#And hell
emdeerm · 10 months
*Disappointed Alfred stare tm*
Prompt? Idk, go ham
So, GK Danny has been with Batfamkly for a while now. Like, a few years. He's a freshly adulting adult. He loves his family. A lot of crap in DC canon didn't happen and stuff. He is now a part of JL.
He gets a mission from CW to go to an alternate version of his dimension and fix whatever is happening there.
He gets sent into the world where Gotham War is happening. He is DISAPPOINTED and also horrified, to say the least. His dad is way better. B, take him home pls.
But he has a duty to do. So...
*Loud clap from the sky getting everyone's attention at once*
"Ladies, gentlemen, and others, we are closing this shit show down for maintenance. Please vacate the premises." A person in the sky announced, grabbed the whole batfamily in reach and swooshed away.
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jonnywaistcoat · 1 year
Hey sir, there's something very special on how vague you respond some questions and your whole Tumblr page has this feeling of mysterious and random pictures.
I just like the vibe and wanted to point it out.
Cheers! They're called "memes", I think - they're like normal jokes except they're on the world wide web so they don't have to make sense or be good.
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amethysttribble · 10 months
Personally, I just think that Elves should have incredibly detailed and distinct words for every level of kin and every generation of kin.
Great grandmother should be one easy, common word that's separate from one's grandmother, and there should be differing words for cousins based on what degree and how removed they are.
You have to be AT LEAST five generations out of the immediate family circle (i.e. no shared grandparents) before anyone even thinks to just call you 'kin', rather than use a two syllable word that provides excruciating detail on just how you're related.
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bloodywolfwings · 4 months
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ramblesbiab · 8 months
hazbin hotel is so weird to me.
When I was an edgy, newly queer teenager and the pilot came out, it was literally fucking everything to me. I rewatched it on a near daily basis. I thought every joke landed, that the animation was amazing, and I had a weird sense of pride that a YouTuber could produce something as amazing as a 30 minute, high quality animation.
Then a few years passed as I watched Helluva Boss excitedly every time it came out. I thought it was great, for a while. Then over time, I was semi-conscious of a decline in quality, that finally set in around when season 2 came out. I stopped watching at that point because I was so bored of it, I missed what it could've been, what it used to be.
At that point, I started seeing more information about the actual Hazbin Hotel show coming soon. On it's own it would have been strange, the lack of excitement about what was my entire personality at one point. Then I started seeing how a lot of accounts on here who I respect and look up to talk about the show.
The true scope of the issues with the show really set in at that point. How unoriginal and childish the jokes were. How their was barely an audience anywhere for it because it didn't know what it was trying to be. It was clear to me that something I once idolized is a wreck.
Then, one of my closest friends with media opinions I heavily respect starts watching the show and talking about how great it is. It's hard to describe the level of whiplash I felt. It felt like I was missing something, y'know? Like there was an inside joke I didn't understand, how could anyone like the bad show. It's bad.
I... still haven't watched the show. I don't have means to watch it except pirating and I genuinely don't feel like putting in the effort to pirate it. Honestly, the greater point of this post is just like - how bad I am at forming my own opinions, because I feel a constant need to be with the crowd.
I know that's a problem. It shouldn't matter how people I respect feel about the show, because if I enjoy it and it's not genuinely problematic, then there's nothing wrong with that. So maybe I would like the show. Maybe I'm in the small audience which I've repeatedly seen referred to as dumb, overly edgy, etc. And maybe I don't want to admit that because I'm hoping I'm not in the minority.
Anyway, that's the end of this long post. Have a nice day.
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tidesfate · 1 month
You cannot kill Mora. Not in any way that matters, or will stick. Even the God's themselves have been incapable of finding a way to untangle it from reality in a way that even just removing it and isolating it would not cause unraveling, even more so to actually erase this remnant of what was never supposed to be.
