#Ann E. Hacker
lothricknightgirl · 2 months
Yo, Lancerblr
Figured I'd toss a few of these your way, grab some feedback. Haven't actually had a chance to play and stress test 'em yet, so I've got no clue how they'd fare in a combat situation, or if any of them are any good, really. Just threw together what I felt'd be neat in concept.
Even if this only gets one or two notes, I'm fine with that. Just felt like sharin'.
Personally, my favorite's split between Carrion Courier and Fog.
Beware, there are a LOT of words beneath the thing. Like, a-lot-a-lot-a-lot.
Here's Jane Doe, callsign Misnomer, with her mech Fog. She's a favorite, if you couldn't tell. Wanted for knowing a helluva lot more than she should and stealing a truly remarkable amount of prototype tech.
Mech Note:
"It's in the clouds! It's in the goddamn clouds!"
"Bank right, bank right, fuckfuckfuck FUCK-"
"I can't see, it's screaming, why is it so loud-"
"Sensors dead, I'm falling, shit, can't pull up!"
"Come into my parlor, said the crow to the spider to the fly."
» Jane Doe // MISNOMER « Spec Ops, LL9 [ SKILL TRIGGERS ] Act Unseen or Unheard (+6), Charm (+4), Get a Hold of Something (+2), Pull Rank (+2), Show Off (+2), Stay Cool (+6), Survive (+4) [ GEAR ] Light Hardsuit, Light Signature, Light A/C, Corrective, SSC Sylph Undersuit, Subjectivity-Enhancement Suite [ BOND ] THE BROKER Powers: SPIDER, CONTINGENCY PLANS, THE LEDGER
[ TALENTS ] Technophile 3, Hacker 2, Infiltrator 2, Ace 2, Skirmisher 2, Empath 1 [ LICENSES ] HORUS Goblin 2, HORUS Lich 1, IPS-N Caliban 3, SSC Dusk Wing 1, SSC Atlas 2 [ CORE BONUSES ] Kai Bioplating, Improved Armament, Mount Retrofitting [ MECH ] « FOG » IPS-N Caliban H:2 A:5 S:4 E:0 SIZE:0.5 STRUCTURE:4/4 HP:15/15 ARMOR:2 STRESS:4/4 HEAT:0/5 REPAIR:6/6 ATK BONUS:5 TECH ATK:2 LTD BONUS:0 SPD:5 EVA:13 EDEF:12 SENS:3 SAVE:16 [ WEAPONS ] INTEGRATED MOUNT: HHS-075 “Flayer” Shotgun FLEX MOUNT: Autopod / Thermal Pistol // Mount Retrofitting HEAVY MOUNT: HHS-155 CANNIBAL [ SYSTEMS ] Wandering Nightmare, Rapid Maneuver Jets, Neurospike, H0R_OS System Upgrade II, H0R_OS System Upgrade I
And here we have Jane's former co-worker/war-buddy/mortal-enemy, John Blackacre, piloting the Carrion Courier. Spider-cowboy-mech. All the auxiliaries, all the close range brawl.
Mech Note:
"Okay, he's reloading, we can-"
"Okay, now he's reloading, get-"
"... Wait for it."
"And he's reloaded. Fuck."
"How many of those things does he have?"
"... One, two, three-"
"Oh, christ."
» John Blackacre // SPUR « Spec Ops, LL9 [ SKILL TRIGGERS ] Act Unseen or Unheard (+4), Blow Something Up (+2), Charm (+2), Get Somewhere Quickly (+6), Read a Situation (+4), Stay Cool (+6), Word on the Street (+2) [ GEAR ] Assault Hardsuit, Archaic Melee, Light Signature, Smart Scope, Frag Grenades, Thermite Charge [ BOND ] THE WOLF Powers: GO FOR A WALK, BLOOD SCENT, POUNCE
[ TALENTS ] Gunslinger 3, Combined Arms 3, Exemplar 2, Tactician 2, Bonded 1, Grease Monkey 1 [ LICENSES ] IPS-N Raleigh 3, IPS-N Blackbeard 3, HA Iskander 1, HA Barbarossa 1, HA Genghis 1 [ CORE BONUSES ] Gyges Frame, Integrated Weapon, Mount Retrofitting [ MECH ] « CARRION COURIER » IPS-N Raleigh H:2 A:3 S:0 E:6 SIZE:1 STRUCTURE:4 HP:21 ARMOR:1 STRESS:4 HEAT:0 REPAIR:6 ATK BONUS:5 TECH ATK:-1 LTD BONUS:3 SPD:5 EVA:11 EDEF:7 SENS:10 SAVE:15 [ WEAPONS ] INTEGRATED MOUNT: M35 Mjolnir INTEGRATED WEAPON: Chain Axe / Hand Cannon // Mount Retrofitting AUX/AUX MOUNT: Hand Cannon / Stub Cannon FLEX MOUNT: Hand Cannon / Hand Cannon HEAVY MOUNT: Kinetic Hammer [ SYSTEMS ] “Roland” Chamber, Grounding Charges, “Roller” Directed Payload Charges, Reinforced Cabling, Personalizations
And here we have Anne Queen, codename Wreken, former pirate warlord and currently freelance mercenary. Finds both Jane and John creepy as all get-out-of-fuck and yet enjoys scaring the shit out of grunts. Absolutely charming.
Mech Note:
Exerpt from training exercise no.55638, JUN-30, 0537, begin play::>>
"... Hey, where'd squad five go?"
The sergeant answers with another question. "Y'see that big red circle that just popped up on your map reticle, private?"
The old Tortuga's head nods and extends a hand, holding up five fingers, slowly putting them down one after the other.
On the final finger, thunder splits the skies in the distance, once, twice, thrice, and then with a final sundering THOOM, the circle disappears, along with the markers within it denoting the remains of squad 8.
The older mech crosses its arms. "Yes, private. Oh."
Out of the corner of his eye, his face lights up red, and he feels the color drain from it.
"We're in the circle, sergeant."
The sergeant nods, again. "Correct, private. Now, what we do in this situation?"
He doesn't even wait for the order. The circle was very, very, very big, and his Saladin's legs weren't the fastest.
» Anne Queen // WREKEN « Outlaw, LL9 [ SKILL TRIGGERS ] Act Unseen or Unheard (+2), Assault (+6), Blow Something Up (+6), Pull Rank (+2), Stay Cool (+4), Survive (+6) [ GEAR ] Light Hardsuit, Heavy Signature, Heavy A/C, Frag Grenades, Stims, Thermite Charge [ BOND ] THE TITAN Powers: TRUE GRIT, NOTHING TO FUCK WITH, ABSOLUTE MEAT
[ TALENTS ] House Guard 3, Siege Specialist 3, Heavy Gunner 3, Walking Armory 3 [ LICENSES ] HA Barbarossa 3, IPS-N Caliban 1, IPS-N Raleigh 2, IPS-N Drake 3 [ CORE BONUSES ] Integrated Ammo Feeds, Briareos Frame, Reinforced Frame [ MECH ] « WARSPITE » HA Barbarossa H:5 A:1 S:0 E:5 SIZE:3 STRUCTURE:4 HP:30 ARMOR:2 STRESS:4 HEAT:0 REPAIR:6 ATK BONUS:5 TECH ATK:-2 LTD BONUS:4 SPD:2 EVA:7 EDEF:6 SENS:10 SAVE:15 [ WEAPONS ] INTEGRATED MOUNT: Apocalypse Rail MAIN MOUNT: Mortar MAIN MOUNT: Mortar HEAVY MOUNT: Howitzer [ SYSTEMS ] Ammo Case III, External Ammo Feed, Autoloader Drone, “Roland” Chamber, Siege Stabilizers, Armament Redundancy
This is Cal Dera, callsign Crepescule. Nothing about her is reminiscent of faint rays of sunlight, more akin to its boiling surface. She specializes in punching straight through the frontline and making herself a very large fucking problem for everybody involved behind it. Walk into her zone? Melt. Attempt to go around or leave it? Get shotgunned to death.
Mech Note:
The 'tech stares. "What the fuck."
His co-shift nods. "Yeah, that tends to be what people say when they see her for the first time."
"I can feel the fucking heat from here, and we're behind triple reinforced walls in a vacuum. It's not even on yet?"
The co-shift shakes his head. "Nope. Reactor's not even burning yet."
"How the hell does this thing work near civilian centers?"
The co-shift paused in his preparations before eventually offering two words. "It doesn't."
He felt his mouth dry. "Ah."
» Cal Dera // CREPESCULE « Freelancer, LL9 [ SKILL TRIGGERS ] Assault (+6), Blow Something Up (+2), Spot (+4), Take Control (+6), Threaten (+6), Word on the Street (+2) [ GEAR ] Assault Hardsuit, Medium Signature, Heavy A/C, Thermite Charge, Personal Drone, Stims [ BOND ] THE PATHFINDER Powers: FREESOUL, LIGHTSPEED, MOMENTUM
[ TALENTS ] Ace 3, Vanguard 3, Nuclear Cavalier 2, Spaceborn 2, Pankrati 2 [ LICENSES ] HA Genghis 3, IPS-N Blackbeard 3, IPS-N Nelson 2, IPS-N Tortuga 1 [ CORE BONUSES ] Superior by Design, Reinforced Frame, Sloped Plating [ MECH ] « BEHEMOTH » HA “Worldkiller” Genghis Mk I H:3 A:0 S:2 E:6 SIZE:2 STRUCTURE:4 HP:22 ARMOR:4 STRESS:4 HEAT:0 REPAIR:5 ATK BONUS:5 TECH ATK:0 LTD BONUS:3 SPD:3 EVA:6 EDEF:10 SENS:5 SAVE:15 [ WEAPONS ] MAIN MOUNT: SUPERHEAVY WEAPON BRACING MAIN MOUNT: Deck-Sweeper Automatic Shotgun HEAVY MOUNT: Plasma Thrower [ SYSTEMS ] Spaceborn EVA, Explosive Vents, Auto-Cooler, AGNI-Class NHP, Reinforced Cabling, Siege Ram
And since this is already quite fucking long, I think I'm going to stop here and leave whoever's willing to read through this word-vomit-spaghetti to chew through it.
