#Also a giant fuck you to Saturn
kyros-tha-soldier · 11 months
chapter 1096 spoilers
this is one of those chapters I've been waiting for so long!
Let's get straight to it:
The slave hunt has started and the CDs start chasing people who have targets on their back (basically running, moving, living, breathing targets)
Kuma, Ivankov and Ginny hatch a plan to steal the devil fruits while everybody is distracted (Poor lil Kuma has an arrow in his back)
the rocks and Roger pirates arrive and we see big mom, Rocks (not revealed) shiki, Glorosia, Whitebeard, Bakkin, Roger (looking like a young ace), Wang Zhi, a young Kaido, John and crocus maybe? I dunno I read all that at 4am I had a brain fart
Garp pulls up after he got summoned to protect the CDs, he was in a vacation when they called him. Bro couldn't get a break and for what, to protect those BASTARDS?
The pirates wreck havoc in the island and almost mess up the plan of the little kids. Ivankov catches Kaido's fruit and Kuma grabs the Paw paw fruit.
Big mom attacks ivankov and catches the fruit from his hands. A terrified Kuma eats his devil fruit
Saturn appears and uses his Haki (probably? I dunno, whatever was that scary glance that knocked Sanji off his feet) and says something to him... Whatever it is I don't think it would be something polite
Fast forward we see Kuma, Ginny and Ivankov are back to Sorbet island. Kuma is praying in a church. Later Ivankov decides to leave (he probably wanted to go sailing) and the little kids bid him farewell
We are shown and a montage of him and Ginny working (she beats up some kids who bullied him but he heals them and they become best friends)
Kuma and Ginny are then shown eating dinner, living inside the abandoned church
Bonus panels:
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i-i love them so much you guys you wouldn't understand waaaaaaaah they're cute... CUUUTE!!!
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ksp is a space & physics simulator sandbox game where you can build, launch, and fly (or crash) your own rocket in a fictional solar system that's similar to our own, with many unique planets and moons to explore. you can also build a plane if that's your thing, or a rover, or all three in one!!
the game has a big community around it that's still active despite the last major update being issued years ago!! the modding community is large and thriving, and there's a community mod installer that's maintained if you're having trouble installing stuff.
kerbal is easily one of my top three favorite games of all time, it has immense replay value and creativity is practically limitless. if you like sandbox games, simulators, and a game loop of "fuck around, find out, apply what you found out, and fuck around again" you will hopefully love this game
here are some screenshots of what you can do in kerbal space program!!
(yes i built all of these!! some of these have some graphics mods in them
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land on the moon (except it's spelled "mun" now) and plant a flag
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send a rover to mars
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send a BIGGER rover (with cat ears) to an icy moon of jool, the local green gas giant!
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build cool space stations
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launch an accurate replica of the saturn v that brought humans to the moon!
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...and then blow it up on the launchpad
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...and then strap some fuckin WINGS to it and fly it like a plane because that's how we roll at the kerbal space center
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deploy relays of satellites in orbit and send probes to the far reaches of the solar system
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build, fly, and safely(?) land spaceplanes and shuttles
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make a penis shaped rocket
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stick rockets on the side of a plane and then stick that on top of a bigger rocket to launch it into space
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rendezvous with an asteroid and capture it
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strap a guy to a lawn chair with a thruster and some fuel, and send him off to deep space (don't worry he's having fun)
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whatever the fuck this thing is
anyways please get kerbal space program i need to introduce people to this wonderful wonderful game it's scientific it's engineering it's goofy it's fun it's literally a ROCKET SANDBOX what more can you ask for?? 75% off is a fucking steal!! what are you waiting for!!
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justyourtypicalwriter · 5 months
I just saw the post SERVICE DOGS HCS PLEASEEE !!!
HERE WE GO GANG! These are the one's I have so far! Feel free to suggest recs for any characters or disabilities y'all wanna see! (feel free to rec it even if it's for a character on the list)
Service Dog: Brown Newfoundland, Delta (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Minor Psychosis 
The hair dye oh my god. He can rarely drag himself out of bed during depressive episodes but occasionally he’ll get a random burst of impulsivity and re-dye his hair. Most of the time he does the same shitty job at bleaching it blonde
Sharon and Randy officially divorced when he was fifteen. He got a little better now that there isn’t constant screaming or the threat of a drunk or high Randy doing something stupid
Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a total mess-
Patched his relationship with Shelly
Misdiagnosis club AND public breakdown club
God his entire aura just radiates LOSER energy but he’s somehow insanely popular
Not cousins with Craig & Red in this AU but their parents are insanely close so they hang out a lot
Service Dog: Irish Setter, Saturn (M)
Medical Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Epilepsy
Lowkey autistic but Saturn isn’t task trained for anything related to that
Goes non-verbal at times but it’s pretty spontaneous. Most people outside his group can’t tell if he’s actually non-verbal or just not talking to fuck with everyone
Peru drama was secretly worked out when they were twelve. Craig was hospitalized for a while when they were running tests to get a diagnosis, it was roughly a month long stay. He told Stan he’d call it even if Stan looked after Stripe until he was out. Tweek was away for the summer and he knew Stan wouldn’t let anything happen to her since he’s a massive animal lover
Gotta maintain the bitch personality 
Service Dog: Doberman, Latte (M)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilitie(s): Chronic Anxiety,
“Ah fuck, the magic school bus is waiting outside to take me back to rehab-”
I kid you not, he was absolutely terrified of Latte when he first got him
Which is funny because Latte is the sweetest goddamn thing, not at all like Fable whose a fucking demon shit
CPS was called on his parents right before senior year
Placed with the Broflovski’s so he and Kyle got closer
Public breakdown club
Service Dog: Boxer, Haven (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression
Public breakdown club (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Black Giant Schnauzer, Noble (M)
Medical & Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Diabetes, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)[This one might be switched]
Tubie Kyle (I fucking LOVE this one)
For once I give Kyle an ED that doesn’t stem from body image issues
Humancentipad trauma bc I love being problematic about the episode
DESPISES his lows because it means he has to eat something
Also goes non-verbal but only during times of high stress
Noble is a program dog. Kyle got him when he was 14 and initially he was so against it. He wants to function independently but he really fucking can’t. As he grows older he learns to accept the help more
HATES mirrors. The Humancentipad incident left him with scars
Public breakdown club
Service Dog: Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Harbor (M)
Medical Response & Mobility Aid Dog
Disabilities: Muscular Dystrophy, Chronic Pain
Regularly hospitalized, fucking dies, and revives the next day
He trained Harbor mostly by himself (Wendy, Tolkien, and Kyle pitched in a bit and bought him books on training techniques)
MOM FRIEND! Bro I just love making Kenny one of the parental figures of the group. He’s just got a bag of shit he carries around for both himself and everyone else. Stan forgot to swap his bandages? Boom, Kenny’s got new ones. Kyle’s sugar is low? Boom, he’s got whatever little snack the boy is able to tolerate. Someone needs a distraction? Medical episode causes them to need a vomit bag? Boom, done. Mom friend Kenny
So fucking ADHD
Service Dog: Grey Great Dane, Kitty (F)
Mobility Aid Dog (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Papillon, Jax (M) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Black German Shepherd, Nike (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response
Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Husky, Fable (F) (IN DEVELOPMENT)
Service Dog: Golden Retriever, Bucky (M)
Medical Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Misdiagnosis club
Went to multiple doctors from 13-15 who all told her it was all in her head
And she’s just sitting there like “bitch please, the only thing in my head is my girlfriend and how hot she is. Now tell me why I keep experiencing these symptoms-”
Service Dog: Chocolate Labrador, Isa (F)
Psychiatric Alert & Response Dog
Disabilities: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Public breakdown club (IN DEVELOPMENT)
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kookoofufu · 11 months
Spoilers for chapter 1096
Just read the unofficial 1096 chapter release so GIANT SPOILERS, but Oda..... you fucking tease....... how did we get everything and nothing at the same time?
