#Also I don't want to even hear about a callout post about me for not suspecting that such laws exist
phoenixborn · 2 years
9, 10, 11, 12, and 14?
Spicy mun asks
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9: What has been the biggest mistake you’ve made since you started RPing?
Maybe that on an another site before coming to Tumblr I wrote smut when I was a minor. Before the witch hunt begins along with callout posts: I learned 75% of my English through reading fanfictions then roleplaying. NOBODY during that time told me it was forbidden and I was like it's fiction, it's not even me who is having sex in the story so I didn't see any problems with this. I'm Hungarian. Here the age of consent is 14. Before Tumblr, I had no idea that people can get into legal trouble because of this and when I learned about it at first I thought it's a joke. Those who I written with also knew my age, I never made it a secret. Now I've grown up and realized long before this is indeed a mistake & I made all of my blogs +18 even to interact with due to my muses nature, backstories, topics.
And of course I have not and will not write smut with a minor.
I would like to add that I don't feel assaulted or exploited because of my inexperience and probably most of my past roleplay partners were minors too. The irl sexual harassment was much worse & impactful than writing stories with sex in them.
10: What’s something you really hate seeing on your dash that seems to be popular with almost everyone else?
I don't think there's a thing like this? If someone's writing doesn't entertain/excite/inspire me I simply don't follow. So my dash is perfect💖
11: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
Tumblr's inconsistency with notifications hands down. I get notifications of being tagged in something literal months ago. Or that my ask got answered. So far I haven't noticed a delay with reblogs.
Oh and people who shit on female OCs because, idk think before even reading the info that they are self inserts and only want to fuck the canon characters. That's not why I slowly built up a historical noble house woven so deep into Hungarian history, not why I spent more research for my pirate blog than I did for my literal matura exams combined, not why I watched hours of singing explaining by vocal coaches, not why I studied Scott Adkins' borderline impossible movements which are not CGI.
12: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
As @winters-club has touched on the subject, those who are 'You MUST portray this character's CANON sexuality otherwise it's ERASURE and you're a terrible/homophobic person.'
Especially if those people actively harass writers instead of minding their own fucking business.
The most common victims of this are those who write Vaggie (also how come that I haven't seen many complaints that Alastor fucks when he's supposed to be asexual? This is NOT an attack on any Alastor muns, you write him however you want, I just noticed this.), Winter is not the only person I know who had a struggle with it. Curate your own dash if you don't want to see it, don't follow people who dare to defy canon, block tags and don't harass them. And as a bisexual who only felt romantic desire towards women irl, I find myself not giving a flying fuck. It's called creativity and so what if the writers want to explore other possible romantic plotlines? Let me tell you a secret: there's no erasure the slightest. Why? Because the sexuality of the character in question is CANON. A few independent writers on a site will not change that.
14: Without naming anyone specific, have you ever avoided someone simply because they RP with one of your RP partners? If so, why?
I didn't and don't avoid anyone just because they write with my rp partners. I actually don't even understand this question, everyone is free to interact, be friends with as much people as they want, it's not a choosing game and two people go to a separate corner to play.
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tex-now · 5 months
Hey is it just me or do certain fans complain about how much they hate the other groups instead of loving theirs.
I don't think calling out the misogyny in this fandom is wrong, not in the slightest (my most popular post is calling out the way people treat ena versus akito because of their gender), but most of the time these call out posts just result in more negativity and arguments rather than any like. Productive discussion.
I don't wanna hear about how minoharu and anhane are more canon than ruikasa and akitoya and are Therefore More Valid And Liking Ruikasa More Is Wrong And Bad (exaggerated but most of the time people do insult a ship in order to promote their own) (also sometimes implies that rarepairs are less valid which is a dick move). I wanna hear about the interesting (and I mean very interesting) relationship that an has with kohane, her feelings of inadequacy and slight envy, I wanna hear about how minori (and the rest of mmj) inspired haruka to get back on the stage, and how minori finally got to "repay" haruka in a way.
I didn't start liking ichika because of people endlessly complaining about how underutilized she is and how You Guys Just Don't Get Her, Read The Stories And you'll Discover That She's Actually Perfect Actually (this one isn't an exaggeration but it was on YouTube not Tumblr so in it goes), I started liking her because I learned about her character, her sheer determination and love for her friends, and her want to resonate with people's hearts from people who really like her.
I'm not gonna pretend the Ruikasa fandom and akitoya fandom can't be annoying, a lot of them are toxic and have a habit of making everything about Ruikasa/akitoya while reducing their relationships with other characters to push their shipping narrative. It pisses me off. A lot. I could write (and probably will write) an entire essay on how entitled and bitchy Ruikasa/akitoya fans can be, and I definitely understand how it can build up resentment towards a ship, and how their mass popularity is most definitely attributed to the fact that they are men (which results in an extreme lack of understanding of their actual characters and overall dynamic, reducing them to "top tall sexy one" and "bottom cute feminine one" which upsets me to hell and back). And calling this out is not wrong in the slightest.
but needlessly attacking a ship that someone likes is not a call out. calling Ruikasa and akitoya "a stupid ship" is not a call out. Actively insulting people for liking it is not a call out. Adding Ruikasa and akitoya tags to your post bashing them is not a callout. It's being a dick. You are not doing anything productive by calling Ruikasa and akitoya shippers idiots or stupid or insulting their taste you are only going to piss people off and you know that you are going to piss people off.
Acknowledge but do not attack. Be civil. And if you cant be civil then save everyone some time and keep it private.
Oh yeah. And be annoying about your blorbos. Make KING kanamafu art. Put shizuairi in Fragile. Talk about how much you love your girl ships and your girl characters and don't event mention the guys, make fanfiction and fanart of the girls, I really really want you to, genuinely, because they do get less rep in the fandom than their male counterparts, so more content of the girls is always great. It feels a lot better than complaining about a ship you don't even like, I promise
(Btw I mention this in the tags but if anyone wants to add input or correct me on something you totally can. My words aren't law and this post is just me stating my thoughts, and I invite you to share yours if you want.)
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"I don't support it in real life!"CW: talk of sexualizing minors, slight rant
Then why write about it? If for coping purposes, why post it online for others (especially actual predators) to see and consume? Then why portray those things in a positive light instead of condemning them?And you're seriously going to tell me that just because as an adult (1) you want to see a fictional minor (that mind you, is usually designed to resemble an actual child) depicted in sexual situations doesn't mean you don't share that same view concerning children in real life? You find fictional minors attractive but not real ones? Why does the line between finding someone who is (and usually also looks like) a child sexually attractive get drawn at whether the child is real or not? I'm not calling anyone pedophiles, but if the shoe fits...(1) No I am not talking about 18 y/os finding 17 y/os attractive. Use your brain. Creating content of underaged characters is still questionable regardless of age, however.
"Just mute/block instead of harassing others!"I have nearly 70k people blocked on twitter, and hundreds of words and tags muted, I softblock and mute people who post things I don't want to see. I still see certain things on my timeline, usually because1) It's posted in the main tags of something I'm interested in2) The post isn't even tagged at all3) If someone quote retweets from someone I've blocked, I still see the take on my timeline.
"Antis use the same rhetoric as exclusionists and TERFS!"What exactly does being against pedophilia have to do with trans (women) exclusionary radical feminism?And what does lgbtq discourse in general have to do with not wanting minors to be sexualized?
"Antis harass people!"Apparently, proshippers have never done this before! Not once has a grown adult stalked literal children for calling their ships gross!Not saying harassments ok at all, but let's not act like the poor proshippers are being oppressed here.Also, I promise you, someone saying "x is a proshipper, please block them if you don't want to see their content" is not harassment. Writing callout posts and videos on underaged "antis", however is most definitely harassment but y'all don't want to hear that. People have the right to know if they are platforming people who go against their personal beliefs and morals. Choosing to hide that from people who would otherwise not want to interact with you for the sake of not wanting to "lose friends" makes you a bad person, and you should feel bad.
replying under the cut bc this ask was long enough, and i don't wanna make ppl who follow us/see this have to scroll for eons
why do you think coping mechanisms have to stay private? if someone's coping mechanism was yoga, or working out, would you say they have to do that by themselves, in the confines of their own house, and they aren't allowed to talk to anyone else about it? i hope not, because that would be ridiculous (inb4 "yeah but yoga isn't harming anyone!", neither is fiction!).
the fact of the matter is, anyone can consume any type of content, and that shouldn't prevent people from making what they like. why not portray it in a positive light? what does it matter? any regular person knows that what they see in fiction should not necessarily be replicated in real life. i know better than to go out and kill someone just because billy loomis and stu macher do it.
furthermore, wouldn't you want actual pedophiles to use fiction rather than them going out and hurting real children? that's not how that works, but using your argument that they're one and the same, wouldn't that be better for everyone, and result in less people getting hurt, ergo fiction doesn't hurt anyone?
no, fictional characters are not meant to resemble actual children. that IS a crime. however, you cannot look at an anime child, or idk, kid ashley from TCOAAL, and tell me that looks like a REAL child. that's nonsense. and no, it does NOT mean i "share the same view concerning children in real life", because those characters aren't real, and i (can't believe i have to say this) am NOT attracted to real children. yes, you ARE calling me a pedophile, which is just categorically not true. it's not "questionable" because it's not REAL, which is necessary for someone to be diagnosed with pedophilia, which is a disorder, and not just some label you can put on people.
genuinely, if you are THAT sensitive to people having other opinions, or are sensitive to different kinds of art, maybe social media isn't the place for you to be. if the post isn't tagged, i agree, something should be done about that, but the fact is, WE DO tag our stuff. that has nothing to do with me (or chica), or even proshippers as a whole. you're doing the thing were you believe one rotten apple spoils the bunch.
when you post something online, you HAVE to understand that literally anyone can view it, and if your accounts aren't private, anyone can interact with it. that is the cost of posting online. if you can't handle that, log off.
i don't think i've ever compared being an anti to being a terf/exclus, BUT they do objectively share some of the same opinions as conservatives, and even nazis (which is NOT to say all antis are conservatives/nazis, but that you share some of the same ideals).
i can't speak much to that because i don't think i've ever made that argument, but it is a lil radfem-y when most of y'all go after specifically BL and yaoi. also terfs aren't only bigoted towards trans women, it's also trans men. idk why you said that.
