#Andrew dies inside
emry-stars-art · 10 months
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↖️ Andrew needs some way to make the spurned and eavesdropping nearby noble even more angry, and if he can do it by being sweet with his guard/consort? What a shame 👀
So Abram returns the favor in a slightly different manner ↘️
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Find the royal au masterpost here 💕
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liv-loves-to-cry · 1 year
Andrew is absolutely obsessed with Neil's "butcher" smile. Neil hates it obviously, but Andrew thinks it encompesses everything Andrew likes about Neil. It shows just how dangerous Neil could be, and that makes Andrew feel safe in his own way.
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willsolaceloml · 2 years
“Omg I bet Nico Di Angelo loves black coffee!” NO! He’s a hot chocolate boy and I know it because Rick told me!!! He PHYSICALLY cannot ingest coffee he HATES it! Even with tons of sugar he just. Cannot.
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luvrxbunny · 7 months
Bunny I was randomly thinking about slow sex with Miguel with the !Cradle Sex Position! 🥺
i had to google what that was and omg the fucking fire that starting in my stomach AHHHHHH
also there were a bunch of diff photos so i hope this is the one you were talking about
warning 18+ - an animated photo of the position is below the cut
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not proofread and probably some improper grammar CUS THIS WAS JUST SUPPOSED TO BE A BLURB
wc: 1k
it'd be really emotional sex. like maybe you almost died on a mission, ohh- like andrew garfield's spider-man! you were falling like that and Miguel had seen that canon event for other spiders so many times that he thought this was it- that no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries, how quickly he shoots his web it wont reach you, he wont catch you, you're gonna die and it's his fault. but then his web reaches you and you're shaken up but completely safe.
he doesnt leave you alone for the rest of the day. he becomes worse than your shadow because at least your shadow can't insist your keep one part of your body on his at all times.
once you guys get home you ask him why he's so worked up and bent outta shape by what happened today and he breaks down. tears begin to stream down his face despite how aggressively he's trying to rub them away and you force him to sit down and explain himself to you.
you’re being so gentle as you comfort him, so caring and loving in a way he’s never felt before. so ofc he gets hard 🥳
he pulls you into his lap slowly and just stares at the shocked expression on your face once you feel that he’s hard. you’re sitting across his lap because of how he pulled you in. your legs run off the sides of his thighs as his legs stay planted on the ground.
he readjusts himself, slides down a bit and spreads his legs before wrapping a thick arm behind your thighs, one behind your back and slowly folding you up for him. he turns you so your back is to his chest but you can still hold the eye contact he’s kept this whole time.
the silence in the room is so fragile you’re afraid to breathe, not wanting to shatter the moment. his eyes flicker to your lips for a moment before coming back up with a pleasing look. his cheeks are still wet with tears, you can’t resist him. you lean in slowly and don’t close your eyes until your lips are locked with his. he moans and he reaches for your hand. he grabs your wrist and fidgets with buttons until your suit dissipates, one of his favorite things about having chosen to make you a digital suit.
he adjusts his watch to just dissipate the crotch, always needing that power imbalance between the two of you. his cock slaps against your pussy the moment it’s freed, eliciting a shocked, but desperate moan from the both of you.
miguel planned on taking his time with you but after his cock hit your plush, wet, lips— he can’t wait any longer. “putting it in, baby.” he grunts out into your ear as he lines himself up with your entrance. your hands reach back to caress his head, play with the curls at the base of his neck.
both your eyes roll back as he slides into you. it’s funny how in sync the two of you are, feeling the same things at the same time for the same reasons. the emotional exposure has left you both raw, sensitive for each other. you both are moaning louder and more frantically than you usually would, on edge already.
“m’not gonna last miguel. oh i love you so much, baby. you’re so good, keeping me safe at all times. my big protector.” your delirious, running your hand through his curls and grinding on his cock as you speak. your words affect him more than he ever could’ve expected. he’s cumming.
it’s worse than a punch to the gut. he lets out a yelp/moan of your name like a scolding and you can feel his warmth flooding your insides. his hands grip your thighs so hard you actually think they may pop, you have to dig your nails into his wrists for him to realize. his hands are shaking— his whole body is shaking so violently that you’re trembling along with him, causing an extra tightness over his cock as you start to cum.
he was on the tail end of his orgasm but now that you’re cumming around him… it’s been renewed. he lets out another shocked moan, closer to a whimper and a sob as he crosses the line into overstimulation. he’s still fucking into you though because you’re cumming. he wants you to cum so hard you’re nothing but jelly in his hands but it seems to be having the opposite affect.
your head is turned to his, you hand on the back of his head, in his curls to angle it towards you and you’re mumbling with a smirk against his lips. “oh- yeah. fill me up, miggy. you’re pumping me so full, baby. kee- keep going. miguel. keep filling me up, my love. m’all yours. make me yours- mark me. want everyone to know.” your words penetrate his brain like bullets. shooting through him and never leaving. mark you
he takes a bite before he can think. wanting to mark you in anyway he can and the sensitivity on his fangs as his eyes crossing as his cock shoves out another fat rope of cum into you. you’re squealing, trying to hold your sounds in as you flutter over his cock again, creating an obscene noise as his thrusts die into slow grinds. his teeth are still in your shoulder, feeling too good under the rush of your warm blood to pull out. his brows are furrowed as he tries to collect his thoughts again.
this never happens to him. you’re stroking the back of his head now and whispering loving words into the air, hoping he can hear them. you’re usually the one in this position, all fallen apart and gifting miguel the honor of putting you back together. but now he’s gifting the honor to you, giving himself you you completely, letting you clean him up and take the both of you to bed.
i literally burnt myself out from this and now today's fic is like 800 words
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aboutnavi · 1 year
One of the things that pisses me off so much about AFTG relationships is whatever the fuck Nora decided to do with Kevin and Thea. For one, let’s start with the big elephant in the room shall we: Kevin was fourteen and Thea was eighteen when they met each other. Kevin was literally a child and Thea was not. When they slept together for the first time Kevin is - presumably - eighteen (Nora only said it was his first year at EAU) and Thea was twenty two/three and it was in front of everyone. We know the Raven’s mindset is fucked up at best but seriously… in front of the entire team? They never talked about themselves in a normal-relationship way when they were at Evermore. According to Nora, “Thea’s last words to Kevin–until she showed up at Fox Tower in TKM–were to get some more practice in with the girls so he’d be ready for her when he graduated.” Be for real… this isn’t normal. But let’s pretend we can put all of this under the “they are Ravens and Ravens knows no boundaries and never had any normal human interaction in their lives” belt.
Let’s do a time skip. Riko breaks Kevin’s hand and Kevin leaves EAU. He spends a year at PSU not playing and not once he reached Thea. Understandable because he was still afraid. Then he starts playing again, still doesn’t reach her. She found out about all of this - broken hand, leaving the Ravens, playing again - through the media. Then, she shows up at PSU out of nowhere and almost doesn’t give a chance for Kevin to explain himself. Except Kevin explain - at best he can, considering he couldn’t put her in danger at the moment - but still she saw how Jean was and she knew what Riko was capable off, right? WRONG. Because Nora goes on to say the worst thing possible about their future:
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Be fucking for real. You telling me you saw your teammate an inch from death, saw that the supposed love of your life had his career almost destroyed - and Thea and Kevin got married, so she is aware of the amount of trauma Kevin carry from being raised with Riko at EAU - and still the hate edges off because “after all, Kevin’s playing again, so no harm no foul, right?” ???? Are we seeing this? As a fandom, are we collectively seeing this?
“But Kevin needs someone who can keep up with him and with his obsession with Exy”. Ok, but I’m pretty sure there are other women besides Thea playing Exy that would be able to keep up with Kevin and still have an ounce of sensitivity in their bodies.
Now my only logical explanation to this, which is where I always go back to is that Thea and Kevin weren’t supposed to happen if Nora had planned AFTG like a normal writer should. We know she wrote a thousand versions of AFTG - even versions where Kevin dies or where Kevin/Andrew/Neil were together - before publishing as a book and we know she had so many versions inside her head she made the books a fucking mess but there is no way someone didn’t warned her about this absolutely fuckery of a relationship. I can’t believe we as a fandom bought into this and still reinforce it as a hc.
Also, do we really think Thea helped Kevin navigate his trauma after TKM? During their lives? This is so incredibly unfair because Kevin deserved someone who could help him heal himself and understand life outside of Exy but no, Nora really had to give us/him this mess.
I needed to vent a little, anyway…
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matan4il · 7 months
To the Nonnie who sent me the four anti-Israel Twitter users with blue checks, with claims to being "journalists" or similar titles... You're very right. I looked into them, and they are Assad apologists. They're literally ignoring the murder of hundreds of thousands of people by Assad's regime, including countless Palestinians who were living in Syria, while supposedly being against genocide and for Palestinians.
I didn't see something about Andrew Tate, but I didn't dig too far back, and I do believe that women who can post the following would side with a man charged with rape and human trafficking:
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IDK if they're being quoted here, on Tumblr? If they are, I haven't seen that. At least not since Oct 7.
I guess the bigger issue is that when people on Tumblr see a post meant to trigger righteous rage, they don't check the source. Especially if they think they already know who the side in the wrong is, based on popular Tumblr opinion. So people automatically reblog and help spread these hateful, antisemitic massacre apologists.
Then again, the whole world is reporting Hamas' numbers on how many people have died in Gaza, how many of them were civilians, how many kids... Don't get me wrong, many people died in Gaza, and when Hamas uses civilians as human shields, many of the victims would be civilians indeed, kids included. But:
Hamas is motivated to inflate the number of fatalities
Hamas is motivated to inflate the number of civilians killed
Hamas is motivated to inflate the number of kids killed
And of course Hamas doesn't allow into Gaza any organization that can verify its stated numbers. Hamas has a complete monopoly on access to the areas affected in Gaza, and therefore on the "truth" that you get from there
Hamas has not reported a single terrorists from among the victims, they're all reported together, as if they're all civilians
Over 10% of rockets fired from Gaza at Israel are known to fail, fall inside Gaza and kill Palestinians, but Hamas doesn't report how many of the fatalities were people killed by Palestinian rockets, they're all reported together as if they were all killed by Israel
Terror tunnels built by Hamas have been well documented (there are reportedly over 1,300 such tunnels in Gaza), some sink holes that killed Palestinians are clearly the result of Hamas deliberately building those tunnels under civilian residential areas, but Hamas won't report its culpability for those deaths
There's new footage emerging from Gaza, showing people who tried to evacuate from the north, and who had been slaughtered by Hamas. You can be sure that these fatalities aren't being reported by Hamas either, so the world will be led to believe that these people were killed by Israel, too
(I'm not sharing the footage, because... it's graphic. And just like the Israelis murdered by Hamas deserve their dignity, so do the Palestinians killed by Hamas, but here you can listen to a subtitled conversation, where a Gazan says Hamas is shooting people who are trying to evacuate)
While we're on the subject of Hamas and its lack of reliability, today Hamas used a humanitarian window provided by the IDF to attack. Please remember this when Israelis point out that Hamas has broken every ceasefire ever. Including the one that existed on Oct 6.
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If respectable journalists were more vocal about questioning Hamas and the numbers it reports (not to mentions their breakdown), then maybe people online would be a bit more critical, too.