Ciao, all. Let me know if any of these sound feasible, if you want.
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queenlua · 1 year
i’ve always had a soft spot for “hacker origin stories,” but writer origin stories can be extremely fun & charming too:
5. How did you get started writing sex stories?
The newsgroups back then were these huge topic-sorted bulletin boards, where you could talk on just about any subject in threaded forums. It wasn't like today, where are lots of different places you can go to participate in discussions -- while there were other more private bulletin boards, the newgroups were by far the most well-known and popular. Everyone on-line stopped by there, and people being people, everyone stopped by the sex newsgroups eventually. Just to check them out, you know.
So, like everyone else, I visited alt.sex and learned a lot from the discussions there, like which brand of condoms offered the best combination of sensitivity and reliability, or what happens to the way a man tastes when he eats cucumbers. I visited alt.sex.stories and rec.arts.erotica too (I was an English major, after all, and loved stories), and was just stunned at how bad these stories were. Bad on a level I had never encountered before -- incoherent grammar, impossible spelling, and plots that made no sense at all. I found myself thinking, "I can do better than that!"
It was a very freeing experience -- I had spent so many years reading good stories and great stories and had never encountered truly bad ones. I had thought of writers as almost demigods, with these magical skills. Now I realized that at this level, writing was something I could do. And at least I knew how to spell!
So I wrote a story. A dreadful story, actually, "American Airlines Cockpit." It was just as predictable as it sounds from the title, but at least there was nothing wrong with the grammar. I posted it on the newsgroups and got some enthusiastic e-mail in response. Well, I've always responded well to praise, so I wrote another, "Season of Marriage" (a sweet little arranged marriage love story, which would later become the seed of Bodies in Motion). More raves in e-mail. I wrote more stories. In that first year, I think I wrote about twenty stories (most of them less than 2000 words long) -- probably the most prolific I've ever been. It was a sheer delight, and the wonderful e-mails I got in response were tremendously motivating.
I did try writing a few stories without much sex, and posted them to rec.arts.prose, but nobody seemed to actually read that newsgroup, so they didn't engender any response. I was hooked on those appreciative e-mails, so I kept writing about sex. :-) So in a sense, I really fell into sex writing, almost accidentally. But once there, I found other reasons to stay with it.
(from Mary Anne Mohanraj)
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
With a serial strangler on the loose, a bookkeeper wanders around town searching for the vigilante group intent on catching the killer. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Kleinman: Woody Allen Prostitute: Kathy Bates Student Jack: John Cusack Irmy: Mia Farrow Prostitute: Jodie Foster Hacker’s Follower: Fred Gwynne Clown: John Malkovich Alma: Julie Kavner Marie: Madonna Magician: Kenneth Mars Eve: Kate Nelligan Doctor: Donald Pleasence Prostitute: Lily Tomlin Mr. Paulsen: Philip Bosco Spiro’s Assistant: Robert Joy Simon Carr: Wallace Shawn Vogel’s Follower: Kurtwood Smith Priest: Josef Sommer Hacker: David Ogden Stiers Cop at Police Station: John C. Reilly Woman with Baby: Eszter Balint Vigilante: James Rebhorn Roustabout: Richard Riehle Cop: William H. Macy Undesirables Onlooker: Fred Melamed Killer: Michael Kirby Vigilante: Victor Argo Vigilante: Daniel von Bargen Landlady: Camille Saviola Dwarf: Tim Loomis Fat Lady: Katy Dierlam Strongman: Dennis Vestunis Prostitute: Anne Lange Student: Andy Berman Student: Paul Anthony Stewart Student: Thomas L. Bolster Police Chief: Greg Stebner Cop at Police Station: Peter Appel Cop at Police Station: Brian Smiar Cop at Police Station: Michael P. Troy Cop at Police Station: Remak Ramsay Cop at Police Station: Ron Turek Bartender: Peter McRobbie Cop with Priest: Ira Wheeler Baby: Rebecca Gibson Hacker’s Follower: Robert Silver Spiro: Charles Cragin Vigilante with Spiro: Tom Riis Farrell Vigilante with Spiro: Ron Weyand Roustabout: Max Robinson Film Crew: Additional Casting: Todd M. Thaler Casting: Juliet Taylor Writer: Woody Allen Producer: Robert Greenhut Assistant Editor: Mark Livolsi Costume Design: Jeffrey Kurland Production Coordinator: Helen Robin Executive Producer: Charles H. Joffe Executive Producer: Jack Rollins Editor: Susan E. Morse Hairstylist: Romaine Greene Assistant Art Director: W. Steven Graham Casting Associate: Laura Rosenthal Supervising Sound Editor: Robert Hein Director of Photography: Carlo Di Palma Gaffer: Ray Quinlan Sound Designer: Dan Sable Foley Artist: Brian Vancho Set Decoration: George DeTitta Jr. Assistant Costume Designer: Donna Zakowska Production Sound Mixer: James Sabat Production Design: Santo Loquasto Assistant Sound Editor: Stuart Levy Co-Producer: Joseph Hartwick Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Lee Dichter Construction Coordinator: Ron Petagna Key Scenic Artist: James Sorice Production Assistant: Robert C. Albertell Makeup Artist: Bernadette Mazur First Assistant Director: Thomas A. Reilly Art Direction: Speed Hopkins Property Master: James Mazzola Assistant Production Coordinator: Ilyse A. Reutlinger Still Photographer: Brian Hamill Standby Carpenter: Joseph A. Alfieri Jr. Scenic Artist: Cosmo Sorice Set Dresser: Dave Weinman Assistant Camera: Michael Green Sound Recordist: Frank Graziadei Camera Operator: Dick Mingalone Script Supervisor: Kay Chapin Set Decoration: Amy Marshall Boom Operator: Louis Sabat Dolly Grip: Ronald Burke Key Grip: Robert Ward Wardrobe Supervisor: Patricia Eiben Second Assistant Camera: Michael Caracciolo Camera Trainee: David E. Baron Art Department Coordinator: Glenn Lloyd Second Assistant Director: Richard Patrick Assistant Editor: William Kruzykowski Transportation Captain: Peter Tavis Transportation Captain: Harold ‘Whitey’ McEvoy Production Assistant: Justin Moritt Wardrobe Supervisor: Bill Christians Foley Artist: Elisha Birnbaum Additional Casting: Judie Fixler Key Construction Grip: Vincent Guarriello Production Assistant: Danielle Rigby Projection: Carl Turnquest Best Boy Electric: Jim Manzione Costume Assistant: Lauren Gibson Assistant Art Director: Robert Perdziola Foley Editor: Lori Kornspun Assistant Art Director: Peter Eastman Location Scout: Megan Monaghan Assistant Art Director: Richard Michael Miller Apprentice Sound Editor: Yasmine Amitai Location Manager: James A. Davis Movie Reviews:
0 notes
goldenhydreigon47 · 6 months
Got my E-Sports Teacher to assign Danganronpa styled Ultimate Talents to the Phantom Thieves, these were the results:
Ren Amamiya: Ultimate Trickster
Ryuji Sakamoto:Ultimate Delinquent
Ann Takamaki: Ultimate Dancer
Morgana: Ultimate Strategist
Yusuke Kitagawa: Ultimate Artist
Makoto Niijima: Ultimate Biker
Futaba Sakura: Ultimate Hacker
Haru Okumura: Ultimate Gardener
Goro Akechi: Ultimate Detective
Sumire Yoshizawa: Ultimate Gymnast
They got Sumire and Ann's mixed up 💀
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gslin · 9 months
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thesecrettimes · 1 year
US Senators Press Biden Administration for Measures to Counter ‘Serious National Security Threats’ Linked to North Korea, Crypto
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US Lawmakers Concerned About ‘Serious National Security Threats’ Linked to North Korea, Crypto U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Tim Kaine (D-VA), and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) have pressed the Biden administration for measures to counter crypto-related national security threats. In their letter, dated Aug. 3, to Brian E. Nelson, Treasury Department’s Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, and Jake Sullivan, the White House’s National Security Advisor, the lawmakers wrote: “We write to express concern about the national security threat posed by North Korea’s reliance on digital assets to circumvent international sanctions and embargoes and fund its illegal weapons programs.” The letter cites several sources detailing North Korea’s illicit use of crypto, including White House Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology Anne Neuberger who stated that about half of North Korea’s missile program has been funded by “cyberattacks and cryptocurrency theft.” The senators stressed: Given the pressing nature of this threat, we ask the Administration to provide details on its plan to stop North Korea … from using digital assets to evade harsh sanctions and support its ambitions to project geopolitical power through nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. The lawmakers concluded their letter with five questions concerning the Treasury’s “plans to address the serious national security threats posed by North Korea’s dependence on cryptocurrency.” The senators requested the answers be delivered to them no later than Aug. 16. A United Nations report revealed in February that North Korea stole more crypto assets in 2022 than in any other year. Blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis similarly found that North Korea-linked hackers, such as the members of the Lazarus Group, were particularly active last year. They stole an estimated $1.7 billion worth of cryptocurrency across several hacks, according to the data firm. What do you think about the U.S. senators probing the Biden administration for a plan to address the threats posed by North Korea’s crypto dependence? Let us know in the comments section below. Read the full article
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pesiko · 3 years
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✔ completed | ⇨ ongoing | M mature | ✖hiatus
A Marriage of Inconvenience M {7} ✔
When two mafia gangs decide to end their family feud after decades, your mother decides to give your hand away to marriage of their son, Lee Jeno. He seemed to hate you from the moment he laid his eyes on you, but could the resolution lead to something much more than a bride and groom? @choco-mark
Apartment B23 (sns AU) {20} ⇨
When you move in to a shared apartment mid-college, you never would have imagined that you’d be forced to share a living space with three boys. One of them, quiet and studious, you’re a little more inclined to, perhaps because the two of you get off on the wrong foot. @byunbaekby
Badlands (sns AU) {15} ✔
In which he doesn’t want to be with her but he doesn’t want anyone else to be with her either. @poutyjwoo
Facade? (sns AU) {30} ✔
In which you’re used to your best friends getting all the boys and standing on the sidelines, and Jeno is dared to convince you he’s interested in you. @sankyeom
How Can I Love You (sns AU) {18} ✔
In which y/n just wants to know how youtuber!Jeno looks so fine and how he likes his eggs in the morning. @markleeh
Love Again (sns AU) {48} ✔
Jeno and Y/n are best friends...but they’ve never met, only communicating to each other through their anne with an e fan accounts. In real life, Jeno is the boy that every girl wants and Y/n is just a girl struggling to hold her family together. When Jeno needs to get a girl off of his back, y/n is the first person he thinks of. @markleebee
Love Bug (sns AU) {4}✖
Two computer science majors and self-proclaimed amateur hackers unknowingly race against each other to find out who their secret admirers are. True love is but a click away. @dreamloveclub
Our First and Last Dance (sns AU) {24} ✔
Sports majors are always very competitive, but y/n didn’t realise she’d also have to compete for jeno’s heart. @tinybinnie
10 Step Love (sns AU) {12} ✔
Or, alternatively, Lee Jeno’s (and Huang Renjun’s) 10 step foolproof program to getting the girl. @tryagainmv
1-800-Loveline (sns AU) {15} ✔
You never imagined that finding a phone number in a school library book could lead to anything. You were oh-so-wrong. @tryagainmv
[main masterlist] [nct masterlist] updated 6-24-21
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Personal] HALF-TIME report
my longterm followers know that I’m doing a fandom related Q&A for 24days every year in December (in order to look back on what happened during the whole year) but I thought it would be nice to do a ‘half-time’ report to check out how things changed after 6 months^^
but before we go to the fun part... here are some facts:
I have seen 35 2020-stages and 55 ‘older’-stages (2010 - 2019) in only 6 months O_O 
ps: I would love to read your half-time reports!!! (full or just the Q’s you like^^) → if you add @leenaevilin​ to your post I will get notified and won’t miss your posts^^
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Q1: who are your top 3 (or more) jactors/oshis?
