#Also i've been wanting to send him more photos of just around here and am for once rly regretting that my phone is old af
rosepetals-v · 1 year
Never mind, I'm reading rn.
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guiltyasdave · 2 months
a long time coming
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pairing: Dave York x f!reader
summary: You were supposed to go to a concert with your best friend. You end up going with her dad instead.
word count: ~1.1k
tags/warnings: best friend's dad!Dave, fluff, allusions to smut, huge age gap, able-bodied reader, no use of y/n, please be warned: Dave has inappropriate (though reciprocated) thoughts about his daughter's best friend - if that makes you uncomfortable, don't read
a/n: daphne @sizzlingcloudmentality and i were freaking out about those new photos of pedro, and because daphne apparently wants me dead, she said that it's giving bfd!dave who's at a concert with you and also provided me with a snippet that still has me in a chokehold and that's part of this story now. i am already experiencing heavy brainrot because i'm going to the eras tour in three (3) days and this was the final nail in my coffin tbh. i should be working on my dress, but instead i did this. the most self indulgent shit i've ever written lmao, please enjoy <3
follow @guiltyasdavenotifs for fic updates and find my whole masterlist here :)
dividers by @saradika-graphics <3
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“Please, daddy? Please?” 
Dave sighs, rubbing a hand over his forehead. Molly’s hoarse voice keeps pleading with him before it dissolves into a fit of coughs. 
With a groan, she lets her head fall against the pillows, wide eyes still trained on him. 
“No one else wants to go, and I can’t let her go alone, I’d feel terrible. Please?” 
She pouts at him, knowing fully well that her father doesn’t deny her anything when she looks at him like this. 
“Fine. If you’re sure that she’s okay with it?” 
“She is! I already asked her.”
Dave cocks a brow at his daughter, earning himself an exhausted but triumphant grin. 
“Don’t look at me like that. It will be fun!”
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Admittedly, Dave really has much more fun than he expected when his daughter all but begged him to accompany her best friend to the concert that she wanted to go to herself before she got sick. 
He knows most of the songs, has been witness to you and Molly singing along to the music while dancing through his kitchen often enough. It’s not bad music by any means, and the show is nothing short of spectacular. 
It’s not the reason he’s enjoying himself so much though. He’s barely watching the show, eyes only occasionally flicking towards the stage. 
His gaze is fixed on you, has been since before the show even started. Watching you interact with other fans, beaming smiles and giggles, eagerly exchanging bracelets, excitedly cooing at the especially pretty ones. 
Meeting your eyes when you turned to him, not able to suppress his own smile at the sparkle in them. Suppressing the flicker of something in his chest when your fingers wrapped around his wrist, tugging it closer to put a few bracelets on him as well. You don’t seem to notice the faint blush that’s rising up in his cheeks at the unexpected touch. 
He’s watching you bouncing on your feet seconds before the show starts, snaps a few photos of the pure joy on your face without you noticing. Just to send them to you later, having enough experience from being the father of two daughters to know how much you’ll love them. After that, he’ll delete them from his own phone. Of course he will. 
He’s watching you dance, your body moving to the beat of the music, your lips forming every word. Your silhouette shimmering with the lights reflecting off your dress. It’s mesmerizing. You dance with the girls beside you sometimes, shouting lyrics at each other. Other times, you turn to him. He doesn’t protest when you take his hands, starts moving with you without a second thought, starts singing the words that he knows along with you. You’re laughing, your eyes shining with pure happiness. It’s intoxicating, and he wants more, wants all of it, wants to be part of that happiness. He doesn’t remember the last time he smiled this wide, the last time his body felt this light. 
It takes a long time, longer than it should, until he remembers why this is bad. Until the weight comes crashing back into him. Until he remembers that he shouldn’t feel like this with you. 
You’re so much younger than him. His daughter’s friend. His daughter who asked him to come here with you, because she trusted that you’d be safe with him. 
Your brow furrows when you catch his eye and notice the change in his expression. No. He wants you to enjoy yourself, doesn’t want to be the reason for any kind of worry for you right now. He allows himself to drink in your energy right now, to let a smile grow on his face again. 
There’s no harm in indulging just for one night. Just a little bit. No one has to know. Least of all you. 
So he keeps singing with you, keeps letting you move with him. Keeps watching. 
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It’s easy, being with you, talking to you. Effortless in a way that he’s not used to. 
It’s just because you’re at his house more often than not, going wherever Molly goes. It has to be. 
But it’s different, your giggles ringing out in the confines of his car, not mixed with his daughter’s, the sound that he knows. And he’s the one who’s elicited those laughs from you. 
"Explain it again, please. You’ve glued every single of these stones onto your dress?" He laughs and gives you another once over, glad he can disguise his inappropriate ogling with an appreciating glance. Act like he’s studying the intricate, shimmering patterns on the fabric. Not the way your tits are straining against the low cut over your chest. Not the way the skirt has ridden up your thighs, exposing a new inch of bare skin. "Great job, sweetheart. You look good. The dress looks good, too." 
He wonders how the dress would look bunched up around your waist. Or on the floor of your apartment. If your skin is as soft as it looks in the dim shine of the red light he’s stopped at. How it would taste under his tongue. The sweet sounds you would make when his teeth dig into you. 
You breathe a thank you and bite your lip at the compliment, and his cock twitches with interest. Wrong, wrong, so wrong.
He has to be imagining the way that you keep glancing his way, stealing looks when you think that he doesn’t notice. Wishful thinking on his part. 
He pulls up in front of your apartment building, killing the engine and turning towards you. You’re already facing him, more shy than you’ve looked all evening. 
“Thank you for tonight,” you say softly, lips pulling up into another smile. “I’ve had a great time. I— I hope you did too.” 
His hand lands on your thigh before he can actively think about it. A soft gasp escapes you, but you make no move to back away from his touch. 
“Trust me, I did.” 
He doesn’t intend for it to come out as low and breathy as it does. Teeth dig into your lips once more. Your contemplative gaze burns into him. 
You inch closer, close enough that he can feel your breath against his face. 
Wrong. He swallows thickly, forces his grip off of you. You blink, eyes growing wider, the growing tension’s fog lifting from you. Clearing your throat, you sit up straighter. 
“Good night, sweetheart.” 
He needs you to leave this car. Right now. 
You nod, shakily bidding him a good night as well. 
He watches your retreating silhouette, finally able to exhale deeply when you enter your building. 
He’s fucked.
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comments and reblogs are love and make my day every single time <3
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gingiesworld · 1 year
I'll Never Leave You
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Angst.
Wanda remembers getting the phone call like it was yesterday. Although Vision had passed away almost seven years ago and she was now engaged. Moving forward with her life, she was happy. Although her past with her dead spouse haunted her.
Although Y/N was patient during the days that she still grieved the loss of her husband. They were slowly digging themselves deeper into a rut. Although Wanda and the twins had moved in with Y/N, they felt like an intruder in their own home.
Especially when they had tried to help Tommy when he got stuck with his Calculus homework.
"You're not my dad!" He yelled at them as their eyes widened. "You never will be and I hate you. I wish he was here and you died."
Y/N was shocked to say the least, instead of speaking with Tommy, they decided to go to their garage. They made themselves a make shift office their for their projects. Even sending an email to their boss to see if they were needed on an upcoming project soon. Knowing it would take more time away from home, if they can even call it that.
"Where are the twins?" Nat questioned as the two sat down for coffee.
"With Vis." She stated until she realised her mistake. "Y/N. They're with Y/N."
"Wanda, do you love them?" Nat questioned as Wanda just nodded.
"Of course I do." She stated. "I just still miss Vis sometimes and it hurts because the twins have had to grow up without their father too."
"I just, maybe this is unfair on Y/N." She reasoned as Wanda chuckled dryly.
"What do you mean?" She questioned her friend.
"I mean, Y/N is very understanding of the pain you've been through since losing Vision, but you're living in the past Wanda and it's not fair on them." Nat told her friend sternly.
"I'm not living in the past Natasha. Y/N and I are getting married." Wanda stated as Nat raised her brow.
"When?" She queried as Wanda came up empty. Since the moment she said yes, she hadn't even bothered to plan the wedding. "See? This isn't fair on them. I've seen how the twins treat them Wanda. They treat Y/N like dirt and I can see the toll it is taking on them."
"They would tell me." Wanda stated as Nat just laughed.
"No they wouldn't. They love you too much to upset you, but you don't love them enough." Nat told her as she looked at the time. "I have to get back to work but I will see you soon Wanda."
All Wanda could do was sit and think before she headed home. Although she loved Vision, she had a whole past with him before he was ripped away from her. But then she found Y/N when she never knew she needed someone, they were her light in the darkness. She was too afraid to let go of Vision and embrace the future she could have with Y/N.
"Where are you going?" She asked Y/N as she entered their shared room after seeing the twins on the sofa watching TV.
"I have a business trip." They told her as they packed their shirts. "I have been asked to consult on a project."
"How long for?" She questioned as Y/N shrugged.
"I am not sure. The project is only just starting and it is a pretty big one so I need to be in LA." They told her as she sighed sadly. She could see the walls they've put up to guard themselves as they spoke.
"We'll miss you." Wanda told them as they chuckled.
"I'll miss you." They kissed her softly before they headed to the bathroom for their toiletries. "But I know the twins won't bat an eyelid with me being gone." With that they bid their goodbye as Wanda remained in her spot. Wondering what they had meant by that. Looking around their shared room, smiling at a picture of the two of them last christmas at Nat's party. Pietro had had the twins so she and Y/N could have time to unwind.
It wasn't until she walked through the halls and noticed all of the photos that occupied the frames were of Vision, herself and the twins. None of Y/N. It seemed like they didn't even live there. Wanda also wanted to know what had happened to their photos so she went straight to the twins.
"Where are all of Y/N's photos?" She questioned the two 12 year olds.
"Dunno." Tommy remarked as Billy remained frozen in his spot.
"Tell me the truth because I had all of our photos packed away in albums other than a couple of the four of us together." Wanda told them as she turned off the television.
"They're not our dad!" Tommy yelled at her as Wanda's eyes widened at his outburst. "And they never will replace him."
"They don't want to replace him." Wanda told him softly. "They just want to be there for you both. Be someone that you can turn to for help. They don't intend to replace your memory of your father."
"But." Billy whispered as Tommy cried.
"I miss him." He sobbed as Wanda opened her arms for him.
"I know sweetie." She whispered as she gestured for Billy to join her. "But Y/N has tried their best to make this a home for all of us. They have tried so hard to be patient with the three of us, but it has been almost seven years since he died and I know it doesn't go away, but it does get easier."
"When is Y/N coming home?" Billy asked as Wanda shrugged.
"I don't know." She whispered as the two hugged her. "So please put their photos back in their frames."
"When can we apologise to them." Tommy questioned as Wanda gave him a smile.