I hope you're taking care of yourself, and you're not drowning in the biased material of these hate driven people! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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Desolate Sand
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Literally was playing RD:O and took at nap and dreamt of this guy lol
Rated Explicit: Warnings: Vampirism, based loosely on Vampire Hunter D universe and the IDV Halloween lore
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“If you choose a way to die,” Your voice coming from inside the carriage, “What would it be?” Trying to make idle banter to pass the time. It is a long trip before the next town is in view. The bounty hunter, Desolate Sand, will only stop to give the horses a break. Nothing more. The roads are dangerous for a human, adding vampires only makes it ten times more dangerous.
They already had some fledgling vampires try to attack them, but all died twelve miles back. Seems the vampire Lord Bloody Sword truly wants you dead, that only verified part of your story. The next half will be verified when he gets you to the rendezvous point with Misfit.
The other half of the payment awaits him there as well.
The bounty hunter swore to never involve himself with anything Nightstalkers-related, it always ends up messy. But… With a sigh as if giving up on trying to ignore you, “I guess looking at the sunset.”
“That sounds lovely!” You say, “I think mine would see a lake with fireflies.”
“It always sounds so mythical in books, I would like to experience that.” You smile as you reach your hand out to touch the man's back, “Andrew, I think I'm going on you.” Happy.
“Weeds grown in gardens, that does not mean it is necessarily a good thing.”
“So mean!” Pouting, “... I'm hungry…” Hate having to mention that.
“It is almost sunset, wait it out.”
You nod before pulling your hand away to curl up in your coffin. The preserved yellow flowers ease you to sleep off the hunger pains, if you can hold out a bit longer then Andrew will let you feed on him and he can rest during the night. You close your eyes thinking of anything other than blood, you think about the next town and how a bed will be nice to see and maybe there will be a general store with some sweets.
Andrew glances behind him as you are quiet longer than usual, it seems you fell asleep. Good, the longer you are up, the more the vampiric hunger will affect you. All your energy needs to be reserved for at night in case more of your hateful kin want another shot at you.
A dhampir, Misfit in his letter called you this, half human half vampire created by the Sacred Ancestor. Whoever that is, vampires and their need to be mysterious is annoying. Apparently, the Sacred Ancestor has ties to the Embrace, but nothing more is recorded due to the mysterious creature separating itself from the Embrace early before recorded vampiric history.
Complexities, he rather get paid quickly and move on.
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Night arrives, horses are taking a rest, and Desolate Sand is in the carriage with you on his lap. He had only let you feed from him after the third attempt on your life destroyed the supply of pig's blood. Never has he heard of a vampire who refuses to drink human blood! There is a reason vampires are gluttonous and murderous towards humans, they are cattle that strengthen them more than any other living creatures could.
Andrew removes his coat partly then starts to unbutton his shirt until you tap his hands away and do it yourself. Gentle, you are very careful, giving thanks and apologizing for taking from him. It does not hurt, he is used to being stabbed and shot at so that a bite from you feels like a doctor's needle. The most he feels is the arousal that comes from the venom of the bite, it both makes the one bitten docile and draws more blood out of the wound. Those weak of will would be like a rabbit in the jaws of a wolf, Andrew had the fortune (or misfortune) of being trained by Misfit— It is the only reason he took this job.
You hold him, the attachment you have for him is clear yet he is keeping it minimal to no complex things, your hands trembling as you grip his shoulders. Your fangs deep into the vein in his neck, leaning your weight on him as you drink, his hand on your thigh squeezing to single it enough. You are careful as you remove your fangs from his neck, tongue licking the mess you made though he often told you not to. He hisses when your hips move, grinding on him as your hand starts to unbutton more than what is necessary.
He has slept with you once, a stupid decision looking back yet not one he regrets. It was needed to burn out that high blood gives vampires who first time experience drinking human blood.
As the Embrace spoke of human blood like water to drink from freely, the Sacred Ancestor spoke of it as vice. A drug, addictive, it enslaves and its chains burn upon the skin of the Nightstalkers. To feast on humans is to understand the consequence of it as well as the power it will unlock. This you understand, this is why you give thanks to Andrew and take only what is needed. However, you were not prepared for how human blood tastes, it outmatches any sweet you have ever eaten.
“Careful.” Grabbing your hips halting your movements before this becomes another night where he will struggle to wake up the next morning. Damn, vampire stamina. You place your forehead on his shoulder, breathing in and out before burying your face in his chest inhaling deep his scent. His skin is dusted by his blush, the bounty hunter turned his face to the side avoiding eye contact, mind counting how much ammunition is has left, anything to get his boner to calm down.
“Town,” You pull back when you can think clearly, “Could we?” It is strange for you to ask for such things of the flesh, “I will compensate you.”
“I ain’t some Saloon lass you can buy for the night,” Scoff, “When I want you then I will let you know, Nightstalker.” He is being mean to keep this at arm’s length, to keep you from slipping in somewhere you should not be. You claw off his lap a bit hurt but not emotionally hurt, you simply are needy after feeding and unrealistic want to ride the man until sunrise.
“Alright.” There is nothing more to say, you simply will burn out your frustration by… You do not know! Throw rocks? Andrew stares as you sit at the edge of the carriage with your back to him, readjusting his clothes before climbing into your coffin as it is the only comfortable spot in this carriage.
“Two sunrises and a sunset,” You say, “Then we can see your friend.”
“He's not my friend,” In The next town there is someone named Black Tulip, Desolate Sand knows him; you are excited to mean someone Andrew knows. “Let me do the talking when we get to town.” Closing his eyes after adjusting his rifle and revolvers to be accessible.
You pout, “Why? I can talk for myself!”
“Loose lips get you shot around here,” Answering, “You can talk when we are alone.” Because he does not trust anyone the second they hear how different you speak. Accent, pronunciation, clearly educated; all of these points against you.
“... Fine.”
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You are terrible, a demon in the skin of beauty, and Andrew does not have the heart to stake you— Not like there is a cause for it. Maybe the venom is not so bad when he can keep up long enough to get a few shots in you before having to let you use his hand or thigh to get yourself off again.
The thin cigar in his mouth as he watches you try to give him a blow job. The room is nice and the bath pleasant, the courtesy of the Black Tulip. Andrew pulls the cigar out of his mouth to grit his teeth when your fangs touch a vein just right. A light enough skim that has him gripping your hair and pushing you further down his cock. You choke a bit, nails on his thighs leaving mini crescent marks, your eyes on his face that looked both pained and frustrated. He wants to cum and his cheeks burn from his blush, the realization he is pent up is messing with him. Guess if you are going to politely offer yourself he might as well make use of it before the inevitable separation.
You struggle to swallow his seed, a bit of mess down your chin and chest, eyes half shut.
“Show me.” Out of breath as he releases your hair to see the mess he made of you, cock drunk you who opens your mouth to show you swallow. “Christ.”
“More,” Nuzzling his still hard cock, “Please, more.”
The bounty hunter can, a few more rounds before the venom burns out.
You are grateful Andrew takes on the bed though you had no problem riding him on that chair he was sitting in. He is very considerate no matter how needy or desperately begging for him to simply bed you. You can take the momentary discomfort! You can handle a few seconds delay so long as his cock is in you!
Of course, you are later going to be grateful he takes the time to prepare you. You writhe as his mouth takes your nipple, toying with it with his tongue and teeth; as one hand is between your legs working your hole open with a mixture of your own essence and oil from the draws. Other hand holding you close to his chest and playing with the other nipple. Andrew has you lying on your side with your back to him, the angle a bit awkward for him to maneuver but it stops you from trying to bite while in mist of pleasure.
The first orgasm he draws out of you is slow and he helps you through the high. The second one is quick and has you saying his name louder than the first time. The third, he makes sure to have you on your back, balls deep in you, and letting you bite his wrist. You want this to last, you need it to last as long as possible, you crave him.
Blood, body, if possible his soul; the nature of a vampire cannot be tamed by human blood— The most it does is allow one to resist. The bounty hunter, Desolate Sand, is accommodating to allow you to take from him; he gives because it benefits him ultimately and maybe, just maybe, he likes you.
Not that he will say it.
The wall clock says it is three in the morning when both of you finally stop going at it like rabbits in spring, Andrew is sore all over. He barely notices you have left his side until he flinches at the warmth of a wet cloth on his face. Red eyes narrow then close as he realizes you are cleaning your mess.
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coffee-system-uwu · 1 year
Andrew having no regrets is bullshit. You think he didn't regret ever being born the second he said he'd blow Neil? You think this man didn't have to suck it up and keep acting cool so Neil wouldn't realize how much control Andrew doesn't have? You think saying that shit and not giving a fuck about the answer is realistic? This guy was already a little in love with Neil. There's no way he didn't have a little bit of a stomach drop moment at the idea of rejection.
He probably said those words and shriveled up and died a little on the inside. He gave Neil a sexuality crisis. Luckily Neil is open minded.
But if Neil rejected him. If he said no, or never brought it up again, I wonder if Andrew would acknowledge regretting it? At least to himself. Or would he bury the feelings, and smother that little spark until he was as indifferent to Neil as he is to the rest of the foxes?
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xzhdjsj · 2 months
Sakuverse characters in:
If you're interested in the website I used, it's this one!
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The Bloodbath 
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds. 
Fran and Zaros fight for a bag. Fran gives up and retreats. 
Dontis runs away from the Cornucopia. 
Jonah and Niall fight for a bag. Jonah gives up and retreats. 
Elias takes a spear from inside the cornucopia. 
Nira finds a bag full of explosives. 
Xanthus overpowers Audric, killing him. 
Rowan runs away from the Cornucopia. 
Vic grabs a sword.
Alex runs away from the Cornucopia. 
Andrew grabs a shovel. 
Warden grabs a shovel. 
Luca runs away from the Cornucopia. 
Isaac runs away from the Cornucopia. 
Cevyk takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia. 
Matias runs away from the Cornucopia. 
Queen Roena finds a bag full of explosives. 
James runs away from the Cornucopia. 
Yandere Boy breaks Adam's nose for a basket of bread. 
Day 1 
Kayson searches for firewood. 
Dontis chases Fran. 
Andrew receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. 
Xanthus overhears Isaac and Asirel talking in the distance. 
They're discussing info they know about the other participants and coming up with plans to win frrr
Niall hunts for other tributes.
Nira overhears Cevyk and Queen Roena talking in the distance. 
Alex goes hunting.
Luca injures himself. 
Elias injures himself. 
Vic injures himself. 
Zaros explores the arena. 
Yandere Boy attacks Matias, but he manages to escape. 
Adam receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. 
Rowan thinks about home. 
James receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. 
Warden runs away from Jonah. 
Asirel and Kayson fight for a bag. Kayson gives up and retreats. 
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Night 1 
Andrew receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. 
Adam goes to sleep. 
Fran questions her sanity. 
Dontis tends to Matias's wounds. 
Xanthus taints Niall's food, killing him. 
Cevyk and Elias sleep in shifts. 
Nira lets Warden into her shelter. 
Rowan begs for Yandere Boy to kill him. He refuses, keeping Rowan alive. 
Vic convinces Isaac to snuggle with him. 
