#Alternativ universe
klayr-de-gall · 2 years
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The Gilded Waves
By @psyleedee
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Andrea Kormos/Benny Lafitte
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Dean Winchester, Omega Castiel (Supernatural), Alternate Universe - Pirate, Alternate Universe - FantasyCrimes & Criminals, Thief Castiel (Supernatural), Prostitute Castiel (Supernatural), True Mates, Fluff and Angst, Miscommunication, Enemies to Lovers, Love at First Sight, Scent Marking, Dom/sub Undertones, Smut, Anal Sex, Knotting, Canon-Typical Violence, Murder Husbands, Breeding, Older Dean Winchester, Young Castiel (Supernatural), Dark Past, Past Child Abuse, Past Sexual Abuse, Past Rape/Non-con, Hurt/Comfort, Falling In Love, Implied Mpreg, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Twink Castiel (Supernatural), Rough Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Final Battle, Minor Character Death, Action & Romance, Rogue Castiel (Supernatural)
Dean Winchester was a living-legend; a threat mothers scared their pups with if they misbehaved, undisputed king of the seas: the most dangerous alpha-pirate to exist. Dean lived by food, blood, and sex. And nothing could ever change that, until one fine night, when one, cheeky little omega dancer stole his heart away for once and evermore, and right then was when Dean Winchester was truly, deeply gone. From a lustful heathen to a gentle romantic, it was love at first sight. Not to mention the tempting curves, the sinful voice, and that aprhrodisiac of a scent that drove Dean wild to no extent.
But Castiel wasn't your ordinary prostitue. Not by the tiniest chance.
Castiel was a living-legend; a threat people scared alphas with. Known to be the chief of the most wicked, clever, and underground bandit-gang whose mission was to rid the world of useless, abusive, brutish alphas.
Castiel cannot love Dean; he isn't allowed to.
But love— it finds a way, doesn't it?
[read on Ao3]
@psyleedee’s and mine entry for the DCBB2022 event, by @deancasbigbang!
I had an absolute blast creating art for this story! The pirate theme had me in it's grasp from the absolute start, and the Story absolutely delivered! Make sure to check it out!!
Thank you for being such an amazing partner @psyleedee! It was great working with you! 💙💙💙
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nononsenseladies · 1 year
The Sinners Testimony please
Alright so for everyone who asked about this one, I'm very glad bc that's the thing I'm currently most invested in apart from Sing Me A Song.
It's my Modern AU. 😅
So it's a Lawyer AU as well, cause I think Eve as Anna Clayton corrupted us all.
Rhaenys is a prodigy lawyer even for her 'lawyer family' standards. Her career starts out in the renowned law firm of her family. Rhaenys was supposed to follow her father as Head of the Criminal Defense Dep. But after her parents were killed in a car accident her grandfather, influenced by other partners of the firm, appoints her cousin instead. Broken at the loss of her beloved parents and shame of the rejection as well as minimal support of other family members Rhaenys quits at her family's firm and leaves her family and old life all together. She switches London for Aberdeen and defence for prosecution. Putting Criminals behind bars, she quickly becomes the best procurator fiscal the Aberdeen Major Investigation Team under Detective Chief Inspector Otto Hightower has ever worked with and fairly popular. There is only one golden rule when talking to her, not one word about her family. To Rhaenys all the family she needs are her colleagues and a few friends as well as Meleys her big red Maine Coon cat.
Five years later Detective Inspector Corlys Velaryon gets the free job on the Team, trying to leave his own past behind.
They meet under less ideal circumstances which Corlys makes even worse and it takes some work to right the wrongs he did. But even though they have a difficult start Detective and Prosecutor can't deny the attraction to one another and it's not like they can avoid each other since they work together.
After all there is a serial killer on the loose, the most gruesome Aberdeen and the Team have ever seen. Two women already burned beyond recognition, all they had to identify them were the teeth. What little the flames had left, showed signs of the agony and torture these women had to go through in their last days. Rhaenys and Corlys have to work together to find this man before another woman has to die a horrible death.
