#Anja Schneider
rabideyeartist · 1 year
1000 Tiny Magnets Show #435: June 23 , 2023
Rabideye presents1000 Tiny Magnets Show #435: June 23, 2023 **=Explicit Lyrics – warning for sensitive listeners NEW VOCAL DANCE MUSIC. DOWNLOAD Artist, Track KAMILLE (Feat. Nile Rodgers), Muscle Memory, Becky Hill, Lewis Thompson, Side Effects, Family of Things, Middle Of The Night, Jorja Smith, Little Things, Jonas Brothers, Summer Baby, Obongjayar, Just Cool, INJI, BORED, HÄWK,…
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channeledhistory · 2 years
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polishmodels · 11 months
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Pedro Almodóvar, Anthony Vaccarello, Betty Catroux, Tara Falla, Anja Rubik, Milena Smit, Vassili Schneider - editorial "Pedro Almodóvar and Anthony Vaccarello are true disciples of fashion’s storied love affair with film" for Document Journal, April 2023
Photographer: Bruce Weber
source: documentjournal.com / models.com
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Unica T: Zehn Jahre Kunstlerbucher / Ten Years of Artist's Books. Anja Harms, Ines von Ketelhodt, Doris Preussner, Uta Schneider, Ulrike Stolz, Museum für Kunsthandwerk, Frankfurt am Main, 1996 [Exhibition: September 4 – November 17, 1996] [räume.spaces, Tokyo and Kyoto]
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foxeia · 5 months
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Anja Schneider
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ashintheairlikesnow · 10 months
how might finn be doing on this fine evening?
CW: Unreliable narrator, memory issues as a result of trauma, emotional manipulation, gaslighting (or is it?) referenced captivity (or implied captivity of a different kind, depending on how you read it)...
Death Valley
North Carolina, Present Day
Wind blew with a knife edge around the rest area, and Finn hunched his shoulders against its bite as he sat, watching Little Mother stalking with single minded precision across the grass. What she was hunting, he had no idea, but she was intent on its capture.
"Take care, Mütterchen," He called out. "Do not go too far."
One of her rabbit-soft ears flicked, the only sign she heard him. Her tail shifted sinuous through the grass, back and forth, back and forth, as she moved with her belly nearly to the ground. Her kittens gamboled around beside him, staying where Finn's body and the bulk of his truck hid them from the worst of the cold. Little Mother trusted him to keep them safe for her while she wandered, and Finn did his best to be worthy of that trust. He dragged a little string along the ground, coaxing the kittens into stalking it, batting at it with paws that had more enthusiasm than aim.
Overhead, heavy gray clouds threatened to finally unleash the sleet the radio had been promising was coming. They hung so low the wisps of them seemed to hover just above the ancient rounded mountains that stretched all around him. If he stood, he could reach up and nearly touch them, feel wisps of damp chill around his fingertips. The rest stop was perched on the top of a mountain itself, the highest point in the state supposedly. There'd been a plaque over by the building.
Finn remembered, in a vague and foggy way, that he had hiked up younger mountains once, with jagged peaks that seemed sharp enough to slice apart the stars at night. He'd gone with friends of his, and a girl he sometimes fooled around with.
Then he'd left for his American holiday, just after, promising he'd show her photos when he got back.
He never came back.
His mother had gotten the film from his little disposable cameras, developed the photos. He'd seen his own smiling face in a photo another tourist had taken of him standing, framed by the Badwater Basin salt flats. Schneider's last photo on the camera found in the wreckage of his vehicle.
Even if he hadn't made it back home to show her, he supposed Anja would have seen all the photos that were released to the public by now. Had she married? Had Anja found herself a husband, had children, built herself the normal life she'd dreamed of? Had she forgotten all about some silly, enthusiastic boy in her class who had once kissed her breathless in a tent with their noses both frozen from the outside chill?
He put his fingers to his lips, but he couldn't remember how kissing her had felt, not anymore. Robert had painted over it all with this slime-slick touch, the smell of decay and lemon-scented cleaner fighting for dominance.