"When they come home." She whispered. As the night went on, the photos were replaced as Wanda was also waiting on a call from Y/N. Wanting to know if they had gotten there safely.
Although Y/N had had the flight to LA booked, they still remained in their car in the car park. Watching as their flight soon took off as thet cried silently. They wanted so much to leave, drown themselves in work but they also loved Wanda so much, and her boys. They were the family they never really had and they are afraid to lose it.
So they sent a quick text to their boss, saying they were running late and needed to catch a later flight because of a family emergency. Then they drove as fast as they could home. Only Wanda and the boys on their mind. That was when everything happened so fast on the freeway.
It was early hours in the morning, Wanda was woken by a phone call. Her heart dropping at the deja vu.
"Hello." She answered wearily.
"Is this Wanda Maximoff?" They questioned.
"Yes." She whispered as she knew in some sense what this phone call could be.
"We have you listed as the emergency contact of Y/N Y/L/N. It appears they have been in a pile up on the freeway. They are currently in surgery right now." They informed her.
"What hospital are they in?" She asked as she started to get herself ready.
"New York Pres." They told her.
"I'll be there shortly." Wanda stated before hanging up and calling her brother. "How fast can you get here?"
"In 20 minutes." He answered tiredly. "Why?"
"Y/N has been in an accident." Wanda told him as she put her shoes on.
"Wanda." She could hear shuffling on the line.
"I'll be there as soon as I can." He told her. She sent a quick text to Nat, informing her of the situation. It didn't take long for both Pietro and Nat to arrive.
"I came as soon as I got the text." She told her as Pietro took his place on the sofa.
"Call me and let me know how they are." He told his twin as Nat ushered her out of the door.
"Are you ok?" Nat questioned as she drove.
"I don't know." She answered honestly. "That phone call brought back everything from Vis and I don't think I can go through that again."
"You won't." Nat told her sternly. "They are strong and I doubt an accident can take them down."
"I hope you're right." She whispered as she watched the buildings go by. As they parked in the hospital parking lot, the two quickly ran out of the car and to the reception. "Hi, we're here for Y/N Y/L/N, they were in a car accident."
"Ahh yes, they have just been put in their own room." The receptionist told them "They had just gotten out of surgery and the doctor will be able to tell you more. He will be here shortly."
"Ms Maximoff?" The doctor called out as Wanda nodded, stepping closer with Nat on her heels.
"Is Y/N going to be ok?" She asked him as he gave her a smile.
"They will be perfectly fine." He started to lead them to their room. "They had endured numerous superficial injuries and internal bleeding so we had to stop that. They also have a broken femur and will need intense physio once it is fully healed."
"When will they wake up?" Wanda questioned as the doctor smiled looking through the door.
"Take a look yourself." He opened the door allowing Wanda to walk inside. She gasped with tears in her eyes as her smile grew.
"You're alive." She whispered as she cupped their cheek hesitantly. "I was so scared. I thought I lost you. I can't lose you Y/N." She told them shakily as they smiled gently at her. Kissing her palm.
"I'll never leave you Wanda." They told her with certainty. "I love you so much."
"I love you too. So much." She pressed a kiss to their lips as her tears flowed freely. A weight had been relieved from her chest as she could breathe. Y/N is still here with her.
As the week went by, Pietro had been with the twins. Trying to keep them from making their own way to the hospital. That was until he got tired of it and ushered them into his car.
"Boys, what are you doing here?" Wanda questioned as the twins burst through the door.
"They wanted to see Y/N and quite frankly, I was getting sick of them." Pietro smirked as Wanda chuckled.
"We're so sorry for how we have been over the years Y/N." Billy told them as the two boys had tears in their eyes.
"Can you forgive us?" Tommy asked them as they just smiled at the twins.
"Of course." They smiled at the two. "I know I will never be your dad. I don't intend to replace him, but what I do intend to do is be there for you. The way he would want someone to be their for his family." They held Wanda's hand in their's as they continued. "I love this little family we have here, yeah all of those words hurt me. I am not going to lie there but I love your mom. I am in love with her and I know she may never love me the same as she did your dad but that's ok. I know that we love each other and we are willing to make this work. I don't want you to hide all of the pictures of your dad away. Maybe have one or two of him on the mantel and maybe make some room for new memories. The memories we will make together."
"That sounds perfect." Wanda whispered as Y/N smiled at her. The twins started to talk more with Y/N and they just listened to them. A silly smile on their face as they felt the love of their family around them.
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nerdycanible1 · 7 months
Am back! :D
Omg guys! Almost forgot I had this ((joking)) but nah seriously! It had been years since I've posted anything here! 💀
Anyways imma go back to my roots!! Y'all remember the days of Legend of Korra where I've only simped for Lin Beifong? 👀 But I've found a new lady, well not really but I've got a new love!!
So y'all remember (if not don't worry about it) the whole genderbent au thing I've created and it was female Tenzin and male Lin and stuff like that? Well I've got some stuff for y'all!
So first and foremost, this is Tenna. She is genderbent Tenzin (female Tenzin). She is literally so hot and I cannot stop drawing her! Currently working on the backstory and this will be nothing like tLoK, actually it will in some places but yes! A lot will be changed!
But look at her! She's gorgeous! 🥺 Also I just wanted to show y'all my improvement of art over the years! QwQ it has improved so much and I'm so proud! Anyways I'll stop rambling and let ya get to the photo!
Tenna: 55 years old
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Tenna in swimsuit enjoy 🗿
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Side note: Tell me this isn't the most Tenzin expression ever xD
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Anyways, my thoughts are simple. Make hot women. :D I am smooth brained and frankly I've been a simp for my genderbent Tenzin for years.
I wanted to update her concept instead of the one I've created years ago (plz forget that 💀) and frankly I love this version better. She looks kind, soft, hot, and first and foremost Tenzin-ish.
What I have for her so far:
She is 51-50 just like Tenzin in tLoK
She has one confirmed boy that I've come up with and one confirmed girl.
Their names are Jin (Jinora) and Ming (Meelo). I haven't come up with anything else for the kids as of yet.
She is pansexual. No discussion on this xD
She is currently in a relationship with Peng (Pema). But ma'am is known to wander around.
Tenna is also more in tune with her nomadic life style instead of the whole business stuff.
Tenna left RC at the ripe age of 16, leaving Ling (Lin) in the process but no hate. It was a mutual break up. Ling wanted to keep RC safe and promised Tenna that everything would still be up and running whenever she wanted to settle down.
Tenna fell in love with an air acolyte (whom I haven't decided to name as of yet) and stayed there for a year before the world called for her once more. It was a short but painful romance, one that Tenna often thinks about.
Once she was back on the road she fell in love with a non bender (Not Peng yet), got pregnant and went to RC for Air Temple Island. She stayed on the island for a few years raising her newborn son Jin.
Ling helped with all he could, being there for Tenna, taking care of her and feeding her and dealing with her grumpiness. He took care of her and once the baby was born, Ling knew he would protect the child as if he were the one to help make the baby.
Tenna couldn't have thanked Ling enough and felt horrible she was "holding him back" from finding his true love. Ling wanted to confess right then and there that he loved her but knew it wasn't the right time.
During the time of the whole pregnancy and the raising of Jin, Ling and Tenna fell into a romance. Stealing kisses, sharing deep secrets, touches that crossed the very thin line of friendship.
It wasn't until Jin started talking and walking that Tenna thought it would be a great time to start exploring the world. Jin barely being the age of 3 or 4. Ling confessed to her that he loves her and that she wished she'd stay for him but told her it was a selfish request. He instead kissed her goodbye and told her to look at the Northern Lights for her on one of her trips. Tenna never felt such sadness and sorrow but she promised to keep in touch. She watched as Ling got smaller and smaller as the boat began to leave the harbor and leave behind her very best friend and lover.
Sorry friends but this is where imma stop it before I bore you! Let me know if you want more Headcanons or if you want more art of this fine wine of a milf!
Send me asks, or ask simply in the comments or Dms about any of this au. I'm happy to reply and I'm excited to say that I'll be posting here regularly soon! And you know of course that there's gonna be more Lin Beifong art so prepare yourselves!
As usual, all art belongs to me. If reposted please credit. Thank you!
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“Person of Interest” - Beau Arlen x Reader
Part 3 (Final) of the “Guardian of the Gulch” Series (Read Part 1 Here, Read Part 2 Here)
Rating Teen
Beau Arlen x Reader 
Tags: Fluff and Flirting, First Kiss (Finally! Get it Beau!)
Word Count: 2300
There's a new sheriff in town. And he just so happens to have parked his RV in your campgrounds. What's a park ranger to do with all that Texas charm strutting around on a fine pair of bow legs?
I'm participating in @jacklesversebingo and this part will fill my "Anonymous Gifts/Flowers" square.
Writing about Beau for the first time was so much fun. He's got such a sweet, gentle, charming, goofy way about him on the show. I am at least making sure in my story that Beau gets his kiss. (I have also been asked by a friend to maybe have a little "Big Sky After Dark" epilogue at some point. Will see.) I've gotten a lot of inspiration from my bingo card. Thoroughly enjoyed participating and hope to mark off every square... at some point.
Also, diving into Helena history for this date I came a lot of interesting facts and fun places along Last Chance Gulch Street.
Image created in Canva (credit for photo used: “Big Sky”/ABC)
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Since you’d asked Beau out on a date - apparently, that was news to you - it was also up to you to pick the when and where. That was how he'd left it that night around the fire, anyway, with a wink and a smile. 
It had been a busy few days after the fourth of July for the both of you. But, you’d settled on a Sunday evening, crossing fingers there were no abductions or bank robberies.
There was never a dull moment in Helena.
You’d decided on a time and place. The plan was to meet at The Windbag Saloon and Grill. You sat at the bar, sipping your Huckleberry Mule.
Your eyes dart to the door every time it swishes open. When you finally spot him entering, a sharp inhale steadies you. The nerves that wound you up all day threaten to release fast enough to spin you like a top upon the stool.
His gaze skates over the scene once, twice. The double-take and zoning in on your face when he clocks you forces you to exhale. You wish it didn’t sound like a frightened puppy. Thank goodness he can’t hear it. Recollection fills his face, and that sunbeam smile melts you.
He takes the stroll over. You internally confirmed sitting at the farthest end of the bar was the right decision. It gives you ample time to enjoy the view of the sheriff and prepare to be devastated by all that handsome up close. 
He has a full, bouncy head of hair you’d kill for. Scratch that. You’d kill to run your fingers through it. His denim jacket with a fleece collar and hints of the warm and fuzzy liner has you imagining him offering it to you on a chilly walk. You only want to get a better look at the broad shoulders and chest underneath. The shine of his silver belt buckle directs you further south for probably a second longer than would have been appropriate to stare.
You sip a little more liquid courage.
