#Anime for Humanity
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Expertise can't help you here.
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gawki · 8 days
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Royal Pigeon
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great-and-small · 6 months
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I can’t tell you how much I love this artwork from ancient Egypt (the Middle Kingdom). People have been raising cattle and practicing animal husbandry for so long, that there is something almost inherently human about this scene.
Everyone in the field of veterinary medicine or agriculture knows the feeling of staying up late with a laboring animal trying to make sure both mom and baby are okay. Delivering a calf is often physically and emotionally exhausting work that takes enormous patience and learned skill. It requires a unique balance of physical strength and gentleness to do correctly. There is no feeling quite like getting that baby out and everyone is okay. I’m certain ancient people must have felt the same way, and I wonder if the artist knew this feeling firsthand. I wonder if those humans depicted were people the artist knew, if the cow and calf maybe were as well.
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
It is funny. Recently I had a transphobe argue to me, that "well, it is all made up! Animals will still not know that you identify as a man". Which to me is so funny, because while there has never been extensive research done on this topic, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence showing the exact opposite.
As someone who has done a lot of work with animals, I can tell you, that those animals that for one reason or another like one gender more or less than another often show the same loving or hostile behavior towards people completely depending on the gender the people actually identifies as.
"Sure," some people might say, "because if you take hormons you gonna smell like the gender to an animal." But that is the funny part. Animals often act according to that with trans adults who are still in egg mode. Who have not come out yet. And nobody knows why and how they can tell.
But some of the harsher animals with a "gender preference in humans" are like the best trans indicators. You have not admitted to yourself you are a guy? Yeah, this cat is gonna hate you anyways. Because this cat hates men.
Sincerely the guy who got attacked by this one fucking bunny, who didn't like dudes, several times
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lo-andbehold · 2 years
I’m so emotional about dinosaur stuffed animals,,, there are these creatures, extinct long before any of us were alive, but we found their bones and their eggs and their footprints. And we made drawings and models of what they could’ve looked like. And we made them into stuffed animals so we could hold them. We made them soft so we could love them. I’m sobbing
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kingofthegophers · 3 months
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started off with me thinking chilchuck reminded me a lot of marshal and then it spiralled from there
EDIT: part 2 with lycion in the reblogs bc tumblr is being mean and won't letting me upload multiple pictures in the original post :')
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tutorialdrawix · 8 months
Line of Action
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Pose Archives
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Bodies in Motion
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jollymalt · 4 months
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right order, wrong person
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cupcakeshakesnake · 5 months
I swear some people will act like taxidermists are skinning animals alive
A tiger recently died in a famous zoo in my country, and people are up in arms about the zoo's decision to taxidermy it for research and educational purposes
The alternative is chopping it up and burning it in a furnace but I guess that's "What the tiger would have wanted"
The tiger never talked to you or me or anyone, but I guess acting emotional about a corpse puts you on higher moral ground and that means you know the tiger better than anyone who actually took care of or researched it
"The tiger wouldn't have wanted-" No. You don't want this. You're projecting.
Edit: Apparently people are not only planning a rally against this tiger's taxidermy, but harrassing the taxidermist in charge. This is bullshit.
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thehmn · 28 days
Never underestimate the power of subtle body language to help those around you without causing a scene.
I use “stepping in front of insensitive/nosey assholes to block their view of a person they’re starring at” a lot. No words exchanged. Just getting between them (sometimes while starring back at them if they’re being extra weird) and they always seem to either realize what they’re doing or be jolted out of it. Either way it has never ended in a confrontation, just silent looks.
A kinda weird use of body language happened some time ago while I was standing at a bus stop near a train station. Right next to me stood a very short woman who I guessed to be from India based on her looks and dress, and around us were nothing but men. I’m very standard height for a Scandinavian woman so I’ve never felt short or tall in any group, but she looked tiny next to all these men packed tightly around us. I’m not sure why but I felt like she was uncomfortable with all these men towering over her and for some reason my response to that was to subtly change my stance so my front faced her a bit more. Not full on, but the way most friends stand next to each other, while still looking away from her. I don’t know why I thought that would be comforting to her because it could just as easily have come off as threatening, but after a few seconds she moved a bit closer to me. And then a bit closer. And then slightly closer. All without anyone else in the group moving. We stood like that until the bus arrived and then we went to separate seats.
So never be afraid to silently signal to strangers that you’re on their side or that they can fuck right off. People tend to respond better to that than words in my experience unless they’re already looking for a fight.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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License to Kitty.
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whoevenknowsdude · 8 months
Percy: This seems dangerous.
Grover: Oh, the animals will be totally fine, I have them a Satyr’s blessing, so they’ll reach the wilderness safely—
Percy: I meant for the people
Grover: Oh.
Grover not giving a thought or a fuck about the safety of the humans who destroyed nature is actually peak characterization and I absolutely love it
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vmkhoneyy · 2 years
“People are inherently terrible” no!!! Have you ever seen a child wait for their friend while they tie their shoelaces? Have you ever known someone who would bring hurt squirrels and rabbits and mice to the nearest vet just so it doesn’t suffer? Have you seen someone grieve? Have you ever read something that hit your heart like a freight train? Have you looked at the stars and felt an unexplainable joy? Have you ever baked bread? Have you shared a meal with a friend? Have you not seen it? All the love? All the good? I know it’s hard to see sometimes, I know there’s pain everywhere. But look, there’s a child helping another up after a hard fall. Look, there’s someone giving their umbrella to a stranger. Look, there’s someone admiring the spring flowers. Look, there’s good, there’s good, there’s good. Look!!!!
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sixteenseveredhands · 2 years
2,300-Year-Old Plush Bird from the Altai Mountains of Siberia, c.400-300 BCE: this figure was crafted with a felt body and reindeer-fur stuffing, all of which remains intact
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This plush bird was sealed within the frozen barrows of Pazyryk, Siberia, for more than two millennia, where a unique microclimate enabled it to be preserved. The permafrost ice lense formation that runs below the barrows provided an insulating layer, preventing the soil from heating during the summer and allowing it to quickly freeze during the winter; these conditions produced a separate microclimate within the stone walls of the barrows themselves, thereby aiding in the preservation of the artifacts inside.
This is just one of the many well-preserved artifacts that have been found at Pazyryk. These artifacts are attributed to the Scythian/Altaic cultures.
Currently housed at the Hermitage Museum.
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foxpopvli · 11 months
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27. Werefox
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