#Anon comment
emberfrostlovesloki · 7 months
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Photo credits: Left (@hollydays) Right (@junipers-archive)
Anon, um.... thank you so much!!! This is so kind. Oh my goodness, I'm blushing as I type this. I'm so glad you like my blog. Thank you for spending time here! You are always welcome here - Love Levi ❤️
Here's a small (very small) Spencer blurb for us.
Prompt: How Derek finds out Spencer has a girlfriend.
Pairing: Spencer x fem reader. The reader uses she/her pronouns.
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 559 words
Content Warnings: Brief mention of intimacy/none.
A/N: Nothing really to add here except that if you like this story, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
P.S. Barely edited.
List with all stories
_y/n_ = your name.
Spencer rolled into the conference room two minutes late. This prompted looks from everyone else in the room. Reid said, "Sorry I'm late." He didn't provide a reason for why he was tardy, and Hotch, standing at the front of the room said, "It's fine for once." The genius sat down and listened as the team continued to debrief. It took him a second to read over the information he had missed in his file. As the team piled into the jet, Morgan and JJ sat next to him. Reid's pants leg was lifted a little as his right leg crossed over his left. Morgan noticed his friend's mismatched socks and said, "You have a problem with your footwear this morning, Reid?" Spencer flushed. Spencer was known for having mismatched socks. It happened often, but today was an extreme example. He had one calf-length black sock on his left foot and one short white on his right. Even for Reid, this was an extreme. Spence murmured something under this breath and Morgan teased, "Come again, Reid?"
Spencer was thinking of that morning. How warm he felt in _y/n_'s arms. She had asked to be the big spoon the night before and it wasn't something Spencer had experienced before. She had crawled behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. _y/n_'s face was pressed between his shoulder blades, and he had to wonder if this was comfortable for her. He asked hesitantly, "Is this comfortable for you. _y/n_.?" She had softly hummed out a, 'Yes,' as they settled in for sleep. Spencer's insomnia lifted a bit when she was with him. It was a reprieve. And, as it turned out, this sleeping situation had seemed to ease his mind into oblivion even further. In the morning, he woke later than usual. He panicked for a moment; he was going to be late. For one second, he just stayed, seeping into the soft intimacy of the moment. It was _y/n_ that had ended up pushing him out the door, tossing two random socks in his direction. He hadn't even looked at them as he slipped them on with his loafers.
Reid's brain was momentarily back there but was pulled from the memory as his phone pinged. Spencer pulled it out of his pocket. He swiped up on his messages. As much as Derek tried not to look at the text, he was sitting just close enough and in view to see that the sender didn't have a name. There were just these emojis where a name would normally be: ❤️ 📕 🌟. This immediately Derek's interest was piqued, and he couldn't stop himself from reading the message. It was simple: just, "Stay safe out there, Spence. Love you." Morgan almost fell out of his seat. Spence had a partner! And he had been keeping it a secret from all of them? Derek had to wonder how long this had been going on. Morgan cleared his throat and said, quietly, "Reid, walk with me to the back of the jet for a minute?" Spencer followed his friend to the rear of the jet, and Derek looked at him, eyes piercing. The tall, lithe man blushed and said, "Well, I guess I've got some stuff to spill..." Derek gave a warm smile. It was nice to know that Spencer was getting care from someone. That he wasn't alone all the time in his city apartment. Derek leaned back against the small counter that housed the coffee machine and waited for Reid to speak. He was ready to listen.
Want to be added to my Spencer tag list? Please see this post, CM tag list (linked).
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writerrose1998 · 9 months
Dear anon,
Please just use the back button next time if you don't like a fic. I don't need you telling me I write like a 10 year old, that's just not helpful.
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thedollface221b · 1 year
just read your mr jelly fic holy shit it’s brilliant. you’re an amazing writer. i didn’t realise you’re also the author of the inside no 9 misdirection fic, ive been reading that one over and over for the past few months now and it is *chef’s kiss*. do u happen to know any other mr jelly fics (or any fics about reece’s characters in general)? this is such a weird, disturbing niche - can’t believe i’m attracted to a shitty middle aged clown with one hand lol. anyway hope ur well! <3
Thank you so much for your kind words! Unfortunately Mr Jelly fics seem to be extremely hard to find 😢 (which is kind of why I wrote my own - had to indulge my own sick filth, lol).
