#And Skaia too
oleandysprites · 4 months
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derspit lovers, i have a soft spot for this piece since i put so much work into their outfits
dreamers inspired by @rumminov's works
parts - oleandy, deepseaspriteblog, mudkiplox, and a friend (for jake's scars)
separates under the read more
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relaxxattack · 1 year
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PROSPIT & SKAIA stimboard
🔅 🔅 🔅 - 🔅 🔅 🔅 - 🔅 🔅 🔅
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officialsollux · 2 months
To Cage a Sun
Sollux Captor wakes up from the game back on Alternia where he is promptly kidnapped by the empire to be made into a helmsman. The last thing he sees is Eridan's message telling him to run before he is integrated into the mainframe of a ship.
Long fic with major trigger warnings & helmsman Sollux POV
Tags & warning under readmore
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Post-Canon, Alternian Empire (Homestuck), Helmstroll Sollux Captor, Imperialism, Dehumanization, Post-Sburb (Homestuck), Post-Sburb/Sgrub, POV Sollux Captor, Electrocution, Sexual Violence, Physical Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Kidnapping, Bipolar Sollux Captor, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Long, Space Flight, Dissociation, Integrated With a Computer, Angst, Horror, Helmstrolls (Homestuck), Plot, Original Character(s), Psychic Abilities, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Loss of Autonomy, Loss of Identity, Consent Issues, Bonding, Brain Damage, POV Second Person, unreality
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pinkhairedsniper · 1 year
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d,,,demoman my belemoman
i think he should have cool shiny powers
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classpect-sideblog · 9 months
Taichi "Tai" Kamiya is Beyond my Comprehension.
Yamato "Matt" Ishida is a Knight of Blood.
Sora Takenouchi is a Sylph of Heart.
Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi is a Heir of Light.
Mimi Tachikawa is a bard of Breath.
Joe Kido is a Mage of Void.
Takeru "T.K." Takaishi is a Page of Hope.
Hikari Kamiya is a Muse of Light.
Ken Ichijouji is a Heir of Rage.
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thewertsearch · 26 days
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Kanaya <3
This is the first troll we've seen who's not a newborn grub or thirteenish-year-old Player. I guess they pupate directly into a scaled-down version of their adult body.
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She looks barely larger than a grub, so it can't have been long since the trials, assuming the Sburb trolls did them at all. The comic has never elaborated on what these trials entail, but I think this is the first aspect of Homestuck's universe that I don't want a loredrop on.
GA: I Dont Mean Hes The Universe You Are From GA: We Engineered That Incarnation GA: He Is The Universe That You Are Trying To Create
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GA: That Statement Was As Literal As You Can Possibly Make Words Be GA: I Know Your Species Is Frequently Insincere For A Variety Of Reasons GG: but your species is too! […] GA: Thats True But When We Do It Its Usually Just Because We Are Trying To Be Jerks
And when you're trying not to be jerks, too. Alternia is just kind of.... like that.
GG: i try to say what i mean as much as i can GA: Yeah I Think Ive Been Discerning That GA: Its A Nice Change Of Pace […] GG: haha, you mean from rose?
Jade knows what the fuck is up. Maybe it's her turn to wingman for Rose.
GA: I Wont Be Speaking To Her Anymore Though GG: why? GG: oh yeah, because you said she is blacked out? GG: what the heck does that mean! GA: It Just Means In A Few Moments From Your Perspective I Wont Be Able To See Her Through My Viewport Or Talk To Her
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The blackout occurred while these two girls were in conversation, meaning Rose is about to message Jade right as it kicks in.
This message is obviously important - but what could it be? Is Rose trying to warn Jade about the circumstances that cause the blackout, in order to protect her from its effects?
GA: She Has Been Relying On The Powers And Counsel Of Dark Gods And Other Sources Of Ambiguous Intent GA: And She Has Consequently Devised A Plan Which Sounds Very Dangerous To Me GG: yeah, i didnt like the sound of her plan either! GA: You Are More Sensible GA: Its Probably The Influence Skaia Has Had On You GA: Having Spent Much Of Your Life Awake On Prospit GA: Like Me
We've talked before about what Dream Moon affinity really means for a Player. The theory I liked the most was that Prospit kids are predisposed to follow their fate, whereas Derse kids are inclined to defy their destiny.
