scar on Bojan's left side.
"Stupid accident when I was a kid," Bojan replies. "I was running around with a stick and I slipped and fell and jammed the stick into my own side. It scraped the whole way up and hurt like hell. I'm surprised that I was left with so little of a scar, honestly."
Jere hums and then places a line of kisses along the scar, from the dip of Bojan's hip to the bottom of his ribcage. Bojan squirms slightly as he does it, and Jere laughs into Bojan's skin.
"I tickle?" he asks, and Bojan shakes his head.
"Nah, you're good," he says. But at this, Jere pauses.
"Bojan doesn't like that he has a scar?" Jere asks.
Bojan frowns slightly. No, actually, he doesn't really like that he has a scar. It's not super noticeable but it's still there, every day, crawling up the side of his body for him to see every time he's in the shower.
"I mean. I guess I don't really think about it much," Bojan lies, and Jere's eyes narrow.
"I think," Jere says, placing a kiss at the bottom of the scar. "That Bojan," kiss, "is beautiful," kiss, "all over," kiss, "especially," kiss, "this scar." He punctuates his sentence with a kiss at the top of his scar, then gives Bojan a loaded look. "Or does Bojan think that all scars are ugly?"
Bojan breath is punched out of him as he says, "God, Jere, no, no, not at all."
Jere is still giving him that Look. "Good," he says, like a warning, and then he flops down against Bojan's side and cuddles in. "And if you lie to me, it's okay. I just have to tell you again later."
Bojan smiles. "I guess that's a fitting punishment."
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zeroducks-2 · 4 months
💙 With Sladick? hehe
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💙 drunken kiss / tipsy
(please note that Dick is 19 here even if Slade keeps saying he's a kid)
Getting close to that kid has been easier than Slade thought. A couple of well placed compliments, no mentions of the bruise on his face, rather a few well placed questions at the right time.
Grayson had left his home in a hurry that night, with just the clothes on his back, obviously after a fight with his parental figure. He thinks he won't be recognized here, which is fair; his motorbike brought him to a watering hole in the outskirts of Gotham where no one would expect the her to Wayne's fortune to hang. Slade knew to follow him there only because said motorbike had been recently bugged with a tracker.
And the other obvious thing is that he's flirting with an older man because he knows his daddy wouldn't approve. Which is pretty convenient, and means he doesn't recoil or anything when Slade fixes a lock of hair behind his ear.
There's a glimpse of wariness in his eyes when Slade orders two more whisky neat, but then the kid clearly decides to fuck it and downs the whole glass, to Slade's warm and appreciative smile.
Leaning down and brush his lips to the boy's is a moment, and Grayson blinks, his breathing just so slightly picking up before he reaches up and kisses him by his own volition, making it urgent, like he needed it to breathe. Slade has to thank Wayne for making it so easy, really. And the boy is really cute anyway. He's professional enough not to do this on a job, but spending a couple of hours with the little thing in some motel won't do any harm.
kiss ask game here!
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jmagnabo92 · 3 months
💜 with Prongsfoot plsss
A Surpise Kiss!
There have been so many times in recent weeks that James has described his perfect person to date to Sirius hoping that he would notice that James is describing him and be like ‘oh, well, then, we should date’, but … he hasn’t. 
It’s just not working.  He’s beating around the bush and it’s time to just go for it, especially when he tries one more time and Sirius’ response is…
“I’m sure you’ll find who you’re looking for eventually.”
“Maybe I’ve already met him.”
“Oh?” Sirius asks, looking surprised.  “Who is it?”
Rather than respond verbally, James surges forward and kisses him. 
Sirius has no idea what’s going on, one minute he’s talking to James.  The next, James’ hands are in his hair, holding his face, and his lips are against Sirius’ and he’s… so confused and surprised.
And happy, too. 
James wants to be … with him. 
It’s the best way for him to tell him that it’s Sirius that he wants.  So, Sirius tells him he feels the same way by kissing him back just as passionately, which appears to surprise James. 
He pulls him closer to him by the waist and inadvertently ends up pulling them off-balance and tumbling to the floor together breaking their kiss apart. 
“Er, hi,” James says, bashfully despite the fact that he’s currently laying on top of Sirius and he just kissed him in a surprise kiss attack.  “So, erm, any chance you wanna date me?”
Sirius chuckles.  “Are you kidding me?  Kiss attack me first then ask later?”
“I’ve been trying to ask for ages!”
“Well, I – I never said the words but I kept describing my perfect man as basically you…”
Sirius shakes his head.  “You were describing me, but James… you could’ve just… said Hey, Si, wanna kiss me …”
James chuckles.  “Yeah, well, I thought I was being obvious.”
“A kiss certainly helps, I’ll tell you that!”
“So, is that a yes?”
“Of course it’s a yes.”
Hope you like it anon. :)
Thanks for the ask!
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moonstruck-stormy · 4 months
🎲 Alex and Fires maybeeeee,,,,,
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What do you do when you catch a thief? Kiss him of course!
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zeebreezin · 4 months
random generator gave me 40 so, an impulsive kiss with two guys of your choice?? >:3
Okay, so, before I get blown up for this one - I blame Viric. Nothing else to say in my defense though.
#40 - An Impulsive Kiss (Horror Mode!)