The main focus is on Kuma, Ikankov, and Ginny escaping, but Oda skips over a ton. How did Kuma escape from Saturn? How did he save 500 people? How did they all get off God Valley? Did they interact with any pirates or Marines? Ginny only listed two devil fruits, so what was in the four other treasure chests seen in chapter 1095?
Plus it's interesting that Kuma returns to Sorbet Kingdom. I think this interaction hints at how he becomes king due to his kindness (before whatever happened to make him known as a tyrant):
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It also implies he stayed in Sorbet kingdom all his life which depresses the shit outta me. He may have only become a pirate after losing everything :(
Plus... yall... :(
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That's not even mentioning the major players!! Roger, Garp, all the Rocks pirates?? We still don't know what happened, why Roger and Garp teamed up, if Rocks pirates fought Saturn, how Roger finds Shanks, how the Rocks pirates escaped, etc, but neither does Kuma apparently. I have a theory that Ivankov saw Whitebeard in action, it could explain his reaction to him in Marineford.
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Plus the new info that Gloriosa was with Rocks! Oh my god!! We know Gloriosa had love sickness, but who for? My theory is that she loved Whitebeard because of this interaction with Stussy. Gloriosa calls her "shameful," maybe because she's clinging to Whitebeard?
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I'm not sure who the two dudes in shadow are, maybe Ochoku and Silver Axe. But "today" being the deciding battle is verrry interesting, especially since this incident destroyed the Rocks pirates. Maybe they were going to disband after this day anyway? So many questions.
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The details of the tournament are top secret, so maybe the Marines or Garp didn't know the extent of what the Celestial Dragons were really doing. Garp only comes to God Valley to fight Roger. I'm very confused by how much he knows about Hachinosu vs God Valley, maybe it's a translation issue or intentionally unclear.
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And Roger says that it's been a year.... a year since what?
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Here are snippets of what God Valley looks like, very western. I feel like this is important...
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Next week is probably more flashback so maybe we'll find out how Kuma became king, if Kuma and Ginny fell in love, how Kuma and Ivankov reunited, how they joined the Revolutionary Army, etc.
Oda drop your location I just wanna talk
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for-a-longlongtime · 1 year
On Dieter, Goya's Black Paintings, and Pedro on Talk Art 
Alright y'all, it's Saturday evening, I have nothing better to do (I actually do but I don't feel like it), so welcome to my mini TED Talk about 'how to pay too much fucking attention to the Pedro cinematic universe'. None of this is new, and maybe everybody already knew about this, but I didn't... so here's a nerdy tangent courtesy of googling/wikipedia-ing.
I was reading a Dieter!fic (this one right here by @chaoticgeminate - go read her writing!) earlier today, which refers to the 'Saturn Devouring His Son' painting - that giant mural Dieter is working on in The Bubble:
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(his brush isn't even touching the wall tho, ha)
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The original 'Saturn' by Goya
The fic mentioned its part of 'The Black Paintings', so I got curious and started googling. I'm no art major or expert, so please allow me to just paraphraze the Wikipedia page. 'Saturn' is part of a group of 14 Goya paintings that are called Pinturas Negras/The Black Paintings. They "portray intense, haunting themes, reflective of both his fear of insanity and his bleak outlook on humanity" --this was late in Goya's life, and was connected to several illnesses he had experienced (and the fear of relapsing) and political turmoil in Spain at the time (post-Napolean war, changing Spanish government, etc.
Trivia fact 1: Goya actually made these paintings right on the walls of the Quinta del Sordo (so-called Deaf Man's villa) where he was staying -- so I love that Apatow had Dieter also paint right on the walls.
Trivia fact 2: while Goya was living in this villa, he actually became gravely ill (again) - not by a pandemic obviously, but it's hard to not link that loosely to the COVID period. He had never intended for these 'Black Paintings' to become public; "these paintings are as close to being hermetically private as any that have ever been produced in the history of Western art" (the murals were eventually transfered to canvas by other folks once he had moved out of the villa). Switching back to The Bubble -- I love how the tragic influence of Goya's illness(es) and art/things 'made at home away from the world, not intended for an audience' (so obviously, in a bubble) has that connection to the COVID experience and how many folks were suddenly homebound, along with the burden of illness in many ways (lord knows this all did a serious number on our mental health). In the movie, Dieter and the others do not want to go into isolation again, but that solitude is what eventually led him to painting on the walls in his room. This is not a 'grand discovery' of any kind, but I got a kick out of the parellels once I read up on it - and honestly makes me appreciate the movie a bit more, haha.
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Not happy about another quarantine period.
Alright, more hyperfocusing after the cut:
Some googling led me to a post from last year by @nicolethered (gifs in this post are hers), and she included screencaps of the walls of Dieter's room (during that drug scene), which I hadn't even noticed while watching the movie. Upon taking a closer look, I noticed they're outtakes from other pieces of Goya's Black Paintings! I thought that was really cool, they sure worked on the details with that set (there's one more that's shown in a different shot but I can't exactly figure out which outtake that is):
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First one is a mirror image from Two Old Men Eating Soup and the second one is basically Satan aka 'The Great He-Goat' from the Witches' Sabbath painting. Which IMO makes for fucking hilarious perfection a.k.a. trivia fact 3 -- because we all know about Dieter and his little emotional support goat, LOL. Excellent connection.
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*insert sound bit from Hot Ones interview* : "Just let me love you!"
Anywaaay there's more. The Bubble was shot during Feb 22, 2021 to April 16, 2021, right? Pedro has spoken about how his input in shaping Dieter was mostly regarding his outfits (the Crocs, the robe, etc). But then I suddenly remember the Talk Art interview he had done in 2018, and how he namechecks 'The Dog' by Goya - and lo, guess which painting is actually part of the 14 Black Paintings? Yeap - the dog! So I checked the podcast and he was asked, 'if you could be any painting, what painting would you be?' by Russell. Here is the painting, and below it is what he said on Talk Art:
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'The Drowning Dog' by Goya
"I think… it's a Goya. Yeah, old school. I think it's called 'Dog Buried in Sand' or something like that. It's so… I remember feeling it was such a visual representation of helplessness, in such a… come on, let's all admit that helplessness is a very recurring feeling for many of us, you know what I mean? When it comes to so many things. I guess… I was in Spain, in Madrid, and I was 20. And I went to the Goya museum. What's interesting about it is that the head of the dog is really quite small and sort of adorable, it looks like a stray mutt, and the painting - if I can remember it correctly - is very rectangular. There's so much above him, like the world just seems so big. It's quite incredible, isn't it? I know it's really sad, and sort of dark, and maybe I really like enjoy perceiving myself like..." (He gets interrupted by Russell, and then continues;) "Yeah, he's certainly not dying, it's sort of - it's a moment", (then interrupts himself with;) "Maybe he's totally dying, there's no way that dog is getting out of that. That dog is SO fucked. Anyway, that's the painting that represents my life". (All three of them burst out into laughing.)
If you're still reading this - I am impressed with your dedication to my silly little post, haha. Anyway, I just thought it was so striking that there basically is a straight line from the painting he mentioned in Talk Art to what Dieter is painting in the Bubble. Makes me wonder if perhaps he - or even Russell/Robert - had any input in that part of Dieter's backstory.
Thank you for attending my TED Talk on artistic analysis of Dieter Bravo during COVID, we now resume your regularly scheduled program for Saturday night. 🤪
(Have I been smoking because a local dispensary actually had 'Mando' bud? I sure as fuck have and I blame that for this post.)
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toaarcan · 10 months
One of my favourite spaceflight facts is that, due to some heavy technicalities on what the universally accepted definition of an astronaut is, and the intense secrecy surrounding the Soviet Union at the time, the entire Vostok program, AKA the thing that first took humans into space, technically doesn't count and everyone just agrees to ignore that.