Any passing attraction Finn felt for anyone anymore was only a brief flash of something warm before the memory of Robert froze over him, shattered him all over again.
Children giggled somewhere nearby, a family ushering distracted little ones with too much energy for their tiny size into the building. Would those children know who to run from, if they needed to? Would they know not to trust the friendly smile of a stranger, not to take their own water bottle if he had touched it?
Would they-
"You didn't tell me you got a cat," Noah said from off to the side, and Finn dropped his hand, muscles tensing. He stopped pulling the string, and the kittens set up a chorus of meows, angry that their game had come to such a sudden end. One of them hissed in Noah's direction, tiny fangs bared. "Or...multiple cats."
"Mütterchen," Finn answered, gruffly, gesturing to where Little Mother had gone a few feet away. "She came to stay with me and had the kittens." He didn't look up, even as his heart began to beat faster, heavy inside his chest. "It is nice to have company, driving."
"No doubt." Noah, without asking, dropped to sit right next to him, nearly brushing Finn's left arm with his right. Finn tensed, shifting just enough to put a little space between them again. "Mütterchen, that's cute. What's it mean? Mother-... mother-hen?"
"Little Mother." Finn hated that Noah knew it now, that it felt like simply explaining it to him ruined the fragile love he had for her name. "Why are you here?"
"You turned your phone back on." Noah was looking at him - Finn could feel the weight of his eyes, even though he refused to give him anything in return. His voice was low, outwardly worried. "I told you to stay here, and I came to you. Do you... not remember that conversation?"
Sometimes Finn forgot things. Whole days, entire conversations, events... his memory came and went as it pleased, and only his time with Robert remained clearly etched into his mind, as much as the scars were carved eternally into his skin. Noah sounded concerned for him, but... Finn bristled, anyway. Something felt false in the tone, like he was acting.
Of course he was acting.
He was just upset the Mouse had been hiding in the walls, on the road, where he couldn't find him.
Finn cleared his throat. "No, this I know. I know we spoke, Noah, I did not forget, but. Why did you want to meet me?"
"Why? Finn-" Noah groaned, exasperated. "Come on. You up and vanished, man. Why was your phone off for a week, huh? Your phone, laptop... everything. The GPS in your truck, even. You could have been hurt, or dead, or in a cage somewhere again-"
Finn had to swallow the rising spike of panic at the idea. He could have been, couldn't he? And no one would know, once again no one would know. Just like before.
Noah leaned forward, his voice soft and sweet and sad. "What happened to you? What have you been doing?"
Finn had spent days bundled in the tent, watching the kittens and feeling warm down to his bones even with the icy chill outside. Inside the tent, they kept warm, he, Little Mother, and her kittens. He cooked ready-to-eat meals on a campfire in a pot that he washed using water from a stream. He'd felt entirely, perfectly alone. It had been wonderful.
Had Noah been worried that he was dead?
Guilt gnawed, even as half of him was sure it hadn't been worry but anger that Finn wasn't under his thumb, if he couldn't reach him and follow him and track him and-
And keep him-
"I wanted some time to myself," He muttered, hardly able to get the volume up to be heard. "That is all."
"Right." Noah sighed. "Yeah, no, take whatever time off you want, you know you're helping me out with transporting the, uh, the cargo to be sure, but... Finn." Noah paused. Finally, Finn cut a glance to the side, barely meeting those falsely warm, kind, soft eyes and that slight smile with his own solid closed-off nothingness. "Finn, look at me."
When his gaze didn't stick, Noah reached out and took him by the chin with his gloved hands, forcing him to make eye contact. Finn's muscles locked in a sudden burst of fear but he didn't move. He didn't dare move.
He always froze, for Robert.
"You can't turn that shit off," Noah said, voice low and soft. Poison underneath the velvet, Finn knew all about it. Fury under the false worry. Robert could speak so sweet and kind like that, and then beat him until he broke a rib and feel nothing. "I get worried when I don't know where you've gone off to. You get lost, Finn, and you and I both know it. You get lost in your head, you forget where you are or what you've been doing. You forget how to call for help. You forget everything."