Conversation rarely fills the space anymore. Hours would pass aboard the ice-locked ship in near silence, the only sounds being the groaning of the Arctic’s pressure against her wooden hull. The crew spend their days in a mockery of routine, standing at posts half frozen to their boots. There used to be more to this, though that’s hard to remember at this point. Noises. Life. Chatter, in the early days. But the frost had torn such pleasantries away, the frigid air scrapping at throats and social convention for months at this point. Heavy boots on the wooden decks used to disperse some of the quiet. Now, one by one, even those are falling silent. .
Days and nights passed in a blur, the few thin hours of hazy sunlight long since swallowed by perpetual night this late in the season. There was a time where Lt. Grace had tried to keep track of the date. Now, though, there was only one thing that truly marked the passage of time. The ringing of the frost coated ship’s bell cut through his half-conscious pacing like a blade. A summoning of the crew. There was only one reason for those at this point.
That couldn’t be right - it hadn’t been long enough. Had it?
Nevertheless, the crew shuffled onto the deck. A sea of wild hair and blue uniforms, both in varying states of disregard. A few words were passed between them, pleasantries muttered through bleeding lips. Some muttered prayers. Others looked on the brink of tears already, though they kept their gaze low. A few stood near the back, hunger barely concealed in their eyes. Grace surveyed the crowd, doing all he could to maintain the commanding air of an officer even as his stomach churned. There were so few, now. Even if the ice melted tonight, in some grand miracle, there wouldn’t be enough hands to sail a vessel of this size anywhere near a port.
The lieutenant wanted to believe that the cold and the wild had taken most of them. That the many hammocks that now swung empty could be blamed on the wrath of nature, on illness, on winter itself - not hungry, mortal hands. He wanted to believe that, truly. But he couldn’t be sure. Not anymore.
A cold, shivering fist held the straws high. Once, there had been a bit of ceremony to the process. Not anymore. The first draws occurred without incident. Tense men shuffling forwards, breathing the smallest sighs of relief. Collapsing into the arms of the others as they stepped out of line, a thin strip of wood still held in a shaking hand.
Grace was next in line when it happened. An able bodied sailor stood in front of him, his wide eyes nearly swallowed by his ginger curls. Grace barely managed to catch a glimpse of that short, bloodied straw before the sailor screamed. It was a desperate, animalistic sound, dwarfing even the chime of the bell that marked when a man must die.
After hours of frigid stagnation, everything began to move at once.
Grace took a step back as the sailor turned away from the officer holding the straws, eyes wide with terror. A flash of steel under the fading firelight, somewhere far behind him. The sailor lunged for him, that same despairing screech still ringing in his ears as Grace tried to stumble back, losing his footing along the way and sending the two sprawling onto the ship’s deck. A cry of pain - someone stuck a blade deep into the sailor’s back on the way down, hungry eyes baring down as Grace tried to get his bearings. The sailor coughed up a spray of crimson.
Then, with a wild, tearful look in his eyes, the man who drew the short straw pressed a kiss to Grace’s lips. He was muttering something as they pulled him away, a few others of the crew staying behind to check on the lieutenant's condition. The sailor’s last words, a desperate plea to a lover he would never again see. The lieutenant’s clawing hands, a poor substitute for a last embrace. The sounds of butchery covered up anything else he may have screamed to the heavens.
Grace couldn’t hear the name that the sailor had been calling out to, through the footfalls and pain. The taste of iron lingered on his lips for far too long, after the meal that night.
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lilac-hecox · 6 months
💜 amangela?
The last thing Angela expects is to see Amanda enter the office wearing a dominatrix outfit. She does a double take as Arasha lets out a low wolf whistle, to which Amanda pretends to blush and fan herself. She looks incredible. She’s sexy as hell. She’s got this tight leather dress, harnesses and buckles, a collar, eye make-up. Angela’s never ever imagined Amanda like this but she feels like she’s going to lose it now seeing her in person.
Amanda is always warm and sexy, but in her way, this, the way she’s dressed, her sexiness is amplified by one thousand. Angela’s jaw drops as Amanda makes her way over to where she and Chanse, and a few other cast members are milling around.
“Amanda, you look sickening,” Chanse says, giving her an up and down.
“Thanks,” Amanda says, playing with the end of her fake ponytail. “What do you think, Ang?” Amanda says, turning her gaze to Angela.
“Uh,” Angela says, no thoughts entering her brain, well, none besides. HOT. HOT. HOT. But she can’t say that. “Yeah, wow, sickening.”
Amanda stares at her a beat too long, where Angela feels ready to spill her guts but then Spencer is calling her name and wandering over to get a picture taken of himself with Amanda in her costume.
While Amanda is distracted, Angela hightails it to the bathroom to hide out. She cannot deal with Amanda looking like a dominating smoke show out there right now. It’s doing hell to Angela’s crush on Amanda, only making it feel a hundred times worse.
The door to the hallway bathroom is locked and Angela huffs and goes to walk to the one on the opposite side of the office when she wheels around and bumps into Amanda in the small expanse of a lonely hallway.
“Oh! Hey!” Angela says nervously, staring up at Amanda.
“Hey,” Amanda says with a grin, “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine! I... Why do you ask?”
“You’re being weirder than usual,” Amanda says with a laugh, “are you keeping a secret?”
Angela’s eyes widen and she shakes her head and giggles nervously, “No!”
Amanda tsks and she’s got that look on her face like she does when she has found a golden bit to keep doing. She sinks into costumes and characters so easily. Angela shouldn’t be surprised when Amanda tucks a finger under her chin and lifts it so that Angela is looking into her eyes.
