#Andrew (oc)
derpy-thebdayclown · 8 months
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the return of the Too Many cc ocs!! 7 outta 15 lmao, our day ones! [part 1]
i created most of these guys back in 2020-21 and i feel like my designing ability back then was much more limited, so i wanted to redo some things! i am pretty happy with how this came out!!! some certainly changed more than others, but most changes were really minor things that id always nitpicked lol
if you have oc questions PRETTY PLEASE hit my ask box up!!! it makes me quite happy hehe
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misstycloud · 2 years
Character: Evan Carter, Andrew and Eli
Scenario: You are gone for the time being and can’t take Andrew to the first birthday party he’s been invited to since you arrived. Now your sweet husband is the one who has to accompany your son in your place.
Pressing down the pedal and steering the wheel in the right direction, Evan drove the car with the assigned destination in mind. The other week, his wife had come home after picking up Andrew at school and revealed that he'd been invited too a classmate's birthday party and parents were allowed to come as well. The plan was for all of them to attend, but it so happened that his sweetheart had something come up at work and she sadly couldn't be present. This meant that Evan had to take the kid to the party by himself.
Personally, he didn't want to go in the first place since he doesn't care for making friendly relations with others, but her enthusiasm at the invite left him with no choice but comply. It was the first sign they wee beginning to be accepted into the community of other families and he didn't want to ruin things by saying no. Especially since it seemed so important to (Y/n). While Evan wasn't fond of the idea, there was something that made it worth it; Andrew's obvious disdain toward the suggestion.
The man first believed the boy would politely reject it, to his curiosity the opposite happened. Andrew actually said yes. The dark haired man supposed he didn't want to disappoint her either. Due to circumstances little Eli would be joining in on the fun too.
Now, the three of them sat in silence inside the vehicle, Evan driving, Andrew reading one of the books he'd gotten as a gift from his mother and Eli squirming in the backseat. The baby wasn't at all happy to be strapped in his seat with little to no entertainment, not to mention that his mama was no where to be seen. Upset, he started crying and wiggling around, snot running down his nose. As he was driving, Evan could no nothing as his young son screamed in the back of the veichle.
Now he wished he put him in the front beside him but it was to late to do anything about it now, the only option was to ask Andrew to play the part of big brother for once, even though he would rather throw himself in the Nile.
"Could you help me a bit, kid?" He tilted his head back in order for the sound to travel better while trying to keep his eyes on the road, and reached his hand to pat Eli's head. The attempted comfort didn't work like he had hoped.
No audible response came from Andrew which irked the man, but he ignored it and went again. "Did you hear me?"
Nothing. The child said nothing and simply flipped a page in his book, taking all the time in the world to read the paragraph. If his dear wife had been in the car with them she would have scolded her older son and he wouldn't have to do something, she wasn't here though. Frowning, he said in a warning tone,"Andrew."
He sighed in frustration and closed the book, "What?'' The boy glared at his step-father and then turned it to his brother who was still bawling beside him. Ugh, couldn't he have been sat in the front? What a mess the baby was, it was already awful enough to be forced to attend some dumb classmate's birthday party.
''Can you comfort your brother, I'm driving so I can't?''
Andrew glanced back at the infant and clenched his teeth. He prepared to nicely turn down the offer, yet something in Evan's expression stopped him. Huffing he did as told and reluctantly petted Eli's head, who calmed after just a few minutes and started sucking on his fingers like most babies do. In the front the father smiled at the scene he viewed in the rear-view mirror, ''that wasn't so hard now was it?''
Finally after the uncomfortable car ride the three of them rolled up in a clean drive way, multiple other cars were already parked there, however Evan managed to squeeze in. Getting out he went to open the door and unbuckle Eli, Andrew got out on his own on the opposite side. The adult proceeded to take the prepared gift in hand and venture inside the fairly large house. Through the window you could spot some people walking or standing around, the party has already started it seemed. Stepping on the porch, the dark haired man turned to face the young boy and told him, "you better behave now and make sure to engage with some kids, it will please your mother. She really wants this new life to go well, and the best way to ensure that is by creating new contacts and maintaining good relationships between us and people."
