#American Academy of Art
starfall-xo · 3 months
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2024 Academy Awards Best Picture Nominees as VHS tapes by @ShawnMansfield
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noodle-artist · 1 year
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garadinervi · 1 year
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June Jordan, The Poetry of Design, Curated by Lindsay Harris, AAR Gallery, American Academy in Rome, Roma, April 20 – June 11, 2023
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newyorkthegoldenage · 1 month
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On May 20, 1944, the American Academy of Arts & Letters and the National Institute of Arts & Letters honored four distinguished Americans: editor and publisher Samuel S. McClure (McClure's magazine), novelists Willa Cather and Theodore Dreiser, and actor, singer, and social activist Paul Robeson.
Photo: NY Times via Getty Images
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gets up on my soap box
luke quilting using beru's patterns (at least the ones that he can remember, its been too long--) and making a blanket for each of his students when they arrive. each quilt is different.
he embroiders a cloak for each of them when they graduate. it tells their story of trials and achievements. (don't think about the ones that fall, the ones that turn away, the ones that simply never graduate--)
(he has a room dedicated for all of those unfinished ones.)
just the thought of luke re-learning how to embroider/quilt/knit with his mechanical hand. the thought of his always having engine grease under his fingernails. about him getting so frustrated when his hands can't function like they used to. when beru would gently teach him how to hold the needles and hooks right, how to keep tension on yarn without it snapping--
the scent of grease and ozone and sand and something so master skywalker baked into each item made with so much love that his students cant help but feel secure. he puts a piece of his heart into each of his gifts. (his force presence lingers in each one. all of his students are always welcome back. the cloak and quilt are like a hug--a feeling of home that makes them warm and gives them a sense of comfort: a sense that everything will be okay. because master luke is there.)
there are days where the students just crowd around and watch him work. he'll sit in a chair in front of the fireplace and the kids will gather around. those are rest days. they are sacred. luke will often hum lullabies from tatooine (and alderaan. he was there when leia broke down and sobbed in his arms. so he learned. he learned how to sing the tongue of her world, her family, so that she could know that he was family.)
he teaches the younglings that want to learn. (sometimes he swears he can smell aunt beru's curry, or can feel her smiling at him--)
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mistyriousness · 4 months
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“Is this canine a new UA student?”
What if that dog from the Card Game OVA were a real character?
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paulpingminho · 1 month
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The US and its propaganda arm, Hollywood, have always been anti-Asian. Although opportunities are opening up for Asian actors, the underlying messaging—that divides and hurts Asians—hasn't changed.
Not too long ago, AsAms seemed united in outrage against racism and white-washed casting such as Scarlet Johannsen in Ghost in the Shell, Tilda Swinton in Dr. Strange, or Netflix’s Deathnote. Yet as more projects with AAPI leads and casts were produced, this so-called unity proved to be a lie.
The illusion of AsAm unity fell apart with To All the Boys I Loved Before—which was widely celebrated despite its blatant white-worship. The most recent blow comes from Hulu's The Company You Keep, a U.S. remake of a k-drama that replaced the male love interest with a white man.
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Once it seemed like AAPI women were getting roles and being “humanized” (i.e. garnering attention and approval from white men on-screen and off) AAPI with media power were satisfied. It didn't matter that AAPI men were still erased and dehumanized—even in supposedly pro-AAPI projects.
Not only do AAPI with media power not care about the continuing harm against AAPI men, they exacerbate it. When AsAms critique anti-Asian narratives—especially ones erasing or targeting AsAm men like TATBILB—they're gaslit, harassed, censored and even permanently blacklisted.
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This is because AsAm media is held hostage by the racist framework of the U.S. government's 1942-43 Mixed Marriage Policy. White men's hierarchy—based on perceived threat levels and receptiveness to white assimilation—still dictates Hollywood narratives.
Research confirms that the MMP persists today. A 2015 study shows how gendered racism leads to severe under-representation of Asian men (and Black women). Whereas monoracial Asian men face significant barriers in dating, a 2014 study shows mixed-white Asians get a "bonus effect."
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This is why Hollywood execs know there will be less uproar if monoracial Asian men aren't represented—it's been the status quo for decades. In the few roles made for Asian men, they still fall into two categories: pathetic loser or toxic man/villain. In some cases, both.
The hatred and erasure of Asian men is so deeply embedded that it's led to the widespread erasure of AAPI men as victims of anti-Asian hate crimes in recorded stats and media narratives. AAPI journalists know this, yet continue to do nothing to correct it.
So what's next for AsAm representation? In 2022, Janet Yang became president of the Oscars. She's co-founder of Gold House—an AsAm Hollywood collective—and executive producer of Joy Luck Club, a seminal work bashing Asian men as irredeemable misogynists compared to "good" white men.