This seems like more fuel for that fire, as Rose's acts of desperation and defiance clash with Jade's more levelheaded, 'sensible' attitude. rose, you're going to break something! :o
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c4tsc4pe · 9 months
Classpect Analysis Definitions Guide Combob
i read a Smashing aspect analysis by @/alicesonions (which this is very inspired by check it out right now the redesigned symbols are awesome) and wanted to revamp my own so here we go shaggy 2 dope classpect guide 2.0 (og draft here)
this is just a rundown on how i personally understand/use classpects even though i love talking my ass off and want to over explain all this i tried to write hopefully easily digestible and to the point definitions using key words and phrases bc thats how i personally learn things (i might make an extended version with further information and analysis later)
this can always be edited too i am So open to discussion criticism etc please tell me every single one of your thoughts about classpects in tags comments whatever I LOVE HEARING IT
anyway fat megapost ahead man the cannons
- - >
A “Classpect” is a player’s title in Sburb, which uses the formula [Class] of [Aspect]. Not only does a Classpect dictate a player's reality-bending powers, but it defines a player’s place in their session, their place in reality, and their place within the narrative itself.
There are two components that make up a player's Classpect: their aspect and their class. There are 12 aspects and 14 classes in total. Hypothetically, ANY player could be ANY of the 168 total combos of these, no matter the person, but Sburb will narrow down the options and pick a player’s Classpect depending on how it thinks it can BEST use them in the game/their specific session.
A Classpect is chosen via a sort of “sorting hat” method. The person you are (struggles, goals, gaming strategies, how you interact with the world and others, etc.) inadvertently dictates your Classpect, but that is only BEFORE THE GAME STARTS. Once you’ve entered Sburb, Skaia will ultimately decide your role based on everything it gathered, and you are stuck with it whether you like it or not.
[In total: Classpects are a predetermined in-game role to fulfill as well as a narrative tool.]
Aspects are described as “the basic building blocks of everything that exists within paradox space”; a cosmic property that relates MOST to a player and that they have the potential to BEST excel at.
A player’s aspect is always something the player starts out STRUGGLING with in some way. No one ever has total control or knowledge of their aspect right off the bat. It is something that challenges the player and must be learned over time so the player can grow and reach their full potential as a Hero of their aspect.
Aspects are a neutral and nuanced concept- no aspect is inherently good nor bad.
The 12 aspects: Breath, Light, Time, Space, Life, Hope, Void, Heart, Blood, Mind, Doom, and Rage.
Breath: The aspect of freedom and detachment. Breath is impossible to hold down, easy breezy, head in the clouds, go with the flow. Breath is breeze, movement, flight, weightlessness, indirection, and independence. Breath blows whatever way it feels like, not caring about much else.
Narrative connection: Plot development.
Breath’s opposing aspect is Blood.
Light: The aspect of knowledge and illumination. Light exposes the hidden, brightens the dark corners, brings things into the spotlight. Light is relevance, illumination, luck, enlightenment, sight, visibility, definition, and attention. Light brings itself to what is hidden in the dark.
Narrative connection: Plot relevance.
Lights opposing aspect is Void.
Time: The aspect of rhythm and destruction. Time is connected to death, the past and future, taking action, small details, the destination over the journey. Time is repetition, iteration, cycles, pace, patterns, preservation, decay, continuity, and management. Time is the steady tick of a clock, the constant rotation of an ever-turning gear.
Narrative connection: Pacing.
Times opposing aspect is Space.
[Time is one of the fundamental fabrics making up paradox space and is therefore an aspect required to win Sburb. If your session does not have a Time player, your session is doomed to fail.]
Space: The aspect of creation and beginnings. Space is new things, focused on the wait-and-see, the big picture, the here-and-now, the journey over the destination. Space is destiny, matter, physics, making, innovation, and intuition. Space is a vast endless infinity of possibility.
Narrative connection: Setting.
Spaces opposing aspect is Time.
[Space is one of the fundamental fabrics making up paradox space and is therefore an aspect required to win Sburb. If your session does not have a Space player, your session is doomed to fail.]
Life: The aspect of agency and autonomy. Life is foraging your own path, own destiny, self-direction, growing and strengthening. Life is nature, health, resilience, energy, progress, healing, vitality, and nourishment. Life sees its route and fights to take it.
Narrative connection: Agency/action.
Life’s opposing aspect is Doom.
Hope: The aspect of belief. Hope is dreams and wishes, blind optimism, unstoppable force, the "there’s always a way, nothings impossible". Hope is faith, possibility, positivity, will, imagination, and determination. Hope is a clear, enthusiastic "YES!".
Narrative connection: Convenience.
Hopes opposing aspect is Rage.
Void: The aspect of nothingness and the unknown. Void is a blank canvas, an empty page, a dark corner, a shadow concealing darkness. Void is secrets, mystery, invisibility, unexplained, ignorance, irrelevance, and uncertainty. Void obscures what the light can't reach.
Narrative connection: Plot irrelevance.
Voids opposing aspect is Light.
Heart: The aspect of feeling and self. Heart is the core of a person, their identity, passions and interests, the soul, feelings instead of thoughts. Heart is motivation, love, emotions, uniqueness, personal, individualism, bias, and passion. Heart follows itself.
