#Anne Marie Clark
ophii · 18 days
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a BUNCH of crp doodles!1 featuring my oc :]
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taylorshope · 4 months
Thinking about them. The unsavable characters. The ones who can never escape. The only ones who can never make it off the island, or come down from the mountain, or see the light of day again no matter what you do
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chicinsilk · 7 months
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"Bon Voyage " 1
Jeanne Lanvin-Castillo Autumn/Winter 1955-56. Anne St. Marie wears "Bon Voyage" a suit and coat ensemble.
The car: A Mercedes-Benz 300 SL model 1955.
Jeanne Lanvin-Castillo Automne/Hiver 1955-56. Anne St. Marie porte "Bon Voyage " un ensemble tailleur et manteau.
La voiture : Une Mercedes-Benz 300 SL modèle 1955.
Photo Henry Clarke
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lgbtqreads · 6 months
Most Anticipated Queer Young Adult Fiction: January-June 2024
Just Happy to Be Here by Naomi Kanakia (January 2nd) Tara just wants to be treated like any other girl at Ainsley Academy. That is, judged on her merits—not on her transness. But there’s no road map for being the first trans girl at an all-girls school. And when she tries to join the Sibyls, an old-fashioned Ainsley sisterhood complete with code names and special privileges, she’s thrust into the…
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robertocustodioart · 7 months
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Anne St. Marie by Henry Clarke 1955
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108garys · 6 months
Thinking about how Anthony took the name Andrew which Mary understands as Ann-drew, old boy named himself after his mum in a roundabout way and it's giving me feelings
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joeinct · 1 year
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Anne St. Marie, Photo Henry Clarke, 1955
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delurkr · 11 months
Hey sorry for sending in another ask so soon but I was wondering what your headcanons for the Clarke Family where Personality wise?
And what ages do you think the kids were adopted?
I'm getting vibes that Anthony and Megan were adopted old enough to remember being adopted but that Tanya and Dennis were too young to remember when they were, if that makes sense.
No problem with another ask! If I ever need to let them sit and marinate for a while I will 😄
So ok about their personalities, some of these opinions might be less obvious than others but I try to base this kind of thing on all the doubles in each set (this will not be brief lol).
Now to get this out of the way, James was drunk in his scenes and that's not a great determiner of someone's true personality. That said all the J's are pretty angry in general so he certainly has a temper. We know he's social, spending time with "the guys" and apparently being "well loved at work" like the game says, and he has a ton of anxiety, very much a worrier. Definitely extroverted as well as expressive (whatever he's feeling, good or bad, everyone else will hear about it). Relatedly I feel like he can be pretty demonstrative with his affection for family and friends when he isn't coming unglued from stress. Protective (read also: possessive), impatient, and intense, literally not a shred of chill whatsoever.
Anne is tired ya'll 😅 She can be nosy and critical quite like Angela can and has no time for mushy stuff but clearly it stems from a lot of concern for her family. She cared enough to appeal to Rev Carson for help in handling Megan, but unless she's desperate I definitely see her as the self-sufficient, suck-it-up-and-don't-air-our-dirty-laundry type (she's totally down to hear about other people's dirty laundry tho). Also very exacting, self-assured, and tells it to you straight (without being asked) and expects you to do the same; she's fully convinced that she can fix the entire world if everyone would just do what she says (tbf she's usually right). Probably too stressed out to be seen as much fun these days but she can be super funny when she wants to (her wit isn't always at the expense of other people).
Somehow I don't have a ton to say about Tanya atm but there's a lot to go on based on her scenes and the other T's. She has her flirty ways and a lot of the time likes to keep things lighthearted and casual, and, like Taylor, canonically makes jokes to lighten the mood when things are intense (but only when she isn't the one causing the drama). Unlike Taylor though, she keeps her insubordination on the down low in public, so older people who aren't her parents love her (not that her parents don't love her 😂). Hardworking and cooler than like, everybody; popular and effortlessly good at whatever she cares to do. Also secretive to the point of being deceptive but she keeps secrets to keep things easy, she doesn't purposely cause harm but she's too sensitive to bare her soul often.