yes, correct, anyone can harass anyone, but the fact of the matter is, 99% of the time proshippers get harassed, it's while we're in our own lanes, minding our own business, and y'all (much like you're doing right now) come into OUR spaces and call us pedophiles, and say we deserve to die, or that we should kill ourselves.
if you've been following this blog for the last week-ish, you'd have seen some prime examples of just that. doing nothing, talking to no one, and getting harassed. people saying i should be on watchpeopledie, saying i should be killed, that they hope i get cancer, or die in a car accident, or that my dad beats me to death. that i should "slit", cut to the bone, kill myself, hang myself. threatening to doxx me, find my address, have tried to grab my ip. the difference is, when proshippers are found to be doing this stuff, they're called out and reported, often by other proshippers, whereas antis, when they exhibit this behavior, they are encouraged. they're praised by their peers.
if all people did was say "x is a proshipper, block them", we wouldn't have an issue, but the fact is, a significant amount of y'all don't start with blocking. you start with slurs, nasty names, disgusting accusations, and downright deplorable behavior BEFORE you block us. if you block us. and when we block you, it's entirely possible you just create a new account to harass us from, or grab your friends to do it for you.
if platforming people who like different types of fiction than you is that big of a problem, that you feel the need to write callouts, make google docs, harass them, and threaten to doxx them, you need to get off the internet. stop interacting with people AT ALL. live in a bubble. because again, people you don't like are always going to exist on the internet, it's your duty to navigate that in the best way you can, WITHOUT hurting anyone.
people hide the fact they're proship because we don't want the harassment. that's sorta the crux of the issue? you're completely ignoring the COUNTLESS posts of people being harassed for simply existing and being proship. we shouldn't be made to feel bad for trying to protect ourselves and our peace, YOU should be made to feel bad for making others feel bad.
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pinkyjulien · 9 months
It's been rotating in my head all morning and since I have to wait a few hours to get my day started, might as well throw my two cents in a proper post
We really should talk about Kerry Eurodyne
Now before you run off, I think it's important to point something out; As a fandom veteran who been here since early 2021, I think others will agree when I say that the discourse surrounding Kerry has always been a hot topic that comes back around every few weeks- but why does it keep coming back?
I'm well placed to know that ignoring a problem and not talking about it publicly doesn't solve anything; everyone is quick to throw assumption and accusations, to make "callout" post, to blow things out of proportions, to take someones's squick as personal attack, and the mob mentality does the rest; everyone follow whoever is going to be the loudest about an ongoing "fandom drama"
This isn't an attempt to show anyone that they're "wrong" or "right"; there is no right or wrong in this recurring discourse. This post is an attempt at opening an healthy and mature conversation! I come in peace gfhgfh
Prefacing this by saying that I'm not a Kerry fan, and I'm not bisexual. So why the hell do I care? Well to be frank, I don't particularly care, I have my own opinions on the character, but I do care (to an extent) about this "community" and I hate seeing what happened to me happen to others, especially new commers who never meant anything wrong. Nobody deserves to be bullied out of a fandom for sharing their opinions on their own blog/space!
Alright this intro was long but let's get on it- buckle up cause this is going to be a looooot of rambling
Through the years/months, I've noticed something rather sad; this isn't a debate between bisexual people vs biphobic people, as a lot of people might think and assume; this has always been queer people sharing, sometimes in a really awkward and hurtful way, their interpretation of a character (don't block me yet, please hear me out)
Those who know me knows that I personally care a lot about the canon and writers's visions, so first I want to share some posts about Kerry made by his literal "parents"
Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz, Narrative Designer at CDPR, shared informations on the different romance interest back in December 2020, on the game's release day
When asked about a MLM relationship option, here what he states:
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(don't leave just yet)
On a now-deleted comment, RTalsorianGames, original creator of the Cyberpunk tabletop game and by definition original creator of Kerry Eurodyne, stated the following:
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Please note that CDPR did in fact consult with Mike himself about Kerry being a MLM exclusive romance!
(Also this isn't a debate about if Kerry cares about V or not, let's not derail this conversation, remember that everyone is allowed to interpret a character and a relationship as they wish)
I wanted to share these tweets to point something really important; there is no "right" or "wrong" label for Kerry, and it all boils down to interpretation < key word
Kerry have multiple states; we HAVE to remember Kerry exist in some kind of cyberpunk multiverse!
We have his 2020 and 2023 self that are confirmed to be bisexual; this is the Kerry Mike and RTalsorian created, the Kerry they have full control and say over; the same young Kerry we see in Johnny's flashback
And then comes his 2077 self, which we see confirmed above as labeled as Homosexual (which again as been approved by Mike himself)
I personally think it's important to start with what his different creators have to say; Kerry is both Mike's and CDPR's character; Kerry is both labeled as being Bisexual and Homosexual
There is a lot of reasons why this change / evolution was made, even tho we all know the main reason; they needed a MLM romance in the game to complete the LI roster. But why take an already established character, a Bi character even, for the Gay romance?
I've seen a lot of people saying that CDPR erased his bisexuality, I understand why it might feel like this, but I don't think it's true or fair! Again, remember that Mike gave his OK for this; he could've at any moment said no, Kerry is HIS baby first and foremost
In game, we learn about Kerry's ex wife and kids; this is something CDPR could've not included at all (and THIS would've been erasing his bisexuality imo) it's not even something that is said out loud, but something to be found by dedicated fans; it's here on purpose, to give depth to the character and to his personal life!
We also see a couple of feminine clothes around his villa; let's not assume anything here, clothes have no genders especially in the 2077 setting, but it can also well point at one-night stand with women and/or multi-gender orgies for example
But, this won't be anything new or controversial, Kerry pushes femV advances in game- this is simply a fact! Like it or not, that's how CDPR's writers, RTAL and Mike decided to evolve Kerry's character for the game; everyone was ok with this
Now comes the root of the debate; Is it homophobic to mod Kerry to be romanceable by a femV? and is it biphobic to not be comfortable with this?
No, and no - (don't leave just yet, please read a bit more)
Remember that I'm "just" a gay man, I've had discussion with friends of all gender and orientation about this topic and it's been enlightning to hear the different opinions on the matter!
As previously mentioned, it all boils down to Interpretation.
The discourse recently came back because someone shared their uncomfortableness regarding mods that change Kerry's preferences; in the post tags, OP made sure to say that everyone was free to do anything, to ship anything, and that this was just their opinion; but obviously the fandom didn't read that part and started to throw accusation around, and here we are (I shouldn't have to remind people that we all are free to share whatever on our respective blogs, if it hurts you just block the person, don't jump them)
OP is a Bisexual Man; a lot of other Bisexual Men related to this post and rebloged it, sharing their thoughts in the tags (I also rebloged it, I know it caused a few people to back off and block me as a result, which I respect totally)
Going to pick up my questions back up to hopefully state my opinions and "analyses" of the situation as clear as possible
Is it homophobic to mod Kerry to be romanceable by a femV?
No, it's not
Kerry is bisexual, he was married to a women, and potentially still have sex with women and fem individuals, these infos are all canon in game.
Kerry pushes femV flirts away; but since he experience attraction to women, who is to say that in someone's own canon, their fem OC isn't a V, and doesn't have Johnny involved, changing how Kerry and their OC meet drastically; Kerry could fall in love with her! He could; he's bisexual after all.
Is it biphobic to not be comfortable with this?
No, it's not
Kerry has a clear preference for men; CDPR choose to show this multiple time in the game, during Johnny's flashback we can see him make out with a masc fan, we can see him being vulnerable with Johnny (imo, his lil crush is showing hard)
I personally haven't seen it/heard it in game, but I've been told that after learning about Kerry's ex-wife, Johnny has a vocal, surprised reaction, has if imagining Kerry with a woman is strange to him
However, there is a lot of biphobic things being said in the discourse, and not in the way you might think of
I thankfully never see the full extent of it; I don't see the obviously biphobic takes, stating that Kerry SHOULD NEVER be with a femV, people being nasty and ATTACKING femV/Kerry shippers; this is never ok, these have been blocked for a long time now
But I sadly see the other takes, which always icked me a bit; the takes that say, "you bisexuality isn't worth of respect if it isn't a 50/50 attraction at all time", takes that are sadly biphobic in nature (making it clear that I'm not pointing finger at anyone, nor am I accusing anyone of being biphobic)
This is what it boils down to, I think, this is the root of the problem
As mentioned before, a lot of Bisexual Men expressed their uncomfort when it comes to femV/Kerry mods; it invalidated Kerry's preference. But this isn't about Kerry, he's fictional, he CANT be hurt by anything, by mods or art or whatever; It invalidate Bisexual Men that share the same preference in Men, Bisexual men that related to Kerry for X or Y.
Bisexuality is a spectrum, queer people has been fighting against Bi erasure for years, but also against Bi stereotypes; and I think this is one of them? (Please correct me if I'm wrong)
Bisexuality isn't a strict 50/50 split preference- it can be! But 60/40, 20/80 and even 99/1 attractions are still Bisexual attractions. I've met a lot of queer people who, despite being bisexual by definition, choose not to label as such (prefering to label as straight or gay depending on their preferences) just because of this "bisexual police" imposing a strict 50/50; "How can you be bisexual, you've only dated men/women" etc
This is what is being imposed in the fandom, this is how it might looks like to people; when you attack a Bisexual Man sharing his uncomfort in seeing people not respecting a Bisexual character's preference, you're telling them "Hey, your bisexuality isn't valid if you have a preference". You're telling them "Your bisexuality isn't correct". You're showing them that you "fixed" a "flawed" bisexual character "that got erased as gay for having a preference" by "modding his bisexuality back"
Kerry being written as MLM exclusive in Cyberpunk 2077 isn't bi erasure; he's still Bisexual, he simply has a strong preference for Men. A preference that he always had, but that can also be amplified after his divorce with his ex wife, for multiple reasons; I also don't have to point out how many queer people in real life explored their homosexuality after being in a hetero-marriage for most of their lives! And that's ok, queer love is an ever evolving spectrum, and I think it's awesome we get more fleshed out characters that explore this in depth
I've seen people compare Kerry to Johnny, and I don't think it's fair; for the simple reason that Kerry is a romance option and Johnny is not.
