#And obviously you can't be like snape so they mostly stopped saying that
p0ssym1lker · 2 years
Remus hears a ravenclaw call luna "loony", he laughs and goes
"I remember when snape called me that during school... Shoulda pushed him off the stairs"
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plscallmeeren · 5 months
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Severus Snape x Reader
Request: yep @NurYgmmr
Summary: yandere snape (established relationship) but also u r a death eater living at Malfoy Manor. Just a Drabble, hope u enjoy :) btw apologize for the text being in weird placed my phone's fucked up at the moment
Warnings: Swearing; possessiveness; cruciatus curse; mentions of Death Eater activity lol
Word Count: 1.3K+
Severus Snape was not a bad man. He was not cruel, generally, or sadistic, mostly, nor was he prone to abuse, unless it was expected of him.
In other words - he could be a bad man.
But that wasn't what you liked to think. Really, you were very reluctant to accept the gravity of his propensity for mistreatment. Not that you were innocent.
It seemed Malfoy Manor was a haunted house - a building, not a home - that encouraged the very worst in every inhabitant, temporary or rooted. You extended your excuses to your topical residence.
There were other monsters living there. But there were also the candid, even there.
Severus Snape tapped his fingers against his thigh to no apparent rhythm. His concentration had never been so hard to keep on a meeting, especially with Nagini hissing every now and then.
But you were still on your mission.
"It was you, wasn't it, Snape? Who said the boy would be moving at that time?" Dolohov called out loudly from the other end of the table. "Where'd you pick it up?"
"It was the original plan," he seethed, glaring.
"Right. Was it the original plan to become the ministry's own little spy-"
"You know I have had no contact since I murdered Dumbledore-"
"Enough!" Narcissa yelled, looking startled at her own outburst. "We all trust in the Dark Lord. Accusations and mistrust are his privilege, only. If we must discuss, why not concerning you, Dolohov? Why have you not been invited to accompany the Lord on his mission to kill the boy? Surely you wanted to?"
Severus could think of nothing but the fight you had had before you left. It was stupid, he knew, but everything felt ten times as intense when he was around you. Even when he wasn't, if he was being honest.
Dolohov sneered. Everyone had heard his pathetic begging in the halls. "Well?" Severus pushed, at least directing his general irritation at someone who was set on troubling him.
"The Dark Lord believes...," he murmured, "that I have been behaving rashly lately."
"I can't believe you, Sev'. We were talking. What about that could possibly make you jealous?"
"I'm not jealous! It's just that when two people who are fundamentally attractive are in a room together, 'talking'-"
"For fuck's sake! I'm about to go on a mission and this is what you wanna talk about? This? It's ridiculous, honey!" The pet name is obviously mocking, which makes it sting even more. He just wanted to... what did he want...? He didn't really believe you'd betray him, but maybe the other guy... Lucius..."
"He's a married man! He's married and I'm not interested and he's kinda my friend! That bloke's not interested in me, and I'd be careful, because your interest in becoming obsessive!"
You stormed out, slamming the door. He fell to his knees, head in his hands. What had he done?
"Really? What did you-"
Severus could hear the heavy doors swinging open from afar and jumped up, abandoning every thought of rash Death Eaters. He almost tripped twice running down stairs and over elaborate carpets, but eventually he made it to the door, where Bellatrix was groaning theatrically.
"The Potter boy?" he asked breathlessly, though his eyes didn't stop scanning the entry for you and he really couldn't care at that moment. All those years he had waisted looking after Harry, just for Lily Evans! Of course he had loved her, probably he still did, but what nonsense had the old man tricked him with, saying that it mattered what she had died for? She was gone, she was gone, she was gone.
He had learned to live with that, as long as you weren't.
Just as he could feel the last ounce of calm diverge from his brain, just as the Dark Lord said Potter had survived but some of theirs hadn't...
There you were. Disheveled and tired, but still, there you were.
"Sev," you whispered, wrapping an arm around him as half a hug. "We failed. But just the battle, not the war, I hope." You seemed to have forgotten about the fight, and he couldn't be more glad.
"Go to bed," he pleaded, though he knew you wouldn't. He tried to inconspicuously place his hands on some parts of your body, trying to see if you were hurt.
"I'm fine," you said curtly, answering both his worries. "You're probably more brought up about this than I am."
"Hurry up, bloody lovebirds," Bellatrix hissed from ahead, only turning when you nodded at her wearily. Severus had never understood how you could be so close to such a maniac. Then again, how far from a maniac was he?