① Nakamura Yuuichi 中村優一 ② Sakurai Keito 櫻井圭登 ③ Ueda Shinichirou 植田慎一郎 ④ Washio Shuuto 鷲尾修斗 ⑤ Abe Kaisei 阿部快征
→ nothing changed since last December
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Q2: what are your top 3 (or more) jdramas 2020 so far?
① FAKE MOTION -卓球の王将- (fake motion -takkyuu no oushou-) ② KING of DANCE ③ 恋はつづくよどこまでも (koi wa tsuzuku yo dokomade mo)
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Q3: what are your top 3 (or more) 2.5jigen related songs on your playlist?
① マクガフィン (mcguffin) [ALIVE THE MOVIE SONG COLLECTION] ② 「FAKE MOTION 」[King of Ping Pong] ③ Oceanality [Caribbean Groove] ④ 青藍の空へと (seiran no sora e to) [Alive Stage Episode 2 ~ Tsukihana Kagura ~Seiran no Shou~ Sounyuuka] ⑤ Ride on☆ 7Dream! [7Colors ~ Anidol Colors]
→ little changes since last December
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Q4: what are your top 3 (or more) jmovies 2020 so far?
strangly I haven’t seen ANY 2020 movie so far (besides last years soara for probably a 1.000 times笑)
so let’s change the question to:
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Q4.1: what are your top 3 (or more) jstages (2019 and older) watched 2020?
① toshiLOG vol.3 舞台「ZERO 公安警察特殊部隊『霧組』」(toshilog vol.3 butai zero kouan keisatsu tokushubutai ~kirigumi~) [June 12th, 2019 ~ June 16th, 2019] ② 舞台「Collar×Malice -岡崎契編-」(butai collar×malice -okazaki kei hen-) [May 2nd, 2019 ~ May 19th, 2019] ③ STAGE NORN9 ノルン+ノネット (stage norn9: norn+nonet) [October 17th, 2018 ~ October 21st, 2018] ④ 「Identity V STAGE」 Episode1『What to draw』 [November 29th, 2019 ~ December 8th, 2019] 
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Q5: which are your top 3 (or more) mobile games 2020 so far?
① アニドルカラーズ (anidol colors)
→ stopped playing everything else
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Q6: what are your top 3 (or more) jmusicals 2020 so far?
① 音楽劇「ロード・エルメロイII世の事件簿 -case.剥離城アドラ-」(ongakugeki lord el-melloi II-sei no jikenbo -case. hakurijou adola) [December 15th, 2019 ~ January 19th] ② ミュージカル『陰陽師』~大江山編~ (musical onmyouji ~ooeyama hen~) [February 26th ~ March 1st] ③ ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学 vs 立海 後編 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkokutaikai seigaku vs rikkai kouhen) [December 19th, 2019 ~ February 16th]
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Q7: who are your top 3 (or more) Mankai A3 characters 2020 so far?
① Chigasaki Itaru (茅ヶ崎至) ② Tsukioka Tsumugi (月岡紬) ③ Ikaruga Misumi (斑鳩三角) ④ Mikage Hisoka (御影密) ⑤ Furuichi Sakyo (古市左京)
→ nothing changed since last December
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Q8: what are your top 3 (or more) jmusicals (2019) you still need to watch?
① ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学 vs 立海 前編 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkokutaikai seigaku vs rikkai zenpen) [July 11th, 2019 ~ September 29th, 2019] ✅
② ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学 vs 立海 後編 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkokutaikai seigaku vs rikkai kouhen) [December 19th, 2019 ~ February 16th, 2020] ✅
③ ミュージカル『青春-AOHARU-鉄道』すべての路は所沢へ通ず (musical aoharu tetsudou ~ subete no michi wa tokorozawa e tsuuzu) [May 9th, 2019 ~ May 19th, 2019] ❌
④ ミュージカル 悪ノ娘 再演 (musical aku no musume saien) [April 6th, 2019 ~ April 14th, 2019] ❌
→ 50% cleared since last December
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Q9: who are your top 3 (or more) touken danshi 2020 so far?
① Hizen Tadahiro (肥前忠広) ← pretty obvious since my nr2 is playing Hizen^^ ② Mikazuki Munechika (三日月宗近) ③ Higekiri (髭切) ④ Yamanbagiri Kunihiro (山姥切国広) ⑤ Kashuu Kiyomitsu (加州清光)
(I still don’t play the game nor watched the anime… so my choice is influenced by the actors rather than the characters themselves ^^;)
→ nothing changed since last December
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Q10: what are your top 3 (or more) things you are interested in the most in the 2.5次元 fandom 2020 so far?
① my top 3 oshis [Nakamura Yuuichi (中村優一) → Sakurai Keito (櫻井圭登) → Ueda Shinichirou (植田慎一郎)] (or better: basically everything they are involved in笑) ② tsukisute. & s.q.s & ivesute (ツキステ。& S.Q.S & イブステ)  ③ anidol colors! (アニドルカラーズ!) ④ starmyumyu (スタミュミュ) ⑤ tousute & toumyu (刀ステ&刀ミュ) ⑥ ensute (あんステ)
→ only the order changed since last December
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Q11: what are your top 3 (or more) anime/manga you wish to see on stage (2020)?
① ボールルームへようこそ (ballroom e youkoso) ② ふたつのスピカ (futatsu no spica) ③ 女神候補生 (megami kouhosei)
→ nothing changed since last December
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Q12: who are your top 3 (or more) ensemble stars characters 2020 so far?
① Tenshouin Eichi (天祥院英智) ② Sakuma Ritsu (朔間凛月) ③ Kagehira Mika (影片みか) ④ Shino Hajime (紫之創) ⑤ Suou Tsukasa (朱桜司)
→ nothing changed since last December
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Q13: what are your top 3 (or more) jstages (2019) you still need/wish to watch?
① ハイパープロジェクション演劇『ハイキュー!!』“東京の陣” (hyper projection engeki ‘haikyuu!!’ “tokyo no jin”) [April 5th, 2019 ~ May 6th, 2019] ✅
②  舞台 アンフェアな月 第2弾「~刑事 雪平夏見シリーズ~『殺してもいい命』」(butai unfair na tsuki dai 2 dan ~keiji yukihira natsumi series~ koroshitemo ii inochi) [June 21st, 2019 ~ June 30th, 2019] ✅
③  舞台「Collar×Malice -岡崎契編-」(butai collar×malice -okazaki kei hen-) [May 2nd, 2019 ~ May 19th, 2019] ✅
④ 『FATALISM ≠ Another story』Presented by SEPT  [June 19th, 2019 ~ June 23rd, 2019] ✅
⑤  「IdentityV STAGE」第1幕 (identityv stage dai 1 maku) [November 29th, 2019 ~ December 8th, 2019] ✅
⑥  舞台「アオアシ」(butai aoashi) [July 11th, 2019 ~ July 15th, 2019] ❌
⑦ PERSONA5 the Stage [December 13th, 2019 ~ December 29th, 2019] ✅
⑧ 舞台「ULTRAMAN DARKNESS HEELS~THE LIVE~SHINKA」(butai ultraman darkness heels ~the live~ shinka) [December 5th, 2019 ~ December 15th, 2019] ❌
⑨ The Stage 神々の悪戯 ~ 光と炎の約束 (the stage kamigami no asobi ~ hikari to honoo no yakusoku) [April 13th, 2019 ~ April 21st, 2019] ✅
⑩ DEVIL MAY CRY -THE LIVE HACKER- [March 1st, 2019 ~ March 10th, 2019] ❌
→ 70% cleared since last December
音楽劇「ロード・エルメロイII世の事件簿 -case.剥離城アドラ-」(ongakugeki lord el-melloi II-sei no jikenbo -case. hakurijou adola) [December 15th, 2019 ~ January 19th, 2020] ✅
→ saw it 3times in January^^笑
toshiLOG vol.3 舞台「ZERO 公安警察特殊部隊『霧組』」(toshilog vol.3 butai zero kouan keisatsu tokushubutai ~kirigumi~) [June 12th, 2019 ~ June 16th, 2019] ✅
→  really sad that there is no DVD/Blu-ray/stream T^T
→ stream was released June 27th, 2020 (probably because of everthing that’s going on right now!!!)