Johnny express a clear preference for women; however he replies to V (and flirt, in some case) the same way regardless of gender! Kerry on the other end, as previously said, pushed femV's advanced away. Something Johnny can't do since he's not a romance option; tho if he was, and if he was pushing mascV advances away, it would be the exact same situation and same problematic!
Another character that is canonly bisexual is Goro; he replies to V's flirt through text messages the exact same way, he doesn't seem to express any preferences (and no, his "obligation in japan" isn't necessarily a wife, this is heteronormative and another problem all together, not the subject here)
People can express being uncomfortable seeing Johnny with a given gender, or Goro with a given gender; but there isn't any """reason""" to it outside of personal preferences
Kerry situation is problematic because it lies in his clearly, canonly stated preference, how people decide to interpret it, and how it can come off to other queer people who might share sexuality and/or preference with the character
Everyone is free to ship whoever however they want
But please; remember that everyone is different. People being uncomfortable with a character bisexuality preference being ""fixed"" shouldn't be too surprising; and if it is, please re-read my post/ You have to be ok with this fact, it's OK to make content that might be uncomfortable for others; this is fiction!
There isn't any Right or Wrong way to be bisexual, to be queer Kerry's bisexuality is perfectly fine; unmodded or modded Everyone is Different; Every Queer experiences is different People relate to characters in different way
Nobody is being misoginist; there isn't any double standard at play
Bisexual people sharing their opinions on their own blogs on how a fandom handle a character's bisexuality isn't biphobic, or an attack to anyone who interpret the character differently!
I promise you nobody is attacking anyone, and a lot of things being said accidently comes off as biphobic on both sides of this eternal "debate"
It all comes down to respecting others interpretations, and agreeing to disagree! Tumblr's filtering system work great, you can easily filter and block tags, or even people if needed
I might've said things awkwardly, and for this I apologise; but don't put words I didn't say into my mouth! If you don't agree, that's fine, and you're more than welcome to filter/block me if needed; but please do not paint me as biphobic or misoginist, same goes to everyone who shared their thoughts on the matter, these are serious accusation and can wrongfully hurt a lot of people
Ship and let Ship, take care of yourselves and remember to curate your space 🙏
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weaselbeaselpants · 10 months
Lindsay Ellis plagiarized a ndn author
This post isn't a callout and it's only my own post because the OP source I just learned it from, @neechees, doesn't allow rbgs at a certain point on that post.
After Hmbomberguy's expose on Illuminaughtii and James Somerton some people are giving a well deserved eye back to the leftube sphere that was kind of schism-d and held under scrutiny in what I feel was, a lot of the time, misinformed hate campaigns in response to genuine criticism; especially towards Lindsay Ellis who up left after she was canceled and hasn't returned to continuous video making publicly even after people have mostly agreed the hatedom directed for her Raya and the Last Dragon takes was stupid and was erasing actual SEA people's discussions of the culture. To hear and see a decent breakdown of that film's representation problems BEYOND the Ellis-parts because it's worth your wild regardless of if you've seen the movie, please watch the three part video series hosted by Xiran Jay Zhao.
To tl;dr the 2021 drama: people have held an ire towards Ellis for a long time feeling like her and her white-woman base talk over, steal, or just straight up don't apologize for their own racism towards women and ppl of color, and after Lindsay did a problematic by pointing out that Raya and the Last Dragon was like ATLA, people jumped on her.
Being both a longtime fan of Ellis and white as fucc, I personally feel like Lindsay kind of forgave herself and threw out the actual criticisms held against her every bit as much as people just kind of treated her like a punching bag. Or, to paraphrase @padawan-historian's old takes from then, they treated Lindsay like she was trying to be the ENTIRE conversation, not the start of one, and like every possible outcome that could happen over her videos was her fault personally. Some of Lindsay's loudest and nastiest 'critics' were, in fact, other white people or just people who have no good faith in addressing her fuck ups, like Lily Orchard, fe.
One 'Lindsay did a racism'point tho that I felt wasn't truly addressed in full though were claims by indigenous people that she was anti-native, especially in her videos about Twilight and Pocahontas, which yeah at the time I was very passive of you can 100% find post abt that. But then Neechees linked me to an article I, and I think a lot of other video essay-fans had never seen before. This article accused Lindsay of stealing half of her talking points on Disney's Pocahontas from theirs.
When people on the breadtube spectrum talk of Lindsay, even people who criticized her at the time. all kind of agree that the intensity of the backlash was uncalled for and, while not everyone agrees if her public silence is a 'canceling' or not, agree with her need to just take care of herself these days. For those curious, this is the article making this claim:
I am not saying you need to all unfollow and hate everything Lindsay ever touched, mkay? But I also genuinely hope that Lindsay addresses this+comes clean because holy fuck. Unlike Somerton, all I can tell you is I don't just 'believe Windsey wouldn't hurt nobody uwu~'. I am pretty certain that Lindsay care about the topics she covers, for whatever that's worth to say as another whiteperson. It's just that, like Contrapoints, I ALSO think she has a tendency to deflect criticism within that sphere and lump all her negative bagage together. This really sucks cuz not all of us are Lily Orchards or Vaush clones.
Most of us are/were casual watchers of Lindsay like we are Hbomber, Contra, Lady Emily, Folding Ideas, and ToddintheShadows (does he count as leftube idk?) and we really, genuinely don't want to believe that Lindsay stole from + refuses to listen to women of color when they call her out.
Where I like almost everyone in the leftoob analyst sphere that's ever growing and hopefully now weeding out Illumanaughtii-s and Sommerton-s of the world, there ARE controversies within the space that I don't agree with creators on. Some are dumb things like the exact takes Lindsay has about movies n shows that I just up and disagree with her on, Princess Weekes' proshipping apologia that I have LOTS of thoughts on. However, some matters are clearly personal and about maters that just don't involve me. Earlier this year, Folding Ideas and Lady Emily ctrl+alt+deleted some replies they made to Quinton Reviews, making clear that they very much still dislike him based on something that happened between Quinton, Lindsay and I think SarahZ. And by "dislike", I mean also still believeing his former editor over him on who was boundary pushing about who in their relationship. On the offchance any of those creators or their stans somehow see this, know that I'm not going to tell any of you guys how to feel about whatever Quinton did in private I'm not aware of; it's just that I also happen to believe Quinton on this issue and I don't like the guiltybyassociation mantra.
>>>>side note: I hate that every time someone says "I believe so and so after hearing their side now" ppl jump on the "you were just a stan from the beginning and never actually able to listen"-bs. Yeah, being more familiar with one creator over the other means there's bias, sure, but I kinda hate that that once held bias means you can't be held as any kind of source or form your own opinions. <<<
Big introvert vibes ahead: the thing about any big social circle of better-spoken people than you is they ALL seem like a scary meangirl's table from outside looking in. The kind that'll send goons after you with passive-aggressive "this is slander against me and I have the right to be upset abt it sorry if the stans eat you alive". They can also be made out by their fans to be harmless internet nobody's who YOU are at fault for getting mad and staying mad at cuz it's not like it matters on the internet and are clearly just out for drama and 'twofaced' yourself. I think the reality is the same thing that drives every community forward as well as drives them apart: these people are legitimate friends. They stick up for each other the same way we stick up for our personal internet friends whenever there's shit coming their way. The breadtube circle, whoever that is at this point, clearly know some shit we don't about themselves as much as they don't know shit about us and our true intentions. One of them has a platform and responsibility, where the other has power in masses and following them or not. We gotta all make the choices best for us.
Anyway. I guess, if any of the stuff about Lindsay ripping off that writer IS true, I really hope that she admits and apologizes for it. That's not cool to do to her indigenous audience, or even me, one of her white fans who expects actually allyship.
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nikaandtea · 3 months
top ted talks pt. 2
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aka, songs written about josh/torchbearer, confirmed and not, all for fun so don't take it too close to heart (:
The Run and Go
with this song I believe Tyler has spoken before about how Josh is someone he would often call during difficult nights, and overall just someone he turns to for support. especially the chorus.
not wanting Josh to feel the weight of his own problems, but still needing him there mentally. it's a really sweet balance i think they found with one another, being able to cope in their own ways but with the assistance of the other. "cerebral thunder, and one way conversations" in my mind is like when you're having a panic attack, and the other person is 'having a one way conversation' with you as they do their best to calm you down. just a sweet song i think.
Tear in My Heart
tear in my heart pronoun change you will always be famous.
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Morph/My Blood
double whammy for trench because they chose death for this album. morph is a track that i started associating with torchbearer post navigating mv. verse two, "He'll always try to stop me, that Nicolas Bourbaki He's got no friends close but those who know him most know He goes by Nico, he told me I'm a copy When I'd hear him mock me, that's almost stopped me". the idea of nico mocking the 'fake' torch, probably to stop him from fighting to get clancy to return home to the banditos, man. that morphing into someone else is a self defense mechanism, a way to protect clancy at a distance to keep him on track to their eventual goal. 'not done, josh dun' i mean cmon, they're just playing with us at this point. torch isn't done with the battle against the bishops, and will not give up on clancy no matter what. love this song.
my blood is just *chefs kiss*. the entire track is a similar idea. elaborating on the point that torch whole heartedly believes in clancy, and even when no one else believes in him, he will. it's just a very sweet dynamic, and i think it's what keeps clancy in the cycle of capture, escape, capture. knowing that torch expects him to return, that he holds the hope of winning this fight no matter how long it takes. "Surrounded and up against a wall I'll shred 'em all and go with you When choices end, you must defend I'll grab my bat". until their last breath, torch and clancy will have each other's backs, and i love that. they're truly everything.