Narrative connection: Inner self.
Hearts opposing aspect is Mind.
Blood: The aspect of unity. Blood is down to earth, grounded and chained, has expectations, forms relationships. Blood is community, responsibility, care, effort, stability, obligation, and connection. Blood is running through everyone's veins and knows it.
Narrative connection: Character dynamics.
Blood’s opposing aspect is Breath.
Mind: The aspect of thought. Mind is unbiased decision making, apathy, black and white, blends in with the crowd. Mind is equality, ration, logic, reason, judgement, calculation, choice, balance, and justification. Mind pushes away feelings and thinks instead.
Narrative connection: Outer self.
Minds opposing aspect is Heart.
Doom: The aspect of fate and constraint. Doom works within the rules, within restriction, follows damands. Doom is burdens, prophecy, acceptance, necessity, limitation, punishment, and misfortune. Doom does not negotiate against the inevitable.
Narrative connection: Conflict.
Doom’s opposing aspect is Life.
Rage: The aspect of refusal and rebellion. Rage is the ugly truth, holding back, immovable object, being stuck, “it’s impossible, there’s no way out”. Rage is cynicism, defiance, fury, negativity, anger, riot and revenge. Rage is a loud, guttural “NO!”.
Narrative connection: Contrivance.
Rage’s opposing aspect is Hope.
Classes are the second ingredient of the Classpect formula. Since an aspect is a cosmic property that relates most to a player, a class is how that player USES/INTERACTS with that cosmic property & its powers. Classes are NOT something a player struggles with and are just dictated by how they approach/play the game.
Classes are a neutral and nuanced concept- no class is a “worse/better” or “evolved” version of another, no class is gender locked, and no class is inherently good nor bad.
There are six functions of classes: creation, destruction, exploitation, manipulation, knowledge, and relocation.
[Creation: Bringing something into existence.
Destruction: Taking something out of existence.
Exploitation: Having something and using it.
Manipulation: Changing or altering something.
Knowledge: Knowing all about something.
Relocation: Stealing and/or moving something.]
The 14 classes: Heir, Seer, Knight, Witch, Maid, Page, Rogue, Prince, Mage, Sylph, Thief, and Bard, and the two master classes: Lord and Muse.
Heir: One who changes with their aspect or is changed through their aspect. Heirs inherit their aspect and can greatly use it for their session and coplayers.
Class function: Manipulation.
Heirs' counterpart class is Witch.
Seer: One who knows their aspect or knows through their aspect. Seers are knowledge-seekers who obtain information by observing, and guide their coplayers using what they learn.
Class function: Knowledge.
Seer's counterpart class is Mage.
Knight: One who fights for/protects their aspect or fights/protects using their aspect. Knights are set on serving and defending their session and coplayers, using their persona as a shield and their aspect as a weapon.
Class function: Exploitation.
Knight's counterpart class is Page.
Witch: One who alters/bends their aspect or alters/bends using their aspect. Witches utilize their powers to bend the rules and test the limits of their aspect and session itself.
Class function: Manipulation.
Witch's counterpart class is Heir.
Maid: One who serves/repairs their aspect or serves/repairs with their aspect. Maids clean, preserve, and maintain their session with/and their aspect, just as a housekeeper would.
Class function: Creation.
Maid's counterpart class is Sylph.
Page: One who strengthens their aspect or finds themselves through their aspect. Pages start out as weaker underdogs, but once their potential is fully realized, they can use their power to an astounding degree.
Class function: Exploitation.
Page's counterpart class is Knight.
Rogue: One who steals their aspect or steals from their aspect to provide others with it. Rouges take from their aspect and redistribute what they steal to their coplayers Robin Hood style.
Class function: Relocation.
Rouge's counterpart class is Thief.
Prince: One who destroys their aspect or destroys with their aspect. Princes are powerful, blunt forces in their session who once fully realized, will stop at nothing until they reach their goal.
Class function: Destruction.
Prince's counterpart class is Bard.
Mage: One who understands their aspect or understands through their aspect. Mages are the experiencers of their aspect that utilize their experience with it to guide themselves.
Class function: Knowledge.
Mage's counterpart class is Seer.
Thief: One who steals their aspect or steals from their aspect to keep themselves. Thieves are focused on taking from their session and others in it, then keeping that power for their own benefit.
Class function: Relocation.
Thief's counterpart class is Rogue.
Sylph: One who heals/mends their aspect or heals/mends using their aspect. Sylphs are vastly supportive to their coplayers through both backstage influence and personal interference.
Class function: Creation.
Sylph's counterpart class is Maid.
