#And like he also faked multiple mental illnesses like depression and schizophrenia
butchratchettruther · 2 years
Thinking about how comedically bad nearly all of my partners have been
#First we had a couple of Extremely Unrequited Crushes#Then we had a straight and probably homophobic girl who flirted with me as a way of making fun of me#Who I never actually dated but am counting as she was the first person to ever show romantic interest in me and I was so flattered by the#attention that I got a crush on her#Worst mistake of my life honestly she was such a bitch#Also I was closeted and she’d figured out that I was queer which made it worse#Then I had my first relationship at like. Fourteen? Which was genuinely comedically bad#like the dude straight up cheated on me via catfishing our mutual best friend multiple times#And he also created fake puppet accounts (two of whom he catfished my friend through and another one who he tried to catfish my friend#through)#And then one of these fake puppet accounts committed suicide and another of his fake puppet accounts “blamed him” for it#Which. Lol the puppet account wasn’t wrong#And like he also faked multiple mental illnesses like depression and schizophrenia#Like he was just comedically bad. You can’t make that shit up like fuck was up with him#The second one was also pretty shitty but much better in comparison. There was a weird power dynamic there because he was two years older#than me and I was VERY sheltered and didn’t realise that was maybe a little weird and thought it was Totally Normal#And uh. He was super controlling and weird#And also he broke up with me twice both times so that he could persue someone else (one of whom was his bff’s just broken up ex boyfriend)#And he also ignored me for like a week/two weeks before we actually broke up both times#And the first time he broke up over text and the second time he broke up through our mutual best friend#Kind of. Like we were sitting in the art room and he asked everyone except me him and our mutual best friend to leave#And then our mutual best friend had to explain to me whilst he was just sitting there about how he didn’t really have those feelings for me#anymore#except that didn’t really happen either because I panicked and ran off and hid until the end of the day#So yeah. That was pretty wild but not as bad as the first one#The third/last one wasn’t too bad either. He only ignored me for two weeks at the end of the relationship#And he apologised afterwards and we’re still friends now and he’s super super guilty over it#but yeah all of my partners have been comedically bad and I find that absurdly funny#Also I should probably tag this vent tw so#Vent tw
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hey could you explain what radical psychology is/where to start learning about it? bc it sounds rad as hell! and also have a great day!!
"Radical therapy is any of the following: organizing a community to seize control of he way it's run; helping a brother or sister through a crisis; rooting out our own chauvinism and mercilessly exposing it in others; focusing on the social dimensions of oppression and not on "intrapsychic" depression, fear anger and so on; organizing against the war, against polluting industries, against racist practice; developing a political/therapy center for young people; teaching students psychology like it is; refusing to be manipulated and co-opted by the sweet sucky pigs who heap praise on your head like garbage while they root their snouts in your guts."
This quote is from an editorial in a 1970-1972 paper called The Radical Therapist which was written predominantly by and for professionals in the field of psychology at the time.
Contextually a year later the Rosenhan Experiment would take place. It was an experiment designed to see if psychiatric hospitals could differentiate between real patients and fake ones sent in. Upon being admitted the fake patients were instructed to show no other signs of mental illness, but to simply act normally.
On average it took nineteen days for the patients to be released. All of which were given professional diagnoses – usually bipolar or schizophrenia – and every fake patient was forced to admit having some mental illness and agreeing to take antipsychotic medication.
After the results were published, a hospital administration challenged Rosenhan to send more fake patients promising they would be able to detect the fakers. The hospital believed about 20% of the new patients were fakers sent by Rosenhan – but in reality he had never sent any at all.
With some historical context out of the way – Radical Psychology can be contextualized as the rejection of the dualistic notion of mind/body wherein the unobservable mind is said to have genuine illness. Keyword here is Illness. Without addressing the real-world material concerns and stressors of the individual, we cannot say that the condition is entirely “In Their Head”
Radical Psychology does not deny suffering. It does not deny that there are neurological conditions which can have emotional or cognitive effects. About ten years prior to the above Thomas Szasz wrote a book title The Myth of Mental Illness. It can be summarized as such.
#1: If a condition is an illness of the brain, it is by definition neurological and should be studied as any other neurological condition.
#2: If we do not attempt the change the living conditions of the patient for the better, then we cannot say that their problems are inherent to the individual.*
#3: Since we cannot observe the inner workings of a person’s mind, the suggestion that there is a distinct condition is irrefutable. (Ex: I say your problems are due to your relationship with your father. How do you prove that I’m wrong?)
