#And we know how season 3 was when it came to his characterization
picturejasper20 · 6 months
Your Vlad posts reminds me of how annoyed I was that "Jack Plasmius" in the Alternate timeline had Vlad's colorscheme even though it wasn't reversed, like Jack still had Black hair so his Ghost form should've had white like his son, LOL!
(cries emoji) that episode is a whole mess in terms of characterization and case of dumb plot. We could have had an episode exploring Vlad's backstory in more detail because we never got the full of story of what happened between him and Jack after the ghost portal incident. And it sucks because it is very tied to Vlad's characterization and motivations. I don't even know why Jack looks like Plasmius, it doesn't make sense to me why they would look the same. Not to mention that Plasmius form looks like something that Vlad chose to have himself. Jack's ghost form should have been different.
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franzkafkagf · 16 days
okay so i want to hear about your take on aegon i know you like him and all (so do i no matter how much i wish not to) but whyy
yess thanks for asking, I love being insane about him<3
I think Aegon is such a wildly tragic character– many asoiaf characters are but I'm so drawn specifically to him; he didn't want power or responsibility or the crown. It all was bestowed upon him against his will, and he shouldn't; putting on the crown is his definitive death sentence. The coronation scene has got to be one of my favorites in the season– he is quite literally walking up to be butchered like a sacrificial lamb, there are tears streaking his cheeks in the scene! I love the tragedy of it, the way it couldn't have been avoided anyways; his fate was sealed from the very start! He was quite literally dead from the very beginning.
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I'm going off a mix from the book and the show but I actually love what they did with the character in the show? The book version does have some hard-hitting moments from him that are missing ("What sort of brother steals his sister's birthright?") but there wasn't that much there in terms of characterization and relationships. And wow, did they deliver on that in the show; I'm gonna give whoever came up with his mommy issues a forehead kiss.
Because YES! He and Alicent are reflections of one another– Alicent suffered under the heavy boot of Otto, turned into the perfect daughter, turned into the perfect queen for him. She recognizes that this was wrong and abusive of him, then she turns around and does the same thing to Aegon– the poison DOES drip through, the wheel is NOT broken!! It's BRILLIANT.
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@atopvisenyashill put a GREAT tag under one of my posts–
#he looks like her and he’s weak like her so why can’t he get strong like her.
While Alicent persevered, Aegon crumbled under the pressure. He is miserable when we meet him– and he should be! He is unfit for the role of king, but it is his destiny nonetheless, everybody tells him so. It destroys him.
It's so sad too and I cannot help but to feel bad for him. No one knows where he is in ep 9, I don't think he has anyone to confide in; it must be lonely. Everybody seems to have written him off already– he is a drunk and a failure at being heir, being a son, being a father. He tries to prove them wrong later, and does in some aspects.
His loneliness plays into another aspect of him that I really love; his desperation to be loved. He will never be enough for anybody, he probably knows it deep down.
"[Aegon is] desperate to be loved but destined to be hated." – Tom Glynn-Carney
Obviously there is the carriage scene with Alicent that shows this. But I also really love the moment in his coronation, where he basks in the people's affection and cheers. He is poised to bleed out in front of the throne, he was crying and fighting for his life not to take the crown just minutes before. But now he's here and they love him and he can't help but love that.
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He takes the crown to protect his family (the show does hint at that with Alicent telling him as much in ep. 6– in the book it's much more explicit with Criston pressuring him on the day of the coronation itself) and then his son DIES because of it! And he drinks and rages and drinks some more; he must've blamed himself. He goes to battle, flies too high (figuratively), and he FALLS; he burns and falls to the ground. He isn't made to be king. He knows. He does it anyways.
"You have already written yourself into legend, you survived dragonfire" – Larys Strong in season 2 (probably)
He survives, he is gone for over a year, unable to do anything but he SURVIVES. He escapes the capital, takes Dragonstone, he falls AGAIN, he loses most of his family; but he still goes on. Fueled by what? Maybe anger, or bitterness or just pure lust for revenge. It doesn't matter. He must've realized somewhere on the way that this was always meant to go this way, ever since he put the conqueror's crown on. It doesn't matter.
And then he dies and it's not grand or spectacular or anything like that. He drinks poisoned wine, nobody even sees him die, they only find him after. It's so uniquely lonely.
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So I don’t know if you know of Doug Walker, but recently released his Disneycember review of The Owl House.
While he praised a majority of the show, he criticized the main villain, Belos, of how he was written.
Many of the comments tried to defend the writing of the villain.
Doug Walker..
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.
Yes, I am very familiar with Doug Walker; I loved his stuff along with Channel Awesome years ago and then the allegations came out and fortunately, the other contributors on that channel moved onto bigger and better things. Meanwhile, Doug just stayed the same, so I don't watch his stuff anymore.
Any way, I think it's funny people are scrambling to defend Belos' writing because, despite my own personal opinions on Doug as a critic, I actually agree with him.
For a show that is ostensibly about subverting tropes and not judging a book by its cover, by showing how people can choose to change or not, etc. Belos is a throwback to an earlier era where the Big Bad had basic motivations and characterizations. And for a show like toh, that actually ends up hurting the narrative.
I have categorized the comments I found defending the writing and here are my responses to them:
Belos does have a deeper layer, you just have to look for it.
While a show can certainly foreshadow and provide little hints about a major character, eventually all of that setup will have to pay off somehow. There has to be a reveal both to reward the viewers that have been paying attention and to inform more casual viewers who may not have. Fans analyzing every little frame to extrapolate a major character's backstory only for that backstory to really not matter in the end despite it being set up for a season is just bad writing. full stop. [A viewer should also not have to look on social media for crucial information on a major character.]
It's also not clever that the show left so much room for interpretation on Belos; it just means that they didn't make a commitment to what was being set up and reduced his character to glib one-liners whenever we learn something interesting about him (Masha's "little bro was jealous of big bro" line and Papa Titan's whole spiel).
2. Belos would have been written better if the show had more time.
The Toh crew knew about the cancellation during production of Eda's Requiem and wrote all of 2B with it in mind. So they knew they were working on a time crunch but still introduced elements like the Collector when they should have spent the time wrapping up their story. The cancellation is not an excuse for sloppy writing.
3. Belos as a villain works more on a meta level.
So the argument here is that Belos is the antithesis to the BI; it's accepting and diverse while he is hateful and only accepts things that conform to his worldview. The characters in the story change and grow, while Belos does not. The problem here is that a villain can't only work on a meta level, it has to work on a narrative one as well.
If the BI is place that accepts weirdos then how did someone like Belos come to power? Oh, he lied his way to the top and created problems that never existed? That just makes your populace look dumb and easily manipulated. The BI being so accepting also undermines the threat credibility of the Emperor's Coven because why should we worry about them if they have no real influence over how the BI residents think or behave aside from when the plot needs them to?
Also, I strongly disagree with anyone who says that toh has a "people are complicated and choose to do good and bad" theme when all of the good characters can blame their bad actions on being manipulated or on circumstances outside of their control OR the narrative ignores/downplays anything bad they did (cough cough Amity and Lilith). Meanwhile, the villains are just shallow with basic motives and this is supposed to be a deep message about how Some People Are Just Bad.
If you're going to contrast why your good characters are capable of growth then you need to show why your villain does not. What is stopping them? How do they react if given a legitimate reason to change (that isn't a cheap jab at Steven Universe)? What is their justification for their actions?
Whatever the answer is, the narrative has to support it and not undermine it with a stupid joke.