Many AsAms like Yang want more of Joy Luck Club and similar stories. Amy Tan, author of JLC, has been pushing for years for a sequel with the original cast. A TV series was optioned in 2017, and as of 2022 a movie sequel is to be written by white male screenwriter, Ron Bass.
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Stories like Joy Luck Club aren't just bad media—they're dangerous. Arthur Martunovich randomly hammered three AsAm men to death because he saw a movie depicting Chinese men as abusers and he wanted to "protect Chinese women". There's a high chance that movie was JLC.
Hollywood has figured out it’s easy to make anti-Asian films and stifle criticism by hiring Asian tokens to give stamps of approval. An article from 1986 (40 years ago) about AsAm criticism of racism in Big Trouble in Little China shows there's a history of sowing division among AAPI and using government resources to do it. I understand the allure of the Hollywood dream because I used to believe in it myself. From an early age, all marginalized groups—POC, women, LGBTQ+—are taught to fantasize about how we'll finally be accepted and heal the hurt once we get on a big stage and give an award speech. Having experience in Hollywood as a comic creator, I know how people in power (esp. white men) behave. Their goal is to wear you down until you internalize their bigoted messaging, regurgitate it yourself, and then thank them for it. They hate the word "no." Awards don't matter if the content that gets you there ultimately serves bigoted and harmful purposes. In 2020, I made a test for AAPI media. None of the projects so far have passed. That's by design. We think we’re holding the statue, but really, it’s holding us.
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Correction: I just noticed a typo in the comic. Inside the Hollywood sign's letter "Y" I meant to say "non-Asians" not "non-whites." Sorry, it was a lot of drawing and writing, and I got tired 🥴 (Please don’t repost or edit my art. Reblogs are always appreciated.)
If you enjoy my comics, please pledge to my Patreon or donate to my Paypal.
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misterallsunday030 · 4 months
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You can see the rest of the pieces I drew under the hashtag #march to the Oscars
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sistertonin · 17 hours
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gable, bur̶ie̸d̶ in sour ground
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bonus: face close up
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aiiaiiiyo · 1 year
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techtow · 3 months
Rewards US - Walmart $100
Get a $100 Walmart Gift Card!
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bubonicpain · 4 months
When I was 18, I attended The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. I did not get invited back for a second year. This used to devastate me. I didn't understand why they didn't think I worked hard enough, and I thought this meant I couldn't be an actor. This heavily set back my career as an actor and in my confidence in my acting ability.
Now look back on that time and my view is a little different. I was only 18. I was fresh out of high school and fresh out of my mother's house. I didn't know I had Fibromyalgia yet I just had heavy unexplained pain and fatigue that caused me to be able to practice outside of class a lot less often as my peers. I had just gone off my ADHD medication for the first time in my whole life. I know this was dumb of me, but I couldn't keep getting it in LA. I never figured out how to get it without my mom's help who lived elsewhere. If you know anything about AADA, you know about the 50-page bios. (I have the demigod mixture ADHD and dyslexia) my dyslexia made IPA for Voice and Speech really hard for me, so there were assignments I didn't do well.
I was also finally out of my mother's house for the First Time. I moved from a conservative mountain town to West Hollywood. I was away from my abusive mom, able to do whatever I wanted in a big city. I went out a lot. I should not have done this, but eh, what are you gonna tell an 18 year old in this situation. I imagine that me using my limited energy for going dancing or to Disneyland every weekend was hurting my ability to practice outside of class as often as I should have.
I'm not trying to defend myself and say that I should have gotten invited back. I'm 24 now, and I'm turning 25 next month. It's been 7 years, and I can finally admit that they should not have invited me back. That version of me was not ready. I was never rested, unmedicated, undiagnosed, and unfocused. I wish more than anything that I waited for now to go to acting school. I wish so badly that I could go back now that I feel like I can truly actually do it well. But I can't. I already did it at 18 and fucked it up. I don't know how I'm gonna get acting training like that again. I haven't properly acted in years so I really need it. I'm gonna have to get an acting class on Skillshare or something.
The moral of the story is do not go to college right out of high school even if you know exactly what you want to do already. Let yourself grow into your adult life first and do it when you're ready, or you will be sorry!
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Erin Fletcher / Herringbone Bindery, Happy Abstract: A letter from William Blake to Thomas Butts, dated 11 September 1801, (bookbinding), One hundred thirty copies printed by Russell Maret, of which one hundred were provided to Open Set [American Academy of Bookbinding], 2020, Completed in 2019 [Private Collection. © Erin Fletcher]
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trendfilmsetter · 4 months
AMERICAN FICTION wins the award for best Adapted Screenplay at the 77th British Academy Film Awards (BAFTA’s)
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donnasmusicqkblr · 4 months
Book of Gospel Volume 2 from donnasmusicqk PINTEREST 2024
CLICK ME !! Book of Gospel Volume 2 from donnasmusicqk PINTEREST. (VIDEO LINK)
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