Bard: One who allows the destruction of their aspect or invites destruction through their aspect. Bards can be kind of a wildcard for their session, possibly for the best (or the worst).
Class function: Destruction.
Bard's counterpart class is Prince.
Master Classes
Lord: One who rules their aspect or rules using their aspect. Lords are intensely powerful domineers who command their aspect, session, and everything in it to bow down to them.
Lord's counterpart class is Muse.
Muse: One who inspires their aspect or inspires through their aspect. Muses are completely in tune with their aspect and influence their session with it, leading it like a conductor with their baton.
Muse's counterpart class is Lord.
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deacblues · 2 years
dave strider is essentially homestuck’s tutorial npc character. before i elaborate i need to establish some stuff;
homestuck isn’t just a webcomic that imitates videogame imagery, it is a game pretending to be a webcomic. at least until andrew hussie drops the reader commands in act four.
john egbert is the reader’s point of view character. he is the method through which we learn how to play both homestuck and sburb. we tend to learn things as he does, and he is most interesting when there is an audience to direct him places (in my opinion, anyways).
with that in mind, i can continue. until his introduction in act two, dave strider is an npc by definition, and he spends a good chunk of his time teaching john how the world works and giving him objectives. here are some examples of that from the first 40 pages:
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he’s also the tutorial character in the sense that he’s introducing you to how homestuck’s dialogue delivery works as a series of meandering and occasionally humorous chatlogs. dave as the tutorial npc is formalized when dave becomes davesprite, since sprites are sburb’s skaia-designated tutorial npc figure. and, as soon as he becomes davesprite, he tracks john down to impart some brotherly wisdom
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i mean, hell, he pretty much outlines his whole “i am the tutorial character” thing in his letter to john
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i think people don’t really recognize this part of his character because for one thing, dave stops being a tutorial npc when you get to order him around in act two, but also because it’s hidden pretty well. i certainly had friends like this who had to teach me how to play video games and bail me out of jams. in some ways, dave is sort of like john’s older brother, trying to nudge him in the right direction and wise up. i guess the rest of the beta kids are like his older siblings too, since he is the youngest and the one who knows the least about homestuck’s inner-workings. he is you, after all.
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blogofyolo · 9 months
recently i had the opportunity to contribute to the new lofam so i thought i'd share the album covers i did here! (with commentary)
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starting off with probably my favorite cover art for what might be my favorite song: sburban juxtaposition. the track is so good i basically drew the whole cover while listening to it on loop. coloring the meteors was a lot of fun too. rose's pose is actually inspired by miles' leap of faith from spider-man: into the spiderverse (the spiderverse movies have consumed me ever since i saw atsv in theatres, it can't be helped).
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next up we have celestial company. the track is very relaxing, i figured it would make sense to replicate that feeling in the art itself through adding pleasant shades of blue to skaia and john's hood. i also added a yellow spirograph for contrast. i think it worked out pretty well!
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sunbumper! a very upbeat and energetic jade track. there's two cool things about this image: one thing is a rather obvious nod to the neverending story, while the other thing is hidden in plain sight. it's a reference to outer wilds, i'll say this much.
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caliborn's lament. look. i couldn't not jump at the opportunity to draw art for a song that adapts act 6 act 6 act 4. i just love caliborn, and that's all there really is to say on the matter. his comically sad face is probably the best thing i drew for this project.
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karkat loses his mind and learns holy c. i tried a different style for this one, since it's for a song referencing templeos. editing the logos and all was a really funny experience. there's also this Pleasant Hoofbeast Drawing, which i never really got to use:
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maybe it'll turn out better this time is a title that immediately reminded me of the retcon. in the cover art, i decided to highlight how the joy of the post retcon timeline almost completely overshadows the suffering of characters that we actually followed for years. idk, replacing these guys with slightly different versions of them always felt weird to me.
aaaaand that's it! hope you guys enjoyed these covers (and the lengthy commentary) just as much as i enjoyed making them :3
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conceptofjoy · 2 months
any information given is based off some prior knowledge (within the timeline) unless given by skaia. and guardians only rly know a small portion because its fulled by the green sun which only extends its reach as far as LE is able.
so 2 be clear, our knowledge of what types of game sessions are possible are only because of prior knowledge that is relayed to the reader by someone way ahead of the timeline. like void, glitched, and null session shit. even the notion that most sessions are doomed to fail is based on that retroactive knowledge. not retroactive i mean.. proactive..? shit from the future.
ok so like what the fuck even is a 'successful sburb session' then... this is my guess but there would be a base game, that the players would just not be ment to follow. those quests would be there in a timeline where the player would follow it out, but like not without consequence? i think a sburb session would be the culmination of multiple sessions as well.
