#Also please let them show some sort of physical affection toward each other after
pinktoonie · 2 years
Haven't seen anyone talk about this so I will because to me it seems like the biggest obstacle in Rei and Kazuki's relationship and an important through line in the show.
Here comes a long, unpolished post.
As far as Miri goes, the family unit has been established and the two dads are settling in and relaxing into their roles almost a year into having Miri. Ep 7, 8, and 9 established that Kazuki, Rei, and Miri in that order respectively are in this family thing for life 100%.
But we still have 4 episodes left.
Obviously angst is coming, but along with that, Kazuki and Rei still need to address this barrier between them.
Listen to me. These lines from episode 3 have been nagging me since they were first said. They're IMPORTANT.
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"I won't ask."
"I wouldn't tell."
The context here is Rei and Kazuki talking about their pasts. Whenever Kazuki brings up a tidbit about his past, Rei will agree if it also applies to him, but he will not elaborate, and Kazuki won't ask him to. Kazuki knows the gist about Rei's family. Who they are and what they do. He doesn't know how badly Rei was/is treated. He can see the scars. I doubt he's ever brought them up though.
"I won't ask."
"I wouldn't tell."
It's a constant in their relationship. But this lack of communication is problematic for two people who have decided to spend their lives together and raise a child.
Here's another example from episode 8
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Rei here is bleeding from his forearm. The show even has him pose in a way to show us that it's clearly within Kazuki's line of sight.
But Kazuki doesn't ask. Because Rei wouldn't tell.
However concerned he may be, he doesn't bring it up. He doesn't know where Rei was that night or why he's injured. He can assume it had something to do with his family, which should be worrying in itself. Kazuki is endlessly patient and understanding, but that's not fair to him.
The show even makes it a point to bring this issue up again in the same episode:
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So where do we go from here?
There will need to be a moment in the show, where Kazuki WILL ask, and Rei WILL tell.
Or Rei will just open up on his own without prompting. What Rei will tell Kazuki, we don't know, but it'll be something that matters. Something important.
What could it be?
My predictions:
Rei opens up about his past abuse in detail to Kazuki to fully make him understand what his father is capable of (because of the upcoming danger)
Kazuki gives Rei some sort of ultimatum, which results in Rei admitting something, whether that's "I love you", "I need you", or some sort of confirmation that he has no intention of leaving Kazuki's side, not just Miri.
They just have a moment where they open up to each other just because they're simply changing and comfortable enough to talk about the past now. "You didnt matter much to me" is the closest we've gotten.
A "what are we?" convo.
Regardless of the reason, narratively it will have to happen before Rei and Kazuki can move forward with their relationship, whatever that entails. But this lack of communication and vulnerability with each other is what's holding them back.
Lastly, this may be completely unrelated because the show is set in Japan but still caught my eye.
"I won't ask."
"I wouldn't tell."
Sounds a hell of a lot like the old, "Don't ask, don't tell" policy in the USA, which basically stated that non heterosexual members of the military must keep their damn mouth shut about their sexuality. No openly queer people.
Which if we apply it to Rei and Kazuki's unclear partnership... Fitting.
And also considering Rei's homophobic ass speech about carrying on the family and Kazuki sullying Rei's blood (which literally implies he thinks they're sleeping together because the only way to "sully blood" is through sexually transmitted infections), seems like the organization might've also had a sort of, don't ask don't tell policy.
I'm sure I've missed stuff, but these are the points that have been stuck in my brain. All in all, whatever this important thing that Rei will tell Kazuki is, it'll be the catalyst for taking their relationship to the next level of "partnership."
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catchmewiddershins · 3 years
Haikyuu Hugs pt 4:
Bokuto Koutarou:
He is the absolute KING of hugs, let me tell you
If you want hugs, he's got you, 900%
All you have to do is hold out your arms and your face will be buried in his chest before you can say Hoot
When he wants hugs he'll stare at you and blink a bunch to get your attention
Or sometimes he'll pout at you, or rest his head on you until you notice
Before we get into the pillow qualities of this man though, let's discuss his hug technique
The kind of man who you can go to when you’re scared, and he’ll wrap you up and whisper reassurances and loving words to you because he is whipped 
He can pull off ANY SORT OF HUG
Lying down? Head on chest or thighs, you can fall asleep as he plays with your hair or wraps his arms around you
Sitting down? You can sit on his lap, or drape yourself over his shoulders, or he'll drape over yours!
Standing? He'll hug you straight on, facing you, arms at your waist. He'll hug you from behind, a protective weight at your back, resting his chin on your head.
He has a habit of squeezing you to him, arms round your shoulder blades
His arms are SO BIG and he's SO BEEFY and PLEASE getting hugged to his massive, warm chest is a DREAM COME TRUE
And finally, my magnum opus, the ultimate Bokuto hug:
If you see each other after a while, he'll run to you, especially if you run to him, he'll squeeze you to his chest and hoist you into the air with a joyous laugh, spinning the both of you around before slowing, holding you close as he sways you, humming softly in your ear
Ah that felt good to get off my chest man do I long to hug this man~
Washio Tatsuki:
Tall + Intimidating looking + Strong, silent type? You know this man gives good hugs
Very warm, very safe, like a tower with the insides of a fluffy blanket
Honestly? He’s pretty quiet, not too into loud and exuberant hugging or whispered conversations, but he is so good for comfort cuddles
Anytime you need sheltering from the world, or you’re just tired and stressed, you can go to him and he’ll hug you when you relax, sleep, or vent to him
He’s an incredible listener, he loves to lie on the sofa with you on his chest as you talk about anything
He’ll stroke your cheek or hair, or rub circles on your back with a soft smile
I actually think that, once you’ve been friends or in a relationship for a while, that he’d get a little clingy, once you’re close
He seems to have this stony, blunt, stern face that he shows the world, and that is who he is, but he also really cares for you and he wants to make sure you’re ok, and he will approach you for hugs if he can sense that something is up
Sometimes he’ll hug you to him and he’ll muse quietly over some things he needs to do, or something he’s working on; only short sentences but that’s all he needs to convey his meaning, lulling you to sleep with the low rumble of his chest
Once you fall asleep he’ll press a kiss to the top of your head and whisper ‘I love you’
Sarukui Yamato:
When I tell you that there is SO LITTLE on this man’s personality-
Anyway, I am taking the very very little we see of him and running with it so-
He really loves giving you little kisses while hugging you!
There you’ll both be, standing around, and before you know it he’s got you pressed to his chest, dotting your cheeks, nose and brow with tiny kisses, short, sweet and loving
He does longer kisses too! He’ll press a kiss to your lips mid-embrace, holding it for a little just so you can feel how much he loves you
He’ll do the same if you’re cuddling while laying down, just kiss your face or hands without pulling away for a while
His favourite thing to do is rest his face against your neck or collarbone, letting his lips linger against your skin, not fully kissing it but feeling it, loving the contact between you
He trusts you with his problems, and will sometimes come to you when stressed or annoyed, and vent to you a little while your fingers run through his hair, a feeling that he finds incredibly reassuring
He’s also a fiddler, he’ll fiddle with your hair or clothes or fingers while cuddling, or he’ll paint patterns on your arms with his fingers, twisting fabric into whorls as you cuddle
Akaashi Keiji:
Ah~ another beautiful character! There are far too many of these in this show, it’ll be the death of us all 
Regardless - I think Akaashi began a little more uncomfortable with physical contact! He didn’t jump straight into the hug life, but stepped in gradually, yet once he became comfortable oh you’ve unleashed a monster
Akaashi prefers to be calm, collected and polite around others, so it is with you that he unwinds the most
He absolutely adores laying with his head in your lap, letting you play with his curls as he gestures emphatically towards the ceiling while describing his day and how the team is doing
He’s a sway hugger too, he’ll rock you gently from side to side as you embrace, one hand firm at your back or waist
He has a habit of making little sarcastic comments while you hug too, things about what his teammates or other schools have been up to
He gets a little touchy at points, brushing his hands past your arms or shoulders while you work, or using you as a head rest - casual contact for the win here
Considering his habit to overthink, he’ll seek you out whenever his thoughts begin running too wildly
At his point he’ll curl up in a blanket with his head on your chest, talking out his thoughts as you whisper to him - he finds your presence to be the most calming thing in the world
He likes to kiss your hands too, before embracing you - he has this little thing he’ll do
He’ll offer you his hand, and when you take it he’ll press a kiss to your fingers, or the back of your hand, before sweeping you towards him and wrapping you in a hug
He then begins laughing, and he has the most enchanting giggles - they range from quiet to full on snorting, but all of them are some of the beautiful laughter you’ve ever heard
Konoha Akinori:
In all honesty, Konoha is really hard to characterise - I have like... two routes I could go down and I can’t choose... So I’m going to throw in elements of both! Enjoy!
First of all, this guy is really fun and teasing and his hugs reflect this
Another sway hugger, but not gentle swaying, but happy swaying, almost like dancing, you can tell he’s happy as he swishes you around within his clasps, laughing all the while
He likes to flirt a little too as you hug, both hands at your hips and his words a breeze by the shell of your ear, words of affection and admiration for how wonderful you look today
He likes to be the big spoon, and will hug you from behind constantly - he loves to have you laying on him, or to rest his head on yours or your shoulder, humming a small tune 
He actually enjoys giving you massages too! His fingers are long and dexterous, and dig perfectly into the knots that the muscles of your back form after a long day, moulding you into a relaxed puddle like a vat of kinetic sand
On the flip side, he harbours several insecurities over his supposed lack of outstanding talent, being the ‘jack of all trades’ and not having a specific ‘thing’
Some days this will hit him hard, and he’ll come to you - lay down his head and close his eyes
He knows you’ll feel his hurt - and nothing cheers him up like your reassurances that he is good enough and that every person with one talent needs an all rounder to back them up and that he’s more useful in the long run
It reassures him, and he smiles as he soaks up your warmth - knowing that he is master of one thing and it’s loving you
Anahori Shūichi:
He’s so sweet and excitable! 
Such loving and enthusiastic hugs from him, because you are his whole world
He will squeeze you to his chest with the utmost abandon and give you little kisses all over your face
He does puppy eyes when he wants a hug
When you first became close, he was often a bit nervous to approach you if he wanted a hug
But over time he became more comfortable... and adorably clingy as a result
He’ll always back off if you’re not in the mood - but this man wants his cuddles
Oh what’s a chair cuddle? Only his favourite hug in the world
The BEST hug you can give him is one where he sits in a chair (preferably a massive, squishy armchair) and you sit on his lap and let him cuddle you
Facing towards or away from him he loves it, just having his arms around your waist as you watch something together
He also loves to sit in your lap, if you’ll have him, either as a joke or sincerely
Just this man... he loves the cuddle
Woollen blanket levels of snuggleeeeeeeeeee
Please stroke his hair he loves it
Komi Haruki:
Another energetic boy (this poor team’s coach rip)
He loves you
Like really loves you
And he wants to tell you that over and over again!
While he hugs you he will definitely whisper sweet nothings into your ear and tell you he adores you
Cuddles all day, cuddles all night!
Will cuddle you in his sleep, like you’re laying in bed and you wake up in the middle of the night for whatever reason and he will be snuggling you so hard
One arm thrown over you and his nose at your neck and he’s so happy there that you’d feel really bad moving him
Also definitely headcanon he’s warm
Not open oven Bokuto warm but...
In a room with a log fire in the corner on a winter’s day warm
Very cozy and comforting, also very sweet with you
Will tell you about the funny parts of his day while hugging
Onaga Wataru:
He’s less enthusiastic than some of our previous boys for sure
But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you just as much
I’m feeling sappy tonight so honestly? You are his everything
But headcanon! I don’t think he’s the best exactly at speaking his emotions
Oh he cherishes you with everything he has but he’s relatively quiet and finds it hard to express all that sheer emotion with words
In his mind, letters don’t cut it - how can a mere human mouth fully express the depth of the heart’s devotion? His love is more than words it’s colours and feelings and everything he associates with you and he is not (in his mind) eloquent enough to tell you
But he wants to
So? Hugs
When he hugs you this man puts his all into it
His squeeze is the perfect tightness, not too weak, not too tight
When his arms wrap perfectly around your shoulders, he tries to push all of his feelings into the hug
He wants to transmit his love for you through the physical contact
Long hugger definitely, he can hold you for hours
Will DROP EVERYTHING to hug you if you ask - no matter how important, you are first
Sturdy hugs and frame as well, just a good hugger
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eatyourchancletas · 3 years
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SUMMARY |  y/n l/n; the trauma surgeon who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and is taken hostage by the terrifying mafia known as ateez. despite their situations, love arises between the doctor and san; but when an enemy comes in between the group, breaking trust and belief between the members, what will san choose to save; his newfound love or his brothers?
PAIRING | choi san x male reader
INFO/CATEGORY | mafia au, fluff, light angst
WARNINGS | violence, weapon usage/mention, foul language, lower case writing
[chapter index] [playlist] [previous chapter]
AUTHOR’S NOTE | we’re back! sorry for the long break, hopefully we can get into the flow of things! monnie’s already started chapter 5 off amazingly too :p written by both of us this time (mainly edited by monnie)! please leave feedback, like, reblog, whatever you can to let us know whether you enjoyed it or not!  (re-edited because dongwoo and changsik were switched up)
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TAG LIST :; @jonghoshoe​  if you’d like to be added to the list please say so in our inbox/ask box!
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y/n was usually called outstanding, hard-working, smart. but in reality, he was an idiot when he was outside the workforce. 
being a workaholic meant showing your skills, growing them, improving them, and practicing them constantly. sometimes it seemed to be all he knew— it’s what all the people around him saw. 
yet again, outside of it he’s quite a gullible man; which brings him to his current situation… 
“looking for something?” 
he looked away from the bandages he was previously examining to come face to face with a man that looked around his age. “not really, just restocking my clinic. or—trying to find things to restock it with.” the man nods, glancing around suspiciously, although y/n didn’t didn’t seem to take notice of this particular action. 
“this pharmacy is pretty small, but it has lots of good supplies… lots of hidden gems. want me to show you where i get my tools?”
“oh,” y/n blinked in surprise, “you’re in the medical field?”
the man made eye contact with him, managing a convincing smile. “yeah, there’s a clinic down the road from here, about fifteen minutes by foot, this is the nearest pharmacy, so we stock up from here most of the time. i work there as an assistant.”
y/n nodded, amusement sparkling in his eyes. “wow, then please! show me what you suggest.”
at the approval, the man nodded, “name’s changsik, by the way. what do you work as? i’m assuming you’re also in the medical field.”
they walked along the aisle of the cough syrups, ointments, and the few other medicines to turn and make their way to the exit door. y/n furrowed his brows, about to ask why they were exiting until changsik made another turn, walking towards the staff room. 
“your assumption is correct, i’m a surgeon…” he replied belatedly, trailing off as he stepped foot inside the room. his eyes trailed on the shelves full of unopened boxes, more prescription pills, and—bingo! the supplies he’d written down on his list. 
for a split second, the memory of san handing it to him flashes across his mind, blinking it away as he turned to changsik. “wait, how are you able to access this?”
“i’m a regular.” he glanced across at him, looking past the window. “and also the perks of having a pharmaceutical license,” a hefty laugh left his mouth, “took some convincing though.” 
“huh,” y/n squatted down, inspecting a box that was on the floor, “i guess that makes sense.”
“just put what you need in a box and take it out. i’ll just say you’re helping me take it back.” changsik smiled, watching y/n nod and do so.
after a few minutes, y/n finished and announced he was ready to check out. changsik’s eyes met one of the cctv cameras before settling on y/n. 
“alright, let’s go check out.” 
as they walked toward the front, they reached the hallway that led to the exit. just as y/n was going to walk past, toward the checkout counter, a hand forcefully grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back. he looked behind him, in a startled manner, thinking changsik had just forgotten something. however, a deeper fear struck when changsik’s hand moved to clench at the back of his collar. 
“don’t make a sound.”
the second the cold blade touched the skin of y/n’s neck, the surgeon knew to stay quiet. there was a burning in his throat as he struggled to swallow, scared to trigger any abrupt movement. his frantic mind jumbled about, words of scolding placed toward himself and the situation while trying to get a grip. he thought of using the in-ear to alert jongho, but it would risk exposure of the communication device: in any case… he’d be dead by then.
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“what is taking him so long?” jongho grunted, tapping his foot in impatience. it’d already been about 10 minutes since y/n entered the store—it shouldn’t take that long for a surgieron to find equipment that’s of medicinal standard!
tapping his in-ear and calling out the doctor’s name, he got no response. placing his face mask on, he rushed into the store, beckoning the cashier. “have you seen a man, about 6’3” with h/c hair?”
the cashier stared at him with a shocked look, “yes, but he went back toward the restrooms. is he dangerous?”
jongho shook his head before running toward the back of the store. he shoved against the restroom door, shouting out the older’s name as he threw open each stall door. finally admitting the fact that the older had disappeared, he tapped his in-ear once more, calling out for anyone.
“jongho, what’s going on?” hongjoong had intercepted the connection, hearing jongho’s worried voice.
the bodyguard had no time to register the primal fear that would settle itself in his bones once faced with the leader, “it’s y/n, hyung. he ran away.” 
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jongho returned to the headquarters after scoping out the area once more and had just entered through the front door when he was met with the sight of the whole group. 
hongjoong was staring at him with his jaw clenched and an almost empty whiskey glass settled in his lax hand. jongho had never seen a look so severe in hongjoong’s eyes—he’d never messed up this bad. and apparently, the leader wasn’t the only one emotionally affected by his mistake, because before hongjoong could even physically express his own anger, san had snatched the glass from his hand and launched it at jongho, missing his head by less than an inch.
everyone was shocked at his silent outburst, san even going as far to ignore the immense pain in his abdomen and on his shoulder, but hongjoong simply sent the younger a look, causing him to cower back in the slightest. jongho, however, was enraged at what had just happened. what gave san, who had no superiority over him, the right to do that?
“what the fuck was that?” he had stormed over to the boy, grabbing his shirt with both fists. san didn’t back down, sticking his jaw out toward the youngest.
“how could you lose y/n?”
“i was told no matter what to avoid cameras, so i stayed outside! i didn’t exactly think the fucker would have the balls to run away!” 
everyone watched the two, eyeing when to step in and pull them apart. but hongjoong let them run their mouths. the longer someone talks, the more something is revealed. what he was looking to be revealed, he didn’t know; but something would come up.
san pushed back against jongho, “y/n hyung wouldn’t run away. he’d never do that!” 
‘oh,’ hongjoong perked in interest.
the younger scoffed, “what makes you so sure?”
san’s next words came as a bit of a shock, leaving the others with silent questions, “he promised he’d come back.”
an awkward silence filled the room as they all stared, speechless at how hopelessly fond their brother had become for their hostage. as much as some of them hated to admit it, y/n was only a hostage to them at the end of the day. and for san to fall into a reversal stockholm syndrome of sorts was nothing short of  a disappointment. however, that couldn’t be the main focus, y/n was missing and they didn’t know how strong his resolve would be in the event of torturing.