“Did I get the time wrong?” he asks, confused and already looking apologetic when he meets you at the bar. He strums a few fingers on the countertop.
“Nope.” With a head shake, you offer the adjacent stool with an outstretched hand. “I was extra early. And you were early.”
He sighs and slides in beside you. “If you’re early, you’re on time. That’s what I was taught, anyway.”
“Slow day at the office?” you ask.
The bartender drops a coaster and a napkin in front of Beau and asks what he’s having. He requests a beer, then returns to your question in a flash. “Not particularly. Why do you ask?”
You decide to try the all-knowing approach. “You had time to have flowers delivered to Linda Devonshire.”
The caught-off-guard smirk gives him away. “Me? Flowers to Linda?” He tuts. “Why would I send flowers to a married woman?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Probably because you were as ecstatic as everyone else in the park, knowing she was packing up and heading back home. I’ll bet you had the date circled on your calendar.” You spin in the seat a fraction. Inadvertently, you swish a knee over his denim-covered thigh while attempting to cross your legs.
He reacts a fraction to the touch, staring at the floor between you. His lips purse, and his brows lower. “Well, being as happy as the rest of those in Black Sandy State Park is not enough motive to suspect I’m the one that sent the flowers. Not very good detective work. Need a little more proof to convict.”
“Hm.” You shrug and wait for him to prod you more for your reasoning.
Instead, he licks his lips and smiles. “I didn’t recognize you dressed as a civilian.”
You straighten up and toss the hair back over your shoulder dramatically. “Didn’t think I could clean up this well?”
He shakes his head, all serious. “Nah. I just didn’t think you could get any prettier.”
That shuts you up.
“Yellowfin?” The server asks the both of you, now at a table after finishing your first round of drinks at the bar.
Your hand raises.
After the sandwich plate lands in front of you, the server confirms to Beau, “And the Vigilante for you?”
Beau nods, rubbing hands together, taking in the contents of his meal with high brows. “Yes, indeed.”
“Anything else right now?”
Beau points to you in wait, but you shake your head.
“All good for now, thanks,” he answers.
You groan, looking at Beau’s burger. “There is so much going on over there.”
He lifts the bun. “Yeah. Candied jalapenos. Grilled ham and onions. An over-easy egg.”
“Not to mention the half-pound of beef underneath all that.”
He resituates the bun and wiggles it in place. “Don’t forget the huckleberry barbecue sauce. I may regret it later. Worth it.”
You laugh. “I hope so, for your sake. Otherwise, this may be a pretty early night.”
He chuckles. “I don’t think anything could mess up tonight. Even my poor menu choices.”
The certainty in his voice makes you smile. “Kind of surprising you haven’t stumbled onto this spot yet since you’ve been in town. Considering how close it is to the sheriff’s office.”
“Well, the Boot Heel is where I usually end up with Hoyt and Cassie.”
You nod. “There’s a lot of history along Last Chance Gulch Street. Worth checking out and getting acquainted. Being the new sheriff in town and all.” You bite into a french fry.
“Hey, I did some research.” He clamps his large, beefy hands around the large, beefy burger. “This street was between a bunch of mining claims, where a lot of gold prospectors got rich.” He nods and confirms, “Give me a second with this, if you don’t mind?”
You laugh and wave both hands in permission. “Of course.”
He bites down and chews. Eyes close. Deep in thought. “Oh, yeah,” he mumbles around the burger. “This was the worst idea in the best way.”
“Take it easy there.” You try to jest. Truthfully, you wouldn’t mind sitting back and enjoying the show.
He swallows and sips on his second beer. “Man, it’s good I walked ten minutes from the office. I’m gonna need fresh air to clear my head and some exercise after all this.”
“Maybe I can interest you in a little walk down Last Chance Gulch after this.” Your suggestion raises his cheeks with a grin. You add, “History lesson and all that to accompany your calorie burning.”
“I’d like that.” He dabs the barbecue sauce off the corner of his mouth. He thumbs towards the outside of the restaurant. “Know who the lady is on The Windbag sign?”
“Oh, that’d be ‘Big Dorothy’.”
“Big Dorothy, huh? She the original owner?”
“Not of the saloon. She ran a business on these premises. Got closed down in 1973.” You sample your sandwich and watch Beau enjoy another bite of his burger. You wait until he’s thoroughly invested in the act, swallow, and then continue. “It was a brothel.”
His face stills in mid-chew.
You giggle.
He exaggerates his munching for a few seconds more.
“The place was called ‘Dorothy’s Rooms’. She was actually very well respected in Helena. Donated to lots of charities, and then the police had to go and raid her establishment and shut it all down. You may wanna tread lightly, Sheriff. Dorothy’s ghost might not appreciate your kind under her roof.”
“Noted.” He clears his throat.
Your guided walking tour doesn’t have the intended effect of calorie burning. Instead, you sit with Beau in a green wooden booth at The Parrot Confectionery. You’re splitting a Parrot Special Sundae.
“Oh, man.” Beau indulges in his first spoonful. It’s wondrous to behold how much enjoyment the man has with his food. 
The evening has been filled with light and easy conversation to start. Lots of laughter mixed with information gathering from both of you as the date wore on. You spill about your life, years back, out west. You aren’t ready to divulge much about the relationship you left behind except the marriage had not worked out as expected. Beau’s a bit guarded as well with specific details. Something had happened on the job, though, in Houston. Something alarming enough to have him quit the force. And you think it might be one of the reasons he was now divorced.
Beau’s eyes sparkle. “I’ll have to take Em here.”
You nod. “Definitely.” He lights up every time he talks about his daughter. It’s sweet and makes him even more endearing. It almost makes you feel bad thinking naughty thoughts as his tongue laboriously licks the fudge off his spoon.
“Gotta say, darlin’, it feels like you’ve given me the key to the city tonight.”
“And plenty of indigestion.”
“I told ya. Worth it,” he insists. It’s his turn to watch you eat a few spoonfuls. You focus on the strawberry scoop. He seems to gravitate toward the huckleberry flavor and completely avoid the split banana underneath it all.
“Well, we could walk a little more to the end of the street after this,” you suggest. “I mean, the old fire tower is down that way. But you’ve gotta know about that. Impossible to miss.”
“Oh, yeah, I know all about the Guardian of the Gulch.”
You smile. “Did I forget to mention that Linda Devonshire dropped off the flowers she got to the ranger’s office before she left?”
The spoon Beau is holding clinks the sundae bowl. “You did forget to mention that.”
You swirl your spoon in the vanilla. “Well, she thanked us and said the flowers would probably hold up better staying with us than the trek back home. And she also read the note aloud to see if we had any idea who the anonymous sender was.”
Beau sighs. “Of course she did.”
You tap a finger on your chin. “What was it exactly? Oh, yes. The note said, ‘Thank you for your excellent matchmaking skills. ~ a Guardian of the Gulch’. She was completely perplexed by it. Said she hadn’t gone out of her way to coordinate any dates or encounters in Helena. Didn’t know anyone well enough for that. But we did get to hear about how she’s introduced about a dozen people to their current spouses in her home state.”
Beau lifts both shoulders. A sheepish smile forms. “If it hadn’t been for Linda’s complaints, I might not have gotten all those chances to get to know you a little better. And we wouldn’t be sitting here now.”
“This all sounds very silver lining thinking.”
“I try. On occasion.”
You roll into a parking spot in the lot behind the Sheriff’s office, engine idling. Beau’s in the passenger seat.
“Well, I hope I didn’t keep you out too late.” He leans into the backrest. A couple of creaks emit from his spine. “I appreciate you walking with me up and down Last Chance Gulch after dessert. Between the beer and the beef and the banana split, every step counts.”
You smile. “This was nice. We should do it again sometime.” He opens his mouth, but you cut him off, “I know, you accept.”
The warmth of his fingers gliding over yours, gripping the steering wheel, tingles your skin. Half in the night’s shadow, his face scolds with scrunched lips and slitted lids. “Give a man a chance to ask you out properly, would ya?”
You laugh to soothe your nerves. “I didn’t realize I’d asked you out again. Hell, I didn’t realize I’d asked you out the first time.”
He tilts his head. “I may have pulled the trigger on that one. Guess I’m finding it hard to be patient when it comes to…” He trails off, quiets, and looks serious. You realize he’s staring at your mouth.
You both flinch in your seats. Deputy Poppernak is heading towards the passenger side of your car. Beau straightens, and you oblige the greeting and roll down his window.
“Hey, Poptop.” Beau razzes.
“Thought you’d left hours ago.” Poppernak halts five feet from the car, spots you, and waves. “How’s things going, Ranger?”
“Just fine, Deputy. How about you?” you ask.
“Can’t complain. Done for the day after a lot of paperwork. Headin’ home.”
The three of you nod in unison for an uncomfortably long amount of time.
“Okay.” Poppernak offers a friendly salute. “Night.”
You watch the deputy hop into a family van and drive off rather quickly.
“Well,” Beau sighs, “this is gonna be all over the office in the morning.”
“This?” you question. Beau eyes you. “How do you think they’re gonna classify this?”
He smiles. “Well, I guess this would be me spending some time with a person of interest. And actually, I think I’m gonna need to spend a lot more time with this person of interest. So, would you give me the pleasure of taking you out on another date, darlin’?”
All you can do is nod. His mossy green eyes sparkle. Cool fingertips round the shell of your ear. You shiver as he traces your jawline, moving in to close the gap. And then, nothing but you breathing in his warmth as he exhales softly into the kiss. It’s gentle and careful. But he tests how your lips fit and press against each other from a few angles. He settles for a spell and feasts on your mouth.
He pulls away. His fingers trail from your chin after a sweet pinch. “Are you free next weekend?”
You nod, dazed.
He grins. “Good. I’ll pick you up at your place if you’re comfortable with that?”
You nod again.
“Thank you for the ride.” He hops out of the car and closes the door with a soft click. Leaning into the still-open window he leaves you with, “Be careful headin’ home.”
“You too, Beau.”
He smiles from ear to ear, taps the window sill, and walks to his jeep. You can’t help but wait until he slides into the driver’s seat and gives you a wave. You shift into drive and leave the lot.
You can’t remember much of the actual ride home. Your mind is filled only with thoughts of Sheriff Beau Arlen. They make you smile. Hum along to the radio. You’re light as a feather and full of hope for what’s to come.
All because of a Guardian of the Gulch.
~ The End ~
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praetorqueenreyna · 9 months
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For our little ACOTAR gift exchange! This is a gift fic for @taymartiart, who is one of the BEST artists I've ever met! When asked what she wanted me to write, she said "accidental dick pic." This was so much fun, I love silly modern AUs! Enjoy!