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Q14: who are your top 3 (or more) jactresses 2020 so far?
① 美弥るりか (Miya Rurika) ② 鳳月杏 (Houzuki Ann) ③ 大湖せしる (Daigo Seshiru)
→ nothing changed since last December
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Q15: what are your top 3 (or more) anidol characters 2020 so far?
① Kanamori Rikuto (金森碧叶) ② Kazuki Towa (夏月斗羽) ③ Kazuki Shizuku (夏月雫) ④ Yuzuki Masaya (柚木真哉) ⑤ Harumiya Aran (春宮亜蘭)
→ nothing changed since last December
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Q16: what are your top 3 (or more) newcomer 2020 so far?
→ are there even 2020 newcomers right now???笑
so let’s change the question to:
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Q16.1: what are your top 3 (or more) jmusicals (2019 and older) watched 2020?
① ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』秋の大運動会 2019 (musical tennis no oujisama aki no daiundoukai 2019) [October 8th, 2019 ~ October 9th, 2019]
areeee O_O?!?! does that mean out of the 55 past works I watched (for the first time) in 2020, only 1 was a ‘musical’ (and I wouldn’t even say it’s a real musical) 笑
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Q17: who are your top 3 (or more) tsukino pro characters 2020 so far?
① Munakata Ren (宗像廉) [obviouse… since my nr.3 plays ren–kyun + my nr.4 no longer plays you ↓↓↓]
② Hazuki You (葉月陽) [recast or not… still loving you~♡]
③ Sera Rikka (世良里津花) [well… who doesn’t like rikka O_O?? 笑]
④ Sakuraba Ryouta (桜庭涼太) [was my very first ☆☆☆☆ card^^]
⑤ Etou Kouki (衛藤昂輝) [simply because of hide-sama’s fansa during ivesute 2 笑]
→ nothing changed since last December
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Q18: what are your top 3 (or more) 2.5jigen related treasures [goods/CDs/DVDs/Blu-Rays] you got your hands on in 2020 so far?
① my Shin-chan bible [all my Ren-kyun bromides from イブステ3 & 月野亭, my Waver-kun bromides and my Kuryuuhiko bromides^^]
② my rare Yuuichi-kun DVD collection + Shin-chans hatsubutai DVD (suuuuper rare)
③ my Tsukipro goods in general (still with my friends though笑) → I went crazy in the last few months 笑
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Q19: who are your top 3 (or more) starmyu characters 2020 so far?
① Tatsumi Rui (辰己琉唯) ② Sawatari Eigo (申渡栄吾) ③ Ugawa Akira (卯川晶)
→ nothing changed since last December
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Q20: what are your top 3 (or more) jstages 2020 so far?
① 舞台『刀剣乱舞』 維伝 朧の志士たち (butai touken ranbu ~ iden oboro no shishitachi) [November 22nd, 2019 ~ January 18th]
② 舞台「憂国のモリアーティ」(butai yuukoku no moriarty) [January 10th ~ February 2nd]
③ ハイパープロジェクション演劇『ハイキュー!!』“最強の挑戦者“ (hyper projection engeki haikyuu!! “saikyou no challenger“) [March 21st ~ March 22nd] 
④ 朗読劇『青空』 (roudokugeki aozora) [January 31st ~ February 2nd]
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Q21: what are your top 3 (or more) pictures of your oshi(s) 2020 so far?
① Nakamura Yuuichi 中村優一 (x) (x) (x) (x) 
② Sakurai Keito 櫻井圭登 (x) (x) (x) (x)
③ Ueda Shinichirou 植田慎一郎 (x) (x) (x) (x)
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Q22: what are your top 3 (or more) favourite ‘fandom related’ tumblrs 2020 so far?
no real ranking… just listing my favourite tumblr(-friends) this time^^
♪ deprofundisad ♪ ryota ♪ mandilo ♪ save-the-data ♪ sohmariku ♪ annikamuffyn
→ nothing changed since last December
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Q23: what are your top 3 (or more) fandom related posts 2020 (so far) that got the most attention?
① [Update] 刀剣乱舞 大演練 (touken ranbu dai enren) (138 💙 🔁) ② [Pics] 刀剣乱舞 大演練 (touken ranbu dai enren) (135 💙 🔁) ③ [Announcement] ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』マラソン (musical touken ranbu marathon) (127 💙 🔁)
and my personal favourite, that made me really happy:
[Personal] Once a Hero, always a Hero!!!  (50 💙 🔁)
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Q24: what are your top 3 (or more) most anticipated 2.5jigen related works 2020?
① 音楽劇「ロード・エルメロイII世の事件簿 -case.剥離城アドラ-」(ongakugeki lord el-melloiII-sei no jikenbo -case. hakurijou adola) [December 15th, 2019 ~ January 19th, 2020] ✅
② 舞台「アニドルカラーズキュアステージ」(butai anidol colors cure stage) [August 27th, 2020 ~ September 2nd, 2020] 💖 → have a ticket... but who knows what will happen T^T
③ 2.5次元ダンスライブ『ALIVE』ステージEpisode 3『SCHOOL REVOLUTION』 Hello 神さま 僕はここにいる!(2.5jigen dancelive ~Alice stage episode 3 ~ school revolution - hello kamisama boku wa koko ni iru!) [October 29th, 2020 ~ November 8th, 2020] 💖
④ S.Q.S Episode 5 『篁志季消失事件』(s.q.s episode 5 ~ takamura shiki shoushitsu jiken) [February 20th, 2020 ~ March 1st, 2020] 💖
⑤ S.Q.S ~ SOLIDS & QUELL on STAGE Episode 6 [July 2nd, 2020 ~ July 12th, 2020]
⑥ 浪漫活劇譚『艶漢』第四夜 (roman katsugeki banashi adekan daiyonya) [February 16th, 2020 ~ March 1st, 2020] ✅
⑦ MANKAI STAGE『A3!』~AUTUMN 2020~ [January 18th, 2020 ~ March 1st, 2020] ✅
⑧ MANKAI STAGE『A3!』~Winter 2020~ [August 16th, 2020 ~ August 22nd, 2020] 💖
⑨ 舞台『Re:フォロワー』 (butai re:follower) [June 2020]
⑩ 舞台『タンブリング』2020 (butai tumbling 2020) [April 19th, 2020 ~ May 10th, 2020]
→ 30% watched, 30% got canceled and 40% can’t wait to see^^
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august 2020
1. michelle - sunrise 2. deqn sue - creep 3. spittzwell - the lesson 4. logic - no pressure intro 5. princess nokia - get paid 6. tony seltzer - cynthia 7. flo milli - may i 8. lyss - outside observer 9. jaz karis - hold you 10. nakala - undeniable 11. kate bollinger - grey skies 12. butterscotch - purple lights 13. tobi lou - lingo starr: drunken master 14. bladee - hero of my story 3style3 15. distant.lo - cruisin' 16. wun two - breezy 17. saib - nautica 18. baechulgi - abyss 19. omaure - good water 20. kaskade - when you’re dreaming 21. kauf - lakes 22. antarctic wastelands - winter wanderers 23. julianna barwick - nod 24. julie byrne - new forever 25. zoe polanski - violent flowers 26. yorushika - 幼年期、思い出の中 27. xxyyxx - settle 28. akisai - mistygray 29. teen daze - oskar's lullaby 30. [.que] - haze 31. madge - romeo 32. muna - bodies 33. brothertiger - livin' 34. satin jackets - hundred fifty up 35. yumi zouma - cool for a second - japanese wallpaper remix 36. tiny deaths - if i'm dreaming 37. madeline kenney - double hearted 38. ella vos - turbulence 39. winter - bem no fundo 40. slow magic - somewhere 41. maika loubté - ride my bike 42. woodes - euphoria 43. alex lustig - aura 44. veela - drought 45. nzca lines - pure luxury 46. katzù oso - in too deep 47. tei shi - ok crazy 48. treasureseason - spinning plate 49. bantug - don't know what's real 50. kenzie - exhale 51. billie eilish - my future 52. alayna - sugar 53. silver sphere - crowd 54. cassie marin - sellout 55. morgan saint - i dreamt that i knew you 56. kllo - just checking in 57. e^st - flight path 58. misterwives - 3 small words 59. the aces - i can break your heart too 60. little mix - holiday 61. phoebe ryan - icimy 62. biig piig - don't turn around 63. tinashe - die a little bit - remix 64. jaden - cabin fever 65. steven padin - sashimi 66. kacy hill - told me 67. aquilo - moving on 68. salt cathedral - caviar 69. taylor swift - the 1 70. alexia avina - fit into 71. oklou - fall 72. liza anne - desire 73. helena deland - lylz 74. slow pulp - idaho 75. samia - big wheel 76. lomelda - it's infinite 77. soccer mommy - drive 78. this is the kit - this is what you did 79. land of talk - look to you 80. widowspeak - plum 81. izzy camina - kill your local indie softboy 82. soko - being sad is not a crime 83. dream wife - temporary 84. hovvdy - runner 85. baths - € € € €^^%%!!!!!heaven!!!!!! 86. katie dey - happiness 87. illuminati hotties - superiority complex (big noise) 88. liza anne - i shouldn't ghost my therapist 89. the lawrence arms - quiet storm 90. the front bottoms - montgomery forever 91. time spent driving - trust no 1 92. little kingdoms - circles 93. poppy - khaos x4 94. ryutist - girls 95. satoko shibata - 変な島 96. punipunidenki - empties 97. gfriend - crème brûlée 98. oh my girl - lemonade 99. april - paradise 100. sumin - zaza♡ 101. aaamyyy - leeloo 102. she's - ugly 103. bish - スーパーヒーローミュージック 104. yorushika - 盗作 105. aintops - zutto sekaiichi aishiteru 106. asoboism - ナイーブ 107. kero kero bonito - it's bugsnax! 108. in love with a ghost - trans rights 109. kirara magic - neon 110. uyuni - still bright 111. kijibato - 1room 112. neko hacker - aimai cyborg 113. couple n - my stars, your moon 114. t+pazolite - hanavision 115. sanso nakamura - aimai attitude 116. synthion - blossom 117. ohey - you 118. singto conley - flora 119. night tempo - baby 120. colate - wonder style 121. porter robinson - get your wish - dj not porter robinson remix
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fulltruenature · 4 years
#05 - Incesto
Se os videos com negros são quase maioria dessa “inclusão” doentia do hacker em minha web, os videos de incesto fazem parte de uma outra fatia dessa grande “maioria”. Quando abro um site de pornografia “free”, a maioria dos videos ali são desses dois fetiches. Porém no caso do incesto, o hacker estranhamente usa esse tema para liberar videos que possuem cenas que me agradam. Porque isso? voces devem ter pensando. Até o final desse texto, voces vão entender o porque.