OH? How'd bro manage that?? 🤭
Asirel cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. 
So while Vic and Isaac cuddle, Asirel just offs himself okay😭
Alex receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. 
Kayson tends to his wounds. 
Luca receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. 
James fends Jonah, Queen Roena, and Zaros away from his fire. 
Day 2 
Queen Roena, Luca, Xanthus, and Matias hunt for other tributes. 
Cevyk dies of dysentery. 
Okay this one KILLEWD ME. That does NOT sound like a good way to die😭
James stalks Zaros. 
Vic camouflauges himself in the bushes. 
Yandere Boy fishes. 
Kayson sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. 
Nira and Dontis split up to search for resources. 
Isaac receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. 
This makes senseee, it's probably one of his clients!
Alex practices his archery. 
Andrew sprains his ankle while running away from Fran. 
Warden collects fruit from a tree. 
Rowan hunts for other tributes. 
Adam practices his archery. 
Jonah travels to higher ground. 
Elias hunts for other tributes. 
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Night 2 
Adam, Warden, and James sleep in shifts. 
Kayson, Elias, and Matias sleep in shifts. 
Alex bashes Vic's head in with a mace. 
Xanthus passes out from exhaustion. 
Dontis, Rowan, and Fran cheerfully sing songs together. 
Luca, Zaros, Yandere Boy, and Nira sleep in shifts. 
Andrew and Isaac huddle for warmth. 
Jonah stabs Queen Roena in the back with a trident. 
Day 3 
Warden tends to Isaac's wounds. 
Isaac is getting princess treatment from everyone
Nira receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. 
James stalks Adam. 
Yandere Boy stalks Xanthus. 
Fran attacks Kayson, but he manages to escape. 
Luca begs or Alex to kill him. He refuses, keeping Luca alive. 
Andrew questions his sanity. 
Matias discovers a cave. 
Rowan practices his archery. 
Zaros is unable to convince Jonah to not kill him. 
Elias begs for Dontis to kill him. He refuses, keeping Elias alive. 
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Night 3 
Alex, Luca, and Elias sleep in shifts. 
Isaac starts a fire. 
Xanthus lets Rowan into his shelter. 
Andrew receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. 
Jonah questions his sanity. 
Adam tends to Fran's wounds. 
Yandere Boy tries to treat his infection. 
Dontis receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. 
Nira losts sight of where she is. 
Kayson and James tell stories about themselves to each other. 
Warden sets up camp for the night. 
Matias dies from an infection. 
Day 4 
James throws a knife into Warden's head. 
Kayson steals from Elias while he isn't looking. 
Yandere Boy chases Andrew. 
Xanthus receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. 
Adam poisons Isaac's drink. He drinks it and dies. 
Well damn, so much for princess treatment💀
Fran, Jonah, and Nira hunt for other tributes. 
Rowan attacks Alex, but he manages to escape. 
Dontis receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. 
Luca discovers a river. 
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Status Update!
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Night 4 
Yandere Boy and Rowan work together to drown Jonah. 
Luca, Elias, Adam, Fran, and Kayson sleep in shifts. 
Alex stays awake all night. 
Xanthus cooks his food before putting his fire out. 
Nira and James hold hands. 
Andrew strangles Dontis with a rope. 
Andrew snapped yall
Day 5 
Adam discovers a cave. 
James is pricked by thorns while picking berries. 
Rowan runs away from Alex. 
Luca, Nira, Elias, Kayson, and Fran hunt for other tributes. 
Yandere Boy sprains his ankle while running away from Andrew. 
Xanthus sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. 
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Night 5 
Fran fends Rowan, Kayson, and James away from her fire. 
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Yandere Boy and Nira huddle for warmth. 
Andrew, Elias, Xanthus, and Adam tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. 
Luca and Alex run into each other and decide to truce for the night. 
Day 6 
Fran accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it. 
Xanthus attacks Yandere Boy, but he manages to escape. 
He knewwwww he knew he was stalking him back in day 3! Too bad he didn't get to reenact what he did to him for stalking Love
Luca receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. 
Rowan receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. 
Adam injures himself. 
Kayson and James work together for the day. 
Elias forces Andrew to kill Alex or Nira. He decides to kill Nira. 
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Night 6 
Rowan and Luca fight Andrew and Kayson. Andrew and Kayson survive. 
Adam tends to his wounds. 
Alex cooks his food before putting his fire out. 
Yandere Boy stays awake all night. 
Elias goes to sleep. 
James strangles Xanthus with a rope. 
The Feast 
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families. 
James and Kayson get into a fight over raw meat, but James gives up and runs away. 
Yandere Boy decides not to go to The Feast. 
Alex decides not to go to The Feast. 
Elias sobs while gripping a photo of his friends and family. 
Andrew stabs Adam with a tree branch. 
Elias is feeling all the feels while Andrew is being a menace😭💀
Day 7 
James thinks about home. 
Elias strangles Kayson with a rope. 
like uncle, like nephew ig💀
Yandere Boy discovers a river. 
Alex tries to sleep through the entire day. 
Andrew accidently steps on a landmine. 
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Night 7 
Elias sees a fire, but stays hidden. 
James and Alex sleep in shifts. 
Yandere Boy climbs a tree to rest.
Day 8 
Elias runs away from James. 
Alex kills Yandere Boy with a sickle.
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Status Update Again!
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Night 8 
Elias and Alex huddle for warmth. 
James stays awake all night. 
Day 9 
Alex tends to Elias's wounds. 
James bleeds out due to untreated injuries. 
Night 9 
Elias sets an explosive off, killing Alex. 
LMAO I was scared Alex would win for a sec
The winner is Elias from District 7! 
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5: Andrew 
2: Elias 
2: Jonah 
2: Kayson 
2: James 
2: Xanthus 
2: Alex 
1: Yandere Boy 
1: Adam 
1: Rowan 
Andrew didn't come to play 💀💀💀
well that was extremely LONG. I hope this is fun for you as it was for me!
im gonna go dissolve into my bed now!
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misstycloud · 1 year
New beginning:
Yandere husband x wife reader x platonic son.
TW: bad af parenting
Moving to a new city can be a difficult experience. A new house, a new school, new friends and unfamiliar surroundings. Especially hard can it be if you're forced to bring undesired company. That was the case for Andrew. The new house was built very recently, with a modern interior and tall windows and a supplemental garden filled with beautiful vegetation. Many would say he was lucky to live in such a house, but he much preferred his old home. He only felt dread when the car rolled up in the driveway, sealing his fate. Andrew sensed a comforting hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see his mother send him a gentle smile.
"We're here, come on let's check out the place."
The boy thanked the heavens for his mother, she was the only one with the ability to cheer him up. What would he do without her? He beamed and stepped out of the vehicle. (Y/n) grabbed her sons' hand and pulled him along to admire the flowerbeds planted in front of the house. There were a considerable amount of carnations, dahlias and marigolds. It reminded the boy about all those times when he and his small family went out to the park, all those years ago. When his father was still alive. He really missed those times, times when his sweet mother wasn't with that asshole. When that thing didn't exist. Before his spiteful mood strayed too far, a familiar voice interrupted them. For Andrew it was like hearing nails on a chalkboard.
"Hey, you coming?" A young man in his early thirties came out of the house. In his arms slept a baby.
"Yes we'll be there shortly. Just have to carry these boxes inside first."
"Want me to help?" Her husband asked and slightly tilted his head to the side.
"No, I'll be fine."
(Y/n) proceeded to unload the boxes from the trunk, and placed them on the ground. Andrew wanted to help her but struggled with the weight of the boxes. He tried renewing his grip, but it did not prevent the cardboard from slipping. The young boy was already annoyed, which didn't alleviate when the person he hated most only added fuel to the fire.
"Need help with that, kid?" His step-father stopped right by his side and glanced down at him. Andrew frowned and spat fiercely at him.
"Why would I need help from the likes of you?"
"Andrew! Apologise to Evan right now." His mother scolded him.
"Nah it’s fine, honey."
"Let's just start unpack these boxes and have dinner after. Sounds good?" (Y/n) reluctantly nodded and went into the house.
Evan turned back to face Andrew. It might have been the lighting, but Andrew could have sworn there was malice behind those blue eyes.
Andrews' new room was spacious with a balcony, giving a pleasant view on the garden. Despite it being the bigger than his former room, it did not coach him into liking his current home any more.
Why did they have to move? He liked his old home, old school where all his friends were. Now he's forced to start over and with them still here. Andrew would have been fine with it if it was just him and his mom, alas it seems like you can't have everything.  
He laid down on the floor, staring up in the ceiling. He thought about when his father died. He remembers hating hearing his mom cry herself to sleep every night.
Many came to the funeral, all his aunts, uncles, cousins along with family friends. They all cried except him.
He was in shock they say. He wasn't sure himself, all he knew was that he felt numb. Like it wasn't real, but it was. Afterward it was just him and his mom. They went about their lives as normal, although they were much closer than before-if possible.
He's a certified mamas boy, all right.
He couldn't imagine a life without her. Andrew felt so happy when she played with him, cuddled with him, read to him before putting him to sleep every night. Now however, they don't get to do those things as much.
It's that Evan and their new baby. It's always crying. Always hungry.
Always there. Always demanding attention.
How he detested that thing. Because of it his mother never got time for him.
They used to play all the time but now her full concentration was constantly on the baby. Sometimes, he is even tasked with keeping watch on him. It things like 'can you keep an eye on your brother a second, so I can bring in the groceries?'- or - 'Why don't you try holding your little brother for a bit?'.
All of his relatives fawn over his younger half-brother.
Treating him like a miracle. When voicing his complains, the only responses he get is that he should stop acting so childish and that he'll eventually come to adore Eli. His aunt once said to him.
'Better not say these thing to your mommy, or she will get really sad. No mother want her children to hate each other.'
Fearing to hurt his mom, he never told her of his resentment. Andrew blinked and sat up inspecting all the boxes. Some stacked on top of each other, building a tower.
'I better get to work or I'll be done next year.'
A few weeks after they first arrive, the family had settled in nicely. Most had been unpacked but there were some moving boxes sitting somewhere.
The neighbours greeted them the second day in town. They came over with a new baked blueberry pie. Awfully friendly people one might say.
Their former neighbours didn't as much look at them, let alone bring them pastry's. Apparently they were swedes.
In the evenings the sun shone inside the house and brought a lovely golden hue. You could just relax in the glow, close your eyes and drift off. Something Andrew decided to do a lot. He especially needed it after an annoying day in school. The boy always told his mother the academy had great teachers and his classmates were so friendly. He would make so many friends in the future! But the truth was that the school had 'okay' teachers, and only some of his classmates were friendly. Not many wanted to give him time of the day actually, being the new word kid and all. Andrew had friends in his former school but they were few in between.
'Not everyone could keep up with him', he liked to imagine. For he was indeed the smartest boy in his grade and since it made his mother very happy, he did everything to keep the title.
During the afternoons, the sun shine inside covering the entire house in a golden hue. Lazing around in the living room just reading or thinking deeply was wonderful then. Mixed with the afternoon glow, it gave the feeling of peace and calmness. It was one of the finest hours spent his new home.