4. Belos is so refreshing when every villain character is redeemed.
Watch more shows. If you think that every cartoon villain post-Steven Universe is being redeemed then you're incorrect. Redemption of a show or movie's Big Bad is still in the minority while the redemption of the main villain's lackey is a dime-a-dozen.
Ultimately, I think the problem with toh is that so many of its fans take its thematic statements at face value without ever really stopping to think about the execution of those themes and if they really work or not.
Belos just happens to embody this little trick that toh does: it claims to have bold and timely statements and important themes, but the structure and execution of the plot, character development, and world-building undermines any attempt at a consistent or coherent message.
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
why do we lose mike’s perspective over time?
after s1, mike’s perspective on things slowly fades away. commonly, you’ll see people talk about the duffers hiding his queerness by stripping us from his perspective, and while that is true, it doesn’t make sense as the grander reason when we look at the show as a whole. it’s more of a helpful side effect
if mike’s perspective is given to us on a basis of his sexuality and wanting to mask his queerness, why do we get his perspective in scenes like these?
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but not scenes like this?
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really, the whole sauna test should have been from mike’s perspective because he came up with the whole thing, was the most involved in orchestrating it, and was a direct target of billy. we get many shots of mike, but little to none are from his perspective.
i don’t think it’s about mike being queer. i think hiding his perspective gives them more maneuverability as to how they want to handle mike’s queerness, but i don’t think that’s the main motive.
the thing about mike’s perspective is that is never completely disappeared. it still bleeds through, but only in specific moments, and it rarely lasts for long. we see his perspective bleed through in later seasons during scenes like these;
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it’s weird, right?
let’s look at each season individually and what characterizes those seasons for mike as a whole.
Season 1 - mike is our central perspective and when he’s on screen, 90% of the time we’ll be in his POV. he’s determined and strong. he’s scared but also fascinated with what they’re discovering. this season can mostly be regarded as the season where mike is most true to to himself because he doesn’t yet understand why he would be anything else (until people start pushing him towards el, but he’s still being himself throughout it which is why he’s openly confused about what’s happening)
Season 2 - mike’s perspective becomes a bit more sporadic, and we aren’t in his perspective nearly as often as we were in s1, though still a good amount of time is given to him. his perspective becomes most prominent when danger is involved, and the hospital scenes are the best example of that shift between non-danger and danger scenes and where the perspective falls. in this season, he’s depressed and even believes he’s dealing with post-traumatic stress. he still has confidence in himself and his abilities, but we don’t see him partaking in DnD at all and he spends all of Halloween semi-pissed. he’s more uptight than he was in s1. he’s himself, but he’s being pulled towards a very dark spot
Season 3 - almost no perspective from him this season. the driest of deserts for anyone looking for mike’s perspective. even in danger scenes we don’t get his perspective!! this is the season where mike is doing everything in his power to repress who he is in order to try and “fix” himself — to grow up and finally start liking girls. he knows he doesn’t like girls, but he attributes this to being a child and thinks if he forces himself go grow up then he’ll finally like el back. he looks to lucas for guidance constantly and doesn’t know what he’s doing. even without his perspective, we see this perpetual regret on his face when he sees the consequences of his actions
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Season 4 - mike’s perspective is still limited, but we get more blips. scenes like the cafeteria scene, the van scene, the scene on the couch and in the car back to hawkins. there are plenty of small moments that show us mike’s perspective, but majority of the season is through other people’s eyes despite the very central role mike has in the cali plotline. in a story that was meant to service the race to el, it ended up becoming much more about byler because the story was being told through will’s eyes. had it been from mike’s perspective, there likely wouldn’t have been as much clash between the romanticism of that plot compared to the action of everything else. obviously they wanted to include the romance stuff but they could’ve kept it more to the side like in previous seasons by maintaining the perspective of the guy finding all the clues and putting all the pieces together — they didn’t.
mike’s lacking perspective impacts more than just the byler story, and honestly i think that it very much so has to do with why mike was the one we were introduced to as the main character in s1 and why it’s important we’re going back to s1.
it seems that, typically, it’s only when mike is most secure in himself that we’re allowed to see his perspective (and i can make an argument for the ending of s3). mike being introduced as the main character, the character who’s shoes we’re supposed to fill, adds to this idea by making us less secure in the support we had for mike in s1 as mike becomes more and more insecure. it’s a rhetorical tactic to keep us in mike’s shoes in a very roundabout way and the unveiling of his perspective in s5, which i assume will happen in one massive episode, will directly coincide with mike being forced to face all the things he hates about himself.
mike’s sexuality is a massive insecurity, but it definitely isn’t his only one. we see issues with his family, his inability to be good enough for el or anybody, his slow loss of relationships by his own destruction, and his on-the-line dynamic with death. i’d make the argument that, rather than it being about his sexuality, it’s about having us go on this emotional journey with mike in an unconventional manner. as mike comes to accept himself for who he is (which goes far beyond his sexuality, which is arguably one of the few things he has accepted about himself using the perspective argument) we will learn to accept him as well. if we were the GA. we’re not which is why we already know all this
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littlemissmanga · 28 days
Bad Batch season 3 spoilers under the cut
Can I just say I love how S3 is already giving us so much more characterization from Phee?
A lot of what we got in S2 was told to us, rather than shown to us. When we meet her and through the episode where she goes on a treasure hunt with the Batch, she comes off as a careless, reckless pirate. Not a bad person or personality, but a braggert who doesn't have other people as a main concern. Kinda like Hondo Onaka but a little less dramatic.
So for me, her shift in the Pabu episode was a bit jarring. Not too mention the boys trusting her enough to let her take them to unknown coordinates. Sure they all worked together to stop that ancient weapon, but that entire episode showed Hunter as skeptical of her and that never really flipped in the episode. And the boys don't trust easily to begin with so that was a big leap for me to accept without being shown. Same with her relationship with Tech. Whether you think they're an item or they were just close platonically, they clearly were the closest to one another but we never saw that happening, just the effects after it happened off screen. And I get it's a kids show and we're not gonna see everything like that. But I didn't have enough to make the pay offs satisfying.
But S3 is really helping fill that out. Point of No Return showed Phee as determined and bossy but still considerate in her own way. It also showed her as really competent. She knew something was off when the clone assassin was sneaking around and she was ready to fight. She would have caught him, too, if the fuel droid didn't interrupt her.
That now makes her someone I personally can see vibing better with the Batch and particularly Tech. I know more about her so I can fill in what S2 didn't show me.
And this latest episode, where she meets Crosshair and knows exactly who he is because of Tech? She hung out with all the batch. I'm sure they've mentioned Cross to her, especially Omega. But she learned about his personality from Tech. That helps me fill in so many gaps about Phee and Tech's conversations that makes their goodbye in S2 feel more understandable and natural.
I guess I'm saying a lot of stuff in S2 regarding Phee felt like it came out of nowhere. While I liked her well enough and liked how she shook up the boys, I never really felt like I knew her or had a solid grasp of how she would interact with anyone. Now though I've been given so much more and I can really appreciate her as a more developed character and important force pushing the narrative foward.