I'm glad you enjoyed the Misdirection fic as well. You may have already read it, but I also wrote a fic about Ollie Plimsolls, which you can find here:
There definitely needs to be more fic about Reece's characters! I want to write more but my mental health has been screwing with me so my motivation has been sucking recently. But yeah, basically he lives in my head rent-free, lol.
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furiarossa · 11 months
Your gargoyles art always picks me up! I don’t have Twitter so I lurk on the gargoyles discord literally just to see your art before you post it here 😆 it makes my day!
Thank you! Thank you so much <3
It's such a pleasure, to know that someone appreciates that much our gargoyles art.
We never know how to reply to these things, but we love them.
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sadesluvr · 9 months
This is all over the place and I apologize for the word vomit. I’ll clean it up after, I promise. 🙏
I have just made an AU for your AU, because all it takes is one song and all of a sudden I have a whole new story in my head. I also feel like I’m breaking my own heart with this one (why am I like this)
I haven’t gotten that far into the story but all I know is that Cassidy is pregnant with Gabriel’s child (I’m aggressively crossing my fingers and hoping that the both of them won’t die). I don’t know the gender of the child yet but in the AU I made, it’s gonna be a he.
Okay, this is where the word “Alternate” comes into play. There’s a lot of plot holes and ruined timelines for this one mainly because I just pulled it out of my ass on one depressing night, but we’re just gonna ignore those.
What if, hypothetically, Y/n was pregnant with Fritz’s child almost at the same time with Cass (like maybe a week later or a month?). Very unlikely and very unlikable, I know, BUT hear me out.
Fastforwarding into time and they still haven’t caught that british bastard, let’s just say the kids are teens now, inevitably taking their mothers’ role of stopping the bull W*ll*am caused. (Unfortunately for this, I unalived Gabe💔 I have a bad feeling that he’s gonna die)
Let’s say they found out about their fathers in an article hidden in the midst of other useless junk at one of the girls’ basements. Putting the dots together on why their mothers are so hellbent on taking some pizzeria down, they find out that that was where their fathers had met their demise.
And so, they go all hero hero “This ends now” bullshit and blah blah blah. You know what I mean. It’s basically just a whole “I will avenge my father and put all souls to rest” plot. Which leads to them sneaking behind their mothers’ backs and breaking into the pizzeria. They become the new main characters in a way, like a spin-off or a continuation of the original show.
Now, this is what I meant by “ruined timelines”. For some reason, I imagined that this took place in the Mega Pizzaplex, which I’m very much aware doesn’t exist until like– literally decades after. But apparently my imaginative mind lacks the sense of giving a fuck 🤷‍♀️ if it considers the plot tasty, then it’s gobbling it up.
(I already know FNAF-lore-obsessed fans are gonna come after my throat for this one.)
Anyway, I’d like to get into the analysis (not really) of our new main characters:
Cassidy & Gabriel’s child
A splitting image of his father, yet inherited his mother’s personality traits. Sarcastic remarks and unfiltered mouth and all.
Y/n & Fritz’s child
A splitting image of her mother, yet inherited her father’s overprotectiveness(?). I guess in a way where she’s loyal and protective of her friends, kinda like the guard dog of the group.
Their relationship is more sibling-like, considering the fact that they were born on the same year and they hang out almost everyday, with their mothers being besties of course.
I can imagine that the both of them are part of a delinquent type of friend group(?) You know- breaking into abandoned places, sneaking out at night, and etc. Which made breaking into the Mega Pizzaplex a piece of cake.
And this is the part where you can practically hear my heart slowly cracking in the background. You know how Gabe and Fritz’s souls haven’t rested peacefully yet? Yeah I imagine their souls being stuck in the plex, along with others. I guess for this I imagine them being able to wander around, but never being able to leave.
During the day, they get to witness the bustling crowd of the Pizzaplex. The sound of children’s laughter and annoyingly high-pitched screams, the sound of concerned mothers running after their snotty children, and etc. It’s never not loud.
Until after hours. Where it’s just- silence. Save for the occasional staff bots and the strangely low amount of nighttime staff running around the place.