“Do you want to tell mommy your secret?” Amanda asks, wiggling her eyebrows, but her voice is pitched low, and Angela feels a real heat surge through her.
Later, Angela will blame the costume, or the acting, or something that hasn’t been her wanting to kiss Amanda for months now.
She leans into Amanda’s touch and connects their mouths in a warm kiss. Amanda gasps in surprise, but she holds Angela on her shoulders as then, her eyes fall close, and they are kissing and Amanda backs Angela against the wall of the hallway as their mouths slot together in a perfect fashion.
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chans-room · 20 days
🖤 [ Bite ] WIth Bang Chan please for the love of god
omg you AND @bangtanintotheroom know me too well 😮‍💨 and i may have gotten carried away....
You’d been teasing Chan all day. You’d stolen the coffee out of his hand, snagged his phone, plopped in his lap while he was working, and still; not a single reaction out of him. He’d just laughed when you took his coffee (and laughed harder when you gave it right back tasting the protein powder), shook his head when you giggled after taking his phone, and covered your face in kisses while abandoning his work.
And while you appreciated your boyfriend’s endless patience and amusement, what you wanted was him to tease you back.
You hadn’t been able to stop thinking about how he had chased after you, taunting you as you ran from him when your end of summer pool party had dissolved into a water balloon fight a week ago. The way his voice dropped and the menacing look on his face as he rain behind you sent your heart and stomach fluttering.
But desperate times called for desperate measures. And you were desperate.
His bare back was to you as he stood in your kitchen, pants slung low on his hips as he hummed to himself over the bowl of ice cream on the counter.
You crept up behind him, holding your breath as you hoped this do the trick, and snatched the beanie off his head before taking off running, giggling as you went.You heard the spoon clatter, and the affronted noise Chan made in response before he roared, “Get back here you little minx!”
“Gotta catch me first!” You called back, skidding down the hall. You cautioned a look over your shoulder as you turned the corner and saw the sharp grin on his face, sending a flurry of butterflies into your stomach and a spike of adrenaline through your body. But it had cost you; his arms wrapping around your waist pulled a shriek of delight and surprise out of you as your feet skimmed along the floor.
“What’s got my baby so riled up today, huh?” He rumbled in your ear, chuckling as you tried to wiggle out of his grasp.
You simply shrugged in response, giggling as he flung both of you onto the bed, ending up trapped underneath his frame.
The smirk on his face was predatory, and you felt yourself shiver. You were completely at his mercy, but there was no one you trusted more. Before you could react to the uptick of his mouth, his lips were on yours. You sank into the sensation, relishing in the familiarity, but the sharp nips he left on your mouth made you gasp.
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it? Don’t be shy baby,” he breathed against your skin, lips and teeth trailing down your chin and across your neck.
“It is, Channie,” you sighed, reveling in the way the bites surprised you, and the feel of his tongue lathed over the marks as soon as he left them. An eyebrow raise directed your way made you roll your eyes and continue, “you wouldn’t tease me back. Had to do something.”
“You’re just too easy to read babe,” he huffed out a laugh, goosebumps breaking out across your skin at the puff of air cooling the growing collection of wet marks on your neck. “Did you ever consider I was trying to get you to act out, just like I knew you would?” He asked, trailing his mouth back up to yours.
Your head swam as you tried to make sense of what he was saying, “I don’t—“
But he cut you off with a sharp nip to your lower lip, catching it between his teeth before sucking it into his mouth and releasing it with a pop. “I didn’t fall into your trap, honey. You fell into mine. And since you got what you wanted, it’s my turn now.”
send me an emoji ✨
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I don’t know if this is the right place to do it, but ❤️ - laenyra !!!
❤️ first kiss / realization
(Yep, this is the right place to ask :))
This is closer to canon verse than Second Conquest, but I'm still keeping Laena and Rhaenyra's pre-existing friendship from the books/in Second Conquest that isn't really in the show. Also Laena is not yet married to Daemon here.
Edit after writing: ... Somehow this turned out way more angsty than I thought it would.
"So Princess, how do you find my noble brother?"
Laena is waiting for Rhaenyra when she returns from her formal introduction to Ser Laenor.
"Agreeable enough." It's unspoken that neither of them have particularly enjoyed these last few moons. Between Rhaenyra's 'grand tour' - though one could hardly call it that as it was more a thing that happened in fits and starts around the Crownlands and Stormlands than any proper full tour of the kingdoms - and Laena's own multiple trips to Braavos, they'd seen so little of each other.
Laena snorts in a rather unladylike way. "A fit husband?"
Rhaenyra sits down next to her friend. It seems just yesterday they were flying together, and constantly arm-in-arm, no worries in the world. Now she can hear the tension in Laena's voice.
"An agreeable one."
"Only agreeable? My poor Lord Father will be devested."
"Laena." Rhaenyra says her friend's name softly, shifting closer and tentatively laying her head on Laena's shoulder.
"Rhaenyra." Laena almost whispers her name.
"As much as I would find Laenor an agreeable husband-" Rhaenyra swallows. It hurts. Everything hurts. It has hurt since they had said their goodbyes on the beaches of Driftmark those few moons ago. "I would rather prefer his lady sister."
Laena goes stiff at that, and Rhaenyra can hear her friend's sudden intake of breath. "Princess, I-" Laena's mouth opens and closes before she surges forward to kiss the surprised princess.