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sssardonian-ssserpent · 3 months
((Mild hot take in the read below (nothing to do with drama just my own opinion on an aspect of Hazbin):
The CherriSnake in this show was not written very well. It was written poorly. Very poorly. Extremely poorly. Which sucks to me because, I’ll admit, I was not a CherriSnake shipper going into the show. I disliked it because of how it was everywhere and I just didn’t vibe with anything about it from what I saw or various fanworks, but I tried to go into it with an open mind because I knew it was coming thanks to the episode 6 trailer featuring Cherri that came out on Twitter. I wanted to see if I could like it, see if the show could win me over because it was doing a fantastic job with Husk and Angel. And not only did it NOT do a great job, it honestly made me hate the ship even MORE because of how sloppy, slap-dashed, in credibly rushed and utterly lacking of any chemistry, bonding, or character depth it had.
First off. I’m not a fan of how suddenly and without warning Pentious’s absolute and total crush on Cherri was. Like, we’re talking about a man who literally called Cherri and Angel both “whores with no class” in the pilot during their fight (which is confirmed to be canon to the show’s timeline by the by so HE DID call her that, at some point), and seemed to completely disregard her as nothing but an enemy to try and destroy, so forgive my skepticism when in episode 6 he’s suddenly sheepishly trying to buy drinks for her/asking to have sex with her and nervously trying to declare his love for her on the evening before the finale battle. And that’s another thing that I’m not a fan of, him trying to proclaim that he loves her. Sure, you could make the argument that he did it in a spur of the moment thing because he thought there was a chance he may die, and that’s fair, but I feel like that is way, WAY too strong of a declaration for one character to make when he’s only realistically talked to her, maybe four times in the whole season, 3 of those times being the result of a three gag punchline.
Like. Proclaiming your love for someone is a very, very, very different thing from just expressing your interest or your liking someone. It’s much more heavy and it has a shit ton more emotional weight behind it. Weight that Pentious doesn’t even nearly begin to have to try and approach her and declare it right there in the lobby. And even then, what does he say he loves her for? The fact that he thinks she’s beautiful and she makes explosive weaponry that he finds amazing.
That’s it. Nothing else. Just the two most bare bones and basic shit about her character. Nothing about her personality, nothing about anything deeper in her heart that he may see, nothing about any connections he personally feels with her, NOTHING. It feels almost completely soulless and just lacking in the most basic of romantic chemistries, because we never see even a single scene of just these two talking to each other. It’s just Pentious trying to confess/awkwardly trying to flirt with her and then dipping immediately, until he doesn’t when they kiss shortly before he dies and drops the love confession from her, which, COULD HAVE been an emotional moment, if they had gotten more than, at best, three whole fucking scenes in the entire season with each other.
A romantic kiss scene should not be making me roll my eyes in annoyance and sighing. A love confession should not be making me sit there and shouting at my screen “what do you LOVE about her??? You BARELY KNOW EACH OTHER!” And yet here we are.
And that’s not even beginning to get into Cherri’s characterization because boy do I have some words for that.
First off, the actively dismissing Pentious when it’s clear he’s trying to flirt with her/leading him on when he’s clearly confused and struggling.
Now I’m not saying Cherri Bomb should’ve been immediately crushing right back on Pentious or that she should’ve been just as spellbound with him as he was for her or anything, god no. But it really doesn’t help with the “the ship has no chemistry” thing going on in the ship when it feels like the other active participant in said ship just does not have any interest at all/is purposefully trying to lead the other on with no actual intentions to follow through.
I’ve seen so many people talk about the club scenes with Cherri Bomb and how she was actively always giving Pentious so many openings to actually flirt with her, and I’m sitting like “…WHERE?” The first time Pentious tries to engage in anything close to flirting in the hotel, reaching to touch her shoulder while asking her questions, she roughly grabs his hand, and declares “don’t touch me.” That is already super fucking clearly NOT an opening. That is her shutting his ass down super fast.
Then we have the scenes where he is trying to buy her drinks. He asks her politely if she’d want to have him buy her a drink, and she snidely responds with “Why? Didn’t you say we were arch rivals?” while smirking at him in this very almost snooty way. Pentious, panicking because of having to eat his own words, backs off immediately and makes the excuse he’s buying drinks for everyone there.
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And then it happens again when he does actually buy her a drink, and she just silently glares at him with an annoyed grimace on her face. Which makes Pentious back off again and immediately declare how he’s buying drinks for everyone again. (“Giving him an opening” my ass.)
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She is CONSTANTLY brushing him off the entire night and not showing any interest in him in the slightest, with the ultimate blow being when, clearly drunk, Pentious asks her if she wants to have sex with him, and she responds like this.
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It’s the specific wording of “I’m sorry, why would we have sex” for me. Combined with her laughing in his face and looking completely and totally unfazed by it. I’ve seen some people say that “oh she wasn’t saying no, that wasn’t a no” and I’d like to heartily disagree with that notion. People sometimes say “I’m sorry” at the beginning of their sentence either as a means of asking them to repeat themselves or as a means of softening the blow for a rejection, and the wording of “why would we” is a very EXPLICIT rejection in my mind.
It doesn’t read to me like a legit question, it comes off as rhetorical and mean, a firm and amused “no, why the fuck would we do that/no, why the fuck would you think I’d want to have sex with you?” And Pentious’s rejected expression that doesn’t change throughout that brief scene speaks to me that is exactly what was trying to be said here.
And then Pentious bails for the third time and the punchline comes when he’s dragged into that orgy by the rest of the club patrons, she happily goes on her merry way fucking some other club patron for the night and doesn’t even look at Pentious once. There is explicitly NO interest being shown with Cherri here, and it utterly kills any potential ways their characters could mesh in a way that’s fun to watch or talk about.
And we don’t even get the chance to see her again until episode 8, which is where the most infuriating aspect of Cherri’s character in this ship comes into play for me. The part where she learns that Pentious has two dicks.
This is just after Pentious runs away after nervously trying to confess his love for her (again, when they barely know each other and he spent the entire night he saw her last getting constantly rejected by her) and Angel approaches her talking about how she could totally bang/hook up with him and she responds by scoffing and saying “don’t be gross.” And then, when Angel lets slip that he heard Pentious has two dicks…
THEN she becomes interested.
No thinking he’s cute, no thinking his mannerisms or awkward attempts at talking to her are endearing, no secretly thinking his tech and machines are cool or that the Eggbois are cute, none of that makes her interested in him. It’s the fact that he’s potentially hung in the bedroom that makes her even remotely interested in fucking him. NOT LOVING HIM. FUCKING HIM.
She barely even reacts to his death. It’s just a look of shock on her part. Her brow doesn’t even furrow.
So…Just to recap.
Angel Dust and Husk got multiple scenes together throughout the entire season where they’re constantly interacting, talking, fighting with each other, until it finally culminates in a beautiful and heart wrenching scene of understanding that then glides perfectly into a captivating and catchy song about understanding each other’s struggles and learning that they don’t have to be alone with their shitty situations and can rely on each other.
Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb got, at best, 6 scenes with each other across two and only fucking two episodes, and it consists of nothing but a random and sudden crush that is fueled by no chemistry, no bonding, no understanding, and only consists of the most bare bones physical attraction that raises to a fever pitch of a love confession way, WAY TOO QUICKLY on one side, and total and utter disinterest that only barely reaches the desire to fuck the other just because they heard how they had a second dick on the other side, all culminating in no song, no character growth between the two, and a sacrificial kiss and love confession that feels hollow and empty because there is absolutely nothing there behind it.
Can you see why I’m so mad about how this was written now?
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hojiteaversion · 7 months
Mehmed/MC - Fic Recommendations
An asterisk (*) before the title indicates the fic is in Russian! (I read with a browser translator and it's fine! Sometimes some things sound funny and/or pronouns are translated wrong, but it's all understandable!)