some of the qualifications expected of players to fulfill are batty asf. you need to gather enough grist to develop the frog via intelebeam, you need a space and time player, you cant damage the battle field TOO much, but also theres an indeterminate time limit until the white king dies. the play would seem to be to have 12 players one for each aspect, but that would make an op black king, if you have too little players then you dont have enough hands to do shit.
theres this post that explains how the spots left open by murderstuck end up getting filled by the end of the comic by the introduction of the human kids. that brings into question why things turned out that way. one mutated frog was made without all these extra hoops, and karkat mentioned how there wasnt enough time to breed a proper one. and i think thats a parallel to the session. as gross as this sounds, it feels like the game was grooming the players to be those proper gods. the game sacrifices sessions to insure that the last standing group of players will be the strongest not for ruling the new universe but creating the healthiest one.
why not make a bunch of unstable ones? quantity over quality. i think it might end up having to do with shorter universe lifespans. universe B seemed to live much shorter than A when comparing how long trolls and humans have been around. trolls had much more time to develop and this presumably extends to parallel species as well. more advanced species mean more sburb players.
back 2 a what a successful session is, i dont think theres a successful singular session rather than merged ones that make a stable universe. the contents of homestuck ends up reflecting that idea instead of that merged session influencing sburb instead i guess.
but then after that theres questions like, "is a major antagonist for players to rally against important?" or "does the concept of doomed timelines carry over?" but this post is getting too long so quickly, something to unify the players would be important and, doomed timelines would exist because there's just so many time looping parts merged sessions would require for this not to be the case.
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lesboygamzee · 1 month
you pretentious fucks are too focused on ' analysis ' and ' subtext ' . all homestuck discussion should be on what type of british the trolls are or on if skaia lays eggs or gives live birth
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sburban-living · 3 months
What exactly ARE carapacians? On the surface, the answer is obvious - they're chess guys! Originating in Problem Sleuth + Jailbreak, Carapacians are simply designed, and their designs often amount to a stickman rectangle with a round head.
In SBURB, Carapacians play two vital roles - fighting the doomed battle between Prospit and Derse, and acting as the "Exile" to a specific SBURB player. Exiles function much like the suggestion boxes/reader commands of interactive comics. From a metatextual point of view, the Exiles fill the role of the reader in this aspect, rooting for and attempting to help the protagonists.
(Most of the characters in Homestuck reflect an aspect of the fandom - Caliborn reflecting the "hatedom", as an example. I won't get into it here, but Homestuck is ultimately a conversation between reader and author.)
They are unaffected by prototyping, save for when they posess one of the Royal's Artifacts - a Queen's Ring, or a King's Sceptre. This causes them to take on all the qualities of the beings prototyped, thus gaining incredible levels of power (depending on the power level of the beings prototyped of course) and changing their apperance. Interestingly, while these Artifacts are typically used by the King/Queen, Pawns can use these items too, as seen with PM. This is clearly a reference to the chess rule of "Queening", when a pawn, if moved to the very end of the board, can ascend to queenhood and completely turn the tide of battle.
These chess motifs are seen throughout the Carapacians, and I assume that it ties into their culture + biology as well! WV was once a "Warweary Villein", which suggests that Carapacians in the Medium live under a feudal system, further reflected by the Archagents (functionally, bishops, to continue the chess theme) and the high-ranking roles of the King and Queen. PM "rises" above her role as a pawn and mail carrier to take on the role of queen, but casts it aside (along with the Ring) into the Forge, in order to complete the A2 humans' session.
On the subject of their biology, many people take "carapace", the main feature of their biology, to indicate "insect" or another form of arthopod. While that's extremely cool, their chess motifs and the fact that all Carapacians are cloned (and given a barcode of their genetic data) indicates that they are more like plastic dolls, toy chessets, if you will, which reflects the nature of their existence - to serve Prospit (and by extension, Skaia) /Derse in a predetermined war.
erm hehe i really love carapacians!! ^_^ let me know if you guys have any thoughts, i just wanted to ramble about a few things ive been thinking about
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sadevergreen · 10 months
as a camp counselor (technically not currently bc i went home for Illness) and homestuck fan (also technically not currently bc I'm too busy being a camp counselor) i love camp skaia. which homestuck characters are most likely to be the "we're ALL sick there's no reason you can't do the hike up the hill" (has mild cold and vague heatsickness at worst) counselor x "actual lung infection but thinks it's a really normal cold" (very easily gaslit) counselor program group pair? i feel like eridan and kanaya are hot contenders here
ooo ok this is so good- apologies for the ever loving hell that you are about to see but i sought assistance from my dear dear pale friend @marv3l-drag0ns !!!!!!!! MUAH PLATONICALLLY <> ILY they were a huge help in putting this together
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so let’s begin: my immediate instinct was kanaya and tavros are the most easily gaslit, or adhere most to given direction (we’re not going to talk about HIM). but then who to pair them with? they are both wet cats that won’t work. we decided that YES kanaya and eridan definitely make sense! but in which role? it may seem obvious but NO! eridan too sick? whiny fussy pitiful sopping kitty he’s just a beanbag full of milk! so we decided barely sick eridan, otherwise he’d be throwing a fit. instead he’s referring to his Superior Genes! and kanaya is. strugglin. but fuck man here we are 🤷‍♂️
But we’re not done yet!