Laena's lips are soft, and Rhaenyra finds herself reaching for something - Laena's riding gear, her arms, anything - trying to pull her precious friend closer. Anything so that it wouldn't end, this perfect feeling that reminded her more of flying than anything else.
Even when it does end - both of them panting and still in each other's arms - Rhaenyra finds that she only wants more. And well, she is a princess. The second kiss is nothing like the first - all tenderness and softness, with no definite end as it blended into a third and a fourth. Was this, Rhaenyra thought, what the songs spoke of? Was this the love they coveted so highly? It must be. She could imagine nothing else like it save for flying.
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adhd-coyote · 2 months
May I humbly request 24 with Fox/Echo/Fives please?
Oooh, yes you may!! This one is short and sweet <3
24 - A sleepy kiss
Fox is really fucking tired. It’s been gods know how many hours since he’s slept, and his last cup of caff wore off ages ago. He’s lost count of how many back-to-back shifts he’s done, but he knows it’s far too many. Unfortunately, with Thire still on bedrest after that riot, Fox and the other Commanders have had their hands full.
He’s looking forward to finally being able to catch a few hours of sleep. He’d run to his bed if he had the energy for it, but he doesn’t, so he’ll have to settle for walking — more like stumbling — as quickly as he can to his bunkroom without tripping over his own two feet.
Fox punches in the code on instinct, steps inside, and tugs off his bucket with a sigh. He’s about to start on the rest of his armor when movement catches his eye. His head snaps, up hand hovering over his blaster- “Oh.”
Fives is blinking at him from his bed, sat up against the wall with a sleeping Echo using his shoulder as a pillow. He smiles sleepily and makes grabby hands at Fox. “Was waitin’ for you to get back from shift. C’mere?”
“Lemme get my kit off.” Fox can’t help but smile as he begins to make quick work of the rest of his armor. “Didn’t know you two were on planet.”
“Just landed a few hours ago,” Fives yawns and nudges Echo awake. Echo grumbles, nose wrinkling adorably. Fives pokes him again, then continues, “Thorn said you’d be off shift soon, so we came to wait. Didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
“You’re fine,” Fox assures as he slips off the last piece of armor and climbs in with them. Fives tugs him close with a happy hum, while Echo immediately buries his nose in Fox’s hair.
“Missed you,” Echo mumbles into Fox’s dark curls. Fox smiles and tilts his head to steal a kiss.
“Missed you too, cyare. And you,” he catches Fives in a kiss as well, murmuring against his lips, “Missed you both so much.”
Each of them press a kiss to either of his cheeks, and then wordlessly tug him down to lay sandwiched in between them, Echo curled around his back and Fives pressed against his front. Echo’s nose is back in his hair, while Fives has tucked himself under Fox’s chin. If they were tookas, they’d be purring up a storm. Unsurprisingly, Echo is already fast asleep again.
Fives presses one last kiss to his shoulder. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” Fox kisses the crown of his head, yawns, and allows sleep to pull him into its embrace.
Kiss ask game
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dreamycloud · 3 months
Thank you, @mirilyawrites, for the prompt! The idea came fully-formed in my head and I just ran with it haha. You can’t tell me that a Wanda variant won’t try to get to Loki one day. Anyway, True Love’s Kiss / Magic Kiss / Healed feels like it was made for Lokius. I don’t make the rules. (Also on AO3).
Yggdrasil was red. Poisonous red, infecting the branches of the multiverse. Every TemPad in the organization emitted a beeping alarm. Mobius spit out his hot cocoa, spraying the papers on his desk, and had to cover his eyes as the emergency lights flashed on the floor.
The multiverse is in danger, came Miss Minutes’ voice over the intercom. No evacuation is required at this time, but y’all please stay alert for forthcoming developments.
Heart pounding, Mobius pushed back his chair. His plans for the day had been to fill his gut with processed sugar, and [maybe] get ahead of the Kang investigation on Branch 5089, but now?
“Damnit, Loki, what did you do?” he muttered to himself, making a run for the elevator. He used his boot to hit the right floor. His TemPad went off with a message from B-15 telling him to meet her in the old Temporal Loom control room. Of course. That was where he was already heading.
When he arrived, he hadn’t expected to see anything different from the soulless expanse of space beyond the gangway. The dead end, he called it, because no amount of squinting nor O.B.’s drone probes revealed the path to the multiversal tree.
“Mobius, you’re here!” O.B. said when the doors opened to the control room. He was sweaty, sleeves rolled up, but smiling just the same. “Can’t do this without you!”
“Funny, ‘cause I’m only good for moral support these days,” Mobius grumbled, ready to berate himself for not being useful enough to help O.B. beyond handing him a fresh piece of chalk for his equations—when he realized the room was awash in red.
His breath left his lungs in a rush when he looked out the window. No longer was there just empty space. The gangway stretched outward, abruptly ending, but there was a rip in the Space Beyond Time. Through the rip he could see Yggdrasil glowing red. They could simply walk right into it without a fuss—a terrifying prospect, considering Loki himself never dared open the door to anyone, let alone his friends. This was not the god’s intention. Something was beyond wrong.
“Get me a suit,” Mobius barked, his cheeks flushed with adrenaline. He ripped off his tie, giving himself more air. “I’m going over there.”
“We don’t need suits anymore,” B-15 said, showing up in full Hunter armor, with new embellishments to mark her as the Leader of the TVA. She grimly fisted her pruning stick.