“run us back on what happened, will you?” hongjoong told jongho, trying to get a clear picture on what went down because the first thing they needed to know was why y/n was taken, much less, who took him. was it by the same person who’d been running their mouths in the streets? 
and right in the middle of his explanation, an alarm went off on yeosang’s phone; it was a message. the others kept talking, figuring yeosang could handle whatever message he’d received. 
it was when he promptly stood up that all attention had been placed on him. 
“it’s him! it’s dongwoo!”
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a soft whimper sounded as y/n was thrown to the ground, hands bound and eyes blinded by some piece of cloth.
“boss,” y/n’s kidnapper spoke in a submissive wave, causing y/n to assume the guy had straightened his spine and was saluting him in some way.
a moment later, a gruff voice broke through the eerie silence in the room, “and who is this?” his voice wasn’t angered or bewildered at all, and that’s what scared y/n. he sounded intrigued; like even he wasn’t expecting to be a part of this situation.
“someone with connections to ateez— saw that bodyguard walking around with him.” 
the other man hummed, “the bodyguard didn’t follow you, did he?”
“no, no. i found them by the pharmacy; i know the area pretty well because i do the runs for sowon— i knew the camera blindspots!” his abductor seemed to be a bit on the simpler side when it came to this “boss” of his, y/n concluded. this was a completely different personality than when he was being abducted at the scene…
“good job. and you know what, changsik-ah,” his voice seemed to be getting more intrigued, y/n’s heart beating even faster in response, “since you bought in such a valuable hostage, i’ll let you have the honors of obtaining information from him.”
y/n felt the air beside him shift, changsik bowing a full 90 degrees at his boss’s blessing, “thank you!”
a sickeningly hearty laugh resonated and the creaking of a chair sounded before the boss’s next words seemed to be the final straw for y/n’s pounding heart.
“i want him alive.” 
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“he better be alive,” san growled at jongho.
“we might get to him alive if you two would quit bickering. we’re wasting time because of you two, so shut it and sit down!” hongjoong had had enough of the two. he knew it was a sensitive time for san and jongho, different reasons for both, of course, but they would only get nowhere if they weren’t level-headed.
the two boys bowed their heads at their leader, san still sending a side-eyed glare at the younger before sitting down in his chair. 
it’d been two days since y/n was kidnapped and they still hadn’t been able to come up with a plan to get y/n back. 
wooyoung tried to trace where the text message came from within the first minute it was received, but surprise, surprise! it was a burner phone— so back to square one; checking all of the cctv footage in the area and trying to spot a suspect that wasn’t even visible from the first frame. 
the cameras in the pharmacy showed only y/n, the pharmacist, clerk, and four other customers. of those four, only one person never entered through the front door. and within those 48 hours, he’d managed to single out a vehicle that had arrived in the frame of one of the street cams showing the alleyway behind the pharmacy, and left the same way not even 5 minutes later. it was a suspicious vehicle too; white van, no windows in the back, and paper license plates. the paper plates hinted that they were most likely changed recently or are changed frequently.
and so after hours of having to witness his best friend be so uncharacteristically frantic and down, wooyoung, unfortunately, decided to do what he thought was smartest—save y/n himself to make his best friend happy again.
his intentions may have been well, but in stories like these, doesn’t something always go wrong?
“help me set the table guys,” seonghwa cleared his throat, hand on his hip as he stirred the soup on the stove. the steam from the boiling liquid sent another cloud to his tired face, a sheen of sweat and condensation forming.
“i really don’t understand why we are acting like we have the time to set a table and eat home cooked meals when we don’t!” san exasperated, pacing around the dining room. 
mingi gave a sympathetic smile, patting him on the back before going to help seonghwa. 
while mingi was more on the understanding side of san’s worries, jongho disagreed, “how exactly do you expect us to find him if we don’t take care of ourselves?”
“all i’m saying is food and sleep shouldn’t be this consistently on your minds when we’re all in this situation!”
jongho scoffed, finding the utmost absurdities in san’s words, “why are you acting like he’s so important? he doesn’t know anything about us or our weaknesses— for fuck’s sake, it’s not like we can’t just get another doc—”
a fist had flown toward jongho’s cheek, cutting off his words, before san’s thrashing body was being pulled back by mingi and yeosang.
“go to hell choi jongho!” san screamed, trying to force his way through the barrier the two had made with their bodies. the boy could feel his stitches tearing as he fought, but he didn’t care. jongho had been a bitch since the very first moment y/n was around, and for what reason?
“cut it out, san!” yeosang hollered, voice brute as he pushed against the boy.
“no, let me at him. he wants to keep being a little shit, i’ll show him shitty!”
“stop it! you haven’t even noticed, have you?”
san didn’t stop trying to break the barrier, focusing on getting to jongho and the other’s words, “notice what?”
“wooyoung’s missing,” yeosang began, san whipping his head toward him and trying to disagree, but yeosang was having none of it, “and you haven’t done anything but antagonize everyone here for not doing their jobs at your pace!”
“oh, excuse me for trying to be as quick as possible in finding him!”
“yeah, and who ever said quick was the efficient route to go? we’re dealing with people we know nothing about, but they seem to know a little too much about us, no? so stop getting on everyone’s asses and—”
“shut the hell up! please!” seonghwa had slammed his hands down on the table, screaming at the top of his lungs. every person in the room had immediately gone silent, words left on the tips of their tongues in a desperate attempt to fly about.
“you’re all going to shut it, sit down, and eat this meal like the civilized people we are and come up with a plan to get y/n back as safely as possible,” he gave a quick glare at everyone, blowing a puff of air at the lock of hair that had settled over his eyelids.
“am i clear?”
"yes, sir."
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slasherhaven · 4 years
May I request Headcanons or a oneshot with Michael and Brahms with a s/o who’s an artist but they mostly sketch them a lot?
Decided to do it for all the slashers but here ya go!
The Slashers with an Artist S/O Who Likes to Sketch Them:
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas loves your art. Thomas loves everything that you do. Thomas just loves you.
Luda May also loves your art. Might even hang certain pieces up around the house to ‘brighten the place up’ like a proud parent.
But when you start doing sketches of Thomas? Oh boy he just melts with absolute adoration.
No matter how many times you tell him that he’s handsome and that you love him, he’s going to have the tiniest bit of doubt about your physical attraction to him.
But seeing all these sketches of him like you think he is appearance is worth immortalising in your work, he’s in awe.
Some or with the mask, some are without. Your favourites are the ones without. Normally Thomas finds it difficult to look at his face, whether it be in the mirror or in a photo, but this he can look at.
You didn’t change anything to make his face more...appealing. You just thought it was attractive enough to draw and that makes it easier for him to look at for some reason.
Michael Myers
Michael acts very neutral towards your art, just like he does with everything else.
He’s more likely to admire it when you aren’t around. Yes, he does actually like your art. Quite a lot actually.
When he finds the first sketch of him, you aren’t around. He’s a little surprised but examines it closely. You did catch him though, finding him distracted by the sketch and smiling to yourself as he seemed to approve of it.
Michael would never ask you to show him your work or the sketches of him but he definitely goes looking for them, wanting to see what you’ve been working on or how you’ve drawn him this time.
He knows when you’re sketching him. Sensing your eyes on him as you sit on the couch with your sketchpad in your lap. 
He probably won’t mention it but he won’t move or leave the room, letting you work in silence.
Jason Voorhees
Loves your art a lot! And will let you keep them all around the cabin. Every time he sees them he thinks of you and it makes give the cabin a homely feel.
Could just admire your art all day, he loves it!
But then he discovers that you have various sketches of him? Omg, that’s too much for his heart to take.
Jason is in awe as he examines them, admiring every detail.
He noticed that most of him are of him wearing his mask and he realises that most of these must have been done when you were silently watching him and he hadn’t even noticed.
But a few of them are of him without his mask. No matter how long you are together, he’s still going to be a little insecure about his appearance, but this is just another thing that shows how much you really do love him.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms loves your art and how passionate you are about it.
Ever since you got to the house he had been admiring you and your artwork.
He loves watching the concentration on your face when you’re drawing or painting. He loves watching your delicate hand as you add little details. And, of course, he loves the outcome of each piece.
When you start to do more pieces of Brahms? He absolutely melts.
You must love him a whole lot if you spend so much time sketching him? God, he loves you too!
It can be difficult to get Brahms to just keep a calm arura on many days. Something about him always seeming chaotic or fidgety.
But he could see and watch you draw for longer than even he realises. It’s all worth it to see the outcome of how you’ve drawn him.
He may not be a great artist but he’s had time to do some sketches of his own and has picked up some skills here and there. So he might just sketch you in return.
Will pose for you if you ask him too.
Bo Sinclair
Bo likes your art a lot more than he lets on. He’ll give you a smile and a casual compliment when you show him a piece of work.
One of your smaller doodles will go missing. He took a liking and likes to keep it in his pocket. Shut up, he’s not going soft!
He has a huge smirk on his face when he sees the sketches you have done of him.
You must really like him, huh? God, you must be downright obsessed with him, darlin’.
Will tease you about it, making you blush, but he actually is flattered. He smiles whenever he sees a new sketch of himself but that quickly turns into a smirk when you catch him.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent adores your art!
But when he first sees the sketches of himself, he’s both a little taken back and excited.
He has no idea why you would want to draw him but he’s glad that you did. It just makes him feel so loved and makes him love you even more.
It’s what give him to courage to show you the sketches he made of you.
Cue the two of you sitting together, smiling like idiots, as you share your artwork of each other.
Whenever he catches you drawing him, your gaze flickering from the page to his figure, he can’t help but blush a little.
Vincent’s workroom becomes your shared workspace for your art. Just filled with sketches of each other. Luckily Bo doesn’t wander down there much otherwise you’d both get teased quite a bit.
Lester Sinclair
Adores your art!
And tells you that all the time!
He’s always complimenting anything you make because he really does love it all.
His face turns red but his heart grows ten times the size when he sees the sketches you did of him.
He absolutely loves them though!
Lester doesn’t really know why you would want to draw him so much but he certainly had no complaints. The more, the better!
Yes, he would like to see them all. Anything you do and then present to him, he will accept it and respond with lots of enthusiasm. He loves them all so much!
After a bad day, seeing your newest sketch of him just puts a smile on his face instantly.
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba loves everything you do, he thinks you’re absolutely flawless, so of course he loves your art. He could never do anything like that, it’s so impressive!
ChopTop and Nubbins are also big fans of your art.
But Bubba is the one who gets to see your art the most and he feels a sense of pride at that.
He’ll admire any work you show him, he loves them all!
But when you show him the sketches you’ve done of him, he blushes a cute shade of pink and he babbles compliments that you can’t really understand. But you get the general idea and it makes you smile.
Wants to see every sketch you do of him. He just loves them and they make him feel loved.
Billy Lenz
Even before you knew he was in the house, he was admiring your art. He liked it a lot, almost as much as he liked you.
He loves when you show him your pieces, happily taking from you to get a closer look.
Gives you plenty of compliments on it.
But then you start sketching him or he just so happens to finally find those sketches? Oh he loves them!
Can he keep this one???
Billy is definitely flattered by your sketches and would like to see anymore you do.
Will tease you a little but in a very playful way and with a smile on his face, letting you know that he loves it so...please don’t stop making them!!
Otis Driftwood
Otis is curious as soon as he finds out you’re an artist. So is he!
If you’re shy about showing your work at first, he convinces you by showing you some of his as well. 
So the two of you can share your work with each other and get each other’s opinions. You’re both very supportive of each other’s work.
Once he learns that you have done plenty of sketches of him he has two main emotions.
One, he becomes a smug bastard. Look at you drawing him, how long have you been staring at him to get all the details right, eh? Like he hasn’t got his own sketches of you.
Two, he would be genuinely flattered that you’ve put so much time and effort into sketches of him.
He wants to see all the sketches you’ve done of him.
Otis will show you the various sketches that he’s done of you in return. Wait! Is that one of you naked?!..maybe...and he thinks it’s one of his best pieces. It’s definitely his favourite...
Baby Firefly
As soon as you start showing Baby your art or when she first sees it, she loves it!
If you ever felt shy about showing her your work, that won’t last for long. She’s so supportive instantly.
She’ll give you a whole lot of compliments! Seriously, Baby will absolutely shower you in compliments and praise for your work. Always encouraging you in everything you do.
But you get even more compliments for your sketches of her. They’re amazing! You make her look so good!
Wants to see every sketch you do of her!
Will absolutely pose for you! And in various costumes! Time to get more creative!
The Yautja may seem more a species focused on combat and the sort but they can still have an appreciation for art. Especially more elder or mature Yautja.
He also admires your passion for it.
Will always praise your work, giving you a proud purr and a gentle pat on the head. It may be a patronising gesture among humans but it’s a sign of genuine affection from your alien mate, he thinks you’re just adorable.
When he first sees the sketches of himself, he’ll have a smirk on his face. Or the Yautja version of a smirk.
He’s honoured that you’d sketch actually. You must think highly of him to bother sketching him at all, especially this much.
Will never get bored of you showing him the sketches you do. Loves every single one of them and is filled with more pride with each one you show him.
May tease you just a little but always with love and never in a way that would actually upset you.
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wangshuus · 4 years
no love left | diluc ragnvindr
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pairing: diluc ragnvindr/gn. reader
genre: angst
wc: 3.2k
cw: mild cussing, brief mentions of violence, probably lore breaking too lol. 
summary: falling out of love is painful but maybe it’s what you needed.
note: please read the authors note after the story ESPECIALLY if you’re confused because i’ve implemented a few odd aspects into this story. i was just typing out whatever so essentially it’s more word vomit (again lol) but uhh yeah. most of the important stuff is at the bottom so like i said before, read that authors note at the end!!
lightly proofread, please don’t mind any errors
fic below the cut.
When the esteemed bachelor Diluc Ragnvindr finally settled down with a lover, the news did not fail to spread across Mondstadt like a wildfire. It was the talk of town for who knows how long but as time passed, the people settled down and the buzz eventually died but no one ever failed to acknowledge the young Ragnvindr and his beloved when they were together. Although the two preferred to keep a composed look to the public eye, the admiration they held for each other burned as bright as a summers day in their eyes at all times when they were together; from that alone, anyone could tell they were in love
So where did it all go wrong?
You sat across from Diluc at a table in the winery, the air thick with a suffocating tension that felt like it was going to swallow you whole at any minute now. Your hands rested on the table in front of you as you barely managed to keep your hands from trembling as a storm of emotions stirred inside of you as you felt your composure on the brink of cracking any second. You decided to finally break the silence as you spoke up, a slight tremble in your voice.
“What is it Diluc? Huh? I was hoping you’d have the decency to speak up about whatever the hell is going on instead of leaving me in the dark but it’s been far too long now. Now tell me Diluc, what’s going on?”
Oh the way your words slipped from your mouth made the room feel so cold, even if you didn’t wield a vision of any sorts. Diluc took a deep breath before he decided to speak up.
“What went on between the two of us was purely business.” Was the simple statement he gave.
“They’ve shown themselves to be quite the individual, wielding good etiquette with both business and a weapon.” He spoke out once more.
“God sake Diluc you’re fucking stalling at this point. You know what, I’ll make it easier for you. Do you still love me?”
There was a pause. A long painful pause. You already had your answer.
“(Y/n), I still care for you more than you can ever imagine, I truly do.”
The words felt like knives piercing through your form and from that, you felt the first tear slip down your face.
“Diluc, are you even aware of how terrible I feel in this situation right now? I’m watching my lover from a far doing lord knows what and you expect me to just tolerate it? I trusted you enough which is why I never pried at it but fuck Diluc, it’s just unbearable at this point.”
“I never did act upon anything in fears of making the situation worse--” You cut him off.
“Making the situation worse huh? So you were out here trying to do some crowd control weren't you? Was if for the sake of not hurting me or or for the sake of not tainting your pristine reputation?”
“I said before, I really do care for you still.” His hand reached towards your own as he held your hand with utmost gentleness. You were almost convinced he still loved you as much as he did in the past.
“However, I can’t deny that our dynamic has indeed changed. I…” His grip on your hand tightened.
“I can’t lie to you and say that I love you the way I did before.”
There it was.
“You don’t look at me the way you used to, you know? Your eyes used to be so full of love whenever you looked at me but that look is reserved for someone else now, isn’t it? You’ve looked at me with nothing but sorrow and pity nowadays and I guess my assumptions of the worst were correct.” You said as your voice trembled even more.
You wanted to pull your hand away so badly, the hand that once brought you such warmth now felt as if it was searing your skin. But you couldn’t. Not when this was mostly likely the last time you’d ever feel such an intimate touch from him. You found yourself to be conflicted as to whether you wanted to pull away out of pure frustration or savour the moment as it could be the last of him you would ever get to have for yourself.
“(Y/n), from the bottom of my heart, I’m truly sorry. I’ve loved you for so long and you’ve given me more love than I could’ve ever imagined. I never wanted things to change but I suppose fate had other plans. I’ll never stop caring for you however, I’m afraid I’ve stopped loving you in the way you’re used to.”
The truthful words were ones that felt like hell to swallow. You didn’t want to believe it but you knew damn well he was telling the truth. The sincerity and softness in his voice made it so hard to be completely mad at him. He was so gentle with his words but the truth of them did nothing but make your heart hurt and ache. An empty chuckle left your lips as your features were now graced with a bittersweet smile.
“Ah, I think I would’ve appreciated it if you were meaner with your responses. Maybe then I wouldn’t have such a hard time letting you go.” You finally managed to look him in the eyes, his reflection showing on your glossy orbs.
He felt his own heart churn with remorse and guilt, seeing as he terribly hurt the one person that he had sworn to love and protect for the rest of his days. He felt sick over the fact he failed to keep part of the promise-- the part where he said that he would continue to love you.
That was one of the last times you had ever seen Diluc Ragnvindr.
Your body shook as the freezing temperatures of Dragonspine overtook your senses. You sat up against a rock, your back leaning onto it as you struggled to keep yourself upright. You were barely holding on by a thread as you physically felt numb. However, your mind swirled with a storm of emotions, almost as strong as the last day you had seen your ex-lover but this time, you reminisced on your time as you felt like this would be your final moments.
You pondered over the fact that this might’ve been the reason that he no longer loved you in the way you wished to be loved by him. You wanted his affections, you wanted his love, you wanted him. But you were too weak. That was it. He let you go for someone that was strong, so very strong; both mentally and physically. God, you couldn’t even compare to the likes of them, being nothing but a measly old adventurer, one that wasn’t even fortunate enough to wield a vision. You were nothing but weak in your own eyes; that's what brought you to your demise.
In your hands, you clutched one of the last treasures you had found in the cursed mountains. It was a pretty little collar that held a jewel that twinkled so beautifully despite the dull, hazy environment.
“You do not wish to be weak anymore do you, little one? Do not be afraid, put me on and I’ll grant you the desires you so wish to obtain. Abide by my rules and obtain for me the essence of life and together, we can make sure that everyone will hail before you.”
A voice echoed inside your head as your mind began to spiral. All morals, memories and feelings began to drown out until you were barely hanging on by thread.