Read here on AO3, or continue reading below:
Rhysand was about ready to silence his phone for the evening. It had been pinging non-stop as war raged on in the group chat. It had started with Mor saying she was craving a sparkling water, and Cassian replying to ask why she liked drinking raw sewage. That had been two hours ago, long past the point that Rhysand thought it was funny. He had also found Amren’s threat to murder Cassian by replacing his blood with sparkling water a little alarming.
There were a few minutes of peace where his phone made no noise at all. The reprieve was interrupted by a lone ding. Rhysand sighed, fully expecting the barrage to begin once again. When it didn’t, he risked actually checking his phone. The text was not from the group chat (ironically named “The Inner Circle” after Mor got way too into mafia movies, and Rhysand didn’t know how to change it), but was from Tamlin. It was a welcome distraction. Tamlin was a little weird, but Rhysand liked him. They had both started off as their fathers’ proteges, expected to take on the family business. Rhysand had fulfilled his end of the bargain, and Tamlin had run off to play guitar in coffee shops around town. An absolutely ridiculous career move, but it was endearing, in its own way.
It didn’t hurt that Tamlin was super hot and also into guys. Rhysand wasn’t too proud to admit that. He had tested the waters, putting on his most seductive voice to tease Tamlin, always just on the edge of outright flirtation. Every time, Tamlin turned a splotchy red and adorably ducked his head, which only made Rhysand want to do it again.
There was no text preview for the message; it only had an attached image. Rhysand opened it and blinked. He had worked a long day, and surely he was hallucinating. Staring at his phone didn’t change anything, and he finally accepted that Tamlin had sent him a picture of his dick.
It was nice, both the dick itself and the picture. Good size, good lighting, good angle. The photo captured his well-defined abs and a small tattoo on his hip bone. Rhysand zoomed in on the picture to see that the tattoo was a name. Alex, maybe? Or Alec? He had no idea why Tamlin had sent him this. The last text exchanged between them was from a week ago, when Rhysand had asked if he was playing this weekend. Nothing to indicate that the next step would be dick pics.
More curious than upset, Rhysand quickly typed out a message.
”Nice tattoo. Ex boyfriend?”
Tamlin began replying right away, in a series of rapid fire messages.
“Oh no.”
“Oh no no no no no.”
“I am SO sorry!!!! I didn’t mean to send that to you!!! I’d never do something like that!!!”
The overuse of exclamation points aside, Rhysand felt bad for him.
”It’s all good, I swear. Not the first dick I’ve seen.”
The reply was instantaneous.
”Oh good!! Not that you’ve seen dicks, that you’re not mad. I’m really sorry.
He probably could have ended it there, but Rhysand was intrigued.
”Who was it for?”
Tamlin didn’t respond for a bit, and Rhysand worried he had overstepped. It was an unexpected relief when another message came in.
”Some guy from Grindr. A friend signed me up for it because I haven’t gone on a date in a while. His name also begins with an R.”
The thought of Tamlin and his awkward demeanor cruising on Grindr was honestly hilarious. This friend had to have been fucking with him. Then again, he never would have expected Tamlin to send a dick pic to a random guy on a dating app, and here they were.
”Already at the dick pic stage? Seems like it's getting serious.”
This time, the reply was faster.
”Ha ha. I actually haven’t even met him yet. We were just talking and he asked for a picture. I’ve never done that before and thought what the hell. And then immediately fucked it up.”
Tamlin was way too sweet and sincere for the guys on Grindr. Thinking fast, Rhysand searched for and downloaded a photo of the Washington Monument. Before he could let Tamlin stew in his self pity for too long, he sent:
”We’ve all fucked up. I’ll send you a pic too, so we’re even.”
He attached the downloaded photo, only thinking to question the joke after he had sent it. It was familiar, bordering on flirtatious. The kind of thing he’d usually only send to Azriel or Cassian. His phone pinged.
”No wonder your ego is huge.”
Another text came in, this time a photo of a male mallard with the title “duck pic.” Rhysand actually laughed. He shot back something about the head of the duck being bright green, and maybe he should get that looked at. Tamlin coyly asked if he knew any good doctors. Holy shit, was Tamlin hitting on him? He knew that Rhysand was a doctor; more accurately a surgeon, working in his father’s clinic.
Rhysand found himself draped over the couch, texting with Tamlin for over an hour. The mortifying start to their conversation seemed to loosen something in him. He was funnier and more charming than Rhysand had ever seen. It felt special, to have Tamlin be so open with him. The thought of Tamlin being like this with “random guy from Grindr who’s name begins with R” filled Rhysand with a seething hot emotion that he eventually identified as jealousy.
When the conversation seemed like it was drifting to an end, Rhysand made his move. He selected one of his own pictures from a hidden folder on his phone (yes he had his own dick pics saved for occasions like this) and sent it. He waited a few seconds, then wrote:
”If you want to keep going, give me a call.”
The urge to throw his phone across the room overwhelmed him. He resorted to putting it face down on the coffee table and staring pointedly at the ceiling. The next minute was the longest of his life. But then, like a miracle, his phone began to ring.
One month later
“You owe me a thank you drink.”
“What did you do now?” Tamlin asked, only giving half of his attention to the giant man sitting on the floor. His roommate was supposed to be helping him set up, which mostly just involved finding a stool for Tamlin to sit on. Mission accomplished, Andras sat back on his hands, watching as Tamlin fiddled with his guitar. The coffee shop was almost empty, but it would start to fill up as Tamlin’s set started. He was a regular here.
“Don’t try that innocent act on me, I know all your secrets.” Andras pointed an accusing finger. “You found a hookup on Grindr. You’re welcome.”
“What? No I didn’t.”
“Yes you did. I know all the signs. Lucien and I barely see you anymore, you haven’t brooded in weeks, and I found this in your backpack.” For his final exhibit, Andras brandished a small foil packet that revealed itself to be a condom when he stopped shaking it around.
“Stop that!” Blushing, Tamlin snatched the condom out of Andras’s hand. “Why were you going through my backpack anyway?”
“Don’t change the subject. Who is it? That guy with the blue hair? What was his name, Ryan?”
“What are you guys talking about?” Tamlin’s second roommate, Lucien, asked, appearing as if summoned by an omniscient being that wanted to ruin Tamlin’s life.
“Tamlin’s new boy toy,” Andras answered before Tamlin could.
“Ooooooh. Is it that guy with the septum piercing? Rowan?”
Tamlin was about to tell them that he was moving out and they were never allowed to talk to him again when his gaze caught a familiar dark-haired figure swagger into the coffee shop. His heart stuttered, his breath caught in his throat. Rhys sat down at a table near his little stage, leaning back in the seat. He saw Tamlin staring and grinned, waggling his fingers obnoxiously in greeting.
Of course, Rhys had known where he was going. Tamlin had come here straight from Rhys’s apartment, having barely escaped from the lean arms that had grabbed at him, inviting him back into the comforting warmth of Rhys’s bed. Tamlin just hadn’t thought that Rhys would actually show up.
Too late, he remembered that he was in public, being scrutinized by the two people who knew him better than they knew themselves. He watched in horror as Andras and Lucien looked back and forth between Tamlin and Rhysand. Recognition dawned on their faces. At the same time, they said,
“No fucking way.”
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Turtles Finds a Coping Mechanism: The Until We Meet Again Rewatches
I've been so committed to crushing through the Old GMMTV Challenge that I kind of didn't allow myself to think that life's blips and bloops would shake me from my pace.
Well, real life has SLAYED ME as of late, SLAYED ME, and as @lurkingshan has noted to me -- yes, there's a CERTAIN amount of dissonance for my watching UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN, OF ALL SHOWS, as a coping mechanism, but here we are. I wanted to copy @bengiyo and rewatch UWMA anyway as a means of preparing for New Siwaj's Absolute Zero, which will be premiering at the end of September -- a time when my life will be calm-ish (???) again -- so I decided to take the plunge to see if UWMA would be a salve to my frayed nerves. It is, it totally is.
So here's some stream of consciousness notes, quite unlike my usual comparative/analytical style, just to honor what a ridiculously fabulous show UWMA is. (In my OGMMTVC analyses, I don't always get to gush over the cute stuff anyway because my posts get so long, so I'm doing a little of that here, too, ha.)
I knew that as soon as I watched it the first time for the OGMMTVC that I desperately wanted to rewatch it, so I just gave myself the go-ahead to eat the leum kleun candy. I've already completed one rewatch and am well into a second rewatch -- this show is so damn good, and now that I know the beats much better, I'm just having a lot of fun seeing in-depth the little nuances I missed the first time.
1) On my first watch, I did not appreciate how clearly Pharm was into Dean from the very start. The way Pharm flips through the photos of Dean that Team sends him from the first beach trip; the photo of Dean eating Del's breakfast; the way Pharm looks at the Facebook photo of Dean holding up the leum kleun. And how Pharm reacts when he saves Dean's phone number in his phone -- that ENORMOUS grin. I knew a lot going in the first time about Pharm's blushing maiden approach and how he was gunshy with intimacy for so much of the show. But I forgot in those early episodes -- homeboy was really into his crush! Taking that secret photo in the library, etc. He acknowledged it pretty immediately -- especially in that whispered conversation Pharm has with Team and Manaow in their English class. I had also forgotten that the show began with Pharm possibly questioning his sexuality, but being solidly knowledgable that it was Dean that was causing him to catch feelings.
2) Speaking of that fleeting moment in the library: after having watched the entire series the first time around, and remembering that Dean had saved that very first Post-It that Pharm had used to write a quick note on the papers that Pharm gave back to Dean in the library in... episode 2? Pharm had originally erased his name on that Post-It. It didn't click with me until this rewatch that Dean was able to make out Pharm's erased name from that Post-It -- which caused Dean to save the note, and use it as reference in the very last scene of the series. So cute.
3) I finally took the time to read about Phra Aphai Mani, the prince of the legend that Dean and Pharm talk about in the aquarium. Remember how Pharm says to Dean that Pharm doesn't like players?
DUDES. HAVE YOU READ ABOUT PHRA APHAI MANI? I guess, like, yes, if you're gonna have a super-long epic poem, a lot of shit needs to happen, but Aphai just kept marrying WIFE AFTER WIFE! FOUR WIVES TOTAL! One ogress, one mermaid, and two maybe humans? A half-ogress son here, a half-mer/son THERE, prince of THIS, king of THAT. Homeboy's life was COMPLICATED! I'm all EXTREMELY SYMPATHETIC to chaos, but this takes the damn cake. (And maybe gives me a touch more context into what's happening with that second marriage in I Feel You Linger In the Air, without the actual monsters/mermaids.) (Oh man -- imagine the Only Friends version of Phra Aphai Mani.) (NO.)