“She’s right,” O.B. said, looking up from one of the consoles. “Once we’re all here, let’s go. We don’t want to delay.”
“Who else are we expecting?” Mobius asked. He shifted his weight, eyeing the rip in case it decided to close up on them while they stood around talking.
B-15 only smiled. Grim, determined, but in control.
“We” turned out to include Casey, arriving out of breath with a pack of gadgets O.B. cooed over, probably asked for by the genius. D-90 showed up in his armor and bearing a set of handcuffs. A TimeDoor opened, smooth as silk, and Sylvie stepped through, wearing her usual houndstooth coat, knives twitching in her fingers.
“You owe me,” she mouthed at B-15, who huffed in response, and Mobius fought hard not to roll his eyes.
They gathered, eyeing each other as O.B. opened the blast doors. No temporal radiation. The air was cool. No breeze. A whole lot of nothing if you didn’t count the glowing red tree beyond the rip. The sound of their hurried steps across the gangway rang in Mobius’ ears. There was no gap between the end of the gangway and the stony, gold-fissured ground at the End of Time.
Sylvie went first, stepping over the glowing rip and planting her right foot on the stone. “Safe,” she said, stepping all the way in. They followed.
Mobius was sure Yggdrasil was a glorious sight when it was healthy. But red was never a favorite color of his, and it made his eyes water as he looked up and saw the branches twisting and stretching over his head. Whatever infected the branches hadn’t put Time at a standstill, but it was still wrong. “Loki’s lost control,” he said, offering Casey a hand as he crossed over.
“Seems like it. Loki’s magic is green,” O.B. said.
Mobius gasped. Right. Right. “That’s it, O.B.! This is someone else’s magic. And I know exactly who.”
Sylvie turned in a slow circle. “Share with the class?”
“The Scarlet Witch. Wanda Maximoff. She’s the only magic user I can think of who could go toe-to-toe with Loki. She’s bent reality to her will before. She’d do something like this to get what she wants.”
“What does she want?” B-15 asked.
“What else?” Mobius muttered. “Her boys.”
They made quick work heading for the center of the tree where the branches thickened and gathered together like a trunk. And just as Mobius suspected, they found the Scarlet Witch treating the branches like pull n’ peel Twizzlers, checking each one for the variables she wanted.
“Stop,” B-15 shouted, twisting the pruning stick on. “Put down the branches!”
The Scarlet Witch did no such thing. Her eyes were luminous, half-crazed with want, her mouth twitching like a tick. “Why won’t you leave me alone? I only want my family back. It’s just such a little thing. Who are you to come between a mother and her children?”
Mobius shoved his way to the front of their group. “Where’s Loki? What have you done with him?”
The witch released a toneless laugh. “He wouldn’t give them to me, so I pulled him off the chessboard.” She flicked her hand and the branches in the trunk parted.
Loki, God of Stories, sat on a throne in the center of the trunk. His arms were spread, fingers curled on nothing, because the branches he must have been holding prior to his confrontation with her had twisted around his wrists and forearms, binding him rather than the other way around. His horned crown hung crooked on his head. His skin, dyed red from the lights, looked sickly. His chest rose and fell, but he looked like he was sleeping. Not a peaceful sleep. His cheeks were hollow, his body slumped like melting wax on the throne.
“He is powerful, and he is clever,” The Scarlet Witch said with a curious little smirk, “but everyone has a weakness. I saw a pain like mine in him. He’ll never unbind himself from my spell.”
Mobius felt a fury like never before boil under his skin. “What. Did. You. Do?”
“It’s cute,” she said, peeling away another rejected branch. “He’s alone at the End of Time. No friends. No family. No one who would choose him first. Call me cliche, but I put him to sleep forever. Only true love’s kiss will wake him.”
“Fiction,” O.B. whispered, lowering the gadget Casey had handed him.
Mobius shuddered. This wasn’t science. This was magic, and the laws that the witch used to bind Loki had to be obeyed to free him. But how impossible was that? Did Loki have a true love, or was he as alone as he always thought? Mobius felt sick, seconds away from bending over to vomit his hot cocoa.
“We don’t have time to play your games, witch,” Sylvie said, putting her knives away only to summon green flares of magic at the tips of her fingers. “Back away from the tree. Slowly.”
The Scarlet Witch’s eyes glowed red. Her smile turned into a snarl.
Fear crawled up Mobius’ throat. All his research, those mindless hours spent in the Archive, came back to him in a flash. He remembered what she was capable of. He watched the footage of another variant of the Scarlet Witch mow down the Illuminati. He couldn’t handle seeing his friends die the same way. He wouldn’t let it happen.
“Wait,” Mobius said, stepping in front of Sylvie, his hand out, pleading. Reasoning. “Wanda, listen to me. We work for the TVA. The Time Variance Authority. We study time. We protect it. O.B. can run an analysis of the branches faster than you can search them. We can find a branch for you.”
Her eyes still glowing, fingers claws, she yelled, “The hell you can!”
“You’re looking for a branch with two orphaned boys, twin boys. Billy and Tommy. They need their mother. We can unite them with you,” Mobius said, breathing hard, hands shaking, though his voice was soft and calm as ever.
Something about Mobius knowing their names broke the Scarlet Witch. A cry burst from his lips. The red glow in her eyes gave way to tears.
“I understand you,” Mobius said, slowly approaching her, his eyes never leaving her face. “My boys were taken from me too. Sean and Kevin. Good boys, mischievous scamps. I’ll never see them again. Can’t even recall what it was like to be their dad. But you, you’re different. You could never forget. I want you to have them back. Can you trust me? Trust us? We’re not your enemies.”