The Dark Lord seethed at the head of the table, scaring everyone into silence with his own. "We lost, today," he said finally, keeping a dangerously firm grip on Nagini. "We did not capture, or hurt, or kill the boy. Harry..."
Severus looked at you. "Kill anybody?" he murmured, hoping for the insurance that you were 'helpful'.
"No, but I did blast one of the Weasley boys' ears off... your curse, actually, that Sectumsempra one..."
"And you!" Voldemort cried, pointing his wand - or Lucius', rather - at you. "You had an opening! You saw the owl, you knew it was him, you were so close... could have knocked him off his broom..."
"I didn't want to accidentally kill him," you replied honestly, but before you could finish speaking, you toppled over the back of your chair, writhing in agony.
Severus sprang up, casting desperate glanced from you to the Dark Lord and back again. You were in pain, pain, pain, he had to do something, something...
You groaned through clenched teeth, rolling and tossing on the ground. Everything hurt. Everything hurt so badly. Why was this happening? Where were you...?
"For Merlyn's sake!" Severus cried, and the curse stopped.
He paused as you lay there, limp. What would the Dark Lord do now? Torture him instead? Torture you more?
"Take her to her room," he commanded, and in seconds Severus had scooped you up, carrying you away as fast as he could.
"Put me down," you muttered halfway up the steps, determined to regain some dignity.
"Sev," you growled, and he reluctantly obeyed, only lending you some support. He pushed open the door to your room, shutting it hastily.
You collapsed on the bed, gesturing for him to join you. "Relax, darling. He wouldn't let us go just to tease. I don't think. C'mon, lie down."
He did, slowly melting into the dark covers as you ran your fingers along his side. "I'm so scared," he admitted quietly, and you listened.
"Every time you're on a mission or he talks to you alone, anything... I just imagine life without you and I can't-"
"I'm not going to die," you stated, "but if I did - I won't - then you would be fine, anyway. There is no one I trust as much as you to find something to hold onto, okay? But it doesn't matter, because I'm here. I've survived plenty of torture already. I've survived countless missions already. We're on the mighty side of history. I'm here. I'm yours. Okay? Just like you're not allowed to die for me, okay?"
"Right," he breathed, hands still shaking. "Right."
"C'm'ere. You're safe with me. We're both safe, okay? For now, at least. Come on." He leaned into your touch, feeling warmth spread throughout his body. This is what he fought for, everyday.
"I forgive you," you said quietly. He felt like crying.
"I love you," he said for the first time, and though he didn't miss the way you tensed beneath him, he smiled.
"I love you, too, Sev'."
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
I’m so sorry - Hermione granger
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Harry Potter Masterlist
Summary: Y/N Malfoy twin sister to Draco Malfoy and daughter of Narcissa Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy. Y/N and Hermione are in love but she had to break up with Hermione to protect her from Voldemort. Now she finally stands up while she’s being torture by her aunt.
Pairing: Hermione Granger x FemaleMalfoy!reader
Warnings: Torture, Angst, Spoiler
AN: I just had this idea and wanted to writes before I forgot it.
Word Count: 1588
Y/N Malfoy was thought to be as cruel as her family. That's what everyone thinks and thought. She didn't really bully anyone but had something against mudbloods since her parents said they were bad.
When Y/N met Hermione Granger she was quite rude. Y/N was taught to not be nice to Mudbloods and she knew Hermione Granger was one.
One night on the Astronomy tower Y/N ran into Hermione Granger. It was their fifth year and Y/N was sad she's always been sad.
Her parents mostly Lucius had always chastise her for being to soft. That she should be more like Draco. That made her angry and sad.
Y/N was sad because no matter what she did it would never please her parents.
Y/N was also angry at herself for not being more like Draco. Less emotional. Even though she was a Slytherin Y/N had cared more. She always felt bad when she said mean things. Or when Draco did it. Y/N just wished she could be more strong.
"Oh it's you," Y/N snapped out of her face to see Hermione standing there. Y/N was quick to wipe the tears away. "Wait are you crying," Hermione questions Y/N could almost sense some concern.
"Go head make fun of me Granger," Y/N sniffles drying her eyes making them more red.
"Unlike I don't make fun of people," Hermione states going sit next to Y/N. "Are you okay," She asks putting her books down.
"Obviously not," Y/N not putting her head in her hands trying to make her head ache go away.
"Sorry stupid question," Hermione cringes. "So you want to talk about it I'm a good listener," She gives her a half of a smile.