4) The first time around, I kind of though that the bits about Alex hitting on Pharm were a little extraneous and maybe a touch unnecessary, à la New Siwaj's style. But after my first rewatch, I stopped thinking so, and I actually began to enjoy them -- not only for how ridiculous they are, but I also recognized that that was the first time in the show that we see Pharm establishing boundaries. Of course, we see Pharm in his blushing maiden era forming boundaries with his P'Deeeean. But the way he's very clear with Alex, putting up as many walls as necessarily, and being exact in his communication that he likes someone else and is VERY not into dating Alex -- Pharm showed clarity and strength there. While Dean clearly liked to care for Pharm and treat Pharm as his younger companion -- Pharm also had agency, and knew he owned his agency, and I liked how that agency was first demonstrated vis à vis Alex.
5) I totally forgot about this, but -- I think it was the second time they had breakfast together in Pharm's condo? the third? that scene where Pharm's wearing the yellow shirt and he drops the bowl -- remember when Pharm asks Dean if he's mixed-race? I don't think I still understand the meaning of that. I'm guessing Pharm is asking if Dean is Thai-Chinese? I want to think on this more, because -- in episode 16, when Pharm goes to his uncle's/grandpa's house, it is clear that the house is a Thai-Chinese household. There are banners with Chinese script on the walls. I wonder if that was meant to indicate that Pharm was under the impression that he himself (Pharm) was fully ethnic Thai -- but with his relationship to his dad's side of the family being more revealed, it would turn out that Pharm himself was also "mixed." I did think it was cute that Pharm said, "I like it" to Dean after Dean's answer -- another instance where Pharm was being clearly flirty, despite the whole blushing maiden thing.
6) I did not appreciate the first time around, how good Ohm Thitiwat's acting was in the car scene when he's processing Korn's suicide. At the end of the series, I was so taken by the condo scene that I failed to give props to other intense moments, and that car scene was one of them. When Dean arrives at the building where Pharm and Sin lived next to each other -- a part of me wondered if he had originally intended to visit Sin, before hesitating to knock on Pharm's door. I'm not sure, and I wasn't sure after this rewatch. But that was a hell of a recognition moment on the part of Ohm's acting, and it was really damn good. (In fact -- it was my thinking about that car scene, and my wanting to watch it again, that prompted these rewatches in the first place.)
7) It may have been a little confusing, but: I really liked that the Korn x Intouch flashbacks were never presented in chronological order. I liked that the show had Dean and Pharm piece together their dreams and nightmares to come to a collective understanding about the trajectory of Korn and Intouch's relationship, even before Dean receives the background information from Sin. I know I was always a little confused during my first watch as to what moment in time I was watching with Korn and Intouch, but I recognize now that that was a reflection simply of when Pharm and Dean were receiving the same information themselves -- and I liked that the viewer was going through the same process that Dean and Pharm were going through.
8) At the way beginning of the series -- episode 2, maybe? episode 3? -- I like that Dean slyly figures out where to park himself on campus to see Pharm coming out of class. This is before the electric transformer explosion. Dean already was so swayed by Pharm. So cute.
9) I think it first struck me as a touch weird that Manaow and Del (Dean's sister!) were the admins of the DeanPharm chat group. But now that I can think more about it -- I wonder if they were doing that maybe as a way to help Pharm through his hesitancy and protect him from the fans. That being said: one of my absolute favorite moments was when Del first leans about Dean's first sleepover at Pharm's condo -- the way she jumps up and down and tries to calm her smile down. I was CRAAACKING up.
10) Maybe it's because I'm Indian, and used to very large and complicated families, that the relationship between Dean being a part of Intouch's family and having Korn's spirit, and vice versa with Pharm, wasn't confusing to me. But what really got me during my first rewatch was: Fluke Natouch's just INCREDIBLE acting when Pharm first meets Intouch's sister/Dean's grandmother, and Intouch's niece/Dean's mother. When I first watched the scene of Pharm meeting Dean's grandmother, a number of friends commented on loving that scene as well. GOD. It struck me as hard the second time around as the first time. And I think I was even MORE moved the second time around to see Pharm meeting Dean's mother.
Dean's mother had to process a LOT in the moment that she met Pharm. She had to process that her son had a boyfriend, that that boyfriend was there in her house in the first place, and that she'd have to tell her husband (Dean's dad) that their son's boyfriend was sleeping over. AND, that was all BEFORE Pharm had his reaction to Dean's mom once he was finally awake and processing things again. And THEN, she knew that Dean HIMSELF would have to tell his dad the next day and ask for his blessing. Moms have to go through a lot (do I ever know that life), but that was a LOT for Dean's mom, and god, I just gained a new appreciation for those scenes and how Dean and Pharm managed the whole damn thing together. (Also, now that I've seen The Love of Siam, as well as, of course, KinnPorsche -- and, OH, Be My Favorite, too! Kob Songsit. LEGENDARY BL DAD!)
11) My initial flip-out on the condo scene still stands. During my rewatch, I rewound it, like... three times? Fuck, man. One of the BEST BL scenes, ever, ever.
12) I loved taking my time to watch the very final scene, when Dean and Pharm have had the same dream of Korn and Intouch thanking them, and they get back together. I really loved paying attention to how all the Post-Its came back, the meaning of Never Forget, all the little notes and memories of when they had first met. Intouch's ring, the very first note Pharm wrote to Dean, all of it. Dean was such a sentimental simp from the start.
(Because I'm on such a DeanPharm kick -- and I know this is against better advice, but -- I'm considering a fast watch of Between Us just to see DeanPharm's conclusion. I know! The side couples are supposed to be chaotic, but, but. Once I get more time.)
13) Last note. Again, when I have time again, I'm wanting to write a Big Meta on separation. I've noted in some of the most important GMMTV BLs, that separation is often a key theme. But I think Pharm asking for a break was also incredibly key, and keyed into his continued commitment to setting boundaries. I think I probably fell most for Pharm as a character with him doing this -- strange, I know, since I love DeanPharm incessantly, but his standing up for clarity for his feelings meant so much for the internal strength he had gained by surviving the ordeal they had gone through. He was going to stick to his guns to make sure the relationship was authentic FOR HIM, and he did just that.
GOD, THIS WAS CATHARTIC! If you read this, thanks for going through this with me! I'm addicted to writing and this was a fun break in the midst of life chaos. I promise the OGMMTVC will hopefully continue without interruption, but that being said -- I'm watching Not Me, slowly, and having a great time with it. But UWMA is my woobie at the moment, and I just love having fallen in love with this show.
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sirens-sanctuary · 2 months
Deception (part 2)
Miguel Ohara x fem!reader
. FWC:
. TW:
. (this is part two click here for part 1, more parts to come :3)
. authors note, masterlist, rules, and taglist below <3
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The slow and groggy sounds of machines beeping and whirring you lull you from your daze. You toss and stir letting out a small whine when you feel a pinch in your arm.
"What~?", you reach over and pull an IV needle out of your forearm. You roll over onto your back and breathe out, staring at the ceiling in confusion. You were fighting a villain you've never seen before, to falling in the air, to landing in a place littered with other spider-women and men.
The sound of a door opening causes you to sit up, making you clutch your ribs in pain.
"Oh yeah- you're gonna be in pain for a few hours." A middle-aged looking man in a pink robe and baby strapped to his chest chuckles.
"Hi, I'm Peter B Parker, but you can call me Peter B for short," he gives you a wide smile, "And this here is Mayday, isn't she the cutest?"
"Where am I?" You couldn't care much for the small introduction Peter was trying to give you.
"Uh- well you're in the medical ward inside the Spider Society."
"The what?" You squinted your eyes at him, more confused than you have ever been.
"The Spider Society..." Peter shuffles around awkwardly as you just...stare at him.
You nod your head slowly and get up from the hospital bed and placed your feet on the ground. At least they gave you those fun grippy socks hospitals usually have.
A lot of things were raving through your head. Spider Society? Psht- yeah ok, weird ass dream you're having right now. The more you looked around the room you tried to convince yourself more and more it was a dream...the walls weren't squiggly though. Nothing was morphing or random things like a chicken popped up like they normally did in your dreams.
"You're not dreaming by the way." Peter spoke up again. You looked at him and gave him an expression that reeked of 'What the hell?', to which he laughed at-
"I've been there, trust me." Trust you? Random guy with cute baby? Sure why not. "Follow me and I'll take you to boss-man Miguel. He'll explain everything to you and all that boring stuff he does."
"Boss-man?" You followed close behind Peter, looking around past the various other spider-people.
"Yeah boss-man! He kinda runs the place, sends out orders ,puts everything together- y'know boss-man things." Peter says with a goofy grin on his face, mayday babbling along with him. As much as you wanted to ignore the two and just hurry to where you needed to be, you couldn't. Their bubbly energy was enough to make you smile.
You followed Peter through countless hallways, listened to him ramble and talk about missions he went on. He even showed you a few photos of Mayday and his wife MJ. It was a nice little moment. Many of the other spider-people knew who Peter and he stopped many times to talk to them and they often stopped him to say hi to Mayday. It was annoying as hell. You wanted to leave and go home- get this bullshit over with. It was like walking with you parent at the store and they see an old friend in the fish-stick aisle.
After another excruciating 10 minutes of walking and stopping to talk to other people you finally make it to a big opening.
———— [DISCONTINUED] ————
posting this bc it was still in my drafts for ages, this isn't a finished or complete part of the series, I jist wanted to share it bc I'm deciding whether I continue to write or just leave it as this as a "What could've been kind of post. I also don't have anything to post so lol, take with it what you will.
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brb-on-a-quest · 4 months
If you send me photos of cute animals I’ll literally love you forever (ok my love is not entirely dependent on that but it would make me soooo happy)
*opens trenchcoat* *speaks with a gravelly voice* Oh you've come to the right place friend i've got the goods.
Ok so actually my house is always a menagerie at any given moment and its chaos and like I love animals and I love my family but I at the moment I can not wait to leave this whole zoo behind because things are never calm ever. Like we have five animals that live here full time and my mother has a dog boarding business so in addition to the main cast of characters we have a whole bunch of side characters that have stayed like a couple weeks sometimes? (Literally if you're looking for peace and quiet ever, you won't find it here).
Also got most of these for my phone and i can tell i am more cat person than dog person because I have two videos of the actual puppy, two photos of my other dog and like more decent photos of the cats. So let me introduce you to the whole main cast of characters:
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^ This is Benji. Maltese poodle mix. We've had him since he was about 7 months old? Couple years old now and has started going into old man routine. He's very talkative and likes to make his opinion known and make sure that we greet every guest properly with due enthusiasm. Sorry to all the people who have been to my house and he's jumped on them we're trying its hard. He's currently in 4H Obedience club with my sister who adores him entirely (he puts up with her as he settles into his old man era). Fun fact about him: mans gets entirely jealous when any other dog recieves more attention than him (how dare they).