Finn found himself trembling, fighting to stay still. The kittens pushed against his fingers and he pet them with numb hands, a little too roughly, staring at Noah because the other man hadn't yet let go and he didn't dare pull away. "I, I don't-... so much anymore-"
"You do." Noah's voice dipped, became firmer. "You still do. Don't lie to me." He let go, patting Finn's face briefly, and then looked down at one little kitten who had pushed against his leg, letting his fingers dangle so the little one could bat at them. "Remember when the, uh-" He glanced sidelong to see if anyone was paying attention to them, but no one was. "Remember when the runaways had to call me because you forgot how to use a phone? Just sat in the truck's cab talking to yourself for hours? When you kept trying to dial German phone numbers?"
Finn kept his eyes on the ground, feeling a blush heat his face even as he hunched his shoulders to hide it. "... I remember that they took the phone away and called you."
"And you spent months in the little house I rented for you barely able to even remember to brush your own teeth-"
"That was many years ago, Noah, when I first was sold to you-"
"Ssshhh! Even aside from that, what about just a few months ago, when you kept watching crime docs on Netflix and had nightmares for weeks on end and stopped answering to anything but Mouse?"
Finn stiffened, and his hands went up to hold his head as he dropped it, fingers digging into his short hair, eyes closed against heat he refused to acknowledge was tears. His head began to ache, a low pounding throb behind his temples. "Stop," He whispered, but Noah wasn't done.
Noah never stopped.
No one ever stopped because Finn asked them to, or begged, or pleaded...
"If you don't want to work, then stop working," Noah continued, putting a hand up to rub at Noah's back, circling and circling his palm, sending shudders of discomfort down Finn's spine. "Do whatever you want. I don't care, it's fine, you can even keep using the truck. But I'm not drowning in money, and I can't keep giving you cash if you're not doing your job, if you just stop contacting me and I can't even see where you are. I'm not rich, Finn. This isn't a lucrative business, saving people. You're a huge help to me, and I'm grateful for that. But... you can't keep making me worry about you and then acting like I don't have the right, after everything I've done for you. It's cruel, don't you think? You're like a brother to me, and when you just go off the grid for a week, I get so worried, and I don't deserve that. Not after the years I've taken care of you."
Finn watched Little Mother pounce, but she must not have caught her prey. Her tail twitched in dismayed annoyance, and she turned to look at him. He watched her eyes go to Noah. Back to him. Finn swallowed, barely daring to breathe, to move, not even daring to speak. His heart hammered inside of him, sweat stuck his sweater to his back beneath his coat.
"I don't have any identification that's real here," Finn muttered, voice weak. "I can't get a job that is not cash under tables. I-I have no passport, even-... Robert-"
"He took your passport, I know. And if you keep working for me, that's not a problem, I'll take care of you," Noah said, shifting to soothing. He patted Finn on the back and then dropped his hand, leaving crawling goosebumps like ripples in a pond, rolling out disgust over Finn's body. "If you don't want to do this anymore, that's fine. Strike out on your own, go with God, have my blessings, whatever. But I can't just... pay for you for everything forever. Everyone has to earn their keep, around here."
Robert used to say that all the time. Earn your keep. Finn earned his keep, as Robert's Mouse, on his knees or his back or his stomach or listening to the screams from the basement with the muzzle locking his jaw tightly closed, he couldn't even scream with them-
He shivered, shaking his head. "I do not want to stop," He whispered, lips barely moving. "I-I have nowhere to go, no one... I took a week off, Noah, that is all. Just a week-"
"You can take a week off whenever you want." Noah stood, brushing his hands down his thighs as if getting rid of some invisible dust. "Let me know first, and I'll make sure you have no work to do. But if you turn off your phone and your GPS again, I'm going to assume that means you quit, and I'll cancel your phone line and your debit card. So make sure I know where you are. Got it?"
Finn didn't look up. He held Little Mother's gaze as she moved closer to him, her tail a question mark, rubbing her face against his leg and giving a soft, curious meow.