In the course of one of such afternoons, (Y/n) was currently working away on her laptop. Andrew entered and smiled when  spotting his dear mother. In his hands resided a orange ball waiting to be tossed around.
"Hey, mom?"
(Y/n) turned her gaze up to see her oldest son staring expectantly at her. She hummed lovingly in response.
"Yes, honey? What is it?"
"Can you play with me, I've been bored all day?" He pleaded.
"I'm a bit busy right now though..."
the woman hated turning down her child. Especially since he knew very well when to bring out the 'puppy eyes'. She glanced around the room and as she watched her youngest play in the carpet, she got an idea. (Y/n) suggested that he play with Eli to cure his boredom.
"Why don't you play with Eli? Im sure he would love to be with his brother."
On cue, the small child peered up at them. He made happy gurgling noises when he noticed his big brother. After all, he didn't see much of Andrew at home. He was always busy doing homework or playing by himself. Being reminded of the baby, Andrew felt himself withdrawal with repulsion. No way was he going to play with him. Evan had already been enough of a bother, but then suddenly had his mother fallen pregnant and next thing he knew, that thing had plopped out. He recalls when his mother told him the news. She was ecstatic and so was Evan. After their wedding they had already planned to move-one of the reasons being work- and now they had another reason to start fresh.
Somewhere new, somewhere where no one knew them, somewhere with no memories of the past.
Despite wanting nothing more than (Y/n) to be happy, he couldn't find any joy himself in the news. He would have a sibling now? He wouldn't be the only child? He would have someone to play with now, he guessed. But it wasn't really that important since he was more of a studious kid. Andrew's thoughts ran wild, there was one thought that stood out however.
Now he would be forced to share his mom.
Andrew didn't want that! What is she liked the new baby better than him? That wouldn't do. The boy was horribly afraid you'd prefer your baby over him and you'd just toss him aside. Throwing out his stuff and maybe make him live with his grandparents. It was a nightmare he had many times afterwards. The fear of abandonment gnawed at him like a rat.
(Y/n) watched as the light in her son's eyes vanished into nothingness. He obviously wasn't satisfied with her reply. On one hand she really would like to play with Andrew, but on the other hand she also really needed to finish her work. Panicked she tried to come up with another solution and as her knight in shining armour, Evan came to her rescue.
He must have listened to their conversation and decided to step up.
"Hey kid, wanna play with me instead? ”
Andrew deliberately scrutinised Evan with a cold look. He then proceeded to firmly shake his head and say
"No, not you."
"Andrew, don't say that. Evan is a part of this family." His mother's voice sounded. But her son only turned to look her in the eyes with a somewhat sad and anxious expression, which followed by him rushing outside.
"Andrew wait!"
But he was already too far out of reach to hears his mothers pleas. (Y/n) sighed defeatedly and pitched the bridge of her nose. Evan attempted to comfort his wife by saying he'll talk to Andrew and that they'll both come to a mutual understanding about respect, before running out the back door after Andrew.
The mother didn't have a clue to what she did for thing to end up like this. Sure, she had a feeling Andrew wasn't the biggest fan of Evan but she kinda hoped that would disappear over time. Maybe she was a bad mom for dating someone her child didn't have the most loving opinion of, but did she not deserve some happiness as well?
When Andrew's father died, she was heartbroken. Who wouldn't be when the love of your life and father of your child suddenly passes away? When she finally decided to get out there and start dating again, she noticed her dates would abruptly draw back. Like they would meet up and then her date just didn't appear interested anymore, even though they seemed to click.
Maybe the bearings of already having a child just wasn't appealing? Because when she introcued Andrew to them, was around the same time when they messaged they'd like to stop pursuing the relationship. She could understand how they felt though. So she didn't blame them for anything. She was just sad that's all. Sad that she might never find that happiness again. Until she met him.
Evan was the only one who decided to stay. Despite her son's snarky comments and glares from the opposite side of the table. (Y/n) felt forever grateful for all the things he did for her. For loving her so dearly. For never forgetting a special day, like birthdays and anniversaries. For making her so incredibly happy while going down on one knee. As well as giving her a second beautiful son who she'd love with all her heart.
Speaking of, that little bundle of joy stretched his arms out trying to reach for his mother. (Y/n) chuckled and went to pick him up and held him fondly while smothering his forehead with kisses.
"You're my little angel, Eli."
Under a tree sat a young boy sulking by himself. He was upset, very upset. His mother chose someone else over him. Okay, he knew it wasn't really like that but it still felt like it. She had chosen a scum over him. Her own son! He didn't deserve the love his mom gave. Not when the one who actually deserved it was Andrew.
He had been successful in preventing a relationship every time his mother had met someone. Every time! But not Evan. He didn't let Andrew scare him in the slightest. Not his death glares. Not his degrading comments. Not even the mean pranks. In fact, Evan didn't as much as flinch when he found a dead rat in his shoe, nor when he found out the eggs Andrew so happily made him were way outdated. Nothing ever seemed to phase him. That wasn't the only thing about him.
Evan was also...weird. Very weird.
Before they moved the their new home, Andrew would sometimes hear strange noise outside at night. It was when Evan slept over at their house. He basically lived there, even though he had his own apartment. So when the boy woke up during those nights and listened to where the sound came from, he took a look outside.
There in the garden had he spotted a tall silhouette. Andrew had quickly backed away from the window when the shadow had looked up towards his window. He was lucky he tought, because it appeared that the figure did not see him. The boy had then continued to observe the shadow. It seemed like it was digging. But why was a stranger digging in his backyard in the middle of the night? Imagine his surprise when he saw the moon's shine lit up a portion of the strangers face. It was only for a second, and he didn't know the person well at all. But there was no mistake. The 'stranger' in his backyard was none other than Evan. You also can't forget the strange sounds coming from the basement. Evan was the only one who went down there, he allegedly used it as his study. His mother wouldn't know anything since she didn't have a reason to go down there and if she needed something Evan would be the first to volunteer.
Lost in thought he almost didn't notice that said person was currently approaching him. Andrew scowled at his step-father and averted his sights to the grass beneath him. A pair of black shoes soon replaced his vision.
"Hey, Andrew." Evan began.
"I know that we might not get along well but can you at least try? For you mom?" The man asked in a hopeful tone but received no answer. He prepared to repeat himself again, but was surprised at the high pitched voice that suddenly murmured something imperceptible.
"I can't hear you, what did you say?"
Evan leaned in closer with the intention of catching the boy's muffled words.
"Fuck you.." Andrew glared at him.
The man's eyes widened. He wouldn't have guessed this is what the boy was trying to say. Nasty criticism was nothing new from Andrew. But never had he sworn at him. Only things like; where he came from and what he ate to his fashion choice. Evan's expression converted into a perilous smile.
"That's not nice little Andy." He said.
"Don't call me that!" The lad swung his scrawny arm at the older man, but it was easily caught in a tight grip. Andrew froze as he stared into two malicious orbs.
"I will call you whatever I want because I'm the adult here. Listen; I don't like you and I know you don't like me either, but you will do as I say. Because if you don't- well we already have a replacement for you." The man smirked while he watched as Andrew's face distort.
"I also don't want (Y/n) to be unhappy. She wants this new life to go well and your little antics keeps making her sad, and I doubt you want to cause your mother pain. So you will stop your pathetic tantrums and be a good boy from now on, okay?"
Evan released his grip on Andrew's arm and stood up. He began waking back towards the house, but not before turning around and saying.
"Be nice to your daddy from now on."
Andrew caressed his sore arm and winced. He could already feel a bruise forming. Guess he would have to borrow some makeup from mom's bag to cover it up. Looking through the window he could clearly see his mother and step-father conversing happily; like the previous three minutes didn't happen.
Just like he said.
God how he hated that little brat! If he could just get rid of him, then everything would be alright. It would be absolutely perfect with only the three of them as a family.
Evan Carter was no ordinary man. He can't even begin to count how many immoral acts he's committed. Assault, robbery, blackmail, murder.
But that was not all. He realised from a young age that he was different. Many times did he witness the emotions of people around him, the good ones and the negative ones. But not a single emotion could he relate to.
When he tripped and fell as a young boy, he simply stood up again, shedding no tears.
When his middle school soccer team won his towns annual sports tournament, Evan did not understand the length of his teammates joy.
Don't get him wrong he can feel things, although his feeling weren't as prominent or strong like others. Further, when he was in high school and all the other kids started to focus on finding partners, the boy could care less about it. It continued that way even when he wasn’t a young boy anymore and time had carried him into the life of adulthood.
Until he met her.
(Y/n) was his light. They’d met three years ago at a party hosted by a mutual friend. She had been so beautiful that night. With her rosy cheeks and enchanting eyes. She had him trapped the moment they shook hands. Evan wanted to punch himself for thinking he could make it alone in this world. Before her, the domestic lifestyle appeared pointless; Now it was all he wished for.
The day they of their wedding was the best day of his life. Everything went splendidly and the decision to move to a new city had just been finalised. Seeing his wife pregnant with his child made him so happy. Evan loved his wife and son so, so, so much!
Their new life would be amazing if it wasn't for one time detail. His wife's son from her previous relationship.
How awful that brat was.
Always insulting him and being rude, even though he hadn't done anything to deserve it. It was quite obvious he was trying to scare him away. But Evan was not like those other shallow men Andrew had succeeded in frightening. No, he was there to stay.
Evan knew his temper would soon hit breaking point. Still, he didn't desire to kill the boy. Not yet at least. He saw how much (Y/n) loved him and knew how heartbroken she would be if he died. She was unknowingly the only reason he was still alive.
But perhaps in the future, who knows? A small accident may occur.
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mynameismckenziemae · 4 months
can you do a bob x reader? anything w protective bob? i’m a sucker for a “who did this to you?” trope🤭 i trust your creativity and writing, take any liberties!!
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! A-hole ex boyfriends, talks of previous domestic abuse, violence, blood, (non consensual) derogatory language, a little smutty-smut at the end.
This is a bonus scene from Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone (first chapter here)
“We’re meeting the caterers at the venue at 5 but otherwise we don’t have anything planned for today,” you tell Bob as you brush mascara on your lashes.
You were back home in Minnesota with Bob for a long weekend to see family and do some wedding planning.
“What would you do on a cold rainy day growing up?” Bob asks, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Roller skating, but the rink closed shortly after I graduated high school, otherwise we’d go to the mall or the movies. That’s actually where I had my first kiss with Andrew Fischer,” you sigh dreamily just to tease him.
He’s on to you though and pinches your butt. “Can I take you to the movies?”
“I’d love that. Maybe you’ll get a kiss too, if you’re lucky.”
“I’ll drop you by the door and meet you inside after I park,” Bob says as he pulls into the lot.
“Thanks, not sure you’d want to be seen with me if my hair were to get wet,” you laugh as you check it in the mirror. Your hair was a curly mess on a good day; the humidity was making it borderline out of control.
He shifts into park and grips your knee before you get out. “I love your hair, and there’s nothing about you that would make me embarrassed to be seen with you, Sun.”
You’d been kidding but the reassurance was always nice.
“Love you,” you smile and press a kiss to his lips. “Meet you in there.”
You wait in the quiet lobby, humming to yourself while you watch for Bob.
A cold chill runs down your spine at that voice.