All the fics are completed!
Collision by BorgiaBarbie
Laia struggles when the return of Mehmed complicates her already messy love life with Noe. Oh, and she has one week to restore a priceless painting. Can Laia somehow figure out who she is and what she wants before the sand in the hourglass runs out? Laia/Mehmed and Laia/Noe. Mess. Chaos. Jealousy. Angst. Set after the events of Dracula a Love Story Season 4 Episode 3. Chapters 9 & 10 are set 6 months later.
Hilarious? Check ✅ Great writing? Check ✅ Fluff, angst, humor, and smut?! Check ✅
Also, chapter 4 is what most people would call a religious experience. Please, please do yourself a favor and read it.
The Sultan’s request by nesrinslittleworld
Lale Hatun has a conversation with her Uncle when she visits him with the second portrait.
Really well-written short fic. Mehmed/MC is just implied, but I really enjoyed this look into Lale's conflicted feelings about him.
*The trap of excitement by Akulova Anastasia
After her joint incognito outing with Shehzade, Lale continued to avoid Mehmed, fearing her own feelings, and he, having chosen the path of her methodical conquest, found another safe way to get closer, which could not help but seduce the gambling nature of the Sultana: he promised to teach the game of chess, bypassing the prohibitions. The tactics turn out to be correct, but soon Mehmed sets off on a new campaign. On what note will they say goodbye to Lale, and will she agree to one small bet?
This fic has excellent Mehmed characterization, excellent chemistry and development between him and Lale, an amazing dance scene, and a top-notch epilogue. No spoilers, but there's a moment between the two in the smut scene that I find beautifully done and quite touching!
*Obsession by Akulova Anastasia
“Sorry… God, I don’t know what came over me,” I muttered in confusion and embarrassment, for some reason backing away and awkwardly knocking over the paints. Damn it, in this life we ​​have known each other for only a few days and we are not connected by anything except the memories of the reckless passion of young Lale, who probably did not end in anything good, another me, who has long fallen asleep. So why am I now torn by such unbearable thirst and longing? Why did I… kiss him?
Some beautiful and memorable moments between Laia and Mehmed in this one, especially in chapters 2 and 3. To further entice you, I will say one of these excellent moments involves a knife 🙏‍🙌
*Swallow and flame by linalisavv
“I need to run away from you like fire, but I’m flying towards you like a stupid, naive moth, hoping not to scorch my wings,” Lale said almost in a whisper. Her lips collided with the Shehzade’s, and the air around sparked.
This fic (set after 3x11) imagines how Lale and Mehmed could get together in the Ottoman Empire. I think it's very well-written! And while Vlad plays a minimal role here, I think it's fun that this fic is technically set in a Mehmed and Vlad route. Kudos for the sweet epilogue too!
*A fragile tulip in his hands by Seagull with cookies.
Her mind told her: “Get out, run. He is a cruel tyrant. Madman. He will destroy you." And my heart screamed: “It won’t hurt. Can not. His feelings are too strong."
Friends... This one made me insane. It had a lot of things that fit their canon dynamic so well! I want to let you experience it for yourselves, so I'll just say: drawings, teasing, understanding, breathplay (!!!), and falling in love. Please read it.
*On the edge of the abyss by Little_romantic
"I'm scared. I'm afraid it will hurt again…" "I will never hurt you." His whisper sounded so convincing, so soulful that goosebumps ran across my skin. She knew he believed it, but…
I have recommended this one before, and I will do it again! Each chapter is independent from the others, but guys, the sheer longing in these glimpses of them as Mehmed and Lale want, more than anything, to make them work even as they're scared because, you know, it's them... I think it's a beautiful work and it makes my heart just go out to them.
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startreklasirena · 8 months
What is Star Trek: La Sirena?
Most fans and more-than-casual viewers of Star Trek: Picard would probably agree that the three seasons of the show form something of an anthology. It was never officially called that, and some of the characters appear in (almost) every episode. Even some events and backstories do get referenced across season boundaries. But at the end of the day, each season is very self-contained, and many themes, storylines, and characters are limited in scope to one or two of them at the most.
Even the characterization of recurring characters can differ between seasons, from more superficial details (Agnes Jurati going by "Agnes" in S1 and "Jurati" in S2) to some deeper shifts (Elnor seeming more concerned with honour than candour in his brief season 2 cameos).
As such, some of us fans were thinking it would be helpful to have a shorthand with which to differentiate between seasons. Say you're interested in reading Saffi stories that centre the characters, themes, and characterization from season 1. It might be difficult to filter for that, since the "Star Trek: Picard" fandom tag on AO3 will contain fic that is set throughout all three seasons, and it won't always be clear where in the anthology it fits.
Or you might be writing stories about season 1 Agnes that you know won't sit right with people who expect season 2 Jurati when they filter for "Agnes Jurati", and you want to make it clear which version of the character you're writing about without using convoluted tags.
Enter Star Trek: La Sirena (suggested abbreviation: LAS). In essence, this is a shorthand to describe the first part of the Star Trek: Picard anthology. ST: LAS stories, art, gifs, meta, memes, etc centre around the characters, events, relationships, and themes from PIC season 1. They can be prequels, set during season 1, or take the end of season 1 as a jumping-off point to spin new stories from there (think: the sort of art/meta/fic/... you would have made before season 2 came out or if the show had been cancelled after season 1).
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A Few Examples (or: is it Star Trek: La Sirena?)
A fic about the crew of La Sirena going on wild adventures after the end of season 1? That is basically what this tag was invented for! A gifset of Elnor and Soji's outfits throughout season 1? Absolutely! The story of how Seven came to join the Fenris Rangers, exploring her relationship to the work and what it means for her characterization post-Voyager? Yes please! Meta about how Hugh would have survived the crash of the Borg Cube and what the protected status of Coppelius and the defeat of Oh's armada mean for his work with the xBs? We'd be lucky to have it! A fic about how Raffi and Rios met that involves six OC's and a bunch of semi-sentient holograms? Sure! A Victorian AU, where Jean-Luc Picard, Duke of La Barre, has to navigate the uncertainties of (near) fatherhood when he suddenly finds himself with a young ward, Dahj Asha, after the mysterious disappearance of her parents overseas? Hell yes! (Also: Zhaban is his butler and Laris his housekeeper. Just saying.)
On the other hand: A discussion of how season 2's evil!La Sirena compares to her prime-universe counterpart? Doesn't really fit. A fic about Agnes and Shaw meeting at the academy and becoming fast friends? Also not really, since Shaw is very firmly a season 3 addition. Meta about Seven's changing hairstyles from VOY to season 1 to seasons 2 & 3? That is more general PIC territory, rather than LAS specifically. A gifset comparing the Troi-Rikers from TNG with their appearance in Season 3? Probably not. Not even if it also includes season 1.
All of these things are wonderful and we're lucky to have them in the Picard fandom! But they don't necessarily fit the brief of "Star Trek: Picard, if it had been cancelled after season 1."
Of course, none of this is an exact science! Say you wrote a post-canon story back in 2020, before we got any details about season 2. And say, by sheer coincidence, it includes Agnes breaking up with Rios and going off on a diplomatic mission with Soji, while Rios and/or Raffi join Starfleet. Does that fall under the LAS umbrella or not? At that point (and many, many similar ones), I'd say it's up to your own best judgement.
Where do I find/post Star Trek: La Sirena Stuff?