Mas primeiro, entendam amigos: Eu não tenho simpatia por incesto, não tenho tendências incestuosas. Embora eu não nego ver um video desse fetiche somente porque possui tal tema. Vejo-os pela mesma razão que assisto qualquer outro que não tenha algo me incomoda. Meu maior fetiche como voces já devem ter compreendido pelos textos anteriores é como a cena é conduzida e por características dos envolvidos e não por temas específicos.
Sou muito fã de alguns dos videos lesbianos do Girlfriends Films, aqueles com grande diferença de idade. Gosto de Kathia Nobili ,Ashley Mason, Mistress T e em menor grau Angela Sommers e Zoey Holloway apesar desta última não ser loira, mas seu “jeito” de evoluir uma cena é quase uma aula perfeita de prazer e doçura. Quem me julgar por isso, deve me achar um cara simpático ao incesto ou ao que a pornografia atual também chama de “taboo” mas não, não gosto de tais videos pelo tema e sim pela condução da cena e pela beleza máxima das citadas.
Um grande exemplo é a segunda cena de Mothers Lovers Society 7 do Girlfriends Films. Uma das melhores cenas de lesbianisno insinuosamente incestuoso já feitas em todos os tempos na minha opinião. Busquem e assistam esse filme e julguem voces mesmos. Abaixo a fotos das duas atrizes envolvidas:
Chastity Lynn e Julian Ann -  Scene 2
Mothers Lovers Society 7 (2012)
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Mas por exemplo detesto videos de incesto do Cock Ninja Studios, Bare Break Studios e do Brazzers que possuem enorme modismo violento além de atrizes fora de meu eixo de fetiche estético. Como voces podem observar, o tema não é minha busca primordial mas tampouco vejo nele algo errante. Duas pessoas ou mais que querem ter prazer sexual e são consanguíneas em nenhuma hipótese ou lógica alguma pode ser algo maldoso ou ter relação a qualquer atitude violenta. È apenas algo errado do ponto de vista moral para aqueles que acreditam na moralidade, como eu não acredito na mesma, a mim esse tema não me incomoda e pouco me importa a moralidade por trás disso..
Eu não tenho prazer pela crença incestuosa pelo simples fato de não ter em minha familia ninguém que me agrade sexualmente ou com beleza relacionada ao meu fetiche. Não consigo ver prazer sexual por alguém do qual não oferece possibilidades fantasiosas para mim. Tenho parentes bonitos, confesso, mas não ao ponto de fantasiar algo sexual com os mesmos.
Então porque esse hacker impõe uma enorme quantidade desses videos em minha web? Em primeiro lugar, ele sabe que eu não tenho simpatia por isso e sabendo disso, tenta me forçar a ve-los pois me impedindo há uma alternativa aos videos comuns com cenas que me agradam de acordo com meu fetiche do qual voces já sabem qual é. Assim sendo, não tendo outro caminho, só tenho esse único caminho de ter prazer “como eu quero” nos imbecis videos que esse covarde hacker me impõe diariamente.
Sou refém desse porco psicopata, ele pensa: “Ah, se eu não coloco videos que ele gosta, vou por videos com incesto com cenas que eu sei que ele gosta, logo ele não tem pra onde ir, ele vai ter que acessar”. E porque? Ao meu ver, como já disse em textos anteriores, ele quer IMPOR um motivo freudiano para minha simpatia por mulheres maduras, loiras, bonitas, brancas e com sede de sexo em cenas simples com brancos filmadas com close-up na penetração vaginal até o gozo máximo extasiado de ambos os envolvidos.
Sabe, a mim não me importa se são familiares ou não. Amo com toda justiça do mundo cenas com tais mulheres. Verdadeiras perfeições e máxima inspiração para minha felicidade acerca da vida. Ali eu glorifico a natureza perfeita e exemplar. Meu gozo é minha resposta de agradecimento a Deus pela oportunidade “ímpar” de assistir tal perfeição sexual em um registro épico televisionado e gravado.
Essa escória humana com poder de alteração de dados que invade meu computador e minha web dia após dia acredita que pode me moldar a sua condição. Quer inventar uma realidade fantasiosa que faça sentido ao que ele pensa pois acredita que se as coisas estiverem sob um pano de fundo X, assim ele poderá responder Y. È como se eu obrigasse voces leitores a ler esse texto ou colocasse esse texto no topo do serviço de busca para voces acessarem e retirasse outras opções. Então ao acessar, digo que voces procuraram tal texto pelo motivo que eu “quero que seja”. Assim poderei descrever voces de acordo com o que eu quero impor, Moldando assim uma realidade falsa para meu próprio interesse. Assim é, assim ele age!
Obviamente jamais mudarei meu modo de pensar e de ter prazer com o que me agrada sem me importar por moralismo algum com exceção da ilegalidade da lei. Mas não faço nada de ilegal, os sites pornográficos são uma arte adulta legal em quase todos os países do mundo.
Eu jamais farei qualquer coisa que venha ser motivo para estar de acordo com o que esse desgraçado idealiza. Não sou marionete de ninguem e nunca mudei meu modo de pensar desde que nasci e não farei isso até minha morte. E gozarei ao máximo que puder até meu fim com o melhor da arte pornográfica mundial e legal.
=No próximo post falarei de JAV, de pornografia japonesa, um outro grande fetiche meu que aparentemente o hacker pouco se importa, mas que alterou assim mesmo com um interesse específico.
* Se voce é hacker e conseguiu hackear esse desgraçado e leu essa mensagem, peço ajuda misericordiosamente para dar fim nesse inferno que esse maldito humano fez da minha vida. Eu não tenho como me defender desse canalha, sou leigo em computação e as forças policiais de meu país não se importam com isso. Peço ajuda e peço todos os dias por isso!
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bactgirl · 5 years
não acredito, aquela é mesmo BARBARA GORDON??   em sua dimensão natal, ela era conhecida como BATGIRL/ORACLE e é incrível como se parece com DEBORAH ANN WOLL. atualmente ouvi dizer que tem TRINTA ANOS e que está apoiando o time da TERRA-UM. lembre-se de que ela é RESILIENTE + CONTROLADORA, ou pelo menos é o que dizem os tablóides.
de que realidade seu personagem veio ?? essa Barbara é 100% baseada nos quadrinhos, com um foco no Birds of Prey (de 1999) e na Batgirl do New 52, com alguns elementos do Rebirth e do Batgirl: Year One.
ela perdeu as memórias de seu passado ?? Parcialmente, Babs tem a grande maioria das memórias intactas, mas seu período como Oráculo foi o mais afetado, tendo grandes lacunas em alguns anos da sua vida.
quais os motivos que levaram ela a optar pelo time que agora integra ?? Barbara está numa encruzilhada, se por um lado acredita que eles devem se adaptar a realidade na qual estão e tentar tirar o melhor dela, por outro ela crê que se há uma oportunidade de retornar ao normal, eles deveriam ao menos tentar, por isso pende para a Terra Um. Mas não é uma extremista, e tenta compreender o lado das pessoas que tem receio ou medo do experimento.
adaptou-se bem a nova realidade, mas as lacunas em sua memória são particularmente perturbantes para Barbada, e daí vem uma de suas motivações para estar no grupo Terra-Um
junto das lacunas de memória, Babs esqueceu-se de pessoas importantes da sua vida, algumas lembram-se dela e ela tenta retomar contato, outras não faz ideia de que existem
trabalha como hacker e bibliotecária
era líder das Aves de Rapina
sofreu de paralisia pelo tiro que levou do Coringa, mas depois de uma cirurgia experimental readquiriu o movimento perdido, ainda tem alguns limites e continua fazendo fisioterapia.
nasceu em Burniside, e atua como Batgirl por lá, vez ou outra
tem um intelecto de gênio, além de memória eidética, experiência em diversos tipos de luta e com computadores, sendo uma hacker exímia
é bissexual (não é canon, mas minha interpretação)
muito protetora, Babs sempre pensa na repercussão de suas decisões, especialmente quanto ao vigilantismo.
poderia-se dizer que ela é um tipo de mom friend, gosto da proteger as pessoas, e já treinou alguns personagens
desde que recuperou sua mobilidade está atuando como Batgirl, protegendo civis e lutando contra o crime, mas ocasionalmente ocupa o manto de Oráculo por conta de suas atividades como hacker, fornecendo informações a outros vigilantes, dentre outras atividades.
nunca irá de deixar definir pelo que o Coringa fez com ela, e não quer ser vista como uma vítima ou pobre coitada
filha do Comissário Gordon, gosta de se intrometer nos assuntos da polícia
ainda que habilidosa a Babs é uma dork, às vezes fala coisas bobas, ou passa por desastrada
trabalhou no departamento de TI da universidade local
apesar do jeito doce e gentil, a Barbara tem um humor muito inteligente que pode pender para o sarcasmo, ou as tiradas que parecem cortes
uniforme clássico com botas e luvas amarelas
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hoerbahnblog · 4 years
Hörbahn on Stage: Ann E. Hacker liest aus "Café Hannah" – erzählt von Ihren Pseudonymen, ihren Projekten und über geschriebene Soaps.