“Hurry, time is of the essence! Quick!”
With little energy you had left, you were able to hang the new found possession around your neck. The second you let go of the clips that held the piece together, you felt a tight constriction around your neck, the feeling was suffocating. Just like the last time you had seen Diluc. For a moment, you thought of the red haired male you once held to dear and close to your heart. It ached for him once more in that very moment because he was the very essence of warmth and it was something that you so desired in such a moment like this. The way he held you against him in the coldest of nights in an attempt to keep you warm and oh how it worked wonderfully. It was a memory that slowly faded away with your conscience. Your hands graced themselves lightly around your neck as you struggled to breathe even more than before, your body finally running out of any sort of energy as you fell limp against the cold and soft snow.
Anything. From this point on, you would do anything to get stronger. You no longer cared for any mishaps that happened along the way. You had no love left, nothing but the hunger for power that drowned out the aching void that was now left behind after everything was torn away from you.
“Sorry... to also have you shoulder the grievances of the world. Since you could endure my bitter cold, you must have the desire to burn? Then, burn away the old world for me.”
Within the bustling harsh winds of the Dragonspine mountains laid a girl with a jewelled necklace as well as a cold, icy blue orb that shined brightly against the blizzards.
“The expedition out in Dragonspine was a complete disaster! The winds were harsher than usual and how could we predict such a nasty storm would’ve been upon us? We planned so far ahead and yet it ended up utterly terrible.” One of the adventurers commented as they were in the process of recovering after descending from the unforgiving mountains.
“Did everyone that went on the expedition come back? There’s absolutely no way we can risk going up there again, at least not for a while.” Another commented.
There was an excruciating silence within the camp.
“Has anyone seen (Y/n)?”
Diluc had set out once the late hours of the night and the early hours of the morning came upon him. He continued to lurk from the shadows and deal with whatever trivial matters that had to be dealt with in the dead of night as he always did. He had heard of a few nuisances that arose near the outskirts of Dragonspine that hadn’t been dealt with yet. Of course the knights wouldn’t bother with this anyways, as per usual what he thought to himself.
Though the male held a pyro vision, the sharp and bitter cold of Dragonspine was something that never failed to make him uncomfortable.
He swiftly made his way to the location, being stealthy and fast with his movements in an attempt to get the job done faster to refrain from being caught. Once he had made his way to the destination, he remained hidden while he examined the area. In the far distance, he saw camps, hilichurl as well as Fatui camps that were not too far off. His face held a look of distaste as his eyes laid upon the familiar trademark symbol of the Snezhnayan organization.
Just as he was about to step out and deal with the hilichurl camp himself, a figure emerged from afar and into the camp. The movements of said person were agile, fast and swift, ice shards being directed in the direction of every living being on the camp. A blizzard stirred so fiercely upon the camp and as the barbaric bitter winds of the snow died down, there was almost nothing left of the camp that once stood there.
Not a single soul.
Diluc very cautiously moved closer to get a better look at the strange person that appeared before him. His eyes widened in disbelief as he started to make out the figure, his mind refusing to believe what he saw in front him, almost regretting letting his curiosity get the best of him.
“I wasn’t aware that you people are unable to take care of a measly little hilichurl camp. I specifically stated to clear the area before anything else and you couldn’t even follow instructions as simple as that, or perhaps I wasn’t clear enough with my statement?” An icy voice boomed out towards a trio of Fatui skirmishers.
That voice was all too familiar to Diluc. It was so familiar yet it sounded so different, so harsh, so cold. Yet, it was the voice that confirmed his unruly suspicions.
“Make up for your poor performance by getting the camps set up in a decent manner at the very least. I’d rather spare myself the trouble of punishing the likes of you people. You don’t wish to cross me any further, do you?” A cold, hard glare very evident on your fact that was directed to the three in front of you.
They frantically shook their heads, sputtering out a series apologies in an attempt to ease your annoyance.
“Make use of yourselves and set up immediately. By the time I come back to supervise the area, everything should be set up in a manner that is nothing less than perfect. If you wish to please me this time, do as you’re told this time. Now go.” You shook them off with a wave of a hand as they saw themselves away in an instant.
You took your time to avoid the now empty camp that rid itself of almost all remains. A hand placed itself atop the jewel that gracefully sat between your collarbones. The voices that swirled in your head chanting for more power and more life eventually died down as the constrictions of your beloved collar began to loosen, just enough so you could breathe. You let out a breathe that you had been holding before regaining your composure. You stood up straight with a proud stature before speaking out.
“I know you are there, may as well come forth voluntarily unless you want be to bring you out myself.”
Diluc’s blood ran cold when he realized that that you were most likely referring to him, baffled at how you were able to pick up on his own presence. He cautiously revealed himself and made his way a little closer to you. The second you laid eyes on the redhead, you felt like your world stopped for a second. The initial shock was replaced with amusement as the scene unfolded in front of you.
“And to think that last time we saw each other would be the last.” You said before bitterly chuckling.
Diluc took some time to muster up words and recover from his initial shock.
“You never came back from that mission. You were claimed to be dead by the guild the day after and yet here you are. The people mourned over you. I mourned for you. What has become of you, (Y/n)?” Diluc spoke out, pain and sadness laced within his tone.
“Ha, they mourned? As well as yourself? Don’t make me laugh Ragnvindr. Was your mourning perhaps an act in an attempt to keep up your reputation. Would not surprise me in the slightest if that were the case. I refuse to accept the pity of others, and I absolutely detest if it is empty and meaningless. Pity is for those who are weak and as far as I’m concerned--”
You stepped closer to Diluc before you continued.
“I’m not weak anymore.”
“(Y/n), you were never weak--” Diluc said before he was cut off.
“Bullshit Ragnvindr. Utter bullshit.” You harshly spat.
“I wasn’t able to handle myself before. I was nothing but weak. It was one of the reasons you fell out of love with me, was it not? You wanted a strong individual that could take care of themselves and you sure got one, but it wasn’t me at the time. Look now Ragnvindr, I am strong now.”
He took a better look at you as the realization of your position has begun to sink in.
“You... you’re…” In one of the rare times of his life, he was at a loss for words.
“Ah, Ah, Cat got your tongue? Poor boy can’t even muster up any words.” You chuckled mockingly.
“Fatui Harbinger, Ragnvindr. Number 12. Surely you’ve heard right?” You boldly stated.
Yes, he did hear. The Tsaritsa had taken another Harbinger under her wing yet the news and information of said Harbinger was extremely scarce and yet, No.12 stood right before Diluc.
No.12 was once his own beloved.
“What exactly led to all of this? What caused all of this to happen? What have you done to yourself?” The questions kept pouring out from Diluc’s mouth.
“It was quite simple. I got sick and tired of being weak and having things being taken from me. I have lost too many things to count and I have sacrificed many things to become who I am today. I do not regret a single thing I have done since I have started being selfish and being selfish has kept me from getting hurt again. I do not need you anymore, I do not need anyone in fact. I live for myself and to serve the needs of the Tsaritsa to repay her for giving me a chance to live the way I should’ve been all along.” You look at him with a taunting smirk on your face.
The (Y/n) (L/n) that was once known to be the beloved of Diluc Ragnvindr was dead. They died the moment you stepped out of the winery for the very last time. You were (Y/n), No.12 of the Fatui Harbingers. You were the one that sacrificed yourself to a curse upon the Dragonspine mountains in exchange for power to fill the void that was left behind. You no longer had the longing for love; you had none left after all. You craved for power and leverage over others and you refused to let people trample over you like they did before. You refused to be weak again. With the help of your new found vision as well as the curse that now burdened you, you would conquer the world and burn the old one away, along with your old self.
With no love left, there was nothing left to lose after all.
A/N: SOOOO the whole choker thing might be a little confusing but BASICALLY i took the whole concept from the “Love me, Love me, Love me.” song where the girl gets that cursed necklace/choker and i changed the concept around a little bit so that in exchange for power, dear reader has to basically slaughter things to keep the choker from killing them LOL (I’m tired pls my mind if SPIRIALING rn lmfao)
the italics in the second chunk are the weird choker speaking to the reader since it's a whole ‘curse’ thing and the bold italics in the second chunk is basically a quote from genshin from the cryo gemstone thingies and i used it to signify the reader getting a cryo vision^^ there’s a lot i wanna say but i’m too lazy to elaborate sorry lol. kinda feel like making more parts to this bc i feel like the story could go one but ehhh we’ll see how I’m feeling. i really just wanted to make a oneshot where the reader goes batshit after so ahahahahhaha. (also this fic feels lore breaking as fuck but its ok LMAO)
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heeberry · 3 years
It’s Not What You Think
(Loona) Jung Jinsoul x Female!Reader
Requested: yes!
Berry: Hello may I ask for Jinsoul x fem!reader angst where reader spends time with a member a bit too much cause they're planning a surprise for Jinsoul but JInsoul ends up thinking reader is cheating and confronts them about it. Reader feels conflicted and says smth along the lines of "Im not that kind of person" but they make up after a long ass deliberation. Sorry if it's a bit much, thank you!!
A/n: don’t worry berry it wasn’t too much at all!! Sorry for writing this late </3 it’s a tiny bit rushed so if you don’t like it let me know and I’ll write it again :]
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Jinsoul crossed her arms, slumped up against the couch. She huffed, watching you and Chaewon huddled on the couch across from her, giggling and doing things on the computer.
The Tv was just background music to her at this point, her eyes drilling a hole between you and Chaewon. You glanced at the girl, but soon looked back at the computer, her gaze was enough to tell you that she wasn’t having it. It sure was scary to you, not familiar with her angry side. Jinsoul was usually sweet and affectionate, but what you saw was the complete opposite, which you knew why, but you can’t really do anything about it at the moment.
“Y/n ignore her, we have to focus” Chaewon snapped you out of your thoughts, you nodded at her words, going back to picking out decorations online.
Jinsoul’s birthday was just tomorrow, so to show some appreciation you decided to throw a party for her. You picked Chaewon to help you since she’d been hanging out with Jinsoul often, and because you two were the closest ones in the dorm.
At first Jinsoul didn’t mind, she knew how close the two of you were so she let you be. But as time passed she noticed how less you spent time with her, which made her heart ache.
“Should we get those confett shooters?”
“Why not” you laughed, adding it to your chart.
After checking the items out and paying you turned to Chaewon. “Do you think Jinsoul’s mad at me right now?” You suddenly asked.
Chaewon glanced at Jinsoul, she was talking to Heejin but her expression still showed how upset she was. Chaewon turned back to you, with a slight smile, “yeah probably” she paused “still don’t let that get in the way right now, the decorations are coming tomorrow so we have to plan out how we’re gonna surprise Jinsoul”
You nodded, though there was something telling you that talking to her won’t hurt, it’s not like your avoiding her with bad intentions. “I’ll just talk to her for a few” you whispered after noticing Heejin leaving and going towards the kitchen.
“Jinsoul!” You cheered, climbing on her to give her a tight hug. “Are you okay?”
Jinsoul kept her mouth shut, she tried not letting the warmth of the hug get to her. As much as she was desperate to wrap her arms around you she contained it, wanting to let you know how upset she was.
You cup her face, turning it to face you. “What happened? Why aren’t you talking?”
Jinsoul scoffed at your words, brushing your hands off. She pulled you off of her, getting up without a word and leaving.
You felt a pang in your heart, you must’ve really made her upset. Tomorrow was her birthday too, and having this happen wasn’t apart of the plan.
Walking back to Chaewon with a frown, you hugged your best friend. She pats your head, witnessing the whole scene. “It’s okay y/n, she won’t stay mad at you for long. Your her girlfriend anyway.”
Chaewon put an arm around you, squeezing your cheeks. “She’ll probably be like, oh my baby y/n! I’m so sorry for being mad, this is amazing!” You laughed at Chaewon’s words as she continued, “thank you so much! Seriously babe, I wasn’t expecting this!” Pointing at the computer as if there was something valuable actually there.
You kept laughing with her, eyes closed shut and holding your stomach. She knew how to comfort you for sure, as she soon laughed with you.
As much as the two of you were having a good time, someone in the corner surely wasn’t. Jinsoul stared, stunned at what she just heard. “Did she just? Call y/n, babe?” She mumbled to herself, recalling Chaewon’s words and use of physical affection.
Now Jinsoul knew she had to do something. Her heart immediately smashed into pieces, like a hammer hitting glass. She felt like she was stepping on lava, feeling betrayed and hurt.
She walked into her room, the door slamming so loud that the two of you were awoken from your own little worlds.
You cleared the tears on your face, “alright Chae, let’s inform the others about what their roles are”
The next day rolled around and you felt excited. Removing the covers off of you and heading towards Jinsoul’s room to greet her a happy birthday. You knocked twice and opened the door, greeted by the coolness of the ac that was in her room. You jumped on her bed, “Jinsoul get up!” You laughed. Ruffling her hair as she woke up.
Her face dropped when she saw you, but you didn’t seem to notice. “Happy birthday babe!” You cheered, peppering her face with kisses.
Though Jinsoul didn’t seem as excited as you, pulling you away from her face she got up without a word. You stared at her, “the silent treatment again?” You frowned.
You couldn’t tell how upset she was, surely you did spend less time with her but that usually happens whenever the both of you are busy anyway, how come she’s suddenly like this now?
“Jinsoul!” You whined, grabbing her hand before she stepped out the door, “why are you suddenly ignoring me?”
Jinsoul kept her anger inside, if she dared to open her mouth she knew she’d explode. You pushed her around and attempted to hug her, Jinsoul just stood, letting it all happen.
Soon enough you grew tired and annoyed, “can you just tell me what happened to you?” You snapped. “You’ve been ignoring me since yesterday giving me the silent treatment, what’s up with that?”
Jinsoul turned to you with a scoff, “are kidding me?”
You raised an eyebrow, “what?”
“You’ve been the one ignoring me! What’s up with that” she mimicked, “since last week you’ve been clinging onto Chaewon like I don’t exist”
“God every single day I’ve seen you with her and the two of you are giggling like there’s no tomorrow” Jinsoul’s voice kept getting higher and higher, with each word hitting you in the face.
“I mean at first I didn’t mind of course since she’s your best friend but yesterday was where the line was crossed” Jinsoul yelled, ruffling her own hair.
She paused, her vision becoming more blurry from the tears forming in her eyes. She sniffled before pointing a finger, “YOU CHEATED ON ME”
You gasped but before you could even speak Jinsoul cut you.
“I saw it all L/n Y/n. Chaewon calling you babe to the two of you acting all lovey dovey. Don’t act like you guys didn’t do that yesterday because I saw it with my own two eyes!”
“Jinsoul I-”
“Don’t Jinsoul me, I don’t care about your explanation. What I saw was as clear as day and for that we’re breaking up right here and now” Jinsoul snapped, “Don’t you dare try coming to me again, go hang out with your new girlfriend.”
Jinsoul headed towards the door, which made you panic, forgetting what things were prepared outside. “Wait Jinsoul!” You yelled, yanking her away from the door.
It was now the other way around, you stood in front of her with tears in your eyes. “Soulie please here me out, it’s not what you think! Please”
Jinsoul leaned against the bed, a sigh escaping her lips. She kept her tough imagine outside but inside was filled with hurt and sorrow. Not only did she caught you with Chaewon, seeing you like this also made her weak in the knees. But she kept it in, gesturing you to talk.
“I swear I didn’t cheat on you” you paused to wipe the tears that spilled down your eyes like a waterfall. “What you saw yesterday was Chaewon mimicking you I promise!”
“But why?”
“Because we were getting things for you and while doing so we started talking about you”
Jinsoul scoffed again, “yeah right like I’ll believe such a thing now”
She walked towards the door again, leaving you crying on the floor. Jinsoul opened the door to see Chaewon and the others with party hats on. Usually on birthdays you’d cheer and scream, but this moment in particular wasn’t what they did.
It was silent, the members heard everything. They stood there with frowns or blank faces. The house was decorated with balloons and all sorts of things. A cake sat perfectly on the table, candles sitting on it with the words, “Happy Birthday Jinsoul!” Written in blue, the color she liked.
Jinsoul’s jaw dropped when she saw everything decorated. Chaewon frowned, breaking the silence. “we were together to plan out your birthday”
She turned to you, your cheeks puffed out and eyes bloodshot red from continuessly crying.
Jinsoul looked at her members apologetically before going towards you. Closing the door behind her, she crouched down to hug you.
“Well what now?” Yeojin spoke, breaking the silence. “I think we should go, things will get better later so let’s leave them alone for now” Haseul replied.
“what about the activities we planned?” Yerim added, “we didn’t make reservations for nothing”
“We’ll do what we planned later stupid, they need each other right now” Heejin said, rushing the members to sit in the living room and wait.
Meanwhile you smacked Jinsoul, “I told you! I told you we weren’t doing anything romantic” you frowned, “why would you even accuse me of cheating when I literally cling onto you 24/7?”
Jinsoul kissed you, “I’m so sorry for yelling at you, I knew I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that”
You shook your head, “it isn’t your fault, I mean, I was technically the one ignoring you but only because I didn’t wanna accidently spoil the surprise for you”
Jinsoul grabbed your hand, getting you up on your two feet before smiling at you. “Let’s pretend that never happened yea?”
You nodded, and Jinsoul pecked you on the lips. “Next time I’ll hear you out instead of yelling at you like a total idiot”
“Yeah you definitely should next time”
Once the door of Jinsoul’s room opened it was like nothing never really happened. The members stood there shooting confetti and shouting happy birthday.
You laughed at their antics, turning to Jinsoul to give her a rightful kiss. “Happy Birthday my love, and don’t you ever think I’d cheat on you”
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azucanela · 4 years
being zuko’s s/o would include hcs?
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SUMMARY: being zuko’s s/o from the confession to the weddin’ [say this but make it rhyme the way those singers do ya know]
WARNINGS: kissing, very mildly implied nsfw, soft zuko, a dragon
A/N: these are gonna be extensive bc there is no scenario but if you want whole fics there are like 6342 zuko fics coming since everyone is a zuko simp. also wow this is really long um i hope its what you wanted!
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you guys have probably known each other a long time, because homebody does not fall for just anyone, so if you become the object of his affections, you better feel HONORED. hehe honored 
i feel like it takes him a lot of time to actually accept his feelings for you are beyond platonic. the main reason he falls for you is probably your consistency in his life since thats something he tends to lack. like his mom? gone. his dad? kicked him out of the only place he ever knew. his life is filled with major changes so if you guys have known each other since childhood then consistency is key
once he realizes he likes you he kinda panics because what if you don’t accept him? what if you leave? even worse, what if you leave because he likes you? so now he’s panicking, and naturally, as one does, Zuko avoids his problems. You, being the problem. And his emotions, but he is in denial so
definitely talks to his uncle about the two of you A LOT, especially when he is first figuring out his feelings and trying to figure out what to do about them
his uncle is an elite wingman, constantly tries to get the two of you to be alone in the same space or get information out of you in regards to you
when it comes to confessing i can see a few situations
situation one is that zuko confesses completely by accident, freaks out, disappears, avoids you even more, like homie is a mess. after you get fatally injured, or maybe when he thinks you are asleep, or he just kinda blurts it out in conversation when you guys are doing something domestic. regardless, it is entirely by accident, and now zuko is freaking the heck out. 