They’re used to it at this point, having been witnessing the same thing over and over since their deaths. That is until they hear an unusual bang and a few agitated hushed voices at a part of the plex where there shouldn’t be noises. Checking it out, it turns out to be just some teens breaking in (👀). They brush it off seeing as it was just some troublemakers. Though they can’t help but feel a sense of familiarity when taking a last look at the two faces. (They don’t know yet)
I guess from there onward, our new main characters go through the whole ‘Security Breach Experience’ equipped with the whole murderous animatronics and killer bunny and all that bull.
The time Gabe and Fritz found out that the teens they’ve been spectating the whole time was their children was when they called each other by their mothers’ last names (I can imagine that they do that when they’re annoyed at each other. Ex: “Shut it, L/n”). And with the new discovery, a whole bomb of emotions just drops on them and it’s just another angsty drama moment. So with that, they’ve took it upon themselves to protect the kids they’ve failed to watch grow up.
This all sounds so crazy and unhinged but I swear I just mixed TNP with another story I read, and it will all make sense (not really) if you also read it. LOL
The other story I’m talking about is also in AO3! It’s “Everything Stays, But It Still Changes” by ElectricChair759
It’s so good and it’s where the whole “souls spectating” thingy came from. They covered the whole concept of reader-insert in Security Breach so well and I think you should check it out! They really gave justice to the characters in that game.
Anyway- that’s enough word vomiting for today, ‘lemme just clean it up real quick. 🧹🧼 🪣 🧽
This is really thought out, thanks for sharing it and the fic rec ! :))
I think the concept of the missing kids having kids is really fun, and that’s what I tried to do *kinda* with Cassidy/Gabriel’s kid. You’ve got their offspring’s personalities on point, esp YN/Fritz’s kid - I just know they’re a fire sign lmao💀 Them avenging their fathers in the Pizzaplex whilst their mothers move on (ish) is basically the FNAF typical never ending/cyclical story !
I think it would be kinda cool if Michael had a place in this AU, acting like an Uncle/Mentor to the pair ? YN/Fritz’s kid could have some angst on that end since Fritz died during a fit of rage/jealousy over him ?
Anyway, this is a really cool idea and isn’t unhinged at all actually XD
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I love to cheat and steal! Death to the infidel ships!
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tuliharja · 7 months
Your artwork of Madara using Amaterasu is amazing. He looks very handsome. You’re very talented.
I assume you mean this artwork, anon-san? Thank you very much for your kind comment! ^^ It makes me happy to read you think he looks handsome in my drawing. ^^ And aww, you're making me blush in here!! >////< Thank you very much once again~.
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mummybear · 5 months
girlie pop we neeeeeeeeeedd an update on My Brothers Best Friend
aww well I'm happy you've enjoyed it. I just haven't been able to write for a while, but I'm trying to finish the next chapter as I write this so fingers crossed! I'll post as soon as I can, hopefully tonight if i can keep at it :)
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silvernyxchariot · 1 year
I love au where all the pillarmen survive and live a peaceful life :(
That would be nice.
Logically, impossible since Kars didn't want to stop at becoming the ultimate being. He wanted to rule the world, but eh, technicalities. I ain't here to ruin the fun. That's why I'm on Tumblr.
It was mentioned the Pillarmen were revered as gods at one point in the past. I feel like if the four remaining Pillarmen were given a small nation to rule over, they'd live peacefully in modern times.
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anki-of-beleriand · 2 years
I live and breathe for a heart made of glass now. I love it so much! Your writing is so amazing
You just made my day, and week with this comment dear Anon!!!
You guys don't know how much it means to me that you like my stories, that you are really liking A Heart Made of Glass and that you think my writing is amazing!
You guys are awesome! Right now I'm finishing the fourth and fifth chapter so you can expect a soon update of two of my stories. And, I've been meaning to write NatWandaxReader but...I'm still thinking it over, so if you have any ideas....
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emberfrostlovesloki · 8 months
/\_/\ proud of u!
(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) be kind to urself!
/ >🌷<\~⁠♡ get urself a lil treat when u can!