Y/N sighs she's never really had anyone to talk to so it's weird to her.
"Well first my parents think I'm to emotional and should be like my twin. And second of all I think I should be less emotional," Y/N lets out a few tears. "See I'm too emotional," She lets out a chuckle.
"It's okay to be emotional," Hermione corrects her starting to feel bad for her. Y/N had barely talked to Hermione only when she had introduced herself.
Y/N had wanted to apologize but didn't want her parents to hate her even more.
“Why are you being so nice to me I've been nothing but rude to you," Y/N questions feeling her heart race and butterflies in her stomach.
"I believe you are a good person just brought up with a bad influence," Hermione smiles at her and puts her hand on hers Y/N smiles back.
From that day on Y/N and Hermione always met at the astronomy tower. She always set her smiles when no one was looking.
Y/N could feel herself falling for the smart and beautiful girl.
Then one night as they were talking and laughing about her days, then Hermione kissed her on the lips.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean-," Hermione was about to apologize when Y/N had brought her hand to Hermiones cheek and kissed her again.
She moved her lips along with hers. When they broke away Y/N let out a nervous chuckle putting her hand on her.
From then on Y/N and Hermione would sneak around with giggles and kisses.
Whenever Y/N needed a shoulder to cry on Hermione would always be there for her reassuring that it was ok to be different.
And when Hermione needed to talk about fights with Ron and Harry Y/N would be there for each other.
It's been about a year that this has been going and they're almost done with their sixth year. Y/N had just found out that Professor Snape had killed professed Dumbledore.
Y/N then figured out her brother had the mark. And that's when it clicked why he had been distant. Y/N and Draco were somewhat close but they drifted when she got with Hermione.
Y/N was scared that her brother found out and told her mom. But it wouldn't be as bad as if her dad had known. But Hermione reassured her that nothing was wrong and oh how wrong Hermione was.
And know she had to break up with Hermione because her mother found out through Draco. Y/N was so scared that they would hurt Hermione she had to break up with her.
"Y/N what's wrong I was worried about when I couldn't find you," Hermione rushes over to Y/N worried that she had gotten hurt.
"I'm sorry," Y/N sobs.
"Why what's wrong love," Hermione asks brushing the tears away with her thumbs as her hands wrapped around her cheeks.
"We can't be together anymore," Y/N whispers.
"What why," Hermione asks confusion spreads on her cheek.
"My family found out," Y/N's lips tremble as tears cascade down her cheeks feeling heartbreak.
"Oh," Hermione lets out a breath.
"It's better you don't be with me I don't want you to get hurt," Y/N's body's tremble as she sobs. "I'm sorry please don't hate me," Y/N whimpers.
"Shh love I don't hate you," Hermione shushes her. "We will meet again and I know we'll end up together," Hermione lets some tears fall. She leans forward and kisses her one last time before leaving.
Y/N sadly smiles at Hermione leaves as tears keep on falling and falling.
And finally here we are at the Malfoy Manor with Draco and Y/N by their parents sides.
Her eyes widen as the Golden Trio was dragged into the room. Y/N felt her heart stop and her body coming to a halt.
"Oh my god," Y/N whispers.
She blocks out everything even when her aunt goes on a rant about a sword one of the guys have.
Of course her aunt almost murders the guys wanting to get the sword.
Draco drags Y/N out as her aunt mutters something about girl talk with Hermione and dragged the two boys down to the dungeon.
Hermiones scream snap her out of her daze. She felt her stomach twirl with anxiety and anger. The anger driven towards her aunt.
When Draco is looking away Y/N runs away to go to the room where her aunt is torturing Hermione.
"Stop," Y/N screams as she grabs her wand and points it at Bellatrix. Her eyes were burning with rage.
Bellatrix's eyes snap up to her nieces.
"And what are you going to do about my dearest niece," Bellatrix smirks knowing that Y/N was to weak to do anything.
"Stupefy," Y/N shout pointed her wand at Bellatrix who goes flying
As she gets flown across the room she runs across the room to Hermione where tears are rolling down her cheeks.
She helps Hermione stand up and pulls her behind so that her crazy aunt doesn't do anything.
"Don't even think about doing anything," Y/N snaps at her aunt who got up pretty fast who puts up her wand with a smirk on her face.
"Or what," Bellatrix cackles.
As she was about to speak her parents enter the room with Draco by her side.
"Y/N don't do anything stupid," Lucius snaps at his daughter who has had enough of her family.
"No I've had enough of this, from you, my family who's supposed to support me," Y/N snaps as tears roll down her cheek.