#4: Many patients are actively harmed by clinical methods, and treatments are often seen as successful when the patient is compliant rather than happy or feeling better. (Remember this was written in ‘61.)
*This in particular would be the foundation of Marxist Psychology which emphasized the class nature of psychology in concept and clinical practice.
Many of the ideas behind Radical Psychology remain relevant to this day. Particularly with the recent revival of interest in psychoanalysis – that is the subject of Freud, Jung, and so on. 
When we say the majority of LGBT people struggle with depression: we are still saying that the majority of LGBT people have something wrong with them. It is still the suggestion that the majority of LGBT people have something inherently wrong with how they perceive, or emotionally respond to the world at large.
Chronic Illness is another particular cutting example in the current year. Patients coming into a practice looking for pain management are often met with the suggestion of seeing a psychologist, with the implication that even pain from an objectively observable injury or illness is at least partially fabricated in the mind of the patient.
(I’ve personally had to actively fight off a General Practitioner who attempted to diagnose me with Depression multiple times even after I went to a psychologist who wrote her a letter clarifying that I did not suffer from Depression. A diagnosis which was only used to deny me treatment for other medical conditions – and which mysteriously kept appearing in my records AFTER I had it formally removed with the help of a very kind psychiatrist. Speaking from experience the standards for which a person may be diagnosed with a mental illness is shockingly low.)
Radical Psychology is the demand that we do better. It means separating the real neurological conditions from the bullshit designed to instill social conformity and acceptance of oppression. It means actually taking the study replication crisis seriously. It means admitting antidepressants currently have success rates so low they wouldn’t be approved for non-psychological conditions. It means admitting that the active elimination of oppressive systems will do more for the mental well being of the oppressed than any amount of mindfulness.
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sorryimessedupagain · 5 years
Okay ladies and gents. Time to clear the air. Since Reddit decided they wanted to come after me last year (I just now saw it give me a break) about a post I made FOUR YEARS AGO here we are. If you have not read my “I spent three weeks in a mental hospital” post, do so before you read this so it will make the most sense.
1.    Yes, I am painfully aware that I spelled Tourette’s wrong. Autocorrect got the best of 16-year-old me. And yes, I know Tourette’s is a neurological condition and that it’s not a reason to be hospitalized. The boy with Tourette’s tried to commit suicide but when I was making this post, I already had another person in mind to “identify” (isn’t the best word I’m sorry) as the person there for a suicide attempt.
2.    The touching part. This line about the boy with anger issues giving the warmest hug is very true! It was the day I was getting discharged from being in the out-patient program and he snuck me a hug while we were filing out to be picked up. He got yelled at and so did I. So yes, you are alllllll right! Touching wasn’t allowed but he went for it anyways. And just to clear the air for the nasty people in the thread saying he wanted to strangle me: I knew him personally from outside of being hospitalized. We had mutual friends and knew of each other pre-hospitalization.  Being in the out-patient program together helped us get closer.
3.    Another ~hot topic~ the girl who tried to kill herself luring the boy with insomnia to sleep. Opposite sexes were not allowed in bedrooms together. She sat outside his room, WITH A NURSE, reading him books. This kid was I believe 11 or 12, not really sure I never got to know him well. But he was hospitalized for schizophrenia, and also suffered from insomnia. The staff sedated him with what we all called “booty-juice” (this isn’t a joke it’s really what we called it) and he would scream the WHOLE TIME. The only way he would stop would be if this girl read to him because she was his only friend there. It sounds bad when it’s phrased like that but it’s more of a he liked talking to her the most.
4.    My blog does not romanticize depression! I’m sorry if that is what it seems like, but my point of making my blog was for me to journal and post my thoughts somewhere my mom wouldn’t be able to read them. I fucking HATE being depressed! There’s no romanticizing here because I fucking wish I wasn’t like this. It was a coping mechanism; and I get it might not seem like that but none of you know me personally to be able to decide whether or not it works. This leads into point number 5.
6.    I was not self-diagnosed! I went to multiple psychiatrists and therapists since I was 13 and I was diagnosed and put on medication for severe depression and anxiety. I wish I didn’t go to therapy and that I didn’t have anything wrong with me because it would’ve saved my family a lot of time and money and I feel guilty for burdening them with that! I am however, getting better and am off my meds and have not relapsed in over a year!