Dennis be angy and suspicious 😁 He isn't likely to go looking for a fight but he defends his territory like a bulldog when it's threatened (his territory could be anything from the bathroom at 9 o'clock on Saturday mornings to a box of cheerios on top of the fridge but he'll usually let you know what's his as soon as he claims it). Routined and doesn't like new things unless it was his idea. Tries very hard to be cool. Literally though he'd go to the ends of the earth for people he loves (and he'd do it like, on a unicycle and wearing a clown nose if Megan requested it). 1000% a mama's boy too, you cannot change my mind. Anne will swear up and down that she doesn't play favorites but there was only one kid who got to lick the cake batter spoons without having to ask and his name did not start with T, A, or M. Picked her flowers all the time when he was little too (he's in between stages now but he'll be back around to giving her flowers in a few years or so).
Anthony is just so utterly inoffensive lol, and he manages to be that way even while being his snarky little self. Tends to be oblivious to what's going on, like sure he'll notice changes in people's attitudes or in his environment if you point it out but he won't understand what it means until it doesn't matter anymore (or, thinking of the situation with Megan, sometimes not until it's too late). I say it's partly where his anxiety comes from, the awareness that things can crack and fall apart before he's caught up on there even being a problem. Daddy's boy for sure, he and James are almost exact opposites and, like Abraham with Joseph and Andrew with John, they just click. Introverted, clearly very compassionate but doesn't trust his own instincts with so many more dominant personalities around. Definitely the mediator in dumb sibling squabbles (it's a coin toss whether or not they listen to him) but on the rare occasions he musters the courage to insert himself into any more consequential situations he just might surprise folks into taking him seriously. Chronic baby brother, having to snip at people's heels or wear them down with his big eyes like a puppy to get them to pay attention. A little bitter about it too lol but he does what he has to.
Now I already had a post about the M's personality lurking in my drafts and it gets the job done, so time for a little copy paste:
Mary and Megan speak quite assertively in a lot of their scenes, I'm thinking for example Mary's "Liar!" line to some of the most powerful and well-respected adults in her community and the way Megan gets down to brass tacks in confronting Anne about her parent's conversation or the way she boldly tries to get Dennis's attention, even though I'm sure it's nothing new for her to get brushed off most of the time. I'll point out that M has fearful and withdrawn moments too but it's almost always triggered by Carver/Carson, with the contemporary little girl being the exception: she is entirely that way after all that happened to the other M's (I know she's more of a device than a character but the little girl's shyness is a big contrast to how outgoing Mary was to Andrew and Angela in the first flashback). So yeah I love the assertiveness we're shown and I wanted to point it out, because I see her boldness and outspokenness as more her real, healthy self and I very much appreciate that side of her because there isn't just one type of person that gets manipulated or whose needs get disregarded.
And another thing, unfortunate as it is, is that it reinforces the response the other characters (and the player) have to the M's acting out, just like we see in the game. They don't see her behavior as something new that signals a problem since they can fall back on "she's always been a troublemaker but she's even worse now." (For the most part. Joseph has his moment of "nah Mary wouldn't do that" and Tabitha and maybe David can't wrap their heads around her intentionally accusing them, but it's important that even while Abraham and Anthony try to keep her from harsh punishment they of all people don't put it past her to have done whatever she's accused of.) Also it makes me even madder at Carson and Carver because I can see her being such a delightfully spunky little force of nature if they could just, you know, not exist to torture her.
I don't think it all got my point across very well, but on to the adoption thing. There's different ideas in the fandom that I like but this post I wrote forever ago is kind of my baseline and my reasoning hasn't changed.