(i would add choker, but i also don't have much to say plus i'm on the fence about it. im sorry scaled and icy you're my beautiful gf but alas you have no josh in you, maybe in another post)
Routines in the Night/Navigating
routines has a similar logic for me as run and go, as in it's also Tyler mentally opening up to Josh about his issues/ the halls of his mind.
as for navigating, little goes to say. we learn so much about torch's power in this as well i absolutely love this track as a whole. whenever clancy grabs onto torch we know that it helps him one way or another to find his way back/it activates the torch illusion to lead him back towards the banditos 'when our fingers touch i feel my way back home'. clancy thought he was just following torch, while in reality he just felt it. and don't get me started at the look they exchange when they finally reunite. the overall sound and lyrics of this track, suddenly cut to fade in 'my blood' as they meet eyes for the first time in years? insane. i n s a n e. torch means so much to clancy, we know that from the way dema citizens reacted to clancy, mocking his callouts for josh/torch. and torch going the lengths to make sure clancy makes it home? they drive me crazy.
once again, dear reader, thank you for reading my brainfart about these boys (:
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cosmicjoke · 3 months
As an eruri shipper I wanted to thank you for your callout post. For nearly a year now I have gotten so much hate on my fics that I thought about deleting them, I haven't tho, thankfully. I found out about the spiteful troll and so I did my best to ignore it. However, the hateful comments my work was getting was beyond me because I hardly ever care what people ship or do and was simply minding my business writing what I like only to be told that I'm a jealous loser and I should stop writing Levi together with the "ugly bitch" (referring to Erwin) and that I should touch grass or slit my throat ... which?? And they made it sound like shipping Levi with a man was illegal or that the ship was inappropriate in some way.
I don't know who is really behind those hateful comments but if it's really her I hope karma hits her way very hard. Don't tell people to kill themselves over fiction EVER. That's common decency.
And about some eruris seeing you as an anti shipper. I'll admit I thought you were one as well. It didn't bother me as everyone is free to do whatever they want, but it's a pleasant surprise to know you actually like the ship and write fics for it. If anything, I admire how you can put your shipping goggles aside to write your analyses. It's very impressive.
Don't know if this is relevant but self shippers scare me a bit. Some of them have mean girls energy and I don't want to be attacked so that's why I'm staying on anon🙏🏻
First of all, let me truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for reaching out. It means the world to me, and I admire you for sharing your experience too. I'm super glad to hear that you didn't let the person leaving hateful comments on your stories drive you to delete them. I understand completely where you're coming from, as I've deleted stories of mine in the past due to an overabundance of negative comments. But I've never had anyone actually leave me death threats, or wish for harm to befall me on any of my stories, and to do that is truly the lowest of the low. Not just because it's over something as harmless as a piece of fictional writing, but just in general, it's never okay to wish harm on someone who's never harmed anyone else, or over something as ridiculous as a disagreement.
And yes, given what I've seen from this person on twitter, claiming Erwin is some "old man", they seem to think shipping him and Levi is tantamount to pedophilia, which is so absurd it doesn't even warrant a response. Erwin is at most maybe 5 years older than Levi? If even? They're both in their 30s. Shipping them is totally normal and healthy, lol.
I just think this person has some sort of raging, disgusting prejudice against gay relationships, and they view all gay relationships as perverse in some way. It's truly their problem, not anyone else's. I don't know either if it's the same person I got into an argument with here on tumblr, but so much of the language is the same, and the things they say are so similar to what was being said on twitter and a03, that I'm more than inclined to believe it is the same person. I can only hope my post helps inform more people about them and what a toxic, horrible person they are. Hopefully it will lead to them being blocked so that it isn't so easy for them to harass others. Though I already know they have multiple accounts here on tumblr, since they saw my post and started ranting about it on their blog, even though I had them blocked.
It also means the world to me to know that I've been able to clear up with you my stance on eruri and shipping in general. That was big of you to not be bothered by me when you did think I was an anti, but I'm glad I was able to show you that I'm not. I'm really, really not, lol. I love eruri. It's my favorite ship, and all my favorite AoT fanfics are eruri fics, lol. You can find comments I've left on too many to count at this point. I just try to keep it out of discussions which focus on "Attack on Titan" itself and Levi's role within the story, because I just don't see his relationship with Erwin in canon as romantic. I just think you have to keep the ship separate from canon because if you're going into an analysis of the narrative and Levi's or Erwin's role in it with some preconceived idea that their relationship is romantic in nature, then that's going to color one's ability to objectively analyze the motivations and the reasoning behind both Levi's and Erwin's actions. But I was never, ever against the ship, or against the idea of them being shipped. I think I got the reputation of being an anti because for a long time, I was being inundated with anon asks basically accusing me of being homophobic for saying eruri isn't canon, or anon asks trying to "prove" to me that it is canon and then getting angry at me when I disagreed, or when I lost my patience with them for simply not accepting my stance on this issue. And I think this small group of people then went around to other eruri's and spread to them that I was some sort of aggressive eruri hater. But again, I never was and never will be. I talk more about Levi's relationship with Erwin than any other character, and I find their canon relationship to be incredibly moving and powerful, and further, I love Erwin as a character. One thing I hope all of this will also do is make it clear to other eruri shippers that I'm not against them or their ship at all. I really don't want to be anyone's enemy, least of all eruri shippers. That was never something I set out to do, haha.
But yes, I'm right there with you regarding some self-shippers. Obviously, most of them aren't like this person. Most of them are normal and understand what they write and do is just for fun. But after "Bad Boy" came out, it seemed like the most push back against analysis of that story and its implications came from the self-shipping community, particularly people that seem to actually labor under some sort of delusion of actually, truly being with Levi in a romantic, sexual relationship. I don't understand that at all, because Levi isn't real, lol.
But they seem to get so upset at any discussion of Levi's trauma, or of Levi being affected by his trauma, because acknowledging that trauma and the impact its had on him ruins whatever fantasy, dom-daddy version of Levi it is that they've concocted in their heads. They like to claim Levi is some hard-ass, stoic, unaffected, domineering sex god, because that's what turns them on, and any discussion about what the actual reality of Levi's sexuality would likely be, due to the sexual trauma he's been exposed to, needs to be shut down, because it ruins the fantasy they have. They can't claim that the way they characterize Levi is objective or accurate to canon if Levi's sensitivity or vulnerability as a person is acknowledged, so they like to claim he's not affected at all by his past trauma, that he's just too hardcore to ever succumb to or be profoundly impacted by the things he's lived through. They like to imagine he's just come out the other side totally a-okay and that his stoicism and rudeness is 100% just a product of him being kind of a mean person, again, because they like the idea of being treated meanly by him in a sexual setting.
But Levi isn't a mean person, at all. He's literally the opposite of mean. He's the most thoughtful and considerate character in the series, constantly going out of his way to express his gratitude and ease the suffering of others. He's just awkward, like Dimo Reeves says, and isn't good at filtering his words or expressing himself. That some of these people refuse to acknowledge that the way Levi grew up, the environment he grew up in and the way he was raised, didn't have an impact on his ability to navigate social situations is patently absurd and stupidly unrealistic. It also undermines the severity of abuse Levi suffered in his upbringing, to deny that it had any sort of negative or harmful impact on his ability to interact socially with others. He was raised by a serial killer, for Christ's sake, lol. He wasn't ever taught how to talk to people in a way that would make them more comfortable. He was only ever taught violence and how to kill by Kenny, and he was too young when his mother died to learn anything from her, and he was also abandoned and left on his own at the age of ten, in the most cutthroat, dangerous environment there is inside the walls, surrounded by criminals, rapist, murderers and human traffickers, as well as just desperate people who would resort to plenty of bad shit just to survive. He probably didn't have a single, normal social interaction in his life until he met Furlan and Isabel. I would like these people to explain to me, then, how it is they think that didn't have an impact on the way Levi interacts with others?
He's an exceptionally honest person, too, and he also isn't someone who's concerned with being well-liked, so he doesn't try to ingratiate himself to others by acting friendly. But Levi never sets out to hurt anyone's feelings. He isn't malicious or cruel. He just says what he's thinking and sometimes it comes out sounding unkind. And we see, when Levi realizes it, that he tries to explain himself, again, not because he wants to be liked, but because he doesn't actually ever intend to hurt anyone's feelings. This idea that Levi is a mean person is totally wrong.
Anyway, I went off on a bit of tangent there, lol. Sorry about that. But again I just want to reiterate how much I appreciate you reaching out like this! And don't let these freak shows get you down.
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marcusbrutus · 2 months
I feel like I have a tumblr anon in my brain…. Like a tiny cop. But it’s an chronically online anonymous weirdo. And every thought I have, I get “anons” telling me how it’s problematic and I should kill my self LOL The other morning I saw an RFK sign and I thought doesn’t he have brain worms, someone running for president shouldn't have brain worms. maybe apply for literally any other job. and the anon was like ummm ableist much? Like WHAT. I turned off anon on tumblr a while ago, so even if I post something “risky”, someone will have to tell me what they think to my face. They can’t hide. Even posts I think are innocuous can be wildly misinterpreted, and someone will probably call me problematic. But even if no one says anything, I still hear it. In my brain. Sometimes I delete things because the thought is so strong. I’m probably not gonna make it to any heaven or enlightenment because I can’t forgive yourfaveisproblematic. In my mind, Tumblr was great before then, or at least it felt that way, and that blog sewed the seeds for cancel culture in the future. That stuff sticks to my brain, even if I don’t want it too. When you put sins like "said disabled people shouldn't be alive" on the same level as "has a tattoo in a language they don't natively speak," it is very confusing to a people-pleasing undiagnosed autistic 14 year old. I felt/feel like I can’t like anyone or anything because it’s ~problematic~ I worry it will never go away, because it affected me in my developing years, 14-19 I want to get better, but it’s hard. I wish I could run from the internet, but I can’t. It’s a part of life now. It’s how we stay connected. But it’s also like…. Idk. The internet used to be my safe space, right? Deviantart. Early tumblr. Seeing weird people like me made me feel less alone. I was a weeb surrounded by “preps” for lack of a better word, not that I didn’t have friends but NONE of them were into what I was into, you know? And no one became as obsessive about things like books and anime like I did, except online. But now it’s like, idk, corruption of the garden of Eden. But instead of me eating the fruit, the garden/internet ate the fruit. The world is too different now… I can’t keep up. And it’s not just because I’m getting older. Things happen faster now. Trends will last half a year when in the past they would have lasted a decade. I hate knowing everything all of the time. I hate that my garden is now a cesspool.