"Y/N sweetheart calm down," Narcissa softly told her daughter not wanting thing to go out of hand.
Y/N scoffs a little but was interrupted again when Harry and Ron entered the room and started casting spells to get Hermione out.
But what she didn't feel her aunt grab Hermione from behind her.
"STOP,"Bellatrix yells Y/N turns around to see her want and against Hermiones chin. Tears come down Hermione's cheeks.
Bellatrix goes on a rant and as Y/N pulls out her want the chandelier cascades down on Bellatrix.
Y/N runs to Hermione to make sure she’s.
“Minoe you ok,” Y/N softly asks as she grabs her hands.
As Hermione was about to speak but was interrupted by Ron.
“Hermione come let’s go,” Ron rushes.
“I’m not leaving without her,” Hermione says grabbing her hand pulling her along.
She sees the disappointed look on her families face as they all stand together and Y/N hands intertwines with Hermiones’. Hermione squeezes Y/N hand reassuring her.
Dobby the house elf that used to work for her family makes a huge speak which she smiles at. Y/N was one of the only Malfoy’s that cared about him.
They finally do the Apparition to make them leave the manor but not before Bellatrix throws a knife going with them.
They reappear somewhere else as Hermione clings on to Y/N.
“Thanks god you’re ok,” Y/N whispers as she kissed Hermione. She kisses back wrapping her arm around Y/N’s waist.
After they break apart she notices that Dobby has a knife in his stomach.
“No,” Y/N whispers as Dobby stumbles into Harry’s arm. Harry wants to do something Y/N sees but knows there’s nothing that can happen.
Y/N lets more tears fall as Dobby takes his last breath. Hermione hugs her as she cries on her shoulder.
She got out of her families house but ended in a tragedy.
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magickwithak2 · 6 years
Hi guys! In reference to my last, anti-snape post, I got a comment about how much of it was fannon, not cannon! Well, let me go ahead and prove my stuff, because I don't want any further confusion!
First, when I said Snape dropped the branch on Petunia, Lily knew he did it purposefully, and called him out on it, as seen here:
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Maybe it was never clearly stated that Snape did it on purpose, but it was always insinuated that Snape knew what he was doing when he dropped the branch. It says right there that he had to lie to Lily about it.
Secondly, I was told that the boys Snape was becoming friends with weren't Death Eaters yet! Well, as you can see here.. Even Lily calls them Death Eaters! Remember, this is after Voldemort left Hogwarts and was already gathering followers!
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She literally says " you and your precious little Death Eater friends"!
And yeah, Lily probably would have done more to help, but as SOON as she finished telling off James and his companions, she was called a moodblood! I can't blame her for walking away and not offering any more assistance, can you?
The third thing I was told is that Snape was unconscious while Remus and Sirius Black were telling the story of Sirius's innocence! But this image is of the last sentence of chapter 18 in book 3.
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It clearly states that Severus Snape pulled off the invisibility cloak, his wand pointing "directly at Lupin", and all of this was AFTER Snape had heard the whole story hidden under the invisibility cloak. He was not unconscious! He was knocked unconscious AFTERWARD, and although he now knew the truth, STILL tried to get Sirius back to the Dementors, and STILL revealed Lupin's secret!
The fourth thing I was told was that "none of the teachers tried to stop bullying" and honestly I'm not even gonna waste time putting proof here, you can find teachers fighting bullying throughout every book in the entire series. Except for Snape. He, yknow, condoned and participated in it :)
The fifth thing I was told was that Snape wasn't obsessed with Lily, and I'm just gonna let y'all think what you want about that. You already know my views.
Thing #6 is that what I said about Snape listening at the door to Harry's prophecy and then telling Voldemort was just "my view"? Well, have some proof that it is, in fact, CANNON!
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That really doesn't look like "my views" or "fannon" at all. And as I said, he did not care about the deaths of a good man or an innocent child, as long as he could have the person he was obsessed with.
The next few things were smaller, mostly regarding the Redemption arc, and I'll let you guys think what you want about that, but it did irk me that the person telling me all of this said that even if he had been nice to the children it "wouldn't have been relevant" through his Redemption Ark. And all I have to say about that is that it would have been extremely relevant. It would have at least shown that he had basic human decency.
So anyway, I just wanted to clarify that if I'm posting about a character, I will never use Fannon as evidence to back up my claims. Everything I write comes from Cannon and if you ever need proof, obviously I can prove it! Thanks for reading and following!
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