Mora does not have a nymic, for it is not an old spirit. It is not daedra beyond a title and necessity to pinpoint it to a group. Mora has anchors- these act as hearts, and there is an unknown number of them. More exist as Mora grows; they act as ways to stabilize its matter- a bunch of ideas, knowledge, memories, all the stuff that Mora is made of is wrapped around the more it consumes and grows. To destroy one is already difficult, to find them, and to do what is akin to removing a black hole. If one is destroyed, Mora can become destabilized- but that would recover, and you wouldn't get the chance to try again.
Even if somehow, something is managed to get rid of these and to truly erase Mora, I don't think this would stick. Mora is knowledge, it is ideas, it is concepts; and it is nothingness. There would be something missed, there would be that small scrap of something anomalous, something that should not exist floating out there. Or maybe found in something, buried in dirt waiting for pieces of itself to slowly come back together. Mora is concepts given sentience.
Maybe Mora would be given a chance to be something different. Maybe something more fortunate may spawn instead. But Mora cannot be killed, and it cannot be truly erased.
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monofox · 1 year
remember guys; HD ryoji will be real!!
but then everything with him will also be hd and real, and then you remember everything about persona 3, and then you realize how it goes from happy and then plummets to the ground and then how it turns in december--
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sapphanimates · 30 days
pspsp sega should do what the did with the sonic encyclospeedia and make one that just focuses on all the canon characters and their history throughout their different appearances
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epyros-sacel-vanid · 8 months
Random thoughts that pop in my head
We've got the term himbo, we've got the term bimbo, and as far as I'm aware (and if I'm wrong please correct me because I'm dumb) himbos is for males and bimbos is for females... But is there any for non-binary people?
Like, I saw this post saying "Bimbos and himbos of the jury" and I couldn't help but picturing the scene in my head and one thing lead to the other so now I'm wondering what's the non-binary option for bimbo/himbo.
For now tho, I've decided that isnce I'm unaware of a better option, I shall call from now on bobos to all my non-binary pals who would be himbos or bimbos if they identifiead as binary
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legacy77 · 2 months
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the-dying-star · 3 months
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♦️ Hellcats ♦️
Wicked fast, ruthless hunters and fantastic trackers. Hellcats are seldom used because of their tendency to be defensive. But a befriended Hellcat is fiercely loyal.
They can have different colorations but typically have either stripes or spots and always have venomous saber teeth and spines, venom that not only is flesh eating but is a coagulant as well. Their claws are not less painful, razor sharp and several inches long.
This is Vex.
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lvlystars · 6 months
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je suis not okay.
je suis thrashing on the floor like a fish out of the sea.
je suis so down bad for this man it's not even the slightest bit funny anymore.
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fruityfroggy · 1 year
Do you ever create an oc for a fandom, and you just sort of randomly start contemplating on whether parts of their backstory actually make sense in the media they’re supposed to fit into when you really think about it?
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card-queen · 1 year
Hello, hello! Remember me? It's been a while and I only just joined Tumblr so. Haha.
Anyways, just out of curiosity, which is your most favourite fanart that you made this year compared to when you first started? :D
Hello, you! Of course I remember you! Thank you so much for the ask~
The Metal Slug picture is definitely my favourite! It has everything I want to show off from bright colours to chaos, and even has scanlinese too which make almost any picture 10x better!
I have to give a special shoutout to some of my ArtFight pieces though! I really was able to practice the style I want to use for my game more and some other styles too!
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My art has kind of gone in stages:
Learned how to draw
Learned how to scan drawings in to colour
Learned how to use a drawing tablet
Joined fandoms to draw more
And now I'm at a stage where I just want to create me own things and draw & write for them all the time. It's been a fun journey, despite the.... many, many, many, many, MANY detours, issues and general torment of wanting to create things.
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I may hc Tim as someone with colombian ascendance for personal reasons but also, the tea culture mannnn
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Did some fanart no reference edituon.. made late in the day.. pretty late… I swear I can do better!!!
But yeah, these are Liv and Maria Nara from @pizza-games-and-more
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