“i really like this tea.”
“i really like you.”
“excuse me-”
“you don’t have a dragon!”
so that’s how zuko gets his dragon from LOK, storytime over
you kinda have to find him and get a word in before he runs off because he is really scared of rejection, he doesn’t want you to leave and assumes that if the situation is never addressed then you can’t leave woohoo problem solved. 
his uncle yells at him lol
when you corner him you gotta confess super fast and handle his anxieties because he is super worried about you hating him now even though it is the opposite. 
“please don’t leave me.”
“i’m not gonna leave my boyfriend.”
“your- your what?”
“we are dating now. i like you, you like me, so we are dating.”
situation two is equally chaotic, but far less dancing around the feelings since you confess! congrats! you have more balls than me! im so proud! good job bb!
when you confess, its probably late at night, a comfortable silence between the two of you, or maybe he’s ranting about something, like how dumb the concept of tea is idk. regardless this is DOMESTIC, so it’s soft and cute and you are just like you know what screw it this nerd is so easily flustered by me maybe he likes me back! look at us cuddling like a couple! might as well make it official!
zuko.exe error, not working
you broke him good job. 
he externally panics and internally congratulates himself while panicking. he is very shocked you feel that way for him because he is an oblivious boy. 
“honestly, i don’t understand why my uncle likes those flavored water leaves so much-”
“i don’t understand why i’m in love with you.”
if y’all were cuddling on a bed or smth he THROWS YOU OFF BY ACCIDENT SKJDHJFHKHWJKF oopsie, he just gets up so quickly that you kinda go tumbling.
homie literally asks you why so naturally you gotta start listing all of these reasons why because hes like perfect and beautiful and yeah we all love him a lot :D marry me zuko <3
you gotta give him a hot minute to process all the information you just gave him, he is in shock for a short while, kinda just sitting there confused. once it gets through his thick skull that you like him he’s gonna thank you 💀
then he’ll ask you how you wanna handle this and boom you have a boyfriend now good job! 
dating during a war is hard so when y’all first start dating, probably towards the end of the war when he finally joins the Gaang, its gonna be really chaotic and you guys are still gonna be sorting through everything, like what kinda couple do you wanna be? neither of you know
kisses are rare during this time, especially since zuko is a generally private person who doesn’t really do PDA much, especially since he wants to avoid teasing and judgement from others. he’s a real people pleaser at the end of the day, he literally spent three years of his life looking for someone the world thought just disappeared permanently because he wanted his dad’s validation.
when you two do kiss, it tends to be a night in your shared tent, even then Zuko is weary of Toph’s seismic senses.
his kisses tend to be soft and sensual, he really just wants to take his time and enjoy it. however, bb does have a temper so you can expect some spice on occasion when he gets frustrated.
this comes later on in the relationship, once the war is resolved, but that just brings about new problems! like having to deal with the new fire lord who is always busy as your boyfriend!
especially at the beginning, when he’s newly crowned and everything is busy and new and he’s struggling with being organized, he rarely has time for you. however, you are likely his right hand, main advisor, general, whatever your area of expertise is he will find you a position in the castle, unless you tell him you want to stay out of politics. though, deep down, he wants to give you a position so he can spend time with you
once things calm down and he’s got being fire lord in the bag, he starts blocking in time during his day to actually take you out on dates and stuff
at one point just disappears for the whole day with you and everyone thinks he’s been kidnapped until they realize you aren’t around either
that’s not very responsible of you guys smh you have a nation to run 
is soft with you, though zuko’s temper definitely lessened when he became Fire Lord, but it no doubt shows itself sometimes, but never with you
well need your assurance sometimes because he gets insecure
like why is the beautiful amazing intelligent woman dating me i do not understand what the heck why have you not left me yet
knock some sense into him
also gets worried that he is a horrible ruler and wants you to tell him that he in fact does his job very well
did you forget you helped end a war zuko?
kiss. his. scar. give him love, its one of few physical parts of himself that he is insecure about and if you kiss him there he might start crying because wow intimacy didn’t know what that was
speaking of intimacy, he is a touch starved boy so when you start giving him love do not stop, never deprive him of cuddles he gets grumpy
lol play volleyball with him
very domestic??? like his parents highkey did not like eachother so now he just wants to hold your hand, lay with you in the morning, wake up to your pretty face, and just cuddle with you while you read aloud 
overall you two are a power couple and zuko simps for you 25/8 you rule as a team and he values you and your opinion VERY much, tries to take you out as often as he can despite his VERY demanding job, and expresses his love to the best of his ability
zuko took the throne YOUNG he was like 16, so he is not proposing until y’all are at least adults, but i imagine that he is probably gonna wanna date you for like at least three years before proposing
he wants to make sure you are there to stay even if you’ve been around since childhood
there are two ways he is gonna propose here
situation one is where he kinda just does it,,, randomly? like out of nowhere he realizes that w o w he wants to marry you, he wants to spend the rest of his life with you and dedicate everything to you because you are HIS forever person
so he’s kinda just laying with you in the morning, nice soft kisses here and there, will not let you leave the bed and you are definitely complaining, especially if you have a position in the palace and need to get to work
regardless its a soft moment, there’s light filtering in through the window in your shared room, and its shining on your face, and yeah you are lowkey a mess because its the morning but you are just,, so,, beautiful??
and you start telling him about your plans for the, playing with his hair and stuff, and he’s listening to his heartbeat when he breaks from your hold and looks up at you and is just like
“marry me.”
“we also need to feed your dragon- wait what”
you are kinda just in shock for a moment, so you sit up and look at him, mouth gaping open like
“are you serious?”
he suddenly realizes he doesn’t have a ring and it is 7AM in the morning and it is not the best time for this
now you are laughing, falling back onto the pillows, and maybe there’s a tear in your eye as you nod rapidly, “okay, yes.”
now you are thinking of the fake story you are gonna tell people when they asked how he proposed because you are NOT saying it was in bed at 7AM while you were looking like a whole mess
“yes? yes as in yes you will marry me? are you serious?” 
such an idiot, but he’s cute its okay
you kiss him and its passionate and adorable, and he kisses back but he quickly breaks apart and is like “you’re sure? because i don’t have a ring-”
“how have you successfully run a country.”
“good thing you are gonna join me on the throne i suppose.”
“oh my god you’re right-”
“you aren’t reconsidering are you?”
have fun being the fire god woo
now y’all go back to making out and traumatize whatever advisor comes to check on you because they’re like where are the people who rule this country??? 
situation two is where he has been carrying around the ring for MONTHS but is looking for the perfect time to propose because you are perfect so this must be perfect
he couldn’t sleep and in the middle of the night he was like WELP I WANNA GET ENGAGED and kinda just decided he was gonna marry you
since you were asleep he couldn’t ask you right then and these
confides in the gaang and everyone is super excited
now he’s been walking around with this ring for months and what is he supposed to do now oh god
the gaang is like stop procrastinating bro, just ASK HER, and hes like NO IT NEEDS TO BE PERFECT
they help him set up the palace courtyard and make it all nice, there are lanterns, and candles, and a path of rose petals, and this time around he does have a ring so yes its great
he’s like hey let’s go for a walk! and you’re like okay??? lol
so you two are walking around the palace, holding hands, when he leads you to the courtyard and you are just like DAMN this is romantic AND pretty
“i think we are interrupting Zuko let’s leave”
“what do you mean interrupting-”
“well someone clearly put in a lot of effort!”
“that someone is me!”
its not that he isn’t romantic its just that he’s never done something like this so now you’re confused
“did i forget our anniversary?”
NOW you understand, looking around, you turn back to him to find that he’s on one knee, you two are in front of the pond with the turtleducks and wow it must be raining why is there water on your face? haha...
he tells you he loves you and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, and how he hopes he never loses you because you are just so vital to his life and his being and everything he’s done to make this world a better place has been for you and damn zuko you wonder if he got possessed
obviously you agree
and obviously something goes wrong
when he stands you tackle him with a hug and you two fall into the pond
the wedding[disclaimer: i have never been to a wedding so i do not know what happens in weddings, feel free to educate me pls] is either REALLY intimate and private, or really big and stuff, since you gotta go through that whole coronation process now and like public weddings n stuff
no matter what his uncle is the one who walks you down the aisle.
change my mind.
you cant. 
the intimate one is almost similar to eloping, probably happens in the court yard where he proposed, and you are wearing a AMAZING outfit, whether its a tux, an amazing dress, a jumpsuit, you gonna look FIRE
hehe fire
anyways it’ll probably be the people who fought with him in the war, the gaang, the white lotus, kyoshi warriors, maybe a few others, 
its a really nice ceremony, and the courtyard is decorated so beautifully, though Zuko considered putting a fence around the pond considering what happened when he proposed lol
if its a more public wedding, then its going to feel like the entire Fire Nation came to watch y’all get married, much more flashy, there’s a band performance, a banquet, y’all gotta use the ballroom so that everyone can dance 
kinda nerve wracking ngl
regardless, after you two get married nothing really changes because you always acted like an old married couple, and even as the other ruler of the fire nation, you always had an important job in the palace so its kinda just the same but more official
its a vibe
moral of the story is zuko is a simp for you and your marriage is mutual simping, that is all
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A/N: i kinda went off ngl, also im about to hit 200 followers and i feel as though i should do something special so i am taking suggestions pls
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taglists[lmk if you wanna be added or removed :D]
zuko: @shawni-h @lil-lex1 @boxofteenageideas @izzieserra @eridanuswave @bigbuckyenergy @outerxorbit
permanent: @chewymoustachio
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One Punch Man ship reviews bc I’m bored
GenoSai: do I even have to say it?? They compliment each other so well and are already besties. They make me so happy and I love their love. Genos literally came into Saitama’s life and brought so much new life and excitement when Saitama thought he’d never get any. Genos gives him love and appreciation all the time and never abandons him. Saitama isn’t connected to his feelings, but he cares about Genos and would do just about anything for him, to keep him safe. Genos constantly teases Saitama and Saitama grumbles and takes it with some banter, Genos is super emotional and Saitama does his best to comfort him, they fucking love shopping together and just hanging out period, they talk about the dumbest shit and somehow they still understand each other with the one brain cell they both share. It takes Genos forever to realize his feelings are deeper and Saitama has to be TOLD by their friends that he should fucking realize his feelings already. Just...I could keep going but I’ll stop! 2718873737839439/10 (let’s not talk about the age gap btw, 6 years isn’t bad and Genos is a legal adult.)
FubuSai: the stereotypical straight ship ppl gravitate to. Eh. I can see it, but at the same time I feel like they don’t completely compliment each other. Are they a hot couple? Duh. But I feel like their pride and communication issues would get in the way. 4/10
TatsuSai: hnghhhh. Someone mentioned this before, can’t remember who, but Saitama literally thinks she’s a child in canon. So that just....makes it gross. Same problems as FubuSai but worse. I’d rather see them as hesitant friends w a weird bond. 0/10
SonSai/SonicSai/idk the ship name: eh, toxic. Cant see them getting past communication issues and pride, again. Plus Sonic wants to kill his ass. Also, I just feel no romantic tension?? Even in fanfic it just falls flat for me. 3/10
MumenSai: a favorite!! Wish I saw it more, it’s very cute. Mumen is so kind and would absolutely be there to help him w self esteem and just help him be a better person period. And Saitama would have a cute little kind guy to tease and open up to. I could maybe see Mumen’s kindness getting on Saitama’s nerves when he’s in a bad mood bc Mumen almost never snaps and Saitama feels shittier, or maybe Mumen being mad at Saitama for being kinda lazy at home while Mumen is working his ass off and he’s like babe I just got home, please stop playing the fucking game and pay attention to me I have a concussion again. Prob too nitpicky on this one, heh, but 8.4/10
Genos x Sonic: wtf? As a crack ship, sure. That’s hilarious. But as a serious ship, 1.3/10 bc I could MAYBE see them bond over their love of my chemical romance or sum.
Anyone x Puri: -128382839287473828739219833468282/10. Fuck Puri.
TatsuKing: eh. Indifferent on this one too. I can see them getting along and Tatsu being the mean but supportive gf in public, but a sweet gf in private. King could be like her calm oasis of video games and sweet blonde shy bf. I sway more towards ace/aro King and queer non binary Tatsu, but this is still good. 6/10
FubuPsy/Fubuki x Psykos/idk: hell yeah!! This series NEEDS more wlw ships, both for me to project onto and to cry over. Prob my fav Fubuki ship, cuz they’ve known each other since they were young and had a tenuous friendship. I didn’t use to ship it until I saw that scene in the wc after the MA arc (u know the one) but here we are. They’re big personalities so any interaction is bound to be chaotic at first, but I really think they’d work. Pride put to the side, Psykos could be someone for Fubuki to finally rely on other than the Blizzard Bunch, someone to confide in, a badass partner to fight monsters with, talk about nothing for hours with, be a super fashionable #girlboss couple with, and someone who would really see her for who she is-especially w Psykos knowledge of her from the past. Hell, Psykos might even know her better than Tatsumaki. Fubuki could be an anchor to her like she currently is in the wc, providing a quiet comfort and making her open up little by little. Would prob be toxic at first bc of the MA arc and their desire for power, but is a very good ship I think. 9/10
Speedal/Sonic x Mumen: an old fav! Sonic would have a hard time not hating Mumen at first bc he’s the picture definition of a hero, sum he hates. But hanging out with him would show him Mumen is a GOOD guy genuinely and he’d be like ohhhh shit I’m in love w this man. Mumen would thoroughly appreciate someone to make him live a little, break some rules and stand up to ppl when they talk over him. He’d DEFINITELY be upset when finding out Sonic is an assassin, but would prob be conflicted bc he knows Sonic is a good person despite that. Would prob make Sonic give up on killing for them to be together. Sucks bc of the assassin thing and bc they haven’t met in canon! So we’re not sure how they’d interact with each other, sigh. 7.4/10
Okamaitachi x Bushidrill: a very underrated ship! To be clear, I headcanon Kama as a trans woman and so does most of the fandom. Anyway, very sweet and already built as a friendship bc of their partnership under Atomic Samurai. I can’t remember who writes fic and makes art of them on tumblr but AAAAA it’s so good! Very sweet. Basically depicted Bushi as a nervous himbo who’s honest about his feelings but scared to say them and Kama as a sweet lady who’s crazy about Bushi. Very sweet. Want more of them!! 6.1/10
OneZon/Zombieman x One Shotter: never even thought of the ship till I saw @megidolan art work! Very wholesome, and from what little we know of Shotter we know he’s a sort of nervous yet strong willed guy, and Zombieman would totally help him calm down bc he’s so chill. I could see them sharing cigarettes and talking shit on heroes while cuddling u know? 7/10 only because I don’t see enough of it but very good concept.