“Hi Di-Derek,” you say, almost calling him dickhead (Bradley’s fitting nickname for your ex-boyfriend).
You haven’t seen him since you caught him in bed with another woman and were happy to see he looks awful
“I thought that was you, I thought I’d say hi since I was walking past. What are you doing here? Last I heard you were still in Cali, fucking some guy in the army,” he says casually, like what he just said isn’t extremely offensive.
“I-I’m not…we’re-,” you stutter but trail off as he keeps talking, stepping closer as your back hits the wall.
“You know, you could lose a few pounds, and fix this god-awful hair,” he says, tugging none too gently on a strand, smiling at your wince. “Otherwise you look good. I’d still fuck you.”
“I suggest you back away from my fiancé,” Bob says lowly from behind you both.
“Fiancé? Why didn’t you say so?” Derek laughs in your face before pushing away from you and turning to Bob. “I’m Derek, Sunny’s-“
“Pathetic ex who cheated on her,” Bob finishes for him.
Derek’s fuming as he laughs cruelly. “Can you blame me? I know she was cheating on me too. Always gone, always begging for other guys' attention like the slut-“
You flinch at the sickening crack of his nose when Bob’s fist meets his nose.
“What the fuck?! You’re gonna regret that. I’m calling the cops,” he sputters as he reaches for his phone, blood pouring from his obvious broken nose.
“I wouldn’t do that, Derek,” you say, finding your voice. “Unless you want to be sitting in jail too.”
“Why?! He hit me?!” He says, shaking with rage as he tries to stem the flow of blood with his coat sleeve.
“Remember that night at the Hard Deck? When you grabbed my arms and slammed my head against the wall? Not only do I have pictures of the bruises you left but Penny has the video of it too,” you say, proud that your voice isn’t trembling.
“I barely touched your arms! And I didn’t slam your head against-whatthefuckever, it doesn’t matter anyway—that was months ago! It wouldn’t hold up in court,” he argues.
“Maybe, maybe not. But Bob here is one of those ‘top 1% naval aviators’ along with Bradley and Jake-who haven’t gone after you only because I said not to. You have no idea what lengths the Navy would go to protect them and how easily things can get swept under the rug,” you saw lowly.
His face pales when he realizes your implication and scrambles to his feet, muttering a half-assed apology before running outside.
Bob checks you over before wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”
You shake your head, “I’m okay. I never cheated on him, you know that, right?” You murmur against his chest.
He presses a kiss to the top of your head. “I know you didn’t. Do you want to get out of here?”
You take a deep breath. “No, I’m not going to let him ruin our day.”
“Is your hand okay?” You ask as you take your assigned seats.
“Yeah it’s fine, I didn’t hit him that hard.”
“Hard enough to break his nose,” you laugh. “It’s gonna hurt like a bitch when they set it.”
“Good,” he says darkly.
“Was that the first time you’ve punched someone?”
“Besides when I was a kid fighting with my brother? Yeah.”
The previews start but you can’t seem to forget how hot it was when Bob didn’t hesitate to defend you. It reminded you of something.
“Do you remember the night we met and you scared of that jackass who called me a whore at the Hard Deck?” You whisper.
“Yeah, I remember everything from that night,” he responds, brushing hair off your forehead.
You smile. “Then you remember what I said after?”
His eyes darken as he recalls. “You said too bad we’d just met because you wanted to get on your knees to show your gratitude.”
You nod as you sink to your knees in front of him.
“Right now? Here?” He whispers as he looks around. But it’s just the two of you in the empty theater.
He’s already hard when pull him out of his gray sweatpants. You waste no time and use your hands with your mouth to work him over.
His head falls back with a low groan as he cums, filling your mouth as the opening credits come across the screen.
Just as you sit back down, an elderly couple enters the theater, sitting just a few seats over.
You can’t help but giggle when Bob shakes his head with a chuckle of his own.
Later you send a message to the group chat as Bob drives to the caterer.
Sunny: Guess who we saw today?
Rowan: Please don’t say Derek.
Sunny: It was Derek.
Bradley: *dickhead.
Sunny: Yeah…I almost called him that 😬
Bradley: Why didn’t you?
Sunny: I was waiting for Bob to park and he kinda had against the wall.
Bob parks and checks his phone.
Bob: He literally had her against the wall when I walked in.
Nat: OMG Sunny! Are you okay? Did he hurt you?
Rowan: Holy shit! Are you alright?!
Jake: What the fuck?! I’m gonna fucking kill him. I should’ve that night.
Bradley: ^Agreed.
Sunny: It’s okay. I was a little shaken up but I’m okay too.
Rowan: Thank God. How’d you get him to leave you alone?
Sunny: Bob rearranged his face with his fist ☺️
Bradley: That’s my boy!
Nat: Just when I thought I couldn’t love you more Bob. 😍
Jake: Hey!
Nat: 😘
Rowan: Hahaha that’s awesome! Did he call the cops though? I could definitely see him calling the cops
Bob: He was going to until Sunny put him in his place.
Sunny: I brought up the pictures I took of the bruises and the video Penny sent me. I also told him how Jake and Bradley would have no problem going after him. I might’ve also said that the Navy wouldn’t hesitate to cover for them too 🤫
Jake: Fuckin ‘a right!
Bradley: I’d gladly sit in prison for that.
Rowan: ^That’s fine, but only if there are conjugal visits
Bradley: Duh 🙄
Rowan: Watch it Bradley…
Bradley: Yes ma’am 🫡
Jake: Gross…
Jake: Kidding, please go on. I wanna see how this plays out.
Nat: ^Agreed🍿
Sunny: Lolol I love you guys.
You silence your phone with a smile as Bob opens your door and offers his hand.
A/N: I hope I did it justice @lexixstewart
Tagging (please lmk if I’m annoying you by tagging you! I’ll take you off my taglist!):
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24-0z · 2 years
Quotes I've heard somewhere that remaind me of some aftg characters.
Kevin Day:
Then he said: don't you know? I am trying to make you great.
And I said: I do not want to be great, I want to be loved.
Neil Josten:
I don't want to just survive anymore, mom.
It hurts it hurts it hurts, mom.
Renee Walker:
And the earth looked at me and said: wasn't that fun?
And I replied: I'm sorry if I hurt anyone
Jean Monroe:
Am I supposed to be grateful to have survived this?
Andrew Minyard:
I'm not a whole person and I don't think I ever will be. Parts of me died in the house I grew up in and I visit them in dreams.
Seth Gordon:
Promise that you will sing about me.
Aaron Minyard:
I have searched for my mother's love in all the corners of the world.
Nicky Hemmick:
This is not a joke. I mouth
love me. love me
Neil Josten:
My mother did not mean to hate me, she didn't even know she hated me, and yet, I was hated. And I carried that hate with me through life with more pride than it perhaps deserved. A bruise of honor.
Nicky Hemmick:
I need a father, I need a mother, I need some older, wiser being to cry to. I talk to God but the sky is empty.
Dan Wilds:
In another universe, my window is open and I'm lying on my floor. I am 12 years old and nothing bad has ever happened to me
Andrew Minyard:
The truth is that no child can save their mother.
Andrew Minyard:
Now I know why I was drawn to you. We have the same darkness inside.
Neil Josten:
The word father rotted in my mouth.
Neil Josten:
I am not my mother's daughter.
I was not born from her womb.
I was born from her rage.
Andrew Minyard:
love is insane, you fell like you're always subtly asking "do you still love me even though I'm flawed?" and the answer just keeps being yes.
Neil Josten:
Tell me every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you anyway.
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lovewisegirl06 · 8 months
- Neil doesn't like sweets (Canon fact) but he was willing to take baking classes in order to gift Andrew some chocolate cookies for his birthday (Among other things he learned how to prepare) If the foxes notice him walking funny the next day, Andrew's death stare kept them at bay.
- Andrew knows Neil's schedule and makes sure to remind him to take something with him to eat between breaks. Sometimes he makes small sandwiches and Neil dies inside every time he finds one in his bag.
-Neil leaves post it notes in the fridge when he goes out for a run and Andrew keeps them inside a small box (He also keeps there the receipts from every book Neil has gifted him and of the places they have gone to different dates.)
- When Neil has a nightmare and can't go back to sleep, Andrew tells him about the new book or series he's been paying attention to lately. As they get better with touching and casual PDA, Andrew lets Neil rest his head on his chest and curls his fingers through those red curls until Neil falls asleep again. (Somewhere down the line, this starts happening even when the nightmares are gone.)
- Once, Andrew took a class where he learned how to profile criminals. Neil helped him with all his assignments because damn is he good at figuring people out.
- Sometimes, when Andrew wants to mess with Neil before a game, he leans in and whispers in Russian "The amount of times you score tonight, it's the amount of times I'll let you score when we're alone" at first Neil doesn't get it, but later when they are...celebrating...well, while he's catching his breath and his tights are trembling and he's panting like he ran a marathon and Andrew asks him if he can give him a fourth one...How can he say no? (Kevin and later on Robin learned to make themselves scarce when Neil is determine to at least score five times during a game)
- When Andrew graduates and they are doing long distance, they make sure to call each other every night to talk or simply hear each other breathe. It's the only times Neil keeps his phone fully charged.
- Andrew once tells Neil how there was a cat on one of his foster homes and how much he liked the cat, especially since once that furball scratched and fought when his foster father entered his bedroom one night. Neil mentions how they should get one when they are living together after graduation and can't understand why Andrew kisses him with so much desperation (It's the fact he said When instead of If. But Andrew won't tell him that)
- During Halloween of Neil's second year, Allison wanted to win a bet and convinced Neil to dress up as a bunny (I'm talking about shorts with high tights and bunny ears, with drawn moustaches and everything) Andrew kept quiet the entire time at Eden's and Neil through something bad had happened. Later that night, when he was riding Andrew in their room at Columbia and he heard the "That's it, keep doing that bunny" he understood it was anything but bad. (And if the pet name stuck, it's between them and them only) (Oh my God, maybe I'll write a one shot about this? Should I?)
- Sometimes Neil lets out words in the different languages he knows because he can't remember the English word (Things we bilinguals know can happen) Andrew refuses to tell him the correct word and it's one of the few times something akin to a smile appears on his face.
-Andrew allows Neil to fight his own battles, especially regarding Jack. But after Neil punched the guy, Andrew made sure to carefully explained him what would happen if he ever made another comment towards Neil's appearance.
- Neil leaves scratches down Andrew's back when they're having sex. The first time it happened and he was about to apologize, Andrew pounded into him so hard he saw stars. Andrew won't say it, but he finds the tiny marks something interesting to look at after they're done (Plus, Neil only does it when he's about to come, so it's a great tell tale if he wants to edge him for a while. Scientific purposes)
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fallinginvictus · 13 days
I may be a day or two early for wip wednesday but I absolutely need to know what happens next in ur time loop fic of Andrew
WIP Wednesday Andrew and Aaron Time Loop AU [part 2/4]
Part 1
on ao3 I would tag this as "Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings" so if you need to know more because you think there might be something that could trigger you, let me know and I'll let you know
He feels frantic as he drives on now familiar roads, his thoughts swirling in his brain and bouncing inside his skulls, unable to tell where one begins and the other ends, unable to make sense of the nightmare that he has found himself trapped in. Cars race past him as his thoughts race in his brain, images of Aaron's cold and pale body flashing behind his eyelids every time he blinks, the coldness of his brother's hand and the stillness of his chest something that will never stop haunting him for as long as he lives.