I actually don't have any good photos of Rosie (not named after @igotthisaccountunderduress, I swear but that's why I can only call you Iggy now), so take a video of our newest recruit! She's a three months old puppy? maybe four? idk how time works. She's learning a lot of things and mom's having a blast training her from scratch as we got her from a breeder rather from like a shelter as with all our other pets (my mother is obssesed with animals but wanted to do all the ground work of raising a puppy and making sure it was socialized/housetrained etc. Kudos to her because I could never. My mom is really awesome and I don't know where she finds time for this). Anyway she's kind of in her destructive menace stage still but also she hops around and it's really funny. We aquired this one after our old Corgi/lab/otherquestionable things (I just realized I don't have any pics of him) passed away from cancer. She is also the first female pet we have owned since I was a baby (mainly by coincidence I swear but it's just funny).
And now we get on to the cats. There are three of them so I'm going to start with oldest to youngest.
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This is Zorro (my favorite) out of all the cats. He was acquired shortly after George when we found mice in one of our old houses. He put up with George, but after mom started getting more and more animals into the house Zorro became more and more fed up and trying to get out and away from all the whippersnappers so he's an outdoor cat now (don't worry he has an electrically heated house and is fed wonderfully and is still living his best life). He's also the only one who will actually sit on my lap and let me pet for long periods of time (I love him he's my favorite, when I move out for reals I kind of want to take him with me so he can get as pampered as he wants in his older years but IDK how much he would like adjusting back to indoor life again). He's very grumpy old man but like would die for him yk? Bebe.
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This is Rocky (short for Rocket, although no one ever calls him that ever.) The reason he is called Rockey is that when we brought him home there was so much fighting and indecision over what we should call him (including much bribery and corruption when my dad tried to call a democratic vote -> one of my siblings tried selling his vote for a snickers) so we ended up just by calling him by the nickname he was given at the shelter. And it stuck. Rocky kinda forgets he is a cat sometimes and acts more like the dogs that he grew up around like by wagging his tail and like chirps instead of a proper meow. He also can never sit like a normal cat and I find him curled up in probably the most strangest positions known to man that can't be comfortable (i have a few pics but not nearly enough of all the ones he does)
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This is Tigger. Tigger came from my Grandma tricking us into taking the psycho. Do not let his baby face fool you this cat is a menace to society. He was with a friend of my grandma's who liked antagonizing him and taught him to play really rough and maybe neglected him? Which is really sad because it taught him so many bad habits that means he is the menace that he is. Anyway, parents got him while I was away at college and adopted him on my birthday (when i wasn't there). But even though none of the human peoples like him all that much, Rocky does and also we would all feel really guilty about rehoming him because if we rehomed him he'd probably be euthanized or something because he's not a friendly cat. Or rather, let me put it this way. I think he's very friendly he's just too violently playful. His favorite game is hiding in like darkened corners and under covered tables and then jumping out and scratching/biting people (traumatized lil 7yo sis bc of it so she stays far away from him now). The funniest thing is that he'll still keep the baby face and he looks like he has no thoughts behind his eyes and the next thing you know he's clawing off your hand. We've been trying to train the agression out of him but it's really not as easy as training dogs.
like don't get me wrong I love murder cat (as I have dubbed him) but also I fear him and he knows it. However his eternal baby face gives me much meme material so he do pull his own weight around the house. He's also the only cat to have ever caught and killed a mouse inside. So we're grateful to him and glad he's part of our family but he's more effective than either of our dogs if a burglar breaks in. Actually, I should put the other pic here as well.
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He may look cute but don't believe him. It's all part of his plan to get you in your sleep. (JK JK, murder cat, if you learned to read and are watching me as you sit behind me, please know that I do love you even though you frustrate me to know end pelase don't eat me).
Bonus: some very raw (still alive) baby birbs found by a friend of mine. Still alive as far as im aware. Also all of them are at my school so thankfully far away from my murderous pets.
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*a large package is delivered by a disgruntled snowy owl*
In anticipation of Thursday, I wanted to send you some supplies. I brewed up some pepperup, wiggenweld and pain potions and invigoration draughts, just in case. I also packed some chocolates, for when you're once again able to enjoy food!
If you find yourself in want of company, or require help carrying supplies to the hotspots, do let me know.
Elizabeth 🖤
My dear,
It's always a pleasure to humbly receive A letter from you on the rousing eve Of every Thursday when I am to turn I little more human: your presence to yearn.
It is true, Thursday is almost here and I've had such a wonderful time in the past month turning fully corporal once a week! I still hesitate to call it living since it is not permanent. I am, however, eternally grateful for even those fleeting moments I'm able to catch up on that which was stolen from me so early. 
I must admit, I haven't actually met many students yet because I keep getting distracted on my way to the castle. It's either having some nice food at a friend's place and forgetting the passage of time, or my employer catching me in human form and giving me tasks here and there (I almost paid off that broom!), or running around and trying to see if I can get any period-appropriate clothing. Or at least an extra Hogwarts cloak — I still look like a 7th-year student! My family paid for my education that unfortunate year I lost my head so teeechnically I should still be eligible to finish my final year at Hogwarts? I should be sorting out all manner of paperwork but instead I worry about the colour of the cloak I want to wear once a week!  
*Richard looks up from the letter to steal a glance at Elizabeth's portrait on the wall and then at the photos she took of him a while ago. His hair looks normal there but last Thursday when he examined himself in the mirror his hair still looked like ghost hair. No, it was not transparent but mostly white instead. Maybe ancient magic did not do it correctly that one time? Or maybe Richard focused too much on being a human and not on the details? But he rather liked that colour, perhaps because after decades of seeing himself as a ghost having white hair was in a way comforting. He would never admit to that, of course. Being human again terrifies him: if the papercuts taught him anything it's that his body is very much mortal. The topic of death starts becoming more and more unsettling to him as a result.*
I just looked at what you sent me and... Do you even know how wonderful and thoughtful you are? I will have to make sure to remind you of this every time I get the chance. I think the drawbacks of being in the land of the living are here to stay but at the very least now I do not have to be aware of that misery. You spent so much of your time just to brew those potions for me and I am forever in your debt! 
And chocolate! Believe it or not, but I haven't had any chocolate yet, yours would be the first few pieces I've had in ages! Thank you! 
*Richard whines a little looking at the sweets: he could almost taste her chocolate but he knows that it's just his memory acting up and he cannot actually taste anything. Still, the thought of trying them tomorrow warmed his undead heart.*
I think the potions will stay here in my secret room for now since I start feeling tired and sick closer to the end of the day. That way I can just stop by if I feel like I need some more energy. My Scribe managed to find some pillows and a blanket for my sofa last time so that pain relief potion will come in rather handy when the night falls: it'll actually allow me to fall asleep without feeling like my body is falling apart. At least I hope it wor 
And I most certainly would love to visit some more people! If I don't get distracted by food again. Or fall off my broom again. I've also been dreading of going to the Olivander's to get a new wand... I feel so silly not being a ghost and only being able to cast basic wandless magic things... 
Anyway, I hope our paths do cross tomorrow. Your potions will literally be guarding my sleep in the night. As for you being their creator, does that make you my... guardian angel? If it is not the case then I must assure you: you are a very talented, kind, and thoughtful witch, and I would choose your company over that of even the most beautiful of angels — for your beauty is the one I wish to behold not only with my own eyes but with my heart as well.
Yours forever grateful,
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golbrocklovely · 1 month
Tbh on this whole Sam and Katelyn situation, i have no real opinion, cause obviously some bigger things must have happened behind the scenes, cause i doubt that Sam reacted this way just like this. I mean he wasn’t acting this way with Katrina and Colby didn’t unfollow her either. It’s a shame it was taken to social media and that Sam at least didn’t add to his message smth like “we are broken up, but please do not hate” yk, but tbh guilty is on both side. Katelyn was the one who kinda stirred into the pot which was a dumb move from her, because if she knows that Snc have bigger fandom made mostly of young girls who are basically in love with them, she should be more protective of herself and if she wanted to be petty, she could do it privately. Sam response was meh.. could be smth more mature for sure, but i could bet that something just happened behind the scenes, because even Colby unfollowed her, which is like weird to me, considering once again that Colby still follows Katrina who made a a song about Sam after their breakup (which is so good btw)
I am no hater of Katelyn or any of the girls around boys (i am here for ghosts and demons, not delusion) and didn’t send her any, don’t worry. I just say that i think people should stop taking any sides and be angry at people when they do not know the full story. Something must have happened bts that made both snc angry and it’s not our business to know, so i think it’s better to just move on and focus on the upcoming videos (especially am excited for the one with triplets )
i mean, i agree with you that there's definitely more that happened bts that we don't know about. every relationship is more than what it appears to be. only katelyn and sam know the real story on what happened.
the thing is, it's hard to compare relationships bc kat and sam one, ended on good terms (all things considered) and two, were together for almost a decade. so bc of that, there is a level of respect there, a level of friendship that was there, that katelyn and sam didn't quite have. and colby clearly unfollowed katelyn bc of her posting the pic, since it was so out of left field given that her and sam had been broken up for a couple weeks (by my guess).
like i mentioned in my other asks on this, what katelyn did was dumb. while i found it funny in the moment, i never thought it was the smartest thing for her to do. it was petty and childish and odd. i've never denied that once. that being said, she was always gonna be the loser in this scenario. not only did she lose the guy, but on top of that has been hated since the minute she came into the fandom, well before she did things that ppl claim are the "real reason" they don't like her (whatever that case may be). not only that, she doesn't have any true supporters. she gained an audience of both lovers and haters bc of sam. and while sam had every right to post his comment, or to post that story explaining he was single, there does come a certain point where in my opinion, he took it too far.
once he liked a post claiming katelyn was not a good person, she doesn't deserve all he did for her, she took advantage of him, she's a bad influence (which let's be honest is fucking rich coming from snc lol) AFTER liking a post that was nicer to both of them a couple hours earlier… that's where i think he did more harm than good. bc his fans saw that shit and literally all agreed that this was him giving the green light to hate on her more than they had been. and again, katelyn was never gonna win. i mean for fuck's sake, she was getting hated on before she ever posted the photo. and she wasn't even dating him anymore. and sam was only getting hated on this past year because he was dating her.
was it dumb for her to post the pic? yeah. but it was also dumb for sam to like a post basically saying "yeah go ahead and hate her, she's the worst". he has MILLIONS of fans. the only fans she has are ppl who are fans of him. who do you think ppl sided with?
and that's not to say that she's a good person in all of this. she probably did things she shouldn't have in the relationship. and vice versa, if we're honest. but she couldn't have done anything that bad considering the fact that colby was still following her up until she posted this.
like i've mentioned before, pettiness comes out of hurt. and clearly both of them are hurting, so i do feel for them there. but if i'm honest, i just expected sam to remain quiet on this, like he does with literally everything else. the comment made sense, the story was fine, everything afterwards felt like jabs to knock her down a peg.
and sure, she's posted clips that have been filmed by him and unarchived shit that was about him. big whoop. she still lost. i'm not on either of their sides, but i feel for katelyn a little more than sam.