Anon, thank you so much! I'm going to watch L.D.S.K and write a bit then turn in early (for me). I hope you have a great day/night as well, and that you get a little treat too. We deserve it. Lots of love - Levi ❤️❤️❤️
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
so I feel that this is an odd thing to thank someone for, but I really appreciate the disclaimers/trigger warnings you put before doing the yandere fics.
I'm a casual yandere trope enjoyer, and I have my limits with it because it can be pretty uncomfortable. Sometimes I feel torned, because I know that people like that actually do exist, and can cause actual harm. I feel like yandere content should always have warnings about not romanticizing this behavior, because some might not know any better(is that putting it bluntly? oof idk how else to word it, sorry).
Like it can be enjoyed as a trope within fiction, but should never be encouraged irl.
idk, this is just one anon's opinion. I know this has nothing to do with CS, so feel free to delete this. I just appreciate the fact that you encourage people to seek out healthier relationships. Most yandere content don't have any disclaimers, so it's kinda refreshing for me to see
[I get a personal, feel free to ignore. Not Carmen Sandiego related]
I don’t think it’s weird for you to write this at all! In fact it makes me happy that I can be recognized for putting that disclaimer. Unfortunately there isn’t a lot of disclaimers when it comes to yandere things and writings can get disgusting. (Not shaming yandere writers but man.)
I didn’t have the best childhood and that caused me to develop OLD, obsessive love disorder, known as the real life “yandere disorder.” I’m glad I didn’t hurt anyone physically but I could have, I was a ticking time bomb at that time. When it came to the person I was fixated on the smallest thing would set me off. They had a hobby I didn’t like? I started spiraling. The point of this is that yanderes aren’t fun and games and you sure as hell don’t want one in real life because they quirky people, they are people who are suffering. They need help, they shouldn’t be treated as cute or sexy.
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thedollface221b · 6 months
Do you think you will ever write any more fics around Reece’s Characters? Your Jelly fic is probably one of my favourites and I love re reading it!
Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I'd love to write some more. Unfortunately my mental health has been really bad and I recently lost someone very close to me. I'm really struggling just to get through the day ATM. But hopefully, when things are a bit better, I'll be able to concentrate on writing again.
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furiarossa · 1 year
This is the anon who asked for Xanatos with his hair down! AHHHHHHH ITS SO GOOD!! Thank you so much!
We area glad that you liked it <3 (Also because it was a real pleasure to draw him. We feel like we're getting better at drawing also thanks to the requests and, in general, our new Gargoyles obsession)
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sadesluvr · 11 months
Now back to Henry🩷 he’s so fine I love him sm like he’s so dad and I need him.! I always picture him looking like @Fazzruh (Instagram and Twitter) portrayal of him 🫶 but I love how you write him, AND CHARLIE!!! SHES SO CUTE WHAT
ANON! You have no idea how much this comment made my day! I was feeling shitty but this gave me a smile so thank you :’)
TYSM for the comment!! Honestly, Henry ( at least the version in my mind💀) is replacing William as my favourite character, he’s just such an interesting guy and there’s so much behind him…I think he’s the DILF we ALL need😌
BUT FR THOUGH those drawings are *chef kiss*, and I’ve actually never seen the artist before! I see him like that too, but he’s got more of a dad bod/burly build (like how the actor is for ‘Hank’)…Which is even sexier imo😍
CHARLIE IS A LEGEND TOO AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH😭 I honestly can’t wait to write more because they’re father/daughter goals :3
On a real note, you should totally start writing! Fics can definitely be long and daunting, so start with drabbles or headcanons! There’s soo many prompts to get started from. Also, a lot of my approach to writing characters is just taking things from TV shows and their characters, specifically character traits!! Sometimes I’ve taken exact lines and put it in the story lmao
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culturevulturette · 7 months
Ironically, when you were a kid, they probably cut most of the ‘violent’ parts of Looney Tunes for syndicated television, INCLUDING the Wile E. Coyote shorts
Yeah, I'm 60, and I think they started censoring them for various reasons as soon as they hit TV, and that was before I was born. I do own them on DVD, and I'm pretty sure they're unedited, because, obviously...warning label, lol! I'm sure there are more educated voices out there on this topic, but damn, I thought Tom and Jerry was *way* more violent than Looney Tunes.
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