brb-on-a-quest · 3 months
Day Nine💖
(reminder that if anybody wants me to stop sending these asks at any time, just tell me and I will stop!)
what is the thing that you are the most passionate about in life and why? what sparked your interest in it? is their a goal with it you want to reach, and are you actively working on your passion, or is it just something you know a lot about?
Uhhhh i was going to say reading and writing but then I realize both persuits kinda fall flat in the face of the main passion.
I love storytelling. Or really I love stories. I love telling stories (i talk way too much irl). I love listening to stories. I love being immersed in stories where I can hear the voices in my head with their inflections their intonations, their lil quirks), to make them living, breathing shadows. I love writing where I can create the stories and go as microscopic and talk about this one leaf that became part of a bouquet between a girl and her lover and its importance, or to go as high and as far as I can with the grand brush strokes of worldbuilding. I love my original characters and their journeys and I've grown up with some of them, just as they have with me.
I love all the mediums I can find stories now. Certain shows, movies, (although, admittedly, am bad at watching them), books, videogames, DND (i listen to podcasts and friends stories bc i don't have enough real-world friends to play with *sigh*), chatting with friends and family, art, tumblr, ao3... like there are so many stories! I'm sad that i won't be able to experience all of them.
And like obvs there are elements in stories I like more than others and not all stories are the same but...idk. I love them. it's perhaps the one thing that can get me light up or really talking and then, well, I've said too much information
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egophiliac · 2 years
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some more episode 7 stuff! Mal's UM poster is being uncooperative, so here's some dumb shit in the meantime.
I have been genuinely trying to draw his OB better, but it's hard. :( why does he hate me.
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artiepoison · 1 year
Drew Tanaka was done dirty imo.
When I was reading the lost hero, I expected her to get some sort of redemption ark, because she was such a stereotypical mean girl.
Like she should have had an ark of some sort, but no. She was just there to,
A. Be mean to Piper
B. Flirt with Jason
and C. Replace Selena.
She barely even shows up for the rest of the series! And she's not even mentioned in PJO? If not redeem her, then keep her as an antagonist in the series? She also would have been interesting as a side antagonist, so there was conflict happening during the CHB scenes.
Also, give the girl a backstory! Maybe she feels pressured by the responsibility of replacing selena, maybe she feels like she has to live up to her mother, maybe she was just brought up in a way that made her think it was okay to be a bully. Just something pleaseee.
I really wanted Piper and Drew to become friends, so that Piper could stop her cringy "not like other girls" thing, and Drew would become a nicer person. (Also there needs to be more female friendships in the riordanverse!)
AND! Just because she likes makeup and cares how she looks does not automatically make her a bad person! I'm tired of the popular pretty mean girl stereotype.
So basically, Drew deserved better, and in my mind, she has a backstory for why she's mean to Piper.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. I normally don't post that much, but I just had a strong opinion on this.
tl;dr I think Drew Tanaka was a criminally underdeveloped, underused, and stereotyped character.
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gottabegenki · 10 months
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"Sleep now, my love. While you lay in an ageless sleep, I will find a way...𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘦, 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳. 𝘈𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘺𝘴𝘴, 𝘐 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘸 ���𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘶𝘱𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶. 𝘍𝘢e 𝘰𝘧 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦." 
Feeling a little angsty 😌 Jo promises all the time to Malleus that she would never leave him. So Malleus says he will try to find a way to extend her life, and since it could take time, he suggests to put her in an ageless sleep. Jo was reluctant at first, but eventually agrees.  
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sskk-manifesto · 8 months
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Alright but what's this mission Akutagawa is talking about that Dazai abandoned, am I missing something? 🤔
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eepyracc · 6 months
Lnds fandom.. how are we feeling 🧍‍♀️
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Because I for one, am absolutely losing it
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zombkitty · 5 months
cocky blonde men that i said i promised myself that i would hate (turns out i fucking love them and somehow relate to them)
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ALSO. hi. goodmorning :] u asked abt mark power classification & striker stuff last night.... i think ur far enough in that its chill to send u this! woe power classification be upon ye....