“What? Is something wrong?” Aaron asks as soon as he picks up the phone, worry clear in his tired voice.
Andrew's breaths get lost in his lungs, unable to find their way out. 
Aaron is alive. 
Aaron is alive again.
“I'm going to stay with you for a while,” is everything that he manages to say, his voice quieter than he intends it to be, his hands squeezing the steering wheel until they turn white.
“What? Why? Did something happen?” Aaron asks and Andrew wants to scream at him. 
“No,” he says. “I'm already on my way.”
“Andrew,” Aaron sighs. “For how long? Don't you have games and practice?”
“I hurt my wrist so I can't play for two weeks.”
“You can't stay with me. I have plans.”
“What plans?” he asks, wondering how many times Aaron has lied to them before, how many other times has he pretended to be busy while his only plan was that of getting high.
“With my friends.”
“You don't have friends. I'll be there in a few hours. Bye.”
He doesn't give Aaron any time to reply, any time to protest, before hanging up, Aaron's voice making his head spin, his blood boil. 
He wants to hug his brother, he wants to feel his chest move, his heart beat, his blood flowing through his veins. He wants to touch Aaron's skin and feel nothing but warmth. He wants to look him in the eyes and see them shine. 
He wants his brother to never be dead again.
He sits outside of Aaron's locked door, the clock inside of his head ticking and ticking, each second that passes feeling like a lifetime spent in hell, wondering if the call is going to come anyways, wondering if Aaron is already dead. More than once he wants to drive back to the hospital where Aaron died, where Aaron will die. More than once he takes his phone out of his pocket and dials Aaron's number without ever calling him.
It's ten minutes past three in the afternoon when Andrew's phone rings where it's sitting on the floor by his side. Andrew's breath gets caught in his throat, his whole body tensing at the sound until his every muscle aches and screams, begging to be released, his heart pounding against his ribcage.
But when his eyes finally find the courage to look down at the bright screen by his side, it is Aaron's name that meets his eyes and not the hospital's number (a number that had now been printed inside of Andrew's brain and that he would never be able to forget.)
“What,” he says flatly as soon as he picks up the phone, his muscles still tense, his heart still racing.
“Are you really waiting for me?” Aaron asks in a tentative tone that Andrew can't decipher. Finally Andrew starts to relax, Aaron's quiet voice like sweet honey washing over him.
He hums in reply.
“I'm- I'm almost there. Wait for me,” Aaron says as the words rush out of his mouth and stumble all over each other.
“I've been waiting for almost two hours so you better be quick,” Andrew replies, unable to deny to himself just how much he longs to finally see his brother alive. 
Andrew had long since learnt to keep his emotions trapped inside of his ribcage. Some would oftentimes run away from him, slip through the cracks, escape from their perfectly built prison: in the morning with Neil's peaceful face resting by his side, the brighg sun shining on him, his hair messy, his face puffy, a soft smile on his lips; in the night with Neil's flushed body under his, his warm hands gently placed on his shoulders, his soft moans filling the quiet room.
But it had been a long time since his emotions had come crashing against his chest, threatening to split his ribcage open, uncovering his most safely guarded secrets. He had forgotten how much it hurt, how raw and vulnerable it made him feel.
“Hey,” Aaron says breathlessly, breaking the silence and coming to stand in front of a motionless Andrew.
Andrew just stares at him blankly, taking notice of every single thing that is Aaron, of every aspect of him, every detail. Aaron looks tired, Andrew notices, his skin is pale, ink spilled under his bloodshot eyes but his pupils are normal, he looks rail-thin, his collar bones heavily pronounced. 
Andrew says nothing as his brain reminds him of the list of “Common Physical Signs of Drug Usage” that he had read once on the library's computer when he was fifteen.
“You ambush me like this and you are not even going to say hi?” Aaron asks as he opens the door, but there is no strength in his voice, no malice in his words.
“Hi,” he says as he walks inside the now familiar house, his eyes falling back on the family picture displayed in the living room.
“Give me a second,” Aaron says before running inside his room and closing the door behind himself, probably trying to tidy up the mess that Andrew had already seen.
He sits on the couch, unable to come up with a plan of action, with a strategy. He had already asked Aaron before if he had relapsed and Aaron had denied it. Would he ever tell Andrew the truth if he asked? 
“So,” Aaron says as he walks out of his room with a black trash bag. Andrew just looks at him. “Are you going to tell me why you decided to crash at my house for who knows how long?”
“Am I not allowed to want to spend some time with my dearest brother?” he asks with a sweet and ostensibly fake smile on his lips, trying not to think just how much truth was actually hidden in those words.
Aaron scoffs at him, “Sure, because you totally just wanted to spend some time with me,” he says and something in his voice makes Andrew pause. He just stares at him, his brows furrowed, trying to figure out something that he knows is standing right in front of him and yet he cannot seem to be able grasp.
There's a tense silence for a few seconds as Andrew just stares at his brother, at the way air fills his lungs, as the way his chest moves.
“Fine,” Aaron breaks first. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes, as if he's dealing with a troublesome kid. “Fine. You don't have to tell me now. Just- Are you okay? It's nothing bad, right?”
Andrew is taken aback by the concern in his voice before anger fills his vision. No nothing too bad, he wants to say. My own fucking brother died. No biggie.
“No, nothing too bad,” he says between clenched teeth.
They spend the rest of the afternoon playing on Aaron's old PS2, the same one that he has owned longer than Andrew has known him. It was quiet and comfortable and Andrew could tell there was something else going on inside of his brother's mind, something that was clouding his brain, making his moves sloppy, his attention fragmented.
“Do you feel like you are going to relapse?” Andrew asks. “Don't lie to me.”
“Where does that even coming from? Fuck-” Aarons scoffs as he misses a jumps and falls down a cliff.
“Do you?”
“No? Not more than usual,” he says distractedly, his whole attention on the game in front of him. 
You used today and you died, Andrew almost says. Stop fucking lying.
“If you feel like using again, just tell me,” is all that comes out of his mouth, his eyes landing on Aaron's focused face. “Promise.”
“Sure,” Aaron says, his eyes never leaving the TV screen.
“Promise,” he repeats loudly.
“I- I promise,” Aaron says, his eyes finally meeting Andrew's.
Andrew knows it won't be enough. Aaron had lied before and he would have no qualms in lying again, in breaking a promise. But he found it difficult to worry when Aaron was sitting right by his side, their shoulders brushing against each other, Aaron's warmth washing over him.
It's 7 pm when Andrew silently gets up from the couch and heads towards the kitchen with the intention of preparing them dinner.
“What the fuck Aaron.”
“What?” Aaron says from the living room, the sound of the game almost drowning his quiet voice.
“Why the fuck is you fridge completely empty?”
“Oh,” Aaron says, turning off the game.
Andrew waits for a second, then two, expecting to receive an actual reply from his brother but getting only silence in return.
“We can go grocery shopping tomorrow,” Andrew says, sitting back down on the couch, his hand grazing Aaron's shoulder. “Let's just order take out for today.”
Aaron nods as Andrew takes his phone out of his pocket to order take-out but notices a couple of unread messages from Neil.
To: 0 Neil:
I'm going to stay with Aaron for a while
From: 0 Neil:
is everything okay?
To: 0 Neil:
I'm here to figure it out
Dinner is quiet, just like the rest of the afternoon had been quiet. Aaron's gaze never leaves his food, his eyes unfocused, his mind full of thoughts that Andrew isn't able to read. 
If only he could jump inside of Aaron's head and search through his brain, Andrew thinks, maybe then he would find the answers he's looking for, maybe then he would find the right questions.
He used to think of Aaron as someone easy to read, his goals and ambitions prosaic. He always thought he knew what Aaron wanted, what he longed for. Every action Aaron took and every comment he made used to be something Andrew could decipher and understand. And yet, now that he's standing in front of him, he wonders if he ever really knew Aaron at all, if this whole time he had been reading Aaron's signals all wrong.
“Why don't you have any friends?” he asks, his eyes scanning Aaron's face for a reaction, for a sign.
Aaron's pauses for a second, his eyes focused on his food, “Of course I have friends,” he says, his eyes meeting Andrew's. “Why would you think that I don't have any friends?”
Aaron's face doesn't betray him, his eyes seem truthful and his voice doesn't shake. If Andrew hadn't known better, he would've believed him, he would've fallen for his lie. How many times, he wonders, has Aaron lied straight to his face? How many times has he tricked Andrew before?
I can tell when you're lying to me, he used to tell Aaron. Now he wonders if he ever really could.
“Don't lie to me,” Andrew says, his voice cold, his gaze unforgiving.
“I'm not-”
“Don't lie to me,” he says again, his gaze just a little softer.
“How would you even know,” Aaron muebles as he puts more food in his mouth with his brows furrowed and an uncharacteristic pout on his lips.
In the past, Andrew would've pushed. In the past, Aaron would've been colder. 
“What's going on with you,” the words leave Andrew's mouth without his permission.
“I just-” Aaron says before shaking his head, something that Andrew can't read flashing in his eyes. “I'm tired. I'm going to bed now.”
Andrew can't do anything but watch as Aaron retreats back to his room and closes the door behind himself with a soft click. He sighs as he drops his head on the couch and stares at the white ceiling feeling lost and confused. He doesn't know what he's supposed to do. 
He doesn't know how to save Aaron from himself.
The first week passes quickly, Aaron spending most of his days at the hospital and his evenings locked in his room studying while Andrew is left alone with his own thoughts and fears, images of his dead brother spinning like a carousel inside of his brain. 
Every night he wakes up from nightmares, his body numb and damp with sweat, Aaron's cold body flashing behind his eyes. 
Every night, he sofly opens Aaron's bedroom door and stares at his brother as he sleeps, at the way his chest rises and falls, at his pink skin and slightly flushed cheeks.
He's alive, he tells himself, over and over again. And yet he can still remember when Aaron hadn't been alive.
“We should do things together,” Andrew tells Aaron one morning while he's still lying on the couch after having spent a whole night googling “How to make sure your brother doesn't relapse again”. 
“Make a list of things that you want to do and we'll do them.”
“Why?” Aaron asks, walking out of the kitchen.
“You don't want to?” Andrew replies, tilting his head.
“You always have a reason for things.”
“If you don't want to-”
“I do,” Aaron interrupts him, his eyes wide.
“Then make the list and give it to me when you get home this evening.”
“I just don’t- Fine,” Aaron says with a sigh as he heads for the door. He stops there for a second, his hand on the handle and his bag over his shoulder. 
“What,” Andrew says as he takes his phone from the coffee table.
Aaron just furrows his brows and shakes his head, “Bye,” is all that comes out of his mouth before leaving the apartment.
Androw looks at the closed door, his heart racing like it does every time Aaron leaves his sight. He can feel little ants crawling under his skin and he knows that's where they'll stay until he'll see Aaron, alive and breathing, again.
That evening Aaron comes back later than usual. Fourteen minutes later, to be exact.
Andrew is pacing the length of the living room when he hears the jingle of Aaron's keys as he pushes them in the lock. A few seconds later, Aaron walks inside the house and throws his coat on the hanger as if nothing is wrong.