I’m just angry that people on tumblr and lefty spaces online are so blind to their own propaganda, and calling it out is “hate.” Like idk, I guess I expected better from people who are supposed to be ~intellectuals~. Well, if YouTube video essays have taught me anything, style over substance goes a LONG way. And they’re like “oh we’re so compassionate and we want a better future” but they tell everyone to kill themselves and laugh when red states get devastated by natural disasters it's not just that but it's like…. if you're not constantly aware of everything, you're ~part ofthe problem~ #wakeupamerica. silence is violence, blah blah blah. it's just hard because i grew up with a strict dad so learned to be a people pleaser. i'm extremely sensitive to guilt and shame. and all most of the internet has done since 2014 is shame everyone for everything. you're either with Us (good, pure, morally righteous) or you're with Them (problematic, evil). you don't want to be gasp problematic, do you? you don't want to have a callout post made about you and lose all your friends, right? well, keep you nose clean and reblog all the right posts so we know which side you're on an maybe, maybe we'll leave you alone. i have the stress of someone in debt to a mob boss. nah it's more like… i have the stress of everyone in the scarlet letter and im hoping everyone will keep their eyes on the Villain of the Week and leave me alone there's a decent video called "how to radicalize a normie." i say decent because it treats radicalization like a right-wing only issue and the "answer" to right wing radicalization is, of course left wing radicalization. "Even though they're on the bad, evil side, there's still hope because we can get them to our good, morally righteous side!" That kinda bs, and I say bs not in a left vs right way. According to my dad I'm a full blown communist! I'm saying it in the sense that the answer to radicalization isn't "just radicalize them to the other side." That's not at all helpful. You might as well tell an alcoholic who likes jameson to just switch to jack daniels. It's all poison, it's all harmful. ANYWAY, he talks about how most people don't set out to be radicalized, the politics comes to them. That happened to me - but on the left. And I'm sure if I left a comment on his video saying as much, he'd say it didn't happen or say it was a good thing. On tumblr, I came for anime. And for the first year, I got anime. But then I got really intense political stuff. "silence is violence." "i see you not reblogging this." "if you're not angry, you're not paying attention." I was 14-15, sheltered as fuck, I don't know anything about the world but now tumblr is convincing me that I know more about political issues than anyone. And it changed me. And it fucked me up. and I want to get unfucked. But I don't know how. I feel like an internet alcoholic. Like, even if I do stop using it, it will still be there, haunting me, forever, you know? because all my friends use it, not just you guys but irl friends. and the internet is effecting the real world. I miss the days when there was the internet, then there was reality. but now the internet is the reality. That's why I also fell so hard for the [REDACTED] stuff. Tumblr made me think everyone was [REDACTED] because like 99% of tumblr is [REDACTED], and I was worried about it because god help you if you question anything or show the slightest bit of concern. God help you if you're not full steam ahead on everything. I want to escape the matrix. I hate the hypocrisy…. And I hate even more that I’m also a hypocrite. I fall for group think and propaganda but act like I’m above it all. I hate social media but use it every day. YouTube too. I guess that’s why I get so mad when I see them act like that. It reminds me of me. People think the consequences of social media on a teenage girl are like "omg I was feeling good about myself….. but then I saw a model on Instagram… alas. I will never be her. I weep."
But it's more like: Oh my gosh, I just saw a post asking for mutual aid (aka MONEY, BABY) and I scrolled past. What if they died because they couldn’t afford food because I didn’t reblog their post? But what if I DID reblog their post, but it was a scam, and I led my followers to give money to someone who didn’t need it instead of someone who did?
I was hoping to share more examples, but I'm worried someone will misinterpret, and even though anon is off, the anon in my brain is on. always. on. i keep going back to the internet because i keep expecting it to get good again… like how it was. for some reason, i can't accept that it will no longer be my safe space. i wish i had a massive angel to keep me out, or something. like the actual garden of eden. I have to accept that it will never get better. I have not only an addiction to the internet, but to the obsessive thoughts it brings. By wishing it will get better, and continuing to use it, I am chasing a dragon. That is to say, I'm hoping for the same feelings I got from initially using the internet. No one ever catches the dragon. anyway, if you read all that... thank you so much! i'm taking a break from the internet, until mid november at least. maybe by then, it will be better. or not. we'll see.
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pupkou · 3 months
this is opening a can of worms so im sorry but I do think it's really silly that people can't hear other people's experiences without feeling like it's a personal attack on them. me sharing my personal experience with transphobia as a trans man doesn't mean I think I have it harder than trans women, and just because they have it harder because of transphobia + misogyny doesn't mean that I don't also go through transphobia in a way unique to my presentation and experience. it also doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to share those experiences. it doesn't have to be an either/or of who experiences transphobia because we all do. there's different types and they are all terrible.
trans men and transmascs insisting that there is a specific type of transphobia aimed at masculine trans people should not even be controversial. we are not cis men saying we're persecuted for being male/masculine/etc. we are not the ones oppressing and hurting trans women. insisting that we're transmisogynists for creating an ONLINE INTERNET LABEL to make it easier to talk about and refer to the transphobia we specifically as a transmasculine population face is not the activism you think it is and also does nothing to bolster your own community. does it help you to hurt others? or does it tear down a vulnerable population in your community that is not hurting you by posting on tumblr dot com? don't act like you're the virgin mary for fucking calling out transmascs to a wide audience and getting them harassed for having an experience different from yours and daring to share about it
seeing someone hurting because of the transphobia they face and making it about you and then invalidating their struggles is so uncompassionate and cruel. youre doing the same thing to us as you don't want done to you. we know we're not oppressed for being men. like please be so seriously fucking for real. most of us lived as and grew up being treated like women (and many of us still are!!!!!!!) and so we KNOW how terrible men can be-- many of us are victims of them. we KNOW that men are not oppressed and we KNOW that being a man in this world provides you with a privilege. we're saying that despite what being a man supposedly awards you according to patriarchal society, we are not always privileged in that way. and we don't think that it's right that men are privileged nor do we want that system to continue.
the anger and hurt is not directed at disappointment/anger at not being advantaged "as promised", it's at the fact that we're being harmed. that's it. and then when we share that harm, we're dogpiled and called misogynists and people write fucking callout posts over us being like "this transphobic thing happened to me as a trans man." makes sense!
the term transandrophobia is not meant to water down or lighten the idea of transphobia or transmisogyny, it's just supposed to clarify and provide a word for what we go through and feel. transandrophobia is NOT "I'm oppressed for being a man and I'm oppressed for being trans and I suffer equally from these things. hashtag not all men!!!!!", it's "I suffer because of how the world treats me as a transgender man/transmasculine person and I have not been allowed to talk about that because people think I'm saying that I'm oppressed for the man part and not the trans part."
we are on trans women's side and claiming that we also face transphobia in a specific and vicious way does not take away from the fact that trans women face it from an intersectional front of facing transphobia and misogyny in tandem. we are just saying "this is our community's flavor of transphobia and we would like to seek comfort and understanding from people who have gone through similar experiences." we are supposed to be brothers and sisters and this entire argument between what is supposed to be a community is so stupid
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ineffableigh · 1 year
Timeline of Suspicious Events Brain Dump - PART 2
Ran out of characters. See previous post here! [linky]
We resume during Muriel's initial visit to the bookstore. They're having a nice look at a cupperty.
Crowley arrives in a bluster with all his plants - we've only seen him angrily say No about the Bentley and yet he seems to be going along with it anyway. He asks the important question: why not take the train? Why go by car? It's an eight hour drive each way! Train or even plane is WAY FASTER!
Crowley's the one that does the 'humans are weird/a few days' line for some bloody reason. Crowley what are you doin' man lol pick a better lie!
It feels Important that we see so many one on one moments with Nina, but not Maggie. Like we're building Nina as a character, but not really Maggie, y'know?
The show also really wants us to see how uncomfortable Nina is with discussing her love life at all, but everyone in the story just kind of blows past it.
"Dance Macabre" in the Bentley eh? A tone poem about Death calling the dead from their graves to dance for him? Like, I dunno, Gabriel says later in his Tempest line? A piece that quotes Dies Irae?
I love the musical conflict going on in the background once Crowley takes control of the Bentley's Vibes back lol.
Interesting that we have an entire moment to see that Beez is unhappy with the status quo in Hell, and the lack of recognition for all the work they seem to constantly have to do down there. Especially since we hear later they're very 'short staffed'.
Crowley moving seemingly random books from upstairs to downstairs, cosplaying a bookseller (ostensibly). Seems very chill about chatting gravity with Jimbriel, and we get our first Direct Fly Callout. Might be the second, not sure re: 'flyswats' when the archangels visited.
Pub imagery: Jesus raising Lazarus on one side, and the 'butcher' Dalrymple on the other side. Hmmm two sides of Heaven anyone?
It has to involve Aziraphale somehow because the Production Designer had that painting of Jesus done with the tomb opening being exactly like the 'eastern gate' of Eden in s01. Seems like a big effort to go to if not to draw parallels!
I find it interesting that Aziraphale a) seems super excited to hear about the 'Masons' b) there's a lodge next door to the pub, but c) we don't investigate that OR the person Gabriel was with. Y'know, the little shaggy haired demon with a bowler hat covered in flies? Normally would be quite conspicuous, yes? We know that Azi knows what Beez looks like from the end of S01.
Post-minisode we cut DIRECTLY to Aziraphale at the graveyard. What did he do between the pub and then? Did he walk there, drive there? Another huge gap to account for that's just swept under the rug.
Convenient that No Regerts and Friend are there, both being comically intense tough guys openly talking about Grindr lol. Just hanging out in the fog with no phone minutes left like ya do. Very convenient they were there, though I'm not sure what the advantage of that phone call even was. It's so strange a scene across the board that it feels like something is missing.
Back in town, Maggie is chasing Nina to talk about getting stuck in the cafe. I don't know what it is about their talks but to me they feel strange, or at least Maggie's side does. Might just be a by-product of us not seeing Nina 'acting like it's Maggie's fault' but it all feels very out of the blue, y'know? Always when Nina's busy working and can't really escape.
"I'm not your type." "You have no idea." Maggie SHE HAS A PARTNER AND SHE JUST SAID THE PARTNER SUSPECTS CHEATING, NOW IS NOT THE TIME LOL. See what I mean about Weird Vibes though?
Sudden Tempest Prediction from Gabriel. Very weird that he has these moments, either by forcing himself or these triggers. Do you have to be Empty to channel God?
Multitude of Shax Visions - this sequence seems odd to me. We've seen Shax impersonate a human once, yes, but this back to back thing seems unusually competent for her. I do wonder if we're getting a Crowley's Very Stressed Perspective thing going on here. Poor lad sure is stressed.