A bunch of people have started tagging their tumblr posts with "star trek la sirena" (or "star trek: la sirena". I'm afraid the variability is a cornerstone of the Trek-tumblr tagging experience 😅). It's not much yet, and a lot of things are reblogs, so they won't show up in the regular tag search. But hopefully, we can get this tag into more wide-spread use to make it easier for season 1 enthusiasts to find stuff they're interested in. (If you tag this blog in the replies to a post you think fits the brief, I will reblog it!)
Some writers have also added "Star Trek: La Sirena" to the fandom tags of their relevant fics on AO3. It's usually in addition to "Star Trek: Picard", since it falls into both categories, so it's more an additional filtering option/sub-fandom.
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I'm not entirely certain this tagging is going to be permitted by the AO3 tag wranglers. I have written to AO3 support about this and am currently still waiting to hear back. I think there are precedents for similar sub-fandom distinctions, but I'm not sure what the logistical considerations might be behind canonizing a new fandom tag. If AO3 comes back asking people to re-tag their fic or deciding they won't be able to canonize the "Star Trek: La Sirena" fandom tag, we'll decide on a different tagging convention. I'll post here if and when I get a reply to my email.
Speaking of:
A Quick Note on the Role of this Blog
I'm not the fandom police. At the end of the day, this is an entirely made-up category, and how you interpret its boundaries is up to you. My goal here is not to exclude anyone or tell people they're doing fandom wrong, it's to make it easier for fans of one specific part of a very heterogeneous show to find art and stories and discussions they're interested in.
I want to really emphasise this: I'm not the high priestess of this fandom tag. I'm not the authority on what does and doesn't count. If you have a story or post that you think might be well-suited to be tagged as "Star Trek: La Sirena", but you're unsure, I'm happy to chat about it and give you my take, and/or to reblog it here and hopefully open the floor to others' opinions. If you think something I posted or reblogged doesn't really fit, please let me know, I'd be happy to hear your thoughts!
Mostly, I just want this blog to get the ball rolling for people in this corner of the Picard fandom to find each other and have an easier time sharing their work and their passion with each other.
So, that's what I'm doing here. If you have any ideas for events we might get up to as a community (I still dream of one day having a fanfic book club :D), posts you'd like me to reblog, meta you'd like to share, or anything else that might bring your fellow fans joy, I'm always eager to hear about it!
Thank you for coming along on this ride on our little speed freighter! I hope we'll all find community and a lot of fun with Star Trek: La Sirena!
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erasermist · 8 months
One Piece Live Action Season 1 Stream of Consciousness (Spoilers):
This will be a suuuuper long post and will literally be a random string of thoughts and will probably make no sense as a lot will be without context. Maybe just random lines that I enjoy and random gifs that just showcase the random points I like but enjoy
Episode 1
I love this. I love that they didn’t make it the exact same. And having watched the anime, it just makes the subtle hints amazing and when they mention something that wasn’t brought up till later *chefs kiss*. Like they showed Zoro being recruited by Baroque Works when they didn’t even mention that till they were in the grand line I think.
And all of the small hints to the characters like when you saw Cabaji in the scene before he was actually introduced. That’s one of my favorite types of foreshadowing.
Luffy supporting Koby’s dream will always be awesome. And Luffy comforting Koby after see the bad marines is so kind of him. I love him.
The casting is perfect. Luffy. Zoro. Nami.
Nami is me. Everything goes wrong “This is fine.”
OH MY GOD!! Buggy!!
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Episode 2
Buggy is just a great performer!
This is gonna get repetitive I know, but they are all such amazing actors and actresses!!
“Cut you down to size.” 😂😂
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Episode 3
“Stupid clown” Zoro’s hate of Buggy is hilarious
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Already the crew (“not a crew”) are supporting Luffy’s whims haha
“Fans have gotten so toxic” I love this characterization of Buggy
I’m liking how this is a little darker than the anime was. And I love how they are introducing bounty characters. It’s so cool!
Zoro gets thrown in the well 😂😂 And Koby popping up at the end like that was very cool. Love the music they play throughout everything. It’s really making the show better
Episode 4
Zoro is my favorite. He already was in the anime, but it’s definitely true for the live action as well 🥰
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Zoro’s lack of direction sense has finally been shown!
The grandpa revel being much earlier in this version 😂😂😂
Episode 5
“You just call that guy grandpa?” Oh Zoro, just wait for it 😭😭 and then his “talk” with Luffy after the fight.
Luffy sniffing his way to the good!!
Omg! This Sanji has so much class and the immediate jokes the rest pull on Nami after he leaves 😂 I feel bad for those who haven’t watched the anime. They are gonna think Sanji is this slick cool character (and he is) but they are gonna realize he isn’t that… smooth. But look at him… I forgive him and support all his decisions
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Mihawk is just so bored. “You woke me from my nap”
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Koby is playing a much bigger part than I thought he was gonna. And standing up to Garp like that.
Mihawk “though I do like your hat” 😍 I love this man!
Episode 6
Luffy just wants Zoro to get better 😌
Poor baby Sanji screaming for the ship
And again with the foreshadowing with the story of Mont Blanc Noland
They really have changed the way this goes. Arming came to them and Don Krieg died by Mihawk earlier. Not too mad about it though. I think it flows better with the way they made the show. Like I said it’s a little darker and I’m liking it. It’s different but a good different.
Also yum! lookie! Very respectfully of course but still
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And there Zoro is being a great first mate vowing to stand by Luffy’s side!!! Done differently but still so beautiful! Tears!!!
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Zoro: “Why are we bringing the waiter?” Usopp: “Cause we can’t boil water” 😂😂 Zoro so much happened while you were asleep
Luffy just pulls out Buggy’s head for a bag!!
Episode 7
The chains in Nani’s map room… this is gonna be sad
Nami is trying so hard to mean all the mean things. I’m gonna cry just like when I watch the anime. I just know it.
Zoro’s constant side eye of Sanji is awesome and very in character
Oh lovely. I somehow didn’t realize I would have to watch all the sad things in another format. It didn’t really connect that
And Zoro being first mate again. That’s always gonna be my favorite thing. Even when it’s for sad moments
Nami’s screams… that was so real and heart wrenching and that “help me” scene was so on point. The one scene that was practically the same and it was the one that causes tears 🥲
Episode 8
The blood and chains and pain little Nami had to go through
“Finally I get to cut something” Zoro is so done with emotions 😂 he just wants to do what he does best
So I’ve thought this from the first time I watched Arlong, but why would he think a revolution started from the “weakest” sea have any traction. I get “plot” reasons, but still….
“Round Two, Arlong.” Yes Luffy! Go!
Buggy! That was so funny! I love this Buggy!!
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And Zoro’s immediate response “Fucking clown” 😂😂😂😂 I love this so much y’all
Go Usopp!!! “No one’s around to see it. It’s okay. They’ll believe me” loved it the first time I saw it, love it now too.
Sanji gets kicked backwards and Zoro just casually walks out of the way and around him. I’m so glad they are still the same Zoro and Sanji as ever 😭
Sanji says that all the best fighters call out their finishing moves and Zoro immediately gets flashbacks to Luffy saying the exact same thing!!
The Garp and Luffy confrontation!!!
“Be a good Marine.” “Be a good Pirate.” Love them.
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The barrel scene!!! Yes!!!
And the sneak peak at Smoker!!
I absolutely loved this!!! I need a full adaptation of the entire show and I need them to keep the same cast for them all!!