Hörbahn on Stage: Ann E. Hacker liest aus “Café Hannah” – erzählt von Ihren Pseudonymen, ihren Projekten und über geschriebene Soaps.
Hörbahn on Stage: Ann E. Hacker liest aus “Café Hannah” – erzählt von Ihren Pseudonymen, ihren Projekten und über geschriebene Soaps.
Teil 1: Ann E. Hacker liest aus “Café Hannah”
Teil 2: Ann E. Hacker im Gespräch mit Uwe Kullnick
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gaylittlethree · 5 years
hi! can you tel me where those quotes are from? i recognise a few but i’m curious about some of them and need some more things to read... thank you so much!
yeah for sure! i’ll edit this with links super soon but i tried to tag everything on the post in order, it got a bit mucked up in the middle so:
laughing til our ribs get tough is a lyric from ribs by lorde (shoutout to nz artists)
the french clocks struck two-thirty is from a poem by marilyn hacker called under the arc de triomphe: october 17. she’s a jewish lesbian and i love the poems of hers i’ve seen. 
not for me. not if it’s you is a quote from orestes by euripides, translated by anne carson, it’s gone around tumblr a bunch
easily as the right key turns the lock tumblers is from the short story brokeback mountain which the movie is adapted from, i was looking at quotes from it and that phrase really stood out to me
you’re in a car with a beautiful boy is from a richard siken poem, again super popular on here
heartbreak opens onto the sunrise for even breaking is opening is a quote from the main character of the 2011 film pariah, which is about a young black lesbian coming to terms with her expression of sexuality, highly recommend 
but he knew well enough is from it by st*phen king, bev’s like “why’d you do that for” and richie’s like “i dont know” but he knew well enough
go west, young man is some old time phrase but it’s a lyric from go west by liz phair and the title of this great fic by ssstrychnine (which has this incredible fanart)
i’ll be a mannequin you can dismember is a lyric from scrawny by wallows, it’s gay because i like it
bed is just a swamp to roll in is from the poem [didn’t sappho say her guts clenched up like this?] by marilyn hacker again
these, our bodies, possessed by light is from richard siren again, in the poem scheherazade. here’s an analysis of mostly just that, made me feel smart reading it
up with your turret, aren’t we just terrified? is a lyric of roslyn by bon ever and st vincent. i heard just before writing the post and it nearly made me cry and so i made a baby playlist about love as tenderness
(side note – the cover of that playlist is an artwork by barton lidicé beneš, who was affected by the aids crisis and made political art throughout his life. the dust in the hourglass is the mixed ashes of two lovers, noel mcbean and james barden. yes that made me cry)
this, and this, and this! is from the song of apollo. i’ve been wanting to read it for a long time but i’ve heard great opinions/reviews
feeling animalistic. feeling hyena. feeling wolf. feeling dog. i am tongue and heart is the full quote, by david wojnarowicz who was another political artist & aids activist, im kinda entranced by some of his art, also i think he wrote a biography if that’s something you’d want to check out, it’s called close to the knives
i would know it in dark or disguise, told myself. i would know in even in madness is either achilles or patroclus about the other’s face in the song of apollo, which is a little bit gay
let me walk to the top of the big night sky is a mitski lyric
sweetheart, this is how it is: is from love poem to a butch woman by deborah a. miranda, a mixed heritage wlw (native american and french)
and salt the earth beneath you is a quote from euphoria season 1 and one of the episode titles
trusting things beyond mistake. hallelu- is a lyric from the predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us! by sufjan stevens, i just adore that song
hopefully this was informative or w/e, i tried to gather quotes which just filled me with this inexplicable sense of wholeness that comes with the sensation of intimacy, specifically gay intimacy and love. if anyone has related quotes, songs, books, etc. that also make u feel this way i’d love to hear them! 
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flowercuco · 6 years
Veil 2 - 10 (finale)
Well after a long long time we’ve finally hit the end of this arc of our Veil campaign, with Crescent Moon hopefully safe, finally reunited with her mother/creator, Heartful Vale, and the company and mercenaries that did all of this dealt with, the group tentatively settles down and awaits the concert.
Fortuna checks her e-mails as she is at work, dealing with her new assistant, who she is very suspicious of. One of the messages is from Bicker Boulder, and it so happens to be the alibi of Mia Ann Grace who is, to the entire party, definitely suspicious, and definitely evil. Along with commentary on the events at Snow Vision and if they were tied to the odd actions that Thicker Than Blood did the day prior, Bicker asked her superiors in the Investigation Bureau to try to do Fortuna a solid. Mia Ann Grace, super star assistant is supposed to be that solid. Fortuna, being suspicious, has Mia Ann do basic tasks while she invades a janitor closet to get in touch with her best friend, Senza.
Senza and Fortuna talk about their suspicions and of the events, Senza concludes that even if Bicker seemed on the up and up, that doesn’t mean that Mia is, as the IB was a group that was compromised by the Angelic Threads. She promises to look into the assistant and see if she has ties to anything. 
Back in the new safehouse, Crescent Moon goes from the various groups sitting around, her mother on a tablet, Ariel practising her new Veil manipulation abilities in a simulation of some sort on a tablet, Senza taking a shower, and Will doing her daily workout. Crescent watches intently as Will does pull-ups and is very cool and strong. Synch enters, having done all that they wanted to do by themselves, asking if everyones good, which they basically are. Crescent greets them, and they approach the two, with Will still doing pull ups as Synch tells them that they have evidence of Burning not committing the crime that got him banished from Quid. Will is pleased, as she did like Burning in their brief interactions and confirms that she’ll pass along the information to get Burning exonerated faster. Synch then asks for Will to get more information on Bloodroot and Will promises to look into it, along with a number of other things that she has to deal with. Finally, Synch asks Will to tell them if there’s anyone in the Seat of Judges who needs to be investigated, as they are a detective and will do a better job of it (and are also a psychic but Will doesn’t know that).
Meanwhile, Heartful Vale asks Ariel about what she’s doing, following up with questions on if Ariel learned what she did from Crescent or if she taught it to herself. After an awkward silence, Heartful asks what Ariel considers herself, wondering how similar the android is to Crescent. Ariel tells her that she’s an artificial human on bad terms with her creators, something Heartful feels sorry for, but asks for more details on. Upon learning that they’re a secret society of some kind, Heartful stops asking questions, but is clearly hiding something more. Ariel asks how Crescent moon is so special, to which Heartful responds with something to do with the virtual idol being intertwined with the veil, but not having any more details. Ariel attempts to probe further, but is thwarted by Senza entering the room and stuck wondering if Heartful just wanted to know about any possible corporate espionage... or more.
Senza checks her emails on her smart watch and gets a news alert about the deaths of Denno’s and Swept Coil, then an invitation to Denno’s funeral, and finally a frantic email from Blessed Lee about it. Senza asks for the other player characters to follow her into the private room, goading Synch into fully following in. Senza asks what happened and why she wasn’t told about Denno’s death, with Synch saying that a lot happened and WIll agreeing, then continuing with a full explination of the events that happened at SVS. They tried to deal with things quickly, Denno’s tried to run, and he died. Will, not quite getting what Senza wants, attempts to summarize more when Synch admits that they killed Denno. Senza takes a moment and then says that, it isn’t that she doesn’t think that he deserved to die, it’s that she wants to be told if someone she knows dies. Will apologizes, saying that she didn’t know that Senza would be this affected and that she should have thought about it. Synch admits as much fault as they ever will in their life and also says that they should have thought about it more. Senza just feels like this is surreal.
When the group returns into the main room, they notice that Crescent isn’t there. Ariel texts her and asks her where she is, to which after a bit of back and forth, is revealed to be to go to Fortuna, with an apology. Ariel is shocked and the group decides to have Synch protect Heartful Vale while the rest of them go pursue Crescent. Senza sends Fortuna a text warning her about Crescent’s arrival and the idol mysteriously arrives at her office. Crescent Moon wants the favor Fortuna promised her. Fortuna isn’t ready for this. 
Luckily, Mia Ann Grace is pre-occupied watching Anime while Fortuna makes the idol tea and is asked about how she met her wife. The story is very embarrassing with Fortuna trying to act cool at a party, making kind of a fool of herself and running away. The next day, Audacity went to see Fortuna and asked if they could study together, and after time, they got married and stuff. Love’s weird and lucky folks. Fortuna and Crescent watch anime while they wait for the others, Senza ignores more of Blessed Lee’s emails and when they all make it into the office, Crescent Moon awkwardly fails to fully say what she wants, having Fortuna take over.
Senza doesn’t want to be here and tries to give Fortuna an out.
Fortuna says that Crescent Moon needs to talk to Ariel and Will, but that first she wants to apologize to Ariel for the events that happened the previous night. Ariel tentatively accepts the apology after Fortuna puts more gusto into it, allowing the topic to move to what this whole conversation is about. Fortuna says that Crescent has relationship troubles and goads the idol into saying what she wants to say, which is that she likes Ariel and Will. Will is, slow about it, and asks what she means, to which Fortuna says that Crescent Moon is gay and romantically likes you. Will pauses and attempts to process this information, thinking back to the events of the days prior and then going “Oh!”
Senza makes her move, as Fortuna tries to excuse her, as she’s uncomfortable and probably has something important to do, which Senza says that she does, she has to deal with stuff about Denno’s funeral, a bomb to drop before she leaves.