“You're late,” Andrew says between gritted teeth as he stalks towards Aaron.
“What?” Aaron asks in confusion and bends down to untie his shoes.
“If you come home late you have to text and let me know.”
“I'm not even that late, just a few minutes and-”
“Not a few minutes. Fourteen minutes.”
Aaron sighs as he stands back up, confusion written all over his face. 
Fourteen minutes of Andrew picturing Aaron's cold body in a back alley, on a white hospital bed, in a closet, in the middle of an empty street. 
Fourteen minutes of Andrew picturing Aaron's vacant eyes staring at the sky, his pale skin tinted blue with death, his chest unmoving, his heart still.
Fourteen minutes of Andrew recalling Aaron's cold fingers in his hand, his icy forehead under his lips.
Fourteen minutes of waiting for his phone to ring, for the Doctor’s voice to inform him that his brother had died.
“I'm sorry,” Aaron says but it comes out as a question.
“Whatever,” Andrew replies before leaving a confused Aaron at the door and locking himself in the bathroom.
“Tell me something,” he says on the phone, his arms tightly wrapped around his legs as he sits in the corner between the sink and the wall.
He doesn't listen as Neil talks about his day, about practice, about anything and everything that comes to his mind. He lets Neil's calm and soothing voice wash over him, until it seeps into his brain, into his bones. Until breathing doesn't hurt anymore and the ants have left his body.
“Why won't you tell me what's wrong?” Neil asks on the other line, his voice full of worry.
“Aaron,” he says, his brother's name burning his lips as it leaves his mouth.
“Is he sick?”
“I just need to make sure he doesn't do something stupid and accidentally kills himself in the process.”
“You think he's going to?”
“I know he is.”
“Alright,” Neil says with a sigh. “But you have to promise me something.”
Andrew humms.
“Don't hurt yourself while trying to help him.”
Andrew stays silent for a second. There is nothing that he wouldn't be willing to do if it means saving Aaron from his fate, “I can't promise that.”
“He's my brother, Neil.”
“Does he even want to be? He just left you and Nicky and never looked back. Why would you put your mental well being at risk after all of your hard work for someone who wouldn't do the same for you?”
“That's not how it works.”
“What?” Neil asks.
“This is not a deal or a transaction. I'm helping him because I don't want him to be dead, not because I want him to do the same for me, not because I want him to give me something back,” he takes a deep breath and shakes his head even if Neil can't see him. “I just don't want him to be dead.”
“Fine just- just be careful and call me when you need to.”
“I will.”
A knock on the door interrupts Neil in the middle of a sentence, “I made dinner,” Aaron's soft voice comes from the other side when Ansrew doesn't reply. 
“I have to go,” he says.
“Call me,” Neil replies before hanging up.
They eat dinner quietly on the couch, the sound of Aaron chewing something crunchy loud in the silent room.
"If you still want I have the list” Aaron says with downcast eyes.
“Then get it,” he replies after another long silence.
Andrew watches as Aaron rushes towards his bedroom, his bowl hastily placed on the coffee table.
Why are you so different, he wants to ask but doesn't.
“Here,” Aaron says a few seconds later as he hands him a wrinkled piece of lined paper, Aaron's elegant handwriting filling the page.
Andrew just nods at the paper and places it on the sofa by his side.
“You're not going to look at it?”
“I'm eating,” Andrew replies.
Aaron nods, his lower lip trapped between his teeth, a dot of blood staining his skin.
“Stop that and eat,” Andrew says, tapping Aaron's chin with his finger.
For a second it looks like Aaron is going to say something but before anything can come spilling out of his mouth, Aaron shakes his head and goes back to his dinner.
“We're going for a picnic,” he tells Aaron on Wednesday, a week and a day after Aaron's death.
“What?” Aaron asks as he looks away from the open book on his lap.
“It's in your list, isn't it?” 
“I mean, yeah but-”
“You have an hour to get ready. Chop chop.”
The sun is high in the sky by the time they reach the park. It's still a little cold outside, the air a little chilly, the sun a little weak.
“This is so nice,” Aaron says as he fiddles with the hem of the table cloth that Andrew had placed on the ground. There is a smile that Aaron is trying to hide on lips and it makes the ants under Andrew's skin disappear for a second.
“I always saw families having picnics when I was in primary school,” he tells Andrew as he bites the tuna, mayo and lettuce sandwich they had bought at the café near that park. “It would be better if Nicky were here too.”
Andrew just hums in reply.
“What's your favourite sandwich?” Aaron asks, trying to fill the silence.
“Wait,” Aaron interrupts him. “I'll try to guess.”
Andrew looks at him a little puzzled as Aaron furrows his brows, a look of deep concentration painted on his face.
“I've got it,” he says after a few seconds, a crumb of white bread falling from the corner of his mouth. “Pulled pork with BBQ sauce.”
Andrew just nods.
“Now you,” Aaron says as he takes another bite from his sandwich.
“Me what?”
“Guess my favourite,” Aaron says, sounding a little too excited, his smile too bright.
“It's not that hard to guess. It's the same as mine. It's what we always got from highschool to college.”
“Mine is meatballs,” Aaron says quietly as he takes another bite of his sandwich.
“Since when?” Andrew asks. It had been years since the two of them had last eaten a sandwich together. Andrew can't help but to wonder what more he missed in Aaron's life.
“Since I was seven and a guy from school gave me a piece of his because I didn't have anything to eat,” Aaron says calmly without looking at Andrew. “I hate BBQ sauce.”
“But we always for pulled pork and BBQ,” Andrew says. It was their favourite, they would always eat it together for dinner after school.
Aaron just shrugs, “It was your favourite,” he says.
“But you-” Andrew begins but is interrupted by a ball landing on his leg.
“I'm so sorry,” a kid shouts as he runs towards them with his brother behind him. “We are so sorry. It was an accident.”
“It's fine, no one got hurt,” Aaron says, picking up the red ball and giving it back to the kid. “Just be more careful next time.”
“Oh my god it's clones,” the smaller child says while hiding behind his brother. “Like in star wars.”
“It's twins you idiot,” the older brother reprimands him as they run away. 
When Aaron gets back home on Thursday's evening at 9:45, he looks tired and upset. His shoulders are hunched, his movements slow, his eyes never once lift from the floor.
“What's wrong?” Andrew asks from where he's sitting on the couch.
“Just a bad day at work,” Aaron replies, his voice so low Andrew has to strain to hear him.
“Come,” he says, patting the couch.
“I just want to-”
“Come,” Andrew says again.
Aaron trudges towards the couch and Andrew can see a little tremor in his hands. He looks for signs of drug use but comes up empty.
“Speak,” he says as soon as Aaron is sitting on the couch by his side, his chin resting on his knees as he hugs his legs to his chest, his dirty shoes on the couch.
Aaron opens his mouth but no words leave his lips, just a shaky breath.
“It's okay,” he says as he watches the tremble in Aaron's lips. “Take a deep breath.”
Aaron shakes his head, his eyes wet, “I told his brother it was going to be fine but I-” a dry sob breaks Aaron’s sentence right in the middle. “It was just a little kid and it wasn't even- it really wasn't-”
“It's okay, Aaron,” he says even if he knows it's not.
“And his brother was just there alone and I told him- Andrew I told him that it would- that it would be fine,” there are tears running down his reddened cheeks.
“Can I touch you?” Andrew asks and waits for Aaron to nod his permission before taking Aaron's hand into his own. “You did what you could.”
Aaron closes his eyes for a second, “Can you-” he shakes his head.
“Can I what?”
“Nothing. It was silly.”
“Tell me,” Andrew says. “I'll decide if it's silly.”
A pause and then, “Can you sleep in my bed tonight?”
There is a longer pause, silence fills the room as Andrew thinks it over.
“I told you it was silly,” Aaron says, his eyes now open. “Forget about it.”
Andrew stays quiet for another second, “We can,” he says.
He waits for Aaron's breathing to go back to normal, for the tears to stop flowing down his cheeks, for the tremor in his hands to subside, and then he helps his brother back on his feet and towards his room. Aaron's legs are still shaky, his hold on Andrew's hand tight.
“I'll go wash up,” Aaron says, taking his pyjamas from where he had thrown it that morning and heading for the bathroom.
Andrew sits on the side of Aaron's bed as he waits, scanning the room. He finds it to be more tidy than it had been when Aaron had died, but still disorganised and messy.
“Why is it so messy?” he asks when Aaron walks back into the room. “You always used to keep everything tidy and in perfect order.”
“I just-” Aaron shakes his head and lets the sentence die. Andrew looks at him.
“Come on then,” he pulls down the covers and lies under them. He had missed sleeping in a real bed.
“You don't have to,” Aaron says standing in front of the bed.
“I know,” Ansrew replies. “It's my choice. Just don't touch me.”
“I won't,” his brother reassures him before climbing on the bed.
They lie in silence for a while, Andrew on his back, Aaron on his side, his eyes trained on Andrew.
“You're staring at me,” he says as he looks at Aaron from the corner of his eye.
“When I was a kid,” Aaron whispers as if he were sharing a secret. “I always wanted a brother to share everything with.”
Andrew hums in reply.
“I wanted to build a fort with covers and cushions that only me and my brother could enter. Our secret place where we would always be safe and never lonely.”
Andrew turns on his side and looks at his brother in the quiet dark.
“Goodnight Aaron,” he says, placing his hand on top of Aaron's.
“Goodnight Andrew.”
“We are going to the market,” he tells Aaron Friday morning as soon as Aaron leaves his room
“I need to be at the hospital at 1 pm,” Aaron replies.
Andrew nods, “We're leaving in an hour.”
Andrew had never been to a farmers market before nor had he ever wanted to go to a farmers market.
“This is so fun,” Aaron is saying as Andrew tries to dodge the crowd of people that is flowing around him. “Look.”
Andrew isn't sure what Aaron is pointing at, nor does he care that much. The crowd is overwhelming, people constantly bumping into him and touching his body.
They walk around for a while, Aaron pointing to flowers and plants, fruits and vegetables as if he were in a museum instead of a street market.
“Did you know that to make just one pound of honey it takes 2 million flowers?” Aaron asks as they walk past a stand of honey. “Do you like honey?”
“What?” Andrew asks, distracted by a woman who bumped into him.
“You like sweets, so I was wondering if you like honey.”
“I don't know. Never tried.”
“Oh then I should totally buy you some. Come on,” Aaron says walking towards the honey vendor.
“Do you like honey?” Andrew asks as they wait for their turn.
“It's not really something you can eat spoonfuls of or you'll get sick, but I like it.”
They sit on a bench away from the crowd as soon as they buy the honey.
“Here, taste,” Aaron says, scooping some honey on the wooden spoon the vendor had given them.
Honey is sticky and sweet and it makes Andrew's throat burn a little because of the overwhelming sweetness.
“You don't like it?” Aaron asks with a little frown on his face.
Andrew shakes his head.
“Sorry,” Aaron mutters while closing the honey lid.
“What are you apologising for?”
“I thought you would have liked it,” Aaron shrugs.
Andrew just stares at him confused, his face blank.
“It's whatever,” Aaron says as he gets back up on his feet. “We should go home.”