Andrew scoffed but found himself nodding in understanding anyway. Evan ringed the doorbell and waited for someone to open the front door and let them in, as he did he carefully held his baby close to his chest in a protective and loving manner.
''Oh, hello. You must be Evan!'' A woman had slung to door wide open energetically. She wore a soft pink dress and had her hair in a bun atop her head in an elegant style. He guessed she was the hostess of this celebration. Looking at the boy she said, "and of course young master Andy too-''
''It is Andrew, Mrs. Dan.'' He answered cooly, not wanting anyone else than (Y/n) to refer to him by his nickname.
''-oh, my bad then hehe.'' The woman apologised and awkwardly tried to laugh the thing off, finding his apathetic attitude unusual. Most children who came across her often took to her quickly because of her fun personalty. A gurgle drew her attention back up again and her eyes found the infant's. ''My goodness, is that perhaps the little Eli I've been hearing so much about?''
''Yes, this is our son."
"He is adorable." She awed, "well don't just stand there, come in!"
The moment Evan set a foot inside a group of kids bolted passed him, nearly crashing into him. Startled, he retreated backwards as he covered Eli's head in a defensive act.
"Kids calm down, there is a baby here! Be careful!'' Mrs. Dan screamed after the group. With an exhale she apologised to her guest, "I'm terribly sorry, Josh must have gotten them riled up. He always go a little crazy on his birthday, haha."
He swallowed his irritated expression and said instead, "It's alright."
Continuing to walk deeper into the home they spotted many decorations, on the walls and tables and shelves. In the living room sat all the adults around a table, they were chatting loudly and laughing, adding to the happy aura of the place.
"This is Evan and Andrew, (Yn)'s family." She added at the end, clearing up their identities.
The other guests nodded in acknowledgement. The host brought out a chair for him to sit on and he thanked her. Then she said to her younger guest, "the other children are probably upstairs, it won't be hard to find them I promise."
Andrew frowned and asked, "I'm not really feeling up to playing today, would it be okay if I stayed here?" He'd die if he was forced to handle some spoiled brats, they'd drain is energy like leeches. Though he would much rather be at home then anywhere else it was more preferable to be with the adults. Andrew thought if he played it off as feeling a little under the weather he'd get away with it, sadly it didn't go as planned.
"Oh, I guess that if you're-"
"No I think you'll be fine, it'll be good for you to get to know your classmates better." Evan interrupted Mrs. Dan, he continued, "I did give you some aspirin before, you'll be fine." He insisted, and Mrs. Dan supposed she couldn't disagree with the child's parent, he must know best after all.
The boy could not express how he wanted to throw the stupidly sugared cake in his face, instead of acting upon his thoughts he simply gave him a wry smile and complied. Right as he was ushered upstairs he sent one last look of exasperation in his step-father's direction. As soon as the youth was out of sight the other parent's broke their previous conversations and regarded the newcomer.
"So, how long have you been married?'' A blonde woman asked while sipping on a cup of coffee.
"A little more than a year." Evan bounced his baby and wiped a scant amount of drool trailing down the corner of his mouth.
"That isn't very long."
"I suppose..." continuing to busy himself with Eli in hope to endure their troublesome company, but a few of them appeared to be more persistent than what he thought.
"Well, I don't mean to pry, though I am curious to who the boy's father is.'' She glanced to the steps leading to the floor above, where all the younger individuals resided, obviously talking about Andrew. For someone who apparently didn't want to stick their nose into othet people's bussiness she sure stared at him with an awful inquisitive aspect.
"He was..my wife's former partner." Wanting to leave the subject at that the dark haired man spoke a curt and short sentence.
"Yes yes, that is obvious, the boy looks nothing like you after all. But what happened?"
"I don't know."
He does, he made sure to know everything about your past.
"Really, you sure he didn't...eh...leave..?"
''No, he did not leave."
The mood changed and the temperature dropped several degrees. Why was it that she didn't understand how he didn't want to talk about that topic. He didn't enjoy bringing up the past one bit. It was mainly because of his jealousy towards your former lover, the man lit a flame of resentment inside his chest and had him clenching his fists.