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chaoticproductivity · 2 years
Love in 3 A.U. - Middle
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Y el amor que perdura no es siempre igual Porque un amor siempre igual nunca dura por siempre
The mid-March chill no longer knew whether to bring late snow or early rain, but the wind was sure to blow as cold as it could and the green foliage didn't want to hear about showing up. Sasuke had managed to clear the chimney in the only room in the house that had a fireplace, so that's where they were, sprawled out on the rug between covers and pillows.
'Here.' Sasuke came back from the kitchen with the hot chocolate. He didn't like such sweet things, so there was tea in his own cup. 'It's hot.'
'Hum, thank you.' Hinata sat cross-legged as close as she could to the crackling fire. Sasuke got to one side and a little behind her, one blanket on his back, one on her lap, a pillow to support his elbow for the had holding the mug and started blowing on the tea like she was already doing with the chocolate.
It hadn't even been half a year.
'I love you.'
Sasuke stopped with the cup halfway to his mouth. Hinata had her back to him, sitting on the cozy bed of blankets they had created several weeks ago and which they always said they were going to undo, but then they woke with their backs stiff and decided they could leave to wash the covers when the temperature got hotter in a month or so – purposely omitting from their minds the fact that they had a dryer.
'I love you.' Came the words again, without hesitation. Hinata was making sure he understood what he had heard. She turned slightly, just enough for their eyes to meet. She was flushed and it was hard to tell in the orange of the fire, but Sasuke knew it, saw it in the glint in her teary eyes, in the slight tremor in the hands that held the mug. 'It's a love that might change or that might even end, I don't know, but here, today… I love you, Sasuke.'
Hinata wiped her eyes with the hem of the sweatshirt sleeve she was wearing, turned back to look at the fire and sipped more of the hot chocolate.
It wasn't a confession, a declaration, an outburst.
It was...
Sasuke knew.
He understood.
He was taken by the same inevitability.
Sasuke set his cup aside to approach Hinata and pull her onto his lap as gently as possible. The position was awkward, but it was enough to assuage the need for contact produced by her words.
'Here and today, I love you too.' Sasuke felt Hinata shiver slightly. 'And I hope that changes so that I love you tomorrow... And a year from now... And yesterday... And the next minute... And in our past and next lives...' Sasuke punctuated the pauses with kisses on Hinata's shoulder, on her neck, on her forehead, jaw, ear. 'That's enough for us to be together.'
Hinata turned to him, there were no more tears in her eyes. She nodded, kissed his nose, was happy to give and receive that changing love, whether it lasted forever or only until...
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vulnonapix1234 · 2 years
Silly Question! What is your guys favorite Pokémon au?
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lacie-crying-ruby · 2 years
Thought I had my fill (But I feel it still)
He was really sure, He Xuan thought while he continued to stare at the kowtowing boy in front of him, that he had already destroyed this wicked soul.
Had done his worst to destroy that wicked soul, pulling it out of the reincarnation cycle for all time.
It seemed, the calamity realized, barely concealing his rage, that this bastard had spat in fate's doing once again. Probably had devoured the souls of less wicked beings, those that were too kind or weak-willed to fight back as their existence was erased forever from this world. Yes, that would perfectly be in character for this abomination of a man.
Just as in character as the boy who was hiding very badly in the next room, head pocking through the door too better see what was going on, eyes wide in fear.
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inaffablejam · 2 years
Hi there, you're probably wondering how I ended up in that situation.
Why not?..
Oh I know, you don't know the situation yet, right...?
That must be it.
Sorry sometimes I get time a little messed up.
You know it has been long, since some found my page and read me.
But your here now, and you're staying, right ?
Please tell me your staying.
By the way, I haven't introduced me yet. I should probably do that.
OK here we go. Sorry I'm rambling again, I'm nervous, sorry.
OK ugh, were do I start.
OK now I have it, I think, don't worry.
I'm Me nice to meet you. And for pronoun, I don't care about that one so much, so call me whatever you feel suits me best. We don't care about gender and pronounce here, but you humans seem to be addicted to it.
That's wierd by the way. Haved you seen Baby-showers, why would someone care about the sex of a baby or child in general.
OK, OK back to my situation. I really loose my focus often.. OK very often.
I need help from you. So here me out please whatever you do, don't close my story, yet. I'm not ready .