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the next we considered was karkat and terezi!! especially aided through the lens of karkat’s old crush on terezi; he’s too whipped and in denial to deny a girl a hand!
for the bigger drawings i capped it off with a good ol favorite of mine; erifef. why did i like them? man idek anymore but it worked really well with the idea of eridan being the sicker one, but being ok such thin ice over his constant whining that he just has to go along with it we just though it was funny hehe. it can be viewed through any lens! snippy or non, s’all good here! it’s all canon.
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what is he was sick and he couldn’t whine 🥺 what is he was sick and he wasn’t allowed even a snivle about it 🥺 not a snort 🥺 or a sob 🥺 he’s so pathetic !!!! besides, he can’t be out paced by some fuckin kids!!!! HES A GROWN ADULT 16-18 Y/O CAMP COUNSELOR GODDAMNIT!!
MARVEL: “Feferi: ah yes your sickness you have a functioning immune system and are the most dramatic guy on planet earth (only one of those statements is true)” which statement? :) yeah
she doesn’t believe him anymore <333
Ok and that is it for full line art doodles, but!!! i couldn’t resist drawing some more pairs we pondered
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ERIDAN AND KARKAT: omfg so good!! but they would 100% either both be tooooo sick and dead, or they would both be mostly fine
VRISKA AND TAVROS: no. and you know why we’re not doing this one :,( we all instantly knew this one would be here but we are choosing to ignore it im favor of…
TAVROS AND KARKAT: Marvel proposed it and it was very interesting!! i think similar to eridan and karkat, where they’re both dead or both barely sick. no i’m between. aggressive yet positive motivation (?) for the win!!! they further proposed that karkat “eats dirt for a living and doesn’t get sick very often”
Overall this was really fun to put together and answer, and i had a blast getting to colab with a mutual along the way :3 so thank you anon and thank you marvel!! this does bring me to something i’ve been meaning to say,,.,,,
@marv3l-drag0ns ,,? we’ve been friends forever, you know my dogs middle name, we complete each other in a way no one else can! you stop me from eating bones i find on the road, and i stop you from ascending to godtier to avoid going to exams…,…
would you be my
Moirail? <>
anyways! that’s all for now <3 this was so fun :) please send in more asks/ requests like this if you ever think of any more! i definitely feel for the camp counselor piece cause that was me earlier this summer PFF and all the counselors got sick and passed something around (but hey! it was an excuse to sit away from 7 y/olds for a few minutes while i got tea for my sore throat)
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thewebcomicsreview · 6 months
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Homestuck 2 updated today! Even I'm not enough of a dork to leave a Christmas Party to go read Hamsteak, but it got late and I'm back now, so let's do it. Months ago, but not many, before Alt!Calliope collapsed. Has it really been months, in-universe, since Dave/Aradia left Candy? Time is confusing, especially in Homestuck.
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Oh wait, this is after Jade broke free of Calliope's control back in Chapter 6. That was months ago? Man, it's so weird how we've cut back to the Meat Rocket several times since then and Jade just....hasn't done anything or said anything about being possessed? At least onscreen? Totally glossed over.
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Probably the biggest mystery in HSBC right now is who the Candyland narrator is. The "Lady" giving commands is clearly Alt Calliope, so who's the narrator pushing back on her here?
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Oh. We have another Alt Calliope. An Alt-er Calliope. This seems to literally be the same person as Alt Calliope, though, since they re-fuse. Maybe this is something to do with Ultimate Selves, which might be why non-Alt Calliope is so afraid of her.
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Cutting from Alt Calliope talking about decorum to Davebot and Aradia taking selfies with her corpse is a cute gag. I'd forgotten Aradia had a new Calliope-themed outfit. That's kind of weird.
DAVEBOT: to be fair this was typical teen jade behavior DAVEBOT: honestly shoulda done a little more research into that host body
Oh that's an interesting explanation for why Alt-Calliope-In-Pre-Retcon-Jade's-Body passed out (and almost certainly not the original team's reason). But Jade's narcolepsy was Vriska-induced.