7.    None of you, and I mean NONE of you, should be shitting on and belittling my experience. My hospitalization was not as light as my post was. My point with posting this was to make people realize that people are more than their diagnosis. But all of you saying that these people never told me I was beautiful and that “mental illness isn’t like that” maybe can’t imagine someone who hates themselves being nice?? I’m sorry if you felt personally triggered by the fact that the girl I roomed with that had bulimia told everyone at the group session that day we were beautiful in our bodies because we were talking about how we didn’t like who we are or how we looked. And yeah, I was admitted into a nicer mental hospital, I know that. My insurance told my parents where they would cover and that’s it, that’s where I went. We didn’t have wings, it was girls on one side of the hall, boys on the other.
8.    Nobody’s experiences being hospitalized are going to be the same. Things in my state have a high chance of being different than yours. I’m sorry that I had a good experience being hospitalized; I got lucky that the kids admitted were so nice to me and that the staff actually wanted me to get better. I was never “doped up” like some of the replies were. In fact, the staff didn’t give me meds until the third night because they wanted to get an all clear from my doctor that I could take them. But just because you or someone else you know had a bad experience doesn’t mean mine didn’t happen?
9.    I never said these people’s mental illnesses were beautiful. I thought that if anything, the fact I got to learn more about them as people besides what they were admitted for was beautiful. That there is more depth to people than their mental illnesses which people forget sometimes. THAT’S THE POINT OF THE POST.
10.  “I love the way that everyone is completely different. There's only one person with anger issues, only one drug taker...” First, yeah I know. That’s how I wanted my post to be formatted: people would lose interest if I repeated the same types of people in there multiple times. Second, there were a lot of people there and I just picked out the people that stuck out most in my head that I felt deserved written justice for how they told me they were treated. There were multiples of many conditions and my intentions were not to make it seem like I was degrading some of these people by grouping them together.
There’s more I could bring up but I’m going to stop with 10 points. I realize that I might seem angry through how I responded, but if you had 200 comments telling you your experiences were fake you might understand the hurt and frustration. I just never thought I’d had to defend my hospitalization to anyone. Tumblr community, thank you for being much more receptive to my post and seeing the message I was trying to convey. I hope you all are safe, take care of yourselves.
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sammysam · 6 years
Tumblr media
NAME ~ Skyler Valentino Luciano
NICKNAME ~ Sky • Valentine • Val • Sky bunny (Brii only) • Music note (Kim only)
AGE ~ 23 years old
GENDER ~ Male ♂
HEIGHT~ 6 foot 4
WEIGHT ~ 119 ibs
BIRTHDAY ~ Feb 14th
BUILD ~ Lean muscles
RACE ~ White
RELIGION ~ Christian ✝
ZODIAC ~ Aquarius ♒
ROMANTIC   ORIENTATION ~ Hetero-Demiromantic
RELATIONSHIP   STATUS ~ Taken by his precious bean ❤
OCCUPATION ~ Private music instructor
EDUCATION ~ University student
Anime • Manga • Basketball • Music • Sweets • Fruit Video games • Drawing • Reading • Horror • Food • Nature Cool weather • Roller coasters • Snowboarding • Concerts
Society • Drama • Hypocrites • Hospitals • Lack of WiFi • Low battery life Extreme heat • Liars • Cheaters • Fake friends • Rasins • Seafood Cliffhangers • Parties • Porcelain dolls • Spiders • Hot coffee/tea • Red bull
Shy • Quiet • Loyal • Gentle • Honest • Creative • Modest Loving • Friendly • Anxious • Stubborn • Reckless • Logical Possessive • Impulsive • Ambitious • Short-tempered • Adventurous
Sensitive spots include his neck, ears, throat and collar bones • Not that sexual Suffers from mental illnesses including PTSD, GAD, Depression, Schizophrenia and a few others. he also suffers from multiple health problems. Has major trust issues • Is very self-deprecating • Former self-harmer Can play multiple musical instruments • Used to have his ears and lip pierced Named his dog after old music vinyls and his bird after one of his favorite bands Higher pitch than most men • Always putting others before himself Uses gfx editing as a way to cope with depression • Cusses like a sailor Sensitive to the cold • Underweight due to health issues • Coffee addict Fluent in English and Italian • Cold exterior - soft interior • Foodie Dandere, tsundere and minor yandere • Is both submissive and dominant depending on the moment Clingy asf • First IRL kiss was with Samantha • In love with Brianna and only her • Will probably kill you if you lay a hand on his girlfriend (no really dont test him)
Stefino - Father
Aurora - Mother
Connor - Older Brother
Kaylie - Neice
Aiden - Cousin
Nico - Cousin
Serena - Cousin
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yamanorakuen · 7 years
Everyone’s more or less mentally unstable in Mystic Messenger.