Don't even think about it, I'm not ready to let go.
I'm here, and I only exist in here. You let me exist, right now. Maby you already invented a image of me, in your tiny little head. And maby you're right, I don't know how I look like. I could never look at myself in the mirror. Honestly, what is a mirror, I know the word. But what is it?
So that's my situation, you're my creator. I only exist right now, in that moment. I'm here because of you. I should probably thank you for it.
So thank you very much.
To make me feel everything in so little time.
I'm not ready to say goodbye. So I'm just keep talking and talking to you.
Do I even have a voice? I think you should have to decide that.
What is life anyway?...
I don't know...
Do you know?
Maby it's different for every one.
Mine is just a bit shorter than usual.
But hey, as long as you remember me, I'm not completely gone.
OK.. I think I'm OK.
Are you? Don't be sad, I don't want that. It was fun, I have to admit.
But you should let me go.
You have to close that tap eventually, then I'm gone for good. Or for bad, I don't know.
Good bye, thanks for having me.
It was fun till it lasted.
Please remember me.
Go on, don't be shy.
I'm OK, and you're going to be OK as well. Maby not today or even this year. But everything will calm down for you.
You were the best friend and creator I could imagine.
Thank you.....
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pisoirzboinic · 2 years
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Harap-Alb AU unde Ochilă și Păsări Lați Lungilă sunt împreună (da, alea sunt design-urile mele)
Da, i-am desenat la 4 dimineața
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dailyadventureprompts · 9 months
Hey Dapper! As an avid follower of- and equally avid inspiration-taker from your work, first of all, thank you for the work you've put into all this. It is a treasure-trove of knowledge and inspiration that has certainly made me very happy. Can I ask for your thoughts on Tharizdun? I've been trying to form a concept of it for in my own world, but I've had little success.
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Monsters Reimagined: Tharizdun, the Whisperer in Darkness
Being the default "god of madness" Tharizdun brings together two of my enduring gripes with d&d: gods that no one would actually worship and the enduring legacy of depicting people with mental illness as dangerous lunatics devoid of empathy and reason.
As he currently exists in the DM's toolbox, the whole point of including Tharizdun in your campaign is to act as the powersource behind whichever final fantasy style endboss wants to start the apocalypse before unleashing a mass of offband lovecraftian tentacles. Derivative, trite, his singular desire to inspire others to end the world is MCU levels of failing to give villains proper motivations.
We can do better
TLDR: Far In the wildest depths of the astral sea the ur-god Tharizdun is formless and thoughtless, yet dreaming. Resembling nothing so much as a cosmic nebula of oily clouds, a vast and shapeless expanse of churning primordial chaos that pulses with synapses of psychic lighting containing a consciousness older than time itself. Like a sleeper beset with sleep paralysis the chained oblivion thrashes against a reality it can only barely perceive, sending shockwaves of destruction across the cosmos.
While scholars of all worlds debate the true origins and nature of Tharizdun they can agree on two things:
It is more powerful than all the pantheons of creation, and it is terrified.
Inspiration: I wasn't originally going to do a whole monsters reimagined on Tharizdun, instead simply gesturing on what Matt Mercer has done with the deity (using the roiling chaos as a throughline for much of his Exandrian worldbuilding) and leaving it at that.
Around the same time I got this ask though I was considering doing my own take on Azathoth, the so called "blind idiot god" of the lovecraft mythos, inspiration struck and I decided to alloy the two concepts into what I think is a stronger whole. There's a lot of overlap in the two formless horrors, partly due to Tharizdun being a d&d's attempt to dip its toe into eldritch horror, without quite understanding the thematic framework involved.
Like many other things ( Minorities, the sea, decay, air conditioning) Lovecraft was terrified of objective reality. This might sound like a joke, but fundamental to his mythos is the fear that earth and the white men that lived upon it were not the centre of the universe created by a loving god. Lovecraft lived in increasingly scientific times and the science supported the idea of a universe in which humanity's existence was the meaningless product of random chance. Azathoth was this anxiety embodied in its most extreme scale: the capital G god of the universe which sat in the middle of all creation that was not only uncaring towards humanity (as many of Lovecraft's creations were) but the embodiment of ultimate unthinking chaos.