DAVEBOT: you just went on another one didnt you ARADIA: yes DAVEBOT: who did you meet this time ARADIA: the necr- DAVEBOT: no dont tell me its simply too much to bear ARADIA: are you doing a bit DAVEBOT: of course im doing a bit
I do like the idea that Aradia uses her time powers to have entire adventures in between sentences. I suppose this also makes Pesterquest's Aradia arc canon, since that involved a bunch of HS2 stuff. I haven't played Pesterquest in forever so I don't know if the "necr-" ("necromancer"?) is a reference to that or foreshadowing.
ARADIA: actually i doomed thousands of timelines DAVEBOT: thats kind of fucked up ARADIA: yeah! ARADIA: to be fair i was doing it on purpose DAVEBOT: thats even more fucked up
Aradia is the best troll.
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Dave's pillow wearing sunglasses is a great gag. Also, a cute character moment. Those glasses were a gift from John, and Dave kept them even after becoming a robot.
ARADIA: i could go see him right now DAVEBOT: you wont ARADIA: i wont 0u0
Assuming "him" in Sollux, that seems to imply that Aradia can come and go to Candyland freely, which is...interesting.
ARADIA: youre welcome 0u0 ARADIA: anyway the point im making here is that some of these missteps end up serving a grander purpose ARADIA: things that seem unimportant or even “wrong” can end up being essential components of whats meant to happen ARADIA: and who even decides whats wrong in the first place? DAVEBOT: i dunno megido thats borderline blasphemous
This is pretty obviously about Candyland, especially since Dave just shit on his pre-Ultimate Candy self as being a different person from a "lame" timeline, and "How much does it matter if something is canon or not?" is the question HS2 is allegedly about in the first place. But also I kind of like this nerdy time shit philosophizing even without the thematic subtext. The Homestuck EU has mostly been "Trolls! Aren't they neat!" and Ultimate Selves, but the Classpects haven't really been talked about much for a long Time.
Dave also refers to "Skaia's alpha timeline" in this conversation, but it's never been fully clear to what extent Skaia was pulling the strings. The "alpha" timeline was just the one with no paradoxes, and it was Lord English, not Skaia, who was making it so restrictive.
ARADIA: whats the right way for a butterfly to flap its wings? DAVEBOT: the way that doesnt make me gay
Dave...you are gay. You've been gay since Homestuck proper. It was a big part of why your marriage to Jade fell apart. Ultimate Dave is comprised of all Daves, and since Dave quit time-traveling before figuring out his sexuality, he seems to have regressed somewhat.
Dave was always scared of creating Dead Daves. "Dead Daves are the enemy", and it's why he doesn't time travel any more, and Aradia here seems to be arguing that this is limiting him, that he can't grow and explore without breaking some rules and dooming some timelines. This is, of course, Thematic™. You can't go in an interesting new direction if you're too worried about sticking to what the story's "supposed" to be about.
DAVEBOT: also now feels like a good time to mention that despite my omnitemporal awareness of everything that has and ever will happen to me i actually have no idea where the fuck youre proposing to take me ARADIA: oh word ARADIA: fun huh? DAVEBOT: being real i kind of hate it ARADIA: woohoo! DAVEBOT: youre such a freak DAVEBOT: TONE INDICATOR: AFFECTIONATE
ARADIA: cmon you shithead
This is such a fun pairing.
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Hm. Calliope gets back up right as Aradia and Davebot's feeling jam is getting somewhere and makes them stop. Hmmm...
Good update. Aradia is my favorite troll and this was Good Aradia Content. I am increasingly convinced that she is not a Handmaid to Calliope, despite the cult outfit. Also rather interested in what's up with the Double Alt Calliope thing, but I imagine that'll get a follow-up at some point.
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souji-upseta · 4 months
yo my name is nyx, it's my birthday today (2/3). my birthdays have sucked SHIT the past few years for reasons that are depressing—
—cringe is also dead, i killed her myself, and i'm still grieving her loss. its been very hard for me—
—since i am the protagonist of Me and can do st abt this, this year i turn 31, and i will at some point turn 31.4, with all of this in mind, what do i want for my birthday? i'll tell you:
to talk about homestuck.
i'll do that, anyways, but you'd be doing me a gift by giving me a prompt to follow, and to feel slightly more validated in my inability to shut up about my hyperfixation.
so i'm asking YOU to talk about homestuck with me.
talk to me abt homestuck? ask me my headcanons. my thoughts. my relationship to the work. tell me yours. expect nothing that's profound, and plenty that's stupid.
i'm even turning anon on, for the first time in 6 fucking years. where making this happen.
this never expires btw. today is my birthday, but, for story purposes, let's say that it's still my birthday after it isn't, bc i will still want and, if i am honest, NEED you to talk to me about homestuck for years onward. i'm very metatextual like that.
i get the feeling it's going to be a long day.
>Nyx: Be the other guy.