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gffa · 1 year
So I am very behind on The Mandalorian and just saw 3x03 "The Convert" yesterday, and I was wondering if you had any ideas about how the New Republic was framed in that episode? I'm trying to grapple with it, and am not totally sure why we were shown this. I mean, obviously everything with this is intentional from the writers, producers, showrunners, all of them, but I was wondering how other people saw this episode.
Honestly, I just don't have enough faith in Favreau's writing for the show to feel like there's anything there, I genuinely don't know if it was meant to be taken at face value, if it was meant to be thematic of the problems inherent in the foundation of the New Republic, or just Rule of Cool from top to bottom. If the writing were stronger, I might give thought to well, what is the point of Elia Kane's character, what is the point of bringing back Dr. Pershing, what is the point of showing us this program for former Imperials in the New Republic, but given the way season 3 ends, I'm not sure what the point would be. Anything that's introduced in this season ultimately feels pointless and it's just there because the show wants to expand the universe, not because it's relevant to the thematic elements of the show. I think what the show wants is to have all its Rule of Cool stuff (included just because it's awesome to put in a Star Wars show) and to be something of an anthology series, where episodes are devoted to fleshing out everything that's going on in the galaxy around them, to develop stronger ties between the movie trilogies. Except none of the New Republic stuff really seems to go anywhere, it's not relevant to Moff Gideon's story, it's not relevant to Din Djarin's story (like the Order 66 flashback is relevant because it's illustrating Grogu's characterization and where he's at at this point in time and what he's dealing with), and maybe it'll come into relevance in the fourth season, but I'm extremely doubtful. I can't really get a bead on what Favreau's thoughts about the New Republic are, so I can't really figure out the framing, and I've basically stopped trying because what does it even matter? Like, say what you will about George Lucas, that guy knew the story he was telling and the themes he wanted and, when he included a scene, it was with the thought of supporting the central tenets. I think The Mandalorian has always leaned towards adding things in for fun (the things that'll "break the internet", that are included just to break the internet) but it really came to a head this season and now half of the show is just stuff that's happening without any kind of eye towards the structure of a bigger storyline or purpose. Like maybe I'm missing something because I'm so disinterested in whatever this show is trying to achieve, but it really does feel like there just wasn't a purpose to including it, other than that maybe Favreau wanted to try to connect the OT to the ST because he likes writing references to the movies more than developing the structure of his own story. And sometimes you can get away with that, because people like seeing Luke Skywalker and an interlude of him just doing stuff has relevance just because he's the face of the franchise and so much of the heart of the story. But you can't do the same for Dr. Pershing or even the New Republic as a whole, you have to have a point there and I'm not sure there was one.
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lilacpaperbird · 8 months
no one asked but here is a list of my favorite samdean fics, in no particular order:
streams and side alleys - thecapn
- Summary: AU. Dean grows up in the backseat of a 1967 Chevy Impala. Sam grows up in foster care.
- 55,205 words
- Okay I lied I said this list had no particular order but this is actually my favorite samdean fic. I can't even put into words why. Just thinking about it makes me emotional. Beautifully written.
- Link
Buy You a Mockingbird - candle_beck
- Summary: A genuine horror story.
- 10,272 words
- A four words long summary and no tags. I don't want to say much because going in blind is the best thing you can do. Outsider's point of view. Incredibly well written. One of those fics I'll never forget
- Link
Pine Sweat - applecrumbledore
- Summary: Sam watched Dean hack up firewood with his hatchet. The magically-induced heat wave had his shirt soaked with sweat.
“Did you ever have a, uh… experimental phase?” Sam smacked his lips, trying to think of a diplomatic way to phrase it. “That kid—by which I mean you—has been staring. At me. Kind of a lot.”
(Sam and Dean get sent back to 1996 and go on a hunt with their teenaged selves. The kids don't know who they are.)
- 105,325 words
- I mean if you haven't read anything by applecrumbledore yet what are you doing with your life ! This fic was so much fun to read, I was completely hooked from the very beginning. The angst, the smut, the characterizations... soo good. I'll re-read it soon
- Link
Series: Drywall Dust, Talk Aroud It, & Nothing Ruined - applecrumbledore
- Summaries:
1. Drywall Dust: "Did you fuck my math teacher?" Sam hissed. Dean raised his eyebrows. "I'm gonna need you to be more specific."
2. Talk Around it: “It’s just a truth spell,” Sam tried. “It could be worse.” Dean looked at him like he was stupid.
“Yeah, thank God we don’t have a giant, life-ruining secret that we really, really don’t want our dad knowing. Good thing he’s not on his way here right this second.” He scoffed. “Could be worse. Jesus. Good to know you can still lie.”
3. Nothing Ruined: Sam told Dean about Stanford on a freezing Saturday morning in February, curled together under the blankets on a pullout bed in a flea-bitten apartment in northern Montana, when John was three weeks and half a country away.
- 40.923 words in total
- I laughed I cried and I adored the smut what else could you ask for. Again, anything this author writes is soooo good! [*there's a fourth part in this series but I personally prefer to see it as a trilogy and the last part as a separate fic]
- Link
Brittle - thecapn
- Summary: Sam Winchester has an eating disorder.
- 30,027 words
- If you like to read about sam having an ed this is the fic for you. Ofc keep in mind the triggering potential of this topic as it is a central part of the story. Very sad but it has a happy hopeful ending. The story starts when they're younger, pre-series (pining!sam but no weecest) and then spans over several seasons. There's a really short second part that's so good too
- Link
The Last Outpost of All That Is - gekizetsu
- Summary: The world is over, and it’s a Winchester’s lot in life to cope with anything – no matter what.
- 59,037 words
- If you like stories about apocalyptic situations that focus on how the characters manage to survive and reconstruct their lives you'll love this. I was literally glued to this fic from beginning to end. So so so good
- Link
The Ballad of the Invisible Boy - dollylux
- Summary: This is a story of adolescence. This is a love letter for the slow burn, for Led Zeppelin, for the 90s. This is the first of two sets of stories about how Sam and Dean didn’t fall in love. They never had to. It was always there, this desperation between them, like a real, breathing thing. When they came together, it was inevitable. As sure as continents colliding, as the phases of the moon and the life and death of stars. This isn’t a love story, but it’s a story of love.
- 57,490 words
- I mean. What can I say about TBOTIB that hasn't been said already. A classic. Life-altering. [The second part (Two-Headed Boy – 205,783 words) is extremely good too]
- Link
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eway · 9 months
Ok I'm in a Sonic mood right now. So I'm gonna tell ya'll my thoughts on each of the Sonic shows in the order they came out. However, I haven't seen two of them, and will tell you why. Now let's begin!
The Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog
This show is hilarious. And honestly, the way it depicts Sonic and Tails' brotherly bond is not only heartwarming, it's held up in the games. And modern, goofy Eggman reminds me a lot of Dr. Robotnik from this show. So honestly, it's characterization of characters holds up pretty well. It's funny, charming, and at times surprisingly heartwarming. 8/10
Sonic The Hedgehog Saturday Morning Cartoon
I'ma be honest, I haven't seen this show, and I never will. Thank Toxic fans. Sonally shippers getting mad at Sonamy shippers like me. People telling you that all the other shows are inferior and you NEED to watch SatAM or your not a real Sonic Fan, etc. The fanbase is keeping me away, and I know I will not be able to enjoy it because of this. Toxic Fandom/10
Sonic Underground
This show... so back in the day, my parents bought DVDs of the Super Mario Brothers Super Show, The Adventures Of Super Mario Bros 3, and Super Mario World. On each of these, there were previews for other DiC cartoons. On all three were ads for Sonic Underground. And me and bro wanted that, so we rented some DVDs. And I LOVED it. First of all, yeah I know people think Tails was replaced by Sonia and Manic, but being honest, Sonic's dynamic with those two, while still a sibling dynamic, is not the same as his dynamic with Tails. And Tails could have been written in with the sibs adopting him as a younger brother. Sonia and Manic are also fun characters and I really like them. And even haters of this show have to admit the theme song is good, or at least the singer is having fun. I also like that, unlike the other 90s shows which were nature vs. Technology type things, Underground had this and some magic and Super natural elements. Honestly, concepts like this show up in the games, with ancient being sealed away like Chaos, Iblis, Dark Gaia etc. And of course the Storybook Series itself has stuff like this I have been working on a Sonic Underground Season 2 which would loosely adapt modern Sonic Stories and bring in characters from those games. I know the show is far from perfect, but this is my thoughts, not an objective review, which is why it's a 9/10 score. This is NOT objective!
Sonic X
I watched the show in Japanese with subs and I gotta say...why do people hate Chris? He's a kid, a fanboy, and I find his interactions with the cast adorable. The music in the show is also amazing, though I hear it's different in the dub. Also there are Sonamy moments which YEEEEESSSS. I also love how the show managed to pretty faithfully adapt the plots of some of the games. The Meterex Saga was something of a departure, but I still enjoyed it. 9/10
Sonic Boom
I was born in the 2000s. So I was in middle school when this show came out. And I was a Sonic fan. I had played Colors and I think I had gotten Secret Rings pretty recently, though I may have only had Colors. When I watched the first episode, I loved it. And then hated the rest of the show. Because the first episode has a pretty different tone from the rest of the show. I got over this as I got older and started rewatching the show, catching jokes that flew over my head. And while some episodes are like "why are you friends again?" Some, and most in season 2, show these guys are pretty good friends. The Shadow episodes are highlights for me. 7/10
Sonic Prime
I haven't seen this show because I don't have Netflix. I want to see it tho. Netflix is expensive/10
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heart-of-a-rebel16 · 9 months
I'm super curious on your thoughts. What do you think Saw would be like if the tragedy and struggle of the empire hadn't happened? A timeline where the empire never reigned. If he hadn't lost what he had at the hands of the empire? What do you think he would be like?
I've only been through a couple pieces of SW media that have him in it, but I'm super interested in his character.
Anon, this is a FASCINATING ask because honestly? I don’t think we can ever know what kind of a person Saw would be if the empire never came.
When we meet Saw, he’s practically a kid. He and his sister are already 100% into the fight against the Separatists, and he already has his pretty defining trait of doing whatever it takes to stamp out evil. This trait carries through to the rest of his life in his fight against the Empire. The fascinating thing about Saw is that (in my opinion ofc) he legitimately can’t function in a time of peace. The thesis of his characterization (the ends justifying the means) utterly consumes him to the point that it’s impossible to say what he would be like if the separatists and the empire had never come to be. Saw isn’t a person who can abide by peace. He might fight for a version of it, but he’ll never be able to win in a way that satisfies him.
I mentioned this in the tags of another post, but there’s this quote in rebels that makes Saw one of the most interesting characters in all of Star Wars
“I hope, Senator, after you've lost, and the Empire reigns over the galaxy unopposed, you will find some comfort in the knowledge that you fought according to the rules." (season 4, episode 3)
The Rebellion is characterized by an unwavering commitment to hope and kindness and mercy. The war is literally won by Luke’s refusal to give up on his father, no matter how far he’s fallen. This is framed as the morally correct view by the text and meta text of the film, because at the end of the day, Star Wars is about hope. But with Saw, kindness and mercy are luxuries that he can’t afford to indulge in. In his mind, why should he offer mercy to the Empire that took everything from him? Why must he be the bigger person? And in the end, because he cannot (or wont) abide by these traits, he’ll never stop fighting. There will always be another injustice to correct, there will always be anger on everything he does. That’s why I believe the writers decided for him to die in Rogue One, because there’s no place for someone like him in a time of peace. To close us out, I leave you with a snippet of my writing
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grimalkinmessor · 4 months
afofa for ask game???
But of course! :D
when I started shipping it if I did: My first go around with BNHA, actually! Before season five was even out. I read ahead in the manga and came to the scene of Yoichi and AFO in the vault with Midoriya watching on, and my brain immediately lit up like "OH SO IT'S LIKE THAT" lmao. I looked for content then, but of course, there was none, so it wasn't until I got back into BNHA a few years ago that I looked for AFOFA content and actually found it! Was more than a little surprised to find more gen content for them than shipping content, but that just gave me a new dessert for them :3 Have my cake and some pie too ✨
What makes me happy about them: The sheer amount of dark soulmate vibes we get from them in canon. AFO is literally Cronus coded, Yoichi is his Rhea. Yoichi is his everything—and hasn't all All For One's ever wanted and fought for been everything? 💖
What makes me sad about them: What they could've been 🥹 The fact that they both loved each other so deeply but their respective hearts and ideals are so at odds that it would never work in any universe where they're unequally yolked; and they almost always are. The fact that had they grown up in kinder circumstances the likely wouldn't have fought at all. It would've been just them, together, as they should've been from the start. Without all the blood between them. "It could've been the kindest power in the world."
things done in fanfic that annoys me: When they infantilize Yoichi 😮‍💨 Like he's definitely Babygirl™ but he's also a grown man. Being sickly and weaker than he's brother doesn't make him inherently stupider or less capable than AFO, and it definitely doesn't make him childish. I don't even like it when All For One is the one doing it—he absolutely sees his brother as naive and in need of protection but I don't think he'd ACTUALLY see him as a child, or even WANT him to be one. Idk it just skeeves me out, it's not how I see their relationship dynamic ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
things I look for in fanfic: Yoichi characterization!! :D AFO has always been pretty straightforward, so I do look for unhinged loving obsession and all-encompassing need and desire from him, but fics that dive into Yoichi's psyche are some of the most interesting to me :) I like him to be capable and cunning—it just doesn't matter how smart or strong he is against the overwhelming power of his brother 💕 Shoot his ass and watch him laugh ✨
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: As you all know, I'm an avid shipper of any form of Ichiniisan, so I like Yoichi with Kudo and Bruce THIRD in any sort of way I can get them. As for All For One....well, he always takes whatever he wants, and I can see him with several people solely in a sexual sense. For romance however, I only see him loving Yoichi—with special Fondness™ priveleges for Yagi and Inko depending on the universe and circumstances.
my happily ever after for them: In my fic Like This You Keep Them Alive, I have them as lingering ghosts of their respective Quirks, and they can freely go back and forth between their holders (Izuku and Tomura) as much as they please. In the afterlife, everything is swept aside. There is no more power imbalance. There is no world to take over or save. They're able to just,,,,exist together, without anything between them anymore. They play games together and talk about things they haven't in ages and are basically all over each other all the time. I think that's gonna be my favorite ending for them :3
who is the big spoon/little spoon: All For One is big spoon. That man is over seven feet tall, Yoichi barely hits six-foot exactly. All For One big spoon 👁️👁️ He likes to cling.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Cuddling. Cuddling and talking, actually. Because I've got AFO's love language down as physical touch followed quickly by words and Yoichi's love language as words of affirmation followed quickly by physical touch, so sitting curled around each other in front of a warm fire like snakes while they whisper things back and forth would be their biggest nonsexual passtime together. Though sometimes Yoichi does like to badger his brother into dancing with him—mostly so Yoichi can stand on his feet and AFO can float them both into the air. It always make him super giddy 🥰 ....At least until they get to the point where AFO's arms begin to feel more like chains than shields.