I was wondering how Shax figured out where Aziraphale was, but I bet she probably just tried to teleport to the Bentley like most demons seem to when Crowley was in it, but probably got punted outside by the Invitation Only magic. Or something.
The interaction with Shax here is really weird, though. It seems purely designed to freak Aziraphale out rather than actually get information. She says now she knows Gabriel is in the bookshop, but nothing about the discussion actually pointed to it any more than she would have known beforehand.
Shax then goes on to tell Beez that Gabriel is in the bookshop. Why she's so confident, I still don't really know, like I said above. All she knows is both the Husbands are being obfuscating dorks, but maybe that's enough.
Also like, Beez, you maybe should have just. Gone to the bookshop? Instead of attacking it? When you know Hell is short staffed? This is a Weird Plot Point too, if Beez just wants Gabriel. Why go straight to war?
As they're bringing Crowley's plants back to the car I hear glass shattering??? What's up with that??
Azi you dingle why are you hiding the Shax visit from Crowley. They really DON'T talk and for no good reason.
Next Instalment: [Linky]
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gregorybacon · 1 year
squeezy anon do you have any headcanons you hold dear you haven't talked about on here? i love hearing people's headcanons. i go rabid. i won't steal i promise.
YOU WANT ME TO TALK ABT MY HEADCANONS??!?? FR??? I’LL BE GLAD TO!!!! I already made a post about my infodump of Gregory and Christophe headcanons, but I have some extras that I haven’t posted / recently developed! (Make sure to click the "keep reading" to see all of it)
Gregory HATES theater kids, and he doesn't exactly know why. Maybe it was cause they're full of overly dramatic, ignorant, self absorbed people? (At least in his school and previous experiences) Maybe it's the overly cheesy performances that he likes to scoff at and gets second hand embarrassment... thinking that they don't do as good as the professional musicals and is an insult to them. But anyways, there is one acceptation to why he still attends at watching school plays, and it's cause Christophe IS a theater kid! Gregory thinks that Christophe is the only theater kid he actually respects, cause his performances are more better than others (even if it's overly dramatic sometimes) and he pin points tone and body language almost perfectly. Gregory will rant about how all the other theater kids should be more like him and how Christophe is carrying the success of school plays.
Fun fact I based off of my interpretation of Gregory's personality and nature mostly the same as Peppermint Patty from Peanuts. I just feel like Patty fits how I see Gregory..
I like to think that Gregory's the type to make full on callouts on someone's bullshit by somehow getting evidence of it and throwing it all over their faces, insult them, clowns on them, and then making them cry if they deserve it.
Christophe really loves how fluffy, soft, and curly Gregory's hair is, he's almost jealous of it. But at the same time he doesn't want to properly take care of his hair cause it's too much work and it doesn't matter to him. So instead he likes to walk up to Gregory and ruffles his hair for a bit getting it all messy (which Gregory finds it fun) just to appreciate how nice his hair feels
Whenever it rains, Gregory will literally come over to Christophe's house just to ask if they can play in the rain and dance in it together :] and then have mud fights
Gregory has hand sensory issues, his hands are very picky on textures to the point where it bothers him extremely. This is why he wears gloves! But he has an issue with them where sometimes they get too warm, or if he doesn't need them at that time, he takes it off. Which is my excuse to why in the movie, Gregory's gloves randomly disappear
Christophe does keep small animals as pets, lizards, ducks, frogs, mice, etc.. but an incident happened where Gregory's snakes ate a bunch of the smaller animals Christophe has, and another time where the snakes ate Pocket's rabbits when petsitting them... this is why Christophe is terrified and hates snakes. Gregory deeply regrets that and tried his best to not let that happen again 😭
Ok, now that I got those extras out of the way.. I have some Gary headcanons! Cause I love him and I've been wanting to talk about my headcanons for him for a while
Gary has dyslexia, which in his case fucking sucks! Gary has a passion for reading, and literature in general, so having dyslexia is the worst combination ever while having that hobby, but he tries! (This is coming from an dyslexic person who also likes literature
Speaking of books, Gary has a really big interest in Warrior Cats... I don't know how this thought happened, I just feel like it would be funny
Gary's also obsessed with things relating to stars, or just space in general. He's also a little inpatient and doesn't wait to give an answer about those topics (This is in relation to the episode where he appears in, where he straight up didn't wait to be called to give an answer on the rocket landing question and he just full on yells it out)
Gary loves Hawaiian Pizza.. he doesn't understand why people hate it so much lol
Gary also has a habit of not getting jokes, the punchline flies right over his head unless they're blunt. But he just laughs along even though he fully doesn't get it and just goes along to be friendly
Since Gregory is Gary's cousin, they hang out a bunch. Christophe, Gary, and Gregory is like their own little mini friend group! And since Gary sticks around with Gregory a bunch, sometimes he picks up Gregory's accent and it will randomly show, in which he will immediately correct himself
Gary and Stan are dating in my headcanon ofc, but Gregory and Stan have a huge rivalry going on... Gary gets stuck in the middle of it cause Stan is his boyfriend while Gregory is his cousin, it's a constant back and forth between trying to keep both sides from mauling each other.. poor Gary :[
OK I'm gonna stop it here, I can't remember all of them but these are the ones I can think of so far! Honestly might make more posts about my headcanons for the side characters... Ty anon for letting me go rabid <3
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
There was one more smear post that's been spread around that I need to address.
The first two points of this post aren't really that relevant. One is being mad at me for identifying as a tulpa and defending myself.
Another accuses me of spreading misinformation which is too vague to even bother arguing since people can call anything they disagree with misinformation.
Pretty usual stuff.
The third point though...
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If anyone has seen this and would like further context for this supposed harassment campaign, here are the details.
(Assuming this isn't someone else who I don't know about.)
There was a system who started making posts making various attack posts about me, I think around last February. These posts ranged from callout posts accusing me of being transphobic or racist or dangerous to reblogging sysmeds who were arguing against my posts, including one that this system tagged by telling me to get banned.
All in all, when I counted at the time, I think my name was mentioned on their syscourse blog over 80 times in about six months. (CTRL+F is nice.)
This wasn't even including vagues. These are just mentions of my name.
During all of these callout posts and personal attacks, do you know what I did?
I ignored them.
When they reached out to try to talk to me to convince me to change my evil ways after that... I ignored them more, because I'm frankly not interested in hearing someone out who spent months attacking me personally and telling me to get banned.
Then I blocked them.
They, upset by this, made a callout post on their positivity blog telling their followers to block me. Then reblogged that to bump it several times. (I may be wrong about the timeline here. Maybe this came before me blocking them, while I was just still ignoring them. I can't remember exactly.)
As of that time, they had posted attack after attack after attack against me. I hadn't interacted with them or said anything bad about them directly at all, or so much as mentioned their names.
The so-called "harassment campaign" was me making, I don't know, maybe 4 or 5 posts in total (including responding to anons who asked about it) after a pro tulpa user they @'d was temporarily banned following a callout post they made that @'d that user... a user who had them blocked at the time.
They took issue with me calling their attacks against that user attacks, and falsely said I accused them of reporting the banned user user. (In reality, I was clear that I didn't know if they were responsible and didn't want to accuse them of falsely reporting, but I do hold them responsible in that the ban likely was triggered by them @'ing the other blog in an attack post. A blog which they knew had them blocked.)
I also said that I didn't understand why someone would tag an account that had them blocked unless they were intending to point harassers in the direction of potential victims.
I can't for the life of me understand why they felt the need to tag an account that had them blocked. Generally, the point of tagging an account is to send them a notification to let them know they were mentioned. But that doesn't happen if you're blocked. In fact, not receiving notifications from users is kind of the main point of blocking. So... what was the reason for tagging the blog that they were blocked by other than putting an easier target on their back so any potential harassers would be within one click of the blog? Because I can't think of a single one.
In that user's subsequent response to this, after reading this and hearing me explain why you shouldn't tag users who have you blocked, they tag me and link to my posts, while fully knowing I blocked them. Which at least feels to me like an intentional and malicious decision.
Me: There's no reason to tag someone who has you blocked except to send harassers at them. Person I have blocked: Everyone, look what @sophieinwonderland said about me!
I also didn't "send my followers after them." I did end up mentioning their names (again, after literal months of them talking about me on their blog by name). But I didn't tell people to go harass them. Nor did I link directly to their posts or blog.
The Harassment Campaign
So, who was harassing who here?
If me making a small handful of posts that mention someone's blog name is harassment, what are the dozens of time my name was mentioned on theirs in posts attacking me?
What are the callout posts about me?
Or going beyond this user, the entire #Sophiecourse tag???
I don't care to rehash old drama, nor do I care about the particular user. It's water under the bridge, and I barely even think about that incident or them anymore. I actually genuinely hope they're doing well.
But I do need to comment on the sheer hypocrisy of the OP and anyone buying into this narrative that a few mentions of someone who made multiple callout posts about me by name, called me dangerous and transphobic and told me to get banned, is somehow me harassing them.
The sheer cognitive hypocrisy of the OP is wild.
And this also applies to their own post too.
If saying a couple negative things about someone is harassment...
I genuinely wonder how they would feel if I had that person's name in my pinned, making sure negativity about that user is the first thing anyone who clicks on my blog will see, telling everyone who follows that individual to not interact, while making lists of reasons I don't like them.
I genuinely don't care if certain people hate me. I don't care if people want to say bad things about me. I expect it, in fact. Anything you say that goes against societal norms will cause controversy. I'm not here to please everyone.
But at least grow up and stop being hypocrites about it.
I'm sick of the double standards on display, where attacking me is normalized and encouraged, and if I say anything about someone, even someone who attacked me first, they claim I'm harassing them.
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reptileofdoom · 1 year
Public PSA and Callout Of Hawkshadow/Luna: A Continued Pattern of Hurt and Manipulation Part 1 of 2
Hello, my name is Autumn aka reptileofdoom on Twitter & Tumblr. I debated whether to make this post for a long time and continually questioned myself; however, I've realized that if I don't, that guilt will sit with me for a long time. This post is directed toward Luna; known on AO3 as hawkshadow, on Twitter as @/dage_mingjue and on Tumblr as @/petesbubblebutt and @/hawkshadowwrites.