"Then he died? He must have otherwise (Y/n) wouldn't have married you-"
The loud smash echoed in the house and pulled everyone out of the tension and pointed their attention towards the second floor, where the crash had come from. A second of stillness, and then the adults rushed to get on the stairs first, trampling on each others feet in the process. When they reached the room to where the sound originated, all got to see what had caused the ruckus. Inside the room a table was tipped over on its side, the vase planted on it laying on the floor in a depressing state but luckily not broken. In the middle of this was none other than the boy this feast was orchestrated for.
Josh's eyes welled up in tears and he cradled his right arm in pain. Mrs. Dan ran over to him and shreiked at his injured arm. "W-what happened?''
"H-he did it.." Josh raised his good arm and pointed at Andrew, calling him out as the culprit. The boy in question looked down at the floor, letting his bangs cover his expression and having it unknown to any other than himself. He said nothing as the guests whispered around him, surprised that he would do something like that, he didn't seem the type since he was always so polite otherwise. Evan would have pinched the bridge of his nose if he could, now he carried Eli with him so that wasn't possible.
It wasn't long until the Carter family sat in the car again. Evan couldn't care less about the brat who hurt himself in whatever fight the kids had gotten themselves in. His concern now was how he would explain things to his wife.
“Worst party ever?”
“Yes, definitely.”
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writinginslowmotion · 6 months
OC in Three
Below are 3 images representing one of the supporting characters in Hockey Bros, Andrew. I haven't spoken much about him....I need to change that.
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Still thinkin about my ocs
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emry-stars-art · 7 months
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My valentines offering 🤲
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twdxtrevor · 8 months
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WHO gave him the right to look so damn FINE -
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faux-ecrivain · 10 months
Yan babysitter
(Fourth official post)
(This one is a bit shorter than my other posts)
“Don’t worry I’ll take good care of them!” He placates your parents as they leave, waving them off and slamming the door shut when your parents have gone far enough.
He turns to you, with a rather fierce glare and shoos you off to your room. 
Yan babysitter that wants nothing to do with you, that only took the job because he needs the money. 
Yan babysitter who thinks you’re too old for a babysitter, but he doesn’t care, your parents are rich and that’s all he needs to know.
Yan babysitter who did not anticipate you to be such an irresponsible nuisance. (What’s with the weird cultists that keep knocking on the door and where’s that strange whispering coming from??)
Yan babysitter who quickly discovers that maybe this job was more than he bargained for, maybe he shouldn’t have been so dismissive of his job.
Yan babysitter who, somehow, ended up trapped in another dimension and is trying to escape. (Turns out cultists don’t take too kindly to the door being slammed in their face)
Yan babysitter who is sure he’s going to die here in this strange dimension.
Yan Babysitter who regrets ever taking this job and swears that if he ever gets out he’s never coming to this house again.
Yan babysitter who faces the horrors of this other dimension, each monster warping his mind and easing him into insanity.
Yan babysitter who’s so close to escaping, but then he gets trapped by some weird otherworldly creature.
Yan babysitter whose life flashes before his eyes as the creature nears.
He closes his eyes and can only hope that this won’t be dragged out, he can feel the creature approach, and he can do nothing but curl up into a ball and beg for mercy.
However, death doesn’t come, no, just when the creature unhinged its jaw and prepares to (quite literally) devour Yan babysitter, he’s saved.
Yan babysitter who’s stunned whenever you rescue him and when he tries to express his gratitude you dismiss his gratitude. (This happened a lot, you tell him, you even suggest that it was your parents intention to sacrifice him.)
Yan babysitter, who from then on, is absolutely obsessed with you (he treats you like a deity, swearing that he’ll serve you forever.)
You brush him off, as you are used to saving irresponsible babysitters from the jaws of doom, then your try to ignore his constant rambling about you being a deity. (Because you aren’t, you’re just a normal person with magic powers) Yet, no matter how much you ignore him his ramblings don’t (Maybe you should’ve left him in that other dimension)
He takes your indifference as a sign of shyness, his mind warped by the brief time he spent in that other dimension. (Seriously, he’s going to need major therapy when he leaves this house) He decides to dedicate his life to protecting you or at the very least repay you for saving his life.