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roseofcards90 · 5 months
Ah, before I forget. What were your overall thoughts on Link Click? Like, s1 vs s2, favourite characters or arcs, that kind of thing? ^^
Omg!!! I'm so sorry about the wait 😭 I was trying to get all my thoughts together so I can type something coherent here so it's not just me rambling about how amazing the show is LMAO
Link Click spoilers below btw!!!
First off, I just wanted to say the overall mystery??? Executed very well! I was definitely not expecting both Tianchen and Tianxi to have powers (I thought something else was going on like they both swapped places/identities or something 😭), but it makes sense since they're siblings and they're meant to parallel the Shiguang duo! Even in the first season, I assumed it was only going to be one person that was the culprit behind the murders, but the show pleasantly surprised me with that! The siblings themselves were also just pretty tragic omg 😭 that whole flashback sequence with them being the foxes in the story, and Tianxi slowly sees Tianchen go down his dark path was so good. You already saw that post I made about them, but yeah I love tragic and doomed siblings as a trope it's great <3
One of my absolute favorite parts from the whole show tbh is the entirety of Season 1 Episode 11. That was a perfect final episode to end things off on and tease a season 2. Like the nonstop twists they kept pulling??? Like how they first initially present Emma's death as a suicide as a red herring but it turned out to actually be the case is so much more impactful and tragic than just having her be another person who was possessed by Tianchen. That whole scene with her and CXS on the bridge OUGHHH IT BROKE ME 😭 THAT WAS SO WELL DONE!!! The song, combined with the montage of all the people he and Lu Guang helped, him talking her down from ending it all and reaching out his hand to her with the sunshine rising above him...EMOTIONAL DAMAGE FR. Like I knew it wasn't going to end all happily, but the emotional impact was definitely there. And that ending omg — having Qiao Ling, one of the main characters we've gotten attached to and love dearly, be shown to have stabbed Lu Guang was brutal, especially for Cheng Xiaoshi 😭 the angst that came out of that and Qiao Ling feeling guilt for hurting Lu Guang even if it wasn't really her was all really heartbreaking. That whole thing, as well as Qiao Ling knowing what Lu Guang did to save Cheng Xiaoshi's life, really makes their relationship pretty rocky but also interesting!!! I want to see more of their duo together since the show has had plenty focus on Qiao Ling with CXS and CXS with LG, and also angst I want to see them both go through the horrors while CXS is standing there like :D LMAO
I would definitely say that Cheng Xiaoshi is my fave character out of the whole cast. I absolutely adore everyone else don't get me wrong, but I think what makes CXS so special and unique to me is how they made empathy one of his core defining traits. Because he’s lived through so many different lives and experiences, he just has a lot of compassion and understanding for all kinds of different people, and that's pretty admirable! Idk, I don't see that often much, especially in a time travel story of all places, but the premise works here very well along with how CXS is initially characterized as a very easygoing person who wants to help people at his core.
As for other stuff exclusive to season 2, I'm very curious to see what direction they'll go in for season 3 just with the way season 2 ended with that bombshell lol. When a season 3 does roll around, I hope we get more character exploration on the guy who's seemingly the main antagonist, Liu Xiao. I know we got some characterization with him because of his past with Tianchen, but I would love to see more of him and what his plans really are with trying to "bring more parallel lines together". Also Lu Guang betraying his own rules to save Cheng Xiaoshi I don't have anything else to say other than GOOD SHIT!!! I love it when characters are hypocrites I love it when characters in time travel stories break time itself to save the person they love <333 it's like crack to me I swear lol.
Other extra things!!! Soundtrack absolutely amazing, I've been listening to all the ops and eds on spotify lol. Character designs, voice acting (I watched the original Chinese version), and overall animation was amazing. High marks all around for me fr!!! I think personally I enjoy season 1 just a bit more? Only because that final episode was beautiful for me and I loved seeing all the different clients the duo had, but in terms of overall plot, I would put season 2 above season 1.
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arabaka · 1 year
Hello! I just read some of your works and fell in love! I didnt know if I should give mob psycho 100 a chance at first but just finished season 3 and must say it is a masterpiece, and you write Reigen so well! I dont know if you accept requests but if you do can you make a drabble/fanfic about Reigen having a shy coworker of a few years who secretly has an only fans and a crush on him? And one day she comes to ask for a raise and he just confronts her about her other job and her obvious crush on him, teasing her? Idk if the idea is silly, thanks in advance in case you ever write it, have a nice day!
*₊˚💬୧ oh my gosh, CONGRATS ON ENRICHING YOUR LIFE BY FINISHING THE PERFECTION THAT IS MOB PSYCHO!! welcome to the fold of reigen aficionados <3 and thank you for your kind words, that means a lot because i try my best with characterization! i think that is really important when writing fics of any kind so i'm happy i'm doing a good job!!!!!!
i don’t really take on requests per se but i just had to run with your idea! with a few tweaks that i hope you don’t mind!
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“So this is what you’ve been up to?” Husky and filled with carnal hunger, Reigen’s hot breath fans over the shell of your ear as he sits under you while his hands continue to work, performing circling ministrations from your swollen clit to the juices pooling at your entrance. He’s always been expressive with his digits, but now it’s a whole performance: for him, for you, and for your camera roll. 
You’re too ashamed to speak, capable of only lewd squeaks and pants, as your legs remain parted in an indecent display that should only be reserved for the bedroom. Reserved only for lovers. The intense twitching of your thighs, the fat rolling with every quiver, is too much for him and you have to know, he’s greedy for more of it. 
“You’re not going to answer?” Reigen purrs, nuzzling his nose against your earlobe on his way to your neck, where he starts to nip and suck until your skin flashes and flares under his relentless mouth. You stammer, try to find an explanation fitting for your ex-coworker but how can you even begin? How can you admit to using your office space after hours for your sexual escapades, broadcasted under a pseudonym for a well-paid side hustle? 
His hand suddenly freezes over your cunt, finger titillating close to your trembling clit. You start to babble, anything to get him to start again, “J-just s-sometimes. P-Please, please, please.” Your hips lift from his lap in an attempt to resume the friction and he obliges you, easily slipping inside you with two digits off the bat. “N-No one’s supposed to know.” You’re far too meek for how lewd you look, seated on the lap of a man you’ve fancied for far too long and with your legs parted and bent over his knees, the phone in front of you two capturing every squelch, every moan, and every second of Reigen pumping his fingers knuckle deep inside you.
God, it’s too surreal Reigen has to remind himself that this isn’t a dream, nor the fantasy he’s fucked into his fist nearly every night since he met you. The sight of you, so wrecked with pleasured bliss, reflecting back on the phone screen makes his cock twitch and writhe in his slacks, his member pressing up against the damp fabric from pre-cum and your slick. “Man, I’m glad I came back to get something.” He groans into your skin, latching onto the slope of your shoulder as his fingers scissor and dig against your walls until you’re so tight, there’s no way you can hold back your first orgasm of the night. 
You whine and breath quick and heavy, body falling lax against his chest but he straightens his back out against the chair’s spine, forcing you upright as he pumps your own essence back into you. “Who said we were done? Don’t you want to film another?”
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