I am extremely concerned that Luna continues to be a big name in the community; her "big name" status gives her credibility that is, frankly, undeserved, and it makes people lower their guard, which allows her to take advantage of them better. Please, please be on your guard around her.
This isn't just my story. Other people have given me permission to use their names and testimonies as part of this post. I have done my best to provide proof and evidence of everything mentioned, and when unavailable, I encourage readers to question. Please reply if you would like additional information regarding any of the points in this post.
Since I will most definitely be accused of clout-chasing, let me be clear: if you follow me just because of this post, I am going to shatter your kneecaps. Do not follow me for this, I repeat.
Some screenshots have had information covered solely for the sake of privacy. I think she's dangerous, but I don't want to give her personal information to the internet, or involve unrelated people. That being said, due to the nature of the issue, sometimes it's impossible to cover without removing relevant information.
Additionally, due to who she is and how she operates, I have opted for the safety of posting conversations IN FULL; which means 5-10 screenshots for each conversation. I would rather be safe than sorry, because I WOULD otherwise be accused of concealing. So this will be a long read, which is why I am using a "read more" break.
So, here are the basic details, presented first from my own point of view:
Luna and I used to be quite close fandom friends, in the period of August 2022 - January 2023, when our big "breakup" happened. During that time, Luna created an extremely uneven dynamic within our friendship: constantly talking about her own problems, trauma-dumping, and complaining about various things. My own personal issues, when brought up, were either never addressed or I would be outright berated for bringing them up.
Additionally, and I am using this word with its full intended meaning: she would intentionally gaslight me, making me question the reality of our friendship, claiming that I was "emotionally manipulating" her, all the while trampling over my own boundaries and not being able to give even basic courtesies expected in friendship. She blatantly took advantage of my autism, gaslighting me by telling me that social norms didn't work the way I thought.
For full context: I am autistic. At the time of our friendship, I lived with my parents, who have for years emotionally abused me for said autism. There were many unsafe things about the environment I was in. On top of that, there is an 8 year age difference between myself and Luna. (She is older.)
I bring up my own age not as a "gotcha", but as important context to keep in mind for the conversations you are about to read as we get into the meat of this. I am aware that Luna is also neurodivergent but 1) that is not the same thing as autistic and 2) I gave her many, many benefits of the doubt throughout our friendship. Please keep in mind neurotypes are not an excuse for continued horrible behavior.
(About my own age: I am 20 years old. When entering Kinnporsche & Vegaspete fandom, I was under the impression the show is merely 18+ and it is labelled as such in most places. I did not even hear of it supposedly being 21+ until a few months ago. Nevertheless, I do my best to respect everyone's comfort and leave spaces not intended for me.)
One last disclaimer: I am not trying to frame this as a "cancellation post." Most of all, I intend for this to be a warning for anyone in a similar position to myself, easily taken advantage of. If, on the other hand, you read everything and see no issue with any of Luna's behavior, then I will not argue with you. I am not asking people to abandon their friendships with this person - merely to guard themselves from being hurt the way I was, over and over again.
Timeline of event (summary):
Luna and I first started talking in August or so. Unfortunately, due to the mutual blocks, a lot of our Twitter history is inaccessible to me; but I know the rough timeframe because at the end of August is when Luna and I sent each other our first DMs on Discord. Most of the events happened there; some others happened in her server, which I left after our breakup and have no interest in returning to.
In October is when the first concerning behavior popped up; on the 31st of October I attempted to pull away from the friendship, not quite realizing what was happening but becoming aware that every interaction I had with Luna left me feeling anxious and panicky. I was guilted into staying and feeling bad for ever trying to do that. Our worst interaction happened in November. After this things calmed down throughout December, precipitating again in January when we made the decision to work on and post fanfiction together. The posting of this fanfic became the straw that broke the camel's back.
A deeper dive into these events:
A lot of this is going to seem like very personal drama. Unfortunately, it is only through showing all this that I can show the horrible manipulative tactics she would use. Please bear with me.
As mentioned previously, the beginning of our friendship was on Twitter, where we have now blocked each other. As such, I have lost access to our DM history. I have tried downloading my Twitter archive and various other methods, but nothing I have tried has allowed me to regain access.
Proof that I can't message and/or look at DMs from her:
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Proof that our DM conversation did, at one point, exist (yes, unfortunately I have to use vegetable porn here to prove my point):
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Since we were not too close during the Twitter era, there thankfully isn't much that needs to be brought up from those days. However, there is one extremely critical fact in those conversations: It was there that I told Luna about my living situation and trouble with parents. Most of all, I very specifically told her I would get called "emotionally manipulative" just for having meltdowns.
It is now impossible to retrieve that conversation, unless by some miracle she unblocks me. I do not have high hopes for this happening. For now I ask: please just believe this happened and keep it in mind.
With that established, we get into when the manipulation started blatantly showing. It first came about as a result of... a GC, of all things. That Luna would frequently post screenshots of and I felt envious of. Perhaps it was my own mistake to not resort to clear communication immediately, but here is a conversation where I first brought up the topic, implying I would really like to join.
Her responses aren't.. bad, per say. Obtuse, more like. There is nothing incriminating here, but look at what she focuses on, what specific things she does not address - and where the conversation ends up, with who comforting whom.
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(From now on, passages of interest will be circled in yellow.)
So Attempt #1 was a bust, right? Okay, no biggie, we commiserated a little over mutual insecurities, I just have to ask my friend outright so she knows what I mean-
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Right. I am not quite sure how to commentate this entire exchange, even half a year later, but let me give it my best shot.
At this point, you're probably still giving her benefit of the doubt. "She is just really, really bad at knowing how to communicate" you might say. That is what I told myself at the time. (Note: I am hyper empathetic so please know that at every point I was primed to believe her and empathize.)
It's really, really awkward to have to make this point through conversation about people essentially unrelated to this, but this unfortunately became our driving issue. For context, this famed GC had all of.. 5? 6? people apart from her. So if you are imagining a massive server with strict rules? Nope.
Next, notice how instead of just. Admitting she can ask her own friends a question, she tries to make me seem unreasonable. "What, you want me to stop mentioning my friends?" basically. She then also, specifically, makes a point of saying "You are not being rejected." This will become important later.
At around this time, I came to realize: this friendship wasn't good for me. I did not have the words for it, nor could I believe any of the blame was on her, but I knew a few things:
I was always the first one to start conversations.
It would take Luna long amounts of time to reply.
When she did reply, it still ended up being an unbalanced conversation, with me doing about 70-80% of the talking.
Every time I talked to Luna or was waiting for a reply, I would feel horrible, anxious and, in short, like shit.
Now, I turned all these issues inward and looked for the root of the problem inside myself. Having been blamed for my autism all my life, it ended up being my justification for many of these things, sometimes in creative ways.
This is the message I sent Luna on October 31st and the ensuing conversation:
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My first message doesn't fit the screenshot; full text is in image description.
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She then proceeded to post MULTIPLE screenshots of her latest conversations with not only fandom friends, but real life people including HER ROOMMATES. As proof of her lowered capacity for responding to people. I will save my commentary for the end; Let us continue:
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A screenshot of her Twitter DMs to show who she has responded to and when.
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Interjecting that at this point she still had not done the extremely basic thing of just. Asking her friends if she could invite someone. And notice the use of the word "manipulative."
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Let's take a pause here because I shit you not, that was the end of the conversation.
Did you see the immediate guilt-tripping? The language implying I am to blame for everything? "If YOU think our friendship is toxic" "if YOU think this is best for you"
There are many things she says here that are, in hindsight, INSANE. But chief among which is her insistence on hierarchy and social dynamics.
Do you see why I wrote that she took advantage of my autism?
"I'm not the one at fault, YOU are the one who is fundamentally misunderstanding how group dynamics work."
I talked to my friends about this. I vented to them about being so dumb and stupid I couldn't even understand a basic thing, without showing them the conversation of course. I felt immense self-hatred because she convinced me it wasn't her being weird and unreasonable - it was just me being dumb and disabled!
And a necessary reminder: She was very clear about the fact that she WASN'T rejecting me. She really DID want me there! It's just she had no options :(
Why did I make myself seem so pathetic as to practically beg her to let me join her group? Because at the same time, she'd tell me shit like I was her favorite person and encouraging me to go make friends with the other people and surely THEY would want to then invite me.
Last of all, please notice how the conversation ends. Two apologies and no response. But a prompt idea? Something fandom-y? Yeah, she'll engage with that and make no acknowledgement of anything before.
A lot of these conversations are so frustrating to look back on in hindsight. Obviously, she had no interest in me and did not actually care for a proper friendship. I was somebody to conveniently vent to and get fanfic ideas from; otherwise, I don't think she had much interest in me as a person. (Something further supported by the things we're gonna be getting into next.)
Now, where we last left off I was guilted into continuing this friendship. A friendship, I emphasize again: I had multiple times stated was unhealthy for me and was actively causing me frequent breakdowns.
The following conversation happened as a result of something in the server. As mentioned: I no longer have access to those records. In short, however: Luna and I had a short disagreement where she stated she didn't like something I was saying. Which was fine! I felt very apologetic and apologized. To which she responded "okay" and... nothing else.
So I sent a few message in the server chat. Waited. No response for hours. My anxiety went through the roof - I started having an anxiety attack and, in desperation, DM'd Luna multiple times privately because I had no idea what was happening: whether our disagreement was resolved, or if she was still mad, or what. I would like to make it clear the only thing I was looking for was just a confirmation of: "are we good?" If the answer had been "oh, yeah, I accepted your apology" there would have been zero problem. Instead, this is what happened:
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This is the conversation, in its entirety.
Do you see why I used the term gaslighting? In its full, actual definition as an abuse tactic?
It is hard to write a commentary for this. Look at how many times she twists what I say and mean. To be clear; I am fully aware of how passive aggressive my language in this conversation becomes. I am not proud of it. But as mentioned, I had been worn down by months of constant anxiety; in a weird way, I do feel proud looking back, that I was able to stand up for myself in this moment. In the end, I put all the blame on myself again, which led to a.. small concession from her.
I hope it is clear from these images that I was never looking for more than 5 seconds of her time, whenever she was able to check her messages. The expectation with messages, in general, is that the person will get to them when they get to them. Her insistence that I was being selfish, messaging her while she was at work, comes out of nowhere and is especially strange because.. she would message at work all the time. It was not a boundary she had ever enforced before.