"Hey." Noah nudged his other leg with his boot, and Finn flinched as if he'd been struck. "Oh, man. Hey, don't be like that." Noah softened once more - or his voice did. Finn didn't look up to see his expression. "I just want to know you hear me. I can't spend all my time worrying about you. Make sure I know where you are, from here on out. No exceptions. None. Understood?"
Finn swallowed. His throat felt like it had closed, like his heart had filled it with too much fear to speak. But he managed to whisper, "I understand, Noah."
"Good. I have a job to do here, a couple people to pick up and take to Vermont. You take a couple days to think about our conversation. I expect a call at 8 pm on Thursday, no later than that. If you don't call, I'll assume you quit and act accordingly. Stay safe."
He walked away, and Finn let him go, sitting in the smallest ball he could make of himself, listening to the happy people laughing and chatting around him as they took in the mountain views on every side.
Noah had Finn's passport.
He was sure of it - he was sure he remembered Robert handed it over when he sold Finn to him, when Robert's little Mouse was handed from one man's care to the next, silent and shivering through the experience.
But by the time he'd found the courage to ask, Noah had said there hadn't been any passport, just the title to the truck changing hands.
But Finn remembered it.
Then again, Finn remembered things that hadn't happened all the time, now. He forgot things that had happened, or that would happen. Noah was right, he barely remembered anything, really. Maybe that was something that hadn't happened, too.
But he was so sure, and the memory was so clear...
"Komme, Mütterchen," He said, pushing himself to his feet on wobbling legs. Little Mother and her kittens reluctantly allowed him to put them back into the truck, one by one. He made sure his phone was on and charging, his laptop, checked the GPS that was installed. Just as Noah told him to.
Good little Mouse, closing the door to his own cage.
At least, Finn thought, Noah's cage was so much larger than Robert's had been.
Even if it still wasn't freedom.
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enibas22 · 7 months
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from leadersnet.de - 25th February 2024
link https://www.leadersnet.de/news/77015,semperopernball-2024-glanzvolle-rueckkehr-mit-tom-wlaschiha-und.html
Stephanie Stumph und Tom Wlaschiha führten am 23.02.2024 beim SemperOpernball durch das Programm in der Semperoper in Dresden. Foto: BrauerPhotos / O.Walterscheid
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Sie führten durch den Abend: Stephanie Stumph, die zuweilen mit herrlich sächsischem Akzent einsetzte, und Schauspieler Tom Wlaschiha.
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Wolfgang Stumph hielt die Laudatio auf seinen Freund und Skatpartner Gunther Emmerlich, der posthum mit einem Choros-Award ausgezeichnet worden ist. Links Moderator Tom Wlaschiha.
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Moderator Tom Wlaschiha schien zu Beginn wirklich aufgeregt, wurde im Lauf des Abends aber immer lockerer. Hinter ihm Mitglieder des Semperoper-Balletts, das Teile aus Tschaikowskis "Dornröschen" zeigte.
Quelle: Anja Schneider/dnn.de
link https://www.dnn.de/lokales/dresden/der-dresdner-semperopernball-in-bildern-2XWCE7FY4FDF7A5UNVXQLPWCZU.html
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claygoestothemovies · 3 months
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Adrien Beau’s debut feature THE VOURDALAK had me grinning from beginning to end, this kind of film just doesn’t get made anymore!
We follow the Marquis d’Urfé (Kacey Mottet Klein), a young emissary to the French king, who after being accosted on the road is sent to a nearby home for help. He doesn’t realize he’s in a gothic fairy tale yet, but the audience knows the second the film starts, and what a delicious treat we are given. Instantly transported from the opening frames into a world half-remembered from childhood, these are the woods the old stories warned against, and for good reason! The woods are a little too dark, the soundscape a little too menacing, you certainly wouldn’t want to be caught here during the night.