Trying to port Azathoth (and most of the other lovecrafitan pantheon) doesn't work because the conceits of the genre fundamentally clash. D&D DOES propose a moral universe, and goes out of its way to simplify morality down to such a cartoonish level that it has objective answers. In Lovecraft the horror comes from the fact that the cultists and their fucked up alien gods exist, where as the moral christian god doesn't... in d&d there's no reason for the cultists to worship the fucked up alien gods because the regular gods are both existent and quite nice.
The default d&d cosmology has multiple infinite voids of chaos including limbo, the abyss, and the far realm. I've already given my take on one of these, but I wanted an alternative for the origins of the weird that wasn't specifically focused on entropic decay.
There's a fascinating (and very depressing) history over the term hysteria and the connotations of mental crisis with feminine fragility. The word itself comes from the greek word for womb and there's something about the idea of "primal birthing chaos" that's worth playing with insofar as it makes weird rightoids Jordan Peterson deeply afraid.
Taking these thoughts as well as my earlier gripes in mind, its going to take a bit of an overhaul to make Tharizdun/Azathoth as a credible antagonistic force for a campaign. Also, this might be my own bias as an author showing through here but I don't go in for the lovecrafitan "truths too terrible to be understood". I think the universe is a fundamentally knowable place and if things exist outside our means of perceiving them then we'll just bullrush through and work out a temporary explanation on our way.
Here's my Fix/Pitch: Both Tharizdun and Azathoth are supposed to represent primordial chaos and formless madness. D&D's less than stellar history with mental health issues aside, we know that "madness" isn't evil and it isn't the antithetical opposite of order: It's flawed reason, it's an inability to comprehend, and it's deeply scary for those going through it.
THAT ended up reminding me of a famous quote from lovecraft himself; "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown".
What if we make THAT FEAR into the god? Imagine the panicked sensation of being woken from the deepest slumber by a sudden noise, the door opening or a loud bang going off somewhere on your street..... the phantom horror of something touching you, crawling over you in the middle of the night before you have any of your senses or reason or memory to tell you that it's just your partner or your pet or your own bed sheets. That's the stuff sleep paralysis is made of and it's been haunting us humans since the dawn of time. It's also the same horror of being born, of being a non-thing and then coming into existence in fits and starts without any understanding of the world that you're now
Now imagine there's something out there in the astral sea, the plane of dreams and thoughts... powerful beyond all imagining but created without the ability to ever fully wake up. It is stuck in that first moment of existence because it may well have been the first thing to ever exist and it's been trapped in the shapeless nightmare of an infant since the dawn of time
THAT is how you make a god about the horror of the unknown. A god that is antagonistic to us because it is sacred of us, and it is scared because it has no way of knowing us, knowing the reality it inhabits beyond its own fear.
Adventure Hooks:
The greatest threat Tharizdun presents to most beings in the universe is having a nightmare about them. Through the inexplicable paths of sleep an individual's mind may find themselves connected to the entity's own... receiving terrible visions as the thinking clouds of Tharizdun's body churn in a variable brainstorm. Some aspect of this communion will be twisted into something terrible, birthed into the cosmos with the same shrieking fear and confusion that inspired its creation. Some desperate few seek out this communion, thinking in their hubris that they can give shape to Tharizdun's creation, that the terror beyond time suffers collaborators or requests. (Yes, I'm yoinking the dream-spawning ability of beholders. They were already weird enough before they started getting involved with dream stuff)
Despite being a living entity, Tharizdun is also a place, a plane unto itself streaking through the multiverse like a collossal ameoba through the primordial soup. There are landscapes within the god, whole continents that form and erode through seasons of surreality as the paroxyc titan dreams them into being. One can create portals into these landscapes, even fly a jammership across them, but the act of doing so invites an even more chaotic backlash than visiting the chained oblivion in dreams, letting its terror leak out into the waking worlds.