Um, the end 😅 Round of applause if you got this far 👏👏👏
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theonlyadawong · 6 months
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The Harder They Come
Book by Suzan-Lori Parks, songs by Suzan-Lori Parks and Jimmy Cliff
Co-Dir. Sergio Trujillo
Dir. Tony Taccone
The Public Theatre, 2023
Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and The Public’s Writer-in-Residence, Suzan-Lori Parks, brings to The Public a new musical adaptation of the 1972 movie, THE HARDER THEY COME. Celebrating its 50th anniversary, the breakthrough film, produced and directed by Perry Henzell and co-written with Trevor Rhone, tells the story of Ivan, a young singer who arrives in Kingston, Jamaica, eager to become a star. After falling in love and cutting a record deal with a powerful music mogul, Ivan soon learns that the game is rigged, and as he becomes increasingly defiant, he finds himself in a battle that threatens not only his life, but the very fabric of Jamaican society. (X)
(Photos by Joan Marcus)
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sinceileftyoublog · 2 years
Beyoncé Album Review: Renaissance
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(Parkwood Entertainment/Columbia)
“There’s a whole lot of people in the house,” Beyoncé sings on “Break My Soul”, the first single from her new album Renaissance. Sure, it’s a declaration of, simply, numbers, her various collaborators, the swath of samples from decades of music history peppered throughout. But it’s also a statement of inclusiveness. Renaissance, purportedly the first installment of a trilogy of albums, celebrates Black and LGBTQ+ music and the judgement-free zones they honor. Representative of Beyoncé’s state of mind during the pandemic, it exemplifies her self-love and desire to break free in a time of isolation. And of course, it’s full of braggadocio and skill with the research and credentials to back it up.
It’s that last part that stands out the most on Renaissance. Samples and interpolations of house, bounce, and soul classics like Danube Dance’s “Unique”, Big Freedia’s “Explode”, and Teena Marie’s “Ooo La La La” span multiple songs. “ALIEN SUPERSTAR” borrows from something as ubiquitous as Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy” and academically well-regarded as Barbara Ann Teer’s “Black Theater” speech while simultaneously paying homage to the ballroom scene of the 60s in NYC, created by the Black and Latinx queer community in opposition to the racism of the white drag scenes. “Stilettos kicking vintage crystal off the bar / Category: bad bitch, I’m the bar,” Beyoncé chants over a techno beat. To hear these influences rub elbows in the same song, one that’s already been heard by millions of people across the globe, is, simply, pretty fucking cool. Ditto ballroom-vogue-house hybrid “PURE/HONEY”, which juxtaposes the pulsating backbone of Mr. Fingers’ “Mystery of Love” with Kevin Aviance’s “Cunty” as Beyoncé deadpans, “It should cost a million to look that good.” And “CHURCH GIRL” seamlessly combines Chicago and Southern hip-hop, starting with a lo-fi sample of The Clark Sisters’ gospel tune “Center of Thy Will” but morphing into skittering bounce; the moment when The Showboys’ “Drag Rap” beat comes is curation perfection.
The best parts of Renaissance, though, are the ones that emphasize Beyoncé herself above all else. Yes, her vocals dominate from the get-go. On opener “I’M THAT GIRL”, propulsive electronics slow into a reggaetón beat as she coos over a swirling sample of Tommy Wright III’s “Still Pimpin”, standing out no matter the tempo. Not even A.G. Cook’s thumping beat on “ALL UP IN YOUR MIND” can fully match her power, her ability to fill the thoughts of the minds of her lovers, friends, and admirers. Really, it’s when Beyoncé is given total room that she’s best able to communicate raw feeling. There’s a chunk of songs in a row on Renaissance with no samples, the space filled with just her singing, incredible melisma and all. Such is the case on the devotional “PLASTIC OFF THE SOFA”, where Beyoncé singing, “I think you’re so cool / Even though I’m cooler than you” is both funny and extremely serious. That is, she laughs it off but proves it--as if she needed to--on album standout “VIRGO’S GROOVE”, a sexed-up roller rink jam that sports perhaps her best vocal performance ever, ping-ponging up and down the scales.