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Submitting my claim that Vostok is actually the cutest spacecraft ever, which is an entirely normal statement.
When they sat down and defined what counts as a successful manned flight, part of the requirements included the astronaut(s) landing in the vehicle. But Vostok didn't do that. Instead, the Vostok cosmonauts ejected from the vehicle after re-entry and parachuted to the ground separately. This continued until the later Voskhod missions, where they ripped out the ejector seat so they could fit more guys inside (and on the second one, one guy and an inflatable airlock so one of them could do the first spacewalk), and put in a rollcage so that landing inside the vehicle wouldn't turn them to goo.
But by the time Voskhod 1 blasted off from Baikonur, all of the Mercury flights had already been flown, so this means that, according to the rules, America technically completed the first manned space flights.
Another technicality was added to the list a couple of years back, when the guys that make the rules futzed with said rules in order to deny Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson astronaut status, because fuck 'em. Now, in order to be an astronaut, you have to actually do something on the flight, otherwise you're just a passenger. And many of the Vostok flights were indeed more like passengers than crew. The Vostok spacecraft is pretty much a big satellite with a passenger compartment and a re-entry module, and it's fully automated.
So why didn't these technicalities get called out? The USA and USSR were never shy about trying to embarrass each other, or make each other look foolish on the world stage. One of the biggest reasons why we know the Moon Landing Conspiracy Theory is total stupidity is that the USSR congratulated NASA on the successful landing, because if it had been recorded on a soundstage in Area 51, the Soviets would've been the first to call bullshit.
Well, part of it is just that the Americans didn't know about the specifics of the Vostok program at the time. Whereas the American space program was a very public affair with cheering crowds showing up to watch every launch, the Soviets were much, much more clandestine than that. Baikonur is in the middle of the Kazakh desert, and the Soviets were keen to lie about anything that went wrong.
When their attempt at a moon rocket, the N1, endured four successive failures on launch, mostly caused by the Soviets lacking the funding and the facilities to properly test the thing, and instead just had to launch fully built rockets and hope they worked, the Soviets simply scrapped the last two and declared that they'd never intended to go to the Moon and were all about Earth orbit instead.
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The N1 was actually more powerful than the Saturn V, but because it never reached operational status and the Soviets preferred to pretend it didn't exist, the Saturn V remained the world's most powerful rocket until Artemis 1 flew last year. A similar situation is happening now, with SpaceX's Superheavy being more powerful than the SLS, but also being basically a giant bomb at the moment.
Most Americans had no idea how Vostok worked, and didn't even know what it looked like. They didn't get to see what a Soviet spacecraft actually looked like up close until the Apollo-Soyuz mission in 1975.
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Behold, the setting for the most expensive handshake in history.
By the time the full details came out, the world had known that the Soviets did it first for decades, and challenging that doesn't really do much for anyone besides the people that want to go "Um, ackchully" about everything.
Additionally, the rules weren't even written yet at the time, so there's even less reason to start changing shit up now. Vostok might be technically breaking the rules, but nobody cares, and downplaying the immense technical achievements of Sergei Korolev, Yuri Gagarin, and everyone else that worked on the early Soviet spaceflights on account of a rules quirk that wasn't even written yet is just kinda dumb.
(Random sidenote, Korolev was the chief designer of much of the USSR's early spacecraft, including the R7 rocket that carried both Sputnik and Vostok into space, and still carries some of the Soyuz flights to this day. And, like pretty much every major achievement of the USSR, he wasn't Russian. He was, in fact, Ukrainian.)
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danwhobrowses · 4 months
One Piece Chapter 1115 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back from another break
Another sneaky upload while I was coming home from work by TCB, plus other business has delayed me a bit, but now we can get to it
Secrets are pouring out, Joy Boy the pirate
Tell us more, Vegapunk
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
Back with the Yamato cover story, packing a lunch with Toko and Hiyori
And we're sticking with Wano since even they have the broadcast
They have the flag up as well, Straw Hat territory
Seems they had a Den Den Mushi in Orochi's possessions
Momo muses about Joy Boy being a pirate, having learned about him from Oden's journal
Tama's still there enjoying food too, seems like she lives in the palace now
Shinobu though hasn't 'matured' to her usual look, still looks younger
G4 Base?
Oh fucking...really? XD Demaro Black doesn't miss a hustle
Fake Kid Pirates mein godt hahahaha give it up lad
I mean why would you want to pose as someone who's worth 3 billion? You know how many would kill for 3 billion?
The navy at Egghead are also listening intently to his broadcast, as Vegapunk goes deeper into Joy Boy's past
He's only able to cover from a few Poneglyphs he's had access to (likely the ones Ohara had) but as we expected, a great war occurred; Joy Boy vs the future World Government
Dude was THIS CLOSE to the 'wait, are we the baddies?' moment
Warcury is not happy, as he still chases Luffy and the giants through fire
Mars is pissed too, using his Conqueror's Haki to destroy as many Den Den Mushi as he can find
Vegapunk continues though; of course the WG were just known as the 'Allied Powers' a coalition of 20 kingdoms against Joy Boy's faction - which in itself is a frightening display of Joy Boy's strength, even the superpowers of today could be taken down by a couple countries united, but 20? It took 20!
Alas, Vegapunk doesn't know why the nations were in conflict, just that it was a clash of ideologies, likely control vs freedom, but he chooses not to judge the morality
Zunesha is pensive, as the broadcast emits through Zou
CARROT! We missed you dearie, she's got a fancy Duke coat but she should be in Egghead with the crew ¬_¬
Still, she marvels at Vegapunk noting how Joy Boy's kingdom was advanced beyond even modern science
Oh lord, it isn't just Demaro Black we're bringing up for joke cameos, I know that laugh, I know that headpiece!
Mother Fucking Foxy XD What is that tache man?
Seems it's just him, Porche and Hamburg sailing on a little boat, bandaged up and getting the rumblies
We go back to Stussy, who is contacted by Edison as Kaku lounges in the bubble still
Edison encourages Stussy to drop the barrier, it's useless since the Gorosei could just break through
Feels like you could've called her before diving through the barrier and nearly killing yourself bud
Saturn's also using haki to destroy the Den Den Mushi
Edison puts his confidence in the Straw Hats though
Nami contacts Jinbe, still carrying Zoro - who takes umbrage with him apologizing, since he was busy dealing with Lucci
Nami notices that the blockade is moving to their escape route, encouraging they hurry in her own way
Back to Stussy, she shows relief that the Straw Hats are likely to escape, but without Vegapunk, she wonders what remains for her, she has no purpose
Something Kaku seems pensive about, perhaps even sympathetic, since he can't suggest to her the zoo
Back to V. Nusjuro and Bonney kicks at the Gorosei as he seems to cut Oimo
Not a good landing for Sanji either
Seems V. Nusjuro's not paying full attention to the fight either, trying to use his Observation Haki to sense where the broadcast snail is
Still, he breaks free and slices at Bonney, only for her to be saved by Franky
The slash cuts the figurehead of the giant's ship, better that than Bonney's head, but now she's tuckered out since Distorted Future takes up stamina
As V. Nusjuro leaves the battle and we pan to Zunesha and the Iron Giant we confirm that the void century ended with Joy Boy's defeat
It's not the biggest revelation since the WG rule the world after all, but it also puts further context into all the regrets with Joy Boy and his comrades we have read about in the past
To limit the amount of life signs on the island, V. Nusjuro takes more drastic action, cutting the entire Labophase in half
This causes the CP agents and the bubbled Seraphim to fall to the Fabriophase below
As the Gorosei let gravity try to take those who swore loyalty to them, Vegapunk makes the latest revelation
Sea travel is perilous around the world, it's common knowledge, but a millenia ago it was not; the ancient world, the civilizations that existed in the void century, it's all underwater - they built on top of the ancient world
Also I gotta point out there's some absolutely stunning visual panels in this chapter
Koushiro and the Revolutionary Army also react to the broadcast, only he, Sabo and Dragon appear pensive
Coco Village!? Gen san how you doing! And Nojiko! Still preferred the short hair but she don't care about no global warming she has tangerines to look after XD
Vegapunk continues; before there were vast continents, which'd explain why so few would go out to sea beforehand, and with all of the evidence underwater it explains how the WG can erase a century of history, but it goes deeper - figuratively and literally
Since the void century, the sea has rose 200 METERS!