Wanda took loud, gasping breaths. She collapsed to her knees. She looked up at him with her tear-streaked face. “Who are you?”
“Loki’s friends,” Mobius said with a soft laugh. “His family.”
Mobius wasn’t sure how much time passed, and how long it took for D-90 and B-15 to cuff Wanda and pull her to her feet. Mobius just remembered resting his hand on the small of Wanda’s back, whispering comforting words, sharing her pain, borrowing it to properly mourn the loss of his own boys in the moment.
“We’ll take her back, put in her in holding cell until we find her a new branch,” B-15 said, her grip firm on one of Wanda’s arms.
“You’ll see them real soon,” O.B. promised, bending down so he could look in Wanda’s eyes.
Wanda went quiet, pliant, as B-15 and D-90 walked her back through the rip and to the TVA.
“Tree’s still red,” O.B. said, standing next to Casey.
Sylvie scrunched her nose. “Loki hasn’t woken up either.”
He wouldn’t. Not with that damn magic kiss hanging over their heads. Mobius felt something hard and splintery grind together in his chest. “Looks like Sylvie’s up now,” he said flatly.
Sylvie startled. “Me? Why me?”
“You’re his girlfriend,” he said, stabbing himself with his own words, even as he flung them at Sylvie. This wasn’t something either of them had discussed, mainly because Sylvie kept to her chosen branch and wasn’t all that talkative when she got dragged into TVA emergencies. But he remembered how she and Loki’s hands linked in the fight against Dox, how easily they read each other with just a look across a room. There had even been a kiss at the End of Time, which thinking about always made Mobius’ gut squirmy. But this wasn’t about him. Waking Loki up was the goal, his own heart be damned.
“Eww!” Sylvie’s face screwed up like she’d sucked on a lemon and she dry-heaved. “I’m not his anything. Let’s be clear on that. I made the mistake once of kissing him and it won’t happen again.”
“Do you want him to stay sleeping forever?” Mobius yelled, losing his cool.
“Do you?” O.B. said, gently, breaking the tension.
Mobius narrowed his eyes, confused.
“It’s your turn, Mobius,” O.B. said. He made it sound like a fact.
Casey smiled behind his hand. Sylvie crossed her arms, waiting for Mobius to catch up.
Mobius stepped backwards. Threw up his hands. “I’m not… I can’t be.”
“Who else, if not you?” Sylvie said, impatient.
Who else? Mobius looked at his friends and found no escape. They all expected him to kiss Loki. A vicious ache he’d buried long ago came crawling to the surface. Kissing Loki. The big dream, the delusion he never acted on before. Even now, rescuing Loki with a kiss seemed like a role written for someone else. But he had to try. How he wanted to try.
With a sharp nod, Mobius turned on his heel and made his way up the jagged steps leading to the throne. His heartbeat drowned out his thoughts. He licked his lips nervously. It was second nature to cup Loki’s jaw with shaking fingers. The god’s skin was hot—not a good sign—and his breath stirred Mobius’ mustache as he leaned close.
Loki was hollow-cheeked, hot as a fever, limp as if someone had cut the strings above his head.
“Please,” Mobius whispered, squeezing his eyes shut in a prayer, and pressed his lips to Loki’s. The kiss was brief, polite. He drew back, only to find a pair of green eyes looking back at him.
Loki drank him in greedily. His voice cracked with disuse. “Mobius?”
“Hi,” Mobius said with a small, kinda insane laugh. He pressed his forehead against Loki’s.
“Hello,” the god said back.
Mobius shivered when Loki gripped his shoulders, fingers spreading and stroking him through the fabric of his jacket. But he was savoring Loki too, rubbing his thumb along the underside of the god’s jaw, brushing his ink-dark curls away from his sweaty face. “You were under a spell,” he said, forcing himself to explain, just in case—
“Ah, yes. True love’s kiss,” Loki said with tired amusement. “The witch told me all about it before she cast. Something about movies and fairy tales. I couldn’t follow. Midgardians.”
“You don’t look surprised,” Mobius swallowed, suddenly nervous, “that it was me.”
Loki dragged his hungry eyes over Mobius’ face. “It could only be you, love.”
Mobius whimpered. Love. He called him “love.”
One hand slipped through his silver hair and curled there, bringing their mouths closer. “You were kissing me,” Loki said, a gentle reminder.
The tree was still red. The god’s skin, feverish as a soup pot boiling. Mobius rested one knee on the edge of the throne for leverage and pulled their mouths together. The kiss was so sweet it gave Mobius a toothache.
But just as fast, it turned ravenous, pulling at each others’ hair and clothes, tongues searing as they met inside the god’s mouth. Loki’s skin slowly cooled under Mobius’ hands. The hollows filled. He came beautifully to life under him. Loki sobbed into his mouth, grabbed him harder. Mobius wasn’t about to let go.
Behind his eyelids, Mobius saw the red melt away to green.
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electron-road-suspect · 7 months
Bojere 30 :)
Could take place in my universe or not.
30. …as comfort.
This isn't the first time they've sneaked away from their responsibilities together. They've skipped interviews, press events, even meetings with their own delegations, and stolen time together. It isn't like it's a secret. They broadcast one of their stolen moments on Instagram Live, for God's sake.
But this is the first time they've sneaked away together at night.