Mumarou/Mumen x Garou: a lot of ppl are gonna hate me for this but....I don’t like it. I’ve tried! I just—idk. I’ve read so many good fics about them that make me like it a bit, but the concept is just eh. I think their relationship is, in most reps, really cliche angsty stuff. I wish I could elaborate I just...gah! Basically, there’s better ships for the both of them imo. Sorry!! 4.3/10
Sonic x Flashy/SonFlash: yes!! Prob my fav Sonic ship. They have soooo much tension, it’s almost worse than Genos’ tension w Saitama. Flashy LITERALLY poisoned Sonic so that he wouldn’t be forced to kill him at the ninja graduation. He cares. They’ll never say it out loud, but they care. They have someone who understands what they went through in each other and someone they’re both so similar to, yet so different from. Sonic is more vocal about his expressions and let’s people know it while Flashy often keeps things to himself, they could really influence the other to be more this or that. I could see a lot of comfort with these two, and not much is needed for relationship development; they already have so much unspoken between them after meeting for the first time in years. Love it. Wish I saw it more! 10/11
KingSai: wonderful! Out of the few ppl Saitama is close to, def my second fav pick for a ship for him. There’s a post saying how Saitama doesn’t cut King off when he’s going on rants about games and stuff bc he’s talking TO Saitama, not at him like Genos tends to do on accident. They’re already great buddies! Saitama could find a shy gamer man who he can talk to about manga and stuff and also a passionate bf who could break out of his shell w Saitama and be himself with no lies. King can have someone to protect him, duh, someone who finally understands his weird sense of humor, and someone to shower him in the love and kindness he deserves when Saitama is in the mood to be all out like that w his affections. Plus he’s Saitama’s anchor and brings him back down when he’s super anxious and depressed and tells him what’s up that he needs to fix without sugarcoating it. Would def have a bunch of inside jokes and go on dates that are just staying inside playing video games all night. Domestic af. 10/10
Fubuki x Mizuki: my first wlw Fubuki ship! Hard to find but very good. Mizuki is this big ball of kindness, energy, and raw power that would make Fubuki go ‘Ohhhhhhh, big pretty lady make brain go brrr.’ I could see Mizuki grounding Fubuki when she’s in over her head, giving her random gifts bc she saw sum and thought of her, doing a marathon run and wildly waving at Fubuki in the crowd, and all around being a dependable woman confident in herself and in love with a mysterious esper. Prob a little shy when it comes to anything physical bc she loves Fubuki so much and is overwhelmed by the realness of being w her. Fubuki gives Mizuki advice on ‘acting like a proper hero’ or whatever and though Mizuki thinks she doesn’t need it, Fubuki still helps her a lot w her career and being taken more seriously by others. Would give Mizuki someone who loves her for who she is and would go wild on her in private when she can be open about her affection, would be someone Mizuki could exercise with and listen intently to Mizuki’s physical knowledge, and would absolutely bandage her when she’s all banged up. Hnghh love this ship. It’s only behind the FubuPsy ship juuuuust a little bc they haven’t met in canon so we can’t be sure about their interactions and stuff. 8.8/10, I love WOMEN
Batarou: how could I go this far without mentioning them?! They have SOOOO much tension in the centichoro fight, like come on. Both snarky assholes who are huge softies one the inside, Badd being the more logical one (still a himbo, tho) and Garou being the more chaotic one. Probably take forever to admit their feelings bc they’re so prideful and stupid <3 flirt through constant wrestling matches and it takes Genos saying ‘they should kiss already, they’re getting on his nerves’ for them to finally realize what’s up. (@rayadraws has a great au where Garou Genos and Badd are a chaotic friend squad and Genos is the only brain of the group, haha. Very good au y’all check it out!) Would constantly pick on each other affectionately and switch into concerned SO when the other is hurt like the big teddy bears they are. Raise Zenko together for sure. Garou would fumble being romantic and Badd would find it both hilarious and cute. 11/12
Zombie mask/Amai x Zombieman:
So. I don’t like Amai Mask and I used to hate him, BUT the webcomic and fic have really helped me calm down on him (he’s still a dick tho), so it’s easier to want to ship him and stuff. Bc of Amai’s anger issues and controlling behavior, I could see this relationship being super toxic and icky—but I think they have some form of understanding that pulls Amai back from being a complete dick, you know? Start off as fuck buddies and slowly form something else from spending companionable time together other than screwing. Zombieman pulls Amai back from his angry fits and soothes him over with his logic. Talk maaaaaad shit about heroes, but only when they’re alone because Zombieman knows Amai will talk loud af about the heroes they’re roasting and Zombie doesn’t wanna stop a fight from happening. Zombieman loves making Amai flustered and has a secret check list in his head of all the things that get Amai red faced. Loves to listen to Amai rant about things for hours and loves to watch his face go through almost cartoon like expressions as he talks. He won’t admit it, but Zombie loves to be spoiled by Amai’s shit tons of cash and often takes rides in Amai’s limos when he wants to smoke and think to himself. Amai has a hard time realizing how his feelings have changed, but gets hit hard with it when he wakes up to Zombie making them breakfast one morning while wearing Amai’s underwear. Amai also loves to spoil Zombie and takes him out to restaurants and buys him cool new weapons on the weekends. @batneko has pretty much gotten me into this ship and I strongly suggest looking at their works! 7.9/10
DemonKnight/Genos x Zero/Drive Knight: I’m pretty sure this used to be a crack ship before the past like 10 manga chapters—and now here we are! Not a fav bc 1. ZERO LEFT GENOS TO SELF DESTRUCT AFTER THEY COMBINED TO FORM THE FUCKING JET HE WAS JUST LIKE lol bye SO LIKE if he left him to die that’s super hard for me to forgive and ship grrr 2. Disregarding the manga’s canon and looking at the wc, while I love the little trip they went on where Zero demonstrated his abilities and helped Genos kill monsters, it’s super sus. He knew alllll of this info on Metal Knight and was super supportive and understanding when Genos said he needed time to think. Like,,,what are his intentions? We know so little about him—is he trying to trick Genos or was he being sincere? THAT STUFF ASIDE, they’re a really fun ship. They’re both huge fucking nerds and can keep up with their talk on robotics for hours, they’re both cyborgs so they understand each other’s pain, and they’re both super cool and angsty. I think they could really settle into a deep bond that can go platonic or romantic, just depends. Genos needs more ppl in his life so hell yeah! Plus, he can really let go with Zero bc they don’t have that teacher/student relationship and Zero, if he’s really a sincere and kind guy like in the wc, can be there for Genos and listen to him. Don’t have much to say on this ship other than @wellthisisembarrassing makes GORGEOUS art of them! 6.3/10
Webuiko/Suiko x Webigaza: YEAH I KNOW THEY HAVENT INTERACTED IN CANON AND WE DONT KNOW MUCH ABOUT THEM BUT HEAR ME OUT. Webigaza—cool af determined cyborg idol who’s surprisingly down to earth when talking with Child Emperor. Suiko—sassy and honest fighter who doesn’t take shit and is very passionate. Suiko would go to talk to Web then immediately freak out bc aaaa she’s way prettier than she thought, she can’t do this! Web would have to gently encourage Suiko to talk and at first is like ‘ah man, must be an adoring fan, ugh I’m so tired. At least she’s hot’ but when Suiko snaps out of her shyness Web is like oh! She’s super cool wtf. Always bump into each other during fights and help each other get fixed up, Suiko using her muscle power to lift Web’s pieces (and give Web a great view of Suiko’s muscles holy SHIT) and Web would patch Suiko up. Not to be stereotypical, but they’re def a masc/femme couple. I love the idea of this ship soooo much and I really hope they interact! 6.6/10 only bc they haven’t met 😭😭😭 look them up on here! There’s some great art of them by a few blogs
Dr. Kuseno x Bang: pretty sure @baldyborg came up with this one! Super cute. Just two old dudes finding a nice friendship in each other, maybe after Bang helps carry Genos to Kuseno’s after a day of fighting. Bang would find Kuseno to be a very cute little nerd man and would be sooo impressed by Kuseno’s mad scientist skills. Kuseno would be super impressed when seeing Bang in action too. They’d prob talk as soon as they meet each other and Genos would be in the background like you guys it’s been an hour, please fix me I’m on the verge of death 🧍🏻Bang would give Kuseno advice on training techniques to teach Genos and advice on making his bodies more martial arts ready or sum, meanwhile Kuseno would give his take on how to be kinder to Garou so that Bang would learn to repair the relationship with a gentleness he’s seemingly lacking (yes I’m talking about the chapter where he and Garou start fighting and Bang is just not doing enough to reach out to Garou, he’s being a callous old man! So yeah I’m still mad about that). Genos and Saitama would prob be out on a date and Saitama would be like oh theres Bang, wonder what he’s doing? Then Kuseno would walk up and kiss Bang and Genos and Sai would be shocked like SIRS 👬 Genos would tell Bang he doesn’t need another adoptive dad and Bang would be like....ok.... I see them retiring in a cottage together and Bang would become a huge softie. Yes I’m actively ignoring chapter 141 of the wc, shut up. 7.6/10
TankTop master x Mumen: they have a nice friendship going on in the manga right now! Just bros supporting bros. Tank is the picture definition of a muscly himbo and Mumen is his cute passionate bf. Also workout buddies af!! Don’t have much to say other than pretty good ship, just not a fav. 5.2/10
To sum it up—
GenoSai: 2718873737839439/10, Batarou: 11/12, SonFlash: 10/11, KingSai: 10/10, FubuPsy: 9/10, Fubuki x Mizuki: 8.8/10, MumenSai: 8.4/10, ZombieMask: 7.9/10, Dr. Kuseno x Bang: 7.6/10, Speedal: 7.4/10, OneZon: 7/10, Webuiko: 6.6/10, DemonKnight: 6.3/10, Okamaitachi x Bushidrill: 6.1/10, TatsuKing: 6/10, TankTop Master x Mumen: 5.2/10, Mumarou: 4.3/10, FubuSai: 4/10, SonSai: 3/10, Genos x Sonic: 1.3/10, TatsuSai: 0/10, anyone x Puri: -1283828319833468282/10
If there’s any ships I left out, it’s bc I don’t know them, don’t wanna talk about them, or just don’t have an opinion strong enough. Also, I know there are some poly ships like Genos x Saitama x Fubuki, but I’ve read only one fic about that (it was pretty good, here’s the link https://archiveofourown.org/works/5406992 ) so I don’t feel like talking about it. Hope no ones offended! All my opinion here :)
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
Alright curious anon here. All this is /dsmp /rp from here on out unless otherwise specified and is refering to characters. If i make any mistakes or am misinformed please let me know! So by the cat was nothing compared to mushroom henry i was meaning more toward the fact that the cow was killed as a punishment for something not worth or ok for it to be killed for at all and the fact that it belonged to tommy, wheareas the cat was killed more to annoy dream and belonged to tommy. (1/?)
alright then another lengthy reply, here i come! /lh /dsmp /rp
Dream also did not seem to mourn the cat much, shrugging it off with a "just more motivation to break out".
it was killed to hurt dream, not to "annoy him". it doesn't matter who it belonged to, c!dream was attached to it and it died, which had an effect on him and also further proved his point about attachments being weakness and caring getting you hurt, and it's still very sad.
you say that it was not ok at all to kill mooshroom henry, but the cat's death wasn't ok either, so i really don't see your point.
again, i disagree it was "nothing compared to" either way. i never meant to compare them in the first place, i was simply talking about the cat and c!dream so i don't see why it is in any way necessary to drag c!tommy and other dead pets into this. /nm
also, it isn't true he didn't mourn it. he is a very reserved person who doesn't show his feelings much, that's true, but the cat death still changed the way he acted afterwards, as well as the attempts he made to prevent it. he didn't "shrug it off", he yelled about it because he was understandably upset.
You mentioned that propganda was used to make dream seem like a tyrant, could you specify a bjt? Cus im a little confused srry /gen. Because the most i can remember from the lmanburg era at least is him being called a b'tch or other similar insults. You also mentioned how trauma responses can be differet which is true! I agree! Do you have any ideas to what caused dream the trauma?
wilbur would continuously make him out to be some sort of oppressive, tyrannical force, in front of his troops - a prime example of this being the lyrics of the l'manberg anthem itself and the l'manberg declaration of independence.
actually! here's a nice thread about l'manberg's establishment complete with links, timestamps and evidence :]
i also said in my previous post what could've possibly caused it, but since the character intentionally hides his emotions from the public, it would be difficult to see how things really affected him - which is why the way his spiral went is the majority of the evidence that would imply it, however it does make sense within the story as well with what i mentioned last time.
I would like to note that for sapnap at least had reason to leave dream. Some examples off the top of my head are dream leading an angry fundy to sapnap's pets on purpose, resulting in some deaths, dream assisting tommy in burning down sapnap's effiel tower where he got engaged to karl, and dream giving tommy either mars or the other fish at the battle of the lake. Idk about george tho other then the whole mexican lmanburg/el rapids thing and decrowning him
c!sapnap was actually at fault for most of this, and it wasn't really ever betrayal on c!dream's part.
c!dream is a mediator and he wants to stop everyone's conflict - c!fundy was angry because of c!sapnap's actions, and hence it made more sense for c!dream to centre him on c!sapnap's animals instead of running around killing everyone's pets (at that time, all c!dream knew was c!sapnap did something really bad and c!fundy wanted beckerson / mars from him, which were also his and c!george's fish).
c!sapnap was an instigator, and in multiple conflicts during the time as well as before he'd align himself against c!dream. he isn't "loyal" per se, he causes chaos and the reason c!dream helped c!tommy was because, c!sapnap, again, killed his pet. the first l'manberg war and then the 16th are signs of the fact that c!dream and c!sapnap were willing to fight together in actual war, but these small conflicts where c!sapnap continuously picked fights weren't about personal loyalty, nor did they seem to affect their relationship at all.
c!george was never really hurt by c!dream either. the dethronement was him very obviously being a guilt-trippy drama queen, but, well, that's just the character. he had stolen the l'mantree while he was supposed to be the diplomatic figure of the greater smp, which is why c!dream was justified in - very politely, may i mention - taking the duties off of him (seeing as he was also trying to keep him safe and c!techno had already assassinated him once).
Im pretty sure i remember cc!sam stating that his character never canonically physically tortured dream during his subathon but take this with a grain of salt as i am looking for the clip currently. So to the best of my knowledge dream did not have a physical contact trigger during tommy's visit which! I rewatched the vod and dream actually was first to hit tommy and i can give you my full writing downs but 10/12 of the phy-
you never finished this point because you had to go do something, but i'll reply to what is here at the moment (i suggest writing these down before sending next time, or even writing them out wholly before sending a single one could help avoid stuff like this).
i am 95% sure that the reason cc!sam stated this was because people were suspicious he had already been doing what c!quackity was doing after - torture within the storyline itself is associated pretty much only with what c!quackity is doing, so that's what he meant, just to clear up confusion - the starvation or terrible conditions haven't been retconned, but it was direct torture (like c!quackity is doing) people were asking him about.
i never said c!dream had a physical contact trigger at all, i don't think he had that, though he probably will after the torture.
huh, ok, i'm gonna have to rewatch then, but i remember c!tommy punching c!dream a lot and him just telling him to stop and only punching back to get him to stop. trigger or not, getting hit isn't very pleasant, if you know what i mean.
You mentioned tommy stealing dream's armor unprovoked. Do you have the vod or a general idea of the time so i can find it? Like before lmanburg after another event so and so because if you do not have it i can find it but any help is appreciated.
i am pretty sure you can find the video on cc!tommy's channel! there are also recaps of the disc war on youtube :]
I wanna talk a little on why the Final Control Room was so messed up. For starters, with the way the room was designed. It was small, and had labeled, empty chests with each person's name on them as a mockery. The next reason is that its bascially a kill box.
It's fairly inescapble with the stairs being ones you have to jump up, slowing anyone who climbs them down. The final reason it is messed up is that it is shown to have caused every person who died in it trauma. With tommy there are several examples, the time he saw it with techno, the way he refuses to go near it, the exposure trauma, etc. Fundy also appears to have trauma, as when the Red Banquet executions began, it can be seen as him being afraid of dying last again.
It can Be thought as tubbo having trauma because he buries most of his issues and pretends to be ok. Moreover this event took at least one of each person's canon lives, making it the most canon lives lost EVER in a dream smp event. (This is not hate on any of the ccs btw i loved this scene and its one of my personal favorites). Plus the fact Eret's betrayal just literally happened, giving at least Tommy and Wilbur canonic trust issues.
i wouldn't call the chests mockery? it was a trap. people had traps on the smp before. it was a trap in the middle of war, supposed to end said war by killing them all at once rather than individually which would be a lot more bloody and difficult.
i agree c!tommy and other people might have post-war trauma, especially if they were young during the time, but i think that's because the final control room was "messed up", moreso because the war itself was. it all happened fairly instantly as well? i don't think c!fundy would be able to realize he was the last one standing within the two second before he wasn't.
it "can be thought" and it can be interpreted like that but besides c!tommy there isn't much evidence for them "all" being traumatized by the final control room. of course betrayal would spark trust issues, i understand that.
The probation was humiliating in my opinion because dream was Sending tommy anatgonizing messages through out the whole meeting, plus he had to write a review of his day every single day, which fundy mocked him for.
i mean, it was definitely a strike to his pride, but he was being extremely uncooperative so i don't really blame the other members of new l'manberg trying to teach him to listen for once? of course i know c!dream was riling him up, and that should definitely be considered. i don't think it would be as humiliating if c!tommy didn't make it, is what i'm saying.
for the tommy being toxic to fundy? At least for the examples you gave, to me personally they come acoross as either in a meta way being the cc's bantering or in canon being the characters having banter. If you can send the post with the clips so i can read the tone better that would be cool but if not i will try and find em.
no, these were all in canon. canon isn't only when c!tommy is being nice, it's also when he's being a jerk. /lh
the first one was him threatening c!fundy about kicking him out of l'manberg and undermining his self-worth, and the second one was him trying to get c!sapnap to vote for them via bullying c!fundy.
i found these from a transcript focusing on c!fundy's character, so i don't know exactly where the first one is from, but the second one i am pretty sure is from when the elections were starting with the whole cabinet battle deal and all of that.
there are other instances, and all of them are canon. his personality was never being nice or compassionate, so i'm not really surprised? he still cares about the people he cares about and is very brave, y'know. but this part of his personality is definitely a valid reason for people to dislike him.
I hope the exam went well :). Hope u have a great day! (Ps i think theres something called a submission box to send in pictures? Am not entirely sure sry)
it would've gone well but my work-speed is a tad too slow for the schooling system (considering i'm three years younger than my classmates,,, probably that's also a factor) so probably not despite the fact i knew everything and would've aced it if i only had more time. i did as well as i could so i'm not worried about it, but thanks!
i think you're thinking submissions. sadly, i tested it and it doesn't work on anons, so idk how you'd solve that, maybe make a burner account?
Curious anon here one point you may wanna include in the redemption essay is that c!tubbo or c!tommy do not necessarily have to forgive him. What's important is that he recognizes what he did was wrong (exile, beating tommy to death, manipulating them both, etc) and does his best to make amends. Hope this helps! Can't wait to see your essay
it's out, idk if you've seen it yet, and i think i included enough of that so hope it's all good! :)
the mcc update video is out if you are an mcc enjoyer. It's very neat, if you wanna check it out
yeah! i am a fellow mcc enjoyer, saw it already, thanks for telling me though, i'm really hype for today.
Allo curious anon here sorry if the lots of asks bother you. I was just curious if i could share an interesting post i saw today about c!dream :0 (not necessarily negative i think? More of a statement of an often-confused canon)
sure thing! i don't know what you mean by often-confused since, the entire fanbase is very confused always, and often selection bias plays into the perception from both sides, but sure :]
you also sent in a thing for the other anon who said they didn't know what c!dream did that bad; pretty sure they couldn't really be alerted since, not sure if they watch my blog that closely, but i'll summarize your points just in case and add some notes;
the repeated blowing up of l'manberg (in my mind that's largely a positive since i,, despise that country, but fair enough), revealed c!ranboo as a traitor (they seem to be friends so i also,, think that might've been planned between him and enderboo), sent ghostbur away (i don't think c!dream knew it was dangerous for him and wanted to actually hurt him, but idk), participated in fighting against c!sapnap when he killed people's pets (that's only negative against c!sapnap and didn't seem to hurt him much at all), and then the whole vault scene where he was allegedly planning to steal people's things (though saying he would & being stopped beforehand and doing it are two different things, frankly).
so i still agree with the other anon that a lot of the hurt he did "to the entire server" (he only negatively interacted with like,, a half of them) is exaggerated both by the characters and the fandom, but i guess that's a consequence of most people seeing him as a threat to everyone's happiness rather than a complex personality.
Also he was aware of the butcher army going to kill techno but only got involved because he saw an opportunity to get a favor. (As he knew in advance due to him telling techno to get a totem, watching from afar instead of interveing or manipulating tubbo out of it)
i don't understand this at all, i'm sorry. how do you know he only helped techno in order to get a favor? last i remember he was only doing it to protect and strengthen his alliance, and techno came up with the whole favor thing entirely on his own. you might've not watched techno's perspective or their prior interactions, idk, but this really is a misinterpretation in my eyes. /nm
sorry if that is overly dream negative i just wanted to let yall know cus you seemed unaware -curious anon
nah dw, i watch the smp and i watched all of these things happen so, wouldn't say unaware, but thanks.
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milks-writings · 4 years
CHARACTERS/ READER: Akaashi Keiji x GN!Reader/ Shinsuke Kita x GN!Reader/ Rintarō Suna x GN!Reader
REQUEST: ❤🥺❤since your request are open can I please have a scenario (or headcannons if you prefer) with Akaashi, Kita and Suna (or Osamu) with an gender neutral s/o whose friends are very touching with them (not in a weird way) and one of their guy best friends likes holding their hand and kissing them on the cheek (partly to annoy the boys) and how the boys would react❤🥺❤ it can be angst but please may it end fluffy🙈🙈🙈(hope this isn't to much and I explained well🙈🥺❤) (Request by @aquariarose​ )
A/N: That requests sounds v specific 👀 I mixed it,,, like I made headcanons and then a small scenario with that :D
→ Masterlist
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✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ HC + Scenario: S/O with a touchy bestie + their reaction
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He knew that you and your best friend never meant it in a romantically way, and that you two were just friends who kinda liked to show affection through actions and not words
Honestly, at first Akaashi was more relaxed and didn’t get jealous quite often, he trusted you and knew that you loved him, maybe not more than your best friend, but loved him in a romantically way
Though as the days passed he slowly got tired of you two always being together and sometimes also just wished for some little more affection
Akaashi always knew that communication is the key to make a relationship as good as possible, though it can’t be perfect, some problems could be solved with talking about them so he begun the conversation one day
“I think it’s unfair that (Your bestfriend) gets more affection than me”
And let’s be honest, Akaashi telling you that he thinks that its unfair is probably the sweetest and best thing ever, because he was honest enough and didn’t just ignore you or got mad
He knew that it was not “Your fault” or that you didn’t mean to hurt him with these things. And since Akaashi is really observing he noticed quickly how your bestfriend only did these things to annoy him
In the end, he kind of got you to talk to your best friend about that and was glad once you two “Solved” those things between you. There was never a problem to begin with, but you two noticed that Akaashi always tensed up after seeing you holding hands with your friend or giving your friend a small kiss on their cheek
“Keiji, you are quite tensed and silent these days. Is something bothering you?”