He reaches the house with a little help from a stranger on the road, and we get to meet the other players in this tale. There’s Sdenka (Ariane Lebed, stealing every scene), the darkly offbeat oldest sister - I would watch an entire spinoff about her alone. The youngest sibling Piotr (Vassili Schneider) who intrigued me the most. The eldest brother Jegor (Grégoire Colin), along with his wife Anja (Claire Duburcq) and small son Vlad (Gabriel Pavie). The final member of the family is where this film will either work for you or it won’t. I think, in the end, it worked for me. The elderly patriarch of the family, Gorcha (voiced unnecessarily sexily by Beau himself), is represented by a puppet that looks like a character from COCO came to life with a thirst for blood. It’s so silly yet somehow uncannily creepy in its appearance and movements among the other actors in a given space.
We learn the tale of the Vourdalak, a vampire-esque creature (predating Dracula even) who will come back from the dead with a singular perverse mission to destroy everything it loved as a human, and can decimate whole villages in its wake. The familiar beats of the story are rendered in ways that took me a moment to put my finger on, but finally I realized it felt like a film from an earlier age. It’s weird, evocative, and frequently very funny which surprised me given the dark material on hand.
I was never less than transfixed during the brisk runtime. If anything, I wanted more! I wanted to know the characters more, to really feel for them in their dangerous situation. We get to know Sdenka the best, and I loved every second with her, but I kept wondering about her brother Piotr. We see him playing with gender expression throughout the film, which seems to distress Jegor, but no one else acts like it’s out of the ordinary in the slightest. I was dying to know more about Piotr, and felt the film could have fleshed out the character a bit more with a few more minutes of runtime.
As it stands, it’s a largely enjoyable experience beginning to end - provided you can roll with a character being played by a puppet. It feels a bit like a fever dream at times, but is never anything less than beautiful. There is some haunting imagery here that’s some of the best this side of NOSFERATU. Don’t even get me started on the excellently uncomfortable sound design! It’s a wonderfully weird entry into the vampire/folk horror genre, and I’m just delighted it exists. Seek this one out if you like your horror just a little off the beaten path, you won’t regret it.
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belleswelt · 1 year
Der derzeit bekannteste Rocker Deutschlands
Der Name Till Lindemann ist jedem Deutschen bekannt. Ob nun Fan seiner Kultband Rammstein oder einfach nur Nachrichtenhörer, denn inzwischen gibt es nur noch wenig gutes über den Frontmann von Rammstein zu hören und zu lesen. Aber warum? Wegen Skandalen, Vorwürfen und Anschuldigungen. Da fragt man sich, ob wirklich Wahrheit hinter all den Vermutungen steckt.
In dubio pro reo - die Unschuldsvermutung
Im Grundgesetz Art. 11 Abs. 1 steht geschrieben
„Jeder Mensch, der einer strafbaren Handlung beschuldigt wird, ist solange als unschuldig anzusehen, bis seine Schuld in einem öffentlichen Verfahren, in dem alle für seine Verteidigung nötigen Voraussetzungen gewährleistet waren, gemäß dem Gesetz nachgewiesen ist.“
Wieso also verurteilt das Netz schon jetzt Till Lindemann für Taten, die er ggf. Nicht begangen hat?
Shelby Lynn, die die schweren Vorwürfe gegenüber der Band 2023 äußerte, sagte selbst, dass Till nicht gemeint war. Wollte sie sich nur selber schützen? War Till kein Täter? Oder gab es überhaupt keine Tat? Fragen über Fragen und die Antwort scheint sehr tief begraben zu sein.
Anja Lukaseder, eine gute Freundin von Till, sagte selbst, dass sie beide Hände für Herrn Lindemann ins Feuer halten und sich nicht verbrennen würde, wenn sie ihn verteidigt. Kann man ihr glauben oder will sie nur einen jahrelangen Freund schützen?
Die MeToo-Vorwürfe sorgen nach wie vor für Krawall, Meinungsverschiedenheiten und Probleme - auch innerhalb der Band. Rammsteins Schlagzeuger Christoph Schneider äußerte sich öffentlich gegen Till Lindemann, was nicht nur für Verwirrung sorgte, sondern auch bei vielen zum Nachdenken anregte.
Letzten Endes kann man derzeit nicht sagen, was stimmt und was an den Vorwürfen nur aus den tiefen Gedankengängen von Frau Lynn kommt. Wichtig ist jedoch folgendes: Man sollte niemals jemanden im Vorfeld verurteilen, solange keine Straftat nachgewiesen werden kann. Denn am Ende kann es immer noch sein, dass sich alles anders herausstellt, als man anfangs annahm.