That's over 600ft; the size of the United Tower, bigger than the Great pyramid of Giza, and that's all Water Level
Naturally, the listeners - the navy - are floored by this revelation, since a Warship is only 60m, but other soldiers tell them to stop listening
There's at least some sense of loyalty - or preservation of cost - for the marines to try and 'rescue' the CP agents and Seraphim from gravity-induced splatter, a la one of their world leaders
Alas Mock Town must mock, there is one among the crowd who isn't laughing though, another one seems to have ignored gravity
Sakura kingdom - mainly Dalton - reflects on the revelation, with Kureha mulling how things continue to get interesting
Oh hey, Miss Goldenweek! Passing by as the island uses a mountain to compare the height
At Water Seven (given the Galley La jacket) Vegapunk discusses how such a thing can occur, and reveals it to have been man-made
Morgans is livid about all this BIG ASS NEWS, having to be shushed by Vivi
Vegapunk continues to show his work; there were no signs, no studies, no science to confirm a natural build up, and if it was natural it would've been made known as a world-altering event
He hints at the use of the Mother Flame, confirming his suspicions
The Gorosei - except Ju Peter, wormy is not getting a lot of love from Oda atm - look furious as Vegapunk continues to note that the sea level rises were caused by the ancient weapons
Those weapons remain dormant, waiting to be used again
And as we pan over to Imu Vegapunk reveals something both horrifying and sobering at the same time: The War Is Not Over
Every island was once a mountain
But time didn't have the influence it should have, Oda has been getting biblical with this lore drop by giving us the common religious theme of The Deluge. Flood myths exist in many religious stories and mythology (which I will keep separate to not ruffle feathers), most common because of Christianity is the flood in the Book of Genesis, which we've already touched upon in One Piece given Noah's Ark. Since we tread nearer to Elbaf it's worth noting that a flood as a role in Ragnarok also;
"the sun becomes black and the earth sinks into the sea, the stars vanish, steam rises and flames touch the heavens."
Once more this was a chapter where Vegapunk's broadcast takes more priority over the things we're seeing, but there are some stunning panels to enhance the revelations, we see also the Gorosei flaunting their haki showing the level they are while the monster trio remain incapacitated or indisposed. I'm at least proud of Franky coming in for some more rescue clutch action, but with Stussy I'm less convinced now that she'll be killed by Lucci, Kaku's silence is loud and maybe, just maybe, they can all see this as a way out. The CP agents are likely not to survive the fall, the Seraphim will and probably will live to fight the Straw Hats under orders of the Gorosei or York, they will likely be used more since the Pacifista are compromised. As for the revelations, a mix of stuff we assumed being confirmed and stuff that theorists have pondered and been vindicated, it's all underwater, which explains the walls in Wano, why Zou is on Zunesha's back (sidebar, how fucking long are Zunesha's legs? like it's gotta be 200m+ submerged alone), and why Water Seven's ruins run so deep.
Still, I enjoyed all the cameos, appreciated seeing Carrot again, and a Vivi cameo is always nice, plus I had to laugh with Demaro Black and Foxy, like who's next? Kuro? Morgan? Krieg? Arlong? Enel?? We have to get to Buggy and the Cross Guild at one point ofc, plus this could be an avenue to reveal the status of Perona, Moria, Weevil, etc.
but outside of that, little progress from the Straw Hats and the incident unfolding in Egghead right now, but given the revelations Vegapunk is giving the Straw Hats time, the Gorosei aren't focusing on them, they're looking for the broadcast snail - and I don't think it's even on the island.
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an-adhd-infested-nerd · 6 months
Intro post
This is for me. I like lists.
Basic Stuff and info!
I'm a big old lesbian
My gender is "I don't fucking know"
Pronouns are whatever.
Neurodivergent as hell
I am an adult despite having the interests of a twelve year old boy
You can always tell when I'm scrolling through a tag cause I'll reblog 50 posts in a row about it
I am not responsible for my current hyperfixtations flooding my blog. I go where the audhd takes me
I may not always be super active in certain fandoms but they never truly leave me
Tagging System
all fanart reblogged is under #fanart
specific fandoms are always tagged by name
Fanart for specific fandom is tagged as #"fandom" fanart (ex #star trek fanart)
Original posts by me are tagged under #original
I'm hilarious in that tag
Long Replies are tagged as #reply
Commissioned art is tagged as #commissioned art
Interaction and Content Guidelines
I'm not gonna do an DNI because I think those are flawed and kinda dumb but I'm never gonna ~purposefully~ engage/interact with anything bigoted nor do I wanna hear or see it.
TERFS, zionists, homophobes and all bigots get off my blog. This is not a safe space. This is a danger space. I’ll hunt you for sport.
If I do reblog something bigoted you are welcome to let me know RESPECTFULLY.
I'm almost never gonna interact with NSFW stuff, I’m not a huge fan.
Send me asks! Message me! Comment! I gain strength off interaction!!!
Fandoms I'm in! Also just some general interests
Cartoons/TV Shows
What We Do in the Shadows
Good Omens
House MD
Star Trek (TOS, TNG, Lower Decks)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Mutant Mayhem, Rise, 2012)
Inside Job
Ed, Edd n Eddy (I had some amazing art commissioned by @mar-saturn for EENE. Check out my #commissioned art tag!)
The Owlhouse
Gravity Falls
South Park
Over the Garden Wall
Wander over Yonder
Fairly Oddparents
Full Metal Alchemist
Spy x Family
Helluva Boss
Smiling Friends
Video Games
Legend of Zelda
Don't Starve
Strange Horticulture
Jenny LeClue
Night in the Woods
Monument Valley
Dave the Diver
Broken Age
Rusty Lake
Tangle Tower
Later Alligator
The Frog Detective series
Musicians and Bands
They Might be Giants
Will Wood
The Front Bottoms
Weird Al Yankovic
Chappell Roan
Marina and the Diamonds
Penelope Scott
Weezer (I will not be bullied)
The Night at the Muesum movie trilogy
The Muppets
Back to the Future
Scott Pilgrim
Dream Smp
Squirrel Girl
Jane Austen books
The Barbie animated cinematic universe
PBS kids shows, specifically from the 2000s to 2010s
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tae-rambles · 2 months
My thoughts as i read:
i knew there will be a colorspread but damn i didnt expect the giant Nami, she looks great
i like how Luffy keeps communicating w his allies, warning them about their opponents' abilities, it's been so long since the Straw Hats had a proper collaborative group battle and not just 1v1s
Bonney's back in Nika form!!!! :DD but she's still exhausted, but she's determined to kick Saturn's ass and i'm here for it
big bro Luffy protecting his little sis Bonney MY HEART (yes, Luffy's Bonney's big bro. i don't accept criticism)
HE'S SO SUPPORTIVE OF HER I CAN'T AAAAAA this makes me so happy!!!
wait, what location is that
... Shirahoshi and Vivi w those specific speech bubbles next to them... i see what you're doing there Oda
also Skypiea where the poneglyph about Poseidon was...