You are now the other guy! What will you do?
>Web Tumblr User: Inbox Tumblr user souji-upseta?
>Mobile App Tumblr User: Do that, but hyperlink is unavailable?
you are now nyx again, and i am now me, and i need to exposit some lore.
as in, some starting points to get u going, since "homestuck" is a very broad subject:
•i'm a massive massive slut for the epilogues and post canon content/hsbc. pesterquest is too good for this gay earth.
•dirk is my fav, ALL of the dirks, all of them, and it isn't even close. my fav relationship is the canon platonic/familial one between dirk and dave. i fucking love the striders. dave is my 1.5th fav.
•im more invested in dave's relationship to corndogs (and corn dogs) than you even know.
•mspa reader is my second fav after the striders, bc they are a good thembo friendsimp and also bc they are me and they are You. i might be biased. i love You. i love me. i love us. we're fucking gr8.
•im pretty canon-compliant, so my fav ship is dirkjake as exes (for now), and my fav ship as not-exes is panquadrant (canon) davekat.
i'm also really fascinated by rosemary and would welcome more opportunities to learn abt and talk about them but if homestuck makes a statement about anything it's to let the women and the sapphic characters tell their story (thats a joke, talk to me abt them too)
•june eg(g)bert real.
•i'm fascinated by classpects and the applications of paradox space's classpecting and extended zodiac system when applied to real life, since our only experience of those fictional systems is in linear dimensions of spacetime, and our only experience of astrology is as a species that in-universe cannot experience the sign caste system the same way the fictional aliens that created our species in their own image do. skaia knows, but we sure as fuck don't.
•i'm a former prince of heart (2012-2020) and a current knight of space, and my aspect is light. that is a thing that actually makes perfect sense for the reasons i just said.
don't ask me about vriska serket or (vriska) serket. not bc i'm not willing to discuss dark or problematic characters (hello, lanque bombyx) but bc:
for one, she can speak for her damn self, and has, tyvm.
for two, talking at length about a problematic character in any positive capacity marks you as an enemy of the state if that character is a woman, and being an enemy of the state is way too much fucking pressure for me for reasons i already explained as soon as i told you i'm a knignt of space. i wouldnt make a very good enemy of the state. it'd be an unhealthy blackrom relationship to the detriment of us all.
for three, i can just give you all my opinions/headcanons on vriska that matter:
•she's greasy and gross and unkept af but not unclean or unsanitary, like, she bathes, she smells fine, she changes her clothes, but she's got the troll crust punk aesthetic absolutely on LOCK. she doesn't comb her hair.
•it would have been funny if she did even more bad things
•aradia did nothing wrong. vriska did but the meme is funny even if someone needs to take that meme out back and shoot it for the good of humanity.
•she should beat up ultimate dirk, and my reasoning for that is bc that would, also, be really fucking funny if she did
•john has both punched her in the face and hugged her, and now that john has punched aranea in the face, all that's left is for june—i assume she will have come out of her egg(bert) by then—to hug aranea and complete the circle of stupidity.
•she is trans yeah but she doesn't wanna get into it, she doesn't have to, and neither do i.
•vrisrezi most important relationship in homestuck.
there. you already got me to talk about vriska at length, and you didn't have to try. moot issue.
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thewertsearch · 9 months
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Yeesh, that's brutal. Why'd you have to do John like this, Hussie?
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The Quest Bed seems to have a set of Kernel Spires - but for what purpose?
Maybe the god tiers give you full access to the prototyping powerups. It'd be cool to see John challenge Jack as an equal.
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During the Windy Thing, the Vagabond told John that he couldn't die yet - but is there hope for his hero, even now?
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-.-- --- ..- / … - .. .-.. .-.. / -. . . -.. / - --- / … .- …- . / ..- … -.-.--
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Rose doesn't have a monopoly on light.
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Dream John seems to be in a parallel Quest Bed on Skaia. Due to the timing of the scene, I'm not sure if these wounds are concurrent with Real John's, or there's a slight delay between deaths.
Does the resurrection fail if he's on Prospit, or will the game fetch you for your destiny?
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This is a big deal. Much bigger than I expected, to be honest.
The god tiers aren't just silly bonus levels - they're the real deal, and the power they grant John might have far-reaching consequences.
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i didn't dream this! :O
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guess you got my back now
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He never mentioned it was beautiful.
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Oh, it's the Breath costume from the opening! I love how the hood evokes a gust of wind, and I'm trying to figure out if it's fully a Breath outfit, or if there's some Heir stuff too.
So - this is a John who's started to tap into his true power. He was already summoning hurricanes, and it looks like that's not even scratching the surface of his potential.
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That's all hidden from WV, though - all he gets is this motherfucker.
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