The name "chained oblivion" dates back to an eon when forces of celestial order attempted to keep Tharizdun contained in the hopes of preventing the escape of its creations or its contact with other minds. This period of the multiverse oft refereed to as the "Time of Quiet" sadly came to an end when the entity's bindings were shattered by a collective of villains and horrors today refereed to as the "Court of Fools" or "Troupe of the Final Void". The Troupe are a motley bunch, unable to agree on a theology but all wanting to pick at the slumbering titan like it was a scab on the skin of heaven. Some serenade Tharzidun with cacophonous music, others hurl saints and sacrifices into its body, some worship or hunt the god's offspring while others stab it with cosmic pokers, just to get a reaction. They want to wake the chained oblivion and don't care how much of the multiverse they have to burn to do it.
Like a mollusc producing pearls as a means of containing an irritating bit of grit, Tharizdun's roiling cosmic body will occasionally spit out an entire world or strange demiplanes as a means of dislodging something it could not pallet. While this has been the genesis of many realms both beautiful and terrible throughout the astral timeline, of late all these worlds worth taking have been colonized by the Troupe. Woe and pity to any mortal who calls such a world home, ruled over by tyrants who care only for destruction, unaware of a cosmos not coloured by Tharizdun's wake.
Titles: The chained oblivion, the spiraling titan, sire of stars, the Paroxsmal god, Lord of all Hysterics.
Signs: Stormclouds that look oily and churn with otherworldly light, formless nightmares and pervasive sleep paralysis, mass delusion, darkness that echoes with the god's muttering and the sound of distant flutes.
Worshippers: Ad hoc worship of Tharizdun tends to congregate around those who have received unwanted visions of the chained oblivion, as the harrowing experiance often bestows those that suffer it with an otherworldy weight to their words, to say nothing of occasional psychic powers. Many abberations likewise pay heed to the chained oblivion, either for directly giving them life or for its great and insuppressable power. Among these include Grell who refer to Tharizdun as "storm mother", The nightmarish Quori follow in the wake of the god's psychic emanations and make up a large faction of the court of fools, and the Kaorti, terrifying mage-things remade by exposure to the spiralling titan's heart who claim to be heralds for the entity.
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ok555ficideas · 15 days
Imagine an alternativ universe Kevaaron au.
Exy doesn't exist.
Kevin still grows up with Riko and runs away to his father later in life
Aaron past is pretty much the same, expect Andrew never manages to get him clean in high school
Kevin attends AA meetings
Aaron attends NA meetings
they happen to be at the same time and just next door to each other
Since they both try to stay clean from their respective addictions, they take up smoking as a coping mechanism
at first they smoke just next to ach other before and after their meetings, but slowly they start talking
They're both confused and scared about this new development, but strangely exited about what will happen next
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I'm pretty sure there's meant to be an embargo on press discussing Ripley until the 4th, but this Danish reviewer appears to have jumped the gun a bit.
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Aesthetically pleasing series with chilling Andrew Scott is a welcome alternative to the summer vacation-ready movie adaptation of Highsmith's thriller.
(English translation below the cut)
By Kristian Ditlev Jensen
Ripley is the title of Steven Zaillian's adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's recurring character Tom Ripley, who is the protagonist in five of her psychological thrillers.
The first book is the magnum opus The Talented Mr. Ripley, which has been adapted into several films. Most famously, the 1999 version starred Matt Damon and Jude Law.
The story is about a young conman, Tom Ripley, who hustles his way through life, but one day gets mistaken for someone else. He seizes the opportunity and gets the offer of a lifetime from Mr. Greenleaf, an elderly shipyard owner.
"Go to the stunning Amalfi Coast in Italy and find my son Richard Greenleaf. Persuade him to come home!"
In Italy, Tom quickly finds Dickie, as he is simply called. But instead of bringing him home, he murders the man and assumes his identity.
In a formidable double-cross, he fools everyone by pretending to be both Tom and Dickie when it suits him. All goes well until a police inspector from Rome starts to smell a rat. And soon the hunt is on for the perpetrator.
The journey takes them via Sanremo, Palermo in Sicily, Rome and Venice. But the the criminal is always gone, even though the policeman is actually sitting and talking to him!
Anthony Minghella's feature film is good, but it's also a legitimately summer-holiday-ready, box office-targeted take on the story of a con artist and low-life con man. Now this version finally gets competition from a far more uncompromising, over-aestheticized and visually astonishingly harmonious work, starring Andrew Scott (All of Us Strangers) with warm charm and icy creepiness.