Seid neutral - alles andere entscheidet letztlich das Gericht, welches Beweise (versucht) zu sammeln. Sollte es keine Beweise geben, dann weiß man auch wieso.
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maddalenafragnito · 2 years
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GLOSSARY OF COMMON KNOWLEDGE, Vol. 2 Care is conflictual Contribution
Curated by Zdenka Badovinac, Ida Hiršenfelder, Bojana Piškur and Jesús Carrillo. Published by Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, 2022.
The terms by more than fifty narrators presented in this volume were discussed and written between 2019 and 2022 during seminar meetings to bring together diverse knowledges from the museums as well as the so-called global family of artists, thinkers and curators. They seek to find common knowledge to speak about less visible stories in contemporary art and to address systems that govern our ways of thinking in art and beyond. The project has been ongoing since 2014, and it was conceived and curated by Zdenka Badovinac, Bojana Piškur and Jesús Carrillo in the context of L’Internationale confederation of museums as a method of addressing the so-called referential fields. The first series of discussions was published in 2018. For this second edition, we repeated the same referential fields to re-examine how the conditions in our cultural landscape have changed in the drastic raptures of pandemic, war, climate catastrophes, a conservative turn and political upheavals. One of the most visible shifts in this volume compared to the previous edition is a clear need to address the growing urgency of climate change, and to stress the anthropogenic colonial origin of the cataclysmic events, moreover, to entangle this continuous crisis through troubled thinking, and propose not to resign. This volume is also marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and the implications it had on escalating power struggles and injustices. Contributors of terms: Zdenka Badovinac, María Berríos, Miha Blažič (N’toko), Sara Buraya Boned, Jesús Carrillo, Sebastian Cichocki, Fatma Çolakoğlu, Nicolás Cuello, Jakub Depczyński, Kike España, Pauliina Feodoroff, Maddalena Fragnito, Elisa Fuenzalida, Nancy Garín Guzmán, Deniz Gül, Jennifer Hayashida, Ida Hiršenfelder, Alistair Hudson, Maria Iñigo Clavo, Goran Injac, Vladan Joler, Yuji Kawasima, Gal Kirn, Ram Krishna Ranjan, Vali Mahlouji, Sophie Mak-Schram, Javiera Manzi A., Diego Marchante “Genderhacker”, Pablo Martínez, Miran Mohar, Meriç Öner, Bojana Piškur, Theo Prodromidis, Tjaša Pureber, Rasha Salti, Anja Isabel Schneider, Natalia Sielewicz, Antoine Silvestre, Maja Smrekar, Jonas Staal, Bogna Stefańska, Kuba Szreder, Steven ten Thije, Abhijan Toto, Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca, Chương-Đài Võ, Mick Wilson, Onur Yıldız, Joanna Zielińska, Yolande Zola Zoli van der Heide Curated by Zdenka Badovinac, Ida Hiršenfelder, Bojana Piškur and Jesús Carrillo. Published by Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, 2022. To purchase the full publication, please contact the bookstore in the Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, or the bookstore Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana.
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Table of contents
On Making the Glossary by Ida Hiršenfelder
2022ISBN 978-961-206-153-1
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the-missing-sock · 1 month
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lokaleblickecom · 2 months
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horseweb-de · 5 months
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weownthenitenyc · 7 months
GIGEE Announces ‘GIGEE invites’ Series With First Edition At Praga Centrum, Warsaw
GIGEE invites: Anja Schneider & Gheist (Live-Hybrid) A venue that needs no introduction: Praga Centrum has been an integral part of clubbing Culture in Warsaw since it opened its doors in 2019. Ahead of curating an extended run of shows under the brand in 2024 – GIGEE is premiering her “GIGEE invites” series on Friday 01 March 2024. The Warsaw born artist is on a mission to bring Electronic…
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foxeia · 6 months
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Anja Schneider
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mobilizemusic · 8 months
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