Which then leads to him following you around, intervening in everything you do and then isolating you from those he deems a threat. (Mostly your friends)
Somehow, in less than two weeks, he has threatened half of your neighborhood and caused almost all your friends to go missing. 
At this point, it occurs to you that maybe Yan babysitter is a danger to your lifestyle and you should probably get rid of him. Which marks the beginning of your attempts to erase him from existence, however this doesn’t sway him, and he somehow believes that the person targeting him is actually aiming for you.
So, now, you’ve got an overprotective babysitter watching your every move and probably hiding in your walls. (Maybe you should have let him rot in the other dimension, less trouble and you wouldn’t have had to explain to your parents why the demon in your basement is still hungry)
Yan babysitter who promises to always protect you and to be by your side forever. (He’s such a nuisance)
(Sorry for the short post, I was somewhat distracted by the tv when I was writing this.)
(Regardless, enjoy this post and feel free to comment)
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t0bey · 6 months
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more comms from twitter 🕺
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codename-adler · 17 days
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Baby Pics pt. 1
excuse my going awol. y’all ain’t ready for this next step in the socmed au.
//socmed au masterlist on pinned post//
bonus: photo of Elodie that Jean thought lost and now guards preciously wherever he goes
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derpy-thebdayclown · 11 months
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camptober oc day! i really miss my kids im gonna try and draw em more next month cause i havent in awhile
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tthevoic3s · 27 days
pt1 of the small comic on Maya and Andrew’s first meeting!!
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start | next
it’s my first time drawing a comic and I decided to simplify my artstyle a bit for the first pages, but idk if this will change when I get used to it! It was fun tho :))
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whatthehaxx · 1 month
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ocs having a bad time with salgoth compilation
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Thinkin about my ocs again
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allfortheslay25 · 2 months
Any sweet bonding moments between Neil and Milo?
Milo’s Future spoilers!
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Have a crumb of one of my favorite Neil and Milo bonding moments :)
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Chapter snippet/draft:
The drive to an abandoned lot shouldn’t have made Neil as nervous as he felt. Andrew had been cryptic about why he expected the two Jostens to meet him there, and this was the first alone time the two have had since their talk. Neil glanced over to Milo, silent and tense in the passenger. He kept his face pressed against the window, blond curls fluffing over his eyebrows as he stiffly folded his arms over his lap. Neil had been horribly surprised by the color change. Andrew and the rest of the Foxes tried to convince him to let it go. Milo was a teenager now and teens experimented all the time.
It’s his body. Andrew had told him. He won’t want you telling him he can’t do what he wants with it.
So Neil let the matter drop. Until a week later when he showed up home with pierced ears. Neil put his foot down and calmly—maybe slightly loudly—told Milo he wasn’t allowed to make any more of these ‘changes’ with his body. The conversation didn’t last long civilly. Some things were said and some people—not that Neil was naming Milo—broke a kitchen chair.
Neil sighed deeply. He didn’t know if he preferred Milo’s outbursts or his silence. When Milo went nonverbal, it was almost as if he was ceasing to exist. Neil never could tell if he was eating, doing his homework, volunteering at the cat shelter, or even breathing anymore. He was a ghost in their house.
Once the lot came into view, Neil parked and searched for his phone. He was checking the backseat when the car shook with the force of the slamming door. Neil sat up and furrowed his brow at Milo who leaned against the Mas in silence. Neil went back to searching when it began to ring and call out to him under his seat.
When the phone was in hand, Neil flipped it open and answered Andrew.
“We’re here.” Neil said, glancing at Milo. The boy had grown tall, standing at a good 5’9 without a means to stop there. Neil hoped this growth spurt would finalize before he was fifteen, he didn’t think he could take Milo gaining a couple inches more.
“I’m pulling up.” Andrew replied and clicked on him before Neil could ask what he meant.
The answer came to Neil when a steel gray Camaro came speeding into the lot. The car was brand new with features sharper than a knife. Neil knew nothing about cars other than what they looked like and which ones he had used to get away back in the day. One look from this car told Neil it was fast, probably faster than the Mas.