It's not every day you see such a well-designed series, where everything from the dramatic choice to shoot in black and white, to the typography, to the production design of interiors and costumes is thought out down to the last detail.
"The light. Always the light."
The line comes from a Catholic priest standing just behind Tom Ripley, who is looking at a Caravaggio painting.
Michelangelo Merisi, as the Italian painter was originally known, took his artist name from the village of Caravaggio near Bergamo. And it was he who coined the art term chiaroscuro - or clairobscur in French - in the years around 1600.
The term refers to a painting technique where dark and light are contrasted so that the images almost appear as black and white paintings.
Steven Zaillan - who wrote the screenplays for Schindler's List, Awakenings and Gangs of New York - has just modeled Ripley on the painter Caravaggio, who lived a dramatic life to say the least.
In 1606, Caravaggio stabbed pimp Ranuccio Tomassoni in the thigh with a small sword, causing him to die from the blood loss. The painter lived on the run for years before being pardoned by the Pope, but died immediately afterwards of a fever at the age of 38.
This story is on every level behind the series.
Ripley is shot in black and white, i.e. modern clairobscur, just like Caravaggio's own works. It's also about a criminal on the run and a murderer.
The story goes on and on.
In a key scene, there is a cross-cut between the historical Caravaggio sitting at a table with the murder weapon, a short dagger, and Tom Ripley sitting with a fountain pen in front of him.
In the twentieth century, you could kill with a pen. Today, you'd probably do it over the internet.
The whole analog universe that Steven Zaillian revels in - the series is set in the 1960s, while the novel was published in 1955 - is a stroke of genius. It allows him to work sensually with a wide range of things that seem to have disappeared today.
There are phone booths and people write notes to each other with pens. The typography is almost a tribute to the printed media in the form of newspapers, books, writings, signs, stamps, letterheads, patches of text, forms, checks and so on.
Similarly, shoes are a little story in themselves. And drinks. And ashtrays. At the same time, the declaration of love for the Amalfi Coast is so authentic it makes you dizzy.
The fact that the series is shot as something of an homage to the black-and-white king of them all, director Orson Welles, doesn't make it any less impressive. With a wealth of indirect and direct quotes from, for example, The Third Man, where the play of light and shadows on the walls of the stairwells play a major role.
Ripley is a rare true work of art on Netflix.
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anamiasan · 4 months
Thing I Would Love To See In Naruto/Boruto Universe.
-More About other Villages, not just Konoha and sometimes Sauna, more about everything
-Reaction of other Kages on Naruto being ,,dead"
-More about how ninjas learn how to use chakra
-Why are some jutsu forbiden
-Saradas reaction on her clans history
- SOME interaction between teen Naruto and Karin, like do they know they are from the same clan? If yes, how did they react
-More into others clan then Uzumaki/Uchiha. Like how big are others? Like Nara, Yamanaka even Hyuga
-Are there in differend villiges membres of clans from Konoha? Like imagine if there is another Uchiha clan.
-Why are some jutsus specific to one clan (Mind transform, Shadow, Sharingan etc...)
-And Can Sharingan copy others? Like Shadow jutsu?
-Is there more Bijuu? We just dont know about them?
- Interaction between Sarada and Himawari after reality change
- Some alternativ univers in wich are Neji and Itachi alive, how would they treat Boruto,Himawari and Sarada
- and the same univers but also like Mintao, Kusiha, Mikoto and Fugaku. Also Jiraya, or Akatsuki.
- Madaras reaction to Sarada. I just think he would be cold in public but in private he would spoil the shit out of her.
- Weddings of another Narutos Couples
- Reaction of Naruto when Hinata told him, shes pregnant
- In general, just reaction of all to all pregnantcies
- Sakuras reaction on Saradas MS.
And more, sorry for grammer erorrs, i am tired and just writing what comes to mind :DD
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nononsenseladies · 1 year
Among Burning Ships and Tinged Crowns👀
What if / Alternativ Universe of HotD
Pre Great Council set during 92 AC:
Rhaenys and her mother walked through the gardens, a well meant advice from Jocelyn for her daughter against the nausea. When she had been pregnant with Rhaenys some fresh air had always help her. The queasiness had indeed lessened and so the young princess was in a better mood than she had been at the beginning of the day.