Out of all questions you could’ve asked, you asked the question he expected the least from you. Nevertheless, the relief that took over his body after that question kind of put his mind at ease, leaving Akaashi quiet for a second to think of a proper answer that would satisfy you and himself. “I guess” the setter begun with a sigh, looking up to lock your eyes with his “I am kind of jealous that I get less kisses than your friend” His words managed to give your heart a small tug somewhere, leaving a trace of somewhere relief and somewhere also guilt behind. “Keiji you know that I only love you, but I promise to give you more affection and less to my friend, mh?” with wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing a small kiss on his cheek he slowly nodded in agreement. “Thanks for telling me” you added lovingly, making him smile a little. “I love you too” He replied while pressing a small kiss on your forehead
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I just know for some reason that this man will be insecure about himself after seeing you giving your best friend more affection than your boyfriend
He just feels like having done smth wrong. There is no particular reason why, and there is no evidence if he really did, after all nothing happened between you two, but I can see him overthinking this situation
His intentions aren’t to ignore you, but he somehow always just begins to drift off into his mind, his thoughts getting over him and his body, just deeply thinking about how he can apologize to you and straighten out his mistake
But little did he know that it was not his fault
You noticed him getting more thoughtful and dreamy over the time, which was kind of weird. Also did you notice that his words were chosen more carefully
But after thinking and thinking Kita gave up, since he couldn’t figure out what he had been doing wrong or saying wrong
“Y/N, if I did something wrong, tell me, alright?” It probably ringed in your head at this moment and you immediately knew about what was wrong with him
“Shinsuke, you are all fine. Is it because I give my best friend kisses and so on?”
Baby feels like crying because he really thought that he fucked up :((
“Yes kind of…”
“I am so sorry, I will tell them not to be that affectionate any more, okay?” he just silently nodded, trying to sort out his thoughts
After this conversation you two promised to not give others more affection than to each other and you also gave him lots of kissies and hugs afterwards
The silent between you two begun to kill you and him, almost like a flame without any oxygen. “Shinsuke” You finally spoke up, looking at the other side of the table where your boyfriend sat, quietly and collected. “Hm?” He asked confused, raising an eyebrow at you. “Something is up with you. Is there anything on your mind?” Kita could swear that all his thoughts got a big knot into his mind, leaving him rather quiet and confused behind. There was something on his mind, he was just a little scared to admit it. Slowly nodding, he looked at you. “I was scared that I did something wrong since you seem to like (your best friend) more than me…” he mumbled out quietly, making you feel bad. With getting up and patting his head after having reached him, you begun to assure him “No no, it’s not your fault. I am sorry about making you feel bad, but I promise that my friend if just very affectionate. If you want to, I can tell him to stop.” You offered, looking down at your boyfriend who only sat there, leaned into your touch and slowly nodding at your words. “I mean… You don’t have to. Knowing that I didn’t do something wrong is fine” He admitted, a small smile finally creeping over his lips. Your words really put him into easement
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To be honest, I feel like he would be the most relaxed one about this all
Suna couldn’t bother more about affection and about your best friend. Not like he didn’t like you, it’s just that he is very very vERY observant and he gets things quickly
So when he sees that your best friend is actually a little more touchy and that it doesn’t make you uncomfortable he is absolutely fine with that
Like Suna is super chill about it but still sometimes makes sure that your best friend knows their place and kisses you here and there on your forehead or on your hand, glaring at your best friend before going back to whatever he had done before
Of course, sometimes he wishes also to get kisses here and there, but most of the time, he is okay with that all and just takes it the way it is
Though on bad days he really wishes to get some more affection and once he notices that you don’t give him anything he just gets pissed and a little cold towards you, he just never tells you what the matter is
Suna is not pissed at you, but at the fact that your best friend gets more physical love than he does
And once Suna is cold you can literally not get him to talk unless you find out the reason why he is pissed and apologize for that
Often you ask Osamu for advice and he immediately tells you though since he knows how hard Suna is sometimes
“sorry for giving my bestie more affection than you”
“Oh so you figured?” Suna was clearly a little upset but only played with you. “’is ok. I am not mad, I just wanted to hear you admitting that you are in the wrong” he playfully added
“He is just mad that you don’t give him enough affection sometimes. Not more. I am sure you two can talk that out”
That’s what Osamu had told you previously. After thinking and thinking, but never finding the answer you decided to ask Osamu what he had heard about Suna. Without that guy you would’ve been literally dead by now.
“Hey Rin~” You hummed, trying to gain your boyfriends attention. But he just stared at his phone screen, only giving you a small “Mh”. Unsatisfied with his answer you laid beside him, looking up at the rather lazy middle blocker. “I am sorry for not giving you enough love” His eyes peeked over to you, raising one eyebrow before he suddenly put his phone down and embraced you with his two long arms. “It’s ok. Can I get kisses now too?” He almost fell asleep while saying that. “Yes of course” A small chuckle left your lips, leaving kisses all over his face while he begun to fall asleep with you in his arms. Suna was an easy going guy, but sometimes he just needs some love here and there too. And that just proved your point.
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«𝐛𝐲 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞»
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ LOYAL PEEPS: @elianetsantana
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an-ambivalent · 4 years
Yandere! Claude [WMMAP]
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WARNING:  This post contains yandere themes and mentions of other toxic behaviours that can be triggering and uncomfortable to read. So, read at your own risk. This work is purely fiction. I do not condone this behaviour irl. And uh, PSA, I haven’t been writing for a long time so its rusty :’) ok thanks. 
Fandom: Who Made Me a Princess 
Pairing: Reader-Insert
No beta, we die like men. 
dedicated to my friend @spiritualotaku​ 
First Meeting 
~ After the betrayal of his brother and his first partner, and then losing Diana, the only time Claude would be able to “love” again is after the black magic he casted upon himself has done its job and erased the memory of his last deceased partner. Even though he had hoped to freeze his heart so he would not be hurt anymore, a part of the spell worked but in a twisted away. So, the next time he does love someone else, his feelings were going to be different than how he may have felt for Penelope and had felt for Diana. 
~ There’s not really a particular scenario to exist that would be a catalyst for his “interest” in you. That would be something that would develop over time, so you would have to be in a position where you interact with him frequently. Nothing like a maid or something because Claude always keeps these types of servant roles at an arm's distance. It would have to be a role where you are able to interact with the Emperor, but not significant enough that he would become aware of you right off the bat. Perhaps you’re the blacksmith responsible for the royal guards’ weapons, or the assistant of the magician who is the healer for the knights; being in an occupation that allows you to have regular interactions with Felix, who is completely trusted by Claude and friendly with you, would allow Claude to have a more favourable first impression of you. 
~In this instance, let’s assume the role of the assistant healer. The royal guard magician healer and you were scheduled to visit to conduct the regular health check ups that happen for the guards. Since Felix was not there, you were told by your senior to go find and do his check ups and they would look after the rest. One of the castle workers guided you to the royal garden where you see your client, and the cold ruthless Emperor he is assigned to protect.  
“Blessings and Glory upon the sun of the Obelian Empire,” you and the maid greet simultaneously bowing, and both Felix and Claude’s gaze shift towards you. Recognition flashes across Felix’s face when he sees you, but the coldness glistening in Claude’s bright blue jeweled eyes is unmatched and new, as a murderous aura starts to radiate off him. You and the maid freeze under his overwhelming terrifying presence. 
“You must not value your life so much if you barge in here however as you please and disrupt my peace,” he said stoically. From the corner of your eyes, you saw the maid beginning to tremble in fear. Along with this, although your face was looking at the ground in order to avoid the Emperor's gaze, you felt a spike of magic from him. You didn’t mean to, but you subconsciously released your own magic output, and put up a defensive shield around you and the maid in case the self-entitled Emperor was going to harm her or you for “disrupting his [poor] peace.”
This, of course did not go unnoticed by Claude who narrowed his eyes at you, wondering how you could be gutsy enough to usher him a challenge like that. Luckily, the situation did not escalate to that point since Felix jumped in. 
“Your Majesty, please don’t harm them. They’re here for me, I had forgotten I am meant to see the magician today. I ask that you do not hold them accountable for this.” 
Claude fixed his cold stare on Felix for a few seconds, who was accustomed to it, so he was able to hold his ground. And then,it was obviously evident that his gaze was fixated on you with the way you felt goosebumps rise at the nape of your neck. 
“I wasn’t aware the magician was a woman,” Claude pointed out, and the way he stated this made it seem like an accusation of some sort because everyone flinched as he had spoken. Felix stepped in front of you and the maid to act as a shield, and addressed Claude with a stern tone. 
“I’m sorry for the trouble that’s been caused for you because of me, Your Majesty. To not be of inconvenience to you anymore, we will excuse ourselves.” Felix bowed, and then led you and the maid out of the garden. You would have breathed out a sigh in relief and thanked Felix, but your breath and your words were stuck in your throat (coronavirus). Because for the entire time until the garden was out of your sight, the cold and intense gaze of the royal jeweled eyes, stayed fixated on you. 
How it happens 
~Although your first meeting with the Emperor had started off with a slight rift to say the least, other employees in the castle had noticed that an odd acquaintanceship had developed between you and Claude. Actually, it was an acquaintanceship in their eyes. In reality, it was completely one-sided because you entertained his whims to stay alive. He was the Emperor who could have your head whenever he wanted, and you were forced by your magician boss to interact with him in hopes that you making a good impression on him would somehow benefit him. 
~Claude’s interest in you had developed from the things he heard about you from the knights. They spoke of how attentive you were to their care each time, and whenever they were suffering from a painful injury, you made sure to numb the area around that injury to reduce their pain as much as possible. They spoke kind words about your humour, and the homemade sweets you always brought with you to give to them once their check up was over; it was a small action, but the thought behind it was really appreciated by the knights. You conversed, informed, and asked for their consent each time before you did something unlike your boss, who just wanted to finish the job as soon as possible. 
Claude also recalled how you had instantly jumped to the defense of that incompetent maid when he had unleashed his mana to intimidate her -- you had done this as if it was second nature to you. You had acted against him and not even paused to consider the consequences you may have faced for going against the Emperor. It intrigued him and he wanted to understand you. Although Obelia’s residents’ quality of life had improved after Claude became the sovereign and reduced the corruption from his father’s and brother’s reign, there were still many greedy and power hungry scum that he had to deal with. For this reason, his desire to approach someone seemingly as kind as you became stronger. 
And so, your regular tea time with Claude commenced. 
~Once Claude develops affection for you, he would have possessive traits as a yandere. He has lost so much already too, to make sure it does not happen again, he would want you to belong solely to him. He would keep you away from everyone else. 
~He will be clingy; there is no respect or regard for any boundaries you set. If he wants to touch you, hug you, and show affection, but you find his touch aversive or ever try to pull away, he will simply ignore you and force you to comply with him. If you struggle too much, he will use a spell that acts a relaxant to cease your thrashing. 
~Although Claude is rather temperamental and threatens people easily, he would have a bit more patience with you. But, he will not hesitate to threaten you if you give him too much trouble. If anything or anyone else tries to hurt you or take you away from him, he will hurt them. Ruthlessly. 
~He keeps you isolated so the chances of someone else trying to steal you away from him are low. However, in any instances you were out in public, he expects you to stick to his side and not initiate or respond to anyone. He expects you to stay quietly and obediently by his side, and let him do the talking for you to keep you fully to himself. 
General things 
~Once your relationship has been there for enough time, he will gift you your own palace. But even before that, he will spoil you lavishly with the most beautiful jewels and clothes he wants to see you in, or think you will look beautiful in. 
~When it is just you and him, he prefers you to wear simple robe dresses that are revealing and easy to access. When he wants to cuddle you, and with any physical intimacy, he enjoys the touch of your warm skin against his own. 
~When he is stressed, he likes you to lay down on your lap and nap while you play with his hair. 
And Claude is a boobs man
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cower-before-power · 4 years
Zora Ideale Headcanons: Dating + Marrying His Shy Squadmate
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(where are all the good gifs of him, someone make one please!)
Continuation of this post- Zora wooing/confessing to a shy squadmate crush
A/N: Apologies to the anon who requested this, I’m so sorry it took so long. I’ve been having bad headaches lately and I’ve been working on multiple things at once. Please accept my apologies! I hope you all enjoy, my sweet potatoes!
Nobody is going to know you started dating. Since you’re shy, and he’s notoriously private about personal things, nothing about your outward relationship will change.
In private though, things change slowly but surely. Zora is incredibly starved for affectionate touch, but he’s hesitant about initiating. He absolutely does not want to do anything that will make you the slightest bit uncomfortable.
(Also he’s just a secretly shy babie, the thought of actually touching you makes his heart go Doki Doki and his palms sweat)
When you ask him, blushing, if he will hold your hand while you sit outside in your special spot, he turns beet red under his mask. But he hesitantly reaches over and intertwines his fingers with yours.
It’s like he’s come home. Your skin feels so right against his, something grounding and affirming. An aching begins to build up in his chest, and he realizes this is not enough. He wants to hold you.
Before he even realizes it, he tugs you onto his lap and into his arms. He’s as surprised as you are, both of you staring wide eyed at each other. But then you smile at him, and tuck yourself in close. He smiles into you hair, he’s so stupidly happy.
After that, physical affection becomes much easier and more natural. He loves your touch, the feel of you in his arms. He becomes very clingy in private, always needing to be touching you in some way. He loves when he lays in your lap and you run your fingers through his wild red hair.
In private he will take his mask off as much as you request. His trust in you is solid. (Also it’s just much better for kissing.)
Sex for the first time happens when you say so. Zora respects you greatly and will not push you into anything. He wants you to be ready. Your first time together will be very gentle and sweet. He cares about you so much, he just wants you to feel it through his actions.
(I think Zora can be dominant at times but I don’t think it’s his go to during sex. This boy is soooooo starved for love and affection he’s gonna be all mushy and loving and sweet like 90% of the time. Also please praise him. He will eat that shit up)
You very much become like an old married couple very quickly. Every evening turns very domestic. You eat together, bathe together, sleep every night together in one of your beds. He doesn’t sleep much but he loves to hold you while you sleep, just watching over you.
If you have a hobby he will pretend not to be interested in it but then totally get involved. He just wants to be doing things with you, no matter what it is.
Lots of late night talks out under the stars in your special outdoor spot.
Your shyness seems to melt away when it’s just him, and he finds you can meet his gentle teasing. He even starts to play tame pranks on you, just funny little things that make you giggle softly. He adores your laugh and wants to hear it constantly.
Lots of cute nicknames. He loves to call you all sorts of sweet but teasing names. He pretends he doesn’t like it when you call him something cute back, but he secretly does.
He’s naturally very protective even though he knows you can handle yourself. He insists on being on all your missions, just in case.
Like I said before, the idea of losing you is incomprehensible to him. He will not let anyone or anything hurt you.  
There will be fights, and they may be nasty. Even though he cares for you so much, he’s got a lot of issues and they often bleed into your relationship. He can have a quick and cruel tongue, and he often doesn’t know when to quit. He also tends to bottle things up, still having trouble voicing his thoughts and feelings to you. He may ignore you if he’s feeling particularly pushed into a corner.
Please, be firm but gentle with him. After every fight he beats himself up, wishing he could be someone better for you, someone with less demons. He’ll be the first to apologize, swallowing his pride and seeking forgiveness in your arms. You let him know you don’t appreciate the way he’s treated you, but you forgive him.
He falls in love gradually, like a puzzle slowly being out together. When the pieces finally interlock, and he realizes, he’s scared to say it.
The only things he’s ever loved have been taken from him. If he speaks out loud, will the same thing happen with you?
So in the end, it’s you who says it first, just a soft thing whispered into the night as you lay in bed. His heart stutters in his chest, and for a moment he’s completely overwhelmed. But he manages to croak them back, and his heart nearly bursts when you kiss him with a happy (and relieved) sigh.
He doesn’t say those three words often, but he shows you every day. You know that every time he does something for you, or presses a kiss to the top of your head, or cradles you close to him while you nap, it’s his way of saying it.
His marriage proposal isn’t really much of a proposal. He’s not one for big romantic gestures.
Honestly, one day when you’re on a mission together in a tiny town, he sees you just being so helpful and kind to the peasants and everything just clicks. He’s immediately pulling you away towards the little church in the center square.
“Zora, what are you doing?”
He doesn’t answer, just pulls you along until you’re in front of the church. Your eyes widen, and you blush profusely.
He’s nervous, but he puts on a nonchalant attitude as he says “Don’t you think it’s about time?”
And nearly explodes with joy internally when you nod, a bashful smile on your face and love shining in your eyes.
There’s no ring, no fancy trappings, nobody there except the Father and a few citizens roped in to be witnesses. You’re in your dusty Magic Knight Robes, grime on your faces and dirt under your nails
But neither you or Zora care. Your love has always just been about the two of you anyways.
(Honestly the squad probably doesn’t find out until after this, when the marriage certificate you forgot to take with you gets dropped off at the hideout)
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nishigo · 4 years
growing. // razor headcanons & writing. // chapter three.
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a book titled “growing.”
[ c h a p t e r 3 : simple love. ]
the synopsis reads: razor and the dear reader have gotten themselves into quite the mess. miscommunications and raised voices lead to an argument that was more heated than a flaming flower. although healing takes time, could a wound this large be repaired?
authors note: tada! welcome to the last chapter of this short and sweet book that has been created. this one is more stuffed with more fluff than the last and lots of smooches. razor deserves the best, after all. after you finish, put the book back properly on the shelf, okay, traveler? that way it’s easier for people to find it. (or yourself, if you desire.) i, hao, the librarian and timekeeper, thank you in advance. now, have fun with this last chapter of the book. ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
word count: 1,564 words.
tw: lots of fluff. so much so it could give you a toothache. and kisses as well. a bit of crying in the beginning, but that is all.
request status at time of posting: open.
[ chapter one. ] [ chapter two. ] [ chapter three. ] 
in which there is reconciliation and a bright future planned out underneath a doorway, the moon and stars being the only witness.
would you like to read?
> 行。 ( y e s )
> 不行 。( n o )
it would be about three days before you happened to enter mondstadt again.
frankly, you were only in the area because you were passing by, and you were trying to do it as quickly as possible.
after lisa would get her plants and such, you were off again to the inn and then to take up another mission granted to you in the morning.
though, despite the mission you ended up taking solo, you couldn’t stop thinking about that terrible night with razor.
you couldn’t bear the thought of seeing him again, knowing that most likely, you’d end up in tears again.
you couldn’t have waterfalls pouring out of your eyes in front of someone that meant so much to you.
but fate seemed to be pushing its luck, and the stars were aligning just for the two of you.
you and razor stared at each other for a moment, as if the other was an apparition and they were dreaming. his rough, calloused hands took a hold of one of your own gentle ones.
no, this was real alright.
the two of you were both afraid to make the first move, but once more, razor used his instinct to initiate what he thought was needed.
his strong arms wrapped around your neck, nuzzling into the soft skin.
you felt so warm.
you felt cozy.
you felt like home.
course, you were caught off guard, and as much as your brain told you to pull away, you heard him whisper into your ear.