Kuma... :(
Bucaneers, Lunarians, the three-eyed tribe that can awaken the ability to read poneglyphs... i can't wait for the Tenryubito to fall
stfu Saturn
yeah! you tell him Luffy!
oh, Bonney... fuck i'm tearing up
there's so much going on in the two double spreads, to much emotion and thoughts to express in writing its overwhelming
serves you right you stupid spider
"there are certain individuals who cannot be oppressed" heck yea
coincidence? i think not!
poor Rayleigh lol he should be more appreciative of his hot and attentive wife
"no guarantee it will be found out by someone Joyboy would want" ... what an interesting placement of that speech bubble followed right after by the other three emperors.... i'm sure it would be possible to make that bubble touch the panels of all three of them yet Buggy's is further down.... or maybe i'm overthinking this
also Shanks yet again drowning his sorrows w alcohol... i wonder who he got it from coughcoughRayleighcoughcough
and Buggy yet again failing upwards lol
"who will protect the common folk?" as if you actually care about that
Shanks' handsome as ever, Luffy my beloved, Blackbeard go die in a ditch, Buggy babygirl
well hello new mysterious character w a sword who would you be? (the man marked by flames maybe?)
DAMN what an amazing chapter this arc is one banger after the other! :D i love One Piece so much
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 12 days
Homestuck: Epi-Prologue
You've done it. You beat the game. You entered your new universe. Jade placed that messed up Earth in front of - well it's not the sun. But it's almost like the sun. And that fits in away, because the Earth is almost like your Earth, except this one suffered through an underwater apocalypse. There's plenty of similarities but ultimately, it's a different planet, in a different solar system.
There's no Mars now, no Mercury, no Venus, no Jupiter, or Saturn, or Neptune, or Pluto, or even Uranus. Fuck. That's messing you up so much - you can't even laugh at Uranus.
What are they gonna base Sailor Moon on now? Are they gonna have to name a whole new set of planets? That could be kinda cool. Dave would absolutely name one "Snoop Dogg" and then there would be a Sailor Snoop Dogg.
No. That can't happen. That's too stupid! You've done some pretty stupid things in your life but you have to draw the line somewhere. And you guess... This must be the line - imagining some anime chick in a mini skirt, calling herself Sailor Snoop Dogg. Maybe that automatically makes her a furry?
With that thought, you reach out, grabbing hold of Dave's wrist before he can turn his timetables.
Great. Now everyone is looking at you.
"I don't want to be here."
That's... not what you meant to say. Um.
"We can leave."
Uh. Well. That is true.
Rose and Dave share a look. Dave's bro raises a brow over his weeaboo shades.
"What in the taint-chafing fuck are you talking about?" Karkat asks.
And to be fair, it's a good question. And you have a good answer. Maybe it's a good answer? From the way Terezi is - well, at least she's not looking at you. But she's sniffing the air in your general direction and you kinda wanna say that she seems surprised. Huh. You surprised Terezi. You kinda like that.
This must be a good idea.
"I can use my retcon powers. We don't have to stay here. We can leave. We can travel back to Earth - the one from my universe. Also Jade's, Dave's, and Rose's - you get the point."
"Uh, hate to break it to ya, bro. But that Earth and its universe got smashed to pieces. I would know. I was there. I blew it up myself," Dave tells you.
"With help, of course," Rose adds, rolling her eyes.
"Yeah but like... That was a specific moment right - there had to be hundred of other moments before that. We had like WW2 and dinosaurs - thousands of years before the Batterwitch even stepped foot on Earth."
"Are you saying that you want us to live with dinosaurs?" Jade massages her temple. "John, I liked Jurassic Park as much as the next guy, but that's taking this a bit too far, isn't it?"
"What's a dinosaur?" Kanaya asks.
"I love Jurassic Park!" Jade's young Grandpa adds.
"No! That's not what I'm saying at all! Except it kinda was? It was just an example! I could retcon us to the Renaissance and watch Michelangelo paint dicks live! We can go wherever, whenever we want. We don't have to stay here!!!"
There's a big burst of the Breeze as you shout that last word. You send everyone flying through the air or if they can't fly, they're knocked right off their feet. Oops. You didn't mean to do that.
They float back towards you or they get back up, and you can tell from their faces that they're thinking about it.
"We can't stay there forever," Rose says slowly. But that's not a no. She's not saying that you can't do this. Major win.
"Yeah, that universe has a giant expiration date." Dave nods. "But Egderp is right... There was plenty of years before the universe ended."
"You're really considering this?" Dave's bro asks. "You're gonna bring us back to Earth before the Condescence landed, hang out in ancient human civilizations, maybe watch Plato finger a guy."
"Yes! Exactly! Except for that last part. I'm not a homosexual."
"Cool. I like dudes."
Dave winces, mumbling. "That's... Yeah, I'm gonna have to get used to that."
"Well, if I can't watch Plato go balls deep in Socrates, I'm not going anywhere."
"In Dirk-speak, that means he's into the idea," Teen Nanna tells him.
"I've always wanted to see ancient Egypt," Roxy adds. "Especially after seeing my planet's copy of the Great Pyramids. They worship cats - that makes them a-okay in my book."
"Better than worshipping us too," Rose smiles at you. "We will have to come back here. But I... I think we can spare some time to watch history live."
"I've always wanted to meet Marie Curie," Jade says with a bright smile.
"Hold the fuck on! What about us? You humans can have your little time travel tourism, but we're gonna stick out like sore thumbs!" Karkat points out.
"If Condie can spend decades on Earth without giving away her alien identity, then we can hack hiding you guys in plain sight. That includes you, Callie!" Roxy points her finger at the green-skull girl.
"I've done plenty of trollsonas. I suppose I could make a humansona," Callie(?) says, clapping her hands. "So we're leaving? We're going to pre-scratch Earth?"
"I must confess that I have been so curious about your planet," Kanaya says.
"I still think that is a stupid idea coughed up by a meowbeast choking on their fur. But FUCK!" Karkat throws up his hands. "Sure. Why not. I got nothing better to do."
You look at them. They look at each other. They turn back to you. Dave puts away his timetables, grabs hold of Karkat's hand on one side and Rose's hand on the other. They all start linking up, except for Terezi. She taps her cane and shakes her head.
"This might be the only chance that I get to find Vriska... I'll keep in touch, but I can't go with you."
That's... You weren't... Terezi sounds so serious. It's like that time she was dying and she handed you a bloody scarf. You both worked so hard to get here and she was gonna leave anyways? Yeah. Okay. That's fine. That's probably for the best. She could end up licking the Sistine Chapel and ruin everything. So you nod at her, closing the circle of holding hands.
The victory door hasn't despawned yet. The giant, five-square Sburb logo also sticks around. If you do this right, you'll come back here at the same time you left. But for now...
You reach for that power inside you. And you pull.
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tanadrin · 2 years
Solar System bodies, ranked
 earth (i live here, the only ssb with weed and video games)
 mars (cool, easy to observe from Earth, might have life. big mountain! big canyon!)
 titan (one of only 4 ssbs with a substantial atmosphere. only other planet with liquid surface features! if something on titan is a ‘mare’ or an ‘insula’, it is actually a sea or an island!)
europa (looks cool interesting; pretty good candidate for life. they say this about most of the large icy outer moons, but this one really is)
enceladus (also might have an ocean; cryovolcanoes!)
triton (not only the only moon of neptune, but super geologically interesting! maybe a captured kuiper object!)
venus (has a thick atmosphere, is very earthlike in its proportions; the weather is bad, but it has cool fucked-up geology to make up for it. loses points for making me sad when i think about how we could have had an Earthlike twin one orbit away.)
iapetus (extremely fucked up looking for no good reason)
the moon (not a super interesting moon, but friendly enough. also is at the perfect distance to cause great solar eclipses!)
mercury (the last inner planet; not especially remarkable, but has some interesting features)
pluto (extremely interesting for a minor planet, looks much cooler than we ever could have expected, gives me Feelings when i think about what the solar system would look like from way out there)
phobos and deimos (would be very boring asteroids, but they get honorary place as the only other moons of a rocky inner ssb)
all asteroids (asteroids are pretty cool)
all comets and KPOs (comets are pretty cool, too!)
jupiter and saturn (nice to look at, v scientifically interesting, but gas giants are a little creepy--can you imagine what it would be like to float in an endless expanse of stormy atmosphere, with no solid ground below you? kinda scary!)
all other major moons of jupiter and saturn, except Io (pretty unremarkable, some have mildly distinguishing features I guess)
the major moons of uranus (boring moons)
all those stupid fucking moonlets in the outer solar system (demerits for lacking the spine to stand on their own terms as asteroids; demerits for being called ‘moons’ when they’re much too small and insignificant. demerits to the IAU for bothering to name these dumb rocks, as if they’re anything like the major moons.)
dishonorable mention to io (which is ugly as shit and looks fake, like an alien planet from the original Star Trek)
neptune (is a gas giant, and is boring to look at! the color is the distilled essence of sunday afternoon depression. yes, worse than io)
uranus (somehow even more boring to look at than neptune! awful! having a very punnable name does not save it. absolute sack of shit of a planet)
all the tiny, shitty moons of uranus and saturn. (not only stupid crappy pebble moons, stupid crappy pebble moons of crappy planets)
‘oumuamua (for not stopping to make first contact. rude!)