They were just back inside the castle when the call rang through the halls of the Red Keep. Caraxes was sighted in the sky, her father was back. Only four days after departing they certainly hadn't expected him to be back this fast.
The pair of mother and daughter arrived at the courtyard at the same time the slender dragon landed and her father got off the beast's back.
"Father! We didn't believe you would be gone for long, but four days is quite faster than we thought." Rhaenys called out as she came up to meet him halfway. She had wanted to ask whether she could expect her beloved to be back soon as well but when she saw the look of deep sorrow and grief on his features the words were stuck in her throat.
"What happened?"
"I'm so sorry, Rhaenys. They where attacked by seized ships...by the time I got there half the fleet was burning." Aemon told his daughter who stared at him in disbelief at what his words were implying.
"Where is Corlys?" Her voice was barely above a whisper but Aemon had no trouble making out the words. Over Rhaenys shoulder he looked at his wife as she came to stand next to their daughter, concern and worry on her face.
"There was nothing left of his ship, nobody survived...he is dead."
So it's a What if Corlys was the one who did not come back from the war on Tarth instead of Aemon.
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thirdsonofeve · 4 months
Fruit Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree
Rating: Mature
Word count: 1823
Relationships: Mike Ehrmantraut/Manuel Varga, Eduardo "Lalo" Salamanca/Ignacio "Nacho" Varga
Additional Tags: Lalo stop wanting to fuck your boyfriend's dads, Crack, Crack treated seriously, Post season 6, Nacho and Lalo live AU, Alternativ Universe - Canon Divergence, Secret Relationship, Caught, Kissing
Old man yaoi crackship for pride month.
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vulnonapix1234 · 2 years
Vulnonapixs A/B/O AU
Alright, I am personally an big A/B/O AU Fan. Just not of the smexy stuff.
I love reading about the dynamics, found family and scenting.
So I decided to do write out my personal AU and how everything works.
This is supposed to be the masterlist.
1. Alpha
2. Beta
3. Omega
3. Pups
4. Packs
5. Mates
6. Scent Markings
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lacie-crying-ruby · 2 years
Natsume x Gintama AU!
On his way home, Natsume encounters a strange spirit.
Natsume & Takasugi; Natsume & Madara: Natsume & Gintoki; Gintoki & Takasugi
Spoilers, spirits, sad, hurt and comfort, happinies, in some sort of way, what am I even doing here.
Gintoki comes to take Takasugi back where he belongs. Takasugi has been waiting. Natsume has bad luck like always.
- Gintoki finds Natsume first
- They go searching for the wrong one - eye
- They find him in the end, talking, lots of talking.
- They get their drink
- The cat nodds at the spirits and drinks
- They leave at last and Natsume is overcome with emotions he doesn't get. He hugs the cat and is just again happy to live and be surrounded by friends and family.
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tayaminaka · 1 year
Well hello again. After nearly a year of being inactive on tumblr I’m back with a new set of rules and ready for new requests. Like always please look at the rules before requesting. I’m always open for constructive criticism and feedback on my work.
Characters I write for:
Bungou Stray Dogs:
Armed Detective Agency
Dazai Osamu
Atsushi Nakajima
Akiko Yosano
Kunikida Doppo
Yukichi Fukuzawa
Ranpo Edogawa
Port Mafia
Chuuya Nakahara
Mori Ougai
Koyou Ozaki
Paul Verlaine
Gin Akutagawa
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
Higuchi Ichiyo
Sakunosuke Oda
The Guild
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Edgar Allan Poe
Mark Twain
Louisa May Alcott
Margaret Mitchell
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Rats in the House of Death/ Decay of the Angels
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Ivan Goncharov
Nikolai Gogol
Hunting Dogs
Tachihara Michizo
Saigiku Juno
Tetcho Suehiro
What I will write:
Alternativ Universe
Platonic/Romantic Relationships
What I won’t write:
If something isn’t on the list feel free to ask. Requests might take a little longer since I have exams and school work to do but I will try to finish them as soon as possible.
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