“i missed you.”
and then the walls came tumbling down.
your previous attitude towards him was diminished, and you were back to where you started.
you were still in love. and now, he knew he was as well.
Razor pulled away, and for the first time, you were able to take in much more detail than what you had initially seen. There were tired bags under his eyes, his face worn out, as if he had not been able to sleep for weeks. His silver hair was a mess under his hood and his voice was much quieter, as if he was stepping on eggshells while determining how to make his next move. You gently reached out, cupping his cheek with that gentle, comforting smile you always wore.
His body shook as he suddenly felt as if his insides were collapsing. He felt his face grow hot with tears that ran down his pale skin, over his scar, and down onto the tiled floor. He felt so guilty for what he had done to you that he was terrified that you would seek vengeance. Or that you would leave. The latter was much more terrifying, as he hated when you were gone for a few days, how could he handle not seeing you for the rest of his life? Seeing your hands raise up, he braced for impact of a harsh hit to the face with his eyes squeezing shut.
“Shhh, Razor...it’s okay.” You murmured softly as he felt two soft hands delicately cup his face. Your thumbs would run along his smooth skin, wiping away the tears that continued to flow down. Your own eyes would water, but by the grace of the stars, you were able to keep somewhat of a composure. He opened his eyes just barely, enough to see you again at least. Confused by the look he was giving you, you began to carefully let go and put your hands down before he grabbed your wrists in a swift motion. Back they went to his face, and back you went to wiping his tears and simply holding his head in the doorway.
“Y/-Y/N. I am s-sorry. I h-hurt you. Didn’t m-mean to, just n-no know what l-love was.” Razor managed to choke out through staggered breaths and hiccups. You kept up your affection, smiling gently as you let one hand go of his cheek.
“Don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have run off so fast and had more patience with you. I’m sorry myself.`` To calm him down further, you hesitantly lifted a hand and ran it through his silver locks. Razor froze for a moment, but he relaxed further into your touch as he tilted his head more towards the hand, similar to that of what a cat would do. Silence ran its course as you two slowly began to heal from the wounds of that night.
“I love you.” He stated simply. It almost slipped your mind as you continued to play with his hair and cup his cheek, but you did a double take as you stared at him.
“You...you what?”
“I love you.” Razor repeated again, a bit louder this time in case you couldn’t hear him or something of the sort. You were about to ask him if he was joking, but his face held a serious look to them as it dawned on you. He really meant it. Granted, it was the most simple, basic way to confess feelings back towards a person, but you didn’t mind. It was what made him charming and attractive to you anyways.
“Why do you love me?” Razor paused to think about it, deep in thought as he did his best to string the words Lisa recently taught him together into something worth remembering.
“Simple, love. Love is a person, like how mate is a being. Therefore, you are love. Warm, safe, kind. Easy to be vulnerable and be...Razor. Guard down.” He explained to you with a sweet look on his features. Despite his limited vocabulary, you were deeply touched. He took the time to think and make sure his point was clearly mentioned. Razor grinned happily as he tilted his head at you. The air was light again, the heavy feeling replaced with his heart being ecstatic as he didn’t have to even say anything else. He could feel how happy you became from hearing what he said. It was good he could sense your happiness, because you were left speechless.
“Be my love? Please?” Razor asked quietly as you continued your silent streak. Since you were at a loss for words, and because you knew his love language was physical touch, you decided to show rather than tell. Your hand that was on his cheek trailed down his face and found its place wrapped around his hips. Then, with one swoop, you pulled him in closer to you and gently collided your lips with his.
It was if a supernova had exploded inside of his chest. The feeling was forgein, unfamiliar. Perhaps this technique of two lips put together was a human tradition he had yet to learn. He didn’t know what to do, so he mimicked you a bit. He opened his eyes slightly and then watched as you leaned in. He would then mirror the action for a few seconds before you pulled away. He knew that whatever you had just done to him was a way of saying yes. He just knew, and he loved it. The affection and having your full attention was all he could ever ask for. In fact, Razor found himself wanting more as he cutely pouted.
“More please?” You laughed, covering your mouth a bit as you nodded your head and cupped his cheeks again. You peppered your kisses all over his face: on his forehead, nose, temple, chin, the corners of his lips. Razor huffed adorably as he shook his head, pointing at his lips.
“You miss! I want here, love!” Razor whined, though, his complaining was stopped as you kissed his lips again. He melted in your hold, and there was no better feeling in the whole world. The boy would pull away this time, panting softly as he curiously touched his lips with his hands. It was amazing every time he received them, and he knew that he would never grow tired of them. Perhaps you could give him lessons, he thought. Then he would become an expert! Yes, that sounded like a plan. But that would come at a later date.
For now, he wanted to spend the night with you in his arms again.
some extra things i’ve thought of:
he would have totally dragged you into the guest bedroom where he was staying and given you a bunch of grass and flowers he had arranged.
(“give her a gift she will appreciate, something from nature!” was what lisa suggested.)
the roots were still there, along with heaps of dirt, but you found it endearing nonetheless as you laughed and accepted them.
he also got you chocolate covered strawberries! he had made them with klee (a mistake on lisa’s part, she will never let those two in the same room unsupervised again, especially not a kitchen.)
he would make it up to you by practicing how to formulate sentences under the bright sun in wolvendom.
you would reward him with kisses or headpats, so he worked extra hard in order to improve his linguistic skills.
because of being a bit traumatized from being seperated from you for so long, he gets a bit of separation anxiety when you leave him for too long. he’ll do missions or even go shopping with you just to ease himself down.
also hold his hand :(((
or any words of affirmation will do , he loves both when they come from you :))
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Like Real People Do
Ship: Jiang Cheng/Wen Ning Rating: T Summary: This is an expansion upon/continuation of 'Warmth', a drabble I posted in June where Wen Ning and Jiang Wanyin have begun to spend their nights together. It isn't necessary to read that to understand this but it is only 100 words, so why not?
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If Wen Ning had any circulation to be cut off, he's quite certain his arm would be asleep right now with the way Jiang Wanyin was sleeping on it. He squeezed his hand into a fist and opened it again as if it had and he needed to get the blood flowing. If he were being honest, this was not very comfortable. Wanyin had been laying on his chest before, that was comfortable, but then he had to roll over and pin Wen Ning's arm to the bed. He wanted to move. There was no real reason to move, it's not like staying like this was going to hurt him, so he looked over at the man causing the dilemma and sighed, deciding it wasn't worth potentially waking him.
It was nearly morning anyway so he wouldn't have to wait too long, there was no way this arrangement of theirs was going to be completely comfortable for him all of the time anyway. When it first happened nearly three months ago he never expected it to become a nightly routine. The two of them often found themselves in the same places and while they made a valiant attempt to ignore each other completely, they had too many shared connections in this world and those connections were determined to bring them together. The first time they talked, really had a conversation, was the night Wei Wuxian got married. Wanyin was feeling melancholic and happened to find the same spot in the Cloud Recesses Wen Ning always went to be alone. It didn't take long to figure out he was extremely drunk. In retrospect that was probably the only reason why the conversation happened, it probably didn't even matter who he was talking to, but Wen Ning felt honored to be trusted with the feelings Wanyin voiced that night.
That was also the first night they slept together. Or, Wanyin slept and Wen Ning held him. It was nice, Sandu Shengshou wanting to be held was a surprise and Wen Ning was sure he was going to be yelled at and kicked out in the morning, but Wanyin was warm and it felt nice to be with another person and to have a physical connection. On the other hand he was also filled with anxiety, fully expecting things to turn bad. But the morning came and Jiang Wanyin opened his eyes and though it was covered quickly Wen Ning was sure he saw something like relief in them.
"You're still here." Wanyin said in a groggy, still halfway asleep kind of voice.
It wasn't angry or an accusation like Wen Ning would have expected so he just nodded, gave an awkward smile and said "I'm still here."
A month after that Wen Ning accompanied Wei Wuxian to Lotus Pier and it happened again. Only this time Jiang Wanyin wasn't drunk, and Wen Ning stayed. His excuse was that he wanted to stay with Sizhui, who was staying with Jin Ling, who was here. But then a week passed and Sizhui left and he stayed and there were no more excuses. It was odd. It was sudden. And was still odd if he thought about it for too long. They never talked about that first night after it happened and they never talked about these nights here. It almost felt as if speaking about it would break the spell. All of the progress they have made interacting peacefully, or as peacefully as possible with someone like Jiang Wanyin, would shatter and he would be hated again and he would be forced to leave Lotus Pier. These nights of warmth would end.
So Wen Ning just seemed to be living here for the last two months and no one knew why and since the clan leader said nothing, neither did anyone else. There was one exception, Wei Wuxian knew why now. It was about a week ago when Wei Wuxian showed up suddenly to Yunmeng and decided on a whim to enter Lotus Pier in the middle of the night and surprise his brother by barging into his room to announce his arrival. He was most likely treating it like some sort of prank, expecting to be yelled at in a way he found entertaining. What he was not expecting was to find Wen Ning in his brother's bed. Wei Wuxian froze and stared for a moment, giving Wanyin enough time to wake up and process what just happened, and then burst out laughing.
"Shit, I'm so sorry" Wei Wuxian choked out in between laughs, "I shouldn't laugh, I shouldn't, sorry!"
Still laughing of course.
"GET OUT!" Jiang Wanyin looked ready to kill someone and might have acted on that if Wei Wuxian hadn't nodded and left, managing to hold what was left of his laughter in
Wanyin avoided the both of them the next day and Wen Ning was scared, more scared than he had been prepared to be, that it was over now. Wei Wuxian promised not to tell, but did want to talk to Wen Ning about it. That conversation was excruciating.
"Jiang Cheng can be intense and I know you're both lonely but I just want to make sure this isn't hurting you. Either of you" Wei Wuxian said, sincerity mostly replacing his amusement
Wen Ning was mortified, talking too quickly and stuttering as a result, "Wei-gongzi, please, this isn't what you're thinking!" He managed to get out, "It's just something that happened and it's just sleeping. Nothing else! It's just-"
"Just what?" Wei Wuxian asked.
Wen Ning didn't know how to answer. It was a good question. What the hell was this?
"I don't know what. I do know I don't want it to stop. I know we've been getting along much better-"
That made Wei Wuxian suddenly laugh again, "I would hope so! He's letting you in his bed with him every night, he definitely likes you now."
"I don't know about that" Wen Ning argued, "We argue, he yells all of the time."
"Jiang Cheng yells to express his affection" Wei Wuxian smiled.
"He yells to express everything."
That got another loud laugh before Wei Wuxian leaned forward, grabbed his hands, and when their eyes met he could still see some amusement there "Ah, Wen Ning, don't be stupid like me, okay?"
Wen Ning did not have the slightest idea what he meant by that but looking over at Wanyin sleeping soundly crushing his arm, he knew he couldn't bring himself to move. And it wasn't for convenience, it was because Wanyin slept so soundly. It was because he was the only person who ever got to see Wanyin like this and he wasn't going to give up a moment of it.
What were they doing?
What the hell were they doing?
What the hell was he doing?
A groan and some shifting next to him told him this night was over. Wanyin turned back toward him and sat up slowly. This was...different? Wanyin stared at him for far longer than was comfortable with a contemplative expression.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked, direct as ever even this early.
Wen Ning blinked, "What?"
"Don't 'what' me! You look like you're about to cry. What's wrong with you?" He shouted, brows furrowing as he became more frustrated.
Wen Ning took in a sharp breath. He hadn't realized he was letting his emotions show like that. He certainly did not want to have this talk right this second. He looked at Wanyin's face and thought about how immediately his features became much harder when he woke. He looked so much older this way. He looked angry but Wen Ning was slowly learning to see behind the anger. Once upon a time Wanyin's tone in his questioning would make Wen Ning shrink back and feel attacked but now he can hear the concern in it. Jiang Wanyin was worried about him. That realization hit him in a way he couldn't have seen coming and if he could cry he might have started.
"It's nothing." Wen Ning lied, "You've slept in some, get dressed and go have breakfast."
Wanyin stared at him for another agonizing second before deciding to let it go for the moment.
"Don't tell me what to do" He barked as he got up from the bed and began to get dressed.
Wen Ning smiled softly and only let it drop when Wanyin left the room. Not now. He couldn't have that conversation now. He couldn't risk breaking this.
"Don't be stupid like me, okay?"
Wen Ning groaned and let himself fall back on the bed as he suddenly realized what Wei Wuxian was talking about. He let himself fall in love without even realizing. He was so fucked. Their conversation implied Wei Wuxian believed Wanyin loved him back but there was no way he could know for sure. He wanted to call Wanyin back in and tell him everything he realized overnight. He wanted to run and hide and never see Wanyin again. He wanted to know how Wanyin felt. He absolutely did not want to know how Wanyin felt. He hated this. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before sitting back up and deciding to meditate. There was nothing he could do right now, so why was he panicking? Wanyin would be taking care of sect business most of the day and he would have time to collect his thoughts.
Despite his attempts not to worry, it started getting dark without Wen Ning realizing how much time had passed. He'd been hiding in Wanyin's room all day, knowing he wouldn't come back until dark, but now it was getting closer to the time he wouldn't be able to avoid. Talking to Wanyin. He looked around the room and took it all in just in case. Made sure he memorized every detail he could in case he was right all along and talking about it was going to ruin things. As prepared as he could be he stepped out of the room. It took some looking but he found Wanyin in a secluded area of Lotus Pier. A beautiful spot with a view of the water where they both sometimes went to enjoy the peace.
Not giving him a chance to turn back Wanyin looked over at him immediately, "Oh, so you're done avoiding me now?"
Wen Ning did flinch at that tone. He hadn't meant to hurt him but he remembered how it felt to be avoided the day Wei Wuxian found out and felt guilt set in.
"I'm sorry" Wen Ning started, "I've been thinking about things, we should talk"
Wanyin visibly steeled himself, "About what?"
Wen Ning took a deep breath, "Wanyin, what are we doing?"
Silence. Definitely not the worst answer he could have gotten but it did nothing to quell his anxieties. He took several steps closer so that they were standing face to face. From here he could see clearly he wasn't alone in that anxiety. He guessed Wanyin wanted to scream right now since that was how he usually dealt with things and Wen Ning felt grateful he wasn't doing that now.
"Wei Wuxian freaked you out, didn't he?" Wanyin was gritting his teeth, holding something in Wen Ning couldn't place, "No one is forcing you to be here. You can just go if you want."
"Do you want me to go?" Wen Ning said with a shaky breath, taking another step closer.
"Why would I care?"
But Wen Ning could see it. Behind the clenched jaw, and the frown, and the angry furrow of his brows, he was just as afraid as Wen Ning had been. Maybe he would never understand how this started, why Wanyin wanted him here, but he was here now and had no intention of leaving. Wanyin was fooling no one by saying he didn't care and it was time to call his bluff. Wen Ning let the silence go on as he built up his nerve and closed the distance between them, bringing their lips together softly at first to give Wanyin a chance to back out but kissing him fully when he did not. He cupped Wanyin's face in his hands and pulled him in deeper, smiling lightly when he felt Wanyin's hands flail a bit, not seeming to be able to decide where to land. He settled for holding on to Wen Ning's arms.
It was awkward and brief and the most thrilling experience Wen Ning had ever had. He had never kissed anyone before. When they pulled back his head was spinning and all he wanted was to go back for more.
"I'm staying right here."
They fell into bed that night still kissing and letting their hands explore. Wen Ning kissed from Wanyin's mouth to his jaw, and relished in the gasp Wanyin gave when he got to his neck. He was sure he could do this forever, the rest of their talk could wait. They eventually had to roll back over, Wanyin laying on his chest slowly falling asleep. Wen Ning held him firm and watched his breath even out, closing his eyes and letting his own breath sync with it and it almost felt like sleep. He could feel Wanyin's heartbeat on his chest, he could feel the ghost of Wanyins lips on his, and now more than ever, he felt warm.
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earliebirb · 4 years
too close for comfort
I kinda combined the following two prompts from an anon and @ishipallthings​​ into one fic. I hope you guys don’t mind! 
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Sorry it’s taking me a century to go through all the prompts in my inbox. 😔 
I hope you enjoy the fic! 🤍
too close for comfort
steve/tony, fluff, getting together, 2532 words
It was born out of a genuine desire to help, but as with many things in his life, Tony soon finds that the situation is rapidly spiraling out of his control.
It all started because Steve had looked so goddamn sad all the time. The guy seemed to have the tendency to turn every single negative emotion inwards and Tony just couldn’t stand seeing him wound up so tight anymore, like if someone were to poke him in the wrong way he would just snap one day.
So maybe when Steve was seated at the dining table one day, shoulders hunched in on himself and a grim expression on his face, Tony’s resolve to just leave the man alone finally broke and he asked, between sips of his fifth cup of coffee of the day:
Blue eyes turned his way, ever wary and apprehensive.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but—” Tony set his MIT mug down on the counter and took a fortifying breath. “Do you want a hug?”
Steve blinked a few times. To be fair, it was sort of a non-sequitur.
The perplexed expression taking over Steve’s features made Tony kick himself internally, because of course Steve was going to be weirded out—Tony wasn’t even sure if they were friends. 
Tony swallowed with difficulty, deciding to power through for the moment despite his better judgment, “When I was little, my mom used to give me hugs when I had a bad day. I learned to ask for them from my mom from time to time, growing up, and then from Rhodey during college, and then Pepper sometimes, and I just thought— You know what, never mind, pretend I never said anything, this was stupid—”
“I—” Steve blurted out. Tony paused. 
Steve was quiet for a few moments. The lines of his face crumpled up in an awful grimace, looking like it physically hurt him to speak as he gritted out, “I would like one. If you don’t mind.”
Tony blinked three times in rapid succession. Then he shuffled over awkwardly to where Steve was sitting. 
“So, like, do you want to stand up or do I just lean down? Uh, which one would you prefer? Or—”
Steve took the choice entirely out of his hands when he stood up, tall body towering over Tony. He then proceeded to wrap his arms around Tony tentatively, like he wasn't sure how Tony would fit in his embrace.
Their bodies pressed up flush against one another, the dips and curves lining up perfectly. With his arms curled around Steve, Tony tightened his hold around Steve’s midriff just a little bit, the way Tony liked it when he was stressed out, physical touch grounding him in the moment and reminding him to focus on the present. 
By the pleased and almost involuntary sigh Steve let out, he seemed to appreciate it, too. The cold tip of Steve’s nose brushed against the skin of his exposed collarbone as Steve curled even closer into him. 
They stayed like that for a few heartbeats, soaking up each other’s warmth. Tony could even feel himself relaxing, the tension ebbing away from his muscles. Maybe he had needed the hug just as much as Steve did. 