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
IW fr just felt like yokoyama's cope for killing Aoki off and then regretting it
im not saying yoko shouldve ryuji'd aoki but im just saying maybe the aoki-lives truthers were onto something if not copium but serving a warning for what was to come
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rowanthestrange · 2 years
hmm, the doctor being genetically engineered/manipulated to be optimal, and their favourite fruit being bananas, also genetically engineered/manipulated to be optimal for people’s consumption.
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brb-on-a-quest · 3 months
(hi, remember that if you guys have any ideas for questions I can use, you all can feel free to drop them in my box! not running out of inspiration yet, but its cool to have a wide variety of questions that I might not think of otherwise!)
~season edition~
what season are you living in right now?
what do you like most about it?
what do you like least about it?
what is your favorite season and why? (if it isn't the one you're already living in now lol)
what is your least favorite season and why? (if it isn't the one you're already living in now lol)
if there was one thing you could add/take away/change about 1 season of the year, what would it be and why?
and finally, what are some of your favorite local plants that go with each season? (example: spring-daffodils, summer-roses, fall-sunflowers, winter-evergreen) (can be any plants too, not just flowers)
Most people have Seasonal depressive disorder in the winter when everything is cold and dark and dreary. Mine hits a lot more in the summer (sigh. its summer). There are some good things about it. I like not doing homework, but there's a lot of.... added relationship stresses that get strained during the summer that is sometimes very not fun. I tend to put myself in situations and then don't actually have the backbone to defend myself from situations or making it unnecessarily harder than it needs to be. That being said, I love seeing the irl bestie (would simply not come home if it weren't for her and be looking for more work up near school) and my littlest sister is amazing to say the least.
Favorite season? I have a feeling that will change soon as I finally "get adulted" and graduated and need to move out of house and home but right now i am so much a winter and fall (particularly fall) kind of person because I am not, have never been built for heat and get very much sick in it if I'm out for Too Long in It (like now *cries*).
If I could cahnge/takeaway I'd make summer less hot so I don't get as sick which would remove a lot of summer hatred ("But Birb you could just move to like someplace cold like alaska") But then there's snow all the time And Driving In the Snow is a nightmare and I don't want to do that either (nah, i just have very little practice because do not drive as much as I should because don't normally do much during the summer and during the school year I have no car so friends drive to places; It's just a practice will get over fear of snow driving). If I can't make summer max like 5-10 degrees colder, I'd like snow to be everywhere except the roads (lmao i wish we had snow repellent roads somehow).
(Im cheating and looking up flowers no one can stop me i am too nauseous to rememer things).
spring: crocuses are pretty and bleeding hearts are nostalgic but overall picks are peonies or lilys of the valley (grandma had a bunch of those in the garden).
Summer: asters!! And daisies!! and the black eye susans!! and the coneflower daises (i called them inside out daisies for awhile)
Fall: I think grandma's marigolds were fallish? that may be summer and I maybe entirely incorrect but they giveth fall aesthetic.
Winter: we had poinsettias around Christmas times (always in the greenhouse and the cats were never allowed in there) so those ones. The real ones were so much prettier than the plasticky ones but yk beggers can't be choosers.
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princessofxianle · 5 months
1. How does Shen Liang feel about Jian Lan and Cuocuo? Feng Xin’s selfless enough to eventually forgive Shen Liang for everything she did to him but with how badly the whole Jian Lan and Cuocuo incident hurt Feng Xin, I can’t imagine him forgiving Shen Liang for mocking him about it, which she most likely would :(. That makes Jian Lan leaving bc she wanted to protect Feng Xin’s reputation even worse…
2. How did Jian Lan feel about Shen Liang? If JL and FX were in love in your AU, I can’t imagine JL liking SL very much. Even though FX would definitely try to make SL seem like a good sister, JL’s not stupid and would figure out that SL treats FX horribly eventually.
for reference: | more asks | meet the OC's | #fx backstory au
It's about time I talked a bit about Jian Lan :)
1. How does Shen Liang feel about Jian Lan and Cuocuo?
Shen Liang actually doesn’t know much about Jian Lan except that she was a face from Xianle when she was alive. And even then, the last time she would’ve seen Jian Lan was when she was young. Shen Liang is 17 years older than Feng Xin (and comparatively so to Jian Lan) so even if both their ghosts were to have met after the fall of Xianle, they wouldn’t recognize each other by face alone.