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veggieguy23-me · 11 months
One piece chapter 1098 spoilers
Ugh. I think I would have rather had a break this week than next week. A Break on this chapter? No bueno.
Plus oda clearly needed it.
This isn’t going to be reactions, more theory I came up with reacting to the chapter.
Anyway. Jewlery bonny has a fatal disease. Or rather she had a fatal disease. She clearly doesn’t anymore.
Here’s my bet. Kuma pushes becori away.
Dragon said he would get kuma in contact with every doctor. Dragon knows vegapunk. Kuma goes to see vegapunk and vegapunk tells him “he can’t cure it, but you can”
Tells him he can push the disease out and into something else. Kuma refuses because that would mean killing someone. Vegapunk also mentions that kuma would be an excellent person to make into a cyborg. Kuma also refuses. (This is that one time bonny visited egghead she mentioned)
Then king becori shows up again, fucks shit up. Tells kuma he’ll always come back, no matter where you send me.
Kuma pushes Bonny’s disease into king becori, killing him. Kuma’s one atrocity that gets spun into him committing every atrocity ever.
Kuma becomes king of sorbet. Maybe he already was king after pushing becori away, idk. Sorbet kingdom is beset by problems all around. The world government offers “help”, but kuma refuses, because like, it’s the world government. His people don’t understand though and he becomes known as a tyrant.
The government invades, deposes kuma, reinstates the old family (I guess becori’s mother? Queen dowager Connie from the reviere who bonny disguised herself as. I honestly don’t know what up with that, why bonny was a spitting image of her, maybe the guards just dumb.)
Kuma is sent to vegapunk who is forced to make him a cyborg. Bonny is sent to the marines to be taken care of (akainu mentioned she escaped).
Kuma becomes a warlord because vegapunk assures them that “with this chip he’s perfectly loyal to the WG”
Then Saboady happens and the government realizes that was a fucking lie, and vegapunk is forced to finish the job for good. Kuma pushes out his memories and they are sealed in a science room made of science that the bubble can’t escape.
In the present kuma pushes out all the pain and damage he accrued during his romp in marijois, and gives it all to Saturn. It either does or doesn’t work, my money says it doesn’t. (We’ve been told a major incident happened but them just escaping with vegapunk out from under everyone’s nose would suffice, a whole elder doesn’t have to die.)
either way the straw hats flee. Giant ancient robot that woke up takes the place of vegapunk’s robot, and their plan to escape goes off with only a few minor bumps.
Oh and also the fleet shows up at egghead. Luffy’s vivre card burnt up when he died in wano, didn’t come back, but luffy still chilling? An emperor now? Since they can’t follow the vivre card anymore they had to wait until they intercepted a marine broadcast saying luffy was on egghead.
They hold the fleet back while the straw hats and vegapunk and bonny flee to elbaf. Where shanks and his fleet is. Luffy is gonna approach shanks with his entire fleet behind him.
We were promised a battle royale weren’t we?
This is longer than I expected. I’m very likely wrong about a couple of things, but this is basically how I think the rest of egghead goes.
(My biggest gripe is time. Becori kinda has to die at the start of next chapter for the timeline to make sense imo
Tl:dr: basically a lot of events I think will happen.
Kuma pushes Bonny’s disease.
Kuma isn’t a tyrant that’s just rumours and propaganda.
Kuma plans to push all his damage into Saturn.
The giant robot that woke up a few chapters ago will help the straw hats escape.
The straw hat fleet shows up at egghead.
They follow luffy to elbaf where shanks and his fleet are.
Battle royale to come.
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explaining all of the names in my pinned post cause why not (excluding eyetrees cause the explanation for that one is in the post itself)
under a cut cause there’sssssssssssssssssssssssss
a lot
creature - i am therefore i think- wait. no that’s not. i therefore think am. yEAH!!,
mako - mako! a type of shark! i like the color of mako and i like its shape and texture too!
egret - a type of bird! only problem with this one is that it’s pale yellow in color, but y’know! bird!!
ermine - stoat winter edition. pretty word. pretty creature. very nice and pretty and soft
squid - 🦑 (squids are cool!! plus the color is nice. yippie)
fisher - type of- what the fuck are they called. hhuh. OH MUSTELIDS!! yeah that’s the one! anyway. they’re cute and fisher is close to ‘fletcher’ which is not one of my names but i like to carry it around with me anyway. it’s very nostalgic and nice
marten - another mustelid. ADORABLE. I LOVE THEM. AHHHHH
moths - i like moths! i also like plural names. moth? nope, moths
bug - i am what i am (afraid)
anomaly - i am what i am (a freak /positive)
chiton - type of funky aquatic creature. they’re real neat!
isopod - i like isopods (big ones though not. not the tiny ones). i have a giant isopod as my computer wallpaper. neat little critters
xylem - i barely struggled through that part of biology i don’t know. part of plants. it’s a pretty word and i like it for that
spooky - spooky scare yippie
spooklight, ghostlight/s - a type of light phenomenon! suspected to be from car headlights, but y’know
? - question makr
petrichor - smell of soil after/just before rain! favorite smell. love rain. love the word. good times
ford, stanford - blorbo
lee, stan - blorbo
mason - blorbo and i keep forgetting to add mabel but y’know what that’s fine
ghost - lil bug you play as in hollow knight!
hollow - lil bug’s extremely ill sibling!
broken - lil bug’s extremely dead sibling!
mossy - moss charger in greenpath
nosk - lil bug’s- oH WAIT NO THAT’S NOT-
hunter - slugcat from rain world!
nsh - iterator from rain world! name stands for ‘no significant harassment’
suns - another iterator! full name is ‘seven red suns’
inv, enot - secret slugcat! funky lad
pebbles - another iterator! full name is ‘five pebbles’
iko - from a game called islets! main character
greybird - from islets! birb
icarus - y’know the story
lycaon, lycan - werewolves are our jam! the ‘lycaon’ spelling comes from king lycaon, the supposed first ever werewolf. i just like the name and werewolf-ness, i don’t. he did fucked up shit (though luckily he’s just a mythological figure as far as i can tell)
kinito - from that game, y’know the one. take me to the void axolotl boy!!
cetus - cetus the constellation! represented by a whale and/or sea monster. personal connection
saturn - favorite planet! as with all of these, pretty word
stardust - pretty word!!!
random note at the end: none of these names are in order of importance, not here and not in the pinned post. ideally (unless you need to use one consistent name), you just sort of pick whichever from the list to use in any given moment!