Ultimately, Renaissance welcomes and educates. During her wordplay on “COZY”, Beyoncé’s sure to reference the progress pride flag, and she includes excerpts from a popular TikTok by trans television star Ts Madison. Her deep dive into LGBTQ+ culture calls to the past and look to the future. Is it pandering? That’s not really for me, a straight cisgender white male, to decide. Allyship is certainly important to Beyoncé, especially considering the album’s dedication to her late gay cousin who helped raise her and her sister Solange (and who died from AIDS-related illnesses). It’s an album much different from her brilliant 2013 self-titled record or Lemonade, not born of lived experience as much as a desire to lift her forebears. Renaissance ends with “SUMMER RENAISSANCE”, which prominently interpolates Donna Summer’s “I Feel Love”, the unofficial transition from disco to house, the song where, upon hearing it, Brian Eno rushed to David Bowie claiming he had heard “the sound of the future.” Renaissance isn’t really the sound of the future, the past, or the present. It’s the sound of class in session.
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uziditbu · 2 years
Look what I found pt.4
Cre : https://www.facebook.com/groups/437158026720086/permalink/1390516068050939/
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chicinsilk · 7 months
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Vogue Paris novembre 1955
Jacques Fath Haute Couture Collection Fall/Winter 1955-56. Anne St. Marie in a white Mongolian lamb coat closed with three enormous buttons. The car: Mercedes-Benz 300 SL
Jacques Fath Collection Haute Couture Automne/Hiver 1955-56. Anne St. Marie en manteau d'agneau de mongolie blanc fermé de trois énormes boutons. La voiture : Mercedes-Benz 300 SL
Photo Henry Clarke archive vogue
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clarounette · 9 months
Blog post 10/01/23: september tally
I’m not late, YOU are late… I wasn’t home at all yesterday, so I couldn’t post my september overview. But here it is. Books: 13 (8 audiobooks) New authors: 1 (probably the lowest number of new to me authors I’ve ever read) Fave subgenre: on one hand, some really fun romcoms; on the other hand, the darkest suspense even in lighter reads Total for 2023: 118 books (59 audiobooks), 26 new…
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hollywoodcomet · 9 months
Musical Monday: Get Yourself a College Girl (1964)
It’s no secret that the Hollywood Comet loves musicals. In 2010, I revealed I had seen 400 movie musicals over the course of eight years. Now that number is over 600. To celebrate and share this musical love, here is my weekly feature about musicals. This week’s musical: Get Yourself a College Girl (1964) – Musical #240 Studio: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Director: Sidney Miller Starring: Mary Ann…
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perfettamentechic · 9 months
3 settembre … ricordiamo …
3 settembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2020: Gianni Serra, regista e sceneggiatore italiano. Sposato con , la regista e sceneggiatrice, Gioia Benelli.  (n. 1933) 2019: Carol Lynley, pseudonimo di Carole Ann Jones, attrice statunitense.  (n. 1942) 2019: Peter Lindbergh, pseudonimo di Peter Brodbeck, è stato un fotografo di moda tedesco. (n. 1944) 2018: Lydia Clarke, Lydia Marie Clarke, attrice statunitense, nel 1944 sposò Charlton…
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everyfandom-girl · 21 days
there's something so goddamn funny about Mary Ann Scuttle x Gorgug to me. Because they're tropes, right? Everyone in the Fantasy High world is a trope from Riverdale and Breakfast Club and every teen movie except for Mary Ann "Tribute to Real Teenagers" Scuttle.
Something about the ordinary girl who speaks two sentences, only about things she's interested in, approaching Mr. Teenage Rockstar + Superhero, Hannah Montana Clark Kent Mad Scientist teen mashup and asking "do you have a girlfriend 😐"...
...and he's the one who breaks down saying "she's so hot--" to her Same Grey Sweatshirt Every Day, lives in Animal Crossing, plushie collection vibes? Mr Rockstar caves at the slightest romantic vibe?? That's beautiful, actually. Self-shippers, I'm sorry I ever doubted you, your superhuman bae does want you back -
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