They're in Bojan's hotel room, where they made their way, by silent consent, after they finished the jury show and met each other backstage, their tired eyes finding each other and saying everything their mouths could not.
Once in the room, Bojan is antsy, out of sorts. He doesn't know what to do with his hands, his body. Honestly, he hadn't planned much beyond "get Jere here", unwilling to let the Finn out of his sight now that they are less than 36 hours away from saying goodbye. But now that they're here, together, all he can think about is the stupid idiotic pointless contest.
"Do you want something to drink?" he asks instead, his voice creaking. "Water, tea?" Jere shakes his head.
"No, thank you, Bojan," Jere replies, and at the sound of his name, Bojan startles into movement, wrapping his arms around Jere and burying his face in his hair.
Jere's arms come up around him, and it feels as good as it did the first time, and Bojan knows he's only making things worse for himself, but he can't stop from relaxing into his arms.
When Jere's head raises and their lips meet, it feels like a life raft, a beacon in the desert, and Bojan grabs hold of it as tightly as he can.
They break apart
"I am tired," Jere says, his voice trembling with the weight of Finland's hopes and dreams on his shoulders. "Can I stay? Tonight?"
Bojan kisses him again, sharing the warmth and comfort of their bodies together. "Yes," he replies.
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zeroducks-2 · 4 months
💕 or 🧡 sladick?
💕 kissing somewhere other than lips
(I answered 🧡 already, it's here! You can consider this one a sequel lol)
Dick is pretending to sleep but that damn beard tickles. He's smiling into the pillow at this point, twitching here and there with his skin tingling, and Slade pretends not to have noticed anything and keeps kissing along his side.
And since he likes this game, Dick decides to stay there and see what the other will do - which is, he finds not even one minute later, pulling his underwear down and bite his asscheek.
The squeal Dick makes is the most undignified he's ever heard himself producing, but despite the way he jolts out the bed he gets pulled back and held down, feeling even more outraged at the way the other is openly cackling.
«Why?!» He yelps, not really trying to squirm away anymore and opting to look offended instead.
«Because you deserve it.» Slade replies while planting a kiss on Dick's temple, then another on his hairline. And likely he means the fact that Dick has been consistently waking him up before their alarm goes off in the morning, just because he finds it hilarious that he comes to his senses earlier than the world's deadliest mercenary.
He's been teasing Slade about it for a while, and surprisingly enough the man doesn't really take offense and looks like he's having fun instead.
«What?» Slade asks. He stopped to hold Dick down in favor or caressing his hair instead. «What got you to smile like this, sweetheart?»
He realizes to be in fact smiling, even if he has no clue what Slade means with "like this". Dick supposes he's just happy to see him happy. It's not like it happens often anyway.
«Nothing.» He shrugs and traces the side of the man's face with the tip of his fingers. «I like it that you're keeping your hair long. I think it suits you.»
Slade rolls his eye and Dick snorts, pulling him down for another kiss.
kiss ask game here!
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jmagnabo92 · 3 months
For the game- pairing Blackbolt/Starking...soft, comforting kisses
Ahhh this was different! I'm going to apologize a little because Harry features quite a bit here and I originally intended just the the two requested, but I hope you still like it!
Sirius is in a bit of a state.  Has been since the dementor attack on Harry in Private Drive.  He knew after learning that Voldemort had taken Harry’s blood that Harry wouldn’t be safe at his so-called relatives anymore (not that he was entirely convinced that Harry had ever been safe there).  Especially since Dumbledore seemed to be expecting it with the whole ‘guard’ thing.
He’s not safe.  He’s hurt.  He’s confused.
And Sirius needs to do something. 
He’s itching to see Harry, make sure that he’s okay, but he’d been sent to his room like a bad little boy that needs to be punished for misbehaving and he couldn’t convince these people that Harry needs him. 
He can’t just pace his room and wait.  It’s not fair.
He wretches open the door, hoping that he’d be able to sneak out and see Harry only to find himself face to face with Kingsley.
His sort-of boyfriend (they hadn’t exactly defined it), seems to be one step ahead of him.
“Look, I know you want to go and see Harry, however, neither of us would want to risk losing you so I have another idea instead.”
Kingsley breezes into the room without a care to be invited and goes to find Sirius old two-way mirror.  He’d found the pair while they’d been cleaning and was thrilled that he could hopefully someday pass it onto Harry. 
He’s still not sure why Kingsley’s interested in it right now though. 
“Kings?” Sirius questions as he turns around, mirror in hand. 
“You can’t go to the Dursleys to see Harry, but this is the next best thing.”
Sirius glances at the offered mirror.  “Except he doesn’t have the other mirror.”
“He does now,” Kingsley assures him.  “I went by to reassure him that he’s not alone… he didn’t exactly believe me, which I completely understand, so I just told him to hold onto the mirror and he’ll shortly be able to see who he really needs to see.”
Still not believing this just yet, Sirius accepts the mirror and says, “Harry Potter,” into it.
A second later, Harry appears looking completely stunned.  “Sirius!  It’s you – you’re … how?”
Sirius can’t help the relieved chuckle.  “It’s – your dad and I had a bit of a co-dependency thing so we made these so we could talk in separate detentions.  I was going to give it to you the next time I saw you –”
“Your boyfriend told me that you’re kind of on house-arrest, he’s an auror, and he had this mirror which he knew would be helpful to both of us.”