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selfundiagnosed · 3 months
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No one gives afuck about this necklace besides ME!!!!!! im the only one who cares about this periwinkle galactic oceanic amoeba thing. Only my mind comes up with this shit. U ever heard of USOs? Unidentified submerged objects ? This thing lives in the perimeters around alien underwater bases. & no one cares about it. You know how the animals around Chernobyl all got fucked up and mutated? Same thing with this guy. the nuclear fission used to create the base underwater made one fucking weird amoeba neighbor. Thats why theres moon faces & star & spiral & saturn beads but also the seed bead amoeba and giant glass water droplet bead . Catching my drift yet? This is my periwinke magnum opus (thus far)
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birthclod · 1 year
top 5 silmira characters? educate the masses my friend
so uh this got a LOT longer than i anticipated because im very normal about this series. anyways. this is all under the cut
megido and har birthclod
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obvious answers. they're my blorbos so of course they're #1. they fucking hate each other <3
megido is far and beyond my favorite ofc. he dresses very classy but is self-motivated and ruthless. he has a rose motif. his idle animation is him shimmying. just look at him. he looks like if jet was a piece of shit (he already is, but not an ~Evil~ piece of shit)
he turns into a fucked up mutated version of himself if his brother dies bc har stabilizes the balance between their attributes so he becomes a weird looking dog version of himself. it's my favorite thing in the whole world.
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and har (or hal) is your main villain. he wants to rule the world as it is in spite of his brother who wants it to change back. he's a terrible dad (and yes, the guardian angels do call him dad(dy), it's true). doesn't care what sacrifices are made as long as he can accomplish what he wants to.
also he has muppet mouth sometimes. it's great.
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2. zohar metatron / sandalphon
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treasure literally gave us this bigender/genderfluid LEGEND and said "here's your rival, they can just switch between attributes on a whim like you" and then doesn't play it for laughs at all. they're like your jealous sibling who learned how to whistle before you did and then when you show them you can also whistle they're like NO FAIR I DID IT FIRST.
also, they can turn into this against their will.
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it's supposedly very painful. they have no control over it and they don't even want to fight the protagonist at that point. but it does have the best boss music in the game.
3. faust and sara
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i know i keep putting pairs together but I CAN'T HELP IT there's so many good characters in this game. also they're in literally the same area so i should be allowed this one
faust and sara are both hosts of their respective game shows in media city. faust is silhouette and his show revolves around shadow puppetry used as real objects to fight against shyna (including, i kid you not, a fucking tank). sara is mirage and her show is a gambling show with an enormous slot machine. faust gets very little screentime and dialogue but he's just. fucking cool? look at him??? i have no screenshots of his boss fight sadly but it's such a wicked concept. also at the end he turns into a bomb and fucking? explodes??? for the ratings to go up. insane.
sara gets a little more time and she's awesome. here's what she really looks like:
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she doesn't like being touched (meaning you can't rob her for money for long, an actual thing you do in this game to get money) and she's so fucking snarky i love her. here's my favorite voice clip of hers, it plays when you finish her fight:
4. serah (featuring delia)
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very close name with sara but don't be fooled, they are VERY different! giant fucking butterfly woman!!!
serah was the very first guardian angel, and although it didn't make her the messiah, it did make her a gigantic fucking butterfly. her japanese name is seraphim. you can only fight her under the specific instance that during the last fight with zohar the time limit runs out before you beat them, and then har deletes (re: kills) them in front of you and brings out serah as a more "worthy adversary". also, this is her unique boss theme:
i say featuring delia on the title because delia is connected to her and it'd feel kind of wrong to mention one and not the other. their relationship is only ever implied and not stated outright, but the implication is that they were (are?) married, especially before serah became a guardian angel. the title "your wife is an angel" is referential to this, and har even threatens delia that if he didn't comply he would hurt his precious serah. (in the original japanese, the translation for that part is that he would be forced to "forward" serah; it sounds like an email, but it's supposed to imply he'd put her at the front lines of battle). also, i just wanted to show off delia because he is the third nose guy in this game
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you wanna know what his boss fight is? if you guessed "you fight him on his game show where he makes soup and you throw silhouettes into his soup to hurt him", you'd be correct!
5. dynamis
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i have nothing to say. just look at her.
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she just wants to sell you some flowers. pretty freakin' flowers. :)
pablo (a lad, honestly. look at him. absolutely harmless until he turns into a wolf.)
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prinsdams (you never fight them because they eat you. also the one on the right has a surfer dude voice it's amazing. he calls shyna little dudette and everything.)
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shyna nera shyna (how could i ever leave out our main girl?)
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thepopularnobody413 · 9 months
Samadhi (Birthday Mix 2)
��Samadhi” - A short journey compiling all of my emotions and life experiences in 2023 into an instrumental orchestration. I made this project in the state of flow and allowance. Each instrumental takes you through an exploration of emotions and feelings. This is me sharing my multidimensional self with others, without words. This is my beautiful transmutation. This is my dance; my flow state. My greatness in audio format. My 2023 experience. Love & Light to those who share and listen. Thank you. 
Sharing Introspection:
Todays the day, my day. Im great full for all of you who tap in and tune in on a deeper level. Im feeling emotional as I write this as so much has happened to me and for me recently. It’s a lot.  
Saturn Return: 
This is the year of entering my Saturn Return hence the title of the track. I loved this track when I first made it; originally called Before August. (I made this the day before Aug 1st). This is the oldest track on the project (?) but this track just signifies ringing the “spiritual alarm” for me. It’s war, but not physical warfare, spiritual warfare. How does a warrior stick with a level of intensity yet remain light on his feet? Focus, concentration, preparation yet sensitivity all blended into one. The Art of War book is a great reference for this song. It’s not all about physicality or overpowering, as you begin to master the war within yourself, this song will become your dance and flow in that dance. Free your body from yourself and all attachments/limitations. WE are infinite.
Heart of Nipsey:
FOCUS-FOCUS-FOCUS. That’s what this track is all about. Focus and harnessing energies that expand your mind, energy and aura. This track was made in a meditative state. It feels like power. I love the way I layered this song. The sounds don’t even feel earthly. A spiritual experience if you allow it to be so. Notice if you have thoughts while this track plays you dive deeper into those thoughts. This songs vibrations honestly speak for itself.
Im also slowly trying to teach the people the importance of frequencies and energies in music! Consciously and subconsciously. You’re being affected at all levels. It starts with awareness. Enjoy the music by any means but in order to gain power it starts with awareness. Use this power of frequencies. Test it out play around. 
Steady Flow:
Just as the title suggests. Maintaining balance and knowing when to enter your own flow state. Flow state is subjective. You can be tied to something flowing to your detriment or you can be flowing into a positive state of mind. But flow is so important. 
A lot of my analogies recently when talking with others has been all about being the captain of your own ship. The foundation of your ship is water (this has many interpretations so sit with this on your own, then come back to me). As captain its important how you to talk to your crew (Conscious and subconcisous self). You have to know how to talk to the crew members. The pilot of an airplane doesn’t make announcements to the passengers on board with a voice full of fear lacking self confidence. If he did we all would be fucking terrified hoping the plane lands safely. But if you talk to your crew/passengers (self) with confidence and authority you begin to take control of all parts of you. No matter how bumpy the ride gets. 
To go a little further, also think how the Captain of the boat prepares for storms or giant opposing waves. Nature always gives messages and signals so be alert and tapped into the right energies or you could miss something great or even miss danger that’s on the rise. 
Remember the boat is YOUR VESSEL. Your crew is your consciousness and subconsciousness working on that boat everyone does their job and has their own assigned role. 
Example: You dont tell the white blood cells in your body get to work, that’s just what they automatically do! It’s their role/position. 
Now; what are you telling the crew members on board? 
How do you get the crews attention and obedience, how do you guide your ship? 
Are you even actually aware of who is on the ship? 
Are there pirates on your ship? 
Are pirates disgusted as crew members? 
A pirates job is to steal the bounty. 
What’s even worse you ask? That little crew member who is watching your every move absorbing all of you, why? 
Because that crew mate is trying to become the captain of YOUR ship. He’s got his eyes set on it. He dreams of taking over your ship one day. Just really think about this. This is one tiny reason and example of why I said everything is tied to its opposite in a previous post. You really have to know what the fuck is going on inside of you and what you are telling yourself that impacts this internal ship. 