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cherrycheolcoups · 2 years
s.coups fic preview!
a/n: so i am currently in the middle of typing a seungcheol x fem!reader fic and i figured i'd give everyone a preview lol. it's my first kpop fic so i honestly hope it goes well and is well received. i'm just really in love with seungcheol sigh so have some of my cheol brainrot!
edit: i tagged all the members because of the fact that some are mentioned in this preview, but i do plan on having all of them show up/appear in the fic! it was not my intention to clog up the tags with it sooooooooo
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summary: you and seungcheol are always doing things together, acting like the parents of the group, etc. it's a given that everyone thinks you're a married couple, yet you're not really a married couple...are you?
a/n: so i was looking for prompts and saw this one while scrolling through @creativepromptsforwriting's blog. it honestly seemed like a cute idea so i wanted to give it a go lol. i'm also going to be updating more regularly now [i hope] i've just been in a big seungcheol mood lately and have been really soft for him lately so have some reader x seungcheol.
warnings: some swearing, maybe some suggestive tones. i think that's it? LOTS OF FLUFF OMGGGGGG
pairing: choi seungcheol/s.coups x fem!reader [the mom and dad of the group]
my masterlist here! more to come soon!
if you like it, please feel free to leave suggestions, requests, etc.! :)
preview under the cut!
You didn't know quite when it had started, but you were basically an honorary leader for Seventeen. When the guys were having a hard time, or just needed some advice or pointers, they generally went to you. You guessed this was due to them not wanting to burden their actual leader and add more stress onto his plate. Really, you didn't mind this one bit. You actually felt a sense of pride and belonging with being this included by them.
Today seemed to be another one of those days for the guys. When you arrived at the dorms, arms filled with grocery bags, you could tell that they must have had a long day. The exhaustion was pretty evident, though they would most likely deny it if mentioned. Walking into the kitchen, you placed the bags on the counter, not noticing that Seungcheol was behind you, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. He honestly was going to offer a hand, since it was a lot of bags you were carrying, but it seemed like you had it handled.
You turned around, not expecting to see Seungcheol, making you jump just a little. At the sight of his gummy smile, you felt your lips tugging at the corners, happy to see your best friend after a long day. "You really didn't have to do all of this, you know?" The male spoke, a hint of a teasing glimmer in his eye. You shrugged, walking closer to him. "I know. I just like doing this for you guys," you responded, eyes locked onto Seungcheol's, you and him completely oblivious to the 12 members staring.
Apparently, the two of you were also oblivious to the closeness between you, the soft, fond look you gave each other. In the other room, Soonyoung and a couple of the others had their phones out, snapping a few pictures. Unfortunately for them, Soonyoung had made the small mistake of sending the photos to the shared groupchat, adding that "mom and dad are so in love" Upon seeing the text, Seungcheol sighed, turning to face the 12 members, giving them a stern look. All but Soonyoung, Jihoon, Yeonghan and Minghao bolted out of the room, not really wanting to face Seungcheol right now.
"Does anybody want to explain the text?" Seungcheol asked, quirking an eyebrow up at the four that remained, though he mainly kept his gaze on Soonyoung. The first one to speak up was Soonyoung, his squinted a bit. "Pft. What text, hyung?" The dancer had questioned, not really wanting to fess up as to why it was sent in the group chat, or why the photo was taken at all in the first place.
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starryjeekies · 2 years
E’last reaction to their s/o sending nudes??
A/N: OKAY HI SORRY I'VE BEEN MEANING TO GET TO THIS FOR SO LONG I was experiencing a lot of burnout (related to work and personal life) and I still am for other reasons BUT I felt that this can probably help me out of my funk so here we finally go ^^
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First time you send a risky pic to Rano, he probably would be really flustered at first. He would lock his phone, toss it somewhere on the couch, and then cover his face. After about ten or so seconds, he'll compose himself and actually look and study the picture you sent. He can feel the heat on his cheeks and his pants getting a little tighter but hopefully no one else is around to witness his frustration.
"I hope you know what you're doing to me.."
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Choi In:
It would probably be a special occasion the first time he receives a naughty picture from you. You two probably planned a date night but he had to practice first. Practice would be running late and when he has a water break, he checks his phone to see a pic of you. He would probably blink in surprise for a few seconds before a smirk would form on his lips. He starts getting excited and would perform the rest of the time with enthusiasm.
"Just wait a little longer, baby, I can barely wait either."
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There are very few times where the two of you text back and forth as I view Seungyeop as a "talk in person" type of guy. So when there are four texts from you, he gets worried something is wrong. He's worried at first, but when he sees the pictures you had attached of your bare body, his worry quickly drains away and fills with pride. Thankfully, he was just at the dorm so he can pop over to your place to see if reality matches the picture.
"You better still be in that pose when I get there, darling."
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It would be a complete accident and both of you would be startled. You two would be texting about when/where to meet up for your date and you jokingly asked him to match your fit so he would ask for a picture so he could. When you send your fit pic, you also accidentally attach a nude that you took before you put it on and immediately replay with "don't look!" but it's too late. He looked. He starred. He gawked.
"I'm sorry I looked but now I can't look away.."
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Out of everyone, Romin would ask. Not in a disrespectful way, more like you've been dating for a while, have done the deed a few times, and would love to have a pic of you for when he can't touch you. So being the lovely partner you are, you send him one. Or two. And in comes a barrage of texts from him just praising you and how good you look and how he's treasuring what you gave him.
"I'll let you know whenever I'm thinking about you."
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Big blushy baby wouldn't know what to do. It came out of the blue while he was at the company and he would probably try to excuse himself to the restroom to have some privacy. He would lock himself in a stall to see what he received and would get very desperate. He would try to palm himself through his pants before realizing its not enough.
"Jesus, I can't focus on anything but you."
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He would be on tour when you send him a pic. He would probably be resting in whatever bed he had, texting you that he missed you a lot and couldn't wait to come home. You send him a picture back, showing him what he's currently missing and his mind goes feral. He would try to keep himself calm as he wouldn't want his roommate to know, but his mind is running to so many places on what he wishes he can do. He's touchy, so not being able to touch you drives him crazy.
"Please don't tease me, I'm already dying without you."
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I love this diva because he would definitely send you one back. You two had been going back and forth, teasing each other, hot and bothered, when you send a picture. He would eat that up. He would imprint the picture in his brain before scrolling through his photos and send you one back. He would feel satisfied when you praise him on how godly he looks and would definitely show his appreciation back to you.
"It's so kind of you to give me that gift."
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nancypullen · 1 year
82 Days Until Halloween!
That has nothing to do with this post, I'm just excited about it. Eighty-two days, some of which will be spent on vacation, will fly! I have absolutely nothing to post about, there's nothing happening at Casa de Pullen. I wake up, make the bed, do my stretches and stuff, scoop the kitty litter, sometimes start a load of wash, and then head downstairs. Rinse and repeat.
I'm fortunate that I get to look out of this window while I make breakfast. Hummingbirds and bumble bees zip around the blooms and it's the best show in town.
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I'd planned to cut down some of the sunflowers that are already drying and drooping, but the yellow finches have arrived and love them. I can't deprive them of their favorite treat. Brace yourself for some out of focus bird pictures. This was snapped from inside the car as I pulled in from the grocery store. There's a little yellow finch lunching on those sunflowers by the porch. I waited to get out of the car so I wouldn't scare him away.
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I do sometimes snip one of the flowers to sit in this sweet bud vase (a gift from a kind friend in TN). Sunflowers are so cheerful.
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I moved the hummingbird feeder to the front flower bed so that I can enjoy their antics while I sit at my desk making whatever I'm making that day. Turns out it's very hard to get a photo from inside, through a window and a screen, of a very fast birdie. There he is, hovering just over the feeder. There are a couple that battle for the hooch and they're fierce!
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As you can see, nothing much has changed. I'm still watching birds and bees. There's a fat woodchuck that wanders around our yard occasionally, that's it for wildlife. This guy...
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loves hanging out at our house. Pardon my muddy garden shoes, and yes, that's a bowl of water that I put out for the our visitor. It would have been rude not to offer refreshments. This is like a flashback of how my romance with Willie started. Apparently I'm a magnet for big ol' chunky boys. His collar says he lives two houses down, but I think we're due some child support or at least daycare fees. Who am I kidding? Send me all the cats. I'll feed them for free and love them until they beg for mercy.
Other than bird, bee, and cat watching, I've been busy making earrings and trying to get ready for Artisans on the Choptank. It's going to be embarrassing if nothing sells. You'll all get boxes of earrings for Christmas. I also painted the vanity in the Halloween bathroom. Flooring goes in tomorrow - hooray! The master bath vanity is just a creamy color, but since the Halloween bathroom is a more whimsical, jolly sort of room, I went with a shade of greeny-gray. Best of all, I found pumpkin knobs to add to the doors!
Here's the vanity color...(pardon my mess)
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and these are the knobs (you can see them on the counter).
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How cute is that? I'll be so glad to have these bathrooms finished. I want to paint for fun again! I'll share pics of the completed bathrooms tomorrow when the banging stops and the dust settles. So there you have it. My very small, probably boring to others, life. Quiet days, but they're filled with creativity, and that makes me content. We'll have the grandgirl for the weekend so things will liven up around here soon. We're taking her to Workhorse Farm to pet kangaroos and meet camels. Then we'll hang around the house and let her swim in her "mermaid lagoon", we'll have popcorn and movie nights, and we'll be thoroughly exhausted when we give her back. It's a good kind of tired. I hope that you're enjoying a balance of fun and peacefulness. We need both, don't we? A lack of either takes a toll. I'm off to soak in the tub and look at that ugly floor for the last time. Sending out loads of love. XOXO, Nancy
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jiannaeloise · 1 year
A Sneak Peek into Siargao
I haven't written in a while so this entry deserves a whole summary of what's been happening in my life lately. I just got back from Boracay a few days ago. That's where I got to spend 1 of 2 of my 30th birthday. There was a lot of night life drinking and dancing for sure. I got to meet The DJ Ron Poe during my birthday too but something embarassing happened to me the night of. The button on the neon green top I was wearing popped out while dancing with a Polish woman. Thankfully she also hugged me on may way to my seat. I was not wearing any bra but thankfully I have such great reflexes because I was able to cover my boobies just in time. Yes, there were people staring (my family and friends included) but surprisingly I didn't feel worried and just went on with my night to dance again. 😅 We resolved my buttonless top by putting a stapler on it, btw. 😂
There was one thing that happened to me the day after my birthday. I was expecting it to happen in Siargao but I guess things happened the way it should... We had a final night of drinking at Summer Place and I saw this cute guy awkwardly dancing. I was glad I shot my shot. I guess, that's really a part of me that's embedded in my personality. I'm a strong woman on that aspect I guess. 😅 His name is Alex. Yup, he shares the same name with the guy I met at that LA bar who also made a move on me. 😂 He's 35, tall and handsome. He actually looks like a foreign version of Champ Lui Pio because of his deep face dimples. My gosh. Hahaha. Sadly, we didn't have photos together unlike LA Alex. So yeah, long story short, you know how the ending goes.