Crescent Moon rambles about how much she likes Will and Ariel, citing their actions and character traits, the things that she likes about both of them and the things she likes about each of them, going on and on and on. Will tries to deflect, as she does like Crescent but they haven’t known each other for very long and that she’s just been doing her job. Crescent tries to retort with how she’s dating Ariel already despite knowing them both for the same amount of time. Will affirms that they need to slow down, that the dynamic is something to consider, you shouldn’t date your body guard, which Crescent reluctantly accepts. The idol turns to Ariel and asks if she’s mad that she likes will, which Ariel isn’t. Crescent is in charge of her own feelings and can date who she wants. Crescent makes confused sad noises and Ariel moves in to hold her hand and Crescent clutches it tightly and beings to cry. Fortuna goes in for a hug and Will slowly attempts to also come in to comfort Crescent Moon, not even noticing Fortuna’s presence anymore. Crescent Moon unleashes a flurry of feelings and is glad that Fortuna helped her, thanking her for it and feeling overall better and ready for the concert.
With that out of the way, Ariel tells Fortuna how they can become square, asking if Audacity can make her sibling, Ark, a body. Fortuna nods and promises to have her wife help. Senza texts Blessed Lee about the urgency of his situation. It is about the nanomachines, and while it doesn’t seem urgent, it is something Senza needs to check up on. The others leave as Senza goes to see him. As her office returns to being just her, Mia Ann Grace returns from her anime binge and asks for whats next.
Alone with Heartful Vale, Synch is playing the Crescent Moon Gatcha Game when Heartful gets an email and reacts in a shocked manner. Synch probes bluntly, saying that keeping information away from people trying to protect you is a bad idea. Heartful tries to deflect, saying she doesn’t want to put others in danger, something thats way too late to apply now. When Synch looks up information on the deep web and sees Heartful Vale connected with Chasis, the CEO of Snow Vision Structure and Nicola Lelulilo, they probe further, eventually getting Heartful to reveal the message, a picture of her, her wife, Chasis, and her mentor along with the message, “Welcome back. Please find me.” It’s clearly from her mentor and Synch says it’s clearly a trap. Synch reveals to Heartful the misdeeds of her mentor, showing her the data he was given by Chasis on what Nicola did or was trying to do with psychics. Heartful asks how intimate Synch is with psychics, the answer to which is very. When Heartful asks if this has to do with Ariel, Synch asks why the researcher has to know. She’s worried about Crescent and it has to do with her work. Synch says that Heartful should ask Ariel about it herself.
Finally. We go to the concert.
The park has the big stage, various booths, the sky is a cool starry nebula thats clearly going to have cool shit happen to it. The group is dressed in various casual clothes and two characters fully introduce themselves in a way that they haven’t really in the space of the game. The first is Zed Teneberous, Will’s hacker and sibling in the Seat of Judges, who’s robot arms are a lot more industrial and who so desperately wants to be cool. Will introduces them, prompting Ariel to say that she doesn’t see the resemblance. Zed (un)cooly says they’re both adopted. Audacity, Fortuna’s catgirl wife, also introduces herself, finding the hacker endearing as he says that Fortuna’s cool. Audacity approaches Ariel, who has used her veil powers to give herself some Crescent Moon themed galaxy space hair effects, which Audacity comments on positively. Audaicty encourages Ariel to try some fashion or cosplay after saying that she has some sketches and preliminary ideas and stuff for Ark’s body. Ariel tries to decline a selfie with Audacity, trying to explain her killer robot status and wondering how much Audacity really knows. She knows everything that Fortuna knows, and the married couples love manages to get Ariel to agree to a selife. 
Sorry Tuna, Wish U Were Here
The concert finally happens, with Crescent Moon wearing a very cool outfit with tassels rising up into the concert like the moon as she thanks the party for being her friends and keeping her safe and showing her everything Quid had to offer. After a few songs, Crescent says that the next one is for her girlfriend, something that shocks the entire crowd. The concert goes off without a hitch, as Crescent Moon gives a performance of a lifetime.
In the afterparty for the concert, the party, Anemone, Zed, Audacity, Heartful and Crescent’s staff all hang out! Everyone says how much they liked the concert and then they go into small talk and party food as Zed takes Will aside for a second, telling her what they found out about Thunderings Seat of Judges mask. Apparently, the mask was expunged from the records, but Eastern Seabed, who trained Will, knows more. Will really doesn’t want to ask her about this, but she supposes she will have to. Will moves on to the new hustle she has for Zed, which is to find out more about the Angelic Threads, as if they are real and a threat, the Seat should know about them, even if for whatever reason, Will doesn’t. Zed agrees and then immediately moves on to asking about Anemone, asking WIll who the cool girl with Ariel is. Will tells Zed that it’s a bad idea and watches in horror as the hacker moves in to introduces themself to them.
While Zed is embarrassing, they do reveal their thoughts on the Seat of Judges to Ariel, saying that the ritual and pretence is more harmful than it is good, but that they like being a cool hacker and that the Seat of Judges as an organisation that makes sure that people can stand up for themselves  and have what was promised to them is good. Zed then asks them what their favorite animals are, and then makes Ariel an origami Snow Leapord and Anemone an origami Crane, with paper printed from his arms. Ariel eventually realizes that Zed’s hitting on her and or Anemone and tells her sibling whats up. She doesn’t really care, as she is interested in seeing what the dork of a hacker has to say about art and culture and dumb internet things they like. 
Heartful then takes Senza and Ariel aside, wanting to trade information about the angelic threads that she assumes they have for information on Crescent Moon that she’s been hiding. Ariel does not trust Senza, or rather LACUNA, and doesn’t want Crescent potentially endangered. Senza tries to convince Heartful otherwise, but doesn’t quite manage it. Heartful Vale reveals that Crescent Moon wasn’t made by her as much as she was restored by her, from an old world data-core, one that she hid before she was kidnapped. She needs to know if the data-core was stolen, and if it was stolen by the angelic threads in particular. That kind of thing can’t fall into the wrong hands. Ariel pauses, as it is a lot to process, and promises to tell Heartful Vale more when she figures out how she feels about this, asking the researcher if Crescent Moon knows. Crescent is aware of her true origins, but not of the particulars of why she specifically is in danger. Heartful wanted to hide it from her, but knows that she can’t do that anymore.
Ariel rejoins the party and the night goes on, quietly our party slowly gaining new friends and allies and getting closer to finding out the secrets behind the Angelic Threads...
In our epilogue, we see them, speaking with 9Sigma, who insists that [Ariel] is behind the disturbance at SVS and the death of Swept Coil. They must act before it is too late and we cut to that night, when Ariel, Ark, and Anemone all have a nightmare, a dream of metaphors and numbers, a message, warning, and call from their eldest sibling.
We see Zed, having stolen access to the Seat of Judges library looking into a group of people who were ousted from the Seat by Radiant Historia, leading to her rise to the top of the Seat, a group who supposedly claimed to want to Open Heaven. 
Mia Ann Grace talks to her true employers about her work with Fortuna, wanting to find specific knowledge that only Fortuna should have...
And finally, Senza is asleep in her home, with LACUNA charging. LACUNA slinks to Senza and connects to her, interfacing with her body, and managing to move her fingers while she’s asleep. LACUNA will have the knowledge they need, at any cost...
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thecorpulentbeagle · 6 years
P5 Shipping Round Robin: Day 10
I am going to be honest – this slot was technically for Ann x Goro, but we have had two stories with Goro in a row (technically three if you count the PolyThieves one told from his perspective), so I replaced it with Ann x Futaba so readers don’t overdose on Goro Akechi. Also, this story technically has one of the characters from the original pairing, plus we haven’t heard from Futaba in a while!
This was very fun to write, so I hope you all think it’s fun to read!
Here is the fanfiction.net link.
Please enjoy this next part of the P5 Shipping Round Robin Challenge!
P5 Shipping Round Robin Challenge:
Truth and Lies:
Ann x Futaba
“Hey, Futaba!” Ann exclaimed, standing up suddenly. She had been sitting beside the younger girl, who was feverishly working at her computer. She had some work to do unrelated to the Phantom Thieves, but work to be done nonetheless.
She had gotten pretty far along. Until a certain blonde beauty had entered her world – more specifically, her room.
Apparently, Ann wanted to spend quality time with every member of the Phantom Thieves, and, as she had put it, she was saving the best for last.
Futaba had jokingly suggested that she was merely her last choice, to which Ann strongly denied. Futaba wasn’t quite sure if she believed her, but it made her feel happy regardless.
When the hacker had told Ann her plans for the day, she figured that would either scare the model off, or would cause her to drag Futaba away to do something more “fun”.
Surprisingly, Ann had nodded her acceptance, and had then proceeded to plop herself down on Futaba’s bed, declaring that she would watch the girl work her magic. Heck, maybe she would even learn a thing or two.
It had been quiet, save for the click-clacking of Futaba’s keyboard, for almost an hour. She was making decent progress, and was firmly in the zone.
When Ann had suddenly moved into Futaba’s field of vision, the hacker had jumped, which caused her to input a bit of code incorrectly.
Grumbling slightly as she fixed her error, Futaba mumbled, “Yes, Ann?”
Ann was either ignoring or not noticing the irritation in her voice. She smiled. “We should play a game!”
Futaba quickly saved her work and switched off her screen, sensing that whatever Ann had in mind was something she would not be able to get out off. Raising an eyebrow, she replied, “What kind of game?”
Ann brightened at Futaba’s willingness to go along with what she wanted. “It’s called Two Truths and a Lie. I used to play it with Shiho all the time!” Her expression faltered slightly at the mention of her best friend.
Futaba reached out and brushed her hand against the older girl’s. She knew how Ann felt – it was similar to how she felt about Kana. It was hard to have a best friend that had to suddenly leave your life due to events out of either person’s control.
Ann’s expression shifted back to what it had been. She excitedly grabbed hold of Futaba’s hand and pulled her up so that she was standing in front of the model. Standing inches from the taller, and admittedly, stunning girl made Futaba blush slightly. She cleared her throat and stepped back a little.
“Anyway. What you do is tell someone two things about yourself that are true, and one thing that’s a lie. The other person has to figure out which is a lie!”