No more gems of wisdom contact me directly or figure it out for yourself the deeper meaning of my words. Just remember 80% of your personal journey IN REAL LIFE is course correction. How much of what you planned actually fully entirely went your way? Probably not much. 
The crew on that boat (or any) does not travel in a straight line. A plane doesn’t even fly in a straight line. The journey is never that simple sometimes you’re doing circles and zig zags. But just tap in and simply know where you want to go in all you do aka have it mapped out for starters.
Ahhh probably my favorite track on this project. Possibly my most emotional but on a deeper hidden level. This one is more personal. I got a text message at this time that completely broke me and shattered me. After recovering pieces of myself and trying to turn a new leaf for myself and my loved ones it just wasn’t enough for others. I understand but I broke my back transitioning and transforming myself. Still not perfect and im okay with that. Still working on me. I guess it hurts to know people still view and feel my energy as an older outdated version of myself. I was on a mission of trying to come together and work in harmony but I constantly kept getting met with resistance. That resistance has now become rejection and I sit here alone. 1+0+1+7 = 9 the end of a cycle etc etc. I still have hopes the newer me can be seen and allowed to flourish in others lives but it’s sadly not my choice. I have to accept my own failures. I have to accept who I am and who I was. A very big internal struggle for me but one of the most private internal struggles I face. I won’t shed light on the topic or the people but the feelings are all out there. 
I go to sleep to this song. I relax to this song. I find confidence in this song. I find a void in this song, But I love it nonetheless. It loops itself perfectly for a trance state. Please if you really like this beat just listen but more importantly feel the vibrations. There is some sadness but dont be scared it transmutes to hope very seamlessly. It all depends what side of the spectrum you’re tapped into.
Literally made this right after 10:17pm they are tied together. Both carry sadness but this one obviously carries more optimism especially towards the end. It’s all about transmutation. I consider myself very good at transmutation. Hope this project provides some truth and insight to me saying that. Im not an expert but I seem to have it down pact better than most. This track required no thought, nothing was consciously put into this song it was all flow state. Directing tying my 10:17pm experience into another song straight from the source. ME. Makes you listen to those songs a little differently right? Music is captivation. Use it wisely.
Pack Loud!:
The spiritual aka the spiral! 
The spiral can fit all shapes, the spiral is literally spiritual, how does a spiral move? Etc etc. (Sit with this piece of info there’s more knowledge in it)
“We getting out the hood with this one!” Energy. It may not sound like one of those records but that is the energy captured and embodied. I know I succeeded on this beat. Im so proud of the way I layered this. The sounds all the little tones your subconscious is picking up but your conscious is probably ignoring without the proper focus. I love it. I can really manipulate your internal energy and you have no idea. This beat is like glue so if you listen consider a piece of me stuck with you for a while muahahaha. No but seriously. Another song dedicated to focus, freedom, new horizons. The sun rising (or setting) somewhere beautiful. The sky isn’t the limit you are the sky. You’re floating in it riding the waves like you do in your pool or favorite body of water. Life is beautiful. Life is exciting. Empower yourself. Share your light. Do the best you can and be the best you can be everyday. As long you did the best that YOU could, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says or feels towards your effort. DONT GIVE UP!  Another flawless loop if you’re trying to tap into the energies without flow interruption.
P.S. This is probably the oldest song I made this in Summer 2023.
Gun Range:
Not anger but something close. It’s the other side of Saturn Return. Same exact goal and idea but with different emotions. You can use different emotions to achieve your same goal. You have to know when and how. Again transmutation. There is no fun and games in this track sorry, I can understand why you wouldn’t sit with this one. But to the unevolved and unaware who haven’t read this im sure its a pretty cool track. But yes black hole energy. It’s morphing something inside of you. But it still spins to the right (spiral). Not my favorite track but this was made after Suede so try and see the correlation of feelings. I was definitely in a mental space lol. 
10:17PM, Suede, Gun Range, a new beginning and find wholeness not peace were all made one after the other amongst other songs that didn’t make the project from Nov 26 - Dec 1. I gave myself a week to put this together. I had ideas for other projects im working on but didn’t want to rush anything so instead I took what I was feeling and working (WAR-king) through and gave myself a deadline and let the rest flow.
A new beginning:
Another heartbreak beat referencing 10:17pm. I won’t get into it anymore tho. But again you hear the sadness and the hopefulness and the optimism. A beautiful song made for me by me.  Transmutation at its finest and humblest. (Another perfect loop fyi)
Find Wholeness, Not Peace:
The final track! The last track made for the project as well! Once I started feeling better about myself this track made itself and I think it shows. I played this almost as much as 10:17pm and I love the positive note we’re ending the year on regardless of whatever happens! I can still have all I desire and I know it. Timing is key. Flourish. Be great. The message is to find wholeness within self not a piece (Peace). The English language is tricking you and making your words manifest into jumbled mixed signals! You have to know the power of words. The English language is the most contradictory language I know! Break down the word dont. How do you “do” and “do not” in the same word/action. You can’t do and not do simultaneously! Ive been trying to teach all people I interact with about the way they use words. But a lot of people are in too deep to take the power of language back. Some of you know the power of language yet still make the same mistakes due to programming. Unless you give it a real conscious effort you’ll never know the power of your throat chakra! And even that takes much time with all the programming we’ve been through. So to each is own but I’ll continue to teach mine through example if not directly. 
Think about peace, think about the peace sign. Two fingers upwards. It literally symbolizes a piece of a pie. Are you finding peace (piece) or harmony aka wholeness?
Aura Ambiance:
For some quiet stillness. It made me think of frank ocean for some reason. It’s just music I can play in the background and do whatever too. You dont have to think about it just flow with it. The same way we allow Frank Oceans music to do that to us. You can sit still or you can clean the house. It’s just that moment of me returning you back to your self after I hijacked your energy and vessel lol. But no harm was done here im using music spiritually from here on out. 
Disclaimer: My music may not always feel spiritually focused depending on the circumstances (collaborating with other artists, or maybe even to appeal to different types of people) but it’s all intentional regardless. I know exactly what im putting out there. So it’s okay to hold me accountable. Not perfect. Dont want to be, but I care and ill continue to do my best. 
This time I actually say peace intentionally. Because im giving a piece of me to you if you allow and accept it. 
Thank you to all who wanted to dive in deep with me. Thank you to all who love and hate this project. Thank you to all who love and hate my words/truth. This is only the beginning! Ive said this before but ive never had my head screwed on this straight before. Ive never been this focused, never been this evolved. My past is my past. So you can stay there with it if you associate me with the past version of myself. But to all who are living in the present, manifesting in the future and use the past as nothing more but knowledge and reference points for course correction let’s collectively approach 2024 different. 
A lot of knowledge ive got to share. Im looking to teach; I love teaching but I love being a student just as much. I can’t just give you all the information when you desire because if I did you would probably fail or miss the point entirely. 
Instead search for the knowledge you specifically seek. If I told you the furnace was hot and could hurt you “dont touch it”. You would potentially avoid furnaces for the rest of life because of “fear and safety”. At least until you learn to take risk. You were taught not to touch it so you just go with it. But if you discover the furnace and its capabilities you have no bias opinion towards it. You fully explore that furnace, you touch it, you feel it out. Shit you might even get burned pretty bad but you’ll soon learn the furnace has temperatures. It’s not just always hot and dangerous. It’s not all bad for you. Look how many benefits the furnace actually has. 
But tapped into the negative or “wrong things” you now have a whole belief system towards furnaces. You probably wouldn’t even want them in your home. Take this last bit of knowledge as you will, apply it to people, the things you fear, ideas you’ve sat with in your head. Stop being so objective become more subjective. You’ll soon learn a master masters both. But stop being so logical friends. Your eyes are basically photoshop. Stop relying on them so heavily.
I could sit here and teach all my 2023 lessons all day! But im done here. 
See Ya Next Year!
Peace (haha)
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