Additionally, not too long after the events of book 4/flashback arc #2, Shen Liang makes a run for the kiln that ends unsuccessfully (thanks to some random one-eyed nameless ghost) so it’s unlikely she would’ve run into Jian Lan and/or Cuocuo on her own as a ghost at all.
Even Feng Xin himself doesn’t find out about Cuocuo until 800 years later and, well… lets just say at that point he doesn’t even remember he ever had a sister to begin with.
So, in this life, Shen Liang doesn’t know about them. I would like to think, in a world where she incarnates, she would be proud of how hard Feng Xin tried to protect them, even if Jian Lan didn’t want him to. It’s proof that her brother never stopped trying to protect what he loves even if (in his eyes) he kept failing at it.
2. How did Jian Lan feel about Shen Liang?
2. Jian Lan only knows as much about Shen Liang as Feng Xin tells her. Which isn’t much. But Feng Xin alludes enough about his early childhood for her to know his sister’s treatment of him left long lasting effects. But he doesn’t like to talk about it.
Typically, when Feng Xin visits, the stories he tells are about his time in the palace, how much he hates Mu Qing, and how worried he is about Xie Lian and his family in their current state. Especially when Xie Lian goes missing.
In later visits, he’s scared (terrified) to touch her, flinches if she moves her hand too fast near his face, and for some reason actively avoids touching her chest on the few occasions when they do have sex. Mostly he just likes to hold her, back to his chest, promising he’ll protect her until he can get her out of there.  
When Jian Lan decides to kick him out for the last time, she slaps him. Twice. To get the point across. She doesn’t want to, but Jian Lan knows Feng Xin isn’t a man that will ever give up unless explicitly told to. And she knows his priorities should be elsewhere.
Also, I want to make clear that in this AU yes, Feng Xin and Jian Lan do genuinely love each other. Well, as genuine as the times can allow. But, at the end of the day, how can Jian Lan compare to how Feng Xin talks about Xie Lian?
JL: “I know you love me. But you swore your life to him. He needs you more than I do.” FX: “He won’t love me like you do.” JL: “And you won’t love me like you love him. ” FX: “That’s not fair.” JL: “I know. Because you’ll always choose him. So leave. I’m not anyone’s second place. I won’t wait for you to save me from this living hell. How can I even trust that you can? You can’t even figure out a way to save the person you are already sworn to.” FX: “It’s not like that, I can protect you both I…” JL: “Leave.” FX: “What? I…” JL: *slap* “I said LEAVE” FX: *puppy dog eyes* JL: “Leave. And don’t ever come back.”
to be continued...
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flownintothesun · 1 year
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 ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───    marin and westley, as drawn and beloved by @batteredoptimist ♡
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graunblida · 2 years
okay but whomst will be lexa’s valentine? 🤔
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akascow · 1 month
tale of two stans is like The Best episode of gravity falls good lord
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shidoukanae · 2 months
Chapter 77 of the manhwa: says Helene is lonely just as the manhwa shows Helene saying to Fian “this is all my fault”. Also calls Helene out as being extremely similar to Lyla (something that has now been thrice reiterated by Paris, the garden guy/Hendel, and now Phillip) and this is in spite of the fact Helene and Lyla are definitely opposite of each other Literally the chapter before this (and after iirc): people who grew up close together have very similar “souls” and will be confused as being like each other by those around them. Case in point: Phillip and Fian who have been confused as each other by Daniel, Paris, and Fian’s own mother despite being very different people Me, putting the pieces together from the light novel: oh. Ohhhhhhhhh. Time to cry again oh nooooooo
Or: I’m once again astounded by the clever foreshadowing that The Mighty Extra’s manhwa partakes in and how it spoils things ahead of time if you connect the dots. Using Fian and Phillip’s changed relationship and “similar souls” thing to subtly hint at the truth of Lyla’s and Helene’s relationship is amazingly well done. It's something that goes over the head at first glance but if you notice the parallel and what it's implying...man I love TME <3 
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