Futaba smirked. “Interesting that you thought I’d need an explanation.”
Ann stuttered. “Oh, s-sorry. Did you already know the rules?”
Ann gasped. “Why you…” Grinning, she raised her hands up to Futaba’s collar and began tickling the other girl.
Futaba couldn’t help it. She was extremely ticklish after all.
She burst out laughing, squirming around as she tried to move her body away from Ann’s hands. Pretty soon, the older girl was laughing as well.
“E-enough!” Futaba grabbed Ann’s wrists and held them down at her sides, breathing heavily. While fun, she couldn’t afford to have Ann take her breath away in more ways than one – she’d asphyxiate that way.
Ann giggled. Sliding her hands down so that Futaba was now holding onto them instead of her wrists, she led the girl over to the bed. She plopped back down, causing Futaba to fall down onto it with a huff.
“So why don’t you start, since you seem to know the rules?” Ann teased, watching with mirth as Futaba sat up and started fixing her hair, which had gone askew during the tickling and subsequent tumble onto the bed.
“Even though I just admitted I’d never played before, it sounds simple enough. So yeah!” Futaba bounced on the bed. “Let’s see…” Futaba thought. What truths should she tell? The Phantom Thieves had already seen deep within her heart, so it was hard to think of anything that the older girl didn’t already know.
Conversely, what lie would Ann believe? Many thought that Ann was a typical ditzy blonde model, but that was far from true. First of all, why did people automatically assume that blonde people (or models for that matter) were stupid? Secondly, Ann was surprisingly sharp.
Of course, she could always say that she had a crush on Ann, and if things didn’t work out, she could say that was the lie. It was tempting, but Futaba didn’t want to play around with her feelings. They were serious, and this was just a harmless little game between friends.
Eventually, Futaba nodded her head. “Okay. I got a couple for ya.” Futaba folded her hands together. “First, I prefer home-cooked meals to instant stir-fry noodles.” She waited for Ann to process this. When the other girl nodded, Futaba continued. “Second, sometimes I sneak extra spices into Akira’s curry while he’s making it.” Futaba grinned at the belly-laugh from Ann. “Finally, I don’t actually need my glasses to see. I just like to wear them for aesthetics.”
Ann nodded her head sagely. “Okay. Let me think about this for a second.” The girl tapped her fingers, her eyes wandering around the room as if it could provide her with clues.
Futaba wasn’t sure if Ann was aware, but since she had not let go of the hacker’s hands the entire time, she was currently tapping her fingers on her hand. Futaba blushed slightly at the contact.
She was genuinely curious if the model would be able to figure out which was the lie, as they all seemed somewhat plausible.
“Alright! I think I’ve got it.” Ann stopped tapping and returned to squeezing the other girl’s hand. Futaba said nothing.
“I think… the last one is a lie.”
Futaba blinked. “Are you sure? Is that your final answer?”
Ann nodded. “Yep!”
Futaba smiled. “Correct.”
“Yes!” Ann fist pumped the air, which caused the mattress to sway.
“How did you figure it out? Curious minds must know!” Futaba demanded, since she was truly wondering how Ann had reasoned it out.
“Well then, I’ll tell you.” Ann wrapped an arm around Futaba’s shoulders. Futaba assumed it was a friendly gesture, but that still didn’t prevent her face from turning the shade of Panther’s outfit.
“I knew the first was true because I’ve seen the way your eyes light up with the Boss’ or Akira’s homemade curry. You like instant food, of course, but you always look really happy when you can eat their cooking.”
Futaba smiled and nodded, but said nothing. Had Ann really been looking at her that closely to notice these things?
Ann squeezed the girl’s shoulders. “The second one was true because I can totally imagine you spiking said curry with all kinds of stuff just to mess with him.” She winked. “I mean, why would some of Akira’s curry be absolutely divine, but others would be horrible? There was some kind of mischief behind the counter if you ask me.”
Futaba giggled.
“Finally,” Ann lifted both of her hands and placed them on either side of Futaba’s glasses frames, which startled the girl. Ever so gently, Ann lifted them off of her face, folded them up, and carefully placed them on Futaba’s desk. “I know that you can’t see well without your glasses. Whenever you don’t have them on, you always squint.” Ann had said all of this in a soothing murmur, and Futaba felt mesmerized by her voice. But then, Ann exclaimed much more loudly, “I mean, I think all these years of staring at a computer monitor really screwed up your sight, Futaba!”
Futaba shook her head, the stupor that had she had been trapped in suddenly vanishing. She reached over and picked up her glasses, sliding them back into place. “I guess that all makes sense. There’s no fooling you, Ann!”
“Of course! I am the master at this game.” Ann flipped one of her pigtails back behind her shoulder in a jokingly-obnoxious manner. “Now I’ll go and see if you can detect the lie.”
Futaba grinned. “I’m all ears.”
Ann cleared her throat. “Okay. First, I dislike carbonated drinks. Second, I’ve kissed a girl.” Futaba openly spluttered at this one. Ann noticed and smiled slyly at her. “Finally, I’ve kissed Ryuji.”
“W-what?” Futaba practically fell off the bed. “Why are two of yours related to kissing?”
“Why were two of yours related to food?”
“Touché. But still… wow…”
Futaba was having a hard time believing this. So the first one was obviously true – it was the most normal option. But the latter options were outrageous, and one of them was true! Unless they were both true, and Ann had thrown them in to startle Futaba from not picking the first one. Her brain felt like it was overheating.
“Huh. I’m gonna need some time to process this one.”
Ann smiled gently. “Take all the time you need.”
Futaba thought. She was going to go with her original assumption that Ann disliked carbonated drinks. Thinking back, she could never recall the older girl drinking one.
That left the kissing options. Ann seemed like the kind of girl who could swing both ways (though in all honesty, all of the members from the Phantom Thieves seemed like they could), so the girl one was not completely off the table. But maybe Futaba just secretly hoped for that one to be real.
The last one seemed… odd. The two were close… but were they close in that way? Futaba got more of a “best friends since childhood” vibe from them rather than romance. It seemed that this was her best bet.
“I have made my decision!” Futaba announced.
“Then let’s get on with it!” Ann prodded.
“I choose… option number three!”
Ann chuckled. “I figured. But you’d be wrong.”
“What? You’ve kissed Ryuji?” Futaba’s eyes bugged out of her head.
Ann nodded. “I sure have. It was for a dare, though, not because I like him like that. I couldn’t pass up the bet though. He was gonna buy me a super deluxe crepe if he lost!”
Futaba briefly wondered what the bet was. But she found that she couldn’t care less at the moment. “So then… you’ve never kissed a girl?”
“B-but… um… have you ever wanted to?” Futaba couldn’t help herself. It seemed like the question rose up out of her body before her mouth or brain could filter it.
Ann smiled. “Yes.”
Futaba raised her eyebrows. “R-really? That’s interesting, A—”
Before she could get Ann’s name out of her mouth, she noticed that something was on hers.
Namely, Ann’s mouth.
If Futaba had blushed before, it was nothing compared to what was going on now. She suddenly pushed Ann away by her shoulders, her own heaving with deep breaths.
Ann looked at Futaba with a hurt expression. Unable to meet the younger girl’s eyes, Ann mumbled, “W-was that not okay? I thought that… ya know… maybe… you liked me like that. I-I wasn’t sure, but I went for it and now I feel really bad and now you’re not saying anything and it’s freaking me out and –”
Now it was Futaba’s chance to return the favor. Once she had gotten over the shock of her crush not only liking her back but kissing her, Futaba was able to do what she had always wanted. Placing her lips onto Ann’s, the other girl made a surprised sound, but ultimately fell silent. She kissed the other girl back, wrapping an arm around her waist to bring her closer.
The two pulled apart after a few moments, both breathing heavily and blushing furiously.
Futaba wasn’t able to say anything just yet, but she moved forward to rest her forehead on Ann’s. She looked into the other girl’s eyes, conveying just how strongly she felt.
Ann smiled, looking right back at her. “Well,” she murmured, pecking Futaba on the nose, “Looks like everything I said was true after all.”
Bam! This story practically typed itself. I wish all of them were this easy to write. Sorry RyuAnn fans for that tease – you will get your chance! See you tomorrow!
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silvercreekhqs · 2 years
* aceitos.
GO, WILD HORSES! os personagens abaixo foram aceitos e estão prontos para curtir o clima do alabama junto com uma experiência única na scu. boas vindas!
faceclaims: adrian conrad, vinnie hacker, sadie sink.
todos sabem que aquele é LUCAS MARTINEZ CLARKE, com seus 23 ANOS. atualmente, está matriculado no curso de MEDICINA e faz parte de CLUBE DE CULINÁRIA E LIGA DE EMERGÊNCIA dizem pelo campus que é muito INTENSO, mas que pode ser TEIMOSO em momentos ruins. como um clássico aluno de silver creek, assume sua afiliação aos SOLDADOS INGLÓRIOS. se quiser ver de perto, é só procurar por quem se parece muito com ADRIAN CONRAD.
todos sabem que aquele é LOUIS JEREMIAH HARRIS, com seus 20 ANOS. atualmente, está matriculado no curso de ENFERMAGEM e faz parte de COMITÊ DE EVENTOS E FUTEBOL DE CAMPO dizem pelo campus que é muito AUTOCONFIANTE, mas que pode ser IMPULSIVO em momentos ruins. como um clássico aluno de silver creek, assume sua afiliação aos SOLDADOS INGLÓRIOS. se quiser ver de perto, é só procurar por quem se parece muito com VINNIE HACKER.
todos sabem que aquela é ANNE ROTHMANS, com seus 20 ANOS. atualmente, está matriculado no curso de HISTÓRIA e faz parte de NATAÇÃO E RÁDIO. dizem pelo campus que é muito AMIGÁVEL, mas que pode ser AVOADA em momentos ruins. como um clássico aluno de silver creek, assume sua afiliação aos SOLDADOS INGLÓRIOS. se quiser ver de perto, é só procurar por quem se parece muito com SADIE SINK.
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