When Steve eventually pulled back to release him, he looked better. Not like he had been relieved of all of his burdens, but looking less like he was going to cave in due to the weight of the world. The line of his shoulders was less taut, like he had acquired the strength to push through at least another day. 
“Thank you, Tony,” Steve said, voice all low, rough, and unmistakably earnest, blue eyes looking down at Tony in wonder. He looked like he was looking at Tony in an entirely new light and Tony was a little bit terrified to find out just exactly what kind of light that was. 
After all, they had gotten off on the wrong foot, meeting under less than ideal circumstances with tensions running high. 
“Anytime, Cap.”
“Steve,” Steve corrected gently with a kind smile, “please call me Steve.”
“Anytime, Steve,” he said, and found that he genuinely meant it. 
Steve seemed to think that Tony had meant it, too, because after that one fateful hug, Steve sought him out for more. He became surprisingly liberal with physical affection when it came to Tony, going to him for not only more hugs but also other kinds of physical touch: claps on the back, shoulder squeezes, and in one memorable incident that Tony remembers with way too much fondness and startling clarity—hand-holding.
Well, sort of. Steve had been watching TV in the common area on one chilly evening and his face lit up the second he saw Tony walking in. 
“What are you watching?” Tony asked, taking the empty seat beside him on the couch. 
Steve glanced back at the TV screen. Tony took in the sight of Steve, clad in a cozy-looking brown wool sweater and a pair of grey sweatpants, his long limbs lax and back sinking into the couch. His eyes lingered on Steve’s easy smile. He seemed more relaxed, no longer looking like he had a stormy cloud looming above his head all the time. Tony thought that maybe Steve was starting to become more accustomed to the twenty-first century.
Privately, he also liked to think that maybe he had helped in some way to make Steve feel more at home at the Tower.
“I’m not sure, actually. Some animated movie.” Steve shrugged, watching the TV absentmindedly, the colorful lights from the screen reflected in his bright blue eyes. 
As he spoke, he rubbed his hands together continuously, skin glistening under the lights. It was then that Tony detected a pleasant and sweet smell in the air. 
“What’s that?” Tony asked, nodding at Steve’s hands.
Steve’s smile widened at the question. He leaned forward and picked up a small tube that was sitting on top of the coffee table, handing it to Tony.
“Hand cream,” he said. “Vanilla and cinnamon-scented. Bruce finds it soothing and he recommended it to me.”
“Huh.” Tony smiled, inspecting the tube of cream in his hand.
“You want some?”
“Here, I’ll apply it for you.” Steve snatched the tube out of his hands and turned sideways to face him on the couch. “Give me your hand.”
Tony did so obediently and watched as Steve squirted a generous amount of cream onto the palm of his hand. Steve began rubbing the dollop of cream around with both of his hands, spreading it all over the skin of Tony’s calloused palm—rendered sandpaper-rough from all his engineering work. He also made sure to apply the cream to Tony’s fingers, as well as the back of his palm and down to his wrist. 
All the while, Tony found it oddly difficult to breathe, heart fluttering with Steve’s every touch. When he was finished with the one hand, Steve asked for the other. Dazed, Tony gave it to him.
He continued to rub cream into Tony’s hand, pouring his full attention into the simple task, making sure the cream was spread all the way to the spaces between his fingers. At one point, he paused, frowning down at a spot on Tony’s hand. Tony swallowed, nervous for some reason he couldn’t pinpoint.
“What?” Tony asked.
Steve tilted Tony’s hand wordlessly, showing him a bit of discoloration located on the webbing of his hand, between his point finger and thumb. 
“Soldering iron,” Tony explained, voice tight and breathless. Steve nodded silently, but his eyes lingered on the scar for a few moments. He gently pressed on the healed burn mark with the pad of his thumb before caressing it in multiple strokes, like if he did it enough times the mark would eventually disappear.
“Sorry. I know my hands aren’t exactly the softest, what with all the work I do in the workshop.” Tony flexed his fingers, feeling more than a little bit self-conscious under Steve’s scrutiny.
Steve maneuvered Tony’s hand so that it was stacked atop his own, palm facing up.
“Not soft, no.” Steve shook his head, agreeing with Tony. Using the index finger of his other hand, he began to trace the lines of Tony’s palm.
Then his lips curved up into a soft smile, eyes following the movements of his own finger across Tony’s hand.
“But really pretty,” he whispered, voice hushed. Steve looked at him then, warm blue eyes holding his gaze steadily. “I think your hands are beautiful, Tony.”
Tony distinctly remembers the way he floundered for a few painful seconds, struggling to come up with a coherent reply, before eventually choking out a feeble “thanks”. 
That moment lingered in his mind for days afterward, and Tony started to find himself unable to stop his own mind from wandering toward thoughts of Steve on a daily basis, like the man himself had moved in permanently and taken up residence in Tony’s head.
When Tony’s heart couldn’t stop doing somersaults in his chest after Steve had ambushed him with a random hug one morning as the man made his way to the elevator for his run, Tony decided that all of this had to stop.
That is how he finds himself standing in front of Steve’s bedroom, trying to build up the courage to knock on Steve’s door to tell him that he has to start going to someone else for his fix of physical comfort, because Tony just can’t offer it to him anymore without feeling increasingly like he is taking advantage of Steve, greedily savoring every touch that Steve has been innocently giving him. 
It doesn’t take a genius to understand that what Steve needs is physical touch in general for the sake of comfort, and not necessarily from Tony in particular. Steve just seeks him out because Tony is the one person that has given him explicit permission to do so, the one that has offered him physical affection in the first place. 
Tony inhales deeply to calm his nerves and squeezes his eyes shut. His raised fist is about to rap on the door when said door opens abruptly from the inside. Tony takes a few steps back in surprise. Steve blinks at the sight of Tony, equally as taken aback.
“Tony? What are you doing here?”
“I just— I— Um. That is, I was, uh—”
Tony stills when Steve gathers him into his arms, pulling him close. Steve buries his face in the crook of Tony’s neck, breathing him in before sighing in relief. 
“What great timing. I’m having a terrible day. I was just about to go and find you,” Steve confesses, voice muffled, nose and lips brushing against the delicate skin just above Tony’s collarbone. That combined with the tickling sensation of his warm breath has Tony holding his breath and clenching his jaw to fight an inappropriate shiver from running down his spine. 
Tony’s heart is racing in his chest, blood is rushing in his ears, and he can definitely feel his palms starting to get clammy with sweat. 
“Actually, Steve,” Tony squeaks, “I need you to let me go.”
Steve tenses almost immediately around him, muscles locking tight. Slowly, he releases Tony. When Tony pulls back, he gets a clear look at the evident confusion and concern playing out on Steve’s face. 
“I’m sorry, did I hurt you somewhere?” Steve’s eyes travel down Tony’s body, looking for signs of injury.
“No,” Tony says as he shakes his head with a shaky exhale, “it’s nothing like that.”
Steve’s eyebrows draw even closer together. “What’s wrong?”
“I… don’t think I can do this anymore.”
Steve continues to stare at him, eyes unblinking.
“The hugs,” Tony clarifies, the two words leaving his mouth in a rush.
Steve blinks, processing the information. His mouth opens and closes quietly, like he doesn’t know what to say. 
“Oh,” Steve breathes. Tony thinks he catches a flash of hurt in Steve’s eyes.
Concern immediately floods back into his eyes. “I’m sorry, Tony. Did I make you uncomfortable? In any way, at all?”
You made me too comfortable, Tony thinks. 
“No. Uh, it’s not you, it’s me,” he says, and then winces at his choice of words. He averts his gaze, looking at Steve’s chest instead. The weight of Steve’s blue eyes has started to become too much to handle. “I… Uh. It’s just that. I’ve started. Developing feelings. For you.”
After a few seconds of silence, he chances a look up at Steve and finds the man staring at him with an intense look on his face.
Tony quickly drops his eyes back to Steve’s chest. To his horror, he begins to ramble, “Non-friendly feelings for you. I mean, not non-friendly in the sense that I dislike you, because I like you. It’s, uh. More in the sense that I like you... too much. I have feelings. Of the— The non-platonic kind. And, uh, yeah. There. Sorry. I really didn’t want to make things awkward between us.”
Steve continues to say nothing.
And then—
Steve chuckles. Tony’s head snaps up. Upon catching Tony’s eyes, Steve bites back a grin.
“What— Are you laughing at me? Is this funny to you?” Tony asks, quickly crossing the line from nervous and embarrassed to offended. Tony is putting himself in a vulnerable position for the sake of their friendship, okay? He is trying to do the right thing here. He expected a polite and painful rejection, but laughter?
“No, no,” Steve says in between chuckles that manage to slip out despite his best efforts, “please don’t be mad. I just—”
“What?” Tony interrupts, unimpressed.
“I’ve, uh… The truth is, I’ve been finding excuses to touch you for months now,” Steve admits sheepishly, cheeks tinged a soft pink. His gaze drops down to the floor. “At first, I really did look forward to your hugs because they brought me comfort. They calmed me down, made me feel better. But then you kept being so sweet and kind, always checking in on me, making sure I’m okay, even when you don’t have to. And you’re so funny, Tony. You make me laugh even on my worst days, when it seems impossible to, and I just…”
The words trail off and Steve shrugs before meeting Tony’s eyes bashfully. 
“After a while, you just made it impossible for me not to fall for you.” 
Tony blinks, heart in his throat. It doesn’t feel real, hearing that he can affect someone else in the way Steve just described. 
Steve swallows, stepping closer to Tony. Carefully, he cradles Tony’s cheeks in his hands.
“You make me really happy, Tony.” Steve looks down at him, sincerity gleaming in his azure eyes. “And I’d be over the moon if you’d be willing to give me the chance to try to make you as happy as you’ve made me.”
Tony’s throat clicks. When he remembers to breathe again, he replies:
“I’d— Love to,” Tony whispers, low voice fraught with emotion. “I’d really like that.”
When Steve’s lips melt sweetly against his, Tony feels him smile into the kiss, the first of a thousand more to come. 
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an-yeppeoso · 4 years
Reverie: Ebon Light Walkthrough
This guide is still under construction.
Edit about the title: I was around in the very beginning when it was called Reverie: Ebon Light. I can change it if you guys find it confusing. Lemme know.
This is a guide for Ebon Light by @underbliss. You can download the game at https://underbliss.itch.io/ebon-light
 I’ve been following this game since 2018 and some of my friends began to show an interest in it, so I figured I’d do the world a favor and make a guide.
The order of this guide will be stats, a review of the sort of prologue, Vadyen’s route, Laceaga’s route, Haron’s route, Ernol’s route, and finally Duliae’s route. I will briefly cover the what happens if you don’t want to date anyone as well.
First let’s talk about your character stats. The stats are important because they unlock certain options for you in the future. You can get through any of the routes with each of the dispositions, but I’ve found there are dispositions I prefer more for each route. Alternatively, you don’t have to romance any of the characters. That’s one of the nice things about this game. 
Character Stats
You characters has 4 core stats: cunning, curiosity, charm, tenacity. 
Cunning: a stat that goes up if you play smart, have a smooth way with words, and manipulate others.
Curiosity: a stat that goes up if you ask questions every chance you get. 
Charm: this stat was hard to figure out since options that seem like they might get your charm up, get your amity up instead. To get this stat up you need to play nice, be pleasant with others, and be okay with entertaining them
Tenacity: I’d say this is the easiest stat to understand. To get it up you have to never give up. Be sure of yourself, of your success. Be a fighter. 
These stats can only improve. They do not change if there are under a certain amount. The stats that do change are:
Amity: Amity is basically how peaceful you are. Make enough choices that aren’t peaceful and this stat will change and become discord. From what I’ve experienced, it doesn’t matter that much if you have it in discord. Sometimes, certain romanceable characters will have choices that you need amity for.
Desire: Desire is your desire for change. Do you take initiative to change things? This is helpful when you are trying to take advantage of the fracture, or trying to charm Lorne, but again, it’s okay if you don’t have high desire. If you choose enough choices that are nonchalant, this stat will change and become inertia. I try to have this stat up when doing Haron and Ernol’s routes.
Virtue: Virtue is what it sounds like; how morally upstanding you are. If you act with loose morals, this stat will become vice. Again, I’m not quite sure if it really matters, but I try to have this stat up when I’m doing Vadeyn’s route.
Daring: Again, it’s what it sounds like. How willing to face danger are you? How brave are you? This turns into timid if you act as such.
Faith: This is how trusting you are. I’m always trusting when I’m doing Vadeyn’s route. In general, it’s good to have a little faith. This will turn to doubt if you act suspicious of everyone. 
Charity: This is basically how kind you are, how selfless. This turns into malice when you are mean spirited. 
Might: Might is how weak you are both physically and mentally. If you stumble when physically attacked, rely on other too much and act helpless, this stat will turn into frailty. 
Grip: This is a very important one. At the beginning it is called rest. This changes after you come to the island. Grip is basically how much grip you have over the Cuthintal. Also how sane you are. Act in manners that display no grip over your power, and this changes to madness. The only time this really comes into play is during battles. If you get a lot of grip, this stat will change to haunt.
The game is designed so you can get a good ending with the disposition of your choosing. That being said, For Duliae’s route I highly recommend choosing cunning as your disposition. Choices that don’t affect your stats will be left out of the guide.
“And what was I to take from this miserable little tale, [name]?”
Never trust anyone: this will lower your faith and will make it turn into doubt.
Fools make foolish oaths: from what I could see, it doesn’t affect any of your stats significantly. 
Darkness cannot be sealed away: this will lower your desire and make it turn into inertia.
Nothing: from what I could see, this doesn’t affect any of your stats significantly.
Just passing the time: again, I don’t think this one does anything.
“Well... I’m not sure.”
You’re not sure where you stole it?: this will decrease your faith and amity.
“Besides, do you really care where I got it?”
Yes!: this will increase your virtue.
Well... no.: this will decrease your virtue.
“And there’s Rylen to consider, of course”
Try to haggle: this option is only significant if you chose the cunning disposition. It won’t affect your stats. If you haggle with him you gain 5 trin. Trin actually doesn’t matter and I will explain why later.
Decline: does nothing but opens up another option for you to reconsider or decline again.
“Rylen turned to leave.”
I was happy to let him leave as quickly as he wanted: does nothing but opens up other options which do affect your stats: 
He was was irritating me: lowers your amity
He was making me nervous: lowers your daring
I wanted to ask for stories of the sea: does nothing but opens up other options which do affect your stats:
The places you’ve seen?: raises your curiosity
The might of the sea?: raises your might
Something rare and beautiful?: raises your charm
“It had been threatening to give way for weeks;...”
Kick it: lowers your amity
“What are you doing?”
Hello, Aunt Vanya: increases your charity
You startled me!: decreases you might and daring
None of your business: decreases you amity
“Fair? Save your breathe.”
Then I’ll go: increases your charity
You’re lying: decreases your faith
What business do you have in the village?: increases your curiosity
I don’t care!: decreases you charity by a lot
“I knew the Burned Forest well...”
Keep foraging: increases your tenacity
Explore: increases your curiosity
“No longer alone, I began to feel a bit calmer”
Though I was still plenty terrified: decreases your might and daring
I was actually very curious: increases your curiosity
I was ready to defend myself: increases your might
“Everything’s certainly been strange lately”
I’ve not forgiven you: decreases your amity
I think I’ll as Rylen about that man in the forest: increases your tenacity
I wonder what I was dreaming...: increases your curiosity
“No, he definitely wasn’t human.”
Run!: does nothing but opens more options after Laceaga catches you:
I was terrified: decreases your daring
I was enraged: increases your daring
I was going to destroy him: increases your daring and might
Attack: increases your daring and might and opens new options:
I’m not done!: increases your tenacity
Is there any point?: decreases your desire
Speak: increases your amity and opens new options:
Be diplomatic: increases your desire
Be aggressive: increases your daring and might
“Do you know what I am?”
You’re the stranger that’s been following me: decreases your faith
You’re a dead man!: increases your daring, might, and tenacity. To unlock this option you need to have acted in an aggressive manner towards him
You’re an elf?: increases your curiosity
If you traded with Rylen:
“The spice I got from Rylen was in a pouch..”
The pouch of spice, from the pirate?: increases your amity
(Lie) I don’t know what you’re talking about: as far as I could see this does nothing
If you traded with Rylen:
“The Cuthintal belongs to me...”
It is mine actually: increases your daring
And what makes it yours?: increases your curiosity
Fine!: decreases your might
Do you want to fight me for it?: increases your might and decreases your amity. This option unlocks if you were aggressive towards him
“Was he serious?”
Start walking: increases your amity
Shake your head: increases your daring
“There was a pounding in my ear”
Attempt to trap the elf in the hut: opens these options:
Look inside first: increases your curiosity
Go for it!: As far as I can see this does nothing. Let me know if I’m wrong
Put the slide down and abandon this foolishness: decreases your desire
“I could tell Vanya wasn’t...”
It’s alright Vanya: increases your desire and charity
(Beg her to do something): decreases your might and virtue and opens up these options:
Agree to come willingly: I don’t think this does anything
Refuse to come: I don’t think this does anything. Laceaga catches you either way and you have to come with him
I won’t come: Increases your daring and opens up these options:
Scared of me?: increases your might
Leave her alone: increases your charity
“I could tell we...”
Where is Gha’alia?: increases your curiosity
Ugly scars: this does nothing but I like to tease my boy Lacey. Plus MC gets roasted so it’s funny
Is my aunt okay?(unlocks if you resist going straight away): increases your charity and opens these options:
What does that mean?: increases your tenacity and opens the same options below 
Did you kill her?: increases your tenacity and opens these options:
If you let me think she’s dead, I might snap: To unlock this you need to have been aggressive. None of the options affect your stats but this one let’s you know what happened to Vanya
(Drop it): decreases your tenacity
“You will be on that ship.”
I will not: increases your daring and might 
You could have just asked: increases your charm
You have to give me more information!: increases your curiosity
This dialogue changes a bit depending on your past choices but the options are the same
We definitely will not be friends: doesn’t do anything but open 3 more options which also don’t do anything
(Please for the love of God call him Lacey, his reactions and everyone else’s reactions are so funny and you can change it later if you’re doing his route. Irl I actually call him Lasagna :3)
“I felt a surge of optimism”
Then fix this!: increases your might
Then you can let me go!: increases your tenacity
Are you all like him?: increases your curiosity
He’s a talented stalker: increases your charm
“Wasn’t that obvious?”
Thank you: increases your charity
“If you don’t mind... how did you end up...?”
Tell him: increases your faith and opens up these options:
Yes, he made me: I don’t think this does anything
I was ready to leave Edric anyway: increases your curiosity
Ask him why he wants to know: decreases your faith a lot
Don’t tell him anything: decreases your faith
“He thinks that if someone is defenseless,...”
 He’s right: decreases your virtue by an insane amount and decreases your charity
He’s wrong: increases your virtue and charity
I can defend myself!: increases your might by a lot and opens these options:
Then give me a few years to catch up, and we’ll see: increases your might
Then I should learn to defend myself: increases your might and tenacity and opens 2 options that don’t really do anything as far as I can tell
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