I am not coming here from a position of "we argued once and now I hate her." I am coming from a position of "this is a person who messed me up for months in a way that has required extensive therapy." THIS is why I am making a post like this, about how dangerous she is and how much I want people to be aware so that they can please, please protect themselves.
She would constantly come to me with more intense problems, all the time. She had me talk her down from panic attacks at work. (Not shown because 1 - image limit, 2 - it is very personal, and I still feel bad exposing her personal stuff.) But when I had a single time it got bad, when all I needed was "yeah, I'm not mad, don't worry"? This was the response.
There is more. It gets worse. Unfortunately, I have hit the 30-image tumblr limit: this will be continued in a second post, that is linked:
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randomprosho · 2 months
"I don't support it in real life!"CW: talk of sexualizing minors, slight rant
Then why write about it? If for coping purposes, why post it online for others (especially actual predators) to see and consume? Then why portray those things in a positive light instead of condemning them?And you're seriously going to tell me that just because as an adult (1) you want to see a fictional minor (that mind you, is usually designed to resemble an actual child) depicted in sexual situations doesn't mean you don't share that same view concerning children in real life? You find fictional minors attractive but not real ones? Why does the line between finding someone who is (and usually also looks like) a child sexually attractive get drawn at whether the child is real or not? I'm not calling anyone pedophiles, but if the shoe fits...(1) No I am not talking about 18 y/os finding 17 y/os attractive. Use your brain. Creating content of underaged characters is still questionable regardless of age, however.
"Just mute/block instead of harassing others!"I have nearly 70k people blocked on twitter, and hundreds of words and tags muted, I softblock and mute people who post things I don't want to see. I still see certain things on my timeline, usually because1) It's posted in the main tags of something I'm interested in2) The post isn't even tagged at all3) If someone quote retweets from someone I've blocked, I still see the take on my timeline.
"Antis use the same rhetoric as exclusionists and TERFS!"What exactly does being against pedophilia have to do with trans (women) exclusionary radical feminism?And what does lgbtq discourse in general have to do with not wanting minors to be sexualized?
"Antis harass people!"Apparently, proshippers have never done this before! Not once has a grown adult stalked literal children for calling their ships gross!Not saying harassments ok at all, but let's not act like the poor proshippers are being oppressed here.Also, I promise you, someone saying "x is a proshipper, please block them if you don't want to see their content" is not harassment. Writing callout posts and videos on underaged "antis", however is most definitely harassment but y'all don't want to hear that. People have the right to know if they are platforming people who go against their personal beliefs and morals. Choosing to hide that from people who would otherwise not want to interact with you for the sake of not wanting to "lose friends" makes you a bad person, and you should feel bad.
this is a LOT anon, my god...
First I'll say what I do agree with you on: I have made posts and even agreed with antis or neutrals on proshippers harassing antis. I have seen it and have hated that it happens. Proshippers like to use being anti-harassment as a shield to harass people. Antis have made posts without accusing anyone of being anything nor making any kind of assumptions about any shippers and they would get HOUNDED by proshippers. I've seen it happen. I once followed a group of antis because they liked the same popular ship I liked in a fandom (I wont name). They were uncomfortable with certain shippers and proshippers following them, I respected their wishes and left. I saw from a proshipper qrting that same anti group that I unfollowed because they made a list of proshippers for that fandom so people could block. I did trust these antis because they were anti-harassment. I do agree that a lot of these kinds of lists do cause harassment but there were proshippers going up to this group being immature saying to be added to the list. And yes, they were harassed but like I said, I did trust this group, they were peaceful people. I have had good conversations with antis because I feel like there are some that just want to be heard. So I listen to them. I am completely fine with having conversations without being labeled something I am not. That you KNOW I am not. I WILL stick up for antis if they're not in the wrong, I dont care how many proshippers I will be going against. I am anti-harassment in the truest sense. NO one deserves to be harassed, least of all, children.
For all the other shit you said: "if the shoe fits" It dont. Pedophilia is a paraphilic disorder where the person has thoughts and emotions that could potentially harm a minor. These people have intrusive thoughts to the point it causes them distress. I, personally, do NOT suffer from this. People have the ability to separate fiction from reality. What I see when I look at anime characters is a cartoon character. I dont see actual literal children, no matter HOW they act. I can only speak for myself, but I dont like actual people, let alone, children. I dont want to be with anyone nor do anything with anyone. I use to be a schediaphile, which is a paraphilia where someone is sexually attracted to fictional characters, which lolishota are. I honestly never was sexually attracted to lolishota. I only find them cute and when I like cute things, I like fucked up shit to happen to them because I like dark/taboo type of fiction. Even if something is shown in a positive way, it is STILL fucked up, isnt it?
When I post anything sexual about a lolishota, I am able to distance myself from it: Aegosexual.
There is a LOT of violence that is shown as a positive in fiction but no anti ever goes hard against it like they do when it comes to anything depicting sex. Violence is always seen as a good thing, while sex is bad.
It is a-okay to be disgusted and grossed out over any fiction no matter what. What isnt okay is harassing someone over fiction because you find it icky. I personally dont like gore but I would never go after someone making assumptions that they're gonna go on a murder spree.
I dont use lolishotacon as a way to cope because I havent been through anything like that. I just think they're cute, thats it.
btw, I am also blocking a shit ton of people on twitter. I block people every single day. I see NSFW art I dont want to see all the time. It does cause me a teeny bit of anxiety but I literally breathe out a sigh of relief when I block them so I dont see their shit anymore. If you're following ppl that qrt people you've blocked, maybe you should unfollow those people. you are the only person who can look out for you, unless your a minor, then thats your parents/guardians job
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huecycles · 2 years
deleted the post because honestly, doing callouts was never something i'd envision myself doing, even if i was (am) very upset about the situation.
i also don't want the whole thing to spiral out of control, and i really didnt wanna make a public post in the first place. i was just at the end of my rope and have been for past few months. this literally all started due to me getting attacked all day long yesterday for posting trans utdr art to my youtube community tab, so yeah you can guess what happened. lots of blatant transphobia to deal with, and AGAIN the usual: people arguing with me on kris' pronouns, say i'm "disrespectful" and "shoving headcanons down people's throats" and "alienating" people or whatever bullshit, to like 41% jokes. i was understandably stressed out. so when i was informed about the post they made, i simply lost it. the coincidences were just too damn strong to ignore.
i still saw no reason to attack determinators for my own bad day and was willing to hear them out and hoping to god it was all a stupid misunderstanding. if they're telling the truth about the "dess theory stealing" not being about me, i understand the fact they didnt take any screenshots because of course why would they have. and i completely understand and relate to their paranoia regarding the 4chan incident, i really do. what happened to them was absolutely disgusting and inexcusable.
i am however done with this situation because i have way too much going on in my life right now (i will discuss these things more calmly probably through art or a video because.. i kinda want/need to and have been bottling it up for a while) and i honestly don't care anymore about whether or not the post was referring to me. it doesn't matter anymore, this isn't great for my mental health and making a callout post only complicates things as i'm not really on board with this stuff myself. so i deleted it which i think was the right thing to do, and want to leave this behind. that's all i have to say on this tbh
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lunarian-anarchist · 4 months
Before You Follow...
So to save myself a headache and having to deal with the bigoted maniacs on this site; I will now be making y'all aware of what I won't tolerate on here and also to make y'all aware of who I am and what I believe.
Firstly; if you are anti Ukraine or Pro Russia this isn't the blog for you. While I have my own criticisms of the Ukrainian government and NATO; that doesn't mean I support Russia. Russia isn't a communist country (which is an oxymoron anyways) and it is not interested in liberating other countries.
I am Pro Palestine but will not tolerate anti antisemitism; and no, I don't consider fair (aka not double standards) criticisms or even the want for Israel to not exist to be antisemitic. I am an anarchist first and foremost. I don't support the existence of any state.
If you go around calling Palestinians terrorists or savages this blog is not for you. If you go around calling all Israelis evil bloodthirsty monsters, this blog is not for you. People are not their governments.
If you support the government of Israel, this blog is not for you. If you support the government of Iran, this blog is not for you. There is no freedom in fascist theocracies or wannabe fascist theocracies.
If you support Hamas or the Houthis, this blog is not for you. There is no liberation in hatred and religious extremism backed by foreign governments who play chess with people's lives.
If you go around accusing random people of being a part of a specific belief you don't approve of, this blog is not for you. I don't believe in witch hunts or smearing other people to make yourself look good. If you want to know what someone believes, have a conversation with them.
Do not send me asks like "OMG!! Are you a _____??!". These asks are always in bad faith and are just looking for an opportunity to scream at someone over the internet and make themselves feel good. If you have a genuine question about what I believe, you can ask me in good faith. If I believe your ask is not in good faith I will delete it and possibly block you, depending on how accusatory it was.
90% of the time; Posting is not a revolutionary act. Alright y'all need to hear this one. While it can absolutely be good to spread awareness or post donation funds; you are not a revolutionary if you spend all your time posting unsourced twitter screenshots or typing up posts like "how come people aren't posting XYZ?" or "If you don't post XYZ you are a bad person!! How can you post anything not related to XYZ? Don't you realize people in XYZ are struggling everyday??!!". These types of posts are self righteous bullshit posted by people who spend all their time online and 99% of the time have never even attended a protest. Internet activism can achieve things sometimes but y'all grossly overestimate how often that is.
People are not morally or politically pure. This doesn't mean we should accept bigotry but it does mean that sometimes people will disappoint you and you should handle that in a mature and reasonable way rather than a callout post or sending death threats.
People make mistakes, people can be wrong. Make space for that. I find it disturbing and hilarious that so many leftists who claim to believe in restorative justice and criticize state punishment are all to willing to put the boot on the second someone is not right or someone doesn't share their exact beliefs. Some of y'all aren't bothered by fascism or state violence, you're bothered that you're not the one deciding who lives and dies, and of course you always believe yourselves to be on the right side of history too. Unlearn that, unpack that, grow.
Lastly, I have a life outside of tumblr and won't always be around to post on the latest horrors going on. Also, while this is a politics blog I do post other things. This is my space, please respect that.
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