Milo was standing in front of it now in confusion, watching as Andrew got out, leaving it running. Neil couldn’t hear what they were saying when Andrew tossed Milo the keys, the boy beginning to grin ear to ear. Neil rolled the window down quickly just as Milo flung himself at Andrew and hugged him.
“You bought him a car!?” He exclaimed.
Milo was giddily checking out the inside of the Camaro now, adjusting the seat and mirrors to his liking. Andrew watched him with a nonchalant expression, but Neil knew Andrew by now to know he was avoiding him.
“Andrew.” Neil called.
The man faced him then. He held Neil’s eyes before clicking his tongue and shuffling over to him. Neil glared as he leaned against the window, trying to seem guiltless.
Andrew watched Neil before flicking him on the chin. “Don’t give me that look, Rabbit.” Neil was not giving him a look, Andrew was just being insufferable right now. “I taught him to drive.” He defended, putting his hand in his pocket.
Neil glanced at the hand, understanding Andrew’s childish expression of restraint. Neil wouldn’t let him try to soften him up anyway. He stared Andrew down until the blond lost the battle.
He admitted dryly, “He’s been in a mood.”
“That doesn’t mean you buy him a car.” Neil hissed.
“You bought me a car when I was in a mood.”
“I didn’t do it because you were in a mood—”
“Hey, Dad!” Milo called, pulling the Camaro in beside the Maserati so Andrew was sandwiched in the middle. His eyes shimmered with a fire that wasn’t his usual anger and bitterness but something all the more contagious.
The Camaro roared at the Mas and Neil felt the unspoken words boil the blood under his flesh. He gripped the steering wheel and felt a grin of his own pulling at his face.
“Drew,” Neil began, taking the Maserati out of park. Milo pressed on the gas, revving the engine in anticipation. “We’ll be back soon.”
Neil didn’t bother glancing at Andrew’s confused glance before he was speeding after Milo’s Camaro, a few steps ahead of the Maserati.
They pushed the cars as far as they could, Neil taking a few seconds to watch Milo as the boy laughed, but then he’d leave Neil in the dust again. The race had them dangerously navigating the streets as they bobbed and weaved through cars. Neil at one point drifted loudly through a gas station just to catch up, almost crashing into the steel Camaro before Milo swerved away, laughing loud into the wind. By the time they were driving back to the lot, Neil could tell he was truly beat. The Maserati was a decade too old to keep up and Milo drove like Andrew did; wild and unbothered by attention or danger.
They both came to a screeching end in the positions they had before they left. Andrew hadn’t moved from his spot and was staring at the two of them in disbelief.
“What the fuck?”
Neil glanced at Milo in time to laugh alongside him. Milo smiled wide, his face glowing as his pupils dilated from the high boost of adrenaline. If not for his hands stiffly glued to the wheel, he was sure he’d float away from the high he was riding right now.
Andrew leaned into the window. Neil grinned at the want burning in his lover’s eyes. Andrew looked close to kissing him right here and then. Instead, he pushed Neil’s face away.
“Don’t leave me behind next time, asshole.”
Neil couldn’t stop smiling. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Milo moved out of the Camaro to come by the two of them. “Well, Dad, I won. How does it feel to come in second place?”
“Sassy little shit.” Neil muttered.
Milo put a hand around his ear. “Sorry? I didn’t hear that. I think I’d have to stoop to your level to communicate.”
“You only won because your car is new.”
Milo smirked, as if waiting for Neil to say just that. He tossed his keys onto his lap.
“You’re about to eat those words.” Milo said.
Neil snatched them up, getting out of the Maserati and pulling Andrew alongside him into the Camaro. When both of them were situated, they stared the other down.
“Ready to be bested again?” Milo taunted.
“Focus on the road.” Neil replied. And then they were off.
They raced a total of 10 times. 6 - 4 Milo’s favor. Milo proceeded to race Andrew three more times afterward, getting his ass handed to him each time. He was incapable of matching Andrew’s reckless energy.
The end
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mac-monsters · 9 months
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They are duet partners
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ereyies · 3 months
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hi guys it's me elaine/lainie!! tik tok let me down with this one ngl. sorry for disappearing, it will happen again.
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