I haven't had sex for six fucking years and I really didn't expect to get lucky either. But things escalated quickly and we were checked in at the very same hotel. We walked back and he invited me to his room. It turned out to be a birthday sex escape (no one knew for sure). The sex was fine. It was just awkward at some parts. I felt like I had to know my body all over again. It felt weird because I haven't been intimate with someone for such a long time (7 years to be exact, so I guess you can also call that my 7-year "itch" 😆) that I forgot to voice out what I wanted in bed! Haha. At one point before the deed, Alex asked me in disbelief: "So no boyfriend huh?" He couldn't wrap his mind around it because he said: "You seem intelligent and pretty." I really honestly do not have any answer as to why I still don't have one.
Now that I think about it and I've written this before, my beauty is not the kind that is noticeable or is not the society's standard of beautiful. So, I'm pretty sure I'm not the first option when a guy sees me. It's either that or they need to talk to me first or they completely find me intimidating. But when Alex asked me that question I wasn't bothered. For this part I am thankful I am single because I get to enjoy this now. But why am I such a late bloomer in this sense? Why am I only having these experiences now that I've hit my 30's? I don't want to end up like an old maid and still be out here hooking up with random men, checking if we're a match or not. 😔
So yeah, it was a fun/awkward birthday sex. The morning after though, I looked myself in the mirror feeling as if I was already connected with Alex because I could sense he was looking for me. My family friends would send me videos of him on our Laboracay thread, confirming exactly that. A part of me didn't want to see him that day because I am not sure when I will ever see him again. Thankfully, we didn't cross paths the day of my flight back to Manila. I did feel an ache in my heart because I wasn't able to say goodbye to him in person and I felt as if I left a part of my heart in Boracay while we were up in the clouds. To make it more dramatic, I was listening to Taylor Swift's Wildest Dreams, teary-eyed. 😂
All in all, this year was the most memorable visit to Bora. Not only because of what happened to me but because I am lucky enough to be celebrating the first half of my 30th birthday out of town with the people I love. 🥰
Sea you in Siargao for round 2 of my birthday,
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aeyumicore · 1 month
TRIGGER WARNING: cyber bullying, online harassment, slander, falsifying screenshots
TLDR: Someone is harassing me, claiming I have intensely bullied another unnamed user (with doctored screenshots as proof), claiming I use AI, etc. I will debunk these claims in this post, with proof.
EDIT: They have switched to impersonating me and copying my works as their own. If you see any variations of “AEYUMICORE” (like aeyumicores or aeyumiicore) it is likely them.
BE WARNED: long post, screenshot HEAVY.
This morning I woke up to 24 messages. There's been a post (see it here) going around from the blog called @/exposingaeyumicore. They have me blocked so it was brought to my attention by the people who sent me messages.
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I first want to point out the jarring coincidence that THIS IS HAPPENING AFTER my 'anon-reply' debacle yesterday morning, in which I had a brief back and forth with a user who misunderstood my rant about the HYPERSEXUALIZATION of Sylus (they seemed to think I was complaining about him being sexualized). They proceeded to call me a hypocrite, said they lost respect for me, and said I only cared about notes. I believe these to be the same person, but I don't necessarily have proof of that. There was also one other who I believe was a different person who said I was jobless but oh well.
(Also just a note, I had recently, maybe less than a week ago turned ON anonymous replies because I saw I had them off. My blog used to be an "aesthetics" blog years ago from high school so I likely had it turned off from then, or it might be the default setting. I'm not sure)
EDIT: One reason I strongly believe @/exposingaeyumicore to be the anon from yesterday (not the one who said I was jobless) is because of their AI claims. I make ZERO money off Tumblr or ao3 so why would I use AI? What do I gain out of that? The only connection I can infer they're making is that I use AI so I can gain notes (THEIR WORDS NOT MINE, i am just using their words to draw inferences) Similar to what the anon from yesterday said: "so obvious you just care about notes"
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You can read the post for yourself but I am just going to try and debunk several of their claims
Evidence #1/2
Now, they're claiming I am this anon. I don't know how to prove this, but I did have a friend send me both a regular and an anon reply. And there's clear discrepancies in the screenshots that point to them being photoshopped/doctored.
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[TOP] You'll notice this weird gap in their screenshots that I have indicated in red, both under the 'Anon' header, but also in the actual reply as well. You'll see their gaps are far larger than they should be, indicating these are photoshopped. [BOTTOM] This is what it SHOULD look like (I've blurred some info from someone who sent me an ask to alert me of this).
I will be reporting this to Tumblr after writing and posting this. If there is a way to confirm that these asks are fake, I will update that here.
Also, if you search my blog OR my Twitter/X you'll see I never use 'bby'. I primarily say babes, bb, bbbbbb, or something along those lines. I bring this up because @/exposingaeyumicore SPECIFICALLY brings up my usage of 'bby'
Evidence #3
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What is this massive gap in between the ask-title? You can see in the previous evidences, EVEN the doctored ones that this is not consistent.
Literally need I say more. It's such a poorly edited photo I am astounded.
Also, @/exposingaeyumicore claims that I use the above emoji a lot in my responses. Literally go through my reponses, my Tumblr, and my Twitter. NEVER HAVE I EVER USED THIS EMOJI. I do use this one: 😂
If I still thought I was on anon, why would I be using distraction emojis?
EDIT: Y'ALL WANNA SEE WHAT I JUST REALIZED??? Guess what emoji the anon from yesterday used?
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Yup. The same emoji they claim they noticed that I USE, and the same one they photoshopped into their "evidence." I cannot make this stuff up. (below is a SS taken from @/exposingaeyumicore's blogpost where they claim that)
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Evidence #4
Another edited image of me supposedly sending vile messages. The images are edited and here's why:
[LEFT] A real screenshot of a chat between me and a burner account. [RIGHT] The screenshot @/exposingaeyumicore provided. My name is not centered, refer to the grid.
There is no profile picture bubble to the left of my name.
Note the interface...It's different from what a Tumblr messaging interface should look like on mobile. On the left, you'll see that the arrow button to go back is different, and it's also in a black border. In their fact screenshot, they use a different arrow. Maybe this is because they use a non-iOS device, or for whatever reason, but this raises red flags, as this is NOT the standard MOBILE interface.
But also why would I do this on my main account?...Like isn't that just asking to get caught/reported/blocked/banned?...
You'll notice the "[green dot] active in the last hour is misplaced in their screenshot. It typically goes ABOVE the spam indicator.
Their spam indicator message is also different. This I am not too sure about as maybe Tumblr has a few different ones they use.
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This one really got to me. Claiming I use AI? I literally spend hours of my day writing, I make ZERO money off of this. And to claim I am using AI?
I plugged my works, namely the Sylus one they claim they checked, into a few AI checkers. Also note, they did not include the source for theirs so I was not able to use the same one they did, or check if it's an edited image. ANOTHER note, keep in mind these checkers are usually limited in word count in their non-paid versions, so I was only about to check ~5k words. I've included exactly which checkers I used in the screenshot below, so you can also try it for yourself.
Feel free to check my other works as well, I've only included screenshots for 'Misty Invasion - Lost Oasis' as that's the one they claim they used, that got a whopping 41-50% AI score. Weird how it's all 0% AI when I check.
Their screenshots for this claim, like the previous ones, are 100% edited. In no world would my work be 50% AI generated. You can see screenshots of when I plug my works into various AI checkers. Feel free to check for yourself by plugging my work into any AI checker.
[TOP] Copyleaks AI checker + Grammerly AI checker
[BOTTOM] ZeroGPT checker (which I realized is the same AI checker @/exposingaeyumicore uses) + WRITER AI checker
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Turns out, I did fine the AI checker they used. I plugged in the same works they did (Sylus - Lost Oasis & Xavier - Heartstring Symphony)
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Here were MY results. Weird how it's 0% now. Feel free to use it yourselves to see that their screenshots will not be the same as the AI result you get when you use the tool yourself.
Notice I used the same bits of text they did too.
I have absolutely no words. I am so sorry if I missed anything. My brain is quite scrambled as I write this, and I am literally vibrating lol.
Quite literally EVERY CLAIM they have made about me is false. I have never sent a message to anyone on Tumblr that didn't include responding to someone, and also one other LNDS writer to wish them well. I have NEVER sent anyone a hateful ask, let alone an anonymous ask.
And what really fucked me up the most, I have NEVER used AI and you can check this for yourself by using AI checkers and copy pasting my works into them. They all come up 0% AI (or 2%, I do take a lot of dialogue from the devs so like idk)
This is so absolutely disgusting and it is so disheartening. It makes me feel unsafe and not comfortable using this platform.
To the people who have been nothing but kind and supportive, I am so sorry if i have let you down in any way by being wrapped up in this. I shouldn't have responded to those bitter anon asks from yesterday.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments preferably (not DMs as that way everyone can read the comments if they want clarification) and I will try to reply. I am going to do my best but may also be somewhat offline today.
I love you guys, thank you for your never ending support and kind words.
Again, LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE CLAIM is false. If I have not provided enough proof of that, please let me know and I will do my best to provide more or clarify.
Also this post may be edited as I see fit. I am literally shaking as I write this, so there may be typos, things I left out, etc. I will include an edit log here:
--- 1. Post posted - August 18, 10:15 AM PST
2. Post edited - August 18, 10:18 AM PST - Realized I didn't blur out a profile photo from a follower.
3. Post edited - August 18, 10:42 AM PST - Added a line about the AI part, just to clarify that the screenshots they posted are edited as well.
4. Post edited - August 16, 10:47 AM PST - Found the AI checker these used. Added screenshots of my own that say 0% AI. Feel free to try it yourself: zerogpt.com
5. Title edited - August 16, 10:50 AM PST
6. Post edited - August 16, 1:19 PM PST - Realized a lot of my screenshots were blurry so I reuploaded them, and also changed up the red indicators I use to give more visibility.
7. Post edited - August 16, 1:26 PM PST - Realized some stuff about the claims about emoji usage. Edited it into the applicable area of this post.
8. Post edited - August 16, 1:38 PM PST - Added a 'see more' cut as it was getting ridiculously long and I didn't want to jump scare anyone.
9. Post edited - August 16, 1:46 PM PST - Changed title to red after the adding of the 'read more' cut.
10. Post edited - August 16, 1:59 PM PST - Edited the screenshots proving the messages were photoshopped to use more red indicators.
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