Andrew watches as Aaron throws the jar of honey in the first street bin they find while they head towards Andrew's car.
“Neil's playing today,” Aaron says on Sunday as Andrew is cooking dinner.
“Yeah,” Andrew replies because he noticed Aaron hates not receiving a reply.
“Do you want to watch the game?” he asks but then immediately turns on the TV without waiting for Andrew's reply.
When he goes into the living room with their dinner (Aaron's favourite italian pasta), the game has already started and Aaron is comfortably sitting on the couch with his legs crossed, a fluffy blue blanket around his shoulders.
“Thank you,” Aaron says with a smile, taking one of the plates from Andrew's outstretched hand and placing it on his legs. “It just started so you didn't miss much.”
It surprises Andrew how much Aaron talks during the game, how much he notices about the players and their plays, how much he knows about Andrew's team.
“Yeah, he's been doing that the whole season. He really needs to work on that.”
“You've been keeping up with the championship?” Andrew asks.
“Not really, I just watch the games where you, Kevin or Matt play.”
Andrew purses his lips as a mix of emotions explode in his chest. He wants to dig deeper, to ask why. Aaron never showed up for the foxes reunions at Wymack’s place, he cut all contact with everyone, he never once showed any interest in anyone, any will to be their friend. 
Andrew wonders when had Aaron stopped making sense. He wonders if Aaron had ever made sense in the first place at all or if Andrew had made up a version of his brother in his head that had never once been real.
They spend the rest of the evening watching the game, a little smile on Aaron's lips as his hands flail around when he tries to explain sometimes to Andrew.
Could it have always been this easy? He wonders. Did Aaron have to die twice for them to finally spend time together like normal people?
Maybe, Andrew thinks, maybe everything can be fixed.
“We are going to the zoo,” he tells Aaron on Monday morning while Aaron is still lying in his bed.
“What?” he asks, his voice low and full of sleep.
“Get ready, we're leaving in an hour.”
Andrew hates the zoo. It's boring and uninteresting. He doesn't care about where any of the animals came from nor from what they had been saved. It's cold and cloudy and the tips of his fingers are frozen. But the zoo was on Aaron's list and it seems to be working perfectly as a distraction: Aaron keeps speed-walking from one enclosure to the next, reading out facts that he seems to find interesting and cool. 
“And this one was saved after hunters shot him down and he lost his ability to fly,” Aaron says after three long and excruciating hours of walking around the zoo surrounded by screaming children and annoying adults. “Isn't that so heartwarming?”
“Heartwarming?” he asks, focusing on the sad little bird sitting in the middle of a huge green field.
“Someone found him when he was just about to die and decided that he was worthy of being saved. They took care of him and gave him a new home.”
“He's a bird who can't fly. Alone in a huge field. It would've been more merciful to just let him die. What kind of life is this?” 
He can feel Aaron's gaze on him as he looks at the bird but when he turns towards him, Aaron's eyes are back on the bird. He doesn't look excited anymore, his gaze soft and sad, something that Andrew can't decipher in his expression.
“It's almost lunch time,” Aaron says, looking away from the bird. “We should go home.”
“Next time you are the one who has to visit,” Andrew says on Tuesday morning as he packs his bag. “We should also invite Nicky,” he adds.
“Sure,” Aaron says but there is something strange behind his eyes.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yes, just- I'm just very very tired,” Aaron says, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
“You are not feeling like you're going to relapse, right?” Andrew asks, staring right into Aaron's eyes.
“What? No. No I don't,” Aaron replies, his eyebrows knitted together. 
“I promise,” Aaron says lightly.
“This is very serious Aaron. Promise me you won't touch any type of drug for any reason.”
“Andrew. I promise I won't touch any type of drug. Unless I'm administering it to a patient. Good?”
“Can I- Nothing,” Aaron says with a shake of his head.
“Tell me.”
“It's silly. Forget about it.”
“I'll decide if it's silly,” Andrew says.
“Can I hug you goodbye?”
Andrew is silent for a second. He can't remember ever hugging Aaron in his life. Not once.
“Yes,” he says.
Aaron moves slowly towards him, as if walking towards an easily spooked animal, afraid that I'll run away. When he's finally standing in front of Andrew, he carefully lifts his arms and places them around Andrew's neck, his cheek resting on his brother's shoulder. Andrew can feel Aaron’s warm breaths on his neck, his brother's heartbeat pounding on his body where their chests are touching. 
Aaron is alive. His brother is still alive.
He tightens his hold around Aaron's waist. He had never hugged his brother before, he thinks again. In two other lives Aaron had died without ever getting to hug his brother. 
Andrew could've gone his whole life without ever getting to share something as trivial and mundane as a hug between brothers.
It's Tuesday, the twenty-second of May at six in the afternoon when Andrew's phone rings, the soft voice of a doctor on the other side, the words coming out of her mouth venomous and wrong, lies that Andrew can't comprehend, can't accept.
“That's impossible,” he says getting up from his couch. “Aaron promised he wouldn't touch any drugs. He promised me.”
Aaron promised. He had promised.
“Drugs?” the Doctor asks. “I'm really sorry for the misunderstanding Mr. Minyard but Doctor Minyard's cause of death isn't drug related.”
“What? He didn't overdose?”
“No, Sir. Your brother he- he I'm so sorry. He jumped off a bridge. I'm so sorry.”
Aaron had always claimed that he didn't feel like he was going to relapse. Why hadn't Andrew believed him.
He had been asking the wrong question the whole time. He had tried to solve the wrong problem.
Can I hug you goodbye? Aaron had asked a few hours ago.
Yes, Andrew had replied.
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iamumbra195 · 6 months
!Spoilers for pretty much all of Teenage Mercenary!
I just need to get my facts down about some of the things going on in the background cause it's confusing to me and I have shitty memory. This is pretty much how I've interpreted everything that is going on, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong
Iron is the head of the whole organization that Camp and Forest were a part of. They take in jobs and send them down as orders to either Camp or Forest. Forest was formed after camp and considered inferior to the numbers
None of the numbers know where these orders are coming from and they are currently investigating
They are likely the ones who killed those 26 numbers Ijin disabled during his escape, ordering someone from Forest to do it or directly ordering a traitor number (my theory) to do it because Mad Dog didn't seem to know who killed them that day. They probably killed them because they were becoming too uncontrollable and there was no real leverage they had over them to keep them working for them the way they were doing to Alice with her little brother and Ijin's escape was their best bet to get rid of them all as they were incapacitated and unable to protect themselves
The Camp has completely dissolved at this point in the story and of the 14 still living, we only know 9 so one of the missing five is likely a traitor. Maybe all five of them are and they've been integrated into Forest. 002 doesn't seem to care much about them so it's possible. Or maybe they just died. Who knows?
SW is one of Iron's competitors and is growing relevant in the world of weapons export and war. When Jiye's brother reached out to them to kill Jiye, they were more than happy to do so as that would be a blow to their competitor and would give them a way to destroy SW from the inside if the brother signed a contract with him like he initially wanted to. Ijin obviously ruined this.
The Vorrei Family (which consists of Sophia the blond girl, her brother, and Chairman Andrew) is currently in a contract with Iron but is heavily considering signing a contract with SW and their subsidiary SW defence and whether or not this happens will help with the growth of their weapons export business
This obviously angered Iron and they sent Anna to kidnap Sophia and her brother under the care of SW which would of course ruin the relationship between Chairman Andrew and SW but Ijin ruined this. This created a very good relationship between the Vorrei Family and SW
Alice has infiltrated SW because Iron wants insider information on SW so they could effectively ruin them from the inside, however the mess with the numbers and 004 being a presumptuous little prick (I love him regardless lmao) ruined everything for them
Now the timeline of Ijin's backstory
The plane crashed ten years ago when he was nine (Korean age so technically he was eight and is currently eighteen)
The Camp picked him up from the plane crash and patched him up, forcing him to join the whole training with no memory of himself or his past while speaking in a foreign language. He was trainee #982 out of the initial 1000 ppl that were at the Camp
He met 005 almost immediately after joining
Inhumane training and missions had to have continued at least until he was twelve or thirteen before the initial 1000 was whittled down to a measly group of 40.
During that training, he constantly went against the Camp's teachings, never leaving behind anyone who was injured and taking those who were dying to a peaceful area for them to pass away in rather than dying in the middle of a battlefield. He was punished for it a lot but it made most of the other trainees trust him and see him as their leader. Some of them admired 002 and regarded him as the leader and were later upset when they saw that Ijin was granted the number 001 but 002 was fine with it and followed Ijin's instructions
At some point, Mad Dog assigned him as leader of the numbers and went to kill 016 because he collapsed during a roll call of some kind but Ijin got in his way. They got into a fight and that's when Ijin gave Mad Dog his scar. Mad Dog has hated him since
He remained at camp until he was fourteen and at some point, he had killed a mother and daughter, a memory which stuck with him and traumatized him in a certain way. I believe it also provoked his 'betrayal'.
He disobeyed orders from Camp and Mad Dog sent most of the numbers after him. He incapacitated 26 and some of the other numbers like 006 turned a blind eye to let him escape however they became angry when they were told that he killed the 26 numbers even though he didn't
He was heavily injured and passed out in a river where he was found by Lucas, the mercenary village chief.
All the stuff in the village and the looters (Immortal and his gang) happened and then he became Jin for the next five years. He briefly ran into 018 and that one girl who tried to kidnap Jiye during this time and saved Sophia from her kidnapper. Saving Evelyn and her mother also helped jog his memory and remember his mother telling him "--Jin, I love you" and while the plane was crashing with an oxygen mask on his face, his parents hugged him and told him "--Jin, Mommy and Daddy love you very much." I love the fact that he started to remember after he saved Evelyn and her mom, it's such a nice detail man.
Also, someone thank Grandpa Lucas for trying to protect Ijin from the horrors of being a mercenary despite already knowing he was a child soldier. He bandaged him up after he got injured and told him to take better care of himself, gave him a lot of food and practically raised Ijin for a good chunk of his teenage years. His last message to Ijin (Chp. 163) and Ijin crying for the very first time hit me right in the feels
Ijin met Yeona's dad during his time as Jin and after the dad died, word got back to the Head of SW about Ijin.
Major Kang was attacked six months before canon and because he was Jiye's fiance and this was clearly an opportunity to meet his son's savior (and a potential asset for his developing weapons subsidiary but that's another topic -__-), he hired Jin to save the Major and his troop
I do believe SW was involved in finding Ijin's family both in order to fulfill Yeona's dad's last wish to get Ijin out of the warzone he lived in and because Grandpa Shin is shady af and probably wants to use Ijin. I don't think he's a bad person but he doesn't really have Ijin's best interests in mind. He's a businessman, after all. Good men don't make good businessmen.
Ijin being there has also brought him a ton of opportunities and prevented him from losing his granddaughters and a fuck ton of opportunities if Ijin hadn't been there to save the day so it makes sense that he and Jiye as well, are so adamant about keeping him by their side
But anyway, that pretty much concludes my info dump with a mix of my personal interpretations for now. Like I said before feel free to correct me if I've said something wrong
Now take this random badass panel of my children :)
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jeremyisntheere · 7 months
my friend last night said "who is andrew rannells" and i think something inside me died
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