Sirius looks over at Kingsley with wide eyes.  “House-arrest, Kings, really?  Do you know what they might’ve sounded like to him?”
Kingsley grimaces.  “I mean – Dumbledore won’t let you leave, but yeah, I probably didn’t help.”
“No, not at all.”  He turns back to Harry.  “When I left the Hospital Wing, I went to alert Dumbledore’s Order that’s a little bit of a vigilante group that fought Voldemort last time.  We set up Headquarters in my old family home and because the Death Eaters would know about me and Padfoot Dumbledore’s been insistent that I don’t leave the house.  It’s essentially house-arrest.  And we just found the mirrors, but I didn’t think anyone in the Order would give it to you, so I was waiting…”
“And he’s the auror trying to catch you?” Harry asks, looking confused.  “And you’re dating him?”
“Oh, er, yeah.  That’s complicated.  See, he knows I’m innocent now ‘cause Dumbledore told him and er, well, he was the one assigned to my case so he’s purposely not finding me.  And well, I mean – we found that we had an easy time connecting.”
“I actually like to give false leads because it makes this one laugh,” Kingsley offers. 
It’s true.  He and Kingsley had actually bonded and even kissed after Kingsley had shown him an article about the latest ‘lead’ as to his whereabouts.  It’d been the first time since hearing Harry had been kidnapped that he smiled.
Still, this call was meant to focus on Harry.
“Anyway, kid, er, yeah, things are complicated, but it was worse hearing about the attack.  How are you?”
“Confused, hurt, and angry.  I don’t know what the hell is going on and I’m locked in my room again and – when can I come be with you?”
“Soon, I promise.  We’ll come get you soon.  And – and we can talk on the mirror until you can come here.”
“Really?  Because I’ve been so isolated and lonely and…”
“Yes, yes.  Of course we can.”
The conversation continued from there, letting Harry and Sirius catch up on so many things.  Kingsley mainly stayed quiet, a soft, reassuring hand on Sirius’ thigh that kept him going and calm as Harry went through stages of anger and frustration at certain things.  They talked until Harry had fallen asleep from exhaustion, a promise to speak the next day. 
Setting down the mirror, Sirius turns to Kingsley and pulls him in for a soft, gentle kiss.
When they break apart, Kingsley continues giving soft kisses to his hairline and shoulder.  It’s a comfort to know that he has such a partner that cares so much about him.
“Thank you, Kings.  This – I can’t even explain…”
“You don’t need to,” Kingsley offers, kissing his shoulder again.  “I know that you love that boy as your own and that you needed this as much as he did.  I wish I could do more, but with Dumbledore as the keeper and not letting Harry come here… I did the best I could.”
“You’ve done more than I could’ve hoped for considering that I was the prisoner you’ve hunted for two years and yet in a few weeks you’ve been … my support system.”
“Well, I – I have a soft spot for the ridiculously handsome despite spending years in hell on earth prisoner I’m supposed to be searching for.”  Kingsley chuckles.  “Technically, I’m the best auror we have since I caught you sitting in your kitchen.”
Sirius laughs.  “You are completely ridiculous.”
“I’m also completely yours.”
He peppers comforting kisses all over his face making Sirius’ smile widen.  How’d he get so lucky, he wonders?
It doesn’t really matter because: “I like the sound of that.”
Thanks for reading!
If you'd like to play along send me an ask with a pairing + type of kiss. In general, I usually do prongsfoot, sirry, first prince and now Starking and Buddie. But if it's a new ship, I could give it a chance, it depends.
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kitkatt0430 · 4 months
💛 for Westhallen for the kiss asks please?
💛 reunion kiss / relief
Iris loves her job, really.  Back when she took that first journalism course, she didn't really get it but now?  Now it's her life.  She loves being a reporter. 
Her investigations have taken her so many places Iris never thought she'd go and connected her to so many people.  She's changed lives and touched people's hearts.  She'd uncovered and stopped corruption and unearthed the truth about people being framed for crimes... Iris had found her truest self.
But as much as she loved her job - especially when it took her out of town, this time she'd spent a week investigating alongside Lois Lane - she loved being able to come home to her husbands even more.  Her Eddie and her Barry.
After the long drive back home, Iris is relieved to let herself into her home.  Their loft.  Barry found it when they decided to move in together, just perfect for three.  And it felt like the three of them covered in pictures of their lives together and a constantly revolving pieces of art.  Barry's forays into painting landscapes and random science related items.  Eddie's photography that Kamilla was teaching him that captured parts of Central City, Keystone, and the surrounding countryside that they rarely saw.  The metalwork designs that Iris found from local artisans...
And the comfiest couch in the world, as far as Iris was concerned.  Which was where she was headed now, planning to face plant for a nap.  Except...
"Iris!"  Eddie grinned and crossed the room from the stairs that led to the bedrooms.  He wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her warmly.  A wonderful welcome home.  Only thing that might make it better...
Barry pressed up behind her and kissed along her neck as Iris and Eddie continued to kiss.  Though eventually Iris leaned back against Barry's chest while Eddie kissed him next.  "And welcome home to you too," Eddie murmured, chuckling softly as one of his hands drifted from Iris to Barry so that he could them both close.  "No more investigations or Flash business.  I'm keeping you both right here with me tonight."
"No arguments here," Barry murmured huskily.
"As long as we spend some time napping on the couch first because I'm beat."  Iris grinned as her boys laughed... and then carried her the rest of the way to the couch.
Available on SquidgeWorld
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