Most obvious one is Rika. Rika is one of the most hated characters is the game, and while I understand that I cannot emphasize how and why people say, that the mental illness is her ‘excuse of being terrible’, ‘fake’ or that Rika is evil to the core. Remember that Rika was abused for years. Called names, forgotten, hated. Rika most likely suffers multiple disorders at once - depression, schizophrenia, anxiety.. She has low self-esteem (’how can you love someone so complex like me?’) and savior complex as she wants to save everyone and she looks for reassurance in V. 
Rika’s partner V seems also quite unstable. V had a similar pattern with her, just milder - he wanted to save just one person, he wanted to save Rika. While this is sweet and a nice thought, his sacrificial actions also seem obsessive and he is even willing to lie to his friends about Rika in multiple occasions. He was ready to die or hurt himself for Rika. These possible underlying tendencies for self-harm don’t look too good in my book. 
What V shares with another member is some sort of social disorders. V and Jumin, childhood friends, grew up in a similar environments being higher class. Maybe that what one of the reasons that both became some sort of a lone wolf. But what differentiates them is the type of social disorder - Jumin finds it difficult to understand other people and their feelings and had rather cynical picture of those subjects. He doesn’t quite understand limits (giving Jaehee to much work). V has more empathy and understanding of others, but rather gives too much. Tries to understand too much. He loves so deeply that in process he forgets to take care of himself. Jumin also has a tendency to obsession.
Zen is not only little bit of a narcissistic as the game states multiple times, but he has problems with controlling some of his emotions - could also been seen as part of his dramatic, actor personality but also as unstability. He’s hot-headed, jealous and protective. He may have delusions and generally assumes the worst. Knowing his past it’s not impossible that he has had or still has other mental problems. Maybe he has coped about his past with his hobbies and job (sublimation) but traumatic experiences may resurface in his behaviour at times.
Yoosung doesn’t seem to had an extremely difficult childhood but has dealt with a loss of loved one few years prior. I don’t think he ever finished his grieving process. He’s stuck, coping with emotions of the four first stages of grief and loss - denial & isolation, anger, bargaining and depression. He isolates himself in a whole another world - world of LOLOL, where he is stronger and a better man. He’s visibly mad at V and blames himself for the death of Rika. He accuses him about not actually caring for Rika or helping her. He can also get quite angry quite easily in other situations. Bargaining happens in thoughts as ‘if I had been better’ or ‘If I would’ve seeked medical help sooner’. Though Yoosung blames V, he also blames himself at times and wonders a lot of ‘what if’s?’. He aspires to be a vet partially because of the death of Rika’s pet dog Sally. He blames himself on being weak and helpless. He locks himself up in his room for hours and despite his cheery personality in the chat room, he shows some signs of depression as he’s not motivated in school, he’s indecisive and has visibly low self-esteem that he may or may not cover up with humor at times. 
Jaehee in clearly stressed out and had tendencies for OCD. She can’t stand c-fur and cleans up vigorously multiple times after Elizabeth 3rd’s visits. She’s also very logical, getting from point A to point B and enjoys order and routine. As she was told multiple times that she’s never good enough, it’s possible that she suffers from low self-esteem and she doesn’t really know how to stand up for herself alone. She’s dependent on other people and their acceptance and respect once she gets it. She’s perfectionist and while perfectionism can be a good thing, it can also harm people on a long run, exposing them on mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. While Jaehee seems quite blue at times, I don’t think she’s exactly depressed though it may be possible to bloom if she’s exposed to stress much further. 
The twins. Both of them are kinda fucked up, Saeran just more. Raised in abusive home, it’s no surprise that the twins are unstable. Adding Saeran’s loneliness after his only friend, his twin brother, “left him behind” with no explanation to suffer his mother’s wrath alone and the brainwashing of the Mint Eye, it’s sure that Saeran has had his fair share of suffering. He is probably suffering from multiple disorders, most likely depression, anxiety and PTSD, he most likely also has major trust issues. Saeyoung, coming from the same home, probably may suffer from at least some of those mental disorders. Especially depression can be quite well seen in his actions. If the theory that Saeyoung loves you in every route is indeed true and confirmed, that may add to the picture of mental disorders.
This post was mostly written for my studying to my psychology finals. I’m NOT a doctor or an expert on the field and all of these are just THEORIES. I may have not even listed all of the mental disorders the characters of MM possess. If you think about people, majority of us have or has had some sorts of mental problems and unstability and while MM is not directly a presentation of mental disorders it’s quite obvious that not all of the characters are healthy, especially looking at the childhood of some of the characters (Rika, Zen, Jaehee, the twins..) or some current difficult situations (Yoosung, V..)
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